J $vv-1 . 3 - -- GMumlra f -. VOL or XXI-XraiBER i. COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14. 1S9). WHOLE NUMBER IW-i. limrital m I - 3 t n -- ill-. u; i .:; rr i . .. : - ! 1 I l". - DIBECTOBft A. ASTOEBSOJf; Pre.'. J. H. GALLEY, Tice Pr-et. O. T. BOEN, CsaaJer. G.ANBmHON. P. ANDERSON. JACOB GEEISEN, HENRY EAGATZ, . JOHN J. SULLIVAN. First National Bank COLUMBUS. ZTSB. .Statement of Condition at the Close of Business September 33, 18S9. BESOtmCES. "Vn" and Discounts S 103.5H 75 U.S. Bonds . . lG..ftuO0 O'-hoc Mfick and bonds WJXZ 27 RmI Etat Fnrninire.and Fixtnn-- 11.-22 S3 ln- f-nai ntiwr hanks S 1SW.25 - r. rvTr.ra-.irj . B75.0.1 USbh on Hand ;. .. 17,407.42 2S.1CS 67 $ 267,fi23 07 Ll-iBU-ITIES. "apitxl ami Surjilnn. J ndiv .il pr;a:- National KanJr no:--9 ontstnndini? HdiM-nuntH. Dae Depositors ... PO.Oi O uj 7.017 W 13,500 HO 22.439 H 144.W! 7 $ 257.62S 07 Ai.r'JS-V.tf business ards. T - KII.IA.V DEUTCHER AD Y OK AT, Ortim OTor b!ka. uluabuh Stnt? Bank, Colnmbua, 29 s tl.LIVA. fc SEEDER, ATTORXEYS AT LAW, 4 r?i TfT br-ihaa. Firnt National Bank. Columbus, 5U-ti la. i i:o-iti:k. or.vrr scrvetor. "Partii-, dt-irins stirrfjinc don can n. tires mt at Columbus. Neb., or call nt my oflic in Court Hnnw. Smaysa-y J. CKA.HE1I, CO. SUP'T PUBLIC SCHOOLS. I will be in my oSco in the Conrt House, the tjun of applicants for teachers' certificates, and e LruEfcueuon oi oilier ecitoul baaiue-s. ljanan fax. COOKl'S, DRA Y and EXPRESSMAX. Liaht and hparr hanl las. doods bandied with J. P. Becker A Co.V office. car. Headquarters at J, .telephone. 33 and 34 22may5&tf FAUBLE & BRADSHAW. iSvcccstort to Fauble t Sushell), brick: sikjehs ! Uf Contractors and bnUdwrs will find our Drtpk: firat-clafs and offered at reasonable ratt-. We are also prcparwl to do all kinds of brick work, ltimayom M. K. TURNER, ft CO., Proprietors and Pablishers of the CK.TO3Z3 ::7xan. as. t- s:2. rjjcir ;:rrii. Both, post-paid to any addre ss. for $2.00 a yea tricdy in advance. Family Journal, ji.OO a year. W. A. MCALLISTER. W. M. CORNELIUS "11 rcAEdLISTEK &. CO FELIX'S ATTORXEYS AT LAW. Colnmbns; Neb. Office ap rtairs over Ernst t Bchwarz's store on Eleveath streU lflmmjis JOHN G. HIGG INS. C. J. 5 ARLOW, HIGGIHS 4 GARL0W, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Specialty made of Collections by C. J. Gariow. SUm !R. C. BOYD, ariMnMCTCBEB OF Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware ! Job-Work, ioofinj and Gutter ing a Specialty. iy"Shcv p on 13th street, Lhirtee&th street. Kraose Bro.' old 321 stand on 1 Chas. F. Kjcait. Fhank U. Kkapp BROS.. Contractors and Builders. Estimates furnished on brick and stone work and plastering. frp. Special attention jriven to etticg boilers, mantl-". etc Stainmt; and tuck pointing pld or new brick work to repr ent pressed brick, n specialty. Correspondenc solicited. Reference- Eiven. 22mayly KN'APP BROS.. Columbns, Neb. t VC'T'p A Y T "P A XT i OlllAl 1 J VjJ.l: , j I DIARY. THE JOURNAL OFFICE roB CARDS. ENVELOPES. NOTE HEADS. BLLJi HEADS, CrECULAES, DODGERS, ETC SUBSCRIBE NOW THE COLUHUS JOBRML THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE, We Offer Beth for a Tear, at OS. The-JociWAt. is acknowledged to be the beat arsra and family paper in Platte eoonty.and The American Magazine is the only high-class month ly magazine devoted entirely to American Litera tn:e. American Thosght and Progress, and is the only decided exponent of American Iastim uc;s. It is a Ood as any of the older maga-r-aes. famishing in a year over L500 pages of the .r-racrr literaraTe. written bv the ablest Aaeri. CJO ----. .. - .-- .. --.. . . . . r atrnrs. it is neaautsuy lxmstrarao. and is nci. - zh. charmisgccBtmaaa and short stories, li ic-2 appropriate praaest can am i -.- "--i a yssr'a Eaascncana to The Ameri. I -xill be cspacially brTlisnt daring the year, i--io! JccaxAX is 12.00, and The Asrii j JP iiiziaeisasja. wesss the cuxxixg- British; TRTIXG TO INFLUENCE AMERICAN LEGISLATION BY BOCOMBE. What the Spring Bound-Up of -Montana Cattle is Expected to Show 'ews ot In terest From Both the Old and w World. The Cunning British. Daring the session of comconi Saturday, Jessie Coliiugs, the liberal unionist, asked whether the government would take any Bteps to encourage British manufacturers to tend exhibits to the world'a fair at-Chi cago if the AIcKinley tariff bill, now before I the American congress, become a law, 1 in view of the fact that the bill practically i prohibits the importation of British good uifco we unueu atates. rerguson, pariia- tottery company to usa his influence in mentary secretary for foreign affairs, "aid: J preventing legislation hostile to the corn Questions of official participation in the i pany. This story has been passed around fair could only be determined after I from time to time, and it has been said the consideration of tie advantages i that since the failure of the companv to which would accrue to British interests. When the invitation to take part in the exhibition Was received from the American government it ia probable, he said, that the manufacturers of Great Britian would to a great extent be deter red from sending exhibits to the fair, if the tiriff pretluded profitable sales in America. What the Sprint Round-Cp Is Expected to Show. As the time for the annual spring "round-up" is drawing near, the Montana AeiM Bureau presents, after careful inves tigation, the following facts ad figures on the marketable cattle in that state. This years' shipments will reach neaily 100,000 head, for all markets, which is aa increase over last year of at least 10. 