The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 28, 1889, Image 4

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" " IN CLOVeH.
Warnta aaava aaarJaBVaai m aa
P teen at a royal flaw . "
Aae let aarewaatrcaalce. .
Yoader break alasa lowaed eoffly.
Bet I caaeot catch Ms woe
As ther I
WKhtheaotesof I
It to easy to forget
That oar life hse to or taxable;
Why saoakl we try to rai
IttoweH to areata aaa1
Aed f brset that wo grow weary.
Happy he who pott away
Thoogfctoor aaOy lfeaadatrKe,
Who to deaf to U aad discor-l
Jarrta throat the chords of KCa,
Let me Uo thus ta the dover.
As a child oa Btotber'a brest.
AbA awhile the hoars ay over.
Dream sweet dreaaa- of peace aad
"It's those worn out shingles on the
roof." said Mrs. Barr, in the melancholy
half whine which was habitual to her.
'"The rain leaked in on the boarder's bu
reau all night long, and she says she
won't stay here if sheknt to be properly
protected against the elements."
Janie tied the last puce colored tulip
to its stake and straightened herself up.
"Who is to do it?" sighed Mrs. Barr.
"And if Mrs. Lepell goes away what
shall we do about the interest on your
father's old noter
i "She won't go away, mother, never
fear." said Janie, brightly. "Don't fret
You'll see that things will come out
"But the shingles must be fixed right
way." said Mrs. Barr.
"They -shall be fixed, mother," said
"Who will do itT impatiently repeated
the widow.
"I will!" said Janie.
"That's all nonsense," groaned Mrs.
But Janie had never been more seri
ously in earnest in all her life.
Mrs. Barr went to the parish sewing
society that afternoon.
CoL Addison, from the Valley hotel,
who was paying his addresses to Mrs.
Lepell. the boarder, came with a spirited
horse and a buggy to take her to the sea
"Now is my time," said Janie exult
antly to herself.
But Mrs. Lepell came back before she
had got twenty-five yards away from the
' "Janie." she said. 'I forgot to tell you
that I left my three diamond rings in the
little left hand drawer of the bureau. I
might lose them in the water. I thought
I would tell you in case of fire, you know,
or any other accident."
"Yes," said Janie, "but there won't be
any accident.
Mrs. Lepell laughed, and ran back to
the carriage and the impatient colonel.
And not until then did Janie perceive
that a tall, lialf grown lad, lurking be
hind the porch rails, was waiting to
apeak with her.
"Who are your said Janie, briskly.
"What do you want? No, we havent
any old clothes. If you really want
work, you had better go on to the new
buildings, about a mile up the road. I
dare say they can find something for you
'to do there."
5 The lad mumbled out something,
whether tlianks or otherwise Janie
could not discriminate, and shuttled
away. And our heroine, slipping on her
hat and bolting the front door, ran across
the back meadow to Jack Parson's car
penter shop, some quarter of a rnfle by
the wood path.
"I want a few shingles,'' said she,
and a pound of shingle nails."
j "What forr said Ralph.
"No matter," calmly retorted Janie.
She nodded good-by, and hurried away
under the canopy of pink apple blossoms.
Ralph looked admiringly after her.
"She's a regular clipper of a girl, that
Janie Ban-P said he. "If ever I'm able
to support a wife, that will be the one
Td choose."
I Light as a thistledown, Janie hurried
back with her pirecious bundle of shingles,
pad the pound of nails in her pocket.
I "Now I'll show him whether I can
send the roof or not," she said, as, with
ja hammer added to her stock in trade,
she ascended to the garret and climbed
the odd little ladder that led up through
'the rusty trap door to the steep roof.
i The slant was abrupt, the old shingles
were wet with the recent rain and slip
jpsry with green moss incrustations, but
Janie Barr was not one lightly to be dis
couraged, and presently she found her
self neatly balanced, with her feet braced
eg- the board gutter, one elbow lean-
on the roof, and the hand busily
away the old shingles and re
them deftly with overlapping
'rows of new, fragrant wood. The click
of the hammer, the ring of the nails was
like asusta in her ears. Suddenly, how
lever, as she sat perched like a squirrel
osthe slanting roof, the sound of voices
'struck on her ear. She paused to listen.
i "Three diamond rings! I heard her
say so herself. In the left hand drawer
of sosae bureau," said the same accents
which half an hour ago had asked for
Mr charity. "And no one but a woman
ta the house."
