The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 30, 1890, Image 3

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jdxesday, april so. vm.
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Ht 7 art it. in., and wtitm aft Colambus at
Lin Kr. , ooiao tot.
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r arrive from Sioux City. ...1255 p. m
. 11:15 p. m
leaves Coloaaboa tot uacu.tzwi p. m
" . 6:15 p. m
arrives from Lincoln 52K)p. m
.. . ....11115 p. at
leaves forSioax City". '.'.".". 600 p. n
3:30a. m
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2:15 p. m.
..".'."."".-12:43 p.m.
aVYfws -
r arrive-t .:
ttp. ra.
Jttrief Jg$tUes.
ii tnu ntwlor ihU haadin will tie
I at tbe rate of $2 a year.
.regular meeting 3d Wednesday m each
month. All brethren wiled to Htteail.
I - ' H. ttaaL&ox. W. M.
t. Whits. SeCy. tiuly
Ini.. t.wr meiiur on Wdnlny eveninn
Ir cJihiiI. rornt'r of North tnt and Fariar
le. All a cmmiij uinru.
I) lUder H. J. Uciisos. Provident.
Improve the city.
I)r. F. J. Schns, office Oljve st.
Build Residences for new-comers.
koubletlie population in one year.
roinpressed yeast "at Rastmiasen's.
b 15. "linffv. honse-inover. Schuy-
h'.die stook in the Land and Invest-
t Company- .
INo houses in Columbus, to rent.
Id cood residences.
)ld iiew.sjKipers by the hundred, 2"
Is at thcloCKXAii office.
IL. -T. iiaker's resUurant, north ot
U. 'P. depot for cujars. candies and
Its.' - .
LfsrKviril harL'aihs in fiue suits. Call
IMcKeiin. merchant tailor, Nebraska
lime. . . 1-t
-V.-IL" Lewis was on the South
lalia market Saturday with a crtr load
IkotfS. ". .
-J.'M: Gondririff. county attorney, has
I office next door to M. Whitmoyer's
r oJRce.-
-Best" stock" of wall paper, window
tains, alnbastine, etc, at Stillman's
lij 6tore." 1"-1
l-Dodne county sheep feeders have
Irchased 1),000 .head in the west for
idinir.Wre. . . .
tlleinemlier that Sch'afffotb & Plath
Ike specialties 6r well lorin; and
Imlar wells. -
Evervliody is astonished at the low
lees of dress goods 'at the Jlacket on
-C. II. Davis" has erected for S. 1J. &
JC. Gray an implement house east of
W. AYeaver's.
I-Colambus it in excellent -condition
a ieal estate "boom." which need
irer'go backward.
-Th last heard frnm 1. Gluck he was
Mobile, Ala.' The south is having
usidefable rain just now.
-Hmivpbrey has an athletic club with
pr ihirtv otembers. They have their
bius'in the new school house.
-(imtraet your buildings with L. E.
Iwerd and llrst-claaa work is guaran-
Shop on Eleventh street.
-31 'cerelrated "Quick-Meal, and
nareh gasoline Btoves, the best in the For sale by A. Boettcher. 4tf
Ulliehani Thomas was given thirty
jvs irr the -county jail for stealing a
Bisp l.Hjonging to J. 11. Thompson.
-Good' goods and cheap prices in
Lar voii" want, and von can get -them at
Ira, N. F. Storey's millinery store. 1-2
l-The'. nest meeting of the Platte
Lirmras.Club is .to be held four weeks
lorn last Saturday, at Harry Keed's.
-.Brother Bixby of the Sentinel solv-
1 the Maurice Mayer switchman's puz
leand.carried off tlie new suit of clothes.
"E. PoEl has a new iron door plate at
is grocery; the first work of the kind
i the city from tlie Gilt Edge foundry.
Yon wont loose your sole when you
lapnen tostep into water, if you buy
lioea at tbe Backet. The best in town.
Th. Home restaurant keepsevery-
rtUuipt the appetite. When you
rant a lunch prepared, call and see
The Sovksai, is on sale, each week,
It the book and news stores oijux.
Pitzpatrick and J. Heitkeuiper,at 5 cento
i copy
The German Lutheran church had a
Mass .graduate from the catechism last
Sunday. morning. There was a large
crowd out.
Krhaffroth & Plath have the best of
liarvesunir macmnery anu catu iuw
. J .&m Maih
finy kind of farm implementSj at reason
able rates.
tJ" G- Zinnecker has been elected
president of the fire department, instead
3f.M. P. Hurd who resigned and -moved
to Washington.
