The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 03, 1889, Image 2

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payable to tM omer ox
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W waerve the right to reject aay aannscrip!.
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' Fokaxxb has reoeived hie fourth nom
iaation for governor of Ohio.
Has. Whrkuko, who poisoned her
husband mad two children was executed
at Philadelphia last Toeeday.
To Wooefolk, who murdered his
faauly oonsisj&ig of nine persons, was
ooBTkted of murder in the first degree
at Atlanta.
A TKaaraxB collision of freight trains
occurred Jane 96th near Latrobe, Pfc,
on the Pennsylvania road. Thirty cars
were wrsekad and twelve or fifteen per
ooskiUsd. .
the Gazette of Bombay
said that an oSoer of the British army,
-atationed at Madras had been attacked
by leprosy. The name of the officer was
not given.
- It is Tery important that the man who
mixes drags should be an expert and a
thoroughly honest man. Fifty persons
were poisoned, fifteen dying, at West
Zon near Montreal, at a picaio by a
druggist who had sold sugar of lead in
stead of tartaric acid for making lem-
FrrianriTiTTTn of regard and esteem of
Mrs. Batherford. E. Hayes, deceased,
come mp from every part of the coun
try. Lovely, capable and wise, in all
her relations ia life she was good and
trae, and no lady who ever presided over
the white house was more highly es
teemed than she.
Tn democratic organ of Platte coun
ty, the Telegram, says: "the political cal
dron of Platte county is slow to heat
this year." Doubtless it isnt yet at the
boiling point, but the bosses will- find
that the fuel has all been prepared and
kihvdried, even, so that when the proper
time ooaMs for the caldron" to boil, it
wfflbofl pretty quick.
GkskbaIi Simon Camkbon died at .8
o'clock in the evening of Jane 26th. He
was born in Lancaster county, PeniL,
March 8, 1799, therefore at the time of
his death he was the oldest practical
printer, editor and statesman in the
United States.' He had held the poai-
of secretary of war, minister to
, and senator of the United States.
It is stated in the recent news from
Washington that there will be a large
deficit ia the pension fund the present
fiscal year, so much so, that it will be
'injcuinsnrj- in a short time to stop pay
ments at most of the agencies. The de
ficiency is estimated at toast $8,000,000
in the accounting year, which ends June
Tn grand jury sitting in the case of
Dr. Cronin's murder returned an indict
ment, on the 29th ult against John
Kuaze and others. The return of an
indictment against Kunze for murder
was a surprise to the public as he had
sever been arrested, although it is be
lieved he was the man who oalled for
Dr. Grbnin and took him away the night
he was murdered.
Tn guests of Columbus this week .are
moatweloome to the city. It is yours.
Tom have takea it by invitation, and
The JotBKAi. hopes that your enjoy
ment of the encampment may be unal
loyed by any untoward happening to
voa while here or to your friends at
home. To be sure you will not find this
so large a place as some others, but hu
maa hearts here are jast as big as any
whare, and we assure you that the peo
ple are vary glad to see you, and want
yoa to come again whenever you can.
Tax organ aaya: "Democrats of Platte
county can aweep the board this year if
they nuke the proper effort" Jast what
"the proper effort" is the Telegram does
act saggest but we -suppose the first
step the ergaa would advise is to "get
, together," the N. Y. Sun's advice in
asrirmsl polities. Some facetious parti
san quoting Dana, at the same time drew
a picture of the famous editor, with a
bowie-knife sticking out of his boots,
and that's a good deal the way with the
Oolumbas orgaa of the democracy
"get together," and yet a very long
-bowie-knife in sight for the Kehoe wing
of the party.
Wx are glad to aee that one of the
county papers has come out and made it
public that "our own" J. C. Caldwell ia
a caaflywi for sheriff; we aee no reason
why he should not be elected. At the
last county election he was a candidate,
bat wham they wanted another he grace
fully stepped down and accepted the sp
at office of county coroner, and
just as hard for the
of the deaaocratic party as he would had
ha leeeiverl the office he was working for.
There is none of the "kicker" about
"Curley" .So aaya the Humphrey Dem
ocrat Mr. Caldwell is a good man, but
it looks to, aa. outsider aa though the
besses are not in favor of him for sheriff
any nmore. than they were the last time.
wrall waVwaf. 11
wia Huat mb
all over this
by oar
to the
fiw BMataa... V.
ties. J
Tata eaabtom of American
ua r imttti i
the htaatw toaaonow
hawpy knd, a land dedicated
- --- to free iaatitatieas,
waaanefaaaBiavi, aad their eoue hava
Mtweaaaaaaaadfal of the trust grria
of -St'WbK, than and talent wheaoc-
aaufc'et thssm their piecainslivsawhsn
thtflanvaf aaekeaancry was ttauetsaed,
naannajTirr""13 byleaswathin and
jijlHBif.ashe would hava torn the
aaaaaw-aaamader.'"' OocBaueaaauy-wa aee
Ahecyaieu sneer at the arsssaoe af ne-
today, bat wa
folds he foaght, his lore lor the country
tions grows just a nue
,if thatcoald be in oaa who of -
as a poaamle victim for
with all tta horrible at-
teadaata, and death in all the thousand
ways it might coaas in battle, or on the
oroathedaaartedaWd. Every
the Dright,taoughtfal boys of today
whoaregrowiag up to manhood asa the
old lag as it fioata apon the trapes, they
aauaded that wader sow of these
stars the Boys of 76 fought and
bled and maay of them died that wa
might have the benefits of aalf -government.
