THE BOSTON, -R IS THE ONLY PLACE WHERE YOU GET BARGAINS IN K BOM CHILDREN MMi Gents' Furnishing Goods, ats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. THE LARGEST STOCK IN PLATTE ft Boston, One-Price Clotting House, Opp. liHSTDELL HOTEL. A. SANDS, Propr. Ctlmnbus, Neb. GOSHEN FENCE MACHINE1 CHEAP. ONLY 15. A oven wire and hiate, cut willows, pplit boards .rntiyfluni'of thetMirt, used; after ixe-tp are set, neocan Ito made and stretched on the Knmml, in the winter, by a boy or ordinary fann liand, 10 to M rods a day, and cnu work it over any Kniiirui. The man wlio lian one of these ma-rhini-s can build a fence that is more durable and wife than any other, and make it at letw cunt. I ho inarhine and a sample of its work can 1 -vn in thfcity on 1 1th t-treet at Ernst &, Schwarz luinhvaro More. Willwll mchines, or territory, or contract to put up fences. '"! tf J. It. MATIIEWSOX. LfKVS tCgyVsnRnHsKfBH I. t-iz?iz-ArWfWfnpii FCATMrnl iniMynibr.' DONoTWMHSoneA. ' CAkPTAiA llMff - j-iwWny JSFor sale- and satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, by DAVID DOWTY, -tseiitCm Counmcs, Nkbbask.v j. DTJSSELL, DEALXB IS t PUMPS BE PAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. Olive St., nearly opposite Post-office. 6juneS8-y LOUIS SCHREIBER, All ktsds of Repairing done ei Short Notice. Baggies, Wag ens,, etc.. nade to order, aid all work Guar anteed. Also sell the world-famous Walter A. Wood Mowers. Reapers, Comoin- d Machines, Harvesters, and Self-binders the best made. ''Shop opposite the " Tattersall." on Olive St.. COLUMBUS. 26-m E T0$lflDIY A alar Agents Wanted! r CiaccLAns Fbzx. ZfCJ Brewster's Safety Bein Holders jlven away to introduce them. Zrny Lcrse cwiser bay frost I to O. IJms never under horses' Sett, i-fna "Scmu in sc3j4 to iy rot:cr bh4 fMttnc fr SJckc ?ia;ei8aa!p:ttai sil far tu- Smur1l..)KilMksa ."fLVrJlJ I II I mKJK '9a 1 ' IhHI """III E ' naWKrSBaTSBBlBt1 Huh ana Waeon Maier CLOTHING HOUSE THE LOWEST PRICES COUNTY. p.TASrnr- yCOUCJjC -iJkh bfe'AsnfMCotiG5; riar-.v-f : c ',f. .rnront m, ".,dQ' . ,,"i.?-'. is-r .-.- i. r vLONC-S "Sold .nGTO C J f- . w.rinSl h.yWlt.lfcrQii. iABEriNElDQ,oRoyiui.L theONL- ftiSByrfyu.1 rrriENrS v- qilANTEED CURE TOR ,Stn aaR LiXCucai CATARRH ABitTWENP-CoVOROVlLLE CAL SHTBIE ' CIT-RGUP.E FOU SALE HV DOWTY & BECBER. Trade snpplied by the 1L T. Clabk Ditro Co., Lincoln, Neb. 7mar&-ly. nSTEBRLSK: 17 K "MITT V . TflTTT Mil ' AMlllI I J U U 1 i A L, , A Weekly Newspaper issued every Wednesday. 32 CoIdbhs of reading matter, eon-', sisting of Nebraska State News j Items, Selected Stories and Miscellanv. fSamplo copies sent free to any address." Subscription price, SI a year, in Advance. Address: M. K. Turner & Co., Columbus, Platte Co., Xebr LAND FOR SALE. A&LP?- A FIN'K IMPKOVED KAKM lor KHie in bliell I ivlc r.dley. l near Columhus. containing JiO ncrs of land: Htxiut lJ(i nrn . W-Tsy under culiiration: 10 acr.- heavily tirnb?ns, r mainder mostly in clover and blue prasvi iristm and hay land: ISO fruit tree. applf.. iciir.. cliorrj-, plume, etc.. some learins: all kind- of ornamental tree, and sliruls; ISO full-l.-:irii:i; rrtipe vines. The farm entire is fenced, and di v ided intopmall fields by fenco. Dwellim: iiouse I of seven roora. Kranary. corn crilis, lanre Iiore stable with haj-mow. cjittlo larn wliich holds -t) tons of hay; ho; Iiouk-; 2 wellt; runnini; water in pasture. For further particular?) inquire at Jouuxai, office, or address, 11. II., care of .lorn- j N L. Columbus. Nelir. 22m:itf ' Newspaper ; A book of 100 riaaros , The best hook tor an advertiser to con. suit, be ho export lenccd or othcrwiso JAPVERTISIMQ' lt contains lislsol newspapeis and estimates ofthecostofndvertisinR.'j'hendvi-rtit.-w.ia wants to spend one dollar, finds init the in formation he requires, while forhiui w ho will invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad vertising; a scheme is indicated which will meet his every requirement, or cwn be made to do so ly tlhjht clicnpts icsily arrived ot cor reiondenre. 149 editions have been issued. Sent, post-paid, to any address for 10 cents. Write to REO. P. ROIVELL & CO., NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING BUREAU. ::0Sorac8SurrintingIlouseSq.). Nevr Ycr&- PATENTS Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and all Pat- direct, hence we can tron-act patent business in It- time and at LESS COST than those remote froni Washington, tfead model, drawimr. or rhoto. with ds.