"51 r I MkZ i e V) .1 U H j P a U M M k? 3 i s 1 i it Is k i i I! ' . ' Mwtetify! j Bargains! t&Commencing Today land all this week ice will quote bargains in every .department - unapproach- able in the state. Mail Wen ujM receive prompt atten tion. Write for samples, MBBEB & DJIYKIN. Columbus gotimal. Entered at the Ret4eBce,ColuabBa,Kb.,aa f.n.-41iuia mail matter. sctnd-clae " Batter. IBSUXD XTKBT WD1MMI BT M. K. TURNER & CO., Columbus, Nel. i or OMOBirnov: One year, by mail, poatace prepaid,.... dixmontba. Three moatfea, $2M , JO Payable ia AdTaaoe. tVflpedBBBOopiea sailed bee, on applica liaa. TO Wbea aabacribera cbaaga their plaoe of reel, demca they ahoold at once notify na by letter or postal card. Kirinc botb their fonaer and tboii pnwont poet-office, the irat enables ns to readily sod the aaaie oa oar mr'Vrf; liat, from which, being ia type, we each veek prist, either on the wrapper or oa the Baanrin of roar Jodbjjxl, the date to which joor enbaeripuom ia paid or ac counted for. Remittance ahonld be pade either by moBey-order, reentered letter or draft, payable to the order of . . M. K. Toman & Co. TO OOBBBROBIHUXS. All ooauMBicatioaa, to aeeare attention, most b accompanied by the fall name of the writer. We reserve the right to reiect any sannxenpt. and cannot agree to ratam the aaian. We dcbin a curreapondent ia every ecbool-diBtnct f Watte coBBty, one of good jadgment, and re liable in every way. Write plainly, each iU-ii. aeparately. Give e facta. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2. 1888. RffaMicaa Cmty Tickif. For Traaanrer, GU8. a HBECHEK. For Clerk, GEOIiGE N. IIOPKIN8. For Sheriff. M. C. HLOEDORN. For Cuenty Judce, H. J. HUDSON. For Saperintendent of Public Instruction, L. J. CRAMER. For Borveyor, A. G. ARNOLD. For Coroner, DR. HART. No JtJBOBS were secured in the Cronin caae, Sept 28. President Harrison received a large number of callers at the White House Saturday. It ia presumed that John Stauffor has concluded to postpone his trip to Europe until after the election. At Baltimore, Md., a sugar refining company has been incorporated, with a capital stock of Sl.000,000. Hon. J. D. Washbukn, United States minister to Switzerland, arrived at New York, Sept. 29, from Havre. A case of small-pox was reported in Chicago Sept 28. John Walter, a young lad, is the patient, who had just return ed with his parents from Luxemburg. At Greeley, Col., Sept 25th, while at tempting to cross the railroad in a buggy, Miss Gleason was killed, Mrs. Jessie Gale fatally, and Mr. E. II. Gale seriously injured. Johk Frieze, a young man of Balti MMe, Md., Sept 29, shot and fatally wouded Miss Georgia Stone, with whom he had been keeping company, because she went out walking with another man. . A kfobt comes from Mexico that the city of Celaya was almost entirely inun dated Sept 29. Many families have sought refuge in the former convents of flaiat Francis. Heavy storms are re ported at other places. Frank Hoiaoway, a very respectable young man living near Bismarck, HL, who was married about a week ago to Miss Jennie Kerns, committed suicide last week by shooting himself in the temple. Temporary insanity is the only t assigned. The Mobile k Ohio south bound mail and passenger was held up on the morn ing of Sept 24th by robbers at Buckatu aosm, Miss. There was a large amount of money on board the train, but the robbers only secured $2,700 with some registered packages. At the Paris exhibition, rewards were distributed Sept 29th. Speeches were Baade by President Carnot and Premier Guard, in which they expressed hearty fcw to foreiim powers and exhibitors I ajfce had contributed to the great success brilliancy of the exhibition. A fire destroyed an entire block in KmHM Citv. Montana. Sept 29th. The loMwfllsfzreffate $300,000- The most extensive stores in town and one bank wwreburned. Three firemen were fatally i.nml and two or three others slightly. ' The ire is believed to be of incendiary Two tramps recently burglarized a stare at Holland, la. A constable at- ' t stiifl to arrest them while in the act, hatfwM knocked down, his lamp broken aad the store set on fire, the tramps es- ajajM. They turned up at Beinbeck in a, box ear, where A. Keel, section fore- . while endeavoring to resaove them i the car was shot through the seek, i were arrested. The completion of our -mrmr mnmm iijpi,i a jf aa TO-M? Ever shown by any one house in Nebraska. memDers oi a private syndicate oi inuxeeu