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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1890)
-x - xZ- Muslin Underwear. 25 dozen ladies' muslin skirts, full length and width, with five tucks, Landsdale muslin, only 49c each, worth 85c. 20 dozen ladies' muslin chemises, tucked yokes and trimmed with Tor chon, lace 59c each, a great bargain, worth $1.25. 18 dozen ladies' chemise with skirt bottom, trimmed with Torchon lace only 79c each, a Big bargain, worth $1.50 16 dozen ladies' night gowns, tucked sleeves and yokes, made of N. T. "Mills cotton, only 49c each, liest bargain yet 15 dozen ladies' night gowns, extra long, trimmed with six inch em broidery, only 69c each; can't be matched under $1.50. 10 dozen drawers, trimmed with lace and tucked, only 36 and 49c each worth double. 25 dozen children's night dresses trimmed with Torchon lace all sizes from one to fourteen years only 19c each. Did you ever see such low prices for reliable goods? 10 dozen infants' long slips all well made only 19c each. Come and ex amine them. A big bargain. Landale cambric corset covers trimmed with Swiss embroideries 49c, 59c and 79c, high and low neck. J. A. Barber & CO., Columbus, Neb. New Store, New Goods, New Prices. LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. Columb us journal. Entered at the Poat-office, Columbus, Neb., aa eoond-cl mail matter. ISSUED -TEST WEDNESDAY BT K. TURNER & CO., Oolum1us, Nel. M. TEEMS OF 8DB8CKIPTIOM: One year, by mall, postage prepaid,... Six months. ... .... Three monun, ..................... ...-- .$2.00 . LOO . .50 Payable in Advance. tar-Specimen copies mailed free, on applica tion. TO 8UBSCBIBEBS. When aabacribera change their place of resi dence they should at onoe notify us by letter or postal card, giving both tlieir former and thou Snwent post-office, the first enables us to readily nd the name on our T";''"f list, from which, being in type, we each week print, either on the wrapper or on the margin of your Journal, the date to which yonr subscription is paid or ac counted for. Bemittances should be made either by money-order, registered letter or draft, payable to the order of M. K. TUBHEB & Co. TO OOEEESPOXDEHTS. All commanications, to secure attention, mast be accompanied by the tall name or me writer. We reserve the right to reiect any manuscript, and cannot agree to return the . We desire a correspondent in every school-district of PlaUe county, one of good judgment, and re liable in every ray. Write plainly, each item separately. Give us facta. . WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 15, WW. J. W. Tucker has been appointed clerk at the Indien school nt Valentine. The president lias nominated George F. Blanchard, at Sidney, Neb., register of the land office. .TcDflE William D. Kelley of Penn sylvania, died on tho 8th at 0:20 o'clock in the evening at Washington city. Judge David Brewer has been sworn m as associate justice of the supreme court of the United States and has taken his seat on the bench. The death of Dowager Empress Au gusta was announced at Berlin on the 2th, and the court ordered to go into mouTnbiff for three months. The Statof"armeitiTmnce"held at Grand Island last week was tho largest ever held in tho state. W. A. Way of this county was in attendance. Mb. Springer, of Illinois, has intro duced a bill in the house of congress for the admission of Arizona, Idaho, New Mexico and Wyoming into the union. A. J. Clark, jr., shot and killed his brother, Johnson Clark, at Tehama, Cal., as a result of a family quarrel. The verdict returned by tho coroner's jury was justiGable, in self defense. A ship loaded with petroleum caught fire at Sunderland, England, on the morning of the 8th. The burning oil escaped from the ship and, floating on the tideway, set fire to three other ves sels. Stanley has accepted an invitation to attend a banquet to be given in his honor by the Americans in London. The American minister is to preside. He will present to Stanley an American flag and massive silver shield inwrought with African scenes. The youngest child of Oric Bunting was badly burned one day last week, by falling into a pot of hot lard, cue arm and leg being pretty well cooked. It had convulsions as a result of the shock, but is now improving. David City Tribune. The presence of black leg is reported among cattle in some parts of the coun ty. Nathan Johnson of Leroy, lost two valuable head of cattle Friday and Sat urday and it is supposed that the cause of death was black leg. York Demo crat. - All the cars of the westbound Union Pacific fast mail train were ditched at Sidney on the morning of January 9, and fire communicating to the cars destroy ed the greater portion of a heavy mail. The accident was caused by the break ing of a frosted rail. No lives lost. The Western Union telegraph com many's headquarters at St. Louis has been destroyed by fire together with a large amount of other property. The fire started from broken electric light wires. The total loss is estimated at fUO,000. David City could just as well handle the state fair, raise the necessary finance (if finance gets it) and entertain the mass of people who attend the yearly exhibit, but she hasn't the nerve some of the little burgs seem to have to apply for it. David City Tribune. At 4:90 Sunday morning a cyclone track the southwestern section of St Loom, Mot, and swept on making a path way of about a quarter of a mile wide. a nnmher of buildings were wrecked, .vnanvLiroe buildings much