The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 31, 1889, Image 4

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am tattle thaw
mas mote sky;
As hade blades oft
AH Mkt to Ufa wham the earth
nut afe that la this great nmd bal
'A Bosnia's eye to but a head
Set detr mad fab- 'aeath snowy tew.
Aad yet It mows the Unit creed
Before which men on earth may bow.
Aaswcrdesre little weskasci
That vaatoh like lawslng
Aad ret they teD oar aweetc
Aad have toUthoaghw that will not dia.
BothbX acad to total
OC cntetal thoasBta aad '
Is bat a little, wavTiag spark
Ttumiii il linen fimii frlraialilns liiBlaa hraa
iron are dead I do act care to trie.
For what should I desire ta Mfe bataach
Delist as comes to me wKh love I give
And take Of that deep Joy there is ao as
The life that eads wfth yoar dear lore is al
I care to hold; so let me fondly trast
That whoa death comes to yoa his anal caa
rn bear aad Journey with yoa back to
They tB me of another lfctqutte free
Void of senaartoB, bet for yoa aad sas
Wa crave bo Joys where life aad
A book bearing on a bourgeois family
of Marseilles baa just appeared fam
ily of whose daughters two became
queens, another a duchess, and a fourth
the wife of a marshal of the empire.
The recent death of Count Francois
Clary, ex-senator of the empire, nat
urally brings up remembrances of this
Clary family, which except, of course,
the Bonaparte was, on. the whole, the
most distinguished of the new families
created by the French revolution. Its
founder was also Francois Clary, a
wealthy merchant of Marseilles, who
died in 1794, before the social fortune
of his family had been dreamed of. Hie
had two sons, one of whom succeeded to
the business, and four daughters.
Of these, one married Baron Antoine
de St Joseph, a remarkable economist,
who belonged to a family of magistrates,
and had distinguished himself by travels
and commercial combinations. He lived
at Constantinople for ten years as head
of a commercial house, and finally pro
jected a commercial alliance between
Russia, Poland and France, to develop
French commerce with the Black sea,
The idea was warmly taken up by Catha
rine the Second, and was adopted. Tim
ber and other merchandise were brought
by the Dnieper, the Black sea and the
Mediterranean to Marseilles in three
months, which, by the old route of the
Baltic and the ocean, would have taken
three years to arrive. Antoine amassed
a large fortune, and in 1786 was made a
One of his daughters married Marshal
Sachet, Duo d'Albufera; the other, the
Admiral Due Decres, Napoleon's minis
ter of marina Francois Clary's third
daughter, Julie, married Joseph Bona
parte, and was queen of Naples and of
Spain. The fourth daughter, Desiree,
married Bcrnadotte, and died queen of
Sweden. His niece the sister of the
just deceased Count Franco's Clary
married the Prince de Wagram, son of
Marshal Berthier; and since then the
Clarys have become allied with the
Murals, the Niels, the Turennes, the La
Croix-Lavals and other distinguished
families, both of the Imperialist and the
Legitimist aristocracy.
Baron Hochschild has recently pub
lished a little book, "Desiree, Beine de
Suede et de Norvege" (Paris: Plon, 1888).
As the author bad seen much of the
queen's circle at Paris when he was a
boy his father being Swedish minister
there under the Restoration and, as he
was subsequently for many years her
chamberlain, he is able from her con
versations and letters to tell us much
which is new and interesting.
Bernardine Eugenie Desiree Clary was
born in 1781, and was early sent to a
conventual school; but her education
was arrested by the suppression of the
convents, and soon after her return home
'her father died. She had but slight
recollections of her child life at home,
except when chance brought up some in
cident. On one of these she liked after
ward to dwelL There came, one day, to
her father's house a quartermaster ser
geant, with a billet for quartering sol
diers. As her father hated the row and
disturbance which soldiers generally
made, he sent him off with a letter to his
colonel asking for an officer or two in
stead. The sergeant thus turned off was
In 1794, after her father's death, her
elder brother was arrested. Her sister-in-law
was in despair, for the revolution
ary tribunals were terribly expeditious.
She resolved, therefore, to go and see
the Deputy Albitte, and not wishing to
be alone, took Desiree with her. There
was a crowd of people in the waiting
room, and owing to weariness, heat and
emotion, the little girl fell asleep. When
she woke up at the noise of a door being
hut, she found herself in total darkness
except for a lantern shining from the ad
joining room. As it turned out her sis
ter had hesitated to awake her when she
went in to see the deputy, and then, be
ing in a great hurry to deliver the order
for her husband's release, had left her,
thinking she could easily find her way
"Meanwhile, I was somewhat fright
ened, not understanding at all my situa
tion, when I perceived that I was no
longer alone. At the movement which
I made, a man who came out of the
deputy's room, approached me, and, look
ing at me with surprise, asked how I
came to be there all alone at that hour.
"When I explained io him what had hap
pened, he reassured nf" about the fate of
my brother and added: 'A little lady
like you cannot go alone in the streets at
sight, so I will walk home with you.
