The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 06, 1890, Image 1

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IpEH bl KHAKD. President. .
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Such Is the Proposition Now Made by Eb
terprisiBc EBCinei,r.Hovr thcr
Would Perform the Fet-Geaeral New.
The plan of division of the world's fair,
which wUI be presented by the directors to
the Iilmois legislature, is said to be to
place on the land reclaimed from Lass
Michigan the art gallery, the government
building and another building-three
buildings in all and use the present lake
front grounds an an entrance ground. At
Jackson park will be placed the big ma
chinery hall, the stock show, a mineral pal
ace, an underground mining exhibit, a glass
factory, and several state eihib.ts, oriental
villas, and such other novel and beautiful
displayg as may be offered later on.
Gen. Fitzsimons, the contractor, and J.
T. Dougine, first vice-president of the
National Association of American In
ventors, have submitted a new propo
sition for utilizing the lake front.
Their scheme involves the building of
a coffer darn from Thirteenth to
Randolph 6treet with concrete and stone
work, making it safe and water tight.
They then propose to pump out the water,
leaving a basin containing about 300 acres
ot land, including the 49 acres which are
now there. This will leave ground on
whieh the fair structure can be ereoted.
At the water edge the surface of the
ground will be thirteen feet below the
water surface and gradually slope to the
shore. This new land will be approached
by ten or more subways running to the
Illinois Central tracks. The top of the
coffer dam will be forty-five feet wide, and
can be used for an extensive driveway.
The base of this structure will be eighty
feet in width. Messrs. Fitzsimmons and
Dougine say they are willing to put up the
pumping works to do tne work, and give
bonds in the sum of 1,000.000 for the
performance and maintenance of the same,
and will furnish the clay bed which they
claim to be unexcelled for building pur
poses at a cost of $1,250,000. The prop
osition will doubtless be referred to the
committee on buildings and grounds.
Lottery Mail.
It is understood that President Harrisqn
is not disposed to let the matter of legisla
tion against the transmission of mail mat
ter for lotteries to rest in its present state.
If there shonld be no indication on the
j part of the house to act upon the bill re
ported last week from the committee on
peatoffices and post-roa is, the probabili
ties are that the president will send a mes
asge to congress calling attention to the
necessity for such legislation and the gen
eral public demand therefor. This mes
sage, if it is prepared and forwarded as ex
pected, will contain a large amount of in
formation respecting the volume of the
matter which is transmitted to and from
the lottery through the medium of the
mailB. This is now being prepared at the
postoffice department under the immediate
directions of Postmaster-General Wana-
Western Pork Packing
The Cincinnati Price Current says:
There has been another week of exception
ally liberal marketing of hogs, largely due
to the drouth conditions. The western
packing returns showing a total of 305,000,
nearly up to the preceding week, and 160,
000 m excess of corresponding time last
year. From March 1 the packing is 5,675,
000, against 4.645,000 a year ago. Leading
places compare as follows:
Cities. 199a law
Chicago 1,940,000 1.465.000
Kansas City 865.000 755.000
Omaha 533.000 450.000
Sioux City 265000 208.000
StLouis 2S.O00 291,000
Indianapolis 234.000 M0.U00
Cincinnati 130.000 118.003
Milwaukee 201.000 17G.OO0
CedarRapids 171.000 "UWO
Wichita.. 142.OI0 44.000
NebraskaCity. 110.000 9a,000
All others MO.OOO 730.000
Negro Settlement in Mexico.
It is understood a syndicate of wealthy
men have purchased 20,000 acres of ground
from the Mexican povernment not 100
miles from the City of Mexico, in one of
the many fertile valleys that abound in
that portion of the country, and intend to
settle it with negroes from the United
States. The government has promised
protection from the natives and given
other guarantees. J. M. Turner, the negro
politician and leader, has informed the
syndioate that, should they secure the land
and offer inducements which would clearly
show to the negroeB that their condition
would be chaaaed for the better in the new
home, he could lead a large colony and
settle the valley at short notice.
A Desirable PonlUon.
There are several applicants for the po
sition of professor of mathematics in the
navv, to succeed Prof. So!ey, appointed
assistant secretary of the navy. This is
one of the most desirable positions open
to civiliaus wituin the gift of the president,
as far as navy positions are concerned.
The pay is $2,400 per annum, wih an in
crease to $2,700 per annum after fife years'
service, $3,000 after ten years' service and
$3,50J after fifteen years' service. All
the sweets of a naval officer's commission
ari enjoyed without any of the unpleasant
features, such as frequent changes of sta
tion and periodical cruises at sea. There
is no intimation as yet who will receive
this nice little naval plnm.
She Lashed the Lawyer.
A woman, closely reiled, entered the law
office of John J. O'Connor, St. Louis, and
after a few words with him she drew a raw
hide from beneath the folds of her dress
and began plTing it about his head and
shoulders. O'Connor finally escaped from
the infuriated woman and a policeman
placed her under arrest. She gave her
name as Mrs. O. Brazleton, and said she
had been living with O'Connor as his wife
for nine years and had borne him three
children. She claimed he had recently de
serted her for another and a younger wo
xnau, and being refused a warrant for his
arrest she took the law in her own hands
with the results above stated.
