LJ3L' (Mwmim IokitoI volume xxl-number 5. WHOLE NUMBER 1015. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1891). B- :S t p iraicrroxii9i a. and: ' jntlfiSarc, vice iwi fMilr O. m. P.AXDEBBON. jaco: BEN. HENRI RAQATZ, aa j. DuiuUlTan. First National Bank COZ.TT IUB. NEB. Statement of Condition at tht Close of Business 8eptexaber 3D, 1889. BX30CXCZ&. l.ons and Discounts $ 105,611 73 U.6. Bonds 10.M0 00 Other ntocka and bonds 10.2M 27 Ileal -tate, Fnrnitnre and Fiitorea . 11,622 9 Due from other banks $ 15.wys.25 " " U. 8. Treasury . 675.06 Cash on Hand 17.407.42 SS.1CS 67 1 357,628 07 LIABILITIES. pital and Surplus $ R0.000 00 VuA i TMed profit 7.017 90 National Bank noire outstanding 13,500 00 Hfylinconnt .. 22,420 14 Due Depositors 144,688 VI 337,628 07 Apr23-'86tf Sits'tHcss artls. t n. KII.IAX, DEUTCHER ADVOKAT, Ofliro orer C Iumbns 6tato Bank, Colnmbus, Nebraska. 29 OI.'MJVAX A REEDEB, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office Tor Firt National Bank, Colnmbus, Nebraska. W-tl 1. U ijosmikk. cocxrr survetor. l2Pnrt!os desiring snr-ejing done can sa. ?f m fit (.V.lumbus, Neb., or call at my oflics m Court ilouie. SmajSB-y T .1. CRAMER, CO. SUFT PUBLIC SCHOOLS. I will bo in my office in the Court Fiona, the third Saturday of each month for th examina tion of nppliccnts for teachers' certificates, and for the. transaction of other school business. lianSB T Jt. COOKVi, DRA Y and EXPRESSMAN. cam. Hcadqnartere at jTP. Becker A Co.'e office. 5VIjiliQne. S3 and M. 52may6Hf FAUBLE 4 BRAD8HAW, (Succcstort to FaubJe t Buthell), BRICK MAKERS ! , t-2rfontracfcrs and bnildcra will f5nd onr brick firrt-eltssa and offered at renonable rutoa. Venro also prepared to do all kind of brick work. 16may6m fj K. TURNER CO., Proprietors and Publishers, of the tnruSTS JOUIKAL iai tU KZS. rAaUT JCMHA1,, Both, poet-paid to Bny addreS". for $2.00 a year, etrirtly in advance. Family Jocbnau, $1.00 a year. v. a. McAllister. w. jr. corneli us .Tl jfcALMSTEK 9l COItXIIIMIT ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Colnmbna, Neb. Office ep Flairs over Ernst ft Schwarz's - on Eleventh etrett. 16mmyS8 JOHNG.HIGGIN8. C. J. CARLOW, HIG0nr8 ft GARL0W, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Specialty made of Oollecrfons by C. J. Garlow. 34-m R. C. BOYD, XAM7FACTCRER Or Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware ! Job-Work, ftoofing and Gutter ing a Specialty. t"Shop on JMh street, Krauee Bro.'e old tand on Thirteenth street. 82tf Chas. F. Kjrr. Frank R. Ksatv KNAPP BROS.. Contractors and Builders. Estimates famished on Ibrick and stone'work and plastering, free. Ppecial attention given to pitting boilers, mantles, eto. Staining and tuck pointing old or new brick work to repre sent pressed brick, a specialty. Correspondence solicited. References given. 22majl KNAPP BROS., Columbus, Neb. A STRAY LEAF!! I DIARY. THE JOURNAL OFFICE FOB CARDS. ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, DODGERS, ETC. SUBSCRIBE NOW THE COLWNS JOWIUL THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE, : We Offer Beth for a Tear, at tiM o- TV.e JormsAX. i acknowledged to ba tfca eews and family paper in Platte coontyad The American Magazine is the only high-class month ly magazine devoted entirely to American Litera- rcre, .ismi lsoBgni ua nua.1 i ua is the rsy decided exponent of American Iaatita- tios?. it s as gooa as any ox in eioar ziact. furnishing in a year orer 1,500 pages ef the choicest literature, written by the ablest Asacri-cfc-i authors. It is beautifully illustrate, aad is ricli . th charming continued and abort atoriea. N' more appropriate prseeat can be njP.,;. than a year's subscription to The Ameri can M.'tatine. It KiU l-e espesially brilliant daring the year 1S-P. ' Ti i-rit of Jouaif At Is $2-W. and The Aaeri. w.V.Hrwieis$J,Pt, WtArwtaieTHM THE PONTIFFS POWER. PROMULGATION OF THE DOOMA IllS CTJSSEO I EfKOI'E. Now the Leading Topic on tlie Continent unit Strongly Favored In Austria and Elsenhere An Attack on Canadian Lines or Railroad Dog Business in the United States. The rontifTs Power. The threatened promulgation of the dogma that the temporal power of the Pontiff, of which the church was deprived by the advent of Victor Emmanuel into Itome in 1675, is essential to the complete majesty of the vice resent of Christ on earth is the theme of general discussion in Catholic. circles on the continent. The de cision of sixty-sir. of the hundred bishops, whose views of the matter were solicited by the pope, that the present time is op portune for the declaration of this principle evinces a position swerving of popular opinion. The fact that tho Italian bishops opposed the proclamation is not to be taken as evidence of their belief that the occupant of the chair of St. l'eter should not be a temporal as well as a spiritual sovareign. The clergy of Italy are placed in a position of such pe culiar delicacy in regard to expressions of opinion on matters touching the relations of the church and the state that no posi tive declaration of approval could bo ex pected from thciu, while the laity hive long since fallen iuto b state of npithy, as regards both pope and Ling, owing to the unchiugiug c.ndition of tho antagonism between tho Vatican and the cjuiriual, which the lnpso of twenty years has not sufficed to mollify or even change in char acter. Tho greatest number of favorable replies to tho pope's circular, from any one country, came from Austria, where the sentiment in favor of the temporal sov ereignity of tho church is strong and un disguised among the people, and Portugal furnished the next highest, tho rest being divided abou eii tally amom; Germany, France aud Spain. Canndian I.'naiU. An attack on the Canadian railroads do ing business in the United M.'