The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 15, 1890, Image 3

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Columbus Journal,
Leave Columbus
David City
" Seward
Arrivesat Lincoln
3:35 p.m.
3:30 p. m.
HM "
ll:r "
.Tlie passt-ncer loaves Lincoln t 4:10 1. m., ami
arrives at Columbus 7:10 p. in; the freight leaves
Lincoln at 7:15 a. m., and arrive at Columbus at
2:55 p. m.
Atlantic Ex. S:40 a. m ' Pacific Ex. .11:10 p. in Ex. .... 8i5a. ml Denver Ex Ui p. m
Fart Ex... l:45p. m Local Ex 8.00 p. m
Chicago Ex. . 1125 a. ni I Fast Ex au p. m
Freight traiuM carry passenicers, Koin east at
6:33 a. in. anil V20 p. m.
Pss-en.'er arrives from Sioux City . . .11:25 a. in
..llsJUp. in
leaven Columbus Tor Linc'ii 11:45 a. m
arrives from Lincoln . 2:10 p. m
S:10 p. ni
leave for Sioux City ..233 p. in
Si0 a. m
Mixed leaves Ma.m
Mixed arrives lOitO p. in
Pun-wilder leave .
31 i led leaver ......
Passenger arrives .
Mixed hi riven ..
. 225 p. in.
.'.;ai h. in.
11:10 a. m.
tiSiu p. :n.
Society JJotices.
Cr?All notice iinilT thin heading will lie
charged at the rate of $2 a yeur.
LEBANON lAHMi E No. M. A. F. A A. M.
Regular mewing Ud Wednesday in each
jkJJT month. All brethren to attenil.
rlr . H. shkliki.n, w. M.
51. . White. Sec". -JQjuly
Saints liolil regular services evry Sunday
at 2 p.n.. prayer meeting tin Wednesday evening
at their chapel, corner of North Mn-tuuil Purine
Aiviiue. All are cordially invited.
ISjuM Elder H. J. Hi'usos. rr.ini.ut.
The storm was wiilespnvul.
l)rs. Martyn A- SHiiik, office Olivo st.
1. H. Puffy, house iniivcr, Schuy
ler, Xcb.
-Horse liliinkehi fur Halt al cost, at
L..T. I taker's ivhl:iiiranl juat north
trf U. V. ilejiot.
- The lloiiiereslaunml supplies lunch
es for trawlers.
Thuro wan .slim attendance at the
ehtirehes Suiul.-iy.
Fur ami plush lap rohes Tor sale, at
at cost, at ItUKchu'd. 'J-Wtf
V. J. Sehniitz was reported yester
day as dangerously ill.
- Old newspapers ly the hundred, 2.1
enls at the .Iocksal. office.
- I. F. Pootly shipped two ear loads
or fat eattle to South Omaha last week.
Bayard Fuller has moved his office
to the Phillips building on Eleventh
- Donovan, the deserting soldier, was
taken hack to Fort Uridyer. Wyo.,
- 1 have several fresh mileh rows for
sale on reasonable terms. Call soon.
V. S. Griffin. "h-M.
llememher that Sehafl'roth & Plath
make specialties of well linriii"; and
tubular wells.
The largest stock of dolls in town
from 1 cent to$T. at John Heitkemper's
mammoth toy 6tore. S-IMHf
Eiuil Von Beren of Humphrey has
taken position as deputy county clerk,
tinder G. V. Phillips.
Sunday evening the cars wrecked at
Sidney passed throuyh the city to the
repair shop at Omaha.
- We have a lot of fre.-h etjtfs at pres
ent": Js't your Miipply to last you ihiou'h
the coining storm. Win. Meeker.
- The celebrated Quiek-Meal. and
Monarch jjsisoline slves. the lies! in the
market. For sale by A. Uoelteher. 4tf
You can Ret a good article of table
butter at Becker's store almost any da,
from 12 to 1;V per lb. Come soon.
-Monday Avenin;; smeboily stole
Home horse blankets that hunjj out for a
Bijjn in front of .1. A. Snow's harness
- Rev. Worley's themes for net Sab
bath are: morning, A Kijjht Heart: even
ing The 0en Door. All cordially in
vited. --The .1 onus i is on sale, each week,
jtt the book ami news stores of E. D.
Fitz patriek and.T. fi cents
a copy.
The Nebraska Farmer has come to
lie a Rood solid puper, worthy the pat
ronane of every wide-awake farmer in
the state. If
SehafTroth & Plath have the best or
harvesting machinery and can furnish
any kind of farm implements, at reason
able rates.
Judge H. .1. Hudson of this city has
lee:i summoned to appear at Lincoln to as juror in the United States court
on the 20tlu
- -For rent, one god, five room cot
tage, lieautirnl yard d all necessary
outhouses. Address J. II. Lynch, Platte
('enter. Neb. It
The Platte Center dramatic club will
present a play to the public next Friday
evening in which Miss Katie Hays plays
the leading part.
A snow storm was threatened here
Saturday, but aside from considerable
wind, and a light fall of snow, there was
nothing to speak of.
The Ladiee' Guild of the Episcopal
church will meet at the residence of Mr.
George Hulst Thursday afternoon. A
full attendance is desired.
Columbus Journal. Nebraska Fam
ily Journal and Nebraska Farmer, all
for S2.80 a year, when paid in advance.
