The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 26, 1890, Image 3

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i 2
. i
f ': laity of
Columbus g ountiiL
. .. WEDNESDAY. MABCH 38. 10.
Leaves Colnmbas..!....
David City
" Sevvnrd
TVrrivestot Lincoln.... ..
85 a. m. 330p. m.
8S " 4-05 -9:18
" 430 p.m.
1022 " eas "
11:35 p.m. 11:43 "
The psfeneer leaves Lincoln at 4:30 p. m., and
rriteH at Colnnibus 74 p. m; the freight leaves
Lincoln at 7:15 a. in., and arrive at Columbus at
S.13 p. m.
Atlantic Ex... ;j3.m
-Col's Local . 7:00 a. m
-.Local Ex M)0a.m
Kat Mail...
Chicago Ex. 1)p. m
Limited -.-. t'.ACp. m
Stoc train . ViS) p. in
G. I. Local. .. 7:00 a. m
Pacific Ex.. ..1120 p. m
Denver Ex..
24 p. m
533 p. in
Local Ex.
Fast Mail.... p. m
'.2u p. m
Psasenger arrives from Sioux City. ...12:33 p. m
. " " " 11:15 p. ni
leaves Columbus for Linc'n. 1223 p. m
" " 6:13 p. in
arrives from Lincoln
... 3:30 p. m
. .11:13 p. m
... 6:10 p. m
... 3Da. m
lKvet for Sionx City..
Mi iI leaves ...
. 6.iJ p. m
Misrd arrives ..1030 p. m
Pittweneer leaves 2:15 p.m.
Mixed leaves 625 a. m.
Passenger arrives 12:t5 p. m.
Mixed arrives 8:30 p.m.
nte Sfos-
X - i . - i .. .-
. S-A11 notice nnder this heading will be
charged at the rate of 2 a year.
1 .EBAKON LODG K No. 38, A. V. A A. M.
Na. Keular mnrtings 2il Wednesday in each
11 T month. All brethren invited to attend.
iT C. H. Shkldos. V. M.
M. II. White. Sec'y. 20jnly
1 Miiintn hold rvirular servient very Sunday
at 2 j. m.. prajer meeting on Wednentlay evening
at their chapel, corner of North stnart and Pacific
Avenue. All are coruittiij intuwi.
lSjuliV Elder II. J. HrnoN. President.
Dm. Martyu A Schug, office Olive at.
Clothing at less than cost at flbna
han's. 2-48-4t
Racket fitore on Eleventh street for
D. B. Dnffy, house-mover, Schuy
ler, Xeb.
The weather hna been 1 hreateniii
for sevenil days.
Meeting at the Baptitd church ev
ery evening this week.
Old newspapers by the hundred, 25
cents at the .Toukxal- office.
Shoes, furnishing goods, trunks and
hats cheaper than ever at Honahnn'a.
4 . Koine restaurant
F . - ' depot; lunches propai
i ' - ''-'' Ooori dried iieaiji
t just north of U. P.
tared for travelers.
-Uood dried peaches 20 lbs. for one
dollar, other dried fruit in proportion at
Rasuiussen's. 48-2t
Sherman Smith, it has been decided
hy the board of insanity, should be sent
to the asylum.
Remember that SchafTroth .v Plath
make specialties of well boring and
tubular wells.
Fruits, coffee and sandwiches and
cake, always fresh at L. J. Raker's, north
oY U. P. depot.
The high wind Monday morning
blew down the smokestack of Jaeggi &
Schupbach's mill.
' Sunday evening Fred Stenger lost
six stacks of hay, by a fire, said to come
.from the Sioux City train.
Saturday evening T. C. Bauer was
stricken down by paralysis of one side.
Dr. Martyn is in attendance.
-i- Bargains in shoes of all sizes and
' qualities, the cheapest and best in town,
. at C. C. Miller's Racket store.
The celebrated Quick-Meal, and
. Monarch gasoline stoves, the best in the
market. For sale by A. Boettcher. 4tf
, The Journal- is on sale, each week,
hi the book and news stores of . D.
;- Fit z pat rick and J Heitkeuiper,at 5 cents
. a copy.
SchafTroth & Plath have the best of
. harvesting machinery and can furnish
any kind of farm implements, at reason
able rates.
-. Sheriff Baker of Lincoln county
' .' passed through to Norfolk last Wednes-
- " day with a crazy man he was taking to
the asylum.
'-. Mrs James Salmon and Mrs. H.
Woous will start a dress-making shop
v - over J. A. Barber's dry-goods store about
the first of April.
" When in need of dental work call on
- . Dr. Sims. Consultation free. Office in
- Oluck's building corner of North and
-Eleventh streets. 47-4t
Preaching every evening next week
at the Methodist Episcopal church. The
pastor, Rev. Worley, extends a very cor-
dial invitation to all.
., When the sun shines out bright and
warm the eggs come to market; when
there comes a cold spell, the hens go out
business, temporarily.
Haughawdut is making a spec
working in a careful manner,
thereby causing the least possible pain
in all' dental operations.
Rev. Fischer, of Columbus, says the
Herald, iras in Schuyler Friday last
looking around for the interest of the
German Lutheran church.
The Maennerchor entertained their
talented leader, Emil Pohl, Monday
evening, the occasion being the anniver
sary of Iiis forty-seventh birthday.
For Harrison wagons and Conrtland
.spring wagons and buggies, call on J. A.
