The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 11, 1889, Image 3

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    3? -
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Columbus f ouruaL
.A. ft 9. TIME TABLE.
Lm?m Colambaa
. David City
inimit Lincoln
430 p.m.
11:88 "
The passeacer leaves LracolH at 430 p. m.. and
arrives at Colaaihna 7:M p. at; the fraiaat leaves
Lincoln at aad arrives at Coiambasat
Atlantic Ex.. . S4Sa.m
Local Ex..:... 835a. m
Fart Ex. 525 p. m
PacdfieEx....U35 a.m
TWitot Ft Mfi 1 B1
Local Ex..... JBp.m
Chicago Ex... 112a a.
Fast Ex uap
r - ni r;fv 040 r m.
fiam iiu.1 i arriTaa from David City. ..1105 p. m.
Freight train cart? passengers, going east at
2.-05 p. m. aad 05 p. m.
ranfinanr arrive from 8ioox City. 112D a. m
leaves Columbus 1125a. m
arriTesfrom Lincoln 3:15 p. m
leaves for Sioux City 5:40 p. m
Mixed leaves ?t!?- m
Mixed arriTea 10:40 p. m
Passenger leaves 205 p. m.
MixedTeaves ,?22am-
I'umii upTi-ri liaoa-m.
Mixed arrives 830 p.m.
gBrietg gotites.
tVAU notices under this heading will be
charted at the rate of Siayear.
. A LEBANON LODGE So. 53, A. F. 4 A. 31.
-JV--TWnUr meetings 2d Wednesday in each
X7 month. All brethren invited to attend.
V C H. Shildox, W. M.
M. H. White. Sec'y. 20ialy
Saints hold regular services every Sunday
at 2 p. m-. praier meeting on Wednesday evening
at their chapel, corner of North street and Pacific
Avenue. AU are cordially invited.
lValiw Elder H. J. HcDSor. President.
Look out for the new shoes at the
Pianos and organs at John Heit
kemper's. A full line of fancy candies at Boro
wiak Bro's.
James Lynch is being talked of for
county clerk.
Cloudy weather pretty good for
Thos. Hall, Esq., is now principal of
the school at BurweU, Neb.
Old newspapers by the hundred, 25
bents at the Jocbxai office.
John Wiggins shipped a car load of
hogs to. South Omaha Saturday.
Ladies' lace collars and novelties in
neck wear at Mrs. N. F. Storey's.
Barber k Daykin are of the wide
awake business type and will get to the
Bead Barber k Daykin's advertise
ments. Great bargains are offered by
The congressional convention in the
'second district is to be held at Hastings,
October 10th.
The names of Mr. Kent and Mr.
Hopkins have been mentioned for
eoanty clerk.
Remember that Schaffroth & Plath
make specialties of well boring and
tubular wells.
There will be a sociable at the M. E.
church next Monday evening, to which
everybody is invited.
The Fleming will be formally open
ed September 20th. A grand ball and
banquet will be given.
The social given by the Y. P. S. C. E.
last Friday evening at Mrs. C. H. Shel
don's was a grand success.
Word was received here yesterday
that Dr. E. L. Siggins's father of War
ren, Pa, had recently died.
A number of young folks had a
dance party in Browner's grove, north
east of the city, Friday evening.
Columbus played Schuyler Sunday,
at the latter's grounds, the game result
ing in 8 to 6 in favor of Columbus.
The celebrated Quick-Meal, and
Monarch gasoline stoves, the best in the
market For sale by A. Boettcher. 4tf
There will be a sociable at the resi
dence of Julius Basmussen next Friday
evening. All are cordially invited.
We learn that Mrs. Clark Young,
formerly of this city, recently of Cali
fornia, is visiting at John Sacrfder's.
Tbe season for tornadoes is now at
band sad property owners should secure
a policy at once, with G.G. Becher k Co.
It would be of great benefit as well
as interest to you, to read Barber &
Daykin's weekly advertisement in these
oolaatas. -
Schaffroth k Plath have the best of
harvesting machinery and can furnish
any kind of farm implements, at reason
able rates.
All photos are now finished and de
tirered at R R Photo Car in less than a
week from time of sitting. Go and get
-yous taken.
Coixmbcs Joukcai Nebraska Fam
. ily Jomrnal and Nebraska Fanner, all
for $2.75 a year, when paid in advance.
Send for specimen copies.
The signs of the times indicate that
none of the old rings or their close
friends will be nominated on the demo-
cratie ticket in this county.
-1-Good work, low prices at the R R
Photo Car. Go while job, have a chance.
