:.-1 "I .-. sp v v v. -;. ' -T., " ----ff-4.- t.',-.:. sri-:r-sfJzA-&t.. ''-:x"--"ie?--s'-r -F -T - -, lU. ,V - - ,. va t, rfi:"TW Ti 3b JWw1"-- - M- i -- .'-- T; ' " jii A. I lli -.; - t l F': TAY- 1 rs CoIiutitttsfirarmflL .Aueinr7. 1 Arrives at I14ft.akll3M . Thei inaanrl Ti li fti.m.i unMKlHMiW.B;M1 Lincoln at 7J B BL, MMW 2:55 p.m. U3POW PAOFICTTBTr .TaBT.T SOOM . Atlantic Ex la.at Local Ex fcma.ni Fast Ex SBa-m .Chicago irlia. Fn4ahttiBinaaarry 235 p. at- and MS p. aw TTWWT.Tt. tor Mixed leaves Mixed arrives SdSB.au Mixed leave .PuimiMHriHitw, Mixed mm . 5dHa.au um a. au I p.m. eT"All notices under this heading wOl be theWsdattherateofiCayfax. A. LEBANON LODGE No. 3H. A. F.4 A. 1L erwBguhtr antiap 3d WudiHwday each XXffK-rti AU brethren tented to attend. V C.H.SbuXDOX,W.M. M. H. Warm, Sec'r. 3ftjnly w B0BOAHIZED CHTJBCH OF ?? QVflB ntuonwv , "V re North street ana raciac Nebraska State Pair, Sept. 6-13. Boots and ahoee at Borowiak Bros. Hardware and tinware at Borowiak Bros. Every Saturday fresh celery at Pohl'a. 13-tt Hay for sale. Inquire ot 3C K. Turner. Two dollar hammocks at $L50. Fitz patrick 162P A fine line ot fresh fruits at Boro 'wiakBros. -Cheapest and best line ot teas at Borowiak Bros. Borowiak Bros, are already doing a nourishing baaineBS. . Five families of railroad men moved to Columbus last week. Fred Gerber of Loup twp. was in town Mbndav on business. Old newspapers by the hundred, 25 cents at the Joubsax. office. . Samuel Bickly is now engaged in buying and shipping cattle. . Wm. Connor reports everything in his neighborhood flourishing. G. A. B. reunion at Kearney, August 12 to 17. Half rates on the railroads. A severe wind and hail storm is re ported at Schuyler Tuesday morning. For sale, one hundred acres of best grass on Platte Island. K. Kummer. " . W-2p BepresenUtive Swartsley was in tewn Thursday with flax of this year's harvest. Subscription can begin at anytime for the Joubsai. and Nebraska Family Journal. Call and get the low prices on those tine photos at B. B. Photo car near TJ. P. depot. nv fteorse Morton preached an interesting sermon, Sunday, to a large aadieaee. : Oae hundred fine young pigs for "sale. Call early and secure choice. C C. Millar. ia4t Dr. Schug and J. C Echols have . painted their dwelling houses over in tae style. Eemesaber that Schaff roth & Plath make specialties of well boring and tubular wells. Abts's aaen are busily engaged in Tn-sljns; the brick for his new hotel on have a very aeat, wagon. The young men r a good basin ran , late teacher of the fTalhalir anhnrrt, hi" started a geaeral " ajerehsBSBBB atere at Ducaa. K. A- Taylor aad Alfred Daviea were in towm Moaday making arraageaaenta for the faBBBtal of W.D. Daviea. The ealahntad Qaick-Meal, and Monarch gaaoliae stoves, the best in the market For sale by A. Boettcher. 4tf Bbt. J. W.Martm of Norfolk preach ed Saaday, awraiag aad evening, at the M. E. charch, two mterasting semona. The season for tornadoes is now at head aad property owners nhnnld secure a policy at oace, wxtn li. l. uecaer m. uj. -The Jocx3ui is on sale, each week, at the hook and news stores ofE.D. Pkapatuck aad J. Heitkempert 5 cents The BteaaBeVbrick veneer on the sew brick sieakisahaedaoate piece of asa- om the -The JL & Fhete ear caaaot offer i loag. H yoa dent go in wOl regret the loss of bMrf nrito-f- - -Drnvb z4Eb. ImIIz. tKB. FantExIlB. arrive from Soax City USlm hwwCtatii 1UB a. at arrives from Lincoln SOS p. at lane for aeonx City - saaa.m 8:evB.m AXB cbbas mAFias. at2p.m,pruYermee ttKarrteiM.aKIC' Areane. All are eovdaaHy invited. lljSm Bamr a. J. Hcsaoy. Premdcnt. ' Jeamsl aad Nebraska Farmer, all Some eajasaa Ae imiaisi that mad aohayera there. Ttlseaaaathoath lliiimiaihatii 1st tL75 a year, whea paid in advance, the ccamammiaaen who voted sach si- there BHght be d use far all that fiend far spurisifn copies. T towaacea are the ones the eoaaty mast htaska .cam raise this aaaaaa in the Ths CaannaiatSaiiT finndaj arhmrl - "mTnm 'hU of gram, nay, straw, etc. mmlmmwVXIUBmaay. Xlmrewaeaiarge aerelJimimj untataeliBliiBBiii lasaWn JJotkamaarehvaCTsatketaai tha 9M I BeHnrs tarn was aecoaa saaaal ami attrapert a apleadfd taae. -r r - . r r - r TB . umtmj -mmt Suparvaur Bering ' Wehh A Sam an to mem then? hmbasEdsSB; Crane Ana. of Omaha the partnership eajamaa; hetweaa the Jia1Tailmijiri1iiiili, ii IT " Crane Bros, received aa injury av the firm name at W. T. Kiddy A Bra, was LrwwVi w cy .i..trM hy Chaa. Wake. The Colambas aae bueaeam at the eld stand, aaammeme? Bmmphrey meat aaaman ia taaaya Jwvsaiik They -r Thr nthor they scoredL 7 -?. V- -T L-lj-au - Brf. Aassnlinr was a towa Mf dsv W.JBCaxr, large elevatar. - , 1. ... . , - ,. over the B. AM. He says there is more A dtmaas nilisi aril he haU mi'tnamsj. "" "1 aasaaaaa) aaaaaaar bbb . fiJlui aaw) tka m. amiAp- nt .