The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 26, 1889, Image 4

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"aa"' .. : -zi ,---. . .--ti-w -s-c- s,?;r ?--. -7 . - - - . - .
Deapwahta the toasted wBd wood.
Where the tuneful thnu Sm eleg.
to their steep a tale of apriag;
Tin ! Iliwimlilni nit
nMi tka wfld waka thora
be eweetfracraace everywhere.
its hkoa fa white a mow:
aj tht rianilnf hire firm f m -
And they gather (ma to cweetaeae
Heavy freights the Ilreloag day.
Asd so aalllas booaewatd. aiagtee
Their thaakaciviags aS the way.
. Ukeswaataaowaakesthroasbthealr.
Aad the aaauer Blanches onward
WiUt to fjagranoe rich aad rare;
Bat the gratefal bee reaMaftber,
Aa ha wtent Us aeeBow horn,
That tte eyries thae was nude sweater
By the bkwoBM oT the thoca.
Sky and water. Both motionless; two
ipininiripa that extend as far as theeye
can reach. Not a breath of air raffles
the mirror like surface of the sea. There
is no rent in the opaque curtain of clouds
through which the sunbeams might
glint. The atmosphere is heavy and the
air seems barely sufficient for the birds
that are flying low, grazing the water in
their flight. .All nature is overwhelmed
by an enormous fatigue. These indica
tions would deceive a seaman accus
tomed to these tropical seas, who would
'immediately recognize the sequel and
the results of one of the terrible hurri
canes which are so disastrous in these
In fact, it was a terrific gale. All
night long the whistles of the steamers
have sounded during the tempest their
lugubrious, shrill shrieks, which were
overwhelmed by the more powerful -voice
of the wind. In vain have men blas
phemed the name of God; in vain have
weeping women implored his aid. Piti
less m its riotmg, the sea has in an hour's
time crushed and swallowed everything
from the humble fishing smack to the
'gigantic steamer; and now, all that is to
be seen is a few planks drifting along on
its placid surface.
However, in the distant horizon ap
pears a black speck, which grows larger
every minute.
As it draws near enough to be distin
guished it proves to be a ship's boat, a
sorry skiff, so badly constructed, so
. badly put together that a store clerk,
out for a holiday at Asnieres, would
think twice before venturing out in it
How has it been possible for this mere
nutshell to resist the power which has
destroyed so many giants! Probably
by one of those happy accidents, those
chances which accompany all great up
heavals brought on by the forces of
nature. Does it not sometimes happen
that, after a conflagration which has
destroyed a whole town, .the green
rt" box, with a gilly flower, that
bedecked some working girl's window,
is found intact on a heap of smoking
ruins, having passed scathless through
the flames which have spread desolation
far and wide?
Ob the stern of the boat there is a
name, La Belle .'ulie. In it are two men,
.one rowing, the other lying like a log in
the bottom of the craft.
The rower, a small, dumpy, dried up
man, tugs at his oars with all his might,
while his anxious eyes scan the gray im
mensity which surrounds him on all
sides. By tho rise and fall of his panting
chest and the great drops of perspiration
which bead bis sunburnt brow, it is
evident that he has a heavy task and
that he has been laboring at it for a long
time. From time to time his gaze rests on
the inert mass at his feet, his companion.
The latter seems quite a colossus, judg
ing from tho room he takes up in the
bottom of the boat, and from his loud
snoring, which keeps time to the splash
of the oars as they dip into the sea.
While the arms of the rower ply the
oars his thoughts fly far, far away. In
his mind he sees that little out-of-the-way
corner nestling between two cliffs,
the lower of which is capped by achapel
of the Virgin, and which on bright days
allows one to see the distant roofs of
Dieppe basking in the warm sunshine.
He thinks of his childhood, of his boy
ish romps among the rocks at low tide
with Ifark, the one who is there snoring
on the bottom of the boat, bis great
friend, already quite strong and much
feared by the other youngsters, and who
had declared himself his protector.
Then it was his first communion, still
with Mark, in his holiday garb at the
-chapel on the cliff, and then the first
fishing party with his father and friends.
After that he recalled his wedding day
' hie marriage with Claudine Vatinel, one
of the prettiest girls in the country, rosy
and white like an apple bkwsom in mid
ApriL As a matter of course his best
man on this occasion was Mark, who
looked grand in his Sunday clothes.
Ah! how these memories, flit through
Betsys brain, while his tired arms tug
at the oars.