. If low priced work is what yon want you
can have it at your own price.
It i wonderful bow anything out of
the mssjsl run of work attracts attention.
A-box ear off the end of a track on North
treat Monday was a good instance of
' this well known law.
A shrewd politician says that it is
XavaBsjfcgBjs present thought to ran for
sheriff now, and two years hence, when
Becher shall have served a second term,
try again for treasurer.
.. A Jotrsxai. reporter looked through
the new residence of W. M. Cornelias on
Eleventh street, and finds that it is very
neat and cosy fit habitation fortius
worthy couple and their family.
.For sale, 90 acres of land one mile
".north of city, also two lots in west part
of city, on time or cash. Inquire, or ad-
dress far two weeks, of Mrs. L. D. Clark,
ear. Fifteenth and S sL, Columbus.
Mary Becher removes this week
family toOaaaaa. Two of her
were already there, and she
it best to go also. The many
of the fiMafly here will
jaroawjeriry in their
at the Back
et for 45c
When in need of job work give as a
calL AH kinds of commercial work done.
Swhscription can begin at any tiaw
for the Jot-bxatj and Nebraska Family
The Jocsxax. is on sale, each week,
at the book and news stores of E.D.
Fitxpetrick and J. Heitkemperat 5 cents
a copy.
The Nebraska Farmer has come to
be a good solid paper, worthy the pat
ronage of every wide-awake fanner in
the state. tf
The new proprietor of R R Photo
Car has been here a few days over a
month and made 280 dozen cabinet
photos. Better go with the rush and
get your own before the car leaves.
James Salmon has the contract for
the erection of a $6,000 residence for A.
Anderson, president of the First Na
tional bank. Let the good work go on.
Columbus is doing right well in this
For Buford plows and cultivators,
for harrows, seeders, wagons. Piano
binders and anything else needed on the
farm in the way of machinery, call on
Joseph A. Gutzmer on Olive street oppo
site Henry's corner. 48-tf
Quite a number of our citizens be
came practical astronomers for a few
minutes Tuesday evening of last week,
and watched the occultation of Jupiter
by the moon. The heavens were clear,
and a good view was had.
School began Monday and it looks
like business again to see the bright
eyed girls and the mischief-loving boys
trudging off to school. Improve your
present opportunities for learning, good
lads and lasses; these are the foundation
days of your future success.
Policeman McTeggart shot a good
sized black dog Monday that had been
around Mr. Beardsley's place three or
four times and had bit his cow. Mr.
Beardsley, while running after the dog
got the horn of a cat fish into his foot,
which made him lame. He thinks less
of dogs than ever.
Licenses to wed were issued last
week by Judge Hudson, as follows: Carl
G. Oleson and Miss Matilda Youngdat;
Michael Jones and Mary E. Williams;
Frank M. Eley and Miss May Hubbard,
(who were married by the Judge Sept.
6); George Hau and Anna Marbeck;
Anton Zirbes and Miss Francis Pelle.
We are indebted to Hon. Loran
Clark for a complimentary to the fair at
Albion, Sept 18-20. Our Boone county
friends do nothing by halves, and we
should be very glad to be able to attend.
We remember when no white man lived
in Boone county, not so very long ago,
either, and now it is one of the most
progressive counties in the state.
Leroy Sauer, who was at work on
the bridge over the south channel of the
Platte river, met with quite an accident
Thursday; placing his hand upon the
top of the pile, as the hammer went up,
when, accidentally fell crushing his hand,
so that the doctors, Martyn & Schug,
had to amputate the second, third and
fourth fingers. He is all right otherwise.
Mr. Duffy, the Schuyler house-mover,
arrived in the city Friday with his men
and machinery and is now engaged in
moving the residence of Mrs. M. K. Tur
ner to tbe lot recently purchased by her
of L Gluck, formerly the site of the
Episcopal church. The vacation, by the
city, of twenty feet of the street on two
sides, makes the lot of good size, 86x132
At the M. E. church Sunday Sept
15th, by the pastor, H. L. Powers, as
follows: Sermon at 10:45 a. m., topic
'The Benediction of God Upon a Faith
ful Church," sermon at 8 p. m., "Meet
ing and Parting." Song service led by
the choir, from 7:45 Compli
ments to alL Remember this is my last
Sunday for this conference year, and
perhaps forever.
D. L. Bruen is a candidate for re
election as supervisor, but there seems
to be some organized opposition to bis
return. We don't know who is likely to
be his republican opponent, but if
Bruen is to be left at home somebody
must work pretty hard, and early and
late to that end, because David is a
caution to work and he gets at it when
and where he is least expected.
