The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 14, 1890, Image 2

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    iV s;?r
Ours is the Place to Trade and SAVE MONEY.
r "aam
e . ' A.
i ..
F .
So i
ta Jr.
Goods !
' We offer this week 24 pieces of strictly
all-wool French JVIalage. 44-inch wide at
"65e yd, worth $1.00 yd. These fabrics
are light-weight, for Spring and Sum
mer wear.
' 52-inch Gloria Luatro Mohair in black
and colors, the correct thing for Summer
wear; most serviceable fabrics made, 85c
worth $1.2.1.
Brilliantines In every conceivable
' shade over 20 different effects and
qualities to select from.
Plaid Brilliantines in superb colorings
and combinations from 35c to 70c yd.
Lace Effect Brilliantines, 46-inch wide,
45c, selling in Omaha at 75c
38 inch Colored Cashmeres for this
week at 17c yard.
J. A. Barber & Co.
Columlms gjotiraal.
Entered at the Post-office, Colurabne. Neb., as
second-class mail matter.
Columbus, Neb.
Oa rear, by mall, postage prepaid, $2X0
Six months. !"
Three months T.
Payable in Advance.
tJr8pecimen copies mailed free, on applica
When subscribers change their place of resi
dence they should at onco notirj us by letter or
postal card, giving both their farmer und then
present post-office, Uie first enables us to r-ailiij
and the name on onr mailing lit, from nhi-h.
being in typo, ve each week print, either on the
wrapper or on the margin of yourJocuNAL, t!i
date to which your tui script ion is paid r i.c
aounted for. Remittances hould be rni-iti.
ither by money-order, registered letter or dn.f'
payable to the order of .
M. K. Tcbneb & Co.
All commnnioations, to secure attention, nwrt
be accompanied by the fall name of the writer
W teserse the nght to reject any mntm-ci-iitf.
and cannot agree to return the same. W
correspondent in every school-district
Platte county, one of good judgment, and re
liable in ever way. Write plainly, each itei
separately. Give as facts.
Ddkikg a terriGc thunder storm that
raged in Paris last Friday, Eiffel tower
was struck by lightning six times. No
damage was done.
"Wednesday at Kearney the 2 years
old son of James Sestella got hold of a'
bottle of carbolic acid, and swallowed a
considerable quantity eC JL. Death re
sulted in a few hours.
The Pittsburg Times expresses the
opinion that Speaker Reed "has a well
filled head that has not been developed
at the cost of his spine and his day is
not over by a great deal."
Church Howe is a tolerably "smart"
politician, and a very active manipula
tor, bat Nebraska legislation would
grade one degree purer if he shall be
left at home the next session.
Frederick Leach, a wealthy farmer
of Candice, N. Y., was shot and instant
ly killed by Frank Lamont, a farm
hand, whose time had expired and who
had been discharged by Leach.
The loss of life at the Long Point
'Aire, spoken of in last week's issue, is
now placed at not fewer than 100 lives,
perhaps nearly 200; seven nuns perished
property loss, 1,500,000; insurance
The asylum for the insano at Longue
Point, nine miles from Montreal was de
stroyed by fire, at 11:30 a. m.. May 6th.
There were 1,300 persons in the asylum
and it is supposed that 100 to 150 per
ished in the flames.
i . ii i i
A very Butler, the 14 years old boy
who shot and killed his father at Clin
ton, N. C, has been sentenced to be
hanged Jane 10th. In his testimony on
bis own behalf he said that his mother
urged him to do the deed.
Conductor Boahhier of the Iron
Mountain road, was killed Monday
night of last week by a tramp. Boah
mier ordered the tramp off the train, and
was shot in the breast. The tramp was
arrested and admitted his guilt.
The Rev. Dr. Talmage says: "There is
no happiness in this world for an idle
woman." Mr. Talmage should reserve
his- sympathy for the overworked wo-
nian The idle woman can derive eon-
,. siderable pleasure from a 25-cent novel
and a! $5 poodle-dog. Norristown Her-
aia.. ."
. !
Chas. Clark, a young farmer of Free-
'fiort, Banner county, this state, rejected
Dy a young lady whom he wished to wed,
, jisB Mary, Mclntyre, called on her one
evaningjately, and being again refused,
tie drew a revolver and shot her twice
and then' blewhis own 'brains out. The
lady's wounds may not prove fatal.