Gutzmer, opposite Dowty's drug store.
lie is sure to satisfy you in prices and
quality. tf
In a letter to Jonas Welch last week
-J. P. Becker wrote from Carlsbad, Cal.,
that his foot had improved bo much that
he was now using a cane instead of a
Take notice! All accounts due the
firm of Martyn & Schug must be settled
immediately, or the same will be put
'into the hands of an attorney for col
lection. 49-3t
I can recommend Dr. Haughawout's
work to be just as represented. I con
sider him s competent and skilful den
tut, as work done for myself will testi-fy.l-A-
J. Arnold.
The entertainment given by a por
tion of the public schools Friday even
jmJt wa6 a very delightful pastime for a
large crowd of interested parents and
friends of the pupil. The proceeds,
over $100, is to be ased in the pmrchase
of a library lor ie schoola.
The stars and stripes now float over
the Schuyler high school building, hav
ing been placed there by the pupils,
with appropriate ceremonies. It is of
bunting, and is 18x9 feet, and is floated
from a 24-f eet staff.
There was not a particle of evidence
against Eddie Lapache, charged with
purloining a gold watch and chain from
the premises of J. A. Snow. Judge
Hensley discharged the lad from -custody
yesterday morning.
A full set of artificial teeth, without
plate, guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Call and
see sample of this wonderful work at
Dr. Haughawout's dental parlors, Olive
street, one block west of postoffice.
Seventeen years ago, says the
Stromsburg Republican, corn was only
twelve and a half cents per bushel but
inside of a year from that time it brought
sixty and seventy-five cents. Who knows
but the same thing may happen again
before another year?
Ira M. Mallory, editor of the Xunda,
(I1L) Herald, wife and daughter Alice,
are visiting Colonel John S. Mullen of
South Omaha. Mr. Mallory is a thor
ough newspaper man and parties are
anxious for him to locate at Humphrey,
this state. Omaha Bee.
Those wishing to subscribe for the
World-Herald either with or without
premium, can do so at this office. The
premium distribution takes place March
20th, 1890. It is one of the very- best
weekly papers in the weeWone year,
with premium $2.00, without premium
$1.00. tf
Ernest Hoare left Friday night for
Virginia City, Nevada, where he expects
to reside. His family remains here for
the present. Tan JotfRXAL is sorry to
see Mr. Hoare leave, but we commend
him to the good graces of the communi
ty to which he goes. He is a good citi
zen and upright man.
The building on Olive street, for
merly occupied by Mr. Waite as a pho
tograph gallery is being fitted up for
J. A. Shuck, formerly with the U. P.
photo car, who will occupy it April 1st.
Those who had work of him know that
he understands his business thoroughly.
We predict for him a good trade.
Meal Efttate ..
COUNTY BAHK.Platte Csatr. Na.
Notice! The annual town meeting
of Columbus township will lie held at
the township hall on Tuesday, April 1st,
1890, for the pnrpose of voting a tax for
the different funds for the eiuuiing year
as required by law, and to transact any
other bnsiness that may come before the
meeting. A. W. Clark, supervisor.
It is now pretty generally conceded
that the farmers will decide who are to
be the next governor, state board of
transportation, legislature and iterhaps
some of the other officers. Certainly
Nebraska farmers have never before
been so roused and never before have
they indicated so strong a purttose to
stick together.
Last Saturday night as F. Brod
fuehrer's son Bennie was going home,'
two men ran out of an alley and tried to
catch him. He started home again and
they repeated it and ran him quite a
distance. Sheriff Caldwell happened to
meet him later along in the evening and
accompanied him home, but could not
find anyone of a suspicious character.
It is probable some one wanted to get
into the jewelry store.
The b'hoys who serenaded at R. S.
Arthur's last Thursday night, supposing
that the newly-wedded Edson Ives and
his bride were there, could not believe
Mr. Arthur's declaration until they had
searched his house twice. Pity, boys,
that yon didn't get asleep till after mid
night and had your trouble for your
pains. There is an old recipe about
cooking the hare, that begins by saying,
"first catch your hare." As near as we
can learn, Martin Hogan was captain of
the company, with Michael Hogan and
Ed. Lalus as scouts.
Maurice A. Mayer is here complet
ing arrangements for opening an im
mense stock of clothing, gents' furnish
ing goods, hats, caps, etc. He takes the
new brick building owned by Oehlrich
Bros., one door east of their grocery
store and one door west of J. A. Barber
& Co.'s dry-goods establishment on Thir
teenth street. We learn that his stock
will be as extensive as any house in
Omaha, which fact will certainly add to
the business attractions of Thirteenth
street He will have one of the very
best and largest bnsiness rooms in the
city, and as he comes among us with
high recommendations as a business
man, he will doubtless do well in his
new home.
Basiams Chuge.
I wish to announce that I have sold
my grocery store to Messrs. Miller &
Wurdeman. Thanking my many cus
tomers and friends for their liberal pat
ronage and hoping they will favor the
new firm with a continuance, I am
yours truly, Wm. Becker.
We are fitting up the rooms lately oc
cupied by Mr. Becker and by Mr. Boyd,
the latter for general merchandise, the
former for groceries, and will endeavor
to merit the continued patronage of
Mr. Becker's customers and the public
generally, by uniform fair treatment and
reasonable prices.
John Miller,
2 John H. Wurdeman.
Tearkem Mtetiag.