The Deceptive Mormons.
The San Francisco Chronicle says it has
been ascertained that although only $75,
000 worth of property belonging to the
Mormon church was found by the United
States Marshal in Utah when instructed to
seize a'l Mormon funds, from $5,000,000
to $8,000,000 of Mormon capital is inveeted
iu San Francisco and other California
ires This money is invested under the
uames of individuals, apparently for them
selves This method has been adopted
with the hope that the United States gov
ernment would find no trace of the money.
Fanners and Cattlemen at Odds.
The long continued drought has so dried
up vegetation in Books county, Kansas,
that everything is lik tinder, and it would
take but a spark to start one of the worst
fires ever seen in the west. Constant watch
is bfing kept over the country to prevetf :
-onflagration. The crops are entirely gone
and now the people are only trying to pre
vent the destruction of their homes. Ae
whole western part of the county is given
up to the grazing of cattle and the cattle
men want to burn off the dried grass in
order to make a better growth for fall.
in order to prevent this the farmers have
organized into sqaads and are patrolling
the whole county, ready te fight, if neces-
y A0 PreTent ne loss of what the
drought has left them.
Postponed Until Spring.
The executive committee appointed by
Gen. Sherman to arrange for the annual
reunion of the Army of the Tennessee,
which was to have been held in Chicago
this fall, has just held an important meet
ing. The chief event of the reunion was
to be the unveiling of th Grant monument,
but at this meeting letters were read from
the sculptor and the foundry announcing
that au unfortunate accident in the casting
of the statue would delay its completion
until midwinter. A letter from Gen.
Sherman was also read approving a pro
posed postponement of the reunion until
next spring, and this was therefore de
cided upon.
The lite Remain for the Present.
The proposition to remove the Ute Indi
ans from their reservation in Colorado
across the line to Utah will not probably
be acted upon at tbis session of congress.
Opinions differ ho widely as to the advisa
bility of a change that neither branch of
congress is willing to act in the premises
without more specific information. It is
probable that a committee, consisting of
members of the house and senate Indian
committees, will visit Colorado after the
adjournment of congress and decide for
themselves upon the proper course to pur
sue. If the adjournment be delayed until
late in the antumn the committe will defer
its departure until next spring, thus caus
ing a postponement of the whole matter
for upwards of two years.
Will Demand Indemnity.
A New York morning paper states that
the Pacific Mail Steamship company, after
consulting with certain officials high in
authority, has made a demand upon the
republic of Gautemala for $500,000 in
demnity for the illegal seizure of a portion
of the cargo of the steamer Colima, which
was detained at the port of San Jo6e De
Gautemala July 17. The seizure included
several hundred stands of rifles shipped
from San Francisco and consigned to the
republic of Salvador. A formal demand
for damages was sent to President Barillas
at Gautemala City two days ago. The
company did not rest there, however, but
also filed. particulars of the claim with the
government at 'Washington.
An Electrical Phenomenon.
A singular electrical phenomenon is re
ported from Americus, Me. From a small
cloud in an otherwise clear sky, a sudden
vivid flash of lightning descended, striking
two men standing near a barb wire fence.
One of the men was killed iustantly and
the other paralyzed from the waist down
ward. A number of horses went hitched to
the fence; one was killed and several in
jured. 'J he shock was felt all over the
village, several persons beiug stunned,
while a boy in a house Eome distance from
the point where the bolt struck, was
knocked down.
South Carolina Securities.
Since the political agitation began at
Columbia, S. C, in March, South Carolina
securities have been declining in the mar
kets and have fallen a number of point3.
It is reported from New York and Wash
ington that holders of South Carolina
bonds are getting uneasy. Six millions of
these bonds fall due in three years. They
now bear 6 per cent., and the present ad
ministration has promised to reiund tne
draft at 4 per cent., a saving of one-eighth
o the total state tax.
English Will Develop Virginia Mines.
An English syndicate has decided to in
vest $1,500,000 in what is known as the
Rock Bridge company, of Virginia, of
which Fitz Hugh Lee is president, for the
development of the town of Glasgow, Va.,
and the mineral resources surrounding it.
W. A. Anderson, the attorney of the com
pany, and Prof. John R. Proctor, state
geologist of Kentucky, are now on their
way to London to complete a contract with
the syndicate.
Placed hi Commission.
Commodore Wm. P. McCann has been
appointed acting rear-admiral and ordered
to hoist the flag on tho Pensacola Aug. 4.
This ship, with tho Enterprise and Essex
will sail as soon as possible for the South
Atlantio station, to be joined there by the
Tallapoosa, and Admiral McCann will
command the squadron. No decision has
yet been received as to what ship will carry
Ericsson's body to Sweden.
It Was Uenuine Cholera.
It has just been learned that M. Hail
lant, the civil engineer who was reported
in these dispatches last week as suffering
from cholera in Jenet hospital, Paris, died
Sunday and a post mortem proved it was
a case of genuine cholera. Much indigna
tion is expressed at the secrecy which the
authorities have maintained in regard to
the case.
Guatemalan Troops Defeated.
It is reported here from unofficial sources
that the Salvadorian troops had made ad
vance from Atescatempe on Jutiapa and
again met tho Guatemalan army, with the
usnal disastrous results to the latter.which
had again been badly defeated and was in
full retreat to Jutiapa, followed by the vic
torious Salvadorians.
