VK - r -.-. -- . "V," --t- '- - ' r - M if s.;2.s j?se : --- VOL. XX.-5TO. 20- COLUMBUS, NEB WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1889 WHOLE NO. 1,008. " " j -t-i - Of (fotoimws MtrrnaL nwaBSBBsaassaw I 'I i m -f J? COLUMBUS STATE BANK. I'DLBIBliS. NEB. . . Cash Capital - $100,000. . . DIRECTORS: . LKANDEK .n ERRA RD. Pre-.'!. -. -, : GEO. W. HULST, Vice Pre't. JULIUS A. HF.KD. . R. H. HENRY. J. E. TArfKKR, Ci-lner. teak m efIt. .- VT CeUectieaia !" rewptly ?fi3 o sal sIt. iy laterent em Tlie Oepo- Ita. COKMClilBil -OF- COLUMBUS, NEB., -ILV3 AN- Anthorized Capital of 500,001) Paid in Capital - 1)0,000 OFFICERS: C H. SHELDON. PreVt. H. P. IL OHLRICH. Tiro Pre-. C. A. NEWMAN. Caahier. DANIEL a'HlLUI, AmmT Cash. STOCK HOLDERS: C. H. Sheldon. J- P. Becker. Herman P. H.Oehlrich, Carl Rienke, Jona Welch, W. A. McAUUtt, 4. Hew? Wanlemnn, H. M. Winnlow, George. W. Gallej . S. . Grey. Fnuik Borer. Arnold F. H. Oehlrich. 9fiuk of iieot.ir; intercut allowed on time deposits; bay and sell exchange on United States and. Europe, and bay and sell available securities. .we shall be pleased to receive your business. Wf solicit your patronage. 29decS7 ars FOR THE WESTERN COTTAGE QBQAN CALL OX- A. & M.TURNER Or 6. W. EIBLEK SeFThese -man- are first-class in every par ticnJar, aad so froarmnfeed. SCUFFMTI run, -umns nt WIND MILLS, Buckeye Mower, combined, Self Binder, wire or twine. Pup Bet aire sktrt itice door Mt of Heintx's Drag Store, 11th Coluabaa. Neb. 17novSi-tf I CURE FITS! larCCU I do aoti Ser oat, aau xsem aiw 11111 i 1 XKA2I JL KADLUaJ. CLlJUb. the CBdT. I WAKXA3T MT' worst cues. Btcaue oaa nave hiteresealerjjetBoerreeawaaraeare. TfTTr kxxkby. Grre Express rmrv a carta yea aMMafKva It wiUearejom. AoVareaa AI HIT AIXIC CASKS of all binds of Uphol- 4t C0E.C3OCB. to HK?22sBbbb?bV. a SsT sad Peet HENRY G-ASS. UNDERTAKER ! e- P HER WORK IS SEVER DOM SIMPLY KCAUSE THERE 1SNT EN0UGH SYSTEM ABOUT IT. If HouNkMBtaf 1 gjatlallalll M Xai'i X. It Caa Urn FlaialMd J bun An Flaai T lT Wh Haa StadlaJ Women are cocatantlj complaining that their work never amda -thit while a man works only daring certain hoars of the day they never get through. The principal reason, perhafa, is that they do not put enough, thin king into their work. "Why couldn't you tell me every thing at once?' was the petulant protest of a child who had been sent up stairs to her mother's room, first for a pair of scissors, then for a tape n assure, then for a spool of cotton, aad maalhr for a Sanaent that was to he mwnteil id had been forgotten. . The child received a sharp reproof for her impertinence, the mother placidly remaining quite oblivious of the fact that she also needed a reproof for her own heedlessness. The child recognized the injustice and didn't forget it. A little thought would have saved steps and temperr and it is this same thought that needs to go into the , everyday work. One trouble with women many of tliem is, they fail to recognize house keeping as a business, to be carried on, as any business is, with dignity and with method. They regard it as a drudgery, and they fret and worry over it until both mind and body are disturbed, and the peace of the household is worried with contention. The mental atmos phere of the house mother is felt by every one, and she cannot be out of sorts without putting everybody else out It may be impossible to keep from fretting, and a difficult task to be always serene; but one can more nearly approximate the latter condition and keep free from the former by having things so arranged alwut the house that everything will go like the traditional "clockwork." Mrs. Cornelius, who has been the friend and counselor to so many young house keepers, has arranged the work of the week in a few words of kindly advice. Nothing better has ever been written, and it is good enough to quote as a text. She has arranged this for the benefit of families whose pecuniary means allow an entirely comfortable, but not a costly, mode of living. You will see that it differs somewhat from the customary 'Monday work," etc She says: On Monday have the house swept and dusted, the clothes for the wash collected and such articles mended as should be before being washed. On Tuesday wash. In families where the washings are large it ; is better to delay the ironing till the next day but one. This gives time for doing some things necessarily omitted on wash ing day, for instance, baking if the size of the family makes it necessary (bake .twice a week) and for folding. the clothes, as one is better able to do the whole iron ing in a day than if she was to perform this labor on the day immediately after the washing day. Therefore on Wednesday bake and fold the clothes, on Thursday iron, on Friday have all parts of the house that are in constant use swept and dusted again, the brasses rubbed, the windows cleaned, and if there are closets to be cleaned let them lxs done on that day also. On Saturday bake and provide such a supply for the table as shall supersede the necessity of cooking on Sunday, which should be "the day of rest" for the house mother as well as for all the rest of the household. Still another way is to wash