a JJH 3STEBRASKA. FAMILY : JOURNAL. A Weekly Newtsaatr imei frtry Wecacaaaj. 32 Calms af realist; Bitter, cm sistiag f Nebraska State Hem Item, 8eleetei SUriea art Miseelluy. AHATOtTftWD. ka iTnta;imitf r Ja j rktetelfhto Bama-. ,Jr tyflsipl eopies i treatoi Subscription price, SI a yiar, hi Mr net. Address: H. K. Tobhzb Oa, Columella, Piatt Go, Kate .A.. DTJSSBLI,, BXAUBta 69 bsM V I'D MPS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. Olive St, nearly-appetite Pe.t-aMce. fljunaes-y LOUIS SCHREIBER. BlacbnJUi ail W8oi later. All kiaas ef Reaairlag ei Shert Netiee. Baggies, Was- eu, etc.. aaie te erier, aid all werk Gaar-aiteed. Abe Mil tke wwU-famau Waiter A, Weei Mowers, leasers, Cemfeu- i Macaiae., Harretten, aai lelf-biaden-tae Vartauae. tCTSkop opposite Ihe "Tatters!!." OUT BU. COLUMBUS. 96-m OB Judicious Advertising Creates many a new business, Enlarges many an old business, Revives manj' a dull business, Rescues many a lost business, Saves many a failing business, Preserves many a large business, Secures success in any business. So eeje a man ot business, and we add that jndiciooa advertising-, for this section of country. THE JOURNAL Aa one ot the mediums, because it ia read by the brat people, those who know what they want and pay for what they get. We challenge comparison with any country paper in the world in this re apect twenty yeara publishing by the same management, and never one dan to anbscribera published in Th JounaAL. This, better than anything else, shows the class ot people who wad Tax Jockxal every week. tf GOSHEN KmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt esBHaVx eV FENCE MACHINE' CHEAP. ONLY $15. - ' Woven wiraadalat8,cntwillowB.aplitboards r anything ot the sort, need; after poata are art. f ence can bo made and stretched on the groaad. X 5h,.wiat?r' "'. T ordinary tana band, 10 to M rods a day. and can work it ovr any ground. The man who has one of these ma eaiaee can build a fence that is more durable and safe than any other, and make it at leaa cost, The machine and a sample of its work ran be aeeniathecity on 11th street at Ernst 4 Schwart hardware store. Willsell mcbinee, or territory, or contract to pntnp fences. aaytf J.B.MATHEW80X. 'APmTR Abookofioopea. The beat beoklbraa aaveruaer to ee alt. be be expert enced or otherwise nooauuas lists of newspaper and estimate tnieceMmavY7Using.TbeaflvaTUeerwhe wawta to spend one dollar, flada U ft the ln fnraaatlon be require, while forhim who wlU sweeten ksnd red thousand dollars la ed sasilsll, acbeaae ta indicate which will meet bla erry requirement, or seated tosteaalwaaFfaawVaiaaagt mievaaea swear. i aa i ii In a. m adfhoas aava been iaaaad. feat, poet-paid, to any addreaa for IS oaata. writa te Gia r. bowkix a otx. irawarAPER advkktisku bustjcau; fraaaacf rlntlaealaaaaaq.). KwT;r PATENTS Caveats aa J Trade Harks obtained, aad all Pat. !!S,SSi?5dBr,ld fot MODEKATl FEES. OkVW'SFE.18 OPPOSITE D.8.PATECT office. wk.- . .r ; " "inii miaet, baaca we can transact patent --iasa, U leaa time and at LE98 COST tnantaoa remote troaa Waaaiagtea. 5?r0!r S1". rpto. with dascrip. a. t patentable or not. fra of caaraa. Oar fsa aot toll pataat toaecarad. 6Jl?T!?0i Pataate."witk near, aaeaataaetaal filial in tt .. . fr fl . . . ' " Sbiea.TOtt.Sfc asioufi BtK m fsaTTAfafc Waataii amBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmaml amAwaaWttfaVBmBT M laTsaBTaTaBBBBEalBBBBBBBBSBBBmBBBB PkOadelpaU aodetr aow give eredBc to tba nmor tkat Joka Jacob Actor, jr., Urayewgaatecioa of tka faaulr, ia ea gagedtoHias Willlag,a partkBUtrlr beaa tiral aaeaibar et tea yoaager awall set of that city. Mr. Aator, the JOBBger, is aot strikiogly baadaoBK, bat it amlabla aad kind ot heart, and, like every oao ea downed vita aay strain of tba Aator blcod, is sagacions in money nutters. His fiancee, if the voice of motor speaks not' faltely, will make np for any want of hand aoBMEess that' there may be in hiau She ia Btncning. Although she comes from an old Quaker City family of position and fortune, she, with ber mother, has spent most of her life abroad, and when she re tuned to her native city about two years ago she had become so ranch a foreigner that she Spoke with a slight French accent. Her mother has not too great a fancy for prim and quiet Philadel phia waja, notwithstanding the fact that ber name has been associated with the his. tory of the city foracentnnrandahalf. The gayer spirit of the New York set was apparently rather more agreeable to her. She spent last summer at Newport, wnere her two lovely daughters made their debut in the New York aet, and with their wit and beauty absolutely eclipsed Miss Hargons, Mabel Wright and all the rest of Goth am's celebrities. The way their mother with her highbred air froze the pretenses of 8on.e of the newer millionaires was a matter of note, and if in the coming time any of the Astor diamonds should be worn by a Willing, their brilliancr will not suffer by reason of any want of style in the wearer. A Dream Strangely FnlfUed. In 1862 1 lived in the Shenandoah valley, and was betrothed to a lieutenant in the southern army, writes a correspondent ot tbe New York Evening World. On the 2d day of July I expected him home, but ow ing to the irregularity of our modes of travel, did not know at what time he would arrive. I waited until 12 o'clock, and as be d:d not come I extinguished the light and threw myself upon a lounge. I fell asleen. but awoke with a start, and found the room dimly lighted and the lieutenant standing beside me, looking ghastly pale and his uniform