The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 07, 1890, Image 2

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'M '
Silk Department.
Gigantic Bargains in Surah Silks This Week !
Over Thirty street and evening shades included, fully twenty-two inches wide at 59 cents a yard,
Worth 85c and $1. Biggest bargain yet offered in these goods.
Opening Sale of Parasols,
Pongee silks, India silks, "Wash silks in ele-;ai.t patterns. For this .sale
69 dents a yard, regular SI quality.
Surah silks in every color of the rainbow and black, 22 inches wide, for
-this sale 59 cents, worth S3 cents and SI a yard.
i ,
48 pieces of Beige dress goods in all
colors,brown, gray, blue, black,tan,
navy, scarlet, etc.
Challies in all the beautiful colors
suitable for spring and summer
Twenty.four-inch satine jwira-oN. black only, for thi.- .-air. 15c each. Silk
umbrella-, !c and 81.115.
Cream, hire covered :ir:Ho!. for thi- -air. ' worth double.
Pure Surah ?ilk .ira.-l.-. 8li.50 and .:, the br.-t value ever ntlrrcd here.
Fancy I'onrl ilk ::ra-ol- in all colors. '2.75 ami 8-'I.75; never so cheap.
A good parasol at 75, f5. !)5r and 81. AH bargain;-.
Children'.- lace cans in every new conceivable -hade and ?tyle. A 'Ood
lace cap for 10c: an elegant one for 15c; a hotter one for 10c. All "-oiif" at
less that one-half the regular Columbu prices. JJrinir the children aloii"-.
Xow is the time.
Ladies noveltv neckwear in endless arieiv.
Plain and figured ratines 8, 12, and 15 cents a yard. Compare them .
rith any so called bargains iu Columbus. j
Sixty-two pieces of diess and apron ginghams it stripes and plaid--, for
this sale 5 cents a yard, worth 8 and 10 cents in Chicago.
Scotch Chambrays in all colors, for this sale 10 c a yard, worth 15 to 18.
French ginghams, the very best quality made, 23 cents a yard.
Dress Goods Department.
Now is the time to dress the children
for school, and house dresses.
Get a house wrapper and street dress
from these goods, never be cheaper
More novelties just received. Forty-four inch Broche Malange, strictly all
wool, a new and fashionable fabric, only -15 cents, special value.
Plain Malunge, all wool, 44 inches wide, light weight, durable for summer j
wear, 45 cents, worth 75.
Albratros 44 inches wide. Pink, light blue, straw, mode, gray, slate, cream, j
white and Nile, as well as all the new street shades, only -15c. j
Silk warp brilliantines, just out, 52 inches wide; nothing like it ever
shown, 81; worth $1.50.
French satines, over 85 choice patterns and coloring to select from C5c. '
White dress goods in stripes, checks and cross bars u'c a yard. Big bargain
Over 5,000 yards of jiew calicoes at 5c a yard. ,
Indigo blue calicoes Gc a yard.
J. A. KM I Ci.
Columbus gotmi'iT.
Entered at the Post-office, Colnmbns, Neb., as
econd-clasa mail matter.
Columbus, 3Vcl.
One rear, by mall, postage prepaid...
Biz months, ........-..... --'
Three months........
.. ..v
Paable in Advance.
"f Specimen copies mailed free, on apphn
When subscribers chango tlu-ir plpce of r.-i-dence
they should at onro notif u nj Mt- r o:
portal card, Rivins both Iheir fur.-i.-r un.l ll
present post-offiw, the first cual.S ub t. -. i
find the name on our uwilini: lb-l,.l'" "'
being in type, we each week print, jliic- :i '
wrapieroron the innrKin of jour .lot knai.. !
date to which your tu!ctiptiou i- :-' "' '
counted for. Remittance t-liould be n '
either by money-order, registered letter or d1. 1
payable to the order of
M. K. Tchneu ito.
All communications, to pecuro attention, nn
be accompanied by the full name of i'k v.n
We reserve tlie right to rejw t nuj -in:- t
and cannot agree to return the t-iui.'. - W
a corresiondent in every tcliMil-dii5:i t
Platte county, one of coo-d judgment, :-i ' '
liable in every way. Write plainly, iwli '
separately. Give us facta.
At Chicago up to the 1st the strike
had not increased to any alarming ex-
Tire best secretary of stale bince
Seward has had due credit for his Three
Americas congress.
Gait. P. H. Dowlixo of Toledo, was
Wednesday elected commander of the
Ohio G. A. R. encampment in Cincinnati.
A Swedish woman aJllicted with
leprosy is said to have been taken from
the steamship Cephalonia at Boston.
George Ridolev a farmer living near
Beatrice was killed by lightning in an
open field on the 30th ult., while sitting
on his corn planter.