aiuerera large ury guuus nrms mrougiiout uus chaw ana aiso connectea wiu muiuuerv ux ui7 ku syndicate, gives us an advantage to buy direct from the Mills, thereby saving the commission and jobbers' profits, and therefore we can safely say that we shall discount all our competitors on prices in this . . . region. The public generally is invited to attend our grand opening day and be convinced of our statements. We shall always quote the lowest market prices in Central Nebraska, ana whatever quotations we make in news- a rs or otherwise, will always be round in our estao aent. and to make this day memorable in the history of the dry goods trade menus ana attractions Our nrmcinal business ions or ioo, or wnicn .a. .k. Jk. m. k W Trade with Already the official organ of the dem ocratic "bosses" is calling for "vigilance" in regard to keeping the lines closed up. That is all right, but why don't the "bosses" vary the program a little occa sionally. Why have the "lines" always fallen in certain places, year after year, term after term. What inducement have the rank and file to keep the lines closed? You havent builded better than you knew. Somebody else wants a chance, and you haven't got out of the old rut You think, may be, that you are hoodwinking those whom you "downed" at your convention, but it is not so. Two years ago you thought your opposition in your own ranks was insignificant, trifling, not to be thought of, but it was far otherwise. The ghost, as you supposed it to be, would not down at your bidding. Neither will it again. The fact is that your assumed ghost is flesh and blood and that of a finer grain, so to speak, than your own, closer allied to the public weal and less oent on selfish and merely personal mo tives. But it is because of their love of themselves, their self-respect and the assertion of their right, occasionally, at least, to taste the sweets of office, that your way this time is to be worse than before. These men now know that so long as your pets are the only ones who can receive nominations, there is no show for them until your force is brok en, and they purpose doing that very thing this time. You didn't heed the lesson of two years ago, and you repeat ed the blunder of that campaign at your convention last week. Many of you see this now, but it is another instance of hind-sight being better than fore-sight Your ways are the ways of a ''boss,'' and that day has gone by, pretty much. It will answer your purpose, here and there probably, where you may find a man who is not versed in what is going on about him, but citizens who have their eyes open, fully opened to your personal, private, selfish ends will tell you, "Go show yonr slaves how choleric yon are And bid yoor bondsmen tremble," but don't try to whip us into line. We know our business best, and, as you have not consulted us and our interests in making your nominations, you needn't expect our vote to help you carry out your designs. The Platte Center Argus, one of the several democratic papers of this county, has some fine things to say concerning John Stauffer, the democratic nominee for treasurer, but along with it the Ar gus is compelled to refer to the fact of his opposition to a thorough examina tion of the records of his office.' In this connection the Argus says that "the only objection that can be seriously urged against retaining Mr. Stauffer in office another two or four years is that he should not lay down one office, after having it thirteen years, to take another position." Will the Argus explain why it is that it makes this last statement, if the former one is true? If Mr. Stauffer has opposed, as you say he has, "a thorough examination of the records of his office" as clerk, why is it that you say the only objection to retaining him in office, is his long-time service? Some thing is out of joint here. May be it is a slip of the pen. The two propositions dont pull together one goes gee, while the other comes haw, and it is for this reason that many of Stauffer's best friends and former supporters in both parties are, some angry because he pledged himself to have nothing. to do with running for office this time, and yet, as they believe, labored to bring his nomination about; others feel that they have voted for him long enough, and still others are convinced that he had better yet decline to run, ask the dem ocratic central committee to take his name from the ticket, at the beeinninir of the