"Sure of that?" said a deeper voice.
"Yes, plum sure," was the answer.
"And I wouldn't wonder if there "were
' things for the picking up."
' "Come in, then," said the other one,
,'aad step lively. We can't stand here
jawing all day. The door is bolted, is
It? Wait a minute; Fvegotalittle joker
here as would start any staple this side
'of Denver."
I Janie had listened in breathless hor
ror. In an Instant, as it were, she com
Iprehended the full danger that menaced
Mrs. Lepell's treasured gems the three
1""""'' rings that the boarder had once
told her were worth thousands of dollars.
And here she was alone and helpless!
Hurriedly she turned over the crisis in
aeratind. If she were to re-enter the
house by the same way in which she had
left it she must certainly meet theruf
'aaas, and any uaistaiioe which she
could offer would be speedily overpow-
Janie Barr was sot one to hesitate
long. While the thought yet careered
through her brain she sprang down the
saves into the M""" boughs of the
- tree which grew so close to
that its branches scraped the
t windy March days.
Itwasahaxardous thing for any one
to V who was not swift of limb and ac
curate of eye, but Janie alighted like a
ess ia the fork of the tree, climbed light
ly down until she reached the lower
sags, aad thence leaped breathlessly
to the ground, springing swiftly across
i to Ralph Parsons' carpea-
"Jsaie, what is kT
atfsh Parsons himself rose up out of
directly across her
drinking at the ice cold spring,"
I Mara your footsteps.
I :-'
told hint the trouble as well as she
sheened. "Quo-arc hater
whisUe whkh hung om bis steel watch
"That will bring say workaaan," he
u "If a, atonal we have agreed
pon among ourselves for just sue, an
emergency as tam. xouaaajones,iajue,
shall go around to the back door, Rotates
will watch the front and TU go and
throttle the fellows."
Janie glanced with shy admiration into
bis set, determined face. After all, it
was something to be a man.
The little campaign was skillfully con
ducted. The two thieves were taken red
handed; the diamond rings were deliv
ered into Janie Ban's keeping, and the
ruffians were dragged to the sarsst jsfl.
"O, Ralph," said Janie, when all the
little crowd was gone, "how can lever
thank you?"
"By letting me put on those shingles
for you," said he.
"I cant," said Janie, laughing and
blushing. "They are put on already.
But 111 promise you my next job of car
pentering." "Will you let me be your carpenter
always, Janie?" he asked. "Will you
promise one day to be my wife?"
The words had risen almost involun
tarily to his lips as he held her hand in
his the words he so longed yet dreaded
to speak.
And Janie hung her head and colored
like a carnation, and said, "She would
see." And Ralph Parsons knew that lis
had won the day.
Mrs. Barr and the boarders were alike
amazed when they returned home.
"Our Janie to circumvent a gang of
burglars," said the proud mother.
"To save my three diamond rings,"
hysterically cried Mrs. LepelL
"But that isn't all I have done, moth
er," said Janie, laughing. "I have shin
gled the roof. And I have promised
to marry Ralph Parsons next spring.
Upon the whole, I think it has been rath
er an eventful day, dont you?" True
"I am just in from Lexington, where
I have been attending the annual com
mencement of the Virginia Military in
stitute." The speaker was Governor
Fltzhugh Lee. "Yes, 'Stonewall Jack
son was once a professor at the institute,
and the latter is still redolent of his ec
centricities. I knew him well, and he
was the last man you would have picked
out of a crowd of military men, not know
ing who he was, as possessing wonderful
energy, endurance and executive ability, j
It was only in the heat of actios that '
these characteristics flamed out. At
other times he was dull, uncommunica
tive and apathetic. In the parlance of
the day he was a 'crank' in many things,
but a terribly earnest one. When a pro
fessor at the institute he was the butt of
the students' jokes. Yes, he was re
ligious. He was known in the army as
the 'Blue Light Elder.' Gen. J. R.
