The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 03, 1889, Image 3

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    -,.- -?f3
v i
If- 1
.JUL! a.
Harness Depot.
- iMM - - .
IUit.. v.m.
MB - n.m.
srrivea at Col
Lincoln at 7 J5 a. i
2:55 p.m.
Atlantic Ex. 15 a. m
LocalEx; 8:m.m
FsrtEx. 5aDp.m
Ckieairo Ex.1125 a. m
DnnrEx 24ft
LmemlEx US
Fame Ex 11 1
treic&t trains cnR7 p.
2.-05 p. so. and 805 p. m.
ftmnnnrrr wim from Siomx City 11 a. i
leave Cnlanthna IUEt.i
arrive from Lincoln 305 p. i
leaves far Stonx City 3:St pi I
Mixed leaven 64Bm.i
Mixed arrives....... ................ 840 p. l
PaMenser leaTni 235 B.B.
ttizedleavea .
FHMpcer arrive
Hlxpd arrives ....--..... .... 8:30 p. am.
gieittg -&&.
EVAll aoticMi aniW thia 1
' charged at die rate of $2 a year.
will be
..TswBnlar imeetin 2d Wednesday in mmefe
. m.3T month. All brethren invited to attend.
C. H. SanXDon, W.M.
M. EL W-m, Sec'y. agnly
Saints bold regalmr aenicwi every Smndrny
at 2 p. m prayer meeting on Wednesday evening
at their chapel, corner of North street and Pacific
A venae. All are cordially invited.
. lSioiai Elder H. J. Hcpmos. Praaidpwt
Call telephone 50.
'Fruits at Cbolidge Bros'.
- Xew goods at the Backet.
Bock salt at Basmnssen's.
" Insure with Henrich now.
. UFans at Webb & Son's Backet.
0. D. Butler has a new wind milL
TTang your banner on the outer valL
Headquarters for fruits at Coolidge
Don't fail to call at the cash Backet
Hay for sale. Inquire of 1L L
' Twelve kinds of crackers at Bas
jnussen's. " Borowiak "Brew-, for dry goods and
Charles More lost two young colts
last week.
We can save you many dollars at
the Backet.
Hamburg eels, clam juice, and ca
. pres at E. Pohl's.
" Look well to your property, aa these
are dangerous times.
" The largest line of dried fruit in
town-at Basmnssen's.
The finest stock of candies in the
city at Coolidge Bros'.
Old newspapers by the hundred, 25
cents at the JoukxaIi office.
-The finest line of hose and socks
and children's hose at the Backet.
Judge Higgina has about completed
a 92JW0 residence at Grand Island.
The man that drives the gasoline
wagon will take your order for groceries.
J. H. Eeed has shipped several car
loads of baled hay to Omaha thia week.
''Subscription can begin at anytime
for the Jocbnai. and Nebraska Family
Henrich had a $500 accident policy
Lmtm Culnwlisn
David City
Arrivea at Limnnln
on the section man who was hurt a few
days ago.
Jfot only enjoy yourself thia gala
-y week, but make all around you lively
. and cheerful.
Remember that Sehaffroth & Plath
make specialties of well boring' and
m "Tubular v.-ella.
' -Don't you forget that CoolidgeBroa.
. Bell the best of everything in the fruit
and grocery line.
Supper will be served by the Y. P.
S. C. E. this evening at Fitzpatrick's
halL All are invited.
F.J. Taylor, the circus man, told a
friend at Ulysses that he had cleared
$100 a day by his show.
. One of the Gilt Edge wind nulla has
.been erected on the farm of Mr. Oriaa,
Will Swartaley, occupant.
' Twenty pounds California dried
. ' 'jjeachea for one dollar. All other fruit
in- proportiom, at Basmussen a.
The little wagons and baking pow
der whips are going fast. If you want
. any, call at Beckers store soon.
The celebrated Quick-Meal, and
Monarch gasoline stoves, the best in the
aarket Foreale by A. Boettcher. 4tf
While voa are celebrating the 4th
"dont forget it is a dangerous tiaie for
fire. Henrich is insuring everybody.
