. .T l0ttrnaL 4 c (fMamlra VOLOLE XXL-X3EBER 11. COLOEBUS. NEBKASKA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2. 1S9). WHOLE NOLBER 1051. h - I. k f :. M, d mEcrroiis A. ANDE-KSO:. Pres't. J. E. GALLZZ, Ticb Pr-s'r. P-AN3E3.50S. P AZvDZHSOX. Ji'.'OB GKZISEN. EESSX HT, JOEX J. STLUTAX. First National Bank COX.X7SSSX7S. I7EB, Kurort of Ccadinos. May IT, lc9G. HSSOC3C23. Lei.-' ind Dacsnst.. ." I bads xie . e.lalB. larsjmre and niter's ! reXraocts-temSa. . .23.772 is " C S. Treasury. . . G3 CO a.Conksnd JJ.J7.i3 H.5T9 3j H.S55 Je IbiO 0 33.3.67 27,33. 40 l'Klts It IJ.-aJ) iJ) 1- .1-. ;:. p"a asd ssr laa t;u ,c.J'prrt a-ou. baa s tes ctstzs : Be-- .CO ' a 33 4e cicrs 27C.X0 K usiiuss zrds. T XCIIJA3i, DEUTCSEH DTOZAT, "5ct over i.oimnhiis Stat Eank. Colnsbc. Nenroiics. 2 fJ5f "? FlTSt V.T;r.-n. 'hecraeta. SO-H j 1 i kosixi:i:. J.I. eveyrr sen 'OS. k- PartiM d-"innj? sn-c-yirs dcr.e can an. c? sw at CaiumDcs. en., or cd at my cict is. .ourt Hoes-. mar"S-y T a CBAJ1EU. X s" Z'P'T P CBLIC SCHfjC'LS. T 1 be in ttf cuice i 'b Court Eccsc. h irt. scxsriHy of eacn month for the nr .-?-tion -- acpiirssts tcr trscars -nncits. azii ic me trxasBcawi of otaer school bcaiesa. t-ianS1 -J K. COORIS. DRAY cTvi ZZPRESSirAX. Liat.ind heary hcniinr Gccds handled -ta ear- Heaiictmrtpra it J. ?. Brcier i x.. 4 rfni-u licpcone. Z3 and '. av4 FarSLH SS.iISH.VW BRICK AfA-RT-T?' f octractar asd hnidprs will ncd cur nrst-oa3 acd oc"?red at reasonable -w ar xmo prspTd to co alk kmca f i,isrs -r- Ismarnn: K. TTJRHZR z CO P-ornetora and Pnahsners ct the w ! . is; ut s: W4kl E.tT. pot-pa.d t - any sddris. fcr Ji 00 a. yra- E'-.C -j aCTS II JocUiAl JLii) jir V. a McALLIsTEE. W. 1L COESrilTp jr iMi.L.i.'tii'.Kd: t.WlS"ELSS ATTGE.-'EYS AT LAW. ."-i3:acs. Nee OSe- 3p tiirs JL-T-n'a street. over 1 4 Scawari -ccr- cc JOHN .j HIjri-g. L. j .,XK10W. HIGGLES & G1BJ.CVT, ATTORXETS-AT-LAW. rpTui:T saae c. ik-ecticza zj K. " 'Zr- r -r IR. C- BOYD. aJisc?.-Trtlm cf Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware ! Job-"Tv"ork. Socfug asd Gztter- . -iL CL UCL1JUL lr-r f-- cr on T.I, - ftaij on Ih. cs'asirj. K-.- Br- - ENAPP EROS.. Contractors and Builders. an.-' p o-rr rr. frc 5coii ttTm-..-n . n wic; c i t. san j-s m. as IJCl j?r.?-1 SS Oi.1 -" 3PT -TW-i -ril - T-i v- see rrasea ores, a irii.rr ( .Jr-T- r.-:enr-nawfpd. Ederene CiVen. a.Tlj v YF? FHOS -,-pT-. . -r T -, liiAi Lil. Ar ! DIAKY. CtLUTA & RDEDEC, ATTORSZY AT LAW, pn;r U I JOURNAL OFFICE res CAUP?. ZXTEXOPES. NOTE KEAD3. BILL HEADS. CLtXULAES. DODGEHS. ETC. SUBSC1IBE NOW THE COLUMBUS JOURHJL. '- TflE A3IERICAX MA6AZLXE. I Tfe Cfsr Scti fcr a Ttsr, i XiJB. rmsAT. ta t fc fve - 3 ce e COS. c-v?rd f3i2j paper s PL.re era rr -.-i TV 2e la me -nJv hia-c22 n- ae i e tiTred ?!;-.-?rn A . - r - Asen--sn iaocrrt and ,lke n!? ui :ericed erpenen of American Izs , rs- Lest it i a ojc as any ot tas oie-r sa- .----.eo. ia- , ..-,.,- Tisahesnt ' ..:!.: r-n-TT.. .- st -stn cszxs-eocries-d md sscrt stcr-.-i. T .i,"3 --- I - M ?TfW,n, ... -,- 7.e - l-s. " " mii.-sTc'ccsyAi.is$z.t. aai.iwAngi- i tJtafKisaiftSUa. Wa crlsr both Ici JiOi LTI ------ THEACTSOrcOXGPJ: S.S SUMMARY Or A WEEK'S LEGIS LATIVE WORK. BDli ntl Kenolntion- Introduemi and Top ics Discussed by the ationAl Body of Law Makers. In the senate, on the 23d, Senator Alli son Was excused from ervie.i or? tn select committee to examine into tne ad- ruimstrative service of tne senate. and Sen- atcr Plumb was appointed m his place. ' tcte- a enahlins act fcr Wycmnis, Idano. ' The nouse bill fcr tne relief cf the settler i -irmoria and New Mexico, and it was re- ' m tne Northern Pacinc rauroad iu- ' J'1' by a strict party rote yeas. IS, demnrty lands was repcrted and ' JS- -J bmator Jones, of Ariausa. placed on the calendar senator In- ' nea moved as a substitute an enabling ' ga-is offered a resolution and it was a-t fjr Wyoming alone and it was rejected agreed to, instructing the committee en sxacUy the same vot? The bili was privileges and elections to mature as to tce passed by a strict party vote .' the dat when the salaries of ssnatcrs Jas. 2'.); nays. Ij. The bill declares Wv- ' from Montana. Washington and North ' ommg a state and the constitution 'which and south Dakota be.au. The senate the people of Wyommg formed for them then rssumed consideration of the a"iicul- 1 ceiv-s b- and is accepted, ratihed and con- ' turai ccL'ece b:I.. Morrili offered a sub- ' drmed. The state is entitled to one rrcre- i stitute for the vanou am-ndments pend- mg saturuav as to the crnsion of ' re- to puDlis iancs.provisions lor schools, the fund between the coiored ajncultural college, etc. The bill for the and "white schools of the state. Sen- admiafcion of Idaho "was taken up and laid ator Pngn ernreed his approval cf orer as "annnished business"' tdi Mocday senatcr ilemi- s amendment ami -with- nezt. Aftrr eiecutiTe session the senate crew tne one orTered bv mm. Aftr some i adjourned. debate senator ilcmlx s ameHCment was Iti tre house on the 27th Hr. Dockery adopted and the bLu then passe '. The ' entered a motion to reconsider the vote by conference report on tne dependent pen- vhicn the poetai eierk s bill passed, lea--sion bui was taken xi. AfU;r the discus- it- it pentiins for tne present. Ccnaid sion c osed a vote was tazen and tne csn- era.ion or tne election bil. was re- ference report azred '.o yeas. 