Wrecked Mariners Rescued.
The steamer, D. H. Miller, which has
arrived in Boston from Baltimore, reports,
that on the 26th inst., when off the five
fathom light ship, the ship picked up two
boats containing twenty men of the crew
of the British steamer, Charles Moran,
which had been sunk in a collision with an
unknown schooner on the same day.
Trouble in Samoa.
The steamer Eubeck, which has arrived
at Sydney, N. S. W from Apia, brings
rumors of disorders in the Samoan villages.
In the opinion of Europeans these disor
ders point out the necessity of the three
treaty powers England, Germany and the
United States forming a proper govern
ment for Samoa.
Census Enumerators Held.
United States Commissioner Morey has
held Louis Hegman, the enumerator
charged with not returning his census
schedules, to the grand jury. Stevens and
Dicky waived examination and were held
in $2,000 bonds each.
The Turkish summer resort at Pendik
has been totally destroyed by fire. Several
persons were bumed to death.
The republican league of the state of
New York has issued a call for its state
convention at Saratoga Springs on Sept. 4.
Stephen B. Billings fatally shot his
wife at their cottage at Eatontown, N. J.
The woman in her ante-mortem statement
refused to sive the cause of the tragedy.
Fboh different sections of New England
reports eomelthat the intensely hot weather
ef the past two or three days was f oUowed
by a MTere thunderstorm, and doing con
iderable dasafe.
John H. Powers the Nominee for Governor
Their Wants Set Forth iu a Series ol
Resolutions The Convention Largely At
tendedOther State News.
The Nebraska people's indepf nd-ut con
vention met in Lincoln on the 2'Jtu of July
with 873 delegates, representing seventy
seven counties, present. The delegates
were enthusiastic, but the convention de
veloped into an ungovernable mob. It
quieted down to a certain extent after tho
resolutions were adopted. This is the
platform adopted, the commit' - on reso
lutions reporting as follows:
We declare etir adhesion to the following
fundamental principles and iemand that thev
be enacted into law, iz :
Our financial system nhoul.l I nnnfnrm.ii
by the reston-ti m ol silier to its odtime
place in our turn ncy. and its fre3 and unlim
ited coinage on au e.juality with pol.l and bv
the increase ot our money circulation until it
reaches tho sum of iM per capita, and all pa
per issues ueceHsary to secure that amount
slionlil bo nntde by the government alono nnd
be full It gal tender for all debts, public and
That laud monopoly should be abolished,
either by limitation of ownership or graduated
taxation of exoessive hold ngs. bo that all tho
ronietent should hae an opportunity to labsr,
secure homes and become good citizens ; and
alien ownership should he prohibited.
That the railroad system its at present man
aged is a stem of bpoliution and robbery, and
Unit its enormous Loaded debt at fictitious
values is absorbing the subuance of the people
in tho interest of millionaires ; that the Keuei al
government should own and operate tho rail
roads and telegraph and fumibh transportation
at coit, t. e same as mail facilities are now f ur
nishod. and that our legislutrro shall enact n
freight rate law which shall fix rutes no higher
than those now in force iu Iowa.
We demand that our sttite and national sys
tems of taxation, including tho taritT, shall be
so adjusted that our laboring interests will be
fostered and wealth bear it just burdens in
stead of our farmers, laborers, merch&nts ui:d
mechanics being compelled to pay, us at pres
ent, by far the largest p rtion of public ex
pense. We further declare that tho political machin
ery in tl'is state has bees controlled by corpo
rate power.for the p'.under of the people and tee
enrichment of itself, and we have entirely lost
confidence iu the efficacy of that ma.-hintry
for the enactment of just and the repeal of un
just laws.
We demand that the next legislature of this
state shall give the people tho Australian bal
lot system.
That the soldiers of the late war shall reoeivo
a libera' serviae pension.
That eight hours' labor shall constitute a
day's work, except on the farms.
We hereby invito all men, wi bout regard to
past or present political affiliations, to join us
in this our effort lor pure government, for re
lief from the shackles of party politics and the
domination of corporate power in our publia
The Ticket Nominated.
For governor, J. H. Powers.
For lieutenant governor, V. H. Deck.
For secretary of state. M. C. Maberry.
For treasurer. G. V. Wilfe.
For auditor, John Beatty.
For attorney-general, George W. Edgerton.
For commissioner of publio lands and build
ings, W. F. Wright.
For superintendent of public Instruct 'on.
Prof. D. Almond.
Brief Kesume of ltecent Events.
BuEFAliO county has a population of
Potato growers of Buffalo county re
port that the crop is being injured by dry
The shipment of range cattle has com
menced in the northwestern part of the
Camp Cbook is the name seleoted for
the G. A. R. reunion camp at Grand
Tbacklatino on the Kearney and Black
Hills railroad has been completed to
A Fbemost man umpired agame of ball
and the following night his house was de
stroyed by fire.
Kearney has a brass baud composed fo
joung ladies who meet in private once a
week for practice.
The Washington county Veterans' asso
ciation hold their twelfth annual reunion
at Blair Aug. 20 and 21.
