The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 02, 1889, Image 4

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I hare been twenty yean at the study
C palmistry or chirognomy, and during
that time have not been able to discover
amy philosophic reason for believing that
aBeUnesof the hand and its shape indi
cate character. The want of a connect
ing theory frequently causes me to lose
all hope and belief in the investigation;
but practice restores confidence. No one
can look at even a few hands every
asonth for years together without being
driven to the conclusion that they really
.do contain a guide to much that is to be
found iu the nature of their owners. As
an actual fact, however, I find that the
leading lines of the hand are never eccen
trically deformed, broken or deficient in
- persons who have not some gaps or
queer places in their characters, to
-If the lines are long, clear, red, gently
carved, except the upright ones, few in
number, and shown in a hand that has
".Augers with substantial tips and not too
long roots, the best sort of nature may
be looked for. In the case of persons of
brilliant original talent and thought, the
upright line from the base of the palm
toward the fingers is never absent and
is sometimes repeated twice or even
thrice. It is called the "line of Saturn,"
aad springs from many different places.
In musicians, actors and some others it
usually starts from below the little
finger. When it is joined at the base to
the curved line round the thumb an in
dependence of feeling out of proportion
to the will strength or the pride of the
rest of the character is to be expected.
If the line called that of the head, which
crosses the hand from above the thumb,
ally turning down to the pad below
the little finger, be entirely separate
from the lino that surrounds the thumb,
the whole character will be modified,
whether it be a good or bad one, by this
separation. As a rule that modification
will tend to make the person seem more
clever when thinking out of his own
head, but less able, however sympathetic
aad docile, to adopt the modes of getting
at ideas by which his teachers.achieve
their success.
A short little finger often goes with
a sweetness, a readiness to repent of evil
aad of anger, and sometimes even a
cheerful abnegation. Both kinds are
consistent with a permanence of nega
tive wishes, or, as it is usually called,
obstinacy, as this is a quality capable of
drawing strength from many sources. A
large ended thumb is very good in a
good man, and helps him to fight the
battle of life. In a dull and selfish man
it enables him to be extra oppressive at
hoase, aad to make his opinions of much
-more effect than their valao warrants.
: A thumb whose end is large and its shaft
poor, as though it were a door handle
with a weak neck and could be twisted
off the hand, is not an advantage. This
-leads to many evils, and, though often
found in a good man, gives a tendency
to change the reasons for his good deeds
or good opinions, even after he has been
emphatic in choosing or defending them.
Such change will usually be rather of
the nature of a reversal than a drifting
Blunt ended thumbs seldom go with a
natural tendency to politenessof address
or a polished approach, except when, as
in persons much before the world, this
has been learned as a part. But in good
types it goes with a gentleness and kind
ness of manner bred by self knowledge
which has taught the owner, to counter
act his faults before they have time to
hurt innocent people. It follows as a
matter of course that among women
those whose lingers and thumbs are
pointed are generally the more super
ficially charming. Those with large,
bluat ended fingers are (if intellectual
and educated) more valued and mure
impressive, and even commanding. But
command, like melancholy, has. more
than one origin, viewed as an expression
of constitutional tendency.
Pointed fingered people have no excuse
if they are not agreeable, for it costs
them little to seem so. If large ended
blunt fingered people show delicate dis
cernment, 6elf abnegation in mental
matters, indulgence to shallow weak
Bess, patience with anger and folly, they
are either entirely uninterested person
ally in the occasions that bring such
qualities before them, or have bought
their good nature at a price, like the
Ceatarion his freedom.
When a student of the hand has read
and applied for himself all the volumes
that liave been written on the subject,
and when he lias also discovered how to
discount the bias of his different authors
by guessing at their hands and account
ing for their predilections, and when he
has achieved such proficiency in looking
at a hand and adding up all the conflict
ing forces suggested by its balance of
lines and segments that he can at.once
tell how to classify the owner and what
to expect of him, yet the greatest of all
difficulties will remain to be surmounted.
This hard lull to climb is nothing less
than to describe a character in such
terms that the owner of the same must
confess his portrait and say, "Yes, it is
tree; I am like that" Edwin Ellis in
Universal Review.
JojoTFob Fames Is Exhibited
. te Birth Telegram.
The reporter found him leaning over
the desk at the. telegraph office. There
was nothing about him that would have
attracted attention, except perhaps a
strange troubled look in his eyes and the
reckless way he. was destroying Mr.