-riiw tion. V... advise if patentable or not. free of ' charce. Oar fei not aa till patent is twecn-d. ! A bonk, "Hovr to Obtain Patents." with refer ences to aetoi! cheats ia your Ha:e. county or torn, sent free. Atidres Opposi;e PJUt'Oaice, Wsj(pcton, S. tf, ri r ssiNC 1 fftr'CLt ! " ll ll IWWJdWll VI V . aJAf ,"X X V V i Jfw 7 THWARTED. At midnight, in an autumn desolate, Intent to io an injury, I arcBe And called upon the deadliest of my foes. So fearful 'teas the fury of my bate. Malevolent as tome avenging fate. I sped by moonlight thro' tho Carden-cloee, By blighted poppy and by mined rose, AbI stood at last bosido my victim's gite. A dim light burned within softly and still I crept up close against the window-sill. And paused then peeping thro' the lighted P. - I reeled, as one transfixed at heat t and brain, For there, God's taerty t tin his bended knee, I heard my foe my neighbor pray (or me ! J. X. Matthetve. Statk of Ohio, Crrr of Toledo, J.COAS VKJCNTT, Bit. Fbuck J. Chckkt makes oath that heistha senior partner of the firm of F. J. Choky & Co., doing business in tbe City of Toledo, Conn ty and State aforesaid, and that said firm wiil pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS tcr each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cukk. FRANK ,T. CHENEY. . Sworn to before me and snLs:ribad in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D., IS;. ( , A. W. GLEASON; -J SEAL. J Xotarii Public. Hall's Catarrh Core is taken internally. and acts directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the eystrntl. Bend for testimonials, fiee. F. J. CHENEY & CO., TolaUoOliio. -Sold by draggiits, 75 cents. Joii.v I. BiiAin, of Hackettstown. N. J., tho railroad millionaire, presented bis pri vate secretary, Dr. Vale, with a check foi $20,000 on the occasion of bis marriage lafct Friday. A Cough, Cold, on Ror.E Theoat should :iot bo neglected. Bbown'h Bkoncdiai. Tr.ocuEH uro a 6imple remedy, and give prompt relief. 25 cts. a box. It is said that the negroes of Georgia, who a ijuarterof a century ago were slaves, now own property aggregating $20,000,000. The Standard I recsrd Howl Ssrsaparllla as haitur pasBcd above the (trade of what are commonly called patent or proprietary medicines," Mid a well-known pliy ktclan recently. It is fully entitled to be consid ered a htandard medicine, and has won tli posi tion by its undoubted merit and by the many re markable cures it has effected. For an alterativo and tonic it has necr been equaled, and physicians are glad to hate their patient take so reliable and tnibtnortby a medicine." X.B. If yon decide to take Hood's SaKaparilla, do tiot be induced to buy any other. Hood's Sarsapariila fold by all droRRirU. ft: t-ixfor$3. Prepared oniy bj C. 1. HOOD 4: CO, Al)Otbecarie., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar ONE KIVJOY Both the method and results when 6yrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Pigs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup or Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYliUF CO. SAH FRAHG1&CO, CAL LOVISVIUE. Kf. HEW YORK. M.t. i" clre niliousnc-8. Sick Honcluilie Constipation. Malaria l.iver l,ni.!aiiH. inke the .rfo and certain remedy KMITir.3 BILE BEANS ro the SMALT. SIZC (40 little beans to the bot tle They are the most convenient: uit all aces. I'rit-ciit cither size. !.'. ccnti per bottle. Bf IQCIRJO t 7. 17. 70: riioto-rravure, WW1S panel sire of this picture for 4 cents (coppers or stamp) J V. SMITH A CO. Maker-of Bile Beans. St. Louis. Mo. T-TFR LaSRIPPE 'ALMER'S MAGNETIC INHALEI Patented June t, 18881 Price. One Dsllsr. The highest French iredical authority defines "La (liiii-i-K'as follows; La itrippe is a catarrhal affec tion, is epidemic, and if characterized by a conges tion of the mucous membrane of the nose, pharyn geal ami laryngeal liroiiohx-, with feverish action, more orlesi pronounced, accompanied by headache and ccucrnl f-vr r." Dr. rainier, au titiiner.t English phyician. who has devoted a lite of study to the subjectof catarrh and libasfnof the lit ad. throat, and lungs, some time Miice commenced a series of experiments with a lea-ti determining whether any combination could be (orrued which would kill the parasite and act as healing iwnvr at the fame time. The result of his experiment wot, the introduction and rapid Hale of his Magnetic Inhaler, the fumes of which, when in haled, are refreshing and cooling, and for trie imme diate relief and speedy cure of headache and sore throat which are the forerunners of E..I liltlPPE, HAS NO EQUAL. ri-i:iAi-:ErD liecanse you cannot escape an attack of the most annoying disease that ever existed in this country. IK. PALMKR'S MAt'XKTIC LNHAI.EK, if used at the commencement of an sure to break it up. Six persons employed iu one establish ment In Chicago were attacked with LA (JRIPPE In nritf. ilir lint a litwrsl fltifilfratinn nf flit tnhaW through the nostrils and throat prevented their Ion- ' ing anytime and saved a doctor's bill. 3-Sendfor anINUAI.EItat ouce." An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Beware of imitation, as there are unscrupulous persons engaged in the manufacture of a spurious inha'er that strongly resembles the genuine. Full directions, te-timonials, etc, sent with each Instrument. Upon receipt of Sl.OO I will send one Inhaler by sail, postage paid.orfor.".OOI will send six In halers to any address. E. A. GAVI.SK. General Western Asent. 