There are sad memories too. The death
of htouiotber, carried off by pneumonia,
kissing with her already cold lips her
grandson Yvon, and stretching her thin,
trembling arms above bis curly head as
she pronounced a blessing upon it. This
was the beginning of misfortune, the
first of many dark days. There was that
other tempest more terrible even than
the one of last night in which a mighty
wave carried off the old man his father,
and shattered to pieces the Claudine,
that beautiful boat which he had bought
in partnership with Mark, who lost his
all at the same time. Dear Mark! bow
strong, how'superb he had seemed as he
wrestled with the storm.
And when the hurricane had destroyed
their boat, he had thrown Bemy upon
the floating mast, and with one hand he
helped him maintain his hold upon this
fragment of the wreck, while, with the
other, he steered it to the rock which
they reached, and where they liad
awaited ebb tide to return with mourn
. ful steps to the village from which they
had so gayly departed. Times like these
and sharing such dangers unite men
more closely, cement them to each other
aa it were!
After this Mark ami Bemy bad not
flitted each other. A Bordeaux ship
owner, sojourning on the coast of Nor
mandy, had heard of the disastrous end
of the Claudine, and, seeing her two
Inn without resources, offered to
take them into his service. Then Bemy
. had left his wife and his little one a the
mall, smoke begrimed cottage of his
forefathers. Ah! how he had kissed
thorn two well beloved ones when they
farted! The separation was a hard trial
to him, but then the place he had been
offered waaa good one. Little by little
aw had been able to restore to his family
aB the comforts that had been lost, and
Info trips he returned home
all seemed to love one
.mmmVtj. aa if to make up for
Anyhow, hehad just had a
raw escape. A little more and the storm
weals' have settled his account and
snsaj, aesjlil Imts sobb to meet the old
msasn the green waves. Again
it was Mark who had saved him, jest
as he had done before! How greatly he
WawmitUtito that kind friend! But.
eiw! what did that matter? Wasn't
heart there ever ready to pay back
m kind? And Bemy lived
cast rew noun. wnas terror
on board of the Belle Julie duringthe
last pernio. No more orders, no orooerav
no differences of rank. Nothing bote
set of brutes faiiahing .for life,aad
ready to kill in order to escape deethi
They had crowded into the three life
boats. The ship's boat was despised as
too unsafe, too likely to be dashed to
pieces by those furious waves. The cap
tain had shouted to Mark and Bemy,
who were busy gathering up the ship's
paper and money.
His voice was probably lost in tho roar
of the tempest, for whan they did hear
it, it was too late. A cabin boy bad cut
the rope which kept the craft ia place,
and in the twinkling of an eye the two
men found themselves abandoned and
alone upon the deck of the vessel, which
was slowly sinking with them.
Then they had rushed to the. ship's
boat, their last resource! Thanks to a
lucky chance as well as to the energy,
strength and skill of Mark, they are safe,
for tho time being at least. Safe for the
time being: no indeed, safe forever, for
Mark is no stranger in those parts. He
knows exactly where they are. Thanks
to his skill and knowledge, they will be
able to eteerclearof the rocks that fringe
that forbidding coast and reach a safe
haven. Thanks to him, Betny's heart
may still beat high with the hope of see
ing again his native land and embracing
once caore his loved ones.
Wit U this thought tears well up in
Bemy a' eyes; and be casts upon his
saviour a lingering look of loveand grati
tude. Mark still sleeps. The sun, which has
at last pierced through the heavy clouds,
bathes him in its golden rays.
All of a sudden Bemy, who has not
ceased rowing, feels a tremor shake his
The coarse shirt of his friend is open,
exposing to view a species of cloth scap
ular lying upon his bosom. Some too
abrupt motion during the storm had j
probably severed the silken cord by
which it was attached to his tanned,
sunburnt neck, and had even torn thai
scapular itself, as from one of its ends
appears eomeuung 01 a aingy wnite
color, resembling a paper or a card dis
colored by age. The sleeper, in stretch
ing himself out on tho bottom of the
boat likeawornout beast, bad not no
ticed the mishap
It is upon this something that Bemy
fixes his gaze. Although he cannot
clearly make out what it is, still it af
fects him in a most singular manner.
It seems to him that the card is a pict
ure wuic'i resembles the charming and
well beloved features of his wife, of his
He shakes his head to dispel the illu
don, closes his eyes, reopens them and
casts them once more upon the picture.
The vision will not be driven away.
Thee, to satisfy himself, he lets go his
oars, bends over Mark, who snores on,
and grasps the object.
He felt faint He plunges one hand
into tho sea and bathes his fevered brow
and temples with the icy water.
It is really her picture. It is Claudine;
and on the back of the soiled paste board
he finds written in that large, irregular
handwriting which he knows so well
theso two lines:
To my well beloved Hark, my oaljr lore, the
father of our Yvoa. Fhov Hu Claobdr.