two months' campaign, rather than near the close of it "TssBXwill be no excuse for demo crats to vote for a single republican candidate in this county this fall," so says the Telegram, the recognised lead er of the democratic party in Platte county. It would be rather more than the nature of things would lead us to expect, to see the republican ticket receive all the votes of the county, but there is abundant reason for believing that the "bosses" of the democratic party in this county have not acted wisely in their nominations but far otherwise, and that the day is at hand for the people of that party, the men who do the voting, to open up the record and see what it will develop. "People will talk," aad, now that they have a goodly number of days before the election to consider what is best to do, they will canvass the situation pretty thoroughly, and it is more than likely that in each case the best man will win. With all due deference to the opinion of our democratic neighbor, D. Frank, we say there will not only be excuse, but justification and good reasons for desao- crata to vote iornoi osuy one repunne, but slso the whole ticks. "St yoa later." building: having been unavoidly delayed, we are compelled to postpone the date of our Grand Openieg from SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st, to s r- f- -anwan-awammi - - " To the inspection of the Opening of DRY 800DS, CARPETS, UPHOLSTERY of Columbus, Nebr., special induce- win ue onereu in every methods are not the old M A V A our gr us and save at least 20 to THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. ObIbIom ef the People, Gathered from All Qaarter. It was a Kavanaugh triumph all through, and the "Boss" never showed his political finesse to better advantage than when he arose in the convention and asked those who were voting for him to refrain, as he would, under no circum stances, accept a nomination. Two years ago Kavanaugh was defeat ed for county treasurer by Gus. Becher, and 'now the "Boss" wants to show his party that even Stauffer, who has slipped quietly into office every time, can't de feat Gus. Kavanaugh held his grip on the con vention, so that he could wreck the party nominations, and he has succeeded Stauffer has held office in Platte coun ty for fourteen years, and has grown rich off the county. Give somebody else a chance. Must we pension Stauffer? Bothleitner is not the sort of man to place at the head of the schools of Platte county. We know what Mr. Cramer is, and he's all right, but this man well, Platte county, in former years, made too many mistakes with this office, and when we have a good man, one who has given excellent satisfaction in his office, we will not foolishly drop him after one term for an untried individual. Good old Mr. Eusden wasn't in the ring, and so had to step aside for Dick Bossiter. I always liked Dick personally, but politically he is tied up with the old ring, and of course stands no show for election if a good surveyor is put up against him. A Goo Idea. Ed. Journal jSir: In this age of rapid transit and convenience to market, the people in this part of Platte county feel as though they were laboring under great disadvantage and .difficulties -on account of the distance and incon venience to market We feel that we are not having a fair show in trying to compete with our neighbors, compared with more favored portions of the coun ty, and therefore wonder if there is not some feasible plan for us to adopt to overcome the inconveniences and at the same time secure assistance from other communities who would be benefited by the plan. (For we constitutionally favor enterprises that promise mutual benefit to all, and believe on that platform the true success and progress of the county and people depends.) Therefore, our idea is, to build a nar-row-guage railroad from the north line of Sherman township to Columbus, the townships through which it would pass would, I think, be willing to vote a reasonable amount of money for the en terprise, and while it would give us a good, easy, stable and convenient mar ket, it at the same time would enhance the value of our lands, and also very materially help Columbus. Columbus must always and will be our market, for there is no point that can or will be able to compete in prices of goods and pro duce bought and sold, for she is a rail road center and her advantages can never be overcome, and it certainly would be wisdom for her