J.C. FiUman is too busy to adver
tise this week, nevertheless he baa hats
enough to 6upply every lady in the city,
with still more coming.-
Wanted to rent, a famished house
with about five or six rooms .in a pleas
ant loealitv. Address Tub JouKfAt,
gmng'terna'aod "particHlars.
The UBifdrm Bank. K-of P give
their third anHiversary ball at the opera
bouse tomorrow evening. Jv good time
is assured for a)l those who attend.
Ravmnnd vnuncr ana of E. M.
Stkkley.'was brought to Dr. Schug's
Mcx to be boated for bite of rattle-
uh. He was bit ia the haad. Tbe
l aaike-bireaMdy waaadauaMer-
H. C. Cady, Kebraaka'a great lum
ber dealer, was in town yesterday. He
took stock in the Laad and Improve
ment Company.
" The soldiers relief committee, A. W.
Clark, W. J. Irwin and James Burrows,
have been in session this week and con
sidered a few applications.
Jacob Wagner and Frank Anson will
start for Salt Lake city, Utah, in a few
days to lookup a location, and perhaps
make it their future home.
Carl Rhode and Miss Mack were
married yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock
at the residence of the bride's parents
in the eastern part of the city.
Rev. Wain wright, state agent for the
American bible society, preached Sun
day evening at the M. E. church, n very
able sermon, which we would like to see
in print.
For Harrison wagons andCourtland
spring wagons and buggies, call on J. A.
Gutzrner, opposite Dowty's drug store.
He is sure to satisfy you in prices and
quality. tf
Advertisers are using a very consid
erable of our space these times, so that
many items of importance that might
.be spread out, have to be condensed
into a few lines.
Pasture for colts; during the season
I will furnish good, fenced pasture for
colts and horses, cows and calves near
the city. Plenty .of shade, water and
salt. J. L. Sturgeon. , -3t
Martin Poatle aad Wo. Keufel are
having a legal contest over a consign
ment of fresh fish last summer, K.
alleging they were true to name, while
P. says they were stale.
Xieb. Blasser has the contract for
the erection of a dwelling for Rev. Brown
of Loup twp. He is also to drive some
piling and put in rip-rap at the south
end of the Loup bridge.
There is talk among those interested
of holding races here this season. If
anything is to come of it, those who
have good horses should get together
and see what could lie done.
John Sissle has left us a copy of a
Canton (O.) paper containing an account
of the recent cyclone near that place, his
old residence. One man was killed and
many had narrow escapes from destruc
The farmers who met at A. W.
Clark's Saturday discussed the tariff on
wool, J. H. Reed leading with a paper on
the subject The prohibitory amend
ment will be the theme at the next
meeting. -
A railroad man, a gentleman of
means, who has been traveling over the
west, says that Columbus is in just such
a situation as to take advantage of busi
ness and double up in population' and
The committee on examination of
county records are conferring on the
subject, to report at the July meeting ot
the board of supervisors. W. J. Irwin,
James Burrows and W. A. McAllister
are of the committee.
We hear of several cases of malig
nant destruction of property by both
men and boys. This is one of the
meanest crimes in the whole list, and if
the law were enforced in two or three
instances, such marauders would, at
least, be more cautious.
New cases filed in the district court
G.Loebs et al, petition for foreclosure
real estate mortgage; Wilde & Camp
bell vs. Jacob Wagner, suit for debt on
check given for $800 and payment re
fused. '(Salt Lake real estate deal.)
It will be a matter of regret, for tlie
citizens of Genoa to learn that their
old, tried and trusty physician, Dr. T.R
Clark, has decided on a change of loca
tion. Such is the case and he will at an
early day commence the practice of his
profession at Columbus. Genoa Leader.
Secretary Busk's circular, which we
print elsewhere, will 'strike our readers
among the farmers as a very conserva
tive document. Public opinion is the
aggregate of private opinion, but only
when it is crystallized into law and made
effective by enforcement, does it count
for much in practical life.
Dr.T.L-Clark of Genoa has purchas
ed of Dr. F. J. Schug on Olive
street. He comes to Columbus from
Genoajind is very highly commended as
a man ands.tji. physician. He has a
wide circle of frieiiand acquaintances
in the western part of this county, hav
ing been located at Genoa a nnmber"of
Nebraska, its achievements and ca
pabilities, with a word to the new home
seeker, is the title of a pamphlet recent
ly issued from the B.A- M. headquarters.
Tt shows Nebraska in fine shape, and
will doubtless help to swell the tide of
immigrants who will come to occupy
these prairies and open them up into
rich farms. -
-At the meeting of the city council
Friday evening a liquor license was
granted to S. J. Ryan; also to Kersen
brock & Mack. The Kummer park
proposition was rejected. The proposi
tion of the Columbus Electric Light
company to furnish thirteen arc lights
of 1200 candle power, one year for $1,950
was rejected.