The lecture of Rev. H. L. Powers at
the M. E. church, on the great Johns
town Hood, was not very largely attend
ed, owing to the short time allowed for
advertising the matter. Those who did
attend, however, were well repaid. His
description of the awful flood and its
harrowing details were painted in a
vivid manner, and excited the closest
attention of the audience. Madison
Leander Gerrard has made the city
a proposition that ought to be accepted.
He will donate ten acres for a city park
provided the city will expend on the
same $250 for ten successive years.
Nothing adds to a city more than a well
arranged park and Columbus may well
feel proud that she has a citizen who is
able tomake such a proposition. By all
means let it be accepted and work on
the park begun.
From now on till after election our
Platte county voter readers will be in
terested in the movements of men who
are candidates for office, and in what
their friends do for them. It is com
mendable in a man that he has an
ambition to serve his fellows in office,
but you just vaitch the men who do
their duty fully, and those who are in
office merely "to make a stake" out of
it These, don't you help nominate.
Our creamery is something Colum
bus should be proud of. It is one of the
best in the state and sends batter all
over the country. The largest market
is to the east now. In July they sold
31,087 Ib&, the first week's daily average
being 1,216 lbs. Their expenses for the
month were $2,650. In August they
made 23,483 Ib&, their expenses being
$2,150. They have fourteen routes to
take cream from, and north they go fif
teen mike.
Henry Clayburn brought into Thk
JocksaIj office yesterday the finest spec
imens of Bartlett pears we have ever
seen, moasnring tec inches around and
weighing 10 oances. Mr. C says he
has six bashele of these raised on two
trees. He also had very fine specimens
of apples of his own raising. Say that
Nebraska cant raise fruit We dont
want say better than these. Claybwra
says it is only amatter of good tress to
begin with, and a little tuw sad work.
Dry goods at kss that
To Basks room for ov faHand
stock of millinery, we qnote s few prices:
Lawns front 3c to 5c
ShaHiesfor c worth 15c
Batsrtefor 9e u 18c
Pacific organdy for lie u 30e
Satuesfor 12c - 25c
Good cashmeres 20c " 35c
Best ginghams to8c
and all other foods at the same disconnt
Call and see us.
20-2t N.F.8TOKXT.
Qua G. Becher has anwonnced him
self as s candidate for reaomination as
coanty treasurer. Mr. Becher has cer
tainly made a most excellent treasurer,
excelled nowhere for the faithful per
formance of duty. We know of no other
candidate before the republican conven
tion and most certainly, according to
common usage, he is well deserving of a
renomination. The public long ago
teamed his worth as an honest, faithful
and capable business man; they did well
placing him where he is, and they will
mak no mistake by returning him to
the office.
George Thomazin, one of Platte
county's sturdy farmers who has the in
side track on the democratic race-coarse
for sheriff, was in the city Monday. Of
course Martin Bloedorn will be the next
sheriff; nevertheless, we like to see our
opponents select good fair men, so that
if by any chance they get elected the
public service will stflT be in good hand?.
George.must keep his weather eye to
windward, however, or some of the older
heads will walk off with the nomination
and leave him to come up next time,
in their mind's eye. The old proverb,
George, is of kindly application here
"A bird in hand is worth two in the
William Taylor, who has been keep
ing a barbershop for severs! years in
this city, was pronounced insane by the
board of insanity last Friday. He has
not been well for some time and was
taken last week to relatives near Leigh,
thinking that might help him, but in
stead he got worse and was brought
back Thursday last He was taken to
Norfolk Friday evening by his brother,
C. M. Taylor, and H. P. Coolidge. The
doctor thinks the losing of his child in
the spring, affected him greatly. Mr.
Taylor's relatives and acquaintances will
hope that a short time, under special
treatment, may remove the mental cloud
under which he is passing, and restore
him to health and friends.
A close observant thinks he can de
monstrate that the brains of a good,
active, healthy man are renewed once
every two months. If this is so, any
man who is the present slave to a bad
habit, can free himself if he has will
enough to strive against it until after he
has had several fresh supplies of brain
matter, and has become a new man
throughout, so to speak. Tbe main
fault with people generally, Dr. Franklin
thought, is that they are not persistent
enough, are too easily discouraged. Now
this fact in natural history ought to en
courage even the most besotted and
wretched human being to "try again,"
and keep trying, rather than succumb
to what he knows to be wrong.