business men and citizens to do all they can to strengthen and improve these advant ages. If my plan is feasible and can be adopted, there is more territory south and west that can be benefited mutual ly, by the same plan, and the greatness of Columbus very materially advanced. The present railroads would perhaps en courage a move of this kind, for it cer tainly would assist them as well toward reaping an advantage. Let some prac tical, able man give us his opinion on this matter, or any person who feels an interest in the scheme. Sherman. For Tax Jocbhau Grawiag OH- "Tie beet to weave ia the web of life A bright sad golden Una. And toSo oar work witk awfllimg heart. ABdbaadatbataaawiftaadwiliag.,; Growing old gracefully. Dont fret and scold and make everybody around you aa full of misery as a fish is of bones. Help the young to be happy, innocently happy, for as continued health is vastly preferable to the happiest recovery from sickness, so is innocence to the truest re- pentance. You were once young, for there never was s fifty, nor a sixty years that didntboldthe teas and twenties. Then yon were fond of amusements, and grateful to the older oneswho helped you to enjoy them. Perhaps yon were sometimes spoken to so sharply in the preasnee of others, that it saddened you, and made yon feel as small as a butter- vt piafeatber; so remember that, and possible prices, anc nd DRESS-MAKH SEPTEMBER WE OPEN DRY - GOODS - ROOM people of Platte County, and should like to see everybody out. Our Grand Millinery on the SECOND FLOOR will take place very soon. All our goods are new ueuaruuent. rot fogy iueh fash- 25 per cent. All goods speak gently, kindly to the young even though they err, for that is the surest way to reform them. As old age comes on, your age can be brightened by many a rest of blissful forgetfulness of the cares of life, by the perusal of books and papers, and you can return to your more rugged pursuits with renewed zeal and strength, with a cheerful heart, and. a smiling countenance. And if, when when aches and pains remind you of old age, you sometimes almost involuntarily exclaim, "Oh, Father Time, roll back a few years and let me be young again," just bear in mind that with those dis solving years, many of your present blessings must disappear: therefore be content n. d. h. w. Sowing Rye. There ore but few farmers so situated that at least one field may not be sown with rye to advantage. When sown early it may be grazed in the late Autumn and ; during the Winter in short, whenever the ground is dry enough to permit cat tle in the field without doing too much injury to the plants. In this way, either by pasturing or soiling, green food to take the place of ensilage may be. had far into the Spring, until it is time to plough it under for a different crop. It is a specially good crop to be followed by sweet potatoes, for which it leaves the ground in good condition, its rank spring growth smothering a multitude of the early weeds. Besides what is removed by pasturing, enough will remain to be ploughed under to add to the fertility of the ground instead of abstracting any thing from it When sown especially for the grain it may be pastured very considerably without injury to the crop. One of the merits of rye as a special ... ....... . . . crop lies in tne fact tnat it not only affords, succulent food in abundance at a period when it cannot be obtained from any other growing crop but almost its entire growth may be made on land that would otherwise have been idle. B. L. N., Middlesex Co., N. J., in N. Y. World. Less than seventy years ago the mar ket price of a bushel of corn would buy one pound of nails, now it will buy ten pounds of nails. Then the price of a bushel of wheat was required to buy a yard of calico; now the same bushel will pay for twenty yards of a much better fabric. So the policy of protection and diversifying industries in this country has increased the purchasing power of labor more than tenfold. There has never been a period in the history of this country wben a day's labor would yield so much solid human comfort as during the past twenty years, and there is no other country on earth where the laborer fares so well as in our own "tariff bur dened" America. David City Tribune. Aspiring poets are reminded that Ten nyson takes a walk of three miles every day. In other words, the poets are in vited to take a walk. Oil City Blizzard. The above is respectfully referred