Mr. and Mrs. Mevis left Thursday
for Broken Bow, where he opens up a
stock of dry-goods, etc Mr. Mevis is
one of the straightest and most genial of
business men; and we hope to see him
return to Columbus for permanent resi
dence after he quits selling goods, and
becomes a retired capitalist speculating
in real estate.
This office received Saturday last a
new Chandler Price job press, which
is a beauty and will take the place of a
jobber that has been in constant use
since 1873. We are UBder obligations to
Messrs. John Stupfel and Jack Elston
for valuable assistance in getting it in
position on the second floor of the Jour
jtai building.
Somebody should examine a little
more closely than has yet been done into
the taking off by suicide of. a woman
lately in Polk county, after a family
battle the previons Sunday. Is it true
that one of these men was of the party
that buried a stranger sobm time since
in Loup township mmder somewhat
saepicioas orcwnsUnoes?
Six sacks of noil were damped off
the Hyer at Schuyler the other night and
the depot boys sldnukhed around with
lantern, twt were naable to ind them.
Daylight showed them ia So
says the Herald. At Soath Omaha re
oently wesawamail sack thrown from
a car, fall under and be cat ia two by
the train, aeattariag tbe mail considera
bly. These tbiagesboald not be,
Mrs. Geo. Lehman west to Iowa Wed-
nesday. - "" -
Mr. and Mrs. A. Henry of Omaha are
In the city. '
D. A. Lord of Denver arrived m the
city Monday.
R Standen was in CrestoB,last week
buying stock.
James Hoage of Silver Creek was in
the city Monday.
, Miss May Burrows cf Burrows town
ship was in the city Monday.
Mrs. Buckley of Platte Center visited
Mrs. G. G. Bowman last week.
Brad. Slaughter of Fullerton was in
town Monday on his way to Omaha.
T. C. Cain of Genoa is in the city. He
reports everything qniet up his way.
Willie Becher came ap from Omaha
Wednesday, to help in Dowty's drug
Miss Maud YanAlstine came down
from" Platte Center to spend Sunday at
Ghordis Stull, Esq., who has for some
time been in Illinois, was in the city
Saturday. .
Miss Snow of Fullerton -visited her
brother a few days last week on her way
to Tecuinseh.
Miss Myra Wise, one of Colfax coun
ty's teachers, was visiting friends in the
city Saturday.
Miss Eliza Wilson, sister of W. W. and
a W., arrived here from Stirling, Scot
land, last week.
Gus G. Beeher went to Peoria, Illinois,
last week, stopping on the way at Lin
coln and Omaha.
Miss Arlie Rinehard went down to
Omaha Monday to have her eyes exam
ined by an oculist.
J. R Meagher spent Thursday at
Omaha his first trip to the Gate city
for over two years.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Flemming and Mrs.
Thompson and daughter of Creston,were
in onr city Saturday.
John F. Bixby, editor of the Genoa
Lender, accompanied by his mother;
came down from Genoa Monday.
Mrs. R B. Dunlap and son, and Miss
Akes Plumb came down from Lindsay
Monday, to visit friends this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Delsman attended
the wedding of F. B. Eiiners and Miss
Anna Steffes at Humphrey, yesterday.
D. Schupbach returned Sunday from
South Dakota. Some portions of that
country have suffered fearfully of
Miss Locker, of Columbus, who has
been visiting relatives here, returned
home on Thursday of last-week. Osce
ola Record.
Joseph Gross, a former business man
of this city, now of Milwaukee, was in
town Thursday. He was looking in
good health.
Miss Gertrude Carlyon has written to
friends in the city from her present home
in Aspen, Colo., saying she is very much
pleased with the same.
Mrs. Geo. W. Clother, accompanied by
her children Enor and Georgia, start
today for Canada, where we understand
they will reside in the future.
Ony-fbwB8man, L Gluck, was hrjl
fromfiast weeVat Nashville. Tenn. 3
finds to&t. a piettr-expmdive cttvfani
prosperous, under the influences now at
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Henrich and daugh
ter and Mrs. C. H. Walker of Denver
arrived in the city Monday and will re
main in the county till Friday, visiting
fried ns.