.tfs i made in a bill introduced by Senator Gorman, of Maryland, and now pending before the inter-state commerce commission. The bill provides for an additional section to the present inter-htato commerce act. The bill makes it unlawful for any railroad op erating in an adjacent foreign country to cany traffic destined to and from the United States or running cars into or through parts of the United States unless the road lirst obtains a license or permit to engage in such business. To obtain a license the road must furnish by an authorized agent an application to do Buch business and to as;ieo by stip ulation to conform to all the rules aud regulations of the iuter-stnte com merce act, and place itself, its books and papers at tbe disposal of the commission when demand is made. In bhrt, all Can adian roads must conform to the inter state commerce laws. If the commission should decide tbat the road has been vio lating any of the rules prescribed it may suspend tbe license granted. The com mittee on inter-state commerce has prac tica'Iy decided to report on it favorably, notwithstanding the protests made by the Noithwestern people. It may not pass the senate, but even if it does, it will probably be held in the house committee on commeice. Kepreentative Lind sajs tie senators along the northern boundary line wiil. no doubt, oppose the bill with all tho foice they can command. The op position will come principally from Min nesota, North Dakota, Wisconsin. Mich igan and all New England. Tho bill is in the general line of attack that is being made against Canadian roads and their connections in the United States. Sen ator Washburn says the bill will be de feated in the senate. Mormon from Europe. The advance guar J of little army of 1,1200 converts to "Mormon, due here this year on steamships of the Guion line, have arrived at New York on the Wyoming. It consisted of about 1 10 Swedes and Danes, abont half of whom are women. They were in the charge of Missionary Adolph Anderson and four Mormon elders. Labor Inspector Milhollaml questioned the mis sionary to find out whether or not his con verts might not be prevented from landing under the contract labor law. The mis sionary answered warily. He admitted that the party had been assured that they would find employment, but that this employment was not actually waiting them. Their relatives and . friends, the missionary said, had guaranteed to give them work. They were permitted to land and took a steamer to Norfolk, whence they will go west. Inspector Miliholland, who was in Utah last fall looking into tbe subject of Mormon immigration, thinks that there is little doubt tbat nearly all of the Mormon immigrants enter into a ver bal contract with tbe missionary, who promises them empku re t u the new world. The recent decision of Judge La- 1 combe, Mr. Milholland thinks, gives the collector power to bar immigrants who come here even under an implied contract. j Judge Ilrummond Head. Judge Drummond, the venerable ex judge of the United States circuit court, j died at his home in Wheaton 111. I Judge Drummond was one of tbe long- i est in active service upon the bench of all the "circuit judges in the country. He was appointed in 1S5G and officiated con- 1 tinuously till 1SS1, when his growing in firmity of body induced him to retire. President Arthur appointed Judge Gres- ham as his successor. The judge was 80 years of age at the time of death. IVIiitnevS Stealing!. Crow. Bookkeeper Whitney, of Albany, has been rearrested on a warrant charging him with making a false entry in bi books. William Gould, of the firm of law book publishers, has also been ar rested. Tbe amount taken from the bank is at least $100,000, and the board of directors will prefer charges of collusion to de fraud against the parties interested with Whitney. So far as known three large business house ar -involved, houses heretofore considered reputable. Cue of the parties to draw an account is tbe female proprietor of a saloon and hotel where Whitney and tbe Goulds spent their money. Cashier Brooks insists that tbe bank is all right, but good financiers here say that while depositors may not lose a cent the bank is crippled and its only hop is to reorg mize. Less than a month ago it lost $140,003 by a similar operation of i the late cashier with Ralph W. Thscher. I The amount of the overdraf ' by the Gould Bros. 16 estimated at $62,000. A Vindictive Murderer. A terrible tragedy occurred in Wall itiett. New York, when a vindictive young man. Aiphonso J. Stephens, shot and mortally vronnded Lawyer Clin ton G, Rryuoids, J ho murderer id ! Vt ft fe9M Ifl tf S?i kit! ing just arrived on tha White Star steamer Majestic from Liverpool. The cause of tho tragedy was as follows: Stephens father carried on tbe fruit business in New York. He died two yours ago leaving his wife sole executrix. Alphonso carried on the business, but converted much of it into cash, depositing $50,000 with a 6afe deposit company. He quar reled with and assaulted his mother, and two months-ago went to Europe. During bis absence his mother consulted Lawyer Reynolds, who cd vised an at. tachment against him and tbe safety deposit company. He probably heard of this on his arrival and at once went to Reynolds' office, where he held an inter view with him in the inner office. Hear ing a shot fired the occupants of the outer office rushed in and found Stephens standing over Reynolds with a smoking revolver in the hand and Reynolds prob ably fatally wounded, with a bullet wound just below the heart. Stephens was ar rested and Reynolds was removed to a hos pital. Kobbed tbe Old Man. Another young man turned ingrate and another old man cheated out of the sav ings