damag- ed. Tkree fatalities are mentioned, fa- ther Bother and child, name not known, The losses oo property are rougmy esn Mted at flfltyOOO. Brooklyn and Vaaiee, aad abo UtefcfeJd, JH, were watedbytkeatorm. A Good Kill. Senator Manderson intends endeavor ing to secure the passago of a bill intro duced by Congressman Laird, deceased, but which failed to become a law. It provides that "notice of sale of real es tate sold under the order, judgment or decree of a United States court shall lie given in the county andstate where the proerty is located, and that the proper ty, after notice, be there sold." The bill (.enacts that ''hereafter no sale of any real estate under any order, judgment or de cree of any United States court shall le had without previous publication of no tice of such property sale being ordered and had once a week for at least six weeks prior to such sale in at least one newspaper printed, regularly issued and having a general circulation in the coun ty and state where the real estate pro- Iosed to be sold is sit uated. Said notice shall among other things describe the real estate to le sold and shall provide for, and the sale so advertised shall take place at the court house of the county where the real estate to be sold is situ ated. The court may in its discretion direct the printing of the notice herein provided for to be made in such other papers as may seem proper." Wo think that the proposed change is a good one, and we have no doubt the Nebraska delegation in congress will support it. Many mortgages on Nebras ka farms are held by eastern money lenders, and when the foreclosures are made, suit is now generally brought in United States courts, and it often works hardships on land owners. This cannot well be otherwise, but if the law can be changed so as to secure the sale t be made in the county where the land is situated, there will be some mitigation of the hardships of the land owners. ?I!'.Sri fiirSucar. "Henry T. Oxnord the proprietor of the beet sugar plant at. (iranu island ap peared before the house committee on ways and means Monday and made an argument in favor of retaining the tariff on sugar. It was an able talk exhaust ing every phase of the sugar problem showing the gentleman to be thoroughly familiar with the subject. Mr. Oxnord contends that this is the only way the industry can make a start in this conn try, but let it once secure a fair start and sugar can be bought right here at a much less figure than now. This is the way Franco, Germany and Austria gave encouragement to the industry and ev ery well read man knows the beneficial results that have followed in those countries. France has a duty of 5 cents a pound, Germany 3 and Austria 4 cents while the United States has but 2 cents. The gentleman claims there are five sugar producing 6tates in the Union, Louisiana, Texas, California, Kansas and Nebraska and that Nebraska is not least among these by any means. Coming from such a source these are surely words of great promise for Nebraska and may be taken as a certain criterion of the future of our state, Schuyler Sun. N. W. Wells returned Monday from a trip to Puget Sound, Wash. Ho enjoy ed his trip there and says that it is a beautiful country around the bay. He met Alec Sutherland who is doing well there and also Mr. Hoxie for a few mo ments. He informed the reporter that while on his way out there he rode part of the time in company with one of the Clans Spreckles sugar men who inform ed him that they proposed putting in ten beet sugar plants next season in the state of California alone. Schuyler Sun. The attorneys for Coughlin, Burke, O'SulIivan and Kunze, convicted of the murder of Dr. Cronin. filed a motion on the 10th for a new trial, which motion is very lengthy, assigning thirty-nine caus es of error in the ruling of the court finally concluding with the statement that the defendants have discovered tes timony which entitled them to a new trial. A rETmox has been presented to the county commissioners of Lancaster connty, asking for a thorough and com plete investigation of the records and accounts of the office of sheriff. The sheriff says that he has offered to put up 81,000 at any time to pay an expert whom the commissioners might engage to examine into his fee accounts and receipts. The supreme court of this state was I reorganized at Lincoln Jan. 9, by Judge Beese retiring and Judge T. L. Norval taking the oath of office. Judge Cobb becomes chief justice for two years. The jndges being unable to agree npon the appointment of a clerk of the court, th deputy clerk, Mr. Leeee, was continued for the present. OUR FIRST GRAND ANNUAL OPENING SALE! Honsehold linens, Hamburg Embroideries ..d. nEnjLslion. TXxxcLearw-esL- We have just receired the largest assortment of these goods ever shown in this region. All are fresh and new, direct from the leading manufacturers. Our prices and qualities are what leads the market. Read every item and consult your own interest. Nothing like it ever offered to the public before. J- A NEW STORE, LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. Mail Orders Carefully Filled. Write for Circulars and Samples. A FARM PROBLEM. A Paper Read at the Platte FarmerV flub by John C. Swart-dry. Tho subjoet assigned me, and upon which I purpose to give my views or opinion is, can hogs be raised for three cents or less per pound, or in other words would it pay better to sell corn at the market price, say sixteen cents, than to feed it at above prices