Near Cyrus postoffice, twenty miles east
of Gering, a man named Stillwell was
struck by lightning and instantly killed.
E. E. Turbos, a brakeman, was run
over in the yards at Plattsmouth and hor
ribly mangled, dying a few hours after the
The members of the Omaha council are
preparing to take a trip to Portland and
the far northwest, and will start in about
two weeks.
A NUMBER of fast horse owners in Kear
ney and vicinity are talking of forming an
association and building a half mile track
at Kenwood.
Fbank Tdnxemj, a 19-year-old Kear
ney boy, sustained a severe strain while
lifting a heavy weight and died from the
effects. His father is in South Dakota
and is ignorant of his son's death.
A NEW railroad is about to be built from
Superior south and a little west to Hayes
Center and Dodge City, Kan., to be oper
ated by the Burlington & Missouri in con
nection with their Edgar branch.
Fred Gbiknelu, a laborer, attempted
suicide at Grand Island by taKing mor
phine. He had been on a spree for a
couple of weeks and it is thought was
"under the influence" when he tried to
shuffle off.
A letter was received at the Fremont
postoffice last week foi Mrs. C. A. Wen
strand that was mailed at Carbon, la., in
March, 1886. It was f oand recently when
a mail ear was run into the shops at Aui ora,
HI., to be rebuilt.
The editor of the Stromsburg Repub
Wean has a scull in bis office which was
dug from the center of an Indian mound,
above which grew a mammoth pine tree,
nearly three feet in diameter. The skull
is on exhibition and all paid-up eubsenb
ers may view it free of charge.
The prospects are bright for Hebron to
have another railroad in the nearfnture.
A meeting of the board of directors of the
KanBas City, Lawrence & Nebraska rail
road was held in Lawrence, at which it
was determined to build the road on the
original survey made about three years
Bed Cloud and five other Indians left
Pine Bidge Agency by permission, and it
is reported that a large number of others
who had no permission have gone with
them. A dispatch ordering their intercep
tion reached Fort Bobinson Friday, and
another Indian scare with no foundation
will probably follow.
The vicinity of Gering, Scott's Bluff
county, is taking a lively interest in irriga
tion, this year being th3 first practical and
extensive test. Cropc under the various
canals are looking fine. The wheat will
go about forty bushels and the oats from
seventy-five to eighty. Plans for the two
large ditches are being pushed right along.
Mrs Young, an old lady of Geneva, at
tempted suicide by taking a large dose of
"rough en rats." She took too much and
the poison refused to act, thus saying her
fife. This is the second attempt she has
raade to take her life, and she gives as the
cause her old age and general uselessness.
Bhe ii 78 years of ago and quite feeble.
A Suicide Found in a l'ond at Geneva Fire
at Creighton-Klcked to Death Dr. Long
Shot at Wakefield Items of Note.
The citizens of Geneva were startled by
the distressing rrporl that Henry Paxson,
a prominent cattle buyer and member of
the firm of Paxson fc Dempster, had been
found in a pond in the northern limits of
the city with a bullet hole in hii right ear.
The revolver was found ou the bank with
three' empty chambers. On Thursday
morning he told his wife that on Saturday
or Sunday he would came home and that
ho would place under a board in the cellar
S1.0W, money borrowed of her, and that
he would kill himself. He has been labor
ing nuder temporary spells of insanity and
his wife took the worJs as coming from
au insane person ud did not give
them much thought. He went to
Lushton on Thursday to buy tat
tle, lie then wired au Omaha com
mit sion house to send him money. They
compled with Lis request and notified the
firm at Geneva that tney had sent tne
money. Mr. ueinpsier, nis partner, anow
iajijbiit Paxson was not jast right, wired
the Lushton bank not to pay the draft.
Dempster then tiled a complaint of
insanitj io the district court. The deputy
sheriff went to Lushton, but was unable to
find him. Search was then made for him,
the tiiidiut; of a revolver on the bank of the
Doud leudiug them to search in the water,
where they found the body. There was a
bullet hole in the right ear and one in the
le't biviibt, ami it is supposed that afterin
Ilictniij these wounds he then jumpei into
tl. poud to make double sure of death,
lie leaves a wife and two children. The
coroner was immediately notified and em-putm-dled
a jury, who gave a verdict of
Fire at Creighton.
A fire broke out at 3 o'clock Sunday
morning on tho south side of Main 6treet,
Creihton, reducing seven buildings to
ashes, from the State bank to the corner
east as follows: Campbell k Figgis, drug
gists, stock $2,500; no insurance. The
building was owned by W. L. Turner,
v.ilut d at $1,800; insured for $500. W. L.
Turner, jewelry, mostly all saved; no in
surance on building. J. H. Wilson, res
taurant, loss $400, no insurance. The
building was owned by J. P. Campbell and
W. Caley, worth $1,500; no insurance,
l.nox County Xetcn, stock $4,000, building
$7(Ki. The stock is a total loss; insurance
on stock, $2,5(10; insurance on building,
$:,"(). Harness shop of Bailty & March,
stoirk $2,000; total loss; insurance, $1,300;
building, $300 loss; insurance, $150.