Send for specimen copies.
Wm. O'Brien has been appointed
police judge by Mayor North, to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of J.
C. Cbwdery, who goes to Lincoln.
Marriage license have been issued to
Peter Drong and Sofia Sempek, Itoth of
county; Elkana Maler, Hand county. N.
D., and Nellie Luther Platte county.
J. A. Barber, our esteemed dry-goods
merchant, and Miss May Brice of Tama,
la., are to be married tomorrow (Thurs
day). Mr. Barber started east yesterday.
Sunday was the second anniversary
of the Great Blizzard, and the snow and
wind on Sunday made a combination re
minding of that of two years ago. We
have not heard Qf any caulties as yet.
8:35 a. m.
y:i8 "
llCip. in.
For Harrison wagons and Courtland
spring wagons and buggies, call on J. A.
Gutzmer, opposite Dowty's drag store.
He is sure to satisfy you in prices and
quality. tf
The business outlook the eonntry
over is srtoken of as very promising. We
could hope that all these sayings in re
gard to the business of the year would
come true.
The county board of supervisors are
in session. We believe the new board
will have, as the old board had. the con
fidence of the people, in their integrity
and ability.
I sell the Brilliant lamp oil, the best
used in Columbus. I buy in large quan
tities, at a price that affords me the
chance to sell at 20e. Come and try it.
Wm. Becker.
Owing to the stormy weather of last
Saturday the Farmers' meeting at Fitz-
pntrick's hall was postponed until Sat
urday next, Jan. 19th, at 2 o'clock. Same
program. All invited.
The Ole Olson company went to
pieces at Seward, the actors striking for
higher wages, and knocking themselves
out of a job. The company was reorgan
ized at York under the patronage of a
York capitalist.
Miss Belle Woods, the protesting,
tmeYiected bride talked so much aliont
in last week's paers. has filed paers
with the clerk of the district court.
claiming the ceremony as a nullity.
- Schuyler Herald.
IL J. Congram, Geo. MeCormiek,
Tames Martin accompanied Mrs. Edw.
Lymath to Columbus Monday, where
Mrs. Lymath will secure the final receipt
on her homestead adjoining this city.
Newman Grove Era.
A gentleman remarked to us last
week that if every man's sons were like
his they would certainly le a great
blessing, as his had helped him straight
out of his financial troubles, with money
earned by hard lalior.
- Thursday last the grocery store of
Coolidge Bros, was taken in charge by
Sheriff Caldwell, under attachments by
creditors. It is to Ik hoped that matters
can lie so arranged that the young men
can continue in business.
The teachers have an interesting
program for their meeting next Satur
day. These entertainments should he
encouraged, aa they are of great value to
the teachers, and teachers are indispens
able to modern civilization.
- That was a fearful tornado in Clin
ton, Ky., Monday night. It demolished
fifty-five houses, killed nine people and
wounded fifty-three. We have heavy
winds in Nebraska occasionally, but the
country is wide and there is plenty of
room for the wind to spread itself.
- In this week's issue we print two or
dinances passed by the city council, one
of them providing for numbering the
houses of the city, the other for the re
moval of refuse beyond the city limits.
We call esjKH'ial attention to the latter
ss a matter of great interest to all of us.
Last week's JonnsAi. recorded the
death of J. E. Tasker. The funeral ser
vices were held at Grace Episcopal
church, Kev. J. O. Ferris officiating.
The pall-bearers were C. H. Sheldon. G.
W. Hulst, O. T. Roen, Henry Hocken
lHjrger, Gus. G. Beeher and ('. J. Gar
low. Real EMtate Leasm
Lowest Rates, Best Terms. PLATTE
COUNTY BANK. Platte Ceatre,N.
The newspaper men of Columbus
are a bright and shining exemplification
of the scriptural saying: "Behold how
good and pleasant it is for brethren to
dwell together in unit v."' Thev form a
mutual admiration society that cannot
be matched in the state. -I Seward He-
-We are in receipt of a bundle of
paHrs from Swan Nelson, Templeton.
Cal. Among the items are mentioned a
party for Miss Lillie Nelson; one man
sold his orange crop on the trees at a
piotit of $!00 an acre, ami another man
claims to have got over S90 per acre for
his tomato crop.
- L J. Lidstone preached at the M. E.
church .Sunday evening, in the absence
of Itev. Worley, detained at home. He
has a talent for discourse that he should
certainly cultivate. Added to a pleasing
address, and an earnest manner, he has
something of value to say. and he should
not suffer his talent to lie idle.
Chairman North of the executive
committee has secured the requisite sig
natures to the Itoud that will accompany
Columbus's application for the state
fair. Everything is in good sluqie, and
there is no reason why Columbus may
not seeure the location except that ms
sibly she may not receive votes enough.
- A slight change in the program of
the teachers'nieeting has leen made since
the first announcement. In place ofMr.
Brindley. the name of J. N. Kiliau has
lken substituted. Martin Hogan will
appear on ihe affiirmative and W. B.
Backus on the negative, in addition to
those announced heretofore, for the de
bate. As one of the official papers of the
county, The Jouuxal gives the pro
ceedings of the board as furnished from
the clerk's office. We are indebted to
the new clerk, G. W. Phillips, for a copy
of the proceedings close uion the heels
of the adjournment of the board, and
our readers will find them a budget of
interesting items.
At their session last week, R, H.
