The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 23, 1890, Image 1

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    !-t7cik ltaMJt-
mm -. r -nsi aa v- i.-'.
IN. Pres't.
IB. GALLEY, Vice Prest.
. u. T. OIH, wwr
National Bank
: of Condition at the Close of
September 33, 18B8.
sconnie ..... ........ ..--el95,811 75
Wl... 18,560 00
Hand W)C1 . . . - - 10.255 27
KraKarscsdJ' 11,822 83
Per banks.. $ I5.CtS.25
X Treasury . t3.G3
id.".:..... ...'. .'. . 17,10742 83.168 67
' ' ' $267,628 07
. LIAtll.ITirS.
Snnkie....i.... $ 0,000 03
prfi's .... ...i... ........ 7.017 KJ
ink joVs outstanding .... 13,r.00 U)
w I'm 11
tors ;..... 11,1 60 Vl
tf 2C7.JSS 07
I justness (ards.
- J -. .
f i .i , , ..
rcr Columbus Stato Bank, Columbus,
iTT'oA'-Ersr XAir,
First National Bank, Columbus,
i -,-... . - a.
CoaTi' scKrirroj:.
d."mne surreyiuc done can pa-
; Columbus, Nub., or call at my office
in tnj- Ece in 4be Court House, the
raay. ex eacn month lor the examtna
plicanta foe teachers' certificates, and
Deaction of other school business.
hd LeavrlmuHng. Goods handled with
aanartcrs at J. 1'.
. Becker &. Co.'s offics.
, Zi and EC
li'nectssors to Fauble fc ButhtU),
Utrcctora and builders will find onr
class and offered at reasonable rats.
prepared to do all kinds of brick
optf-tore and Pablishers of the
I hsssal xii itt rta. mn,? jcjsbal,
-icid to any address, for $2.00 a year.
-aavance, Family jocbnal, si.uu a
Cclnmbne, Neb.
Bp stairs over Ernst & Bchwarz's store on
1 street lommybs
- irtuio of Collections by C J. GarJow.
-u&xvTXCTEBxa or
mil Sheet-Iron Ware !
Work, loofinf and Gatter
' ing a Specialty.
aop en ista street,
Broe old
1 imnecatn street.
. Ksapp. Fbane R. Kxa?p
tractors and Builders.
tate fomiehed on 'brick and stone'work
stennt. free. Biecial attention given to
boik-r", mantle?, etc. Staining and
runtiae ld or nrw brick work to reDrtu
rssei! brick, a sjiccialty. Correspondence
sL References given.
nayly KNAPP BROa,
Colnmbos. eb.
. ire Offer Both far a Tear, at tJ.
Iocbai. is acknowledged to be the best
.sd family. Dp?r ia. Platte coontr.and The
can Maczzine is the cnlrhich-claes month.
kuice dTt,ted entirely to American Litera-
ansn'Ma thought ana .frojress, ana is
ly d;ided exponent of American Instita-
lt is i. rood as any of the older man.
MnisLiuc in a year over 1.500 Tases cf the
It literature, written by the ablest Aseri
Ihors. It is beantifnlU illnHratod. and ia
stiit charming continued and short stories.
I more t tppropriate present can be
II an a year"s tabscription to The Ameri-
.-l-. "
bo esfsci&lly Lrilliaat daring the i ear
'! J.'ini.?
-1tli.r.T- isMM T-T..3 Tk- In.M.
UiJ.00. Woofffer both for $4.00.
Northers Pastures Are Sfaort aad Dry
lu Texas It Is Better News of Oae Sort
or Another from Many Folate.
CoadittoR of tbe Ranees.
John City, jr., president of the Wyom
ing Stock Growers' association, and a
member of the stock yards firm of Clay,
Robinson & Co., Chicago, is probably one
of the best posted men on range cattle in
the United States. Of the present condi
tions and fatnre prospects of this branch
of the live stock industry he says:
"The past winter, so far as the range
districts are concerned, was somewhat er
ratic. To commence in the north and
west, Dakota, Montana, and eastern "Wyo
ming and Colorado enjoyed a remarkably
mild season, but it has been dry beyond
any precedent. Fratically there has been
no moisture ia those regions .siaotlast
June. Cattle, consequently, except in a
few favored pastures, hare wintered badly.
The death loss has not been ex
cessive, but the condition of the cattle is
lower than I have ever known it. Except
we have good rains and a favorable season,
tbe prospect for good beef is not encour
aging. It is too early to anticipate what
the calf crop will be. With stock cattle
very thin we cannot expect any large In
crease in this department.
"On the Pacific 6lope the winter has been
the severest ever experienced. The snow
fall seemed to stop at the divide betwixt
the Pacific and the Atlantic. Great loss
has taken place, more especially as tbe
summer of 1889 was exceedingly dry and
there was less feed than usual. Allclasses
of stock have suffered, but it will be im
possible to estimate the ratio of loss till
"in the 6outh and southwest, more es
pecially in Texas.the season has been favor
able. Genial days, with a fair mountain
rain, have given the stock interests a fair
start, and the prospects are flattering.
"The market for range cattle, except for
steers, shows no improvement. For good
3-year-old W joining and Colorado feeders
there has been an active demaud lately at
prices considerably higher than a year ago.