P. W. Henrich is inawrnag more
property than any other agent in the
county. He has the best companiea.
At Doane college, Crete, a new thing
on the commencement program voted
"invective,'' subject, John Brown.
Go to C C Beringer if yom wiak to
have yoax key wind watch aaade ato a
.atemwaad. Hecandoit onahortnotieeu.
The season, for tornadoes is now at
hand and property owners should
a policy at once, with G.G. Becker J. Cs.
The Jovbsxl is on sale, each
at the book and news stores of E.D.
Ktzpatrick and J. Heitkemper-at 5 eamta
a copy.
V VTWIl Ka-n Ut tlM
r . tract far their brick block to Jose
Omaha. Work will
. . ,.,,tm tiUnaa Juaa .jjBBza nV nayeca, aotn ec uenon. - aaJaB raw k xt tat.
"A . a t r Xm aam,yyBmKrjaa are wan ana awearar- . , .rm .. a,-
aaa aBF-avBav seowxx . jaXsar ajBaBgnaaaaTv eanajsnaf ana noxnas
tw- tfuf! tin aani ne ken hast witk a ' '- - - - ... , aaacnng aaam taa nasal aawt teagnag
g Jan JtOfLrUO aamVav eanaT eammaw aBavB ViBBaBB esnsj vfX mnaac majajsat nam VaFlsBBBBBBBBBr KaaaflaBBl aa aaBBBBaa
-enpetaonawhewaea kern eai the taMll,J , , Hi i haa.-fiia ii Tuiai , aaiairir- ' -
B. m -, wa m. aw. " af pn p BsaiBSBSBi BSnmPBa amaspsasr mm aaav , BvaBaavsaew mm BBvsmBmasap
bbbbbbbbbbbbP" j- maemF4BBB P4ntmtM aaaf AmaHmamaV CaV- bbbbbbbbbbI TbHT Cmmmmi Vnaal saanrnT aaV mBBBanBBBaf mrnxVaW bbbbbI mmaat aaWKmat bbbbbbbbbbbbbI amaa1 BaJsmn- fMM galfMfSJVni
far asls at A.
a fall
a: Plath
amy load of
able rate
ot fail to sse thoa 1
the popular
TheladieBof the M. E. charck wfll
givvomar, Immek ami smppsr Pomrth of
Jaly at Tit ism i ni's halL Everyhody
cordially invited.
Wanted, two Cofamih city Iota sa
a site for a nsadeace. Addzssm, mast tarn
days, A.&, care of Jocbxax. omes and
state lowest caah pries.
has been impoaaible for him to decorate
his ofltae aa he so muck fjaafreiT
Dr. Sena waa called Moaday to
Platte Center to dress the lagers (third
and fourth of the right head) of Frank
Linaberry, maafiad while ceupliac ears.
Charles Speed, engineer on the Al
bion branch, has removed to the eitv
with hk family and will ocempy Waa.
Lamb'a new house, he removinc to the
The judgment of
against C E. Mbckbee and the
Silver Creek, no way aetata the present
Bank of Silver Creek or J. H. Pope, ao
we are told.
A. Sands of Colorado has rented the
store on the comer aomtk of the LindeU
hotel for a lfctg establkhment, in
teadiac to open ont abovt the middle of
next month.
For Buford plows and cultivators,
for harrowa, seeders, wagons. Piano
binders and aaythina; else needed on the
farm in the way of machinery, call on
Joseph A. Gmtzaaepon Olive street oooo
aito Henry's corner. 48-tf
Hueband "Tomorrow the sheriff
takes charge of oar place, and we will
be without a home." Wife "Well, I
told yon all the time if yon wonld bay
groceries of Wm. Becker we wonld get
rich instead of poor.'
A. M. Jennings ia entitled to consid
erable credit for trimming trees in the
engine hall park and for painting the
band atand and watering trtrngha, fnm
of charge. SHTlman, Pollock a: Co. and
Dowty donated the paint.