On the way home we talked so much
that we became very good friends. As
he went away, I said that my mother
would certainly like to thank him her
self for the care he had taken of me, and
begged him to call upon her. 'Then you4
will present me to your family one of
these days? he said. 'With pleasure,' I
replied; meanwhihI should like to tell
them the name of the gentleman who
has protected me this evening.' 'That's
perfectly right you may tell them that
asy name is Joseph Bonaparte.' "
The call was made the next day; Bona
parte soon oecame intimate with' the
Clary family, and before many weeks
kad passed was engaged to marry Desiree
so soon as she should reach the age of 18,
she being then only about 13. Joseph
often spoke about bis brother Napoleon,
who toad just drawn attention to ii'menif
at the siege of Toulon. When soon after
toe came to Marseilles he was taken to
see tae laarys. Napoleon was at that
time fall of noisy gJty ""d quite a
food fellow.
"Hfc arrival, Queen Desiree related,
"soon brought about a change in our
plans for the future. Webad not known
each other loawhen he said: 'In a good
bousjchold 9jMjotM married pair ought
That fxas toot
A Bridegrooms
nryaHa so tne otaer. now, f Datpa, you
hare an undecided daiiaetar, aad it is
the amine witii Desiree, whfle Julie aad I
know what we want. Yoa would do
better, then, to marry Julie; and Desiree,'
toe added, taking me on Ms knee, 'she
shall be my wife.' Aad that is the way
that I became betrothed to Napoleon."
Joseph and Julie were married soon
after; and before Napoleon's departure
from Marseille, Mme. Clary bad con
sented to bis marriage with Dai mm ao
soon as she should be It. Napoleon aad
Desiree at first wrote often to each other;
but of this correspondence there are pre
served only the drafts of some of her let
ters. Hewas taken up with his affairs
at Paris, and his letters to hie fiancee be
came less frequent.
Meanwhile, Napoleon had fallen in
love with Mme. de Beauharnais, and his
letters to his brother showed more indif
ference to his little Desiree or his Eu
genie, as he preferred to caD her.
At the same time he had a little pique
because, in 1795, during, a journey in Li-
guria, she, either offended by his ap
parent neglect, or alarmed at reports of
his intimacy with Mme. de Beauharnais,
had for a time ceased writing to him.
He asked Joseph in one letter whether
one passed the river Lethe in going to
Genoa, and advised him not to give the
portrait which he had sent "to one who
seemed to have forgotten him, unless she
asked for it again.'' Desiree, however,
was not so inconstant as Napoleon imag
ined. She told afterwards how much
she had suffered from his abandonment
of her. When Napoleon married Jose
phine, Desiree, who was only fourteen,
wrote him a touching letter, such as an
older person would probably not have
"After a year of absence I thought I
was nearly happy, and was hoping to
see you again soon and become tho hap
piest of women in marrying you. But
no! your marriage has made all my feli
city vanish. It is true that I was in the
wrong toward you; but you would have
found me again so tender, so constant,
that I was daring to natter myself that
you would pardon me everything. The
day of your leaving Marseilles was very
painful for me; but at least I had the
hope of being one day married to you.
Now the only consolation that remains
to me is to know that you believe in
my constancy, after which I desire only
death. Life is a frightful torment to
me since I can no longer consecrate it
to you. I wish you all sorts of happi
ness and prosperity in your marriage,
and hope that the wife you have chosen
will render you as happy as I purposed
to do, and as you deserve. But in the
midst of your happiness do not alto
gether forget Eugenie and pity her lot."
Wounds of the heart especially at that
early age are soon healed; but although
Desiree forgave Napoleon, she always
kept a little grudge against Josephine,
who had taken him from her. Sixty
years afterward she says:
"For a man of genius like Napoleon
to let himself be subdued by an elderly
coquette of notably doubtful repute,
proves him without any experience of
women. Even after his secondmarriage,
Josephine made herself talked about, and
it was not without good reason that her
husband required her to join him during
the Italian campaign, and that on his re
turn from Egypt he determined to sepa
rate from her."
Mme. Clary and her daughter contin
ued to live in Borne while Joseph Bona
parte remained there as ambassador.
Here Gen. Duphot paid court to her.
Whatever might havo happened and
there were serious obstacles in the shape
of an illegitimate child of 'Duphot his
death put an end to everything. The
arrival of an embassy from the French
republic caused a crowd to assemble in
the neighborhood of the palace and make
manifestations against the papal govern
ment. On the evening of Deo. 27, 1797,
the papal troops interfered and fired on
the mob. Joseph Bonaparte, Duphot
and Adjt Gen. Sherlock went out to
stop the conflict. Duphot was simply
massacred by the soldiers; the others had
barely time to re-enter the. house. His
body was afterward recovered and
brought in. Desiree left Borne with
Joseph Bonaparte immediately after
ward. Her stay there had been so short
that she had not even had time to go to
St. Peter's, and her sole recollection of
Borne was the terrible scene she had
witnessed from the top of the staircase
of the French embassy, when the man
gled body of Duphot was brought in.