The latfrioticfeeliBgM, in truth,
stronger today than aver before. The
smothers of this grandest country on
earth hare been auadfal of their holy
trust. Their boys have been taught the
atory of our freedoai, and our instita
tioaa have been compared with those of
other lands and aome, at least, of the
benefits shown, of a goverament 'of the
people, by the people, for the people" aa
Iiaooln phrased it. All honor to the
mothers of this land from whom pa
triotic aona have learned their first and
greatest lessons of civil and religious lib
erty. Let as, as the years go by, make
our celebration of the day mora and
more rational, mora and more vivid por
trayal of the natioan progresa in all that
goes to make life worthy and grand, and
continue to impress the rising genera
tion with- ail that ia represented by the
emblem of liberty as it proudly waves
Aad the koaae of me brave." '
"Wa understand," says the Organ,
"that J. C. Caldwell is being put forward
by his friends in the north part of the
county for sheriff. There are plenty of
aspirants for that position this year, ac
cording to reporta.' There ia no grain
of comfort in this cold-blooded an
nouncement to allay the pain of former
contests. Not even the salve of forget
falneas is invoked, because the last sent
ence is a direct reminder of methods be
fore applied to defeat Mr. Caldwell's
nomination. The bosses will find, as in
several campaigns recently, ihat they
are no longer dictators in Platte county
politics, not even in their own party.
The faithful lieutenants, the township
workers, the private soldiers, the men
who do the voting are not all of them
"like dumb, driven cattle" any more.
They have seen too plainly the utter
selfiehnees of the bosses, and in several
recent campaigns have resented it; they
will do it again if the old methods are
applied. Tn Jomuuxfe advice in sev
eral campaigns was unheeded, and we
here and now tell the bosses they must
give the boys something new in the line
of strategy, or they will be literally eat
upon and squelched. Tour tendency is
toward aristocracy, exclusivenesB; this
will not do. You must cultivate the op
posite virtue, assume it, in fact, if you
have it not The voters of Platte, under
township organization, have become in
quirers, seekers after knowledge; they
ask questions, all of them interesting,
aome of them very important These
questions have not all been answered
satisfactorily, and Boss Tweed's sneer of
"What are you going to do about it?" ia
felt to be the most judicious thing to
nay, at the present moment A thought
ful consideration of that boss's end may
suggest that "it is along lane that has
no turn." Discretion will be the better,
part of valor, by several points, this
campaign the greater the discretion
shown, the greater the valor will be.
There are elements in your party that
you cannot longer wheedle; you have
tried bull-dozing and failed, and it lis
evident by what indications are plainly
in view, that you will try this method
again, and be defeated. Unless you put
your wits to work, devise something new.
and get out of the old rut you will
again fall into the ditch.
Omaha and Nebraska have transplant
ed a large number of citizens to Idaho,
and they as a rule have taken root and
are thriving. Among the prominent
ones are Willis Sweet, General GeaH.
Roberts, Vic Btorbower, Homer Siull, A.
Kurtz, Horace Newman, B. E. Strahom
and W. C. B. Alton. Mr. Allen know in
the city to meet parties who are prepar
ing to take several colonies out to the
territory. He says that in July the
people hold a constitutional convention
and in August an election of officers in
anticipation of the statehood which is
promised the territory by congress this
winter, that Idaho may be ready to enter
upon ita privileges with aa little delay as
possible. Senator Stewart's "arid lands"
committee meets there in August with
Major Powell and others of the geolog
ical survey, to take np a plan for re
claiming thousands of acres of land by
meana of reservoirs and irrigating canals.
Governor Shoup has had preliminary
surveys made for these works, which are
to be built and operated under state
control. It is expected that the govern
ment will give the atate a share of the
15,000,000 acres of land which it ia prac
ticable to reclaim, and that the revenue
from these will build and maintain atate
institutions, while the opening of the
Urge area to settlement will greatly in
crease the population World.
Padua far Wtalotrr to Genaaay.
The president last Wednesday appoint
ed William Walter Phelps minister to
Germany. Mr. Phelps reoeived his ap
poiataaent from the president's own
bands, with the remark that "it waa his
reward. Going to the department of
atate, hie ooaimission waa immediately
made out and he qualified aa United
States minister-to Gersaany.
Fuilerton has started in on' brick
275,000 this season
A case of Mack
in Lincoln tost
Canon waa found guilty of murder in
the first degree, for the killing of Wast
Nebraska is suffering from an epidem-
ie of murder. But a few prescriptions
such aa that aaauaiatand Foley may
aabdae the disease.-Omaha Herald.