to the two would-be poets of this city Davis and Bixby. According to the B)izzard's philosophy, to be a poet is a question of how many miles you can walk in a day. The Omaha World-Herald says that prize fighting "is the recreation of brutes not civilized men. American life confirms this; modern civilization confirms it and the law should confirm it No man ot refinement can derive any pleasure from such entertainment and there is a flaw in the moral 'make-up' of any one who attends such brutal exhibi tion." "From the center of my heart, I thank you for this nomination" so said Bothleitner at the democratic conven tion. If Mr. R. should by any possibility be elected county superintendent of public instruction, it will not be fashion able to ssy, on occasions of congratula tion, "I thank you from the bottom of my heart," but from the center. Judge Geoff, commissioner of the general land office, took the oath of office Sept 26th and entered upon the discharge of its duties. One of his offi cial acts of the day was bis recommen dation to the secretary of the interior the appointment of George Bedway, of the District of Columbia, as chief clerk of the land office. Justice Field, of the United States supreme court, psnmd through Chicago one day last week on his return to Wash ington City. In an interview with Jus tice Field he is reported to have said: "Marshal Nagle directs his own affairs. I have nothing to do with his actions, and have no body guard." At Berlin, Pa, Sept 24th, the boiler at the sawmill of Pritz Bros, exploded instantly killing John Pritz, Ed. Pritz, Oliver Boss, David Boss and David Ba ker, well-known young men of that city and vicinity. Two brothers named Brant were badly injured, but may recover, The mifl was wrecked. OUR LARGE and of the latest styles and fashions, and our facilities for buying and being BARBER MM, Cam Duly. 13th St., Off. ThmtM . marked in plain figures At Valparaiso Frank Smolk commit ted suicide Monday; L. W. Wells killed James Gilkinson at Dunning; Tan Bow man at Omaha killed Jack Kinney; Hen ry Schwartz and Frank Kennay, of Beatrice stole a team and wagon and $15 and broke out for the mountains, but were overhauled at Fairbury. Waaalagtea Letter. From oar regular correspondent. Senators Sherman, 'Sawyer and Dolph formed a very interesting trio in one of the corridors of the capitol one day last week. As I started toward them they were engaged in a very animated con versation. Before I reached them they started walking along the corridor. I quiekened my steps a little so as to over take them in the hopes of obtaining something interesting in the shape of news. They were discussing congres sional matters, I know, because a friend ly employe had just given me the tip. Just as I got close enough to hear the words "rules and contested cases" the trio passed through the open door of a committee room closing the door behind them and your correspondent found a big white door between him and the senatorial trio. Senators Dolph and Sawyer are here to remain until the session opens but senator Sherman leaves in a few days for Ohio to take part in the campaign. Secretary Blaine will arrive here in time to receive the members of the Three America's congress which is to meet and organize in a house near the state department on Tuesday, October L As soon as the congress is organized its members will start on an excursion, under the auspices of the state depart ment through the eastern and western sections of the country, which will last four or five weeks. After seeing the sights they will return and go to work at the task allotted them improving the commercial relations of the Three America's. When secretary Proctor assumed con trol of the war department he found the department 40,000 cases behind in fur nishing the pension office with the records of applicants for pensions. The secretary after an examination of mat ters concluded about two months ago to create the division of records and pen sions in his department The wisdom of his action may be judged from the fact that the work is now right up to date and on Saturday, the applications re ceived from the pension office in the morning were all supplied before the de partment closed in the afternoon. The state department has received dispatches from minister Whitelaw Ried stating that the French government had apologized for the arrest and discourte ous treatment of two New York ladies at Mentone, several months