to hogs? I expect to lie brief, and very likely my remarks will not meet the views of my hearers, at least not all, but those who differ with me have a perfect right, providing they can prove the contrary. First, my opinion is that much depends upon the breed or stock of hogs; I be lieve this to be the verdict of every hog raiser. Some years back it was the conviction of many farmers that Berkshire stock was the most profitable hog to raise, as they were ready for market any time from seven to ten months old; this is true of some classes of the Poland China, provided they are pushed from the pig on, the build and make of the Berkshire is such that it is easily fatted and it looks hog-like when only a few months old. It is the conviction of packers that no hog cuts to the advantage and makes as fine bacon as the Berkshire. I will give it as my opinion that the farmer can raise pork at three cents per pound, and realize some profit, though I suppose I should add a proviso that disease does not infest his herd. Further, early pigs will give more profit, say April pigs than those later in the season, and again, for profit I would advise good care of the mothers, plenty of swill in addition to corn and oats un til grass comes, at which time yon can partially dispense with dry feed; feed your pigs swill, as soon as they will be irrio eairthe sooner ihsyaPSTead-V for market the more profit. Now, in addi tion to feed for the hog, it is highly ex pedient to have a dry shelter so that they are not exposed to wind and storm. I do not think it best to house too warm. I will also state, it has been my ex perience that fall pigs pay small profits, especially when you lose half your num ber before spring, which is quito fre quently the case (and no cholera in the country, either). Fall pigs from young mothers I don't believe ever return profit. The first indispensable requisite of a good breeder is the possession of a good constitution and sufficient age, then the offspring will inherit health. For profit we must have healthy hogs; in order to accomplish this we must select our breeders, that are active, hearty and vig orous, capable of endurance. I don't think there is any question but what the old hog's offspring give larger profits than the young one's. I believe this to be the conviction of all hog rais ers, and were it not for the disease the hog is subject to, farmers certainly would prefer the old hog for profit. The farmer felt as if he could not keep his sows over, as there would be too great a risk of loss, or in other words a loss he could avoid. With this dread of loss, the farmer is responsible in destroying the vital powers of the hog. There is no comparison between the hogs of today and the old woods hog which had the vitality and endurance of a race horse. Our hog today has a delicate, frail con stitution, not capable of enduring hard ships, but is subject to all diseases that come along. Again, for profit it is highly expedient for farmers to have the necessary accom modations for his hogs in the way of houses, sheds, tame pasture and plenty of clean water. Mud and filth are fore runners or disease. That farmers wno have the proper accommodations, can go into the hog-raising business more ex tensively, I believe it is accepted as a settled fact where the farmer can raise hogs on a larger scale, say enough to .consume all of one man's time, he cer tainly could curtail the cost of raising hogs (especially with good luck), regular feeding, proper attention witn the moth ers at the time of farrowing, and the pigs until they are able to care for them selves. Now by the way of demonstration: if you can, by attention and care, raise one hundred pigs from ten sows, certainly this would give a much greater profit than only to raise fifty, this is the ex perience of many farmers, only to raise half the number they should. Of course this is not always attributable to the want of care, shelter and management. The condition of the hog may have mnch to do with this loss. If disease is in the system, the pigs are likely to come dead, or die soon afterward When the farmer meets with losses he soon feels the profits are gone, gone we might claim in two ways; because he could attend and feed one hundred hogs at a proportionately lees expense than twenty-fife, time, feed and all things considered. I will conclude with tius ARBEIT 3fc statement: if a man is properly equipped for hog-rrising and could havo a guaran ty against loss by disease he can raise pork for three cents and even less, per pound. But I cannot figure out any way by which the farmer can raise corn for twelve and firteen cents, which seems to Ik? the market price on corn. Washington Letter. From oar renilar corresoiident. Congress, much abused, but still nec essary, is again with us, and Washington rejoices and hopes its guests may make a long visit. For if congress does not entirely make the Washington mare go, it certainly acts as a spur to that quad ruped and accelerates her pace. Among the vacant chairs on tho re publican side of the house is that of Judge Kelley, the "father of tho house," and from present appearances the chair will never again lie occupied by the ven erable commoner who has made his last tariff speech. Ho is critically ill in this city from a complication of disorders, including a rapidly growing cancer, and there is little or no hope of his recovery. There is a probability that tho race question in the south will shortly be come one of international