Bemy was as pale as death. In a sec
ond's time all his hopes, all his love, and
all his happiness have been wrecked. He
puts both hands to his head; bis brain is
tortured by a most acute pain; his tem
ples throb as if they would burst, while a
cold sweat gathers upon his forehead.
He feels that he is going mad.
Coma, nowl such a crime is not, can
not be possible. His wife, his child, his
brother, all lost by the same blowl No!
nol He must be dreaming; he must be
under the influence of a horrid night
mare. But his eyes again gaze upon the pict
ure in his hand, a rude photograph taken
in a shanty in Dieppe one holiday when
all three had gone there together on a
pleasuro trip Oh! he remembers well,
and he feels the blood rush to his temples
as an atrocious thirst for revenge stirs
his heart
Oh! yes, he will revenge himself! First
on him, the infamous scoundrel! He has
him there in his power fast asleep! God
is just!
And grasping with both hands one of
the heavy'oars that he had dropped but
a moment ago, he whirls it about his
head to crush in the sleeper's skull.
But suddenly he stops! Why end it
all in that way, so quickly! Let that
scoundrel, that thief, that monster, un
consciously pass away in his sleep!
Pshaw that was no way tq revenge
himself. He will not even have time to
suffer. What Bemy wants for the
wretch is a refined torture, an atrocious,
slow, inhuman agony similar to the one
he is passing through himself. An idea
flashes through his brain. Quickly he
unrolls the Ionic woolen sash which is
wound several tunes about Jus waist;
with his pocketknife he cuts it into four
equal parts. Hetugs with all his might
on each piece to prove its strength. No
danger! it is strong.
He then glides like a snake on the bot
tom of the craft to the side of the giant
upon whose lips flits a smile. "Probably
it is her image that he sees in a dream,"
thinks Bemy I And with infinite precau
tion, with all the care of a nurse who
dreads to awaken her siek baby, be binds
the sleeper's feet and hands and ties him
fast to the strong seats of the boat
Having done this the avenger stands
up in his triumph and sets to thinking.
How is he going to kill him? What
combinations of cruelty shall he invent?
It must be a long, long suffering, for
each cry that he extorts from his enemy
will be like balm dropping upon his own
horrible wounds.
First, he will with one blow put out
Mark's eyes. Bemy already seemsto feel
hie two fingers plunging through the lids
and pupils of his friend's eyes and bath
ing in his warm blood,' and .his soul
seemed filled with enable joy.
Only after this has been accomplished
will he reveal the truth to Mark and tell
him his sentence. The scoundrel is so
strong that he cannot be too careful!
Once blinded he will be harmless, and
besides the movements of the Hercules
will be paralysed by the bands with
which he has secured him.
Then, with a stab of his knife every
five minutes, beginning by parts where
there can be no danger of causing death.
And, when the pierced, riddled, mangled
body will be writhing in convulsions he
shall pour brandy into each of his gap
ing wounds. Both have well filled flasks,
eo there is enough to make the fun last a
All of a sudden the avenger, who bad
bent over to strike, arises to his feet
His pallid countenance seems paler than
ever. His hand, which was feeling for
his knife, falls inert to his side, without
the weapon. Then slowlybe drops upon
Hs is shivering, his teeth chat-
After ho has taken lik revenge what
will he do himself? He will be alone
then. Alone to row for whole days sad
nights, perhaps, he who cannot handls
the oars more than three hours ata time;
alonetonuettempestswhich Mark might'
overcome, but which would crash mm
like straw; alone to seek the shore of
thai immsase ocean which is to Mark
like an open book, and if perchance he
does reach land, he will be all alone? to
It would be death!
Certaia death! Ami
what a death!
necomesjaxchsd froi
Then, with still gn
hadosedin the first
overiae steeper, i
mad thai
His looks fall
tices the brokei
a comer of which is
becomes slightly pels aid
toward Bemy, whom,
seem to be acamuag the
Mark quietly pushmeverytMaback
snd button up hte shirt, after which he
stands up hi the boat and stretches out
his Herculean anus.
"AhrssysB "I have had a good
nap!' Well! old f allow, anything newT
"Nothing new," replies Bemy, vary.
cordially. -
"B-r-r-r! It is quite chilly. Suppose
we take a drink, ehr
And' taking from his side the gourd
which hangs there at theead of a leather
strap, he strikes it against the one his
companion holds out to him.
"Well! here's to you, little brother!"
And Bemy replies: "Here's to you."
Translated from the French for The Now
Orleans Picayune.
The pcotectibnof wild birds, fishes and
qnadpedsfrom extermination lias made
good progress in the British Islands of
late years; but in most other parts of tho
world the unscrupulous greed of men.
who make the capture of wild creatures
a source of profit is rapidly reducing the
numbers of many species, and threatens,
if not stopped by the strcng band of the
law, to lead to their utter extinction.
