The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 30, 1890, Image 2

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    Opening Sale of Parai;.
Silk Department.
Gigantic Bargains in Surah Silks This Week !
Over Thirty street and evening shades included, fully twenty-two inches wide at 51 cents a yard,
Worth 85c and $1. Biggest bargain yet offered in these goods.
Poaeee. silks, India silks, Wash silks iu elegant patterns.
For this sale
69 cents a yard, regular $1 quality.
Sarah silks in every color of the rainbow and black, 22 inches wide, for
this sale 59 cents, worth 85 cents and SI a yard.
Tventv.four-inch ratine parasol?, Mack only, for this-sale, 4-V.j, .
umbrellas, 95c and 81. 2-". -
48 pieces of Beige dress goods in all
colors,brown, gray, blue, black,tan,
navy, scarlet, etc.
Challies in all the beautiful colors
suitable for spring and summer
Cream, lace covered parasols lor tin.- uu. o-..oin.n untn.ii.
Pure Surah silk parasols. 82.-10 and ."43. the' best value vvi ,,,r"
iancv lngei 5HK paraois hi an ciuiii-, .?- .-. in-vtr s0 fi a
Aoou pawsoi at , o. :: ami -? -"i" ..-.
Ulnltlren s lace caps in every new iinTnaim- nwnc uuu -iip. j
lace cap for 10c; an elegant one lor ioc: a iierier one ior u-. All
Now is the time to dress the children
for school, and house dresses.
Get a house wrapper and street dress
from these goods, never be cheaper
less that one-halt the regular t ominous price. .xnu- in? otni.Jrt-h sf
Jov is the time.
Ladies novelty neckwear in endless variety.
.am :i?i
Plain and figured satines 8, 12, and 15 cents a yard. Compare them
with any so called bargains in Columbus.
Sixty-two pieces of dress and apron ginghams it stripes and plaids, for
this sale 5 cents a yard, worth 8 and 10 cents" in Chicago.'
Scotch Chambrays in all colors, for this sale 10 c a yar d, worth 15 to 18.
French ginghams, the very best quality made, 23 cents a yard.
Dress Goods Department.
More novelties just received. Forty-four inch Broche Malange, strictly all
wool, a new and fashionable fabric, only 45 cents, special value!
Plain Malange, all wool, 44 inches wide, light weight, durable for summer
wear, 45 cents, worth 75.
Albratros 44 inches wide. Pink, light blue, straw, mode, gray, slate, cream,
white and Nile, as well as all the new street shades, only 45c."
Silk warp brilliantines, just out, 52 inches wide; nothing like it ever
shown, SI; worth $1.50.
French satines, over 85 choice patterns and colorings to select from 35c.
White dress goods in stripes, checks and cross bars 6c a yard. Big bargain
Over 5,000 yards of new calicoes at 5c a yard.
Indigo blue calicoes 6c a yard.
J. 1 lark I k
Columbus Journal.
Entered at the Poat-office. Colnmbos. Neb., as
cond diss mail mttier.
issued nut wzosssdat bt
Columbui, lVeb.
On Mr, by nmH, portage prepaid...
.. 1.00
.. .5(1
Payable in Advance.
tVSpeeiaen copies mailed free, on applica
tion. to uiMKiaiwnw.
Warn eabeeribers chance their place of resi
dence they ahoald at once notify us hy letter or
postal card, giving both their former and tlion
present poet-office, the first enables us to read;! j
lad the Bane on oar mailing list, from which,
being in type, we each week print, either on the
wrapper or on the margin of your Joubsal, the
date to which your subscription is paid or ac
coanted for. Remittances should be mail.
either by money-order, registered letter or dr. Jt
payable to the order of
" H. K. ToaxEB & Co.
to oonzsrosDxxTa.
All conuannieationa, to secure attention. mni
uwunmnMhTtlM fall name of the writer
We Teserre the right to reject any :nafiucni'T
aad cannot i
t agree to return tne same. w cm
same. Wc ilc-sir
a eorreeDonoeni in every Knoui-uimmi
Platte county, one of good judgment, and r
liable in every way. write plainly, each itei
aeparately. QiTena facta.
The president has approved and
signed the World's fair bill.
James Fallon was killed by John
Murray in a friendly set-to with gloves,
at Boston.
It is understood that the western del
egation in congress, stand firmly togeth
er, for silver coinage.
.Samuel Nelson of Hesperia, Mich.,
wot Annie Nelson ono day last week,
because she refused to marry him.