of a lifetime; more than $50,000 lost in confidence displayed by a man of over CO in a boy of less tban '21 a boy whom he had come to look upon as a son and whom he was to make his heir;tte boy out of reach of tbe officers of the law for the time being, at least, but another confiden tial associate of the old man, suspected of. complicity in the robbery, safe in a cell at police headquarters in New York, whSre Inspector Byrnes, with the utmost attempt at secrecy, has held him for nearly a week. Briefly put, this is the Btory in which the old man part is played by John H. Wallace, the veteran editor and proprietor of MiUace'H Monthly, which is known the country over as an authority on matters relating to trotting horses. Robert L. Wallace, who called the elder man uncle, and had re ceived more favors at bis hands than most nephews, plays tho part of youthful ingrate and thief; and Leslie E. MacLeod, confi dential associate of John H. Wallace, as he was associato editor of Wallace's Monthly, plays the part of th9 suspected accomplice of the lad in his deliberate scheme of plunder. It seems that Mr. Wallace had absolute confidence in his nephew and allowed him to catry the keys to his safe deposit box and to attend to all his bank business. Tho result is the loss of $3-1,000 worth of bonds and about $20,000 in cash. A IJeifiii of Teiror in Florida. News has been received from Cedar KeysFla., that that city has been in a tetrible commotion since Saturday. The mayor and marshal ere holding high carni val. The lighthouse keeper had a pistol discharged at him while he was on tbe street and warned to keep off the street. An inoffensive man, an Episcopal clergy man and his wife, have left the city to avoid horse whipping. The Uoited States collector has been held up by Mayor Cot -trel and his ally, the town marshal, and threatened with imprisonment if ho stepped out of his office, and It. M. Dozier, ngent of the Florida Central railroad, was way laid and an attempt made to shoot him. The telegraph operator was terribly whipped by a negro, Mayor Cottrell hold ing a loaded pistol to tbe negro's head and torciu bim to do the whipping. He grossly insulted ladies of tbo town, and iu fact thiuRB are so bad tbat many of the oldest and leading citizens have left tho place, including several ministers. It is a perfect reign of terror, and every person met on the street for the last few days has been armed. Threo Hundred Thousand Dollars Lost in the Failure of Ooren. Wright A Co. The firm of Doren, Wright & Co., Wall street brokers, has announced to its cor respondents its inability to meet its obli gations. E. D. Williams, geneial mana ger of the house, said that no statement would be made for a couple of days. The liabilities, he added, would be iu the neigh borhood of $ 300,000, with only nominal assets. The loss will be distributed all over the country, but no individual loss will exceed $10,000. Williams said that already the firm had received a number of sympathetic and encouraging messages from many persons who were among tin IoEers. Tbo firm has no indebtedness on any of the exchanges in New York. The Boston house has also suspended busi sans. Pastor Berger's Confession. Church circles, of Charleston, Ind.. are troubled by the scandal in which the most prominent clergyman of tbe town is in volved. Rev. Henry Berger, pastor of the German Methodist church, it is said, has confessed to having sustained improper re lations with a handsome and prominent woman of his parish. She, on tbe other Land, denies the charge and proposes to bring a libel suit. Berger held the highest social position, and was very popular, and everybody is astonished that he should make such a confession. He has an in valid wife and a fine family, who feel the matter keenly Since tbe matter became public he has thrown up his license to preach and withdrawn from the church. Tired of Bread and Water. The Cronin prisoners, Burke and O'Sul livan, have been released from solitary confinement. They have been in the dark cell for a week, on the usual diet of bread and water. They were somewhat bleached when turned out, and looked as if they would enjoy a square meal of straight prison diet without any smuggled side dishes. There was no further informing, and nothing more has been disclosed. Tbe officials are satisfied that no more plots will be made. Kansas Crop Suflerins From Drought There is grave danger in northeastern Kansas that the wheat crop will be a fail ure owing to a lack of rain. Farmers say that unless there is rain within three or four days they will plow their fields up and put in other crops. Three weeks ago there was a magnificent wheat prospect, but the absence of rain has stoppped its growth, and it is now beginning to head out at a height of less than a foot. A good ain would save it. Wife and Daughter Asphyxiated. The wife and daughter of President G. Stanley Hall, of Clark university at Wor cester, Mass , were found dead in bed, ac cidental suffocated by gas, which escaped during the night from a defective burner. President Hall is out of the town. Medi cal aid, which was promptly summoned, proved of no avail. Presented to the Czar. Charles Emory Smith, the new Ameri can minister to Russia, presented his credentials to the czar on Wednesday. The czar subsequently gave an audience to Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Josiah Stanford Dead! Joriah Stanford, brother of United States Senator Leland Stanford, and a wall known pioneer of California, died at his home in Oakland of heart disease. Vaui Has a Walkaway. The republicans of Randall's congres sional district will make no noainatioa to !fe TMttt pl) FR03 OYER THE SEA. GEKMAST .VND ENGLAND UNITING TO SECURE AFRICAN