ou Mon day, bake and do other things necessarily omitted on Tuesday, iron on Wednesday, mend and take your ease on Thursday, sweep and clean on Friday, bake on Sat urday and lay out the clean linen for rooms, beds and individuals. This is the plan that is the most often followed. But there are improvements even upon this well tried method, if housekeepers are not so wedded to their ways as to be unwilling to try the experiment. Women who do their own work, rely ing possibly upon young daughters for the little help they can give them out side of school hours, often find die laun dry work, particularly the washing, the stumbling block. It is not always easy to get a woman to come for washing; it is an expensive matter to send to, the laundry, and the only alternative is "do it yourself." The task is much simpli fied if the husband will send shirts and collars to the laundry, and there are comparatively few who cannot afford to do this. That part taken out, half the dread of the work is done. Summer or winter the shirts and collars are a bug bear, particularly as they are made. So begin by supposing that that part of the family linen goes to the laundry. That leaves a washing larger than most women want to do at once; so on Friday, when the rooms are swept aad dusted, change the bed linen. Friday evening put it to soak, and it is a very easy mat ter on Saturday morning to boil it and hang it our. The bed linen is not hard, but large and heavy, and it is a good deal gotten out of the way, and the 'Mon day wash does not seem nearly so hard. The baking can then be done, and vou will be all ready for Sunday. On Mon day the remainder of the washing can be done. On Tuesday the clothes maybe folded and necessary baking done. On Wednesday the ironing; Thursday may be a rather restful day. That is, the haakpt of clothes looked over and mend ed, and no extra work done. That you around again to Friday, with Now, here are the wavs all readv laid out for you, and you may take which you like. Only, whichever way you de cide, keep to that way, and donVbe per petually trying experiments. In that way you lose all ideas of system. There are times when sickness or some untoward circumstance will put every thing awry, and make it impossible that vou shall carry out your "fr and plan; but that is only a temporary upset that will come to every one in every branch of basinesB. The "only tiling "is not to worry over, and to "raitch up as quick ly as you can. New York News. HOW FISHES CLIMB HILLS. Li that fascinating book on frpi history, "A Froaen Dragon," is aa ex planataon of the phrnmneaon that trout are often rnrrmi in mountaav far as toward taen ia pooL oat of which lad a direct fail of of :tae richly little e&fieri tb us tMOu or case around by land. berl began to frighten ta what they would do. ' Some iawhfd at the little aMI aad dis appeared, while caersdacsal over and swam down stream. Still farther ap I found the speckled game, until finally the passage became so cuflcuttthat I was obliged to turn back; la the village I chanced to aseatioa the sabjeut to a friend who owned the asttl oa. the saane stream, and he told me that the lanes' ascent was a puacle to aim, until one day his boy called hint out to the dam, where the riddle was solved. The dam was nearly four feet high, and to relieve the stream several auger holes had been bored in it, allowing a small stream of water to jet forcibly out and to go splash ing down into the clear pool below. As my friend approached the spot and look ed through the bushes several large sized trout were seen moving aader the mimic fall, evidently in great exciteaseet, and j dartnigmto krasif eajoyaar- the splash - and" roar of the Suddenly one of the fish made a quick rush that sent it up the falling stream, so that it almost gained the top; but by ' an unlucky turn it was caught and thrown back into the pool, where it dart ed away, evidently much startled. Soon another made the attempt, dart ing at it like the first, and then rapidly swimming up the fall, but only to meet the fate of its predecessor. This was tried a number of times, until finally a i trout larger than the others made a dash, i mounted the stream, and entered the i round hole. j The observers were almost ready to clap their hands, but it was not success ful yet. As the water stopped Sowing for a moment, they saw that, though the athletic trout had surmounted the fall, , the hole was too small for it to pass through, and there the poor fish was lodged. The lookers on Iiastened to re lieve it, and found that its side or pec toral fins were caught in the wood, but, by pushing the fish ahead, which you may be sure they did, they liberated it, and it darted away into the upper pond. Here, then, was the explanation, The trout climlied the mountain by swixn ming up the falls, darting up the foam- ing masses, and adopting every expe dient to accomplish their journey. For tnese nsn deposit tneir eggs mgn up stream, so that the young fry, when hatched, may not be disturbed by preda tory nsn and other foes living in the lower waters. f Will Psrnr. Tliree stories were told over after din ner cigars the other day, showing the