Three men were killed and six badly
injured by the explosin of a boiler in the
JEtna mills in New Castle, Pa., the 23d.
Mistko in the Black Hills is taking a
new impetus this spring, and very won
derful developments of richness are ex
pected. C. Gallagher & Son, at Cairo, 111.,
lost their mill property last week by fire.
Yalne of property burned, estimated at
Mine No. 4, owned by the Union Pa
cific near Rock Springs, Wyo., was
burning one day last week. The mine
is valued at over $1,000,000.
The news reported from New Orleans
of Friday hist says the people and stock
in the state of Louisiana, are being
drowned by the great overflow of the
William Nee, employed as a bridge
builder on the B. & M. railroad at Craw
ford, was shot and killed April 25, by
Timothy Spring. No reason assigned
for hie action.
A ctclone overturned a number of
houses in Kyle, Texas, Tuesday of last
week.. Destruction of fences and grow
ing crops was great, but no persons
Documents embodying plans for the
mobilization of Russian troops on the
German and Austrian frontiers in the
event of war have been stolen from the
war office at St. Petersburg.
Bert Price and Frank Stiles of Odell,
this state, a short time ago pursued and
killed wliat was believed to be a mad
dog. He bit a horse and number of dogs
in the vicinity, but no -ereon was bitten.
A vert severe shock of earthquake
i reported at San Francisco Thursday
morning about 3:30. Plastering was
shaken from some of the buildings. At
other places in the neighborhood the
hock was still more severe.
A Painseville, (Tex.), special April 24
ays a cloud burst struck that city and
. deluged that country to a depth of sev
eral feet. The whole country was del -Hged
and the loss to property is very
great, The storm was the greatest ever
known in that vicinity.
Morrison, a farmer living near Shel
berne, Ont, the other day murdered
three of his children, and threw himself
iato the water to be drowned. It is im
possible to believe that an intelligent
man in his right mind could commit
rack horrible deeds.
President Harrison has sent in his
Irat Teto message, giving his reasons for
objecting to the bill authorizing the
city of Ogden, Utah, --to assume an in
creased indebtedness. His objections
rested principally upon the ground that
the constitution fixed the amount, and
it would not be best to go beyond it, as
this bill sought to do.
Ox April 11, Grant Powell, a young
fanner aged 21 living near Keaesaw, was
'with broadcast seeder on a
He got off the wagon to change
kis flag which was tied to a wire fence.
the team ran away, he caught one of the
horses and they all fell in a pile by the
feace. He was found dead under one of
the horses with his chest crushed.
Mmden Democrat
Tnc Omaha World-Herald proposes
a scheme for democratic success, thus:
"The alliance to namo and the demo
cratic party to indorse a state ticket.
The democratic party lo name and the
alliance to indorse the three congress
men, lwth organizations to bend every
energy to the election of the joint ticket
so formed." The alliance, as an organiz
ation, repudiates political action. Indi
vidual members are independent in this
regard, and cannot lie transferred liodily
or otherwise, at the dictate of party
managers. Co-alitions resting solely
upon the division of official plums and
not upon principle, avail but little. The
dominant political party of this state is
the republican. The motive power in
that party is the lalmring element,
whenever they choose to exert their
power. Let that element control the
party management, as they can do, and
their "labor of love' is almost accomp
lished. Let those of the alliance who
are democrats or prohibitionists, do the
same with respect to their parties, and
thus all will have done their level best.
A fourth new party to lie formed now,
looks unwise; a union of alliance men
with the democratic party, merely for
the purpose of bringing success to some
three democratic politicians who want to
go to congress, exchanging for the same
a state ticket composed of alliance men,
will not meet the approval of enough
voters iu either wing of such a political
bird to give it body, head or tail, or ren
der it coherent in any respect. Onr
friend Hitchcock has suggested a very
improbable possibility. The wish that
it might be so is father to the thought
that it could be so. "Run, Tolg Fraid, or
little Fraid will catch you."
The Bloody Third.
Hon. G. D. Meiklejohn of Fullerton is
credited with an ambition to be con
gressman in the Third district to suc
ceed Mr. Dorsey. Some republicans
really opposed to Mr.Dorsey's succeeding
himself, have expressed themselves as
inclined to think that a delegation with
Meikeljohn overcoats, means a delega
tion with Dorsey dress suits. Between
times. The Journal may be excused for
remarking that Brad Slaughter, also of
Fullerton, is among the shrewdest oli
ticians in the state, and doubtless knows
what is going on. The truth is, how
ever, that the political situntion in Ne
braska is more than usually "shaky."
