The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 03, 1889, Image 1

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St- x'.-'
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WHOLE NO. 999.
VOL. XX.-NO. 11.
"? " t
if by
iNatioMl Bakl
- c- za
that I coald
BV Iff
Mm fm JwBnnl - af -rli-v" rW-y? ' --"' --
w - . .---.. .- .
wewwwMwjwaawawawa a
rmxTMBUS r i ' --7 k tAA fez
- !..fl laV .ananasr anaaV- nSaBnrwannnnnn' n Inaaar
AA?j5i6iil tlJ?5255ir rldBW2i 2?i
what I
A ."Ts-
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fer e .
. -, mm .wEm. .?avviwiii i mr"n& maxims irrrrrriT rnfrffmr nana?
STATis uAim. nfflagswg arifiS- PJSP-W
Cash Capital - $100,000. g" HJftJA 1 Z jBOEHi Wi
wS ''"z wSfcWt;
JULIOS A. BEED. M 1 S1! I r J '
E.H. HENRY. Ijf I iC?icdm ! I ftV
" -- "I
INDEPENDENCE DAY. "f1 radjlo Mcefr tt w ttf j
mil rlat.
CBlMEEim Bffi
Authorized Capital of $500,000
Paid in Capital - 90,000
C. H. SHELDON. Pr't.
1L P. 1L OHLRICH. Vice Prea.
C. A. NEWMAN, Canbier,
C IL Shrtdon. , . J- P-
n,nmin P. H. Oehlncb, Oirl KjkjV--
Jonas Welch, W. A. McAlUter,
J. Henry Wanleman, H. 3L Winslow,
limrp- W. Galley, S. C Grey,
Frank Borer, Arnold F. H. Oenlnch.
jy Bank of deposit; interest allowed on tim
.leiit; bny and bell exchange on United Stated
aad Europe, and bay and dell available seenritiea.
W shall be pleased to receive yux boai&eaa. We
solicit your patninae.
Trveliaic Saaewsamai.
tTThe rnpi are first-ebwa is every par
ticalar, aad ao uuaranteed.
Buckeye Mower, comWiiew, Self
Bhtitr, wire or twine.
Pms Ref airei a shtrt
W-One door west of Heintz'a DrnKErtore.Utli
ZZt rnlnmlnuKtb. lBOTMI
atreeC Columbna, Nb.
1 1 say Ccaa I So a waaa aaarair
atlurattse, aad taem aaveaa i
aaaaaeme toaaar at
ABSB-Taaar atady. Iw-AaxAarwyi
'mm tk ars& cases. BceaaaB as
faMHdiaa reason tor not i
arr inraTTraTJ kkbxdt. Ty.'t1
anilW Ofca. It eoata yaaaaaaias; ar a
aaai aad it viQ care to. Aaareas
,?fUkimUef JsAe-
Pay terct Xl "
BmmWUmW -nnrannnWnrBW-' -
EIrBnnBnnBKaT nnnnannnnn"anr nnanV' annnalnnBBr
K.VC ??rVCTOWI Z?fSI3LK'!1ESII liOk0?W5ir i-M
TwArTSJiryrvA . -4h ijrr .75 v? 'yrwjtfi a
SfflWKSiifcM fAfca. SbVKW 'a
Iaduneadef P h
SqacmktbeflCe lad teat tte
And (Hack Cwkt OC tte IW
Booex! Tovl Fbmm ham! Dbo
RN- -
BT 1. x. oossmxY.
ICopyrlght. MMX ar lartrB Pw nmnrimrtm
Business took me oat to CalifocBUt m
couple of yeus- before the TranecoBti
nental nOxomtwm oaeaed. end, after
fortnight in 8en Fraacaaee, I fond it
woBMbeoeoeaeuyfor me to go away
up toward the northern end of the state
to exaaahae aoene hjdranlic mining prop
erty, in which parties whom I represent
ed had an haterest. Of coarse,! kept
mrobiettoiiTelf and paeaed for aim-
plya "teaderfoor vaguely "prospeetiag
aixwnforaaoseaiag.- Day after day
I rode on the box C the stage with the
driver, whom I conciliated with burnt
offeriags and libatione rigara and bran
dy and from whom in return I got not
a little iiaiYiil aad entertaining in
formation. Oae afsenooav while we
were slowly toiling p the steep slope of
a B3oustaia he zcanarked:
"Therell be great dean's in Jupiter."