Jacob Ernst was out on tlie streets
yesterday. He has leeii -"under the
weather" a long time, with the grippe,
and suffered a great deal. His .host ot
friends will be glad to know that be is
O. R. Owens, who has been day clerk
at the Fleming for some time, is going
to Watertown, N. Y., to engage in the
insurance business. James Rutland,
who has leen night clerk, goes to Salt
Lake city. George Spear will be day
The Platte county teachers' associa
tion held a meeting in the Presbyterian
church at Creston, last Saturday as per
announcement.' While tbe threatening
aspect of tbe weather kept many teach
ers away, the meeting was well attended
"byDrsorjfjaisj-ieii 9 educational
themes, and was in the main quite in
teresting. The exercises wore opened
with an address by Superintendent
Cramer on educational progress; Miss
Katie Carrig read a paper on reading;
Miss Cain gave an exercise in primary
work with a class of papils; Misses An-
derman and Spohn each gave a recita
tion; Prof. Couch made an address on
the work 'of specialists. Owing to the
absence of disputants, the discussion
was omitted, and the question box under
the control of Messrs. Carroll and Mil
ler, taken up. This proved a very in
teresting exercise, and -brought up
topics of evSry-day importance, tbe dis
cussion of which was freely participated
in by the teachers and others. The ex
ercises were enlivened with excellent
music under the leadership of Miss
Graham. The time and place. of the
next meeting were left with the ex
ecutive committee.
T. Malialieu, sup't of the state
industrial school at Kearney, was in the
city Friday on his way to That friends at
Monroe. He speaks very highly of tbe
labors of Prof. Shaft1 at the school, who
went there from here; he says be is a
splendid disciplinarian, and -has had
wonderful success with tbe boys under
his charge. After the boys have been
uuder discipline for such time as seemed
necessary, it is tbe aim of tbe trustees
to secure good homes for their charge
and keep track of them until it ia known
they are on tbe right road to useful
lives. From what we have heard and
what we ourselves know of Mr. Malla
lieu's work, we doubt not be k the right
man in the" right place.
J. F. Bixby, editor of the Genoa
Leader, was teat weak bound over to the
district court, to answer to a charge of
criminal Irbel preferred against him by
j; a Breech, a real estate agent of
Genoa. Joha has probably learned that
men will not always swear to tbe things
they tell .the aea'spaairs, aad that it is
one thing for yoa tokaowthat what you
have said of a man ia true, but it ia
quite another thing, to get others to be
lieve it Newspaper talk is act cheap,
but it is a good deal lo war ia pries the
of libel mm.
Real EiAate Drab. .
For the week ending April 26th, 1890.
All deeds warranty aaless shown. -
IfcMBiyl JoBa aad wife to Qua. A. Raa
dalLBtBieM444w $ 214 W
C. A. Briadlrjr aad wife to AsrtM L.
Wheeler, 132 feet aquai ia mm comer
lA&Gortscaalk'aada.. 1,899 68
" atctmm man u. reoeraon to fce
pke Genua, 4fcSw
John Mathews to Hunan Clother, lot
1 aad 2. Uk 3. Toraer & Hokt'iuMilt
diTiaiea of oat-lot
C. A. Nnrau aad wife to A. L. Bixby
aad H. Newman, lots 7 aad K. hlk 181.
Wa. Marfhall to Jaaiea Woodokle. n J
Bomb gpoerry and hnsbeud to . Von
ReraeB,lot 7,blkl00
8. W. Sehag and hosband toC.A.Briml-
JacobYinher et al to E. A. Stockalacer.
pt lot 4. hlk Ottfa add to HubbIin?
I. T. Oiekiaaou awl wife to V. D. Mnri
phy, lota L 2, 3, 4, Mk HI. Ottitt add to
-Jane HcPhillip' to George Zaaclia,
KlilwUlMMw ',
Janea McPhillips to John Olxzafka, e1 -
na'i lS-ltLSw .'
U. P. Kjr Co. to John M. Weatherbee,
r 3 W 4 -ill!Kw ...
United Btr.ted to John (i. HiKKin, pat
ent, ne1; ne4 IM-le .
Edaanl F. Perry to Albert (iilbert,up!4
Ina M. Edward to F. V. EdwnnH
l. l. 'llL2w
3.7U0 00
1.088 00
1,300 09
290 00
400 00
2.300 00
1,040 00
300 00
2.0S3 0U
1,000 00
Read Miller, a resident of Columbus
in tlie 70s, was in town Saturday. He
lately erected on his farm the first Gilt
Edge wind mill put up in Polk county.
He is well pleased with it, of course as
it is a good mill, and the circumstances
surrounding the transaction lead him to
be an ardent believer iu the theory and
practice of the enconragement of facto
ries at home. These men with the fam
ilies they support, need our products
and in turn, by our buying their wind
mill, instead of sending away east, we
keep the money here and iu a few; yearaJ
t ItttV Prill'HAAvtatlfxifl Ia'o.1 nAAno& lr.4-
. .- UIXOt'114 t sm IU.lCOY7 IHTIl
bnsiness that they will euiploy ten,
twenty times they now employ.