On her return to France, her beauty,
her wealth, and her connection with the
Bonapartes brought her numbers of ad
mirers. One of the proposals for her
hand is charmingly told. After his re
turn from Iceland, in 1856, Prince Na
poleon came to Stockholm accompanied
by the Due d'Abrantes (son. of Junot),
who asked for a private audience of the
Queen Dowager Desiree,. When it was
over, Hochschild found her thoughtful
and dreamy. "To think," she said, "that
I could have married his father! There
was a time when Junot proposed to me,
but he was awkward about it, and asked
Marmont to do it for him. Ah! if Mar
mont had 6poken in his own name who
knows? I should 'perhaps have said
'Yes;' he was so handsome."
In 1798, Bemadotte, who was then a
general of division, had beenambassador
at Vienna, and was soon to be minister
of war no longer the Sergeant Bema
dotte who had knocked in vain for lodg
ings at the door of the Clary house at
Marseilles, but who was now intimate
with Joseph Bonaparte proposed to De
siree. She did not know him well, but,
as she said, "he was something different
from the others I had refused, and I con
sented to marry him when they told me
that he was a strong enough man to hold
his own against Napoleon." The mar
riage took place on Aug. 17, 1798. Na
poleon was in Egypt, and used no influ
ence in the matter. When he heard of
it he wrote to Joseph: "I wish happiness
to uesixee if she marries Bemadotte, for
she deserves it"
The Beraadottes settled in Paris, and
the next year after their only son was
born, who was afterward known as King
Oscar L Happy both as a wife and
mother, Desiree saw Napoleon after his
return from Egypt without embarrass
ment, and their relations always remain
ed cordial. Bemadotte being a good
general had frequently to be absent, and
Desiree would have passed a lonely time
had she not, in addition to her child, had
the society of her sister Julie. The letters
of Bemadotte to his wife, written when
he commanded in La Vendee, are inter
esting, because they show him rather as
a paternal friend and counselor he was
.twenty years older than as a husband,
although there is occasionally noticeable
a little marital jealousy. Bemadotte
himself gave no cause to his wife to be
jealous, which seems to have piqued
Mme. Becamier, to whom he was appar
ently devoted. "Explain to me," she
said one day to Mme. Bemadotte, "how
it happens that whenever your husband
chances to be alone with me in the woods
he always talks about politics."
The proclamation of the empire, and
the promotion of Bemadotte to be mar
shal, made little impression on his wife.
She had seen so many extraonuaary
things since she was a child that every
thing seemed naturaL So, also, when he
was made prince of Pontecorvo though
she feared for a moment that it would
be bar duty to settle in Italy, according
to the wish of a deputation from the
little principality, until she vas told that
it was merely a title, without
bUitr.Wben Bsmadptte was
in-chief, flaw
were separated for a long time, but they constant correspondence, and she
was able to keep him inf ormedpf every
thing sang on m France.
Atthis time she lived quietly in the
bote! whieh they had bought in the Bae
d?Aa jou St, Honors, aad enjoyed the so
ciety of skwrs, nieces snd other friends,
who, for political aad various reasons,
did not care to frequent thegayeties of
the Tuikaies and St Cloud. Although
here relations with Napoleon were al
ways pleasant he even gave her one of
the three splendid fur cloaks presented
to him by the Caar Alexander at the in
terview at Erfurt her antipathy to the
Empress Josephine sad to Queen Hor
tense kept her from the TuQeries except
on official occasions.
.After the battle of Wagram, Napoleon
openly showed his dislike to Bernadotte,
but a partial reconciliation was patched
up, and the latter was appointed ambas
sador to Borne in order to get him out
of the way. Before he had started for
his post, however, he was elected crown
prince of Sweden. His wife received the
news with perfect indifference; she had
never interested herself, about foreign
countries except Italy and Spain, and
would probably have been puzzled to tell
whereSwedenwassituated. "Ithought,"
she said, "that it was like Pontecorvo
some place of which we were merely
going to take the title." She was in de
spair when she found that she was to go
and live there and be separated from her
family and friends. Nevertheless, she
resigned herself, and arrived at Stock
holm soon after her husband.
Although she was touched by the old
king's reception of her, yet she could not
resist the temptation of returning to
Paris; especially as none of her French
ladies were willing to stay in Sweden.
Bernadotte did not oppose her departure.
We do not know his exact reasons; he
may not have felt sure of his position in
Sweden so long as the dispossessed Prince
of Vesa was alive and the political rela
tions of the continent were unsettled;
but we know that he felt sure that the
empire of Napoleon would not endure
for long. He may have had some ambi
tion to be Napoleon's successor; at all
events, Bourrienne says that the Emperor
Alexander gave him to understand at
the Interview at Abo, in 1813, that the
fall of Napoleon would not necessitate
the return of the Bourbons, and that if
Frenchmen should offer him supreme
power he could count on the assistance
of Russia.