I thought laeavaaxbeebeanung, though
his eyes were wide opemaad he kept
flicking the ceTwheefc
H3m theFoairth.-.he
Tndedr I reaooaded. InterroeaiiTe-
1 j, imiywl and curioos as to the course
his fancy wast aiiae;
-Yes, he weat oat. goin to have a
aham battle; Aaaericaas aad British; and
wind up with a daace. Abner Joyce
nchfTW it all oat. People oominlfrpm
fifty miles 'round to take a hand am.
I sooa found that Si Baaaom, the
driver, was telkhur of mundaae and not
plaaeUry affairs, aad that the Jupiter he
aaeant was a latue seuesaeax, hbbj
the infyiinta;Tta. started orgiaaMy
mhiiur ramn. but MOW the
center of aa agrieuhural oommnnky.
While -he waa telling me about it we
came to a fork in the road aad there were
'two sign boards:
"Looks funny, deat itT comraeatod
81, with a grin: "Bat that was the way
Abner Joyce seed fit to put it up. Swore
he'd make the ignorant cusses tout here
laun one Dlanefa sucaian I guess he
did. Even the greasers that come along
this way now know that stands for
f made up my mind that I would at
rrerand ass howaamall town wnn
not flonriah so vigorously in the "effete
of the west And yon
asaonar the
in ths Tafleye.
Aiincsciatrve love for onr
crowawkh knowlsdcs of its
and beauty. And how cm
Si took aa Of the
tso gceaTmr Fonrsh ok Jnry;
arrival aid
.. . SyuSyffiBaK?V
fin ft ' fl
T" uurv
v ' uiqel
" to aC Baaanwf f'T annaT
VHannn wmLZfs0
arrivals to work a "rocker" ob
that the aaase of Juptter was given to
the camp that had subsequently devel
oped into the town. "Everybody liked
aad respected him, ao that his present
illness was deeply regretted for his own
sake as we& as the censeqaent depriva
tionof his directing geaios sufFered by
h waa marv ha inferred from an incident
that occurred the day before my arrival.
Opinions were divided among the com
mittee as to the aamber of stars that
should appear in the field of the flag to
be borne by the Continental soldiers in
the sham battle, aad there waa nobody
who had a clear idea of how at
bed, red, glaring aad delirious wan
fever. When they asked him about the
stars he howled: As many as there are
in the fti snawiiiitP and when they just
mentioned theEagbah fisg the sulphx
ous decorations of .his speech completely
shrouded any information it nught have
Hkvinar had. like all New Yorkers, far
too many miiwalusififfs to become famil
fnr with the British flag, through fan pre
dVnniiuuKeaaacng the a?iqping in oar
harbor, I waa enabled to tefl theas how
bad already settled by deciding on tbir-
Wo had a great deal of difficulty in
eettimr a Britiah army.-
all 187 men enrolled for
thev all wanted to be
in ths patriot
forces. Yet it an
there oueht to he a
American army in
victory of ths
word "BritMh" on eighty elipa of paper,
"TfaithiTTftiTwr mi insna ami "Tfatrinta"
on forty-twa. Tnak kschacked
aB tMsirti r into a Mwder kac.
up and aaade each man draw an
of place th fiie commg strife,
try cnance no ap
allowed. Ths useective forces
elected their own oalcira.
"Are ths blank cartridges made? I
innocencry asked JmnaTaey.
"Blank Botain',' he replied, with evi
dent aarprise at sacha qnestion; "the
boys aB ass fixed Bmawraitlon and U
would be no end of trouble to change at,"
"But, I lamiaiilialiiT H niT1 be ter
rihly daagerens to have aM thoae f sOows
pumping lead oat in the excitement of
even a aham battle,"
"Wen," he lanpandsd with calm in
dmTerenoe, "some accidents may happen,
hntif they do, why, they H osiy aaake
the racket seem aaore natnxal like and
give an sir of earnestness to theexhO-
of knBanBra.
i hall could."
pay I did
him to
aad even-
up m thenar,
Tve no doubt
; jhv
Daw aMBanJMsKX
Brought to look. 3Wyweattohisato
a thing. She nad a magnificent Juno
fika form, fine resulax features, full of
expression, and a natural grace of move-
and atttude wormy or a gouaeas.
"I am glad that I met yon without
having to send after you to the hotel, as
I expected I would have to," she said.