Quite a number of farmers here
abouts report that their entire crop of
water melons has been destroyed by
some person or persons unknown. In
the neighborhood of Mr. Plumb there
are several patches; at Martin Regan's
and Mr. Marshall's and at G. W. Ste
vens's. Mr. Reagan says that his was
not a pilfering of one or two ripe melons
to eat, but the wholesale destroying of
an acre of growing melons; at Stevens's
there were forty-five melons destroyed,
cut in two. The wanton destruction of
fruit in this manner should be met with
the severest punishment, and the man
or boy who would do this, would also do
far worse than this, and does not de
serve to live in a civilized community.
The lecture delivered by Bev. H. L.
Powers of Columbus, in Henry Hall, last
Friday night was intensely interesting.
As advertised, his subject was "As seen
from the Banks of the Conemaugh, the
Valley of death." The speaker has a
very strong though not harsh voice; a
splendid flow of language, and his de
scription, though largely after the style
of the newspaper accounts of the fearful
Johnstown disaster, contained that pa
thos and minuteness which riveted the
attention of the hearers throughout the
entire discourse. Those who neglected
to attend, missed hearing a true, thrill
ing, and most pathetic account of the
most terrible and fearful disaster that
has happened for centuries. There was
a pure, moral, religious tone to the entire
lecture which made its benefits equal its
interest Platte Center Argus.
Ah Fatal.
Monday evening at about six, Willie,
son of Widow Sauer, a lad aged seven
years, while crossing the U. P. track on
North street, was run over by the yard .
switch engine, engine and tender passing
over him while lying between the rails.
His left hand was mashed and leg con
siderably braised and probably some of
the bones fractured. The little fellow
was taken to the office of Drs. Martyn k
Schug, where his wounds were cared
for. His left hand was amputated ex
cepting the thumb, and he is now doing
as well as could be expected. The little
fellow was going, with s little wagon,
across the track to the mill for chicken
feed. The dime that he had in his hand
at the time of the casualty, to psy for
the feed, was clutched so hard that it
was bent
Judge Hudson has announced him
self ss s candidate for re-nomination as
county judge. -He has, so far ss we can
learn, given absolute satisfaction in the
conduct of the affairs of. the office. If
we have ever had as good a judge, we
certainly have never had a better one,
for all tbe purposes of this very import
ant office. It is .the crowning glory of a
civilized community that the interests of
the weak, the disabled, the helpless are
strongly and carefully.gmarded from en
croachment This court, having to do
mainly with the estates of decedents,
and the rights of orphaned children, it is
a matter of pare right to such that he
who would faithfully ase that no harm
to thesm from flrajpiac pnrsoiai
to prey upon the estates of the
young or inexperienced. Gaveerrilcosi
mnnitiss jnst jwdgws, sad yon go the
length of the road to
Ed. Early went to
L.H. Webb went toFmllerton Ssnday.
" F. N. Stevenson was in Fremont, Sat
urday. Miss Alice Plumb went up to Lindsay,
E. A. Sage of Creston, was in the city
Will McPherson of Schuyler was in
the city Monday.
Miss Nellie Welch visited friends in
Norfolk last week.
Herbert, snd Miss Mary Henry went
to the state fair yesterday.
Mrs. W. Y. Bissell visited Mrs, F. J.
Preiss last week, in Leigh.
D. N. Jennings of Wyoming is visiting
his brother A. M. of this city.
Mrs. L. M. Hoagwent to Omaha today
to visit friends for a few days.
Miss Jennie Weaver goes to Crete, to
day, to visit Mrs. M. E. Haite.
Miss Phoebe Gerrard has been visiting
at her ancle's W. T. Strother of Monroe.
Miss Minnie Kelley, of Oconee, came
down Thursday to visit with friends
Misses Mary Griffin and Ella Browner
will attend the high school in Columbus
this year.
Miss TP"g Bauer went to Lincoln
Monday to visit friends and attend the
state fair.
E. D. Fitzpatrick and daughter Miss
Mary arrived home Sunday from their
trip to Ohio.
Mahlon Clother of Platte Center was
in town Monday, looking in his old-time
good health.
Mrs. Rummel, who has been visiting
in Iowa the past two months, returned
home Friday.
Miss Kate Early and Miss Delilah
Davis went to Lincoln Saturday to at
tend the state fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown and Miss
Bertha Dunlap went down to Lincoln
yesterday to the state fair.
John Huber and family are at the
state fair. Mrs. H. went down today.
John has charge of the gate.
Editor Saunders of Platte Center was
a visitor at the county seat Friday. He
reported nothing specially new.