TERRITORY. Stanley Quoted as Saying that England's Apathy Makes Bim Very Weary Emln Pasha Has Information Which Would Prove Sensational Free Trade Losing Ground. During the debates on the East Africa :redits in the reichstag, Baron Von Mar shall explained that tbe mission of Emin Pasha in Africa on the part of the Ger mans would be confined to establishing friendly relations with those tribes in the interior who are within the German sphere af interest, and to estimate the cost of sventually forming some fortified stations in the interior. In the negotiations with England, regarding tbe boundaries of their respective possessions in Africa, the pie dominating wish of Germany was to go hand in hand with England and to cultivate tbe common interests of both countries. The object was not to ac quire as much territory as possible, but to keep together what was naturally con nected by a course of waterways, as a means of communication. On this point Germany was prepared to come to an un derstanding with England. Gen. Yon Ca privi stated that though he had originally warmly approved the colonial policy of the empire, he agreed with Prince Bismarck tbat such a policy could only be main tained with tbe support of the nation. As matters now stand the government cannot retreat from its position in regard to colo nial affairs without the loss of honor and money. For Commercial Companies. After referring to his past coolness to ward colonization. Gen. Yon Capri vi said that it was the aim of tho government to bring matters in the colonies to a satisfact ory state and than leave the commercial companies to carry on what tbe empire had begun. He fully agreed with Herr von Bamberger that the time might arrive when Europe would require every mark and every man at home. Therefore, he would not send a single mark or a single man to East Africa more than was absolutely necessary. Regarding slavery be said: We muBt found stations, and bullet and Bible must act in the cause of civilization. Without billing slave dealers you can never abolish slavery. We hope to be in a position to con duct federal affairs so that the general polioy of Germany will not bo injured, and the just feel ing of national pride will not be wounded. The colonial government, he said, had its origin in the 6ame idealism or romanti cism that unified the empire, There was a surplus of this after the war and it was directed toward colonizing. The move ment was injudicious as if one had only to raise tbe land to conjure forth lumps of gold and ready-made cigars, and was be gun with little practical knowledge or pru dence. Still he cherished the hope that East Africa would become a fitting sphere for the investment of private capital. England Wearies Stanley. Mr. Stanley, in an interview regarding the German movements in Africa, said that he was wearied by England's apathy and pliancy in regard to the operations being carried on by the Germans. If England continued to remain inactive tho Germans would secure paramount influence in Af rica. Following the advice given by him self, the Germans went to Africa in 1883, and bis advice had been repeatedly sought and accepted by them since tbat time. The emperor and the Fatherland, Mr. Stanley said, are backing Maj. Wissman, and it is impossible for him to fail in his undertak ings to advance German interests in Africa. Could Create a Sensation. Dr. Zucchinetti of Cario has received a letter from Emin Pasha, dated Bag amoyo, March 31. In this letter Emin says: "When I left tbe hospital I found myself be tween the English and the Germans. My de cision to return to the heart of Africa in the In tel est ot the Germans was soon taken when i saw that tho English were endeavoring to (de rive advantages from the prestige of my name. With reference to btanley and Tippoo Tib, I havo information in my possession which, if published, would create a great sensation. Stanley will be the first to stir np people against me. Free Trade Losing Ground. Mr. Gladstone, speaking at the Cobden club, said that the free traders must recog nize with great disappointment how much ground they have lost within the last twenty-five years. Militarism, which was lying like a vampire over Europe, was responsible for most of the mischief, but not all, because free trade had receded in countries where militarism does not pre vailthe United States and the British colonies. The great republic, he said, had never accepted the doctrines of free trade. There was once a kind of qualified progress to ward them, which was checked, and opin ion hnAmfl fff0raiciVA Still tliavo ,a great promise that the American free trade A party would ultimately triumph at the polls. Regarding bimetalism, he believed that its advocates smelt therein a speedy rise in prices. It was a movement in the direction of protection. Stanley Lionized. The London reception to Stanley in Guild hall was an enthusiastic affair. A dense crowd thronged the approaches and the guests numbered 2,000. The lord mayor presented the explorer a gold casket containing an address from the cor poration of London. Stanley in re turning thanks said Congo might have be longed to England had Englishmen list ened to hia lectures between 1879 and 1884. Belgium was reaping 100 per cent. England might have had east Africa, but her jour nalists see everything through an opaque glass. Germany to-day has the lion's share and cannot fail to win in the long run. Wissmsnn never heard of such things as Quakerisms, peace societies, anti-enterprise companies and namby-pamby journalism all of which are clogs to every hearty endeavor made by England. He hoped the govern ment would remember the services of his companions and not chill their young souls with tbe neglect which