The crown princess, under the name
of countess of Gotland, returned to her
old hotel in Paris, which she continued
to occupy for thirteen years. She re
ceived not only her old friends but all
the Swedes of distinction who passed
through Paris. She was in constant cor
respondence with her husband, informed
him of what was going on, and was on
several occasions intermediary between
him and French political men. Her po
sition in 1818-14, after Bernadotte had
alienated French sympathy by taking
part against Napoleon, was a difficult
one. The person whom she saw with
most pleasure, outside of her intimate
circle, was the queen of Westphalia,
"who was," she used to say, "a good
hearted woman, always ready to sacrifice
herself to duty. Although our husbands
were in opposite camps, she never ceased
showing to me her sympathy and friend
ship." When, after the restoration, Louis the
Eighteenth had expressed a desire to be
agreeable to her, she thought she might
interfere in favor of her sister, the ex
queen of Spain. But the king was inex
orable. The old king of Sweden died in 1818;
but the new queen constantly saw rea
sons for adjourning her departure for
Paris. She said, one day, speaking of
music: "I was playing the overture to
the 'Caliph of Bagdad,' when the death
of the king was announced to me; since
then, I have never touched my piano,
tliinking that when one is queen one
ought not to play badly." In 1822 she
went to Aix-la-Chapelle to meet her son
Oscar, who was then traveling on the
continent, it not having been considered
best for him to 'enter France. She had
not seen him for twelve years, and found
him a handsome young man. The few
days they passed together probably has
tened her departure for Sweden. She
then went to Brussels to meet -her sister,
Julie Bonaparte, who had obtained es
pecial permission to come there for the
marriage of her daughter Zenaide with
her cousin Charles.
As she wished to prolong her stay
cntre, tne queen 'of Sweden wrote to
Mme. de Recamter to use her influence
to that end with her friend, Mathieu de
Montmorency, then minister of foreign''
affairs. Before returning to Paris, she
went to Switzerland and stayed some
time at Prangins. While there she re
ceived the news of the betrothal of her
son with the Princess Josephine de
Leuchtenberg, the eldest daughter of
Eugene Beauharnais. The marriage by
proxy took place at Munich; and, at the
same time, (jueen Desiree left fans so
as to meet her daughter-in-law at Lu
beck and arrive at Stockholm with her.
Josephine was at that time barely 16
years of age, and took with her her
favorite dott.
The queen had had every intention of
returning to Paris, but the king would
not allow it Although they had been
separated from each other during nearly
the whole twenty-five years of their
wedded life, the king had a great respect
and affection for her. He was, however,
unaccustomed to family life, and al
though Prince Oscar and his wife in
habited the same palace, they all had
separate suites of apartments. Gradu
ally she accustomed herself to this life of
isolation, which she felt all the more on
account of her ignorance of Swedish and
of the lack of French society. A south
erner of southerners, she could not find
the persons who surrounded her suffi
cier try sympathetic, and her great re
source was to think and talk of her dear
Paris, where her hotel stood ready to re
ceive her at any moment
The birth of numerous grandchil
dren gradually filled the void of her
life; but once, after the death of her hus
band, she actually started to return to
Paris on a frigate, commanded by her
grandson, the Duke of Ostragothia, the
present Ring Oscar. But, after getting
afew leagues from Carlscrona, she felt
herself unable to leave her land of adop
tion and returned. She afterward pre
tended that this was only due to sea sick
ness. Although she knew that she never
should see Paris again, she became much
alarmed by the plans of Baron Hauss
mann for the embelishmwit of the city.
She could not bear the thought that the
house where she had spent thepleassnt
est years of her life should be demolished.
The Emperor Napoleon, hearing of her
anxiety from his minister at Stockholm,
gave orders that her house should be
respected until her death. This occurred
peacefully and quietly on Dec. 17, 1860,
after she had already seen her grandson
crowned king of Sweden. The Nation.
r aito'
"W-w-wfll you b-b-be m-mine, Miss
Laura? C-caatyoutuatmeta-througb
Wife, my uagfar asked the stuttering
"I ana afraid not, Mr. Jenkyns," re
plisd the object of his devotion. "lam
a lttUs afraid to trast you. You have
IwoksB your word a half dosen times in
flat last two auaatas." Terra Haute Ex-
1 1 . . 1
All sack ten aa Jess as,
Oosaeapaa' 'lowed aheUra
To "Sqaire UrcaanTs saace that sight.
Twelve mBa across the aaow.
Now. bsth oa aa war ktader sweet
Oa Tflda, that a fact;
ft we was pards, aa alas warked
Upon the aetf aame tract;
Aad aw aa Jim, we 'greed aa how
Oar eyas want better blacked.
Aa' shtla far a sack sjfrrs head
Want like what It was cracked.
Aa ao to aght for her sweet amUe
Right thar we did object;
An' TOda she blew off aloae.
Her feeUaea snthta wrecked.