If real candidates were as thick as
blackberries they would be exceedingly
loath to be at the expense of making a
heated nominating campaign in the big
Third against Mr. Dorsey, who is known
to be a first-class " rustler," especially
in the face of the fact that there are two
such disturbing elements as the prohibi
tionists and the alliance to be reckoned
on this time as taking a very active part in
settling the question of election, if they
do not, indeed, cut a figure in the nom
ination. The situation is so strained
that it is little wonder we hear of no
ardent campaign for the nomination by
men usually regarded as politicians.
The fobs are Xo tiood.
Our general stock of information is
made up of a multitude of facts. When
farmers and stock raisers get together
and discuss their business among them
selves, they invariably learn something
that is of value to them in dollars and
cents those who know being confirmed
in their good opinions, or more forcibly
impressed with their importance, while
those who have been ignorant receive
light altogether new to them. It seems
now universally conceded that there is
no profit in raising anything but a choice
line of cattle for the market, but there
have been conflicting opinions as to the
best feed for fattening. The South
Omaha Stockman of a recent date con
tains this:
Several feeders were discussing the
best methods of fattening cattle and
while they differed on some points they
all agreed that cobs were no benefit to
stock. Said one. "it stands to reason
that anything as tongh and indigestible
as a corn cob taken into an animal's
stomach -can do no good even if not a
positive injury. I can take any man who
is not prejudiced on a trip through the
country and prove to his satisfaction
that the feeding of crushed corn, cob and
all, is far from being the best method,"
Give me," said another, "good shelled
corn with clear, bright hay for roughness
and I will take it every time in prefer
ence to anything else." On the hay
question there was some difference of
opinion, some prefering good timothy
hay, others millet, while some recom
mended flax straw.
To the minds of those posted, there
seems to be no great obstacle in the way
of tobacco culture 'in this state and-
county. For years patches of tobacco
have been grown by a few Bohemian
families in this county and the growth
has been luxuriant. If we can success
fully grow the raw-material, why can it
not be manufactured right here as well
as at other places? Anyway, beet sugar
culture and tobacco raising will toad to
diversified cropping which is needed in
this country. Schuyler Herald.
Ladies' pure silk
vests, short sleeves
Lawns! Lawns! our
price is down to
How is this for a
In Vailiugs,
In Collars & Cuffs,
In Laces.
James H. Daxskin, at Alliance, and
James Whitehall, at Broken Bow, have
iieen nominated receivers of public
monies, and John Beese, at Broken Bow,
and .Tohu M. Dorring, at Alliance, for
registers of the land office, and John E.
Holmes, agent for Santee Indians.
It seems that the legislature of Ohio
has enacted a law which requires of all
state and county institutions to pur
chase native stock for consumption and
"native" is defined in the law to be that
wmen nas neen in me state iou uavs
before being killed.
John D. Sohmiit, who had been in
dicted by the grand jury in the U. S.
circuit court at Kansas City for sending
obscene letters through the mails, has
been arrested at Warsaw, ;md will soon
be tried for the offence.
Cotiwm of Agrirltaral Depression anil Pwi-
Mr RtMtdiM-Wfcat Xat lie Done
by the Fanaer.
Hon. J. M. Busk, secretary of agricul
ture, has issued the following circular:
For months past from all part a of the
country, there have reached me many
communications, many of them from
large bodies of men. all of them from
persons deserving consideration, and all
of them deeply in earnest respecting the
present condition of agricultural de
pression. In most cases the commnnica
tions suggest the conviction of the wri
ters, not only as to the gravity of the
emergency, not as to its cause or causes
and possible remedies, and all of them
appeal to me for soae expression of my
views on the subject. To answer each
one of these communications separately
would, ba morn 4han anv nno man pan
undertake to do, and, moreover, 'i am
reluctant to send out an expression of
my views in letters covering merely a
phase or a portion of the questions in
volved, ouch a course would be unjust
to myself and to those who address me.
I can only consent to express my views,
such as they are, on the entire question,
reviewing the whole subject and consid
ering it in all its various phases.