power of man's wilL One was of a young officer in the English army, who was peculiarly stubborn and irascible. He had been confined to his bed after a severe attack of the heart, and was un able to move. His physician asked one of his fellow officers to warn him that he would never get out of bed again, that he might arrange his affairs before death. When the sick man was told what the doctor had said, he arose in bed excitedly and said: I will never get up again, eh? I will walk to the doctor myself and show him." He jumped to the floor, walked across the room and fell dead. The other was about a sheriff out west. who, when arresting a man, was stabbed through the heart. He seised the man by the shoulders, after the blade had struck him, pressed him to the ground, drew his revolver, and deliberately thrusting it down the struggling prison er's throat, pulled the trigger at the in stant he himself died. The third story was regarding awh officer who was hunting down a thief. The man thought he had given his pur suer the slip, but just as he entered one door of a railroad car theofficer appeared in the other. The thief instantly fired, the bullet penetrating bis pursuer's brain. The officer, however, returned the shot, bringing bis man to the ground. He then dragged himself along the aisle of the car, firing as he crawled, until his revol ver was empty. He was dead when he was picked up a second after he ceased to shoot; Boston Gaaette. Coaearaiag ' Good, sound watermelons, not cracked, kept in a shady place, will keep three or four weeks. Many attempts have been made to keep them all winter, but the fruit preservers have not as yet made a success of it. Some proposed to do it by varnishing the outside, so as to exclude the air. George Blank, however, who isa-big dealer in watermelons at Pier 27, North river, says that the best way to keep a melon all winter is to bury it in the ground where it will not freeze. No attempt has been made to keep watermelons all the year round as a commercial speculation, except tnat a few have occasionally been put in cold storage, and once in a while a gardener raises a few in a hothouse for the benefit of those who do not like anything that is got in the normal way. Among melon dealers die belief is widespread that the fruit is good for kidney troubles. The effect upon the kidneys is almost as qaickly perceptible as that of asparagus, while to the fevered tongue the taste is as delicious as that of an orange. It is of the utmost import ance that melons should be kept free from cracks. Very soon after a melon is cracked it begtaa to get soar. New York Sun. Americans Irvekahrar than oar fomga born cxtiaens. "Among foreigners next to the Ameri- stand the Irish, gegifoh and Ger- m the order aaaaed. Few Germans or TjnfpjAm) dig of apoplexy. Germans famish the highest percent age c suicide. Satire Aaarrii aim are coanpantively free from diseases of the liver Typhoid fever has the aaoat victims in the northwest and the fewest in tae south, but in the latter aection there m a large mortality from other zyaseticdkv and aura lim iliiaa 1W leas kid- T Apropos of much that has appeared about the Duff -fsaaily. a book which re mains to be written is a gename and true history of the peerage of the United Kingdom, The large volasaes ol ro atance and fiction styled Peerages," at present circulating in the kingdom, are completely ridiculous and thoroughly nisleatung- With regard to model h cre ations, their' aiiftarfraitt annihilation of facts is subliaae. others to see The statistics recently yibhahed bya saaay i la'ia nnaHs, THE ALUMINUM AGE. THE CHILD SEE IT IS BORN THAT WILL FULLY REALIZED- WIdaly Diatrikated. Mam, Cas Jfow Moat OUBralt Btetal tat nu la Bat in TIbm Urwentmrn W1U Dat Evea Batter Thaa tkut Saj mur MathaaL To aluminum enthusiast the death of Fred J Seymour will be most keenly felt For the man who believed, and believes, that it is the metal of the future, and that it is being developed through slow stages, there is some con solation Ief k Others araR; work at this moment perhaps hundreds of them as many, no doubt, as are at work on any other one thing, striving by night and by day to usher in the aluminum millennium atthe earliest possible date, with- every chance of success in their favor. ine metal is aaowa to exist in every clav bank and in everv rock, great and small; it is more plentiful than all other metals combined; the modus operandi whereby it is separated is well known to chemists and mineralogists already; the objective point of all this research is cheapness. The Sofmour process did the work more cheaply than any other yet devised: hence the lamentations over his death. cosFticnsa stories. Even with the Seymour process the cost of producing aluminum has been so great as to exclude it from general use. It has been announced at least a half dozen times that a new and cheaper mode of chemically extracting the precious metal from its earthly base had "just been discovered. " Still it was worth $4,000 a ton, according to Maj. Powell, of the geological survey. The newspapers reported the shipment of 150 pounds of chemically pure alumi num, manufactured under a