Sales of leaf tobacco at Louisville,
Ky., Tuesday were 1,029 hogsheads, the
highest known there with one exception.
The market is strong.
Sherman, one of the men charged
with the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Jones, j
? 1 :.. .1... :...! ... -. 1...
ana now ccmuuuu 111 iue j.... . "'""
is reported very sick.
Mrs. Wallace, mother of Gen. Lew
Wallace, author of Ben Ilur," is ex
pected to lecture in the principal cities
of South Dakota this summer.
A nursery firm in Crete offers to give
one of their apple trees to each child in
the county between the ages of -i and 21
who will promise to plan and culti
vate it.
Returns from 193 Presbyteries show
that 127 have voted for revision, til
against and five have taken no action in
the question. Twenty Presbyteries are
yet to be heard from.
Will BROYniLL, a young fanner near
Dakota City, while cutting corn stalks
on the 30th nit, his team ran off and his
foot caught in the corn knives and
nearly severed it from the leg.
Ox Wednesday the state of Michigan
wiped out its bonded indebtedness by
depositing the sum necessary to cover
the last instalment of war bounty bonds.
The perpetual trust debt
ver. A. F. Guidon's livery barn and imple
ment house burned at Gibbon last week
Three horses and implements burned.
The loss will amount to S3.000. The
fir was started by children playing in
the barn.
Albert Hauptman. a farmer living
near- Nebraska City, had his stable
burned the other night together with
five head of valuable horses and a large
amonnt of grain. How the fire started
is unknown.
At a meeting in New York last
week, of the southern branch of the
Union Pacific road, it was voted to de
clare the principal due. and it will ac
cordingly be paid by the reorganization
committee of the Kansas t Texas road.
- At Auburn, N. Y., last week Judge
Wallace granted a writ of habeas corpus
in the case of Kemmler under sentence
.of death, the writ being returnable
June 17 next It is claimed that the
act under which Kemmler is to be ex
ecuted is repugnant to the constitution.
Mbs. Uaxtje Lu Shade, living near
SGlfordwas adjudged insane last week
and taken to the asylum. She was in
Oregon during the Heavy storms of a few
month" "go while her husband was in
Nebraska, and the worry is thought to
hare affected her mind.
labox number ot colored men met
ia conrention on the 30th ult, at Omaha,
poking from different parts of the state,
to consider and discuss their rights,
which they did, and before they ad
joBined they formed a permanent state
organization, elected its. officers and
fosuutteet. -
Meet tit- Execution law.
The Kemmler case is attracting wide
attention because of the novelty of the
mode of capital punishment. i. by
A writ of habeas corpus issuing from
the IT. S. circuit court at Utieahns di
rected the warden of the prison to have
the liody of Kemmler before the court at
10 o'clock a.m., June- 17. The petition
on which the writ was granted setn
forth, at length, that Kemmler is de
prived of his liberty against his will and
in violation or the constitution of the
United States: that Durstou, the war
den, h;ts a warrant for executing Kcin-
1 mler, authorizing the execution to be
made within the week eliding May C5,
1S90: that the statute or New York state,
under which the .sentence of the court
was passed, is in conflict with the con
stitution of the United States, in that
the punishment to be imposed is "cruel
and unusual; that by said statuto the j
judicial function of fixing the time of
his death is thereby taken from the
court and delegated to an executive
officer or some uncertain substitute upon
some undefined cause, and that there
fore the commitment is null, void and
of no force or validity.
The question as to the validitv of the
delegation of power to a sheriff to fix the
time and circumstances of the death of
a condemned man is regarded as the
serious question raised, though others
are not without interest.
If the federal courts decide the
statute as unconstitutional. New York
state will have no law for capital pun
ishment. Ahoct nine o'clock Thursday, two men
were seen by a dry goods clerk to take
some ladies shoes off a rack that was
outside the door of the store. Several
of the clerks started in pursuit of the
thieves, and when they wore about
twenty loot, behind them, one of the
thieves lired and hit William Nistel, one
of the clerks. The chief of police gave
orders to ai rest all suspicious characters
and in a few hours twelve were in jail:
one of Them is a man wanted, but not
tiie one who did the shooting. The
doctors think Nistel cannot live as the
! bullet entered one of bin lungs. Later
1 "'
Xialei die,i Snndav from theounds he
! received Wednesday. The police uro
using every HFort to catch Charles
Thompson, who.
the murderer.
they are certain, was
Senatoi: Beck of Kentucky dropped
dead in the Baltimore fc Potomac
station at Washington Saturday after
noon of paralysis of the heart. James B.