importance. An English subject, a minister of the gospel, has presented a petition to Sir Julian Paunceforte, the British minister, asking redress for injuries received by himself and wife at the hands of a mob in North Carolina. He claims to be a missionary, and that he and his wife have been preaching to the negroes and teaching a negro school, and that for this offense a mob of white men broke into his house, after tiring a volley through the door, wounding him, and beating his wife. Tho preacher and his wife are now in Washington, and tho British ministejcj's engaged ill investi gating their statements. If found true redress will be demanded of this gov ernment. The sheep raisers of the country are standing up manfully for their rights before the house committee on ways and means they think the tariff on wool should le raised a little. There is considerable dissatisfaction among congressmen because of the ex clusiveness affected by certain depart ment officials, and- unless something is done 'to allay it an early explosion may be expected, and it wdl not bo the con gressmen that will get hurt. Beeause a man happens to got into the cabinet or at the head of an important bureau is no reason why he should act as though he was sole proprietor of the entire country. Everybody is watching to see which way the house will start this week, ev erything depends on what business is first taken up. If one of the many non political questions, things may jog on quietly for quite a while, but if a polit ical question comes up it will lie a fight from the start. Probably tho republi can leaders will not provoke a rumpus for some time yet, certainly not until they get the mojority under better con trol than was apparent beforo the holi days, but on the other hand, the demo crats will probably do all in their power to make a row. for they are much letter prepared for it now than they will be later. So matters may fairly lie said to be in a ticklish condition. Kobert G. Blaine, a brother of Secre tary Blaine, has ln-en appointed deputy first auditor of tho treasury. He was an applicant for the position of register of wills of this district. From official information received from United States consuls tho state department officials are under the im pression that the seizing of certain American merchant vessels by the Co lumbian government was perfectly jus tifiable, as the commanders of the ves sels wilfully disobeyed the marine laws of that country. The New York papers tried to make a big sensation out of this little matter, probably lecause the ves sels are owned and sailed by merchants of that citv. SyHorwi of the Proce dings of thr Board of Sopervisor. (Official.) Columbus, Tuesday, Jan. 7th, 1890. Board met at 2 o'clock p. m. pursuant to ad journment, Hon. It. II. Henry chairman, (I. W. Phillips deputy clerk. Roll called and all present bat Barrows, Dineen and Hopkins. Minates of previous meetings read and ap proved. The matter of the vacation of a part of the "Mason" road, also for. the location of the "Tworek" road, was referred to the committee on roads and bridges. On motion, the west 20 feet of lot 5, block 133, city of Columbus, owned by A. D. Jones of Omaha, was ordered placed on tax lists for 1889, as per request of city council. In the matter of the complaint of the B. & M. Ry Co. of the sub-division of mileage between school districts of Columbus and No. V, it was ordered that the county surveyor, in connection with the engineer of said Ry Co. at their earliest convenience make a re-survey of the track in this connty and of the mileage in the school dis tricts above named. In the matter of the "Brenning" road, the re port of the county surveyor as filed was examined and the road declared doly esUbUabed. In the matter of the "IL E. Wiley" road, on motion of Sup'r Pogsley, the further considera tion of the same was laid over und the county surveyor instructed to make a re-surrey of same and tile his reiort with th county clerk. In the mutter of the "N. Blaser" road, the re port of the county buneyor was adopted and the rond declared duly established. In the matter of Ole Benson, an insane person, on motion of Sup'r Irwin, the same was referred to the connty attorney to investigate and ascer tain if he has proierty from which could be collected the expense of keeping him at the asy lum, and to tvMrt his conclusions to this board. The committee on settlement with the county treasurer presented their report which was adopted and the committee discharged. The lioud of (ieorge H. Truman as clerk for Monroe township was accepted and approved. On motion, board adjourned until 9 a. m. Wedllemlay. Weunksdw, u. in., January 9, I.). Hoard met at '. o'clock a. in. with Hon. It. II. Henry chairman, presiding, i. W. Phillips dei uty clerk. Holl called ami all present but Supr's Dineen und Hopkins. After examination of hills and claims by re siective committees, the board took a recess until : o'clock p. m. Wkdxkkd v, p. m., January S, 1SH0. Hoard re-convened at :t o'clock p. m., Hon. R. II. Henry chairman, (i. W. Phillis deputy clerk. Roll called ami members all prenent hut Sup'r Hopkins. Sup'r Clark, of Colnmhiis, steped forward and in a few well ehot-en, timely and appropriate words, on behalf of his associates presented the Hon. Chairman with a lino gold headed cane, as a token of their appreciation of the able, impar tial and courteous manner he has presided over the board the past year. The Hon. Chairman feelingly and gratefully