Saloon of Sam Marty, stock $1,0 .0; build
ing $1,500; sto.-k and building, total loss;
no insurance. J. P. Johnson, implements,
stock $2,500; building $500; loss on stock,
$500; building totul Iosh.
Kicked to Death.
There have been two deaths at Craig the
past week, caused by kicks from horses.
Huns Larson, a blacksmith at that place,
while shoeing a mule wns struck on the
head, crushing his skull. He leaves a wife
and live children. The citizens raised a
purse of over $150 for the widow. Sat
urday, while breaking a colt, David Lang
ford was kicked in the stomach, dying
Sunday morning. He was a young man,
about 20 jears of age.
AViautal Shooting- at Wakefield.
Dr. Long, of Wakefield, was accidentally
killed while hunting with two companions,
Saturday. One of the sportsmen had
killed a bird, which the dog picked up, and
iu endeavoring to make the dog lay it down
Dr. Long's gun accidentally went off, tho
whole charge entering under his left arm.
lie was at once taken back to Wakefield
and placed in care of three doctors, but
died in half an hour.
Soring a Deep Well.
V!! diggors are at present boring a well
on the farm of Patrick Chaplin, in Colfax
county, that will be the deepest well ever
bored in the county, and brobably one of
the deepest in the state, says the Schuyler
Sun. Saturday evening they were down 320
feet and did not know how much further
they would have to go. They went through
1G0 feet of rock.
Brier Kesume or Recent Events.
A lodge of Knights of Pythias has
been organized at Herman.
At Weeping Water three men bound
and gagged tho town marshal and gained
entrance into the bank, where they secured
a box containing $1,100 belonging to tbe
r rederick Brenneb, of Sioux Falls,
S. 1)., committed suicide in a cornfield
near Elm Creek, by cuttieg bis throat with
a butcher knife. He was suffering from
delirium tremens.
A Chadbon man found a valise oh the
street and took it home. On opening it
he was somewhat surprised to find himself
the possessor of a lively little girl baby
about 5 weeks old.
Mrs A. J. Davis, of Beatrice, made an
unsuccessful attempt at suicide by the
laudanum route. The dose consisted of
three ounces, which failed to operate as
desired, and she was persuaded to remain
a while longer on this sphere by tho
prompt administering of emetics.
The large dairy barn and contents on
the dairy farm of Long t Firoved, a shoit
distance southwest of Beatrice, was de
stroyed by an incendiary fire. There was
no live stock in the barn at the time. The
loss is confined to the structure, hay and
grain. Loss, $2,000; partly insured.
A TERRIBLE accident happened at
Lyons, by which Louis Pfeffer, John
Martin and Fred Lambrick narrowly
escaped instant death. They were em
ployed by Jacob Zos in painting a new
school house, when tne scauoiuing gave
way and the three men fell to tho pave
ment below. Pfeffer cannot recover;
Martin was slightly injured; Lambrick is
injured internally, and, it is feared, cannot
Mrs. Ecoene Easton, living three
miles from Shelton, tried to end her exist
ence by taking poison. The act was
prompted by jealousy. She will probably
Item in Talmage Champion: Fred
I'ftlide, sr.f 82 years old, was on o.ur stieets
Monday. He was as lively as most men of
50. If beer does not kill him, he may live
to a good old age.
J. A. Sollenberger, of York, while
attempting to raise a balcony window in
the Methodist church, fell through to the
ground, a distauce of thirty feet, sustain
ing severe injuries.
The Long Point Chautauqua opens
Aug. 2 and closes Aug. 18. The program
provides for three choice lectures each day
and work in eight different schools.
Mb. PiiATZ, of Schuyler, has had very
had luck with his hogs lately, having lost
130 head by cholera within the past two
Nebraska City policemen have killed
150 dogs since June 1, and tbe war still
A Norfolk contractor watches his
teamsters through a telescope. He levels
the instrument on a fellow a mile away,
and can tell just what kind of motion he is
setting on him.
Salvador the Smallest la Aiwa, Bat Physi
cally Able to Make a Good Stand What
Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and
Guatemala Can Show la Case of War.
The New Tork Sun's Washington special
says: Although we speak of "Little Salva
dor," in comparing her with the more
powerful neighbor against whom she is
arrayed, the term is deceptive. Smallest
in area of the Central American republics
she certainly is. having a length of about
17o miles, an average breadth of 43, and
containing only 7,228 square miles. This
is but little more than a third of the area
of Costa Rica, not much above a sixth of
that of Honduras, less than a sixth ot
Guatemala's, which contains 46,774 square
miles, and less than a seventh of Nicara
gua's which contains 51.CG0. Salvador,
however, is much tbe most dsnsely peopled
of the five republics. While the the popu
lation of Guatemala at the beginning of last
year was 1,427,116, tha of Salvador must
have been at least about half as great at
that time, since a count in 1887 bad giveu
her 664,513 inhabitants. She is easily the
second of tbe five republics in population,
and has for a long time disputed the efforts
of the latter to leadership in Central
America. Perhaps she aspires herself to
be the keystone of tbe arch, holding an
intermediate position between the two
northern republics and the two southern.