000 head. The demand for beef is firm and steady, but stock grow ers are going to hold firm as to prices. The average price paid last year was $3.33, but there is little prospect that any cattle will be shipped for a less ad- i vance than 73c per hundred and the figure may reach 51. Cattle are now m fair condi tion. Rain has fallen in northern Montana and started the grass on the ranges, so that by June 1 all traces of the '"tC3 Ul IUC WICiC winter win nave passed auay. Iriganna the lcssns in all stock rrowint?C3nntieB including those since spring has opened, the average will come to 10 per cent, which is net much above the usual percentage of losses. The "round-up ' will start later this vear than usual, probably by May 25, and m some localities, especially in the northern part of the state not until June 1. 1 Want to Bleed Their Royal Husbands. Adwces from Hlinois indicate that a new attempt is on foot from some mysterious source to revive an old charge of manslaughter against Tennie C. Clarhn, now Lady Cook, of England. ! An indictment was found twenlv-su vears ago at Ottawa, HI., charging the lady with causing the death of Rebecca Howe by the improper use of drugs la attempting to cure her of a cancer. The indictment was stricken from the docket a year later, but "with leave to reinstate the same." It is upon this latter indorsement that the enemies of the famous sisters, born Claflin, are now said to be baa ing their attempt to revive the indictment. There were other charges of quackery about the same time, as shown by the comt records, and all were set aside with the same conditional endorsement. A re porter called upon Lady Cook and in formed her of the foregoing facts. She ex plained that at the time referred to she was noted as a clairvoyant, though but 16 or 17 rears old. and the woman came to her for treitraeiit. She declined to attempt a sr pronounci-tj ;e cm wre.e!. The cancer was a frightful one and plainly incurable. Her mother, Mrs. Claflin, urged her to make the attempt, and she passed her hands over the cancer with some magnetic ointment on them. Afterwards, of course, the woman died. Then there wbb a demand for the return of fees, and the S'nall amount was repaid; but Lady Cook did not know that an indictment was ever found until after she married Sir F. Cook, when the inter ested parties m Illinois mailed to her hus band a demand for $250,000 hush money, threatening to revive the indictment. Ther knew he was very wealthy, and tried to blackmail him, but he paid no attention to it. Mr. Martin, formerly Victoria Wood hutl. corroborated her sister's statements and said. " We are going to Illinois to face all these things and we expect the courts and the press to do us justice." Both ladies were much agitated and ex pressed in strong terms their grief at being maligned and persecuted. The fjmom A cTi cultural Editor of the Kegi-ter" Breathes His East. Hon. C. F. Clarkson, "Father Clark soc," died at about midnight of the 6th. Mr. Clarkson was 80 years of age, and had been very ill for six months past. He was born in Maine, m 1S10, and re moved to Indiana in ls20. There he learned the printers' trade, ud became proprietor of a weeklv newspaper. In 1S55 he removed to Iowa, and lived on a farm at Grundy Center. His sons persuaded him to go to Des Moines and b4iy the Rgitter. The sons, S. H. and J. S. Clarkson, disagreed with their father's political policy during the famous Wright- Kasson campaign, and finally bought the paper of him. They have run it continuously since, until J. S. Clarkson became first assistant postmaster-general, when he retired from all edit orial connection with the paper. For the past twenty years "Father" Clarkson has been the agricultural editor of the Register. which, through the excellence of this de partment, has maintained an immense cir culation in its weekly edition. Curbed the Judge and Jury. Joseph Mcrns, CO years old, on rwl at Cincinnati for an attempted ascault on a 7-year-old girl, was found guilty, and Judge Schroeder, without leaving the bench sentenced him to fifteen years in the penitentiary. As the court pronounced sentence Morns sprang to his feet, and bringing both his clinched fists down on the Judge's desk cursed him with vehement rage. With upraised hands he prayed j heaven to rot the bones of the jury and i that they might be in sight of helL Judge, ! bailiffs and jurors sat dazed at the awful j imprecations. Morris continued until he I fell into a fit, and now he is dangerously ill. Twenty-One Women Arrested. Prosecuting Attorney Crisp, of Lathrop, Mo., has issued warrants against all the women who took part in the recent crusade in that town. A warrant was sent to Clay county for the arrest of Mrs. Aana Carmi chaeL the wife of the Baptist minister and leader of the crausade. They were nested and gare bonds. The charge is malicious destruction of property. The arrests hare caused great excitement, and the women threaten to wipe oat every I saloon in the ccuatj. xwenty-oae women ana one mas were arrested. mmmmm. Western Pork -rwg 'Tha Ciacianati. Price. Current says: Ike aggregate supply of boss for the vacs; has enlargement of the packing returns in the west, in .Heating a total of 265,C0O against 234,000 the preceding week and 195,000 last year. The total from March 1 is 2,030,000 against 1,745,000 a Tear ago. a gain of 16 per cent. Leading olaces com pare aa follows: Place. 189a 1363. 706,000 540.000 990.000 295,000 174.000 151.000 , 104.000 135.000 lOiOOO 70,000 74.000 60:000 67,000 51.000 ra.ooo 70,000 69 000 58.000 44.C00 16,000 330.000 235,000 I Chicago Kansas City O ic aha Ht. Louis , Sioux Citv Indianapolis Cincinnati Milwaukee Cedar Bapida..'