first warped poor Gordon after his heroic achievements in China. Steamers to Africa. The contract between the German gov. eminent and the East Africa Steamship company provides for the payment to the company of a subsidy of 990,000 marks an nually. The company on its part under takes to maintain for ten years a main line of steamers from Hamburg to Delagoa bay. None of these steamers shall be below 2,200 tons burden, and their average speed shall be ten and one-half knots per hour. These steamers will call at a port in either Belgium or Holland, and at Lisbon, Na ples, Fort Said, Zanzibar and Dar-es-Sa-lam. The company will also establish a coast line from Zanzibar to Lames. The steamers of this line will call at Bagamoya, Saadani, Fsngani, Langa, Dar-es-Salam, Pemba and Mombasea. Another coast line will be established from Zanzibar to In hambana, the steamers of which will call at Silwa, Lindi, Ic-o, Qnillimane and Chi- letat. NEBRASKA NUBBINS OP NEWS. Nebraska Farmers Win. The supreme court has decided the cele brated Elmwood elevator case. Something like a year ago the Farmers' alliance at Elmwooi appealed to tbe Missouri Pacific 'or tbe right to erect an elevator on the right of way at tbat place, and was re fused. .It then carried tho case to the state board of transportation aud seemed an order on the company to comply with the request. Tbe company refused to obey and Attorney-General Leese, on behalf of the board and the alliance, applied to tbe enpreme court for a writ of mandamus to compel the rail road company to respect the orders of the board. The couit granted the writ, thti9 sustaining the action of the board. This ilecisiou is regarded as an important one, as it settles the question of tbe jurisdic tion of the board of transportation over this class of cases. It also settles the right of the people to erect elevators at the company's stations and be accorded equal shipping facilities with all others. Thir was a test case on which the fate of fully t dozen other cases in various parts of the state depended. Vubbins of Nebraska Xewi. SeveraTj wild horses were seen last week in McFherson county. The Catholics of Barucston will erect a $2,000 church cdific?. The Baptists of Fremont are raising a fund for a parsonage. It is roported that there arc now over 30,000 head of cittle in Thurston county. The Fifth district W. C. T. U. will hold its convention at Superior June 11 and 12. A Soxs of Veterans cami has b?en organized at Ulysses, with a membership of thirty. The largest bell for the Bow Valley chimo of six, weighing 2,800 pounds, has jut been taken from the depot at Har tington. For the shooting of William Xe?, at Crawford, several da3S ago, Timothy Spring was held without bail under the chirga of murder and remanded to jail. WEiiLS, the Logan county murderer, was convicted in the disttict court at Gaud;, of murder in the second degree and Fenteuced to eleven years in the peniten tiary. According to instructions from the board of supervisors the county attorney of Custer couuty has commenced suit against delinquent subscribers to the court honso fund. Mrs. Anna Parzak, wife of a well-to-do Bohemian farmer near Dodge, com mitted suicide by jumping into a well forty feat deep. Her husband was an cyo wit ness, but was unable to render any assist ance. While Mr. Cone, of Guide Rock, was trying to release a cow tbat had become entangled iu some wire, the animal kicked and Cone's finger was caught between the wiro a nil a board and smoothly ampu tated. A son court-house with walls about three feet thick is being built on the n6w county scat site iu McPherson county. There has been some talk go iug the rounds that an effort would be male to have tho commis sioners abandon tho sod building being built and erect a frame one. "This is all bosh," sbvh the McPherson New. "The members of the board are too level-headed to pay any attention to anything so absurd as suoh a proposition at the present time, and are heartil- in accord with the resolu tion of tbe mass convention to the effect that 60 long as the people of the county live in sod quarters the officers should be content with like quarters. When an of fi :er feels above the people they should take a drop on him." A g un club has been organized at Sidney. The Sons of Veterans have organized a camp r-t Lyons. Fremont tourists are planning an ex cursion to Yellowstone park. The farmers of Dixon countv will start a co-operative general merchandise store. At Harvard saloonkeepers are being pros ecuted for selling adulterated whiskv. Prof. Hicks, stato geologist, is of the opinion, since investigating tho flowing welis of Dixon aud Holt counties, that the Dakota artesian or water-baaring strata extends into Nebraska. The McCook Gazelle m a temperance article says: "McCook recognizes that water may be excellent for bathing pur pones, and also for navigation, but it will never be popular in thiB city as a bever age." While the little son of M. A. Kieff, living near Rushville, was in tbe act of un harnessing an ox the animal was struck and -killed by lightning. The boy was se verely shocked, but is apparently as well as ever. Lincoln R. Petit, alias Harr- Smith, and Thomas Lilly, confined in the Central City jail on the charge of burglary, worked their way to freedom with the aid of a bed slat, and have not been heard from since. James Pummel, of Auburn, was at tracted by a peculiar noise in the rear of his premises and saw the leg of an infant protruding from a manure pile. Tho child was recovered and it is thought will live. Jennie Blunt, an orphan girl 18 vears of Dg, was suspected and admitted being the mother of the child. Stafford Woodhcll, aged 10 years, and Meg-the-tain, aged 33 years, Omaha Indians on