Evkbjt republican former should go
iato the alliance and then attend the
jsrisaaries and conventions in order that
the alliaBoe principles may be represent
ed in the republican conventions. In all
probability this will be a yearcoted for
ticket scratching, and the party that
i the best men will have the best
for sucoess. Omaha Bepnbli-
Monday of last week, a cyclone visited
8lt Creek, -Hood county. Tex. -The
residence of Lee Rhodes was blown
down, and. twenty persons instantly
killedand others senonsly injured. At
Fall Creek, a dozen bouses were wreck
ed and many persons injured. The
dssoage to homses, fences, fruit and
'crops was ray great At Acton four
persoas vers killed and many houses
desaobshed. At Robin Creek, eight
were killedfive of them mem-
'of one family. Hail completely
ilsstiojnd the crops and fruit in
Thousands of yards of goods, Lawns selling thi
week at 3 cents a yard.
28 pieces of Beige dress good in all colors at
0 cents a yard this week.
4,000 yards of Challies at 6 cents a yard in ele
gant patterns. Never was so cheap.
Sateens 8 cents a yard.
32 inch Sateen in beautiful designs and hnn
dreds of styles to pick from at 12 cents a yard.
' White Goods in plaid, stripes and checks only
6 cents a yard.
Another new lot of fine calicoes that will
stand the tub, soap and water, for this week 4c yd.
Ginghams of all patterns 5 cents a yard; they
cost o at the largest Chicago wholesale houses,
ours is the place for bargains and fashionable goods.
A lady's
Method a Pretty
iti Solution.
Good Hint for
Nobody is safe in his life or property
when the country is overrun by such a
hoard of outlaw's ns infested Crete lasl
week one man killed, another knocked
down and almost choked to death, and
two or three others held up inside of two
or three days is sufficient cause for the
formation of a vigilance committee of
level-headed men to take charge of the
next tramps that make their appearance.
The tramp problem has been on ns for
years and nothing more has been done
than to provide the usual penalties for
jetty larceny and vagrancy. Tramps in
this "country are developinginto outlaws.
They commit highway robbery, burglary,
arson, grand and ietty larceny, rape and
murder whenever opportunity presents
itself. And it is one of the most diffi
cult things to fix the crime uion them
for they come and go without any one
knowing it, and liave, no fixed alnide;
and may be in Crete in the evening and
kill a man, and be in Hastings in the
morning by stealing a ride on the cars,
and no one know it. Crete Democrat.
Any village or city can settle the
tramp problem for themselves, pretty
effectually, by having some work to do.
and compelling the tramps to do it.
Suggestions: chopping or sawing wood
to furnish to the city's poor: street
grading; digging cellars; cracking stone
where needed, to macadamize the streets.
One of our citizens says that his wife
has solved the problem for 'herself, in
this way. She had a wood pile prepared
for this special purpose. When a tramp
applies and asks for something to eat,
she tells him to chop the little pile of
wood and she will give him a good meal.
The pile of wood remains intact, and is
likely to do service for years to come.
Tramps are not banting for work with
the expectation of doing any. They
will shy around the town that makes
them work. They want none of it.
They will avoid it as a snake avoids fire.
Work is the one thing in all the world
that they have no use for. The bread
they eat is sweet to them because it is
the result of the hard labor of some one
else, from the time the seed went into
the ground, until the cold bread is
poked out of the back door. The prac
tical problems of life are mainly wrap
ped up in two words work, wages
and happy is he that seeks the one, and
thus finds the other.
In the assessment of taxes if a man
has money or notes or debts, his debts
are subtracted from his assessment, but
the farmer, though he may owe all he is
worth, is assessed on his real and person
al property, without any exemption. This
is an unjust discrimination in favor of
capital, and rakes millions from the
farmers unjustly every year. The mort
gaged farmer pays tax on the full assess
ment of his farm while as a fuct; the
farm is largely owned by the mon,in the
east who holds the mortgage. Generally
the men who hold the mortgages, pay no
tax on them, but if they do there is an
equal injustice in making the same prop
erty pay doable tax. In either case it
all in the end comes out of the farmer.
How does it corae that in every case
where our presenftaws discriminate, the
discrimination is in favor of capital?
Why is not the farmer somehow and
somewhere allowed the long end of the
whiffletree? The alliance should look
after the tax laws. Cedar Bapids Re
publican. The proposition of Gov. Thayer for
the passage-of a bill enabling Nebraska
to choose three congressmen-at-large at
uext election is favorably received at
Washington. It is evervwhere recogniz-
ed as a matter of justice. The Third
district casts over 70,000 votes for its
member, against 30,000 in New York,
20,000 in Massachusetts and 8,000 iu
Georgia. It is a wrong which should
be immediately righted, and the gov
ernor's suggestion aims to do this in an
ticipation of the census. Kearney En
terprise. The most valuable part of the Singer
Sewing Machine works at Elizabeth, X.