- "F-i,!-- Tm . a .iwt . t i - m a A UMMJWy aBU. iiaaBb av Aajaaaaar OC man bbu fTKBevBBBvgBXBaanaBBaKBBKa -Wfcsaiijjsadsf jsswaakwaaia saki thu finlaw Hajle, tar safe at A. filrfiitk APWhWwUathastsf Th keys Tam Jecasui. eosBpas ssM batter kaowa as "Swam" far kaaly. LW.PULaaifbr J.CCaUwelfori Ws.OCoaaoc wfll seUatE. farm, Satarday, Aug. Sat, at 10 o'clock, 1 kaad of cattk, allk4sBn Mr. R. KaauBertsls as tfcat aext Satarday Sick Bkaer wOI have 6o Bktssl tfc hodgs over tkesoath caaa arirftaa. Platte, two aulsa wast of the Sixth Priawaal meridiaa aad om the road fraaa here to All Tarietiea of job work, each aa cards, envelopes, circulara, dodgers, note heads, letter heads, ete, priated at this oSce. No need to go to Fieaioat, Lin coln, Hastings or Owiths for this sert of work. The secretary of state has seat us a number ot copies of the -1 report of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture for 1887, by Boot W. Furnas, which we wish to give to good farmers. For Buford plows and cultivators, for harrows, seeders, wagoaa, Plaao binders aad anything else needed on the farm in the way of machinery, call on Joseph A. Gutzmer on Olive street oppo site Henry's comer. 48-tf Webb A Son will occupy the store room just north of Pollock's drug store on Nebraska Avenue. They intend moving their goods aext weak. The room they now occupy is too small for their increasing trade. H. P. Cooiidge will have quite a number of ane'applea from his orchard in this city some of them we saw the other day are big ones. He has given them attention and now receives his re ward in excellent fruit. There seems little doubt that the hazy condition of the atmosphere last week was dae to the burning forests west, as those who have traveled, that way say the condition is more marked the farther west you travel. .. Charlie Taylor was at Falls City last week to look after his reward for cap turing the three burglars. One of these has been sentenced to three years in the penitentiary. The others escaped from jail and have not been recaptured. J.P.Becker has had a second op eration upon his foot for tumor, Dr. Woodward of North Loup assisted by Dr. Stillman, performing the operation. The patient is suffering considerably, but the doctors say he will get along all right We have a pressing invitation to attend the Merrick county fair, the 18th annual, at Central City, Sept 18-30. To the people who make good ase of them these annual gatherings are very usefcV both in way of entertainment and in struction. B. EL Henry makes a good member of the state board of agriculture, and is doing his level best to help make the stale fair September 6 to 13a grand suc cess. We are in receipt of bulletin No. 6, giving quite a number of the attractive features of the great exhibit. Wm. T. Swan was in town Saturday, representing J. M. Wolfe k. Co. of Oma ha, publishers of the only Nebraska directory and also, a gazetteer and buai deas directory of the U. P. railway and branches. These are valuable books to I business and professional men. We again call the special attention of stock owners to the fact that they can insure their valuable animals so that in case of death the loss will not fall so heavily upon them. See advertisement of the Central Nebraska Gx, together with the names of local agents. Sheldon and Arthur sold 71 head of fat cattle Thursday. They were a very fine bunch of cattle showing the careful work of Mr. Arthur, the same day Mr. Sheldon sold 80 head from the ranch nearer the city. All together they were among the finest cattle shipped from this point during the season. All people living near the city should not fail to visit the & B. Photo car near TJ. P. depot There is fine work done there aad you should call and it Toa wffl mad poses very low. -Backet" baraaias caaaot he so yoa had better goat yoar earliest op portunity. Toa will be very welcome. TiSiit year's crop of corn cobs is now being iusjioseil of to make place for the new stock, which proadsss to exceed all former githringn There are very many Nebraskafarma that will soon raise all the fuel they need in cobs aad cotton wood, saying nothing of the coal aad Batumi gas that an supposed to be lyag low in deep est at work Polk county oa the eoaaty of the v wsmty ctara: aata smbjsct teakeactiomof the desweratic oae of the ijaialiiias new meeted