'H. nays. 15. A conference was criered en tne fortincation Lui and s-rators Dawes, day Ihe -peaier tinnounced the appomt Plumb an i Gorman appointed confere ment of ilesrs. L onger, "VVaiker and en tn.e part cf tne senate. After executive , Biand as conferees ca tne si.ver bill. At session the senate adjourned. tne evening st-ssion tne house passt d 105 In the house on the 23? the speaker an- ' private pension tills and at I".ji ad nounced tne appointment cf Messrs. jcumed. T" Ti li 5 orswer, autierwonn ana payers a? con- fereea on tne fortincation bu". xne house then went isto committee of tne wno.e on District of Columbia business. The com mittee rose witnout hnai action en toe bill. The conferees on tne grand pension acprc pnatioc bil. failed to tirre-. The house ms.sted upon diaazreemet to the senate amendments acd adjourned. In the senate on tee :iltti the conference report en tne naval apcropriation bti. wa presented and agreed to. The senate then proctrede '. to the consideration or the cost- otuce appropri.iticn bill. The nrst amend- i iiici.. u. iie i-u-iauOT. liitireasLii iue V 1 k . AAn 9 S-SM.- ...tt -. Lm item for mad depredations and po-to5ce inspectors rees and expeu-s Ironi s230.it to s.500.000 was agreed to. as weie th ether committee smecdment. and tne cu. pa.-seu. ine senaie inn proceetieu to th- considertion of the jipjomati.- and con- Tere placed en tne ca.endar I'h- fodow su.ar appropruition biL. -enator sher- . E Dllia- Tsrir piiSed The senate bU to man. rrom tne committee on roreun re- , uf? a-d hx tne salaries cf railway Po larious. moveuto increase tne ccmpea- J cie'rss. refernm: to the court of claims tioncr tee minister to Turkey rrom S. .kh , :he cla:::j Q acC0C2t of tne ue bv tne ov to il..'!i. Agreed to. senator Ed- erle: cf tte Tlc, S3ia. ffieler: munas moveu to Jimenc tne ameccment reiatmc to the wrs: cr tne mtercat.onal ..c.. lj. cu..c.Le vj . e.. ,. ie "W. i-.l..-JUUU J .ULra.1 VI.. !U as to lass read re: r e PayreC. Ok tne shar- of tne United state- of the pre liminary survey for mformatien m reapect of an liter-coctmenta. railway. -3.' 0 He said he made the motion -o as to tuard against acy moral or impiieti emraizements to go on withtceinter-conticenta. rat way. Agreed to. A., amendments havms been airreed to the bill passed, to adopt resru atiocs :ecate DUi T.. . .. en Urr,n a' , r--- - AH1 IT TafllO-7 to . - In the house on the 2ith the enate amendmect to tne house bu. to extend the time for the payment of the pcreha-e money for Lm Is pcrccased cf tne Omaha Indians m N"eraka ti acreed u.. ilr. ilcEmley. from the committee en ru.es. repcrted the f oljowmg Ssilveu Tnat imniediatlv alter the paa--ae o tii resoiation -ce house pro -fed to con-.uer heese tu. M"l ts si.ver b with tee Semite amecdrcent-. ana at o oi s. W tiii:--.iia -June i.. the jrevioc-! viuesncn oe Lna.ccr' 2 as ordered He demanded th previous ju-..iu ou tie. aacpneB cf the resection. hi was ordereii and twcntv mi-ntes JeOj.ie al- , lowed on eitner .ide. On motion of Mr. Jk- Ki"1pv thP -r."n. --. n.. .,nirAl trr.,. wer: pas?ti. These biLs emboiv tee rules , ira Wcre "cc P?eriy Derore tne nouse. anreec to py tee international "maritime Tte house, however, rerud to atee toms cocierence. "The conference teDcrt on the I ctI-' o tne biL standa passed. Tne pension appropriation bill was presented. I cccse then went into committee of tee The secat- recede 1 from tne ac'v amind- i X-Jle - tne federal eleton btU. Ths men. not arranged 'n cinfere. tnat for ' fe-ence report en tne pestornce apcro tfae appomtmect of two additional reasion ' Potion L. 1 was adopted A Lsjgrcemt: asenta. ard tee oecsion appronnaUon bill conference report on tne legislative, ex now gees to tne president. " The senate t cunveanii judicial apcr jpriauon bdi was then iiicnnpri. ! adopted. out division, ilr. Cocser. chairman of j sccjett as it has o.tan done m analo gue ccmage jmmitte.'. Tr?sentel tee ( gou- cases. Recent y tne aac lemy cf report cf tne committee. It sim- biology, before wmes Chairman Brown piy recommended tnat the hon-e secuard r;ad nrst a report on h.s discc-v- non-concur m eacn and a. or tne senate amendmenr- to tne silver bill and reqie-t a reference, ilr. Bund, of ilisaour:. moved tnat tne house concur m tne secate amendm.ei.ta. Vuh these motions pend ing the balance ef tne day was cect in de bate witnout a vote thereon beicg Lisen. Aijoumed. m tne senate on tne "iotn the bill to prevent tne transportation m bond of nsercnandise between the United State and Mexico and to restore tnat right wnerever zona libra is abolished, was r poitea adversely. The day was consumed in discussion of the Wyomms bill, wmch was laid over without action. Adioumed. In tne house on tne 25m me cocf eren -e i report ou tee cava, appropriation ex. was pre-ented. Tht1 previous question was then ordered sod tee conference report adopted. Debate on the stiver Lui was m- aucnied. uecate on me suver Lui w t-d l r ei.oci- T-e -,0CJ hav-c? arriTed Mr Concer moved ths cf ' tee vcting begin. Mr. Biand moved mat the nouse concur m me senate amendments. Mr Spnnger moved that separate vites be bed on eacn section and tne hrt vote taken w s n?? Th nrrtari(- fi etner-- t. t ' I nrst section or tne secate tiJ.nroy.diec,. ror rree coinase of si.ver corns, to beru iecal tecder. in-plaN of the nrst section I or the house biL. proydms for tne cjmarr- cf Si.30u.'J0tJ wortn of silver per month. The motion to con- , cur m the substitute pi oposei ov the sen- ' ate to me rrst section cr toe tosse bii. was defeated veaG. 1J.3. ivs. 152. ', The announcement was received with cheers on the republican i :e Mr. Springer men wimdrew his request for a separate vde on each Secncn and the house then, ty a rising vote cf I-i- to ?5. non concured in all the senate amendments. The nouse men voted tnat a conference be assed with me senate on the bill. Mr. fiitt. cf Limois. presented the conference repcrt on the oiplomanc appropriation bL was asreec to. After arransins to meet at 11 o clock for s-x days, durms . wnich debate is to ccntmne. me house ad- jcumsc- In the senate en the 2i5th amomr tne bills repcrted from the committees and placed on the calendar in the senate wa- me house bi i to anthenxs the secretary of me interior to procure and submit to con eress proposals for the siie of the western ; part cf me Crow Indian reservaricn in ' I Montana. The house bil fcr me admis- ' sion c: nvemms was men tasren up and deoatcd. and an understandinc was reached that a vote therson be taken on the cay fcliowrcg. The following bills "C"C rlTm ?