Ftar this the reader shoald give thanks
He will I do expect-
For it's tougher far to read thaa write
A poeeaia dialect!
"One of the queerest cases I ever had,
said the old detective, "occurred some
thing over twenty years ago. Then I
still had much to learn in my business,
and, fortunately for me, knew that I
had. It was memorable as an illustra
tion of the importance of small things,
and I have pigeon holed it In my memory
as the. affair of the fatal potato.
"A red headed servant girl, so scared
that her eyes stood out like lobster's,
rushed into the station house early one
morning, howling that all the police
were wanted around at Mr. Morton's.
The sergeant at the desk, supposing there
was probably just some row among the
servants, grinned at the sight of her
and asked what was the matter.
"She gave a whoop of murder.r that
raised his hair and startled every one in
the station. The idea of murder in the
aristocratic mansion of Mr. SamuelMor
ton, on Fifth avenue, within five blocks
of the station, naturally rather excited
us. Two detailed men and myself I
was then ward detective ran around
there as quickly as we could.
"Sure enough, there had been a mur
der. The cook, a sturdy built, middle
sged Englishwoman named Harriet
Wardrop, lay on the kitchen floor, in
the back basement, with a dirty cotton
handkerchief twisted and knotted about
her neck, stone dead and quite cold.
When she Itad not sent up her employ
er's coffee, which he was accustomed to
taking in bed, or answered the bell, the
red headed girl came down to see what
was the matter, and that was the plight
she found her in. k
"The last seen of Harriet alive was at
near 10 o'clock the night before, when
the two upstairs girls left to go to their
room in the attic. Her room was in the
basement, and she said that she was going
to bed in a few minutes. She had had
no visitor, never, indeed, had any, was
perfectly sober, and seemed to be always
a woman of perfectly correct habits.
Really, however, not much was known
about her, further than that she had come
therefrom Philadelphia seven or eight
months before with good references, had
behaved herself well and made no con
fidantes. But she must have, admitted
to the house the man who choked her.
"There were no signs of any struggle,
and there had been no robbery. Her
gold watch was on tho kitchen table, two
months' wages in her pocket and no at
tempt seemed to have been made at
plunder in the still richer field up stairs.
Why had she been killed? It was mys
terious. One of the 'cops' with me was
so puzzled that he declared it must be a
case of suicide.
"I saw that she had been strangled,
and I wondered what a strong fellow the
murderer must have been to have twist
ed, with fatal effect, so soft a band as a
nanoKercniex aoouc so Dig ana solid a
neck and to do it so deftly and. power
fully as to prevent an outcry or even a
struggle. It takes a good deal of pres
sure to squeeze in a whole neck so tightly
as to cause death.
"But when I came to examine more
closely I found that a novel and inge
nious device had been employed to make
the job easier. Folded into the handker
chief and placed so that it would press
directly upon the windpipe, was a potato
about the size of a hen's egg. While
turning the tuber over in my hand, I
noticed that there were two deep curv
ing cuts In its smooth, creamy skin, such
as would be made by finger nails scratch
ing it, and each showed a thin line of
blue color. At first I thought nothing
of that, for I knew that some potatoes,
such as the Neshannocks, have a delicate
skin of violet tint under the white out
side. But when I looked more carefully
I saw that this potato was not a Neshan
nock, but an Early Rose, which as I
soon proved by scratching it had no
such colored second skin, and I observed
that the blue color seemed to go deeper
than merely the surface.
"Who, I asked myself, would be like
ly to habitually carry under his finger
nails such an abundance of color as
would leave deposits like these? Well, a
dyer, for one. Yes, of course, a dyer;
but there were more dyers in the city,
for aught I know, than one could shake
a stick at, and it would be ridiculous to
seek a blue handed dyer, since hands
that were blue one day might be red or
green the next
"The newspapers, the next day, in
their sensational treatment of the inci
dent, characterized it as a profound
mystery, and said that the police had
'absolutely no clew to the murderer.'
"As I had hoped, that encouraged
some person who had known Harriet
Wardrop to come 'forward. A small,
neatly dressed, respectable looking, mid
dle aged man, with keen, furtive eyes
and an habitually deprecatory manner,
presented himself at the inquest. He
came to see if the woman, whose death
he had read of in the morning paper,
was his wife, from whom he had sepa
rated in Philadelphia a year before, and
had not seen or heard from since. His
name? John Wardrop. His occupation?
Dyer. Where did he work? With Henri
Detaille & Co., Parisian dyers, on
Bleecker street. Tea, the dead woman
was his wife. He recognized her per
fectly, and the sight made him ween.
Poor woman, she was bant to get along
with, but she had a good heart
"I made an excuse of his irfg"ing a
formal recognition to get him to take off
his gloves. His hand was of a brilliant
orange tint While the- coroner kept
him in attendance at the inquest I hur
ried to Detaille & Co.'s dye house to ask
some questions.
"Yes, John Wardrop worked there.