responded, thanking them for the highly prized evidence of their esteem and confidence. The committee on claims reported favorably upon the application of C. Van Allen for remis sion of his personal taxes in Jost Creek twp. for thejear 1888, and on motion the report was ap proved and the treasurer ordered to cancel the same. The connty physician made a verbal statement in regard to the case of Con .Mahoney, a pauper. On motion, Supr. Clark was. granted further titUF to r?iort tin this case. Petition of (ieorge Borowiak and others for a public road was referred to committee on roads and bridges. The following were presented and ordered placed on tile: Statement of receipts and exienilitures of John Utauffer, county clerk, Platte county. Neb., from January 1, IhV.i, to January 7, 1MK). Fiit quarter total receipts Second Third Fourth $ 1233 70 823 40 5i7 45 1093 UU 4132 55 2800 00 Paid salary of clerk and assistants 1332 53 I certify that the foregoing recapitulation is true and correct. John Stauffeb. We, the undersigned committee find the above statement true and correct as in fee book for 1889. Henry Kickebt, ) rm Joseph Orns. j-m. Statement of fees received by Ous G. Becher, treasurer of Platte connty. Neb., for the year 1989 Ontp. precinct and village taxes $ 1467 68 ' Mitinlv Cfllftl tuV4Ml 1S5 71 city of Columbus taxes 211 58 11 59 673 91 13tS97 49 00 600 50 21 00 630 218 11 10 25 duo licenses and fines collected state taxes " state school land collections " 49 lax receipts sent out of state " 12 executions " 2 abstract certificates " statement of taxes " 3 tax deeds and rec. evidence " tax sale certificates issued " redemption certificates hsued " 68 county warrants registered $ 3005 58 2000.00 1000.00 $ 9000 00 Less treasurer's salary $ lje.s deputy and clerk's wages t .158 Columbus, Neb., Dec. 81, 19b9. 1 hereby certify that the above statement to lie true and correct. (Jus O. Becheb, Treasurer, Platte connty. Neb. We, the undersigned havo examined the books of the county treasurer for the year 1889, and find above corressnds. llENKY KlCKKBT, (, Joseph Ottis. ) ," On motion of Supr. Kickert it was requested that the count) attorney present this board with his opinion its to whether abstracts male in county clerk's otlice should go in fee hook. The sheritf was ordered notified to present his fee book at the next meeting of the board. The following bills were examined and allowed and clerk instructed to issue warrants for same: K Pohl mdse for county j; (i (i Becher to paid ('has Wake for laUtr C D phsician for 1889 J E North survey sub div 16-17-3w CH Stillman com insanity J ft ileeoer same... ....... .. .. .. 1 i .1 Cramer co supt salary Oct Same November Same December (iusti Becher treasacct del tax LJCarmer J D Brewer work for county Sum CJass mdse for county LW Weaver canvass election returns ("has Wake janitor to Dec. 31, '89 John Kottlar keeping pauper PeterDrunk St Mary's hospital acct for Oct 1689 Same for Nov and Dec Mrs MargHamer care ChasHamer J P Knsmussen use store for election etc . Israel (tluck canvass election returns.... A W Clark for It McCfea work on Loup 1 90 4 00 75 00 20 00 11 00 6 00 100 00 100 00 93 10 4 90 5 ai 3 50 400 62.7) 50 00 42 00 87 50 39 00 6 53 400 57 75 102 45 onoge.... ............................... Gus G Becher treas for cash expended .... Gibson, Miller & Kichardson mdse for co Same Columbus Wochenblat pub legal notices State Journal Co blanks for county Warwick Sannders jub del tax list Gitson, Miller &, Richardson mdse for co 0III" aa aaaa E D Fitzpatrick same Warwick Saunders pub legal notices H J Hudson co judge costs state vs Onry John Stauffer certificates of election etc. J II Wurdeman services as supervisor.... S J Wheeler same Jacob Tschndin same 2 61 32 50 954 1 13 78 12 23 00 15 00 30 15 20 04 8 SO 83 25 300 23 00 21 20 76 00 39 00 26 00 "3 00 30 20 'JO 00 17 00 KH Henry same ?TJ Irwin same lark Blechersame F Bering same F Bering same Henry Rickert same . . . Jonas Welch same W O Pugsley same 22 40 2100 19 40 it Li Bruen same , James Burrows same . Ed heuscher same. 20 00 AW Clark same st B0 Joseph ottis aame 28 20 JY, Clark same 38 00 C B Campbell sam 21 00 John t Duck col del pers tax 2 00 John J tanner co elk Quarter salary to Jan 89 100 00 O B Speice com insanity 10 75 John stauSer copying supr proceeding for pub 43 00 G B Speice for postage 9 90 John Stanffer cash adv for county 50 30 a J nuason co inage costs state vs H&xnG ACMui 0 20 Jotepq Linaberry conaUble same., 4 00 CO. Wm Cobnrn sheriff Douglas co fonts state vs Karl D T Dickinson J P costs state vs Tagel and McNeill Gus G Becher treas acct del tax Henry 1 1 KHH aa aaaaaa aaaaaaa Andrew Dussell plumbing for county.... Gus G Becher acct A Dussell del fax 1888 L BSchonlau pub del tax list Gus G Becher treas acct L B Schonlau (161 loZ aa aaaaaa aaaa aaaa D T Dickinson pub legal notices etc GusG Becher treas acct D T Dickinson SameM K Turner A Co del tax Same A B Howery del tax A B Howery acct Crewtonjtwp J L Brown same GusG Becher treas acct J L Brown del (fUC aaaa a m m aaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaa a BrokhaustVGilsdorf acct Granville tp. . Fuller, Smith Jc Fuller acct Creston tp .. Nye, Wilson M Co acct Gramilletp Same Creston tp E W Jones acct Burrows ti Chicago Lumber Co same 300 I fi 15 10 00 1.1 KO 4 10 43 81 75 23 17 W 3.1 83 W U 13 s :ti K a 11 30 1 'SI 3 M 30 32 JJ i7 h Ijouis Bradford same 11 40 N)e, Wilson M Co acct Humphre t 4 23 S J Wheeler wet Creston tp 13 30 It 11 Henry acct city of Columbus 36 UJ Thus Ostergard & Co acct Walker tp 78 68 Ne, Wilson M Co acct Joliet tp 43 Ui Chicago Lumber Co acct It Creek 14 43 Fuller. Smith & Fuller, acct Walker tp.. 164 01 Chicago Lumber Co. acct Granville 9 14 Joliet 29 70 Columbus " " " Bismark 16 33 Geo Borowiak, acct Butler 2 00 K T James, acct Burrows 2 10 Wm Hummer, acct Loup 36 00 Daniel Handing, acct Grand Prairie....