J was destroyed Thursday. Explosion
of tanks of gasoline and benzine added
to the excitement and danger. The loss
is $3,000,000. ' Five thousand completed
new machines were destroyed and
18,000,000 needles. The works gave em
ployment to 300 hands and turned out
a thousand machines a. day.
This Will be of Iatertst.
al committee, appointed at
the fetate teachers' convention held at
Linfcoln in March last, to make arrange-
meats for the comfort and accommoda
tion of the annual meeting of the nation
al educational association to be held at
St Paul in July, hare issued a circular
in reference to these matters, and have
selected the Chicago, Milwaukee & St
Paul railway as the best, route over
which to run a. special teachers' train
(to leave Omaha at a specified time) for
this great ooctswn. 4-ltt
Speaker Reed's proposition, "Federal
supervision of federal elections," is not
being well received in the south. Any
thing done to practically enforce the
theory that the United States govern
ment is the organized will of the entire
people of the Union, in short, that we
are a nation and not a confederacy, is
distasteful to those who hold to the doc
trine that the states are sovereign, and
hora tl.a r,-r,l,f n .nt nr khnm
. " . " .
the Union, at pleasure. Why should the
Union be subject to the .manipulations
of thugs, ballot-box etuffers, bulldozers
and corrupt scoundrels, whether of the
south, or in slum-ruled cities of the
north? There is no reason. Let the
sovereign power of the United States be
extended and firmly felt wherever a
eitien of the Republic is honestly en
gaged in minding his affairs. Evil doers
should neither be consulted in making
the laws or enforcing them. If the gen
eral government is to lie denied the
privilege or ueienaing its own existence
against those who would corrupt the
very source of all political power, then
indeed have we no general government
worth mentioning.
Col. Wesley Bratnard, the well
known breeder of Galloway cattle, sent
in three cars of fat cattle from hb ranch
at St Edward. Delphis Vincent, the
foreman, accompanied the cattle whjch
were very rough and shaggy owing to
the fact that they do not shed their
thick winter coat until along in July or
August, Col. Brainard has been raising
Galloways for some time and now has on
the St Edward ranch, which comprises
two sections of fine land, four thorough
bred bulls, fourteen or fifteen thorough
bred cows and between 300 and 400 head
of high grade cattle. The colonel also
has an extensive ranch near Boulder,
Col., on which he has been introducing
this breed of cattle with very satisfactory
results. South Omaha Stookman.
Waftkiagtoa Letter.
From oar regular correspondent
Senator Frye has reported from the
senate committee on commerce two bills
in which the president is known to be
very much interested; one of them pro
vides for the payment of a bounty 30
cents a ton for every thousand miles
sailed by American built and owned
vessels of more than 500 tons burthen,
and the other provides for the formation
of an American built and owned ocean
service by authorizing the postmaster
general to make contracts for carrying
ocean mails with four classes of vessels
at from $1 to $6 a mile, according to
class, for the outward voyage. Mr. Frye
6tated when making his report that if
these bills became laws he had reason to
know that within three years a line of
the best ships in the world would be put
on between Mew lone ana Jjiverpooi,
and that another line wosud be running
between New York and South America
in less than two years, and these would
be but the beginning. These bills have
been indorsed by boards of trade and
chambers of commerce all over the
country and also by the National Grange
and the Farmers' Alliance, but that did
not prevent two democratic members of
the committee senators Coke and Vest
stating that they did not agree to the
report of the committee. The idea is
too progressive for them.
The idea of an argument between the
senate and house republican caucuses
on a silver bill has, practically been
abandoned. The house will pass the
bill agreed upon and the senate will
amend it and leave it to a conference
committee to arrange a compromise.
The house committee which has been
investigating the civil service commis
sion devoted the greater part of Satur
day to hearing arguments by both sides.
A report is expected from the committee
this week.
Senator Beck dropped dead of heart
disease in the Pennsylvania railroad
station here, Saturday afternoon, but a
few feet from where President Garfield
was shot in 1881. Mr. Beck had just
retnrned with his daughter and his pri
vate secretary from New York City. He
was the ablest democrat in the senate,
but for several years oast he has not
taken an active part in congressional
work on account of his health.
The house has passed the diplomatic
appropriation bill, also the legislative,
executive and judicial appropriation bill.
The president has signed the bill pro
viding a temporary government for the
territory of Oklahoma.