stained with blood. I jumped up and exclaimed: "Oh, Tom, a hat is ths matter!'' He auswered: "I am dead. Go tell my mother and huiry to the field. I was mor tally wounded, and knew you would grieve less if you could find my body. So I crawled up on tbe hill, under a pine tree, to die." Then all was dark. His mother and I went to the battlefield, and uuder an old pine tree we found him dead, bis uniform stained with blood, just as I had seen it the night before. A Baby's Tribate to Gen. Crook. Horace McVicker: If Gen. Crook loosed down on his funeral cortege Sunday he saw one onlooket express pleasure, and it probably touched him as much as any thing he saw. My wife and babies, Affie and Horatia, the latter 25 years old, were calling on my mother last Wednesday, and while there Gen. Crook and Mrs. Crook also called. My baby was in a gracious mood and entertained the party wilbreci- lauons, noiaoiy numpty jjumpty and "Higglety, pigg!ety, my black hen." The geneial made a great impression on the babv, and Thursday I began teaching her a new piece, overcoming her objection by telling her Gen. Crook wanted to hear it. Sunday I went down to the office to look over the mail, taking her with me ns usual, and on our return home a e joined the crowds on the street to look at the general's funeral procession. In answer to the baby's question I told her it was Gen. Crock's funeral procession. When I pointed out the hearee and told her he was in there she held out her hands, recited the two rhymes to him, and then, with great glee, she recited the new one. Chicago Tribune. TOPICS OF THE TIMES. A Choice) Selection of Inter eating Items. Wolves are numerous in West Virginia.- Six in one pack were recently seen in Nicholas County. Eight varieties of leprosy are recog nired in China and the disease is re garded aa contagions, infectious and hereditary, but h said to disappear in four generations. Hexbv M. Stanley will receive $150, 000 for his lectures in England. He ex pects to (make as much more in this country. He will devote the next three years to the rostrum. John B. Hebreshoff, of -the great ihip-bnildiug firm at Bristol, R. L, lias been blind since bis fifteenth year, but is master of the smallest details of his business and gives it his constant, per sonal attention. The results of recent experiments in the Mediterranean showing how far daylight will penetrate the water were found with gelatine-bromide plates. The greatest depth was 1,516 feet, or 327 feet short of the limit assigned some years ago. The following is said to be the shortest sentence in the English lan guage containing all the letters of the aipnauet: Jonn Jr. urady gave me a black walnut box of quite small size." Tbe entire sentence contains less than twice the number of letters in tbe alphabet Key West's Oatpat ef Cigars. Thos. C'. Delano, an authority on cigars and tobacco, although not directly inter ested in the trade financially, has just re turned frcmKevWtrtandCnba. He Rays mat tne onTTjmmnjEEEr37 iris year win Dew,ituu,uw. some years ago, he syas, Connecticut seed leaf was re garded by domestic manufictureri, and even by Key West, as standing next to Havana leaf for cigar wrap, pers. It brought a high price, but tbe Connecticut tobacco farmers have killed their tobacco goose in a queer way. Tte.v used for some jeais certain kinds of manure which gave the tobacco a luxuiiant growth, but developed certain weaknesses in tbe product which manufacturers now say make it unfit for a wrapper. For that reason the manufacturers import their wrappers from Sumatra. The Connecticnt tobacco has depreciated at least 50 per cent, through an unskillful use of man ures. Bats ia Texas. Texas farmers have been almost ruined by the depradations of rats. To get tid of tbem a novel expedient has come into use. The farmer finds a barrow in which from fifty to a hundred rats teside. Every exit save one is carefully stopped. At this one is placed a common iron tea kettle. Oppo site the spent is bored a hole in which is in serted a piece ot gas pipe about one foot long. Over the spout is placed another piece ot pipe, which is ran into tbe opening leading to the burrow. A fire is then built in the kettle and a handfull of sulphur thrown on the coals. The top being closed tie- fumes are driven into the burrow by a bind bellow, tbe nozzle of which is in serted in the top pipe. Some of these bur n s are fiftv yards in length ;the fumes o throngh all its passages, and in five msuuUs every young and old rodent is dead. . Alligators ia Florida. "Aikansaw," the alligator slayer of East Orange, Fla.. recently killed one of the 'varmints" that had tltree of its legs bitten off, a portion of tbe jaw bad been eaten by a stronger kinsman, and holes were found in Liui where he had paid the penalty of a pouiid of ilesb simply because his oppo ncct us tbe stronger. Arkancaw states that alligators feed upon each other to tbe extent that regulates tbe supply to the de martl, and tbat if they were to cease from tbeir cannibalistic habits they would soon abound in sufficient numbers to pile alli gtors four feet deep all over the St. John's river country. Have Invented a Sew Scheme. New York pickpockets have invented a new scheme for robbing people. It is to pour kerosene or alcohol over the back ot a man's coat and touch a match thereto. Thee, while helping to extinguish the flames, ttey "lifrthe victim's watch and mhatoer money or valuables he may have. Ix paving bis seven hundred opera tives, a manufacturer gave each one a crisp ten dollar bill. Eacb bill was