The present agricultural depression, it
seems to me, can be traced to a combi
nation of many causes, so many that
probably no one man can enumerate
them all. I will only endeavor to point
out some which seem to me more direct
ly responsible. They may bo divided
into two classes, first: Those causes
inherent to the farmers themselves, and
for which they alone can provide a pos
sible remedy. Second: Those over which
the farmer himself has no direct control,
and the remedy for which must be pro
vided as far as remedy is possible, by
law, and for such legislation the re
sponsibility devolves upon the legisla
tive bodies of the state and of the nation.
what the farmers must do,
I will confine myself to a mere enu
meration of the first class of causes in
dicated. On many farms I regret to say
we find a depreciation of the productive
power of the land due to careless cul
ture. We find a want too often of
business-like methods, due to the fact
that in earlier times business training
was not regarded as an essential prepa
ration for the farmer's work, whereas
today with altered conditions, when ev
ery penny, and I may say every moment
of time has to be profitably accounted
for and in the face of world-wide com
petition, a successful fanner must lie as
well trained and careful in business as
the store-keeper, and bis equal in intelli
gence and general education. Nor are
the important questions of supply and
demand of market prices studied with
the vigilance which characterizes the
methods of our merchants and manufac
turers. These last moreover have the
advantage of transacting their business
in immediate prorimity to trade centers,
wnere ine wiuesi, iniormaiion in reier
ence thereto is readily obtainable. Onr
farmers' organizations are wisely seeking
to supplement this want for the farmer;
the agricultural press is earnestly work
ing" inlhe'same direction and one of the
most important duties devolving upon
this department consists in gathering
and promptly distributing reliable in
formation on all these subjects whion
are essentially interesting to the farmer,
It remains for him to avail himself of
the information thus supplied as his
chief protection not only against over
supply of certain products, but against
possible over-reaching on the part of
purchasers. The farmer must look with
suspicion upon any attempts to abridge
the sources of his information. His ad
vantage will always be in the fullest
knowledge of the facts. He must care
fnlly study the character and the quality
of his products rather than mere 'quanti
ty, and always bear in mind that, wheth
er prices are high or low, it is always the
best goods at the best obtainable prices
that are the most readily sold. Many of
our farmers hare been land-greedy and
find tbemselres the owners of more land
than they can properly care for in view'
of the comparatively high price of labor
in the rural districts and in view of the
fact that but a small portion of man
kind, comparative!-, can profitably con
trol the labor of others. The prudent
farmer will limit his efforts to that
which he can efficiently perform. Again,
more attention must be given, espe
cially on oar western farms, to the
raising by the farmer. for his own use
everything that may be utilized by him
self and household as far as soil and
climate will permit.
The burden of mortgages upon farms,
homes and lands is unquestionably dis
couraging in the extreme, and while in
some eases no dount una loaa may nave
been too readily assumed, still in the ma
jority of cases, the mortgage has been the
result or necessity, i except, of course.
such mortgages as represent balances of
purchase money, which are rather evi
dences of the fanner's ambition and
Ladies' and children's
Fast Black Hosiery
19, 2S, 37 and SOe.
Special values.
Worth 81.50.
enterprise than of his poverty. On the
other hand, those mortgages with which
land has been encumbered from the
necessity of its owner, drawing high
rates of iuterest, often taxed in addition
with a heavy commission, have today, in
tueiaceot continued depression in the legitimate province or national legisla
prices of staple products, liecome very tt ion. The great difficulty lies in the
irksome and in many cases threaten the close observance of that line of demar
farmer with the loss of home and land, 'cation which clearly exists between corn
It is a question of grave difficulty to all I binations for mutual self-help, protec
those who seek to remedy the ills from tion, and the advancement by legitimate
which our farmers are suffering. At means of the interests of a class, craft,
present prices the farmer finds that it or industry and combinations or trusts
takes more of his prodncts to get a i inspired by greed, whose objects are un-
dollar wherewith to pay back the dollar
he borrowed than it did when ho lior-
rowed it. The interest accumulates,
while payment of the principal seems
utterly hopeless, and the very depres
sion which we are discussing makes the
renewal of the mortgage most difficult.
jiany people are uis-ioseu to associate
this phase of the subject with the ques-
tion of an undue limitation of our cur
rency. Many carry this line of argument
to extremes, but it is bv no means im
possible that these subjects are corehi
ted. However, the question of currency
is now receiving special attention from
another branch of the government; leg
islation on this subject is now pending
before congress and we can no donbt
look for an early and satisfactory solu
tion of this vexed problem.
