jW . fc. vr X5"- : J" r- 6?" s ONLY A BABY'S HAND. VktlMuCMfekCtf Mm to eaBaer they sat theas dowa ; TbBMnowB8BadBy.aadBOwaoBi Yeh'eaBwaatetbetowa.' oer crleBHBeraes,theJoihestr- TkaamvaritoetaH; "Tea; let's forget oar tronhW bow Aa hold Ugh cararfaL- r deae, the mall arrives; i fata letters acaaalag; With fresh quotations np or down Hie baay brain Is craBualag. Bat BB "war, what's ooaie over Way tamed ao quick ahoatf Be aav Jaat aa bis parda atart forth: -Igmcml WOOtgOOBt" Bis letter bore ao written word. Ho prajer from vice to flee; OaJryatrachwr of ahead A babrahaad of three. What itoare comas before hia What doea hla memory petatf A baby at her mother knee Hi Uttla white robed saint What cares a man for ridicule Who wins a victory grand r BB slept la peace, his brow was smoothed By a shadowy little band. Nought liio the weak things of this world The power of ala withstand; Ko shield between man's soul and wrong Use a little baby hand. Chicago Journal. THE PHOT'S TOWER. On the 16th of November, 1663, the good city of Dunkirk was in that pecu liar state of agitation which pervades a bee hive when its tenants are about to warm. News had that day been re ceived Uiat Louis XVI, who was then king of France, had purchased, the city from the English, to whose share it had fallen by the treaty of 1658; and as the sun was sinking behind the horizon, the French squadron came into the harbor with a light wind, and anchored off the citadel. A hundred years previous the French army, commanded by the Duke of Guise, had ravaged the town with fire and sword; but time wears away all re sentments, and the Dunkirkers were now ready to swear allegiance to the haughty monarch who sought to make Paris the dominant city of Christendom. The quays of the city were thronged with fishermen, who gazed on the French fleet with critical eyes, as they discussed the models, rigging and general appear ance of the respective vessels. Merchants, notaries and priests, each wearing their peculiar costumes, were also attracted to tne water side, every one taking a -great interest in the coming change of rule, save those who (and they were few in number) were on intimate terms with the English garrison. The officers of this force, too, were exceedingly vexed, aa most of them were comfortably lo cated, and loudly did they censure their young King Charles. In so doing, in deed, they but echoed the public aenti ateat in England, for it was evident that the inexperienced monarch, fond of pleasure and in need of ready cash, had .been enticed into the sale of a flourishing portion of his kingdom for a tithe of its value. All of his ministers had opposed the transfer, and when they found their exertions useless, they set to work to so hamper the sale with conditions as to diminish the value of Dunkirk to the French. The news soon reached the environs, aad nowhere did it produce a greater ex citement than in the collection of miser able cabins, which dotted a plain, cov ered with frames of brushwood, upon which the fishermen cured their spoil. 'Leaving their nets half spread out, the men had gone to the quay the moment that the French squadron anchored, and by sunset most of their families had fol lowed them. In the cabin of Cornille Bart, however, a light twinkled as night came on, and a faint wreath of smoke curled upward from the low chimney. Bart had gone to the quay, taking his two sons, Gasper and Jean, with him; but his good wife Catherine, like a good housewife, remained at home to prepare upper. Her domestic zeal, strong as it was, could not eclipse her curiosity though, and every time that she turned the johnnycakes of barley meal, which were being baked before the fire, she gazed eagerly through the small and only win dow of the cabin. "Well, well," she soliloquized, "here the cakes are done, and no one to eat them. Nor do 1 know a thing. Dear, dear, but women who keep house are unlucky" Here a rapid cannonading interrupted, but 6he soon continued: "Saluting at last bang, bang and I do not know what it's all about. Well, when the powder is burnt I may look for my stragglers. That is, if there are no fireworks. But here comes a man and two boys is it them?" Soon a familiar knock at the door dis sipated the good woman's doubts, and she hastened to admit her husband. "Well, dame," said the burly fisher man, "you are waiting supper for us, are you not?" "That I am, Cornille; and it was not very charitable in you to stay away so long, for you know my curiosity; at any rate, you tell me often enough." "Never mind, Catherine; serve sup per, for those lads are half starved, and a they eat I will give you all the de tails." "And you, Cornille, have you left your appetite on the quay?" "Yea, indeed! The news weighs heav ily on my heart, and I do not feel like eating a morseir "Our Lady preserve us, what is to hap pen!" cried the good woman as her anx foan glance shot from husband to chil dren. "I will tell you," replied Cornille. "You have heard that the king of France," and as he spoke the fisherman loyally raised his woolen cap, "has re mvchased Dunkirk for five million of francs" "Certainly; but that is good news for eaalL" "At first sight, Catherine, it seems so. But when one learns the conditions of sale, it is anything but good news." "And what are these conditions?" "What are they? Why, every public building is to be razed to the height of the highest dwelling house. Bv the white whale, Dunkirk fisheries. worth millions now, will not be worth that morsel of barley "Bat how will the cutting dowa of the fortress do this? Faith, I have often thought that it was