- 15 UU Western Wheel Scraper Co. acct Joliet. .. 37 84 Chicago Lumber Co. acct Humphrey 21 11 GusG. Becher, treas. acct Burrows tpacct WMMason.del pers tax 16 50 John Schmoeker, acct Butler 2 00 Frank Blaser. acct Loup 2 00 ('has Tank, acct Granville 3 00 John Wurdeman, acct Bismark 2 60 11 G Luschen, acct Sherman 2 60 WCSchultz. " " 2 70 Ijevi Eby, acct Butler 2 00 Peter Hipp, acct Burrows 43 7.1 Thos Williams, 36 50 Western Wheel Scraper Co. acct Joliet .. . 52 16 W Devney, acct Creston 33 00 Aug Westphall, acct St. Bernard SO CO And. Peterson. - ' 10 00 F C Austin MTg Co. acct Joliet 63 00 ETJames, acct Burrows 2 50 ( On motion of Sup'r Irwin, the bills of John Eusden were laid over until next meeting of the board and that he he instructed to make a survey of road in Monroe and Woodville townshis in intervening time. The petition for expert examination of county offices was, on motion of Sup'r Bruen, laid over until the next meeting of the loard. ine ioi lowing ornciai iMtniis were exuiuineu and approved: A L Dock, treasurer It Creek township. John Ernst. '" Butler FredMeedel, " Loup JFSchnre, " Harrows TK Ottis. " Granville Peter .Larson, " Monro" " Thos Pritchanl." Joliet M Diederick, " St. Bernard JWApgar Woodvillrt OWOhlson, - Walker ' " TheoWenk. " Sherman JohnAhrens, " Bismark " G H Brokhaus, " Humphrey John P Braun, " Grand Prairie " Ricliard Reagan," Shell Creek " A Heintz, connty coroner. G. W Phillips, " clerk. K Li ffossiter, " surveyor. L J Cramer, " superintendent. W N Hensley, " judge. J C Caldwell, " sheriff. Gus G Becher, " treasurer. Ingvaitf Sibbemsen, deputy treasurer. Emil Von Bergen, " clerk. The minutes of the proceedings of the honrd up to noon of January 8th, 1890, were read and approved. On motion, the chairman was instructed to approve the minutes of this afternoon's session of the board. On motion of Sup'r Campbell, the lioard now adjourned sine die. Jons Staufveb, County Clerk. A Sate Investment. Is one which is guaranteed W bring yon satisfactory results, or in ease of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan yon can buy from our ad vertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King's NeT Discovery for consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of the throat, lungs or chest, such as consump tion, inflammation of the lungs, bron chitis, asthma, whooping cough, croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always k depended upon. Trial lottle free at David Dowty's drug store. Tnr. influenza has appeared at Giblmn, this state, and the public schools have been closed on account of it. Sooths aad lira!. SANTA ABIE sooths and heals -the membranes of the throat and lungs, when poisoned and inflamed by disease. It prevents night sweats and tightness scross the chest, cures colds, croup, ssthma, coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping-cough and all other throat t.nd lung troubles. No other medicine .- so successful in curing nasal catarrh ..s CALIFORNIA CAT-R CURE. The -.lormous and increasing demand for .tiese standard California remedies con firm their merits. Sold and absolutely guaranteed by Dowty & Becher at $1 a package. Three for $2J50. Clark and McGinnis, democrats, have been elected senators from Montana. Important Slabbing Announcement. We are pleased to announce to our readers that we have made arrangements with the publishers of the Nebraska Farmer, the leading live stock and farm journal of the west, by. which we can offer it one year with The Columbus Journal and the Nebraska Family Jour nal, all for $2.80, but very little more than the price of one publication. This offer is good for renewals or new sub scribers. Let every one who desires to take advantage of this liberal offer do so at once. Address, M. K. Turner k Co., Columbus, Neb, Household Linens. Turkey red table damask l!e a yard. (50 in. wide pure Turkey red talfe damage only :17c a ysird. wlirth Cl. 2 in. pure Turkey red table damask only 4!H worth 7()e. 58 in. unbleached linen damask ."7 and () a yard, a bargain. ' 72 in. line bleached table damask "0 IJegular 70e grade. 7'J in. extra fine bleached tr.ble damask only 7oc, worth SI. 00. 5-8 bleached napkins 7!o a dozen, (i-l napkins 85c a dozen, up to $6.00 a-dozen. 1 dozen 22x44 in. pure buck towels only 25c each, never sold under 40 I'M) dozen all kinds of towels 5c. Iu 8e,10e,12-ic.l5c,20c,and extra tine qualities. Linen emh 5e, (c, 7c. 8c a yard. Dish toweling lv, 4c. 4c a'vard. Hamburg Embroideries. 2.000 yards tine embroideries at lc a yard. How is this for a bargain?" 5,000 yards line embroideries at 2c, .'Jr. 4c, 5c, tic, 7c. 8c. ih 10c a yard. This leades them all. 1,800 yards 14 in. wide, Swiss embroideries in beautiful patterns only 25e a yard; actual value 40c. 900 yards allover embroideries 27 in. wide only 49c a yard, worth Xe. 1,000 yards colored embroideries at 5e, 7c and ic. In connection we shall place on isile all this month. 40 pieces unbleached muslins full one yard wide at 4 if, 4ie, 5c, tic, and 7c a yard. 30 pieces bleached muslin at 4'ie. 5c, tic, and 7c a yard.