-nvn -V. aTu-A. . J -,-, Z ere ; aTl fTCTn !: rlTT--1 f? Tac xne nouse hni to provide fo a term or court aiDauvi-ie. L. he senate bill to j aid me state cr soutu Dasrota to snppcrt , and keep m recur s place for the , the schcci of mines, donating 50 per cent. aunai cf tne deadrto eitabiish and main ! o. . l j .tc.iveu rrc saie Cj. tam a iicrarr and an acanemy ror tee edu- mineral land, not to exceed 12.000 a vear. ..-. .- - 1 - ""v s . cition cr m ycum. to rromcte me crrrn- ' tier m eiceeu ms amouni cantmnutec cv ..... . - thf tne state, irttr ex& sessicn me senate ad jcumed. In the house on the 2th. nncn metier cf Mr. DunneD. of Mmnescta. the hause urn. witn tne senate amendments, authoe- izzzs tne construxcen cr a enese th Mississippi rrver at Wmcsa. across r; . 's passed. Th house bill was nessed ItrTnand eec0nn--cmss -JSi ' 'T tas asa The resttlar crder being demanded, IfcJ"?8 cr CCTCS Ir 0si rs Lcdte, cf Massachusetts, besan n debate i vacant by rh- rssignannn cr Mr. nr.T- tt? -rwtirmi fcTjfrin- l-.ii which cc- i cupied the nme cf ths crateet part cf th I day. Mr. Bingham, frcm tie postcfuce committee, reported ths senate amend ments to tee postomce appropriation bill. the souse ncn-canccrred in them. Con sideration cf the election bill was asain re sumed, and after a very spirited discussiGn the house adjourned. la the senate on the 27th consideration of the fciH for the admission of Wyomms as a state was resumed, and Senarcr Mcr-si- began an a.drea m opposition to it. senators irayne ace Gray argued asamst ' lie b1 s-- Sesatcr Piatt favored it." The ' question was taken on tne Jjnes snhsti- j sentatiTe m congress. The other sections uma and occupied the time of the uoue for the rreater cart of the j. In the senate on the 2stn a message was received from the house askmz a confer ence en tn silver bid. It was immediately laid cefoie tne senate and a conference agreed to acd Senators snsrman, J.nes. or 2evaua. and iiarns trrrf appointed conferee-; on tne sort of tne s-nate. Senator Morgan ciercd a resolution which was agreed tu. calling en the secretary , 5CaalS2 and lleican land ciaims Denim" I -J- UIC mLC.JU. .U. l--i-Ul.lUil 3 LU LLltT i that d2t)ortment and m tne United I states court. Tne casendar was taken up ano. a ncmDei or tUla passed, mciutiini: , .. f ro ,r-I r:i. ror .1 nrr .' Y-r-i" .Jacssonviue. I Juul sTo.'Jou. e:lC!i -Cort U0IT "Cil. acticcturxl en the postofhee as agreed apnrocria- to. ie appropnauon bui and the ' ,,,,! , - . r-.T,s,n -n- AT-, c. r-L iora m .-,.-. senate dl. . to amend tna cp-3u rct. nm. Tld,g a TjeaitT f,.r iz:: a fee or conns ;o a census enumerator or supervisor, or I -,..t-,t T ri I'.J 1 msss.uri was re- pt-p. , .nj T-a?rfr arrfi.r, l. lpproval and signature of tne decendent pension bn Aijouruej. In the house, on the 2;th. Mr. Enlo. of Tennessee, moved to coirect tne journal so as to stmte tnererrcm the utles of a num ber of private censicn bills passed ty t Tr. nnrj t r.b- iafnwa He claimed before tn ' r-- - ' !.. : that tne biLS were paasec -. .. . noce went mto committee o: tne wnoie , t DH. EHOVN-SEQUAHD. E; Come- Ajain to the Front With an Im proved Theory. Dr. Brown-Soiuard again comes to Jha-i fore. It will be remembered what a sen sation, he created sbout ayear aso by adis- ; covery which he claimei was the fountain of voctn. Dr. Brown-Seiiuords sub- l cutaneous injection was a nine cays wonder, cut nctnins more, scientists Ta dlscoerv cold houlderaud tne , 3 . ." - . - acadi:3T of sdicme rerrameu rrom ap- i Pointing a p-c:ai committee to cocsuier I ry. was not neu that the learned doctor I desired to acquaint them witn a new de ; velcpmect of his system. During the . winter months, while residms in Nice, he I experimented witn a septic injection I cf cis famous solution. Scquard ; claimed tnat by a new treatment ! triers had been rapidly cured cases of ! cnronic intermittent fever, rooted neural gia, rheumatism or msommu even leprosy, fie referred particularly to the cure ob tained by a leading poysician in tne case cf a gentleman well known to him and to a fe.ow memb'r M. D . AisonvaL who ccr- robor-ited Er. SequartTs stuemcnt. The new system ends no more ravor wtth his scientihc confreres than dia us nrst. A iarse ma;onty are more t"m , sceptical and -. sr- (.CiX. ...CUUA U. ,.,'- . . .,-! ,r th- grind intellectual capacity which ;s iosms. if it has net already lest, its balance. There are. nowcver. some who siv- open and un- ' restricted admaticn to tee aced professor, wno. at me c.os cr a long career. j ether men a: ri-r!T - nn ??: Iiit ! n- . ,j. ,....