The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 30, 1890, Image 4

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A. Week. j Newspaper iifiei ererj
32 Celms ef reiiiig Bitter, eti
sistiig ef Nebraska 8tate News
Ittua. Selected Stories ail
WSample copies sent free to any eddreaa."
Subscription -price
Si a ytar, h Advance.
H. JL Tdbszb A Oec,
ftatte Co., Nebr
Olive St., nearly opposite Pott-office.
BWsiBitli aid Wi&siHoier.
All kiids ef Refairiig dene on
8k.rt Netice. Biggies, Wag
8, etc., stale ft trier,
aid all werk Giar-
aiteed. .
Abo Mil the worU-lamotu Walter A,
Wood If owera, Beapers, Combin-
td XaobJaeo, Harreiteri,
and 8elfbinderi the
oat aade.
t"Shop opposite the " Tattcr-all on
Olive St.. COLUMBUS. 26-m
Judicious Advertising
( Vontvg manr .t bushies?.
Enlarges 111:1113- " old business,
' Revives many a dull business,
Kescues many a lost business,
Saves many a failing business,
Preserves many a large business,
Secures success in any business.
So eaj-8 a man of bneinese, and we add that
judicious advertising, for this section of country,
As ono of the mediums, because it is read by the
b.t people, those who know what they want and
ly for what they get. We challenge comparison
with any country paper in the world in this re
elect twenty jeare publishing by the same
management, and neer one dun to subscriberx
published in The Journal. This, better than
anything else, shows the class of people who
read The Journal evenr week; tf
CHEAP. 0"Y $15.
Woren w1--43' slats, cnt willows, split boards
pr an t '.$ of the sort, nsed; alter poets are set,
fen- lie made and stretched on ihe ground.
in jW,,2!ii; b-ja to ordinary farm hand,
1 W day. ana can work it orer any
ground. The man who has one of the ma
rninre can build a fence that is more dnrable and
tare tlian any other, and make it at lees cost.
1 ne machine and a sample or it work can b
jeen in the city onllth street at Ernst & 8chwarz
namware store. Willsell mchines, or territory,
or contract to put up fences.
A book of 100 page.
The best book for aa
advertiser to con,
it1aatllt rc be experl
2Sfi9enced or otherwise;
rnewartftnpra anil aHman
ofthe eoetof advertising. The&dTeitis6r sbo
wants to spend one dollar, finds la It the in
formation he requires, while forhim who will
Invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad
vertising, a scheme is indicated which will
meet his every requirement, or can bemd
to do to by MUgktdkangamuag arrived at by cor
retpondenee. 1(9 editions have been issued,
bent, post-paid, to any address for 18 cents.
Write to GEO. P. ROfFELL, A CO
. :)ora 8.PrtmtngHaiseScj.). KewTafc.
CaVeata and Trade Marks obtained, and all Pat-
fBtJ',?!iV.'!f30dnrt!1 for MODERATE FEE&
OFFICE. We have rrosnb-ajrrAci.aU business
direct, beace we can transact patent business in
less Urns and at LESS COST than those remote
from Washington.
Send model; drawing, or photo, with descrip
tion. We aavtse if patentable or aot, free of
chares. Onr fee not dae till patent is secured.
A book. "How to Obtain Patents." with re fer
eaces to actual clients in roar state, conatr or
town, seat free. Address '
OpIKitP,Oaba.Taito.I?c: '
t earner ban &aaa I
aeveroaaer sonar' fiat, Seats
! 10 paw
aammmmmVaaVLaaf aTam saatv
aWH HsaaM C9II
It contains li
The breath vof soKdk
&& the biinster's organ loft.
"Floating down the bhadowed J
Comes a strain of music soft.
Palling as a weary ware
Falls upon the beach of land.
Murmurous and sweet and bland
Bearing from the mighty M
AiegBages 01 meioor.
There, alone, tho organtcl
Lets his listless fin&srfi go
Lost in a meKrifcus mist
Ofcr tfc keyboard to and fro ;
There, half dreaming, in the gloom,
Sits the Tvcavcrat hi loom.
Weaving with tho threads of sound.
Music-woof the warp Mound.
All unconsciously he hides
Strains familiar In his theme,
When a master spirit elides
Through the doorway of his i
Mozart, Handle, Chopin.
Harmony's great conjuror--Rapt
Beethoven 1 each la part
Of the dreaming player's heart.
So the poet dreams, nor heeds
Who may listen, who may hear;
Fol'owlug tvhero fancy leads,
Sho alone to him is dear;
Omar, Keats, Theocritus,
. In his voice may speak to us
From" the realm of ages dim
These are in the heart of him I .
Poets in the fields of time.
Sinco the world began, have sown
Wide and precious seeds of rhyme, ' -And
to us to-day are blown
Odors from these pociu-tlowera
Seedlings of the later hour?
Blossoming the fields along.
Breathing the sweet breath of song.
Eugene Hector's Mistake.
A Midnight Shower Bath,
Came of It.
and What
It Lad been snowing heavily for sev
eral hours, and a few feathery flakes
were still falling when the up train
steamed into D- station at 10
C)f the half dozen pusscngera who
alighted, all savo one hurried away to
their respective destinations.
eager to
gain shelter.
This one looked about him as though
undecided which course to take. At
length, buttoning his great coat
more closely about him, and pnllifig
his cap down until between the cap and
collar only a pair of merry blue oyes
and a good natured nose wero visible,
he strode along the platform in an op
posite direction from that taken by the
up-town passengers.
"A bad night, Danel" he called as he
passed the conductor.
"Not the one I vrould choose for
meeting the through express up in the
cut.5 answered that oilicial. uBut she
is due in twenty minutes, and we must
be Off. All abroad!" he shouted, wav
ing tho tignal to move on. ."Good
night, Gene!"' and swinging himself on
board the already moving train, he was
soon lost to view as the engine went
puffing and whirling away in the dark
ness. The young man waited until the last
fiery spark had dissappeared round the
dLtant curve, then, lighting a cigar,
started again on iris way. Taking a
street which led away from the town,
he soon found himself in the open coun
try. Not until then did he realize his
error in not hiring a conveyance. "Five
miles of this sort of thing will consume
most of the night," he thought.