Henry, who has made a very efficient
and' satisfactory chairman of the board
of county supervisors, was presented a
fine gold-headed cane, as a memento and
a token of friendship from his fellow
members. We happen to know that
they held a very high opinion of R. H..
lx)th as a man and an official.
For siecial favors during the past
week this office is indebted to Rev. W.
M. Worely, J. O. Blodgett, Qreisen Bros.,
A. J. Arnold, 0. 0. Shannon. R Kummer.
John Wiggins, E- R. Ive-, Rev. Father
Ryan, G. W. Phillips, Gus G. Beoher,
Judge Maxwell, Fremont, Loran Clark,
Albion, John Hammond, Grand Island,
B. R. Cowdery, Lincoln and Wm, Mc
Kim. Duncan.
We have made arrangements with
The Homestead, Des Moines, Ll, one of
the very best farmers' papers in all the
country, a twenty-four page weekly, to
club with The Journal, and the Ne
braska Family Journal, the three papers
for $2.90, in advance. Subscription can
begin any time. Specimen copies free,
on applioatifln. CsdJ pn or address, m!
jt Turner &Ci., Columbus, Neb, tf
One more milestone of life is left be
hind; we have commenced our march to
ward another. May each step be mark
ed by some kind or thoughtful act
toward our fellow creatures.
The holiday season was celebrated
with due festivities.
There was a balloon instead of a
Christmas tree at the Presbyterian
church Christmas eve, -the house was
crowded, about fifty were turned away
for want of room. Although times are
hard, good old "Santa" did' not forget
his subjects. There was music and reci
tations by teachers and members of the
Sunday school.
Christinas night a number of young
folks met at Mr. Wm. A. Fulton's and
enjoyed a good oyster supper.
Thursday evening a dime sociable was
held by the ladies' aid society at Clark
hotel; all left well pleased with the
pleasures of the evening.
Monday evening a surprise party was
held at Mrs. Sage's in honor of her
nephew, A. J. Sweezey, who was to leave
the following Thursday for a five years'
course of study at Dixon, III. He was
presented with a fine photograph album
from his many friends.
The old year was watched out and the
new one in by services at the hall and
the saints at the church.
Mrs. B. Belknap had a surprise party
on New Year's night, the young people
assembled and had a kissing party. So
there has been a variety of amusements.
The altove received too late for last
week's issue. Ed.
Keal Efttate IVaK
For the week ending Jan. 11th, 1B90.
AH deeds warranty unless shown.
Pioneer Town Hite Co to John Wnohterlot
laml 2 blk 10 Lin.txa) $ 2H
John 11 Sutton, n.lm'r, to Frank A Heenan
lot 2 blfc 121 ami lot 5 htk 167 city of C
luinlM.sadin'rleet 225
Davitl St reeter and wife to (Junta v A Plath
ne'i of ne'I 21 -19-1 w 725
Alliert Weenink and wife et al to Antonia
E Ajiel neVi 31-20-2w no.
Chan V White, finttle. to Nelaon Clark lot
:: hlkUand lotn 1 anil l !lk SB SpeireV
ad toColninlai!
Joseph Zalucha ami wife to John Olitowka
Jtmeph Zalucha and wife to Jacob Zyala ne
4 - 4 S!4!
Sarah 8 5lcConihe. widow, to lieo W "al
ley lot i 1.1 W 20l city of Columbia
Iloht F Blair anil wife to John W Blair ne
U I Ky Co it i".M E CttoneV "n'j "tie, sui&w
tinal receipt
Inntel (thick to Joseph Zalucha n'j hwU St
m a 1A .
- The Columbus post office hits a hab
it of getting moved (when it does go),
suddenly. Of course this is done for the
good of the patrons of the office, but
quite a numljer of these who general ly
keep well -.wsted on occurrences, were at
the old place Sunday morning to find
that during the previous night the trans
fer had lteen made to the new brick
building specially erected for the post
office, on North street, one door south of
Korer & MeDill's hardware store. We
stipiose, from appearances, the post
office will be run as a separate and dis
tinct business, without any candy or
cigar store attachment.
-The New York World's Nellie Blye,
the correspondent who is endeavoring to
circumnavigate the globe in 72 days or
less, will pass through this city about
the 20th. on her way home to New York
city. She began her tour Nov. 14th, and
the story of it will be interesting. The
World is financially able to do a great
many things, and the story of a young
lady, unattended, going around the
world in so short a time will be set down
as a World achievement exceeding the
fiction of Jules Verne's Phileas Fogg.
We notice the following paragraph
in the Fremont Herald, and there is no
reason why a similar institution would
not do well in this vicinity; "The
hemp factory has declared a ten per
cent dividend as a result of the first
year's business, which is a good showing,
when it it is considered that there is a
large amount of the product yet on hand.
When the twine making attachment is
added, which we hoje to soon announce,
we shall exject an even better outcome."
J. B. Kelly, the Monroe carpenter, is
laid up. Me was hurt in raising an
awning to the F. H. Gerrard building.
When the awning was partly up it
slipped and fell, jamming a spike into
his thigh. We learn he is doing nicely
and will Ik able to work again before
long C. W. Holiingshead reports hav
ing shiped 104 cars of grain from this
point of this harvest. These cars will
average close o seven hundred bushels
each. Monroe Looking Glass.