371 Frauiklin St. Chicago. HI. O don't you rc-.r.em'-rr, '!te almost December, And tocn trill tlc Holidays corns I C1STATAS FOR CDILDRES. CHRISTMAS AT THE KERCHIEF'S 3rt.: IJOdor..Ltwis.';ilTNAPIlNU(.'OctH.; 93 doz.l. I-wib. .IINCI.E ItEMJ (3) cts.: A dot.). Lewis. CHItlT.MAS;iKT iIIirLs.: $i. dez.). Hoaalxl. ;OOI TIIUNiiS CiS cts.: 2.41 doz.).K. ealh-1. KIN: WINTER ta.cU.: rdoz., Emerson. MESSAGE f CIIKISTMAS Sd cts.; 3 doz.l. To4-iic. FOU CHRISTMAS SERVICES ly Rosabel. Each 5 its.; $4 per hundred. Birthiiay of Oar LonU OKI. wet Story, Holy Chritt Cta. Joyful Cliiines. CAROLS AMI SOMiS. I Collections Carol: to Carols: 7 Carols feaeb 10 ct.) Hir.LY HOKfiHS MS cts.: UI oz.) IO JTEW 1'ItC'E.S POB XMAS (10 ct. XSTB PUBLISH. IN SHEET MUSIC FORM. ,. very many biiperier pices that, tor quality, might well be termed 10X0 Songs. Mix good speci mens are: Signal Bells at Sea. (10 cts.) Hays. virions of Old Folk at Home. (13 eta.) Stults. Mammy'M I.iV Boy. (Wets.) EJwardf. Cotton Field Dance. For!trn. (ct.) Gildrr. Pari Exposition CrautlMarcb. ISO cts.) Ecight Military schottiscUe. (SJct.-..) Itoihnio.. Any Boofc or Piece Mailed for Retail Price. LYON & HEALY, Chicago, UL OLIVER QITSON COMPANY, Boston. vlBbV&aVVEsSshbB SCEN ttvnrrrai SjSSi. THE MEN WHO MISS TBE TRAIN, BTi S. W. FOM. I tosi sroiin' tbe deepo jest to see the Pullman scoot, An to see tha people scamper w'en they hear the ingine toot But w'et makes the faiost itopressiOR oV iby eom'w'st uctiv'e brain; , , Sb the careless r&arivho get there jest iu time Vomits til's train. An' some enss the railroad coiup'ny, au' some loudly cuss their stars, An' some jest gallop down the track an' try to catch the cars; An' some with a loud laff an joke will poultice up their pain, Var'ns kin's er people get there jest iu time to bliss the train, An' there is hiony deepoe an' flag-stations Ithout name. Along tho Grand Trunk itatlroad that leads io wealth an' fame-, An' men rash to these deepos, as fast as they can fly, As the Train of Opportunity jest goes a-thuc- derin' by. They rush down to the stations with their hair all stood on end, As the platform of the tail-end car goes wbirliif round' the heed ; An' somo men groan an cry aloud, an' some con ceal their pain, Wen they find that they have got there jest in time to miss tho train. But the cars puff through the valleys, an' go n-whirlin' by. An' float their banners of white smoke, like flags of victory ; They leap their flowing rit era, an' through tbe tunnels grope, An' cross tbe Mountains of Despair to the Table land of Hope. The Grand Trunk Itailroad of Success, it rum Through every clinc, Tint tbe Cars of Opportunity they go on schedule time, An' never are their brakes reversed they won't back up again. To tako the men who get there jest in time to miss tbe train. I'd nJw Blade. THE NEW COOKING STOVE. BY CLARA AUGUSTA. Mrs. Job Bangs 'was .possessed of a spirit an evil spirit, Mr. Bangs said; bat then men are so prone to indnlge in extravagant expressions, that it is not well to place too much dependence in what they say. Mrs. Bangs' greatest ambition was to possess a peculiar kind of cooking store the counterpart of which presided, in black and glossy self-satisfaction, over the cleanly kitchen hearth of Mrs. Judge Marlowe's grand establishment. "Queen of the World" was the title in which the interesting stove rejoiced. The queen herself was possessed of as many dampers, grates, heaters, flues, ovens, and nondescript poke-holes, as a twenty-horse-power engine; and scien tific old Watt himself would have been puzzled in comprehending the use of her "heat refractors" and "steam gener ators." But Mrs. Marlowe fancied the stove and, surely, Mrs. Judge Marlowe ought to know about a stove and the consequence was poor Bangs could never retire to bed without having "that stove, dear Job," dinged in liis ears. There is a period to human endur ance, and the time ab length came when Bangs could hold out no longer, but consented to make his wife the happiest of her sex forthwith. And three days afterward the deed was ac complished; a magnificent Qrteen of the World, which cost forty-five dollars, was installed on Mrs. Bangs' hearth, and the delighted lady would not hare changed places with the Presi dent's wife. The man who set up the stove asked Mrs. Bangs if .she knew how to manage it. She laughed in his face. Know how to manage a stove ? Of course she did! Why shouldn't she? And before her lofty mien of injured dignity, the stove man shrank away abashed. It was in July, pleasantly hot, and dinner was to be prepared for the six hired men who made Mr. Bangs' farm blossom