Gould's telegraph blanks. He would
take up a sheet, dash off a line or two,
hold it at arms length, slowly shake his
head and then crumple the dispatch in
his hand and try it all over again. On
the sixth round a glad smile told that he
had written the thing to his satisfaction,
aad the next moment he approached the
sight clerk and timidly asked (he charges
to Kalamazoo.
A wan smile crept over the erstwhile
cahm and prosaic face of the clerk as the
took his change and hastily slid
the aide door.
As the reporter approached the smile
. UI thought so," said the clerk slowly
as he glanced about the office to see that
ao one was about.
"You did?" amid the reporter, gentlv
"Yes. This is the fourth one to-night,
. he added, as he pinned his
gase on the blushing night
for Kalamazoo:
little stranger arrived safely to-
Twelve rounds. Julia doimr fine-
ry. It's a boy. Badly name yourbev-
seaddamagesto Charley.'
"Yea," went on the clerk, speaking as
fee were equal to the occasion.
"Bhhr is plainly Charley's first son and
;He is in erst win and hiirtrns
here to notify the old folks at
Did yoa notice how maay times
:tse a? the blanks before he seemed
the young fellows act that way. iron
very ticklish place to put a young bsbb
in, aad being his fist offense,' be' doesn't
know exactly how to word the newsse
that he will soaks a neat ssl i issmwtsl
asessage, as it were. Charley sums to
be quite an artist though, and I thiak
you'll agree with me that fee ledustto
tho climax very well iadeed. Heahaest
forgot well, somethings decidedly im
portant; and rather thaa have the oM
folks at Kazoo, the aunts and uncles and
sixtieth cousins left in a state of bewil
derment, notice how gracefully he rings
in the crisis:
"It's a boy
"Now, then, here's another handed to
me just a little while ago. This is en
tirely in a different vein. It is addressed
to a gentleman in Toledo, perhaps an old
" 'Well! well! well! I told you so! 1
shall name him after youl He will rua
for president in 1924, or my name is not
"Tom Jack.'
"Now, that's what I call. neat," said
the clerk, as -.he laid aside the tender
message destined soon to gladden some
heart in far off Toledo. "One cannot
help but admire Tom Jack's delicate
sense of humor. Be spares himself the
embarrassment of saying anything about
the little angel's sex. He doesn't say
whether Sally is doing well .or not; Tom
Jack is too much elated to think of these
things now. A year or so hence he may
come in again, but his dispatch won't be
so intrepid. Later still, when the family
circle is extended so that the hired girl
puts a couple of extra boards in the table
for dinner every day well, Tom Jack,
the prosaic family man, with expenses
running higher and. higher year by year,
won't be in such a tremendous hurry to
turn loose the electricity for arrival No.
7. We can all wager the nimble dollar
on that.
"Shall I read the other two? Well,
they're not quite so demonstrative. One
" 'Baby came to us this morning. Blue
eyes like its mother. Mother mending
rapidly. JlM.'
"And the other reads:
' 'Our daughter joined us this morn
ing at 10:20. Will you come to christen
ing? Irene sends love to father.
" 'Freddy J.
"You can see by these, that there, is
quite a literature ia the birth message.
The main points that seem to agitate the
fond young papa's breast are to tell the
little story fully, yet suppress any direct
statements. They are really more abash
ed at the clerks behind the counter than
you would readily imagine. If s always
a great mental torture to 'em when I
slowly count over the words one at a
time. It makes them squirm to think
that their handwriting might not be
plain, and that I might roar out the dis
patch and ask them if it's all right as I
read it. But I've too much considera
tion for human nature to do that; and
whenever I see a young fellow sidle into
the office, cautiously grasp a pen and ex
periment on half a dozen blanks, my ex
perience tells me at once what's in the
wind, and I am careful to let him depart
in peace through the side door in the
shortest possible time."
And as the reporter was moving off
the clerk picked up another blank and
read it over softly to himself. There
was no smile on his lips this time as he
turned to the scribe and said slowly:
"Here's another message, side by side
with the little harbinger of gladness I
read you a moment before. It's only a
line, but there is nothing so eloquent as
death. Listen:
"John died when the tide went out
to-night.' "Detroit Free Press.
The Elevator te Karopoaw Hotels.
The "lift" is not displayed ostentatious
ly in the great German houses. R is be
hind iron doors, to be detected only by
inspection, and is moved by clanking
chains. The deliberation of the proceed
ing is its most distinguishing character
istic. You stand in the great hall of the
hotel where areconnoissancehas located
the laboring "lift" and silently await de
velopments. Everybody else has the
greatest plenty of time. Presently from
the unknown interior iron doors fly open,
and a soldierly looking servant with
brass buttons on his cap, preoccupied
with his responsibilities, steps forth with
an air of majesty. The doors clang as
they swing, and the lift is there, rather
primitive but elaborate in construction.