- t.. u-. . . ... ... "science, care.ess or me sneer or a- ar;- Amocg the latter stands prominently Dr. Vanct. who was one of the nrst Pans physicians to experiment on other solv n.; th- j.: k,,; - ,. .. h,, ,dT i-,. so tar only tried upon nmsei Amcns me mijanty is Prof. Gemaiin Z- e. whose lecture- at tse' Hotel D:ec have piared him. m the iront rank cf Frsncn physicians. j FILED ITS,fcEHTIFICATE a f The First iloroiii Church f Ineorpo- ratetn Wjoiuini r The hrt Monicn cnurch to incorccnte m Wyomms ?r tlsawherst as far as is known hereras filed its armricate of as- scciaticn ah.lhe ornce of the temrcnal sec retary. "Evunstcn Ward, of the churcn of ) Jesus Chnst of Latter Day rx trustees wi.1 conduct the affairs of the society cvanston is tci home or me coraoraucn and its term o tance is srvearas per- petua.. r.vansto ard has waC denned and commendabli bjects whichJkre stated as f cLo rs Fo: !me mamteuKice or re- iigiocs worsnrpwto m; hold and keep m repair flfconse or r wcrship. w-.th a mereto, norsi accunenaut to pro vice. 7T-rr . . , - - , .n- n- rTCAtrr' -"-rn rr- rr ntra- i-.r sicn cr usert; net nerem enumerated; to pmviae ror tne mutual assistance of th members cf said asscciarion in time of sickness cr necessity and to establisn and maintain a hosnirai for me care c ra cf r s ici. EoCHTTOHj LCVrt trj 2.-rminee I U JJcnerty. also a name rmer, nas been elected -ithcut crpesmcu. c : Bt Blic oftae C5y Mail T YM KSY ROTIEyyE, CROKER BEFORE THE FASSETT INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE. A Great rfen.atioa ProUacetl by Some of the Annreh an Cro-Examination Attor nej for the Prowecurion Intend to Show That Tweed's Dead Hand Ii in It. The Fassett senate committee held a ceciAl session in ew lorJt to tai? tee testtmonT cf manny ra"l lame crowd Eichard Craksr, the Tarn- ining of the suit created a great sernn leacer Th-rs was a tieum Omaha. present. Patrick ilc- Cann and his wife. who is a sister of 3Irs. Croker, were in the audience. Croker did not betra-r mush evidence cf illness, but locked much worried. He was eipectatxns, tne returns showing a de- satisfactory bv indnstnsl hesitation, and at once called to the stand. He said he cidedly Lberai number handled by western i by doabt in regird to the monetary out had came from Europe contrarr to the ad- oacsers, while eastern shipments have ' look. The industrial hesitation results vice cf his chvsicians in order to refute the charges a.ade by ilcCann. Lawyer Choate read a part of ilcCann's I testimony about tne money which he said Croker had m a satcnei to bribe the alder I men to cet the conhrmation by them of Grant s anointment by ilaycr Edison fcr commissioner cf pub.i; works. Croker i said it was absolutely untrue in all par ticulars, fie had gone to HcCann's. store about that time, but had not carried asictel nor any large sum cf money. No l"Sch sum had been raised for such connr niation nor any since, nor had Grant raised ! SS0.001 for such purposes. He said he hadvisitei HcCann's about the time re I ferred to and aaksd ilcCann if he had ! heard anything anout the rumor that -jSC.lWO j had b en raised to keep Hubert O. Thomp , son m the ofhee of the commissioner of I puhiic works. ilcCann thought that "Tom' Adams, who was intimate with I Alderman Pieron. miht know sometcmn about it. He had met Adams m ilcCann s store by appointment subsequently, but Adams said he knew noth ns about tne rumor. Tney had to other conversation. Tam miny hall was doing all it could at the time to finht asamst the reappointment of Hubert O. Thompson and he desired to defeat any erTons made bv Tnompscn to arrange for connrmation. It was also un true tnat tue witness was tj set 10 cents on everv bnrrel of cement used by the de partment cf public wors providing Grant j ?Dl e -: -- --eme-eereu the nomination. virani. u ;iuuu uuu-iii-iier iu. iiis uaau ter. Flossie, and had given her sj.oO'i on two occasions m bills as presents. I: was not given by reason of any prior under standing with llayor Grant. 1 he money had been invested in October, 1:ST. in a house for the benefit of the child. Dunns cross-examination by Lawyer Ivms. a document was snown with one signature cut cut. Crccker ad mitted his signature to it. it acreement si-med bv a numcer of aldermen, mciudmc Croker, who swore tnat tnev would net. as aldermen, vote to connrm anv one cr na-s any b 11 of moment without consulting Henry "VT. Ganet, Tnomas J. Creamer. Michael Norton, tr. VT. lie lane, and G. H- Fierson. Croker md h (?ti! rot fcnw whos inatnrs had been cut out. but presumed it was the name of tne man wno had possession cf it before Ivias cot it. Crcker adm.tted that Florence Scanned. the murdered brother of cf John Scannell. was a.so a member or that board of aider men. Objection was made to tnis line of questioning by Lawyer Cheat?, and lyens made these astoniahins statsments "I want to snow tnat frjsments or politics in Tweed's time now rule our politics. I will show tnat John Scannell. tne brother of Florence, is now a member of Tammany halL one of its money Taisers. I will -how teat Janies Earner was als j a member of that board and was close'y connected with Croker and Tam maay until recently convicted of assault. I want to show where part cf tn i money raised went. " A recess was taken at tu point. What a Lobbyist JLaUe-. Theodore C. Davis, the lobbyist whom the state cf Massachusetts stations at Washicston. makes a big salary, fie drew in.l;1-!) S-t'J.TT'i His business is to remain at Waahinston and push forward, both at the capita! and treasury department, measures qfi claims in wmch the state is interested and oy whicn it wil. print. His name ap pears en the books cf tne state treasurer acd state auditor, but further man this he seem.- to have no omciai stanomg The vearlv manual compi'ed bv the cierks of tee senate and house and supposed to ccn I tain a complete list of ad. resuiariv recog , nized agents and orccials or the states dees j not contain his name, and yet he has col j lected SSJO.'H'u for the state at Washics- ton. Mr. Davis receives a commission of . 