It waa reported last week that the
at work in the vicinity of
The fanaera in that region an
alarmed at the appearance of
the worm again.
a C Mornan, eaaaieV of the State
bank at Sidney, waa found dead i
bed at his residence about 10
Theantintop of hai
ad with iii.iiisiag her baby, waa held
last week far mariar in the fitat degree,
aad committed to jafl. William Illar-
baJacaasimory,isi'liajir - "
The Omaha iiiiihsiiis hava rsaarned
ffaaai that sSBWCHae? toswaaaaaUat tta fia
daaaapoliB, and attef abeam earrhwnwaw
ia money, bat Fred Fuller broaght
away a couple of aatdala an wall aa three
A small hole haa been bond and n
about tow feet thiek struck. A
or con drill will aooa daaael aU doabt
apon the sabject By all mmeaas "open
the bank beion snow awn.
head by a flower pot which fall from the
third atory of the Barker block at Omaha
intends to sae for damages. T.RFor
ij.Iium ahusu uffitis Ihi i easel fall, and
the Barker Brothers, the owners of the
block, will be made parties defendant
Mrs. Fry, a lady of NebrssantCity, it
ia claimed, has been driven insane on
the subject of religion by the eal vation
army outfit She created quite a asnaa
tion by going about town aad pnyiac
inssloons. She requested the aaayor to
issue an order to compel her hnabaad to
John Erbacaer, a saloonkeeper of Ne
braska City, waa fined $26 and costs in
police court Wednesday for eelKag liquor
to a 16 yean old boy. He appealed the
ease and waa immediately rearrested on
another similar charge. He haa now
three cases in the district court for vio
lation of the liquor laws.
S. C. Monan. cashier of the State
bank, of Sidney, committed suicide on
the 27th alt, by shooting himself
through the head with a Colt's revolver.
No cause is known for the horrible act,
except what ia assigned by the coroner's
jury that be waa laboring under tempo
rary aberration.
On Saturday afternoon, June 15, dur
the rain storso, a waterspout formed
near Mr. Oehlrich'e place and ton one
of his corn cribs np pretty badly and
bursting, flooded his yard to a depth of
two feet It waa said that the bouse
waa damaged by it, bat the details we
have not learned. f Schuyler Quill.
Blanch Haltor, aged 8 years, a daugh
ter of Mayor Haltor of Blair, waa fatally
burned Monday, last week. Her sister
was filling a gasoline stove, when the
gasoline became ignited from n cook
stove in' the same room, and while at
tempting to throw the can out doon it
is supposed must have been thrown on
Blwh, who was playing out aide. Be
fore anyone knew it or could get to her
she was all ablaze.
John Fitzgerald won hie suit last week
against the Fitzgerald-Mallory company.
He sued for $82,000. The jury returned
a verdict awarding plaintiff $47,937.97
debt and $3,474.65 interest, a total of
$51,412.62, the judgment to bear 7 per
cent interest from date until paid. The
case will be appealed and will probably
be taken and followed to the court of
last resort, aa the Missouri Pacific Bail
way company ia interested in the de
fense. Dr. A. G. Barnard tells aa that he waa
called over into Butler county thia week
to shoot two 8 yean old steers and two
hogs for James Howie, who Uvea a mile
east of Octavto, the stock being rebid,
having been bitten by a mad dog. Other
hogs had already dtodfrom the effects of
bites and aa then wan thirty-two ateen
in the yard with the two which wen
killed it is probable that more will be
affected. The doctor says it was Howie's
own dog that did the miechiet f Schuy
ler QuilL
One of the heaviest storms ever before
witnessed in Minden visited then last
Tuesday night At 1030 the cloud
came from the north like a rolling wan
followed by a strong wind and sharp
lightning. The nrinoipal streets wen
like rivers. Trees wen uprooted, barns
blown down, windmill towan blown to
the ground and the largest brick blocks
rocked like cradles. Lightning struck
several places, killing several head of
stock. People ran to their cellars for
safety. The storm lasted an hour and
twenty minutes.
The aad news was brought into town
Monday morning: that the widow Mc-Kenzie-who
Uvea with her children on a
farm about five miles north of town had
been struck by lightning the evening
before and instantly killed. She had
been out in the yard driving in aome
chickens and was standing on the porch
of the house when it was atrack by
lightning, the bolt passing down the
chimney than out along the casing of
the window, shattering all the glass and
must have gone outside and atrack the
lady. There was a place on the aide of
the head and one on the back where the
Ugfatning struck her. Aaoawas atand
iag inside of the building and waa knock
ed inaenaibto. After he came to, he ran
out to hie mother but she waa dead.
The iransina wan buried the next day
in thecenietery near that place. Schuy
ler Sun.
B. F.Myers of Benedict ia having aome
aad experience with mad hogs and cat
tle. Some four weeks ago Mycre follow,
ed and killed a mad dog that had bean
running after and biting hie hogs, bat
thought ha might not be mad, and did
not realise the fact until last weak when
a couple of his hoga went mad and died.
Since than one steer ha waa feeding was
taken sick aad sant up for safe keeping.
Yesterday aiprning Mr. Myers came to
town for help to sscun a steer that waa
going for everything. In tan minutes
fifty men were on the ground. The
ranted around and want for
he came to a gate when Mr. Stoddard,
with a long rope with a noon was ready,
and whan the eteer want to chmb the
gate for Jam ha slipped the noon otar
his head and aecaredhiaB. After tying
lam safely tea tree Mr. Myers knocked
ahead with aa axe. Mr. Myers
lot of hoga and cattle, aad he
of the
the country,
the courtesy of
beam in charge of the aohool about three
VbVZa Bkat akeakaVSaeaanVwaaat snaaw amwamuanaBma ana ataf
the United States auiatamaat It
an elated
aamw eaaL
"reasonably esrtanm"
aad within three annates
walk of the post office an the large and
asmataatiauy eoustractea onuanunv
The main building, which ia 40x120 feat
three atones ia height coast raoted of
brick, painted white, aad need
aaraosss nronsr. The aohool
sasninns. well farnished and
with every facility for the instruction of
hitherto untutored minda. Aoroasfrom
this building ia the immense diniag ball.