Such cattle ore closely picked up; almost
none offering. bontnern steers would
probably have participated in the rise had
there not been so many difficulties in the
way of the southern cattle grower. The
closing of the Cherokee strip has been a
great blow to the trade In young steers,
wnile the Texas cattle grower would not
take heed to warnings he has received con
cerning quarantine matters for several sea
sons. The just discrimination against all
cattle liable to give northern cattle splen
etic fever has shut up many avenues of
trade, and it is certain that from this time
forth the southern cattle districts will need
to look after and mature the greater part
of their crop of cattle.
"Prices are a little lower than last year
up to date for young steers. The better
grades will probably improve in price, but
I cannot sea any hope for the medium and
and common grades."
.Destructive. If sHstwr
rTXriAA 4m -?, ami lioit Sfnvm. !
V ICillJili tuu, la.u ouu p-., w
companied by tbo roaring noise of a tor
nado, passed north of llonrcouth, Hi.
The mercury fell taeuty-livo degrees in
two Lours. Hail fell as large as walnuts
and many window s were broken. The roar
of the storm created a panic in that city.
Bloomington, 111., and its surroundings
were deluged. Four inches of water fell in
less than an hour. All the streams are far
out of their banks. Great damage has
been done to country roads and bridges.
A phenomenal fall of hail as large as
walnuts accompanied the storm. The
glass in the green-houses was demolished
by the hail. At Minner, seventeen miles
west of this city, nearly every window in
town was broken. The country between
Minner and here was deluged and consid
erable injnry was done to the Chicago &
Alton track. Piles of ties were floated away,
many of them being lodged on the rails.
The young wheat and garden vegetables
were crushed flat.
Covington, Ind., was visited by one of
of the most severe hail storms experienced
for many years. Th9 storm came from
the west and last for twenty minutes.
Hail stoneB as large as walnuts and many
as large as hens' eggs fell, covering the
ground to tbe depth of fonr inches. Many
window lights were broken by the bail
and considerable damage was done to fruit
and growing crops.
Lawrence Barrett Seriously Ailing.
While in Cincinnati last week Edwin
Booth, the tragedian, received a letter
from Lawrence Barrett, now in Europe,
which makes it appear improbable that the
latter will ever again appear on the stage.
The letter communicates the fact, so long
dreaded, that the operation to which 2Ir.
Barrett submitted last summer would not
finally relieve him of the neck aHiction for
which it was undertaken as a ia&t resort.
Tbe uloomy tidings just received are in
substance that the complaint has again
manifested itself in other parts of the body.
This time the legs and arms are affected.
Oae of ,the legs, Mr. Barrett states, is es
pecially distorted with the tumors. How
ever, he is not without Lope. of a cure.
Casablanca la Petticoat.
The residence of X. W. Matthews, a
bauker of Peoria, 111., was destroyed by
fire, and Alice Donovan, a pretty hired girl
who was alone in the house, was barely
rescued by one of the firemen. She had
been left iu charge of the house, and when
it took fire refused to leave it although
called upon by those on tbe outside to do
so. At last one cf the firemen, at the risk
of his life, rushed in and dragged her by
main force through name and smoke to
the open air. The girl was seized with
hysterics and may die. The house was
valued at $5,000 and was a total loss, to
gether with the furniture it contained.
An Awful Act or a Murderer.
Paul Bergrentundt, a rancher of Okan
agen county, Wash., on Saturday mnr
dered his neighbor, James S. Williamette,
and then carried the bleeding body of bis
victim to Mrs. Williamette and flung it at
her feet. Tho men were alone when the
murder was committed and the cause of
tbe crime is net known. Bergrentundt
was captured bv a posse of citizens, who
intended at first to lynch the murderer,
bnt better counsel prevailed and the sheriff
was permitted to take him to jail.
Another Ship Gees Down.
The Mariposa, from Australia, brings ad
ditional dttails of the wreck of the steamer
Quetah off Thurdah island. About 9
o'clock in tbe evening, tbe passengers, who
were holding an impromptu musicale, were
startled by the sudden stoppage of the en
gines and the grating of the vessel's keel
on a sunken rock. In lees than three min
utes the Quetah had sank out of sight,
leaving 291 people struggling m the waves.
Some were borne under by tan
gled rigging and others, more fortu
nate, clung to coating wreckage.
One hundred and thirteen livte were lost.
Of 126 whiles only SO escape J, while of 165
negroes 82 survived, many whites being
imprisoned ia .the state rooms. Capt.
Banders states that e was on the bridge
when the vessel struck. He rushed for
ward, ordered the boats out and found the
ship already settling. . He had just time to
climb the rigging and jump into the water
when the vessel sank, Af:er half an hour
he was picked up. Others suffered great y.
The rock on which the vessel struck is not
on the chart and is right in the track of the
course recommended by the admirality,
which states that then iB twelve fathoms
of water there.
Bribery at Denver.
A sensation has been created at Denver
by the announcement that an attempt has
been made to bribe Mayor Londoner by
representatives of the Santa Fe railway
company. As is generally known the com
pany is seeking a new entrance to the city
in order to increase its terminal facilities.