more cost than "No one cares for the fortress, Cather- but for the church steeple the bea ny day and the directing light by night for those who enter the port No . will dare to venture out no will dare venture in to purchase i abort, Dunkirk is ruined!" an interval, of gloomy si- bnt, at length, Cornille said: "Cease, my boy, go to bed. You mm get up early to-morrow." "And you," said his wife, "wfllyou go to bed now also?" "Nel I do not feel like deeping now ajajwjtttakeaaniOsT; butyouneednot sb. Let us repeat our evening And all kneeling, repeated a beautiful canticle, for in those i French were a religious people. between their and Catherine, herself upon the bed, appar- to sleep. Cornille eat for r silent y watching the cir- ef sae.TOe, and than. wh The fads were endy went tntsaTafBjri t a amaiurr treed, went to he shot back the bolt there was a anght movement on Catherine's bed, which ar- hia progress, but as ahe did not he opened the door, closed it gen tly behind him and aet out f or Dunkirk. He had not gone more than two-thirds of the way when he heard rapid footsteps Mining behind him. Was he pursued? Did he not know that step? Was it the echo of his own? No. Another instant solved his doubts, for his wife approach ed him. "I knew," ahe aaid, "that you had con cealed something from me." "My poor Catherine, it was that you need not be alarmed. Wefishermenhave agreed to meet to-night in the priest's garden to aee if something cannot be done to save bur beacon tower. But you see that women could do nothing at such a meeting.' "Saints preserve us! but if you men care' so much for the steeple, do you sup pose that we women do not care for the church? There we were married, there our children were baptized, there we joined in masses tor our deceased pa rents. O, Cornille, let the women pray that the church may be spared, if noth ing more, for fervent prayer can never injure any enterprise." "That's what I think, mother," said a soft voice; and Jean Bart, the youngest son, came from behind a fish flake. He had followed his mother, but feared his father's anger, and hid himself until he could see how she was received. "Another hand at the oar," murmured the fisherman. "Don't send us back," entreated both mother and son. "Well, well," said Cornille; "come along." Half an hour afterward the trio en tered the priest's garden, where they found about a hundred fishermen, some of them, like Bart, accompanied by their families. All were'in groups, discussing the threatened demolition of their church. In the center, surrounded by the oldest of the party, was the venera ble priest. When all who were expected had arrived he stood upon a wheel bar row and requested silence. Every head was uncovered, every tongue was silent. "My children," said the priest, "you asked me to permit you to assemble here to-night, and I granted your request Now, have any of you any project for saving our dear city, with our loved cliurch, from the parting destruction of the English:" Several propositions were made, but the priest shook his head as he heard them. Jach one was more impossible than was its predecessor, and all were based upon some act of violence which would have drawn the wrath of both na tions upon the city. Catherine, profiting by a moment's silence, addressed the priest ''Supposing, reverend father, that we women, leading our children, go in pro cession to see the English commissioner and implore him to spare our tower?" "It would be useless, my daughter, for England seeks to ruin our past that hers may flourisli. Your idea is hopeless." There was a murmur of discontent through the crowd, and one of the oldest fishermen, elbowing his way up to the priest, and with a countenance purple with rage, suid, or rather growled: "Look here, father, we hoped that you would head us in saving our church and tower, but you appear disposed to throw cold water on all our projects. Indeed, everything that is suggested you object to. I didn't expect it" "Master Perron, you have the fire of youth under the debilitated envelope of age; but you do not possess the wisdom that belongs to your gray beard. I do not wish to throw cold water upon any reasonable project, but those suggestions thus far are wholly impracticable. Nei ther, my children, can I suggest anything myself, and if heaven does not aid us, why" "Our tower must be demolished," mur mured several voices. "Not at all," cried a shrill, childish voice. "Who spoke? What boy is that?" said Cornille Bart, in a severe tone. "Your son, Jean, father: and I think I have the idea which you all seek. Do you care much for our cabin at the flakes?" "Jean," cried Cornille, "1 will thrash you if you 6ay another word." "Fcr pity's sake," said the priest, "let the lad speak. Remember that God has often chosen a child to deliver those whom he loves, and Jean's thoughts may be like the pebbles in David's sling." "Well then, Jean, as the priest wishes it, go on, but speak quickly. As for our rottage, it is all we have to shelter us; but I will cheerfully sacrifice it, if it will do any good at the present critical moment" "Then, father, tear down our cottage to-morrow night and rebuild it before morning upon the top of tho church tower. It will then dwelling house aa it is and will be be higher than any other edfiice in Dunkirk, and the city will be saved!" A burst of applause, hushed by a ges ture of the priest, hailed this bright thought "Silence, my children," said he. "You see now that Providence protects us. And as for you, my lad, you will be spoken of hereafter." "It's not to be praised that I made the