Jones was his classmate at West Point
and was noted for his profanity. One
day, in the battle of Chancellorsville,
some mules attached to our ammunition
wagon got 'stalled' and finally got balky
under the lash. Jackson was looking on
when Jones rode up. The latter took in
the situation at a glance.
" 'See here, Jackson,' he shouted, 'let
me cuss 'em.' Jackson smiled, but de
murred by shaking his head. While
Lee's army was crossing the Potomac
into Maryland some of the mule teams
refused to leave the water. CoL Har
mon, Jackson's quartermaster, rode into
the water and poured volley after volley
of curses and lashes on the mules, and
got them to moving again. Jackson sat
on his old sorrel taking it all in. Har
mon, on perceiving hhu, quickly rode up
with the apology:
'"I beg your pardon, general, bat
cusses and blows are the only language
that a mule understands.' "--Washington
Letter. "
Oa off Heary Ward Beecher-a Freaks.
When Mr. Beecher was a student in
Amherst college he was given to pranks,
as most collegiates are. Once his tutor,
who was over six feet tail and solemn in
appearance, came to his room to expos
tulate with him for what he considered
the boy's frivolous ways. Mr. Beecher
was expecting the visit and had put into
the wood closet all the chairs except
one, which had been sawed off at the
joint and stood about a foot from the
ground; then he crawled through the
hole in the student's table and, seated
meekly among his books, awaited the
visit Finally, a grave rap was heard
and a solemn face appeared way up in
the air.
Mr. Beecher rose and made as if he
would show him to a seat.
"Don't move for the world," said the
professor; "I only called to have a little
conversation with you."
"Certainly," said Mr. Beecher, "pray
sit down," at the same time indicating
the only chair.
The tutor looked at the low seat with
some uncertainty and then commenced
the process of sitting down. He went
down, down, but not striking anything
solid he straightened himself up again.
"Let me get you another chair," said
Mr. Beecher.
"No," said the tutor; "I like a low
seat," and with this the tall man doubled
himself like a jackknife and was soon
seen with his grave face between his
knees like a grasshopper drawn up for a
spring. When the eyes of the student
and those of the solemn tutor met all
gravity gave way in consequence of the
extreme ludicroueness of the scene, and
both joined in a hearty laugh. Brooklyn
la Finland.
A curious way of making hay is very
generally adopted by the Finns. Poor
men who own no meadows have long
been accustomed to cut what grass they
can find in the forest glades and other
wastelands. Owing to the lack of roads
and farmsteads the hay was stuffed
among the branches of neighboring trees
to await the winter frosts and snow,when
it could easily be carried off by sledges.
After a wet season some farmers noticed
that this was actually better in quality
than that which they themselves had
made from much better grass. The wild
crop, so to call it, had dried much better
in the tree branches exposed to a free
circulation of air than the rich herbage
which had lain long on the sodden
ground. Hence it occurred to them to
make temporary trees upon which then
own crops might be dried.
This experiment was attended with
such success that the plan has been widely
imitated and bids fair entirely to sup
plant the old fashioned methods. After
the mowing is done a number of poles
about ten feet in length and provided
with long transverse pegs are set up at
intervals and the grass is loosely heaped
upon them. The result is said to be ex
cellent. Even in wet weather only a
small portion forming the outside of the
pile is discolored, while the inner por
tioas, exposed to the air beneath andpro
tocted from the rain above, are dried in
perfect condition. Mowing can be car
ried on in spite of wind and rain, and
when once the grass is placed upon the
drying poles ft may be left without fear
of serious damage until the weather
changes. Mark Lane Express.
A Caaasetea WItasa.
Bessie Do you know Harry?
Jennie Yes. He's a very nice young
man. I was in love with him for three
souths. Epoch.
tal a coMea rays
Athwart the afctoa of amber!
Wheadowaaaaaac the wonatoait ways
My bright baked Oaky eases ia slew.
(Soft dieting of a daiaty shoe
Bad rotated aw the path i
Aad why t f oatowed ap the elsw
To where. faros', a I
For spoke she tig. with t
Delay i
Aad why al
Daisy kaows.)
Aad dhaaed the gay lobelia 1
Daisy aad I eaaw pwaWajr. throng
The loajc looae hedge of briar rose.