The ordinance granting the right of way is
bitterly opposed by the citizens along the
proposed route. Last week it passed both
branches of the council and was vetoed by
Mayor Londoner and passed over his veto
by the supervisors. Pablio meetings are'
being held to influence the aldermen. The
story of the attempted bribery is thes told
by Mayor Londoner:
"For some time past I have been con
templating tbe securicg of a new place of
residence. Tbe business part of the city
is encroaching so fast on Champa 6treet,
where I now live, that I thought it would
be more pleasant for my family to have a
residence further away from the business
portion of the city. With that in view I
talked with a real estate man about trading
my present property for property on Cap
itol Hill or some other desirable residence
portion of the city. Last Thursday morn
ing about 10:30 o'clock tbe party with
whom I had been talking called at my of
fice in the city hall. After a few minutes
general conversation he said he could not
trade my property, but that he could sell it
for cash. I asked him what price and he
replied $40,000. I immediately said
that I would have no objection to ac
cepting that price in cash; that I
was now at a very heavy expense in de
fending my tills to the office of mayor
from a lot of thieves, boodlers and such
and that I would have no objection to sell
ing my residence for such a cash pric;. I
asked him how tbe money would be paid
out and he replied, $3,000 down and the
balance in terms to suit me. He further
said that the parties were around at his
office ready to close up the deal. I
answered all right, and that I -would go
around with him right away and Bee them.
He then asked me what I thought about
the Santa Fe oidinauce. I replied that I
thought u great deal about it; tht thero
were some things favorable to it and many
things against it. 'What are you going to
do with it?" he then asked me. 'You will
find that out when I tike action upon it,' I
replied. 'But what iloe3 it matte; to you
what action I take? Are you interested in
it?' I said. 'Yes,' he replied. 'In what
way? I asked. 'Well,' said he, 'the sale
of your property depends upon tha matter.
If you sign the ordinance I can sell your
property for $40,000, as I have slated.
T' proposition made me so hot that I
arose from my chair ncLonJanguage more
forcible than elegant, informed tho party
thai ho cnulcl tell tli narliac
iVhinn in-l
purchase my property on aucn
teTmsthaL!Tets Rirea
thevhsiUi5t -E2S-SSagn- lobuy it in
that way. In short that the property was
not for sale to them at any price. He
then left my office."
The real estate man who approached the
mayor was Sam C. Shepherd, who admits
the'truth of tie statement, but declines to
tell who authorized the offer.
The Spanish Situation.
There is little doubt that the present
Spanish cabinet will be overthrown
shortly, before the July recess most
assuredly. There is a 6trong opinion, too,
that before its reassembling monarchy will
be overthrown for a second time in this
generation and republicanism given an
other trial. Ths coolness and deliberation
with which the leaders of the republican
party are acting, and tbe subordination of
the rank and file, give hope of a revolution
as complete end bloodless as that in
which tbe Brazilian moi arch wa3 de
posed. There are no signs of gen
eral rioting by preconcert, nor is
there any promise of threatening pro
nuueiamentos; but there is a calm con
sciousness of strength underlying all the
republican movements that shows a pro
found belief that the people are with them
en masse. For the past year legislation
and the force of public opinion have
strengthened civic force in Spain, to th2
anger and dismay of the military officers of
the old school. These latter have rcmoa
strated with tho crown and seeralof them
have resigned in consequence of the replies
which they received. Two or ihie ex
marshals, at least, Lavo pnt their property
into portable shape and ore prepared for
exile when the stcrm bursts. The confi
dence of the workingmen maybe judged by
the fact that they have put the day for their
crand demonstration at Barcelona so far
ahead as May, as if to show that nothing
hurried or violent is intended. At orabout
the same time the vote upon the universal
suffrage bill will be reached unless somo
thing unforseen induces its projectors or
opponents to force the question upon the
country btlore that time. Segat-ta will be
ousted from the premiership; so much ap
pears to be settled, and although Canovae
del Castillo is coifiJentiy spoken cf aa
his successor, Martinez Campos will prob
ably be selected to fill the place, if the ob
jection to a military man can Le overcome
Singularly enough, in tome parts of Spain
it is believed that the rcyal infant died of
bis attack of influenza, and that a preten
der is being foisted upen th Spanish peo
ple. YTorstetl by a Prcarlierlu a Horse Tra!c.
A suit has been called in the circuit
court at Racine, Wis., that attracts much
attention. It is the case of Dr. W. C.
Clarke, of Chicago, against Rev. E. Duck
worth, a metbodist minister of Utiion
Grove. Clarke alleges that he purchased a
horse of the minister upon the representa
tion that it was sound, but found the beast
was virtually no good, and so he suel the
minister for $250 damages. Rev. Mr.
Duckworth is one of the most prominent
divines in the western part of the county,
and the court house is daily crowded with
country folks.
Two New Ore Dock.
Arrangements are being perfected for
the building by the Duluth A Iron Range
road of two additional large ore docks next
fall and winter. They will have a capac
ity for nearly 40,000 tons of ore and will
increase the shipping capacity of the toid
for 1891 to 2,000,000 tons.
Couldn't Come to Terms.
A local paper says that the proposed sale
of tbe cotton duck mills of New Ecg.and
and Maiylandto an English syndicate has'
fallen through. -
Leopold Deales It.