plan," murmured Jean. "But I love Dunkirk and I hate the Fjtgltah, There it is." "But you will become famous, my boy, and your mother will be proud of you. Now, friends, shall we execute the child's plan?" "Yes, yes. Once get Bart's cottage on the top of the tower, and- we are safe." " Well,then, meet here to-morrow night at sunset, with such tools and building materials as you can conceal under your sea jackets. Master Perron here will act as foreman, and tell each one what to bring. And now let us implore a blessing upon our deliberathaand ask a contin uance of Divine Banns for to-morrow night's work." The next day the yHest, accompanied by Cornille Bart, called upon Monsieur Wostyn, one of the richest merchants and ship owners of the city. They found him sad and thoughtful, for the destruc tion of the beacon tower would be the downfall of his fortune. But his counte nance brightened up as he heard of the project of little Jean Bart "Dunkirk is saved!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands joyfully. "And as if to aid you in "''""pliftning yonr task undiscovered by the English, Providence has so ordered matters that all the offi cers will pass the night on board the French squadron. As for the soldiers a few jugs of Dutch gin will quiet tfwn. "How? asked the priest "Why,some strange fancy,asIthought, prompted the Count d'Estrades to offer a ball to our late enemies, and they will thus be all out of our way." After mutual congratuaioos,the priest repaired to the church, and Cornille Bart to his cottage, winch Catherine was pre paring to leave. The family were gladly received by the neighboring amara and before night the cabin was entirely demolished, and conveyed, concealed un der loads of brush wood, into the priest's garden, which adjoined the church. Meanwhile, all was inmotion on board of the admirals frigate. The upper deck, covered by thick awnings, was converted laioa BMgaiacent ballroom. Flags of I wnfie clusters of Are anas, highly pouahed, chandeliers and adrrors, gave a fairy like appearance to the sooae. Below were long supper tables, spread wiu. every delicacy, ami a full band of msrtirimnsk prompted the anspirhig dance. Tneothez vessels of the squadron were brffliaatly illuminated, and, as. may well be' im agined, there was net a British oacer in Dunkirk by o'clock. About mat time, too, various landlords became very gen erous towards the English soldiers, and even gave them bottiesof gin for those of their ooearades who were on guard at thecitadeL Around the church all was life, yet grave like silence reigned. Some, by the aid of the booms brought from their fish ing boats, rigged derricks upon the broad platform of the stone tower, others tem pered the mortar, and the old sanctuary resembled an ant hilL The priest wag on his knees before the altar, and the women kept watch and 'ward round about To cheer them in their toil came the enlivening strains of music from the squadron. Nor did they cease until the cottage was entirely rebuilt, a fire burned in its kitchen, and Catherine had her cof fee kettle on. It was sunrise, and when the ropes and accessories were taken down and the cottage stood there the highest dwelling house in Dunkirk, and higher than any other building in the city then they called out the old priest, and the assemblage, falling on their knees, sang the "matin hymn." On board the flagship, meanwhile, all was hilarity and gayety, though, unlike every one else, M. Wostyn appeared un easy. Occasionally he would steal out into the stern gallery (which all frigates then had), and cast an anxious glance towards the church tower. The Count d'Estrades noticed he did not dance, and after supper he introduced him to the English commissioner. "Neither of you dance, messieurs," said the count; "andyoumaylikeagame of cards, chess or dominoes." Both bowed assent "What shall it be? Chess?" said the Wostyn said yes, though k was with difficulty that he could bring his mind to bear upon the game, and he consequently lost several times. His antagonist be came elated with success, and just as daylight shone in through the flags, he made a bold move and exclaimed in a boastful tone: "Ha, ha! your castle is in danger, and I fear that it will fare no better than your old church tower. Tis a pity, by the way, that I must have that tower pulled down today." At that moment the almost despairing merchant heard the hymn of praise and he knew that all was safe. Rising from the table he went out into the stern gal lery, and requested his opponent to fol low him. They found Count d'Estrades already there, and the poop of the vessel was already lined with curious observers French and English. Plainly visible, is? the glowing rays of the rising sun, was Bart's cottage, and through the open door all could see the honest fisherman and his family quietly eating breakfast Fron. the chimney waved the French flag. "Check to your mover said Wostyn to the English commissioner, significant ly pointing to the cottage. "Behold the highest dwelling house in Dunkirk, nor is there even a weather vane above its level!" "I give up the game!" said the English man, good naturedly. Then turning to- warus me count, ne conunuea: we may contend with you upon the battle field, but when wit and invention ore at stake, we surrender. Gentlemen, we will evac uate the city todayf Ben Perley Poore in Boston Globe. Aa Experiment la Coavict Treatment. The physical discipline to which they were subjected consisted in (1) hot baths three weekly, the Turkish and common hath alternating; (2) massage kneading of the muscles, passive motions of the