The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 01, 1890, Image 4

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Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes.
Boston, One Price Clothing House,
A. SANDS, Prop'r,
Cthnbu, Neb.
Woven wire and slats, cut willows, split iMtards
or an tiling of the sort, used: nftcr iMstsare6rt,
fSjeecan Ito made aud M rot elusion the groiiDrl,
. in the winter, by a loy or onlinary farm hand,
10 to 40 rods a day, and can work it over any
irronnd. The man wlio has one of them ma
chine can build a fence that is more durable and
safe tlian any other, and make it at less c-t.
Ttie tnacliino and a samplo of its work ran lie
oeen inthecity on 11th street at Ernst & Schwarz
hnni ware store. Willsell mchines, or territory,
or contract to put up fences.
tSFor sale and satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded, by
4eptrtni Colcxbcs, Nebbiski
Olive St., nearly opposite Peit-oMce.
AH kiads ef Repairing deie
Siert Ketiee. Biggies, Wag-
ras, etc, aade fa arder,
ai4 all werk Giar-
Ako sell the world-fiuaou Walter A.
Wood Mowers. Reapers, Combin
ed Machines, Harvesters,
and Self-binders-tile
best made.
'Shop opposite the " Tattersall," oa
mSfflr AfenU Wantedl
T CauxLtMsTmiM.
1.00) Brewster's Safety Bela Holders
KhrenawaytoiatraSacetaera. Every
bans omntx bun from I to linn
tstmttztoTLwm' ft. tnif tenia
iMiinifflB e
lllll INHB gas, NNk
I 'esmiSfl bbbbbtW M"" IllW
W el Mil BaeawssM m X
1VB IJA UiJvjMV iTYttTD.-'
a 1 'BaW'f - B . 1 !
Send for cn-cl jr.3 UrUHlOrrft1'
.C,t0 Tot. U
fou kali: ky
Trade supplied by the U. T. Clabk Duco Co..
Lincoln, Neb. 7mnrSS-ly.
A Weekly Newspaper issied every
32 CelHMBs f reading natter, com
sistiigef Nebraska State News
Ites, Selected Stories aid
KV8ajmle copies sent free to any addreM.fg
Subscription price,
SI a ytar, in livancc.
M. K. Turner & Co.,
Platte Co., Nebr
tor sale in shell Creek valley,
near Columbus, containing 2U0
acies of land: about 12U acres
nn.ter cultivation: 10 acre hc-ivily timbered, re
mainder mo-tly in clover and blue gra; pasture
and hay land: 150 fruit tree. apples, pear.
chiry. plum, etc, some bearing; all kinds of
ornamental trees nnd shrubs; 150 full-bearing
graie vines. The farm entire is fenced, nnd di-
ided into tmall fields by fenco. Dwelling house
of seven rooms granary, corn cribs, large horse
stable with hay-mow, cattle barn which holds SO
ton of hay; bog house: 2 wells; running water
in pasture. For fnrther particulars inquire at
Jockxal office, or address, II. B., care of Jocb
SAL. Columbus. Kebr. 22maytf
A book of 100 paces.
, The best book lor an
IHHaMhjkaa. auvcriisvr up cuii-
AYf, anae or otherwise.
It contains liMsot newspapers and estimates
ofthecostnf "dvcrtising.l vi.o
wants to spend one dollar, finds inltthc in
formation he requires, w hile torliim who will
invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad
vertising, a scheme is indicated which will
meet his everv requirement, or coh be made
to do so bf tliph r change easily arrireil at by cor
respondeat. 149 editions liavc been issued.
Sent, post-paid, to any address for 10 cents.
Write tc- GEO. P. KOSVELL & CO.,
':0SoraoaSUPxinUngHooseSq.). Kew Ycrfc.
Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and all Pat
ent busineiN conducted for MODERATE FEES.
OFFICE. We have no sub-agencies, all business
direct, hence we- can transact patent business in
lees time and at LES8 COST than those remote
from Washington.
Send model, drawing, or photo, with descrip
tion. Wo aquae if patentable or no, free of
cliargc. Oof fi? not due till patent is etartvl.
A tpok."''fio-jr to Obtain Pctscts," -with refer,
ecces to. soiaaj clients in jour etoio. cenaty or
towa, teat free, ffimw M OQ
0prjt?1sta,0S( iTasfflflos,
CJLr Tllkllili
X- .-.. " ,i -lj
VJ1 x)l
WobM we ratuiii -If
once the gates closed apoa the past
Wen opened wide for as, ud if the dear
Bemembtred pathway stretched before at
To lead us back to youth's lost land at last,
Waea on life April shadows lightly cast.
Recalled the old sweet days of childish fear
With all their faded hopes, and brought anear
The far off streams with which oar skies were
Sid these lost dreams which wake the soul's sad
But lire once more and wait our returning
Would we return?
Rbert Burtu Wilton.
A MMher Euarkrt Oat.