King Leopold, Sovereign of the Congo
Free State, denies that any proposals were
ever made by Germany looking to the pur
chase of that state.
A Portuguese expedition 1,20 strong
has gone up tbe Shire nver to attack
Mponda, Africa.
weather chop buo.etix. i
Climatic Conditions in tlte NorUtTr.-Kt If;no
Be:n Most Farorable to l'la:i!ir;.
The weather crop bulletin for tho week
ending Saturday say 6:
Tbe weather daring the past week has
been the most favorable of ti.e sraon frr
growing crop3 and gn-trnV farm -work
throughout tbe entire vail 'is and noith
west, the conditions extending ssnthrarJ
to Texas and the Gulf states, and s.eJicg
is progressing rapidly as far north as Min
nesota and Dakota, where conditions were
very favorable.
Tbe dry weather in Kansas has not un
favorably affected crops ia that stite,
where corn planting is in progress, and
oats, wheat and grass ore growing rapidly.
Crop prospects have improved in tho
south, where the planting of cotton and
corn is in progress. While crops were
generally improved in Louisiana and Mis
sissippi, Richland and 8t.John parishes in
Louisiana are suffering from overflow, and
the uplands in Mississippi are too dry and
sanea in need o raast. f
The lighT"frosts which' occurred in the
south Atlantic states on the 11th slightly
injured tender vegetables, but caused no
damage to staple crops. In the middle
Atlantic states the weather was generally
unfavorable, farm work being much re
tarded "by continued ram and wet ground.
In Virginia, however, tbe weather was
more favorable for wheat and grass and
the seeding of oats.
Reports from New England show that
plowing and planting in that section have
been delayed by the wet condition of the
ground, but tobacco has been planted in
Connecticut, potatoes are being planted in
Massachusetts, and an average sugar crop
is expected in Vermont.
The season is repottsd as unusually
backward iu Oregon; rain, hail and snow
occurred during the week; farm work was
retarded; and the condition of wheat is
promitiog, but slow in growth, frequent
frosts having caused no material damage.
How Judge Hilton Got His Claws on the
Monty A Curious Chapter lu High Life.
The New York irorW has began an
attack upon Henry Hilton. The article is
The article asserts that the influence of
Judge Hilton over Stewart was founded in
a crime.
"The crime involved the honor of a wo
man," 6ays tbe World, "and the reputation
and vast business of the greatest dry goods
merchant on the continent. Hilton, as a
lawyer, did the work that averted the
calamity which would have resulted from
exposure. From that hour-! sjtsr began
its ascendency." V
a -a- nrrvi
a m j
the Stewart fortune into Hilton's control.
It closes with the declaration that tho
Stewart will case will be reopened and all
the facts brought out. Tbe article will be
continued in future editions of the TTorJd
A touno man named E. L. Tracy has"
been arrested at Winnemucca, Nev., for
murder committed in Chicago last No
vember. IN the f uppl mentary ballots for mem
bers of tie German reich6tag the conserv
atives, nationals and a nti-Semitics gained
one scat each, the radicals lost two seats
and the clericals one.
A desperate fight occurred between
parties of Tyrolese and Czechs soldiers at
Innsbruck, Austna. The men used their
bajocets and several were badly wounded.
At the close of the preliminary hearing
in North New Portland, Me., Micah W.
Norton was held to answer the charge of
murdering his housekeeper, Mrs. Cooler.
All the tailors of Mtncbester, Eng.,
have gone on a strike iu conjunction with
a similar actioa on the part of their breth
ren in London. The movement may pos
sibly become a national one.
A state assemblyman of New York
city, who has been pushing a bill reducing
pawnbrokers' rates, makes the statement
that the pawnbrokers had sent $45,000 to
Albany to defeat the measure.
The London Daily Xive' Brussels
epecijl says it is stated that Belgium has
guaranteed a lean of 0,000,000 for the
Cocgarei stit?. It is rumored in this
connection that King Leopold declines an
offer of $1,0(0,00 J from Germany toward
this loan.
A picture by Gainsborough valued at
10,0l'ii and a large quantity of valuable
tapestry were destroyed by a fire in Baron
James Ferdinand de Rothschild's country
eeat in Aylsbury, England.
Four nifB and a woman, were airested
in jloutomtry county, Va., on suspicion
of LeiDg the murderers of County Treas
urer Crandall, near Pulaski, last week.
If their guilt ia cl arly established it is
likely that tho four men will be lynched.
The British an 1 German East African
companies hive agreed upon a common
revision of tiriffs in view of tbe increasing
African trade. Wissniann will not touch
Kavirondo. His plans are not connected
with htsulev's overtures toEmin.
Sioux City Lire Stock.
Hops Estimated receipts, 1,100; Official
ycMrday, J.M.-. V tract opened rather ua-l-ien
nuti r.-psoil. hharji competition sent light
we k'i ui a uickf-1. ( t'uors sold strong.
Quotations: l.i;tit, $J.'-Z . 12 '..; mixed, Sl.OTJi
CJl !!-: liiT,H 0 4.V2 ..