ago, also that the French government had severely reprimanded the officials that made the arrests. Protection to American citi zens, at home and abroad, is no idle boast under this administration. The annual report of Hon. E. S. Mitchell, commissioner of patents just issued furnishes food for study. It shows the total number of applications for patents for the year ending June 30, to have been 86,740 and the total num ber granted during the same period to have been 21,518. In view of this fact one is apt to loose faith in the old max im "there is nothing new under the sun." The patent office is a money-making in stitution for Uncle Sam. The present report showB the profits for last year to have been $18660. This amount added to previous profits makes a grand total of $S52426 which the government is ahead through the fees paid by its in ventors. Secretary Noble has received two large photographs, one for himself and one for the president of Joseph Ledergerber Post, department of Wisconsin, G. A. R. This post is composed entirely of Me nomonee Indians, and the photographs were sent as a mark of gratitude to the administration for allowing the agent of the tribe to remain in office. Secretary-Tracy has decided to build the two 3,000-ton vessels appropriated for by the last congress at government navy yards. This action has been taken because all the bids received from pri vate builders were in excess of the amount appropriated to pay for the ships, and the officials of the department believe they can be built by the govern ment for the sum appropriated. It has been decided by the local board to bold a meeting in this city on the 23d of October of the national board of pro motion of the World's Exposition of 1892, in order to arrange a definite pro gramme. The national board is com posed of members of eighty-one boards of trade in every section of the country, twenty-three governors of states and twenty-three ex-governors. The pension commissionership is still unsettled. Major Warner may after all take the placeeven if be keeps it but s few months. He has the matter under adrisemeat again at the president's t G ?. AND MILLINERY tai BtsmnrcM Imk, ihrtw, UtoSSuJ and strictly one price to earnest request In the event of Major Warner's declining again, General L. Fairchild and Judge Roe are the favor ites, General Merrill having ruled him self out by .talking too much. Assistant postmaster general CUrksoa has been confined to his room for several days with a very bad sore' throat. Many anxious inquiries have been made at the department since it was known, aa no man connected with the administration is more popular in Wsshington Mr.Clarkson. NUBA8KA NOTES . After a very lively contest the Omaha bar agree upon J. R. Clarkson for judge to succeed Judge Groff. Fred Geeber, of Nebraska City, a small lad, had his leg terribly" cut Sept 27, by running into a sausage machine. Jacob J. Frei of Aurora, has been sen tenced by Judge Norval to twenty months in the penitentiary for dispos ing of mortgaged property. F. H. Gilmore, of Tobias, attempted to commit suicide Sept 28th, by shooting himself with a revolver. It is uncertain whether he wul survive or not Two men, Charles Matthews and Jacob Wiest, were killed at the railroad cross ing just outside of Rulo, Sept 29," by the west-bound passenger train. Ben Cowdery is spoken of as probable secretary of state provided Mr. Laws re ceives the nomination for congress. Mr. Cowdery is now acting as first assistant in the secretary's office. Mrs. M. Frye of Nebraska City, a prom inent lady in religious circles, has been declared insane. Her insanity is said to be caused by religious excitement, oc casioned by the salvation army. Frank lams, of St Paul, arrived home last week from his trip to Europe, bring ing with him nineteen head of blooded horses from Europe and France. He also brought some Shetland ponies. The lsst report from the State Univer sity fixes the number of students to date at 305, said to be a large increase over last year at corresponding date. The Wesleyan institute has 130 pupils en rolled with promises of more. A dog, supposed to be mad, produced any amount of mad dog fears on the streets of St Paul, Sept 28, by biting three children and two or three dogs. The supposed mad dog and all dogs bitten were killed. The children are left without a remedy, unless a mad stone can be procured. Grade Baboock of Omaha, a five-year- old daugnter or A. w. iSabeock, was