like the rose. Mrs. Bangs cogitated on the subject of dinner for a few moments, and finally decided on boiled potatoes, stewed eab- l,,OV f.nA.1 MA.I. M.l f.AWka.,., .!. n m. issc;, Hutu pvin, nuu uuuiun jjiiuuiug, j with hot coffee, etc. "Come, Bangs, love," said .she cheer fully, "make a fire, while I clap on the kettles and sec to things, and you shall soon have a dinner worth eating.' Bangs flew to do her bidding, but after opening and shutting several doors, with the kindlings in his hands, he was still undecided, ana called his wife out of the meal closet. See here, Sarah, can you tell me where to build the fire?" "Why, in the place for it, to be sure," replied she. "Yes, deary, I've no doubt of that," remarked the perplexed Bangs; "but according to my idee, it would take a college learnt man to find out which the place is!" "Why, the one where the grate is, of course !" said Mrs. Bangs. "Well, there are just seven holes with grates in 'em, and three things that look like strainers; according io my idee, I can't tell t'other from which." "Stand round, Job; I'll soon find out. Why, Bangs, it's strange that you can't see into nothing; this is the place rite here in front. In with the kindlings, and be spry about it; it's a'most leven o'clock now." So Bangs put in the kin dlingsa generous quantity of shav ings, some pitch-wood and a hemlock knot applied a match, and stood by to watch the result. The fire sputtered and hissed; a glorious smoke arose, and poured out of every nook and cranny of the queen. Poor Bangs' eyes were rapidly changing to pools of watery tears, and his sense of vision fled completely. "Good gracious!" screamed Mrs. Bangs "Job, you've set the house afire!" "No, I haint," stammered Job, wip-' ing his eyes on his coat-sleeve. "Ac cording to my idee, it's that confounded stove!" "Mercy on us ! Where's the damper ? where's the draft? where's the air slide? Job, Job, where are you, that you don't do something? The new whitewash will be ruined in thisi smoke!". Mrs. Bangs stood with her apron over her head, and Bangs managed to get up to a window, at which he obtained some relief. In a few moments the kindlings had burned out, and the smoke sub sided. There was no draft; but the fir had been made in the wronir ulace. and now Job set about systematically to find the right one, by trying a hand ful of shavings in each cavity of tho complicated queen. Fortune favored him, & rh$ always doe) the brave, and finally Job could have shouted "Eureka" if lie had thought of it. The tire burned .splend idly S Thenrimiirous grates glowed the water iu the kettles sizzled Mrs. Bangs wis Radiant and the "spitler" of pork and lard boiled charmingly ! But suddenly, just as Mrs. Bangs was congratulating herself in being the most favored woman iu the universe, the stove gave a lurch its three long legs quivered ami trembled the for ward one dropped oVlt the immacu late Queen of the Worltt tottered on her throne For n second ouly then over she went-, kettles ami stewpans! The pot was in the fire, and the tire took royal advantage of it.' The blaze steamed up the chimney, igniting the soot, and sending a column of flame ten feet out of the top of the chimney. The observant neighbors screamed "fire" at the height of their Voices the school children across the way took Up the cry Mrs. Bangs was ankle-deep hi hot water and floating potatoes the house dog lay prostrate under the ruins, howling with fright and pain and Mr. Bangs had lied to the elevation of the kitchen table, from whence he was comfortably surveying the scene being seated in the brond dish of hominy pudding which his wife had prepared for baking. The cries of fire called out the en gine company ever prompt in danger and stripping down Mr. Bangs' fence, they hurried their machine through a fine field of corn, and up to the house. Just as they arrived, covered with per spiration and out of breath, Mrs. Bangs made her exit from the kitchen, scream ing and wringing her hands in the wild est agitation. The zealous captain of the company was a little near-sighted, and supposing the lady's clothing to be on fire, he seized the end of a hose already filled, and let fly the whole stream of water over her person ! The shock knocked her over instantly, and after a few somersaults she came to a halt in the rain-water cistern, from whence she was afterward fished out half drowned and considerably indignant. The grand uproar aroused a high spirited bull that was confiued in an ad jacent yard, the red uniforms of tho firemen inspired his bnllship with just wrath, and after a half-dozen premoni tory bellows, he gave a tremendous leap, and cleared the barring. Captain, privates and populace, aston ished and terrified, fled before that ele vated head and those smoking nostrils fled ingloriously, leaving Bangs' chimney to burn out without