Cattle Estimated leceipts. iCO; official yeg'r, 5J.'. Sbipm nts, 1,167. Market
dull ari'l un.-banged. Quotations: Batch
ers steers, prune. 33.73 a 4 U); medium
to good, 5.M5 a 3.75; feeders, choice
900 to l.IOJ pounds, 9J.95d3.25; me
dium to good, 22.7 2,'JO; stackers, choice,
$2.75 '- 3 00 ; medium to good. Si 5032.70 ; inferior,
C2..5&:.45; cows, extra choice, 9-.75(3.00:
tueJinm to food, 2.50'?.70; common to infer
ior, i-l.yj '.'.'tf; csnneri, 7"-c -'S1.75; yeaxllnss,
choice. '.cc-5'i.u0; common, S2.40&2.60; bulls,
choice, Si3J-'.50; common, 8I.G5&2.25 ; salves,
t:.zo 3.5 .
South Omaha Live Stock.
Hog Estimated receipts, 3,500, Official yes-terd-y,
4.1 5. .Varket opened strong aad
actie, selling at S4 t5,:4.12,.
Cattle Estimated receipts, 2,200. O.Tcial
yesterday. 1.7 5; shipments, 9 cars. Market
slow and steady.
Chicago Live Stork.
Hogs Receipts. 13.0j0. Market steady.
Light. SL11.0; h avy packing and ship
ins.Si.lJ"4VW. Cattle Receipts, 2,:00. Market steady.
Reeves, end ste n, $J.4 (35.10: stoekars aad
feeders, i4053.".5; ccrn-fed Texana, 2.63
Sheep Receipts, 2.0:0. Market steady. Na
tives. SI.oj 5 vO; corn-fed westerns, Si.OSvd
5.65; Texans. 3.60- 5.JX
Chicago rrodaee
Wheat Firm; cash, Sd'-jc; May, Kta; July,
Corn Steady; cash, SZl&v May, 32S(o, Jaly,
Oats Firm; cash 2lc; May S4H2JcK;
Jnly, Jlc.
Rye Firm. ! 4Cc
Earley lafc
Prime Timothy Fna LM.
Flaxseed Iljia L7.
Whisky tLO;
FroviaoaB l'ar. so- cctfc, V2.lTs. May,
$13.15: July. SU.iO : rd easy; cash, is.s736;
Hay, S&.s7s ; Ju y. i5J.
Aft a Lose aad Useful Life the Ex
Speaker Passes Away Sketch or the
Dead Maa-Proceedings ta Washington
A PreaUaeat Maa Geae.
How. Samuel J. Randall, the well known
congressman from Pennsylvania, died at
his residence in Washington on the 13th,
after a protracted illness.
Samuel Jaokeoa lanilall was bom in Phila
delphia, Cct. ID, 18:8. He wa tbe son of a
well-known lawyer and dem:cratic politician
Of that city, was educated as a merchant, and
after being four times elect -d to the city coun
cil and once to tbe state senate, was sent to
congress, taking bis seat Dec. 7.18CJ. He has
since represented without mtenniasien
tho onlv democratic district in rnila-
delDhia. He served en tho committee
on banking, rules and elections, distinguished
himself by bis speeches against the. force bill in
1S;5, wasa. candidate for speaker in the next
year, and was appointed ehairiuan of the com
mitteo on appropriations. He gained credit by
bis succeis in curtailing expenditures by en
forcing a system of proportioml reduction in
tho appropriations, and. on thedeathof Michael
C. Kerr, was electel speaker Dec 4, 187C. Ha
was re-elected speaker in the two following
congresses, serving in that capacity till March
3, 18M. Mr. Randall has borne a conspicuous
part in the debates on the tarill as the leader of
the protectionist wing of the dem cratic party.
Feeling in Washington.
The news of Randalt's death became
quite generally known during the day. It
was expected and therefore was not so
much of a Ehock as it otherwise would
have been. A large number of persons
called at the residence during the day to
express condolences. The president and
Mrs. Harrison tent a basket of flowers
with a note expressing deep sympathy.
Speaker Reed called during the afternoon
to express his regrets and to learn the
wishes of the family with respect to the
funeral services. Among other callers
were Secretary Blaine, ex-Senator
Ferry, of Michigan, who stood next to
Randall during the electoral count pro
ceedings; ex-Speaker Carlise, Representa
tives Breckinridge, of Kentucky, Springer,
of Rlinois, and many others.
The expressions of regret at Randall's
death are numerous and sincere. .None
paid him a higher tribute of admiration
'ZsaaBBBar-rYtr (VSTijBBBBBBBBBBajgr
upon one of the most important measures
in congress.
A Eulogistic Meeting.
A largely attended meeting of friends of
the late Samuel J. Randall was held,
to take appropriate action on his death.
The venerable ex-Gov. Curtin, of
Pennsylvania, was seleeted as the chair
man of the meeting, and J. V. Cracraft, of
Pennsylvania, and P. W. Rhodes, of New
York, acted as secretaries. Gov. Cut tin,
who was the lifelong friend of Raudall,
made a most feeling address, in calling the
assembly to order, and spoke of the de
ceased in the terms of tenderest endear
ment. A committee on resolutions was ap
pointed and reported a 6et of resolutions
setting forth tho nation's loss in the death
of Randall. Speeches eulogistic of Ran
dall's high character, lofty ambition, hon
est purposes, pure and exalted manhood,
and courageous devotion to convictions,
were made by Congressmen McCrery, of
Kentucky, Blount, of Georgia, and John
Rogers, of Kansas, Commissioner Bragg,
of Alabama, and others.