15 per cent., and therefoie the full amouct paid to '. nm by me commonwealth cas been ?cz.4J. lis transacuon o: i;rj. oy wnicn he received over S4.".' hj. is recorded in the ! snitt "nit state auditor s repcrt as " unsettled war claims." Mr Da-is has worked astiveiy m behalf cf the state, mis principal in dustry is m tee presentation, investigation and oeshms of war claims, fie was ap- pointed by Gov. Benja 1-2- as state agent. F. jButier in !maiiiii of the Old $olilier. j The Grand Army day of the Chautauqua ! association has been a pronounced success. I Over 2.000 people assembled m the taber i nacle at Ottawa, .rum., to listen to ad dresses by Gen. Alser and ex-President res. Mr. Haves m h.s sr sc-eecn saia mere cculd be no politics in the G. A. li. cr the Loyal Legion, but there must be a t ful. measure of patriots. The rlag should ; net cniy wave on every school house, but on every churcn. The ex-president made a stirring address en the sutject of the ob- lisations of the government to te old sol- cars. The pledges made to the so.citrs. ne saic, ror ms services, were just as dis- , .- .i.t. ,' tmct and unmistakable as any ever made .... , - , to a cononolcer. Ad parties were acreed ..i. u Tii. i r tnat thy should be recomnecsed and me rreat states whom providence seleced 1 had repeated and reiterated the same zrea: truth m one cf those wonderf messaces he read to th American people. In ecu- elusion Mr. Ha iiaves saic e want no chan.... out justice m our risers." , British hp-Buoldin5 Syndicate. A company ct Bnrisn capitalists has ' been formed to acquire from me represen- c . ,-" " j. . . i builcmc yards and eceice worss at tee r. Ar- .- v --v , Tee new ccrporanon will be knewn as Eoachs Ship-BuJdms and Ensmeer mg company limited . The preliminary prospectus Sets forth the shares cf capital to be SOOjCC1. In addition to this capital j a debenture capital cf 300.000 is provided ' fcr. The board of manaiement m the united States will consist o John E. Has president cf the Chester works; George n- Weed, president cf the Morgan iron works. Henry Steers, president of the Eleventh Ward bank, and Wrn. How- , land, cr New Ycrk cry The Xaricua! i .samr cc sectland "sill cs bankers cr me naw ccmccnscn- , rajrB-fiig Jen; zrh'iiBea. of the Cains. ii i i jq.um.. Tie general attcmev cf the Tr - , racsc railway nas aled racmc raitway nas aied a petrrian in the United States arete; court isKitsfcsg fair r "j- r; Bht rT: bemg the sum he is charged irith having stolen during his crucial caieer. This money it is said, was obtained by ilcSibben through fraudulent purchases ol lumber of O. H. Bamss & Co.. cf St. Louis. At tachments 'were issued m Omaha on a de posit of 520,C0 m the banks. iluEibben left for the east last week and is now sup ocsed to be somewhere an the road be- , rrpor- Chic,, a-,? wwrtnr Tha i. , . . a - Fork PcJtln statistics. Tbe Cincinnati Price Citrre nt 3ays The supply cf hogs for the wees has exceeded been moderate. wees or Jij.UUt) asainst year, and since ilar 3.625.000 a year aco. Leading points com pare as follows C tied. Chicago L-?9 1.44'i.aM &:xa 370J.1M 2U100J 19'i.OOJ 157.t0 IKWJ 13i0ua 60.000 aas City. 60Lt OmaiiA-.- 22.M) Siour Cirr at. Lcai3 Indianapolis llii"vankee . . Cedar Kauid3 WiJnta. " .. souti: t.Facl. All otnera IS-.QliO Mr.flttl 94.010 134. WO 105.000 4.0J. j w 31 jj. acott Talked Too Much. Walter G. Smith, governor-general cf the organized niibustersrs, whose attempted raid on Lower Calif ornia was recently ex pesed, ei told the full story of the move ment. He says that an English coiemza- tion company was at the bottom cf the scheme, wnicn was. in tact a revolution. ifaj. Scott, the ceneral manacerof the col- omzition company, broached the subject to smith at San Dieo. Scctt is a mem ber of tne Enzlish rovai engineers. Smith said It is my opinion tnat it wou.d have been a success had not Scott tanen so many men into his conndence. fie talked too much." Torneil Into a tgru and Died. A post mortem on tne ccdy of William Hatcher, a merchant cf Cleveland, who died of the rare arniction known as Addi son disease has been mace. matcher caught a severe co d while bathing four years ago, since tnen his turned Dlack. until at tne time cf his dath his face, neck and shoulders were as black as a necro s and the remainder of his body was cmy a little less so. Hatcher worked un it, tnree weeks before his death ar.d refused many offrrs cr larse salaries from dime museum macagers. The examination re vealed a degeneration cf the superrenal cacsu-e of the kidney. . ir,eu IO saoot aec lrWH,,,:r- A pretty young woman, dressed m deep mourning, stepped up to Jack Sulliyan at Cairo, LL, and shoved a pistol against his breast. Sulliyan struck the weapon away d wrestled with the woman to tak the pistel from her. Others interfered acd the woman was scon disarmed. Seeing herself defeated, she broke down and cried bitterly. The woman is known as Mary Vr"alker. from Vienna. llL She has been at the European hotel some days. Her reason for tryieg to shoot Sullivan is that he cad been telling stcnes about ner. No arrests were made. Bernhardt in Love With Sfcinley. Sarah Bemnardt has fallen platonically in love witn Henry M. Stanley. Beius questioned aa to her infatuation, she said I feel a purely artistic, though intense passion fcr tee hero af Africa. I think him the greatest of men. I adore him. and have every photograph of him that has been puboshed in every possible arntude. I would jump at the chance to accompany him to the heart cf Africa, and : he would cniy ask me I wcu d gladly so through all ce has suffered. If he sees I go also." suieide and Murder. Great excitement wa ean-ed at Grcver ton by the suicide of a beautiful young iady. Miss Turner, the daughter of Judse John B. Turcer. Exctement was mtenstned when the fatner took tee pistol from the nacds cf tne dyms daugnter and kiLed Prof. DaTts. Nothing is known as to the caue of the tragedy. Prof. Divis went to Gaivestou last Mar Sh for Lake For est College. N. C . and took charge of tne academy. Bctona; Pite. A meetms of trunk line presidents was held m New York to devise means far put tins an end to rate cutting and fix upen a s;ale for east bound rates. They have announced the matter settled as far a? they are con cerned. It was referred to the central trafuc association and tnat body was in structed to call a meeting at the earlie-t possible date and di-pose ef tee question. After the Timber Gobbler.