ever wgwafinndof pasture sad the winter BBBBB BB W BBB MBv iaaaBBU IBBT WBB BmBBB? SBBB1 eBBBB BS1 H BBBBSt B SBiai BBUBBE. Imaaat VaVmmmrtnWaamit WaaaaaBfma 'ICssm flfcammaaaaj Jsaafl WoBK. WlsVa afaVaTaaSBaVaBm JsaVaVaaVfVaanssU Saturday r visit to Concordia, Heary Abta, f the of Abta A Calto, retaraed Friday : trip Mi in Flatte Center last a few- days wkh yesterday. Mra.Dowty a the emy trains, yesterday, fromOeaoa. her way to Ul from with old Mr. aad Mrs. to start aext Thursday for they will reside. M. Borowiak, father of the brothers in business here, was in the eityMoa day, on business. J. C Ward started Monday to work for the Gilt Edge MTg Co. This will he a relief to the Telegram. W. M. looking after Monday. Humphrey MraNorris G. Bonesteol of Atlantic, Iowa, is visiting her many friends in the city. She will go to Omaha soon. Mrs. Wake, of Ckdumbaa, who has been visiting her son. Charlie, returned home this morning. Norfolk Jhuly News. Mr. and Mrs. F. Brodfuehrer were in Leigh Sunday to see their friend, Mrs. L. Staab, who is not expected to live. Frank Cowdery of Lincoln was in the city last week aad Miss Eittie is here this week visiting grandfather Cowdsry's family. Charles Taylor went to Leigh yester day morning m aaam to a telegram announcing that hie mother was not ex pected to live. A. M. Parsons, an old-time citizan of Columbus, now a prominent business man of Schuyler, was in town Sunday to witness the base hall William, son of W. B. Doddridge of St. Louis, is visiting uncle Geo. Paxn hart and grandfather Guy C. Barnum. He reports his folks all welL C W. McCune, who has lately been at Omaha, was in the city Wednesday last; be will shortly go to Crawford, Neb., to take charge of a newspaper. Mrs. Clark Cooacy aad Mrs. Wm. Davis returned to their home in Fuller ton, Thursday, after a visit to their pa rents, Edward Hays and wife of this city. Prof. Backus, of the Genoa Indian school, was in the city last night, on his way to that institution with a couple of Winnebago boys. Madison Chronicle. Miss Helen Stockdell went east Mon day. She has resided here several years and made many friends who will remem ber her as a talented aad accomplished young lady. Geo. Hill weat to Colambas ea Satur day, intending to visit hm parents at Lincoln, batmet his mtherat the former place. His father will move his family to Omaha soon. Nance Co. Journal. William Lamb aad family start to day for Sioux City. We are aorry to loose our neighbors, ss they have been here a long time and have nowaiderahle property here. We suppose that bust Bss rowsirlerrtiona for the boys have as much to do with the peasant move aa anything rlnr The Telegram is argiag the demo cratic central committee to select Co lumbus as the plane to hold their con vention. It says: "In hotel aeeommoda tkms, no city in the state outside of Omaha and Lincoln can compare with Columbus." This would he entirely and critically true if the word favorably is placed after compare. We don't want to be critical at all in this matter, bat we mast get the committees to roaajder things just as they are. Pmtte county is one of the oldest aities in the state, Colambaa is ceatrally seated, is easy ef access by railroad from every quarter, aad whea yoa. get here yoa will ami all good, the very bast the watch means as good as taere are any where. the worth f7S Itlsehaas might he twos! aae tar all that Be- thjssasssa in the war hay, straw, etc. Mam Calm Alien returned from, a three wesaa bsaaaeas in Hamahrey w m - w a a - EOaTBaK M1W TW aaWWBaaaaL aWmaaaaO 4aaKt mufltTtianr era Utah the prise of cattle aad hones has fallen very loir aad steak of all kinds reeoraavaaal "" o tne ary sprag, the moaatam aaaauBBBB mam ant amaaavj Traaasa ana naaae (ansl they are aH.ahB m teas ii irt)haajaarpmis which an aiilsa smlj piianlliisln thu ipin maw at the sLimmsa The amiaaau at has a tendency te ealargethe it lira that a few aa eatkely new sMthed of treat has been disrovnred, aad ef teataaeauals from grateful hear overwhelming evidence of It matters not whether the patient m young or old, fteshy or tana, recently raptured or a ehroaic csae the new treatment has proved its worth by meat thorough aad exactmg trials. No opeiation is resorted to, pa tienta are relieved from the first and rapahlri of doing any kind of work. A trial coats nothing and a cure is guaran teed. Prof.F.M.Bowley,of Omaha, is httrodactng this treatment ia Nebraska aad wfll be at the Grand Pacific, Colum- 12th aad 13th. A Card. Aa article in Tax Jocxsui. of July 3d, did quite an injustice to one ot the Platte eoanty