- 10x4 quilts Marseilles pattern, 87c each. 10x4 quilts in new patterns, ver heavy, only $1.20 each. J. 1 Mer ' Co. .Merit Win. We disire to say to our citixetis. that for jears we have lieen belling Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. Dr. King's New Life Vills, JJuekletfs Arnica Salvo and Electric Uitters, and havo never handled remedies that sell so well, or that have given such uni versal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee lliem every lime, ami we stand ready to refund the pun-base price, if satisfactory results do not fol low their use. These remedies have won their great ioiul;iritv purelv on 5! their merits. David Dowty's drug store. John W. IJooos. it is lielieved. will ol tain the appointment for postmaster at Blair. Last winter Mr. If. E. Kinkndc. col lector of the United States express com pany, at Des Moines. Ja.. was severely troubled with chilblains. The swelling and intense itching of his feet was a great annoyance to him. He tried sev eral remedies- without benefit, but for tunately liought a liottleorCliamherhiiii's Pain Balm. He says ho only applied it three times until his feet were entirely well and free from itching and swelling. For sale by all druggists. The water in the Mississippi river was reported last week lower than known liefore. ever Kurkleu's Arnica Salve. The liest salve in the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, clulblains. corns, and sill skin eruptions, and post tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price " cents per box. For sale by David Dowty. :i Matcoi.m "F. McLeoo, mail carrier, was frozen to death on his route of eight miles with the mail and express to Wash ington, near Nevada. Cal. Language is hardly strong enough to express my admiration of the merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is the Itest remedy for croup and whoopiug- congh I havo over used. During the past eighteen years I have tried nearly all the prominent cough medicines on the market, but say, and with pleasure too, that Chamlierlain's Cough Remedy is tho best of all. Thomas Rhodes. Rak ersfield, Cal. For sale by all druggists. To New York via Washington. Two -elegantly equipped tarins leave Chicago daily, via B. .fe O. Ry., for Wash ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. The vestihnled limited leaving Chicago at 2:55 p. m. arrives at Washing ton the next afternoon at 4:0T, Balti more at 5:20, Philadelphia at 7:20 and New York at 10 o'clock. This train car ries Pullman vestibuled sleeper Chicago to Washington and Baltimore, and Till man vestibuled parlor car Washington to New York. The morning limited, leaving Chicago at 10:10 a. 111. arrives Washington I he next morning at. 11:25, lialtimoro al 1 o'clock noon, Philadelphia at ::20 p. in. and New York at 5:55 p. m. This train carries Pullman vestibuled sleeper Chi cago to New York without change. An equally effective, service is main tained lietween St. Louis and Washing ton, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New- York via Ohio ,v Mississippi Ry. and B. & O. Tho O. .V M. vestibuled express leaving St. Louis at 8 a. in. arrives Wash ington in the afternoon of tho next day at 1:50, Baltimore at 2:55, Philadelphia at 5:50 and New York at H:2:5. This train carries parlor car St. Louis to Cin cinnati, sleeper Cincinnati to Washing ton and Baltimore and parlor car Wash ington to New York. The O. .v. M. express leaving St. Louis at 8:05 p. in. arrives Washington the sec ond morning at 3:45, Baltimore at 4:50, Philadelphia at 7:40 anil New- York at 10:55. This train carries Pullman sleej- ers from St. Louis to New- York and from Grafton, W. Va.. to Washington and Baltimore. Passengers for Wash ington and Baltimore transfer to tho lo cal sleeper at Grafton at7eJ0in the even ing and avoid being disturled upon ar rival at Washington at 7 a. m. Tickets via B. A- O. Uy. arc on sale at all coupon ticket offices throughout the west. :S-:t The publishers of the Homestead, Des Moines, la., announce that they will mail the Homestead, to every fanner in this county, who is not already a sub scriber, from now to Jan. 1. 181)0. free. The Homestead is a twenty-four page weekly, farmers' paper, original, ably edited, practical and progressive. It is especially adapted to the wants of Ne braska farmers. It now goes regularly each week to more than 25,000 homes. Bear in mind that this offer is to bend sample copies, each week to Jan. 1st, and they are free. All papers will 1kj stopped on Jan. 1st, 18W, unless yon want to become a regular subscriber, and pay in advance, bend your name and address on a postal card to the Nebras ka representative, L. Cass Brown, Bea trice, Neb. t( LEADERS OF- LOW PRICES. MOKTGAGKKS SALE. Notice in'lij gi.n that by virtue of a. . chattel mortgage, tl ilctl on the ?th dav of Nt vciiiIht, 19, and dill til.-d ill the otlice of the count clerk of Platte county, Nebraska. 011 tlu . 9th d of November. 1'.'