"Well, I'm in for it now, as it is .too
late to tnrn back, but morning
may find mo standing stark
and stiffin some of these drifts.a terrible
warning to others not to attempt a
pedestriau feat at miduight, with the
mercury down out of sight."
The wind was blowing a gale, and
the moon, breakiug through the clouds,
lit up the long stretch of lonely road,
the broad, desolate fields, and lo .v line
of dark woodland with a ghostly
"Not many changes since I last trav
eled this road !" mused the lonely e- i
ucstram in a
melancholy train of
saw 13 tancY- tlie lad-ol
ten years before, fleeinc from home and
all he held most dear in a fit of boyish
Eugene Hector had. been a high
spirited, biR-hearted, generous hoy, the
ring leader in all the youth fnl escapades,
full of fun, fond of a joke, aud alto
gether, just the one to get into mischief.
His father.after helping hhu out of nu
merous scrapes intojwhich his fun-loving
nature had led him, at length lost
patience and refused him aid in the last
and worst dile ma of all. Stung by
the reproaches heaped upon him, and
by a sense of shame quite unbearable, j
ne nail gone out into tne world to light
his own battles. With the firm resolve
to make a man of him&elf yet, he had
sought and obtained employment, aud
at the time we make his acquaintance
he is prosperous nnd happj.
llis father had long since forgiven
him and urged his return, bnt Eugene i
had grown to love tho busy, bustling
life he had led, and could not be in
duced to leave it
A longing to see the old home had
seized him, however, and he resolved
to give the old people a surprise hence
this midnight journey.
Arrived at the farm house, Eugene
Hector paused to gaze about him
at the old familiar objects ko dear
to his boyhood, then, shaking oft the
feeling of sadness which stole over him,
he ascended the steps and rapped loudly
at the door. The peremptory summons
brought his father, demauding lr.
was wauted at that hour.
"It is I, Eugene! D- yon know
me. father?" and f-iething very like
a sob choj his utterance as he
grasped ' - old man's hand
jvviing the hall, Eugene passed on
-o the sitting room, while his father.
lamp in hand, went to tell hi3 wife the
joyful news, and assure her that it was
not burglars, bnt their own dear 'Gene
come home again.
The good lady, laughing and crying
together, rushed into her son's arms,
giving him such a welcome as only a
mother can. Having kissed him " for
the hundredth time, sho bethought her
of his fatigue, and inquired if he were
"Half famished, mother!" Have been
fasting for a -week in anticipation of
the good things stored away in your
pantry!" he answered gaily.
His mother repaiied to the kitchen,
carrying both the lamp and her hus
band as protection against that bug-bcjir
of her life, burglars, in case auy .should
be hidden there. Left alono in the
fire-lit room, Eugene leaned back, in
the big arm chair with a sigh of con
teat, thinking how good it was to be at
home again, aud enjoying the genial
warmth as only a man or a cat can.
Suddenly a new thought seemed to
strike him, aud he bounded to his foot,
exclaiming, "I wonder all this rumpns
has not wakened Charley! Surely it
was enough to rouse the seven sleep
ers." , .
Crossing the room to a door which
stood ajar, he pushed it wide open and
stepped within. ,
IJy the dim light be discerned a form
upon the bed, onearm thrown carelessly
above the head. He sleeps well, .as
of old!" he thonght. then, advancing to
the side of the bed, with a cry of "Char
ley, old man, wake up!" he seized the
pitcher from the stand, and dashed the
contents full in the upturned face.
A smothered sound, and then a shriek
that never came from Charley's lips re
sounded throuch the house, causine
Engene to beat a hastv retreat. . and
briuging the old people from the kitchen. T 4 trtrT. -a .a . .1 net "
uinii crjiutj, -wnais tne matter r m
one breath, his mother being fully con
viuccil that it was "burglars."
"flatter eimuyh, to be sureT cried
l-Hgene im ai itly. "Why did you
pet led me liiat Charley .wasTiot. there?
And now Pre half killed
just like aay confounded
luck!" he
His mother went to the aid of the
half drowned occupant of the bed room
feeling very uncomfortable indeed;
"Just s a.felloj7 ge'ts home and thinks
enjoy himself, to make such a noodle
himself! Bnt how was I tokndw
lnarley had gone away, or that mother
7 was entertaining .a guest? I wonder
who she is! I've a mind to go back
to the city by the first train I"
These and other equally disturbing
thoughts ran through his mind until
he fell asleep.
Eugene decended to breakfast next
morning half hoping the lady was
too ill, or too much put out) to ap
pear at the table. 'He was doomed to
disappointment however, for when
he plunged into the dining-room much
as one plunges into a cold bath; he be
held a beautiful girl seated beside his
"Myrtie, allow me to present my son
Eugene. My friend, Miss Bell, Eugene,
and thank your stars she was not killed
outright by yoar rudeness!"
Eugene blnshed, stammered, and
only acknowledged the introduction" by
a very stiff bow.
"Not quite so anxious to make her ac
quaintance as you were last night, eh?"
laughed his .father. This remark
tended in no wise to allay his embar
rassment, and a fleeting glimpse of a
pair of beseeching eyes, brimming ovef
with tears, completed his discojntiture.
Words of apology rose to Eugene's
lips, but his tongue refused to titter
them.' "What a perfect heathen she
must think me!" he kept saying to him
self, but to her he addressed not even a
commonplace remark.
Ordinarily-he wonld have given little
thought to his mother's guest but his
unlucky blunder kept her in hi3 mind
constantly. His mother eluded him
for his coldness toward the young lady,
to which he replied impatiently that he
hated girls.