-A thresher remarket 1 the other day
the peculiar promptness of Polamlers in
paying their debts -no sooner made than
Iaid. He said you didn't have to go two
or three times, after the work was done,
but your pay was counted out to you
when you got through your work.
Doubtless there are some who do differ
ently, but they are acquiring an enviable
reputation in this particular. We no
ticed last week quite a nutiiler of them
paying their taxes.
- Friday afternoon the stockholders
of the C. D, P. and F. association held a
meeting at which R. If. Henry, J. E.
North, John Stauffer, D. Schuplmch and
Jahn Huler were elected directors for
the ensuing year. The board was au
thorized to receive bills from the several
towns throughout the county for the lo
cation of the fair the next five years.
September 24 to 2G inclusive were fixed
as the days of tne next fair.
The county supervisors organized
yesterday by electing W. O. Pugsley of
Monroe as chairman. Mr. Pugsley is a
very intelligent gentleman, and will, no
doubt, make an excellent chairman. A
committee on credentials reported Clark
of Columbus, Keuscher of Butler and
Dineen of Shell Creek as entitled to
seats. This will leave Newman, Engel
and Cramer to make a showing of their
claim to seats.
Judge Hopewell of the Omaha dis
trict has decided as unconstitutional the
act of the last legislature fixing a tax of
2 per cent, upon the gross premiums of
fire insurance companies doing business
in Nebraska in cities and villages having
fire protection. It seems that the act
did not repeal the law already in force
providing for a tax upon net premiums
and for no other purpose whatever.
Rev. and Mrs. George Morton start
ed Wednesday for their old home east.
Mr. Morton has been here about six
months as pastor of the Congregational
church. He was recognised as a man of
far more than ordinary ability, bnt his
relations wih, tb.a ch,nrh were n.rt so
pleasant and satisfactory ag they might
have been, and so, as we learn, he returns
to bis former charge in CoonecticB.t,
Obe Terwillegar was in town Saturday.
S. M. Barker of Silver Creek is in the
P. J. Schmitz is confined to his bed by
Mrs. John Graff was on the sick list
last week.
E. D. Gould of Fullerton was in the
city yesterday.
Albert Covert was quite sick last week
with 'la grippe."
Willie Anderson arrived in the city
Monday from Colorado.
Father Pacificus is dangerously sick
at Omaha with la grippe.
J. R. Meagher has been sick abed the
past two days, with influenza.
J. H. Misner of Fullerton was in the
city on business last Thursday.
George Scheidel of Platte Center was
in town Saturday, booking as hearty as
Mrs. Jacob Wagner, who has been
seriously ill for five months, is steadily
Parke Doody, supervisor elect of Lost
Creek twp., was in the city Saturday on
Miss Blanche Morrison started Wed
nesday for Fulton, 111., where her ja
rents are.
Mrs. Win. Thomas arrived Friday from
the west, where she has been for some
time past.
David "Dowty has-been confined to his
room the past few days with an aliecess
of the ear.
Bont Speiee went to Omaha Monday,
to accept a position in the train service
of the U. P.
Miss Minnie Meagher has lteen taken
sick with the la grippe, at Lincoln, where
she is visiting.
C. P. Rinebard started yesterday for
Scotia, Neb., where he will take charge
of a flouring mill.
Miss Anna Hamer, who was danger
ously ill with brain fever lust week, is
very much 1 tetter.
Clark Cooncy, one of the leading
business men of Fullerton, was in the
city Thursday of last week.
J. A. Pulley, and son Edward, father
and brother of Mrs. A. Anderson, arrived
Monday from Topeka, Kans.
O. W. Clark of Humphrey was a Co
lnmbus visitor Saturday to meet his
wife, who has lteen vititing east.
Mrs. Snow visited her son Joe at Co
lumbus last week. Joe is in the harness
business up there. Schuyler Quill.
Word was received here Sunday that
Mrs. Ransdell, mother of W. T. and John
died at her home in Vinton, la., hist
Miss Nettie Anderson is sick and una
ble to lie in attendance at her mother's
funeral. The funeral will proltably take
place tomorrow.
Miss Louisa Bauer has entered upon
her duties as deputy clerk of Nance
county, at Fullerton. She is very much
pleased with her office.
Rev. W. M. Worley was at Garrison,
Neb., Friday and Saturday hist, called
thither by the serious illness of bis
mother, who is 72 years old, and has
been an invalid for eight years.
Miss Mary Brady returned Monday
from a week's visit to her friend Mary
Cooncy at Fullerton. Miss Lizzie
PCooncy accompanied her and will attend
Sfc Francis Academy in this city.
Prof. Backus and son Vernie, of Genoa,
were in the city Wednesday. The In
dian school is to have another large
building erected shortly. James Pear
sail is one of the bidders and is at Genoa
today to look after matters.
A ljral Complication.
Editor Jockxal: Will yon lie kind
enough to tell us the difference tetween
a crop of corn in the Held and the same
corn after it husked? We have leen
having a picnic over that question in
this ueighlmrhood during the past
month. A farmer mortgaged his grow
ing crop of corn to a banker for certain
values received. The corn ripened, was
husked, pi let 1 on the ground subject to
the mortgagee's order. A merchant to
whom said farmer was indebted got out
an attachment, sent teams and men and
spent Friday hauling corn to town; the
plea was that the mortgage was upon the
corn in the field, not the crop after it.
was husked. Before they commenced
on the second day's work, the banker,
who had lieen alisent looking after an
other lame duck, returned and Saturday
night secured about 20 teams and liegan
to haul the corn to town; they worked
all day Sunday until it was all removed.