An ancient specimen of the genus
"masher" tame into an derated car yester
day. He was rather threadbare bnt cire
fqlly brushed, and was topped off with a
shiny new silk hat. With careful observa
tion he scanned the occupants of the car
and then' sat himself down directly oppo
site an unusually pretty girl with her Jap
fall of Christmas bandies. He smoothed
his gloves, arranged his caffs and k. cktie,
and then flashed an irresistible smileatlhe
pretty girl. She looked hastily out of the
window. By and by she turned her face
again, to meet the same breadth of smile
and the eyes fixed steadily on her face.
She looked annoyed. He looked delight
ed. Her cheeks grew pink. She had
half a mind to change her seat.
Then all tbe bravery iu her nature
mounted to her eyes. Slowly she drew
from h r pocket a lorgnette and held
it withetbe most deliberate iniaisitive
ness np to her eyes. First she scanned
the top of his hat, then slowly O, so
slowly let her gaze creep downward to
its wealth of smile, her own never chang
ing by the quiver of a muscle. Down,
down it a ent, with fixed and stony stare,
to the tips of his boots. There it paused
for an instant, then began its slow upwar J
march, creeping along with the same curi
ous deliberation, mnch as one would sur
vey a new variety of animal with a vie to
classification. When she reached the
smile again the plory of it was dimmed.
When she rea-.hed the toes they were de
cidedly uneasy, and by the time she was
ready to srao his face on her upward
sweep it looked red and decidedly un
comfortable. O .e more sweeping circuit
was made, and tiie discomfited mabber,"
mu'tering something about the car's beiug
too hot for him, tied from tbe awful pres
ence, aud plunged down the stairs into the
street below. Aetr York Sun.
Are There Others Like Her!
"Augustus, dear. I bought something
awfully nice to-day in town," remarke i
Kathef ine at dinner last evening in the
little Queen Anne cottage on Staten island,
as she tooke 1 across the table at heryoung
"Yes, dear?"
"Yes; I bought you a Christmas pres
ent." "What was itV
"Ob, I can't tell you now. Aud I bought
the present you are going to give Marjo
rie. "My present to 3Iarjorie?"
"Yes, aud the present you're going to
give the baby."
"But, my dear, I "
"Oh, it is just lovely. You will 6ee it on
Christinas eve. And I bought the present
you're going to give me, and "
''But, really, Kathrine, I should like to
choose my own present to "
"Oh, I know it is just what you would
have thought of; and I saw a lovely thing
which I am going to get for Marjorie tc
(he you, but you'll have to give me the
money for it, dear; I spent all I had. Anil
I want to get your present to sister Jessie,
too. and "
Augustus said something right there, but
as he said it to himself it wouldn't be fail
to repeat it. He is wondering to-day il
there are anv other young (or old) hus
bands in this city' whose wives havesc
thoughtfully taken upon themselves the
selection of tbe family Christmas presents.
He wonders if all women are built on that
plau. Perhaps some of the Sun' reader:
may enlighten bini. AVir York Stw.
Oregon, the Paradise of Farmer.
Utld, equablo climate, certain and abandant
crops. Kest fruit, grain, grass and stock
country in the world. Fall information, free.
Address the Oregon Immigration Board, Port
laud, Oregon.
AHtecrat ef the Telepheae.
Proprietor (at telephone) Hello, cen
tral! What seems to be tbe matter? 1
have been trying for the last half honr to
get you. Give me one-nought-five. Waits
ten minutes longer and no answer. Dear,
dear, this telephone puts me all out of pa
tience. Here, Thomas, call up one-ncught-five
and wait till yon get it.
Office b y (giving hand'e a vigorous
whirl) Hullo hullo! Say, central, what's
achin' you? Why don't you git us one-nought-five,
hay? Come now, git on a
rush there and shake 'em up or we'll drop
onto you from de roof and paralyze you!
Central (obsequiously) Yes. sir, I'll
connect you right away; excuse delay,
p'eise. Time. -
Tnosr. who uso Dobbins' Electric Soap
?ach week (ni? their name is legion) sava
their clothi's and .trength. and tet aav do
the woik. Did v" over try it? If not do
so Monday ne. Ask your grocer for it.
The Bev. Robert Collyer, who began
life as a blacksmith and is now one of the
most popular living preachers, has just
entered bis 67th year. "I have never been
sick as much as one day in my life," he
Helpless 40 Days
"For twenty-nve yean I hare suffered with sciatic
rheumatism. Last November I was taken worse
thin ever, anil was unable to get ont of the bouse. I
was almost helpless for forty days, suffering great
acony all the time. In December I commenced
taking Hood's Sarraparilla. After the second bottle
I was able to be out and around and attend to busi
ness. I took Ore bottles, and am bow so tree from
rheumatism that only occasionally I feel it sushtly
on a sudden change of weather. I have great con
fidence in Hood's 8arsapariUa.- Cjables Hannah.
Christie, Clarke Co, Wis.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druigista. (1 ; six for 5. Prepared only
by C. I. HOOD t CO. Lowell. Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
TWOiCstatacfKI. ACTS.
C0.,lW.9if.. '(
r can. Dr. J. L.
Btaaheas. ICbaaoB. Ohio.
The address of soldiers who
hnmestraded a lens number
if nf i en-H than HI) at anr time
. DeUTer. Colorado.
lM.fnn Jnne 5!. Mil.
P CNOlUllO FinehaBd.
of JMCrH M. amUHTUK, Attswatey,
lf i. P.-
Hf Pacta .