Memorial In the House.
An air of sadness prevailed in the house
when the speaker's gavel called that body
to order. Draped in black and ornamented
with a handsome floral design, the seat
long occupied by Mr. Randall recalled to
the members the fact that their old col
league had passed away forever.
A crayon portrait of ex-speaker hung in
the lobby, was also tastefully draped with
emblems of mourning.
In his prayer tbe chaplain made .a touch
ing allusion to tbe dead congressman, ana
when be bad concluded O'Neill, of Penn
sylvania, said:
"I rise to announce the death of mr
colleague, the Hon. Samuel J. Randall,
who died yesterday morning. This an
nouncement is exceedingly painful to me.
He and I have been intimate, familiar
friends. He started in life at 21 years of
age, a full man in every respect, intellec
tually and politically, and one who bad the
element of supreme leadership which in
his latter years was complete in the esti
mation his state and bis co'untry."
Harrison's Candidacy for Renominatlon
The New k'ork Sun's Washington special
says that President Harrison has formally
announced that he will be a candidate for
renominatlon in 1802.
His spokesman is J. X. Huston, treas
urer of the United States and chairman of
tbe republican state central committee of
Indiana. Mr. Huston declares:
"Indiana will go republican in 1892, and
she will go for Ben Harrison."
This announcement is taken to be very
significant and official in all respects.
People in Great Falls. X. H, Discredit the
Reported Confession of Isaac SawteUe.
The alleged confession of Isaac Saw
teUe is universally discredited at Great
Falls, N. H., and it is generally thought
tbe story is a fabrication and that if Saw
teUe is the author of it he has constructed
it to explain the evidence against him in
the most favorable light and to make it
appear that the murder was committed in
Maine so that be may escape the gallows.
Mart Manson and Sig Johnson
drowned while unloading a barge
Seattle, Wash.
The French brigatine Noagars, which
left Halifax, X. S., Jan. 7 for St. Servans,
France, has not been heard of since and is
given up as lost with Capt. Beanleau and
her crew of ten men, all Frenchmen.
The rioting has oeasod at Valencia,
Spain. Tbe riots wcro partly a republican
demonstration against the rapid growth of
His Nasae U MetVL
The editor of the Hiawatha Signal re
cently ran a 100-yard foot race for a wager
of $50 and lost the $12.50 which hs was to
have received in the event of winning.
Time not given. His name is Madd. Mr.
Mudd is said to run like a scared wolf on a
short haul, but the long distance works
disasters. He 'pledges himself never to
run another 100-yard race.
Storm at Broken Bow.
During the storm at Broken Bow one of
ibs emmneys on ids cjiui uuuw .
. - . .1.. -..a !.-.. aa
blown doan, crushing in tbe roof and ceil
ing over the district court room, making a
hole ten or fifteen feet square. Three or
four inmates of tbe room were hurt by the
falling brick, William Draper receiving a
severe cut-on the head and other injuries.
Damaging Prairie Fire.
Last week a prairie fire did considerable
damage near Superior. The Superior Cat
tle company's ranch lay in its track, bat by
hard work they succeeded in saving their
stock by driving them into tho creek from
the stalk field-. The heat was 60 intense
that it was impossible to approach within
100 vards of the flames.
Plattsmouth wants a flouring mill.
An A. O. U. W. lodge has been organ
ized at McCook.
Scotia is to have a race track, has 3 ball
and shooting grounds combined.
Two Nebraska City boys have confessed
to committing a number of burglaries.
Prairie fires destroyed several dwellings
and barns and a largo amount of grain and
farm machinery north of Stuart.
A crook, supposod to be one McGuire,
went to a livery stable at Crete and drove
off with a team and wagon belonging to H.
M. Patterson.
Crete sports were beaten out of their
money in a horse race by an inoffensive
strancrer from the sandy plains of Colo
rado, end they want to know how it hap
pened. Two Omaha Chinamen, who have been
regular attendants at the First Presbyte
rian Sunday-school, were received into the
church, baptized and enrolled as members.
At Liberty a man named Buckley, who
made a practice of peeping into private
houses, was soundly thrashed by an irate
husband and escorted out of town by in
dignant citizens.
The executive board of the Christian
Park and Assembly association met at Fre
mont and decided to hold a camp meeting
on the grounds near that place during the
summer. The meeting will begin July 24
and will continue over two Sundays.
WiNSiDE is taking seps to secure water
Seven hundred farmers in Clay county
belong to the alliance.
A company has been organized at Rush
ville for the manufacture of windmills.
Falls City had a lawsuit last week
over a jug of whisky which cost the county
between $500 and $G0O.
A man near West Union caught an eagle
N Cttlf trart a fow dava aso -aaHSkmeas-
vr -n 1 r " ' ' :
r - 4
At Albion tho people think a saloon is
better than a drug store. They voted to
license a saloon there, but shut down on
druggists' permits
Mrs. A. White, of Johnson, has brou tit
suit against a saloonkeeper and his bonds- '
men for 5,000 damages for illicit selling
of liquor to her husband. i
Louis Pashek, of David City. as J
struck in tho eye by a nail fired from a
"niereer shooter.' the" nail being driven I
into the eyeball and destroying the sight.