Representative Henderson, of Iowa,
has introduced a bill providing a penalty
of 5,000 and imprisonment for five
years, or both for sending obscene liter
ature through the mails.
Representative McCreary of Kentucky
is one of the few level-headed democrats
in the house: Saturday afternoon he
made a strong speech in favor of recip
rocity with the South and Central Amer
ican republics and stated bis belief that
the recent Pan-American congress would
be recorded in history as a success, and
that it would be remembered as the first
step in the social and commercial union
of the American republics. The speech
was frequently interrupted by the ap
plause of the house.
The date when the McKinley tariff
bill will go into effect has been changed
to July 1,1891.
Secretary Windom thinks the amount
of money in circulation should be in
creased at least $50,000,000 a year.
Senator Stanford has returned from
California but his health not having
improved, he has announced that he in
tends going to Europe the latter part of
Good English Pins, 2 papers for 5c.
Hairpins lc bunch.
Perfume at less than half price.
Kirk's highly scented Toilet Soap, 5c, Cc, 7c, 9c
and 10c per cake, worth double.
Dress Stays, 10c a set.
Embroidery Silk, 10c doz.
Skirt Wool Braid, 5c per roll.
Whale-bone Dress Stays, 15c per doz.
Rec Racs 4, 5 and Gc per bunch.
Novelty Braids in all No's.
Coat's or Clark's Thread, 6 spools for 25c.
Hair Crimpers, 10c doz.
The house has passed the senate anti
trust bill with an amendment which is
aimed at the dressed-beef monopoly.
Senator Vest has made a lengthy re
port upon the investigation made by his
committee of the fresh meat traffic. He
says the railroad and steamship compa
nies discriminate against the shipment
of live cattle in favor of the dressed
beef people all the time. The committee
has prepared a bill which it claims will
enable the interstate commerce com-
uuu i put a oit-p mi wir, uxourtuiiuo-
mm tfctV S 4Ta IT Mlntk V& rM t tbit f A
1 tton.
Plenty of dust and no rain, small grain
is beginning to suffer some.
There was a slight shower here last
Friday and quite u heavy rain only two
or three miles north from us. But we
are not despairing yet, and quite confi
dent that we'll have lots of it before we
don't wish any more.
Gotfned Marty is the father of a
liouncing lioy and Gotfried does not
look as if he regretted it either, "not
j mucj,
We are glad to hear that M. Jenni is
almost well again.
There is to be a new bridge built near
Henry Willken's. II. Asche doing the
John Doersch, our new road overseer,
is rustling around rousing the farmers
to do their road work. John is a rustler
and we expect some good improvements
ou our. much neglected roads.
M. Brugger was at Xeboville on a visit
After considerable urging our justice
of the peace has accepted his important
office. Now, boys, muster up your cour
age and pop the question. His honor
will, as we hear, tie the knot for half fee
just to start the boom.
Mr. Charles Harnapp and a number of
friends and neighbors celebrated his
birthday last Sunday and a pleasant
time was reported.
John von Bergen was in town yester
day having his hair clipped off.
Mr. Henry Loseke is having several
teams at work, breaking prairie on his
land south of Brugger's.
Henry Huntsman's big barn is finish
ed, a model of substantiality and con
venience. b. T.
The two years old child of A. Alderson
was struck by the Elkhorn west bound
freight Monday afternoon. The child
died Monday night The funeral ser
vices were held in the Tracy Valley
A son was born to Dr. and Mrs.
Smart, Tuesday.
E. H. Leach visited Lindsay Wednes
day. D. Hale returned from Chicago,
Mrs. O. T. Fenner of South Omaha is
visiting friends in Humphrey this week.
Miss Lucy St Clair of Madison pass
ed through town Friday on her way
home from Albion.
F.T. Klebba has rented the Granville
house of Mrs. Stems.
Henry Gietzen and Henry Bering
have purchased the hardware business
of Hinnan and South.
Real EiiUte Peals.
For the week ending May 12th, 1890.
All deeds warranty unless shown.
John C. Htowell and wife to J. C. Fill
man, lota 5 and 6, blk M $ 1,000 00
Thou. Sullivan to Thos. Dean, nw and
e, 8w ana sw;4 or ne?t and nw of
mli 14-18-lw
D. V. Ky C-o. to Henry Hunteman, wi4
PffA fraaVaT ba a . ... ..A- ..