Beck was born in Dumfriesshire. Scot
laud, February 13, 1S22. He received an
academic education in Scotland and
graduated as a lawyer at Transylvania
university, Lexington, Ky., in March
181G. He practiced law in Lexington;
never holding any office until elected a
representative in the Fortieth, Forty
first. Forty-second and Forty-third con
gresses, lie was eiecteu to tue unueu
States senate as a democrat to succeed
John W. Stevenson. He took his seat
on March .". 1S77. and was re-elected in
1SS2 and 1SSS. His term of service
would have expired on March 3. 1S!K.
He was highly respected by all his
Lvsr Thursday morning, while Drage,
a tailor in Omaha, was filling a gasoline
j stove, in some way the oil spilled on his
clothes and was immediately ignited.
This soon spread to the can where the
gasoline was. and in a moment the
three-story building was all ablaze. The
second and third story was occupied by
Madam Wallace's dress making depart
ment, where she had thirty-live girls
employed. Her lo?s by the fire she
claims to lie about $20,000. The only
life lost was Drage. the tailor, who was
burned bevond recognition.
There is a movement on foot to secure
a portrait bust of Susan B. Anthony as
a testimonial of the gratitude of Ameri
can women toward that earnest and de
yo'ted champion of the equality of wo
men. It is intended to have this ready
in time for the World's Fair in Chicago,
where it is expected there will be a gal
lery of portraits and statues of dis
tinguished women.
Wednesday, at New York, Joseph
Pulitzer, John A. Cockrill Julius Cham
bers and James F. Graham, all of the
World newspaper, were indicted for
criminal libel of ox-Judge Henry Hilton.
Graham and Chambers gave $1,000 each
bail. Pulitzer is in Europe and Cock
rell is not at preseut in New York city.
Twenty-three of the twenty-four
clerks in the retail grocery 6tores of
Kearney have petitioned their employers
through the Grocers' Union to reduce
the number of hours of labor per day,
which is at present about sixteen. They
begin work now between G and 7 o'clock
a. m. and work till nearly 10 p. m.
Kearney Enterprise.
Ladies' pure silk
vests, short sleeves
Lawns! Lawns! our
price is down to
is this for n
In Vailings,
In Collars & Culls,
In Laces.
James B. Jon.vsox, F. L. Mitchell and
James Ritchie of Hemphill Creek, La
concluded they would have souio fun
the other night aud went to charivari
Claude Stewart and bride. They were
fired upon by Stewart and Johnson was
killed and Mitchell and Ritchie wound
ed. A 1110 meteor fell last Friday evening
at .":30 near Ackley, In., exploding before
it reached the ground. It was seen and
heard fully 1(H) miles away, a slight
quaking of the earth was felt, and a
column of smoke following it remained
in the air 30 minutes before disappearing.
Tin: trial of Ed. Neil for the murder of
Allen and Dorothy Jones will begin in
the district at Omaha the first of the
ensuing week. He whiles away time in
his cell by reading novels; ho has gained
twenty jounds since he has been in jail.
The number of workmen in procession
at London Sunday is estimated at 17.V
000 to 200,000. No disorder. Resolu
tions in favor of the eight hour system
were passed.
Buffalo Bill has purchased a dwell
ing-house in Naples.
Washington Letter.
From our regular correspondent.
Tho president is very much interested
in the early adjournment question, and
he told a prominent senator that ho
hoped that things might be so managed
as to secure the adjournment of congress
by tho first of July. That's tho republi
can program, and at this writing it is not
believed that tho democrats can prevent
it, though they have announced their
intention of trying to do so.
Mrs. Garfield was at the White House
Saturday for the first time since the
the death of her husband, tho late
President Garfield.
The vacancy on the committee, on
rules, generally considered tho most im
portant in the house, caused by the
death of Mr. Randall is exciting a great
deal of interest. Tho friends of Mr.
Mills want him to have it, but it is said
that Speaker Reed will under no circum
stances appoint him. Other southern
membors are mentioned, but the latest
rumor is that a democratic caucus will
request the speaker to givo tho place to
either Mr. Springer of Illinois, or Mr.
Holman of Indiana, because tho other
democrat on the committee Mr. Car
lisleis from tho south. The matter
will probably be settled this week.
Tho quickest piece of legislation of tho
present session was the joint resolution
appropriating $150,000 for tho relief of
the sufferers by the floods of the Mis
sissippi river; it was passed by the house
and senate and approved by the presi
dent all in one hour.
Senator Ingalls has returned from
Kansas and if his looks count for any
thing he is not at all alarmed about the
alleged movement in that state to pre
vent his re-election to the sentite.
Neither Kansas nor the republican
party can afford to have Mr. Ingalls
The World'8 fair bill having been ap
proved by tho president, tho Chicago
hustlers have gone home to begin work.
If they work as well at Chicago as they
did here tho exposition will be the
greatest success of the age.