He was a quiet, steady man and an ex
cellent workman. They had employed
him about ten months. Did they know
anything more about him? No, except
that they fancied there was likely to Ma
a match between him and Jane Blair, a
good looking, plump woman about 80
years old, who had been their cashier
for several years. Had they done any
dark blue dyeing lately? Yes, only the
day before yesterday. Who did the
work? John Wardrop.
"I saw Jane Blair. With a good deal
of hesitancy she admitted that she and
John Wardrop were engaged to be mar
ried as soon as he got a divorce from a
had wife who had left him, and expect
ed that he would soon be free. Was she
well informed as to his habits? Perfect
ly. They boarded in the same house, on
West Washington place, and he very
seldom west out in the evening. Did he
go out the night before last? No; they
partodjmthestairs coin: to their respecr
ove rooms as twenty minutes bsrors 19
o'clock, their usual hour for retiriag. Ha
could have gone out afterward without
her knowing it? Yes. hut of course ha
didn't ''
When I ot back to the inquest the
coroner's jury had just returned a ver
dict that the deceased had come lb her
death by violence at the handorhaadsof
some person unknown. 1 had wade up
my mind to arrest John Wardropoa sus
picion, but was in no hurry about it As
I bad not been on the stand I did not
have to tell anything of my susfaoioas
and the potato could not give anythiag
away, for I had it safely in my pocket,
wrapped in tissue paper. The reporfcaa
went away to write the case up as a pro
founder mystery than before. John
Wardrop went to borrow some money
from his employers to give his poor wife
a decent burial. And I, having taken
time to get a warrant for his arrest, fol
lowed him.
"He paled slightly and showed some
embarrassment when I entered the dye
room, where he was doing some work
that had to be done by him and could
not wait until the morrow. Still hecon
rroUed himself, and sought to cover his
nervousness by talking. I said little,
and let him talk on, which was the worst
thing he could have done, for tMnlrfwy
up so many words led him away, now
and then, from the straight story be had
made up. At last, when I deemed the
time ripe for it, I slipped the potato out
of my pocket and, suddenly holding it
up before him, said:
" 'You should have washed your hands
before you grabbed this potato out of
the dishpan on the table.'
"He threw up his hands with a shriek
and sank down on a bench, all limp and
broken up. Before he could recover him
self he confessed. He and Harriet had
quarreled for years and finally separated.
Then after a time she had made up her
mind to get possession of him again,
found where he was and sent him word
that he must visit her late at night when
she would be alone, to discuss the situa
tion. He went, but the sight of her and
thoughts of Jane Blair, with whom he
had fallen in love in the meantime, since
'parting with his wife, made him des
perate. "I asked him how he had managed to
strangle her so quietly and without
any struggle, when she Beemed to have
double his strength. He explained that
he possessed sufficient mesmeric force
to render her passive, aad had employed
it on that occasion.
"Having rendered her completely un
conscious by mesmerizing her, the rest
was easy. I could not help feeling some
sympathy for him when he said she was
a 'tartar,' still business was business, and
when I had heard him through I told
" 'Now, John, get your coat on and
como along.'
" 'In a moment, sir. Let me wash off
some of this dye first'
"I assented. He washed, pouring
some stuff over his hands from a bottle,
to take the color out, as I supposed.
Suddenly he turned the bottle up to his
lips and took a big swallow of its con
tents before I could jump to him and
grab him. As I seized him the bottle
dropped to the floor and smashed, while
he dropped into my arms as dead as a
maul. Cyanide of potassium, as I sub
sequently learned, was his final nip, but
it was the fatal potato that killed him.
Cincinnati Post
Hew a Ham gavssl the Day.
The Duke of Wellington was once
asked who, in his opinion, wss the brav
est man at Waterloo. "I can't tell you
that," he said, "but 1 can tell you of one
than whom there was no braver." The
following is the story put in the words of
the writer:
"There was a private in the artillery.
A farm house, with an orchard sur
rounded by a thick ledge, formed a most
important point in the British position,
and was ordered to be held against the
enemy at any sacrifice. The hottest of
the battle raged around this point, but
the English behaved well and beat back
the French again and again.
"At last the powder and ball
found to be running short: at the
time the hedges surrounding the orchard
took fire. In the meantime a messenger
had been sent to the rear for more pow
der and ball, and in a short time two
loaded wagons came galloping down to
the farm house, the gallant defenders of
which were keeping up a scanty fire
through the flames which surrounded
the post The driver of the first wagon
spurred bis struggling horses through
the burning heap; but the flames rose
fiercely round and caught the powder,
which exploded, sending rider, horses
and wagon in fragments into the air.'
For one instant the driver of the second
wagon paused, appalled by his comrade's
fate; the next, observing that the flames
beaten back for a moment by the explo
sion afforded him one desperate chance,
he sent his horses at the smoldering
breach, and, amid the cheers of the gar
rison, landed his cargo safely within.
Behind him the flames closed up and
raged more fiercely than ever. This
private never lived to receive the reward
which his act merited, but later in the
engagement he wss killed, dying with
the consciousness that he had saved the
day." Reminiscences.