I was ao much surprised that I could
only stammer some stupid nonsense
about eitlier way being good enough for
me, which she of course took no notice
of and went on:
-There is something I wanted to
apeak to yon about something you must
attend to. Two young men have, as I
happen to know, agreed to make the
ffhm fight to-morrow the cover for a
itoadlr dnpl. in earnest, between them.
Chance has helped them by putting one
on the American and the other on the
British side, just as they hoped for.
While others will' be hanging away in
the air, just to make a noise, they will
be aiming to kill each other. You must
find some wav to prevent it."
"Is it not possible that you may be
nlrpn? How do you know that they
entertain any such purpose?
Her handsome face flushed deeply aa
she replied, with a little embarrassment:
"Each has been to see me, for what he
knew might "be the last time, and though
neither betrayed the purpose in words, I
was conscious of it."
I comprehended. They were rivals
for her love, a prize well worth risking
life for in the estimation of such fear
less and resolute young men as abound
ed in that country. I could do no leas
than promise that I would do what I
could to prevent the carrying out of
their deadly purpose; but really I did
not suppose that anything I could, say
would have the slightest effect in influ
encing them. She told me who they
were, and when I got back tothehoteT
I found them 'both 'there, m the'tar
room, drinking and talking together in
the friendliest fashion possible, to all
outward seeming. Surely, 1 thought,
the girl fa misUken Still, as I had
promised her tliat I would speak to
them, I did so, having first learned from
Bradley, who pointed them out to me,
that they were, as they appeared to be,
friends. " They walked off a little to one
side with me at my request, and I said
lightly, feeling that my task was much
easier than I had anticipated it would
wx SAtnmBXD back to the bax.
"I am glad to see that you two are
friends, as from something I have beard
I rather fancied that such might not be
the case."
They both eyed me very sharply for a
minute of very uncomfortable silence,
and then the one whose name I had been
told was Jim asked, with that intonation
of studiously punctilious politeness
which one noon learns to understand as
a very dangerous symptom in a western
lt I be Tjermitted to inouire what
hasgiven rise to such a aupposition?
"Why, certainly," I repned, a little
vaeaairvT "I had been told that von acta-
ally contemplated a duel to-morrow."
" AhT exclaimed ths one known as
Bill, in a tone of surprise, and then he
in a tone aa obsequiously
that it had a sort of blood
Excuse me. but may I
who has told vou so?
Ifanifeatly delay in explicit explana
tion would be likely to evsataate speed
- "A very beautiful young woman, well
known to both of yon,- who, deeming
tha by to okang ahe might save a brave
nun's Hfe, asked as to apeak to yon and
XBBansfznsB wkh yon against what her
swaina eafci canned her to fear
was your joant purpose.''
They looked at each other with express
aaons that aeeaed to any each to ths
other, "He la not to blame," and then
Bfflaaidwitha smile:
"That's all right. But there fe no oc-
cnaion for yon to aix up in this affair.
I Jim curtly.
caot And ai
far nobody win he any as
atif you keep your head at
wsadd if I wars you, for. it i
m - l,. r-..,i
I ii
nnnnnnr iTNnanI
If the ownership of a mining claim
had been at issue they would probably
have tossed a "doable eag" or "cut the
to decide it. But the stake hare
in the eyes of boh,wrth aaors
tains, and they aaade their gam a ens
worthy of ks dignity life er death, for
-Z We sauntered back to the bar and took
ardsjak together. As I raised ay glass
I bowed slightly to each and said,
Whichever." They looked at each
etber, aeaued, touched their glasses, re
peated "Whichever," and drank. They
-nuiasatoui me. We had drank to the
health of whichever cewahonld have the
kick to
Big of.ahs Fourth, and the people of
Juai&ir, whs haeTgot up Icnc befbrehiia.
werefnlof theexckedT bustle of final
preparation of details. It waa Abner
Jovcs'a day for a chill, but he badhun
sslf Wiped out and perched p where he
could oterkwk a good ahare of thapre
ceedings, hoping to get some mtiafactkm
out of them before the fever strack hiaa
and made him deMrioua.