Nothing like it. Let us develop all our
resources and thus make onr lands and
their products more valuable, build up a
large city and a first-class market for
everything here, and thus lay a solid
foundation for the future.
In an interview Saturday by an
Omaha Republican Reporter. Gus. G.
Becher of this city is represented as re
plying to the question, Are yon a candi
date for state auditor? with the follow
ing: "Now, you are asking something
hard; in fact, something I know very
little about, myself. A few of my friends
have been agitating the matter, but I
have thus far paid no attention to it. I
do not think this a proper time to make
any demonstration or commence cam
paigning. I cannot say what may be
done in the future, bnt at the present
time I am not a pronounced candidate
for state honors."
The Columbus Land and Invest
ment Co. have opened subscription
books' apd stock is lieing taken every
day. As we go to press Tuesday even
ing before the election of officers, we
cannot give the names. . Let every man
who can raise the money, invest some
thing in this' enterprise, and thus do
what he can to help matters along, and
at the same time add to his own wealth.
All such companies that have been or
ganized here have done well, and there
is every reason to believe that this one
will exceed all the others in the good it
will do.
NThe Columbus Real Estate and Im
provement company held a meeting to
elect snew officers last Friday evening.
J. P..Becker was elected president, Geo.
W. walley to serve in his absence; A.
Tali iiiamnatsiii 1 1
don&TTCelch, HTOenifiefi, J." P. Becker,
Geo. W. Galley and C. H. Sheldon, di
rectors. The price of unimproved lots
was raised XSl per cent above what it
has been.
Card or Thank.
Mrs. -Mary Stewart and F. D. Stewart
wish to return heartfelt thanks to many
friends for their kindness during the
last illness of son and brother, John
Stewart, and to the tire department es
pecially for the interest they manifested.
Pf -Haaiphrey.
Arbor Day was observed by the Hum
phrey public school by planting trees in
the grounds altont the new school
Misses Jennie and Fena Gietyen visit
ed friends at Leigh last Saturday.
Dr. and Mrs. Bridenstine ot Madison
were in Hnmphrey Tuesday. ,
Miss Kate Zimmerman came down
from Battle Creek this week to spend a
fewdoys with her sister, Mrs Lamltert.
D. T Dickinson and son Thos., Mrs.
L. H. Gerrard, Mrs. M. McChemey,
started for Oregon. Wednesday via
Miss Cora Halevisne.; f.o..i of 'oV.
man Grove from Monday to Thursdy.
Our town's people are taking in, or
being taken in by the Kickapoo Indian
company this week.
E. H. Leach was a Leigh visitor Fri
day. A social dance will lie given Saturday
evening at the home of Mr. Carr, north
of town, A good time may be expected.
.We need rain.
Owing to the lateness of spring most
of the farmers are behind with their
work, bnt are getting there as fast as
Wheat and oata are all up and looking L
nicely; flax sowing is in progress this
week, and some corn will be planted.
. J. W. Apgar and Geo. L Clark were in
Fullerton the first few days of last week
as witnesses in the Bixby-Breech libel
Bev. Brown of the U. B. denomination
will preach to the Beaverites at their
school house next Saturday night. All
are cordially invited to come out and
bear him and bring your friends.
G. O. Barnes of Laeon, 111., was in the
neighborhood a few days last week, look
ing over his ranches.
Sheriff Caldwell of your city was here
on business Wednesday last.
The spring term of the-Beaver school
closed last Friday. Mr. H. A. Crozier of
Fnllerton teacher.
O. M. Needham, one of Albion's most
prominent business men made a flying
trip to our neighborhood one day last
Ferdinand and Frederick Yaight were
in Columbus Friday on business,
T. W. Elba of St Edward was shaking
hands with his many friends here Fri
day. Bus Ukbe.
for sale U Vbml Creck-ralley,
sear Colambaa, contaiaia we
aciea of land: about Uli acres
iratioaz IS acres heavihr tiaAered. re.
Miaaer wosuy m cMveraaa nine gtasu paamre
aad bay laad; 1SS fruit trees, aprdaa, asans
cherry, ptaaaa, etoeoaM bearinr. all kinds of
oraswMital tree aad shrubs: nil fall-bearinc
crane Tinea. The farm entire is fenced, aad d-J
viaea trans 11 inns oy lence. uweinac beaaa.
ot seven ton, aranary. com cnba. Mrae Bore
table with hay-aaow. cattle barn which Belde S
U of bay; boa honst; t weUe: nuaiaa water
ia aaatai 1. For farther partiealara iaali at I
wibbi! tspsp. or aaamaa. a. m, JOT
aOarqotaioBaof thaawi raaUari nmtianl
TaefSaf aftemooa,ad ai earractaad raltoata
Oat :-:....
jrT ,
- rBonccTs.