Tneaday evening of last week, dur
ing the storm, the firs alarm waa sound
ed, and the department and citizens
generally responded promptly to thecal!.
The eamss was a email fee at the TJ. P.
coal chntes, which a few buckets of wa
ter put out.
Leak here, John, rve been figuring
up our outlay for groceries the last year,
and I have nafinftod myself that if we
had boaght of Wm. Becker we would
have aaved at least 925 enough to bay
you a decent emit of clothes and me a
presentable dress.
The permanent gronadeof the Meth
odist camp meeting- lannmbty at Fremont
cost $16,000. The committee on program
met last Wednesday evening, Bev. Pow
ers of this city being present. The camp
meeting this year convenes Amguat 8th
and oontinaes ten daya.
Bobert Knmmerand hmcompaaioaa
George Bemeyand Mr. Gaaaa, who left
here aome daya ago, arrived at Parie on
the 3d of Jane. We give ehmwhere m
today's paper a letter from Bobert tohia
brother Otto, that will be ntereatiag
roading to their acquaintances here.
The man who was found Snnday
week west of theLonp bridge mangled
and dead, a deacriptkm of whom
was given in last week's Jocxxac, has
since been identified aa John Kotzar.
He came to hie death by trying to board
No. 6, coming east, falling under the
With her number of small factories,
eta, Fremont does not appear to notice
the close times and energy is seen on
every hand. With nothing of the kind
everything ia dnllass ia Sckayler and
will get duller year hj year if no saove is
made toward home mdnrtrias. Schuy
ler Sun.
" An epiih ir of email pnv
at Denver, there being no less than
hundred eases in the city and vicinity,
soaays a correspondent to the
Bee. He says he man invalid, in
for hie health, and thanks the
the epidemic should be known to the
John Wise saggested the other day
that as there had
of stockist by bgktam it woaJd be
kite the
. V- ! wham ass coaanaaiaaa enate into the
Bcare I a 7- J, A .. ,
oasBe wo aaarai law eamawearami aaamsrob
Haapeamg to gmaaw taas way ma y a teal amsmm J- eead
' rZTZ . -t.. drive the hi aritnf ihamham.
ULvmasxaimaB a w ,-
area, aam aaamaly eae efhhsm that the ofaaipmsiai lalaaame eeamastiag
m:i-j r Ulj ' ' - . -- - . f W. D. Bnamhett anw ahnmrn Mmma
hwwmtwm tmwrn. Camg, Helen Bee? anal Wftte alBe Aars-
begin HB l vBatan Sav dmrw'm aanflaaa
of it.
i villi
tars, in a sjans
aa ia the city Moaday.
owaboat coanty mat
way, ha will lad eat
Tnthamsanfiaia he
for the
to the
tdhehee great faith
tweaty years ago were
a great deal more familiar with Indians
than they are today. With eastern
readers of Tna Jev&ttaX. eariaeity in re
gard to the daaky trihaa of native Amer-
rather than less what it
to be. In another rolamn, we re
produce from the Omaha Herald an
account of the only indent rial Indian
school in Nebraska to satisfy this ca
riosity to some extent, and alao aa a fit
acknowledgement of the worth aad ser
vices of ProLW. B. Backna, formerly
snperiatoident of oar city
Whet has the Loap done?
Turner of Tmw Co&tnnca JocnxAX.aaya,
"Dam the Loap." Hamphrey Demo
crat. Panning iaall right, bat the word
we aae will bring blrmaag instead of
cursing. We propose to dam the Loup
and get an anaoaeDed cheap water power
that will aasare the fntare welfare of
Columbus, as sarely aa sack things can.
Dam the Loap and bring factories; fac
tories give steady work for men to rap
port theirfamihea; these need all that
tradesmen sell; money is thus brought
from abroad and aasd here to the np
hnfhrHng of our community and to the
advantage of every town in the coanty
and the iacieami) in value of every acre
of land. That'e what we are here for.
Then why not dam the Loap?
Friday last a picnic was held at
Darling's grove for the pupils of the
school in district 44, Miss Glass, teacher.