.. , Wichita All others A Baseless story. I The eastern papers bare retired the ! story that Eussell Harrison, of Montana, , is employed as counsel for the Louisiana ; get a fcothold in North Dakota it had its evil eye on Montana. Mr. Harrison's con nection with the company is emphatically denied by T. H. Koek, of New York, sec retary of the Xew York Jockey club and a warm friend of John A. Morris, the attor ney of the lotteiy company. "You can say," concluded Mr. Kock, "from me, per sonally, and put it as strongly as you please, that Russell Harrison has nothing, abso lately nothing, to do with any effort that the Louisiana Lottery company may be making for the renewal of its charter." The Singer Sewing Machine Factory To tally Destroyed by Fire. The entire west front of the Singer sew ing machine factory at Elizabethport, X. J., was gutted by fire. The flames worked their way to the main building, cleaning out the stock, needle, finishing, adjusting, inspecting and milling rooms. The pattern departmsnt was also destroyed, with 50,000 finished machines and 18,000,000 needles. The loss is estimated at $2,000, 000; fu.ly insured. It will be at least two months before work can be resumed. Prominent laung Folks Elope. William E. Bendy, nephew of ex-Governor Foraker, and late clerk of the board I alanttnttc in ir...irti rron m.-; J bwwM . ..wM-w '.J 4UAAAUU Covington, Ky., to Miss Leedom, daughter ef John P. Leedom. late sergeant-at-arms of the house of representatives. It was an elopement and the story goes that the lovers met ooly four days ago in the stag coach in Adams county, O. AiiEnormous Undertaking. The report of the special commission sent out by the liquidatory of the Panama Canal company to Investigate the condi tion of the canal, estimates that it would cost the sum cf 900,000.000 francs to com plete the water way, and that it would take between seven and eight years to do the work. Their Demands Granted. The carpenters of Xew York as a body did not hava to strike to enforce their de mand for an eight-hour day. It is Baid that 200 bosses have granted the demand and that only thirty-five have refused. In the latter places the men struck. Alleged Confession of a Preacher. Rev. Henry Berges, of Charleston, Ind., has thrown up his membership in the church and conference, and is said to have mado a confession of gross immoralities involving one or more of his women parish ioners. Fighting the Standard The Standard Oil company's war on in dependent companies resulted in another advance ir the buying price of Ohio oil of 2$ cents, making the value of Ohio crude ac cording to the Standard company s figures 37J cents a barrel. Following the Stand ard's advance outside companies instruc ted their agents to offer .40 cents. The price of cnde petroleum has been forced from 15 cents a barrel to 40 cents within sixty days. A Chicacoan'sGift. Henry H. Porter, a resident millionaire of Chicago, a native of Mechias, Me., has given $lii,i00 and a lot for a free library buiidine in Mechias. to be called the Porter Memorial Library. National Board of Underwriter. The national board of fire underwriters has entered its twenty-first annual session with sixty-eight fire insurance companies throughout the country represented. Suffocated by Gas. Annie and Bessie Parlick, two yonng Bohemian girls employed as servants in a Halstecd street boarding house were found dsad in- their beds, having been suffocated by gas. Her JLajesty's Kingdom. An official statement has been issued showing that the revenues of the United Kingdom for the year ending March 30 were 89,353,000, and the expenditures, 36.083,000. Wire Connection With Nicaragua. Wire communication has been estab lished with Nicaragua by means of an ex tension of the canal company' lines to connect with the Nicaraguan government lines. Egypt Absents. The government has been notified by the Egyptian foreign secretary that Egypt assents to the French conditions for the conversion of tee Egyptian loan. It is hoped the powers will concur. Frightened to Death. Two girls named McDonald were playing on the approach to a railroad bridge across the river at Portland. Ore., when they saw a train coning, and becoming frightened jumped into the river and were drowned. A Sanguinary Encounter. An encounter between police and a body of disorderly strikers took place at Lille. Two of the strikers were wounded and even arrested. S3.000.000 Loss. The loss sustained by the burning of the factory of the Singer Sewing Machine company at Elizabeth, 3. J., is $3,000,000; covered by insurance. Striae Practically Ended. Twenty thousand strikers at Bonbaix. France, have resumed work. The stnie is practically ended. SHORT BITS OF NEWS. Thz democratic congressional conven tion at Lisas, O., nominated Fernando F. Clayton. The prohibition state convention of Del aware has nominated William T. Kellum for governor. Twesit thousand strikers at Bonbaix, France, hare resumed work. The strike is practically ended. People at Budapest are starring be cause of the bakers' strike. The govern ment is implored to end it. CoiiUXBXA, Tex., with the ezeeptioa of one' street, is under water, and railroad trsSc is suspended. Geobge M. Stoszs. son of the lata Eawry-Starrs of Chicago, baa haen :oa aiittsd to an insane asylua in New Terx. Psobabit .Bismarck iil visit Marauis Lcadonbeiry m England upon invitation. ' C0RX IX NEBRASKA AMOUNT OF THE CKOP YET K H.OIDS OF THE PBODUCER. THE Report from Alone l,, Linen or Railway Carlton's World-Famous Ballad Illus trated in Omaha Other State New. J. P. Yates; of Ceresco, Saunders county, on the Chicago &. Northwestern railroad, says: 'I think about one-third of last year's crop of corn in Saunders county is yet m the hands of the producer and is for sale. The range of the prices this year has been from 13 to 21 centsi with an average or about IS cents, about the same as last year's average. We have . had plenty of cars for shipping grain." Thomas Stretch, of Ceresco, says: "Two-thirds of the corn crop raised in , Saunders county has been marketed, and of the balance about two -thirds will be for 1 sale. The range of prices this year has been from 13 to 20 cents, the average price being 16 cents.