It is 86x80 feet in dimensions, thelarge
and perfectly equipped kitchen and
cooking department being on the same
floor aad adjoining. Then an 175 In
dian youths, nuHr" aad children at
theachool now, and one of the moat in
teresting sights imaginable is to see
them marcn across we coan wo ine
dining room and take their eeata at the
gnat tabtoa. It is a very animated
spectacle, and one not soon forgotten.
At one end of the room an the girls, at
the other end the boys. Tlietr teachers
an present also, partaking of the same
fan, which is appetizing and moat ex
cellent Grouped about than main buildings
an the various industrial buildings, the
hospital, warehonesa, etc. Each depart
ment ia complete in itaett and the ut
most iilesnlinraa and most perfect order
prevail everywhere. Then isnt the
slightest confusion. Each department
baa ita competent instructor aad over
aeer, and under these instructors the
pupils an taught to perform, in turn,
every eervioe attaching to the aohool and
all ita branches.
The time required in order to complete
the eourse is five years, and every pupil
must enter the school for at toast three
yean. The course consists of reading,
writing, spelling, arithmetic, drawing,
musio and all common aohool branches,
and such occupations as farming, car
pentry, harness making, shownaking,
tailoring, duaamsaing, etc Certain pa
pils an detailed for each of then de
naftnAnti aver? month and the work-
ahopa are provided with every tailoring;
dressmaking and manufacturing facility
from sewing machines to the tost arti
cle required by a first-class and moat
complete manufacturing establishment.
The boys cut out and make their own
clothing; all the shoes worn by the In
dian students, a vast quantity of har
ness, attend to the farm and assist gen
erally in keeping the premises in order.
The girls cut out and make their own
dresses and clothing, learn how to cook,
play and sing, and boys and girls alike
an compelled to attend to their own
rooms and keep them clean, made up
and attractive.
They seem to excel in such branches
as writing, drawing and painting any
thing they can aee. Some of the beet
penmanship we have seen was shown us
here, and one Indian boy, 18 years of age
who never had a teacher in his life, haa
two pointings in yonder large aohool
room that would put many an Omaha ar
tist to the blush. This boy is talented,
and his talent should receive every en
couragement Pupitoare here from many
tribes the Sioux, Winnebago, Arapa
hoe, Arickaree, Omaha, Shoshones, etc.
Many of the maidens are charmingly
pretty, many of the boys manly, and aU
of them are exceedingly well-behaved
and eager to learn. To a student of hu
man nature it certainly looks as if these
Indian industrial schools were destined
to solve the vexed Indian problem for
ever. Indians can be civilized. They
can be taught our ways, and it is plain
that they can be eo enlightened as to
become noble and intelligent men and
women. Let the cynical but visit this
school and they will be eooffers no long
er. The school is maintained by an
annual appropriation of $30,000 and
about $150,000 have already been invest
ed in it Two hundred and amy acres
of the land belonging to the school are
under cultivation. An orchard, consist,
ingof 3,600 trees, being one of tbemost
prominent landscape features. AU thai
land is cultivated by the Indian stu
dents, and upon it is raised nearly every
thing that is required in the shape of
food and provisions. Superintendent
Backus is the right man in the right
place. His heart is in his work. He is
humane, watchful, interested. He ie
liked by the pupils and respected, by his
corps of sssktants. To conduct prop
erly such a aohool as this requires a
peculiarly kind, patient tactful, yet firm
and resolute character. Mr. Backus
posewa these Qualifications. He ie
also fortunate in having able and con
scientious assistants. The pupils are
enoouraged in every direction. They
ban their duties, their pastimes, and
their chosen entertainments. There is
an expert Indian bell club, an exoeUent
bran band, a printing office and aohool
iper, and now and men a aance,exni
tinn. tn. Evervthinff possible is done
to render the condition of then dusky
wards of the government pleasant ana
agreeable. The pupils show that they
are wonderfully appreciative. A visit to
this school was, to the writer, a much
needed lesson, and we came away with a
higher and far different opinion of In
dian character and Indian capability.
Omaha Herald.
WaasJsgtsa Letter.
Froaa osr regalar eomepoadeat.
The president thinks the criticism he
is receiving from many republicans on
account of his slowness in making ap
pointments is very unjust In a oonver-
Cuon witn an ora personal menu u
id: "I am being severely and I think
unjustly criticised for not making ap
pointments faster. It is in no case any
fanlt of mine. I am. and have been
since the 4th of Mareheady and willing4
to appoint a republican to any position
that is or should be vacant provided of
course, that he has the indorsement of
the congressional delegation of his state.
But what am I to do when nearly every
atate haa two or more candidates for
AVAt-v important office, each supported
by some portion of the congressional
delegation; when one republican eenator
informa me that union his friends are
appointed the party in hie atate wfll go
straight to the dogs, and an hour later
another eenator from the same state says
the same thin? in regard to his friends.