She has double the population of Honduras,
which in the census of 18S7 showed 331,917
inhabitants, and of course greatly sur
passes Nicaragua, which the year previous
was credited with 262,272, and also Costa
Rica, which about the same time had
While these figures reveal the extreme
numerical possibilities of tbe five republics
for recruiting their armies, their existing
military forces show results relatively
somewhat different, in consequence of the
different degrees of importance attached by
them to standing armies, and also to the
differences in their financial condition.
Guatemala, which has nearly as many peo
ple as the four other republics combined,
has a still greater preponderance in her
regular army, yet is not in good financial
shape for going to war. Nominally the act
ive troops of Guatemala are 12,500 strong,
which would give about half as large an
army as our owu; but actually the number
may be less. Her militia is put down at
20,000 men, and this force might fairly be
increased by taking in suoh numbers as are
wrongly ascribed to the regulars. Salva
dor maintains an active army of only 2,000
men, with a militia of 12,000. The reports
imply that she has actually mobilized a
much greater force than is ascribed to her
active establishment.
Honduras is said to keep up an army of
only 500 men, with a militia of 3,000; and
she is justified in incurring no greater mil
itary expense, in view of the condition of
her finances and her large foreign debt.
Besides, since her policy is so closely
allied with that of Guatemala, whom she
is backing up now as in 1885, she can leave
to her more powerful neighbor the task of
furnishing the bulk of their combined mil
itary resources. Nicaragua, which .has a
special need of troops in view of her rela
tions to the inter-oceanic canal, maintains
1,200 men, with a reserve of 10,000 more,
and a national guard of 5,000. In propor
tion to her population she is in good mili
tary trim, and, having a very small debt
she is in good financial circumstances, with
excellent prospects in the canal. Costa
Rica has 600 men on her active list, with a
militia of 12.000. This little state has of
late years several times bristled up in a
belligerent way toward Nicaragua, in spite
of the larger military force of the latter.
Her lata president, Gen. Bernardo Soto,
is probably one of the best of the Central
American soldiers, and took a lively inter
est in the military affairs of the republic,
having under him Caraxo and Fernandez
as general officers.
Should Salvador receive the hearty sup
port of Costa Rica and Nicaragua she
would evidently be able to make a good
stand against Guatemala and Honduras,
fighting on her own soil. But the question
of their attitude in the present difficulty is
not quite clear. They are likely to stand
together in most matters affecting the
Central American union, concerning which
they are palpably inclined to temporize.
They supported the caue of Salvador
against Guatemala five years ago, but Zal
divar, who then successfully resisted the
invasion of Barrios, was, beyond dispute,
the lawful president of Salvador, aud had
been so for years, whereas Ezeta, her pro
visional ruler now, governs in virtue of bis
sudden overthrow of Menendez, who bad
been his friend, and his title is not unques
tioned. The Guatemalans aver that there is
now a faction in Salvador fighting Ezeta,
and that it was this faction, perhaps aided
by Guatemalan sympathizers, which was
concerned in the battle recently reported.
They cite the fact that the commanding
general was Villivicencio.a Salvadorian, to
suppoit this view. They also speak con
fidently of Costa Rica and Nicaragua unit
ing with Guatemala and Honduras in
calling upon Ezeta to resign. But in that
they evidently take consul of their wishes.
Ezeta's banner is that of opposition to
Central American union. Now, although
Nicaragua and Costa Rica have accepted
tbe project of union through their re
spective presidents, yet both have post
poned until 1891 legislative action upon it
for its ratification or rejection. Costa
Rica, however, has courteously declared
that she does so without prejudice to any
thing that may be effected under the plan
for starting the machinery of the union
this year.
At all events the foregoing are the forces
and resources which the countries con
cerned can immediately rely upon. Many
ot tbe troops are well armed with modern
rifles of excellent pattern. The talk of
Salvador having 16,000 men and Guate
mala 20,000 ou the frontier would imply
the mobilizing already ot a large part of
the second line, or militia reserve; but
these reports are doubtless exaggerated,
and neither country is likely to have to put
more than a few thousand men into the
field. The situation is complicated by the
fact that both countries may find all they
wish to do in taking care of internal dis
sensions; for if Guatemala harbors mal
content Salvadorians, who find their op
portunity now to make trouble, Mexico
has long had her colony of Guatemalan
refugees. And this consideration leads to
another point of importance, which is the
possibility of Mexico's taking a hand in
the fight. Should she do so, it would be
be on the side of Salvador. She has a
chronic boundary dispute with Guatemala,
and her aid, if given, would be an invasion
of the latter from her own southern state
ol Chiapas, where several thousand troops
are said to be stationed; then, should she
be successful in the war, she would prob
ably indemnify herself by a slice from
Guatemala's northern border.
The business part ot Travers, Cal., has
been practically wiped out by fire. The
loss is fullv f 100,000.
Fifteen Hundred People on the Site of
Wallace, Idaho, Rendered Homeless.
The town of Wallace, Idaho, the great
mining camp of the Coeur d'Alenes, has
been completely destroyed by fire. The
Union Pacific train dispatcher at Tekoa,
Wash., received word from th? Western
Union operator at Wallace that the town
was doomed, and that his office in the
Union Pacific dpot, at tbe lower end of
town, was becoming too hot to work in.
The fire started in the upper end of town,
and, as the Union Pacific depot is at the
other extremity, it is supposed that the
entire town was swept away.