- G. W. Mitchell, of Henderson, York county, on the Fremont, Elkhom fc Mis i sonn Valley road, says: Two-thirds of the corn crop produced in Ycrk county last year has been marketed, and about one fourth will be on the market for sale this season. The ranee of prices last year was 14 to 22 cents and this year the range has been 12 to 20 cents. The rate to St. Louis last year was 20 cents, and to Chicago 25 cents, while this year it is respectively 17 cents and 22"t cents. During parts of the winter we had trouble to get cars to ship to St. Louis, when we wanted to ship, but never had trouble to get cars to ship to Chicago, when we did not want to ship." J. M. Strahorn, of Malvern, Mills county, la., on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy and the Wabash railroads, says that "fully two-thirds of the corn raised in Mills county last year has been marketed and about one-half of the balance will be required for local consumption. I think that the corn crop this year has been fed closer than usual. The range of prices last year was 20 23c. and this year the range was lti(j20c." Eii Campbell, of Shelton, Buffalo county, on the Union Pacific, says. "Fully fonr-lifths of last year's corn crop raised in Buffalo county has been marketed, and nearly all of the balance will be required for home consumption. The range in prices of corn this -year has been 12(j522c, with au average at 13 ic" E1AKATED IN" OLD AE. An Omaha Couple Decide to Tread 'Di verging Path. One of the most striking illustrations of Will Carleton's vorld famous farm ballad entitled, "Betsy and I Are Out," has been learned of iu Omaha. The details are far more sensational than the story told in t'ark-ton's beautiful lines and involve one of the oldest, wealthiest and best known farmers and his wife living iu Douglas county. Great care has been taken to guard the matter from the public, principally for the cake of SJhe children of the aged couple. , The parties in question are none other than Jochin Weiss and wife, who for eighteen years past have lived on their 400-aere faim less than six miles west of Omaha. On last Thursday afternoon Mrs. Weiss 1 appeared before SquTre Anderson in Omaha and privately swore tut a complaint that will prove a startling revelation to the hundreds of friends of the old conple. Mrs. Weiss made oath that her husband bad for some time past been acting very crnel towards her. She said tnat he had ' beatmi and choked her. and had threat ened to murder her. A warrent was immediately issued and Weiss was arrested, and being brought be- fore Squire Anderson, was bound over to 1 the district court for trial in the sum of ?l.tK)0. Then Mrs. Weiss proceeded to have di vorce papers drawn up. While the law- yer was engaged m doing so Mr. Weiss entered the office and proposed that thev separate without going into a court and getting a divorce. "He offered her aa un divided half interest in all the property, valued at more thau S200,00, the farm of 1 10 seres being alone valued at $300 an j acre. Mr. Weiss accepted the proposition. : The papers were drawn up then and there. i The couple have ten children, the oldest of which is but 17 years, and the youngest I is a babe only 3 months old. Mr. Weies j is about 6'J and Mrs. Weiss about 13, ! though she appears to be fully 50 years of The children, all of whom side with their mother, will, with her, remain upon the farm, while the white-haired old tather has commenced a lonely pilgrimage up and down the face of the earth, alone. Owing to the fact that both Mr. and Mrs. Weiss decided that neither woulrt ever care to marry again, they agreed that no divorce would be obtained. R.iilroail Valuation ami AeMnent. Dr. P. Schwenk, of Norfolk, has ad dressed the 2 following letter to Gov. Thayer: ijv. John M. Thayer, Lincoln, Neb. Dear 5ir: I seelby last night a paper that you had a nit eting or conference with the representatives of the various railroad companies in Nebraska, for the piirpo'e'of determining tho valuation that should be placed on the dillerent railioads m tho state m the assessment of the present yar. 3 there is a great difference in valna tian placd.on the same class of property in the Tarions counties, as for instance, Madison county on cash value baria, Stanton county one half, earning count rthree-rifths of actual cash value, etc. would it not be iuy to the peo ple that the valuation of railroad and telegrapn propertv should be on tho same ba9is a-s the property of the people is assessed at in the var ious counties, it is desired that you set a day when tho people! can Itw heard before vou'r board, anj wo trUl see t lint a delegation from Maditon county will meet yon. Hoping that this tnll rtceixe favorable con sideration at your hands, I remain yours, truly, P. Schwik. I New Barb Wire Factory. Len Hoffman, of the firm of Hoffman j Bros., Friand, has invented a new barb ! wire and a patent was issued in December. j A factory has been started there and last I week the first wi -rn put on the market. T. C. Callahan, a 1 , dealer, says that it i readily sells at one-half cent a pound in 1 advance of any other wire manufactured, i The brb8 on the wire all point down, so t that a horse cannot cut himself by run ' ning against it. New machinery has been j ordered for