help all except Judge Marlowe, who, being a dignified man, did not compromise his dignity until the last, when he went through his best paces, but in vain. The bull singled him out from the others, caught him on his horns, and tossed him into the pig-pen, where the irate mother of ten promising porcine little ones nearly finished him. In fact, the Judge would never have conic out of that hog's yard alive had not Mrs. Bangs, recovering from her tem porary fright, gone to the rescue with the mop-handle. The bull, after scattering all in truders, turned his attention to the engine which was left behind, ami never were the walls of. a beleaguered city battered and charged more zeal ously than he charged that non-resistant "masheen." Mr. Bangs came down from his perch as soon as the crowd had dispersed, and secured the quadruped, now pretty well blown, from his extra ordinary exertions. "The Queen of the World" was sold for old iron, and Mrs. Baugs cooks un inurmuringly over the little old con trivance of. a stove that she has had for a dozen years. Bangs says that, "according to his idee, these ere new-faugled stoves ain't the thing; they're great cry and little wool." HE HAD X CHOICE IX THE MAT IKMt. A lady entered one of the most fash ionable stores iu town, a few days ago, and told the tall and urbane clerk, wlio waited upon her, that she wished to look at some crevvets. uicncis. i cru(.cTv& iuc i;iuiaY "crevvets? Do you mean cravats?" "I do not mean cravats; I mean crev vets." The clerk was greatly puzzled; then a bright thought struck him. "Which style would you prefer ?" ho asked. "Oh, I don't care; those big ones that go over the shirt bosom, or those that go around the neck and tie in a bow or a knot." The clerk at once pulled down the boxes of cravats and began to display tho different styles. He kindly tied several of them on his own nock to show their effect. "Do you like them bright or quiet?" he asked. "Oh, rather quiet," said the lady. "Quiet, eh? Perhaps you know what your friend's taste is; perhaps he'd like this one, now; has he any choice in the matter?" "Well, no, I don't believe he has. You see he's a corpse, and we" the clerk fainted and the cash boy whis tled "Annie Laurie." Buffalo Cou rier. DIDX'T THIXK HK COULIK "Do you think that I could ever" here his voice faltered and a sudden emotion seemed to swallow his words. "Could ever what, George?" "That I could ever " "Yes." "Do you think that I could ever get used to your father's ways?" Just then there was a dim rattling in the furnace room, the gas flickered glimmeringly and almost weut out, then flared up again, as if .some one were tampering with the meter, while dire dismal words came 'through the register. She let a little sob escape her and replied : "No, George, I don't think you ever could." Merchant Traveler. In Russia women are not allowed to , practice medicine before reaching the age of forty years. In free America every woman feels herself fully quali fied to practice medicine as soon as .she owns a baby or can borrow one of her j neighbor to experiment on. I'err Haute Express. He that is choice of his time wiil al&o be choice of his company, and choice of his action Afflictions, like God's angels, will move away when they have done their Vtfb I know two women, and OMia cfeiUu And cold aj the enow on Wttter wMte; Htatnla Ter,tn act and thought, jAa the man bora dumb in fcpeoeh erra not) But she has malice toward her kind A cruel tongue and a jealous mind, Void of pity, and full of greed, Bhe judges the world by her narrow creed. A brewer of quarrels, a breeder of hate. Yet she holds the key to "society's" gate. Tha other woman, with heart of flame. Went mad for a love that marred her name. And out of the grave of her murdered faith 8ho rose like a soul that hits passed thro' death. Her aim is nbble, her pltv I broad It c6ers the .world like the mercy of God. A bealerof disorder, a soother of woes. Peace follows her footsteps wherever she Roes.. , The worthier of life of tho two, no doubt : And -society'' locks her out. Ji7i Wheeler Wilcox. Mr. Hakes Luck. It was current on the streets of Caito the day following: the greut December drawing of tho Louisiana State Lotterv. that one foitictu uf ticket IKS.4.V) that drew the capital lrize was held here.'btit some ilurs elapsed before it was known who.hchl it. 