If those who criticise my tardiness could
exchange places with me I feel certain
they would at once eee the mistake they
am Biskimr. Isjnrerfectly wQlhurtobe
freely criticised for my own acts, but I.
object most decidedly to being held re
apoaaibto for the lack of harmony among
republican oongressnien.n
V. S. Treasurer Huston has gone to
Indiana on private business
Secretary Bosk haa leased the resi
dence occupied by Robert T. Lincoln
when he va secretary of war.
(UtL. Mahone caotund the only im
portant Virginia appointment made hat
week; W. E. Craig, whom the general in
dorsed, was selected for U. a attorney of
the western district of Virginia.
Attorney General Miller haa decided
tbataa act pasaed by the Arizona legis
lature and approved by the governor
proridingfor the holding of a conven
tion to frame a atate constitution to be
eubmitted to the people ia valid, not
withstanding the absence of a congres
sional enabling act
It is generally believed that Calvin &
Brioe, chairman of the national demo
cratic national committee, wfll be the
democratic Standard Ofl Monopoly can
didate for the United States senate to
aueceed Senator Payne of Ohio, who
baa concluded to ctoee hie pocketa.
The Standard Oil concern bought
Payne's seat for him and if the Ohio re
publiesna are not wide-awake they wfll
do aa much f or Bnce.
Senator Tracy ia trying to affect n
ttomant with the tote John Boach, the
ship bafldar, who waa driven to bank
ruptcy and death by the Cleveland ad-
Ttia estimated that the
will ahow the United States
oral eervice rales which prohibit
without n regalar
save been out of the
of the gpveramsat for
than a year shall not annly to vat-
of thaUajonarpy. TaatwWan-
- W -. i
.. i. v
able about
to ha
ia avigoroaa aaanamsat on the part of
the real soldisn against thonreUowa
who ban thiainrtis rated aa
on the deaartment roles without
having served a day in the army. The
postmaster general haa issued an order
which wiU probably. to duplicated by
.the other cabinet ottoera, oalUag for a
i detailed record of such of the employes
of tto post office departaient as were in
the amy. Then records when received
wfll be compared with the official reoorde
in the war departmeat and woe to thon
that do not tally.
The thirteenth annual encampment of
thePrtrioticSonsof America waa held
here this week.
Senator Washburn mia favor of sasaa
ing the treasury suralae in iaerea
eoldiera' pensions, ana for internal
Naaanburg ia worldag
present for Otto Mueller.
George Hodel intends to ship four car
loads of fat steers, the first of this week.
The aammer term' of the Bismarck
Academy closed oa ' the 21st qaite a
number of visitors wan prnsnt
Otto Mueller sold a load of fat hoga to
Sickly Bros, last week, average weight
217 pounds.
Mr. Jahner of Butler township visited
his daughter Mrs. Win. Gerhold last
week, returning home oa the 25th.
During the recent showers the light
ning atrack ia several placn in thie vi
cinity. Several parties tost stock that
wen near barb wire fences, and Otto
Mueller had a tree atrack which
standing near his barn; no damage
done in this case.
The annual aohool meeting of district
No. 10 was held at the aohool house
Monday, the 24th of June. O.D.But
ler and Jacob Schwank were reelected
director and treasurer, respectively. The
voters present voted nine months school
for the ensuing year, and a levy of 13
The glorious Fourth is near at hand
and the small boy ia getting in readiness
by arming himself with fire-crackers,
toy-pistol, eta, while the citizen of a
more advanced age, ia preparing to take
a lay-off and celebrate the day by at
tending the exercises at Columbus.
Every patriotio citizen who realizes that
on the 4th of July, 1776, the few strug
gling colonies (today the proud nation
of the United, States) threw off the op
pressor's yoke and became free and in
dependent should not hesitate to let his
work stand a day and join in praising
the memory of those noble souls, states
men and warriors alike, who aided in
maintaining the declaration that day
made public. When we think of the
possibilities of what we, ourselves,
might be today, had it not been for these
men, no praise should be too high in our
estimation, to extol their merits, and
carry their memory down to posterity.
The Argus's Harmony Flats corres
pondent disgusts republicans. What
must be the sensation experienced by
true blue democrats when they read
such slush.
' The only drawback to Humphrey vot
ing bonds for waterworks is the fact that
straight be-a drawback in the future
when wa vote bonds for a court noun
at thia place.
Dan and Frank Ottis, sons of Mrs.
Ottis, an home spending their' vacation.
They wfll return to St Mary's, Kan, to
complete their studies, aa soon as vaca
tion is ended. .
Mr. Henry Heroes and Miss Gertrude
Billerbeck were married Wednesday tost
and' immediately oommenoed house
keeping in the new residence just built
by the groom.
. Several new residences are just com
pleted, and Mversl more are contemplat
ed. Fred Fromholtx was treating his
friends this week to cherries grown on
hk large farm east of town. Tia amid
Fred, contemplates committing matri
mony.' Christ Schumig moved into his new
residence in South Humphrey Monday.'
At the aohool meeting last week D. T.
Dickinson waa re-elected moderator and
it was voted to build a new echool house.
A building committee was selected and
they an visiting neighboring towns
With a view of getting the best our town
can afford.
