The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 04, 1890, Image 3

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M '
' olitmtmslotirual.
8:23 a. m.
Lwres Columbus
' ' liellw.tod
David City
'Arritwat Lincoln
' :1S "
1 1032 "
1 11:35 p.m.
The paenor leaven Lincoln at 4:33 p. m., and
;arrtter at Columbus 7:04 p. m; thefreij-ht leaves
Linroln at 7 -ir- a. ni., and arrive at Columbus at
3 iri p. iu.
At Lint ir -Ex.
S5 a. in I O. I. Ioeal .. 7HW a. m
Vol' Local . 7:00 a. m ' PariCr Ex. .llM p. ni
Local Kr WDa. ni 1 Denverhx... 2S'4 p. in
Fa-it Mail I Limited 535 p. in
,'tiiu;o Es. l-"di. ml Ixtcal Ex. n.15 p. in
Limited ti-ia p. ni ' Fas-I Mail . Vi.1i p. in
Htocfclrain VS5J p. m
. PaoseCffer arrives from Sioux City 12". p. in
"- . 11:15 p. m
leatet Columbus for Liur'u 1215 p. m
" " 6:15 p. in
art ikr-i from Lincoln . . 5 ju p. ni
. . 11:15 p. in
" It-Mkea for Sionx City HdOp. ni
- - . 3.20 a. in
Mixed leaves tfip.m
Mixed arrive 10:p.m
Passec-vr lf-avi--)
.. .Mi1 leaves
Pa-!sen-er an i ve
Mixed arrives .
Mi p. in.
liT. a. in.
l'J:45 p. m.
aJJU p. m.
Socleto Motices.
flAtl notices under thin headiu. will le
'iiurt-d Mt the late of 5"J rt J ear.
tir-iilnr meetiii-n it ieiliu-la in ec!i
month. All brethren invited to attend.
C. II. SdM.D-'.N. W. .M.
II. White. . J0jul
Suuts hold ret-ular -riiee-t eiery Siiudtt
at V p. m., prajer meetin. m V-ltn I:t evvaiuK
HI their clmpfl, irinTf North -treet and Paeifu
Aejiiie. All an 'iinti:ill) iniited.
lSjul-ft Elder 11. -I. Htd-min. Pre-ident.
A heavy r:t"m Momlny night.
Tlu Ileeil Allinwe li:ul a nieetin;
Monday evening.
Clothing In-low cost; niiisl Ik clnsctl
ut at Honahan's. II -Ici
OIl ni-w.s:ixr.s by 1 lie hundred, "
rent:? at Hit .loritXAi. lliiv.
Tlit'C'otiiily Alliaiuv im-els at I'hllt
Center Fridav of this vtok.
lMtri, shot's, hats and gents' fur
nishing goods at Honahans.
The Knights of Pythias will hold
memorial services Sunday next.
Hev. Worley is in attendance on a
ministerial association at Clark V.
Dr. T. K. Clark, successor to Dr.
Schujj. Olive st. In office at nights.
The numler who signetl the pledge
during Mr. Itankin's meetings was i7.".
Henry ituiles. Alliance organize;
for Platte county, was in tho city FrioS
- L. C. Draper and .1. H. Johannei
have piirchastnl of Frank Fugard. his
oil .line.
For all kinds of pleasant and palat
able soda fountain drinks, call at Dr.
i:ememler that Schaffroth .v Plath
make specialties f well luring and
tubular wells.
SillNhtriie panJs, to order only;.(M.
Call on T. McKexm, inerchW, tailor,
Nebraska nvdnue. - G-2t
- The will ttf .litlin Kersch, deceased,
was probated yesterday at Judge
Hensley's oltice.
- The Platte County Faruiers'Alliance
had a big picnic in a grow in Woodvitle
township ilht Tue.sla.
P. W. Ilemich and family have
moved into their d welling on Fourteenth
street, bought of Win. Lamb.
-Contract your buildings with L. K.
Sowers and lint -class work is guaran
te.l. Shop on Eleventh street.
- The celebrated Quick-Meal, and
Monarch gasoline stoves, the best in the
market. For sale b A. Uoelteher. 4tf
-F. H. Kusche has erected a very fine,
hard-wood fence in front of his premises,
corner of Fourteenth and North streets.
- W. F. Slater of Holyoke. Col., has
purchased the Kacket, of C. C. Miller,
and went to Omaha Monday on business.
O. V. Elston and Harry Newman
started Sunday last with a car load of
tine horses for the Philadelphia market.
W. T. McKoan and family are mak
ing rwidy lo go soon to the far west
Washington. Very sorry to see t hem go.
The Baptist Sunday school had an
evening picnic at Mrs. Leavy's, alout
live miles south of the river, Inst Friday.
Schaffroth .V Plath have the lest of
harvesting machinery and can furnish
any kind of farm implements, at reason
able rates.
Go to the M. E. church this evening
and get a dish of ice cream and straw
lierries, and get acquainted with your
We have6oLKouK interest in the
Racket etore,-bufcvtbis tfuesnotHrvrtVie
aecouutirwbich are- dueaad naiiVle lo
C G'Miller A- O. I
-O. C. Shannon for the 1st ward, H.