The most hopeless case appears to be
that of certain marina animals, which
can only be protected by international
agreement of which there is no sign at
present The whaling and sealing in
dustry of this country and America
threatens ere long, if carried on as has
hitherto been the case, to extinguish the
race of whales and seels in the northern
seas. Among birds the great auk has
been hunted to death,while in the south
ern Pacifio islands certain buds, like the
dodo and the gigantic moa, have ceased
to exist within comparatively recent
In the NjtjL American continent there
are races of' wild animals which were
abundant twenty years ago, and are now
on the point of extinction. Instances of
the kind are the bison, or American
buffalo, and the alligator of the Missis
sippi. Crocodile leather has become so
fashionable of late that the capture of
alligators in the great river of the United
States has been pursued as a regular in
dustry, and with such energy1 that the
creature is almost extinct The valuable
fur bearing animals of Siberia and the
Hudson's Bay territory have also been
hunted and trapped within the past gen
eration with such success that the supply
isnow obtained with increasing dHffcnlty
every year. The last instance comes
from Australia, where kangaroos have
been hunted for their skins so unmerci
fully that the most valuable varietiesare
palpably approaching extinction. The
kangaroo skin trade has become so
alarmed that it is urging on the Austra
lian legislators the necessity of a close
time for these animals, if they are not
soon altogether to dimppear. London
The published return of the marriages
celebrated in Berlin during the year
1887 is rather more interesting than
statistical documents of the kind usually
are. Only 122, out of the 15,909 mar
riages, took place between near blood
relations. Of these, 113 were between
first cousins, and 8 were between uncles
and nieces. The remaining marriage
was that of a nephew with his aunt
Among those who were married were
2 boys of 18 and 27 girls of IS or under,
together with 10 widowers of from 70 to
77, 1 divorced woman of 78 and 1 widow
of 75. The two last married men of be
tween 45 and 50. In 12,885 cases, bach
elors married spinsters; in 881 cases
bachelors married widows or divorced
women, and in 1,441 spinsters married
widowers or divorced men; while in 522
cases widows or divorced women mar
ried widowers or divorced men. Two
widows and 1 divorced woman took
bachelors as their fifth husbands, and 8
widows and 2 divorced women took as
their fifth husbands men who had been
previously married, while 8 widowers or
divorced men married spinsters after
having already buried or got rid of four
wives apiece. In many cases there was,
a considerable difference of age between
the contracting parties. As many as 34
women were 80 or more years younger
than their husbands: 42 were from 25 to
30 years younger; and lt!3 were from 80
to 25 years younger. On the other hand,
in 4,700 cases the woman was older than
her victim. In 84 marriages the differ
ence was between 15 and 80 years; in 1'
marriage it was 81 years, and in another
it was as much as 40 years. In Berlin,
as elsewhere, the young man's fancy
seems to lightly turn to thoughts of love
in the spring rather than at any other
time, for the favorite matrimonial month
is ApriL But after April, October sees
more marriages than any month, and
also more suicides. London Globe.
During the civil war the Federal sol
discs suffered severely at times for want
of fresh vegetables, and the sanitary
commission made it part of its business
to supply the lack. Appeals for anti
scorbutics, such as potatoes and onions,
were sent far and near, and finally came
to be spoken of familiarly aascurvy
The response was immedtota and
hearty, and soon the agents of the com
mission were distributing the precious
stores five potatoes to a man, perhaps,
or three potatoes and an onion. How
welcome they were may be judged from
the fact that, after eating them, the
troops were exhilarated very much as if
they had been taking stimulants.
A German lieutenant came into the
commissions depot at Nashville.
"Do you keep sauerkraut for tho sol
diers?" he asked.
The attendant pointed to an open bar
rel. The lieutenant grasped some of the
precious preparation, and gaaed at it
wkq momtentng eyes.
"You Germans eat sauerkraut, don't
you?" said the agent
"No," be exclaimed, the tears by this
time dropping from his cheeks; "we
swallows it!"
Probably few of. the men ever real
ised before that a few oaions and pota
toes, or a little eauerkraut, might make
all the difference between living and
dying. Whatever we may think of-the
theory that man should live
upon vegetables, it is
they cannot live altogether without
them. Tenth's Companion,
Tho court of Lao XDX it said to com
prim 1,180 persons. Thenars 20 valets.
130 house prelates, 170 privy
Mtas, a
orsrycaambarauas, 188
chamberlains, 80 oaaosrs of the noble
guard, and 88 gnaremaen, 14 osac sts of
the Swiss gward and paleee guard, 7
honorary chaplains, SO private as cist a
rise, 10 'stewards and masters of the
The bmttj heart
Besteras the Mate efstetesm
JsaM wSnrfBsn Wemns ssnaBassaBsBspsu
ad to of ate
Asa ejatttemnmat fate;
Ia every a.
of eel.