Perhaps there may be five passengers
ready to get aboard. When four have
taken position the master of the elevator
waves the fifth backward with an awful
air of authority, and if the rejected one
is an American urgent to go up at once,
he is told peremptorily that there are
places "only for four." The iron doors
are banged, the engines heave and the
massive machine moves. Safety is con
sulted! Here is a masterly mechanism
that might swing a pair of elephants of
the size of Jumbo, but an attempt to lift
at once more than four persons would be
regarded as an affront to the empire.
The thing's impossible! The French
have the same elevating methods. There
is usually an iron gate as well as an iron
door to the ascenseur in France, and in
some of the first class establishments
they will risk taking up as many as five
passengers at a time. The chains that
are rigged for the security of this multi
tude of irresponsible things are of links
of wrought iron two inches in diameter.
Bernhardt' Late Hi
He was known in European theatrical
circles as Daria, and, it is said, claimed
to be a count As he was born in Greece,
where there are no titles except official
ones, and in the royal family, he had ne
birthright to one. He has often been re
ferred to as a diplomat His diplmastir
experience was not very extensive. He
was once connected with the Greek con
relate for a few days' through an acci
dent His real vocation was that of a
commercial traveler. The elder Damala
was a trader m raw sux, having a house
in Syria, and the son is said to have been
unusually successful fa disposing of the
father's wares. It is even said that he
had no right to hk high sounding name
that he. assumed " Aristides'' f or his
own satisfaction, and that hewaachris
tened as only "Jacques."
Damala was fond of gambling, and a
swarm of creditors is believed to have
hurried his marriage and to have fol
lowed him unrelentingly until he left for
Barcelona. He was once mixed up in a
gambling case with Lambri Pasha, bat
his friends say that he was never a black
leg. At the time of his marriage with
Bernhardt nobody seemed to know
whether his first wife was dead or act
staring the time he played with Bern
hardt he did all he could, it is said, to
excite her jealousy. When she was on
the Etc se and he was in the wings he
used to flirt abossinably with Mile. Lisaa
Xante. This was in Italy, where Bern
hardt had frequent faintingfits on the
stage. Exchange,
"UBder the microscope," says
Henry J. Slack, F. B. M. S., "it is sesa
that as animal and vegetable matter rota
away, swarms of f ermeats come into
existence. For Tpte, fa. a drop
water me nesn ox a dead
noticed in commotion while the
was engaged on thk'naner.
ctUshsaed vibrios were Uvaser
it All were fa brisk rotv. 3i
fag aad beadfag their bodies with whip
. '- r i --
-r law
Fall Clothing for Men
Wbdch I am now. offering to the people of Ctolumbui and vicinity. Notafollar'i worth of old clothing can
tables, everything is fresh, stylish and bought of the largest manufactories.
I scarcely know
are all wool,
1260: $90.00 suits are
MY CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. Now is your time to bay children's suits, age 5 to 12 for $2.00, cheap at $3.25. age 5 to 12 for $3.00, cheap at $4.50 and too
many others to mention. N
A BIG XINE OF BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS. Parents now is your time to purchase. I also carry a LARGE LINE OF BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S HATS
A Nil f! A VH that will be sold at the verv lowest orices.
75 cents ; a full line of GENTS' AND BOYS' OVERSHIRTS in flannel and all styles. I have
things move. My prices
In addition to my
scavengers, sweetening the water by a
chemical process neorooary for their own
nutrition. Our rivers and ponds would
become rectories of deadly poisons, and
all the earth's soil .would be contami
nated, if inexpressible myriads of mi
nute plants and animals did not attack
dead organic matter and cause its ele
ments to enter into new and useful com
binations. If we find thousands of such
little ferments at work upon a fragment
bo biggerthan a full stop of this print,
what must be the numbers in operation
when tons upon tons are dealt with in
the contents of our sewers, in the ma
nures we put on our fields, and in the
vast multitudes of human and other
bodies that perish on land or in sea?"
New York Telegram.
TooMedeat to Be
"Are you the editor of the paper?"
"lam. What can I do for you?"
"Well, I just thought I'd step up and
see how you are. My wife and I are
going to Cape May to-morrow."