joints, and friction of the entire surface; (8) physical exercise manual drill, free gymnastics and exercise with dumb bells ranging progressively from three to eight pounds in weight; (4) the substitution of a special dietary for the regular prison fare. The experiment was continued during flve months long enough to demonstrate the value of the method, but not to de termine the full measure of suceess prob ably attainable by these means. At the end of this period, nine of the eleven men then living had risen from the third or refractory to the intermediate grade, the remaining two having merely main tained their original standing in this grade. During the six months immediately preceding the experiment, the average marking for shop work, school work and conduct had been 46 per cent During the experiment, the average for school work, previously lowest of all, rose to 74 per cent, the conduct improving at about equal rate. Shop work was dis continued, as the special training was thought to secure enough muscular ex ercise. During the six months following the term of the experiment, the average marking of the men in the three depart ments of shop work, school work and conduct rose to 71 per cent as compared with 46 per cent for the six months pre ceding the experiment At the end of this period Dr. Wey reported that "al though the men had been remanded .to the former routine of prison life, mental development was still going on; six of the number had reached the first grade in school work, and two of the remain ing five had every prospeot of doing so." Frances E. White, M. D in Popular Science Monthly. Ago. An Irishman was ordered to make a coffin, which he did; and to paint the inscription on the lid, which he did after a fashion that caused a little excitement in the churchyard. By dint of following the written copy, he managed to get as far as "Michael Oltaffetty, aged f but, try as he would, he could not imitate the 88. At last he remembered that hecoold write 7, and that four 7s made 28. So he finished the inscription, "aged 7777." When they came to bury Michael, the coffin stood at the grave aide, and the priest spoke as follows: "Ah, he was a fine lad. He's lying there so still, taken away in the very prune or loife. Young he was, too, only" Here the priest looked down at the coffin plate to see how old Michael was. "He was only," said Ins reverence again, and he put his glasses on and went nearer, to see how old he really was. "He was only," he continued, "seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven years!" Christian at Work. At an election in Poland the other day Assaartyoung candidate tried a saaneu Jver which almost deserved to succeed for its ingenuity. Nearly all the p-imts krere against him, and the problem was now to prevent them from voting. The Imterval is very short between- the time When they leave off work and the closing setae pons, so tnat at the last half hour great crowd was waiting. Suddenly a cry of "Fire and a rattling Bat tne ruse did not suc- the atolid countrymen flrst waiting reort their vote, and then hurrying to nisi; the rrsanaaTttlun. London Glow. A peni Z-iFS -' ir2"- ,. -.ST Z X, J i - 5J; THE EDITOK. Who la his aam him ana we iany Aaaatmaa, wMaaaaseaeesef To net to right aataira of atatar The editor. AdadraUail Who deeply molda the pmhUe thoaghtr Foraaoacgr whooaa aaVr be honduf Who always I i tortha right has foughtf Thaedaor. Who aotes what great asm 4a aad as Aad filea obttaarlaa away Whea they ahaB die, to priat next day? The editor. Barer hia! Whoglresaseareforcoaghorcold, Who aaSTars BattaaUy aad loa The editor. Dost chide hiaM WhoigBoraaoa Who kaowa of aU thaws Or what he doat kaow aara eaa Ttteedkor. Coasalthanl Whea youthful taleat aseka to rise. Who views its growth with frieadiyeyea. Its aserits quick to recognise? The editor. Oh, Ueaa hlmi Who doth good judgBttat sadly lack. Who has of taste sot e'er a aaaackf Who Beet ayr little poem back? The editor. OoefouBd html I AM CONTENTED. Yha aoMier said aa he was called to akt laaicoBtaBted: Bat ted aiy Bwther la the vBnge, My sweetheart la the cottage. lb ocay for ate with folded haada. The soldier's dead: hla author aad hla They pray for him with folded haada. They dug his grave upoa the battlesala, Aad all tin earth was red Wbereia they laid fans. The sua beheld him that, and said: "I am contented." 53 Aad flowers clustered on bis grave A7 Aad were contented there to bloom. And when the wind woald roar Among the trees, Thea asked tho aokuer from hla deep, dark grave: "Was It the flag that flutteredr "Nayl" aaid the wind. "mygaDaat hero, Kay; thou hast died la battle, bat the flag Hath woo the day. Thy comrades Hare carried it away roll happuy." Then aaid the soldier from hla deep, dark grave: "I am contented.' And then he hearkened to the Of herds and shepherds, aad "Is that the din or battler" "Nay r they aaid; "nay, my gallant here: For thou art dead; the war ia over; 1 Thy fatherland is free aad happy.' Then said the soldier from hla deep, dark grave: "I am contented." And then he hearkened to the lovers And thus the soldier asked: "Are those the people voices, who mef -NayP spake the lovers: aay, aay gaBaat hero. For we are they who aever do leBMaiber; For spring hath come, and all the earth isamOmg; We must forget the dead." Then said the soldier from his deep, dark grave: I am coBteBted. THE USE OF COFFEE. A Writer Who Holds It to Be a Rleetlag to Poor aad Rich. We are persuaded, from our observa tion of many years in Greece and Tur key, that the moderate use of pure coffee is, one might almost 'say, a blessing