About 11 o'clock in the forenoon,
dropping shots in the canyon away
up to the nertheast told that the
akirmisbera of the British line were
advancing and- the very small Con
tinental guard falling back before
them. Soon the latter were driven
through the town in full retreat, pursued
by tlte victorious British, whose red flan
nel blouses and red flannel covered hats
made quite an imposing show. The
Continental uniforms were simply white
flannel facings pinned on the jackets,
and floured hats cocked up to three
pointed shape with pins. As the British
went through the town they fired a log
house, stuffed with pine tops and other
combustible material, that had been con
structed for the purpose. The rapid dis
charges of the guns, the shouts of the
men and the thick, black amoks from
the burning bouse blown across the
scene, gave a startling realism to the
numic.battle. From all directions then
came the patriot volunteers, supposedly
called by the sounds of strife from their
paaceful avocations, to defend their
homes from the ruthless invaders. Out
of town they, too, swept, firing and
yeDiag, In pursuit of the British, and
among them went Abner Joyce, who
hadfargottan that he was sick. The ex
plosion, of a lot of dynamise cartridges
planted, in stumps added the effect of
cannon'to the uoroar.
as soon as tns oatue naa movea on
Bradley, Garrity and myself set to work
hoisting a triumphal arch of light poles
covered with red, whits and blue flannel
streamers and trimmed with evergreens
that had been prepared in advance and
ingeniously rigged with hoisans; tackle
ao that we three could handle it. Then
we ran up an enormous American nag
on the tall liberty pole before the hotel,
and the strong mountain breese spread
out its glorious stars and stripes ss stiff
as a board. Hardly rere our labors
completed when ths sound of a drum
and We. coming from the west, heralded
the approach of ths patriot forces and
, their prisoners, ths British, who had,'
according to the ptogiamme, surren
deml at a point half a mOe out of town.
At the foot of the liberty pole the tit
tle procession halted and the Engnsh
colonel, speaking f or his men, gave fittwg
expression to their penitence for having
borne arms against a people who were
striving to be free, and announced their
readinea to forthwith and forever repu
diatealfcance to tasking of Fngland,
if the Continental army would accept
them as recruits. Abner Joyce whose
excitement, exertions and an opportune
padl at somebody's flask had quim broken
has chin had leaped into ths part of Gen.
Washington, for which be had origfn
aDy been "cast," and, in response to the
English colonel, made each an Indepand
ence day oration as raised his bearera to
the wildest enthanaam of patriotic de
light. Then the two armies mmgied fra
ternally; the English fag was raised half
roast high, union -jack down; an effigy
of Benedict Arnold was hanged and then
consumed in the stfll SBBc4dering embers
of the burned bouse, and the proceed
ings wound up with a feast and a dance
that lasted all night.
Much to ay aurprise only one casualty
was reported. Myqnondsa friend Jia
had had ak right arm pierced by a bul
let. Tim wiwiBil waa tttj atrrnrs naan
but uul iliiiuiaja, an J ha hail lbs is
toahowhaDself for nntalswhSs at the
dance, but be was vary pals.
djatranght, ao much ao that it
marked byaome that bs
It broke up, inst for a little ihfng like
that." I knew what they did sot, that
tnaachsm his heart prereBted hia feel
ing tns hart of his arm. He danced
oocewkhltary. Then he west away,
giving his left hand to Bill, who stood by
rhsn I took the
ly journey x xonaa
that Jhn was a aBsw aaaangpr His
AaBanaa SBamanV WsbTsB. aaaBBa aav aaBBaaaakanw BnaaaB.
tied to bm breast.
"GoBagaway," hsaaid aome,with a
hope, that bo
are freely heard,
-Ler m a
i Is l aaBSwVvn fL?wi va I JJ
ii Ss vhsaaTJrr Tt iL 7 a 1
dsnes day, your
wonderful mod-
they to the good
old fnshionsd
Fourth of July
thewBcreatyisBw.andathe iats
war was a big one, those ars aaany aaore
veterans to show; hat for genaius fun.