"Yes; but I wouldn't have anything
said about it in print, of course. My
name is Simpldns Azariah SimpkLaai"
"Glad to meet you, Mr. Simpldns, I'm
"Now don't go toputtin anything into
the paper about our going away. We
start at 4 o'clock, and I reckon we'll be
gone pretty near a month. I need the
rest, and Mrs. Simpldns was getting kind
of run down. Of course I know how
anxious you newspaper men always are
for an item, but we're plain people and
don't want any notoriety. My wife al
ways likes to see 'Simpkins' spelt with
out a'p,'but the old fashioned way is
good enough for me. Well, I know an
editor's time is valuable, so Til say good
day. If I come across any murders or
anything while Fm gone Til let you
know about them." Washington Critic
The town of OrisnJrr, on tbaEIster,
has been for many centuries the center
of pearl fishing in Saxony. In no other
parts of Saxony nor in aU Germany
were the banks so rich as here.
In early days every one had a right to
gather muscles; in 1CH the sovereign
assumed porscsslon of the pearl fisheries.
Prince Electoral Johann George appoint
ed in that year Moritx Schmirler as elec
toral pearl fisher at a salary of thirty
florins ($12) a year. An ordinance of 1701
administered severe punishments for
pearl thieving.
The 8chmirler family were always
connected with pearl fishing. Moritz's
parents are known to have occupied
themselves with it Their celebrity for
kill and knowledge in this branch was
so great that in 1740 one of them was
summoned to Denmark in order to in
vestigate pearl fisheries in that country.
Not long ago three Oelsnitz citizens,
descendants of Moritz Schmirler, were
salaried as sworn royal pearl fishers:
Salary, 140 thalers ($105), with wood and
produce, yearly. Therefore they had to
deliver to the government all the pearls
found. The Schmirlers fill the same po
sition to the present day.
When pearls were higher in price the
largest Elster pearls were valued at 180
nutria ($45) each. At present the pearl
production from the Elster is not so great
in importance. Numerous factories on
the Elster shores seem to have a damag
ing influence, their waste water mixing
with the river. Jewelers Weekly.
Wlaa FatlMr.
An absent minded city man, used to
paying five cent fares on the street cars,
went on a short railroad journey. He
took out five cents for his fare, instead
of his dollar ticket, and sat looking out
of the window, absorbed in thought,
when the conductor came along, calling.
"Tickets, pfesser
Without turning his head, the passen
ger proffered his five cent piece.
"Ticket, suf said the conductor,
The passenger gazed at him blankly
for an instant, then, recognizing his
blunder, he muttered, "Ah, absent mind
ed again!" and politely began fumbling
his hat band for the receipt check which
the conductor .held ready to give him in
return for the ticket, still untouched in
his pocket.'
But this man was not nearly so absent
minded as the Bowtonhui who met his
own son down town, took off his hat in
response to the young man's greeting,
passed on in abstraction, and said at his
dinner table that night:
"A young fellow down on Milk street
Isaghed at me today when I answered
Us bow, and for the life of me I can't
tUak who it ooald have been, though his
face did asssa familiar." Youth's Com-
as recently
ooiaed a word which will probably find
itowajiirtothsdictionarie. It is "ad
dresses" and signifies the person to whom
a letter is addressed. We presume is
will be equally applicable to taecharm
iag young lady who is receiving the ad
dresses of a lover. It would work' some
thing in this way ia such a case:
"Jones is paying his addresses to Miss
"Indeed, is the addressee rich and
hsndsosacT Bostew Courier.'
;"Iiii xxcrtxr TZesu&sr ox B-uipua-ouo.i
chean at $27.50.
evenings crowinc chillv. vou all feel the need of one of this class of coats.
which one of the' many beautiful styles to mention. I will oner you a mCh
stylishly made, and will compare with any suit bougnt eisewnere ror aiou. a nice,
TALKING ABOUT GENTS' 'FURNISHING GOODS, you can find any style for less
are bound to bring you to me, and if
business here I take measures for men's
Dearie, draw your chair betido at.
For I lore to bare you sear.
And I have some words to tell you,
Tbat you aooa or late miiat bear I
Closer, dearie, for the darkness
Seems to me to come apace.
And. altho the daylight lingers.
I can scarcely see your face.
Dearie, we have one together
Iiv'd, and been for Sfty years;
Fsc'd the worid, and fought Its battles,
Thro' its hopes and thro' Ks fears;
Now for one the fight Is ending;
I am first ordahVd to fall,
Leaving you alone, my dearie,
You. who are myall ia all!
Dearie, stay those tears, I pray yoa.
Hard It to stout heart to keep!
But to me lis, m this moment,
Harder st&l to see yoa weept
We are only parting, dearie.