Jottiupi from Arkansas.
We did not have any snow this winter,
but March and April have been wet and
cold, and the frost has damaged eaches,
pears and some kinds of plums, so that
only about half a crop is evpected, but
the apples are not injured. Some of the
neaches are now aliout the size of hick-
11 r .1 - m
orvnuts; small for tuis lime or year.
One peach tree in our garden, which
came from a pit one year ago, stands ten
feet tall, without boots or stockings on.
and it blossomed this spring: I think
that is being "right smart.'
Strawberries are ripe, and dewberries
and blackberries bid fair to be plentiful.
Stuttgart has now 2,000 inhabitants
and so many colored folks have lately
moved into town, that they are building
an African Baptist church. There is one
Baptist church here; but I have never
seen a colored perso'u in any church
since I came south. They are quiet and
peaceable, and whenever occasion re
quires, we leave clothes on the line over
night, without any fear of their stealing ,
No one was ever sick here with the
"grippe," but now and then there is a
case of pneumonia or typhoid fever, but
very healthy generally. For a while
there was only one physician here in
town, so people living here who had
friends who were doctors, sent word to
them that one or more might do well
here, and it's really laughable to think
of, that as the result, fifteen have arriv
ed within a few months! But of course
nearly every one of them will soon go to
other places.
Several papers came to us from the
north, but none of them is more wel
come than The Joubxal.
April 27, '90. N. D. Howe Wanzeb.
District 44 and Vicinity.
Cool and dry.
Ice formed one-eighth of an inch thick
on the water troughs last Thursday
A light 'shower last Sunday morning
Ladies' and children's
Fast Black Hosiery
19, 25, ill and 50c.
Special values.
before day, was drunk up by tho thirsty
earth and plants in a very short time.
M. Sheedy, O. Quinn, Lawrence
Byrnes and others have taken their
stock cattle about twenty eight miles
north, where they get them pastured in
a herd for $1 each, for the season.
Born, to Mrs. M. Sheedy, May 1, a
daughter. Mr. S. was in town the samo
Hark! Cliek-a-ti-cliek! '-Can't you
hear it?" it's tho corn planter, putting
down more of that 11 cent corn which
should be fed to hogs to sell, to get
money to buy more land, to raise more
corn to feed more hogs, to sell to get
more more money, etc., what's the matter-
Louis Schreiler is the proud father of
a bouncing lxiy over a week old good.
Mrs. Owen McGann is suffering from
rheumatism, as is also one of her
T. Johnson is making arrangements to
have some decided improvements made
upon his house, cellar, etc., as soon as he
is through planting.
Mr. F. Gottschalk tind some ''eastern
capitalist," wo are told, has had some
splendid ditching and grading done on
their land north of tho city and east of
the town hall, the grado being as good
as the public highway.
Judging from tho number of their
organizations, the farmers near Colum
bus ought to be on top of the ladder,
there is tho Farmers' Protective Associa
tion, tho Farmers' Alliauce, tho Farm
ers' Union, tho Farmers' Club, and
otherj not heard from. it.
Joseph Baker is working his farm near
Cornlea this week.
Miss Gertie Jones was on the sick list
last week.
Mr. Casperson's liorso was quite badly
cut on the plow while in tho field a few
days ago.
Mrs. John Anderson has been sick for
two weeks with la grippe.
1. F. Abrahnmson has finished his
work on Mr. Fred Johnson's house.
Mrs. Edward Johnson has been very
sick but wo hear is recovering.
Bom, to Mrs. Edwin Eley, a daughter.
Ed. Fish left for Greeley county Sun
day and Mr. George DeVore has moved
on the place formerly occupied by Mr.
Nels Berliu has one of W. H. Tedrow's
orchards set out on his place.
Our assessor. Mr. Otis Clarke, has been
in the neighborhood.
Tho St. Edward photographer was in
this vicinity Thursday taking the pic
tures of the residences of J. F. Abra
hamson and W. F. Hanchett.
Born, to Mrs. John Pearce, April 25th,
a daughter.
Mrs. W. F. Hanchett is quite sick this
week. Dan.
Heal Estate Ileal.
For the week ending May .'Id, 1R90.
All deeds warranty unless shown.
Snhra W. Hchug and husband to Carl
Iteiuke, wist si ft lots 1 and 2, blk 1,
SteveiiH add. to Columbus g 1,700 (0
U. I. Hy Co. to August Lindberg. n'j
', Il-l-iw 33) (jo
United States to John 1'arlsch, fiatent,
fw'i UlUw
Same to Samuel Congraw, 8r., '
Ueo. Warren Smith to F. A. Tax lor. lot-
I and. I, blk 1, Sunt lis add
C I. Ky Co. to Martlowi Mcraas, w.
jr. 00
1-0 00
400 00
--,i iMUJw
A. H. Maker,
Uweher. to John ErnM.
linal receipt, mAj 10-ltU'Jw
Geo. w. Kl-tou and wife to .Mary Hol-
Ior?n. j. c, ne4 21-20-:iw
Julian I'. Wetgen and wife to John II.