J. Hudson for the 2d, and George Scott
for the 3d are engaged in taking the
census of the city.
Rev. Father Ryan made a narrow
escape from being pulled tinder the
wheels of a moving train last week.
Fortunately he was not even hurt.
S. M. Rnssom, U. P. agent at Dun
can, has been replaced by a new man,
and there are tunny smiling faces in the
neighborhood, so says our informant.
The game of ball Sunday afternoon
"between the Ulysses and Columbus
teams resulted in a disastrous defeat for
the home team, the score being i to 0.
For Harrison wagons and Conrtland
spring wagons and buggies, call on J. A.
Gutzmer, opposite Dowty's drag store.
He is sure to satisfy you in prices and
quality. tf
Elder H. J. Hudson at the confer
ence Saturday at Fremont was elected
president of the North Nebraska district
of the Latter Day Saints church. A
good selection.
On the 10th of June there will be a
picnic at John H. Sacrider's grove for
the benefit of the Monroe Congregation
al church. The Oconee band is expect
ed to be present. Everybody invited.
Next Sunday, first after Trinity,
.there will be divine service and sermon
at 11 o'clock at Grace Episcopal church.
Subject of sermon: -The Rich Man and
Lazarus." All are cordially invited to
come and worship with us.
7-04p. m.
450 p.m.
8:15 "
ll:4.-t "
P h.i
Next Sunday children's day exer
cises will be observed, at the M. E.
church; a fine program has been arrang
ed. In tho evening Rev. Worley will
preach a missionary sermon.
A sidewalk is being laid by the
Union Pacific between the Fleming hotel
and Eleventh street, on the west side of
Olive. Very heavy plank make it the
most substantial plank walk in the city.
H. G. Leuchen made this office a
pleasant business call yesterday. He
informs us that he had three eighteen-year-old
cottonwood trees blown down
by the wind during the storm Tnesday
The city council have passed an
ordinance concerning the running of
railroad trains through the city; the
sjteed is not to be greater than twelve
miles au hour, and between F. and
Quincy, six.
- Mrs. John Ilaney, who has leen
suffering the past two months with
tumor of the liver is very low as this
item is tteiug written on Monday, the
physicians in attendance having given
up all hope of her recovery.
- Dr. ('. B. Stillman has Iteen ap
pointed U. S. evainining surgeon, in
place of Dr. F. J. Schng, who resigned
and moved west. Dr. Stillman has oc
cupied the iHtsition before, and is per
fectly familiar with its duties.
- Monday evening next the graduat
ing exercises will be held at the opera
house. The members of the class ar?
11. C. Luckey, Annie E. Hamer, Sbil
Butler. Mande Tiffany, Eliza Drinnin,
Martha Welch and Grace Taylor.
Charles Pearsall's valuable tract of
land has !een disposed of to G. P.
Moore and the Bowman tract to an
Omaha syndicate. Ami thus land ad
joining (ilumbus and suitable for addi
tions to the city, i9 leing Itought up.
Books lost, between ITaWlall's barn.
Conimbus. and V)conee. two (Vpies field
noteV of Platte Vounty and me small
pock ledger, retxVlnck cover, 'e find
er will lease leaveVhe same at cKunty
clerk's office. Colutnhrw. R. L. Rossiter.
- It is now confidently asserted that
the secrets of chemistry will before
many years be so fully revealed that
everylKMly can provide themselves with
chemical coolers for household use. even
to the moderation of the air in dwell
ings. Hurry up the chemicals.
- John J. Monnell of Omaha will de
liver the address next Sunday at memor
ial services of the Knights of Pythias.
The services of the Columbus Cornet
Band have been secured for the occasion
and invitations extended to various
lodges in central Nebraska to lie rep
resented. - G. W. Bartlovv. of Seward county.
will nVve a great s!He of young fLreford
cattle aVDavid Citv.JVturdav, June 7th.
lose calUe are pure lrWl, of the ord
Berwick, Lmd Wilton anoSother notKl
English fatnmes. The sareyjivill be
without reserveind stock will go at
bidder's prices. . 6-2t
Frank Anson has traded the Lindell
hotel property to Daniel Eggleston of
Rion, Wis., for 390 acres of land near
St. Paul, Howard county, consideration
placed on each side at $10,000. L. M.
Beelie, an old resident here, lately of St.
Paul, is expected to lease the Lindell,
and occupy it in a few days.
The Beatrice Chautauqua Assembly
for 1S1K) are providing a splendid pro
gram, with a fine list of speakers, singers
ami instructors, including the labor or
ganiations, the V. M. C. A., the W. C.
T. V . the Alliance, etc. Those interest
ed should address the secretary, S. S.
Green, Beatrice, Neb., for circulars.
Attention is called to the change in
the advertisement of the First National
bank. Their cash on hand is, in round
numtiers, 340,000; deposits Sl.I.OOO;
loans ami discounts, S2(K),000. These
figures make a good showing for this in
stitutiou, which under the management
of A. Anderson, has kept steadilv grow
ing. Monday C. C. Miller sold his undi
vided half interest in the Grand Pacific
hotel, this city, to Anna Roliin, consid
eration $$,000. A ortion of the trade
includes the properly of Mrs. Roliin on
Olive street, recently occupied by Carl
Schulert. L. H. Webb, who owns the
other half of the Pacific House, will con
tinue to run the mime, as he has a three
years lease of the property.