The following is the program for the
meeting at Humphrey, Saturday, March
29, beginning at 10 a. m.:
Paper... Nellie Cart in, O'Kay
Beading Hattie Glass, Lindsay
History Delia Spohn, Newman Grove
Synthetic Beading with Class IUnatra-
tion Mary Leach, Humphrey
School Government Chattie Bice, Colombo
. . Martha Tamer, Colombo
Grace Geer, Colombo
...Mabel Stiothera. Oooaee
.. .Mamie Hyde, Humphrey
A paper
A paper "The Lost Atlantis"
'. E. J. Conch, Comlea
Paper B. J. Porter. Colombo
The question, "Should the State Pub
lish the Text-books used in our Schools?"
willbe discussed by those heretofore
announced. There will be a question
box also. Should time permit, other
exercises will be brought forward. There
will be plenty of good music by local
Bergen spent
Emil Von
Sunday in
Jacob Wagner left Monday for a trip to
Salt Lake city.
Mrs. Axtel of northern Iowa is visiting
H. M. Morey's family.
C. N. Harr of Friend, Neb, was in the
city last Thursday on business.
Pat Hays of Platte Center visited
friends in the city over Sabbath.
Miss Birdie McConniff of Lincoln is
visiting the family of J. R. Meagher.
Misses Jessie and Jennie Sacrider of
Oconee were Columbus visitors Satur
day. John Wiggins took a fine lot of fat
hogs to the South Omaha market last
O. D. Butler and family are now resi
dents of the city, living on upper Olive
C. C. Beringer and family started Fri
day for Raton, New Mexico, where they
expect to reside in future.
Mrs. James Salmon and Miss Hattie
Hattie Baker went to Creston Friday to
spend Sunday with friends.
T. C. Cain of Genoa called at Journal
headquarters Friday last on business.
Always glad to see you, Tom.
Misses Belle, Ella and Jessie Swarts
ley went over to Osceola Friday to visit
their sister Mrs. Oscar Bums.
S. E. Crans of the Humphrey Demo
crat was a Columbns visitor Friday, and
honored this office with a call.
Charley Barber, of the Journal force
at Fullerlon, visited friends in the city
over Sabbath, returning Monday.
Nels Hasselbach of St Edward passed
through the city Saturday on his way to
Denmark, to be gone three months.
Mrs. Frank Snyder, of Columbus, was
visiting with Mrs. James Robinson the
first of this week. Humphrey Deiu.
Charles Niccolls of New Berlin, 111.,
visited relatives iu the city last week.
He intends purchasing property in Leigh
and will start a boot and shoe store there.
Sup't Cramer, who has been confined
to the house with a complication of lung
and throat troubles is somen hat better,
and it is hoted will soon be well again.
James R. Smith of Oconee made this
office a business call Friday. It was the
first time he had been away from home
for six weeks, osring to a very severe at
tack of la gripptt
Farmer l?nloa.
The Union met Saturday at Fitz
patrick's hall. Vice President Bamuiu in
the chair, and Secretary Dickinson at
his poet.
The committee on local rales appoint
ed to confer with the Itoard of trade,
reported that the Itoanl had no griev
ances against the railroads.
The executive committee were request
ed to look up Iowa and Nebraska rates
and show the differences.
The resolutions in regard to loans to
farm owners and occupants, after some
discussion, were further postponed.
Mr. Raymond then read an excellent
taper which we will endeavor to give
entire in our next issue.
The program for the next meeting,
Saturday, April 5, is:
Shall we insist on Iowa freight rates
for Nebraska? J. C. Swartsley.
What crops can we raise to advantage
in place of our corn crop? J. O. Blodgett.
Experience meeting on corn culture,
preparing seed, preparing ground; go
phers; dragging; number of stalks to
hill; deep or shallow culture, etc. W.
F. Dodds.
Silver Creek Friex.
The song of the prairie chicken and
wild goose is again heard among us, and
the farmers are taking their plows to the
shops to be prepared for tearing up
mother earth.
Business is dull in town.
School closed Friday, 14th. Miss. Louie
Pratt closed her school on the same day.
Examination on the 15th in town. It is
expected that Miss Pratt will teach the
Gardner school this summer.
The Prairie Creek singing school clos
ed the loth.
A petition for a new bridge across the
creek northeast of town has many sign
ers. A. A. McKay is still preasing hay
In such a practical way
That he makes it pay
And seems quite as gay
Ah a blue bird in May,
While he sings his lay.
Which is beard far, far away.
There has been no perceptible change
in the creek since a traveling man
stopped off here one night not long ago
and damned it up (and down too) be
cause he couldn't find the hotel.
An effort will be made soon to organ
ize a farmers' alliance in the Blair dis
trict We hear that S. M. Barker is shipping
John Taylor is going to Illinois soon
to live with his father. He will have a
sale in a few days.
The U. P. stock yard has lieen fixed up
and enlarged of late.
Silveb Creek Sucker.
Barrows Towaskip.
Farmers in this vicinity have com
menced their spring work.
Mary Thomazin was on the sick list
last week.
Roliert Gentleman was seen in our
midst last week en route for Lindsay.
George Thomazin was a Columbus
visitor last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Regan living
east of Columbus were visiting Shell
Creek friends last week.
Ed Morrisseywas a Lindsay visitor
last Tuesday.
James Burrows visited the county
seat Tuesday to be present at the meet
ing of the board.
Edith Keeler commenced her spring
term in district No. 17, March 17.
Mame Brownlow left Monday to visit
friends in Columbus, Genoa and Monroe.