- J. G. Monahan. a specia. United States timber aqect sent out by the interior department- is at Chippewa Falls investi gating reports of the land department that a syndicate cf lumbermen were forming fcr the purpose of "cobblieg"' timber on the reserve hinds to be tnrown open by tee McCcrd reservation bui. fie is satisrled no syndicate exists tcere, but thinks they do in other places. Other Peoples 3Ionev. A. Fersusoc, lumber dealer at Sussex, N- B.. has disappeared. Ferguson hand'ed over $50,000 for other people and whatdis- position he has made of the money is en- known. It is mought that he has gone to the states. Object to Bem locke.i. t . - i Twelve nundred ccal mmers are cut on a i c . .- ... strike at Spnnsnill collieries, the largest . v c . " -c- . - i. . i is Nova Scotia. Evervthms is at a stand- ..1T i ' ' . W UUILVIi ,W .4.W Z.w... U 'dcckins"' for snort measure or stone. Father and on Drow-n-l. A special from Blacs Biver Falls. Wis. . si J.i- tt., ,i.nn ,- kt r-m ?. -ers drowced at North Bend while crossms the lake on saw logs. The Postal Telegraph Bill. The house committee on pctarnces and costroads has postponed further cocsidera- ,. ., . ,. , - . ., --- t - o of dis postal tdesrapc tin ssnl next sessisn- SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. The sultan of Turkey has pardoned all prisoners ccnyicted under the common law. m the island of dete, whose sententes do not exceed three years. Arrrs an idleness cf eisht weeks the smsxn g carpenters and waedxerkers cf Aenver nave returned to work on me terms of the mill mariuricondmcrtally. -Ar.ofMi?- sissippi, ias been sentenced to frve years rn tea penitcsrurr fcr embe emenr. A stay was granii fcr ninety dajs. E2scrr03", n lumber Qcerarcr cf aussen.S'-B has disappeared. Ferrn- eon hancied over S5J.0C0 for ether pecple. What difpcctisn -ersusan has s c? the aBcmer uafcicrwn. actai pacsmg tor the ' from the delay cf Iegis ation and increased SLZld Qthet BOIal9 aorth .t. . . .-i.. ... - J . . .4ua-., uui.i, r-i -i -"'! iiiiii ninvvis . - .n. -- . - -- -. .--,.. -- n i -? -? i I US U13fcV.bi Wi4AS lil fciiC i-iiUCiiUfc .(-. 4 ' 1 THE STATE OF TRADE n. d. OUN A CO.'S WEEKLY BUSI NESS REVIEW. The Money Xarxet Keported Ttrax, WltK Propecw of UI1 Greater Eim An In crease at Chicaco Orer La.5t Year Grain Bovine All IJa of Business Report Satisfactory Trade. TL. G. Dun Cc.'? Wkly Return of Trade savs While the Tolume of trade. - - ,. - , , '- as ind cated by special reports by oana ra- changes at interior cities and by railroad earnings, continues larger than in tua same month of auy previous year, the Droscect for the future is rendered less I eastern markets, and a disposition is shown to meet the needs of manufacturers. The uncertainty also affects estimates cf the future demand for iron, and so the con- uncertainty also affects estimates cf the ; tuture demand for iron, and so the "- tmued addiuon or newrurnaces weakens that market. ' Large transactions in structurai iron ; and rails have been closed, but without I strengthening prices. Cotton has declined i cent. Wheat has fallen 1 cents, with i better new3 from the northwest, oats ? -u.ijiw icr last uncertainty regarding the outcome. ool .., At cent and lard and hogs are a shade weaker, about IJi o clccic ihe last storm "as ac Coffee is steady, but od has de -lined 3 ! companied by much wind. The tin roof cents. Eaw susar is 1-Iticent ana crnsued a lotn from a furniture store, the entire 3 cnt lower and further coccessiens on re zed are expected. The gsceral level of ences is lower, in part because of a reac- I tion from the many speculations which the prospect of umimitea coinage engendered. Business atother cities is well maintained I for the season, and the ezceedmciy conn- I ilent tcne hitherto prevailing dees net at 1 all abate. If mere are possibilities of dis- i appointment they do not seem to be re alized as yet. Boston notes a good de mand acd higher prices for cotton and leather goods, a demand for lumber and large receipts for wool, which tends to ' weaken the market at Pmiadelphia. Coal ! is dull. Chicago continues cenhdent of a larse and proctable fall trade, and the sta- tistics o: the beard of trade show an in crease over last year in the gram business and in seeds t a sbgui decrease in meats, but a cam of nearlv 100 per cent, in dressed beef, an increase m lard and a large de crease in butter. The dry goods business exceeds last years, and the prospects of the clothing trade for the fall are thought quite natter ing. St. Louis reports trade m all lines above tne average. Milwaukee notes ex cellent crop prospects and a good busi ness. St. Paul hnds the situation very encouraging and tnde at Omaua and Den ver is good. At Detroit business is quiet, wool moving slowly because farmers hold f jr hmher prices. An average business is reported at Kansas City and no change at Pittsburg, except that wmle iron mi. is are