teachers. I anderstood that a correction would be made at once, but as it has not been done I consider it dae to Man) Glass to make an impartial state Mmt of the matter. Mr.Sheedy's children rode to the pie rac. with a neighbor's family, who re tamed home bef ore the Sheedy children ware ready to leave. The children were net left without oversight as Tax Joca hal's article intimates, but were care fully looked after while Mas Glass went to finish her business with the school directors. Oae of Mr. Sheedy's children was at least Bine years of age. Their home was in plain night from the grove where the picnic was held, and only three-fourths of a mile distant Miss Glass and the Sheedy children left the picnic ground about the same time. The teacher had never considered it her duty to follow each child to its home, and did not sup pose it would be necessary now. This neglect, however, caused the severe cen sure in Thx Journal's article. When the teacher had gone, the children con cluded not to go directly home but started off for some other place, the school house, I believe. They got out of sight of home, among the corn, and lost their way. When they found their fa ther, they were late, frightened, crying and tired out Mr. Sheedy was naturally displeased, but should have laid the blame, if there was any, where it belonged, and not have permitted such an accusation against a faithful teacher as was pub lished in the next Joubnal. A. C. Pickett. Notice of DbMolatiim. Notice is hereby given that J. P. A Leo Borowiak, doing business at Columbus, Nebr., under the firm name of Borowiak Bros., are successors, since Aug. 1st, '89, to M. Borowiak, lately in business at Duncan, Nebraska. All. accounts due M. Borowiak have been assigned to and are payable to Borowiak Bros who as sume the payment of all claims against the stock of merchandise. j. p. bobowuk. 16-2 Leo Borowiak. Corn will be a heavy crop. The farmers are all done stacking. The threshing machine has started out and the turn out of grain is reported good. The 0. P. depot has not been moved away yet, as the talk was two weeks ago. Our old friend and townsman, Mr. B. Byrnes, resigned bis position as section foreman on the TJ. P. RE, which he occupied for 22 years, at this place. He went to Omaha a week ago, to make his home there and have his children more completely educated. Mr. B. is a good citizen and we feel.sorry to see him go. s. Patattiae. Our Swede friends will have their an nual camp meeting this month, com mencing Aug. 8th, in the usual place, Beer's grove. We have been told there will be no English preaching during the meeting. Miss G. L. Jones has neuralgia in her Master Josie Larson has got ahead of all his neighbors by commencing fall plowing the last week in July. The postmaster's hired man, Bert Berndt, came near breaking his thumb one day last week, while helping to put a pig into the yard. Stacking is nearly finished in this neighborhood. Work commenced on the parsonage Monday. A man and woman, friends of Mr. Hen derson, who were traveling, stopped over aight with Mr. H. In the night the woman had a stroke of paralysis. A doctor was called to attend her, and she was able next morning to resume her journey. Haas C Christenson has a windmill on his place. Mis. John Berlin is expecting a sister from Brooklyn, N. X, to visit her next Das: HampkRy. Ground was broken Saturday for the school house. This m an improve- that has long been needed. The draggist at Cornlea suffered a ef the acne Saturday last Dr. TJibImisHihi of Madison and Dr. Hart ef Hamphrey were called aad they finally aaeeoaded m stopping the blood, hat the undent had become very weak ipuahad. mrasthe kan of aa infant, that died of cholera infantum Friday might The Genoa Indians and the Lafayettes (eolored) ball dub of Omaha will play at in the near future. Date not yet FuBer,Smitk A Fuller are bmkhaga Most of the lumber has the work of fraauar it m rapidly. MrTLD.Behmoa has returned from a trip to New York state, called there by atwlasjTim naBoaacnsr the death of hi Startup returned with hm for a mthe at this place that epssangs, which never can he elosed aad haeiad hy 1 1 1 iimsjl their waQs apart. aan harm than goad. Withm t nanf TheaJeasae ham ef the threshing J. G. Engel, whe ha euaVrer for the last two etlyathis ;ef the t p. i quiet. who was liked by every oae that him; ia hm death the Ismfly lose best counsellor, a kind haahaw father. The funeral was from the their last Friday at 2 pvnu Hm interred a yard oa Shell anek, ef which church he was a devoted member At the funeral we