The question of transportation is one
of profound interest to the American
farmer. The trouble begins near home,
between the farm and the nearest rail
road station. It would be difficult to
estimate the amount of loss in time and
labor, in depreciation and wear and tear
of horses and conveyances, entailed upon
the farmers by the wretched condition
of country roads before arriving at the
station; he there meets the vexed ques
tion of freight rates, a difficult one to
settle satisfactorily to all parties under
any circumstances, but in many cases
still further complicated by the condi-
liii'i if hub i 1i ulijJrnTf? nyew XT-it
of the roads were built at a time and
under conditions that greatly enhanced
their cost. Competing lines built under
more favorable circumstances, present
comparisons of inequality which often
seem like injustice, and on the other
hand it must not be forgotten that many
roads are over-taxing their constituents
in an effort to secure dividends upon a
total of capital and bonded debt, a por
tion of which is purely fictitious. That
many roads fail to pay any dividends at
all, while the total profits of the rail
roads throughout the country represent
but a comparatively small dividend upon
the actual cost of construction, plant
and equipment, still in no wise palliates
the grievous wrong of attempting to
secure a profit upon fictitious values. It
is still too early to suggest any import
ant modifications in the inter-state com
merce law. A fuller trial is needed to
judge properly of its effects and to sug
gest judicious amendments. The con
dition of our agriculture is such that a
large proportion of our farmers must
depend upon facilities for reaching dis
tant markets, and the law will hardly
accomplish its purpose of securing the
greatest number, if its ultimate result
should be to raise the cost of the long
haul. Its most valuable office will lie to
prevent injustice by forbidding the
granting by the railroads of special priv
ileges to certain classes or corporations,
which are denied to the community at
the middle man.
Another cause operating to depress
the price of the farmer's honest toil, is
the undue increase of the class of middle
men and the dishonesty and greed of
many of them. Hence the wide gulf
lietween the high prices charged to the
consumer, and the low prices paid to the
producer. The middle man within cer
tain limits must le regarded as a neces
sity. There are many things he can do
for the farmers which the latter cannot
do so profitably for themselves, and un
der such conditions it is wise to employ
him. The evil which exists at the pres
ent day in this direction could undoubt
edly be mitigated by, first, a familiarity
on the part of the farmer himself with
the njnFket value of that which he has
to sell, and second, a better system, of
co-operation among the farmers both in
the disposal of their crops, and fn the
purchase of their supplies.
gamrlino in farm products.
Few there are but are familiar with
and deplore the conversion of our ex
changes ami boards of trade, originallv
designed for the encouragement and
convenience of legitimate trading, into
vast gambling places, fraught with the
gravest danger to the country at large,
but of which the farmer, whose products
are thus made the toy and plaything of
the game, is the immediate and chief
sufferer. The frequent and extreme
fluctuations of price occasioned by The
operation of irresponsible speculators is
the bane of the producer, whose best
interests will ever be served by the
maintenance of a firm and reliable mar
ket. To the allegation, not infrequently
made, that if at times prices are thus
unduly depressed, there are also times
when they are unduly raised, there is a
simple reply. As already asserted, .not
only are fluctuation and uncertainty the
bane of the producer, but the specula
tive combinations which result in unduly
raising or depressing prices are carefully
calculated to raise them when the goods
are no longer in the producer's hands
and to depress them when thev are.
Unquestionably legislation is needed to
remedy this evil and it should ho based
on the principle that the evil is n6l a
necessary one, requiring legislation, but
an utterly inexcusable tine, to be cured
by eradication.
Much has been said and written alleg
ing the existence of unlawful combina
tions for the express purpose of 'con
trolling the markets as to lower the price
of the farmer's products, and of other
combinations whose object it is to raise
the price of the articles which the farm
er consumes. That such combinations
exist it is impossible to doubt, and 'the
serious results of their greed and selfish-
Ladies' Jersey vests
Ladies' and children's
corset waists i
50110 &$li!5
Leading brandd.
Worth more than
ness are enhanced by the grave difficul
ties attending any effort to
limit their evil 'effects. This is
i one oi luose evus so riuseii uiiieu iu nit?
matter of interstate commerce, that its
! regulation may possibly fall within the
i attainable save as they infringe upon
the legitimate rights of others. In spite
of these difficulties, however, there can
not lie any doubt that an earnest demand
for adequate legislation on this subject,
sustained by popular opinion, receiving
the earnest attention of onr strongest
( minds, will eventually result in some
adequate means of controlling this
gigantic evil.
protection for the farmer.