'Finallv it was retiorti'd that Mr. Z. A. Hakes, a sub iontractoriuuler Little k. Grceiilov. on the Cache leveo work, was tho Itickv man. and that ho hall jrone to New Orleans to draw his money. Learnins: yesterday that Mr. Hake was iu town, stopping at Uncle JoeV hotel, tho Argus sent a reporter to interview him: Mr. Hakes isaquiet.Miiall. plain-appearing innn. about 50 years of age. Ho is au intel ligent, energetic man that one would take to be well suited to his business. He is averse to notoriety, but does not hesitate to tell tho facts in regard to his windfall. As re ported, ho held one-fortieth of tho ticket that drew -SGOO.OUO in the December drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery, and had been down to New Orleans and collected his money. $13,000. Ho went by the Mobile & Ohio road. Upon arriving in the Crescent city ho proceeded to the office of tho Lotiisiuti State Lottery, where he presented his fractional ticket, and without any troublo got the largo sum of money it ealledlor. He-apprehended that identillea tiou would be necessary, but was told in the office thut possession of the ticket was all that was necessary. He was afterwards tho recipient of court esies at the hands of the lottery ofllcials, who deemed him their guest, as one who had eomo a long distance to transact busi ness with them, and of additional interest to them ns- one taking a portion of the great capital prize of their December drawing. His praise of the hospitality they extended to him is unstinted. Mr. Hakes deposited his money in a Cairo bank, and it is safe to say will use it to the best advantage for hifnsHf. Cairo III.) liV. Dee. 30. The Inventor Hani at Work. "Was your patent ship-protector the one to keep off torpedo boats a success?" "Very successful. Made a pile of money out of it." "What are yon at work on now?" "A torpedo boat that'll rip the protector all to pieces." Don't Fool Away precious time aud money and trifle with your health experimenting with un certain medicines, when Dr. Tierce's Gol den Medical Discovery is so positively cer tain in its curative action as to warrant its manufacturers in guaranteeing it to euro diseases of the blood, skin, aud scalp, and all scrofulous nftlictions. or money paid for it will be refunded. $500 Kcwauu offered for an incurable ea-o of Catarrh by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Remedy. 50 cts.. by druggists. Henky M. Stanley has been offered by a New York manager $1,000 a lecture for fifty lectures to be delivered in America duiing next winter. The great explorer has not yet signified whether he will accept the offer or not. This is probably the big. gest offer ever made for a series of lectnre in this country. tt'ht-n Baby was sick, we xave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Catoria. Wlien Rlie became Mih-, she clung to Castoria, V ben she had CU'Idren. lie gave them Castoria. Edwaiu Atkinson has examined the statistics aud says that tho annual produc tion of ep-g-5 in this country equals in inouey value the total production of iron. If the hens could read they would no donbt feel proud of their achievements. Influenza. Now mi prevalent and known in lluropi a La liriw, is not a common cold as many .suppose, but iu connection with a cold it? ravages are more erioiis. It is a fact worthy of notr that, Allen's Lung lbilsuni will quiet the brouch'ial irritation and cure the cough. The tenth decennial census of tbe United States, taken in 1.S80, gavo a total population of "0,15-",783. The estimates for the eleventh census, which will be taken next summer, average tM.7Gl.500. Oregon, the Paradise or Farmer. Mild, equable climate, certain and abundant crops, lfest fruit, graiu, grass and stock Country in tbo world. Full information free. Address tho Oregon Immigration Hoard, Port land, Oregon. Hutchinson, Kan., shipped 103 CO barrels of salt last year. Kansas is now producing salt at 29 cents a barrel, and there is a profit in it at that figurer . A 10c smoke for Tk: "Tansill's Punch." I The latest figures show the e are 250,000 j Indians in the United States, living tit o l llG,G'30,lo:f acres, or 4(53 acres apiece. A FACT! INFLUENZA, OR LA GRIPPE, Now so prevalent in tbe land, has caused tb demand for ALLEN'S LONG BALSAM TO INCREASE. l'eople appreciating the alue o. this Old Remedy as a Sate and Speedy Cure (or the If ack lag Cough attending Im Grippe take it zt once. It quiets the Ilronchial Irritation, causing eat-y and free expectoration and cnriDic the rouxli. It contain no Opium, and can he xivtn to th old and young without tear ot harm. For CROUP and WHOOPING COUGH It is almost a Specific. The lailits thinL therr is hd remedy to -iul it Don't experiment with New and Untried .Medic-iiies. If on have a Colli or Coii(;li t jfce at onre ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM Sold by All Druggists. KIDDER'S PASTILLES-rH'iTi f AllTTrBlB A! If rwnavwi m: Mm!amm v. ? 1.1 (tn wns rrttiunj m n3l flTf Ifilf n ACf fUAi llBll Wl H JwrJaSkWIBiHi ft "a ri!---t- mirt-. .. lil '- I 1 1 Mil V I .111 V fiGSreSSwHKyavlraLmSE Hr,ET.MJ(Rz& CKH IBIVft 1 !' KBWI uj!,.s;ciu.ji.wi.i mm ----- i.TLi.:n. ! L&lftll FARM SEPDS7 rvf-51. . mmi s niasM HiWfWWIfciffi wjn-ssL mmm A Dm U bULU Klnb EJT Jf K.ftT'BJitbo Farmer money- OUy cnoieest A,;;';L,ri'!,'fi tlliin..--s.'