For awhile; there! take say band!
Kits me, for my soul la pluming
For the bright Eternal Landl
-Edward Ozenford u Young Lady's Journal.
Just as Glad to See aa Actor.
Gen. Custer, Lawrence Barrett and
Stuart Eobeon went over to Brooklyn
years ago to hear Mr. Beecher preach.
After the sermon the three went around
to the house of a friend where Mr.
Beecher was to come immediately after
church. They were seated in the parlor
chatting as the great preacher came in.
The names had been given to him in the
halL As soon as he reached the thres
hold of the parlor door he said, "Mr.
Robsonl" The actor went over and ex
tended his hand.
"I am delighted to see you, delighted
to see you. But you are a much younger
looking man than I expected to find."
"Oh, L am 45 years at least Mr. Beech
er," replied Robson.
"I shouldn't think it, sir; I shouldn't
think it You are a very young man to
bo secretary of the navy."
"I am not Mr. Robson, the secretary
of the navy, but Mr. Robson, the actor."
"Oh, it makes no difference," said Mr.
Beecher, "I am glad to see you notwith
standing my mistake."
But he lost no time in turning from
him to pay court to Gen. Custer. As be
had made a mistake on the political end
he made up for it by paying court to the
military hero until the discussion became
general. New York Star.
Defect la Edacatloaal System.
Perhaps the most serious defect of the
system of liberal education now preva
lent in the United States is its lack of a
truly progressive character. It is full of
fits and starts. It is too disjointed and
fragmentary. This is partly because
there are no settled principles of pro
cedure, fixing the order and amounts of
the studies; and partly because there is
no power which can secure teachers that
know precisely what they are expected,
fitted and permitted to teach. The con
sequence is that the different years of
school life too much resemble the differ
ent successive sessions of our legisla
tures. Milton somewhere describes the
process of legislation as "hatching a lie
with the heat of jurisdiction." Fortun
ately, the process also consists in killing
the brood of lies already hatched by pre
vious legislation. Now the process of
education in this country k by no means
so bad in this regard as the process of
legislation; but in certain respects the
former too much resembles the latter.
Professor George Trumbull Ladd, of
Yale college, in Scribner.
Ha Dldnt Proaonnee It That Way.
An old fellow from the country, who
has plenty of money invested, some of it
in an uptown hotel of the family sort,
was approached on the first day of open
ing it by a natty young man with a de
bonair smile.
"Have you any rooms en softer" he
asked. ' e?
"Any what?" inquired the new land
lord. "Rooms en suite."
"See here, young man, how many of
them are you?" asked the granger.
"Just me and Mamie I mean my
wife. We we haven't been, married
long. She sent me around to see if you
had any suites.
"Well, you go home and tell her te
come right along. We've got plenty of
rooms, and when you and she are in
them they'll be too sweet for anything.
If we havent got rooms in sweets well
have sweets in rooms. Come again,
young feller." New York News.
Men and women are coming more and
more to recognise that they are not living
solely for themselves. Selfishness is bad;
sympathy and a desire to help others are
good. Never before was there so much
charity shown to the sick, the needy , the
friendless. And yes, charity does not
end with the bestowal of food, clothing
and shelter; it has only done a part of
its work. The world is full of neglected
children, of discouraged men, of women
who are heavy laden with care and sor
row, wad others whose naturally bright
atinds are starved and dwarfed. Ma
terial charity might help some of them,
but their greatest needs lie often in the
direction of sympathy, care, mteQectnal
stimulas and aids to a higher Ufa.
An invalid may need a chettful corre-
there is soeas one in the worid '
At the beginning of the All seasonyan entirely new and elegant stock of
My stock
you value your money and if you want
suits for the LARGEST HOUSE
who could do her good. There may be
a neglected girl or boy in the neighbor
hood who is sadly in need of correct
moral training; some good woman ought
to get tbat child under her influence.
There may be a man whom sickness and
reverses have broken down; some one
should seek him out and put him on his
feet again, not by a gratuitous gift, but
by helping him to employment or restor
ing his confidence in himself.
There may be a woman ah, there are
legions of women, who bravely struggle
on under poverty, sickness and sorrow,
who need sympathy and encourageasent
and away to earn something with which
to improve the condition of their families.
Who will help them? They are all around
you you will not need to look far. Will
you let them do your plain sewing, or
bako your bread or do your weekly clean
ingsomething for which you can pay
them? Or, if their minds are starving,
will you give them some of your books
and papers, with the injunction to pass
them on when they have done with them?