to rich and poor. Excess in its use, or the use of it at all,.except when the decoc tion is made from the genuine coffee !erry, and properly made, is beyond any question an evil. Ono must live in the East for a while, or if not there confine himself to partaking of the beverage in other countries where the diameter of the cafe, or the house where it is served, is a guarantee of the purity, to appre ciate what a cup of coffee really means. It is a recognized fact that the mixture drunk by the majority of people in Eu rope and .our own country under the name of coffee is a vile, or, at the best an adulterated compound of inferior ber ries, beans or other substitutes, and that when occasionally the genuine coffee berry is the basis of the hot fluid served at the hotels, railroad stationed restau rants and even in private houses, it is not prepared properly, and more fre quently than otherwise injures the diges tion and, consequently, the health of the constant drinker. In Athens, broadly speaking, every third man indulges in cigarette smoking and coffee drinking, and this to an ex tent that astonishes the stranger. It L an every day sight when entering an office or private sitting room, and not infrequently the family room, to see the tobacco box, cigarette paper 'and ash box lying on tho table, and the visitor is expected, without invitation, to help himself and light his cigarette, as a preparation for, and a companion to, conversation. little cups of black cof fee follow as a matter of course, how ever early or late the hour may be. Rut the Greek does not confine his atten tions to the coffee cup on these occa sions. He often takes his first cigarette and his first cup in bed before rising, and continues the practice at intervals through the entire day. It is something akin to the habit of ice water drinking in the United States, but without the subtle, injurious results that follow an habitual use of cold liquids, which chill the stomach, impair the general health and produce decayed teeth. So far as our personal observation goes, strength ened by medical testimony, the Greeks in the condition of their general, health do not support the theory tnat the habitual use of coffee injures the sys tem or affects the eyesight The same is the case in Turkey. There coffee drinking is universal and contin uous. The writer passed a greater part of four years in Constantinople, where he had occasion to call upon the officials of the Sublime Porte so frequently that it would be difficult to enumerate these official visits; and with few exceptions, when the visit was. protracted to any length, black coffee, pure in quality and prepared with the grounds, was regularly served in small, delicate cups. All Turks, from the highest to the lowest indulge in the beverage, a few swallows at a time, throughout the day, and. with out any evil effects. What makes the fact more remarkable is that neither the sedentary habits of the Turk nor the quick, energetic temperament of the Greek seems to be affected by the per petual imbibing of this beverage. Spec tacles, it may be remarked, are as little used in Turkey as in Greece; nor are complaints of the eyes more prevalent, if we except ophthalmia, which is brought from Egypt and exists chiefly among the unclean and dissolute lower orders. An old pasha once told us that he considered coffee to be one of the greatest blessingt vouchsafed by Allah to the faithful, not only from its grateful aroma, but from its health preserving qualities. He re ferred, of course, to the "divine berry" of Mocha, and not to the questionable compound served up in the "infider countries of the west North Americas Review. ILLUSTRIOUS SECONDS. Ketahle Bewreaaetieas ef Mui la Uteratare Evelatlea IaexeraUe. All great writers have imitated here and there, but always consciously and for their own amusement solely. Many of these reproductions have been very brilliant but upon no one of them has the fame of an author ever rested. When Coleridge wrote bis remarkable para phrase of the Bible, "The Wanderings of Cain," it was undoubtedly an event in the literary world, and brought him great praise; but if Coleridge had never written "Cristabel," or "The Ancient Mariner," or "Kubla Khan," what niche in literature's temple would Coleridge occupy today? Byron, in his "Heaven and Earth.", wrote a descriotion of the ilfe&&fstasr!!: N-i-.-is w - v- - - .i. -.., - -. .,-w .. .. , r , Hood wnicn ror dramatic power, vivid portrayal and stupendous strength, far exceeds the Bible's picture; but became the flood had been the Bible'e peculiar property for hundreds of years before Byron was born, so it will continue, to bold its rights to the end of time. To comedown in the scale. "St Ehmo" and "Rutledge" owed their great vogue j to the popularity of "Jane Eyre" and the inspiration their authors drew from that famous novel. The duchess and Helen Mathers pressed their lips to the fever stricken mouth of Rhode Brough .ton and took the disease in a milder form. Rita and Amelie Rives have snatched the falling mantle of Ouida, ili!lAil sfr Sw liaalf on1 -! stsfl it anfi rrlnmnl-ar about themselves that it has becomeaa' extra cuticle and could only be removed by a surgical operation. i Great original genius is only recog-' nized and admitted after a desperate fight, because there is no greater coward than the intellectual public. The well furnished and critical brain has every shelf of its cells fitted up with tlie lore upon which centuries or generations of public approval have set their seal It knows that to uduiire that choice library is both safe and