marked so that it could be recognized. Tbe Tuesday following, four hundred and ten of these bills hod been de posited in the bank by tbe saloon keep ers. Some one asked Senator Allison tbe other day, says tbe New York Press, what he regarded as the proudest act of bis life. "Counting tbe votes for Abra ham Lincoln's nomination as President," was liis reply. "I was one of the Sec retaries of the Republican National Convention that year, and it was my duty to count the votes. I shall be proud of it to tbe last day of my life." A calculation of the time required for a journey around the earth shows that a man, walking day and night with out resting, would take 428 days; an express train, forty days; sound, at a medium temperature, thirty-two and a half hours; a cannon-ball, twenty-one and thrce-qnarters hours; light, a little over one-tenth of a second; and elec tricity passing over a copper-wire, a little under one-tenth of a second. strength of tke amy, fa oraW to prevent officers from drawing aay for troops which did not exist He has also abolished a large number of aanee essary government places in the prov inces. He has attacked tbe Pekin po lice for their nag ligence d ordered tbe provinces to reform their police aervice. Altogether he bids fair to be a progressive and enlightened potentate Meanwhile he is at odds with his mother and his new wives. Mb. ' Six Bowles, who lives in Mitchell County, Ga,, was walking around his mill pond, which is situated at the forks of two creeks. In his pere grinations he came across a cave. Lead ing from it throngh the earth was ap parently a large burrow. He obtained a pole and began investigating. The cave and burrow extended some twenty feet. He dug into it, and between five or six feet beneath tbe surface he came vj ooieu uiKawro. j-iicj h uur old rusty fellows, ranging from four to ten feet in length. They were sound asleep, enjoying their winter nap in ac cordance with the queer habit of these hibernating saurian. They were promptly dispatched. There is an old belief that when the alligators find the winter approaching they gobble down a namber of pine knots to fill up their aching voids, and then take their lengthy siesta. Mr. Bowles thought this would be a good opportunity to test this belief, and accordingly one of the reptiles was cut open. Within it, was several fat lightwood knots, and now Mr. Bowles is ready to tes tify to the truth of this theory as to the capacity of tbe alligator for digesting the knots of the pine while slumbering through the winter months. Q-waydaht To' Don' ye' coae aneak mo, Mesa yo'waat er btsT Ondasooaf Knock jo eouf "Boater mite! PoaVyo'imHa Whew I aay O-wajFT Joaofan VVaUBaa Emit Coalfaela Ja mad from head tar heel' I No sack poison sips Do honey from aese Ups t Stop jo teaaim' An' jo sqaeezia't OWay, . Iaayt Abf Yap-Yap, Caliup! BISMABK AS A STATESMAN. HI Cr99M9 4 laftWS. A roND several acres in extent near East Sheffield, Ala., disappeared in a remarkable manner one night during a recent heavy rain. The bottom literally dropped out, and the site of the pond is now an empty basin with a bole fifteen feet in diameter in the lowest part, tbrotfgliVbich the water disappeared. A negro living near by says altat the L. A-um-aon t seem to nave neara ox madeby the disappear WeF-h wasterric For Fifty Years the Standard Blood-purifier and Tonic, Ayer's Sarsaparilla has no equal as a Spring Medicine. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co., Lowell, Mass. In New York a life insurance com pany has lent $120,000 to a church, and the church has bad the lives of a num ber of its members insured in favor of itself. The life insurance company has agreed, every time one of the members who is thus insured dies, to reduce the debt of tbe church by the amount of his policy. Every time the church has a funeral of one of these it tops off a slice of debt; in other words, members and debt disappear together. Some quite remarkable toy birds have been made by a French manufacturer, M. Pincbahcourt. Tbe wings are moved by tbe energy stored in twisted rubber bands, and operate for a short distance very successfully. One of the mechan ical birds has a spread of 13 inche3, is worked by a rubber spring 5 inches long and weighing 120 graius, and has a total weight of of an ounce. Tbe manufacturer has succeeded in con structing a larger bird of the same kind weighing no less than 20 ounces. This apparatus has risen to a height of 25 feet, and falling at a distance of 21 yards from tbe starting point, against a head wind of 13 feet per second. The rapid increase in the wealth, business and prosperity of tbe flnited States during tbe last ten years is sim ply marvelous. The total wealth of the country is now $71,459,000,000, equal iu ueariy ?i,uuu per iieau. raw is an" increase in ten years of $18,000,000,000 or 42 percent. England's wealth in 1885 is given as $50,000,000,000, giving an average wealth per head of $1,545. The avarage in Scotland is $1,215 per head and in Ireland $565. Tbe total wealth of France is estimated at $36, 000,000,000. England exacts in taxes $20 per head of population, while each individual in the United States pays but $12.50. America will produce 9,000,000,000 tons of iron this year, while England's greatest production is 8,600,000 tonsT THEY WERE SEW TO HIM. The New Uriahs That Astonished an Ex pert. If there is one thing that Al Vail, the well-known barkeeper, is prouder of than his good looks, it is his knowledge of all species of mixed drinks and his ability iu getting them up in good style. A