noticed the following persons from the city: Mr. aad Mm H. Sagatz, Mr. aad Mrs. Jacob Lewis, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Greisea, L Jaeggi, CG. Hickok aad Ber. Geo. Morton of the Congregational church. Willie Cook, a young ana about 19 years old, lost a lager from his hand last Wednesday while cutting Max with a reaper near the school house. As is usually the case, he got his anger be tween the chain aad ratehed wheaUwhen the team suddenly started ap. Last Wednesday seems to have been an unlucky day; as Louis Schreiber was riding a horse to a neighbor's, to get help about raising a tower, his horse stepped into a hole aad fsU, throwing Mr. Seamaeer to the ground ia each a way as to dinlorwto his shoulder. Last weak finished the stacking of grain, except flax, which will continue until October. Louie Schreiber has had a new mud mill erected over his welL Sensible. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barnes spent the Sabbath down here with friends. a. Biaeuuck TawaaUp. Corn is earing out splendidly. We learn that Mat Fultz lost a horse last week. C. G. Moore and son William have purchased a self-binder. Harvesting is all finished in this vicin ity with the exception of flax. The neighbors are preparing for threshing at present, by stacking their grain. Messrs. Mueller A Fultz are running their threshing machine this year, with Fred Eretchmeycr in Mr. Fs place. John Boe us working for John Connel ly now; ditto Frank Nauenburgwho is piling up the hay 4or Otto Mueller. Miss Sybil Butler was visiting friends near Bichland a few days ago. Steve Waggoner is in Illinois at pres ent, where he is having his foot operated on; we hope the operation may prove successful. We hear that Oscar Gibbons did not appreciate a good place and left John Connelly's; ditto Henry Wilson, who has quit working for Peter Greisen. William Cats, who formerly worked, here but was working for Mr. Meedel of Butler twp. during the summer, has re turned to Bismarck and ia working here at present James McKenzie, who went with Mueller A Fultz's threshing machine last year and has been cutting streets at Norfolk thu spring, is back again whist ling to the merry tune of the thresher. Messrs. Waggoner A Barnes have their steam thresher in the field and its joyful sound is heard quite frequently, proba bly to express their satisfaction of the wanner in which the grain is turning out. We learn that Fred Scholz has sued Martin Mier to recover damages which he was forced to pay to E. Newman on account of his driving Ed's horse in Mr. Miers wire fence; $50 is the amount sued for. The other day while B. C. Mueller was pulling his threshing machine out of the shed by hitching a team to the back part and his father, Otto Mueller, having hold of the tongue, one of the axles struck the side of the shed which caused the tongue to fly in the opposite direc tion, carrying the old gentleman with it and striking the side of the shed with great force. Two of Mr. Mueller's fin gers which were between the tongue and the side of the shed, were mashed to a jelly and he remained in this predica ment until several men came and reliev ed him. He went immediately to the doctor and had his hand dressed. At present the doctor says there is hope for saving both fingers. Chabxbs. STOLEN DOtiGE&fX. Tbn front door with the back coaaiTea, Each ia to each a brother; Six days the front door briakly tkrirea. On Sunday 'tin the other. The English thoaaht they had a jacht. They're now decided they hare naught. And go the cap from tlmin wegacat Will atay this aide the oceaa; They tear they haren't any barque. That's swift enough to toe the marque. So they're decided to keep darqae, A rery pious notion. Hail forty-two stars, may yoa sparkle forerer. And the bright flag that Soata yoa. triamphaat Iyware, Let nothing intrude to distarb or diaaerer The land of the free aad the hnian of thebraTe. Let thy glory reflect the pare sisterhood's faces. Anit illumine the ahriae where the aatioa shall While its daughters Baited with kindest Weare tr rfaTMt of peace for Colombia's May peace and prosperity erermore linger. Throughout the broad leacth of fair Liberty's Bat should thy foes dare thee by erookiBC their aager. Just say the wid aad they'll be thoroughly taBBed. MAaTsTTsTn. HABTSOCK-G ALLIOS-Aagaat 5th, by Jaa tMaB.FaHer,BLX.Hartaeckaad Miss Nettie GUioa,bathof DISD. DAVOS Aug. S, law, of stoBach trouble, W. D. DaTiea.aged.ft7 years. Deceased bad bean aSiag for the past two years aad had goae. July 9th, to Sock SpriagB, Wyoiathekepe of improvise aia health. He Jearea a widow.aad m eaUdna, all bora, Joha. aad Alfred, (the old), to moara their ir reparable loam. Tefaaeral took place from the CoagreaBtioBal charch jiarsiilay, Her. Mortem vf t-H-T- nr mrniiaB were baried ia the Co lumbus cemetery. Mr. Daviea was amoag the older settlers of Platte county, aairersauy respected far bia good qaalittea, aad Tan Jocbsai. hopea to extended aceoaet of his life ia the Masnuss SMtcs. its aader this Ave ' its a "TTAS" FOR BALE. of X. K. Tamer. u AtTanJecasAX, wxTMgCMTLTI W haatatrlaa. atacataacaaaa LBGALXOTICC To all The -ZATZ Bmrwaaniaiaad shoes ia the Bdases eady tajevery heat awaWiJamV CBaamaBUBHaagHBaT apByOaaasaBla. 