AIM tan wiiuca ScKriptloai (Sada.
lot ictMscct) of iCTptctaMe- laiHfS
who waat to mmuonf tor Am or
nuHaMOT. ont to piaia Moled cant
of He only M eta. Maay oroalaay
ntmbm are branifbl and vcmlthy.
Glre tan description oryontiroal a
dor Mraefthe ladle with wboai
joa with to miuiiout. AMrwi,
wm. m ni sa :
IS PWN.d to UFE nrv
"By atborougb knowledge rf tbe sarurallaws
which coTrm the mentions cf d'reolion and nntri-
tion. end by a careful amplication cf the ttn proper- I
em breatfaet talles with a delicately flavoured bev
eraini which may save us many heavy doctoaa'biUa.
It is by the jndidoua use of snch articles of diet that
acccstitotloB inayt-egTadu-Ulybtir.tupuntiJstrone
enon-tb to resist every tendeccy to diaease. Hun
dred of snt-tle maladu-s are Coating- arnnnd us ready
to attack vherevK. tbxjc'8 t. werk.pcst. We SJ
Hsur imtxn t-y torj.iajfCTir ci'ca wtu
I a.
pure Mood ssd a uretuerir Bstutabed
,r ' Writ ikntet Uavllt. Z
K-t-dmBiwttaraucwr-te bbj-ji. aeia
P rr.JL 2&WBMi Www,
! WtoHE
JL Ohoioe Selection of Intir
stiiis Items.
Italy has 4,800,000 trees, which
produce 1,260,000,000 lemons per an
num. A Wheeling inventor is at work
upon a watch which is expected to run
a month without winding.
The first dairy school in America has
been opened at the "Wisconsin State
University at Madison.
At the recent election in Beverly,
Mass., one ballot was entirely (blank,
but on the back of it was written : -1
want to Tote the same as Maurice
A young man plowing on a ranch
near Gait, Cal., found over $l,ti00. His
employer kept all but $20 of it, and
left the plowman to plod his weary way
in the field.
The smuggling of 3,000 barrels of
United States whisky into Canada
seems to demand an investigation.
There is ground for suspicion thnt it
was spirited over the line,
A farmer at Saco, Me., says that he
lias found an occupation which combices
amusement with toil. He it blowing
stumps out of the field with dynamite,
and the fuu of seeing the old roots go
dying forty feet into the air disguises
all the work.
Boston is now receiving letters from
San Francisco in four days and nine
teen hours. When Gen. Sherman was
a youuy man in California, orders which
the War Department in Washington
sent him in September did not reach
him till the following May.
Mrs. Harriet Beechkr Stowe, it is
now asserted on apparently good au
thority, is not demented, as recently
published, but is suffering merely from
the weaknesses incident to age She is
simply broken down, "childish," to use
the accepted term to apply to an old
person's declining years.
The Sunday newspaper meaning
the Sunday edition of the daily paper
has fully demonstrated its hold on
society. It is one of the needs of the
time, and our large cities could in no
wise spare the complete news record of
which the Sunday press is an important
It is now regarded as a settled ques
tion that the nitrogen of the atmosphere
is fixed in the soil for the use of vegeta
tion by the action of microbes, and that
no soil Ls destitute of these germs. It
is suggested that the greater develop
ment of the microbes by farm-yard ma
nures may explain the apparent supe
riority of such fertilizers over artificial
manures theoretically as good.
A spring wheel for road engines has
been devised by Mr. Isaac W. Boulton,
an English mechanic. The rim of the
wheel is divided into cells containing
loose-fitting wooden blocks, which pro
ject slightly beyond the face of the
wheel and are bedded at the inner end
against some elastic sound-deadening
material such as felt. Wheels so made
do not slip, are comparatively noiseless,
and cut the road less than the old
The Amir of Afghanistan sleeps in a
plain tent, eats but one substantial meal
daily, with fruit as his only other re
freshment, and rarely smokes more
than two cigarettes in the day. He is
passionately fond of field sports, and is
a first-class shot His rifle rarely
leaves bis side, and often when he is
holding his durbars in the open air he
will take up his gun and shoot at any
bird or beast that comes within range.