tho reservation, were last week, by Judge Downs, of Thurston county, licenced to marry. They have lived to gether after the Indian custom until they have a good 6ized family, some of the children being about grown, says the Lyons Mirror, but if they are to be white people hereafter, clothed with full-fledged citizen ship, they want to be married after tho custom of tbe whites. Peter Hiltman, aged 10 year, was pushed under a nose cart at Nebraska City and had his leg mashed so badly tbat am putation was necessary. " An exciting scene took place at a burial in Syracuse, N. Y., the family monument falling, smashing the coffin and precipitat ing it, the body and a pall bearer into the grave. A new coffin was soon obtained and the corpse buried. The important work of draining the Roman marshes, on which the Italian Gov ernment has been engaged since 1881, is now well advanced towarl completion. The work can only be carried on at cer tain seasons of the year, owing to the uu healthfulcess of the district. A Lancaster, Pa., horse was bitten Borne time ago by a rabid dog, which was afterwards shot. Mr. Harvey carefully attended to his horse and expected to save him, but all the well known symptoms of hydrophobia soon developed." The horse bit his stall, snapped viciously at every thing within reach, and finally died after suffering intensely. It is an interesting point in American history if, as stated, the confedrate gruv uniform was borrowed from the Firt Vir nuia Recimcnt. wLiih borroed it from Jhe Seventh New York KeJiuent. Tbo rotftderatc long "Dixie" was of northern ruthonbip WASHIXGTOXWiniXGS. FARMERS WANT ai6.O00.000 WITH WHICH TO BUILD WAREHOUSES. Opinions That the Recent Original Park age" DeclMin Affects States Having High License Northwestern Congressmen Will Stand Together for Liberal River and Harbor Appropriations, Etc. If the opinions of some eminent men are correct, the recent "original package" decision by the supreme court is of as much interest in a high license state as in Iowa or any other prohibition 6tate. The opinion is expressed freely that it applies to high license as well as prohibition laws. Senator Hoar has taken occasion to ox press himself to that effect. Ex-Gov. Dingley, who represents a disttict of Maine in tbe lower house, and who is counted a clear-beaded lawyer, had ex pressed the opinion that the decision ap plies precisely to high license as it does to prohibition. The position which these meu are forced to take is tbat if the pas sage of a law prohibiting the sale of liquor in "original packages" is uncon stitutional interference in inter-state commerce, tbe passage of a law requiring payment of n high license for selling "original pakagos" is an interference of precisely the same na ture. Senator Hoar went so far as to say that under the decision tbe power of tie state to regulate the sale by local op tion, prohibition or license were alike un lawful. If au "original package" may be a pint flask or a tciled miniature demijohn containing a single drink, tho effect on the sale in high license states would prac tically exempt outsido shippers, who could do an almost retail business under tho op eration of the state law. A new bill has been introduced by Mr. Wilsou, of Iowa, conferring on tbe states the power to rog ulate tho handling of imported liquors, to which tha same objection was made on tho ground that this power could not be dele gated to the states. A good deal of appre hension is expressed from men from high license 6tates that the decision will seri ously affect tbe working of the law. .'AKMEKS' ALLIANCE IIEAItlXtJ SIK.OOO.OOO Wanted to Build Warehouse. The hearing of the Farmers' alliance representative was continued by tho ways and means committee. Mr. Livingston, the national lecturer of the organiza tion, took up the argument. He quoted President Lincoln's prophecy tbat the corporations would be enthroned; that the property of the country would be concentrated and the republic itself over thrown. Thank God the last prediction was not fulfilled, but the others bad been. One-twentieth of tho people owned three Gfths of the property. If congress refus-d to approve tho sub-treasury plan, I hen let it remove the restrictions hedging in tho national banking system. The farmers would say nothing about trusts and combinations and the con centration of money if they could hold their crops in sub-treasuries and were not compelled, as at present, to soil them at stated times. It would be a godsend to tbe country to pass tbe sub-treasury bill for tho reason, if for no other, that there would not he n bucket shop left in the United States. Tbe day of specula tion in crops would be done away with and tho producer and consumer would be brought together. Sixteen million dollars would build all tbe warehouses tbe alliance wanted. What good were river and harbor im provements to the debt-ridden, oppressed farmer? In conclusion he said tbat if the com mittee thought a landed basis best; if they could not accept a crop basis, let them put it in the bill. "Do something to relieve the farmers. Don't make it a question of tariff or politics, but let the bill stand on its merits." NORTH WESTERN COXtiKKSSM EN. They Will Stand Together for Liberal River and Harbor Appropriation. Considerable opposition is being devel oped to the river and harbor bill, but there is no probability that it will be put off un til next session, as suggested in the same report, but will probably be taken up as soon as the tariff bill is out of the way. The delegation from Washington is not al- ' together satisfied with the bill and will make a strong fight to amend it in tbe senate, even nt the expense of Oregon. The Washington senators are already pre pared