A rattlesnake was killed in the door
yard in front of the residence of Bev.
Valknaar that sported ten rattles on ita
appendage. It crawled up out of the
walk where children had played all day.
Humphrey haa no boom but it ia put
ting up more substantial buildings
and ia having; a good healthy growth. A
new business houee opened its doon to
the public for the first time Saturday.
We refer to the new drug etoro of Hel
mig k Arnold, two young men of Colum
bus, and we think they have chosen
wisely in selecting Humphrey aa their
location and predict for them a good pat
ronage. The foundation of the large
brick store of Wm. Duesman ia being
hud. It ia opposite the Citizens bank
and fronta one hundred feet on the street
running north and south and fifty feet
on Main street It is to be a twoitory
building and wfll be one of the beat m
the county. The lower atory wfll to
used by Mr. Duesman as a furniture
The public aohool closed Friday with
a picniomtto grove north of town. The
children had a jolly good time.
Yoa foflta ongntto oomsoat of your
littto corner andsee the balance of the
county. Coan up the Fourth and an
how to do things np in style, and learn
how to celebrate the natal day ia a be
The repuMicaneand democrats played
a maton game of ball Friday last At
the end of the seventh inning it waa n
tie, the noon being 11 to lL It waa
necessary to play saother inniag when
the game waa won by the npubticane
with much enthusiasm, by a aeon of 15
to 12,
naajkai of FytaJas, Allisllaa!
An yoa going to attend ths Knights
ofPytLasEnoampsaentto to -held at
Oolumbas, Nebr, July 1st to July 8th,
inclusive?- If not why not?
Tto Union -Pacific Baflway haa amade
redacad rates -aa follows: let Ante
of one fan for tto round trip from aU
stations in Kabraaka. Tiekata to to
soldJane 80th, Jary tot sad 2nd. From
pointa within one hundred aulas of Oo
tuaTbus, tiekata wfll to add at
one fan for tto round trip, July 3d to
7th, iacleaiva. Betura limit in arthar
care to to Jab 8th. Bring your faaafly
ana manna and witaass tan
anddrflto. An aajoyaai
aaai aU who attend. For
affjy to your Uafe
IjDflO vatenaa aaaahargad
darnar tae Iret tares yean of iaere-
adauaietrataon to gat thssr
Than ia awaking among the bogua
I latnama ia the various dsuartmsata of
annay. Than
For tto Fourth of Jaly
the Union eaaafc iamuwey
a rate of
whish ekfcate an sued to nay other paint
maiaiia IJikiH nitl Tri irTI Julys
aad 4th, good coiuffoa date of sale, and
good returning eatil July 5th,
of July in- an elaborate amanaar and wfll
offer n vary enjoyable program for the
satcrtaiamsat of
The above
given in order that yoa amy take your
faaafly aad friends toanyof thenuaasr
oaa pointeof interest sad assist in the
vanoua oataarammoaa.
For detailed rates, tickets, time of
trains, ete, call oa or ddran any afekst
agent of tto Uaion Pncute Baflway.
Fourth of Jaly tto B. k M. B. R R.
wfll sell round trip tieketa to aU pointa
within 208 aulas at one fan for tto
round trip. Tiekata to to aold Jaly 3d
and 4th good returning to July 6th.
Mctbirdsrt Camp Meeting Taatmla.
Nebw, July 10 to 17, one fan round trip.
Tickets on sale July 10 to 18, good re
turning to Jary 17. .
Nebraska State Firemen's Touraa-
mment, Bed Cloud, Nek, Jaly 10 to 17.
Pointa that asad teaams to compete in
tto toaraaamant wfll aeU at one fan for
round trip. Tieketa to to aold July 15
to 19, good tetania; to July 2a
Chautauqua Assembly Beatrice, Nek,
June 28 to Jury 7. Bound trip tieketa
wfll be aold to Beatrice, at rate of one
fare aad a third. Tickets to to aold
June 27 to Jaly 7, good returning to
July a
Natioaal Educational Association
meeting, Nashville, Teno, July 8 to 201
Bound trip tieketa wfll to aold to Nash
vflto, Team-, at tto lowest first-class
through rate plan $2 from all points.
Tiekata wfll to aold July 1 to 18, iaeln
sivejgood returning July 16 to Septem
ber 30 inclusive.
Preparations hava been saade for a
atate gathering, which everybody ia in
vited to attend. It to to to held at Co
lumbus, Nebraska, July 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7,
and 8, inclusive, and ia the firet Annual
Brigade Encampment of tto Uniform
Rank, Knights of Pythias. Colarabusis
centrally located in tto state, haa Mversl
linn of railroads, large hotel accommo
dations and ita citizena wfll do every
thing in their power to make tto stay of
visitors pleasant Tto four regimenta
will go into camp near the city, and ad
mission to tto grounds wfll to free to
everybody. A plentiful water saaply
wfll to provided, tto grounds lighted by
electric lights, snd an interacting pro
gram prepared. Prize and exhibition
drills, display of mflitary tactics and
various interestiag features wfll to pre
aented. July 4 wfll to Columbus' day,
and tto city wfll have the largest Fourth
of July celebration in tto west Se
duced fares on aU raflroade entering
Columbus, one fare for tto round trip,
haa been secured. Everybody who can,
should go to tto encampment and stay
aa long aa possible. Sunday, July 7,
grand camp eervicnwfll to held, Dean
Whitmanh of Norfolk officiating.