We know personally of a poor family
who owned not more tlian two or three
books. An agent came around and of
fered the mother, at a low price, a small
work on civil government which she
earnestly desired to possess for the sake
of instructing her growing boysr She
had no money, but, much against the.
wishes of the father, who did not think
such things were necessary, she bartered
some domestic product for the coveted
volume. As she sat down and turned its
pages lovingly, and found there just the
information of which she felt herself so
urgently in need, in order to be an intel
ligent instructor for her children, her
emotions overcame her and she wept
long, influenced by the privation she had
undergone and the present joy of possess
ing the coveted treasure.
And tliat one book proved a very great
help in the rearing of her sons and
daughters to an intelligent manhood and
womanhood. This instance is only a sin
gle one in a thousand. There are others
who experience a thirst for wider knowl
edge, a soul hunger that is pitiful, and
which many, even though poor in this
world's goods, could easily relieve, if
they would. This is a phase of charity
in which people who have not money to
give can help. There are many highly
educated ladies who could not bestow
alms, but who might gather together a
class of women hungry for intellectual
thing i, and feed them from their rich
store acquired by education and travel,
or who could visit them and talk with
them singly while a their work. At
lanta Constitution.
rtb Heart.
In diseases of the heart which persist
for a long time and finally end, as a very
large proportion of them do, in slow de
cline and a lingering death, dropsy al
ways sets. in. In the late stages it is a
most intractable symptom, and adds
greatly to the suffering experienced. In
the treatment, physicians have been
wont to depend largely upon a diet of
milk, which, in cases where it is well
borne and can be persisted in, always acts
well. But there are many patients who,
for various reasons, cannot be kept on a
milk diet for any length of time. To
some it becomes abhorrent after a while,
and others really cannot digest it prop
erly, as simple food as it is. And besides
that, a milk diet is really unsnited to no
small proportion of patients affected with
cardiac diseases. We have reference to
those who cannot be kept quiet, bat in
sist upon being up and about, often in
the open air, if not engaged in light
Professor German See, of Paris, has
long been engaged in study to learn
what elements in milk render it each aa
admirable agent to stimnlste the kid
neys, increase the flow therefrom and
hence proye of such great sstike ia
dropsies. As a result of his mvsstiga
tion he is convinced that the one im
portant element is sugar of milk. Actiag
upon that theory he selected twenty-five
patients with heart disease, In all Of
which there was more or leas dropsy,
roeach he gave 100 grammes of the
sugar of milk, a day, dissolved hm two
suarts of water. In all these esses a
marked effect upon the kidneys was felt'
within from twenty-four to forty-five
hours, and the dropsies dunmished. rap
idly, and almost all such swellings dis
appeared altogether after a series of
treatments lasting from six to eight
lays. This discovery is likely to prove
one of the most important which has
been made in the medical world for
years. Boston Herald.
Am aa IssMsw G1
A looking glass is a mystery, an ob
ject of intense interest to many anhnals,
and it is often very amusing to watch
their maneuvers. Professor C Reesrt
son describes the behavior of a large ape
in the Jardin dee Plantes.
He was to an iron cage lording it over
some smaller monkeys. Ferns and other
things had been thrown between the
bars, which the ape attempted tossias.
At length a email hand looking gkMW,
with a strong wooden frame, was throws
in. The ape got hold of it aad began to
brandish it like a hammer, whea sud
denly be was arrested by the raise lion
of himself in the glass.
After looking piimlnfl for a.asoassnt,
he darted his head behiad the glass to
is complete. I shall
SUIT FOR $5.00, yoa
fancy plaid or stripe sacks
money than was erer.
too huge a assortateat i
to mention
lowest prices, and et
to save it, call at
IN CHICAGO and gaarantee perfect
find the other ape, which, ae ennsntly
he apparently thought that he had not
bean quick enough ia his asovemsats.
So be raised and drew the. glass assist
to him with great caution, and then,
with a swifts dart, looked Dshind;and
again finding nothing, he made the at
tempt once asore.
He now grew very angry, and began
to beat the frame violently on the floor
of his cage. 8ooa the glass was shat
tered, and pisoss fell out. Again ho was
arrested by his own image in the piece
of glass still remainingia the frsme, sad
be resolved to try again. More carefully
than ever he Wane, and -axx rapidly
thaa ever was the final dark ansae.