Through the operator at Gardner it has
been ascertained that the fire burned
north and east ever the entire business
part of the town. The following loading
houses have burned: Holly, Mason,
Marks i. Co., the postoffice building, the
Heller house, White Jt Bender's general
store, McElroy Jb Yedder, McXabb & Liv
ers, the telephone exchange, Bank of Wal
lace, Joseph Carbon, J. C. McCurdy, Car
ter house, Club theater and more, with a
score of saloons, restauranta and offices.
A private dispatch eayn the town is en
tirely destroyed and 1,500 people are
A private dispatch says every business
house is burned no exceptions.
Later dispatches say that but two
buildings were saved and these were rail
road -stations. The loss will reach
The Terrible Fire at Wallace.
Sunday night's tire at Wallace, Idaho,
wiped out that town. Tho total loss is
$412,000 dollars, with very little insur
ance. The burnt district comprises eight
blocks, and takes iu all the business-portion
of the city and a portion of tbe resi
dences. The flames are still raging in tho
timber on the surrounding hills. A large
number of people spent the first night in
tbe open air, but shelter has since been
provided. Help is pouring in from ad
joining towns and cities.
The Journeymen Dread Makers Now Have
It All Their Own Way.
The bakers' strike, which threatened to
cause a bread famine in Chicago, is happily
ended by the bosses siguing tho following
To employ only union men in their
bakeries; hot to board any one in their
houses; that they shall work six days per
week and only ten hours on a single day.
Nobody shall be forced to unload flour;
when help is wanted the bosses must apply
to unions No. 40 and 1; to pay not less
than $3 for extra help for
a single night. The walking delegate
elected by both unions, upon identifica
tion, must be allowed to enter every shop
at auv time. This agreement mnst be
conspicuously posted iu every shop, so
tint everybody can see it.
Not one boss of the large bakeries,
entered a protest against the agreement
and even in 6ome cases tho foreman of
bakeries had to pay a tine for not coming
up to time, before they were recognized by
the baker hands or allowed to sign the
The Brother of Mrs. Henry M. Stanley
Pays a Visit to America.
CharlC3 Coombs Tennant, a brother of
Mrs. Henry M. Stanley, has arrived from
Liverpool on the steamship Unibria, of the
Cuaard line. Mr. Tennant is a tall, dark,
fine looking gentleman, who bears a little
resemblance to the picture of his sister.
In speaking of tbe picture for which his
sister sat as model, he said that Mrs. Stan
ley did not Bit for " Yes or No," as was
generally supposed, but that she was the
model for "No," tbe companion for that
picture. Mr. Stanley, he said, had un
doubtedly been a very sick man, but he
was now in a fair way to recover. Dr.
Parke who attended Mr. Stanley, said that
be was suffering from jungle fever, but
that he would recover in time for his
American trip, upon which he had planned
to start about Nov. 1. Mr. lennant's trip
to America is mostly for recreation, but
while here he will make arrangements for
the visit of his famous brother-in-law.
Stanley and his bride are now at the villa
of Lady Ashburton. They will go from
there to Malvern Spring, in Worcester
shire, after which the explorer will try the
waters at Carlsbad. He will then make
bis preparations for coming to this country.
Will Test the Garnishee Law.
Charles Bo3welI, a liquor dealer at Lo
gansport, Ind., was arrested on a rather
strange charge. E. S. Pomroy and J. G.
Meek, two railroad men, became indebted
to Boswell for a bar account. They re
fused to settle and Boswell sold the ac
counts to a Chicago attorney who has an
agent to buy claims of this character
against railroad employes. The selling of
the accounts amounts in reality to a
garnishee, against which the last legislature
of Indiana passed a stringent law. Bos
well gave bonds and the case will be tried
in the circuit court. The way the law has
been violated recently will cause the rail
road men hero to assist in pushing the
rase against Boswell. A garnishee issued
against tbe wages of an employe of the
Pennsylvania Railroad company amounts
to a discharge in almost every case, and if
Boswell is convicted a suit for damages
will be commenced, not only against bim,
but against other business men who have
sold claims of like character. The law
makes the seller liable for damages if the
employe is discharged on account of being
Public Debt Statement.
The public debt statement for tho month
of July shows a decrease of $305,257.
Sioux City Live St-ek.
-Receipts. 3.G0O: offieial yesterday. 1.505.
Markst 5V7Ho higher, selling at $3.6TJ.i(J.75 ;
balk. 33.70j3.7l.
OatUe-tReeelpts. 100: official yesterday,
436; salpmants. ISO. MSHst quiaf. JU
tattona: Fat steers, prime, asjsj
4.60: fair to a-eod. a.loa.70: fee?
en. ehsiee 900 to 1.090 pounds. taioS
1.36; fair to food. t.eo? 8.10; stocker, sbjiee.
f8.00en.15; tair to good, ta.75sJ.00; lafefier,
MLji)8.ea; cows, extra ahoite, cora-fea.
.7SSM.25: arasseis. fair to BOod. S1.7SA1.B5:
ran- to gooa,!
iafertor to eoAsaon. SL2SL63:esJiaers. 7le"
aj.xl;yearllagt. extra choice. t8.0OaMlS;ii
moa. ea.754VJ.00; kails, choice. fAMtjtM;
eossaina. ai.7Sa2.16; veal ealves, peor to
eaotee. ta.0Oili.73.