We are informed that the picnic was
over early in the afternoon, and that the
teacher left the grove, ahoat a aula from
Jhm school-house, to get her warrant on
the treasurer, afterwards returning, and
looking after aome of the children, bat
leaving aome aix to care for themselves.
Four of M. Sheedy's children wandered
through corn and oata fields till about
sundown they reached the school-house.
Teachers cannot be too careful in taking
charge of young children especially on
nrrasinnn out of the ordinary. The
theory of the public ia that, for the time
being, teachers take the place of the
parent, in protecting the little ones from
danger of all kinds.
Some of oar high-flying metropoli
tan exchanges are inclined to deride the
efforta of the country-side newspaper
correspondent, but once in n while, in
the brief space allotted them, they strike
the very pith aad point of a
for instance: theOemma
of the Sckayler Sun, made tired proba
bly by aome fallow who regarded the
saloon as a dmi institution, aeye: "Way
aurse a cane to aave a dollar? Why
wrangle and fans about the
we know that it never ha
gentleman in all these years? Why not
nurse some iwsfif arina that will tarn out
a real lady or geatleman once in awhile.''
The present policy of Nebraaka is to
levy a license on the tramc, on the prin
opleof making it pay at least a part of
what it costs the local government, and
place the money where it will do the
naost good to the general public
If any of you have good jokes, dont
let them his idle like money, they are
not of vary mack aceoant unless put
into circulation. We get thai oae esn
aarning Cfcarhe lmner,wko mead to be
a telegrijih operator hare, and oae of
the brightest boys and wont practical
jokers in the world. It was told at the
.tone (years ago) but will do to
One day a gentleman entirely
to Charlie atopped nato the eanee and
. --- " -- --- .. c
tunisjatnry TlJssa yoar pamograph
always aceaaapaay mssnagss to yea"
be tuaise taw wmjmnmma, jsavrxisav,
TW Genoa Iadaatrial School, faprwfl by
forty-two Indian girl.
t from Platte Center and
Grand Trades
Attn eJeae of the nroenaaian at tan City Park
feasant d The Declaration of Independence
sj sTiinaiiirnnt
(aeiiini Sj Ina Imiaaat fliianril Tnhn C Pnaia
afoats ovsomscxsa at 2 r. n.
PiSBTiifnw FJCTtprinef&HBnBiiprMafl.
Faet Bail Boya nnder 12 yeara of as, lint
namgS; aaeend prine fl; third priae See.
Bace Firat prims IS; aaeand
Polo Winner $L
i'a Base Sone onder 2M pot
Fkat prime box of send risirai wind
aflfcSns. ThiameewiU be onder the aav
of the "only" John Hnber.
Feet naeelSt yard. Firat prime $10; aeeond
Cuasrij Bace None bat reaidentn of Platte
Cobtmbea ia barred. Firat
Gmnd Hoee Team Rare MOyanfa. Firat prime
gS; ansaad prime $10.
Pnblie exhibition of oar waterworka syatenu
Grand Prim Drill (Open to the world) at
mrr ' r Firat peine fSSS; aeeond prima
fj, third prime SMS.
finwl ilimtilnj nf Iran nifcii in thn i if j
Tan dny'a esereiaaa will dome with dancea at
the eanqt and opera hosae.
One of the nttrncrinam of the day will be the
ameenaionof balloons every hone
Iiet everybody eoae.
The Alamni society of the Columbus
High School met in the parlors of the
Thurston last Friday evening, and after
the business of the society waa trans
acted, the party, thirty in number, passed
to the dining room, where a fine banquet
was spread. After supper, a speech was
called for from Cha&Pearaall of the class
of 87. He responded with an interest
ing speech. He spoke of its being the
4th annnal meeting of the society, and
we can now count a membership of
thirty-nine; every youth wishes to be
successful in whatever he undertakes
in after years, and the foundation of his
life is laid in the school room under the
guidance of our teachers. The founda
tion securely established, it stands years
and ages, firm and solid as the original
rock from which it is built. But let that
foundation be poorly constructed, it"
falls soon or later into chaotic mass.