6,400 00
830 00
S20 00
C. U. &, Q. Ky Co. to Joseph Hers, eii
ne1 15-a)-aw
Bron MillPtt to Libbie M. Shannon,
lot a, blk 15, Stevens add
H. J. UrennlK and wife to Mary Lanv.
lot 4, blk 9. IxKkner'a add. to Ham-
1 aj 13
85 00
1,000 00
1.800 W
425 00
1,440 00
1 00
C. K. Hiniuan to H. Geitsan and 11,
Brannitc, part lot 5, blk 1, town of
Joseph Crites et al to Isabella Newman,
nii of e! block II, Steven add
Phillip Dieflenhach and wife to Byron
Dieffenbach. eJJ bwU 32 17-lw
Martin Costello and wife to J. B. Dels
man, lot 1, blk US, city
Anna C. ItoUins to J. ( .. Fillman, con
tract for deed, part lot 4. blk 84
U. P. Ry Co. to J. F. HellbuHch. final
receipt, sel ne 11-lft.le
J. M. Hoffman et al to Maggie E. Jones,
lots 9 and 10, blk 28, Speice's add ... .
J. M. Hoffman et al to Maggie Jones,
lot 10, blk 33, Speice's add..'
Maraie E. Jonea and hnsband to J. T
(iartrell. lots 9 and 10. blk 28, and lot
10. blk 33. Speice's add 1 .300 00
Important Clabblaj; AaaoaarcBicBt.
we are pieasea io announce to our
readers that we have made arrangements
with the publishers of the Nebraska
Farmer, the leading live stock and farm
journal of the west, by which we can
offer it one year with The Columbus
JoubnaIi and the Nebraska Family Jour
nal, all for 82.80, but very little more
than the price of one publication. This
offer is good for renewals or new sub
scribers. Let every one who desires to
take advantage of this liberal offer do so
at once. Address,
M. K. Tubxzr & Co,
Columbus, Neb.
Mr. T. A. Deroven, merchant, Deroven,
La., says: The St Patrick's Pills went
like hot cakes." People who have "once
tried them are never satisfied with anv
other kind. Their action and reliability
as a cathartic is what makes them popu
lar. For stie by all druggist.
Children's Balbriggan gauze vests 15 cents,
worth 25 cents.
Ladies' Jersey vests 10 centseach.
Ladies' ribbed vest short sleeves 25 cent each,
all sizes.
Ladies' Lisle thread vests in cream, pink and
light 39 and 49 cents, a big bargain.
Ladies' long sleeves pure Lisle thread and silk
trimmed vests 75 cents each, worth $1.25.
Ladies' Silk vests in Ecru and cream 79 cents
each, worth $1.50.
Ladies' muslin underwear at less than cost of the
J. I Barber & Comp'y
Happy Hooalew.
Wm. Timmons, postmaster of Idaville,
Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters has done
more for me than all other medicines
combined for the bad feeling arising from
kidney and liver trouble." John Leslie,
farmer and stockman, of same place,
says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the
best kidney and liver medicine, made
me feel like a new man." J. W. Gardner,
hardware merchant, same town, says:
"Electric Bitters is just the thing for a
man who is all run down and don't care
whether he lives or dies." He found
new strength, good appetite and felt
just like he had a new lease on life. Only
50 cents a bottle at David Dowty's drug
Walt Mason, a well known newspaper
man, who has lalmred on several of the
leading papers of this state, has started
a paper in St. Joseph, Mo., styled the
In a recent article in the Youth's Com
panion, on "how to cure a cold," the
writer advises a hot lemonade to be tak
et at bed time. It is a dangerous treat
ment, especially during the severe cold
weather of the winter months, as it opens
the pores of the skin and leaves the sys
tem in such a condition that another and
much more severe cold is almost certain
to be contracted. Many years constant
use and the experience of thousands of
persons of all ages, has fnlly demonstrat
ed that there is nothing better for a
severe cold than Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It acts in perfect harmony
with nature, relieves the lungs, liquefies
the tough tenacious mucous,, making it
easier to expectorate, and restores the
system to a strong and healthy condi
tion. Fifty cent bottles for sale by all
The Kearney Enterprise of the 8th
says the frosts of the past three nights
have injured the fruit; in many instances
proving fatal to the plum and cherry
Baeklea'H Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and-all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by David Dowty. 3
Quite a fire visited Scranton, Pa., on
the morning of the 7tb, which started in
the Bloom carriage works, and before it
could be stopped destroyed eighteen
private dwellings. The loss is said to
reach 9100,000.
Kmarkable Rencae.
Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, 111.,
makes the statement that she caught
cold, which settled on her lungs; she was
treated for a month by her family physi
cian, but grew worse. He told her she
was a hopeless victim of consumption
aud that no medicine could cure her.
Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New
Discovery for consumption; she bought
a bottle and to her delight found her
self benefited from first dose. She con
tinued its use and after taking ten bot
tles, found herself sound and well, now
does her own housework and is as well
as she ever was. Free trial bottles of
this Great Discovery at David Dowty's
drug store, large bottles SO cents and 81.
Schutxhr experienced
Fridav afternoon.
a hail Btorm
UfllrUl Notice. r
clerk's office, Platte dsunty,
rgrXitt., May 8, 1890.
11. iiiHysunceni: in
purs mace OV a petitiomtherefor,
sign d by thewgally reauitite vu ru
ber of members of the board of
supc nriaors, of Platte coiifity, Ne
bras ;a?iiotice is hereby given that a
spec al meiiing of the said board of
supe rvisorswiU be Jield at the court
house in thefclJjoT Columbus, o
TllCJTSDAYjllAY 15, 18, -at
2 o'clock p m., forNthe purpose of
takiasf the formal actios necestary to
apply so muife of the casein treasury
asjpay be properly used therefor,
antrtne lsssjng or reiunuingipanas
atareducjfti rate 'of interest tir the
balaDM thst-eof , in'iedemptiojtof the
$loo,ooocssMatyli wiisi issued to the
Lincoln ifNortliwestemrairay
company! dated Jna. 1, i860, drawing
interest bit 8 per ceit psr annumand
due atthe option gf' the county
board, lite. 1, 1890. And for thi fur
ther pup6pf daring said Isolds
issued f 8ahralway company ite
and payable, (Uj4notliying the boM
ers thereof tftpiisent same for ff
demptio'n4rexchasge and subatiol
tion, and'Jir doingmd performifg
all busiotfs legally pertaining there
to, or anjjf part, or portios;thereof, as
by law wvioAnd-froTided.
Gives! i under nm hand and the
.n "r av
official tal of saidVcounty this day
t A. J
and date Csbove written.
G. W. Phillips.
County Clerk.
i uomtraui
i an wavnm
Io the district court of Platte County, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Evan Davis, de
ceased. This cause came on for hearing npon th
petition of Hugh Hughes. Koanlian of Louisa
Davis, a minor undsr six years of atc, praying
for a license to soil the East half of the South
past quarter (l) of Section Twent-tivo (25),
Township Nineteen (19), North, RangH Three (S)
West, of the 6th principal meridian, in the
county of Platte, State of Nebraska, for the pay
ment of the just debts of said ward, there not
being sntUrinnt goods, chntt-K rights and
credits in the hands of said guardian to ay said
It is therefore ordered that all persons in
terested in said estate and the next of kin of said
ward lie and appear before me at the court house
in Columbus, Platte county, Nebraska, on the
16th day of Juno 1890. at nine o'clock a. m., of
said day, to show cause by a license should not
be granted to said guardian to sell so much of
the above dcribed real estate of said wait! as
shall he necessary to jay said debts and ex
penses. It is further ordered that the notiiv of the time
and place of hearing said petition hall lie pub
lished in Tuk CoLFMBrs Joitrnl four succes
sive wreks.
Dated this 2m h day of April, 1-rtH'.
A. M. Post,
30apr-t JudKeofthe Dittrict Court.
Expert KxaiaUisf ttstHplaBd Expen-diissficwt-Tmh'iTMa-uirer
To the committee of Itutler townshipH
Ofntleuiea: Having been emplgfed to ex
amine the accounts of Chris. Meedej, ex-trvnniir-er
of ISutler township, 1 herewith submit inj
report, which is as follows: ,""
The amount of fundi on hand at Ike expiration
of his term of office, as shown bf Jiis Isxtks, was
Thirteen hundred and eightj-tsree dollars and
thirty cents (tlSUO). j$y
His receipts were as follows:
From W. H. Hess. m fuilnw:
On Cenernl fund....C
Koad fund...:.
Ilrfdt-e fund,-?.
Miscellaneous ..
From the sale of o!d bridtce timber ..
" Cotinty treasurer, as follows:
April 6, 188C ....
January ts.jssT ...:..
111116 JO, 18. ........... .....
October i-0. 1887
Juae 4, lis !...
November 10, 1888
April 21. 1H89
Roaa funds collected ....,
47 US
40 0U
4 01)
1G4 00
. fWOO
. .. :kh
xhould be
On -which the
following credits
given:.? v
Amount brought fot ward
Warrants paid awalM-jmean-.
lase 3C, cash lssik .Ei06 15
4l "
n, -
63. "
70. "
, 15140
"i.". 09
411 T1 Jf 2243
$1383 40
I further find that he itt channel brthe comity
clerk aa having retained the tollarioji collec-
Date, Labor.