few days ago a stranger wearing a tile, a glass diamond, and a rosy head light glow upon bis nose, stepped up to tho bar and said: "Give me some fortunatus a la Fran caise with a dash of bourgoise a fortiori" "Eh! ab, yes," replied Al. "Will you ahm ! take it hot or cold?" "Cold?" queried the stranger con- temptously. "Who ever heard of the like? If that's all you know about the drink Til take something else. Fix me up some cum grano sabs with a bete noir on tbe outside." "Y-yes, sir," said Vail, promptly but weakly; "I'll have it ready in a moment. You want a grain of what did you say?" "Aw, bosh ! I said nothing about a grain of anything. Don't you know what cum grano salis is? Let it go. Give me an ego sum homo, will you? and be lively. Pm in a hurry." "Accommodate you in a jiffy," mur mured Al, getting red in tho face. "Give me an egg, Billy (to the under barkeeper). Let's see. An egg and one bom what in thunder did you want besides tbe egg stranger?" "Egg the devil! I said ego sum homo and I said it plainly. Great heavens! wbere's the barkeeper of this place? I can't fool around with an ignorant ap I um don't seem to have heard of LADIES aamal POZZONr rJtl. MEDICATED common POWDER. sjinqrHUrSf,Casaiai ijBAB Y SK'is.HS FREE .rWt la. ?. IWfawal ance took on the aspect of the setting sun. I thought I knew " "Oh, no doubt you thought you were an expert," remarked the stranger sar castically. "Ho, bo, bo! S'pose Pll have to take something plain if I . deal with yon. I reckon you know how to fix me up a honi soit in a little qui mal y pense, don't you?" "Oh, yes," and Al smiled in a sickly fashion. Aside. What the devil does he mean by Molly's pants. "Billy, where's that bottle of bourbon?" "Bourbon?" shrieked the red-nosed man. "Bourbon? Why, man, there s no whisky goes with tbat drink ! Well, may I be carried away on a stretcher if I'd 'a' believed this! And a metropoli tan saloon, too! Give me a plain ipse dixit, will you?" "Friend," moaned Al. as be leaned i over the bar, while the perspiration rolled off his brow, "I can't do it. We've plenty of ipsey, but there ain't a d d bit of dixit in the house." "Say, can you fix me a rara avis?" "I can't," tearfully confessed the em barrassed barkeeper. "I don't know how?" . "And you call yourself nbarkeeper?" said the man with tbe glowing probos cis. "Well, I got nothing to say. Try to learn, young man. Yon may yet gain some knowledge of your business. Good-bye good-bye." It was not until two days afterward that the crestfallen drink-mixer discov ered tbas he bad been the victim of a put-up job, and that he had been trying to fill orders for a lot of old French and Latin phrases. Then he repaired to the alley in tbe rear of the establish ment and silently kicked bis corns against the curbstone. Cincinnati Times-Star. The Colonel aad the Private. Gov. Beaver is known by every Pitts burgh boy in the national guard to bo a very strict disciplinarian in military etiquette and the drill. Austin Cnrtin, of the Governor's native town, told this war reminiscence about him last 'night to some of the delegates at tbe O. A. It encampment While Lieu tenant Colonel of the Forty-fifth regi ment, Beaver was one day sitting in front of his tent, when a slouchy-looking soldier, with ill-fittiug uniform, came along, stopped and inquired: "Ver isb dcr doctor?" "Is that the way to address your su perior officer, sir?" roared CoL Beaver. The German stared at his superior officer in blank' amazement, but said never a word. "Here, sir; take this chair. You be the Colonel, and I will teach yon how to address an officer." "Vas me der boss of der regiment?" "Yes; take this chair, and I will show you how to act" The soldier sat down in front of the tent. CoL Beaver walked off few paces, turned about, returned to 'a po sition in front of the officer pro tem pore, squared himself around, made a military salute, and inquired; "Colonel, can you inform me where I can find the surgeon of the regiment?" The soldier arose, and. looking i.ri- ously and straight at Beaver. renhVUt "D d if I know where be is!" Pitts burgh Dispatch. Oaght ta Be Shade SaSkieat. "rD- f0061 (th knuly physician) Well, doctors, what deyou think? Dr. Scalpel (called in consultation) The patient evidently requires a shock to his feensibilities to arouse him from tbe present condition of lethargy. Dr. Probe (also called in consulta tion) How would it do to show him the bill for thk coaauiution? New York Press. What is tbe didomnoo u.. . blood-thirsty warrior and am !, . TsT4 4tVaaO TM. . - mgpericd,! ie-on bating to the j giv-TanS uar" " A Loadoa raster's EsUaaato of tho Great ChaacaUr'a AMUry. It is no lattery, bat merely the plain truth, to say tbat the German chancellor's use of his unrivaled power will rank with him evea higher ia history than tbe great deeds by which he acqoired it. Europe has known thedomiaatioa of awny power ful individualities before his; aha has bowed the head to oar own Cromwell, to Louis XIY.,to Napoleon Bonaparte. None, however, sate tba first of these, and ho bnt doubtfally, could bear compari son for a wise and moderate exercise of his commanding influence with the statesman who for the last fourteen years has been paramount in the European con clave. "Tnou mightst have built tby throne," cried Shelley, withtrae republican indignation, to the fallen Napoleon, "where it had stood even now; thou didst prefer a frail and bloody pomp which time has swept in fragments toward oblivion." No such pomp as this has veer lured Prince Bismarck from the straight path of equity and