Saturday morning Mr. J. 11. Drin
n in's lest horse was found tied at the
east end of Eleventh street. He was
considerably bruised, having run against
something. Hitched to a cart and tied
near Bucher's the evening liefore, he had
probably got frightened, broke the hal
ter and run off. The nlsenee of the
horse and cart, when the young people
were ready to go home was an inconve
nience, to say the leiist of it.
The union services of the churches
Sunday evening at the opera house were
attended by a large congregation. Mr.
Rankin delivered his last address, which
was listened to with marked attention;
his word and gesture picture of David
and Goliath was a master-piece in its
way. Many signed the pledge of total
abstinence. We learn that the next
speaker here in the interest of the pro
hibition amendment is to be a German,
and that the meetings will be held in a
tent, Mr. Rankin went from here to
Broken Bow.
It seems to worry the Telegram that
B. R. Cowdery, secretary of state, or
dered some note heads for the extra
session of the legislature. The work
had to be done quick, and why not order
it done at this office? The intimation
that the work will be lo6t to the state is
not well founded. The stationery will
answer for the regnlar session just as
well. Republican officials are not like
some of the democratic officials who
have had work done by the Telegram or
its predecessors order enough station
ery to last for years and years.
It now looks as though the Masonic
temple will surely be builL Only a few
hundred dollars more are needed, by
way of a loan secured on the building.
Those who are interested in the welfare
of Columbus and have money to loan at
a reasonable rate and on the liest of se
curity, have now a good opportunity to
help themselves and the city at the same
time. The project has been on foot for
a long time, and when it is so near to a
decision, it seems almost incredible that
the small amount yet required is not
forthcoming at once.
Miss Lettie Jones of Duncan was in
the city Friday.
W. B. Dale went to Omaha Saturday
to pass a few days with his family.
Mrs. Charles Matthews returned last
Wednesday from a visit to Fnllerton.
George Graves returned Sunday after
noon from a week's sojourn in Chicago.
Miss Mary Brownlow, who is teaching
near Platte Center, was in the city Fri
day. J. F. Bixby and family arrived in the
city Monday on a visit to his brother
A. L. of the Sentinel.
C. P. Rinehard came home last week,
and started Saturday for Kansas to take
charge of a mill down there.
Mrs. Maynard Hurd and her sister
Miss Anna Luth expect to start for La
Connor, Wash., in a few days.
Mrs. Will Gibson, of Cedar Rapids,
has been spending the past week visit
Mrs. Henry Woods of this city.
Mrs. H. Summers went to Columbus
the first of the week on a visit to her
daughter, Mrs. John Wagner. Leigh
J. P. Becker and family returned last
Wednesday from their trip to the Pacific
coast, looking in good health and
W. P. Shaw, of Columbus, arrived in
town yesterday and will remain during
the week visiting friends. (Clarks
W. Pell Pulis. of the firm or Foster ,v
Pulis, architects of Kearney, Neb., was
in the city Monday and has au eye tin
the Masonic temple.
Miss Theo. McKuv. who has been sick
for some weeks and very low Monday
evening is improving and wilt stoti le
around again. -Oconee correspondence
P. C. Argua.
Memorial ly.
Friday afternoon at :'.'a I, members of
Baker Post No. 9 G. A. R.. with the sons
and daughters of veterans, together
with invited soldiers of the late war,
convene! at the Post's hall tin Thir
teenth street and. marshaled by Com
rade John Tannahill. preceded by the
Cornet band, took up the line of march
to the ojiera house: on their way, their
ranks were swelled by the school chil
dren from the Third ward, and the Fire
Department preceded by their band.
The opera house was crowded with an
interested audience, and the exercises
ltegnn by Hail Columbia, played by the
Cornet band: an invocation by the Post
Chaplain. H. D. Coan followed. H. P.
Coolidge, adjutant, reatl the orders, and
Rev. W. M. Worley delivered a well
prepared address. This was followed by
America, sung by the assembly anil led
by J. A. Shuck on the cornet. Appro
priate recitations were then given by
Lida Turner, Miss Guthrie, Robbie Mc
Crea and Miss Chattie Rice, a part of
the reminiscences elsewhere printed in
today's JoruxAL, were read, the exer
cises closing with an address concern
ing the unknown dead, by W. A. McAl
lister. The line of march was again
formed and a large nnmlier accompanied
the procession to the cemetery where
the graves of the soldiers whose bodies
are there resting were appropriately
The iloriuu.
At a meeting Monday evening over
which George Lehman presided, and for
which D. F. Davis was scrilie, it was de
cided to celebrate the Fourth of July in
regnlar old fashion.
Committees were selected as follows:
Finance J. C. Caldwell, O. L. Baker,
C. H. Sheldon, I. Gluck, S. J; Ryan, J.
M. Hoffman, J. N. Kilian.
Program, arrangements and adver
tising R. H. Henry, G. P. Moore, J. P.
Becker, G. B. Sieice, Jonas Welch.
Transportation J. E. North, J. R.
Meagher, J. T. Cox.