Aad why we were ao clad, we two,
I know aad Sweetheart Daley kaowa
Prince Van, aH potaataorerelga. who
The fate of lovers dost dispose,
why this old world for ate Is sew
I know -aad Sweetheart Daley kaows.
-Francis Wyaae ia Loagmaaa sTagariBe
Roman Is great aw as ess sis
Bow leas than lisuehewoald be
Ef stripped to self, ass stark sad
My doctors. Is to lay
Ooateafloas, aaa as
Jest do
That rollers that,
Is mixed with troahlas,
Aad it's the awn who doss the
That stts aware kicks than al
When the rush for the Kansas farm
ing lands was at itsheight,and eastern
farmers, tired of the red soil at home,
were selling out at a sacrifice in order to
join the pilgrimage to a land rumored to
be literally flowing with milk and honey
where broad and productive acres
could be had for the asking Andrew
Wright, an honest, practical young
Granger who had spent all his life in the
Mohawk valley, was taken witn the .
western fever.- He was not wealthy in i
the goods of the world, but he had a
wife and 2-year-old boy that helped to
more than make up for the lack of
financial resources.
By shrewd bargaining he found after
lie had sold everything he owned that he
had enough crisp bank bills in his hands
to go to the west and make a start on the
new place. His objective point was Kan
sas, but when almost there he was in
duced by a land agent to go over into
Nebraska and take a quarter section
within three miles of that muddy and
erratic stream dignified by the name of
Platte river.
Once settled, andVith a three room
sod house built on his claim, he started
in to work with a will, and at the expira
tion of two years he found himself well
on the road to the complete ownership
of as fine a farm west of the red Missouri
as "lay outdoors." I
His one great trouble was the scarcity
of farm hands in the busy season; so it
was not at all surprising when one day a
tramp who applied for work was taken '
in as almost one of the family and looked
upon as a veritable godsend by the over
worked young emigrant.
"Tony" Williams, as the newcomer
called himself, was a hard looking, un
couth sort of individual, who worked
with a will during the day and at night
romped with little 4-year-old Joey until
the lad used to watch for his coming, !
and find the most pleasant hour out of
the twenty-four when Tony was with
him. . j
It'was rather a queer sort of friend
ship, but it lasted all through the win
ter, and until one spring night, when
the old restless spirit came back upon
him and the farm band packed up his
little bundle and quietly stole away in ,
the darkness. j
A year spent in the mining districts
did not increase "Tony's" financial con
dition nor his appearance, either, for that
matter, but it found the young farmer (
just so muchnearer to the complete own- !
ership of his quarter section, and at the :
'expiration of that time the tramp turned
his face to the rising sun, and by dint of
sundry "lifts" and stolen rides on freight
trains, found himself one fitful night
treading the land he bad plowed some !
months before. It hardly seemed like
the same place to him, for instead of the
sod house there stood a one story frame
building, and less than a hundred yards
away was a big roomy bam.
"Til jest crawl into ther barn,' solilo
quised Tony, "so's not to wake ther
folks. I wonder how the little chap is
and if he will be glad to see me. They're
pretty white sort of people, and I guess
VH stick by 'em this time and take ther
old man's advice an' make a man outer
Thus satisfying his conscience at hav
ing run away, he crept into the barn,
and half burying himself in a pile of
straw which had been left near the open
door, was soon asleep.
It was hours later when a lurid red
glow, which lighted up the sky and
heated the ah for miles around, caused
Tony to shift uneasily on his rough but
comfortable bed and to finally open his
eyes and an instant later jump to his feet
with a bound.
The prairie was on fire!
Away off, on what seemed like the
lower edge of the horiaon, was a sheet of
flame which had formed itself into a bar
rier through which none might pass and
live. Forked tongues of fire, leaping
from the .mass, licked at the air as if to
find more food for their greedy appetite.
The tall, dry grass swayed and shivered
as if each particular stalk was endowed
with life and was making an effort to
escape a certain fate.
As the tramp looked, particles of
burned herbage floating down the wind
fell about him and he heard distinctly
the crackling or the consuming element
as it ate its way through the matted
The grandeur of the sight stupefied
him, and he was tost in contemplation of
the awful spectacle. The uneasy lowing
of the cattle, and the fretful whinnying
of the horses aroused in him a dense of
the danger, and he instinctively irorned
and looked towards the house.