Jan 7.1C..S 5900
May 1. Vs. 127 58
Mayi:!,VJ. 93 00
8ept.9.'89.. 12 00
Twp.K'd, TM. Int. Total.
f 831 .jTZUi STOTli
:5' i 9610 aX47
riN '-.-2180 uim
547 547 .27 121
$37158 ?76 4X $15074 .27491107
Balance. $13SU0
Total collections retained S199 07
For wttich he has vouchers in the shape of road
reeelptfand certificates of exemption on account
of a.!
Thirteen drawn in 18SB,
amounting to 9 37 W
Forty Jbur drawn in ltw
amounting to 114 S3
Forty.fetir drawn In 1888
amosatlngto....... .... 1063
Three certificates or ex
empt Ion on acc't of age 9 00
Accounted for above an -
collected OR road fund. SSHfi 292 60
Amount unaccounted for... saw
Total t be Recounted for..
$15a87 warrants lor winch be is given credit as
having paid as shown on the different page of
his cash book were compared with the clerk's
stub book and register of warrants drawn and
they all agreed. The unaccounted-for balance
is due to fiia. (Meedel's) neglect to charge him
self with the collections retained at time of set
tlements with th. county clerk.
Very respectfully.
JE. W. North.
. W. North, being duly sworn, on oath denos-
Bntler townehiD. Subscribed and sworn to be.
fore me this 2Ut day of April, 1890.
SOaprSt K. H. Chambers,
Notary Public.
lite figure 9 in our dates will make a long stay.
Mo man or woman now living will ever date a
iooament without using the figure 0. It stand
In the third place in 1990, where it will remain ten
years and then move up to Mcoud place in 1000,
wkete It will rest for one hundred yean.
There U another "9" which has aUo come to stay.
It is unlike the figure 9 in our dates In the respect
that it has already moved up to first place, where
it will permanently remain. It is called the '-No.
9" High Arm Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machine.
The "No. 9" was endorsed for first place by the
experts of Europe at the Paris Exposition of 1899,
where, after a severecontest with the leading ma
chines of the world, it was awarded the only
Grand Prize given to family sewing machines, all
others on exhibit having received lower awards
of gold medals, etc. The French Government
also reoognized its superiority by the decoration o f
Mr. Nathaniel Wheeler, President of the company,
with the Cross of the Legion of Honor.
The "No. 9" is not an old machine Improved
upon, but u aa entirely new machine, and the
Grand Prize at Paris was awarded it as the grand
est advance in sewing machine mecnanism of the
age. Those who buy it can rest assured, there
fore, of having the very latest and best.
186 aad 187 Wabaa Ave., Caicef
W. KIBLEst, Ltigk, Nrtr.
9S SbbbbbbbbssVII
A mammoth tock ju-t receive I. Rend our
Bargains. .
Ladies' Fast Black Hose. 12i. 15, 1!, 2:J. 25, ,
30 and 50c.
Ladies' Fancy I1W, 5, 8, 10, 12, 20 and 25,-..
Ladies' Cahmerc HW, seamless and regular
made, 25, 373 and 50c.
Ladies Lisle Thread Hose, 25c. worth 50c.
Ladies' and Children's pure Silk IIW from 0e
to $1.50 per pair.
Misses and Children's Hose, inner and solid
black, 5, 8, 9, 12, 19. 25 and 35c.
Boys' Double Knee Hose, 25c.
Gents Sox, 5, 8, 10, 15 and 25c.
Gents' pure Silk Hose, 55c, worth 81.00.
Farm Implements !
Seeders and Harrows.
HtrowbritlKe Krontlcast SoeW. Niagara Cnnv-IWtl wagon Itox rs?pIr. Hood
ier broadcast forre-fml eleven-foot Moiler. TIm lt broadcast tweder on wheels,
which will measure your urain and ground a-i U sows, and make a prellv fuir
estimate of the crop. It will sow anything from a half-grow n timotiiv seed to a
silkdrpRK. Hoosier press drill. Climax disi harrow and seeder combined, i-'li-niav
disc harrow without seeder attachments.
Plows and Cultivators.
Wier plows, Wier cultivators, Wier lever harrows. Wier listers, the onlv per
fect listers made, Wier cultivators for listed corn, something entirelv new. Come
and see it. Price 814, to correspond with the hard times.