Fireworks (I. P. Mot ire. J. S. Wells,
Jonas Welch. R. G. Fleming.
Music J. A. Shuck. K. Pohl, O. C.
Decoration .1. A. Barlier, E. I. Fit-
patrick, J. H. Galley. II. L. Baker, T.
Friedhof, J. B. Delsman. M. A. Mayer.
SKrts -G. P. MtMre, .1. G. Pollock,
R. G. Fleming, L. II. Webb, John
Let every man put his shoulder to the
wheel, anil help to have a line time on
the Nation's holiday.
Krai INtrttf
For the week ending May :!lst, IttMI.
All deeds warranty unless shown.
!..; rmr.l t-t al to t'olumltua lioil and
Intrt-tiiiwit Co., HiKldund I'arfc addition
to (".iliunlm- j
li. ti. lin'lier, in i i lit j tivu.-nirr. to U. An
dt rotl, tax dr-ed, block ii. Vi. 'JH, 4", fu,
5a. 5y ami .art lil-k .V and tio, Capitol
li. Andixin and wifr to Andcix.n A Itor-u,
. c, fame ai- last ahoiv
II. AndiTHon and wife to Andr.-on A Kwii,
nt-1-!, k1. 21-17-1 w
li. W. Clark w al to Suiimtd Hughe?-, m-'
.1. H." Mi-Call et al to Mary A. MjMt, lot ,
hlook 4, lot addition I'latte Center
.1. F. Srhatlroth and wife to A. Mathi-, lotn
1.7,2. Work lrty, Coluintn
L. I. Ity Co. to 1). J. IteaKan. n', tiw1, !-
E. A. (Jerranl and wife to TIiok. Hill, iot :,
lilook E, Monroe NVIi
;. W. Clark and wife to C. J. inflow, j. .,
unit half interest in n, e ', and nel4,
neVj, wee 2S-'JU-le
V. M. Ctirnelinttand wife to Johanna and
Katie J. IbiiKan. . c, f 's, w1.,. 14-l-2w
Mary Hremeret al to K. E. Fairchild. iind
:'-i interest lot 4. hlook 1
11. Cronaetal to 1. lilnck, i. . w 2-3 lot
4. hlook Ni and lot 1 and 2, hlook r7,
C. E. Clapp to B. Millett, lots 7. ., ., 10, 11,
12. hlook 4, MillardV addition
A. E. Taylor and husband to 11. I. Mur-
dock. lot 11 and 12, lilook ii, Smith's add
A. Henry and wife to David Davien, w';,
BW4, 3-UL3W
John and Fred Knel to Emma Stephen-,
e1;, of w2-3 lot ti, block $4, Colutnhuf . .
A. C. Millett to B. Millett, q. r., lot .' and
rt, block 51, Col u in hue
d Friday evenings,
Calto has
f. Buck-
who do
brass hand-
ing ei
bandafnu ore,
somes! and b?st
n the
wortl the ori utal
ad of
property and vani
the ing nn enter) amira
elf rgy and scl ool
Maine to Calil urni
dents from
en route
to the west ot Iy m
ee stops be-
tweeo Omaha and
nver. J lie stage
will be enlarged
strengthened for
this occasion. Watch for the grand,
novel, steet parade, each day at 11:30
a. m.
ti. A. K. RMlatioB.
At a meeting of Baker Post No. 9,
G. A. R, May 30th, the following resolu
tion was unanimously adopted:
Rewired, that we tender our hearty
thanks to the proprietors for the free
use of the opera house; to the Columbus
Cornet Band for the very generous do
nation of their services, on former oc
casions, as well as today: to the Colum
bus Fire Department, with their band;
to E. D. Fitzpatrick for use of dags; to
the sons and daughters of veterans, and
last but by no means least, to those of
the city teachers who, with their pupils,
accepted the invitation of the Post to be
present and participate in the Mem
orial services.
Hn xhursdajMui
in thaHHHse raNlhis ciw
Cojfp yBqjpslB Kreqlu tnVnd Sr
ley's sixteen Vlueated DorseA
hihu bufWtalk. This V
in uieir on &ieciHi vo.
umieen inrura, inciuuiHg li
etrm,vixiecin or uit
euxateu uorsasu
iuirlea. a car Id
rlbeVhi whole td
fat etatlbi
a nnntwAn
aj x new are
;king tht
School Meeting.
The annual district meetings in the
different school districts will take place
on the last Monday in June. The direct
ors must post the notices at least fifteen
days before the meeting and at three
different places within the district.
Within ten days previous to the an
nual meeting the director must take the
census of the children of school age
within the district. Within ten days
after the annual meeting the director
must deliver to the county superintend
ent the annual report of his district,
made under oath. This and the census
report should be returned to the county
superintendent at the same time. The
tax levy must lie sent to the county
clerk, and each memlier of the district
board must sign it. A certified copy on
the back of the annual report is also
sent to the county superintendent.
Directors should be careful as to these
facts. A neglect of theso matters sub
jects the directors to a iiiiMicinl ac
count abil it v.
TearlierV Meet inc.