Applea perbbl. :: $48aq5ft
Honey in comb per lb e
Fat hog ..
Fat onr..
Fat sheep..
Fat atcera.
Hiioulderw .
uvx STOCK.
S 30.7570
2atr2 3e
gusmtss fdites.
AdrertiitenicatK under this head fite renin a
liiieeachinertiun. .
HOIrrKINS-Calrcii for aah from now till
Juue. yfeb.l2p -Jkx.HI rhuw.
WM. 8C1IILTZ makes hoot and ahnei. in the
fjftit IftftVuMi. mJiil UaM tmnla- taaA rarv taMit
fiH-klhatcatpnnmrvliBtratMrkl. Vi-tf
M1U.ET SKKD-oamoa millet fettl'i
Male at 2V a hnnhel. Produce ihrec
fioir loan finertt hay per acre.
U. H. DieWKsox.
Those who are indebted to B. K. Fmrkir for
tlieaervieeaof tbe black atallioa, Fralrie Kiair.
tod bj C. U Farker. will pleaae settle all
nri-oanu with C. J. Garlow.
'"spra B. E. Pabkrb.
LAND FOK 8ALE!-1 acres in the 8. E. M
, sectioa 14. town 17 north, of mane 2 west.
i: an acre, one-aanr easn. namnoeoB easy teraM.
IVfru the tract aOacreaof cottonwood tiather:
ltawli Siitewpondafed by apHnas.that
ner ro dry. it w a cerr fineDlaee for raMaa
faith' and hoH. AdiUviw, at Coluaibnn or
4tinM''. Flatte county.
fJTOriCK OF D1H80LUTION -The partner
A lii herotofore existing between the un
lerHiKiied, loiiK tt baaioeM ot rtresefmakinK
under the firm tle of Bteedaine Halmon A
Wond-i, has been this day dioMtlred b mutual
consent. Mr. Wood retiring, and Mm Hnlmon
rontifiuinK the husine-w, receiinu all dues and
lu in all the debt of the firm.
Sim is Wooiw.
Mr. Woods will continue in the same hufcineM
at her residence. - 20apr2p
Expert Kxamiaatien of Receipts aad Expen
diture ofex-Townskla Trraxarer
To the committee of Itutler township:
Cfiillruurn: Having been emplojed to ex
amine the accounts of Chris. Meedel, ex-treaur-cr
of Butler township, 1 herewith nubmit my
n-iort, which is as follow:
The amount of fund on hand at the expiration
of hw term of office, aatthown by his Iiookn, wan
Thirteen hundred and eiiclilj -three dII(tr- and
Uiirty cents (1,383.30).
His receipts were as follows:
From V. H. Iless. a follows:
iiuOeneral fund. . lr.mi
1 ICoad fuud . -JS7I
Itridce fuml .... so
Undivideil levy 47 :
Miscellaneiu4 . 4 oa
From the sale of old iiride timber 4 m
" County treasurer, as follows:
April c, 1888- 7f (irt
Jahtmry 28, 1SS7 Id 00
June 3U, 1JW7- Ml
October 3D. Imx l.) no
lime 4, MM .. wni
Xih ember 10, 18S8 . .. 173 al
April 21.1 ::I6
Road funds collected... -... 2 K
Total, - - - $313885
On which the following credits ahould he
Riven: ,
Amount hrouxht foiwanl ;aS."
Warrant paid as shown on
loea;. cali Ixmk J06 15
:, 3f!l
" 3". " ZAVi
, ..................... ia 9
. .... ...h.. i9 DU
, a................... W
!., ... MMM ,6156
" BS. ' 8213
" 70, " - 4117a 224? 45
I!alan?k. - - - - si:RU40
I further find that he is chnred by the county
clerk as Iuiviuk retainetl the following collec
tions: lAttc, Ijilior. Twp.K'd, Twp. Int. Total.
Jan 7,7..S 39 Ol 9 8 XI 21 41 $ 70 79
May l.'8. 12758 :!7Ii0 98 99 2KT!47
Mayli'. S3 00 24 80 -MSI 143 fiO
urm zm. wmi4
08 SC SI.JU74 .27f499C7
Balance siac ft
.Total cnllections retained ...-$499 07
For which he has vouchers in the shape of road
receipt and certificates of exemption on account
of age.