Mr. and Mrs. Morrissey and son "Tom
were Columbus visitors Tuesday.
George Lamb cut down a tree the
other day that measured sixty-six feet
in height, six feet in circumference and
two feet in diameter, which he planted
fourteen years ago.
At the examination at the Mayville
school last week theasthat averaged
over eighty per cent were: Htorr Welt
92Ji, Bay Lamb 92 1-7, Mary Thomazin
83,AddieWolf841-7. Those who aver
aged over 75 per cent were: Jimmie
Burrows, Ada Burrows, Arthur Wolf
and Georgia Thomazin. Spatial men
tic should be made of arithmetic, most
of those in the lint class getting 100
per cent
Mike Jones has moved his family and
household goods to a farm two miles
north of Comlea.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lyons, living in
Colfax county, passed through here last
Saturday on their way to visit friends
near Lindsay.
George Lamb, James Burrows and
George Thomazin were sowing wheat
last week. Gum Chkwer.
District 44 and Vicinity.
Every farmer is sowing some wheat,
even those who, through failure of that
crop last year, declared they would not
sow any more.
It is astonishing to see so many farm
ers seeding their land to timothy and
clover, which produces such
crops, when only five years ago we were
told by some of the above farmers that
it was no use to sow tame grasses, as
they would not thrive in this latitude,
for it had been tried.
Owen McGann's family arrived from
Illinois last Thursday and he moved
into his new, cosy house the same even
ing; he is now reconciled and has com
menced farming in earnest.
Tommy Johnson would confer a favor
upon the denizens if he would choke off
that discordant sound in his St row
bridge seeder, which none others pos
sess; Thomas leads in the number of
acres of small grain.
Louie Schreiber'has greased his wind
John Hoagland, No. 1 just across the
county line in Colfax, bought a horse
last Thursday from O. D. Butler, con
sideration $80. Mr. H. has a team -of
horses now, which he will take with him
to his timber claim in the western part
of the state.
Fred Reed's school in this district
closed last Saturday. Mr. Reed, who
has given satisfaction in his school here,
is destined to lie an educator.
Those of the rural district who at
tended the Columbns high school en
tertainment last Friday eveuing speak
in praise of the pupils and teachers; if
it should be repeated others will hear it.
J. C. Swartsley and Mr. Ives made a
business trip to this district Friday.
Supervisor Clark was in the district
Hon. J. H. Reed made a business trip
here Tuesday, the 18th. k.
.Syaopd of the Pro-c-dlags or the Board of
t Official.)
Tcksdav, March 19th. 1390.
Board nift pursuant to adjournment at '
o'clock p. in. Hon. W. O. Pugidey, chairman,
G. W. Phil!iu, clerk, lioll called and members
all prefect but Supr. Harrow.
Minute of the January session of the hoard
were rend and approed.
Ill the IHHtlrr or llielM'nliin of Ihi "Muhoney
Itoad" niui taeatinn of it part of the "Si-idl)
Itoad," the teport of the apprainen allowing
Patrick Carey t,t ax damage wait approved,
with the xwiitif provirto that l-t Creek town
hip nrthiiuifx anil iKiyrtsvtid amount, and there
uiou the location ami vacation waa granted as
prajed for by petitioners, und the county nur
reyor instructed to iienetuato the government
section corners along the line of road ho located.
The certificate of Hon. W. N. HenIey, county-
judge, that Theodore Odenthal had tiled his
bond as supervisor of Grand Prairie township
vicel). L. Urueu. resigned, was preiented and
The matter of the vacation of a part of the
"Watts Itoad" was referred to the committee on
roads and bridges.
On motion the matter of the "Stenger Koad"
was made a special order of liuines at 10
o'clock a. m. tomorrow.
On motion the following petitions for public
roads were referred to committee on roads and
bridges: E. Buss and others, Peter Jaixen and
others, J. Banning and others, Jacob Laun and
others and John Porich and others.
Motion by Supr. Bering that the clerk be, and
is hereby instructed to notify E. A. Stockslager
to appear before this board at its next regular
meeting and show cause if any exists, why error
ia assessment of Citizens' bank of Humphrey
for year 1889, should not be corrected. Carried.
The "Brady" tax matter, also "Covert" tax
matter were referred to committee on claims.
The bids for supplies for county for year 1890,
were on motion referred to committee on sup
plies with request to report at their earliest
The chairman appointed Supr. Doody as chair
man of the judiciary committee and
Sapr. Odenthal as member of same committee
vice Sapr. Bruen, resigned.
On motion the consideration of tho report of
the appraisers on the "Meedel Road" was laid
over nntil the next meeting of the board.
On motion the personal tax assessed against
Chas. 3. Dickinson for the year 1835 was ordered
stricken from the tax lists.
Various bills against the county were now re
ferred and distributed to the respective com
mittees. On motion of Sapr. Doody, the bond of Chas.
Seward as constable for Lost Creek township,
waa referred back for further security.
The following official bonds were presented,
examined and approved:
James Burrows, member soldiers' relief com
mittee. A W Clark same.
W J Irwin same.
W B Henry Dep. Clerk district court.
Samuel Mahoow J. P. Joliet township.
Harry Beed constable Columbus
TheoJanson ' St. Bernard "
Wm Knight " Creston
Oscar Eng Walker
Peter Hettinger clerk St.Bernard
SMSlawinski " Butler
AmoldDanvenrdover'rGranville "
Geo Palmatier '
Humphrey "
Humphrey "
Lost Creek "
" Joliet
" Walker
treas Humphrey
" Granville
" Joliet
James Ferree
Carl Grip
G H BrockhaiiA
Thos Pritchard
On motion the hoard now adjourned
tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.