Miss Jemima Armstrong returned Fri
day from Columbus, where she had been
visiting her mother. Seward Blade.
Hiram Bice of Albion was in the city
Friday on his way home from the Omaha
fair. He was enjoying excellent health.
Erv. Latham stopped over Sunday
with relatives, on his way to Kearney.
He is well pleased with his situation at
Miss Clara Brown, who had been visit
ing a few days with the family of M. K.
Turner, returned Friday to her home at
Cedar Rapds.
J. J. Truman of Genoa was in town
Saturday, returning from Omaha. His
stock of political information was not
enlarged much this trip, he said.
Chas. Wake, jr., is back from a trip to
Deadwood, whither he accompanied the
West Point base ball nine, which "scoop
ed" everything they played with.
Mrs. George McKelvey and family of
Fullerton, and Mrs. W. T. Rickly and
family returned Saturday evening from
Omaha where they spent the past week.
Ernest Gerrard is helping Gerrard &
Zeiglar hay. He makes a good hand
and seems to take to farming like a duck
takes to water. Monroe Looking Glass.
Messrs. Jesse Becher and Earl Pear
sail, of Columbus, were guests of H.
Milliman Sunday. The boys made the
trip from Columbus and return on their
bicycles. P. C. Argus.
Mr. and Mrs. Rev. S. Goodale leave
today for Massachusetts, Mr. G. going
first to Rapid City, Dakota, where they
will make their home during the coming
winter; their daughter, Mrs. V. T. Price
preceded them several days ago to Rapid
City. Prof. J. M. Scott will occupy their
house here, till June.
J. J. Buchanan of Emerson, Talcott &
Co., Rockford, DL, was in the city Satur
day on business. He was a Union man
in Pike county, Mo., during the war, and
was well acquainted with our former
townsman, S. C Smith, who was a noted
Union man in Pike county during those
troublous times, and helped to hold the
rebel element level.
Prof. L. J. Cramer has announced
himself ready to continue to serve as
county superintendent of public instruc
tion, subject to the action of the repub
lican convention. There is room for
only one opinion as to Mr. Cramer's fit
ness, made so by the success he has
achieved during the term he has occu
pied the office. He had had abundant
experience, not only or merely as teach
er, but as a principal teacher and super
intendent of city schools, and those of
us who knew the man, were sure he
would make just such a county superin
tendent as he has made, watchful of
every interest and faithful in the dis
charge of duty. Every business needs
at the head of it a good, sound judg
ment a level head. He who undertakes
the duties of this office should have a
comprehensive view of his field of labor,
seeing all the facts as they are, and well
knowing what these ought to be. The
line of progress must be fully appre
hended and the means necessary to bring
it about Mr. Cramer knows that, so far
the county superintendent's duties
reach, tbe most effectual means for bet
tering the schools is to secure a thor
oughly equipped teacher for each school
and so he intelligently directs his efforts
toward this result, and Ins good work is
telling upon the schools of the county.
In this office Platte county has blunder
ed, wofully blundered, three separate
and distinct times that we know of, but
Mr. Cramer's nomination by the repub
licans two years ago was in the best
interests of our schools. We know of
no other candidate for the nomination
by the republicans, and we suppose
that there will be none. The opposition
might as well leave that part of their
ticket blank, and let us have no contest 1
over this office, this time, at least
Sheriff Bloedorn announces him.
self in today's Jouucai. as a candidate
for re-election, and, it is not out of the
way to say a few words concerning him.
In tae ttrst place Martin is one of the
best hearted men in the world; such
men always deserve better of their fel
lows than they can ever receive, the fact
that in generous deeds and kind-
ly snaaslH itiua, they an always
This sort of man is Bloedorn, and if, is
the dwKsjsrg of duty, he had to hang
s man, he would see that it was ss eon
sidemtely and as kindly done as such an
act could be, aad this is the sort of
sheriff Platte county wants. His duties
are, at best, usually nnplessstit for all
aides, bat it has never been said of
Bloedorn and will not be that he added
to the discharge of an unpleasant duty,
the insolence of office. Entering the
public service under very discouraging
circa instances, and having unusual dif
ficulties to contend with, Mr. Bloedorn
has done exceedingly well and is en
titled to a second term.
City Coeacil.
At the regular meeting of the city
council Saturday evening, a petition to
grade the north end of Lincoln street
was presented and on motion referred to
committee on streets and grades.
L. Gerrard offered to donate to the
city ten acres for a public park, provid
ing the city agrees to expend $250 an
nually for ten successive years for the
improvement of the same.
The report of the chief of police for
August was filed.