peace. He has preferred to build his master's throne where it aught stand, rnd where under Providence and with the help of German hearts and hands it will stand for generations. His sole object has been to strengthen inwardly and fortify out wardly the great edifice of German unity; and, though even this necessity is enough to keep Germany ever under arms, it wonld be wholly unjust to say that Prince Bis mark has by any act of his foreign policy gratuitously stimulated the military rival ries of the continent. Tbe apprehension once excited by the elevation of Germany to tbe European dictatorship the predic tion that the change of masters would mean nothing, and that tbe new leading power would soon contract tbe restless ambition of its displaced predecessor, have all been falsified by the event. Tbe su premacy of Germany has so far undoubt edly made peace for Europe. London Telegraph. (Stem tho St. Louis Bulletin. St. Louis. Mo.. Feb. 26. 1887. Dr. A. Owen is the most successful in ventor and manufacturer In tbe conntrr at electrical appliances for the cure ot acute, chronic, and nervous diseases. They have received the unqualifleJ indorsement ot physicians of hljrh standing, as well as thousands of sufferers who have been cured by tbem. The following indorsement, for instance, is absolutely convincing, and tho writer is professor of the theory and prac tice of medicine In the American College ot St Louis: St. Louis. 3To.. Jane 10. 1836. I take pleasure in stating that I havo ex amined and tested Dr. Owen's Electro Galvanic Belt and Appliance, and do not hesitate to say that it is tbe most practical and efficient of all the galvanic belts I have used In my practice. It is a very useful device, and whenever electric belts or shields can bo of any benefit, this will more than take tho place of anything ot tho kind I have ever seen. Geoboe C. PrrzEs. 5L D.. Pro'essor of the Theory and Practice of .Medicine in tho American College. St. Louis; Clinical Lecturer at the City Hos pital. St Louis: Editor of tbe American Medical Journal: Author of "Electricity in Medicine and Surgery." and Author of "Direct Medication." See thoir advt. in this par2 hwm im rs The Colaetaa of Sbedee waa ee ealkd to disriagakh it from other colossal ag ues, said by some writers te have aam bered over IM, which daring the days ef tU prosaority were set np ia the "Cstyaf the 8aa,"as the capital of the iakad ef Baedoe was poetically ailed. The eeleaeae ease third ia the hat of the eevea woadars ef the world, aad waa ceaaecrated te the aaa, the deity of Shodaa. It was made of brass, east ia ate- tioas, aad is said to hare been the work ef Charles of Lindas, a papil of the great Lyeippas. it waa 90 cnbita (sappoeed to have beea 159 feet hick), and cost the city about 30 talents, or $350,000 aa we reckon money nowadays. Over twelve years' work was spent oa this early taonster, which with all its grandear, waa destined to a very short career. Fifty-six years after its completion, ia the year 224 B. C, according to Pliay, this gigatio emblematic figure was thrown down by aa earthquake. The Colossus stood at the entrance of the harbor, with each of its mighty feet on solid stone foundations, ships ia fall sail pasesiag aad repassing between tbe gigantic legs. Deleperre, the historian, says that it was aot erected at the entrance to the har bor, as stated by Pliny, bet that it stood oa aa open space near the pacha's ser aglio. Still another writer says it waa re constructed daring the reign of the Em peror Vespasian, aad that after the island ofBhodes had beea conquered by the Caliph Othman, ia the seventh century of our era, it waa takea down aad the metal sold to a Jew, who transported it to Syria, a caravan ot 960 camels being necessary to carry his purchase. St. Louit Republic. Every Vtsl Ia Trial To tbe dyspeptic. Hatnlonce, heartburn, op pressive f nUnet a of tbe stomach are tbe Ineri- lable sequences of bis nse of the knife and fork. To aay of him tbat be (ratines the craving! of appetite would be genuine satire. Be only ap peases them. Is relief attainable? Certainly, and by th naa of a pleasant as well as thorough remedy, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Will it cure immediately ? Certainly not it doea not effect miracles. Eat it doea give prompt and unspeakable relief, and will, if persisted in, produce an ultimate cure. Not only does It im part relish to the food bnt promotes' ita con version by the stomacb into rich, health and strength sustaining blood. Snpersensitheness of the nerves, mental depression, ana cnoan slumber, produced by interruption of tbe die ItMlW Bad aaateweei iiubb iwi Bis faeeiwas daraeaea with a neww Th3.tffthadakeahafor. ,w, It a hi!.- aatt he. -to keep thtafB straight! Last Taesday 'wasn't so. CcafouBdthatmiawrableoIdBjeaa: Wba makes It sag so low?