The third day of his return Mr. aud
Mrs. Hector received a hasty summons
to the sick bed of a btother. Their
departure left Eugene Heatou and Miss
Myrtiu Boll sole occupants of tho house.
ni stny in my room and take my
meals in the pantry;" declared Eugene
when his mother begged him to be civil
to Miss Boll.
She has kindly offered to keep house
in my absence, so do be sensible and
not give her further trouble," begged
his mother.
"I'll try," promised he, inwardly
resolving to make all possibly haste
back to the city. There was no traiu
till next morning, so the young man
was forced to spend the evening in
solitude, as Miss Bell did not appear.
Somehow the breakfast table looked
very cosy and inviting, laid for two, and
presided over by this lovely girl.
Myrtie had donned one of his mothers
big aprons, and flitted from kitchen to
dining-room in so natural and home-like
a manner that Eugene, watching her,
began to experience an entirely new
feeling toward her. "He did full justice
to the meal, but in silence. When it
was over he asked if he could be of any
assistance to her in her new role. She
thanked him, bnt replied in the nega
tive, whereupon the whimsical notion
seized him of helping her willy nilly.
Finding the fellow to the big apron
which she wore, he tied it about his
waist, laid aside his cuffs, rolled up his
sleeves and set to work as soberly as
though washing dishes was his daily
Mvi tie looked on in amazement: but
gradually a roguish light dawned in her
eyes as she watched him. At length,
when he put the dish-towel round his
neck, "to have it handy," she could
restrain her mirth no longer, and burst
into a merry peal of laughter at the
comical figure he cut.
a ue lauguier was contagious, ana so
effectually melted the ice bfitwonn fhom
- "iiat whell MfSaicctftrrciHrfcgd.-sO'ire
hours later, she found them on the be3t
j possible terms, greatly to her relief.
lie confided to that good dame next
day that he had decided to stay a month
longer, much to her gratification.
At the end of that time he discovered
that traveling alone is not only decid
edly unpleasant, but positively danger
ous for an unprotected female, so he
accompanied Miss "Bell home.
Humor sa's there is to be a wedding
at the Bell mansion in the near future,
as a result of Eugene's ridiculous mis
take. It Failed.
Two humorous assistant examiners in
the Patent Office recently played what
they considered an excellent practical
joko on their chief, the principal exam
iner, who was noted for his temperance
principles, says a Washington
a Washington corres
pondent in the New York Tribune,
They filled a wine bottle with water
colored with red ink and had the top
encased in tin foil and then inserted the
bottle in the usual straw case that wine
bottles are transported in. It had a
very impressive appearance and it
seemed to be a bottle of rare wine. The
humorists presented it to their chief as
a slight token of their esteem, but in
stead of kindly but firmly refusing to
accept it, the chief, to their unbounded
surprise, expressed the greatest deliirhr,.
and, after thanking them war473antrl
that it u-s)ssvrTiIe tlirtjir lie wauted. as
.taTMlHtor U'lmlivml awo frnm lmvi
, .. - .v, K"J "uui ucic,
was qnite sick and he had been intend-
mg to send her a bottle of wine. He
said that he wonld send this bottle to
her at once, as he knew that it must be
a prime article. The two assistants re
tired from their chief much dismayed at
this unexpected turn, and after consul
tation together they prevailed upon a
friend to go to the chief and gently
break to him the news of tho true char
acter of his present. This was done,
and tho chief procured another bottlo
to send to his sick sister. There is a
marked air of reserve and formality
pervading the examiner's room just now.
Three Pretty Faces Tarned Scarlet.
Three sweet-looking girls got on an
electric car recentlybonnd for West
Peachtreo street. They sat and giggled
pleasantly until the "conductor came
through the car to collect the fares.
Theu with equal promptness each of
the girls reached for her purse, and the
following conversation ensued:
All three, at once Oh, let me pay.
May Xo, it's my tnrn; I insist
Clara Girls, it's reallv mv turn to
payand I want to do it.
Ftanie I proposed riding home, so
1 think I ought to pay.
Then the three pur.-es were simulta
neously opened and the three pretty
face3 grew scarlet Two cents and a
postage stunip was the wealth of the
"Without heeding the offers of finan
cial aid which camo from several gen
tlemen, the three girls hurried out of
the car, and as it rolled away they were
standing on the next corner explaining
to each other how it happened that they
were all broke Atlanta Constitution.
, A Disgasted Lawyer.
"What makes you look so disgusted,
Sharp?" asked one young lawyer of an
other the other dav.
- Why, you know that old skinflint,
Jones, don't vou ?"
"The millionaire? Yes."
"Well, he died yesterday, without
makiug a will, and here are half the
lawyers in town starving to death. His
heirs will probably get every farthing,
the confounded old hunk.?"
The lion's share of a thing is naturally
the main part. Jialtimare. American.
The American Falplt Frveea and Prac
tice Wbat Moody's KevlvaU Have boa
for New Terk Kiad Ward's far the
Mother. '
What Moody's Revivals Have Deae for
New lottu
"Certain good people .said Mr
Moody, recently, whilo in Ndw.Yorkj
""are apt to sneer when a man like me
comes into this big city to teatth God's
word. They say, 'Why, he's only s re
vivalist)' and 'Ion know that the effects
of a revival only last a day of two.'
Well, now, the simple fact is that I
know that the effects .of a revival are
sufficiently lasting. t Why; let me tell
yon.- thai it 'la fourteen years since
Brother Sankey and I held revivals in
this town. Bight here I will say that
people press around me every day after
services, take me by the hand and speak
gratefully of that revival. These peo
ple were benefited. They have led
good Uvea for fourteen years. And
that's my answer to the scofferst"
The American Falplt.