There was no sign of life.
It was time for action now, and he had
already lost many valuable minutes. He
ran to the house and beat with both
hands on the door.
"Mr. Wright, the prairie's on fire the
prairie's on fire!"
There was no answer. Time was pre
cious now, and when Tony saw a spade
standing up against the aids of the
house it seemed to him tike a provi
dence, and he took advantage of it The
door went in with a crash and as he
jumped through the opening he met
Wright coming out of the bed room.
The room was brilliantly lighted by
the reflection, but not a word of recog
aitioB was spoken.
"Get the horses," said Wright, in a low
tone, and when the tramp. went through
tits door Wright turned 'back to tliu
"Our only hope ia the river." he said
to hbi wife, who with a white, drawn
lacs, was aunriedry ihsssti, Joey, bat
uer poor, frsmbliag, sen total Wagers
little headway with the task.
IsVBas Bcnsa
What Maw lbs asawa tardea sprays
Wera heavy with the aaauaer dear:
When Tony came with the two horses,
Wright and his wife took
tramp held Joey in place on thsoaher.
Ther were three wiles to ride to As
river and safety, and all but the boy
looked with anxious eyes at the Has of
thundering flame. whQe the fsiajnr
sigbed as he thought of the dfliuijliiw
that fringe of ragged fire would do his
But there was no time for ssntunent,
so .away they started, leaving all but
hope behind. For two miles the horses
kept almost side by side, aad then ft
began to. look as if the race was not
going to be an easy one for the heavy,
well fed animals.- Steadily the fire had
gained until now, as they were almost
in sight of the river, a sweep of the wind
seemed to hurl the flames at them and
their throats became so parched they
could hardly breathe. Tony's horse,
bearing the lighter burden, sped ahead,
but the struggles of the other animal
were - becoming so labored that be
Blacked. Wright beat with his fists at
the tired beast, who, faithful enough
under his double burden, tried hard to
respond by an increase of speed, but it
was no use, for with the effort he went
down on his knees, throwing the two
heavily to the ground
As the woman shrieked in her down
ward flight the tramp heard, and turn
ing in his uncertain seat he looked in
time to see two. motionless forms, the
struggling horse, and then, like a thing
of life bending to grasp its prey, the
wave of death swept over them.
Everything seemed a blur to the tramp
after that, for when he opened his eyes
an hour later ho was lying on the oppo
site side of the creek, with Joey near by,
watching with wondering eyes the glare
of the embers on the blackened waste.
He remembered nothing but the going
down to death of the farmer and his.
wife, and realized the fact that lie had a
new burden to bear in the care of the
orphan boy.
When strength came back to him he
picked Joey up in his arms with a feel
ing of tenderness he had never known
before and made for the ranch of the
nearest neighbor, some miles away,
where he told the story and found will
ing hands to help in the sad ceremony
of consigning the charred remains to a
decent grave.
As for himself, Tony was for going
over into the Colorado diggings, leaving
the boy with the new friends, but Joey
refused to be separated from his pro
tector, so with a little purse donated by
the big hearted farmer and with a re
solve to devote himself to his charge,
the tramp took the orphan up into the
mines and prospected with the hundreds
of others for nature's wealth.
The erection of a new cabin announced
the fact tliat he had come to stay, and
during the months which followed the
boy grew strong and hearty under his
foster father's care and became the life
of the camp. As a miner, poor, inex
perienced Tony was an indifferent suc
cess, although he managed to keep a
sack of flour and a rasher of bacon in
the provision box, and occasionally made
a barter with a wandering Jew for little
delicacies for Joey.
But even this poor luck was not des
tined to last, and when one night the
boy cried because he was hungry, and
the tramp knew there was nothing in
the little place to eat, he became desper
ate and walked out in the cool night air
of the mountains to think what was to
be done.
There had been days In bis life when
he had little respect for the eighth com
mandment, and it was very natural then,
at this critical period, that his uneducat
ed mind should urge him to take from
others to supply himself and the boy.