May we never be ao widely separated
but that we may be more and more to
each other. Prof. Cramer was then
called on and said: An association of
this character is a credit to any com
munity. The bond of literary fellow
ship ia universal, reaching all ranks and
conditions of menand extending through
all time. Wealth and social rank are
factors of immense power in the world's
daily affairs and apparently almost om
nipotent, at times, in their influence,
but after all, the world's history abund
antly demonstrates these are but bab
bles on the surface, while the tide of
Thwman progress moves with the inquir
ing intellect, kept bright by a constant
earnest endeavor to know the eternal
principles of truth which influence the
race of mankind, age after age. It is the
one broad basis of action, open to all
human creatures, without distinction of
any kind, the castle which tyrants have
assailed hi vain and at which' all that
is monstrous in human affairs has
trembled and hid its head.
Some of our townsmen are being
troubled by pigs running in their gar
dens. The owners of the pigs should
hunt them down and, if possible, keep
them up. All of which reminds us that
when the writer hereof lived on the pres
ent site of Tkk JoTJKBAC he had a little
experience as the owner of a very large,
portly mother of a dozen as fine pigs as
one would wish to see. They pushed
out of the pen one night, and the skill
of the whole force was bafted for several
daya in trying to get them back into the
enclosure. The procession would form
in the morning and go single file north
across the railroad track, and were, no
doubt, a terror to those who were trying
to raise garden track on the wide prairie,
(and there weren't many fences in those
days). J. O. Shannon, who was city
mazabal m those days, came to the office
one, two, three times, requesting that
the old sow and her numerous army of
young marauders be put up. The last
time he came he seemed a great deal
more emphatic than usual, and said,
"Now, Mr. Turner, if you do not abut
those pigs up I will be compelled to do
it, avysehV Oar reply was, "Mr. Shan
non, nothing would please me bettor, as
I have been doing my best and have
faded." He said afterwards that he had
the hardest kind of work to keen from
in my face, beeaaae really be
km very bast every day to
Elgin, IK, SepL 7, 1881.
To wham it mat concern:
This to certify thai C.CBeringer
has seen in the emplof of the Elgin Xa
tiommT Watch Company for tkeptut four
sty penonml
for the asme period. I takepleo-
i recowumendina him to ammmt
hi msrracet a as aonoraafe
Formm Fmukiag , Elfin National
. Wimtch Compamg.
-The above shows tbntMr.CLC.Bar-
a to leave all af
awfiisg hi serrmoet at an hoaoraofel nmttteevriL'tBiamwL ni-B.
amass) an sen waxen ?esc as good aanew; Juss stems Sampson of Prntteaaoath,
the eame warn year docks sad jewelry, tatter of Mm. S. M fuasmss The bride
TTas aamaVAmaammfi an aUMBmnmmvaalaamtae, lias . .-. t , i 1 w -
alanaa, jeweky, aOvuruuro aad animal ihhdy. Mike ia a man af most euesDsat
geedswmiehwffl beaoldat battsan pri-riadgmeat, andof course ka fim nertner,
see. Phase af bueinens m aa the ana? mf has awn msammmwamr wramU ToamirV !
af OXvaaamBswaBtkatesaassA We wmh the happy
v-r, l --f'-'-i'-. -j: xj hi iim.T i nTyf
ia the city.
Mum Com I ilsain af Manama, Wia- m
vmitag her sister, MnvnV H. Heary.
Mms SeUie Lynch, ef Platte Center,
eame down for the Alumni banquet
Miss BeOe Bawl aad her mother went
to Omaha Moaday where they wfll spend
Qua Loekner, jr. of Omaha, arrived in
the dty yesterday; the remainder of the
family will come today.
J. C. Post aad Mm. Milt Speice and
child started Wiilmeilsj last for King
Fisher statioa, Oklahoma
Herman Oehlrieh atarted for Chicago
Friday with two ear Joada of fine, fat
cattle. He was accompanied by John
Charles Yelm of the vicinity of Genoa
renewed his subscription to Trx Jdcx-
SAb Monday. Always room for one more
on the list.