so badly burned last week in her limbs and body that the injuries will prove fatal. She, with other children, set fire to a pile of shavings, and while running nd jumping over the blaze of fire, her cloth ing caught fire and the result will be the loss of her life. Joseph Soufal of Skull Creek, com mitted suicide on last Friday afternoon by cutting the large veins in his arms with a razor. He had been in rather poor health and is thought to have be come despondent He left a letter, writ ten in Bohemian, stating that he pre ferred not to live any longer, and would get out of the way of bis famfly. (But ler Press. John Bryant, who resides three miles north of the Elkborn station, has just completed a fish pond which covers nine acres. He intends to stock it with sev eral varieties of game fish this falL He expects to make it a favorite resort for disciples of Isaac Walton. Now if we can have some fish ponds with fish in them, it would be more interesting. Fremont Herald. Butler county republicans have nomi nated the following ticket: Treasurer, Hubbel Pepper; clerk, D. C. Reynolds; sheriff, Sumner Darnell; county judge, A. L. Hughes; superintendent, W. C. Walker; coroner, C C Cook; surveyor, A-Madole. Nance county, aa follows: County judge, Clarence E. Brady, by ac clamation; clerk, H. H. Eymaa; treasur er, H. E. Knapp; sheriff, W. H. Mawhin ney ; superintendent, John T. Brass; cor oner, Dr. E. H. Smith. The following delegates were chosen to the state con vention at Hastings: Clarence E. Brady, W. H. Winterbotham, Wm. Johnson, D. W. Randolph, M. V. Moudy. Speaking of the lady of the mad stone the David City Press of last week says "She arrived on Thursday evening, and on Friday morning applied the stone to Mr. Bsrdesn'e little son, where it stuck for hours. It was next applied to Wm. Stoddar.jr., but wouldn't stick. Wben little Joe Stoddar's torn came the stone frose to him with a huagry avidity that indicated business. It stack to Joe strong and often, until the small hours of morning. The family and guests about the hotel all ehum that Joe was to show that disposition of beginning which precedes hydrofolHa.lFlyex between Council Bluffs and Port- He was nlsyfml and nomy, O'Clook. alL very, quiet He was heard to bark sev eral times, in imitation of a dog, and wanted to bite bis sisters. On Saturday the stone was. applied to Mr. Romingers children, to two of which it stuck. Again on Sunday, Mr. Samuel Sleight his wife and several children, who had been bit ten, came in from their home on Skull Creek and tried the mad stone. It stuck to Mr. a and two of his children." The caae of Mary Blair vs. Martin Nowotny, which was on trial in the dis trict court Tuesday created considera ble interest, and ended in a judgment for Mrs. Blair for $400. The case was one growing out of the sale of liquor by Nowotny to certain parties, who, on their way home, ran into the vehicle in which Mrs. Blair was seated, throwing her backward over a spring seat, injuring her back, from the effects of which she swooned, and was carried into a neigh boring house. She is still suffering from the effects of the injury, the occurrence having taken place over a year ago. The case was hotly contested on both sides, McLoud, Hastings, Steele and Mc Caskey for the plaintiff, and Miller and Evans for the defendant The judg ment is considered by some to be enor mous, but others do not see it in that light If the lady is permanently in jured, money cannot mace tne injury right It is probably one of the heaviest judgments ever assessed against liquor selling in the state. (David City Tribune. A hale old man, Mr. James Wilson of Aliens Springs, UL, who is over sixty years of age, says: "I have in my time tried a great many medicines, some of excellent quality; but never before did I find any that would so completely do all that is claimed for it as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy. It is truly a wonderful medicine." For sale by all druggists. A man's worth is estimated in this world according to his conduct Parents should be careful that their children do not contract colds during the fall or winter months. Such colds weaken the lungs and air passages, mak ing tne child mucn more likely to con tract other colds during the winter. It ia this succession of colds that causes catarrh and bronchitis or paves the way for consumption. Should a cold be con tracted, loose no time but cure it as quickly as possible. A