.ti fjtu-. WBEmWlSMBWZm cropping-itocka in enunnoc-Quan- P4WJr1C'ry H!V H IBI iKlmtities. 3ly , i M-rrfKzmtr-s.ijKa -- i.j-r.r.r FMaEISlmi ko.nanza oats ' BflBBjalffHthao any nie crta " tbe .W BB fcaB iBjInaantsAt yield e r. fri re bcah .r t wv (. HBB38I.U. 5 bnsb. 85 U). Spciial -F& PH bm (ifbii to all pucttlD A'MZfPC slllllBTI. H on Farm Scfids. MSmMuGtT X .. Vi iHBuia aa?HL9i... ..v.n .....& . bim lu BSBBairnpan. BgjjQaHp ff v .aiii'i.iijrr)jrara;ri.nnlno BTwiBi . sm&&m m&& . mm&.vrtim wmz w -. HaKa3-iT m ri r rm rwBprn-i -. rr- ztr ,i as. mmmmm.&&i'M. . kv.s.'uj.ibi .watw.-i i-cvfs;ivy ;,.... -, ... r,. ... rnrr . .-.. BBMlBBBBBBBAsBBBBBBBB sr'. . Seefafc It la Nw LigM. "Yo. ought.. to quit smoking cigafetbt. Da Sappy. It'a iajorions to jour health." "Aw!M iPuff! puff! "Yea, Physicians My cigarettes paralyze the brain." "Aw!" Put! pu! "Besides, the Prince ot Wales has given them up." "You don't say!" Throws it away. Hateful Blood Relations. Hateful kindred are thoso sprung from the parent stem malaria. They are chills and fever, bilious remittent fever, dumb ague and ague cake. Theso foes to bowily peace aro all blood relations, as there Is no doubt that these endemic complaints are produced by contam ination of tho blood by tho tniasmata existent in loth air aud water in malarious regions. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters cxpeU from tho blood the irus with which miasma infects, but it does more than this, it neutralizes tho atmos pheric and aqueous poison and its germs before they have ermancntly fructified in the system, and thus effectually protect it against the fierce inroads of this diabolic brotherhood of diseases. Thu it is not only it remedy, but nlsoapre- Teiiuvu, iironmi. in reiievinc. lanuna in ctlvct. in perfectly efficient. Xertouancsd, biliousness, itvsp to it Population of Berlin. Berlin now has 1.530,000 population, to which should be added the snbnrbau popu lation of I7o,000. The mass of the inhab itants are persons of very modost incomes, and living is very cheap. TThex DobblnS Electric Soap was first made in 1SG1 it cost 20 cents a bar. It is pre cisely tho samo ingredients and quality noit and doesn't cost naif. Iluy it of your grocet and preserve your -lothc. lie will get it. A Convenient Memory. Wife: "John, I do think you have the best memory in town: u Why so, darliDg?" "Because yon never forget to forget tho articles I tell you to bring home from down town; never." BnoNcmTis is cured by frequent small doses of I'lso's Cure for Consumption. Feminine Tad. Little Maud "Mnmmn, isn't thero any T.ittlo T nAv Pnmitlim?n Mamma Perhaps, darling: but too wise to make a show of herself. she is TALK IS J but it will only take ft minute in which to state n few f.lfcts. that, if heeded, j will prove invaluable to ntaivy. It's well-known that the press teems with i advertisements of sarsaparilhis' ami other liver, blood and ltinjr remedies; for ; which rreat claim are made. They are generally represented as sure cures. ' But there is ohc medicine, and only one. the claims for which as a cure for all lingering diseases arising from Torpid Liver or Ililiousness, or from impure blood, arc backed up by a positive guarantee ! If it don't do just as represented ; in every case, the money paid for it h promptly refunded. This peculiar method of business, it will readily be seen, would bankrupt the manufacturers of the ordinary medicines in the market. Only a marvclously etiicacious medicine, containing "the most posiltie curative properties, could sustain itself under such trying conditions as these. Tiiis peculiar medicine sells beyond all others throughout the civilized world. And why should it not ? "Talk is cheap,"' but when its backed up by a positive guarantee, by a bouse of long established reputation, for hon- i est, integrity and sound financial standing, then words mean business I And I that's just what the World's Dispensary Medical Association, of Buffalo, N. Y., mean "in guaranteeing their Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to do all 1 that it is recommended to do. or refund the price paid for it. I Dr. Pierce's tJolden Medical Discovery checks the frightful inroads of Scrofula, and, if taken in time, arrests the march of Consumption of tho Lungs, which is Lung-scrofula, purities and enriches the blood, thereby curing all Skin and Scalp Disease?. Ulcers. Sores, Swellings, and kindred ailments. It is powerfully tonic as well as alterative, or blood-cleansing, in its effects, hence it strengthens the system ami restores vitality, thereby dispelling all those "tired feelings" experienced by the debilitated. Especially has it manifested its potcncv in curing-Tetter. Eczema, Erysipelas. Goitre, or" Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands. CATARRH manently cured by OB. 3AGE'S CATARRH Best Coiijih Medicine. Keeoinnicnded by