W. B. Dale returned Monday with a
portion of has family from Omaha; the
iimninimr will be here today to enjoy
Carl TLSaeley of the Madison Chroni
de psssnil through the city Saturday on
his return from Pwttamouth, whither he
had accompanied his daughter on a visit
to her aunt.
Mm. Matinda Benedict of Rich Hill,
Missouri, sister-in-law of Mm. John Hn
ber, arrived in the city a few days ago
for a two months' visit with relatives
and friends.
Dzmn BaoTUKn Otto: The longer we
stay here in thia city the better we Eke
it. We saw George Turner and Fred
Matthews, yesterday, and were treated
in royal style by the boys; had a regular
cowboy dinner with them; it tasted better-than
all the high priced food we get
m the city. The boys don't feel at home
here, and wish the show was in London
where they coald talk to the people.
They keep inside the grounds and don't
venture out much, we stayed to the
show and talked ahoat old times and
Nebraaka all day.
The Wfld West is an immense success
thousands are turned away every per
formance; it seems to hit the French
man just exactly right. George handed
us a fragment of Tss Joctwaj, which
was interesting reading for me.
Today we" went to Versailles the
country seat of the kings of France, it
is one of the loveliest spots on the earth,
and man need not attempt to describe it,
we put in all day there, mostly in the
palace, the interior remains about the
same as it was in the time of the Bour
bons, saw all the fine apartments of the
unfortunate Queen Marie Antoinette,
would like to go there again and spend
a week.
The HaU of Mirrors ia a grand sight,
here William of Germany was crowned
eeanmnvsv We have been to the Louvre,
Hotel de Tille, Notre Dame, Hotel des
Invalids and went up the Eiffel Tower
as high ss was good for our health, there
are restaurants and saloons every three
hundred feet; on the six hundred foot
platform is a printing office. I don't
like the exposition aa well as the Phila
delphia, everything seems to go on the
money making plan, would like to see
the American railway system represent
ed better alongside the cattle cars they
ran on these European lines. I notice
also that most of the farming machinery
exhibited here ia copied from American
inventions, Edison occupies the largest
space with his electric machines of the
whole U. S. department.
I am getting indifferent, and therefore
we wfll soon move on to Switzerland.
All our companions have gone already.
I find that our American cities compare
favorably with anything I have seen on
thk continent hi architecture, New York
and Chicago are far ahead of this city
which looks old and weather beaten; the
Frenchman dont seem to have any use
for paint, the same can be said about
the farm houses that are aU built on ex
actly the aame plan, and present a mo
notonous appearance. The Grand opera
house looks old and dirty as if it did not
pay expenses, I wfll not attempt to
describe anything that we came across,
wfll write again soon.
Bob't KtrazB.
CoLUmtacs, Nek, June 30, 1869.
This is to certify that we, the omcial
members of the M E. church of Colum
bus, Neb., met in call session in said
church June 30th, for the purpose of
granting oar pastor, Bev. H. L. Powers,
over oar signatures, a vacation for one
month, said vacation to take effect July
15th, and to last until August 15th. We,
the nHWl members of the church, also
say ia behalf of a united membership
that our pastor has the united confidence
and esteem of his church. We therefore
pray that he may have a profitable and
pleasant vacation wherever in the provi
dence of God he may be permitted to
spend it, and that he may return to us
again greatly unproved in health.
JokTar C Swjuosxjet,
Hxsxt T. Sfokkzt,
Joky H. Cbatbt,
J. S. Mbudocx.
We cannot write doggureLat least
we have not yet tried it, but mast do
something to get even with the Telegram
and SsatmeLffwalaave to quote:
The aevfl warn
aajKrn-l AadaaakmthmhmwmaoaetmBlte.
-ll!ll,P? . , . , .
ratctmmhn I ' 'BmawWaaaamnn,
nvBMcnaaajBWT. 1 . - -nlZ. . e. i ..
mwrnmmm auaia .
Youeaa always tell ilisjgniil by the
jingle, jag, jams; of the words.