proper: it gives one dig- j nity and it gives one pleasure. Any- j thing, therefore, which is radically dif-1 ferent from the inhabitants of those precious shelves must perforce be worth- j less. People do not stop to compare or even to remember the difference between the j , succeeding literatures of past gener ations. Think of the monotony of the ' world's letters if no original minds had ever come to break loose from traditions, i inaugurate new schools and plant new ! ideas! Suppose the glorious galaxy now j illuminating our past had succumbed tc ' tho inevitable fire of public protestation, : what sort of a literature would we have today? Unquestionably the literature of one generation, even of one decade, is the natural result of the literature im mediately preceding it; evolution is in exorable. But upon this force of heredity operate the great and complex forces of the times, and the man who is thrust ! head and shoulders above the mass, as the target of his generation and a I landmark for posterity, is he in whonr' both forces have met and been ignited by the divine spark that shot in his un born brain, whence no man can tell. Gertrude Franklin Atherton in North American Review. No Apology A Micliigan avenue car stopped at Second street yesterday to permit a young lady and a gentleman to get on. j As the former, who was young as well t as pretty, passed forward to accept a scat offered her, she tripped over the ' outstretched foot of an individual whe was sitting at the rear of the car. In an instant she was almost at full length in the bottom of the car. The excla mations of the passengers and the black looks they directed at the extended stum bling block should have caused its ownei to sink through the seat Quicker al most than she went down, however, she was on her feet again, and gracefully acknowledging tho courtesy of the gen tleman who surrendered his seat. .She was greatly embarrassed, and hei escort looked like a thunder cloud and as if he would like to punch the head of the fellow who had caused all the trouble. But he didn't He contented liimseli witlr occasionally stepping vigorously on the still extended and offending foot There did not seem to be the least sign of consciousness from its owner, while the passengers awaited the denouement Finally, with a lurch from the car as an excuse, the foot received another fero cious dig tliat was so pronounced as tc almost twist the man out of the seat Thinking that perhaps he had really in jured the man, the escort muttered an excuse that was received in great equa nimity, with the gratifying explanation: "Oh, don't apologize; it's a wooden one and used to being stepped on." De troit News. Sara Life la Chiaa. A farmer may be hired by the yeai for from 8 to $14, with food, clothing, head shaving and tobacco. Those whe work by the day receive from eight tc ten cents, with a noonday meaL At the planting and harvesting of rice, wages are from ten to twenty cents a day, with Gve meals; or thirty cents a day without food. Few land owners hire hands, ex cept for a few days during the planting and harvesting of rice. Those who have more land than they and their sons can till, lease it to their neighbors Much land is held on leases given by ancient proprietors to clansmen whose descendants now till it, paying from $1 to $14 worth of rice annually for its use. Food averages little more than a dol lar a month for each member of a farm er's family. One who buys, cooks and eats his meals alone spends from one and a half to two dollars a month upon the raw material and fuel. Two pounds of rice, costing three and a half cents, with relishes of salt fish, pickled cabbage, cheap vegetables and fruits, costing a cent and a half, is the ordinary allow ance to each laborer for each day. Aber nethy's advice to a luxurious patient "lave on sixpence a day and earn it," it followed by nearly every Chinaman. One or two dependent relatives frequent ly share with him the sixpence. Adele 31. Field in Popular Science Monthly. Eseerlaieata with Sallats. In 1885 one of the well known lights of English modern surgery began mak ing experiments, looking to the ultimate invention of a splint that would hold the head in an upright position when the neck could no longer be used for that purpose on account of fracture. In the course of his experiments he tried pow dered egg shells and plaster of Paris in equal parts. The great diversity in the sizes of the human neck rendered this apparatus almost useless. A few years later, probably about 1842, an eminent New York surgeon tried t!ie virtues of closely woven cloth bandages which had bean previously dipped in a solution of plaster of Paris and whites of eggs. Me must have cried "JSurekar" upon the first application of bis newly discov ered and curiously treated bandages, for they worked like a charm; the albumen of the egg supplied the necessary adhesive component; the plaster of Paris caused it to set firm and hold the parts immov able. The plaster cast splint was soon superseded by the light and airy albumo plaster bandages. Broken neck is placed on the list of the modern surgeon. as one of the curable accidents incident to humanity, provided tne spinal cord has not been lacerated by the broken bones or drawn out too far to admit of it being reduced to its normal state by the head being pressed downwards, backwards or sidewiae at the time of the accident There is one case on record where the patient recov ered after the cord bad been drawn out two inches by the head being pressed down upon the breast at the time of the accident John W. Wright in