Thea Jewels rare
Aad rich)
That strives Major
Aad hope?
aae stag its way
Remember ye, how forth to battle fariac
Our valiant raa'is the fierce attack withstood.
Ia al the terrors of the tumult beariag
The people heart of danntfeae Hoahoodr
How Biaay a' head forsook Re woated labor;
goraook He galas, aa prises faUeaia worth.
To wield with pala the warlflce laaoo aad atbec
To coaqaer Peace with God for all oa earthf
"" -S3
The miller, who had lived besklevth
little forest stream all his life, had got
very old and feeble, and he realised, thlt
he could not live in this world much
longer. So one day he called his two
sons to him and said:
"Boys, I am gettingold and I am very
little use for this world now. The pleas
ures of this life are not the same to me,
as they used to be. I don't take much
interest in them. All I want is to have
a little room where I can rest my weary
bones until the day comes for me to die.
Now, what I want to do iathis: I will
give you the mill and everything belong
ing to it and you can work it for all it
is worth and all the profit shall be yours.
All I want you to promise me is to keep
mo for the rest of my days. ' Are you
satisfied with thatT
John, the eldest' bowed his head as
a sign of agreement but Felix, the
younger boy, said:
"Father, the mill is hardly large
enough for John, and me, and 1 don't
think that we could make much of a
fortune for both of us, so I am going to
make John a proposition. I am going
away to seek my fortune in some other
country, and if he promises me faith
fully to treat you well to the end of your
days, I will give him my share of the
milL But if. he does not, and I hear of
it when I return, then he must give up
to me the whole mOL and I will punish
him into the bargain. What do you say
to that, Johnr
"You need have no fear that I will not
look after father; believe me, I will do
my best, and if father should still live
when you return, he will say so him
self." "All right." replied Felix, "I believe
you, my brother, and your assurance
makes it all the lighter for me to go
away, because I know that father is well
taken care of."
The next morning saw Felix turn his
back upon the old milL He was a young
fellow who was fond of adventure, and
his heart bad always delighted in brave
deeds of warriors and heroes. Itwashie
dearest wish to see something of Jbe
world himself, and on that aocosatiay
quiet uneventful existence in the'' old
null did not suit him very weD. . He
wanted to go away, because his excitable
nature could not rest in contentment
.with nothing else to cheer him except the
clatter of the old rickety mill wheeL He
had no clear idea as to what he would do
when he got among strangers and in
strange places, but he had a heart full of
hops for a bright future, and he was fully
confident that something would turn up
in his favor wherever he went
So it happened that he traveled through
a great many lands and he saw a good
many strange and wonderful things that
caused his eyes to open in wonder and
astonishment One day he was walking
through a big forest when he noticed a
very ancient dams dragging herself along
the road with an enormous load of wood
on her back. Felix felt compassion for
the old lady and he immediately resolved
to carry the load of wood for her. He
quickly hurried after her, and when he
overtook the dame he said:
"I guess that load is rather heavy for
you, ma'am; wouldn't it be easier for
you if I put it on my back and carry it?"
The woman seemed to be well pleased
with the young man's kind offer, and she
at once dropped the wood to the ground.
"Yes, young man," she replied; "if
you think you are strong enough, all
right, pick it up; but, mind you, don't
promise what you cannot fulfill. I have
a long way to go, and it is all up hill
Felix only laughed at the old lady.
"You donV mean to my that I could
not carry a load of wood that does not
seem to be too heavy for you7"
I don't know," snapped the woman.
"Many a young man.thought he could
do a lot, but when he tried be did not
succeed. But, there! dont stand there
talking. Pick up tho wood and follow
Felix, although somewhat taken aback
at the woman's peremptory speech,
picked up the load and walked behind
her. He had not gone many vards, how
ever; when he found out that he hat air
dertaken a very heavy task. The kid
aootned to press down upon him so heav
ily as if every piece of wood had been
transformed into lead. Still he never
murmured. He did not want to have
the old woman think that he was not as
strong as she. At last he sew an old log
bouse before him under a number of oak
trees. Arriving there, the old woman
bade him to put down his load and go
inside. She soon followed him.
"Now, young man,' aha said, "I will
give you a reward for your rindnoni.