to make n fight for their state and have introduced and had referred to the commerce committee amendments to the bill covering the points needing immediate attention. The Oregon people are willing that Washington shall get all that is pos sible, but will object to any changes at the expense of their state. In tbe latter ' state improvements have been goiDg on , partially for years, and in tbe present bill provision is made for the expenditure of sufficient sums to make improvements in stead of barely keeping up tbe work begun years ago. Senator Allen says that the new state senators will have something to say upon the appropriation for surveys, and that all will stand together upon the ques tion when it comes ap for consideration in the senate. Tbe senators from North and South Dakota and Montana have joined in and will work together to secure something like just appropriation. The semte com mittee on commerce has began consid eration of the bill as reported to the house so as to be able to make a prompt report on it to tho senate when it reaches there. Speaking of the action of tbe committee, Chairman Frye said he had no doubt the bill would pass the house. Appropriations too Small. The vice-president has laid before the senate a statement from Secretary Noble in which that official urges the necssity of , larger appropriarions to be expended in the surveyor-general's office in South Da kota. The secretary calls attention to the fact that the opening of tbe Sioux reser- I vation will necessitate an unusually heavy expense, and believes that the appropria tions called foriu tbe legislative, executive and judicial bill are too small. Interrsted In the Indians. The secretary of the interior is in favor of uniting tbe Indians at the Pine Ridge i agency, South Dakota, and those at the Tongue River agency, Montana, an I lo cating them upon the Crow or some other reservation. The president believes such 1 an arrangement would promote the best ; interests of both bands. A National University. Mr. Edmunds has introduced in the sen ate a bill to establish at Washington a uni versity of the United States, to be con trolled by the United States. A sum not exceeding $500,000 is to be appropriated for grounds and buildings, and $3,00 ,Q'tf is to be i6t aside as a cerpetual fund. lht institution is to be non-sectarian. I SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. Hamburg is in durkne&s, owing to s strike of workmen in the gas woiks. The Southern Baptist convention nl Fort Worth, 'J ex., has adjourned to meet at Birniogfaaa in May nest, CHARLES RANDOLPH TALKS. He Does Not Itemeittbrr How He Left Chi cago His lleallti Improving. Charles Randolph, ex-secretary of th9 Chicago board of trade, has been found at Portland, Ore., after tbr-:e days' search. H said: I have been in TorttaiM KSverdl weeks. My family knows where I aui. and I did not know that any one else cared lam not skulking or trying to keep undercover I hive nothing to conceal, nothing to shield, but I am at a loss to understand why any one in Chicago should be wotried about me. How did I ha; psn to leave C hicao so suddenly, do you ask '.' Well. I don't I now There i3 no nee t of asking me that. You kro-.vjuet as much about it as 1 do. The circumstance of my leaving is a blan to me. and 1 iloubt whether I ever will be able to tell. I l:noi I wai sick, tired ana worn out. 1 mut havo loft on tho spur ef the iiioiii-nt. I havo been under tho harrow for." years, and naturally the old michlnery began to show evidence of wetir and weukl'inn;;. I F3 not holding nny position in t hi -ao at tlio time of my loavtng Failing h a'th compel ed me t give up work several years ao. Cp tJ November lakt I wa I'reAldont of thu Amirican Fire Proof Steel C r company. A sudden sick spell made me re sign my position with thrt company and since that titno I have been trying to take it easy. Having been engaged itt active pursuits foi nbout forty yearn. I find no pleasure iu doing nothing, and I um afraid I will never be my Belt evaln. t'pon my arrival in this city I rngased a ijuiet room a pli rt distance beyond tho Port laud hotel, and I am now trviut; to recuperate my hea'th. ! am still very sick, but f?ol that 1 in improving. My catnrrli, which used to give me considerable trouble l.ni left me, and 1 think that a short sojourn Ler will prove bcnoliciol to my health. The Cr gon ilimate seems to agreo with me. The only man 1 know in Portland i S. H. Montgomery. wnS was a delesateto tbo naticnal trnd-.s conventional the tun" I as te retnry of the national board, although I fia.e met several ULicugo friouds on the street. LYNCHED A WOUNDED -MAN. Fitting End of a Desperate Character in California. A murderer named Griswell, who was severely wounded, was lynched on Mon day. The house where he was confined was a light stmcturo covered with canvas The lynching party armed with Winches ters, compelled tbe surrender of the guards, tbrew blankets over their heads and de tachments took them away. Tbo canvas ceiling was then torn away, n rope thrown over the rafter and a noose slip jed over Grisviell's neck. Ho was drawn up and strangled and the lynchers loft, Griswell was a desperate character anc generally wont armed. Last Wednesday he had nn encounter with Constable Southard in which he shot the constabli who died in a few minutes, but not unti he bad returned the fire and, as was sup posed, fatally wounded Griswell. It wat finally stated that Griswell might recovei and it was understood he rejoiced over thi killiug of Southard and threatened to kill t.iee other citi.cns. This probably pro cipitated the lynching which was threatened at tbe time of Southard's murder, but wa supposed to have been abandoned in view of Griswell's dying