fifty cent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough remedy will cure any cold in a few days and leave the respiratory organs strong and healthy. For sale by all druggists. The Women's Foreign Mission society of the M. . church will meet in Fre mont October 10 to 14. Sets Ssrlscm l4afco. The splendid new Idanha hotel erect ed last year at Soda Springs, Idaho, is now open for the season under the di rect management of the Union Pacific railway. This hotel is first class in every respect with all the modern con veniences and will accommodate com fortably several hundred guests. The medicinal springs which abound about Soda Springs are noted for their curative properties and many remark able cures have been recorded. Splen did hunting and excellent fishing is to be found a few miles from Soda Springs. Good livery and guides always to be bad. For further information address E. L. Lomax, Genl Pass. Agt Omaha, Neb. N John Riley, a farmer of Johnson coun ty, was fatally injured at Crab Orchard last week, while attempting to cross the track in front of a train,. His two horses were killed. Harvest Exearsieea via the Barliagtas. October 8th, 1880. On the above dates round trip tickets at greatly reduced rates will be sold st all stations of the Burlington Route east of and including Grand Island, Hastings and Red Cloud, Neb to points in Nebraska, Kanssi, Colorado, Montana, Utah, Wyoming and Idaho. For tickets and further information call on your nearest B. A M.R. R. ticket sgent, or ad dress J. Francis, G. P. and T. A. Omaha, Neb. The little son of F. E. Kelly at Junia ta, met with a terrible accident Sept 98; while slaving around a cane mill, his hand waa caught between the rollers, crushing it in a horrible manner. Have Tea leara About the superb Pulbnan Dining Cars which have been recently placed in ser vice via the Union Pacific, The Over land Route?' If yon have, and want to get a sumptuous meal while traveling, don't fail to take the train on which these Diners run. They run on the fast Vestibule Express between Council Bluffs aad Denver sad on the Overland j: EVERT ITEM ft !: -SHALL BE A DECIDED BARGADi ! DO NOT FAIL TO INVESTI GATE OUR ST ARTUN5LY q-ooo.o' LOW PRICES! ooooouoo OUR GRAND OPENING . OF MILLINEEY ON THE SECOKD ELOOR WILL VERY SOON TAKE PLACE. MRBER & MYKIN. Meals, which cannot be surpassed in any of the first-class hotels in the coun try, are servedin these care at 75c each. A depth of 559 feet has been reached at the gas well at Hastings. Three hun dred feet of dark slate has been peuetrat- -ed. The prospects are thought to be good. Cheap Exraralam. Harvest excursions will run on Aug. 6th and 20th, Sept. 12th and 24th, and Oct. 8th. Tickets will be sold to all points west of Buda in "Nebraska, aad all points in Colorado, Wyoming. Utah, idano and Montana ror one fare for the round trip. Tickets good 30 days. Pas sengers can return at pleasure.- Stop off given at any point on return trip. No stop off going. For particulars enquire at U. P. depot. J. R. Meagher. 13-llt Agent' LOUIS SCHBEIBEK. BfKbiiOt aii Wmi Hakir. All kino's ef Repairing dtie m Shart Nelicc. Kiggiet, Wag- 8, etc., mace t trier, and all werk daar- aateei. Use sell the werli-fiumia. Walter A- wan. SsAnen, ai Mneniaas. Sam at Ittf-kiaman-taa a98hop opposite the "Tattertall," oa Olive St. COLUMBUS. M-m GOSHEN FENCE UCHIIE! CHEAP. ONLY 15. Wovaa wire aad alata, cat willow, split boarda oraajthiagof the sort, used; after poataaraasC. fence caa nentadeand stretched oa the gmsad. in the winter, by a boy or ordinary farm band. 10 to 40 rods a day. and can work it over any ground. The man who has one of these asa chines can build a fence that ia more durable and safe than any other, aad make it at Issa eoat. The machine aad a sample of it work can be seen iatbecity on 1 1th street at Ernst A Bchwara hardware store. Wiilsell mchinea. or territory, or contract to put np fences, lmaytf J. It. M ATHEWHON. TWKafaW'lLirr DONwTWMMWtfAll. fKWMrro. yWMW.iAT- 'Wot sale satisfactioa by DAVID Coujnsja,ni MARVELOUS MEMORY MSCOVBtY.' &, rhom? JLS.QIM -T- Fa I wj ' ' gABaml "aTW "" Itawa iiaaliima ?' Krrry dSi aasl aeMt avwaafr BaWSmwaaaV Oemt taSassawaai to OawaayaUtanweaawsn, iSS53EflrL5 JaWiWatfyT sspaJwjsmaBBaWmuTiMav EwyMMasy BBaVB'gVBjHBh SnWawawUmsS eft amu-wC nwmawmawmawmawmaw! SSmStSSM V 1 I- 4 J&- - S JK - S m X.j?a, - y U -. ?-. &&3zJ jU. a&rf-a, -- 'V--. "t y W t- A 7-' -fW,Vv" -. ...-. a--y !" it 1 1 "" .Q