In answer to the question; uHdwdoes
tne American pulpit of tuepresent'eom
pare with that of earlier times? Joseph
Cook, who is a shrewd observer, re
marks: "The earlier American pulpit
hadfewer rivals for public attention
than the later. Newspapers and plat
forms in the colonial era were by no
means such instructors of the people as
they are to-day. Tho pulpit of our time
must stand on its rendered reasons.
Ministers as a class have1 great social
prestige, but not as great now as in the
days of our fathers. It is more neces
sary now than ever before that the pul
pit should expect to be measured, as it
certainly will be, according to the
standards of its actual character and
achievement in spiritual fields of ac
tivity. After all, the pulpit has no ri
val as a teacher of religious thought.
Neither the press nor the platform an
swers, as the pulpit does, the supreme
question, 'What shall I do to be saved?'
The power of the pulpit to-day, as it
has been in every age of the world, is
in meeting man's deepest spiritual
wants. The modern American pulpit
has a practical spirit not surpassed by
that of the pulpit of an earlier period."
St. Louis Republic.
Precept and Practice.
The Rev. Mr. Kelley, curate of a
chapel in the town of Ayr, Scotland,
once preached an excellent sermon from
the beautiful parable of the man who
fell among thieves.
He was particularly severe upon the
conduct of the priest who saw tho in
jured man, and ministered not unto
him, but passed on the opposite side,
and in an animated and pathetic flow of
eloquence, he exclaimed:
Vhat! not even the servant of the
Almighty 1 He whoso tongue was en
gaged in" tho work of charity whose
bosom was appointed the seat of broth
erly love; whose heart the emblem of
pity; whose soul the frozen serpent of
disease did he refuse to stretch forth
his hand and take the mantle from his
shoulders to cover the nakedness of
woe? If he refused, if the shepherd
himself went astray, was it to be won
dered that the flock followed?"'
Such were the precepts of the
preacher, and he "practiced what he
preached." The very next day, when
the river was swollen by rain a boy
in a small boat, was swept overboard by
the force of the current A great con
course of people were assembled, but
none attempted to Bave the boy, when
Jlr. Kelly, who was dressed in full ca
nonicals, threw himself from his cliam-
JHsr window uno tne current, an- $,
tne hazard of liis life brought the boy
safely to shore.
The Mother.
There is no human love like a moth
er's love. There is no human tender
ness like a mother's tenderness. And
there is no such time for a mother first
displaying her love and tenderness to
ward her child as in the child's earliest
years of life. That time neglected, and
no future can make good the loss to
either mother or child. That time well
improved, and all the years that follow
it can profit by its improvement. Even
God himself measures his fatherly love
by a motherly standard. "As one whom
his mother comforteth, so I will com
fort you," he says; aud what more than
this could ho say? And many a strong
man who was first comforted by his
mother's loving and tender words and
ways, while he was a helpless child,
has never lost his grateful, trusting de
pendence on that mother's ministry of
affection and sympathy.
"When gruff old Dr. Johnson was 50
years old, he wrote to his aged mother
as if ho were still her wayward but lov
ing boy: "You have been the best
mother, and I believe the best woman
in the world. I thank you for all the
indulgences to me, and beg forgiveness
lucail mat umvcUiwr av. u-3uTor an
that I have omited to do well."
John Quincy Adams did not part with
his mother until he was nearly or quite
lifty years of age, yet his cry, even then,
was : "O God, could she" have beeu
spared yet a little longer. Without her
the world feels to mo like a solitude."
When President Xott, of Union Col
lege, was more than ninety years old,
aud had been a college president for
half a century, as strength and seuse
failed him in his dying hours, the mem
ory of his mother's tenderness was fresh
and potent; and he could be hushed to
needed sleep by a gentle patting on the
shoulder, and a singing to him of the
old-time lullabie?, as if his mother was
still sitting at his bedside in loving
ministry, as she had been well-nigh a
century before. The true son never
grows old to a true mother. S. i.
A Speech with a Lead Pencil.
Old "Wolf, the Cheyenne chief, made
a very effective speech with a lead pen
cil during a visit of Bishop Arnndel to
Ashland, Mont., a year qgo. He took
the pencil and drawing a straight line
said :
"Cheyennes straight.''
Then he drew uuother straight line
and said :
"Blck robo straight," meaning " the
Indian had nothing to say against the
Catholic missionaries .
Thon a third straight line was drawn
and Old Wolf said:
"White House straight." By this he
did not mean the Executive 'Mansion,
but the little white school conducted by
the Sisters of .Charity, which was
known far and near among the Indians
as the "White House."
Next a straight line was drawn part
way across tho page, and from one end
he made a number of very crooked
Hues, bo that the diagram looked like a
cat o' nine tails. This was explained
by the chief as:
"Va8hington straight, but all things
coming from Washington very crooked."
Then a line was drawn straight part
of tho way, theu crooked, then straight,
and so on across th'e page.
"Indian agent straight, crooked
straight, crooked, straight, crooked,
wa3 the laconic explanation.
Me. RiCiUKDSox, of the Maryland
LowGr Hiu.-, .ays he cau get 2f5,O00
signature-; in Baltimore to have unv
member of the Legislature hanged, '
New, really. It Is prina; ;
1b yellow lark's awing.
Tbe biUBldes are awake.
The woodland fields acaake.
We stand and size ages'
vfbiledrlTera stand aghast.
And bosses yell 'Avast 1"
The cowboy steps aside,
Bnt so6B.hs is astride
His broncho nd away
Where mavericks are t stray.
Voting birdltngs are anest
Spring jokers are ftjeat ; -Spring
poets are alert ;
The garden hose asqnirt:
Small skiffs are aU alake;
The aguish ashake ;
The rain drops splash adown ;
The fanner hies etown.
Spring lovers night await
When they can spoon aatef
With dntt each eye's anil ; .
Glad nature is atrilL
The Barbarous DoIbkh of tbe
in New Mexico.