- Aad bonny Kate, a dainty eijht, Stood eUU, demur aad ahy; The hoaaodef. who had harked aU night Half cloeed a knowing eye : The awallow, chuckling. teM Us mate Of ahata 'neath ar-baaa's glow ; Aad Fanner Browaeaid: -Drat thai get! hat makes It aag so low': It ia said ia Paris that the raceatly dis covered alleged JUmbraadt has been ideat ifiei aa the picture of that master knows as "Benedict!," which ce!onged ta M. Soyar, a wealthy engineer, who died ia 1802. The picture was tbe gem ef his gal lery aad figured in the list of his effects after his death, bnt was then lost sight of. Deafaess Caat Be Cared. Br local application aa they can not reach th diseased portion ot th ear. There is only os way to cur Deafness, aad that ia by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is cansed by an la flamed condition of th inuoons liattg of tbe Eustachian Tube. When this tub seta inflamed yon car a nunoung eounn or impeneci hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is th result, and unless the inflammation can be token oat and this tuba restored to ita nor mal condition, hearing will be destroyed fotC ever; nine enses ont of ten axe caused by catarrh, which ia nothing hut aa laflamad eeav ditfonof tbe mucoui surfaces. Wo will irivo One Hundred DoOara for aay case of Dsafuese (caused by catarrh) that we. can not enre by tnking Hall'a Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. i J. CHENEY St CO.. Toledo. O. a3-fc'old by druggists, 75c. riJAJ ,w TRA0C JACOBS) Rem lEDY BarwBSmaVnHnal aaVM , Braises. Sam. . . 3 Tasssssa aaer. coUr i"ia flaws. Tamers. Ssttnts. Bi? "i mama-ajntaams.Birtc3sttiMa' At EarGoins m e; TNI CaVWLES A. rtftUIca, :i aBBaaTBBBBBBnBBaTBTBBT The progress of language spoken by the different nations is said to lie as fol lows: English, which at the commence ment of the century was spoken by only twenty-two millions of people, is now spoken by one hundred millions. Rus sian in now spoken by sixty-eight mill ions, against thirty millions at the be ginning of the centurv. In 1801 Ger man was spoken by only thirty-five millions of people; to-day over seventy millions talk in tbe same language tbat William Undoes. Spanish is now used by forty-four millions of people, against thirty millions in 1800; Italian by thirty two millions, instead of eighteen mill ions; Portuguese by thirteen millions. instead of eight millions; increase of three hundred and twelve per cent, ; for Bus&ian, one hundred and twenty per cent; for German seventy percent; for Spanish, thirty-six- per cent, eta In the case of French, the increase has beea from thirty-four millions to forty six millions, or thirty-3ix per cent The young Emperor of China is dis playing a g-tod deal of vigor as a re former. Ho is inquiring into every de partment of his government and is isn. ing oiders for the removal of abuses f recently published a decree requir A New Feat la Railroad BaBaiag.' A passenger car on the Louisville & Wadley railroad performed a new feat in railroad runniug by running on two tracks at one and the same time. While drilling the train the front tracks jumped the switch and took tbe right track, while the rear tracks failed to jump and took the wrong track and continued on tne mam -til-bat h3do tf i wnm iearly even, when the conductor called a halt he found bis ear in rather aa awkward position. Cheap Excarsleas te AttaHa, Alabama. The Honon route will, on April 36. 27. 28 and '). sell tickets at reduced rates to At taHa. Ala., and return for thegreat land sale April 28. 2) and 30. Ticket? good until Mav 10. with privilege ol stopping at Chatta nooga. Lookout Mountain returning. Don't miss the opportunity to vnit the New South. Express trains daily to Cincinnati, con necting with the Queen & Crescent route. Attalla is the natural eastern s teway of the crcat future iron inanufacturimr dis trict of Xorth Alabama, In the center of the rich soit red and brown ore Ix'It. with eoal and limo stone in eacy reach: has four (4) railroads, fine water power, three (3) furn aces, car works, cotton compress, oil well and pinning mills. But three years ago a village of 400. now a thriving cityof 2.000. Tho sale is under the auspices of Attalla Iron und Mod com pany, an 1 consists of choice manufacturing, business and residence lots within the cor rToration limits of the city and adjoins the vast coal and iron fields. of the nerves, mental depression, and unquiet tint fnnetlnns. are also remedied bv it It la the finest preventive and curative of malarial disorders, and relievea constipation, rheuma tism, kidney and bladder ailments, and liver complaint Cared trc Bene by Faith. A peculiar instance of the effects of the Christian science craze occurred recently inEau Claire, Wis. A gentleman who resides just outside of the city bad a sick horse on bis hands. The veterinary surgeons could do nothing for the animal, and the .local Christian science ex perts failed also. Thereupon the owner of tbe horse, having plenty of time and not earing for tho expense, went to the telegraph office and wired an account of the case to a Christian sci ence professor in Chicago. Ihe symp toms were given in the telegram, and the Chicago expert was aske 1 to treat the case by the usual method. The horse was at that time apparently on its last legs. The Chicago scientist wired back that be was treating tbe horse to the best of his ability and was thinking hard. Within five hours tbe horse was well enough to eat oats. Chicago Herald. The Only fiaaraateed Care for all blood taint and humors, pimples, blotches, eruptions and skin diseases of every name and nature is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. A certificate- of guarantee from a responsible business house warrants it to benefit or cure, or money refunded. Chbosic Nasal Catarrh positively cured by Dr. Sage's Kemedy. 