new pro cess, from Newport, Ky., to London. England, in August, 1S89. The same account, besides telling us it was the first of the metal ever extracted from clay3 for the purpose of shipment in the United States, tells us how it sold for fifty cents per pound. Both allega tions must be untrue, as the Engineering Journal of March this year gives a tabu lar exhibit of the value of rare metals in which it classes aluminum as being worth $8.50 per pound. The Journal is good authority, too. About the time of this reported ship ment of aluminum from Kentucky an oUier and more startling story was cabled from Germany. According to the Ger man Don Quixote aluminum was being rapidly turned out in 100 pound bars at the Krupp gun works at a cost of less than twenty cents per pound. Teutonic "goaheadness" did not cast a bar and a half and then make a shipment like they did in the land of blue grass, but they turned them out in great bars as rapidly as a wood chopper would sticks of wood and piled them up for future use, per haps with a view to cornering the alumi- Thia metal of the future, of which -o mnrh has been said, was discovered by Professor Wohler in 1823. While seek ing to settle in his own mind the ques tion as to what were the component parts of common clays, and while fusing a mass of the yellow mud at a white heat under the blow pipe, he accidendy ob tained a single minute globule or bead of what was to Iiim and the rest of the scientific world at that time a new metaL Subsequendy by various chemical tests he proved the drop to be the precious aluminum. He surely did not consider his discovery of grave importance, other wise he would have given it more atten tion than fie, did; as it was, it appears that he did not experiment with the aluminum idea in view again for some thing like eighteen years. In 1846 he re discovered it in a mixture of cloride of aluminum and eonimon salt. Tliis time the metal was obtained in quantities suf ficient fir more extensive examination. It was found to be a white metal between the color of zinc and silver, but with more bluish tinge than that found in the last named metaL Its specific gravity is from 2.3 to 2.67, according to purity, that of the average grade being about 2 j times heavier tiian water. It is four times as light as sil ver in other words, a coin the size of a silver dollar made of aluminum would weigh about the same as a twenty cent piece in silver. It lias great rigidity and tenacity; is nearly as hard as iron, but can be wrought into wire as fine as spi der webs after being thoroughly an nealed. W03DEBFUL QUALITIES. By being subjected to the goldbeaters art, a piece of aluminum the size of a dime may be beaten into a sheet several feet square, so great is its tenacity. Only two metals known can be rolled into a sheet as thin as it can, and they are gold and silver. When it does at last come into general use, and the advent of that era will not be retarded much by the man whose death furnishes the text for cms article, it win oe used tor every thing and put to every purpose to which iron, steel and wood are now put. Its adaptability to ship building is very ap parent. Great steamships, the size of the larg est Canards, with the same tonnage and the same number of exposed linear feet, if constructed of aluminum, from keel to the top of the masts, instead of draw ing eighteen to twenty-six feet, would not draw more than four or five. Lithe days of the future aluminites deep water conventions wfl be useless assemblages. It holds, a polish the best of any metal known, there being but few elements that will cause it to fc"-" or turn black. Bust, too, is a quality unknown to this wonderful white metaL Boiling water will not affect its luster, which is retained for an indefinite period in any atmosphere. Strong nitric acid raven ously attacks silver, but has no effect whatever upon- aluminum. Gold or platinum will be ruined if nlumred into a bath of sulphuret of potassium or melt- ea aiterr aluminum comes out bright and shiny as if from a bath of pure cold water. John W. Wriaht in Sl LouLi Weddfaag Kanga. If marriage is not a failure there tan's a questioa as to die indifferent regard in whack the wedding ring- ia hekL Even the jeweler has aaaaa-caettemptuoua way of presenting the tray of plain gold bands taaes which jte hums or whistles softly, bat none the less significantly, aa he note of the initials to be in Verv voung brides wear the yalow band, but in swejl rirrlra yoang avnes nave the bravado to lar taaeashea oc uadrma- lovaaa as tut; aoaeymoon is over. Among older wives the ring is discard ed altogether, and if you inquire- about it? the matron will calmly tell you it's sach an unfashionable piect of jewelry to fee obliged to wear and as a result the young lady daughters in the family are married with a seal ring, not one of which can be procured for the paltry $7. the price of the rel low band Emeralds, rabies and turquois. set in small but brilliant diamonds, are popular as wed ding jewels, and not a few bridegrooms have wedded their ideal with a marquise ofdiamonils. A bride of a month ago was married wiUi a serpentine ring, composed of two snakes exqufsitelycarved. each with a precious jewel in its head. To show the low degree of enthusiasm for the time Ssunored symbol of conjugal love atthe last coaching club dinner party given in the Brunswick, but three ladies out of forty, all attended by their husbands, i wore the plain gold band. There were -blusters, of diamonds circlets of pearls and solitaire stones by the quart, but the single trio displayed the simple yel- i low hoop. Grass widows find the hand, particu larly obnoxious, and those gay and fes tive wives who have a few more links o( freedom th:m is wholesome never give it position outside of the jewel casket. At the resort.