fairly employed, rails are 51 lower, and glass works are closing for the season. In all the report.?, either from the north cr 5aCth, there is a nctewcrthv absence complaint about coliections.nd the money markets are f ully supplied, but the de mand is quite active at St. Louis and Cleveland and pushes close upon the sup p y at Milwaukee, wnils it is weak at Kan sas City. The money mnrxet is nrmer at Boston and PittSjur. but plentifully supplied at Chicago and eisy at Philadelphia, and the coming July disbursemects are expected to cause greater ease everywhere. The business failures oceurms tnrough out tne country during the last seven day number 2U2 as compared with 1SJ last week. For the corresponding week of 15S3 the ssures were zl Z. INDIAN AFFAIRS. Action in Con:jre- of Importance To Both Ked and "White Hen. The committee en Indian affairs has amended the bdi provid.ns fcr a ccmmis sion to negotiate with tee Crow tediaea in Moctaca for cession cf their lands to the sovemment be substituting a.most a new bt.L The committee recommends the appomtmect cf a committee cf three, ncne of wnom shall be residents of Montana, to negetiate witn the Indians for a surrender cf their lands situated south of tne Yellow stone river and west of the divide between Prycr creek acd Clark s Fork river. They are to report the r nominations to ccngresa, wcicc must approve their action before any of me iands may become me property of the government to be put en. the market as public lands. The bid. as reported calls or an appropriation cf $10,000 to meet the expenses of me commi'Pion. The three men are to be named by the secretary ci tne interior. Secatcr Dawes, frcm the committee cs Indian affairs, rpparted an amendment to tee Ind.an appropriation biL which pro vides for i commission cf tnree to myesti gote certain important questions at tee Puynliup Indiaa reservation. This com mission wi.l inquire into tne title cf the lands alloted to the Indians, tleir values and whether me interests of the Indians are properly guarded, also whether mese lands embrace- leg-illy the land lyiuz on Puget sound, how the Iands are to be dis poned and if the Indians are to be indemni- ned for the nsnt-cf-wa- taken of railroad i companies. The amendment carries aa appropriation cf S10.QG0 to meet its sro- visions. The amendment was sen to ths committee en appropriations. The secretary of the interior has received a telegram stating that the Pottawattamie Icdiaus, in Incian territory, in council rined tee agreement with tne Cherokee commission, cecmg to the government the surplus iands of their reeerranou. representative Hall says that, in spite of all efforts, it is very likely that the Sis seton Incian bill can be passed this ses aicn. A ngnt will be made on the large appropriation which it carries. MAKE HER A E15HOP. Bishop spauldinc on '.the Poition of Lovely W omen." The radical declaration of Bishop . Spauiomff, cf Peoria- speaking to the fac ulty and students of Nctre Dame Univer sity en the position cf wcrnac. iaa created a sensation at Nctre Dame aureus Catholics. At ths commencement of St. Marys academy, he went even further. After haying cemph menred the work cf the sisters cf the con gregation of the Hcly Cross, he saai tnat me position of women have been the posi tion tnat southern planters gave their slaves. It was no better to-day than it was years ago. They were treated kmdiy as me slaves of tee men he knew had been treated but kept m igncrauce. In f--s ccuntry, however, women had eman- f created themselves. American wemen are more iutIIuzeut rn American mic. He demanded tne hishest educaticn and de clared she must hencef crth work side by side wrrh me men for tne prizes, and ncn work and wm. The bishop s words seemed : yprv lri a statement cf advanced belief m f woman 3 nsnts. again and agam. Ih-v were Thz rsnert of a dearh frenj jello"' fever in Georgia was rmio"n-deC- 5EBRA5KA SEWS M.BBL"?. Small GraitJ Neatly tiitrrntL The most destmtrtiTe Utrm that has ver visited Wayne and vicinity struck ther Sunday night. The railroad irjsk washed out wett and is under water e s cf term Com t Tery much injured zd thousandi cf acre of small jrram is en tirely ruined. Cera iil probably average about half a crop. Some eattls and many hoir-; were drowned. A "brickymr'i at that place belonging to John Sherbahni "was l tctmr mined ana ti.e loss is ver- ceitTj. I i?T;?a! . blo dQ m the country snd Tme cumed or lightnmc so far no lites an rpotted lost. Crops Beat Into the- OttooiI. A severe electrical storm. acconpanii , by a terrible wind and heavy rain, visited Madiscn county siicdav night. U Pierre hail fell in largs considerable damage to crops, st some points rainy Dealing them into the ground. Telephone com munication is somewhat interrupted and I ;t j .a:. ix,.,i- ..1 tn St Paul and Omaha, thev having same ! i .mi f.t nf -, tw nnr nr Hn.. j y!y.g- j , Tekamah I-arnally Floosted. i Two heavy storms struck Tekamah Suu- ' day msht, the hr3t about o deck and the j latter. -hich was much the heaviest, at stcc.i cf geeds getting wet and being badlv dammed. Tekamah creek oversowed and Hooded a portion of the town after each storm. "uhbin- of ew. Ths Union Pac cc will build a S'dO.OflO depot at Kearney. A i -T'.'Ri association ha3 been or ganized by the old soldiers of Harlan county. Tee Farmers alliance of Perkins county have located a 513,000 riour mill at iladrid. Thz pupils of the Fine Eidge Indian school will cold literary exercises at Eush ville July i. The shipment of a carload cf starch from Beatrice the ether day was the nrst j ever made from Nebraska. ! Tez citv council cf Seward has d- cided I to continue