the factory, and a stock company formed, and the -people of 1 Friend expect to have it develop into a j large industry. Shipping in Texas Cattle. Several telegrams have been received by j Gov. Thayer calling his attention to the alleged shipment of Texas cattle unlaw fully into Thurston and Burt counties. As soon as the governor was satisfied that such was the case he immediately tele graphed to the sheriSs cf these counties to pereaptoril? check tzs introduction, of all stock cattle a-a their boundaries until such, time as the chief exeutiT can. full7 investigate the charge. Gsv. Thayer pTO:- s gjT the case 51S iediat& atte- tisa. NEBRASKA 'EW8 XOTATMS, Nebraska Notations. The grade of the Kearney k Black Hills railway west of Buffalo county will be completed by May 10. Dr. J. J. PoitTEB, of Kearney, frac tured his leg the other day in attempting to get off a Union Facino train. Geo. RiDGELr, a fanner living tea miles west of Beatrice, was struck and in stantly killed by liebtning Wednesday while in an open field, Maxweix. m Lincoln countv. asked J the county commissions to submit a prop- osition to vote bands in the sum ot $la, 000 for a bridge across the Platte. Ror Codding, son of A. B. Codding, of York, sails on the 14th of May on the L"m bria for Liverpool, thence to Siberia, where he will take up his life's work as a mis sionary. Membehs of the Business Men's club at Xorth Platte feel called upon to deny vari ous reports circulated by malicious per sons, especially the report that liquors are used at the club rooms. The 2-year-old child of Willard Rew, of Timber creek, nine miles west of Cedar Rap -ids, was terribly bitten in the face by a mad dog last Tuesday. The child was taken to Lincoln to be operated on with a mad stone. Ike dog was killed after biting a couple of other dogs and some cattlo. At York last week the Salvationists give an entertainment, the principal feature be ing a genuine wedding. The people of the city were allowed to witness the perform ance by paying the small sum of 20 cents, with the privilege of having their money refunded providing the performance was not up to the standard. The little 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Malone was burned to death last Monday, says the Madrid Xevs. She was left alone in the house with her infant sister and 2-year-old brother for a I short time while her parents went into the garden, a short distance from the house. Soon the child came running out enveloped in flames, which burned off every stick of her clothing except the collar of her drees. The supposition is that she was playing with matches. Charles Campbell, of -Blair, met with a peculiar accident the other day while hauling a load of baled hay to town. Just outside of the city some one had set fire to a manure pile by the side of the road. The wind was blowing verT hard, and a spark caught in his load. He did not notice it until the fire had got within a foot of where he was sitting. He jumped off the load just in time to save himself I and team. He did not save any part of the wagon except the doubletrees and neckyoke. jHE Lexington Gazette tells this: "A i little snaniel owned bv Willis A. Ham- mond has adopted a brood of seventeen motherless chickens, and is so attentive to her feathered proteges as to make it ex tremely dangerous for strangers to ap proach too near. The chickens have per fect confidence in their canine mothur. and nestle in her long hair, roost upon her head and otherwise make themselves at home. The dog don't seem to understand the de sire of her brood to scratch in the ground, but she is getting used to it." '-. squab c soldiers camped on the nver Sunday "night, having in charge a , party of Indians who had left the agency I withontjpermission and were not inclined to return, says the Whitney Champion. I There were only half a dozen families of redskins, but a full company of soldiers ' were with them. The darkies were well ' fixed for drinkables, and while in camp here beer flowed like water. A modern ln- I dian "Outbreak" has no terror for Uncle ', Sam's boys. On the contrary, it is a sort I of holiday vacation for those who are de- ! tailed for the campaign. A Sakpt COUNTY fruit grower says the prospects for fruit were never better than they are this year. FoUB saloon licenses have been granted at David City, for which the snm of 54,)00 ' will be paid into the city treasury. , John Metee, of Sappa, Harlan county, loEt several hogs last week from a disease which he thinks was quinsy. The hogs swell up in the throat and die in three or four days. Ax old man of 01 year3 arrived in Omaha the other day on his way from Harney , county, Ore , to Tennessee, having walked I all the way but about 200 miles. The Ma sons of Omaha purchased a ticket and sent I him on his way to his old home. Mrs. Hetty A. Seahs, of Nemaha county, recently celebrated the seventieth j anniversary of her birth by entertaining I her children. She has twenty-two grand I children and nine greatgrandchildren. The old lady cooked the dinner for her guests I on the occasion. j Humboldt is figuring ou water works. The Episcopalians of Wilbur will build j a chapel. A calf at Rising City has two heads, four eyes, but only two ears. Two Kenesaw sportsmen bagged seven teen wolves one dav last week. Schuyleu Presbyterians will build a church at a cost of not less than $4,000. The West Point paper mill is to be changed into a 150-barrel flour mill. The wives of Nebraska's congressmen have issued an appeal to the loyal women of Nebraska to assist in raising a fund for th purchase of a bronze tatue of George Washington, to be presented to the French republic. It is estimated that 300,000 tiees were set out in Hayes county during Arbor week. Coal was discovered at a depth of thirty-three feet while sinking a well near Wakefield. In Blaine county hog thieves kill the animals before taking them from the pens. The board of managers of .the Cuming Countv Agricultural society nave decided to hold the next annual fair on September 24, 25. 