10 TMW and report apom the ihaailiCj of imaliaj that part at a aajilii read eaaBBameia- at Mas of said ii Hi ia ami ran aa the -Ggaavffla BaUiBBmL Bmma aBBBBBBaBawaaa aan ammBsaa aawaaBBBtaB Sow.aaotnSTas nWn. areaBaaa far damw amjja an wffljaa awaa wbBwbB lajawmaa asBJBte. Isnaat jfBwliiBsisa. risBmrCa, ATTDmOU, A L-BBBmmm BBBBBBBBBBBBBmaW .BBBBBBBBBV ak atjaa namiaaat inla ini, Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa F. IBB"' alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal I kMmlst lahaWI MUL HHI I ami i L-saliatlysaaaad afljaaJa, fnan aaaaaaaaaaaaam Baaaaa t ih i cIbb iba & sBBafacw mt BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB MmHH BBj J0WBT BBBBB1 IBflBa IBB? BBBBB aMBBBtb B K gjauim ata an miaakt anj slmii shs in Tktls mM assmty. Tsa sua sal liiiiili sail ilmiliTi Baaaaaaaaaaaaf faBaaml raiimaaaail aami TT fiua TTnriinsa aH H liahl sml asaij, s baaatihil sfiislr iW Punas fBaaaaaVaV aaaami laTlliakili. Hi IBn TM " n aaaaami JP mmaaai njJTm' Sk&JLkU C"iy SjS P Of a aaTalaaav'matTy-tmaa, aad m tast svwry- SawT taBBgtawmammtiaa FIRST-CLASS HARNESS SHOP. yAllgsaBBgaai bat tkeavostakOled tasmgrnBkaa it wffl nay yoa to look and fair dwabaar I asatly deaa, aa short, 0X0. GUS. G. BECMER k CO., Loan, Real Estate COLUMBUS, Bwtabt Fnaue axwaxa xm Ovrtca. fcaawaaaVxmasLfBa agalyflUf W.T. RICKLY Xxeslii. I Ssult mCesuts, waBf Pwaatx7,ajirimkFkfiL OIitc StrMt, tw Dmii Smrfk EBVOuraaotationa of the marketii areobtaiaed Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable at the tune. oa.U3i.rTC. Wheat SS (Jorn - - 30 Oats 14 isyfj - ttsss Flour.... ............... fSOMBS 50 Buckwheat 2ti35 Flax 1 10 roooccK. Batter 810 Potatoes V. VJ1V.V." " V."7.V..V". aogss XXATa. Hinw : IS DBOUulSTS ...................... oSJZstt Hidaa , tSf.i liv stock. Fathoga :trtOC3TO Fat-tup $2Uvjw3M Fat atawn .. $3SS6;37! sTiasailwi ii !Ubx! On LEGAL NOTICE. To all whom it may concern: The board of auperriaoni in regular session July, 1S8B. declared the following section lines opeaed ae public roads, viz: L. Commeaciag at the HJL corner of section 5, towa IS. raage 1 east, ruaaiag thence dae north on section liaea two milerf. aad termiaatiag at the N-E. corner of section XL town 19, raage I east, aad known aa the "Gilbert Cleveland" road. 2. CoBUBeacing at N.W. corner of aectioa 39. towa 17. raage 1 wast, ruaaing; thence dae south ob ssrfioa liaea, aad terminating at the right of way of theUaioa Pacific Railway Company oa the east line of sectioa XL, town 17, raage 1 west (provided that Better township pays all claims allowed ss damages) aad known aa the "Boro wiak" road. 3. Commeaciag' at the 8.F, corner of section 30. town 19, range 2 west, aad """"if due west on section line one mile and terminating at the B.W. corner of section 30. town 19, range 2 west (providing that F. B. Wolf pay all claims allow ed aa damages) aad known as the "Wolf road. 4. Com wearing at the K.W. corner of section 4. town 19, range 3 west, aad running thence south on section lines four miles, and terminat ing at the cVE. curnei of sectioa 2B. towa 19. STS aad known aa the . W. Jones" 5. Commeaciag at the N.W. corner of section 31, towa 17, rang 1 west, and ruaaing thence dae east on section lines two miles, and termi nating at the JLE. corner of section 32, town 17. range 1 west (providing that Butler township skill pay' all claims allowed aa damages and known the "Soke!" road. Now all objections tin n to, of claims for dam ages rinsed by the location thereof, must be filed in the comfy clerk's oeace of Platte county. Nebraska, oa or before noon of October 2d. Me. or the location may be made without reference tnereto. Dated Colambaa, Neb July 24. 1439. Jons Sx-vcrrxa. 