There will lie a meeting of the Platte
County Teachers' Association held at
Lindsay, Neb., June 14, 1S.0. As this is
the last meeting of the year, a full at
tendance is earnestly desired. The fol
lowing is the program:
I'aiwr .. I'rof. I. J. t'ranier
AildreMs What to do in nohool the tirr-t
ilay .. lilt. Bradv
Krt'itatiou .Mi-. Anna CMeocard
laier Powers and duties of n Teaelier . . .
E, W. .Miller
Diii'ii-ii.iij Merits and Hemeritsof dinVr-
ent method-, of tiM.-tlin !!fddiu -oeiifd
l . . ... Mi-n 1K-Il:t SfMilin
Address -alile of Ulnrtoriol-. in Sehix.l
Work . ! W. He-,-.
Selection All-- Jennie (Sietzen
Kilmer - TheHry and Art of l'e.ii-hiia;
M. M. llotideitUer
Heoitation Mt-i llattieiila-
Adilre- I'rof E. J . Couch
Ueltate lie-tolled. Thitt panNhnieiil
: iieeexiry in h.-1iooI. Attirm. .Mt -.-.-- Mnr
l-,ii-Ii, Chattie Ui.v, hate Cairo;: ilt-!i). Mi in,
.Mitihie Steiu, Martha Turner, Nellie l.xtu-li.
A Wonder Worker. fii
Mr. Frank HutTinan. a young man f
Burlington, O.. states that he had beeu
under the care of two prominent physij
cians, and used their treatment until he
was not able to get around. They pro
nounced Ids case to be consiuiipfeionf!iS
incurable, lie 'was persuaded to try Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption.
coughs and colds ami at that time was
not able to walk across the st reel without'
resting. He found before he had used
half of a Ixittle. that he was much let
ter: he continued to use it and is today
enjoying giaid health. If you have any
throat, chest or lung trouble try it. Wo
guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle
free at David Dowty's drug store.
Silvek Cheek, May 20, 1890.
Editok JoriiNAi..: -In your last issue
your Silver Creek correspondent makes
this statement. -Nate Towslee carried
a revolver to school the other day and
after holding the teacher and some of
the scholars at bay was finally cim.veil
to let up." I am at a loss to guess from
what your correspondent obtained his
information, for it certainly is entirely
untrue. No such incident occurred.
Nate certainly never even xhoireil a re
volver to any teacher, and, after careful
investigation, I fail to find any evidence
that he ever brought a revolver to school.
I make this statement simply in justice
to the boy. his parents and tho school.
Respectfully, ,
J. F. Conner,
Prin. Silver Creek School.
l.lei-lrsr Hitter-
This remedy is becoming to well knotvu
and to popular jis, to need no special
n. 'ition. AH who have used Electric
Bilt-.-s sing the snme t-oug of praise.
A pure- medicine tltx-s not exist and it
sgunrati,. l to do all that is claimed.
Elect lie L"'e:j will euro all diseases of
the Liver a ' Kidneys, will remove all
Pimples. Roil. . 't Rheum and otlior
affections caused by impure blood Will
drive malaria from the system and pre
vent as well as cure all malarial fevers.
For cure or headache, constipation and
indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire
satisfaction guaranteed, or money re
funded. Price fiOe and 1.1 HI per bottle
at David Dowty's drug store.
Weather He pur!.
Review of the weather near Genoa for
the month tr May, IKiH
Mean temperature of the month V-'
Mean do -tllle month l.e-t year Otj'n
Hu;he.-t teuiiieratiireoli the2".tli W
l.wir-t do, on the 7th .. .. 1'.
Clear da- .... ti
Eairdnvs l'S
Cloud diljM .... M
Hi;h wind".-. ilaji
Calm da) s t'
Number of dajr. on which rain fell . .. 11
luctiei of rainfall 2.40
! for i-auie mouth !ntt jear 2.02
Prevailing winds from N to XV.
Thunder st onus on 1 1 th.'J'Jd. 281 li, Sit h.
Frost on 0th. 7th. 13th. Ifith.
Ice on the 7lh, killing leaves and buds.
Very hazy on 1st and lid.
Swallows apear on the 1st.
Peler Walen has been sick, but is
better now.
Guslav Abrahamson is building au
addition to his house 14x22x12. John
Abrahamson is doing the work.
Bonda Peterson. John Berlin and W.
D. Hanchett are having breaking done
on their land this spring.
We had a drenching rain Thursday
Mrs. Crozier was buried Thursday
her disease was (puck consumption, the
effect of la grippe.
Quite a number of our people were in
tending to go to Genoa on Friday, but
the cloudy morning kept them at home.
The Alliance pic-nic was well attended
and most of the addresses were excellent
and to the point. Several from Platte
Center were present, among them the
Argus editor. The other speakers had
taken up so much time he had but a
few minutes in which to speak, but he
said a good deal in a few words.
The scholars of our school celebrated
memorial day at the school house on
Thursday afternoon. The room was
draped with flags and decorated with
tlowers. The tlesk was draped and a
pillow of green leaves represented the
soldier's grave on which tlowers were
laid by five little girls, each one re
peating an appropriate verse; the little
ones acted their parts beautifully. The
scholars learned more of memorial day
history in the preparations than they
had ever known before. The following
was the program:
The Original Declaration of Memorial Day by
(ien. Logan (iraceKolf
Kecitation Memorial Day Addie Berndt
Esay "Why we celebrate Decoration Day."
by Clara Andeixn
Souk "Tentinj: Tonuilit."