The merchant's attorneys were on the
ground and in town all day looking after
his interest. The night liefore Christ
mas the Sunday carriers were all arrest
ed for Sabliath breaking, were tried and
acquitted. The ltanker then arrested
the merchant's party for transacting
legal business on Sunday. Banker gain
ed. The elevator man was then arrested
for paying the corn money to the banker,
fonnd gnilty of breach of trust The
farmer commenced action under the
homestead law lecause they left him
neither feed nor f nel. There have been
three justice trials and now, as a closing
tableau, there will be three suits growing
out of the affair brought before the next
term of the county court. Where will
the corn be when they get through?
Neither in the field nor crib.
Nels Anderson baa fencetl 1C0 acres of
Robert Onry of Norfolk is visiting bis
One barrel of oil has been shipped
through the Alliance to this place and it
is expected another will le ordered soon.
A barrel of sugar will lie ordered next
Two or three of our neighbors" have
tried to make themselves believe there
was sleighing, so they got ont their
sleighs and cutters and bells, and made
a considerable noise for a little while.
One lady and gentleman had a cutter
ride mostly on bare ground. Mr. Jones
has just got a new sled.
The new, fashionable disease has been
in the next neighborhood. Mr. Edwards
was quite sick and every member of Mr.
Stenal'e family but one were all down
with it bnt have recovered.
M. C. Hancbett and sisters visited at
Gornlea two days this week,
M. 0. Hanohett has the influenza, and
is not able to sit up.
W. D. Hanchett is in Columbus on
btuineM. Pajt,
Dbtrirt Uesr).
Among cases lately filed are:
John Hoffman v. J.R and Adda A.
Mathewson. Appeal from justice court.
S. T. Fleming v. Joseph Linabery.
Replevin suit.
Edward Haight v. H. J. Billerback.
Peter Townsend, Joseph Linabery and
Henry Herbes. Damage suit for alleged
false imprisonment.
Maggie Mateya v. John Ciohon. Dam
age suit for alleged slander.
In the matter of the estate of William
James Fownes Edwards, deceased.
James McDonald v. Ell Seven Cattle
Co. Conversion.
Wilhelmina Tiaden v. Henry Tiaden
Suit for divorce and alimony.
H. B. Fauble v. C. D. Evans, et al.
Suit to foreclose mechanic's lien.
Kersch k Narve v. M. C. Bloedorn.
Court sits on the 20th.
Who Invite yoar Attentioa by Dutplayeil Ad
verttrmeiit4 in The Journal.
Columbus State Bank.
First National Bank.
Commercial Bank.
F. E. Crahdall, Twelfth street.
Louis Schreiber, Olive street, one door
south of the post office.
E. D. Fitzpatrick, Thirteenth street.
Greisen Bros., Eleventh street.
A. Sands, Eleventh street.
J. B. Delsniau, Eleventh street.
A. Sands, Eleventh street, opposite
Liudell hotel.
Greisen Bros. & Co.
Knapp Bros.
J. A. Earlier & Co., Thirteenth street.
J. B. Delsman, Eleventh street.
J. R. Cooktis.
J. R. Mathewson.
J. B. Delsman, Eleventh street.
M unlock Ar Covert Nebraska Avenue.
Higgins .t Garlow.
J. N. Kilian.
McAllister .t Cornelius.
Sullivan A- Reeder.
Gus G. Beeher A- Co.,Tweirth street.
W. T. Riekly, Olive street.
Speice & North. Eleventh street.
Gus G. Beeher & Co., Twelfth street
R. C. Boyd, Thirteenth street.
Henry Gass, Eleventh street.
Gilt Edge Manufacturing Co.
A. Dussell.
Siaffroth & Plath.
--We print this week an advertise
ment of the Chicago Inter Ocean. It is
one of the very test papers in the coun
trya republican journal, and a mag
nificent paper for farmers. We have
made such arrangements with the pub
lishers -that -we can now furnish The
Columbus Jourxal, the Nebraska Fam
ily Journal and the Chicago Inter
Ocean, weekly, all for 82.75 a year, when
paid in advance. - tf
A.Lrr.iwM.'. .iiui. t, it jiint.-v
ton. 2
A. Anderson, a
to Jlrn. W. It. Trdmw.n
ANDKltSON Slimliiv. .lann.-.rv I'll. ,.r ........
monia, Mrs. Mary K., wife of A. Aailermui.
A fiwilnM no only. Mi. Andernoii was the
very emlMMliuient and picture of health, and
apparently had many year tf life hefore her.
Altout twelve tbiyn ngn he wh with
pleuriny, which tlerelofietl into pneumonia. On
the 6th ii wn wiw born to her, anil from that
time the pneumonia grew wonte until death wa
the renult.
Her maiden name wa Mary K. Pulley. She
wan Imrn at Topeka. Kami., July :5th. It",, and
wan married to Mr. Andenton in thin city, March
21th, lwO. She leaven her three little Imyn, the
eldest four years old, the jounest an infant of
ten dajM, to feel the lona of as tfOtid a mother jut
ever Iderwitl a Imy.