- and in social gatherings i one hears frequent outbursts from the) young and innocent society men whe i protest against what they consider mis-! placement of the onlv badge tiiat dis- " tinguishes a married woman from a spinster. New York World. Very Old Bread. A German who visited Pompeii writes as follows concerning the bread discov ered there: "In one room are shown in I well closed glass cases, side by side with nZ'1 SS aome nrecious whii'li wn fnnnfl in in nronf o.-Viir-li I more by and by burnt, of course. This bread is round and lias four cuts, and may have weighed when fresh about three or four pounds. To this day bread like this is baked in Naples and the neigh borhood, a proof of how little advanced the baker's trade is in the soutii of Italy. Our guide assured me that some of this bread had been sold to foreign museums for enormous sums of money, and dial before me would not be sold at all, nc matter what was the price offered. Hav ing seen thu bread, I was curious to sec the oven in which it had been baked and found. After a most interesting tout ' through thestreea of Pompeii, we found ourselves suddenly before the house oi the Pompeiian baker. "The houses are not built like ours ol today. They are without windows, with an entrance into the interior, which is a square, open hall, or radier yard, which, in the better class of houses, contains a fountain and water basin. Into this yard the doors from all the rooms open. The streets serve as drains for die houses at well as the streets. Great blocks oi stone serve as stepping stones to past from one side of the street to the other. Washin the boose was also placed the hairing room, and die oven was built ol baslatic stones, which were still in good preservation. This oven was very much like those which we see in country baker ies of the present day. In the same room, a little away from the oven, stood also a corn mill, of dark gray stones, similar to our old sugar mills. There was a hole in the upper stone, with t bar to pass through, which slaves oi donkeys had to turn around." Confec doners' Journal The Beat Dressed Xea la Although the London men about towr are the best dressed in the world, there if littie or no adoration of the male beauty here. It is one of the most difficult things imaginable to find out the Eng lishmen who are considered to be on the summit of fashion in the mrcoi- ol clothes, unless one knows them person ally. Portraits of society women of all kinds and ranks are to be seen in pro fusion here, but never a portrait of a so ciety man unless he happens to hold some r public office of prominence. Pngliah swelldom has a great deal of samenesE about it. To begin with, the swell must have a tide or be a military man, and as all titled Englishmen have something to dc with the army, the mflitv the yeomanry or the volunteers, all swells of the first water are military officers of some kind Before a young tided Englishman can be qualified to become a credit to his fam ily and the British aristocracy he must have been to Eton, to Oxford and have held a commission in the Guards. It doesn't matter how long he holds the commission. Then, again, the personal appearance of the most admired men of this type is apt to be wanting in variety. They run about sx feet in height, have broad shoulders, deep chests and com paratively small waists, for which three latter things the tailor may be partly re sponsible. They, almost without excep tion, shave all their face but the upper lip, where they grow as big and curly a mustache as possible. Blakely TTli m Clothier and Furnisher. With all their democratic theories and feelings, Americans are not a whit be hind die rest of the world in a fondness for honorary tides. When Samuel C. Pomeroy, afterward Senator Pomeroy, was on his way from Massachusetts to setde in Tit"TH?. his traveling companion, a man fmmT with western customs, said to him: "Pomeroy, a man on the frontier ia no body without a hrulla to his name. You most certainly have one of some kind or other.' Mr. Pomeroy declared that he was not entitled to any, but his friend persisted: "You were once a member of the Mas aachusetts general court, weren't von? "Yes." "Well, that will answer perfectiy." The new comer was accordingly intro duced as "Gen. Pomeroy," and as long as fee lived be was known by that tide. Youth's Companion. It was in Paris that the doorkeeper of a large block of apartments, having been bothered by the noise of dogs, put up in the court a placard, in large letters: "No Barking Allowed." Thai sign did not seem to make much impression upon the dogs, but it soon brought down an angry tenant. - '"What do you mean," he shouted to the doorkeeper, "by patting up that signr "Oh, yoa mustn't be offended, sir," said the doorkeeper "The sign iant intended for yon; it'a far roar dcgT Yoatk'e AN OVERSIGHT OF MAKE HfV AstraKlUtteteBrl Had come a live with. Ra, Aa t ae wanted It brought to the rasls, That it inisoc est aad crow. "It must wait for awhile." said i ta aaawer to her Tor a little thisc taaaaaeat i Cast eat lite joa I "Wtaraeaatkasta Adkad Flo ta fraes -Ok, mjr be last it 56 teats, beta I jraaa," after '-"-c grave Tbct must have beaa forgot. Cat we hey Wat saaw ate craadpa's I'd like to Icaow war aot.'