N. GuiLroYLE was found guilty at St.
Paul of disposing of mortgaged property
to the amount of $lo0 and was sentenced
to one year and a half in the penitentiary.
The contract for erecting Tecumseh's
new city hall was let last week to- Roberts
A Spicknail for 1,350, and work will be
commenced on the foundations this week.
The fall meeting of ths Nebraska Trot
ting Horse Breeders' association will bo
held at Hastings, Aug. 10, 2J and 21.
There have been 150 entries made so far.
and according to all reports the meeting
will be one of unprecedented interest.
Gov. Thayer is in receipt of trust
worthy information from Cheyenne, Ban
ner and ether far western Nebraska conn
ties, giving an account of a disastrous
storm. The wind blew so hard that grain
which had beeu sown was blown entirely
out of the ground over thousands of acre?.
Farmers must sow it all over again, and
are unable to do so. They have no funds
to buy seed. The ' governor will isaue a
general call for aid for tho unfortunate
people. Wheat and oats for seed will be
especially needeJ.
Like all great and wonderful things in
this world, says the North Bend Argun,
the oil well was at first a source of ridicule i
and fun, but investigation proved'to not a
few that oil really flowed from mother
eatth in the viciuity of Platte river on
Robert Millar's tarrn, one-half mile west
of the depot. Owing to the unfeitt'ed
state of tbe river it is impossible to bore a
well, but we hope to give a full and com
plete report of the progress made iu our
next issue.
One of Fail field's fair damsels became
infatuated with the cigarette fiend of the
Cutler Comedy company and eloped with
him. Her parents traced her to Hebron
ai.d brought her back to the parental roof.
The man, who gave his name as Dr. F.
Davenport, was run out of Hebron ns a
Ax Italian paper is authority for the in
formation that qpr own Co!. Cody served
under Washington and killed buffalo and
baby elephants at Valley Forge, says the
North Platte Tribune. The n-ws will be
received with surprise by the colonels
many friends at this, his home.
Three deaths from trichinae occurred in
Thayer county a short time since. The at
tending physician suspected the cause and
an analysis of the pork revealed the pres
ence of large numbers of tricbin;-.
The 8-year-old son of Mrs. Middhton,
of Frontier county, died from injuries re
ceived by being thrown from a wagon cur
ing a runaway.
Frank Fowler will leave Fremont in
a short time for a trip around the
world. He expects to be absent two y are
and will visit all tbe principal countries of
the old world, including the holy land.
A GIRL employed at the Bostwick hotel
in Hastings took a dose of nitrate of silver
by mistake, but prompt medical attendance
saved her life.
The first conflagration that ever visited
Curtis destroyed a house of ill-face last
week, and the inmates had & dose call for
thtir lives.
Five Indfezs passed east through Gor
don last week on thewavto join Fore
poagh's show.
Over $1,000 has been tubscribed to
build a Christian church at Sterling-
Cujiixg ccuLty stok vzza complain of
a lack of i;ay.
The Pioaeers of a Few Coaattes la Absolut
PestltaUew aad Belief Called For-An
OsnafcaMarder Other Notes.
Gov. Thayer and Mr. Robert Greer have
issued the following appeal:
The undersigned take this method of
.nr.oaHr.ff to the Cbistian and charitable
public for aid to the distressed settlers bs
tihainnnTimoi liuvoaifi
uiaioaii, au-
-w .--... iv
neranaocuisiiuu4 v w -0-
Mondav. the 7th inat., a dttastroua wiaa
storm raged over portions of these coun
ties, sweeping away the earth entirely, to
gether with the seed from thousands of
acres which have been sown and planted.
The fields are completely ruined so far as
crops are concerned. They must be re
plowed, resown and planted again. The
settlers are without seed and without the
means with which to parehase it.
We also state that we now have reliable
information that in portions of those
counties which were not visited by ns on
our late trip into that section there is im
pending destitution owing to the failure of
the crops last season on account 01 tne
hail storm and drouth. We find also that
in one section which we did visit and
where we were informed by all parties that
they needed-no help, that there is absolute
need of aid. The people themselves were
either ignorant of the true state of things,
or reliable information was withheld from
us. The following is an extract of a letter
addressed to Mr. R. R. Greer, from a re
liable gentleman in Scott's Bluff county.
When the governor and yourself were
here and we welcomed you to our midst we
were glad to meet you, and the assurances
then given you and the governor were hon
est. We at that tice knew of no peison
or f amiiy that needed help, except whom
the commissioners could and would help.
We are now convinced beyond doubt
that a number of the homesteaders, we
know not how many, are in absolute need
of provisions and clothing. Parties who
informed us that they did not require help
outside of their county now inform us that
they were mistaken. We have therefore
decided to make this appeal. Barley, oats,
corn, millet and potatoes are immediately
required for planting. meal,
clothing and shoes are needed. The de
mand for these things is most urgent, im
mediate action is necessary.