Mm. Anderson had a sincere friend wherever
nhehadan acquaintance, for xhe h'td a reinnrk
alily tfood judgment and a very amiahle dis
ixwifion. Mr. Anderxon and hi children have the heart
felt nyinpathy of the entire community, iu their
deep affliction, the pain of which can only lie
aartiaxed by the Divine hand.
COLKM AN S January 10th. 3:3) a. m., after an
illneHiior ten days, of influenza and pneumonia.
rJla, wife of r rank A. Coleman.
The deceased wax the eldest daughter of .Mr.
and Mr. John S. Freeman, and was lnrn Octo
ber IS, IsM. In lsCti, in Illinois, she wa mar
ried to Mr. Coleman.
She. leaves her hunland and their two children.
Hoy ajwtl 11, and Lulu agetl 5, to mourn a Iosm
that can never lie filled.
The funeral took place from the late residence
of Ihetleceanfd Sunday afternoon at four, liainc
lieen pttoned from one, for th arrival of a
sister, Mit Annie Freeman, of Pennsylvania,
who, it wan ascertained by telegram, wan en
route, and arrive. I at three. Elder H. J. Hudson
officiated, makintr very appropriate remarks for
the occasion, siiiofeste.1 by Komans, chapter xviii,
verses 18 to 23 inclusive. A striking coincidence
occurred here, an. when the Elder called for a
testament, Mrs. Coleman's book wai brought
and oined at random upon the passage he
wished, and the 21th verse was marked-"For we
are aaved by hope." Romans 8-32, on a slip of
paper, wa found on the opened pajp "He that
spared not his own Son. but delivered him up
for us all. how tdiall he not, with him also freely
give us all things?"
gttshtess Notices.
Advertisements under this head five cents a
line each insertion.
safM.SOHILTZ makes boots and shoes in the
". pest Styles, ami uses only the very best
stock that can he procured in the market. .i2-tf
NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all persons
that they mnt.t not givecredlt to the follow
ing named persons on my account, to wit: Wil
lara Ceder. Peter P. Ceder. Ida Ceder, and Phebe
Ceder for the reason they are minors, and have
left the home of the undersigned without cause,
and thafny debts contracted by any of said mi
nors in my name will not be paid by me. Dated
Genoa, Neb.. Jan. . 1BS0. Peteh Cedek.
of kin of the said Herman Wilken rUim.i
Takeotioe, that upon filinic of a written in
strument purporting to be the last will and
tMtwnen.v pf .Merman. WUken for probnte and
allowance, it is ordered that said matter be et
forheariPf the 2M day oi January, A. D. lf0,
before said county ooqrt. at the hoar of 10 o'clock
a. m., at which time any person interested may
appnr and contest the name; and notice of this
prooesdln Is ordered pubUshed three weeks
successively m Tax Colctcbcs Joctwal. a
weekly newspaper, published in this state.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my
hand Midthe seal of the county court, at Colum
bu thu h day of December. A. D. 189.
ljut H.J. Hcpso.v.
Cooaty Judcs.
s- '-
. - v
MhfcBBBByBBJIBSssssssssBBSsssssssssssssssss! svBl?ijiL?SS'y
IWtfilWlfc !" i in' I 1 I I .Mi-iii iWf ' I Pi I I
TTrrT WFTihi TiTiPI T" iTTTi. P' , ti.,
I1 TisstfPIBiTiTTnHi" sJLT'F"'1 "ihTrY1 r TrT Tf v- v.. tsJtt
GUS. O. BECHER. Established lfTO
Loan. Real Estate
s7 to Lata oa Farms st lowest rates of interest, on short nI Ion- time, in amounts Tf
Cswsfete Abstracts r Tills to all Keal Estate In Platte county.
Notabt Public always is Omcx.
Farai ass" City Prostrty far Kslv.
laisrsscesipunst Fire, Lightning and Tornadoes. Lire and Accidk.nt Ixsukinck, none bat
file very best companies represented.
General Agents for the sale of
Union Pacifo and Midland Pacific R. IL Lands for sale at from 1S.C0 to $10.00 per acre for cast
or on five or tsn years time, in annual pay laentit to nuit purchiiMrs. We havu itlso a large mul chotci
lot of other lands, improt ed and unimproved, for nulu at low prico anil uu reasonable turunt. Alx
business and residence lots in the city. We keep u complete abstract of titlu to all real tt&tu it
Platte County.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
6tne, Pviltry, aid Fresh Fish. All Kiids ef Saisage a Specialty.
HTCash paid for Hides, Pelts. Tallow. Highest market price paid for rat cattle.'VJ
Olive Street, twe Doors North of the First Natioial Baik.
Court of IMnlti I'tdinty.
In the District
liarclny l.itnb, l't.tinlill,
William l.iuib. Mary Lamb, Ter- ,
ranee Itrady, Patrick Murrey and i
Sarah II. Cantielil. Defendants.
William l-imh. Mary limb and
Sarah 18. Ciinfieltl, tlefelalant-, will take
notice that on the Iltli dav of .laniiarv,
iVM. llarclay l.'imli. plaintirT hen-in. lil.-.l hi
petition in the Di-trict Court of I'latte futility,
Nebraska, aiint William l-unt, Mao liuib,
Terrauce Knuiy, Patrick Murrey anil S.inili II.