Select reading Drummer Boy's Burial
by tiertie Andeixm
Sketch of the lleliuioUB life of Lincoln
by Helen Rolf
Messages of the Flowers .by Mamie Anderson,
Eva Larson, Effie Hedlin, I'earl IVarce and
Alice Abrahamson.
Declamation The Blue and the Gray
Sonic The Vacant Chair, by Helen and Grace
Kolf and Clara Anderson.
Select reading His Mother's Song
. by Gertie Anderson
Kecitation The Boll-call ... . Clara Anderson
Select reading Somebod) 'a Darling
by "Helen Bolf
Song Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean
The president took supper with the
postmaster the other night.
John Irvin is about to have a wind
mill put up.
The meeting for the election of officers
at the Palestine Alliance was held Fri
day night; W. F. Edwards and W. D.
Hanchett were re-elected president and
secretary and Martha Hanchett was
elected chaplain.
A few of our neighltors did go to
Genoa notwithstanding the unpleasant
looking sky. The procession reached
from the bridge to the .cemetery. Just
as the people were all on the ground a
threatening looking cloud came up with
very sharp lightning which frightened
the people and in all haste they returned
to town and went to the church before
even the monument was decorated.
One piece was sung at the cemetery and
the prayer read. It was a great disap
pointment to those who came from a
distance. " Dan.
Misses Cora and Lugene Halo attend
ed the graduating exercises of the
Madison public school Friday evening.
Mrs. G. W. Clark and Mrs. Selsor
started Monday for Wisconsin where
they will visit for a short time.
Mrs. Dewitt Robison and sister. Miss
Lizzie Startup, started Monday for New
York the home of their parents.
Mrs. L. B. Leach visited friends at
Creston Monday.
Miss Kate Zimmerman spent the
week in Creston.
Dr. Bridenstine made professional
visits in Creston and Humphrey Mon
day. Mrs. Hale went to Valley Tuesday on
receiving word of the death of hersister.
E. H. Leach went to Omaha Tuesday.
M. C.Scott of Madison passed through
town Tuesday on his way to Albion.
John Alderson of Holt county has
lieen visiting friends in and around
Humphrey the past week.
Bui-kirn's Aruira Salve.
The best "salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is gu ran Iced to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 2 cents
per teY! For sale by David Dowty. 3
.Mr. T. A. Deroven, merchant. Deroven.
La., sas: "The St. Patrick's Pills went
like hot cakes." People who have once
tried them are never satisfied with an
other kind. Their action and reliability
as a cathartic is what makes them popu
lar. For sale by all druggists.
BAhEII M.t ?.Nt, to Mrs. O.
I., lt.ik.-r, a
gushttss Jotires.
Advertisements under this head five ivntr
liuee.u-h insertion.
M.SCIIILT maker. Imh.Is and -!i'v-in the
Ite-t sti lew. and It-tes milt the leri le-.t
ntVi-k that cau lie iirooured in the market. .VJ-tf
ijttAYED OB STOLEN! I'rom our l.a-ture
three miles south of KiWihttnl. about Ma
;i oiacK mare eon. ixnn iiin.l Ietf- Mlute;
ntiP I li li ttriLkliiktii 1 I I'll I t-I . .. j...
- aka r.nni, ii.tii 'lir m 4I uur
liStHTH iiiint; iii:tfi flit t-Jutrr v-i'l(t :ilk.uit
1IH. A HUlfllllll rtl':ir.l JLill lu -MVon fur in.
firmiitUm hw.intf to recovery
-l IfATES lill(H.
Notice is herein irivcn that In virtue .f n
chattel mortg-ige dated on the 2tli dav of S.-i-temiier,
lsfft. and iluli tiled for record in the
otlice of the t'our.ty Clerk of Platte County, Ne
braska, on the 1st day of Octolxr. lis'., and
executed by Harry Tint-hart to Georse V.
El-ton, to securo tlie layment of the sum of $70,
and upon which there is now due the sum of 7i,
with interest at ten tx-r cent, jternnntini from
date. Default having ieen made in the terms of
saiil mortgage, and no action having been had at
law for the recovery ot said Mini, therefore 1
will st-11 the property herein descrilied, viz: One
gray stallion alxmt eighteen years old. known as
G my Frank, and one set double work harne-s,
at public auction iu front of Glca-on's lutrn in
the City of Columbus, in Platte County, Ne
braska, on the JIst lay of June, Ikj, -it one
o'clock p. in., of -aid day.
G. V. Ei.sto.s-,
2SMay-3t MortsaKee.
At a special meet in-; of the Hoard of SnjH-rvis-ors
of I'latte county. Neb , held at the -otirt iii Columbus May Kith, l-flM), the following
it-solution was unanimously adopt-il.