Flying Dutchman riding plows, Flying Dutchman walking plows, Flving
Dutchman gang plows. Dandy cultivator, guaranteed to scour in anv soil. Little
Joker tongueless cultivator. Orvis plows. Orvis cultivators, Orvis hollow steel
teeth harrows. Hudlong dwe cultivators, Standard corn planter, .Standard check
rower, the simplest and strongest check rower mad. Drops the corn iu th
right place every time. Maud S. Cultivator, the tieen of all cultivators, has
won the race in corn field as Maud S. has on every race track.
Corif Planters, Drills and Check
Moline Champion
machines in one. and
poor heart good. Tait check rower. Peoria Advance corn planters and cUeclr
Mowers, Binders and Hay Rakes.
Standard mowers, four-, five-, siv-, and seven-foot cut; can lie drawn bv two
horses in the heaviest grass. If you don't believe it, buy on and trv it. Stand
ard hay rakes, Hoosier hay rakes, Tiger self-dump hav rake, which anyone cau
operate. Taylor No. 4 self-dump hay rake. Hollingsworth hay rakes.
Osborn binder, Osliorn mower, Umpire binder, simplest, strongest and light
est binder in Uncle Sam's dominions.
The Minnesota Chief threshing machines. Halladny wind mills. : " "
Grinders and Shelters.
I X L feed grinders and corn shelters and horse powers. Besides a full stock
of extras foreverything in the line of implements. Anything not on hand will be
ordered on short notice.
Goes at reduced prices. No better plnce
you havn't there is no better nlaco to bnv
When you nre'in town come and see
Becker's Block, Tinted and L streets.
E. 0. Fitzpatrick
Baby Carriages, Express WageRs,
13th St., CsImiis, Ntbr.
Gains In lt
UaiiR Central Life lesiraace Co.,
Of Cincinnati. O., made the following
gainx in 1VJ:
A gain in surplus of - - S 126,081 57
A gain in income of - - - 620,557 28
A gain in assets of - - - 1,088,362 11
Gross assets, Dec. 31, 1889 5,665,855 70
New business, 1889 - - 19,623,686 00
Insurance in force in Neb. 1,200,000 00
This solid and prosperous company has a large
business in Colombo and vicinity. Good men
who can seenre business, wanted as agents.
Liberal contracts aad aood territotv riven. Ad
dress. J. M. EMtiarox. Htat Ant
9ac3ia Boon 22, Burr Block, LiBCola, Neb
-. : - - - - a
ami Stationer,
sa g
ns i upis
tarastls, Fat m Lacts.
A M)d, French Saline .Parasol for 45
cents thn week.
P.irnsnls or all descriptions with ?
natural slicks and silver handles 75, 90e.
Sl.iT. 81.50. 82. 50, $?, mill up to $15.
We hawe jnst opened an EleRant line
at 'J. 5. 10. 15. 'jr.. :li 50. 75, 95c, $1.50 and
up to 5 each.
Chantelly Drapery net in black 45 in.
wide- 59, 69. 70, and 8lV np'to &50
Fishnet Drapery II in. wide $1.25 up
to $3.25 a yar.1.
White Laco Drapery net 59, 79, 95 and
$1.20, all extra value.
Children's Lace cups lOo each, a bet
ter one for 15, 19, 25, 33, 45, 50 and 60c.
J. A.
& GO.
corn planter, drill and check rower combined. Thre
for the nrice of one.- Come mid m It Twill ilnvnn
to buy for
on time
cash if you
it, and if
and get a picture for the baby.
ALSYKE Clover,
Blae irass aud Orctianl Seeds
-For $ial; By
for sale in Shell Creek Talley.
war loIatnbuM, containing
acres of iMml. nl , -
under cultiTation: 10 acrm hB.;i ;ni i .
mainder mostly in clow and blue grass pasture
and hay land; 170 fruit tre-apple.ear
cherry, plums, etc., some bearing; all kinds or
ornamental trees and shrnbs; 130 full-bearinc
Krape tim. flie farm entire is fenced, and di
ided intosmall fields by fenc. Dwelling honest
of seven rooms, granary, corn cribs, large horse
stable with hay-mow. cattle barn whieh hold W
tons of hay; hog honse; wells; running wafer
in pasture, lor further particalarsTiaqniw at
Jockxai. office, or address, II. a, care ol Joci
K.utoiumhsis. Asbr. Steaytt
. Informs lus friends and the public he is still
in thebuainessandall orders will have prompt,
attention. Copies of held, not ea and plats fur
nished. Charges to meet the tima rttin kn.
kidKa m