Wetgen. ww'i SHJi-lw .
Alice A. Ho iter and hti-baud to Max
Mruckner, lots 7 and S, blk 3, Platte
2J0 00
2.0UO 00
1,100 00
I F. W. Edwards and xi ife to II. N. Chris-
ten-en. w' ; sw' 2t-19-w
11. N. ChristenK-n to Chers-ty M. Ed-
w;ird. 4 hwH 24-ISKJw
Franz Kriug-. widower, to Emit Krings,
se'i i-e1, !MH-2w
U. P. Hy Co. to Edmund M. Dannals,
e; nw't -HUw
John P. Meeker and wife to J. i. Iteed-
er, part blk "C" Mocker fuli-dUi-Ion
of out-lot - add. to Columbus
1,000 00
1,200 00
POO 00
400 00
XV) 00
Weather Report.
Review of the weather near Genoa for
the month of April, 1890.
Mean temperature of the month
ft$?'SZt& T&h"
Mean uo same month last jear
Loweft do, on the 11
t learuaj-..
Fair das s
Cloudy drt;
High wind daj s . .
Calm dajs
Number of days on which rain fell
Inches of rain or melted enow
Do for same month last year
Frost 4, 9, 10, 11.
Ice on the 9th, ground slightly frozen.
Very hazy 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 30.
Lunar corona on the 24th.
Martins, first appearance, on the 5th.
Mrs. Stockslager, Mrs. Cookinghara,
G. . Carroll, Mary Leach, Cora Hale
and Maggie Walker attended the teach
ers' association at Creston last Saturday.
Miss Dellie Hodges, a successful teach
er in the Madison schools, visited in
Humphrey Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Gertie Davis, the Tracy valley
teacher, went to her home at Madison
Friday evening.
L. H. Geer, Lou Hummel and Fred
started Thursday for Seattle,
IH Leaders. in Low Prices!
Ladies' Jersey vesta
Ladies' and children's
corset waists
S0.S1.Q0 6 $1.25
Leading brands.
Worth more than
Washington, where they will make their
future home.
Geo. J. Savidge took tlie Friday even
ing passenger for Sioux City.
School is advertised to open in the
new building Monday of next week.
House and yard cleaning has been the
order of tho week at Humphrey.
Merit Win.
Wo disire to say to our citizens, that
for years we have been selling Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption,
Dr. King's New Life Pills, Buck Ion's
Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and
have never handled remedies that sell
so well, or that have given such uni
versal satisfaction. We do not hesitate
to guarantee them every time, and we
stand ready to refund tho purchase
price, if satisfactory results do not fol
low their use. These remedies have
won their great popularity purely on
their merits. David Dowty's drug
The Fountain theater at Kansas City,
was burned Wednesday morning. No
In a recent article in tho Youth's Com
panion, on "how to cure a cold," the
writer advises a hot lemonado to be tak
et at bed time. It is a dangerous treat
ment, especially during the severe cold
weather of the winter months, as it opens
the pores of the skin and leaves the sys
tem in such a condition that another and
much more severe cold is almost certain
to be contracted. Many years constant
use and the experience of thousands of
persons of all ages, has fully demonstrat
ed that there is nothing better for a
severe cold than Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It acts in perfect harmony
with nature, relieves the lungs, liquefies
the tough tenacious mucous, making it
easier to expectorate, and restores the
system to a strong and healthy condi
tion. Fifty cent bottles for sale by all
Thomas Smith, a brokemanat Norfolk,
died last Wednesday from lockjaw.
Rnrklen' Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and nil skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per bos. For sale by David Dowty. 3
Cocbt houso bonds carried at Fair
bury by GoO majority.
Mr. T. A. Deroven, merchant, Deroven,
La., says: "Tho St. Patrick's Pills went
like hot cakes." People who have once
tried them are never satisfied with any
other kind. Their action and reliability
as a cathartic is what makes them popu
lar. For sale by all druggists.
Ground was broken in New York
Wednesday for the Washington memor
ial arch.
A Sale InvPfitBieiit.
b one which is guaranteed to bring
you satisfactory results, or in case of
failure a return of purchase price. On
this safe plan you can buy from our ad
vertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption. It is
guaranteed to bring relief in every case,
when used for any affection of the
throat, lungs or chest, such as consump
tion, inflammation of the lungs, bron
chitis, asthma, whooping cough, croup,
etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable
to taste, perfectly safe, and can always
be depended upon.