African explorers risk their lives,
but if they reach civilization they make
the venture pay largely. Stanley has
madcaa fortune ont of his books, Bur
ton is a rich man and H. H. Johnston,
the explorer of the Upiier Congo, be
came wealthy as the result of hit
travels. Joseph Thompson, whom the i
Sultan of Zanzibar outlawed becanse he
could not find a coal deposit, made a
fortune by lecturing on the Dark Conti
nent. The ancient copper mines on Lake
Superior are stated by Prof. Newberry
to have been abandoned not less than
four hundred years ago, as is proven by
the growth of forest trees over the rub
bish heaps; and' the old mica mines of
North Carolina and the serpentine
quarries of the Allehanies show like
evidences of antiquity. The oil-fields,
also, seem to have lieen worked in pre
Columbian days. Bemains of an ancient
oil well were found at Titnsville, Pa.,
in 1860, and traces of a similar well
were observed at Enniskillen, Canado;
while depressions seemingly marking
old pits have been noticed at various
places. Bums of an ancient lead mine
exist near Lexington, Ky., and galena
Iras been found in the old works in
For some time past the Chicago
papers have printed strong and well
written articles signed "Pat Grant, rail
road laborer."' The Western Journal
ist says that Mr. Grant is still at work
on the raiload. and the statement causes
the Boston Advertiser to remark "if
no Chicago editor has been bright
enough to offer him a position it speaks
badly for the capabilities of the manag
ing " editors of that city." This
little item shows how easy it is for u
man to enter journalism when be has
the right kind of ability. It is a pro
fession open to all the world. No intro
duction is required. Money and in
fluence will not aid a recruit He may
be a day laborer like Pat Grant, but if
he has something to say, and can say it
in a way that will interest all the world,
the newspajers will print his articles,
and editors a thousand miles distant
will quote him, and make a place for
him if he is willing to take it
It is the rule with most banks to do
no business with absolute strangers,
and to require identification or at least
references. Sometimes when a man
wants to open an account he resents
very bitterly the demaud for an intro
duction. If he would only consider tbe
matter he would see how very important
therqle'K There are many reasons
for it, bqt the chief is to prevent a
scheme which ha frequently proved
jUPCCh&f b1. A rnemlw of ibt 5 wU
open an account, and pay in and draw
checks in a most regular manner for
several months. Then one day he will
happen to be present when a stranger
presents a large check, the two will
recognize each other as old friends, and
the rogue with an account will identify
the rogue with the check, which may
tarn ont to be a forgery. With all pre
caution as to introduction and identifi
cation, frauds are possible, bnt without
them frauds would be simple and easy,
and, as a natural result, frequent
T. P. Smtthes, who has made some
important geological discoveries in In
diana, stated to an Indianapolis xer
porter: "There is a great lake under a
part of Indiana, as yon are already prob
ably convinced. I have explored it. I
was sinking a well on my place in
Orange County, when suddenly one
drill knocked a piece out of the liottom
and disappeared. Through the open
ing cold, clear water rushed, filling the
well to the depth of twenty feet At
this level it stands. 1 have pumped
water for hours, using a steam engine
once, and the water does not lower an
inch. One day I drew up a fish in a
backet of water. I had heard neigh
bors tell of subterranean fish, but this
was the first I had seen. I have it here
in alcohol. As yon see, it is eyeless."
The fish was small, of reddish color,
and almost transparent , Holding it be
fore the light one could count every
bone in the fish. The part of the State
where the underground lake exists is
hilly, full of gulches and caves. It is
there that Lost Biver, a considerable
stream, gradually sinks away and finally
disappears altogether. A few miles
west, at Orangeville, a great IkmIv of
water (commonly believed to be a lost
river) gushes from the earth. It foams
and gushes against the rock and comes
forth in sufficient power and quantity to
furnish power for a mill.
Unique .Method of Cliealius; Uncle Sam
Out or Postal Dues. .
"A man who would beat the Govern
ment out of postage is pretty smalL
But the fact that it is comparatively
easy to avoid the payment of such a
nominal postage tax by taking advan
tage of a department regulation has led
to such swindling where you would
hardly expect it," said Frank T. Smith,
a well-known down-town clerk, who
used to be in the postal service, to me
"Eachyear,"' he continued, "the num
ler of letters dropped into the pockets
at the Postoffice without the necessary
stamp affixed is surprisingly large, and
every succeeding postmaster has en
deavored to devise some way of pre
venting such accumulations. Much de
lay has been .caused by this seeming
negligence or carelessness, and the
services of several clerks have been em
ployed in ascertaining the names of the
senders of this mail. The department
rule is to return all such moil for post
age, and where business addresses ore
not printed on the envelopes ihe seal
has to be broken to get such names.
The fact that such is the rule has de
veloped a picayune style of swindling.
Two down-town brokers, it is said, have
carried on a correspondence for several
months without investing a cent in
postage. Their method of mulcting the
Government is unique. For instauce,
Mr. John Smith wishes to communicate
with Mr. James Jones. The address on
the envelope will read:
: If not delivered iu :
:tcn days return to :
:Janies Jonos, :
; James street. :
: Now York City. :
John Dok, :
Broadway, :
: city.. :
"No stamp it affixed, and when the
clerks, in sorting the moil, discover this
letter they toss it to one side, after first
stamping'it in red ink, "Beturnedfor
postage." Naturally the postal clerks
believe that Mr. Jones is the sender,
and the letter reaches him. The ad
dress John Doe, is of course fictitious.
In this way they have kept np a corre
spondence for months, and Uncle Sam's
gray coats have been performing mes
senger service gratis. Xew York Star.
A Curious Picnic.
A sort of a picnic popular in some
Southern towns rejoices in the name of
"soups." It is held in the open air.
Every person invited brings a dressed
chickeu. The" host provides the veg
etables. The chickens and vegetables
are put into huge kettles, holding ten
to twenty gallons, and cooked over
open fires- for several hours, until the
combination is reduced almost to a
jelly. Pepper and other seasoning are
introduced. The young folks stir the
sonp viitli longhand led spoons, walking
around the kettle as they stir. When
a girl's spoon clicks against the spoon
of a young man he is lxmnd to catch
and kiss her. Consequently there are
many lively scrimmages around the
kettle. When cooked the soup is ladled
out and eaten. It is said to be delicious.