Cantielil, the object and prajerof which are to
declare the following conveyance and niorl-'
KKe fraudulent and void, to-wit: Thedt-d of i
convejance from Miid William Lamb and .Alary
l.-tmn co nam icrranci- tlntdv, lienrini: ilate Itu-'
3nl tlayof July, lisd, anil the detl of convejance
troin wild Terrance Bratiy to wtid Mary Lamb,
heannic late the 3nl day of July. livvS. and the
mortiriire deed from said William I.-imli anil
.Mary l.imh to naid Patrick Murrt'
ry Iimb to naid Patrick Murrey for the .sum
SI.Vju. Iiearint; date the :3rd day of April, '
X each and idl of .-aid conveyance anil mort-!
LiniKe of and tiMin the following iIcmtiUs
premiseti, to-wit: ( ommencini;at a Kint forty
four feet South of the Northeast collier of l.ot
No. One, in Mock No. Kushty-six in the City of
Colilinbtis, Platte County. Nebraska, niniiim;
tiience West Sixty-rix feet. thenci South Forty
four feet, thence Ivist Sixty-six feet, thnce
North Forty-four feet to place of heuinnitur.
hemic the 31iddle One-third of wild Iot. and
pniyttforan onler of .sale to wll n'ul ltmis.'! !
and aply the proceed. of wild saletoth pay-i
inent of n inilmnetit remlensl in r.T.I Ili-trwt I
Court iu favor of said plaintiff, against Miitl
illiatu l-inib. for the huiii of $I.Vi".
Vou are reipiinsl to answer said itetition on or
liefore lli.-'Jllh day of February. W.W.
January 14. ls'..
ltutri.w Lviin.
Ily M. WillTMoVMt.
Hit Attorney. lfijan-lt
FornumlerinK housesand buildings front int mi
the streets of Columlms, Nebraska. j
He it onlaineil by the mayor and councilor the '
citv of Colninbiis. Nebraska. i
SkiTION I. Thut nil houses nnd buildings
fronting on the public streets of the city of Co
lumbus, Nebraska, shall lie numbereil in con
formity with the provisions of this ordinance
herein contained.
Skc. "J. That the numbering shall Is- done in
accordance with what is known an the Philail, I
phia system.
Skc. X That the numlrs provided for in this
ordinance shall not In- le-.s than a three Cti inch
figure in size ami shall b.-of a mate
rial and plactsl on the front of the houses or
buildings in a conspicuous place.
Ski'. 4. Tliat every twenty-two iii feet front
of all lots or divisions of lots shall constitute a
numliering space and llm uumljerM shall be
plactsl on the houses and buildings in accord
ance therewith, and this shall apply to re-id -nee
us well ait luisines proHrty.
Skc. Ti. Tlb-it the numbers of all house or
buildings fronting on all streets running east
unit weet shall commence at Washington Avenue
h a liase street and the numbering shall extend
east nnd west therefrom.
Skc. :. That tin nil streets running north and
south the numliering shall commence at First
1 1st i street as a base -treet and extend north
Skc. 7. Tlmt the owners of all buildings shall
place uhii his, her or their house, hou-es,
buililing or buildingH the uumlier ns pro
vidisl in this ordinance.
Sec. H. That all houses nnd buildings not
numliered iu acconhince with thi- onlimince
within ninety t90) tlays after the publication of
the same, the city council shall cause the same
to je numbered and the expense of numbering
may be assessed against the property ils titlier
taxations are made.
Sec. V. This ordinance, shall ! in force and
take effect after its irtssage. approval and publi
cation. Passed and approved January 1 1 tit. lrt).
Attest: C. FI.Enx, Mayor.
City Clerk.
To O. P. Hiirford: You are hereby nntitieil
that tin the first day of May, Isjtf, the follow ing
descriled real estate wai sold at private tnji njde
by the treasurer of Plitte county, in the state of
Nebraska, to wit: Lot No..even to iu block No.
One hundred anil fifty-s;ven 1 157) in the city of
Columbus. Platte county, state of Nebraska.
for the delinquent taxes thereon for the years
1870 to IKst inclusive, to Thomas Jaworski.
who receive! I a certificate of tax sale therefor,
Hnd who is the present owner and holder thereof.
Said lot was in the year 1j4 taxed and specially
assessed, in the name of O. P. Hiirford. The
time for redemption will expire on the 1st tlay
of May. Is9u. Tuom s J wvorxki.
To J. II. fJreen: You are hereby notified tlml I
on me nrsi tiay oi jiay. iws, the following tle
scribetl real estate was Mild at private tax sale by
the treasurer of Platte county, in the state of Ne
braska, to wit: Lot No. seven (7j in block No.
One hnndred and fifty-five (l.Vi, in the city of
Columbus. Platte county, state of Nebraska, for
delinquent taxes thereon for the years ls70 to
1SW5 inclusive, to Wm. Nelson, who reoived a
certificate of tax sale therefor and who is the
present owner and holder thereof. Said lot was
in the year Ivs3 faxed and -Jiecially as-essed in
the name of J. H.Gn. The time of redemption
from said tax sale will expire on the first tlay of
Marlj?o. Wm, Nelson.