26 and 27. A G. A. R. post will be mustered in at Peru soon. Plaiktiew business men will organize a board of trade. During the month of April Cedar county paid f4C5 far wolf scales. William Nistel, the Omana man who was shot by shoplifters, died last week. Inflammation set in about the wound and caused death. R- W. King, a prominent farmer and stockman of Boone, died of blood poison ing, caused by stepping on a drag tooth about three weeks ago. 'PARKS rnosr the wire, Robert Nickel, the cashier of the J. M. Eerkey & Co. Kear E-tate and Invest ment company, has teen arrested at Den ver charged with being a defaulter. It 19 thousht that the defalcation -a ill reach be tween 5.VJC0 asd SO.fC'O. tf a'ES Laisd has procured -varrants for the iciest cf i"rJTs.dr:t Pf:ff?r. cf ths Eoncf Anci. c m!t5lph.i. id Civ-I-s He- i-.irazar: c: the v eStPhoi- i.- r; -Z. . Z C "1 Z.i. r3s-iTic rc .nt Acj,c-7 -: J $U. 0325 bariV in THE ACTS OF CONGRESS, SUCCESCT SUaOtART Or Ji WEEK'S xJEGISEATIVE WORK. Hills and Resolutions introduced and Top ics Discussed by the National Body ef Law Makers. In the senate on the 5th the formal an- i. -a C7- 1 r--1.' j.k made by Senator Blackburn. Resolutions were adopted for the appointment of a committee to superintend the funeral in the senate chamber, and . the senate ad journed. In the house on the 5th a number of bills were passed and the conference re port of the Oklahoma bill was agreed to. The formal announcement of the death of Senator Beck was then made and the house adjourned. The senate was not in session on the 6th, an account of the funeral services over the remains of the late Senator Beck. The house on the 6th, after the reading of the journal, took a recess until 12:45. At that hour adjournment was taken to enable the members to attend the Beck funeral. In the senate on the 7th a number of bills were reported from committees and placed on the calendar, including the house regular appropriation bills for the army and for the military academy Considera tion of the bill to transfer the revenue ma rine service to the navy department was then agreed to and the same consumed the entire time of the senate for the day. Conference reports ware presented and agreed to on the bills for public buildings at Cedar Rapids, la.; Burlington la., and Ashland, Wis. Aftsr executive session the senate adjourned. In the house on the 7th the entire ses sion was devoted to the consideration of McKinley tariff bill. In the senate on the 8th the house bill providing for the classification of worsteds was taken up and debated at some length. It was passed without amendment by a vote of 32 to '10. The senate then, on motion of Senator Allison, took up the pension appropriation bill, appropriating for the next fiscal year S97.090.761. Amendments offered by Sen ators Sherman and Washburn to increase the number of pension agents from eigh teen and twenty to twenty-one gave rise to a long discussion. As a vote disclosed the absence of a quorum the senate ad journed. In tho house on the Sth, after the read ing of the journal, the house went into committee of the whole on the tariff bill, which consumed both the time of the day and evening sessions. In the senate on the 9th the annual ap propriation bill was 'taken up, the ques tion being on the amendment offered by Senator Sherman increasing the num ber of pension agents 1 salary 4,000) from eighteen to twenty. It was agreed to yeas, 20; nays, 19 a party Tote, except that Senator Payne voted yea, and Senators Ingalls, Allison, Plumb and Teller nay. The bill was reported back from committee of the whole to the senate, and the question of that amendment came ap again for action, which created quite a lengthy discussion, the same being agreed to by a vote of 22 to 21. Senator Payne voted with the republic ans, and Senators Allison, In galls and Plumb with the democrats. The bill then passed, and the military academy bill was taken up and passed. The army appropriation bill was then taken up. Among the amendments agreed to was a paragrapn appropriating 9iuu,uuu for buildings at military posts for libra ries, gymnasiums and canteens. Sen ator Hale moved an amendment that no alcoholic liquor, beer or wines should be sold or supplied to enlisted men in any such building. Senator Cockrell moved to amend the amendment by striking out beer and wine, No quorum voted and the sen ate adjourned, leaving Sentators Hale's and Cockrell's amendment's pending. In the house on the 9th Mr. Hitt, of Illinois, called up the bill granting a pension of $1,200 a year to Mrs. Delia X- S. Parnell, daughter of Admiral Charles Stewart, with the amendment reducing the pension to $50 per month. After some opposition the amendment was agreed to and the bill as amended was passed. The senate bili granting $75 per month pension to the widow of Brig.