VllKltE.s, Tlie county of Platte, iu the state of
Nebraska, on the 1st day of January, A. Jl. 10.
issuetl, executeil and delivered to the Lincoln v
Northwer-tern lUiil ltoad Company, to aid iu the
construction of the railway of said company one
hundred lionds with interest coupons attached;
each Ixtnd for the sum of 1,(00.00 and numbered
from 1 to 100 inclusive, with interest at S ier
centum ier annum. paable annually, dated
January 1st, l?--0 and ta,alt!e twenty years from
date or payable and reedemahle after the expira
tion of ten -.ears from the date thereof at the
option and uion the call of the proper oHiwrs of
said county of I'latte. and
Whereas, There now in in the county treasury
of said county of I'latte sutiicient funds with
which t pay all interest :iou due mi Kiid ImiihIs
and that may i-c.nn-due for the .war lVAi, and
also fuiiils iu tlie rum of l,:,Ki.m for t ! p.i
ment and reilemption .f a put or Kiid l.:nl-.
WliFKFas, are valid ami a legal
lial.ilit-. atiin-t Kiid i-.mnlj of I'latte, and it
beiliK ff r the U-M interest ot" -aid fount) to lake
up and reileem sai.l Imnds and .i ott --. man)
of the Kitue as there are funds in the fount)
trea-urj for that purines-and to in-ue newlMinds
at a loner rate of interest with which to p-i) and
osleeiu the remainder of Kiid bonds; now, there
fore, lie it
.Vi-ofinf, Hy the lloanl of Su-riisors of the
couutyof I'latte, Nebniska, now did) a.---emMed
at the court hous-', and count) of said coun
ty, iu the fit) of C.illlllll.ll-, If, at the said Nslie of
ImuiU dated .lanuar) lt, A. I. 1, in ilr miiii
of 410UWW.OO t.. the Lincoln A Northwestern
I 'nil road Couiaii), or bearer, and eac-li of the
Isniils of said is-ue nimiU'r.-.! from I to luo in-i-ltisiveaud
iu tlie -inn of $I,imi.uo .ch. with
accrue. I interest on s.ti.1 ImuiIs, and each of said
Ihillilsto.llll) 1st, .. 1. l-'.l, IsMltld theKIIIleare
hcrt-li) deelurtil due and pajalile at theotiice of
the count) Irea-iirer of said count) of I'latte
July 1st. A. D. I-!J, and that said l-.iids and each
of said bonds ln'itiid nrvheieb) calleil to U-pre.
sentisl for .a)!iieiit and redemption at theotiice
of the county treasurer of said count) of I'latte
at Columbus, Nebraska,. I ill) 1st, A. li. l-iJ. and
that niter said date interest lijM.n n.iitl bonds and
each of said boudn shall cease pursuant to It.,
laws of Nebraska, and be it
rivolivil fitrtltrr, B) the Hoard of SiTii-ors
of said county of I'latte, that of the said issue of
bond- to the Lincoln A Northwestern IL-ulro:iil
Company, or lietirer, date. I January 1st, A. I).
ls.4. those numbered from 1 to l:: inclusive be
and hereby are ordered to Is- paid and redeemed
out of and with the said funds of the sum of
$M,ma.uu now in tlie cuntv treasury of Kiid
founty of I'latte for the redemption and ii)
meiit of a --art or said issue of bonds, and Is it
Hr.vilrvil, That for the pa)inent ami redem-i-t
ion of the remainder of Kiid is.-ueof Umds to
the Lincoln A Northwestern Itailroad Compaii)
dateil January 1st, A. I). I-vo, and of the number
ofK7 and nuuiliered from 1 to lwi inclusive, the
said Hoard of Su-Tisors of Kiid county of
I'latte Jo hereby order and authorize the execu
tion and issuance of K7 refunding I Hinds of Kiid
county of I'latte, each in the sum of Sl.UuO.lry
with interest coupons attached, and niimU-re-l
fnim I tort inclusive and bearing interest at 4'i
per centum ier annum iia)ableseini-innuallyou
the first days of July and Januar) in each year
and Kiid refundim; lionds to lie dated Jul) 1st,
A. 1). Ism, i)ahlf to liearer and redeemable at'
the option of the Kiid county of I'latte at any
time after 10 and not more than 'JO yean from
date thereof, princial and interest a)ah!e at
the office of the county treasurer of Kiid county
of I'latte. and the chairman of the Hoard of
Sufiervison- of said county of I'latte is hereby
authorized and directed to sitrn and execute Kiid
rvfundinir bonds, and inter--t coitKins, for iiatl
on belialf of the said county of I'latte and the
count,- clerk of said county is hereby authorized
and directed to attest the said refunding Isiuds
and interest conions and affix the seal of Kiid
county of Flatte thereto, and after four publica
tions of notice as by law rei-uired. and
after the certification and reKistration of said
refunding bonds as by law required, the Kime
shall be delivered, on and after the 1st day of
July. A. I). lfeW, and not liefore Kiid date, to the
-tatties respectively entitled thereto on the pre
sentation of the lionds and interet con isms
numbered from II to 100 inclusive, of the former
issue of bonds to the Lincoln A Northwestern
Itailroad Company or liearer dateil January 1st,
A. D. 190, and for which said refunding Uinds
shall lie issued in redemption of and in substitu
tion and exchange for. said substitution and ex
chango to be dollar for dollar, tind in case an
exchanice of any or all of said bonds cannot le
elTected. said refuudin-; bond" or so many of
them as may lie uewssary shall be sold at not
less than their face value, to create a fund for
the redemption of the outstanding bonds afore
said. Attest:
G. W. 1'iilMJrs.
County Clerk.