The? Hail Agreed to Disagree.
A jury iu a jetty case before Becorder
Smyth yesterday had been out of court
delilterating for a long time, and the
Bet-ardor finally sent for them. They
took their places and Edward Hall, the
clerk, called their name.
Have yon agreed upon a verdict ?"
the clerk asked.
"We have, your honor," said the fore
man, vising.
"How say you?" the clerk continued.
"Do von find the defendant guilty or
not guilty"
"We find," the foreman auswered,
"that we stand seven for acquittal and
five for conviction."
"Then you haven't agreed," the
Becorder said. "You may be discharged
if you cannot agree."
The intelligent foreman and his as
sociates retired and the ieculiar verdict
was not recorded. Xew York Tribune.
Theugkt She Was Safe.
Judge Your age?
Lady 20 years.
Jndge (incredulously) You will have
some difficulty in proving that
Lady (excitedly) You'll find it hard
to prove the contrary, as the church
register which contained the entry of
mv birth was burned in the vear 1845.
Berlin Tageblatt.
Practical HetneBHtratiea.
"I understand," said a handsone
young woman, entering the printing
office, "that you employ only girls and
that you are in need of a forewoman ?"
"Yes," replied the printer, "Can you
make up a form?"
"Just look at me and see," she an
swered, turning herself around.
She was engaged.
Hi AfliictieB.
"We all of us have some affliction or
other," said the landlady. "Come, tell
us, Mr. Sliman, what is vours?"
"My affliction," said Mr. Sliman, as
he gave a wistful glance at tbe meager
contents of the bread plate, "my afflic
tion is a good appetite."
The conversation was dropped,
iTisthe'tiuaiipned vonun smiths
thick hflidcd man who roftk tUfJ ibf
He Kearlj BetkenthelifeOfitera Street
Joha Doaaelly, of Adaks street, took a
Mas advaatage of a West Side street car
conductor tbe other day. He boarded
a car for the West Side just after it had
been emptied of its load of holiday buyers
and turned aroand the loop on its np trip,
and, aster Inishing his cigar on the front
platform, he started through to the rear.
It was aa old. rickety car. which had been
hauled ont of the barn'to do doty as a trip
per daring the holiday rush, and it was
filled with musty old hay. An idea struck
John just as the odor struck his nostrils.
Beaching down into his overcoat pocket he
polled out a natural-looking rubber rat
and dropped it in the ttraw. Then he
went ontside and complained of the con
dition of the car to the conductor. "Such
on old rattle-trap ought to be split up into
kindling wood." he growled. "It's fall of
rats." The conductor eyed him. sharply.
as if wondering if he was bound
for the Washingtonian Home. "Ihera
are no rats in this car," he said.
"Well," said John, "if you don't think so
go inside and see." Now the conductor
was sure he bait a patient, and he thought
best to humor him. so he went inside.
There, sure enough, was a rut. " Keep still
a minute," the conductor whispered 'to
John, aho hud fol!oed him iu. He can-tiou-ly
reached under the seat and got a
broom. Then he raised it aloft and
brought it down on tbe rubber rat. The
whistle in the toy gave a squeak and tbe
condu tor proceeded to baste the file out
of tbe bogus rodent. When he had tired
himself out John picked up the rat and put
it back in his pocket. Was the conductor
ma 1 i Well! " You thiuk yer smart, don't
you?" he muttered, savagely. "Only a joke,
old man," said John, reaching out his hand
to shake. As .the conductor made a mo
tion to take it John uncoiled the rubber
snake which he held and it shot out toward
the 1 ell-punch man. He nearly fcli off
tbe car, and he kept as far away irom
Donnelly as possible during the rest of the
-Wht need it Ik;'.1" we say. and sigh
When loint; mothers fade and die.
And leave the little ones whose feot
They hoped to guide in pathways sweet.
It need not he in many cases. All about
uswomeu are dying dully whoso live might
havo been saved. It seems to be a wide
spread opinion that when a woman is slowly
fndins away with the diseases which grow
out of female weaknesses and irregularities
that there is no help for her. Shu is doomed
to death. Itnt'tbisis not true. Dr. PiercH's
Favorite Prescription is constantly restor
ing women afflicted with diseases of this
c!as to health and happinebs. It is the
onlv medicine for theso ailmeats. sold by
driiKits. under a positive guarantee from
the manufacturers of its giving satisfaction
in every ca-e. or money paid for it will be
Dr. I'iekce's Peixets. the original and
only genuine Little Liver Pills; U5 centa a
vial; one a dose.
Duello Ottealegicail.
It was at tho depot in Macon, Ga. A
colored man from the country stood look
ing at the locomotive, when the colored
fireman called out:
"Hey, yo nigger! What yo' Iookin at?"
"Who'd nigger?" demanded the other.
"Yo is."
"So is yo'."
"Look out dar nigger! I doan' take no
sass off n shucks!"
"Yo is shucks yo'self."
"Humph! Do yo' know what my f adder
sold fur befo' de wah?"