West Polat
From 1888 to 1887 inclusive 6.M0
young men have been appointed to West
Point. The following table shows how
many have been rejected, how many ad
mitted and the number graduated.
Rejected for deficiency in
Beading lMBr academic board..ly89i
Writtec S9B By BMdlcal board... SM
Spelhas; 8T Appotettoaaceled.. a)
rtthawtic. TOSDecUaedappotott- MS
....... SMQcadosted........
The buildings in use at the academy
are mostly new. None date back be
yond 1817, when the chapel was built.
The academic building where the reci
tations take place is defective, and an
appropriation nas been made by congress
to build another at a cost of $490,000. Jn
the basement of this bunding is the
gymnasium and the trophy room. In the
latter are kept models of guns, gun car
riages, shot and shell, battle flags; in
deed all manner of curiosity in a mili
tary line. At present the most de
fective thing about the academy
is the gymnasium, which is unfit for
any respectabkf'edncational institution;
but congress has taken cognisance of
the fact and granted t90,000 for a new
one. The chapel is not an imposing
building without, but within it is taste
fully arranged. On the right are slabs
giving the names of all the major gen
erals and brigadier generals of the Revo
lutionary war, with date of birth and
death. On the left are slabs giving the
same in the case of prominent officers of
the Mexican war. The cadets occupy
the center seats; the families of officers
stationed at the post use the sides. The
choir is composed of cadets. West Point
The K ataxe ef graver aa.
We probably none of us know how
much we use proverbs in our daily
speech; but it is certain that if they
were withdrawn from the language we
should find ourselves pulled up at every
turn; for we may almost say that a lan
guage is not a language until it has pro
verbs imbedded in it. Proverbs save a
deal of thinking. They often throw
light upon a perplexity; solve a problem
inmgfalf; STjrsai a criticism noon
causa aaans; tarow a seasa of wit
or Iiiii nr upoa sons dark spot Asa
tmarilfmiwytaikon ao mot
hstska tavsaasatvas to proverbs; asJac a
wading and intelhjaui class, tawy gsa-
owaopialoaaiaad give
to tassa ia their owa way.
saay be lesnurueu as the swans
of kaiage,aadmanyof ths old prov
erbs might afford a text for aa essay
weO worth writing sad raiding. "You
mast not looks gift horse ia the mouth"
was a proverb in St Jeroaaes time. One
of ArJosto's heroes in "Orlando Fariaso"
jumps from tlM frying pan Into the fire.
How telling mast have been the inci
dents attending the original gift horse
rashly criticised, or ths fatal imprudence
of the hapless denisens of the frying
pea, to have stamped their lessons so in
delibly oa the world's records, aad how
Maay proverbs abound about repata
tioa. "When all men say you are an
aasitisbightbne to bray.' "Ha that
hath an ill name is half hanged." Pre
cisely the same sentiment is expressed
by very different forms. Thus, while
one says, "They that live in glass houses
should not throw stones, another ex
presses the same notion more quaintly.
"Folks that have straw tails should not
play with fire. "A bird in the band,"
etc., has an equivalent in "Better one
bird in the net than a flock in the air.
The Scotch say, "A black bea lays a
white egg,' and "A wild goose never
laid a tame egg,' and "May the mouse
ne'er leave our meal pock wi the tear in
its eye." A flavor of primitive times is
imparted whenever ladies and gentlemen
talk of making hay when the sua shines
or advocate cuttiag their coat according
to their cloth, or agree that it is best to
wash their soiled linen at home. Troy
Profaaeor Mallett, of the University of
f"bgaJa, has concluded a very laborious
and careful examination of baking pow
ders, which he reports ia Ths Chemical
News. n gresier part of tlMse powders
are made from alum, the add phosphate
of calcium, bicarbonate of sodium and
starch. He finds the affect of their ass
injurious to gaetrio digestion; that aot
only amm itself, but the residue which
its use leaves In the bread, are far from
harmless and should be avoided. This
question has long been mooted and both
sides defended, but Professor Mallett
gives us a long, extended and thoroughly
tflfrstfiflfl sad nnMasml mvestigation.
9t Louis Globa-Demooi at
Merit Wlas.
We disire to say to our citizens, that
for years we have been selling Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption,
Dr. King's New Life Puis, Bucklen's
Arnica Salve and Electrio Bitters, and
have never handled remedies that sell
so well, or that have given such uni
versal satisfaction. We do not hesitate
to guarantee them every time, and we
stand ready to refund the purchase
price, if satisfactory results do not fol
low their use. These remedies have
won their great popularity purely on
their merits. 'David Dowty's drug
A hungry man discovers more than a
hundred lawyers.
CeasaaiBtiea Sarelj Cans.
To ths Editok Please inform your
readers that I have a positive remedy
for the above named disease. By its
timely use thousands of hopeless cases
have been permanently cured. I shsll
be glad to send two bottles of my reme
dy raxa to any of your readers who have
consumption if they will send me their
express and post office address. Bespect
fully, T. A. Siacdbt, M. C. 181 Pearl
street New York. SOy
There is never enmity
cook and the butter.
between the
Aa Assente Care.