Land Office at Grand I-dand. Neb.. I
.. . . May II, l-.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has hied notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the judge of
tlie district conrt, or in his alr-ence the clerk of
said court, at Osceola, Neb., on June . l'?'.o.U:
Adelliert Stachura. homestead lVJ for the
oath ; northeast U and lot 1 of section It,
township 16 north, of range wet. He names
the followjm; witnesses to prove his. continuous
residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz:
Joseph Hanaskiewiz. George Ewon, John Mur
Kek and Stanislaus Kuler. all of Dnncan. Neb.
ilma)6t FHANKLIN SWEET, I-giJter
Informs his friend and the public he is still
in the liurinessandall onlers will have prompt
attention. Copies of field notes and plats fur
nished. Charges to inert the times. Columbus
Nebraska. '-3apr!jy
The Journal for Job Work,
Columbus, like Emperor Barbarossa has awakened from'
its trance-like sleep and there is a peculiar scent in the air
and you can plainly see in that mysterious "White Hand"
the word
1 lOOMO I M,
Everybody is more or less interested in it and the
GLOBE CLOTHIER has caught the fever too. We want to
be up to the times and try to create a little BOOM in
doing, Hals, Caps and Cents' Furnishing Goods
which we can show you in abundant styles, qualities and pat
terns. We carry as large a stock as Omaha houses and we
guarantee to sell you goods at less than Omaha prices. Come
and see for yourself, and we let you do the talking. AH goods
are marked in plain ligures and strictly one price. Do your
trading at THE GLOBE and save 25 per cent.
Thirteenth Street, Columbus, Nebraska!
"iwEeii-v--,.''r Jfc?r-eir ftv?5. V.-t vs-C;i J 5jscyZJ--Jl- l'-;Iv'i.- v.zA -C.z. fvXi
!K2iS5P'J5:'t'E,''-"i ', vs&SS,iJ." ti?i-V -srvi-vSlH--sif 'rJv4Jsvt"' -s is'-i" q4-
J2"OuriUotationsof themarketsareobtained
Tiie-slav afternoon, and are eorreet and relialde
at the time.
New corn
I'liek wheat ....
-J-l r-ftit -i
Jl 11 &!. I
Ami!,' tuir blil
. i ..-. u
. S.tl1!.3i.
;l rf4ll .o
$:: r.iii 1 1'.X t !
. ; ot'-::
-o PI
t '.of i r. ia
.' !
, m
r; M
Hone; in -oml x-r lit
Fat lios .-
Fat i-os
Fat sheep
Fat steers
llam-i ..
Sides ...
Canon Cit)
Hard, I'eiitisilialii i
Hard, t 'olorado
Koi'k Spriiit-s, nut
Utx-k Spmei, lump . . .
1. 1 lulu's.
Che:ier than an) Ixsly, opii-ite (Mother house.
Architect : and : Superintendent.
EiKlitwn )tirs esjierienee. Plans, Sis-eitiea-tions
and estimates furnished on short notiee,
and sjiti-fai-tion -cuanintee.1. Otlice, ou
Eleventh stret, Colutubu-, NeliRLska.
And all kindr of country pr-dnce taken in trad
and all is'ood-delhered free of -har-u
to an) l-ait ot the eity.
p 1 a) III
Bttfws A T
.VS7 Mi
10-tf J . B. BELflMslIV
coo r s xn 2
I (D 8,1 S ?
! mk oS GO 3e 3
I jT t-j O Off L-LJ
EsUtiUthni uno.
Loan, Real Estate
oae; to Lmb od Farmi at lowest rates of interest, on short and long time, in amount r
Complf te AbatrarU or Title to all ICeal EaUte in Platte county.
Farm and t'ltjr Property for Sale.
Intaraare against Fire, Lightning asd Tornado. Life asd Accident Inscbamcb, nono bat
tae very best companies represented.
Steaaihlt Ticketa to and Zrom all j-erts in Europe. 28jul)Sft-tf
-- - i . -
General Agents
Union Pacific and Midland Pacific K. It. Landa for tale at from fJ.00 to f 10.00 pr acre for caak
' or on five or ten yean time, in annual iayuieiiis to suit purchasers. We have also a large and choic
! lot of other lands, improved and ummproied. for sale at low price and on reasonable trm. &m
I bosinesa and residence loU iuthe city. We keep a complete abstract of title to all real ettfe
Platte County.
Wholesale and
Presla. esLts.
te, Piltry, aid Fresh Fish. All Kiids tf Stuage a Specialty.
tarCuii paid for H idea. Pelts, Tallow. Uifhast market price paid for fat cattle.-VI
Olive Street, twe Deen Nertk f tht tint Nttieial Baak.
rhc Globe Clothier.
not Ede I'f'i Co.
is Gill le WM Mill,
:s: ct -i mi ui m
The CheaiM-ht, the Simplest ami the Easiest
Kiiiiuiiu: Mill on the MarLi-i.
Call ea Us at the Factery
Before Purchasing Elsewhere.
for the sale of
E'-il Dealer in