His fury over this last fatten knew
ao bounds, and he cruached the trams
and glass together with his teeth till
nothing but splinters reamined. Youth's
She was BBBBBvelr balk of
oak, with bows so bluff as to be
square, a straight aided box, made, like
aU Dutch craft, to slide over the water
rather than through it, and with im
mense wmg Uke lee boards on each side
to let down and supply the place of a
keel when going to windward, A tall
mast bore a lofty narrow .Beaded saain
sail with a short curved gaff, and a fore
staysail from the bow. The great rudder
bore along its upper edge a grotesquely
carved and gayly painted lion couchant,
the most common of all the rudder decor
ations and of as much importance as the
familiar figurehead in seagoing ships.
Hull and. spars were brightly varnished,
with casings of polished brass, aad rings
and scrolls of red and blue paiat wher
ever there was room. The staves of the
water barrels were green and white, and
marvelous landscapes were painted on
the ends. There was a neat raised cabin
at the stern, gayly ornamented in green
and yellow, with little white curtained
flower decked windows, through which
one caught glimpses of a spotless doll's
house interior, with shining pots and
pans and quaint shapes of blue and brows
earthen vessels. Of course all the items
of household life cooking, washing, the
baby's toilet, and soon were performed
ia the most open and unconcerned asaa
ner on deck. Black wood's Mags line,
Sarfcaga 1MB,
An ohl soldier, a lieutenant during the
civil war, was walking down the street
of a town when he was accosted by a
fellow, half soldier, half beggar, who
made him a most reverential salute.
"God bless your honor," said the saan,
wliore speech betrayed him for an Irish
man, "God bless you and long life to
"How do you know me?" said the lien
tenant. "Is it how do I know you, your hon
or?" responded Pat "Good right, sure, I
have to know the man that saved my life
in battle."
The lieuteBaat,gratified at this trib
ute to his valor, slipped a fifty cent piece
into the fellow's hand, and asked him
"God bless your honor and long life to
you." said the how doubly grateful vet
eran. "Sure, an it was at Aatietam,
whea, seeing your hoaor rua away as
fast aa your legs would carry yoa from
the rebels, I followed your lead and ran
after you out of the way, whereby, na
iler. God. I saved my life. Oh. good lack
to j Mir honor! I will nevsrforget you."
Youths Companion.
A poet should sever
old or he
should not let it be knowa.
folk of
of the
be a secret league
poets to prevent the
ia the natural order of things, bat
the area that writes of yeuth, love and
the fair face of nature, or the
rerexowold. Lord Tennyson
st M does not asemeeif he could he the
poet, Alfred Taaayson. bat the fact that
he iwae born on Ang.'fl,lMt, is besng
nmrhihnsit by ailtW psnnrs. The New
ive saved one
is the lucky sheet. Accused with sev
thority the act of
General Boulanger, The
on showing that owing to
the docasaest k
trae copy of she act ail wit the
law had not
shove re
proach were convicted and Ined. Chi
cago Tribune.
Jadge-Did yon ever notice any signs
of insanity in the dscesesat
Wisnem(amsBabsrof the InyhlslarO
WeM, once, when he wee a msrnhsr of
Ihs Isglshsars. hi intrn im aha thee
waanWaartSsleof mtsrssttosayhsdy
tare no coatempsrary.or assent .parallel
to Tennyson's. career." PJMsbarg Bul
letin. The nmch-mslignsd cossBssitor,aad
Boys Children,
be pleased to ill your wants ia this line. I will offer you bargains in suits.
can't t elsewhere for less than $8.00. My $9.00 suits, worth $12.50.
or frocks for $12.50 is worth $18.00; the nicest dress suits for $17.50, cheap at
to yow before. - You can buy a good undershirt for 50 cents, cheap at
prices in this line.
ia warranted or money will be cheerfully refunded. I intend to make
fit or no pay.
Mew Styles af Postal Car,
The new postal cards soon to be issued
will varyia aise. There will be three
sises when the contratrts are finally taken
up- uas a fine, delicate, card for hulk
use, much smaller titan that bow in cir
culation and of much finer quality.
Finely calendered paper will be substi
tuted for the old buff blotting paper. An
mtermediate card of the same sise as
the one bow in use will be retained, aad
anew huge card wili baiatroduced that
can beusMl for bjsmess purposes, and
will be large enough to allow a billhead
to be prlated thereon, besides the other
matter. Washington Cor. Boston Jour
nal: Kewara ,
For a better or more pleasant remedy
Cor the care of consumption, bronchial
troubles, cough, croup and whooping
cough thaa SANTA ABIE, the Cslifor
ia mag of consumption. Every bottle
warranted. If you would be cured of
that disgusting disease, catarrh, use
by mail Sua Santa Abie and Cat-R-Care
are sold and warranted by Dowty
Merit ia born with men; happy those
with whom it dies.