M. Marnatey, fa sieilj of thia city,
later of PWlimls, aew of T iambi
ikwfll pay you to look
mux a. mi
Loan, Real Estate
And .agrexits,
Beraar rmsac awam m Orwca.
mmwmmwmy'TmmwnfS mswa m nam iu anly94f
6aw, PMltr7Taa4rrkFm.
Olive SiTawt, tw Dwtn Ktrtt
Brigade encampment Knights of
Pythias from July 1 to 8, 1889:
Wedsesdat, Jult3.
Governor's day.
8 a. m. Escorting- Governor John
M. Thaver to the camp.
10 a. m. Annual meeting- for the
transaction of brigade business.
3 p. m. Exhibition drill by the
Pythian Light Guards of Columbus.
5 p. m. Beview of the Nebraska
brigade by Governor Thayer and
staff, closing with brigade dress
8 p. m Beception to Governor
Thayer and staff by the Nebraska
Brigade Uniform Bank Knights of
Thursday, July 4.
Columbus day. Grand panide led
by the Nebraska Brigade Uni
form Bank Knights of Py
thias at 9 a. m., breaking rank at
the speaker's stand.
4 p. m. Prize drill at the camp.
6 p. m. Beview by General James
B. Caraahan, major general com
mander Uniform Bank Knights of
Pythias of the World.
9 a.m. Fire works and general
parades with music and speeches.
Friday, July 5.
Knights of Pythias day.
10 a. m. School of instruction by
General James B. Carnahan, major
general commander Uniform Bank
Knight of Pythias of the World.
2 p. m. Prize drills.
8 p. m. Address by General James
C. Carnahan and other distinguished
Saturday, July, 0.
10 a. m. Prize drills.
5 p. m. Grand review by the brig
adier general commanding Nebraska
brigade, closing with the brigade
dress parade and the awarding of the
prizes by the judges. The judges
have been selected with great care,
and honest and unbiased decisions
are guaranteed.
Grand camp service on the en
campment grounds at 10 a. m., with
an address by Major. theYery Bev.
Dean Whitmarsh, chaplain of the
Illinois brigade, and acting chaplain
of the Nebraska brigade, assisted by
a choir of fifty voices and the Colum
bus Knights of Pythias Cornet band.
The entire brigade will appear in
full dress uniform and take part in
the exercises.
Mojtday, July 8.
Good byBreak camp.
May you return to the cares and
trials of life better fitted for its ar
duous duties, and with a purer and
better perception of the true duties
of Knightnood.
Smarme Tmwmaain.
Jessie Kelly has a new pump.
Wm. Brother's new residence is up and
wfll soon be ready lor occupancy.
Frank Kenyan visited Genoa Monday.
Mrs. C C Patterson, who has been
visiting friends here, left on Friday for
her hoBoe hi Como, Colorado.
John Wiggins is shipping more hogs
this week.
' We notice that several carloads of
baled hay is being snipped from this
A good many of the Monroe folks took
in the show at Genoa, or rather were
taken in by it.
The achool meeting of this district
passed off quietly. A. C Southard waa
elected director, a five mill tax was
voted. D. Jenkhmon moved that ao
be allowed ia the
which was carried
is some talk of orsamzHaar a
Saaday achool at thw place.
T. D.X.
The spring term of school taught by
Mam Glass closed last Friday with a
at Darfiaea grove.
on the aatk
a sttsartaaes. oalr a
The schoal msatiag
em hand all
to the
the aame smnfity ef
auia Platte
and doable
rm nsraasa
SaHeim. Hmi-
Curry Coatha,
aad Team, Trunks
aad am fact evary-
the verv best ai
best of
at my
before baviac Br strict
fl trust toBaent a snare of yoar patroaage.
abort aotice,and at low Prices. Call aad
LXOfOLD jjmoei
AUmiuaf SamgmSneiaJtT.
tf aVt lint' latuMl laik.
time as it were, and in order to make
short work, the proceedings of the pre
vious meeting were adopted verbatim.