- Ttat afteraooa to the ooraer. Wita paper aad pea aad Ink, West Fie earing: Doa't talk to ie. If yoe do ifH atart aa tUak. I'm wri tiara letter, rraadaaa. To aead awar to-aWac Aa' 'cane if a very "pertaat I waatta set it neat," at I A waadarftU taaar to me, Aad directed to "Gw bt beer tread it over taaMt1 Tb aae if it'a rtokt, yoa kaow.- Aad tore la the latter written To God brattle Flo- "Data Gok The baby you brought ue Is awfalaioB aad sweet. Bat 'cases yoa forgot his tooae The poor little thing can't eat. That's way Tai writing thin letfcy. A-gurpueato let yoa know; Please rrnne aad eaiab the baby. Taat'aaa. From Lrma Fto." Pittsburg- Port. Te Oe Awaw With "I notice," said CoL John J. to The Man About Town, "that the daily press , of the country is beginning to agitate aa t a means of doing away with the evil of 1 drunkenness a remedy which I advo cated several years ago. Mv idea was to build at public expense asylums where drunkards could be sent and kept in con- , dement until pronounced pernxanentlv I -" by acompetent pkysiSt was my opinion that these institutions should be maintained by money secured through a tax levied on the keepers of saloons, and I do not believe that there is one saloon keeper out of a hundred who would not favor such a plan. Such in stitutions, properly conducted, with a law requiring the confinement therein of every man detected in a stats of intoxi- I cation would, I think, go far toward bringing about an abatement of the evfl. It would cause a large-percentage of the men who now make a practice of getting drunk to hesitate before meWwgp the ven ture. I had even gone so far aa to draft a bill embodving the provisions outlined i above, with the intention of having it introduced in the legislature, but at the earnest solicitation of a few friends, who deemed it an unwise measure, I allowed the matter to drop, although I felt then and still feel that it would be a good thing for the state to have some such law in operation." St. Louis Bepubhc. A Cains In a recent lecture M. Romanes is re ported as having strongly denied the ex istence of even a trace of any feeling of the ludicrous in the renowned chunpan aae "Sally." It may be worth while to record a small fact observed by me lately, tending, I think, to favor an op posite view. Being alone with a friend in Sally's house, we tried to get her to obey the commands usually given by the keeper. The animal came to the bars of the cage to look at us, and, adopting the keeper's usual formula, I said: "Give me two straws, Sally." At first she ap peared to take no notice, although she had been eying us rather eagerly before. I repeated the request with no further result; but on a sec ond or third repetition she suddenly took up a large bundle of straw from the floor and thrust it through the bars at us, and then sat down with her back to us. Our request was perhaps unreason- .able, seeing that we had no choice mor sels of banana with which to reward her. She did not, however, seem ill tempered at our presumption, and the next instant was as lively as ever. It seems to me that her action on this occa sion certainly came very near to an ex pression of humor. Bather sarcastic humor perhaps it was, but she certainly appeared to take pleasure in the specta cle of something incongruous, and tbia surely lies at the base of all sense of the ludicrous. Nature. era The bearing of education on the char acter and reformation of criminals hi dis cussed by Dr. Hamilton D. Way in a pa per on the physical and industrial train ing of that class, which is published by the Industrial Fdncationiaaociation. The author assumes that "it is a mistake to suppose that the criminal is naturally bright. Moral failure and blunted intel lect, as a rule, go hand in hand. If bright, it is usually in a narrow line and self repeating." The crinimal's malprac tice has ita origin in blanted or non-developed nervous areas, and is indicative of wrong headedneas. Whatever may be said of the motives or incentives that led to crime, the fact remains that the head of the criminal is wrong. The time has gone by in which to argue that to educate the criminal is to make him a more accomplished and successful scamp. "It is through, physical and mental training and their composite la bor that the slumbering germs of man hood are fructified, maturing under a firm and unrplaring discipline." The criminal's mmd, "while not dis eased, is undeveloped, or it