50 cents, by drug gists. Ax exceedingly cheeky thief made his' appearance in Boston one day last ccsk. He was dressed in overalls. He went into the office of a life insurance company, and while whistling one of the latest tunes be gan to unscrew from the walls of a toilet room on the fourth floor a mirror valued at about $20. Folly twenty occupants of the building saw the man, at work, and everv bcrfyTSwBjut he bad keen airea eitner to repair the glass or clean it. They, did nor suspect anything was wrong until he left. Then it waa learned he was a thief. At a recent dnel between two yoaag men at Warsaw, both fired and hit, bat the bullet of one was flattened against tbe ci gar case of the other, and the bullet of the I other was turned aside by the pceket knife I of his opponent. Ths second decided tbat tbe young men wcrd not born to kill each other and declared the affair cff. When Baby was sick, wa save her Castorla. When she was a Child, sno cried for Catoria. When she became Miss, she clnug to Csateria. When she bad CaUdrea. bbe cave them Caateria. A bat which attacked a brood of chick ens at Pottstown, Pa., was kilted by tha hen, and alter th9 battle tho barojard rooster, who hal viewed the battle from a safe perch on the fence, celebrated the event by crowing lustily. l?KBrOtt& Both tba aasthorl and rcf ' Syrup of Figs ia taken ; it uyjj and refreshing to' the tatte, sate gently yet promptly oa theSm Liver and itowek, c!eassV ten actually, dispels eol aches and fevers andem? eonstipatioau Syrup of Fin ealr reaaedy of ita kind er i duced. Bleating to tho f&ste j" ceptable to the stomacb, pre? Ha actios and tralr.DenebaT effects, prepared only from t" healthy aaa agreeable mijaS ita Beany axcellent qualitiqW Baead it to all and bavsC HW HW. vvvutw w.vkj ferl Syrup of Figs is for ba! jg aad a i bottles or au ieaaa gists. Any reliable dnsgp aiay not have it oa hand tm cure IK promptly ior any q wishes to try it. Do net i any substitute. CAUFOMMIM FIB sam rtAMcaco. cm. UmnttE. AT. 12 A WerkkoBse Liaaer BUI. The liqnor bill at tbe Lewisham union, a workbonse near London, last year, was: Ale and porter, 47,700 pints; wine. 81 bot tles; gin, 156 bottles; brandy, 948 bottles; mineral waters, 6,192 bottles. Some carp ing critics intimate that there mnst have been fraud about it; others insist tbat the drink capacity of the average workhouse offiicial folly accounts for the consump tion. Ask your dealer for "TansiU's Punch. A fbopessob in the University of Klansenbnrg claims to have compounded a solution vhich completely neutralizes the poison introduced into the system by the bite of a mad dog. This solution consists of chlorine water, salt brine, sulphurous a -id, permanganate of potassium, and eucalyptus oil. SaKotelM Free, will be sept bv Cragtn & Co.. Philada.. Pa., to any one in the U. S. or Canada, postage paid, upon receipt of 25 Dobbins' Electric Soap wrappers. See list of novels on circulars around each tar. Soap for aale by all grocers. According to the Lancet, Dr. Lnder itz has recently made a number of obser vations on the destructive power of coffee upon various microbes. He found that tbe organisms all died in a longer or shorter period. In one series of experi ments anthrax bacilli were destroyed in three hours, anthrax spores in four weeks, cholera bacilli in four hours, and the streptococcus of erysipelas in one day. Good and bad coffee produced precisely similar effects. Fob Throat Diseases. Coughs. Colds. etc.. effectual relief Is found in the use oi "Jroin Bronchial Troches." Price 25 eta. Sold only iu boxet. A bemabkabXiE feature of the large coa mine at St. Andre dn Poirise, France, which is over 3,000 feet in depth, is the comparatively low temperature experienced which is seldom more than 75 degree. Fehrenheit. Bboschitis Is cored by frequent small doses of Plso's Core for Consumption. On exhibition at the Third National bank in Scranton is a check bearing tbe signa ture of George Washington. It was drawn just three months aad one day. before his death. If aflicted with Sore Eyes, use Dr. Iaaae Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it 25e. A fan made of human hair is displayed at a London store. Even what appears to be beautiful lace fricrinc thn ctiota ; .i i hair. Peculiar to Itself That Hood's BarsaparUla does possess curative power Peculiar to Itself i conclusively shown by tbe wonderful cures it has eflected. uasorpaased in the history of medicine. This absolute merit it possesses by reason ot the fact that it la prepared by a ComMoatioa, 1-roportioa and Process Pecu liar to Hood's Sarsaparills. known to no other medi cine, and br which the lull meOicinal power of all the Ingredients used Is retained. Hood's Sarsapa rilla Is a hishly concentrated extract of Sarsaparilla. Dandelion. Mandrake, Dock. Juniper Berries and other well known vegetable remedies. It has won Hood's Sarsaparilla its wv to the leading place among medicines by Ita own intrinsic, undisputed merit and has now a larger sale than any other similar preparation in tbe country. If yon have never taken Hood's Baraa Fsrilla. a fair trial will convince you of its excel lence and merit. Take it this season. "I have for a long time beea using Hood's Sarsa parilla. and bdieve me. I would not be without it As a spring medicine It la invaluable." , A. Rhodes. 