I suppose you think that you de-
It Sit down at that table there
and eat Whoever eats from my table
bo never will feel hungry again, and
whoever drinks from my cups he will
never be thirsty again, no matter how
long be li veal"
"Is that soT asked Felix. "WelLIam
glad of it because I have often been as
hungry as a hunter, and I would have
been glad if I had only a piece of bread
to chaw atr But where did you get
them wonderful things to eat, old ladyT
"I am Neris, tho wonderful woman of
tho woods, and I am aoquaiated with all
thegood qualities of the trees, the shrubs,
the gram snd the brooks. I can concoct
asouptbat will change you into a roar
ing Ike, and I can bake a pancake from
therooteofaforest plant that will change
your form into a rabbit I can give you
a drink of water that will cause you to
cry tears which will drop from your eye
lids as the most priceless dknionda. and
I can make you up a drink that will
you to perspire the ugliest Knakce
all parts of your body. Iimatro
who rewards the kirwl hearted "i
esttriietbeydo; but Ism also a woman
who is inexorable in DunisainKtbo wick-
m wao aaaa as tea -'-- IsfesftsaNss
aged and make fun of the
baa I was pleased at your
oCeryour service to mo and carry
load of wood, aad 1 mesa to repay
kmdawm.; Have yofaaaihed your saml;
aad have yon drank your wine? Al
right then: now let me give yon
thing ebe. Take this ring that I have
hare aad wear it around your
That ring has a. wonderful power. It
can undo every charm of witchcraft and
asagie and it will change the spell of
eery from any one yoa touch with it
Now, good-by, my young fellow;
rood am of the gift and it will
your fortune.''
Felix, who had been listening to, the.
woman. like in a dream, mechanically
fookthe magic ring out of the womaJTs
band. Then he put it on his thumhaad
bidding Neris good-by ho retraced his
steps down the hilt After haT had
walked for about two days, ho began to
feel the wonderful effect of the dinner
he had ia Neris log boueet He did not
feel in the least hungry or thirsty, infect
be seemed to be eo strong and vigorous
that tiredaemand fatigue wassometaing
he did not know any more."
"The first town I strike now shall be
the place where I will try my luck in all
earnest Now that I can do without eat
ing and drinking I ought to be able to
make lots of money."
Thus FeCx encouraged himself while
hecontinued bis way. During the even
ing lie arrived in a very large eity, and
no sooner had he got inside the gate than
be heard everybody talking about a vary
extraordinary story. The facts wore
The king of the city had.a conflden ,
tial servant who was a wizard, and wbo
-had. the secret power to change any1 ha-
This wizard; so tlie story went, was in
love with the king's daughter, whom he
wanted to marry. The king, however,
when he heard of the matter, got so mad
with his servant that he wanted, to have
him killed. But before the enraged mon
arch could accomplish this design the'
wizard servant changed the king into a
donkey, and in that shape it wasaaid the
king was running about the royal castleT
But that was not all yet Theyoung:
princess, however, liked the servant even
less than her father, and when he came
and asked her to marry him she refused,
him point blank. This made, the wizard
very angry, and be told the young lady
if he did not get a more satisfactory and
pleasing reply from her. he would also
change her into an animaL
But all ltia threats were of no avail,
and the young lady could not be moved
by the wizard to share her life with his.
He promised her mountains of gold,
ship loads of drosses and car loads of
diamonds, but it helped him nothing.
All this had thrown the .city into a
terrible excitement but everybody was
afraid to kill the servant who had caused
all this trouble, because he might turn
the whole town into a menagerie if bo
got mad at everybody.
It was just at the period of events
when Felix arrived on the scene. No
sooner had he heard the state of affairs
when he resolved to try the quality of
his ring. He went to his room in the
hotel where he was staying, and here he
put the ring round his thumb.
No sooner had he done so than behold!
Nevis, the Wonderful Woman from the
Woods, stood before him.
"You have called me, and I am here
to do your bidding. Dont be afraid to
speak, for I will help you." These were
the words the woman addressed toFe-r
lix, snd he at once told her of the calam
ity whkh was terrorizing the people of
the town.
"Is that all, my friend? ffm, we will
easily help you in this. Get up at -5
o'clock to-morrow morning and walk
outside of the city gate until you get to
the river. When you arrive at the bank
of the stream walk 800 steps to the toft
then 800 steps to the right and then again
800 steps to the left When you get to
that place you will find a wonderfully
rtandgnmA horse. You take that bone
and head it into town, right up to the cas
tle. Everybody will admire the animal
and quite a lot of people will follow you.
When you get to, the castle .the wizard
servant will be standing in the yard. He
is a great lover of horses,(and when he
comes to look at the animal ask him to
buy it If he refuses, beg him to try and
ride it once; be may hesitate for a few,
minutes, but be persistent Then,. when
he is on the horse's Jback, and beha his
feet in the stirrups, just touch' the horse's
flank with your ring.1 No sooner will
you have done so and the animal will
gallop away with its rider, never to re
turn again. j-
"Of course when you have done that
your task to easy. .Find the king, and
touching him with the ring, the spell of
the wizard's witchcraft will be' broken
and he will regain his human shape.