It wfll pay any person who ia willing
to spend $4.00 for a gate to examine tto
one at E. A. Garrard's residence in tto
western part of the city. It can to readi
ly opened and closed by tto driver,
without getting out of bin vehicle or
down off hie toad of hay and raton over
obstaotos without additional power. Mr.
Gerrard ia a man of good inventin
genius, aa haa been shown by several of
his achtovemento in that Una, and need
ing a gate of thia kind for himself, to
put his wite to work, and haa tto beat
wa have aeea for tto purposs. 48tf
riuvaui waauf saenva amaanmasi ,at - m -
oraartaiaaof taeaert, aeedU.arlar poptaaneet,
faaneaBDeaMdeaad etntekeioa tkeavoaad,
- - -- --- ' - - asilfl liiintilsi
ia UMWiaear, ay a dot or onuaaJTii
ie to p rod a dar. aad eaa work it
groaad. The asm wao aaa.oae of
aafe tKaa ear other, aad isake it at kae eoat.
The BMMJae aad a aaaiple of Rework eaa be
aeea iathe city oa 11th street oratavfaravlnt
weat of Patrick M amy 'e, aay other day. Will
aaU aMemiaea, or territonr, or eoatnet to pat ap
Byviitaeof aa order of eale diiected to aw
traethe diptriKooert of Haste eeaaty.jfe
any of Mar. favor of the viUweot Iied
aayaejIalatfgBailaaaiaPt JtmrnSTtHWrntt;
Fnd TaBlKhaad J.H.lfiinl aa litnili iti.
tor the earn of oasthoaaaadaad three doUare
ead aeeTBDweoataj! have levied apoathe fel
lowtaur laadeaad tie aw aita taken ae the prop
srtyof asid lilialiati. to aatfaaaM orfcof
foe W). tiissalB twemtr m. aaraX . iaaae
nana (t) west of aha atxth nriawpal ppHriaaaa.
"TSaaaY. SpwpaalAadlSrtae
nweaw tome igaear Beseer.ior caaa ia
itrn Dat or JCX.T, A. IX, law.
fat fraat of the eeert hoaae ia. i
pf aald Ceaaty.
4 ,
ty esmt, at Ma saaw ie OaeaapW
a the tSBBlay ef Jaly. nUS at S
aaaU pay. whn aai whsn all
Caaa, F. Knar.
Giitractm ui Bailsters.
amammawawMmaf ejslnW
m W Vkmm P naV aWsaaui wBrnW, naianu anana. WapwaTaj
t.a.n -M -- -a-- - -
Hapwawp5PB"Wa IWpWapsaaV
nettasfahsielaj sgiaatoall swaeaa uwjnjjil
aaCaiajBBsHea to.amg.oaaafr. smart, to.asye
aawappaVpM aaaaaPBkSepaiApt --- - - m flaajaMBBiaka
apnpwnaaappwppwa CBpnapnamuappwl unW,BWapm eaauwe appwaapwEwrasTna
apawaa amaWapawnuaawhaT pmwaaa. "emaaaaaml amBvamva. awlwanant 4W
BPBPVaaasj, SBBBmuaammmBa BBBBammnaamm aaamm. aapPfnuaawaawg aappUn
jgipj- galau aam uapauar faWwnmpt TamwaVnT nan pUnrnprnVam.
"W w''"mPW'amw JTbw " nW"'l,-wap ; aany arummmmmma
3ff Grua. Oh nsmmbnsnr, Trmmaxmr oT !tovtte County, Mnv
lisi.lromsMaimmrar 1, 13alaa toJvily 1, IMs).
-i ..
Callt aU J as4 leeeiveJ fraat toraxhip ttmsnrrrs
i eeBmwr aw, sata ta br cecaty ireaaawr
nuf sWswBauaj upsBwenaL
for f tire t.nxe paid
taeVuetB eamte liccaetM
Bpheel aasMrtiaaawpat trom atate
Lamp riwr aal M feed
Flatts river eahkl fmd
Heheol laad lnaiL
aaeellaadpriadpal sad interest.
- To
id labor tax nasiae.
Paid eta
PaidrfaiBierrityof Colajahpa.
jSja tirer aridpesalehap........
mppe tfppr pnaae eale hna.......
Pnlliiiaai !!! --
Bride faad. wanaate aad
CottocUlal jspfal ta tPwHsnallly tFtBapptarWa)
nphBpTo' euawaaWpfpT uytpaeWPTlCJan aWawl... mJm
OriaariNMK Nebraska. Jaae 39 1. 18S7lr3l
I heieby enrtif r th ainn to Im rra antl rnrroct.
Jl OS. . RKC1IKR. Coppty Tmimnr.
or rasa aaouvaa av oca. a. Bacam, Tax taenia or rLATTKCocim nKaaAsaA.
raoa t.nvnr 1. W tn twi 1, 18HS.
Fees oa erbool lead enlleetinnt.
M -esppty
" - achenl taxea collected....
M "fedaahaa city taxes collected....
eewaoPamapnap aanaaamaasan
Feee oa at tax nreipte eeat oat of atate .