31jal4 County Clerk. PROPOSALS. Notice ia hereby given that, until S o'clock p. u Aagnet Nth. 1888. sealedblds win he received by the nnilirsigasil at bia oafee in the city of Columbus. Niihraaki, for performing the labor aad furaishiag the materials necessary to make the following extasanens to the water works of said city, to-wit: 1st To lar roar inch mpe on the weat aide of Olive sttett from Fariae Areas to 8th street, and to furnish one hydrant for same The city s estimate of the eest of said labor and To lay foar-iach pipe on the north aide of 15th strcat, from aV street to llehraskm A venae. being; 688 mat; the east whereof aa estimated by the city enginesr ia ama. The city has oa hand aoaas mawriala for said exteasioa which shall be reserved by the SBeeeaaful bidder at the The above bids shall be asDarate.be marked fTopnaala' and srHressiil to "Gas. Falbaam. City Clerk, Colamhaa, Nebr." The work shall be dene in the mannfr.aad the materials far- be of the qaality provided iathe far the extension of said water works herstofors filed in the oSVeof the said City Clerk. The city reserves the right to reject aav aad au bmm. Dated Jaly 3th, 1899. Gcs. FxiJAtnc. SJalyz City Clerk. NOTICE PKOSATE OF WILL. Sadolf riiiiihiiii ihriBsril In County Court. Platte County. Nebraska. The State of Ne braska to the hairs aad next of kin of the amid Kadolf Bpichiacr. deeaaaedr Take notice, that upon filiag of a written ia- arBarnaarto be tbe last wiu and tea. of Kadatf Spiehiaer for probate and it ia ordered that and matter be set for heariag the 23ad day of Aagast. A. D. KfiS. before said County Omit, at the hear of o'clock a. m at which time any person inter ested may appear d easiest the same, aad notice of this preeeedfng ia ordered published three weeks saeseasivelr in Tax CounaaBB Jotnuui a awhli uananin. published in thiaSsnte. Intesriaanay whereef.1 have hereunto set my head aad the seal of the County Court, at Co lumbBB, this Sab. day eC July. A. D. 18BR. H.J.HDBBOW, SlJalyt CoantyJadam. NTICsrV BCLrSCKNT. Tom in iiaiBy.iiliiil mat Hi i rental oa the CUBBMrte tot Bo. S, in osaatsmat tod ia Planar waaaty, Bahraaka. ia ihliaiiaasr aadawt if anal dsHaiyiwuB- ia net paidwmhaa bbpUj daya Bmai the dato f aaa netiee aaht afTtiit'r iillaaaVBBd fnaAsnil said farMt istsdhytow. , Jafr,aUDlBa. Byaawarof " Aamabta6.mnBBBa. Cam'rtvLTkB. HORSEIER i Harness Depot H. RUSCHEU amt taavery Syea are ia need of aay- at my befbre buyag. By strict trust to it a share of yoar aairoaaga. aad at law Prices. Call aad F. BL RTJSCHE, LMOPOLD JMQQl NEBRASKA. All Kilaa f SalM Z Spcdaltj. tf flw firmt Itiiaaal Mak. LEGAL NOTICE. To all whom it may concern: The special commissioner appointed to view aad report upon the practicability of vacating that part of a public road coninwncinii at tho northwest corner of section 33. tonmohip seven teen, range 2 west, running thencu to southwest corner said section, thence east one znila to southeast corner of said sectioa and known as the "Loup aad Duncan" road, baa reported in favor thereof. Also the special commissioner appointed to view and report upon the practicability of locat ing a public road commencing at the northwest corner of southwest l4. of section 22. township 17, range 2 west, thence running south on section line to southwest corner of section SS. town 17, range 2 west, thence east on section line i mile. thence south on half section line K mile to cen ter of section SS. township 17. now 2 west, thence east on half section line H mile, thence south on section line H mile to southeast corner of said sectioa 35. towaahip 17. range 2 west, has mniirlil n favor of the location thereof. Now all objec ions thereto, or claims for damages caused by the vacation or location or the above described roads, ae the case may be, must be filed in the office of the county clerk on or before noon of Sept. 24th, lsrt. or the vacation and location thereof will be made without refer ence thereto. Dated Columbus. Neb Jane 22. TO. Johx Stacttkii. 24iuI4t County Clerk. SHERIFF'S SALE. I Hr irirtn of An nnler of jvil, directed to me ' from the district court of Platte county. Ne , braaka, on a decree obtained in our saut court at t the May A. D. 1st term thereof to-wit: on the I first day of June, Vi), in favor of Jacob A. Hood aa plaintiff, aad against Mary Com p ton. Chaa. Compton, interpleaded with Hugh Hughs. Mary Pant. Gaa. G. Becher and Geo. W. Galley as defendants, for the sum of Two Hundred and Forty-eight dollars, and twenty cents, and costs taxed at S2L.73 and accruing costs, and the further sum of fllLOO in favor of Hugh Hughs. 