"Fo'teen hundred dollars in gold, sab,
an' dey reckoned dat was $200 under price.
Who was yo fodder, sah?"
"He was the gem'lan who bought yo'
fadder fur a waitah, sah, an he alius 'lowed
he paid a thousand dollahs mo' dan be was
State of Obio. City of Toledo,
I.rAs County. SS. f
Fbask J. Cheney makes oath that he is tbe
senior partner of tbe firm of F. J. Crkxi:y A
Co., !oiug business in the City of Toledo. Coun
ty and b:atu aforesaid, and that said firm will
ray the turn of ONK HUNDRKI) DOLLARS
f r each an J every ciso of Catarrh that cannot
b cured by the uso of Hi.i'8 Cat a nan Ccrk.
Sworn to before me and subscribed ia my
presence, this 6th day of December, A. P., 1S.
-: SKAL. ' Xotaru Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and
acts directly oion the blood and mucus sarfaoes
o( ibo system. Send for testimonials, free.
F.J. CHENEY A CO.. Tolnlo. Ohio.
e"Sold by druggists. 75 cents.
The Audibility ef Women's Yeires.
A novel idea has been suggested as a
eolation of a difficulty which has beset
congress for some time, in the matter of
seeming reading clerk with pene
trating voices that can be heard aboe the
buzz and babble of an exciting session. It
is to employ lady readers. It is stated iu
advocacy of this plan that the quality
of their voices to meet this need is shown
in the practical experience of persons using
telephones, in which their voices, pitched
in a high key.'can be heard distinctly, wbiie
tbe great gruff voice of a man rumbles into
the ear of the listener a mass of confusion
of sound.
Wht n Baby wa-. Mi-k. we nave her Cactoria.
hen (the us a Child. be cried for Cahtflria.
When Hhe became Mish. she clung- to Castorla.
When she had C-.'ldren. she save them Cantons.
Large Bridges ia the WttrW.
Niagara Suspension H'21 feet span.
1 llArvliitiw tr oiuin 'HA foAf Artfl
Tbe Brooklyn and New York, one span
01 i.j.'-t ieei.
The Covington and Ctuciunati, one span
of l.(tf7 feet.
Railway bridge now building oer the
Forth, Scotland, two spans, 1.080 feet each.
Use Bi:on.h liKOVciriAi. Tnocncs for
otigbs. Colds, and all Throat Troubles.
"Pre-eminently the best." Iter. Henry
Wait 1 Iteecher.
The only thing neeeded now to complete
tbe Keely motor is a sort of curlicue to
iinjiingo against the jigniareo that keeps
Ih j tlooflicker iu place on the resf aator,
nnd this cauuot be provided without an
other assessment on the stockholders.
Joy to the World !
for the entire eradication of all Pain,
No family should be without it. One
twenty-five cent bottle will do more to
convince you of the efficacy than all
the testimonials we might present, and
wo have abundance of this kind of
For Coughs, Colds and Sore Throat,
a teaspoonful of Pain-Killer taken at the
beginningof an attack will prove an al
most never-failing cure, and 3ave nuch
is an article that has combined in it all
that goes to make a first-class family
All Druggists sell Pain-Killer at
25c., 50c, and $1.00 a bottle.
yt vwoi j"SoW-",k.
Act on the liver and bile: dear tbe complexion;
cure biliousness, sick headache, coolivenesa,
malaria and cll liver and stomach disorders.
Wti arc now making small size Bile Beans,
especially adapted for chiMren and women-
very small and csy tq taie. f rtco of either
above plnurft. wSluf nt ''$m&V
receipt ut sre brr.p. Adurco the mmri of tM
r). f i f WITH A 09m II -ftiiti RU.
O! crispy days of aatasaat
How thy joys about ase Kpaa t
Whea the turkey's fa the orea
And the oyster's ia the boms.
Pif tslurg Dispatch.
The Crave Gets Tired Yawatag.
Seemingly, for certain wretched invalids who
toddle feebly along, though always lookiag as If
they were going to die, bnt omittiag to do it.
They dry up, wither, dwindle away finally, bat
ia the meantime never having robust health,
know nothing of the physical enjoyment the
rest of that existence to which they cling with
such remarkable tenacity. They are always to
be fonad trying to mend by tinkering at them
selves with some trashy remedy, tonic or "pick
me up to give a fillip to digestion, or "help the
lirer." If such misguided folks would resort
and adhere to Hostetter's Stomach Bitters it
would be well with them. This superb in igor
ant supplies the stamina that the feeble re
quire, by ptrmauenlly rcenforciuK digestion
and assimilation. It owrcomea nervousness
inftomuia, malaria, kidney complaints, bilious
ness, constipation, rheumatism and neuralgia.
Draws tbe Liae at Grind!.
We live to eat anu we eat to live, firing
us 25 cents worth of peas, peaches, pears,
plums, peanuts, polecats, or possums, and
get the best paper for thirteen weeks. We
will accept butter, beans, eggs, chickens
(if fully hatched) and any other digestible
vegetables or fruits. We eat anything ex
cept codfish and giindstones Wwc County
(Tex.) MrMMengcr.
Feed for C'easHaiptiTes.