Trial bottle free at David Dowty's
drug store.
mine jusim-, court, uniiiimi . a. uriOHI.-j. a
it i..' . t m. 1 n ma
Miucei me reacc. in animior flat to twinty
Karl Sol
'efenuant. J
rd Kohlor mill take notice tmt on thn
12th v of Auril. IV). C. A. Brindlevm Jnatirn
of thewcace oc l'lattconnty, AebraokmiMoed
an oruoi attacamentror tne aaa 01 f !50, in
an acti pendia? lere him wiiercidkKarl
SchnberAiti plaintiff. aiM Edward Kohlemde.
lemiant. mat property or&ihe defendant, cl
(listing of ke extension tabm one enpboani and
contest. iMje and ftuaitnrAone clothe, horse,
one kitchenmblp, one etand.tae wash tab, one
boiler, flowerpots, four oane bottom chain, two
rocking cbairmone boramn anl mirror, four
chafes, one bov, one carpet, okp stand, one
heatKg store, mnr pictures, twV bedsteads.
mattaMee and sfBuigs, three imrroone small
bareaWkroewardime and one eewidkmachine.
naa Dennfncaea afner saiu enter, mia cease
wan conamjea to taa lym day w MaWJKO, at
vociocaBjn. 1 ! - 1
Kabl ScHraasrr. Pli
By J. N.LIAN, Atfy. ' Apr. lMt
To all whom it may coacern:
The special rcommissAner
inted to viw
or locating a
wnar 01
N. W. co
at tho
ported favors!
Now all okjectii
aces caused m thi
be filed
1390. or
in the countr-clerk':
Nebraska on or before
ma iocuuuu
made 'without reference
G. W. Phillips.
ejjs Cooaty Clerk.
IWK, April 15, 13W.
Dated Colun
rsnon unon tne oracucaniura
aa, a iiu VMauuiruaua au. uin raav
m tr4 n nt iiiiiiiissiii. m t& a
.a,MWB.-t.k oa section l3Xa
wai ami ruiuuagyiaenoe aaiai
we una mtiiu nam wrmin&m
S. fstensbip 17. ranAI watt aneaJm
rasm mo o. . ;svoi a. vf.m 01
designate, aa taa "Kan&ll road"ai
Ufa upon said location, as
oflavtherato or caima for
A lfSmtinm
sVffiea of PStte
qo! Jann nth-
Special bargains in
muslin underwear
skirts and chemise
49, 59, 69C.
Worth double.
Best American Ginghams
Worth 125 and 15.
In the district court of Plattt County, Nebraska.
In tlio matter of tha estate of Kvan Davis, iliv.
This raiw came on for hearing upon tho
iwtition of Hugh Hughm. guanlinn of loui-u
fciviH, a minor iiutler nix jtor of age, praing
for a licenw to wll tli Eat lialf of tho South
east iuartnr (' of Station Twenty-fiie y'S),
Township Mm-toon (W;, North, ltang.- Thn-o V-t)
WVrtt, of the tUh principal meridian, in the
county of l'I;itU State of NVbnuka, for tho pig
ment of thi junt debt of .-'aii I ward, then not
beiug Hiitiicii'iit goods, chattel-, rights and
credit in the hand- or said guardian to pa wiid
It i.s therefore ordered that all xrMns in
tore ted in said e-tate and thw nest of kin of -aid
ward he. and appear liefore me at the court hours
in Columbus, I'latte county, Xebnt-ka, en the
l!l li day of .June 1-X, at nine o'clock a. in., of
said day. to how cuu-e nliy a liren-e nhould not
be granted to naid gtiardiau to -ell so utueh of
the above described real e-late of said ward as
hall In- ns?e ary to iay -aid debt- and ex-IH'nse-.
It is further ordered thai the notice of the time
and place of hearing -aid xtitioii xhall lie pub
linlied in TllK CoLTOIUt'N .Iochnai. four succe
Dated this '."Jth day of April. 1H).
A. M. Tost.
:t0upr-.'it Judgeof the District Court.
Expert Examination""! Keieipt- and Expen
ditures ofc-Tovn-liii TrcaMirer
To the committee of Mutler town-hip:
(rnttrim n: Having lieen to -amine
the accounts of Chris. Mecdel, ex-trca-tir-er
tif Mutler town-hip, I herewith i-uhuiit in
ri'tiort. which is lis fullim?
The amount of fund- on hand at the expiration j
of his term of office, a- t-lioun by Id- Itookx, a- I
Thirteen and eight-three dollars and
thirty cents ($1.3SS.:!0).