An ordinance amending section three
of an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance
providing for the prevention and abate
ment of nuisances," passed and approved
July 12, 1881, was introduced, read
twice and referred to committee on po
lice. An ordinance establishing and defin
ing the boundaries of that part of the
city west of the sixth principal meridian
was read a second time and referred to
committee on judiciary.
Weataer Report.
Review of the weather near Genoa for
the month of August, 1889.
Mean temperature of the month 72.75
Mean do same month last year 7U.50
Highest temperature on the 3Sth ami 90th. VV
Lowest do on the 21st 53
Ordinarily clear days 17
Very cloudy days 7
HLch winds days....... S
V. ft I III UftjB mm U
Number of days on which rain felL 7
Inchesof rainfall 1.24
Do for same month last year 4.49
Prevailing winds from SW by SE to
Fogs on 3d, 13th, 17th.
Hazy 2d, 4th, 6th, 10th, 17th, 21st, 22d,
23d, 25th.
Thnnddrstorm on the 12th at 7 a. to.
Martins leave on the 20th, just two
weeks later than last year.
It will be noticed that the mean tem
perature of the month just past was
259 above that of the same month last
year, while the highest temperature of
August 1888 was 5" higher than this
year being on the three first days in the
month and this year on the three last
days, while the lowest temperature of
the month in both cases were nearly the
same. The almost constant direction of
the wind from south and southeast dur
ing the last ten days of the month tend
ed to parch vegetation to a considerable
extent and may have shortened the esti
mated yield of corn, but at the same
time it has tended to perfect the ripen
ing of it and thus to place much of it
beyond danger from frost
Mr. and Mrs. John Dack returned
Saturday from Omaha; they report a
pleasant time at the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sutton are attend
ing the fair at Lincoln.
Miss Phoebe Gerrard, who has been
visiting in this neighborhood, returned
to her home in Columbus on Friday.
The books for the Monroe library have
arrived, and a meeting will be held at
the residence of Mrs. Osborn on Tuesday
to elect officers and adopt rules and
Mrs. Mallalieu of Kearney is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Zeigler.
Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Stienbaugh
are spending a few days at Lin wood, this
Mrs. Iredell and Miss Libbie Walton
of Philadelphia are visiting their sister,
Mrs. J. Webster of this place.
T. d. x.
Mr. Walen has an organ on trial, if
satisfactory will keep it
Miss Ella Hard will teach a class in
music in thisneighborhood; expects to
commence Tuesday of next week.
Will Gray uses his horse that was cut
in the wire fence. We move that wire
fences be abolished to save the horses.
Mrs. Hoyt of St. Edward is visiting at
GeoCaVuSod Gertie Anderson visited
in sticaliiw7 for two weeks. Mrs. A.'s
brotlV$&tme home with them.
J. M. Anderson attended the reunion
at Kearney, for one day, the only one
who saw the reunion in this part of the
county this year.
Mr. Shole's new house is progressing
rapidly toward completion.
Mrs. Gus Abrahamson accidentally
swallowed a plum stone which lodged in
her throat She went to St Edward to
a physician who told her there was
nothing in her throat She then went
to Columbus to the Medical Institute
but both physicians were gone. She
went to another who moved the stone,
as she thought down into her stomach,
but on Saturday night she came near
choking to death. She is in consider
able pain from her throat Her son was
going to take her to Omaha but we have
not learned whether they have gone or
Fall plowing is suspended on account
of dry weather.
A slight frost in low places on Thurs
day night no damage done.
A brother of Mr. Oury's from Norfolk
visited him this week,
Mrs. Abrahamson is no better at this
Ed. Johnson is building a new house.
Mssurek Township.
Threshing is in progress.
Hay making is finished now.
C. D. Wilson and Maggie Wheeler at
tended the institute.
Sybil Butler is attending the high
school again this term.
Messrs. Mueller and Fultz are still
busy separating the grain and straw.
O. D. Butler, director of district 10, is
having the school house repaired and a
new blackboard placed therein.
Mrs. Karline left on the 4th for Arap
ahoe, Nebt, summoned thither by a letter
stating that her son, Christopher
Esslinger, is dangerously ilL
Mrs. Andrew Albright of Oxford, Nebu,
who was visiting her mother, Mrs. Kar
line for some time past, returned home
last week.