Benth Onaaaa Lira Stoek.
of Resale, 9.000; official yatta-dey.
11.030. Ehlpmants SO cars Sfatket opened
steady to strong, selling at 30(23.(5.
Cattle Keaelrts, 2.2UC, oflclal yesterday,
1.410; shlpsasBta. 12 era. Market opeaed
low but steady.
Chicago Live Stock.
Hoga Reeeipta. 23.000. If arket firm, higher.
Light. a3.8304.C5; heavy packiag aadlaipftflg.
Cattle Becsipts, 12.000. Market slew aad
steady. Beeves. $3.50(4.90;Texane, t2JM33.i0j
butchars'stock. Sl.5093.30.
Sheaf :Beca"lpts. 5.000. Market unchanged.
Natives, $3.75(35.30; Texans and westerns, a3.fl0
Chicago Produce.
Waeat Tirm;caah, 82&e; September, SSlfe;
May, Kc. -v
CeraSteady; eaah. 453c; September. 4$3i.
Oaif Firm; eaah, 33&c; September. MC
Bye Kasy; 5254c
Prtaae Tlsaethy fl.4201.43.
WBsaky fill.
fiVftoieae fork steady: cash 911.75; Bep--wOSf..
U. dy; oath. f&W;
BWajajBBaes; as.lxa UUlj
A. ANDERSON. Piea't.
J. H. GALLEY. Yiee Prset. . ,
First National Bank
Iloport of Condition May 17, 1890.
f.oaas aad Disaouata.
v vveStjatJ
(oil eiteta. f nrnitare and nxture..
ue frnm other banks i,T!i.-ii
" V. 8. Treasury 675. 00
ain on head 15.47S.45
1G 2 0 0
11.955 &J
39.0ii C7
spiral and stir, lua
v ntionat bank note ontataadlag ....
tme depositors
80.000. 0)
10.4 M. 14
13.501 0)
27S.90O id
gnsintss far is.
I" H. lilkLIAZV,
Office over Colaaba State Bank. Columbus.
Nebraska. 9t
ODLUTAn ek HECkwEsa,
Oifie over First National Bank, Colnmbue,
Nebraska. SO-if i
C37Tartis desiring sarveyiaa; dace can aav
rirod mf at Colnmbue, NeBk, or call at my office
.ii Court House. 6maj96-y
1 will be in my office is the Court lloase, the
tl'ird Saturday of each laoBth for the eaamina
t iou of applicants for teachers' certificates, and
for tho transaction of other Bcheol besineas.
y ft. cooKUt),
Light and heavy hauling. Goods handled with
prrf. llcnd(jnarters at J. P. Becker A Co.'s office.
Teici'hnnc. 23 and 34. UmajRttf
ia, (SuccfstorstoFaubUttBiuMl),
i "ST-Contractors and builders will ind oar
:ick first-class and offered at teaaoBable rate.
U o nre also prepared to do all kinds of brick
tfirk. MaaaySsa
Proprietors and Publishers of the
C3LVM398 OT1NAL tal Us VKB. ttaUT JOTOUfc.
Colli. iMst-paid to any address, for $2.00 a yra'r.
Mrictly in advance. Family Journal, $1.00 a
w. a. McAllister. w.m. corneous
Columbus, Neb.
Tin and Sheet-Iroi Ware !
Job-Work, Booflnr mi Critter
inf a Specialty.
;"?THliop on 13th street, Urease Bro.'u old
stand on 1 hirteenth street. -zlf
fit s. F. Knapp.
Contractors and Builders.
K-tinintrn fnrniolied onlbrick and Htoncumk
n:il ;.!:tstorinir. free. Special attention iv. ii i
't.u iMiil.-rs, mantles, etc Btni:itn j.ii I
t .rk pointing old or neW brick work Iu nprr.
.it rc-i-l lirick, a specialty. Coirespoudrucu
t diritud. K-forencee given.
imnyly KNAPP BROS..
ColmnljiiK. Nub.
We Offer Both for a Year, al ..
Tlin JocRNAt. is acknowledged tqbe the U-t
bi'j and family paper in Platte county.'ind 'II,.,
Atm-rican MaKiziii i- tho only high-class raniiiii
ly m.-.r-iinodt'otMi entirely to American Liti:t
tn f. Am-ri-an Thought nnd Progrres. au.I i-
tlie.:! di-.-i(!cd exiwinent of American lnslilu
I .';. It is .i kimm! ;t- any of th older mmru
z:: -. furiii-I.ini; in a ear over l.iOO pages of the
tliouT-t, written by the ablest Ann-ri-'
:ti authors. It is beautifully illustrated, and is
rieii v.'ih cuaiminjf continued and xhort stories.
v iimmo appropriate present can Io
nt-.f.. tl.ati a year's subscription to Tlift Ami-,.
rv 51: ..ii :i".
It uiii te ejpwially brilliant durinc the year
Tl-' ! iie of J'iKus.M. is $2.00, and Tho Ameri-c--u
Mr.:; izino I iXW. Wo oiler both foi 1I.0U.
) i