The penitentes, says the Las Vegas Op
tic, seem to a new comer in the coantry to
be a strange order of superstitious fanat
ics, tbe old flagellants of the datk ages,
who-have come down by some ecclesiasti
cal legerdemain, landing in this corner of
tbe terrestrial footstool. Their perfonn
ancca are a touch of baptized barbarism
clutching at the skirts of this. nineteenth
century. Ihe Lornbleness or seeing
them at. work
flagellating themselves
on Good Friday id akin in the recollec
tion to the heartrending moans of the
wounded and dying in a great calamity.
They compose a secret organization that is
fast dying out, and is not now sanctioned
by the dominant chmcb, and the worst of
I their doiugs are snpposed to take place in
their lougeroohis. They are seen to out
siders only when marching in procession;
carrying each a rough wooden cross; nearly
heavy enough to crush them under its
weight. Their backs are usually bare,
and as they stagger along as best they can,
weighted down by their burdensome
load in body and their sins in mind,
their brethren beat them with clubs
and ptick them with cati, till in
many instances, there isn't an inch of the
flesh that isn't torn and bleeding. Not in
frequently they die from the etlects of the
tetnble punishment inflicted. A dolefnl
chanting, in which they specify the partic
ular sins they are trying to expiate, is con
tinually kept up. And yet this very class
is usually composed of the rabble element
of the community. Often; when they get
tbrongh their penances; they go straight off
nnd get drunk and rnn np another score of
evil deeds done in tbe body greater than the
last. Tbey seem to bold implicitly to tbe be
lief that every sin committed must be paid
for in Buffering and tho more pain one en
dares hero tbe less be will have hereafter.
These poor, deluded penitents ate not
attempting any moral improvements.
They are merely endeavoring to shorten
their stay in purgatory, and horrid work
tbey make of it. Anyone who was ever so
unfortunate as to be locked into one of
their lodges must admit that a feeling of
uneasiness and uncertainty crept over him
vrhile there. Perchance a dim light, as
tbe scene may be described, made' awfully
indistinct and ghastly tbe rude form of
Christ on tbe cross; the men stretched out
fnll length on the ground, more like
corpses than living beings, and the
wietrbed objects who plied the scourges
on themselves nnd tbe others, making the
blood spurt at every stroke, while the yells,
wails and howls were indescribably terri
ble. ' '
Arizona's Natural Bridge.
Natural biidge, on Pine creek, in the
northern part of Giln county, is one of the
greatest natural curiosities iu the United
States, if not surpassing, the catuial
bridge of Virginia. It spans the creek at a
height of about 200 feet, and tbe walls cf
the canyon rise above it on either side 700
or 800 feet, and on one side form a per
pendicular precipice.
The bridge is of lime formation, and the
inside of tbe great arch, which is some 250
feet across, is worn by the water as smooth
as tbongh chiseled by tbe skillful hand of a
stone mason. Tbe aroh on top is nearly, if
not quite, 400 feet in width, 1,000 feet in
admit the body of the man. and through
which one con look down into the crystal
pool of water 200 feet below.
The dike which forms ihe bridge extends
in a sweeping curve up the right side of
the stream, nnd, together with the bridge
proper, affords a surface area of abont 100
acres of fertile land, which David Gowan
has converted into a fine farm. A spring
issues from the right side of tbe canyon
at a bight to admit of the water being
easily conducted to any portion of tbe farm
and tbe volume is great enough to fill a
ditch four feet wide and two feet deep and
to irrigate much more land than is avail
able for cultivation.
The climate at tbe bridge is exceedingly
equable, being warmer in the summer and
much milder in tbe winter than that of the
surrounding country, and to this fact is
ascribed the wonderful varioty of vegetable
growth, numbering somu 2o0 species of
trees, shrnbs, vines and plants. The vicin
itv abounds in numtrons fossils and shells,
and wherever moisture percolates through
tbe calcareons rock beautiful stalactites
are formed. Underneath the bridge are
numerous, caves, sonse of which have never
Lecu explored, and which are lined with
these opaque cones resembling hugo
icicles. Boston Transcript.
nen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
Whpn she became Mips, she citing to Castoria.
When she had CbUdren, she gave them Castoria.
The Census of Greece.
According to tho last report of tho Brit
ish consul at Patras, the census of Greece
of last year gave a total population of
2,187,208. of which 1,133,625 were males
and 1,0.j3,583 females. The increase since
the last census was 218,923. Of the prov
inces tho most populous -was that known as
Attica and Boetia, with a population of
257,704; the next Achaia and Eli, with
210,713. All the others are below 200000.
Xo stranger should leave the city without
a box of "Tansili's runch" 5o Cisnirs.
TnE ground on which Helena, Mont., is
bnilt, yielded 30,000,000 in gold when it
was mined.
Ely's Cream Balm
I Price SO Cents. I
AprUr Balm Into each nostril.
ELY BECS.. 56 Warren 8tK.r.
I took Coirl,
I took Sick,
-1 take My Meals,
I take My Rest,
feltiiir fat too, for Scott's
mulsionof Pure'Cod Liver Oil
and Hypophosphitesof Limeand
icnt Consumption but built
.' FLESH ON MY Bnnirt
icufe-iii across me canyon, anu at me !- under the
umuanuuij uicti. wiruiiKu. rT ' '"v, s. Island.
sHir of tno area0 fayly-iarggtTy ?-1
Sharp TnttftX) Im Law aai Svgary.
lata early dajao tto town a doctor
had occasion to efiploy a neighbor, a law
yer, to take charfe of a case. Somehotf
the case aaTergt akwad aay. At tao
dose of each tarn of comrt tbe doctor watiW
ask tho lawyer aboit it, only to recive the
aaswer: "It is continved; the. other arte
ot it continue Ae tkt eoeta aleo con-tinued-tr
iacieaae; t.tSi dpcto go!