I now come to the consideration of
one of the gravest causes in my opinion
of the present 'agricultural depression,
but which 1 am happy to state can be
effectually and directly dealt with"
through national legislation. Few peo
ple realize that our imports of agricul
tural products estimated at prices pa'id
by the consumers are about equal to
agricultural products estimated at prices
paid to the farmer, yet such is the case.
Our imports of products sold in compe
tition with those actually produced on
our own soil, amotnt to nearly S115,000,
000 and as much more could be produc
ed on our own soil under favorable con
ditions. We must surely conclude that
we have here another cause of depres
sion. Washington Letter.
From onr regular correspondent.
Secretary Windom savs he has lieen
. t
misrepresented by certnin publications
'lw&BlUin$-iilM ViewH on tlie BUver-iM-
tion. What he told the republican cau
cus committee was, that there were only
two ways in which the credit of the gov
ernment could be protected in the large
issue of treasury notes contemplated by
the proposed silver bill. One is by the
bullion redemption plan proposed in the
Windom silver bill now before the house
committee, and the other is by author
izing the sale of bonds to provide a gold
reserve when it becomes necessary to
redeem them. The latter plan he thinks
unjustifiable, and hence he favors the
bullion redemption proposition. Mr.
Windom is in accord with the republi
can leaders of congress in believing that
a largo increase of the amount of money
in circulation in the United States is
absolutely necessary.
Mr. Blaine's farewell speech to the
Three America's congress, just before
that body adjourned sine die on Satur
urday, was, like all of that gentleman's
public utterances, a moddel of its kind.
The president also made a short farewell
address that was happily conceived and
Tardy justice has at last been done to
the old hero Gen. John C. Fremont.
The bill placing him on the retired list
of the army with the rank of major
general has been passed bv house and
senate and is now in the hands of the
The senate committee on public build
ings and grounds has reported favorably
the bill providing for the erection of an
equestrian statue of Gen. U. S. Grant in
this city. Bills have also been intro
duced in lioth house and senate provid
ing for the acceptance from the G. A. R.
or a statue or Oen. Grant and the plac
ing of it in the statuary hall of the
The unanimity with which the repub
licans have received the McKinley tariff
bill has completely disconcerted the
the democrats. Where they expected to
find three or four factions of the opposi
tion they find the party solidly favoring
the measure, and determined to pass it
at the present session and what galls the
democratic jade, most of all is the
knowledge that under the present rules
of the house it will be impossible for
them to prevent its passage.
The house committee on poet offices
has reported favorably the bill author
izing the postmaster' general to build
post offices at all towns where the gross
reciepts nave exceeded $3,UUu a year for
the proceeding two years.
Senator Beagan has offered in the
senate a constitutional amendment for
the election of senatqrs by Tote of the
people. Senator Mitchell already has a
similar amendment before the' senate
and tomorrow he will make a speech in
its favor.
The republican caucus committee is
still engajied in trying to perfect a sil
ver bill which will be acceptable to the
caucuses of both house and senate. It
is a very diflicult undertaking, but it is
believed that the committee will ulti
mately succeed.
A large breeze was created in the
house on Friday over the southern war
claims bill introduced recently bv Mr.
Eulore of Tennessee. A newspaper hav
ing -margec- ijat, the bdl was a job, Mr.
Eulore made a personal, explanation in
which he denied the charge of jobbery.
Mr. Thomas of Wisconsin, who is chair
man of the committee on war claims,
then staled that the passage of such a
bill would be infamous as he knew that
the claimants in the bill were, a number
of them, notably disloyal. Further
trouble was avoided by the house voting
to go into committee of the whole on the
private calendar.
The senate has been discussing the
the bill to transfer the revenue marine
service from the treasury to the navy
department, and it is probable that a
vote may be reached this week. Its
passage is doubtful.
The senate rules will probably be
overhauled soon. The reason is that at
present there is nothing in them to
prevent a debate going on indefinitely if
enough senators take the trouble to
talk. The point was never raised until
.Special bargains in
muslin underwear
skirts and chemise
49, 59, 69C.
Worth double.
Best American Ginghams
Worth 12 and 15.
il was announced that the republicans
proposed hurrying up legislation a little
so as to adjourn about July 1st, then the
democrats said there was nothing to
prevent them from keeping congress
here all summer bv Inllciiii against time
in the senate. Hence the desire
change the senate rules.