Thirteen draw 11 in lSrC,
amounting to $ .-.7 114
Forty four drawn iu is-87
amounting to llixv
Forty-four draniftn lsss
amountlnK to... ..... KV K,
Three certificates of ex
emption 011 acc't of axe 9 (
Accounted for almeas
collected oirroad fund 25 fti gflj co
Amount unaccounted 47 J1
Total to be Recounted for...... $Lit9R7
The warrants for which he is given credit as
having paid as shown on the different pages of
btecaeh book were compared with tbe clerk's
stub book and register of warrants drawn and
they all agreed. The unaccounted-for balance
is due to his (Moedel's) neghjet to charge him
self with tbe collections retained at time of set
tlements with the county clerk:
, Very reeriectfnlly.
K. w. -NORTH.
F. W. North, being duly sworn, on oath depos
es ami eats that, to the best of his knowledge
and I
belief, the foregoing is a correct statement
of tbe accounts of I 'hris. Meedel, ex-treasorer of
oqiier lownsoip. ouintcnueo ani sworn 10 De-
fore me this 21st da)- of April. P0.
H. Chimbejw.
Notary Public.
In IhediHtrict eonrt of Plat le County, Nebraska.
Iu the matter of the estate of F.wtn iMiis, e
censed. This canse eam on for hearing npon the
Kit ion of Hugh Hughes, guardian of Louisa
vis. a minor under six years of age, praying
foe .1 license to sell the Fast half oftheHouth
eant ouarter (i) if Hection Twentv-fiie i).
Tow chip Nineteen (19), North, flange Three (3
canity of Platte, State of Nebraskafor tbepajt
ment 01 tlie just ileuts ot said want, tbere not
lirant; MitUcient goods, chattels, rights and
credits in the hands of said guardian to pay said
It Is therefore ordered tliat all persons in
terested ia said estate and the next of kin of said
ward lie and appear before me at the court house
id Columbus, Platte county, Nebraska, on tlie
ICthdayof Jnne 1890. at nine o'clock a. m., of
said day, to show cause why a license should not
be granted to eaid guardian to sell so much of
tlie alstve dencribed real estate of said ward as
shall be necessary to pay xaid debts and ex
pense. It is further onlered that the notice of the time
and place of hearing said stition shall he Qh
lishedin Tn; Coi.tTHhP JorjKXW, fourmicrc
site weeks.
Ifctted this 29th day of April. 10.
A. M. Post,
aftipr-jt Jndgeof the. District Court.
In the justice court, before C. A. Briadley. a
Justice of the Peace, in and for Platte county,
Karl Schubert, )
Edward Kohler. I
Defendant. J
Edward Kohler will take notice that 00 the
12th day of April. 10, C. A. Briadley. a Justice
or the Peace of Platte county, Nebraska, issued
anordeeofattacJiBient for the sam of t&JM, in
an action pending before him wherein Karl
Schubert la plaintiff, and Edward Kohler de
fendant, that property of the defendant, con
sisting of one extension table, one cupboard and
content, store and furniture, oae clothes hone,
one kitchen table, one stand, on wash tub, one
boiler. Bower pots, four ease bottom chain, two
rocking chain, oae bnreaa aad mirror, four
chairs, one sofa, one carpet, one stand, one
heating stove, four pictures, two bedMeads.
mattrmwea and springs, three mirrors, oae small
bureau, one wardrobe and one sewing machine,
lias been attached under said order. Said cause
was eontlnaed to the 1Mb day of May, 1SS9. at
9 o'clock a. m.
Kabx Scbobebt. Plaintiff.
By J. N. Kiuax, Atfy. Apr. WMt
lei;al notice.
To all whom it
. The special ootanussJoaer ajapoiated to riew
and report poa the practicability of Jooatlag a
pnblle road commencing at the 8. Roomer of
the N. K. H of 8. E H of aecUon IS, towaehip 17.
range 1 west and ranning tltenee dae west on U
section llaeme mile aad terminating at the
M. W. comer of the S.W.U of & W. . of said
section IX. township 17. raaee 1 west and known
and designated as the "Baadall road" has re
"gorted fnvonddy apaa add loeatioa, aa abore
NowaUobJectioaa thereto or elalaw for dam.
jsw caased by the loeatioa thereof am helled
U the eoaaty lfrk' oBee of Platte eoanty.
Itebraaka. on or before aooit Jnne Mth. 18W, or
the loeatioa any be made withost reference
Coanry Clerk
Bated Colambaa, Neh April U, M.