neasy, bat bided his tisse. ln the
course of years the lawyer .caned
in the doctor to cure -a. ore
finger, which failed to heal and remained a
source of annoyance. At last the lawyer,
while away from home, called hi another
doctor, who happened to hit the case jnet
right; and when he relumed home the fa
cer was well. As soon as he saw Ms old
client, the doctbr, he .told hiss what the
6ther doctor had dofie for Win, winding ap
with the question. "Doctor, hf didn tyou
. nrs mv ffiiffer as dhidt as the -otter doc
tor?" The old physician with a" aserry
twinkle in hid eve. stuttered a prdaapt e-
ply: ;'8quife, X was . j-just c;c-continuingM
it. cawiaen aersia.
tf Tor Id ver Reminds Tea
Of its existence by dull pain or sharp twinges
In the right side, or befUsitH ae dexter ahool-der-blsde,
accept the reminder as a wiijninfc
and regulate the organ without loss of time, by
the use of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. The
above symptoms are usually accompanied by
yellowness of the skin, constipation, furred
tongue, disorder of the storcacb, sick headache
and morning nausea. But a reform la promptly
Instituted by the Bitters; the best possible Stttfc
Btitute for calo'mej, tics' piD, and" ther superj
potent and hurtful drugs erroneocsly ffestaiatect
rommlica for biliousness. Appetite &d al-
gestion are restored, and the bowels resume
Iunciious 01 ueaiin Dy mis Bieruut; nuu-uiuuu.
medicine; j!uh also has the effect of enrich
ing and parifymg the. circulation, and fortify
ing the system against malarial infeetion in air
or water. It is also highly beneficial for rhea
xnatism, kidney and bladder troubles.
Nashville's Cariosity Aroased.
Nashville's, (Tenn.,) curiosities aronsed
as to what becomes of the pennies that aria
sent there. They are not Used in trade to
any considerable extent, and it Is surmised
in some quarters that most of them fall
into the hands of superstitious people,
who toss them over horses or cover them
with stones "for luck."
Fttteec contestants clad ir the fray.
Armed with good steel aud lu battle array
triing for lucre, as brave knights of old
Strove for their honor3 andincdala of gold.
Driving each shining pen over tho paper ;
Socking to sound, jis tne most proper caper,
The praises of reiiiidie known the world over
From Paris to Calais, from Calais to Dover;
But each knight Mtinly strives languago fails
in description
Of the manifold virtues of "Ittvonto Prescrip
tion." When ill or depressed with that "dras-ging-down"
feeling consequent upon weak
ness, suffering from headache, weak or lame
back, and the many ilU common to tho
weaker sex. take Dr. Pierce's Prescription,
which is guaranteed to give satisfaction or
price ($1) returned. See printed guarantee
on bottle-wrapperv
Dk. Piebce's Pellets gently laxative or
actively cathartic, according to dose. '23
A new museum will soon be started in
Paris to be known as the Museum of the
French Army, and to compri-e ancient
uniforms, equipments, arms, and every
thing relating to the history of French
regiments. An enormous amount of ma
terial has already been secured.
Syrup of Figs,
P -oduced from tho laxative and nutritious
juice of California flgs. combined with the
medicinal virtues Of plants known to be
most beneficial to tho human system, acts
gently on tho kidneys, liver and bowels,
effectually cleansing the system, dispelling
colds and headaches, and curing habitual
The euvgration from Germany to the
United States this season promises to be
very great. At Hamburg five extra steam
ers are to be added to the service for New
BALL'S CATARRH CORE Is a liquid and is
taken internally, and acts directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Scud
for testimonials, free. Sold by Druggists, 75c
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
According to the Providence Journal
a district for every CC0 voters wonld ob
viate everv difficulty and inconvenience
new ballot reform law in Jmode
zzz 1T-7 n
XEbTtD ux TillE." Xuv2iz!ilal -SnllCC-
lions. Couphs, etc. BnoWS's Ukosciixil
Teoches have nrorcrftheir efficacy by a test
of many years. Price 23 eta.
Bekry, the English hangman, has loft
ily declined to appear in the province as
executioner in a play to be written around
him for the purpose at ?250 a week.
The best courb
for Consumption.
medicine is I'iso's Cure
Sold everywhere. 25c.
From Noember to May the exportation
of cut flowers from the little towu of Can
nes, on the 6oath coast of France, reaches
the sum of 713,805.
Don't Get Caught
This Spring, as you may have been before, with
your blood full of impurities, yoar digestion im
paired, appetite poor, kidneys and liver torpid, and
whole system liable to be prostrated by disease
but set yourself into Rood condition, and ready for
tbe changing and warmer weather, by taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla. It stands uneqniled for purifying
the blood, giving an appetite, and for a regulating
and general spring medicine. Be sure to get Hood's
"For rhe years I was sick every spring, but last
year began in February to take Hood's SarsapariUa.
I nsed five bottles and ha've not seen a sick day
since." G.W.St-OiN. Milton. Mans.
"My son was afflicted with the worst type of scrof
ula, and on tho recommendation of my druggist I
gave him Hood's SarsapariUa. To day he is sound
and weU, notwithstanding it was said thero was not
enough medicine in Illinois to offect a enrc.rj.
Be sure to get
Hood's SarsapariUa
Bold by all dnuraista. $1 ; ix for $5. Prepared only
by C. 1. UOOD k CO. Lowell. Mass.
KX Doses One Dollar
Because It Improves Her Looks
ana is as r rascranias violets-
Nothing like it. The TEST BEST
MtH-k fool et er ottered. A lonjr
and successful urn demonstrates
that it will cure nearly eery
itiease that HORSES. COLT.
and 5W axe afflKted with.
furiGe Mood, (rives healthv ac
tion to liver and kidneys. ai.Li di
r3t!on.promotcKrneral healtli.
bitrhly medicated, (n es new life
uul YiRor, aud sates 1-5 grain.