Iturklen's Amira Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It- is guranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 2."i cents
per box. For sale by David Dowty. :$
The recent deal with the Bock Island
road gives the Union Pacific a short
line through the Indian territory.
In a recent article in the Youth's Com
panion, on "how to cure a cold," the
writer advises a hot lemonade to be tak
et at bed time. It is a dangerous treat-
ment, especially during the severe cold
weamer oi me winter monins, asu opens
the pores of the skin and leaves the sys
tem in such a condition that another and
much more severe cold is almost certain
to be contracted. Many years constant
nse and the experience of thousands of
persons of all ages, has fully demonstrat
ed that there is nothing better for a
severe cold than Chamberlain's Cough
Bemedy. It acts in perfect harmony
with nature, relieves the lungs, liquefies
the tough tenacious mucous, making it
easier to expectorate, and restores the
system to a strong and healthy condi
tion. Fifty cent bottles for safe by all i
A union depot is talked of in Lincoln.
Mr. T. A. Deroven, merchant. Deroven,
La., says: "The St. Patrick's Pills went
like hot cake" People who have once
Irltrtl ttieui tin? n?t?r ratiftUVtl will auv
other kind. Their action and reliabilitv
as a cathartic is what makes them popu
lar. For sale by nil druggists.
Arbor dt was pretty generally
served in the state.
A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life.
It was just at ordinary scrap of wrap
ping paper, but it saved her life. She
was in the last stages of consumption,
told by physicians that she was incur
able and could not live but a short time;
she weighed less than seventy pounds.
On a piece of wrapping paper she read
of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a
sample bottle; it helped her, she bought
a large bottle, it helped her more,
bought another and grew better fast,
continued its use and is now strong,
healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140
pounds. For fuller particulars send
stamp to W. H. Cole, druggist, Fort
Smith. Trial bottle of this wonderful
discovery free at David Dowty's drug
store. Last Tuesday Harrisburg, Ky., was
about half destroyed by fire which orig-
maieu in a urug store. xxs $lou,uuu.
This is .what yon ought to have, in
fact you must have it, to fully enjoy life.
Thousands are searching for it "daily,
and mourning because they find it not.
Thousands upon thousands of dollars
are spent annually by our people in the
hope that they may" attain this boon.
And yet it may be had by all. We
guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used
according to directions and the use per
sisted in, will bring you good digestion
anu oust me uemon dyspessia and in
stall instead enpepsy. "We recommend
Electric Bitters for dyspepsia and all
diseases of the liver, stomach and kid
neys. Sold at TiOc and $1 per liottle by
David Dowty, druggist.
AiUS A'!ttlKE ."
no figure 9 in onr dates -vill make a long tajr.
:fo nun or woman now living will ever date a
iocament without using the figure ft. It stands
in the third place in I860, here it will teaain tea
years and then move up to second place la 1900,
where It will re3t for one hundred years.
There is another "V" w hich has also come to stay.
It U unlike the figure 9 in our dates in the respect
that it has already moved up to first place, where
tt will permanentlr remain. It is called the "Xo.
r High Ana Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machine!
The "Xo. 9' was endorsed for first tlaee hv tfc
experts of Europe at the Paris Exnositinn of torn
where, after a severe contest with the leading ma-
i,u.rc9 ui we norm, was awarded the only
Grand Prize given to family sewing machines, all
others on exhibit having received lower awards
of gold medals, etc. The French Government
also recognized Its superiority by thedecoration of
Mr. Xalhaniel Wheeler. President of the company,
with the Cross of the Legion of Honor.
The "Xo. 9" is pot as old machine improved
upon, but m an entirely new machine, and the
Grand Prize at Paris was awarded it as the grand
est advance in sewing machine mechanism of th
age. Thoe who buy H can rest assured, there
fore, of having the very latest and best.
185 and 187 WsbMk Ay.. CsissM
W. KIBLEE, Ufek, Nrtr.
Special Bargains
Ladies' Jersey lisle vesta in
trunmea wun suk nooous; uiiiy iuc eauu, uu: uesi vaiue yei onore.1.
Ladies' 3ilk vests in flesh colors and Ecme; -79c each, worth 31.50. .
Ladies' ribbed vests, 10c each. A better one for 2oc.
Children's gauze vests, 12, 15, 19 and 25c each.
Shawls and Fichus, all wool
cream, worth Sl.oU.
Black cashmere shawls 81, 81.50, 82, 82.50 and up to 810 each.
Ladies' and children's Jersey
price. .