wholoaoulcd good feflowship and np-
nam in the
Ohio, Iadi
tatan which
then had. fsw tailrsads or none. We
have ra mind oae each village in what
was then ths comparatively new weat
a county town of perhaps 800 people ao
let. its Fourth of July represent all the
First thing on the programme was the
big anvils. They served in place of can
noa. They had been well loaded the
night before, one on ths other, the upper
reversed, so as to bring the two square
recesses together and aaake a box; which
was rilled with powder. Waea the ap
pointed sentinel saw the first blush of
dawn they applied the "match:" there
was an explosion that threw the upper
anvil in the air and a concussion that
rattled every window-. Then every
church be& and ths. court house beU
were turned loom aad rung joyously sad
long, while at atsrvals, aa fast aa ths
"gunners" could load their anvils, came
the staining boom, all ths number of
shots was that of ths states then in the
About'faslf pasl 10 the "marshal of the
day appeared, on ths Nggfst and
uninieet boras as could borrow, aad
three or four aids around hia all wear
fagaoorepatriooc regalia and thepro
cession was formed, generauy starting
at the court bouse door or thereaboata
First were the "survivors," if any could
begot. They were veterans of the war
of 1312-15; but the people cut the title
down to one word. Ths- Mexican war
soldiers were not often called out aa a
squad: but the "survivors" had the beat
carriage and rode in front. Then ths
"orator of the day," in an open buggy
with the most danaguawd
Kextafew vehirta fail of old
and after them all sorts of
with any sort of likeness to military or
der. It was very common for a "light
hone company" to organise early a the
spring and drill two or three times per
week tOI the Fourth, by which urns
they could actually keep their horses in
line and go through some simple ma-
But as a rule, when the salute
tired, every horse "jumped on his
own hook" for a few minutes; and if, as
often happened, some bold cavalryman
took a tumble, leaving his warlike stead
to gallop for hosss, the delight of ths
boys was- unboandsd. Behind ths coaa
pa'nioa cams ths wiiaas. in ranks of
four; and generauy in this part of ths
procession was ths "long bedded wagon"
with misses dressed in white, each wear
ing a broad bras ribbon, marked in red
or yellow with the name of the state she
represented. The Jehu who could drive
three span of horses to this wagon and
make ail the turns right was. the hero of
the hour. -
This patriotic pructnaiuti moved to
General or Colonel Somebody's grove;
the "auTvrvora." anuahals and commit
tee took the stand; ths militia were
ranked around it; ths rest of ths multi
tude seated themselves, and the"Exer
trsea of ths Day" began.
First was a roaring blast from aU ths
fifes and drums tharr could be mustered:
and the old fatovr who had "fifed hi ths
war" was always called on to show what
he coald dou As he generally had no
teeth, and barely wind fnough to walk
slowly, bis nsrformanoa waa a trine
weak: but ft was uproariously applauded
aUtheaaae. Then the selected young
ladies aang a patriotic aong; and if. as
aometimes happened, there was one
who reaJTry coralsTahag the "Star Span
gled Bassar," ths popnlar enthnajaaa
reaches' its highest pitah. Then "Oar
young faUotarttissn. Mr ." was in
troduced tonand thsDBelarationof Inde
pendence; and. ths young lawyer, or
school teacher, or ambitious poHtichui
who could do this effectively scored an
important-point. Then a little mors
music and then the orator of ths day.
About 1 o'clock the trumpet blew and
then the people fell on the barbecue.
"Six sheep and an ox" had been roasted
ths day before in a vast log firesome
times they were not taken from ths
"jacks" nil the meeting began and as
for In ad and butler, cheese and pickles,
there was a general contribution and
more than enough. After dinner ths
ynrthirim iocaL speakers were succes
aivsly called aad aaade abort speecha if
the humor aeiaed them; but ths people
wandered at win, and
often qukahort for want of an
Sossetinaa there was a dance a ths
grove; ofteaer a grand foot race, wrest
ling matches or an impropta horse race.
By Utis time the town drunkard every
town had one was pretty far gone, and
there was at least one "real good fight.
If it was anything like a fair fight, no
one was arrested or fined. At
mere was a big benffrs on ths
Aadaatfeaenpatwawtta bed ska fun
of psXristi-Mandwoadering how BraV
khandrreschsasa coald livs without
freedetuanu a Fourth of July.
that about
half the
thswwU is in
palled by wad, sal even in England
per cent, of the tonnsgs is a
Harris, of FfciajiilphBi. to
dus hiss, revealed the fact that he had
anfasnw t
nnnnnnnrBnaf V
" BBBnaaV
"" uMMMWi
awMT' sbbbbbbB"
mam mmmmmm
-TnV., anrw
aTB " AnnnTPK
to mars truunera for aw
r?i sanaa a pair. .