may be ab normally developed in certain directions; the smartness resulting therefrom par taking of low cunning and centering about self. He is deficient in stability and will power, and incapable of pro longed mental effort and application. "His intellect travels in a rut, and fails him in an emergency. His moral nature shares in the imperfections of his physi cal and mental state," A training is ad vocated by the author that will awaken the alnmhering faculties, and thus set the mind in a aoraul condition. Thai train ing had beat not be given by persons con nected with the prison, for it might thereby be unpleaaaatly asanriatcrl with penal features, but by teachers broaght in for the purpose. Dr. Way gives an interesting relation of experiments which he has made with prisoners in accord ance with these views, the average re sults of which are very encouraging. Popular Science Monthly. nsaefc le WWte. The word black (Anglo-Saxon bhek, bleak) la fundamentally the blac, as the okl German blach now only to be found in two or three compounds, as hlachfelrt, a level or plain; Ktarhmafel. die sewn watch floats on top whan silver iaasakadVaad hlsnhfroat; aad It assent imlmimmthw "kni - "1 co oenota oiaceness. Decauae Mac: (apparendy) bare of color. Bat the used form of black u blank; which also meant orurinaily bare, aad was used to denote whiteness, because whiteness ia (apparendy) hare of color. The same word watt used to denote the two oppo site things. From which it would seem that Black is white. To any one who shall point out a flaw in this etymological arguBsent I shall endeavor to be grateful, provided he does not disturb the- very satisfactory conclu sion. This I should naturally resent. It may help him to a conclusion and serve as a further support to my contention to point out diat black in Anglo-Saxon actu ally means "white" as well aa "black,. so that it is not in iauasalLsed form only that the same word is employed to ex press opposite tilings. Why is this, un less that to the primitive mind both white and black appeared to agree in being bare or void of color, and for that reason to deserve the same name? Anil here I cannot help harbnringa suspicion. f-juajxeshid-hytite old Gt-nBaa blachfrnst (wtu'ch appears to lie neiurly obsolete, or only used in soma localities), tiiat our black frost" meant, originally a frost liare of accomplishments, as hoar, rime, and it is a coincidence only that it should he black in color ami blacken the vegeta tion. But we have long lost hold of die original meaning, and believe it to refer to the color. Notes and Queries. Jaat a Fit, If a boy sees a coat that fits him he sometimes puts it on before he knows it: or we may say the same diing in oth. words: "A guilty conscience needs no accuser." Two school boys had quarreled and finally had engaged in a real stand up fight. The teacher got wind of the affair and called the combatants before him. "He struck me." said one of the bovs. "He said I stole his knife." said the other. "I said somebody stole it." said die first boy. "WelL you meant me." replied the other. "Why, Charlie," said the teacher, "if Willie had told me that somebody had stolen his knife, it would not nave made me angry. I should not have thought that he meant me." "Well, but you don't steal." was the readv answer. Kind Words. X Angela Yet. The reformers are not angels yet no! quite and it is possible tiiat they ma; make mistakes and are responsible for a good deal of injustice and unnecessary suffering. The trouble is that we gc upon the theory that we are always right and that the other fellows are al ways wrong; that orthodoxy is oiB doxy, while heterodoxy is the other fel low's doxy. As was hinted a little way back, per haps we had better go slow in our alleged reforms, and be very considerate and charitable and tolerant while we are about it. The wQl of the majority embodied in a statute will not change human nature, and policeman's club never convince: its victim that what he believes is right is morally wrong. Atlanta Constitution. A law Abider. "I don't want to break the law," he said, as he stood in the presence of Capt Starkweather at police headquarters the other day. "You are very kind," replied the cap en "Wbat is your case?" "Mv wife has skipped." "Indeed." "Yes, skipped out two days ago. said. I don't want to break the Asl law. such What is the customary rule m i" "Let her skip." "I am not expected to pursue her and shoot somebody?" "No." "Thanks, She lias slapped. Let hex skip. If she returns I overlook and for give. If she does not I marry the hirec girL Perfecdy satisfactory, sir, al around, and I thank you for your kind ness." Detroit Free Press. A Valuable Tlaaepleee. Chief of Police Packard, of Hartford, Conn., carries a watch that is indeed a novelty, as well as a valuable timepiece. Without opening the watch, the time of day or night to the minute can be ascer tained. By pushing down a spring on the outer edge of die case, the hour is given by the striking of a miniature gong, as are also the quarter hours and minutes. If, in the night, the owner wishes to know die time, it is learned in a very few seconds, and is found out in