Large can for 50 ct. Very cheap
in hiitlcaskTourdnitrsistordea
lerforit. Take no other. Send
for -How to Cure Uog Cholera."
xrstf hihha
0O" (simtmttvm
rrorchaas one of tbe cale-
uratea hhith WESSON
rma. Tbe finest small arms
ever manufactured and tho
flnt choira of all Hiuria
fleordonWe action. Safety Uammerleaa and W
arget models. Constrnctod eniirelr or aM aaal.
Ity wraaaht ateel. .carrfnUrVcted foV VcSt
rnaaahjpand took, they ar,iHiledfor flalVfc.
ft,ry.,,.f .. onotbdea5"Jd5f
cheap walleakSe cmatlra iBaltaUraa whlck
areofU-n sold for tnaavauinaarUrla ami aSa
HRW?KeTolT',r" " aud Bponthe barrel-,
with Brms name, address MddateVcTr nurnia
and ar saeracte1 perfect to every detaiTln
attnpon haimr the genuine article. andU -our
teil3T2S,,Mil2,,,1r J0 rteTMt toadireai
below will reorlTe prompt and careful attention:
Uannfaettirelinrmlt)r v iaM am m at.
itlOBthlapacMT . MwriawtMA, waaBV
I wasted to
2H JE? -.
' IT ' ''aaa-aaaaaMaaaaa'
m...Mtnr. ChdaODOll S
l-lefreqnetlyaotieei f P"?'
tSrMlvverv far from death, an extaorsb-
?TiFXif SrSTfc ET:
&M . itlrtffoS
wiU occur with! fwe-ty-war
hoars. la aoawr cease,
e&ly one eye is wide open while tie otfcjj
fel!Ks normal, death will ? Wj0114
so rapidly, hr will take M feat of
seventy-two hof; there aot beta f
slightest chance for reCtrfety after these
nmntnnx set in. however remote aaal dis
solution may seem to be. Chiappoli saya
he is utterly at a loss for-an explanation of
this death symptom, but ascribe-it to a
diseased state of the sympathetic nerve.
Mast Step Dewa free Fame's Pedestal.
The Englishman whb gave, as a reason
for not frying to rescue a man .wnomne
saw drowning, that he had "never been in
troduced to him," mn step down- from
fame's pedsstal to make room forewoman
in New York who declined to cnt down, a
struggling neighbor who had hanged her
self on f be gronnd that she might get into
trouble with the coroner.
t; Ari.; TV, will ha seat by Crastn A
', Co.. Phllada.. Pa., to any one in the) T. & or
Canada, postage paia. upuu iwi"; ",w
Ytnhhtna Electric rJofip wrappers, bee list
of novels on circulars afoaad each bar.
leap for sale by aU grocers.
THE trustees of tbe American cotton
seed trust have formerly retired from the
control of the company and turned its
offices and property over to its successor,
the Amc'rifc'fln Cotton Oil company, which
is incorporated nnder the laws of New
"You certain! v nrft mistaken,'
evening party, "but that cannot
though the name is. the same. Judge
ous complexion, vv-Itilc the other young lad Good heavens, what a skin
she had ! Covered with blotches and red-headed, pimples ; it was like
a nutmeg grater. Oh no, this cannot be the young lady. -Bnt it was,
though, and Dr. Pierce's Golden
miracle. As a remedy for pimples,
ScalD diseases, it is the most wonderful medicine extant. Of all the
many blood-purifiers and remedies
Discoverv" is the OKlv one guaranteed to do all that's claimed for it, or
money promptly refunded! Especially has it manifested its potency h I
curing Salt-rlicum, Tetter, Erysipelas, Eczema, Boils ana Larbuntfes.
In all Scrofulous Sores and Swelling. "Fever-sores' "Hip-joint Dis
ease " and all impurities of the blood, no matter from whatever eauie
arismfr. it effects the most marvelous cures. " okld s -DispesSaRT
Medical Associatiox, Manufacturers, 6G3 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
T.HPTeH8 F CAT.lKBUi.-HencJache. obstruction of nose, .lischarz-
fallintr into throat, pometimes prof usej watery, and acrid, at others, thri.
tenacious, rr.ucou?. purulent, bloody, putrid and offensive: eyes weak, rinr
ine in ears, deafness: offensive breath; smell and taste impaired, ami p-n-cral
debilitv. Onlv a few of these srraDtoma likelv to be present at one.
Dr. Sago Ifcrnedv cures tho worst cases.
Ljirr 1tr.j1r.1nr rwrc
ineapot. iieiiet is immediate. A cure is certain. For"
uoiu 111 me Menu 11 nas no equal.
It Is an Ointment, of which
f which
bold by
nuMims. iTice.soc. :oia
TrirPDiDiiv w
W guarantee a good paytrg
1 Ul.l.QrtrH II I. position to every graduate.
iiu'iu 10 rrj gradual.
Telecrtpar. Mailison. Wl
American sccooi ai
n (If or circular.
T.. . m.
Cl-ricVcc.AilHIlA mail. Stowall Co.
mrm rait a
oanasiowa. ataaa.
n baud.etcthoro
Bookieenl z. Btisineb-. Forms.
I'cmusnhhiK.Anthmf iii-.Si'nrt.
II We. BiTAM'sBi.stMsCor.LEUEBufl'alo.X.y.
Send for aitft or Pension and Bounty Lawi. So5df 5? ,
Inventor' SiiM r.i- irn t a-. . J..rrJl ST.?0' f
r thornnsklv tanuht br mail. Cin-nlara
OTaaaaii. Attorn, ai fLaw. wiSiiSont D C
The aildrosof all 'oMIcr. who
lioirjetttearteil a 1i-n number
of acres than lU and made niial
Irool on name.
sate, certain and
Sna 4 r. fr tVuinn. ftmrZ-
Effrtual. at bnh
unuru." e
S":l:sr't Zz-Ms Cc. Pj.
fajitiiter; Cured with Veaetaa! Remediea.