130 Ontario Street Chicago, m. 1 feel very ranch Indebted to Hood's Sarsaparilla. fori believe it isto the use of this medicine that I cwesarpraseathaalth. In the spring I got so com pletely ma down tbat I could not eat or sleep, and aUthedreaded disease of lit seemed to have a mortgage on my system. I wai obliged to abandon my work, and after seeking medical treatment ad spending over S for dine rent preparations. I found myseU no better. Then my wife persuaded me to tryabottleofHood'aSanapariUa. Before the Hrst botUe was gone I began to amend. I bare now rued two bottles and bare gained a pounds. Can eat any- The Spring Medicine thine without it hurting me; my dyspepsia and biliousness have gone. I never telt htir in m. life, am at work again aad consider myself a well aaaa. Thos two bottlei were worth 1100 to me." W. V. Ecxo wa. Lincoln. IU. "Hood'aSanapariUa ourinedmr UnuLnnm. strength, aad overcame the headache and dizziness, so that now I am able to work again." Lcthxb Xaaox. S3 Church St, Lowell. Mass. .a. Be nm to get Hood's Sarsaparilla. """' " COPYRIGHT 1669 m I taal fav at WlMIAVr ajli'1 fcT K tTasaaani - - . y v uiviii i-- - t mmmm THE TRUANTS. Harry "That's ma calling me; she's go- ' ing to lick me, 'cause I didri t hurrv from the druggist's with this medicine. Jininiv. you can, take my gum till I get back ; I've got to squall like Iwas being half-killed, or pa'U lick met ma can't hurt any, 'cause she's sick most of the time.'' Jimmy "Let's see that medicine. That's tho same Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription that cured my mom. IVhv. she couldn't spank the baby, and now tho other day she shook pop so he doesn't drink any more. In about two weeks you'll get belted so you'll-wish you'd been born gomL'' Please remember, that Dr. Pierces Fa vorite Prescription is the only positive cure tor tne numerous cUseoes that atroy a woman's influence in It' cmaraateed to eie satisf exert , or money iiid fcr n J reiunaeu. " Favorite Prescription " i a I for tho most complicated and obstiflt. I of leucorrhea, excessive lions;. 1 J menstruation, unnatural Mrpf-rMS - lapsus, or falling of the owt,vaj. "lema'a weakness a'-.tet rsi(.n.jjjl sion. bearing-down senNitum.-. ctrmTf, gestion, inflammation unci tilitr womb. . n.. ,. - .,.,. .:.lt j xxjok oi iuu imp-. ireauu 'taa and her peculiar diea.. and tJ cure, illustrated with wood-cuts i plates, mailed in plain, sealed c-ftl receipt of ten cents in stami- Address, worlds dispessabtj s that do- Association, No. 603 Main BtrerV her family. Jf. Y. JK H- I Howe Heaalaehe, MzxlHeao, Coa-tiatlen, tloas. BUIIest Attattka, and all derangements of the trtcz boweb. are promptly relieved and permanently cumd by tbej DR. PIERCE'S PELLE awrely Veaprfhle aa4 -Ferfectty Haraaileaw. Ao a XaXV-KArt. XXXXa, Vae. aftM-at fMIt V Varil -a VwAftfSaTB f SJf AttEST- CI W-raaa-i a-aaUUaWOI MMM9XM m EASIEST Best Cough Medicine. Recou. mended by Physicians. Cures where all else fails. Pleasant aad agreeable to thu taste. Children take it wtthoat objection. By druggists. lmY2grrP!!x3 aBa-Wavjajjaaj jl OPIUM Prepared only loucTslIdruggirts. fl: six for SI. by C. I. HOOi a oo. Lowell. Haas. KX Doses One Dollar 's Sarsaparilla ywmmn pacific JLHH, Ctovemment LANDS. k-?ffi--g-l J-'-LaUaaaesyta. Worth D. pUW Iwmun Agricultural. ? now opinio betU-ra. HE arrWal. , j -.it a-uera. nausx atap clear rl Mas fat ana iiasoat ar.pAix. Elj's Cm Bad wax cuke CATARRH Price SO Cents. Apply Balm into each nostril. ttl ataWB, mWarjaaExT. Soldbyandrosaistt. l: eta for. Prepared only byC. I. HOOD fc CO. Lowell, atass. . 100 Doses One DoKsr latATEPUL-COMFORTINO. EPmcocoi BREAKFAST. .of I a naajglratliai aaa be gra LVcSKgSral mcotirSMin sews mmmKMrWM iiiw i aiiaj afasalsaaft BB .wJrBBl BaBBsa." Oka BBWSdgim JHQffiJ MMimfilMM-.liMlii, r brseaitrslnik: 5 UI2i- ctuccrurrizzzi wnna aaucatatr Havearmf h: MjOT .keary. doctors- htUa, tore every St-K dS,2r"wSP al aWWlaC WDta9atValleaBw9 DV KpBhsm - M . .V7--Tr J"- ? StlUV?.15. s-M SBJ !aty wttetatig water crssint. SsBbS33313 mm fumssEs&8EM& Chariest owa. Mas. ES 7 NewMiir I ef JSEI W aiMsrts. aa.C Ir you want your pension without I delay, put . yoor cuum mine PENSION KK.mOTg .yrs in last war .15 adjuoacatlass claims, atty alacav 'AT FOLKS .aawMTAaaSF Tsar caaaa a akaaaaa, c ala ao BaM bw lracaiata tvarrwaar r ant aarlti WllwTt Cwrffl: Zt., a?!!.. ?. ItMlaama aobea .byamal h CLASMC rOlR-HAM) ",:1F.aI MnettensnDeriorDneMforllx- "".1 flnfmnn Hrvhnw .n.l tlir fcr- -" YOlTNf! PMVERs' ! . roi-t i..KCOLI.X-I!-. ' commended to Piano Tear je.s-1 ""j pieces (or recreations to u-e WtUTXEVtf 2 - K ORUAN ALBUM and lrL OPERATIC PIANO COLLKCTION . r melmlies term the tn-iuro i the best modern rompov--Lest mtertalnment for She aiic air. Th OUett tttdicinr in tkt WtrldiifrtUily bsaasj TnnirwKs CELEBRATED EYE-WATER. inm irmm u , nnimiT prepare-! pa;n-ian sprsv BrtptJos, and naa been laeuoataat U5e for nearly a century. There are few disease to which mankind are subject mere distressing than sore eyes, and none, perhaps, for which more remedies have beea irledwKbcmt success. For all external lnnammatlow of the eyes It Is aa Infallible remedy. It the direc tions are followed It will never UU. Wepartlcularly BBTtte the attent'oa of ph vaklans to Its merits. For aalebyaUdrucglsta. JOHX-L. THOXPSOS, SOSf aCO.TBOT.5.T. Established 17ST. BELT it, iat7, s'Bflntovaa.iiit. mm. wwajiWZLBWTJta-aULTAlTICaWTlasLT t aaiBJBmaw wai aa iMekilatT. aiuif Traatther, uSTS maths Wasttaa; of aw Jaaiumma an ale Ufa. wm as suvawasuc ElECTIIC Ktt5ra.A. vroaa.aiMl aaalt Ooswhlw 1. saaa, b pasts, wilea win is eeusatais paper, air ii sal asniavscsca. UOUtm,mmX msmsms,. rBBBBBBBMaBkVaai iaaaSJSWil FBSaafSKIER aay a. rarayor CHOICE SAC'KKD -'t Hoprano or Tenor. (t. - ' kouk. Kiiitabla lor solo i meut at home. ixo CLASSIC v-: ct medium dltnculty a i!;' 1 aaaaaa t DANCE 3aX'!IC COLI.Kt I :N- bnoK can be. and is ijuiij i -Music. itav c. urtiV t !iifg9 liiv.i v aa.isi, j-s OLIVER DITS0N C0MPW WANTED The hotnrsK SOLDIERS' ' . HOMESTEADS. tat; tit' PENSIONS ' a. aa.rr-z: . -.-.!- ' araiaBBiinammy mmmmmhi mu - - ...I ROAD CARTS y"M - Tk- ' " .' tVM mtrnO aa. seaat fr iwaalUut'S ee . armwranaasoastwaj . . - rjDrs': illsrr.- - Iv4J . . if .CHIC'Cf Cki: I S. C N C