Delegations from Colfax county into
Colnmbns find a better system of road
work in this connty than heretofore; our
three efficient road overseers are each
trying to see which can accomplish the
most grading, with the least expense.
The Union Pacific 1L R. Co. is now caus
ing a portion of its township road tax to
be worked on our roads, which goes
farther, and gives better roads, than
that much money would give us, as the
men they send are prepared for that
kind of work.
The rain of Saturday afternoon was
only a sprinkle out here, while the city
had a couple of good wet showers.
The glorious Fourth is at the door.
Corn, wheat and grassire growing at
a lively rate. Heart, what more do you
Julius. Bndat of this neighborhood
lost several head or cattle by lightning
A valuable horse belonging to Christ
Wnethrich took sick with a disease that
even -puzzled the experienced veterina
ries of Columbus. The horse died a day
or two ago.
Mr. Hurner of Loup township, a prom
inent citizen and widely known, depart
ed this life. The burial took plare
Monday last, with a large concourse
following him to the last restins: place.
Cards of invitation to a wedding have
been in circulation, which is said to take
place June 27th. at the residence of the
bride's father, Mr. Whetbrieh. William
Hauser of Butler county, an enterpris
ing young man, started that ball to roll.
The Union Pacific, "The Overland
Boute," la now running a weekly re
frigerator car to Butte, MonL, for the
purpose of affording qufck and safe
transportation for perishable freight
like butter, eggs, etc which find ready
sale in Montana and the northwest.
For information as to the day and
train this car leaves your station, apply
to the Union' Pacifie agent. J. A. Mnn
roe, Genl Frt, Agent. 7-5t
To the Public
I have placed my lots in Stevens's
addition in the hands of G. G. Becher &
Cc. for sale at reasonable prices. Title
perfect. Byhox Mxixett.
June 29th, 1969.
HAGEL July iU to Mrs. Wm. Ha4, a m,a,
weight 10 poamla.
8AUEE Jnne 30th. after an illnemt of eight
znontha. of Bright's liiteam. Aiiant Saaer, m&d
S3 yean and 1 lmt. .
Ianwmy reapeetaXr.gaaortraaaman otmnm
than nasal ability, and hia death will b mourn
ed by a large circle of meqsmintanrea.
He wan bora in Warteabnrs; in October. 1979,
moved to America. Raiding at Kankakee and at
Jaunt m raw years, since wnicn me naa ben a
miriwnf of thia city.
The funeral service were held at the Catholic
ensreh Xondmy morning; and the mortal ro-
miini laid to reat ia the Catholic cemetery.
Mr. Bauer learea to mourn their Ices, a widow
and foer soma.
fastness jfrtuts.
under tola hand five cents n
limwamrh inmnrtiiin.
I AY FOR SALE. Inquire of M. K. Tomer.
At Tax JocnsAi. Office.
"VjrrX.SCHILTZ makea boot and shoes in the
" baat atylcm. and nmes only the verr beat
atoektnmtemm be nrocaredin the market. 52-tf
tV)mr(inotatiomofUie market areobtaiaed
namdnv afternoon, and a?? correct and reiiahl
... s oaf i as
lXS-...... ...... .. .......a ...
Flmmr.... .." !. .
aad a line of cigars aasqaalsd in the
Our aim is to give the beet far the
least money, and to please alL
Wive St., Bwarty appasHa Past
Tn illCKT 111 F11QT STKI
-west of Omaha, at
The best manufactories of the eoaatry
represented. Not to be undersold
by anybody. Come and asa
prices at
to BwS cm aea tne toe earn bmi
SlKlili AllSUIi!
cwMPurrKbTncK ok
Firiishiig Getds !
fiTcatly-r-Reuteem-i-Prkes I
y Call, examine Good aad loam
Grsisen Eros. & Co.
And all kind mf ensntry pradmew swam m
ami all ajnoda tlrlin-rnd f ram ot mmmsam
to any paw ef rfce ejty.
ms-TwasI jBf
fcatesSSfcuofWIll mmmirail
amveBlemt to set mm mac torn toe earn nemflnvBat m
M -.
r-iSri&v 1-.
AV, .
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