SHave cured many thousand case-. Core r.tient,
2?iU!ed hf"-,ef br the bes?Fhy.lV-liii From '
rst ilom mi.tnms rapidly dUappear. and in ten
flLlill I UnBCSTAxricnItunl.Hraztna aVd limhee
Lsnd-t now open tottlers SFVrvRrv VJ2
foi: srnooLs.
01 simple explanation,, and ia,Y,;r'
ri''- -nuaUtUakubllS
K1lK!Sp?-rt" Cliiinea. fir..l- Kate rv,-i.
miE&BfVSrascstSR-m I
Jwaj1nk?-I,e forlJu, -- i) 'Valaer
Motion Sr.3. i3 cts. 1 si rtoz.i MrTBoardman.
Also try the sweet little Caatatas :""uu, DOO,U' l
Klacdotn of Mother Gom. is
Mn. Bnaruman.
(2Jct-i??io2en.i j
S?CUK.".'- wctsaijffldo Lewi.
Who Killed CoSt Robin ?
(tOcts 3.e dozen)
Book a; Medium. c:iSdoi
tBook3.Ulh. sec: M a
i Boole l.rVimv "n. .
S&ier90a- J11 lne nrt an best
books for teachin note reading inschooL.
PFRSIfllfft CW11 nd Orrnment claims of all
nr nrntrr
iiiunr aii
iii hi im
nxil llilTimipJ
Sena for Zista and Description.
Any book mailed lor retail price.
XTON & HEAIT, Chicago, UL
To Restore TopJ
sad Strength
to ihtetjwttm
La Grippe
or any othr
unequalled. - .
Get tbir BEST. .
Prepared by y;.
Dr. J. C. Ayer CJ
me a thorough knowledgn of tho ninr
mJS. i.ii the oarraticms cf (llirrt!rr. ..t.
nn. ,C u.l ..IJ.4.. ...
fweU-selctd Cocoa. Mr Ei
ISdPJBCWWUim'Uiwiuuui la!:.!
tables with a drficatefv CucS
h. '
assy save ua many heaTv dwwwri
It li br the itfctlCJoaa use 01 snen articles of d.V
a iiilaWlliliU'ii n" . ; 'i """ui'uanjit;
.. 1- - - .t .IHII. nil, .."
aaoawatoraSIST every iu:j iu ULa.. g
to mttsr" eeeiwrat- "" V" "v ". ". w .
"5" " ..Y-T. ZTiT.-r""
Wuia .innir arit!
"-.r 'if. i-: w r!.. ,-..-. - :- &t
mrl!4c CV-t .Homcropeuuc Cix
MZ5TIOX TH ParCX ama to wnn
a boiling water or im! cl,.
said one voting man to another at an
be the young lady I met last winter,
for yourself. This girl has a glori
3Iedical Discoverv. had worked the
blotches; eruptions and all Skin and
for skin diseases, "Gold Medieyj
for an incurable case of I
Catarrh in ilia Maid hrl
proprietors of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY.
Only SO cents. Sold by druggist, every whera.
iaiaiCKU. Best. Easiest to njc.
a small particle is applfcd to the
lni!n;ists or sent by mall.
t. T. Mazkltink. Warn-' J
!:' JJ5f-
Cl- 1k
Utl -
r- v
The Copyright en the Original Webstor's D'!
tienary Expired with the Year 1889.
. for.forty-two years the people he pali .
j roya'tvto the Brest imblNliins nrni wh- bs
the in vjopo.y 5n thin the most n?c-iz?
por:at.l book m the Knjilth laucuae. Xo
' parent lia been permitted to ed 'teste bU I"
niti)ir.ipayinK tribute tf this hnus-e. visi
f trally placed a tiJll-Site acrom the hiKhtw
.cation. Tbe gateway is nxnr dismantled. "
( edition ot WEBSTCK'M lUTIOXKVl- i -
reprint of the original work, width hrtc
j for Jl'UO per copy. It is not a cheap -m-lJ
j abona-ndsNOAHyVKlWlTKSDP'll 'M
I ly printed on nice white papc- ami "
bound in leather.
Cpon receipt of M.UO we wilUend u. . :
I by express the Dlc-tionarr alww i!i--rile
' e.
Abto our reliability, ne rtf-r yonto'l" "
! ot tliepaier in which this adAertit-emeTit ''-'?,
i Money biioufil be sent liv exp-ei- r r "''
I cnier.hank dra(t.or rettt-rc(l Ictt-r. ' ""
. "numcati-i:i6 t
MOL'X Cll XKVhIA1KR I "ls-
21S Vmxl trrt. M.mix Ci'J ,,JA
lapatuy I- m. u t Ita. Stl frt.r.. Erw. -
Tr-r HCTrkMt-f'
A SC1.0O S irt
A 3110-lb. Hf
ASI2i.llTpP -A
t.ra Wijn t'
A 3-Toa Scat se4 ' t.
A iil Irtd Mi!
v." I
AflO.OORcd-t' Tf
A !i.OOs.;i'.l -- ,)
The Otdnt Mttlicin in the Werld't-'"U:1
. ISAAC THO.nPSl- ' .
TnU article ts a cart Tu in preparl po " -".Jit
acnptloB. and has been la constant uv " ?!i. -i
century. There ant few di&eav, .a w ,- .-!.,
IP5. for which more r'med-J""
, ifwltBoataaKceaa. ForalleaterMl i-f
of tae eyes K la aa tefalllble remedy. " pt-'
(UTeCT PliWt altitiMMfng' !. -t-
, .v .- . - ,v- fc
jecf Irlflm AmmTntr hn- ,t- c tJ1
t toTtti tbe atteatioa ot phvclaa to it rr'
I I!?JralldTUlstB. JOHX U THOJie?-'-
W TBOT..T. ZittbUated 173;
- -.. w - . .
QUVER DI780M C0PAY. BoMton: I s
r!?.9PI -mm i . Ar-'y
ima. awaacn oxcm.lii
C X. V.
. 't