this way: If it is six minutes to 3 o'clock, one of three little gongs will strike two; two gongs then tttrike alternately tliree strokes, each giving the tliree quarter hours, and another gong strikes nine two hours, three quarters and nine min utes, making the exact time six minutes to 3. The chief said that eleven years ago the watch would cost $1,200, but at the present time the watches are sold for 9450. Boston Herald. A Helping Head. Frederick Greenwood, in an article in The Nineteenth Century, makes a point in favor of helping the man who is in temporary trouble rather than the chronic poor. The point is a good one. Every well to do man can, by keeping his eyes and heart both open, keep from dropping into the slums some family that has met with temporary disaster. Those who are trying to help themselves are the ones least likely to get a helping hand. One church in a northern city keeps a private register of the ffnarfji condition of all members, and has it as the duty of the deacons to see that no one's misfortunes lower them in social position or break them up. Anyone dis covered to be in need is promptiy, but secretly, relieved. St. Louis Globe Democrat. A r lass 1 1 Most parodies are cheap. They have aoteven the merit of satirical purpose. Once in a while, however, we find one that is so nonsensical on ita surface and so rrqnMa.a in its deeper meaning that it belongs "c the American classics. By the way, we should like to know who wrote the following verses. Can any body teU us? Be killed the noble xndjokiris. Wish the akin he made hixn mittens, Made then with the fur aide inside; nade them with the skin side outsider He, to get the warm aide iaaide. Pas the haririu akin side outside; Ha, to get the cold side outride. Pat the warai aide Air aide ueaosc -Tnafa why he pat the fur side inside. War be pas the skis auie ouoide. leaswauar OUaBwatsnsa First Jitiittlia latiwStateof aw,. July Oh. last: Loaaa aal DiaenaaSs. Orerdrafte aerarad aa SMAStTSt xiatsa la,eeea tteU3 Aaetsa lL3 3s g.aLHnarie toi Other stock, bonds Da rroaa asDruved i Dse from Stat Hank aavr I Keel Estat. Furnitamand Flxrane. nrrwat expeanee aad faxee paid Prrauaase paid v ...... . Check aad other cash itaa BiUaofotfarBaak gichria aad cento ..... .... Lenai trader aMtesin!"" Kmlemptioa fund with U. 9. Triasm er (5 per cwfc. of c-rcnJetion) . Total .a UAKUTIKa. Capital stock paid ia Sarplaa fan! DndiTuiedprohtM.. Satoooel Bsak aetMasaaaaasasng.' hah vidua! depuaita mUm to charfc Demand cwtiBratHftiif tleptiait..... Notea aad bill rMliaconnteil UK 7MB) mm AStttti C3 8B at at OAKS TXuav laae Tal .. asevsasu DiaxcToan. A. ANDERSON. Pree't. J. H.GALLKY. Vir IWi O.T.aWULt G.ANDEB80M. P. AHMliw Aprsvi msaussgmis. J a.lCaXlAJU DEUTCHER ABVOKAT t&c ow Cidnmbaa skate aebraaka. CVLUTnn 4 ATTORNEYS AT LA IT, Office orw Fir- National R-wfr r. .learSBKA. - v JMM EVWE.X COO.Tr HCRrEYOB. ePartiiai desiring Mirrt?vinr doae cam in Omrr Hon,. '"- "r aJS? CO. SUP'T PUBLIC SCHOOLS. r wit !. r j- . .i.- i o T onus, m the Court Honae th m!.rfamnr,r f 7" mtwit ???. tumor applirante for tHttchera' ovtiaeatea. asZi for the traiMictioa of th- -.i -,.31T, " lunsM . DRAVawl EXPliESSJfAX. Uttfit anil heavy haulm. (hmh handled with enjv. nHtti,juarh.rH ar J. P.IWkerACoToaTce: I Inphune. J3 and .U. Iinay3etf FAUBLE A. BBADSHAW. (.VncrrsMfirz tit FnnM ,r nitshril), BRICK jVIAKERS ! wrk? n"1rwt t do all WimU, l brick OTuisjTta Hf, Tuxirnt co Proprietor ami Publiiikers of the KZ31I37S OT3SAS.a4 tis SIX raaUr OTxat. Both. poatHjaid tnaayadiim. for 0U m re-r stncUj. m advance Fn. jOPB W. A. McUXJSTEK. W. M. CORNELIUS C KaMlj M cALf.MTIiet , A TTORXE VS AT La W. Colombo,. Neb. Bet&LnWlw--- mlinjOTJ JOHN G. HIGGINS. C. J. GAKLOW. HH&HXS Jt QAMLOW ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Specialty miuie of IVilecrihu by C. J. Gariow. II. C. BOYD, :cricTcnga or Tin aid Skeet-Irti Wire! Jek-Work, mU aid Gmttar- agafawlaity. stand on flurteenth atreet. ff Cms. K. ILiipp. Ka.ig R. hjt apf. Contractus and Baillirs. Estimate famished on brick and aCuaWwork and plaateruwr. in-. Special attention area to settinjr boilers, mantl, etc Stainiag aad .-.-. i..u.iuK oi.i or new hr-.ck writ to repre. JSmaylr KNAPP BHOtl. Colnmbaa. Neb. A STRAY LEAF! A DIARY. TTTE JOURNAL OFFICE FOB, CARDS. ENVELOPES. - NOTE HEADS, BHiL HEADS. CIRCULARS. DODGERS, ETC. SUBSCRIBE NOW roe sd THE AHERU AN MAttAZIffE, lt Off-rr Both for a War. at t4JMi The Jocnxti. is acknowledged to be the best news aad family paper in Platte cooatyad. The American, llsaarint' i the nnlTfiisti fleas imoHli 'i gins TiiTir I nfiiilinil lii Tilan tare. American Thought and Preaveaa, aad ia the only derided exponent of AoMneaa Tartirn tiom. It ia aa kimmI an any of the older maea-ziae-t, fnmniHnir in i jnr nnir T.HS jiaiai nf llm choicest: literature, written by the abieeC Ameri can author. It In beaotirally iTInl I awl, aad ia nch with charming coatinea and short stories. Ho more appropriate present cam be made than a Tear sabacriptioa to That . caa naiawiBi It will be m especially brilliant daring the year IMS. The price of Jocaxju. i aO". aad The i - ' wee tatinm. " maaj- BaaavCeleaihea. iafgjju. wet .''V