Felix thanked the kind hearted
and he followed her instructions to the
very letter. When he had accomplished
everything by aid of the "wonderful
ring," the people in the city weni almost
crazy ; with delight The king was espe
cially glad because ho had 'not liked
himself much in the shade of a donkey,
and the princess cried tears of joy when
she heard that she was saved from the
yoke of becoming the wife of a hateful
wizard servant
Felix wu made a lord by the grateful
king, and he roeefrom that position until
he became himself the king's son-in-law
by marrying the beautiful princess.
After some yean he went' home to see
life father," and when he" found him still
alive and John a good honest miller, he
took them both along to his own grand
castle in the city. Globe-Democrat
'a wt
the' celebrated
d'Abrantes at the house of Sophie Gay
in the time of Louis IVIIL Her high
spirits, her knowledge of the world, the
strangecareer she had passed through;
rendered her a very interesting object to
tho author cf'ICoeaad to Humaine."
She had. a good -figure, a pleasant face,
chestnut hair, and the prestige of tho
imperial world, of which she had been
one of the queens. It to not unlikely
that she suggested the glorification of i
thefortiee,of whkh mention has been
made; and certainly tho vicissitude of
her fortune must hare supplied to an
imaginative mind many sad reflections
on the instability of human hsppinesi. , (
When she published, her 'Memoirs-'
Balzac was of .great service forher, for f
he was not a bad hand at'drivfeg a liter
ary bargain. But no reenforcemeat Of
Iier finances proved more' than tempo-j
rary. lathe golden days of Nspoleoa she
had contracted an. extevsfpace she.
went from bad to worse, and at last,':ia
1888, the splendid mistress 'of the' moat
fasMonable salon of the empire, after
bearing from berstokbed her effects sub
mitted to the hsiaW, had to be removed
to lodgings still mors aambls, where, la
absolute squalor, attended only by her
faithful maid, she passed UTinoticedfrom
Ufa - - j
Georges Sand was.not iatroducedVto
BalmetiUlSBl. She had then written
"Indiana" and ho the "Pean de'Cha
grin," so that both were'in a sense estebr
liahed literary people: Balzac, however.
had atffl severe struggles before him, for
ho wm stow la
He had a
tho character of Caaaflto afaajin, in
"laptrfx,". was uii ! il on a oarefBi
- ""tear wmwawaBww wu, ; . - Afar mmmmmkjgVKnv
poor and fee- . rteftaafansmmv oamnm ba- MTT
readissm to f. t,UA.t. He-aW TsF aAsV
maeim? m 'a, . "? '-a A s. Zi wBBsVaw- SBBBBBnvamBWaBBsl sfaBBsV
TOUT- - - - - :-r..rm:--M-M- - - WUl.,n A-Jk mWmBS . .
, tekhwtoteadBahahfaskndiawpssmte SffirAsSl
tea tipsa-m? Nfliil ah V "fwTnairTf ift.- VsnmnlaV
aoaas nvmi atu murte bbTTbi m wavr
utensssa s aaaflawsaa, BBmanwnsr
. Ba i pw 9 aaBaaaaaaaaav
j A latetan cow issinimtof TnsBncks- bTCbbbwbL
sot- i ...-Mc.-.i-r.-. - - m ar'-B7 a-7
a part
hie eer In tite
the martial memo of
on mi way to the nekt ana) soon tho road
was fall of tramping soldiers.
militia of those days were aotTicnuired
to dram ia any but their
by any mesne; out the gayuniformsef
tho Bangor company, Capt Bryant; the
Hembden rlatealciimi Banalhal Haaalin.
ant the Hampden lighVmfantry. Cant
out nke stars ia the
sky; and added greatly to the whole em
ploy! Capt' Hamlin wm every inch a
hie boraebau- plnms was a
sight to sea. One novel feature of the
Hampden muster was the "sailor com
pany." A month before tho muster, all
the sea fvteg peopto. captains,' mates
and seamen', Jacludiag some of tho larger
boys, aaadS up their miads that they
would have a little diversion on their
own hook and ia'their own way oa the
iateresting occasion. So they organised
a company, drilled and 'went to muster,
too.. ThekappesABice on the field with
their white pants, 'bine jifccketo, tarpaulin
hats with a Hbaral dtopUy of black rib
boas hangiag as neck bands, was neat
and trhj' and they were' the admintion
of aUobaarvera.Uiwtolon Jonrnab
Lord Wolsetoy baa been writing an
easay upon the EnHtoh sworda that
proved In recent battles in the Soudan to
be no k'Mtmr? thaaatkta, oeadmg and
breaking under the meet ofumaxy strain.