Wedxkumy a. m., March 19th.
Board mrt at 9 o'clock pursuant to adjourn
ment, Hon. W. O. Pugsley, chairman, G. W,
Phillips clerk. Boll called and entire board
Board took a recess until 10 o'clock a. m. On
re-convening the special order of jenterday, the
consideration of the "Stenxer Koad" was called
up. On motion of Supr. Clark further action
was postponed until the regular meeting in
In the matter of the establishment of the
"Turner Itoad," Mr. J. II. Keed addressed the
board, urgently requesting that action be de
layed. Motion by Sap'r Clark, that the appraisement
on the west !i of said road be and is hereby ap
proved, Columbus township paying the entire
expense thereof, and that the county snrveyor is
hereby instructed to perpetuate the government
section comers, along said line and report to
this board, and that action on the east ! of said
road be deferred for one year with the under
standing that Mr. Reed is to construct and pnt
up suitable and convenient gates, and allow
paasage along the east 'i of the road described
in prayer of petitioners. Carried.
On motion board took recess nntil 2 o'clock
p. m.
Weonksday p. m March 1.
Board called to order at 2 o'clock p. m. by
chairman Pugsley, G. W. Phillips, clerk. Boll
called and member all present but Sap'r
, The "Weaver" tax matter was, on motion, re
ferred to romiaiilMim finance.
In the matter of theuBoesch road" tk report
of appraisers was accepted and road declared
located and warrants ordered drawn for aaaooat
of dsmigea aa per the appraisers report on coun
ty road fund levy for 1889, and same charged to
St. Bernard township.
Ia the matter of tlw "Famtll maH " na motion
of Sap'r Diaeea, the prayer of the petitioners I
waa-granted aad the eoaaty nrreyor iaatneted I
to parpetaate the axtrtrameat action coraan 1
aad report his actios to the board.
The following official boadawere p reseated,
examined and approved: Fred Steiaer, coastable
Creston tn.; H. K. Wearick, coastable Walker
to.; B. 8. Dickinson, Toad overseer Shell Creek
P- '
County Surveor Kossiter'a report of the
measurement nud mileage of the L. & N. W.
Railroad iu this county, with sub-divisions of
mileage in school districts arid townships and
city were-presented, examined, adopted by the
board and ordered placed on lie.
The personal tax of J. S. Freeman in Grand
Prairie townhlp, nppearineoB delinquent ifet
for year 1PS7. was on motion ordered stricken
from the tax list.
The hill or C. E. Pollock A Co. for $15.38 for
nicdit-f ne4 furnished a patient at St. Mary's
hospital wan referred back for further infor
mation. On written application, G. B. Speire, clerk of
J district court. W. N. llenley, county judge
and John M. Gondrin;, county attorney were
granted permission to purchase one copy each
of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for the
j ear lfc9. also to county judge to purchase one
copy of "CheeverV l'robate Law and one copy
of the laten Index to "Nebraska Reports." ail
for the use of said oftlces and at the expense
of the county.
Committee on bids for supplies presented
their report and on motion same was referred
back fr correction, and committee requested
to report nt 10 o'clock a. in. tomorrow.
Motion by Supervisor Burrows that prayer of
lietitioners forexpert examination of records
and liooks of the county offlces be granted.
Amendment offered by .Supervisor Clark that
matter be deferred until the fall election and
call made for same in the election proclamation
for votes for and against said expert examina
tion. Amendment lost.
Roll called for vote on original motion.
Asche. Burrows, Odentbal, Campbell, or Loup,
Dineen, Doody, Irwin, Johnson, Keuscher,
Moran, McAllister, Olson, Blckert and Mr.
Chairman voting Yes II.
Bearing, Clark, Campbell of Humphrey;
Ottb sat Welch, voting No-a.
Motion declared curried.
Ou motion, the board now adjourned until 9
o'clock tomorrow morning
Thursday a. m. March 20, 1990.
Board railed to order at 9 o'clock a. m. by
Hon. W. O. Pugsley, chairman; C. W. Phillip,
clerk. Roll called and entire board present.
The natter of the iucorioratiou of the tillage
of Creston on the petition of the citizens there
of, was on motion referred to the committee
on judiciary.
On motion, the county surveyor was in
structed to perpetuate the government section
cormrsalnngihellneorthe"Jo4. OttLs Koad"
and tile hi report with the county clerk, i
The follow iug bills were allowed on the coun
ty general fund levy for 1S89 and the clerk in
structed to issue warrants for saint:
State Journal Co for tp tax receipts. S DC tW
Omaha Kepubllcan Printing Co. wrap
pers for clerk district court U 00
State Journal Co Nebraska reports lor
clerk district conrt 23 3
Omaha Republican Printing Co.-Met Sill
fusteners for clerk district court 11
Gibson, Miller & Richardson knite eras
ers for clerk district court
Warwick Saunders printing and blank
U L Kossiter, survey I. & X W It K
Columbus Lumber Co. lumber for court
house yard
Chas Wake hal for services as janitor...
Ben Hong laundry for jail
M Watkins burying Ixxfy Wm Malioy...
J. Iloffacker...
A Boettcher mdse for county .7.
lloettcher& Kerxeuhrnck mdse for Co...