His receipt were as follows:
From W. 11. Hess, a follow.-:
On Cent-nil fund
Itoait fund ,
Miiiie fund
Undivided levy
From the sale of old bridge timber
..? Itfisi
. 2571
.. 47 3S
. 40 Ml
4 00
" County treasurer, a- follows:
April C, l.SSfi 71.". V)
Januarys, is$7 imoo
June 30. ISCT Ml 00
October 20. 1887 1.-000
June 1,185 jtitfoo
November lo. ISSs 17331
April 21. 19 316 CO
Road fund!, collected 23 W
On which the following
credits nhould bo
Amount brought fin ward S3C2SS5
warrants pain as snovvu on
page 3C. cash book
...SJ0C 15
... 3v9 83
... J4 13
... 1M lo
... 4."iC0
... '2. 50
... 7C1 CO
... ta 15
... 411 7.1
221" 43
BA1.ANCK. .... $1.(4.140
I farther find lLat he in charged by the county
clerk as having retained the following collec
tions: Hate, Labor. Twp.K'd, Twp. Int. Total.
Jan 7,7..$ 39 00 3 S -U $ 2J 4 S :o V.
May I.V8. 127 M .17 111 9CK 'MS 17
Mayl3.V'. WOO 24 rO 2191 IUim
Scpt.g.'cO. 12( S47 547 .27 23 21
r-7I9 $7C 18 iM7i .27;4!iJ07
Balance $ 1333 10
Total coll.vtion retained ...$1M9 117
For which he hart vouchers in the Mhape of road
receipts and certificates of exemption on account
of ase.
Thirteen drawn in 1A6,
amnuutlng to $ 37 01
horty four drawn 111 187
amounting to ill K".
Forty-four dravwi in 16S3
amounting to 105 5
Three certificates of ex
emption on acc't of age 9 00
Accounted for aboseai
collected 011 roud fund 25 ft! 292 ft)
Amount unaccounted for...g2m: 17 2rw 47
Total ti be accounted for ?ira5"7
Tlie warrants for which ho is given credit as
having iwi.l as shown on the differeut pages of
hiscn.-th book were compare.! with the JlerkV
stub hook and register of warrant drawn and
they all ngretd. The unaccounted-for balance
is due to his (MeedelB neglect to charge him
self with the collections retained at time of set
tlements with the county clerk.
Very respectfully.
K. W. South.
h. V. North, Ijeing duly sworn, on oath dequ
es and has that, to the liest or his knowledge
nnd belief, th foregoing is a correct statement
of the accounts of t hris. Meeilel, ex-treauivr of
Untler township. Subscribed and sworn to b.
fore me this 21st day of April. IsW.
ShprSt K.H.CnMBMis.
Notary I'ublic.
thi; nt;uiti: .
tfhe figurf 9 iu our dates will make a Ions stay,
tfo man or woman now living will ever datf a
Jocumcnt without using the figure 9. It stands
in the third place in 1690, where it will remain ten
years and then move up to second place in 1900,
where it will rest for one hundred jeari.
There Is another "9" which has aLu come to stay.
It is unlike the figure 9 in our dat- in the respect
that it has already moved up to first place, where
It will permanently remain. It i- calh-d the "N
V High Arm Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machine.
The "Xo. 9" was endor".-d for first place by the
experts of Kurope at the Parii Exposition or I8S9,
where, after a severe contest with the leading ma
chines of the world, it va awarded the only
Grand Prize given to family sewing machines, all
others on exhibit having received loner awards
of gold medab, etc The French Government
also recognized its superiority by thedecoration of
Mr. Nathaniel Wheeler. President of the com Pan v .
with the CroM ef the Legion of Honor.
The "No. 9" is not an old machine improved
upon, but is an entirely new machine, and the
Grand Prize at Pari was awarded it as the grand
est advance in sewing machine mechanism of ths
age Those who buy it can rest assured, there
fore, of having the very latest and best.
185 and 167 Wabash Are., Chicago
W, KIBLER, Leigh, Nebr.
H laBaBsSlMVwLJ 'I
ysHi.aStp it
Special Bargains i&
Ladies' Jersey lisle vests in pink, light blue, cream, slate, gray and black
trimmed with silk ribbons; only 49c each, the best value yet offered.
Ladies' silk vests in ilesh colors and Ecine; 70c each, worth 81.50.
Ladies' ribbed vests, 10c each. A better one for 2."c.
Children's gauze ve-ts. 12;. lo. 1!) and 2" each.
Shawls and Fichus, all wool scarf, or Fichus, 70c in blue, scarlet and
cream, worth 81.50.
Black ca-hmre shawl- 81, Si. HO. 82, 82..10 and up to 810 each.
Ladies' and children's .Tersev suits SJ..?.), 83, 8'.-r0 and 84; less than half
Dress braids down to 5c per roll.
J. A. Barber & GO., Gafumbus, Neb.
ok columbus. m:i:..