Physicians. Cures when nil else fails. Pleasant and agreeabio to tho taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists. m B ryanf & Straff on Qftieago Business Cillict! SHORT-HAND INSTITUTF and EteCLIGH TRAININC SCHOOL, i tin - INSTITtTIO.V an.! tkn Z.VT10EST XIV TIIES -WOK.XIi ruUlnforma. tioa.CaUIotrue, tcrius, etc ,snt i KEE. Adilrcn II. It. ItltYA.NT SOS, rrcr-rlrtn.Ckl,UL We reeaoirautid iliis crllcsc to our re, TO GOAL CMSP.ER Throughout the Northwest: Write to the ECU P.UH CQU CSHrSHf at 111.. lor priics on tb" l"ticraiti ct MrcJor. LUNIP COAL Delivered at your tjtun Th prices to Mill, t a t r.isa? l I jri iV' sp- ial MTMB9BHL at ..a5st'5? e Big Package .I t r-.l ii'V-fk&i Cf PiOlK siafres? t. -tn lOr'i. ilT oluirli7 ' r I 6 c ! L' '! lth wtgU J. Sl l "n 1 T" '!- A.U.-r V tecs eAbi2ss7. c:::cc3.;u. PENSION Successfully Prt .IOIIN V. .MOKKIS. 1 2!s!iiuj;to!i, l. ('. illy Prosecutes Claims. l.jte Principal hxu i -t v lvti-.,.m iiu.ea i 3 yr-in last war Uaili.ilK ttiu laisus.att.v s:uce. PENSIONS iT$ZX;ZV?'H' fllll' HW fkkl.Ll Altj at Lai.,.i"hin;tuti,I.C. QP1UE3 Haiti. i:ieoaiycrta!a aii-J cSy curs. Ur. j I.. Steohenv Ijjanon. Ohio. ASTHMA,. r-jrtfcr.m'sAitnniaSpf'riflc 1.1- ill' 1 TX EIMTIE3. 1'rnn l jnorta.!!. l. Frlts-t-j-Rii lowritw -I hare hail nlj-i.iiijrrjcar3; no '03r -1 tic. t ich rriU-.rdine OJ. Jl c..i!.: " Schl bT all rvi-i-r urnu irrifiTt,urrpec riu-.raire inme- "3jf 7 "-" s sU il ma. mail, pea UroM- i?. PACK ICE FBEE. A-jirccT.i-oruAjr. i'dti'ircLi. vxms. UM lull UaiM ft :.. c hj; UpuMt in at tutir i M4 U .Sif u.: Uui:iU;rr.n. IWIhM wmWm. S1 .. vi7;iwf. vs s. ' m - .1 . ...... . i. ........ . n.rn. m. FJACOBSOU CURK PERMANENT LV KETJRAIGIA, .r lastsmt Belief. First ApllMtlB. . BoovtUe,Mo.,Dec.28,18Sj. I suffered dreadfully with eurajgie pains In head which affected face aad eyes. I could not attend work. I eetalnea UHtantaneons relief from first application ofSt. Jacobs Oil. fi-M. CLARK. SaJfered 4 Days Severely. 826 Fenna. Ave..Pittsburg.,lSf. I suffered very severO pains from neuralgia ir four days, but was cured by St Jacobs Oil. Mrs. JOHN KXKPPLE. At Dkcsguts and Dkalex. THE BEST Cata REMEDY FOR CNILIREN scrrxitiNrt ruo COLD m HEAD, SNUFFLES OK CITIRRHHAY-feVi AvarticleUapirfiedintoeacri nostril and Uagre able. lTireWoenut DrutfaUM: by mail. resiBtnid. Wets. lCLYliKOTUCRM.UWartenStrMt.Naw York. Oft tmsL UFEo !0IM1NSH K tumrui yzsizk P RAuTlELDREI - mm at au CHEAP, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, IZff THE HEAD, no matter of bow Ion? standing; is per REMEDY. 50 cents, by druggists. lero. .Ilcntiun this paper yea wrn. GRATEFUL COMFORTING. SPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. "Ilr athorouhknr!Tjl' of tlia rutural!aw which ipnom thi ojratioai or election ana nnin tlcm and by a caretulaj plication uf tbo One proMr. tlrr ur irrll-rMn-trd Cn ca. J'r EpiM baa proviitrtt i.tir I" ' r-wt ttbl with a Olicatrly flarqurcd be. u h :uy i u many fcmr (InejorV b'.Un. 1 j tin jiuiicioua ueot!.iwh artffcl of diet that : .n-utntion iiiaylKitdully built. upuaUIatroria; mi null to rt-alnt iMTf tendency to UWaee rOm d. . 1 cf BiiMir iuiiiit ate Coatirw anfcad ns rr,iy t. attac thfr-! a wk pCnt We Kay. rwar- ruanv a fital khatt by Vc4uacur.alTM WrlJ fortit'-tithpnr bloct ami a properly noarlaleit ... t. if .-. .rrfrV J" HA iraui' .i -?'".' ",;,": ... ,. v flt nrily iu half 1 --n-I Ho, by Urcctrs. llid tljn: JA31EH KITS' Homeopathic Caeiulsta, London. England. MENTION' TIIIS TAPER wmm. n lnim. It you want ronr psnaiaa without delay, pat your claim in the nanus fivf:in I'VTEB. Atfrmmj. Watliinictou. U.C. WANTED The addre'i of soldiers who hfiineitrailed a leKH number ot ceres than lift at any tirco bcJor" June 'X. 1-Ct. . SOLDIERS' HOMESTEADS. jiotji fc DenTer. Colorado. ISookleepi iff lnicine- rvriun. niaaQAhipritmuetlcC ort hlv tatmht br mnil. CircnJaru 4IXE33 Coixegb OuZalo. N. Y. TGERUIRE . Diamond .selWna rcrS.- On rocelptr.t Z we will aandaSoIiaOjId I lire with a Oeniune Diamond setucx and one Mam moth t'atalcxuelthlH In not an Alaaka. California or1 Quartz tn. but a (icnuin Diamond. which iasuar- asteed by Lapp t Flersham. wholesale Jaweler of UiUcityl: nr.onrcetctot M cta.. we will and tha rir.2 CO. D. for examination. Send ilze of rtas nantad. and moniT by P.O.ordar. expwsa. or draft tc RKED 4: A5SON. U3 LaSalla bt, Chicago. 111. I preserfba an4 tally cti dors Blc O as tka- only. taetllcforthacsrtalncura of tataisase. O. H. INORAH AM. U. D., AsBateraaaa. X. T. We aars sold Bl G for many yara. aal It baa rlTii ia imsi or saua actloa. Chicago, Hi. 91.99, aWaPrajflH W.C.N. U, .Vd, fi..0 RRH EMypj MOTHERS AtHIIU ",CTAi is-j vui'.iniribiiki t PJIP" rnkiP CHIL e-M-Bieiw era ml ara PIMS ONS II. aa .BjOwt laB Bfi T a saTa. v JIB"-S2i22. " E9 vraaaiyby IglrlMOiarlaim. M J i la 5 4 i i -. t .. ':.v.-f ?.. :: K: 1 3 -V.J -'Is1'-. If -BBiftK