- assaWtnwaaamwnl v
H - U redeptptiea certifieatea
2 taacertUtesteeiaeaed
vOalapvppwwnp CaT IaX4i0
Leaa waceepaM
Jaae 2. 1WS.
certify the above
BsamaBP"S!BSBff!!SwPpprS "t
WaJchforeafety.coavepJeace.-rlpialiaeea and aiaipUcity.caaBotboeacelled. Iteaabodieethe
aiaipkot priaaiplea ia phUoeophy aad takea the raak abure all Leap Fillere. Mo deaser of -ploaioaa.
flhanlata fnr anarantnod NoaDilliBf. vaatiannIrinnlBnr nil mm ik79u.. ..t.i-
or uateldi of ceo. Upitoamaadyoapaotbewithoatitforiretlaicaiteoat. Itworkaia
laiaa uasaaawallaaaaialloaee. thereby aaviaa the freoaeat aad aaaoriaatriaaap ta torita .
aaMllwa, Kiety eaa ada of the very beet tia. aad
aaWIfyoabayityoaaetMerodeof feBcefroaiMepoaBdeof wire, which ao other willdo.B
44-2t .
SPEICE & :ltokth,
General Agent for the sab
saaB waamapm aamapap. aam
pwipdaBd paimprod.araaleat lew pries aadeareaeeephle tenM. Aka
rpeia the eMy. We keep a eeiplete abptiaetof title tosU rsal eatato is
We have Joat
beet of all
We aak the people of Celaaabaa to rive
wicluhiwpptihTeliea 'fr- -- PU
dec6-88tf TUKanZK dt fJnmJtTSJIB.
To Jobs
Tea asp
that the property de-
aa feUews. to wit: Lot aaaiber ive
fer --- t Ifilinil mmA filnTfi (2111
the towa (bow cay) .of Colaaabpe. Platte
eaasay. Mebiw was paavaasea by Georae W. thetth day ef njvaatber. U87. at pab.
MeaOaat the Uaamiartofleeef aaaeoaa.
eaptaafd lot -wmZamk ia the mmmet Joha
ooaai aad mat the name fer isssaiptioa will
upoppo w. uaxxpt.
aaaft.wi 1
not thefaUewia
fg.Mtm fa
that the feUowiaa-
af hieiateatiop to
amba aaal areef ia eappert of hie rlaiai, asd
apmaippaafwai.Baageliliii EjeTilaraBd
apaXris: paanea F.Onpay.hopMHpesii7sn for
UpTiiXh eeatfoa 1-MVS waaC
aWaaaaaiaae fallswamcprfsmasBPi to stove hie
ndliari apoa aad ealtivariea of.
via: Cheriea H. Aaaee. Chariea W.
assawfaaPB. Geerae L. Diafeaaaah.
aU of farear Ciepk. Kab.
or who kaoweof
anunfaaafagm1 naaegnaamft Buamg&aap fam laawFapphmu aaaa XppprrW
aamsas of mSmSmSmTmuZST rmSk
peaef abaaldaot be snoVprnTwUl be atvoa aa
oaaaeapppy at aaaalaaee.wisttoaii gss aad
alslsajBm. asa to afar evlimwa .ia rebattal ef
tm !.'& mnin,lnliii.
Vffifsrjav nQ
. Jna W
aF nan
' 4w) ferar
9 m
. arSv aTnv
a w Bar
era) U
, aw) ew"
4i )
- aaa bWs
. tt spa Oem
.....-. j... us at
157 W
W3 8S
5MM m
175 99
am 92
270 as
Ml 78
10 00
4S30 6H
?i M
by c-Toaty oa ilbaal op-
1S2717 at
S IMSftt
, SA77 78
t0 lid
I OiiHB iHa
4 "ee 9
mm mm mm mm m PaBja esaj
s mr SWpl3 VSg
4" 3 "90
llw ana1
laaatt aa
mm m m mm mm m m mm mm gnWJ dtW
1 . Bvi aa
"la dPa)
I wane oa
ay"av "
1 an
. ames
. wees
. us ss
"i so
a fau ran)
w w
.f 989 69
11551 W
etatraieBt to be tree aad correct.
Cooaty TrwMiurer.
warrated to work aaflaiirterilj. Callaadaea
hist i sanizi
iSBje to SJlLMparaerafareaai
We have alee a laraa aad chalet
op NEBRASKA ATEMCE. where we will keep the very
Uada of
ae a ebare of .their patroaaae. which we hope to
.tjtw calL
tor aatohiakkvalkw.
acne of lead: ah not tm
PMieUy ia clover aad bias asaaa paaoi
jav ma
paa: US)
Thefarai eaaiio ia a
iWL lato aawU ielaa brfoaea. DoelHasI
Cam apprVwaai IvOaaML BasppppRBaV apawTEm aSnaawX. naWpnum BaBaaWaafi
toae of hay; boa hoaae; 3 walla; raaalaa water
ia paatare. For farther partiealere iaoaire at
JocBAi.oalea,or adareem, H. BVeereei Joaa-
au unissiaps, near.
Blue Gi-cVaS, GloYur,
Timothy, Orchavrd
Graatm Seed, eta at
MHI KaaUaM t MM,
' il
. .
-. : &i
-S. c
" ..I