drilling with the hope of strtk ! log water in abundance at a depth ct '10 feet. A Exeter man while hunting for his runaway wtie at orroli scared p tne wronc coupi and tne city omeers wtu probably capture two nckle wives before ' they tet throuch. A :rr3BrE of windmills in the vicinity of taardy wrre blown down dunnc a recent i storm, and a stone smool house, an old landmark, seven miles carta cf town, was demo ished. I. N. Yocsg. a wealthy farmer living ' near fiebron. while attempting to take a curbing out of an old well, waa smothered by the dirt cav'mj in en him. When the rescuers removed the dirt the man was dead. A doss of morphine given by mistake to the infact child of E. fi. Ackers, a 5a- penor traveling man. caused its death s-x heers later. It is reported that the ana-treat Law is to be enfor-pd. ind sheriffs m m1 various : counties will scon receive instructions to arrest violators. Wetle puttins a bit m a horse s mouth M. O. Allen, of B.ne Bill, inserted his ' iittle-uuser tco far between the acimai s jaws and lost the asef al member at the secocd joint. TsoOP F. Ninth cavalry, under ccm- mand of Capt. Euges, passed throush the ' city yesterday enroute to the eat of wir. tb.j Beaver creek barracks, says the Sidney ( JtKrnol. They are under orders from the secretary cf war to remain in camp at that point until the settlers felt conndect that there is no daccer which in fact mere never has been. VurL the family cf E. Eennedy. of Boasett. were seated at dinner Monday, lightning struct the rcof of the dwellins acd following down through the ceiling it seemed to seperate into tnree bolL. all of whicn struck their daughter Dcra. kiilies her instantly, one bolt striking her in the cead. one on the neck and the third rrgkt over the heart, yo omer memcer cr the i family was even shocked, while three dogs whicn Were under th- tabie were killed. Meh. W vr- J.-5SS. of Tobin. is me only lady undertaker m th state. See was in attendance at the undertakers an nual meeting at Grand Island tcis week, and wnen a corpse was provided for the occasion she dexterously stepped to tee front and took up the artery of me arm, and scowed a mucn kill in the work as the mest expert rna-e undertaker m the convention. A irm Icdian giri at the Wmnebaso asency named Stei u dauscrar of '"Mad- Above, accident!;- shot nerelf with a re volver and Dr. w. -.. of Valentine suc cessfully dressed the wound. "Made Above" scowed his sratitud- by appeiinns at Valentine the other day with a cue 2-year-oid pony, but nnding the doctor away "he camped out until his return, when he presented him with the animal. Tne most .timate friendship now exists between the Indian and ths physician. CHMTT.K.g SiOSIAH, Cf Broken 3ow, - claims to have the largest collection cf stamps in the state. Two Exeter men assaulted a ycuns lady at G-neva. th girl s father surprising them tn the act. They were arrested and piaced in jaiL Tee new water-works plant at 0;L an" will soo.1 be finished and the system of service vJ5tIy increased. Nearly one mue of the new mains will be laid. iAitss eatos, of Timber tree. eleven miles west of Cedar Eapids. was ui stantly killed by a bolt of hshtnms wru. standmg m his decrway. Wa. Cabsov, alias Miller, who was ence convicted aid sectecced to be hissed for the mnrder cf Chauncey Weston cne year agu. was acquitted at Beatrice. A Eiii rr ed the foot of a Ladder on wired two painters we.-e at were at Ciav . enter and precipitated the whoie outer o tne irouid. a distmce o? twenty fevt Th-' men wer net badly injured, but the hoc was V A. Bz-smon. of Oakland, has nled a ccmplamt asamst C. M. Magnuson fcr sianier. aimins SW.Of damaze. Eeu strom e.aucs mat Masnuson has srven out me report tnat tne plamrrff had poison' his father Sewcrd -seekrrs emrloTment to do nruse- I wora. was arrested aed macs to - maLr apparel m piars cf an old gray wrapper and a fiscinnter which had seen better civs, rreue -ras mn grren a sno and put re wcrs on the streets. His srrr con tained several letters ddressei to m nr- srecaman, wnicn is sun uncosed Ox a little bout hznsz en the v-, j. river this sign is drsp.iyed "Sincwvsrs and all snmmer drink's fr sls." aT near th- feet of Wall glner. N'ew York, a sign -with, the foUowmz 1-semi mar e wo: Usbrella HoscrtaL" THE OLD RTTTTABLE iibos S Bank ate (C-Iiest Stata Basa in the State.) PAYS IMTEHEST Off TIME IEP0SIT3. MAXES LOANS QH REAL ESTATE. DH-AFTS Os Chicaso, Jew York, azd all Cocnsriea. Fortip miS STCAStSHXP TICKETS. BUYS GOOD NOTES And Ealysi It Castcaiers ween thffj yed Help. OFFICERS AND DIF.ECTORSt V3s.. tSAST52K GEH3A3C. Pre?!i-t. v G. W HCLST. Vfce-Pr-si.l3t. JULILS A. BSET. E. E. EZX2Y". COLUMBUS, NEB. HAS AN- I iii,.:.,j ri-.T - a- rw , Authorized Capital of $-W,0W i raiu in capital i o- 90.000 OFFICZES- C. E- SEZLDO.V. FWr. E. P. E. OEL2ICE. Tics ?r. C. A. :rZWHAN. Cashier. DANIEL SCSHA1L. Aas't Cash. STOC2EOUJEBS: C. E. Sheldcs. J P. B-ck"r. EermanP E. Oclrtca. Carl B!bju. Jocas Welch. W. A. Mctfiiater. J. Benrvnrdetnaa. E. iL 'Winalow. Gcrs w. GaI!iT. S. C. Gtt. Frank Borer. Arnold ?. E. Ohlrich. kSf Bank of uVpomt. interest alln-r-d ni ticn derosit": bay and eil ezcnaniron UcitI State- 2d Ecrcf". and bsrand -I1 available iriti'. W nall bt plued to rive ronr ba:ii3"M. TV-s solicit iocr catrana?. 2icT FORTHE :iu.05 A. & M.TURNER Or . W. KIBLER. Trsa'Tcliss ialfmaB. " BTh' orsans ary nrst-clas" m ver7 car ticnlar. and so zuarauteed. PRINCIPAL P01TS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH AX U. P. Depot, Columbus. HENRY G-AS3. ' UNDERTAKER ! C0FFLVS AM iiLTALli: I As.i jy Hscrn-t3t7 of cJir.ii; CJLt terj Goods. t-tf ilBI KfHWI A&XacX CCLT2T;5,5EE3ASJ f