. and c.iivutcd by K. A. Kiilfonl to W. II. Dtiiii and John Kci'n-, to MViire the 'i)tliiiit of the Mini or ?3T0.M, ai.'d upon which there i-t now due the sum r $.M5.0i. IVf-mlt liav nig lieen iii.ul" in the pn incut of saitt Mini, and no suit or other prtxvediug at law having wen instituted to recover aid debt t.r any turt theri-of, therefor, 1 will sell the prop, erlv tlierein .i.T-criU-,1. vU: One In lnre 9 var-,oll, weight about II10 pounds; one black horse, weiglil ulioiit I'-IV oiitid-.9 ve.irsold: one iron-gra man old, weight IttSi Numl: one porret mare with blae face, s" ji-ar old. weight aU.iit 1 1(1 xiitil-; one ha mare with white spot in forchiiul, lu ears ol.l. weight I ICO ..miils: on,, black man- 6 ;eurt old, weight Il10, at public auction in front of the I'll, cktrcl Hani in the cit of Columbus, in Platte county, Nebraska, on the Mh da id .Januar. Iint one o'clock p. m. of said da, subject, however, to the satisfaction of a prior mortgage given h said E. A. Fulford to I. Cluck, dated Nov. 1st, Is.s, ,nlj- tiled in the office of the count clerk of Platte county, Nebraska, on the 1st 1 (a) ,,r Novemlier, s.s'., for the sum of one hiiuilrisl and -ewntj-ttix dollars, 011 which de fault luus Ihs'U made and on which there is now et due the sum of sity-Meii dollars and in terest from dale of morlistgc. W. II. Dkax, ami 1 ,. , Jonx Rm.ns, v Mortgage. Bj A.M. Wu.t.ixd, their Atl'y. Dated Dcc-inUr fith. pss'.l. ililecl AX OlMUXANCK. To amcndseclion three of an ordinance entithil "An ordinance oviilin;: for the prevention and aUiteinent of nuisances," passed and ui provid .Jul lah. Is. liejt ordained bj the major and council of the cilj of Columbus: SiKfTloN I. That section three of an ordinance entitled "An ordinance proviiliiu; for the pre vention and abatement of nuisans-," ed and approved July ll!th. IsMI. lie amended so as lo read as follows: bW.:t. It shall ! unlaw fill for an person to dump, place, or deosit an ollal, manure, dead animal, rubbish, tilth, slops', or an rt fuse, animal or veeftuRIe matter, which is liable to become putrid, otieustveor injurious to the public health, on any premises within said cit or within two mil,-, of the corporate limits thereof. It shall likewise Is. unlawful for anv ersoii to remove the contents of any privy vault orhitul ll:es.imi through or across any public street in saiil cit. except b.-tw.s-u the hours or 12 o'clock, midnight, and ii o'clock a. 111. Si-e. :L Section three of an ordinance ent it h I "All ordinance lroidiiiir for the oreieiilioii iin.l ab'itement of nuis.uic.s- ;.i-w-, atid approved July I'.'th, Ivtl.a heretofore existing is hereby repetlhsl. Ski. :t. This ordin nice shall b in force from and after its imsaj;,., approval and publication. Approved Januar II. Atli-t- .1. K. Mliri'll. (I. ti.nvirt, .M-ivor. City Clerk. ' I'l'OBATK NOTICE. Slateof Nebraska, countv of Platte, sh.: In the count court. 111 and for said county. In III- matter of the estate of C.s.ree W. Chillier, dc- ciiismI. late of said count. At a s,.ii,n (if tI(. county court for said coou l, hoMi-11 at die count judge's olh'ce in Colum bus, in said count on the 2d day of January, A. I. ts'.i. present II. J. Hudson, county juile. (In reading and tiling the duly vi-rilicd titinn of Hannah Clother pr.rjitiK that letters of adminis tration be i. 1U11I to leTOIl the estate of said lie. Cedent. Thereupon, it is orili-nsl that the :;(jlh day of Januar, A. I. IV.. at 10 o'clock. 11. 111., heus ."igncd for ttie hearing of Kiiil titiou at the count judge's otlice in said county. And it i.s further ordered, that due legal notice U given of the ,eiidi'ncv anil 'iiiiiing of said -'-t it ion b publication in THK '01. UMhlw JuiliiN vi. for Ihrvv constsi-utive weeks. A true cop of the order, fjanlt II. J. HlilisoN, County Judtce. KSTI'AV NOTlt'K. Taken upat mv farm tun mili-s north of the Cit A BbACK and WIHTK SOW which the owner can have by paing for this no tice and Other eXieIS-s. JTmIis-M .M. h. TUHNMt. MeetnrOceaii Easliycoiumancls position as tho Most Fopnlar Family Paper in the CoQiitr, Without eivinsr up any of its POPULAK FEATURES it continues to add NEW AT TRACTIONS to its columns. To WOMAN'S KIN;iOM. 'I UK F.KI tXI HOME. TI1K CirtCIOSITY SHOP. lKLIaiTFL'I.COKICK.SrOM)K.NC'K 1NTKICK.STINO STOKIK.H. TIIK XKW.SOFTIIK WOKI.If IT HAS ADDED THIS SEASON OUR YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT. Edited by MRS. FRANCES HODGSON BURNETT. It is intended to make this department both ENTERTAINING and INSTRUCTIVE not only to the children but to every mem ber of the family. The best and most popu lar writera and educators havo been en gaged as contributors. This department will equal in the character of its contents any publication for young people in tho country- A Series of Biblical Rones, Written by famous novelists, will bo an other new feature of THE INTER OCEAN. The Rev. Geort? Ebers has written tho first of tho series, entitled "JOSHUA," which bts?an to run in the paper In Octo ber. This will be succeeded In January by one from the pen of Elizabeth Stuart Pnelps, author of "Gates Ajar," etc. Her story wul be a novel of the times of Christ, and will be entitled "COME FORTH." The famous H. Rider HagRard will write a story of the early tlme3 of Babylon and Jerusalem, to be entitled "ESTHER." There is no doubt but these stories will attract great atten tion. In addition to all this every yearly sub scriber to THE WEEKL Y OR SEMI- WEEKL Y Will KKCKIVK A 11E.ILTIXX KNUKAYINQ Which of itself ought to be worth the price of the paper. To further accommodate its readers THE INTKK ocean has made a combination with TIIK HOME MAGAZINE, Edited by 311:?. GENERAL JOHN A. LWJAN. by which that paper is sent for oa year with THE WEKKLY INTER OCEAN for OnrlMlmrand Ten Cent. Only think-BOTII PAPEE8 fcr $1.10. Thus every one can have reading matter of THE BEST QUALITT at the very lowest price. The price of THE WEEKLT ISTEK.OC X fa f 1 r yr -The price of THE SEMI-WEEKLT- $2perjr " Send for sample copies. Liberal terms to postmasters and club agents lAAxm THE lMlt 0CA Ckica $ H If .- .;