He tried to reason tliat it was right
enough under the circumstances, but his
logic was not powerful enough, and he
put an end to the whole matter iff say
ing to himself as a sort of mental apol
ogy: "Ef it wasn't for Joey it ud be duTr
ent, but he's got to be looked after some
how." After that the provision box in Tony's
cabin was always full to overflowing,
and the tramp grew so extravagant as to
send to a far away city for a new suit
for the boy, who, delighted at the new
prosperity, was happier than ever and
forgot entirely the pangs of hunger
which had racked his little frame. One
morning, however, the boy, who was
well on to G years old, woke and found
fritnaplf alone. He lay a long while wait
ing for Tony and then '"dressed himself
and went out
It was but natural when he saw a
crowd around the Bed Light saloon that
he should make for that point, and he
did, calling all the while with his shrill
little voice for "Uncle Tony."
One of the men picked the boy up and
carried him back to the cabin, while the
rest were gathered about the prostrate
figure of a man which lay partly propped
up by a folded blanket in front of the
Baloon.. The man on the ground was
Baying in a weak, thin voice:
"I alius tried to do ther 6quar thing,
pards, although I hev made some slips
in my life. I don't mind going hungry
myself, for that's nothing new, but I
couldn't see the kid want, and I had to
do somethinY1
After a brief pause he continued, al
though in a fainter voice:
"I don't blame Jim for pullin'on me,
cux I admit I was in his place to do him,
but he done me. I know I'm going fast
now, but, pards, look after ther kid.
He aint got nobody now, and I done ther
best I"
The rest was Indistinct, and when the
convulsive twitch which had stopped the
sentence ended, Tony was dead.
He had been as faithful to his trust as
he knew how, but his life had been the
price of his sin.
It was a long time before Joey became
reconciled to have any one else take
(Tony's place, but the griefs of childhood
are not lasting, and it was not until later
years that the boy fully realized the sad
ness of his early life. Fred A. Wilson in
The Granhic.
Jack Deaapeey Qaieted
In a crowded car on Geary street
a rather undersized man trod on a
big man's toe. He immediately apolo
gized, but the big man would accept no
excuse and grumbled and growled, and,
as the smaller man made no attempt to
resent it, he gradually roused himself to
a furious heat.
"Who are you, sirrah? he demanded,
shaking his fist in the other man's face;
"'who the devil are you that goes
around stamping your big feet on every
one within reach? Who are you"
"My name is Jack Dempsey," quietly
answered the other, looking up.
The big man's jaw fairly dropped and
he hastily left the car, mumbling apolo
getically. The small man was not the
noted fighter, but he scared the bully
just as much as if he was. San Fran
cisco Examiner.
Te Stop Gaaa Cawwhac la
Mix a little soap with the gum and re
quire the pupils to chew all together tor
a little while. Give fair warning; then
treat every offender alike. Probably one
dose will break it up in school, if the
pupils are assured that you are in earnest
and will give them soap every time they
forget and slip the horrid stuff in their
mouths. I have tried this with primary
pupils. I cannot speak of its value with
older pupils, large enough to resist au
thority. That depends upon the teach
er's discipline. Cor. American Teacher.
Oae of as two. with tortared
Shall read loag
of those leva troweed
AH Joy oa earth a tale urwrer aoaa;
Shall kaow beacerorth that lire awaas oabj dory.
(X God! O.Godl have pity ob that
Capt. Duck was a Modoc Indian, with
the shortest possible legs. His legs were
so short that when he walked be wad
dleil along like a very fat duck. And
that is why he was called Capt, Duck at
the stage station, which was at the foot
of the great white mountain in the heart
of the Modoc country. Mount Shasta.
Some said his legs had been shot off in a
battle. And then some said his legs had
been eaten off by a bear. But I do not
very well see. tow that could be, for his
feet were there, all right. And very big
feet they were, too; wide and big and
flat like ducks' feet. So I think he must
have been born that way.
- Poor Capt. Duck could not hunt very
well, or go on the war path with the
other Indians, and so he came to the
stage station to hire out with the few
rough men who kept the old log fort and
took care of the stage horses there.
These men did not like the old Indian,
but as they were a lazy set, they were
glad to have him at the fort to rub down
and water the stage horses when the sun
was hot or there was frost in the sir.