Scott s KiimiImoii or Cod Liver Oil. with
HyMphosphites. is a imt marvelous food
and medicine. It heal.-tlm irritation of the
throat ami lungs, and gives nV.-h ami
xtivngth iuickcr than any other remedy
known. It is ery p.tlutnhte. Inning none of
the disagreeable taMe of the crudo oil.
Hew ShelHefit
He Tell me, confidentially, how much
did that bonnet cost you?
She George, there is but one way in
which you can obtain the right to inspect
my millinery bills!
He iiopped.
ISsoNrniTis Is enreJ by frequent small
doses of PIso's Cnro for Consmnftion.
The ex-emperor of Brazil is a humorist
iu a quiet way. Brazilian titles bf nobility
aero only held for life and were easily
purchasable. Dom Pedro built and main
tained a lunatic asylum with the product
of the titles be conferred in tbe course of
his long reign.
Many imitate TansillV. Punch" 5c. Cigar.
Henry W. Graot, in his famous ban
quet speech three years ago, declared that
Abraham Lincoln was "Ihe first typical
American, the nrst who comprehended
within himself all the strength and gentle
ness, nil tbe majesty and grace of this republic."
rnifn UtTTAnSl TsalWUf '
M.a.Et iJAlMArn J5 isitniiitjr.
" Man overboard '. Stand by to lower
aw8gz.tbe boats! " With what alacrity every
man on board springs to his post at the
dread cry, knowing fellow creature's life
is at stoke ! Yet that life is in no more dan
ger than that of the man or woman who
trifles with what may .seem ' a simple blood
disorder." but which in reality Ls fast sow
ing the seeds of a fatal disease, when the
early use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery would the blood, restore
impaired digestion, touu up tho vital organs
and ward off consumption. It should take
the place in the family corresponding to that
occupied by the lifo preserver on shipboard.
'If taken in time, and given a fair trial,
"Golden Medical Discovery" is gaaniRa
teed to cure. This it will do if taken in the
earlier stage of consumption, but after a
large part of the lungs havo broken down,
no medicine can stay its fatal progress.
How important then that the earliest pre
monitory symptoms lie heeded ! Short
breath, spitting of blood, occasional chilly
obbbbbbbbV seBeaeBeBeBeaea-
. a"a CATAsm-HidaclM obstruction of nose, discharges
falling into throat, sometimes profuse, waterv. and acrid, at others, thick
tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody, putrid and offensive: eyes weak rin
ing in eara, deafness: offensive breath; smell and taste impaired, and ireS-
aval rlAtIllwB ofewttw om aobb lkaa, i ! Ill i. a T.
- ."" "!" vuj m cw kurrxr Bjiayitinm liaeiy 10 no present nt OUCSU
Dr. Stme'z itcmedy cures the worst cases. Only 50 cents. Sold by druggists everywhere.
Best CcGfc Medicine.
Cures where all else fails.
taste. Children take it without objection. By 'druggists.
ryaat ft StrattM Chicago Bisiitss College!
IWSri'fU'f IWW anil tho IARO I Xrx MZZaW WORIiOt rail Infoi-mar
Uoa.Oatslocn.trma,otrTCDtrRE. Aildmelt. tt- XiU ANT A- IMtN.rrcorlckm.CkUaM.UI.
Wa reeessiead this cellese te ear ree. lera.
ffl tiiniT.rtcttioroiiKt
Bookkeep. ir Hu.iiiiKFnrmR.
mnanfchii rimm-inv-orc-zhlrtanulit
h mail Circnl&rH
Irre. UBiAT"BclJtKiCoi LEOKliuSalo.N. V.
FasfBlCI AsU-"HXMr.fOssRl9o ,
lshPl9lwP IVaehlncioo), .C.
'Successfully Prosecutes Claims. ,
Late Principal Examiner O B. Pension Barton.
lynii'i Unt war.lSiwlju'lkaliiizr'aimK.attvinie.
FflD Cll r a inMi-xs 1 ok si mri.
lUK uM-L knt:apu'Ity7oohki.I'mbei: 1
Mxtr-n inch- win "11m Juarhino i a coo't as
ntw. Co't ornrmallvS Wl-ainl will . -m!(1 at a (Mr
sain, astlirr' i " lnrttiriiM-lor it liytl.-tirr.t-rit
on ArtnressSIIr.CirVMCSI,l,I.IrMoN
f prufribe and folly en
dorse Bis U as the only
specinc fortl-eccrtaiocute
of this dlaeaae.
Asusterdaaa. If. T.
We have sold Bis O for
many yoara. and it baa
Svtn lue Den oi oouo
ctloi. IXR-DYCHEaCO...
Phlrun ilL
lai.aa. Bold by nrolsta
rophaat's AsthaMbpecilC
KrliffTn mxmta.
IKEBn.hOTEa,M. y rrtt
ttn.l'o..ntr9:l hTeha4
Aithoaf orjear. found Be
reUrf onta 1 trirdyour Speea
flc, wnion rMl nie imme
diately." Sold by U Dnur
Bists. tl per mall, poas
When yon dare to far that
Jones of Iltnichaiaton. llina;
liaiuion.X Ydceon't llthe
very beat
opauo p.fhaf, ,
r If t I VW j
Dm iv.Tip uBifr'
TTi to DavavfJ
El srsaiftya
oSSV OUa. ,."
oUoSbbS X JMrbA
' oSoSSrSsEEraSwW
rrii nii.crioc-ojww '
'm ht mm tlti ft?!."