St Louis Republic. Taej Need Nerve. "Engineers at rest, sitting in the nar row cabs of their engines. Tying at the depot waiting for the signal to start, of ten look to be a sleepy set of fellows," ail) itiA man ftRtt rttltAr nftrht ortw vnnc the limited to Alliance. "Do you know,' I he continued, addressing areporter, - -- - are always wma awaat whea they mem to he fcaaalstaat tc ansa lamamamg around Mams? There are few thangs that escape their vigilaal eyes. Many people have an idea that asiaeers -go R bund and trues entirely to the block system and the autsnem ef good telegraph operatorn, but if they did this there would be wrecks aad lives lost every day. "A good engineer is always on the lookout Wesee plenty of things ahead of us that harrow our nerves and make the hair stand up straight, but aa long at the fsmaengeni behind us don't know il and we all escape uninjured, we heave a sigh of relief and my nothing. 1 tell you. it is no easy matter to hold a throt- curves and watch or wMtrucHons. An enmneer look down ror a moment at tlie connecting rode of the loconiotive. moving back ward and forward with lightning likt rapidity He doesn't know at what min ute a pin may break and one of the rods knockjus brains out as be leans out of tlie cab. "We have to make schedule time, the road is full of curves, and we are likely to bang into them? trains as w pass them. Little do people know how rasping it b on the nerves to be continually making narrow escapes, and yet one invariably feels that some day he is bound to 'get it in tlie neck.' It is the uncertainty of the business that is so trviiut." Fittaburs Dispatch. Boaao FwcU Absat Tea. Tea came iuto use almost by accident. Some Buddhist priests, going on a mis sionary expedition from northern India to China, took with them the dried leaves and also some cuttings of an in digenous shrub which was said to have the power of correcting aay injurious properties in the brackish water they might meet with on the way. The de coction thus made pleased the mission aries so well that they continued, as n matter of taste, to drink it after they had reached China, and introduced it to their converts. They also set about planting the precious shrub, and altbougn it did not thrive so well in China as in its native Assam, becoming smaller both in stem and leaf, it was so well liked that it soon formed the foundation of the favorite beverage of all China, Thence it was brought to Europe, to be drunk and desired by Englishmen of every de gree. And it is only of late years that Assam tea has coma into thaEsuropean market, to be looked piciously as the rival of Its own erated CfoinemdBter.- London Stand ard. It lim been supposed that birds become accustomed to the presence of telegraph wires, andancarefal to avoid them in iyimj, but it would seam ettaer that this is a mistake, or that the birds on the Scotch and Englfah moors are lommtsUi geat than their fellows. Systematic ob servation there alone; a line of telegraph wires has shown tnat great destruction of bird life goes on titrosjghout the year, and tlmt at certam seasons the roadside is literally strewn with the remains of unfortunate grouse, black game par tridge, snipe and other birds. Every morning at dawn marandina; bands of rooks come from the lowland woods to-fesst on the dead and dying;, and the farmers and shepherds in the re gion declare that mora spouse are killed annually by the telegrsph wires than by all the sportssoen. Phi kvMnhia Ledger. A correspondent of The lairfleld (Me.) Journal gives the following instance of mind cure in the early days of that town: Dr. Thayer, who Ural near what was called the Back Jfeetfns: House, waa one of the beet gmvnkaans in the connlv. but hia skill was no avail in the case of bis wife, who kept her hTtl than two years. One day there was no . -i v i v. b.vnu jwsowh wmu mm mww auu iiw little boy came rtmninf in With n bad out ah tita n. tka.ut TKlat- wee va aaav a4SmvSB Va eBBTmsmaM MmmmBAJUfBnsr UK"" fusely. With true motherly forgetful nessof self, she sprung up, found band ages and properly dressed the wound: then, sitting down to rest, aha looked around; everything seemed so pleasant and she felt so nicely, aha decided not to take her bed again, and aha did not ' She lived several yean ha Iks) enjoyment of comfortable health. Eaarssy. This is what yon ought to have, in fact you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions and the use per sisted in, will bring you good digestion and oust the demon dyspepsia and in stall instead eupepsy. We recommend Electric Bitters for dyspepsia and all diseases of the liver, stomach and kid neys. Sold at 50c and f 1 per bottle by David Dowty, druggist Too much gravity argues a shallow mind. A Natural Presaet ef California. It is only found in Butte county, Cali fornia, and in no other part of the world. We refer to the tree that produces the healing and penetrating gum used in that pleasant and effective cure for con sumptionsthma,bronchitis, and coughs, SANTA ABIE, the King of Consump tion. Dowty A Becher guarantee and sell it for f LOO, a bottle, or three for S&50. By the use of CALIFORNIA CAT-B-CUBE, all symptoms of catarrh are dispelled, and the diseased nasal passage, is speedily restored to a healthy condition. SL00 a package; by mail fl JO. Circular free. To-a good man one must know how to profit by the whole of one's fortune. Baeklea'a Antes Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores,-ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by David Dowty. 