Kriedbof & On mdse for county
II KagaU & Co mdse for county
Giis ti Berber & Co for urltlug up delin
quent ta list, etc etc
t: V Phillips prep assessment liooks for
St Alarj's hospital arc paupers for Jan-
St Mar' hospital care tampers for Feb
niiiij I) K Davis blanks for county judge and
clerk district court... . .
K ti Kleming meals for jurors
G It Siieice clerk D C fees...........
.1 II Galley & Bro mdse for county ........
J C Caldwell sheriff court janitor and
jailor fees
G W Phillips cash advanced for couhty
I) F Davis publishing lezal notices etc...
- 51
12 :w
2 ST.
IU 40
3 50
:a :
25 -JO
T 31
15 IU
Jo 70
la ii"
72 00
12 at
273 ar.
15 5
s: 90
53 22
121 75
5 75
22 00
22 00
20 00
22 00
22 00
24 tO
24 00
20 00
tiiosou, .Miner &
Kichardson mdse for
Gibson. Miller &
Kicliardson for
Willi y ntm.immm,MwtMllill
E D FitzpatricU mdse for county ..
Peter Bender witness state vs MeXeal...
G W Phillips recording official bonds etc
E W North clerk in settlement acc't
treasurer, . .
G K Speice clerk D C for postage......-.
" " fees
Chas Wake sr bailiff D C Marvh'lSCZ
J M Curtis " "
John Huber " "
vrirntmy -
Chas Wake sr " Jan 190
.1 S Wells '
J M Curtis
John Huber
t u speice cierg i t; fee hill Wvinan s
Platte county .....-....... .....:. 3 20
G B Siieice clerk D C fee bill State vs
T:it! so
G B Speice clerk DC fee bill state vs
G B Speice clerk D C fee bill State vs
G B speice clerk DC fee bill State s
J G Keeder com'r of insanity .... 15 00
.Mrs ai Hamer tor care cnas tiamer. 27 on
L J Kramer for institute fund....... SO 00
Also sundry bills allowed .for petit jurors,
talesmen, etc., to amount of $162.46.
The following bill were allowed on the coun
ty road fund levy:
Ottls & Murphy acc't damages "Boesch
Itoad" acc't St Bernard -twp 54 00
Fred Loeffler acc't damages "Boesch
Koad" acc't St Bernard twp . 2100
A Powell & Co acc't Woodville twp 1 06
Genoa Lumber Co acc't Monroe twp C5
T n Tuomsen acc't Humphrey twp 5 90
Christ Boss acc't Loup twp 33 00
Columbus Lumber Co acc't Bismark twp 10 25
The following bill allowed on county bridge
fund levy for 1889:
Wm Elmers acc't Grand Prairie twp...: 13 49
On recommendation of committee on Boads
and Bridges several bills were laid over until
the next meeting of the board.
The committee to whom waa referred the
bids for furnishing supplies to the county for
year 1890 presented the following report:
To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of
Platte County. Nebraska.
Gentlemen: Your committee to whom was
referred the bids for furnishing supplies to the
county for the year 1890, would respectfully re
port that they have carefully examined and
compared the same, and would recommend
tint contracts be awarded to following parties,
viz: For books to M. K, Turner & Co For
blanks to Lincoln News Co. For stationery to
State Journal Co.
All of which Is respectfully submitted,
JOXAS WRIjCH, Ch'n., 1
Hrnbv Kn.KEirr, Cora.
Nils Olson, )
Dated I his 0t h day of March, 1890.
On motion report of committee was adopted
and contracts awarded as recommended.
On motion, certificate of appointment of
Joseph Braun as justice of peace of Humphrey
tp. was referred hack as by decision of county
attorney the board has no jurisdiction in the
matter. "
On motion, the claim of Mrs. Galley for ille
gally assessed .taxes was referred to connty
attorney for his opinion.
On motion, the personal tax assessed against
Frank J. North in Lost Creek tp. for the year
134 was declared illegally assessed and ordered
stricken from the tax lists.
On motion, the taxes assessed against lot 2,
in section 23, town 17. range 1 west, for years
1872, 13, ?!, TS, 'M, ;$, 79 and '89 were ordered
stricken from the tax lists, as it was conclusively
shown said lot was years ago washed away by
encroachments of the Loup river.
The county attorney was instructed to draft
contracts and bonds to cover proposals for f nr.
nishing supplies for connty for the year 1890, and
clerk to notify parties to whom awards were
Mr. B. F. Stonffer of Fremont. Neb., exhibited
a sample page "account balance sheet" for
county treasurer's office, and of which be has a
copyright, and the same was. on motion, referred
to committee on supplies with instructions to
On motion the chairman and clerk of this
board, were instructed and authorized to draw a
warrant on the county general fund levy for 1889
in favor of John M. Ooadring, county attorney,
for salary, $200 for quarter ending March 31st,
1890, when same becomes due.
A communication from Sam Weasel for Lin
coln News Co protesting against award of con
tract for books to M. K. Turner A Co., was pre
sented and read. No action taken.
Upon recommendation of the committee on
finance the connty treasurer was instructed to
receive payment of taxes on lot No. 4 block No.
60 in the city of Columbus for tha year 1881,
without charging interest upon the same.
Upon motion the petition for public road
presented by Eageike Buss and other aad John
Peivch and others, were laid over until the next
BMCtaac of this board.