Lwbsgo h a fcm
ef the chtwatB eaea
ef thetiMsWiaTTt,
tow moaaar 1 1'
muscles of the back.
- which is readily
' cared by rabbiaw
.l.-n., ,.a. JH??'1'
-. wm. m. aniBwuj ibowb as;
Victoria, Tea., Jane J, is.
I was ih bed two moa'taa with backacMi
safered about three months. I was cured by
61 Jacobs Oil permaaeaUy: so return ia 14
At Daccaim asd Dealkbs.
IMC CNaatttaLVqiCLCa Ctt. MMsora.lM-
Both trie raethod and results whem
Syrup of Figs it taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
gentlyyetpromptlj on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels cold9, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its Kind ever pro-
dueed, pleating to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substance v :
its many excellent qualities com
mend it to all and have made it " .
the most popular remedy known.' 1 ' '
Syrup of Figs is for salo in 50a .
and 91 bottles br all leading drug .
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept -.
any substitute. .
totimnu. r. hew ton. n.r.
sensations creeping up the spinal column,
hacking cough, variable or poor appetite, .
feeble iiicestioii. with craclnal lora of flesh.
J"80" creeping up tbe spinal column,
hacking cough, variable or poor nnnctiUr.
samaeamaeBmaeBmaeaapPtHeaV TW s-
Bawswswswswswa. .saaBa. M Bswswswswswesw-
cold feet, lassitude or general debility, '
should admonish one that all, is not right. .
11H1 cant anoru to 1001 away prccioinr ,v .
time if suffering from any considerable " .-"
number of the above significant symptoms
of approaching danger! It's madness Ut
trifle and exjeriment with uncertain means
of rebel and cure when thus afflicted ! Don't
forget, at such a critical time, that the only .
medicine possessed of such jxaitive curative
properties as to warrant its manufacturers ',
in selling it, through druggists, under a
positive gmrantee of its,-benefiting or
curing tit erery tttsr, is the world famed
"Golden Medical Discovery." ForallBron- "
chial. Throat and Lung Affections, Wak
Lungs, and kindred ailments, it is an tenc
qunted remedy.
For a Complete Treatise on Blood and
Skin Diseases, or for one on Bronchia),
Throat and Lung Diseases, enclose ten cents, '. '
in stamps, state which book you want nnd "
address, World's Dispensary Medical
Association, OKI Main St, Buffalo, N. Y.
for an incurable case of
,"""" catarrh ia the Head br
nronrictora of DM. SAAE'S catasmsm erurisV
Recommended by Physiciaas.
Pleasant and agreeable to the
Si eetlea ibis saser whea yea write.
O don t you remrmt-rr. 'tu ttlmast ZVeewifcr,
Ami rocn will tlic Holuhiys eontr '
l.VMl(H i. lnlh. At ;ilTNAriIN;( Oct.:
i; Of.. I.-wi. .ilXil.K HKI.I.S I3U rt..
ilor . I.-wik. :IIKLVr.WAS;ll-Tlt5ct.: .
iti 2 ibwitit-i. ;omTiiiiis r. ru : r-'.io
.to It ab-l. KINi; WINTKKl3irt...Blu.,
L.-.-K.H. MK.Ait: OK CHKI-r.MAs M
ct-.. I" Io7.), l m-.
.in :
it, l:o alii). EjchSit.: $tT hundred.
Itirl nf Our Lord.
)lil. sucet Story.
lleljr hrit Child,
Joyful Unmet.
ims ii mm.
iro'luJior)"!.) Howard tH'arnls;10Cirii'i:7( aro'a.
-a- ii in to nor.i.v nor.iis l- cu : ;.u
du in EW I'lfcCES UR XHA ( cu.)
Y- I'tnr.isii. i. .siiErrr .wish -i:w
V w -ijr many .rrerlor pi-rra Ih.t. tr ju-.lit-.
mf clit -t-II Letsniud I'rir- svrn. bi o.M
s'ki.hI IIHU ! e. ntuu) HaTe.
1 iiiiHr M Folks at Home- (Mr's.) StultB.
Memoir'' Ititjr. (U'rC-.) Ld'artlx.
Cotton Field Ifcinre. Knrl iih. (iters.) CtMpr.
I'.iri f-:aK4ition firjiul Marcli. i .ts l Kuulit..
Mililurv icl.ottiM.-l:e. CVUt,-'.! It-llinJO .
Any Uook or Fiet-o Maileil for Kctalt 1'rhrav
LYON ic HEALY. ChicagOo III.
t. .
Throughout the Northwest:
Write to the CHI II" CeH CMfalf at SUeator. .
Ill . tor prices ou the bf-t grade at
- .
Delivered at our station. Ifcey tuike sp tial
jiriccs to Mills, rtorihaad Iai-acr'A hashes.
kmi ptliiB,
. a. ti
m tt n tt
r .
-: i
;, . ,