3 They that stand high have many blasts to shake them. A Sera ef Payer Saves Her Life. It was just at ordinary scrap of wrap ping paper, but it saved her life. She waa in the last stages of consumption, told by physicisns that ahe waa incur able and could not live but a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped her, ahe bought a large bottle, it helped her more, bought another and grew better fast,, continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars send stamp to W. H. Cole, druggist, Fort Smith. Trial bottle of this wonderful discovery free at David Dowty'a drugstore. uniSsS - - - GREAT V yrjfc Mm " rtSlsAV'l ?vnanananaxe7v manm Jar M Ml ean aa. Mr ""' " "M naT' - 'rmYTjttkmnwmwm. The above cut shows evidence of Mr. Johnston's mistake. His wife having sent him for " r.ni n DUST, but by some misapprehension he brought home soap greatly to her dissatisfaction. After a house-wife has once used "GOLD DUST WASHING POWDER" it is useless to offer her the old adulterated soap. Ask your grocer for Gold Dust Washing Powder, and take no other. -MADE H. K. FAIRBAHK & CO., P. a.-rf eur hanwe are CeasanBtion Sarrly t'arrtl. To the Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely mse thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my reme dy fbek to any of yonr readers who have consumption if they will send me their express and post office address. Besiiect fully, T. A. Slocum, M. O, 181 Pearl street New York. I'lty When a good man falls he dashes him self to pieces. Aa AtaulHte Cure. The ORIGINAL ABIETINE OIN'i MENT is only pnt up in large two-ounco tin boxes, and is an nbfV.t. tum ior old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands and all kinds of skin eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Aak for the ORIGINAL ABITIN E OINTMENT Sold by Dowty & IJecher at 'Si cents per box by mail 30 cents. uiarTv scorn EMULSION OF PORE COD UVH OIL aMCP !Ty01sTOfriiJ i'VEi m. . - . M... ' Almost a Palatabto as Milk. ' eUegntesei tnat R cam a tanas. aHceaccs. sua aartaatlateel tor tne aaeei seaawstve aSeaaacn, wnea tne r-Taln eaan.t ne Saleratesl; aaa by Sew I ! rtne all wltn tne it mnen. aaere as a 8COTTS EMULSION k acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the wodd for the relief and cam of CONSUMPTION, SONOPULA. CENEKAL DEBILITY, WASTINO DISEASES, EMAOIATrON, COLDS and CNROWO COUCHS. Tkt eresf rtmedv for fTiniaaWraa W rrmmmg m vmuartn. aoia oy an CATARRH Ely'sCreamBalm CTrmiMww thel!faaalPMDain;ofl. jj. lay Tnftatmnstintt TTnalatt Hn. Boatoroo tho ftanwja of Tasto, rimoll and Hoaxing. le.PrieeAOe.at erhr aXYBBOTHKKWSWa iSUXewYork. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH -A.X- U.P. Depot, Columbus. 13martf MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. ieTl IttjEtotJUrn&sSfowk Ave- N. T. TOjirniH Anesna Wanwdl ccZdPS3I aw bbbbbw' mW f2MrS l7Jdfp HEAP.jl TrytlieCureHpr wgjm wM-wLWKmW " MWmM' TO ATiTi MvetT eha aaa) aaajt aveatly heaiearies. rnailM, with ettsTaM ef Dr. Waa.a-BTaat safcilwwIwnaiiaBasrWiaiiaaafiMiiiaii, Be sBi.1 mnananual finJ!!!aJl!li2iil '.'T fTfZ aanananananananm - -5S TJsLegA a amfal H IDC JWaWl arlanBlai mmWffti saanWgamwl sWef - - ' - d.. e'r-i--"sc -T- aBBBBaaaaaai MISTAKE: OXLY BY- i. uaeramv soa. ST. 1811$. NEBR.AJSXCA.' Family : journal. A Weekly Newspaper isciei every Wednesday. 32 Calmg af readiig Batter, sistiigaf Nebraska State News Heal, Selectei Stories aa ' Miscellany. tVSample copies seat free to aajr aaVlreM." Subscription price, $1 a ftar, m MvMct. Address: M. K. Turns & Co., Colnmbus, - ' Platte Co., Nebr LOUIS SCHREIBER. MsiiHuiHiinUi! All kiais af Reaairiar dsae Shart Natke. fcWies, Wag as, etc., auu'eTa artier, - aaa an wark Uiar aateed. Alse Mil tke werM-ftsBSM Walter A. Weed Mewtrs, Xaaaars, Comsia- aa Wiaaiaaa Harri aad ffif-aHBdan-Ue bhop appetite the " Tatteraall," OB U11V feAVeO HB. DrODcmLievaV ana yWSZASZS-'nWrrt. "pttviiurrlj TMcONLr- GtfVtANTEeD cure row (im irui - "if m Tl DDL! or- --v v.x v Si lint til AHlLTlNEMraCsVOflOVlLLE CAlJ SMTtUIE -' CIT-B CUE lOUHALKBY DOWTY 4k nECIIUR. Trad so applied by the H.T. . Cubic Dbco Co.. Lincoln, Mob. TtnarMS-lr. PATENTS Caveats and Trade Marks obtaiaed. aad all Pat. ent btwiaeMcoadBcted for MODK8AT JKEH OUR OVFICK 18 OPPOSITE U.& PATJSMT OFFICE. WehaTeBoMb4aacies,allbeeiaetM direct, hence we eaa transact patent bosinae ia tew time aad at LKSS COOT thaa those remote from Waabiagtoa. Send model, drawlac. or photo, with descrip tion. We advise if patentable or aot, free of chant. Oar fee aot dae till pateat is secured. A book. "How to Obtain Pateata. with refer, races to actual clieats in joar state, eoaat or town, seat iree. Adores c. a -VOW at Opposite Patent Otttce. Waehiagtoa. 1KC. A hooker contains lists of i cthecostordTertlalaff.fBeadTerUserwW. waste to snead oae dollar, awte ha Stat nv IbnaatlOB he reqairea. while for him wha.vBl Savest ene hundred thoasand ttoHera la ad vertleiBiz. a ttrtoenae ia lnilicntrd which VUS steei Bis every requirement. r can sva tomtkfitijAtckwtgmtmiUtmrriiatft ruponitmte. let edfuoas have beea lam Sent, noat-ttaitt. to aav aJJieaa for stem Write to EO. P. KOWIX1V 4 COi hewspapkb ADVEanaraa mwwuxj aoissnmaTt.yimnagaViBmaa.), new Tsftw Uliva St.. V H.UMBUB. Wat WiSMlSBMMlfc Ut- kjae . -mwBBmTBhe- x sS.x 1 l-l v--3'''" a IS 1ilfFsUQ( a F- j, -.v- - ! -T31 i. - -" H '-"?: c ;f. .i V . X j -T - t T W ;C- --SL -t N-iv.ijr : " :?-"- , ." ivV'Ms v:.sb,- sj5 ,.-a-r . X3 -K. -" .A.. -je. . ., . T" J"- it-1- -- -- i-"-. -cir. j&STsaKtsra-i - . . r - s JtzikdbukxS flffmssi -- y.-irT .j-.K :-TiE.-r, y "j JafwSS" Ji.3 ".-.-g.fcji&,- - c" Ca&T'rK-j5--LrtiaS.-w- '.f a- ?.---. Ag;"-a-. -J, . o. " - . :i.-t -asivi -liM