condition. TROURLKS IN TEXAS. The Farmers' Alliance or the Lone Star State In Serious Trouble. After tbe dispatch bad been sent out from Austin a few days ago announcing a suit against the Farmers' alliance man agers at Dallas it was deemed expedient by prominent alliance men tbat matters be kept quiet a short time. Yesterday all grounds for further secrecy ended when tbe attorney announced a suit enjoining tbe publication of the Mercury, and not for or against its present managers. Two other suits will be instituted against the old alliance. The allegations set forth some grave charges, and show a woeful state of affuit and deplorable misuse and waste of funds. Hundreds of thousands of dollars sent up to Dallas, it is alleged, have been frittered away, and tbe alliance men assert the sum will reach over $1,000,000. Vhiix Nominated to Succeed Randall. Hon. Richard Vaux was nominated for congress by the democratic convention in Philadelphia to fill the vacancy caused by tbe death of Samuel J. Randall. A special election in tho third district will be held May 20. Vaux is a native of Philadelphia and was born in 1816. During President Van Burens' administration he acted as secretary of the American legation at London. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. Near "eridian. Miss., Whito Caps set fire to the cabin of a negro nsmed Ander son. Anderson ran out, fired into tbe crowd, killing Louis Land and wounded two others and escaped. Leslie MacLeod, tbe associate editor of Hace' Monthly, of New York, has been discharged. MacLeod was charged with being implicated with Robert L. Wal lace in stealing bonds from John H. Wal lace, proprietor of tbe monthly. While a number of children were play ing in an excavation for a cellar in Brook lyn the embankment caved in upon them, and Arthur Taylor, aged 8 years, his brother John, aged 3, and Percy Weaver, aged 8, were smothered to death. At Bangor, Maine, James McGnire. respondent in tho "Original Package" case, was fined $100 and costs or ninety days ic jail, it being held that he was amenable to state laws. He has appealed the case Dee Griffin, a negress near Hunts ville, Ala., gave birth to illegitimate twins George Griffin and John Robertson, negroes, killed both and sewed the bodies up in a shawl, which they left in th woods. the Markets. Hloax City Live Stock. Hugs Estimated receipts, 1.600; oSstal yes terday, 3.392. Market opened rather slow with prLes ruling firm at 24c nfgber than last night's close and about fc higher thaa yesterday more Ing. Everrthlngs sold at .1.92'vl 18. Cattle Estimated receipts. 300; official yes teday, 500 Shipments. 565. No good eattlc here ; market dull and lower on ccmrr.cn infer ior offerings. Quotations: Fat steers, prime, $3.90 "4.25; medium to good. 3.C5S.5; feed ers, choice 900 to 1.000 pouBds,$3.40 9Mt; me HUM to good, j. 15 S.:r; stookers, cboiee, Sr4.uo.ea.iO ; medium to good, 3 9033.00 inferior, 2.263160; cows, extra choice, a.75a3oo-. medium to good, $2.40 ?.f 5 ; common to infer ior. SI.T5 2.25 ; canners. 75c f 1.50 ; yearlings, choiee. $.'.5033. 00; common, (1.50&.75 ; tail ings. C2-00 1.25 ; bulls, choice, $Z692.75 : com mon. 2.G0&&25; veal ealves, poor to ehoi-e, S2.C034.00. South Omaha Live Stock. Hogs Estimated receipts, 3.500 ; official yes terday. 5,f7C. Market opened c higher; selling at S.34.00: bulk at S3 90. Cattle Estimated receipts, feCO; ofEcisi yes terday, 2,fc50 ; shipments, 63 cars. Market steady to a shade stronger. Chicago Live Stock Hogs Receipts 17,000. Market active and 5c hirher. Light, $3.9554.20; heavy packing and shipping. St.1034.20. Cattle Becsipts, 1I.C00 Market steadv. B-eTes-S3.90i5.15; itockers and feeders. S2.S0 Sheep Beesipts, 5,000. Market strong. Na tives. S4.8US3.3u; westerns. $4t0&3.2. Chicago froduce. Wheat Steady; cash. 94 Sic; June, OlUc, JuIt. Sic Cera Steadi ; cash, 34Jc , June, 3 1 He. ; July, 31Ac Oats Firm; cash, 23c; June, 27:-c; July, 2716. Rye Steady ; 52c. Barley Firm. Prime Timothy Steady; 1.28 1.2. Flax seed Firm; S1.45. Whiiky-Sl.Cri lork bull; cash. S12.37.U; Jmie, SU.43: JuU-. 1 GO. Provisions Lrtl dull; easb, .:; Jane, 9.MJ illy. sVHi. tfHE OLD RELIABLE Columbus State Bank Jill 111 If llll (Oldest State Bank In the State.) PAYS INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS, MAKES LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. ISSUES SIGHT DRAFTS ON Omaha, Chicago, New York, and all Foreign Countries. gEIXS STBAMSniP TICKETS. qUYS GOOD NOTES And Help Its Customers when they Need Help OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: liwBk GEBBABD. President. 9 O. W. HULBT, Vice-President. JOHN STAUFFEB, Cashier. JUNIUS A. BEEP. It. H. HEN BY. HBBM -OT- CObUMBUS, NEB., -BAB AN- jWgrt.,or$5oo;ooo oftrICB8t g.U. i CH. Vice Pre. AJf, CajMer, SCHRAM. AM't Cash. iliQill 8TOCKBOU)KS: J. T TWkor Oealriok, Carl Brake, w. A. McAllister. H. M. Wiaslow. Arnold F.ta. Oehlrich. aaakdextaait: interest allowed on time ea<V;felyUd'saU exchange oa United States anaEdtppe, and bdyaad sell available securities. W shall be pleased to receive your basins?. We yliflitjfOUr pawoaage. Kdec37 FORTHS WBSTHItN GO fTAGB ORGAN dAtx on A. ft M.TURNER Or G, W. KIMLiEB. Trssvellasit Kasleaaana. oraasa are first-class in every par.. SOMFFMTH I PUTN, DBatgaa in WIND MILLS, AD PUMPS. BucUye Mower, combined, Self Binder, wire or twine. PiBfi Repaired oi hrt lotice OTOm $ west of HeinU'a Drag Store. Uth 9ekcWSt.N.b. 17novW-tI rri; fMCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH -Ja.X- U. P. Depot, Columbus. Hmartf HENRY GrABS. TJISrPERT A KEB ! COFFINS AND METALLIC CASES fff9tfairin of allkin4$tf Ufhol- . fCeVf- Uew5. ttf CtLVaWri.KBUUnA, KELTONi! piT llir wltff m$' Willi;!;: IkfHVI ON e - m J m K ' s a V tfL