This is what yon ought to have, in
fact yon must have it, to fully enjoy life.
Thonssnds are searching for it daily,
and mourning because they find it not.
Thousands upon thousands of dollars
are spent annually by our people in the
hope that they may attain this boon.
And yet it may be had by alL We
gaarantee that Electric Bitters, if need
according to directions and the use per
sisted in, will bring yon good digestion
and oust the demon dyspsssis and in
stall instead eupepsy. We recommend
Electric Bitters for dyspepsia and all
disseess of the liver, stomach and kid
neys. Sold at 50c and SI per bottle by
David Dowty, druggist.
Nature creates merit and fortune
brings it into play.
aa Assalats Care
MENT is only pat up in large two-ounce
tin boxes, and is an aheslnte enre for
old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands
and all kinds of skin eruptions. Will
positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for
8old byDowty ABecnerst 25 cents per
box by Basal an cents. marry
A picture is a poem without words.
A Sersp sf nser 9svcs Ber Lh.
It was just si ordinary scrap of wrap
ping paper, but it saved her life. She
as ia the last stages of consumption,
told by physicians tbat she was inenr-
able and could not Kve but a- short time;
she weighed less than seventy pounds.
On apiece of wrapping paper she read
.of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a
ample bottle; it helped her, she bought
a large bottle, it helped her more,
bought another and grew better fast,
continued its nee and is now strong,
healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140
pounds. For fuller particulars send
stamp to W. H. Cole, druggist, Fort
Smith. Trial bottle of this wonderful
discovery free at David Dowty's drug
store. Treat not too much to an enchanting
Bttta Saier Cares.
To nm EDrron Hesse inform your
readers that I have a positive remedy
for the above named disease. By its
timely use thousands of hopeless cases
have been permanently .cured. I shall
Ka rlaH in annd two bottles of mv reme
dy ,fbke to any of your readers who have
COBSUBSpUOU II iney WIU wuu un hiiu
express and post office address. Respect
fuOv. T. A. Svocvv. M. C 181 Pearl
street. New York. 30y
Perfection is attained by slow degrees;
she requires the hand of time.
Baealca's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, ehapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures pfles, or no psy required.
It hi guraateed to give perfect satisfsc
tioa, or Bioney refunded.- Price 25 cents
mr hnr. For aala bv David Dowtv. 3
ouBomclis opposite u. a PATmwr
OTflCB. Wa a so sab a " IV ' ."
iMisU.S osws cam transact pateat basin j in
lesanaw aad at LESS COST thaa tnosa maot
.wssMsarnB .
I auMfel. arawins. or pno. wii n oMcnp
Waa&isa if uatesrfsMa or not. frsa of
Oarfn sstswnu iwmwMnna.
wii ii iswaisi w ms sanisa mwnr
aal dlsats in rr iiteto. roaatjr or
tawa.s tfr . m
I oust
be found on my
(chszi AstHM.OgHS.
. j Vn -7 m . - "f
X I Crsetc..TlJOnnT .'i
Lrr nm r-S.M.n GiMltirf
.Sent! for ci'Colar.lrUHi3br02-.
.JUilETlNE MEOcQ.ow)viiiijAL
.. u.
Pcure ron
Trrnlf PiiiniHeil by the H. T. Cl.bk Duva Co..
Lincoln. Nb. imnrKS-ly.
asas to as tae finest sad net prece
in the worid for the relief aad earn et
Tht eresc rtsiesV for
Mu&qin (Marts. &Usy
Ely's Cream Balm
"aaasasaaaaaaannBW .
TJ. P. Depot, Crolumbus.
The best book for aa
rassr te con
bo ho export
er otaerwiaa.
aw! i-fltlmatea
aeatofaverUslwi.Taaartvertiafcif Lw
ft sms sow OoBar. aatla lu.Utba Im-
ta, while lor Hi mi wiwvui
k.maaiMl tlollmralmatl-
a ssbeatt la taHl tested wwci wui
mrmrv rmmmtaawaeaUcremmaam
IsiWjIfiljSMsrrV -' T"
LteuT adilioosfnr IS seals.
T"T" TT- -W -aVTBSBk
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iDTisrwuw ,
Almot sWMatabto c Ml.
BBnanmAeaaut amae BanBlsaWsmBnaal bbbbsbI snYnr unman usufanmss
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CieaTawtnextnamii'ianigee. ju- . . bbbb
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