While in Columbus the other day
Louie Nanenbarg met his brother Chris
tian, who was accompanyisf his (Christ's)
Gilt Edge MaQnEctnring Campany,
The Gilt Edge Wind Mill, also Tanks of all size.
ftsataaf If BBSavBsnat TaVAaMalnaPCl ffiSJ-fAAAf-, SM IsnwBawaSftani
wntarffYa smlffJwPV VWVTs) HffiwnTfaffW 4SVSV IVwyVVjISw
CaJI salt at tht FacHry fctftta psjrchaiipg
Loan, Real Estate
rni ini nmiiiiir-nn t t '
MoximT Puauo alwats a o-nracs.
unipastai iwataawatei.
nSesiia aad area all parts in
General Agents for the mle of
Facile B.R.
JlmlllMf TMTinillMTfMU J ' ' '"" -
loaoc aaai.---.r5ya?.-
waae, Fsiltry, ui Frak Fiifc. All Kiiii tf Susag a Specialty.
9-Cwm paid for HidarFalaTs Tauow. Hitaatasatpriea paid for fat cattle.-
OUtc Street, twe Dttn Ntrth ef the First Natieaal Baik.
We ha jtut opened a meat market oa NEBRASKA AVENUE, where we will keep the rer,
beat of all kind of
We aak the people of Columbus to ie ue a share of their patronage. w"hich we hope to
deeerre by hooeet dealing and joatAcalee. Mj2aiTe naacallj M.nDmciTBO
father-in-law and a friend on a trip from
South Dakota to Oregon where they will
proDably stay.
We learn that Will Runkle has been
engaged for the winter term of school in
district 15; also George Camp in the
Shaad district; ditto C. D. Wilson in
district 10 and D. 6. Christy in dis
trict 2.
Frank Luchsinger, who has been trav
eling in Switzerland, Germany and
France this summer, returned home a
short time ago, followed a week later by
Fred Stenger, who accompanied Mr.
Luchsinger to Enrope. On the evening
of the 31st ult Mr. L. gaye a reception
to his friends, which was well enjoyed
by all present, the dancing and refresh
ments being excellent. Frank tells us
that he and Fred snow-balled each other
on the 4th of July on the mountains in
Switzerland. He looks hearty and ro
bust and we think the trip did him good.
Mr. and Mrs. J. ILCraun are expected
to return soon from their visit to their
old homes in Virginia and Illinois.
Mrs. Ed. StickJy is visiting her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Moore.
TASKEB Sept. 5th. to Mrs. J. E. Taolur. a
8IBBEBNSEN-September7th, to Mrs. I. Sib
benwen, aaoa.
GBAFF Sept. 10th. to Mrs. John Graff,
a son.
Mother and child doing admirably, while
John, thoagh not quite himself again, i in a
hopeful condition. Tbe box of cigara left with
oa indicate that John's heart is all right, and
that ha knows a good thing when he sees it.
John, joa shoald be very proad of this gentle
pledge of affection. May your shadow neTer
grow leaa, John, and here's health and prosperity
to father, mother and son.
fusintss JfyHces.
Adrertisementa under this head five cents a
line each insertion.
WM.8CHILTZ makea boots and shoe in the
beat styles, and neea only the very best
stock that can be procured in the market. 32-tf
0 stock yarda, containing 28 acres. 7 wire
fence, all necessary aheda, buildings, water fa
cilities, etc, all located at Colombo, Neb. Ad
dress me at Sooth Omaha, Neb.
teepttp D. AxDzaaox.
NOTICE. Tbe firm of Stewart Nonery and
Seed Co. has been dissolved by mutual
consent. All bills will be paid and accocnta
collected by W. A. Stewart. Signed,
W. A. Stzwabt.
J. Laws,
J.G. Miixzb.
Sept. 2, 1880. 21-St
notify the pablie that my sons, Charles and
Lather Joses, aged eighteen and fifteen years,
respectively, having left their home, I will not
be responsible for any debts of their contracting,
for any liabUitiea they may incur, or for any ac
cident. Of course, they are at liberty to work
their own way ia life, having chosen their course.
llaepat Epwaao Josm.
tVOar quotations of the markets areobtaiaed
Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable)
at the time.