We respectfully ask the pastors of the
different churches, especially along tbe
lines of the railroads, to present this sub
ject to their respective congregations and
ask them to assist tbe afflicted settlers in
the sections named. Their charity will be
most worthily bestowed.
The mayors of cities and towns and the
chairmen of villago boards are re
quested to act as agents in forward
ing the goods. Car loads should be
shipped to Potter or to Kimball, where
the commissioners of the different counties
will receive the same and distribute
it. The railroads will ship all contribu
tions free of charge. Contributions in
money be sent to R. R. Greer, esq.,
Kenrnev. Neb., who will purchase flour,
- uKalantgralu - ftna Btftp"the-Ba:ne,anu:
will attend in person to its distribution.
Unless this is furnished the . fields can
not be replanted and sown. We trust the
I people will respond liberally.
Johx M. Thayer, Governor.
Rorert R. Greer,
President of the State Board of Agricul
Anton Siaiuek Plunges a Knife Into the
Heart of Fred Radzuwait ia an Omaha
Anton Siamek, a 15-year-old boy, is a
prisoner at the South Omaha police sta
tion, with the charge of murder entered
against him. He stabbed Fred Radznwait,
aged 22 years, in the heart, killing him in
stantly. Siamek, the murderer, and his victim
were both employed in the hog killing
I room at tho Armotir-Cudahy packing-
During the busiest hour of tbe after
noon, when every man was absorbed in his
work, some difficulty arose between Radzu
waitaud biamek. The meu paid little
heed to it, thinking it was only a friendly
war common among the employes. Be
fore anyone could realize what was teiog
done Siamek's work-knife was plunged
into Radzuwait's breast, the blade enter
ing the heart. The murdered man "walked
about ten feet towards a door leading into
another room. Before he could pass the
t threshhold he fell on the floor a corpse,
his lifeblood mingling with the samo essen
tial fluid that had run over the floor from
the dead hogs that were being passed
along from workman to workman. The
deadly weapon was drawn from his breast
by a fellow workman.
Radzuwait's younger brother is an em
ploye of the room and saw his brother just
as the last breath left his body. His first
care was to capture the slayer of his own
flesh and blood. Terror-stricken Siamek
fld from the room and out of the house.
Seeing the special officer on duty at Ar
mour's house, ex-Police Captain John Sex
ton, Siamek flew to him and, shivering like
an aspen leaf, he threw himself into his
arms for protection. Radzuwait's brother
coming up, the crime the boy had just com
mitted vas explained to tbe officer and
Siamek was placed under arrest. He was
taken to Superintendent Hale's office and
subsequently to the police station by
I Officer Sexton, where he was locked up on
the charge of murder.
Anton Siamek is probably the youngest
person in the history of western crimes
who will answer to the charge of murder.
i He is but 15 years of age
He is a Bo
hemian and resides with his mother and
stepfather on the bottoms near Metz'
brewery in Omaha. He cannot speak
English, but with the aid of an interpreter
he told tbe circumstances of the killing to
Superintendent Hale and Capt. Sexton.
He was working in the hog-killing room
near Radznwait, when some trouble arose
between them caused by the litter throw
ing refuse in Siamek's face. Radzu
wait's work at the time required the use of
a pitchfork. Siamek claims he was struck
on the head with the pitchfork and was
being followed up with it by it by Radzu
wait when he turned and plunged his
working knife into his assailant's heart.
He didn't wait to see the result, but turned
and ran.
The boy scarcely realizes the enormity
of tbe crime be has committed. He walked
to the police station without flinching and
was stolid and indifferent when spoken to
in the cell.
The workmen in the hog-killing-room
differ in some respects in their story of tbe
affair from that told by tbe boy. They
have no knowledge of a quarrel and
thought only a plajful tilt was going on,'
which consisted of a frequent practice of
throwing refuse at one another. Instead
of sticking tbe knife into Radznwait they
say Siamek threw tbe weapon at him, tbe
force of the throw driving the blads into
bis heart.
(Oldest State Bank la the Oasts.)
Omaha, Chicago, New York, and all loreiga
And Helps Its Customers when they Need Help.
G: W. HUXST, Vice-President.
JOHN STAUFFEb". Cashier.
Autijorizea Capital of $500,000
f aicl in Capital - 90,000
C. H. BHELDONjPrts't.
H. p. H. OHLRICH. Vice Proa.
C. A NEWMAN. Cashier.
Daniel schram. Asa't casa.
P. H. Sheldon, J- P. Becker.
Jonas WelefiV, . W. A. McAllister,
J. IlenryWardesaaB, H. M. Winalow,
OeorpeVT. Galley, ?-c-19I3x -ut - u
Frank Rorer, Arnold F. H. Oehlnch.
EarBak of deposit; interest allowed on time
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We shall be pleased to receive joar business. Wo
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Or W. KIBLEat.
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sjajbese oraaa are first-class in every par
tiowhuC aaa so gaazaateed.
Buckeya Mower, combined, Self
Binder, wire or twine.
Plats Repaired ti start letice
aVOne door west of Heintz'e Drag 8tor. 11th
street. Coldmbus. Neb. 17nov89-tf
U. P. Depot, Columbus.
OTRf airing of all kind of Upkolr
g-tf COLPMamNIHttaHIa.
Columbus State Bank
ajBaLP TO .ATiTi