To J. H. Green: Yon are hereby notified that
on tJm jflret day of May. 1S, the followinK de.
scribed real estate was sold at private tax sale by
the treasurer of Platte county in the state of Ne
braska, to wit: Lots No. five (5) and six ffi) in
block No. One hnndred and sixty-two (lffi; in the
city of Columbus, Platte connty, state of Nebras
ka, for delinquent taxes thereon for the years
lfiO to Is inclusive, to O. Reagan who received
a certificate of tax sale therefor anil who is the
present owner and holder thereof. Said lots
were in the year liW texed and jcially assessed
in the name of J. H. Green., Tlie time of re
demption from. iid tax ile will expire on the
fcnroiio. 'j!ijiiitio-tr
Ni-n zs. i-t-i
I To A. J. H. Abbey: You ;in herehy notified that
on the hret tl.ty tr .Ma IVvH, the roiloM'li: ile
MTilFl real eMiite wa- noli I ;it priwtte tax ftle l
the treHMlrer of I'latte county. rtate of Nelrak:i.
toit:l,ot No. eiht i"' in Ilt-k No. Ou. hun
dred and liftv-Mven (I."i7). in the city of Coin in
Im-i. I'latte county, tate of Nelraka, fonlelin-
tllent t'lXet tliereou for the jean. lltO to lvi.
inclii-ive, to liioiiian .lauor-iki. who receiveil a
t'ertititiite of tax .-cile therefor and who N the
present tttviiernnd holder thereof. Said lot wii
in the jear v;. ta..ed a:ut i-M-ciall a---eil in
the name of A..I. It. AI.I-. Th.- time of
fnmi viid tax :ale will expire tm the tir.-t
tfavofM.-iv 1"'.H. Tmomvs.I voit-.Ki.
, grOurtuotationi.of the marki-tsareobtiiined
TueMht afterniMiu.aud are correct ami reliable
'at thetime.
J. '
on ux, KTC.
Hit I.j
ti :;oa- to
l (-:,
New corn
Iluckwheat .
t"i u
VI' .
.. j::ii'i t tin
bit 10
I-1 !
t otiti:t r.i
. ;:".4:'. :si
I 7ri .'".
i .".mi.". tm
Hi. ".i
in W
i; (
r. on
S, ',,'J, """
Ainle 1T bid.
Honey in comb kt lb
Fat liiiKH ...
j rat cow-1
Fat tdieep .
J Flit teen..
t Ftsslers ...
Canon" City."
Hard, Pennsylvania.
llanl, t olortilo.. . .
KiM-k Springs, nut
Kock Springs, lump
Carls n
IVrcliprou A: Arsihiau Import-
inir Horse Co. at
Thursday, January 16, 1890.
24 fall fcloed PerckeroM and French
Coack Stallioas.
12 full Heed Perckerea and Freack
Ceack Mares,
Will Is sold. Sale o;itivf, ntin or shine, be
ginning at Hi a. m.
Cot.. F. M. Wimiiis, Auctioiuer, Freiut nt
Lincoln. fj. n!
E. D. Fitzpatrick
Botks, Stationery,
Music, Ttys and
Fancy Gccds.
Baby Carriagts,
Express Wagons
Always the Cheappst.
Thirteenth Street,
Prof. Loisette's
In spit, of sdoltmted imiutipas wbkh mit tb.
tbeorj, sad practical results 9! the Orurinal, innpiteof
the sTTKifnt misrepreseQMsMM by eovsius woald ba
competitors, sodinioaof "bsaAsttcnptstorubbioi
of tbafraitotbistsbon,(sll of whicli deawastist tho
UDdoobtpl saperloriti sml popalsnty of bistcschMtV
Pro. Loirttri Art of Ker rorxrttinc si iecucmd
fdsj in both lleznupheres sa marking aa Kpoch Iu
Memory Culture. HisPrupecli(aaapartfree)its
opinioosot people in all partkui lbs slobawbo hare act
ually studied hiaSyctesa tf cunmpoatJnioe. sbowins'
that his SjwtMm is wxtil omi uAile briuv atidinl, not
alrruarJ; that autf hn-Jccan be Uarwtt in a mintjU
(nMHnJ,ntHitiruiftrriwjruml, J. c. t'orlroi-ctu.
WmmmtM aim! TawliitiiiiBla - --
siii m its co.
The Gill m WM ill,
TUB of all OSS ui ffi
('hfMr, the Simplmt ami the Essiest
ituntuntc Aim oa Uie .Mark.
Call m Ns it tfct Factory
lefere Purchasing EUsohtrs.
-: Opt at all Hairs :-
A full line of Confectionery and Fruits
and a line of cigars uneiiiuled in tlia
Our aim is to j;ive the liest for the
least money, iiiui to please all.
west of Omaha, at
Theliest iuiinuf;Mtories of the country
represented. Nut to he iiuderMild
by anybody. Come and se
p rices at
This u tbo most PRAOTXOAZi
BHOB ever laveMcu.
It Li vorrQENTEHand DRUM1 aadclvM
:o EoniuDrotectloaaaabootorover-mltar. It Is
convenient to put oa and tho top can ho tuljuated tat
St tny cnUo by lIci;i!7 moving tbo buUocs.
i:ttu oci.c-tr
Swill Aififliceiml!
Furnishing Goods !
fcSCall. examine (iimsIs and learn
Greisen Bros. & Co.
And all kinds of country pruluce taken in trad
and all kimmIs delivered free of charge
toimy part of the city.
Pat. CottgjhmW HI flVaafe
1 fni;A.ttlaiTTtl7fWhATcaaeIN.Y