The following roads wet declared duly locat
ed and clerk instructed to publish ntiaani aaaae
according to law, via: "Ole Johnson" road,
"J. Banning" road No. 2, "Bobert Moras" road
No. 2, "Laam" road. "Jaixen" road.
ThecoauaittMoa jadidary prea ted a favor-
ahla report, aad tho hoawi nnn fazu. wu --a
tto "Tillage of Creston" daly iacorsonted ac
.bbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbGbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHsbbbb .bbW
K$taUitked tan.
Loan, Real Estate
-Aj3.a Tn -Aerrts,
a rana at lowest rata f
Cafjts AaatiMls af title to all Real Estate
MoTAaY rroua always in omoa.
r mA nt9 far tut..
IaaaiiaiisgaiiismriT.Itrt---g'f T'f"llln" Ljwm ajtb Aooisxst Iaatnuaoa,-
wry neat oopaawa repr eaten.
aad test all
General Agents for the Male of
UatoaPaailaaad Midland Pacific R. R. Lands for sale at froaBit.00 to W0.W psr aera for cast
sroa a or tsa nan time, ia aaaaal payment to auit purchasers. We have also a large amlcholei
lot of other lead, improved and aniaiproved, for sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Aw
BAmhisssaalrssldWaVloU ia ths city. Ws ksep a complete abstract ut title to ail real usttf u
Piatt Coaaty.
Wholesale aad Retail Dealer ia
Owe, Fraltry, u4 Fresh Fiih. All Kills t Sautge a Specialty.
IVCask paid for Hides. Pelts. Tallow. Highest mukti pries paid for fat cattle."!
Olive Street, twe Deers Nerti f the First Natio.&I Ba.k.
cording to law, and pursuant to the request of
the citizens tliereof appointed Samuel T. Flem
ing, James L. Brown, I. 'f. Morris, D. I.Clark
and C. II. MeXeal a board of trustee for said
village, as by law provided.
On motion, the board now took a recess until
2 o'clock p. m.
Tnuaspiv p. ui.. March '.i WM.
Board met at 2 o'clock p. m. lion. W. O.
Pugsley, chairman, (i. W. Phillips, clerk. Roll
called and members all present but Supr. Caui
bell of Loup twp.
On motion of Hupr. Bering the clerk was in
structed to notify Dr. C. D. Evans to deliver the
county physician's registor to the county clerk.
A request from the county attorney to lie al
lowed to use his discretion in settlement of cane-i
appealed from the supervisors court for road
damages was on motion allowed.
The report of committee on supplies, favoring
the purchase of an account balance sheet book
for use of county treasurer's office, from B. F.
Btouffer of Fremont, was approved and the
clerk instructed to order same.
The contract of Dr. J. Chas. Willy, county
physician, was presented and the chairman in
structed to sign same on behalf of the hoard.
In the matter of the bill now pending before
the congress of the United States appropriating
the sum of $000,000.00 to construct a deep
harbor at Galveston, Texas, the following was
Rfotred, That it ia the sense or this hoard,
that our congressmen and senators use all hon
orable means to secure this appropriation.
Motion by Supr. Irwin that we now proceed to
ballot for a committee of three members of this
board, whose duty it will be to present to this
board at its aext regular meeting, a report em
bracing some feasible plan, with cost of same,
for an expert examination of the books and re
cords of this county, and that the three name
receiving the highest number of votes, shall
constitute said committee. Carried.
Supr' Moran and Asche were appointed
The result of the ballot was as follows:
Supr. Bering, 5 votes; Burrows, 12; McAllister,
11; Moras, ; Irwin, 9; Rickert. 4; Johnson, 1;
Clark, S; Welch, 1.
Supr's Barrows, McAllister and Irwin were
declared duly elected as said committee.
upon motion the clerk was instructed to have
a suitable counter and fixtures placed in his
The committee on claims recommended the
payment of the Supervisors hills as presented.
Board now proceeded to select CO names, from
which jury for May term district court will be
The following WIN were allowed on county
general fund levy for ISO:
Ed Keuscher services as supervisor t 10 i
Gerhard Asche
21 ft
12 Ul
12 00
10 CO
i.: ou
9 80
12 00
11 40
10 80
" 22 40
9 40
21 00
K 4.1
Jonas Welch "
Fred Behrlng "
Jos Ottis
W J Irwin
P P Doody
Nils Olson
J F Dineen
H J Johnson "
DE Campbell
08 Moran
Theo Odenthal
James Burrows " "
A W Clark
W A McAllists
Win O Pugsley '
T I) Robinson, J P coMs state vsSchroe-
Columbus Wo?nenhmttiiu
gal notices etc
Frank Anion meals for lurors
21 in
I. .1 Kramer county iiperintendnnt al-
arv January ami Keltnmrv
2I0 oo
40 00
John Elliott constable nt DC
The following bills
acre al toned on coiiu-
ty road fund.
R L Roviiter ceuuty surveyor acc't
. luara iwp
9 7a
u l. Kossner county surveyor ace t
Mhermaa twp. ... .. 7 7;
Henry G Lnescben acc't Sherman t w p... 2 10
H S Elliott acc't Joliet twp .... 3 vr,
on motion tne board now adjourned to meet 1
a a board of equalization Tuesilav, June 10,
1890, at 2 o'clock p. m.
iuuuuui-jureiiHui. 10 Jim. 4. n. rticnois,
a ten pound boy Thj is the first boy in the
family and the father js very proud.
virunm u 1. ...t. .. .. ... . .