1 have levied upon the following real estate taken as the property of said defendants, to satisfy said decrees to-wit: Lotone (1). of A.J. Arnold's out lots to the City of Columbus, in Section twenty-four (21), Township seventeen (17), Usage one (IK west, in Platte County. Ne braska, and will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on the 17th day of August. A. D. 1SBU. in front of the Court House in the City of Colambas, Platte County. Nebraska, that being the hwildintr wherein the last term of Court was held, at the hour of one o'clock p.m. of said day. when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated, Columbus July Kith, lSt- M.C.BLOEDORN. 17juIyS Sheriff of said County. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Grand Island. Net Jane2Tth,l3K). f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ami that said proof will be made before Begister and Receiver at Grand Island. Neb on August 14th, laM, viz: Keaben F. Cratty. homestead 17304 for the N.E. H. aectioa 2-1B-3 west. He naaaea the following witnesses to prove his eentinaons residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Charles H. Angee, Charles W. Blair, leranrter Bteen. George L. Diefenbach, aU of SUrer Creek, Neb. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of each proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regu lations of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to fro svamiiw the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. Sjalys J. G. Hioant s, Begister. LEGAL NOTICE. To all whom it may coaern: The board of supervisors in regular session Jaly. IS69, declared the following lines opened aajpahbe roads prorided that St. Bernard town ship pay all claims for damages canned by the location thereof, vis: L Commencing at the corner to sections 8. 9. IS aad. 17 in township 2U, B. 3 W.. ruanuu; thence south ii mile, thence west 25S feet, thence south SB rode and. termiaatiag at the corner to sections 9L2L M and 17. 2. Commencing at the corner to sections IS, M. 21 aad 22 in township SB, K. 3 W. thence run ning; west on section line 2 miles and terminat ing at the corner to sections T7. 18. 19 and 20. Now. all objections thereto, or daime for dam ages ceased by the location thereof, mast be led. in the county clerk's omce of Platte county. Nebraska, on or before neon of October 1. lflW. or the location any be made without reference llmiiitn Dated. Cohtathna. Nebt. July 27. IS. 7ang4t Joax BTAcrrza. County Clerk. LAND FOB SALE. -T A FINE IMPROVED FABX tor sale tn tibmU. Creeg ralley. near Columbus, containing 2Ut acres of land: about VSi acres nr 10 acres heariLr timbered, m- moatly in clover and btae gra pasture j Tanti; vm rraic trees, apples, pears, ntema, etc. some hearing; all kinds of isea aad samba; IA ruU-beanng The farm entire ia fenced, and di- aaUabyfence. Dwelliaghonse saaBBfT. corn cribs, lame hone wkh bar BMW, cattle barn which holda Mt asa ef hary bar h nasi, 2 wells: rgaaiag water m nastare. Far nraher aartiinlwiw inquire at JocanAi. ofiVe. or address. H-R,car of Jocn ajU,CMlamhas,Behr. 22maytf NT1CE FO PITBUCATIOX. Land Omce at Grmtd Tslsnrf. Nebc. ) Jaly2Bd.VW. f hare by given that the following r has Bled notice of his intention to Bi SBBBort of hu elaim.aBd I proof wfll ha anaas before aVgister and ar at maaa laiaao, on Sept. an. fca. ra: t F. Btohr. heaaestoad 143 for the HJL J. evnae vines. THE VTENTffA. KSTUUMT at e lptflMs: THK OSLX ITBafrriianT PLACK IB) WlBAD.AnmVU.OAIJiaCaL iTmEammumiB. AMI or iatam city. Oar least a is to gfr tha fee tn v,aadto T Tr PUMPS REPAIRED OK SKOatT NOTICE. 0Kw St., awarly TDiUHSTinnnnnKi west of Omaka, at GREISEN BROS. The beat manufactories of the coaatry represented. Aot to be nndarnatat by anybody. Come and sea prices at GREISEN BROS. ft any ankle by atamlr l GREISEN BROS. 13ta o-.t.'-tf Sjeciil Atoeescciut! rO-i TUX 2TBXT 6o DAYS WK OHVKK OCR LaMGK AS9 CUMFLXTK STOCK Or GEISTTS Finisliif Gu.s! BOOTS 4 SHOES, AT 6reatIj-:-ReiBcel-:-Prieet ! EfTCaIl. examine Goods and learn prices. Grezsen Bros. & Co. i2-ei.s-y. GROCERIES ! ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL AND NEW Ln OF GKOCKKIKH WELL SKLKCTED. FRUITS! CANNKD AND DRIED, OF ALL KINDS G C AKANTKED TO BE OF BEiiT QUALITY. DRY GOODS ! A GOOD AND WELL HELECTED STOCK AL WAYS AS CHEAP AS TDK CHEAP- EST. ALSO BOOTS & SHOES ! 'THAT DEFY COMPETITION. And all kinds of country produce token m traa aad all goods delivered free of eaaaaa to any part of the city. FLOUR! KkEP OaXY. TMX BK8T GEABE8 OF VLSCB sBjs laT issiSm 4m sa swaaaavaaaAaT aBaBaBsneBB ayawanBnjseaBjxaumasaBBBBBSjpiiaT sarlagBmSBanca Lil r 4J ii lftf .W ii 's ,4T w.t1. Bf- ? J r"- - j-v -- r v 'i -JfcX-tf j-T- lwSzu-- .i-V-. "i' ..'- . f.r- r -A-sur -.-k' -? -', T"Zm.- V TTM2