But they made all sorts of sport of the
poor Indian. And, indeed, they laughed
at him so much, and made so much fun
of his short legs and big feet, that he
often wished he was dead. For he was
very sad and sensitive.
One day-, Big Dan the stage driver left
at the station a little boy whose father
and mother had died; for the boy had no
money to pay fare further. The rough,
lazy men there put him to work with the
Indian, and they named him "Limber
Tim," because he was so slim and lim
ber. And then they did not know his
name. But I suppose that would have
made no difference, anyway; for, in the
mountains of California, they name folks
just what they please. And if a boy
looks as if his name ought to be "Limber
Tim" or "Timber Slim," or anything of
that sort, why that must be his name
and he can't help it
The little orphan boy was sent out
every day with the short legged Indian,
up on the side of the mountain, to herd
the stage horses and keep guard over
them. He had a belt, and a pistol' in it,
and a bowie knife in it; and also a gun
to carry on his shoulder.
Pretty soon he came to like this very
much and -began to grow like a weed
and get fat. He and the Indian were
the best friends in the world. .But the
men of the station, somehow, were hard
er and harsher than ever.
But Capt. Duck and the boy did not
mind it so very much now, for each had
a friend a friend in the other.
They would buckle on their pistols as
soon as it was daylight and they had had
a little breakfast of crackers and broiled
bear meat or venison, and, each mount
ing a horse and driving the others, they
would go up on the mountain side and
there, by a little grove of thick wood,
they would stop and let them graze all
day. Sometimes limber Tim would go
-to sleep on a warm, flat rock, while he
was supposed to stand guard and look
away to the right and to the left forIn
dians on the war path. But Capt. Duck
would never betray him.
Every time that Big Dan, the stage
driver, came by he would make all sorts
of fun of Capt Duck, as he hobbled
about and hitched up the four stage
horses, while the driver sat high up in
the box and snapped his long whip.
The Indian did not like Big Dan, and
Big Dan did not like the Indian. Dan
said the Indian was a spy, and told the
men at the stage station that some night
Capt Duck would set fire to the place
and run away by the light of the blaze.
One hot day, as he sat on the box with
the four lines in his hand ready to start
off at a gallop down the great mountain,
he told the Indian, with an oath, to
"waddle in on his duck legs" and get
him a drink.
The Indian did not move. Then Dan
struck him with his whip. The men
standing around roared with laughter.
Still the sad faced cripple did not move.
Then Dan struck him another cut acrces
the face.
The Indian's brow grew dark and ter
rible, but he did not stir. Some one else
brought the drink, and then, the driver
snapping bis whip, the stage dashed
away down the mountain and left the
Indian standing there, with the boy ten
derly wiping liis friend's bleeding face
and speaking kind and pitiful words to
him. The two friends went up on the
mountain side by the little pine grove,
'and watched the horses as before, and
the Indian never spoke at all of what
had happened.
A month or two went by and every
body forgot about the trouble between
Big Dan and the sad faced savage. Ev
erybody, did 1 say?
One day the stage came thundering in
with Big Dan, the driver, leaning for
ward helpless on the box. There had
been a shot fired from the thick wood
back upon the mountain side. The man
was dying, and the four reins were slip
ping through his helpless hands.
Who could have fired that shot? When
the stage driver was dead and buried
some of the men took Limber Tim aside
and asked him whether he had been all
the time with Capt. Duck the day the
shot was fired.
"All the time, every minute, every
second." answered the lad. esraestlv.
For he had no suspicion at all that Capt
Duck had shot the stage driver. Indeed,
the boy believed what he said, and would
have - maintained it at any hazard. He
forgot that he had fallen asleep on the
warm flat rock that cool autumn day.
The next summer signal fires were
seen one night on the mountain tops.
The men at the stage station hastened to
fasten the old log fort For this, they
knew, meant war. The Modocs were on
the war path.
The men made their guns ready and
gave limber Tim an extra pistol to put
m his belt so that he might fight with
all his might and help save their lives.
But when they came to look for Capt
Duck next morning he was gone. He
had joined the Indians.