MENT is only put up in large two-ounce
tin boxes, and is an ahapjata oar for
old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands
and all kinds of skin eruptions. Will
positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for
Sold by DowtyA- Becher at 25 cents per
box by mail 30 cents. mar7y
Aa Uaasaay Heaw.
"I wish my wife would get well or
something,' said a husband who had
been sorely tried with an invalid wife.
It seems a heartless speech, but who can
tell the discomforts of a home where
the wife is always sick? Poor food,cry
ing children I No wonder the man grows
desperate. But if he would get Dr.,
Pierce's Favorite Prescription for the
wife, he would find that the sunshine
would return to his home. "Favorite
Prescription' is a positive cure for the
most complicated and obstinate cases of
leucorrhea, excessive flowing, painful
mensuration, unnatural suppressions,
prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak
back, "female weakness," shteveraion,
retroversion, "bearing down" sensation
chronic congestion, inflammation and
ulceration of the womb, inflammation,
pain and tenderness in ovaries, accom
panied with "internal heat.'
His bread fell into the honey.
BaeMea'a Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by David Dowty. 3
A hungry stomach seldom loathes
common victuals.
Mathers, Seaa.
The proprietors of SANTA ABES have
authorized Dowty k, Becher to refund
your money if, after giving this Califor
nia King of Cough Cures a fair trial as
directed, it fails to give satisfaction for
the cure of Coughs, Croup, Whooping
Cough and all Throat and Lung troubles.
When the disease sffects the head, and
assumes the form of Catarrh, nothing is
so effective as CALIFORNIA CAT-B-CTJBE.
These preparations are with
out equals as household remedies. Sold
at $1.00 a package. Three for $250.
Is there nothing between the fast snd
snd the feast?
A Sale Iavestawat.
Is one which is guaranteed to bring
you satisfactory results, or in esse of
failure a return of purchase price. On
this safe plan you can buy from our ad
vertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption. It is
guaranteed to bring relief in ever- case,
when used for any affection of the
throat, lungs or chest, such as consump
tion, inflammation of the lungs, bron
chitis, asthma, whooping cough, croup,
eta, eta It is pleasant and agreeable
to taste, perfectly safe, snd can always
be depended upon. v r
Trial bottle free at David Dowty's
drug store. -
young giattota audMtkamotd beggar
srauy form tasbr
5 . J- -
- Of all Dirt
'Where are
' I'm going
you goii
for Gold
" 1 I (OLJrS;
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Is auraly vegetable, dissolves lastaattr la hard or soft, hot or cold water; wli
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hath, laundry, washing aishes,or Mcrabbiag- aad cleaalas;
of aay hied, Gold Dost stands withoat aa equal.
P. S.F m bright, efmr
Almost Palatable MHk.
eUsBjulstel that R earn fas Safe
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laaaata, whn tlse plate 41
teJeratealt aad hv ska
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MS tea
SCOTT'S EMTJLSIONiaacknowlddbv
Physicians to be the Finest and Beet props-1
zaaoa in we worm lor we rentx ana ears of
Tht gnat remedy Jar Consumption, aid
WiutUtg in VhUdren. Sold by ail DrvggiaU.
Try ths Cure
leara Inflammation. Healal
Beatorea the 8erjaea off Taste, Smell
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U. P. Depot, Columbus.
ThnmavhlY cleanse the
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foaatalB of health, by uatns Or.
aa Medical Discovery, aad rood dtMStloa. a
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Ooldea Medical Discovery cares auaampia,
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Bedaliy 1
it proven its encacy ia canaer
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Fever-sores. Hip-joint Disease, scrofulous
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Golden Medical Discovery cures ConBn
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wonderful blood -purifying-, tavigoratfag-.
and nutritive properties. IT taken la tiaae.
For Weak Lungs. Spitting of Blood. Short
ness of Breath. Catarrh -in the Head. Broa-
chitia. Severe Coughs. Asthma, and Bndraa
affections. It is a sovereign remedy. It
promptly cures the severest Coughs.
For Torpid Liver. Biliousness, or "LIvst
CbmnlsinLT DvancDsia. and indigestion, it h)
aa UDwiuajeu remeay. ooiu "
Price SUN. or six bottles for SAW.
tea J
tkiiAj a. aaakaaBCam asTaalafal aaBBBWaVaUaVamal
Jktiftj&towtmVWRG&lRR&IBKM.WMtSnm BsaSSs
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Xsfflll' -3?0 aaTiTi
jSasCa! &WUBM9toSKS&Sm1iW'f
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All kilaa f feaairiig m .'.
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iLUNGS -Soid.n GiM
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Trade supplied by the H. T. Class Dbco Co..
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Send model, drawing, or photo, with descrip
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gpiaiaiill nasiaiMiaa,.J
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