-Gen. Ayres was passed. The house then went into committee of the whole 'Payson, of Illinois, in the chair,) on the tariff bill, which consumed the entire time of both the day and evening sessions. Adjourned. In the senate on the 10th Senator Dawes presented a communication from the dele gations of the five Indian nations remon strating against the numerous grants of rights-of-way for railroads through the Indian territory. The remonstrance was referred to the committee on Indian affairs. The army appropria tion bill was then taken up. Sen ator Hale's amendment providing -that no alcoholic liquors, beer or wine, be sold or supplied to enlisted men in any canteen or building in a garrison or military post was agreed to yeas, 20; nays, 13. Senator Cockrell's amendment striking out the words "beer or wine" was disagreed to. The bill was then passed. The calendar was then taken up and the following bill among others was passed: Senate bill authorizing the secretary of the in terior to ascertain tne damages resulting to any person who settled upon the Crow Creek and Winnebago reservations in South Dakota, between Feb. 27, 1885, and April 15, 1885. The senate then took up the individual pension bills on the calen dar and passed all of them ( 185) in an hour and a half. After executive session the senate adjourned. In the house on the 10th the entire ses -sion was consumed in discussion of the MoKinley tariff bill. A. GHASTLY FIND. Mutilated Bodyofi Woman Found in a Box at the Kansas City Union Depot. Evidences of a ghastiv crime were dis covered at the union depot in Kansas City. In a pine box, two feet long, was found the horribly mulitated body of a woman. Most all of the flesh had been cut from the bones and the head and face were mutil ated beyond recognition. From all ap pearances life could not have ceen extinct for more than twenty-four hours. The box was checked over the Wabash from St. Louis. Very Dry in Cuba. The drought continues throughout Cuba. Lately btrocg winds have bee blowing. Many fires continue to be re ported, not only in cane fields, but also on cattle breeding pastures and farms, and even in the woods. The mortality among the cattle is daily increasing. It may be said that there is not a single plantation on the island that has not suffered more or less from fire. In many localities the ponds and brooks have completely dried up, and the waters in the rivers have fallen considerably. " Once Rich. Now a Pauper. A few years ago Nathan Williams, the owner of all the Stanton, Ind., coal mines, died, leaving his son and namesake f 30,. (1 00. Young Nathan at once began a life of dissipation. In nine months all his for tune was spent and he was s workman in the mines he formerly owned. He wa badly crippled lately, and has jaat been commit ted to the county poor asylum. A Ca-.i'i-? TaOa-w. Gstiva E. Fscre, importer of hardwire, sadceiry and carnage fnmitur--, has rssda ' an assignment. Claims sled reach 981,- t WEATHER CBOP BTJIXItS"? Excessively High Temperature Throughout the Entire Northwest. The report issued by the agricultural departaent for the week ending May 3 is as follows: Temperature The week ending May 3 has been slightly cooler than usual ia New England and in New York, the lake region and the gulf states, while the temperature j was slightly in excess in the south Atlantic states, Tennesseet the Ohio valley, north cm Virginia, southern Pennsylvania, Mary land and the extreme southern portion of New York. The week has been warm in the northwest, while from Dakota west ward to tne Pacific coast unusual and high temperatures prevailed, the daily average temperature for the week ranging from 9 to 15 degrees aboTe the normal. Ihe thermal conditions for the season from January 1 to May 3, remain substantially as reported for the previous week, except that the area of sea sonal excess has advanced northward ever portions of Iowa, Minnesota and Nebraska, and the large deficiency "reported in the Northern Rocky Mountain regions has been greatly reduced by the high tempera- ' tore that prevailed during the past week in that section. Over the Southern and mid- , die Atlantic states, the lower lake region and the Ohio valley, the average daily temperature from January 1 to May 3 has been about 4 degrees above the normal for that period. Precipitation During the week more than the usual amount of rain occurred in New England, the lower lake region, the middle states north of Virginia, in Ohio, Indiana, Hlinois, Missouri, and in portions of Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and eastern Kansas. Well distrib uted showers occurred generally through out the southern states east of the Mis sissippi and in the upper lake region. Light showers occurred in Nebraska, southern Iowa, northern Minnesota and central California, while no rain was re ported from northern Iowa. Dakota and the north Pacific coast. The rainfall was generally heavy in the states north of the Ohio rivr and in portions cf New Eng land and the middle Atlantic states, Mis sissippi and northern Texas. The rainfall for the season continues in excess generally over the Ohio and Cen tral Mississippi valleys, the lake regions and from the Texas coast northwestward to western Nebraska and Colorado. Over the states of the lower Missouri and upper Mississippi valleys the seasonable rainfall generally exceeds 75 per cent, of the nor mal, while over tho greater portions of Dakota and western Minnesota there has been less than half the usual amount of rain. This condition obtains in the south Atlantic states and along the east gulf coast. General Remarks Beports from the northwest indicate that the weather during the past week in that section has been un favorable en account cf abseare of rain. The warm, dry weather has, however, fav ored seeding, which has been about com pleted. In Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee and Arkansas crops were much improved by favorable weather, ' and corn planting is rapidly progressing. Wheat was improved in Michigan, although 1 cold nights retarded growth, and light frosts occurred on the 30th, which caused slight damage. The weather was unfavoiable in Texas, and on low lands some replanting will be ' necessary. Mav crops are looking well in Louisiana except in flooded district?. In the South Atlantic states cotton and ' corn are reported in good condition, but ! more rain is needed. Id New England and ' the Middle Atlantic states crops were im- j proved, and in these sections great progress ' was made in plowing and planting. Oats ' are about planted m New York; weather ' was favorable for fruit. Pennsylvania, ' wheat and grass are reported as promising and fruit prospects good. , On the Pacific coast in Oregon wheat prospects were never better; the peach and apple crops will be short, but other fruits and berries promise large crops. In Call- I fornia the peach crop has been injured by excessive rain, many trees being de stroyed along the Sacramento river; fruit prospects, however, are better in the northern portion of this valley. About an average good crop is anticipated, while apricots and cherries are more promising. Reports from California indicate that the weather conditions have not been favorable for the gram crops owing to the 1 excessive rains in manT localities. I PROHIBITION MUST GO. Congressman Struble Believes this Law Is ' Bound to Fall in Iowa The Pythian ; Temple Will Probably Be Built in Des j Moines. ! Congressman Struble here to day ex- ! preseed the belief that his bill making it unlawful to export liquors into prohibition states wouia not pass, ana tnat tne pro hibitionists could not retain the Iowa law unless future efforts 10 enforce it were more vigorous than the past. The Pythian temple committee met to day to formulate a report to the grand lodge in August. Des Moines submitted plans for a $100,000 temple, and will un donbtedly get it. INDIVIDUAL, BOOK-KEEPER. .Ind He Managed the Bank's Affairs on the Individual Profit Plan. A defalcation in the City National bank, f of Albany, amounting to nearly $30,000, ' has been traced to George Whitney, the individual bookkeeper, who managed it through the overdraft system in collusion with a prominent Albany firm. An effort will be made among the defaulter's friends to settle the affair. He had been in the bank for years and occupied a high social position. Stock speculation is the cause. THE MARKETS. Sioux City I-ive Stock. Hogs Estimated receipts, L500; offloial yesterday, 1.74L Market opened about steady, but oon declined e. the bulk of the ho?s sell ing below 14.00. Quotations Licit, JJ.K,3 .(W1-. mixed and hearr. 53.05a 4.00. Cattle Estimated receipts. 300. official yes tetruay, 301. Shipments. 'H6. Marker dull, nothing doing. Quotations Fat steers, prime, 3.00 "4.25; medium to good. S3.6533.c5 , feed era, choice 900 to 1.003 pounds, $.1.4043.60; me dium to good. SJ.15;.'.33 , stocksra. cnoiee, $3.(053.10, medium to good. 2 905 3.00; inferier, 92JS&2.X, cows, extra choice, SjS.73.f3.0Q: medium to good, ?2.40 ,2.63. commes to infer ior. L73a2.25, cancers. 75e31.50; yeaxlmaw, cnoiee. Si0OS3.0O; ecramon, SZ309U.75; tailing-. $2.90 1.2" , balls, choice, t2.6532.75 ; eaaa mors. 92.G032.25. veal calves, peer to choice, M.OO54.OO. South Omaha LIti Stock. Hogs Estimated receipts. 3,500 ;offleial yes terday, 3,313. Market opened 5o lower, selling t 3.?5.33.07'5 , bulk at t3.30. Cattls Estimated receipts. 3.000; oeiai yesterday. 4 ,3.5 , shipments. 37 cars. Xerxes low and lower , quality ecod. Chicago Liv Stock. Hogs Keeelpu liOOO. Market weak. Mixed. S4.00i24.221-: heavy g4.00-5t.25 light t4.0OVT-4.CO. CaxtiLBaeeicta. 6.000. Market weak E-vs and steers. $3.50J5.23 , 3tockers ni feeders, iS054 00; Tsxaas. 52.wa4.on. Steep Receipts, 2.500. Market steady. Natives. f4.00O?.30, corn fed. westerners. SiOO 36.15. Texans. ?4.S0340. Chicago Produce. Wheat C nsettled ; cash. 95 -3 36c . June. 34i 943 ct JuIt. 5ic Cera Steady, cash. 34, Jane, 345340. JuIt. 35Hc Oats Steady . caah, 27c . Jne. 13Jc . Julv. Syaemnw, u. Sssle Sis. flaxseed it, 3.44. . Whlaty SI.C2. 1 Pra7icsnsr-5er dH . iisl- ss j-i-- w. -n- OU) REIIABLE Milks State Bank (Oldest State Bank in the Slate.) PAYS INTEHEST ON TIME DEPOSITS, -AD- MAKES LOANS ON REAL ESTATE! ISSUES SIGHT DRAFTS ON -'- Omaha, Chicago, New York, and all Foreign Countries. SELLS STELanMHIl- TICKETS. BUYS GOOD NOTES And Ha'Ve Its Customers when they Need Help. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: LEAlfDER GERRABD,.Pre-ideut. G. W. HUT.BT, Vice-President. JOHN STATJFFEH, fishier. A. HEET. K. H. HENKY. -01'- COWJMBUS, NIB., -HAS AN Jpltal of $500,000 tal 90,000 OFFICERS: C. H. 3H?LJW!rP8evt. H. PTJPHLBICH. Vice Pres. C. A; SEWMAN. Cashier. jftNTEL SCHliaM, Aae't Cash. STOCKSDPJKBS: T. $ tfsrfirr 5tatfrioh, Cal BieaW relciT, j W. A; McAllister, Keorre W. (hdlef. S-. C. dtwT Frank Rof&r. A-aold P. H. Oehlnch. wVUt dpOit;Jatereit aUewed na time depoeitaHwaad Mil exchapl on U&ited States aad EnroB, aajJ bif sad sell available e-jcftritiee. ' We ihall be pDaSedJa receive yonr business. We -oiicit'youxpatroajta. 23decS7 JTOIa THE cltr. oi A. It M.TURNER Ot- U W Mil TraVrellsji" "Mles-asa ' SAfaV af"sr ' ar-t-cJa9' rj par- ua soMFrttin t run, raarns-ix WIND MILLS, AHDPUMM. Buckty Mower, combined, Self Wfiwr wire or twine. Pts.pi Repaired rt lotice Heiata's tlih. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, a m - NORTH and SOUTH' . .- ,i jlt U. P. Depot, Columbus. flraartf HNRY &A8S. T7NDERTAKER ! JULIUS . a -ij f .t"" --T""'SSJBja"---S1 " ""' -s-ae-aa-s--. i n tfe AnfH ffj F!irTn flifl Wm UmHSR n OtWM-P to at.Ti L9 "5mmW.mmW.mmm fBSSBel aeaeaeawSBKaHpiLj- H IwSaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaJ ACJLrMM. i-LwsW-. JMmmatJfgf' 97 1 S minis ash 55ulSIaIes isaaamaiig4xalaaxLhraafirlv hai goiie to EiglaaaV C-s :53l7c3t. MO. July. 31315. Lsrd dsll.lcaai. i2JS5S'-; Ssi "June, 1 -str - M .&