Dress braids down to 5c"per roll.
J. A. Barber &
to i
Farm Implements
Strowbridge Broadcast Seeder. Niagara force-feed wagon lxx seeder. i.-
ier broadcast force-feed eleven-foot seeder. The bet broadcast seeder on wli 2
which will measure your grain and ground as it sows, and make a prettvfiS
estimate or the crop. It will sow anything rrom a hair-grown timothv s-ed loB
silk dress. Hoos:er press drill. Climax disc harrow and seeder combiiifd. list
max disc harrov. without seeder attachments.
Plows and
ier plows, ier cultivators, Uier
iect listers m.iue. ier cuiuvaiors ior
anu see ir. trice 5i4. io correspond with the hard times.
Flying Dutchman riding plows. Flying Dutchman walking plows." FUit
yiucimiau gang piows. uanuy cultivator, guaranteed to scour in nnv soih LitU tongueiess ciutivator. urns plows. Orvis cultivators. Orvis hollow .'
teeth harrows. Budlong disc cultivators. Standard corn planter. Standard ehed
rower, tne simplest, ana strongest check rower made. Drops the' corn' hv tlj
right place every time. Maud S. Cultivator, the queen of all. cultivators; 2.3
won i ue race m corn neiu as .iauu a.
Corn Planters,
Molino Champion corn planter, drill and check rower combined. Tin
mnMiinoa in onA nnrl Fsi. a .s.. r .-..n ji .- -. w. ...
... ... ..,., .,.. lu I'inc i
pwr uean gooa. a ail cnecK rower.
Mowers, Binders and Hay Rake;
Standard mowers, four-, five-, six-,
uuioca m iue Heaviest grass, ii yon
7- I2rT1103Tr - raKe8 1,ffer self-dump .hay rake, whieh anvonecJ
TVu XM-vlor-se,t-"p nay rase. Hollmgsworth havrakes
oalaJr:SIJrm Wnder, simplest, strongest and h?
The Minnesota Chief threshing machines. Halladav wind mills. . .
Grinders and Shelters.
I X L feed grinders and corn shelters and horsepowers. KsideVa full ;i-
oi extras for everything in the line of
uiunniuii tnuri nonce.
very tiling
IvAiia it PAj MllJ.l -riMt-L-. V.. V ..
.,:Av7iv rx,:: 'lier p
avm - -ii-r piace io nnv on time.
hen you are in town come and see'und get a-picture forth.' bafir.
E. D. Fitzpatrick
Bookseller and Stationer,
Bafcy Carriages, Expnss Wagons,
I3lh St., GtlMbw, Mr.
Gains In lSKlt
Uw'N Ctitral Life iNSiranci CiM
Of Cincinnati. O., made tho following
gains in. Ifcjy.-
A gain in surplus of - -A
gain in income of - - .
A gain in assets of - . .
Gross assets, Deo. 31, 1889
New business, 1889 - - .
Insurance in force in Neb.
S 12G,08iri7
1,088,362 11
5,665,855 70
19,623,686 00
1,200,000 00
in Hosieiy & Unden
pink, light blue, cream, slate, gravainlL.J
scarf, or Fichus, 79c in blue, scarlet
suits 82.50, 83, 83.50" and 84; le4 tliia j
mm .
CO., Columbus, Ni
and Harrows.
lever harrows. Wier listers, the mih -j
listed corn. Mimethmg entirelv- new. Cml
lias on every race trade. . .
Drills and Check
one. uouie anu see ir. rwiutToial
Peoria Advance corn planters and fhri
and seven-foot cut; can be drawn bv ii
clon t believe it, buy one and trV it.- tac1
implements. Anything not.on hand" wi'n J
. ,
. . -
to - -i. ir ,-. have k
, Tliineeiitli an J t streets
Joint Public Safe
45 Superior Short Ita
-i lii.i WI..V XKB. .
miw cmue n-ivwn Teml verv flH
oiuiiiw anil are the produce of-the Kms I I-r 1
"?"""-' iniKe- ol niiirniLi!.. fL-
Lonl i..l.l.fniitfr-21-r;. ju L,.ril Br'.'r t ' "'
UahrlKinkablenl o-i ,-hzYit nisi
at S ir rent int.nt. For eatnkw '
Vvv- I'.n..!- M!
- :l...Ii.l.K
Col. F. M,
WOOIK, Auctioneer.
1b Grass aflOrt Si
-For Sale By
ffednesdar, lar79