Then the men at the stage station were
very much afraid, for they had been
very cruel, not only tto the cripple, but
to all the Indians, and they knew that if
they fell into their enemies' hands they
had no right to expect any mercy atalL
The next night the Indians set the
woods on fire, and all the land was dark
with smoke. The great pine trees were
falling across the road, and no soldiers
nor anybody could come to help the men
shut up in the little log fort, and sur
rounded by the blazing forests. .
The men looked one another In the
The say naaasaaaeassrwr
J tovawtolwrafolcothathas4J"saab,
1 tad woees wftl fade, aoeaa pale aad ihalieu
afaBaaB asaa tVPA fkWWBkWl3kWWWt&BI&HM3ktKROk
I Aad thaw sweet days aaal aahw back fct aba
I Y 4afe tswBafaUMn Aa wSSSasanwaP eau7
face as tae sir grew dark, aad
from the smoke, aad shook then?
sadly for they believed their tfcae to
About 10 o'clock oae awraiag tbela
diaaappeared behind the tables and
began to fire on the fort .They took the
horses out, mounted them and then set
are to the stables.
Aad now there was little hops, for the
fksses would spread to the fort, and then
ail aiaet perish. The sioH was so dark
and thick that the men were almost
choked. They could not see to shoot the
Indians, for it was tike night
"What can we do?" cried the men shut
up in the fort and hiding their eyes
from the seaoke. "The Indians will not
come near enough for us to see them and
fight If we go out to find them we shall
be shot down from behind the rocks and
trees, and not one of us will live to tell
the tale."
"Let mevgo out!" said little Limber
Tim. "If I can find Capt Duck. I will
save you all."
They hurried the boy through the
great wooden gate of the fort, as he tied
a white towel on-a ramrod and held it
high over his head in the thick smoke.
Then the men bolted the great gate and
left the brave little fellow to do his best
with his white flag.
By and by the boy with the white flag
on the ramrod came pounding at the
gate, and the men gathered around wild
and eager as they opened it
"What luck? What hope?"
"Well, if you will all leave your guns
and go out one at a timo down the stage
road and never come back here any
more, you can go."
"Never come' back here any more?"
cried one man as he jumped toward the
gate; "catch me comia' back here any
more, if I ever get out of this!" and he
leaped out through that gate like a newly
sheared sheep leaping over the bars.
Then another followed and another, all
feeling very much ashamed of the way
they had treated the boy. But somehow
they did not have the manhood to hold
up then heads and say so.
When the men had gone, glad to go
and never thinking of looking back or
ever returning to the Modoo country,
Capt Duck came hobbling in. The In
dians helped Tim to pat out the fire and
then went away, taking all the stage
horses and guns sndhlsnkets with them
So, when the soldiers came, three days
after, they found only these two in
charge of the fort little Lumber Tim and
Capt Duck.
The government left some soldiers
there after that, and limber Tim was
made station master by the stage com
pany! He was the youngest station aster, I
suppose, that ever was on the border.
When I passed by there, lest year, on
a visit to my parents in Oregon, I saw
him once more. But he is a awn now.
He has long hair, a small black mus
tache, and wean two pistols in his belt;
for the frontier ways prevail in that
country stilL
As for poor Capt Duck, be is shorter
m the legs than ever, I think. His face
is deeply wrinkled 'now, and Us long
black hair has turned as white as are the
shining snows of mighty Mount Shasta
when seen against the cold, bine sky
above. He never speaks to any one.
But he loves Limber Tun with all his
heart and never is Ions; away from his
side nor out of his sight if he can help ft.
Capt Duxkwassittingm the chimney
corner by the great log fire, smoking his
pipe, when I saw him last. He was
looking straight into the fire thinking,
thinking. And what was he "vg
about? Maybe he was thinking about
the dead stage driver who had struck
him with a whip. It may be so. It may
be sa Joaquin Miller in St Nicholas.
"Now," said the pssnnget sitting witk
tusreet on the other seat, "thit Bible ol
yours says the very hairs of your head
are numbered. Do you mean to tell ax
that some divine or angelic being actually
went to the trouble to count the hairs of
my bead?"
"Of course not" replied the parson
who was not such a meek man as be
looked to be; "the text doesn't mention
bristles, even by inference."
And shortly afterward the parson, wbc
bad been riding on the wood box, got a
seat, but the religious discussion wat
dropped. Burdette in Brooklyn Eagle.
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