Farm Implements !
Seeders and Harrows.
Strowliriile Broadcast Seeder. Niagara force-feed wagon hox settler. Hoom
ier broadcast force-feed eleven-foot seeder. The lct broadcast seeder on wheel,
which will measure your grain and ground as it sows, and make a pretty fair
estimate of the crop. It will sow anything from a half-grown timothy seed" to a
silk dress, iloosier press drill. Climax di.-c harrow and seeder combined. Cli
max disc harrou without seeder attachments.
Plows and Cultivators.
Vier plows. Wier cultivators. Wier lever harrows. Wier listers, the only per
fect listers made. Wier cultivators Tor li&ted corn, something entirely new. Come
and see it. Price SI 1, to correspond with the hard times.
Flying Dutchman riduu' plows. Flying Dutchman walking plows, Flving
Dutchman gang plows. Dandy cultivator, guaranteed to scour in any soil. Little
Joker tongueless cultivator. Orvi-; plows, Orvis cultivators. Orvis hollow steel
teeth harrows. Hudlong disc cultivators. Standard corn planter. Standard cheek
rower, the simplot and strongest cheek rower made. Drops the corn iu the
right place every time. Maud S. Cultivator, the .iieen of all cultivators, has
won the race in corn field as Maud S. has on every race track.
Corn Planters, Drills and Check
Moline Champion corn planter, drill and check rower combined. Thre
machines in one, and for the price of one. Como and see it. Twill do you
poor heart pood. Tait check rower. Peoria Advance corn planters and check
Mowers, Binders and Hay Rakes.
Standard mowers, four-, live-, six-, and soven-foot cut; can bo drawn by two
horses in tho heaviest grass. If you don't believe it, buv one and try it. Stand
ard hay rakes, Hoosier hay rakes, Tiger self-dumn hav rake, which anyone can
operate. Taylor No. t self-dump hay rake.
Usbom binder, Osborn mower, Empire binder, simplest, strongest and light
binder in Uncle Sam's dominions.
The Minnesota Chief threshing machines. Ifalladay wind mills.
Grinders and Shellers.
I X Jj feed grinders and corn shellers and horse powers. Besides a full stock
of extras for everything in the line of implements. Anything not on hand will bo
ordered on short notice.
Goes at reduced prices No belter place to buy for cash ir vmi have it. and if
you havn t there is no letter place to buy on time.
When sou are in town come and see and get a picture for the hubs
E. D. Fitzpatrick
Itookst'ller anil Stationer,
M Aril INK.
Baby Carriages, Express Wagons,
13th St.. Columbus, Nebr.
Gains in 1S
or THE
Union Gmtral Life Insurance Co.,
Of Cincinnati. O., made the following
Kaini in 1KS9:
A gain in surplus of - - $ 12,061 57
A gain in income of - . - 020,557 28
A gain in assets of - - - 1,088,362-11
Gross assets, Dec. yi, 188U 5,605,855 70
New business, 1889 - - - 19,023,686 00
Insurance in force in Xeb. 1,200.000 00
This solid and prwporou- company has a large
business in Columbus and vicinity. Good men
who can secure business, wanted as agents.
Liberal contracts and wml temtnn: iriron a.i
ureue. j. ji. tDMSTOX. SUte AKPnt.
Boom 22, Burr BlOTk,Liawla,eb
Pianos I Ops
Hosiery & Underwear.
Hollingsworth hay rakes.
Hi and L streets.
ALSYKE Clover,
Fci !sil By
for al in Shell Creek ralley.
n-ar Columbus, containinrf -110
acres of land: about. !9t ar
nn I-r ruliivation: 10 cro-i h.;i ,;,i.i
wiindr njo-tly 13 cloer and blue Krasa pastor.
ac.l hay land; ISO fruit tree.-apple.ear9,
cherry, pltim, etc., eouie bearing; all kinds oi
ornamental trees and Hhrnbs; HO fulLbearina
Krai. ines. J 1 ho fara entire is fenced, and dt.
Tided into small fields by fence. DwelliBa hoossj
., m v,n..r,00,mH- Kranary. corn irriba. larae horse
stable with hay-xnow, cattle barn which holds
toni of hay; Kog houfce; 2 wells; ranainff watw
in pasture. For further particaiara iaanire aC
JOUH.VAJ. office, or addres. H. B., cars Tof Joca.
NALLoiQmuos. Nebr. 2iaajtt
:I.lf0fms-hIs Mend and the pnbUc he is still
in the business and all orders wUl bav prompt
attention. Comes nf fiold nn -.i t.. "711
gt"omKlGll0 timea. Chmbaa,
, , . . . -W.1 ouu uibui iur.
'Bine Grass
4 !