a I afgACAt nl aannaaaaanBanBawanBaa
aaanw" wfiW wanTsu?M!iaiV "
I nnnnBWsf TaTI na&lv9BBnni
H OWdaaraaani-aatamato
B-MBB 1!iy?, r
0 Fourth li
I took oacaaracvaeaar, at B aad act I
Bleat aaaara ia tea csiak of the old i
f SBBat awAaTnTi aaan( ffJsajKiasLJ BBBnBBhanTaMfr TH
Aad taoasar I woald aw thaolddai
ow her taaasar rd i
ire thBea when Ufaiadeprired of aB ahMt
i taws of reasoraa aad of ataaa SI the sya
caa think wtthoat faeUagamsr aaiwaai
tt oaa aartfeolar FOBrth of Jaly:
vatchsd father's bars aa it raakny
i their rapid
AB cayatd by the cattails I'd aavad up for i
r ii tiafnt "". thoxa brown, fluffy aa-
Tboms alow Uvuc cartUla I'd eared op for
i'a" Ohjact Tl n a.
no trouble in teaching n
new thing, but the teacher
has to be extremely careful in doing an,"
saidMrs. A. L. Lord, a prominent teaper
ance worker who recently arrived in this
city from California. "I have heard
many a" "g stories told as to how
faithfully John carries out instructions,
but I may say the most a sensing waa
told me by a lady with whom I stopped
a short time ago. The lady had hired a
Chinaman, intending to make a cook- of
him. The Celestial waa as apt to learn
as any of his brethren, and made hiea
self very osefuL A few days after his
arrival the lady of the bouse thought
she would learn him how to make cakes.
and that end in view bought afewegga.
The Chinaman watched her every mo
tion intently. She broke one egg, bat ft
.was 'bad and she threw it away. Ths
second was healthy aad it weat into ths
cup. 'Then the other directions were
carried out, and when the cakes were
baked aha set the Chinaman to try hia
."The lady paid no attention to him, and
when done the cakes he baked were aa
nice aa hers. Every day he baked them
and they were excellent. On one occa
sion, several weeks after the China man
arrived, the lady entered the kitchen just
as the Chinaman started to make ths
cakes. The Chinaman picked up one
egg. broke-it. and without the least hesi
tation threw it out of the window. Be
fore his mistress could interfere ths sec
ond waH broke and put in the cup. Why,
John, why did you throw that first egg
away? It was good.' Ths 01wtial looked
solemnly into her face and said, 'Miaaa
doit. And after inquiry she found he
had been doing that every day for three
weeks. John waa shown the right way
and he never gave any more trouble a
that line." Baltimore News.
Ths venerable cathedral of St. Pierre,
ha Geneva, in which Calvin preached hi
his day. is to bs restored. It in intended
to renew the main facade end to aaaaa
the tower on the north tduV. besides al
tering and embellishing the interior at
an exptane estimated at 550.90 fraasav
A coaapany has been formed forth par-
ana the pattern of .the ens whaeav
thsMasterof Bale. New York
of fact aa m
ad fuU of misery and pain, an)
now at aaay be colortl nr
"This butter, Mr. Spit-tr.- said
"carried off th jrL at
fair." and Seth rcl iKit ai
of thscoapountl and ruirlreJ: "TJaV-
teas the prize was a alii' o:.cnor
chain cable.I woukl thmU m
could have carried it cfi cuiiiy."
'"!BjhtL. -jBj"r-A
'it 4 aTB'Wr .aTSTkMk. a
PrSaw-4kSv 'jfahjpa
4 rr"J 1rrf Nv'bTbfVJ
W SJ nTka7rigg afyL
" .r"s? '"wUJJ9U
aKa . "Ba X a.
'jCOZ. If m
and attractive. It makes
want awaee. Aa a matter
' TT5
i -rcs;
r Joawj.
QtilAAVAJl 4
urrojtvBr motamt rvmuc
cooxrr acmrxromz.
Weare alaa preaanal to do aM I
Both. poetHaid to aay a
rrietly ia adiaaia Wa
w.A.BuxrsirsB. w.aj.coanaxrca
111 aid Sklm.Wart !
U Ohm aa nah aaaattVgaaaa aws.'B sal
aadoaTairtaaatitanwaC -, IBS?
.- a i-.i
We Oftr Boa Jwr a Frer. af &.-
OOce ap attire orar Eraat aBehaare'a aaaaa aa
Klureath rreat. haaawaV-
oaaaiAX, is snasaaaaasaVa n aa hast
bb- anaaan " sanwnsnBnnBBnnnnws
issaiv1- '
aanaaaaak -nn
saT -j
cera. Advocate.
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