W UOSaX mm mm mMJ
sOasn aj
VPajia) J"
Bye 28
Flomr 20OS 20
Buckwheat 30gB
Flax t6
Batter 64? 10
Eggs 124
aHajaWaJSafj VKa
Apples perbbL 92251220
Hoaey ia eoatb-per lb 25
Hams 15
Shoulders 6110
OaWawTas j
Fat boo 3MS3
Fat cow iT5Satl73
Jataaeep S30S3SO
Fat ateera...... ....................... S325M375
Iowa f see
Hard. Pea asylvaaia mm
Hard. Colorado ase
Bock Springs, aat sqS
aBTAvTa aTsjanaajaaanw Asanas as saABAAA A bbTst
Vwialwa fl flB
s , Q9
iataraat. oa abort i
lose tiara, ia
ta SttLflB ear aera f or caak
-j (
'a hava alao a lara aad caoie
Tmvl'iottitUtoill rl -tat it
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Platte county, Nebras
ka, on a judgment obtained in our said court at
the regular May. A. D, 1S89. term thereof of
Platte county. Nebraska, to wit: on the 20th clay
of July, 1, in favor of Libbie J. Davia as
plaintiff, and against James L. Tripp and Nellie
Tripp as defendants, for the sum of Two Thou,
and Twenty-nine dollars and Eighty cents, and
costs taxed, st S3l2aad accruing costs, I have
levied upon the following lands and tenements
taken as the property of said defendants, to sat
isfy said judgment, to wit: The north half of the
northeast quarter of section eighteen (13) town
ship (IS) range two (2) west of the sixth princi
pal meridian in Platte county, Nebraska, and
will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder,
for cash in hand, on the 21st day of September,
A. D. 1889, in front of the court house in Colum
bus, Platte county, Nebraska, that being the
building wherein the last term of court was held,
at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day. when
and where dne attendance will be given by the
Dated August 20th, 1669.
21ang5t M. C. Bloedorx.
Sheriff of said county.
In the matter of the estate of Wm. D. Da vies,
Notice is hereby given that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administratrix of
said estate, before me. county judge of Platte
county, Nebraska, at the county court room in
said coanty, on the 30th day of October, VvO. on
the 27th day or December. ISW. and on the 21st
day of February. 1390. at 10 o'clock A. M. each
day, for the purpose of presenting their claims
for examination, adjustment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for creditors to presnt
their claims and one year for the administratrix
to settle said estate, from the 31st day of August,
Dated September 3d. A. D. 1869.
tsepttt 11. J. HlIDSOX.
Coanty Judge.
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.. )
Sept. 3d. 18H9. )
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before Begister and
Receiver at Grand Island. Neb., on Oct. 21. Is,
viz: George Diefenbach. homestead 15U5 for the
S.E. S.W. 4-ltUw. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of, said land, viz: John Carson,
Simon P. Howoll, John Lavell and Perry J.
Piatt, all of Silver Creek, Neb.
llsepti Johx G. Hiogixs. Register.
Bids will be received till September 13th.
noon, for the sale of $2,000 worth of school
bonds voted by school district No. 29. Platte
coanty, Nebraska, to run ten years, interest six
per cent, payable semi-annually .all payments
made at Columbus. Nebraska. The board re
serves the right to reject any and all bids.
wx. I'oxitku.y, sr director.
Wm. Cox XSXI.T. jr treasurer.
4aep2t S. K. Paihtik, moderator.
for sale in Shell Creek valley,
near Columbus, containing 2l
acres of land: about 12U acres
under cultivation; 10 acres heavily timbered, re
mainder mostly in clover and blue Brass Dasture
and hay -land; 150 fruit trees, apples, pears.
cnerry, plums, etc, some bearing: all Kinds ot
ornamental trees and shrubs; 130 full-bearing
grape vines. The farm entire is fenctxl. and di
vided into small fields by fence. Dwelling hoo
of seven rooms, granary, com cribs, large horse
stable with hay-mow, cattle bam which holds HO
tons of hay; bog house; 2 wells; running water
in pasture. For farther particulars inquire at
JotJRHAl. office, or address, H. B-, care of Joca
3 tL, Columbus, Nebr. 22maytf
Blue Grass, Clover,
Timothy, Orchard
Grass Seed, etc. at
Are to be foaad at the Millinery store first
door west of Hoffman A Marty's meat market.
A full line of Confectioaerj aad Fruits
and a line of cigars aaeqaaled ia tas
Oar aim is to give the best for tks
least money, and to please alL
Olivs St., nssrly ! Pwst-sJtos.
west of Omaha, at
The beet manufactories of the eoaatry
represented. Not to be undersold
by anybody. Come and see
prices at
13tli Oct.'
Ssecial Ainiat!
Furnishing Goods !
6reatly-:-Rediced-:-rrice8 !
ryCall. examine Goods and learn
Greisen Bros. & Co.
ml"fiii-y .
Aad all kiads of country produce takaa ia trad
anu all goods nuvertl free of
to any part of the city.
at aay ankle IatrnplyaMnlu tas tastsSaa.
lS-tf J. aft.
. JK. i.2 -
rJ -