Jnaprk-TiaaprH ---
T i.i -t j j 1 natli- W. u 111
a the haniaeas aad all omen will have praatpt
l uoptaaar aM aotes aad alatav far
CaaratBtoBMpataatiaea, Cataatbw,
emAaaaASjsuBjaaAaABtaAaamaMa xMataataka
'"''IwBwWiWaaWawaWaflwMiwBi wpTwWwjP
aaaamafepw 5
IIIIS-iauffaWfjatAajjlPu LmWmmmmmmwmmmm. gMmmgmmggmMMm
'wwwwwwww,WWwwwWwWaHFl .Baaaaam?mwawawawawawawmwm BIOTwwBJwwVaaeBJwBJwVVwa1wVwwBpBV
1 rawaaflBaaWlal i
BattaBBmmMallBBBBBBBBVm af mwawawawawawawJawi amwawJKBS aawBBBBBBal mwawaaa
BmVwwrJa'sWtamlaavwpwBMamttaV al awawawawawawawawam awawawam
We have more and better Clothine:. Hats. Care
Goods in our Store than was ever shown in any three stores in Columbus.
See our magnificent line of Flannel Shirts for Summer wear, in aST tate
latest patterns in French and Outing Flannels, 40c each and upwards.
. Nearly One Million Styltv in all Shades, Colors and Prices. In fact, our stock is complete ia every par-,
ticnlar. Our Summer Suit'' are positively unequalled in stvlo, quality or price. Special atteatioa w called to our :
Boys' Blouses ami Flannel Wai-ts, which we have in an KXDLKSS VARIETY.
Do your tradiMg at THE 0L0KE ami sure 25 per veiit.
The Globe Clothier.
13th Street, Columbus, Nebraska.
Gome and get one of our Switchmen's Puzzles.
BsaaBBl fC y -f
CBaawI JmuaaaaaaaaH
Having leased my farm-near Columbus for a
term of jears, I hate for nale, or exchange, for
Coks, farts, Iwitt nd f d-Itaas,
1 thoroughbred Poled Angus hull, and 1 grade
bull, same breed.
For further information call on W. II. linn
dall. at the old Johnaoa liarn rast of Commercial
Bank on Thirteenth street.
Also, our stallion .will he at the Itarn Satur
days and Mondays, at Henry C. Bean's Wednes
days; at Chad. Lawrence's, near Oconee,
Thursdays and Fridajs. .'1I-I1
i. J. UIOID'S.
wlv5l ty-Vo WlanHltw llilhr IsOllrtt.
ArelltKt : at. ': SvieitiiiMt.
Eighteen yean experience. Plans, Specifica
tions and estimates furnished on short notice.
and satisfaction guarantee!. umce. on
Eleventh street, Columbus, Nebraska.
The Journal for Jefi Work.
Aad all kinds of country prodaee takea ia trad
aad all goods delivered free of charge
to nay part of the city.
Ifwtf f.atawSlefliHaVr
vwSSSISIv i -
al m raaui BBBBBBBBaBai ata. aamaf
Lcaal-ai-S -a- at W fca ' H I . . s
1 Baw u & saaaaa r3 'i-v , - - - i " -.
1 BraT- trT . Mti f pr -- - -r . L
I.P.BKCKKK. IU SIS Z.2-0 " sT-
A gss S all Z cPa P
u III S3 Iffs m 3 r ra
IbbI Oh w I l"-S lutf aaaanaaaaa LJ aw
Repaint " In 1 ' f ' s J:
-- -a'L.B Is i.-. to !
aauan. M I I I iAwBaV
31? 'S O '1'
s " O 453 " Ce0 a
(P ?-.. g s& - m 1
a. 2s cS "I
! -.. I 9
0US.G. BECBKK. Kstolluktd Jfc ,-.. . ! ll
Loan, Real
oa Fi
at lowest rates of
CamaieteAtatrartaaf Title to all Real Estate
Notabt Public always is Omen.
Farm aad City rreatrf y nr sale.
lasaraace aaainst Fire. I.ightBiag aad Toriadoai. Lira
paaiaa repreaamna.
tets to and Irani all parte ia Earopa.
General Agent for Vu safes
'araaftra or tea yean time, taaaa
i lot of other laaam. improved aad t
baauMaaasdraeJaeacvlote iaaa
sBroved. for
city. Wa keep
Platte Ceaatr.
fliaM, Patllry, aii Fresk fkk.
9-Cam paid for Hides. Falte,Tallov
ItUTt Straw, twt Irttfl Irtfftll
and Gents
xNcr.rTCBKBB or
TilE i ill DBS al m.
Tlie Cheapest, the Hitapleafaad the Easiest
Knunin Mill on the Marker.
Call aa Is at the Faetory
effsrs Purckasiaf Elsswasre.
00 .
interest, oa short aad leas tfaaa, ta
ia Flaua eoaaty.
ante at
a umbIpH
All Kiau. af SaUMt agpiciilsy.
Wkjhl aaaaal jilas as
tf tat flfat
aw aaaae- aaaw
A ' . I
aaateMtaf Mala Watt laal estate ic