IVES-ROMANS-March 20th, .t the residence
otZST 'JS" S W. M. Worley, Edson Ives
and Miss Oaa Romans.
Tax Joub5al extends congratulations to the
happy young couple and wishes them long life
and abandaat prosperity.
Business &$titts.
Advertisement under this head five cents a
liaeeach insertion.
TfOLSTKINS-Calves for sale from now till
Jane. Mfeb-l2p Jmxi Bbow.
TinLBCHIIiTZ makes boot and shoes inthe
T m..uf Vf ad oaJy the very best
stocktacaa bet 1. tsjtiiaUe market. S2-tf
(STALLION FOR SAI-"ftaoe," ate three
jafoM stallioa. dark gray. Zrsd br Was
artCrasos. , acwTthDygit
" JxxjiiBaos.
latmat. oa short aad loac Ubm. ia aa
it n
ia Platte coamty.
Wkhmltxi & BoKT-rcuea. Plaintift.
vs. J-
IttruiRDRutH. Defendant. )
Rirhard liar, defendant, will take notice that
on the Kith day of March, IsiW, Wermuth &
Boettcher. plaintiff herein, filed their petition in
the connty court of Platte county, Nebraska,
against said defendant, the object and prajer of
which in to Hecnre the payment of three promi.s
xory notes to wit: One dated April lMh, 1883. for
fftl.GO, with intercut at ten per cent from late.
due January Int. ltttf: one dated May 1st, 1M3,
for 422.00, with interest at ten tier cent per an
num, due Dec. lt, 1SS5: one for $10iW. dated
Jannary llth, lsn, due Feb. 13th. ISSrt. with in
terest at ten ir cent per annum, pajable annu
al!; that there is now due upon said notes the
sum of $233.83, for which sum with interest from
this date, plaintiff pra judgment. You are re
quired to answer said petitiou on or before the
7th day of April. 1890.
Dnteil March 10th, 1.
By J. N. Kiu N. Att'y. 12marlt
Notice or Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage dated on th 2nd day of May
1H48. and duly filed for record in the office of tin
County Clerk of Platte County, Nebraska, on the
2nd ilay of May l8tf, and execnted by Peter
Brixions to Jacob Wagner and Harry Newman,
to secure the payment of the sum of $130.00, and
upon which there is now due the sum of $130.01)
with interest at ten per cent, per annum from
date. Default having been made in the terms of
said mortgage, and no action having been had at
law for the recovery of said sum, therefore we
will sell the property herein described, viz:
One black mare coming 8 years old; one lumber
wagon, Whitewater make: one set double har
ness, at public auction in front of the Checkered
barn in the City of Columbns, in Platte Coaaty,
Nebraska, on the 8th day of April, 190. at one
o'clock p. m., of said day.
Jacob Waonkb,
Habby Newman,
.... Mortgagees.
Dated, March 18th, ISO). IftaaMt
Archittct : aad : S.priiitiiiwnt.
, Eighteen years experience. Plans. Specifica
tions and estimates furnished on short notice,
and satisfaction guaranteed. Office, one door
north of Clot her house on Nebraska Avenue.
ALS YKE Clover,
Blue Grass aid Onward Seeds
For inle lly
iniuii oenuici t no.
1. J. ISIOU'S.
Cheaper than any bod, opposite Clot her house.
Gains In lH8t
UiiM CiHtral Life Insurance Ct.,
Of Cincinnati. O., made the following
gains in I:
A jfain in surplus of - - 12fi,flftl 37
A jrain in income of - - - ;-20,557 28
A Rain in assets of - - - 1,08862 11
Gross assets, Dec. 81, 1880 .r,,G63$.V 70
New bnsiness. 1889 - - - 10,28,68C 00
Insurance in force in Neb. 1,200,000 00
Thi solid anil prosperous company has a large
business in Columbns and vicinity. Good men
who can secure business, wanted as agents,
liberal contracts and good territory given. Ad
'"v . J. M. EDXifrrox, State Agent.
..mchSm Room 22. Burr Block, Lincoln. Neb
el ths
Gill Edae ITg Co.
ni Get m ww mi,
ttlB rf all BIBS aii 828.
Cheapest, the. Simplest and the Easiest
Kuaniug Mill on the Market.
CaN m It at tkt Factory
star Purckatirtfl Elas wttart.
E. D. FHzpatrick
Itilrt StsriiAMrw.
avwwyssejs vsssawvsswyswa
Htla TWtft XSaBea
sbbbwwS Ivjv tssval
twswwyW Wwawi
Pianos Ops
Bib, Carriagis,
I3ta St.,
west of Omaha, at
The best luatiafiietories of the country
represent etl. Not to be undersold
by any IhmIv. Come and see
prices at
Tilts la ttoi
BHOB evar tavsated.
the saataprotsctloawabootorovergattse, tt
convenient to pat oa aad the top caa be sdJaaM M
at say ankle by simply Moving ths fcottara
1:1th ot.'cti-tr
Special AllUKMUl!
Furnishing Gen's !
4lre atly-:-Re-resk-Prif en !
KV( 'all, examine Goods and learn
Greisen Bros. & Co.
22sepW-y .
And all kind of country prodnre taken in trad
aad all goods iMivrred free of charge
to any part of the cit.
lsVtf J.W.mmMAMAT
fat CoBSjtsaBM BWMsbJ
.aPliffaw m''ZM m
Ossb m ll BB
est FSAOROAX. ataVUn
- - . '.
V e .
. t.-&v&gS$X. - .?. ..-