He says that the present stylo of sword
to too light by 'two or three' ounces, and
tod Unit iu1 tie fuller," but he thinks
that one mala trouble has been-thai' the
weapons are weakened by'tho tests' to
which they had to be aubmltted before
acceptance, and he sagely suggests that it
might be better to accept the swords with
out testing them. Washington Critic.
pttoa Sardy Carei.
To tub Editok Please inform your
readera that I have a positive remedy
for the above named disease. By its
timely use thousands of hopeless cases
have been permanently cared. I shall
be glad to send two bottles of my reme
dy FBKK to any of your readers who hare
consumption if they will send ma their
express and post once address. Bespeet
fuuy, T. A. 8locum, M. C, 181 Pearl
street. New York. 30y
Many people are esteemed merely be
cause they are not known.
The Age er Meaera Maa.
People are' fond of saying that "man
kind is growing wiser and weaker." But
is it really so? Let us glance at the
facts. According to the latest statistics
there are more centinerians now living
than at any previous time in the history
of the world. Why? Because of the
great discoveries made in medical science
whkh afford him immutiny from dis
eases that formerly devastated mankind.
Greatest of them all is Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery, the beet
blood purifier and renovator of the age.
Scrofula, fever-sores, tumors, unsightly
ulcen and eruptions vanish tike magic
beneath its benefident influence.
The truest mark of being born with
great qualities, is being born without
envy. -.
Tie Verekt Eaaauaeaa.
W. .D. Suit, druggist, Bippus, Ind,
testifies: "I.can reoommend Electrio
Bitters as the very best remedy. Every
bottle sold has given relief in every
esse. One man took six bottles, and
was cured of Bbeumatiem of 10 years
standing," Abraham Hare, druggist,
Belleville, 01 amrais: "The best sell
ing BiedkhW I have ever handled in my
90 years! experienoe, is Electric Bitters.1
Thousands of others have sdded their
' rf V - Zj fc
testimony, so that' the verdict is unani
mous tiEtoctno Bitters do cure all
diseases of tho Liver, Kidneys or Blood.
Only a half dollar a bottle at David
Dowty's drug store.
I Firer for a abort time neglected, ac
quires great force;
. . ,AB.AheeUte .Care.
i .
MENT u only put up in large two-ounce
tin boxes, and is an absoict6reutw tor
old cores, burns, wounds, chapped hands
andall kinds of elan, eruptions. Will
positively euro all irinas of piles. Ask for
Sold by Ddwty A Becber at 25 cents per
box by mail 30 cente. mar7y
He who fights the devel with his own
wespon,muet not wonder if he finds him
an over match.
ef DeUsra
ere spent every year by 'people of this
state for. worthless medicines for tho
cure of throat and lung disoeooo, when
we, know that if they would only invest
II in SANTA ABIE,' the new California
discovery for consumption and kindred
compUints,; they would in this pleasant
remedy find relief. It is recommended
by ministers, physicians and publk
speakers of the GoTden State. ' Sold and
fuaranteed by Dowtjr Beeber at $1 a
bottle. ThreeforflSa
The'most stubborn case of catarrh will
speedily succumb j to CALIFORNIA
OAT-B-CURE. But months' treatment
forfL ByataiitUa
By the very constitution of our nature
moral evil is its own cune. -
BaekJea'e Araiea Salve.
The beet salvo' ia the world for cats,
bruises, sores,' ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, enflbtains,
oorns, Md all akin eruptions, and posi
tively cans pike, or no pay' required.
Itisgunnteed to give perfect' mtisfae
tion, or ney refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. Tor sale by David Dowty. 3
Better one thorn plucked out than sll
- A Weston's
"another wonderful discovery' has
eeen .made and thai tcolqr a'woaun ia
this county. Diseete fssteaed its clutch
es upon her and for seven years she
withstood Jte severest teatsbut her
vital orgatM i were undermined and death
eeemedf.imaunent' For three months
she coughed incessantly and could not
sleep: 8be bought of us a bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery' for Consumption
and was so much retioved oa taking lint
doeo that she slept all night and with
yiebottle'has beea hauaculoasly cured.
Her naaMismnrLutherliatz:n Thus
-ite W. C.lUetekk A Oa; of Shelby
Cffrea trial bottle at David
TXjwty'e drag store.
niseis m Hampden sixty years agj. of AesS&af I ,.;--
I which he was a part TJm a Brjuad f 1 ItH -V !tV
and their apoearance was not asuuaat J A U ID- 1 17 In a 41
Snow, atone om-Hke stem in the leaden ETTI fAlas7 If rCAf " ratAY7leaQa -
laWWImBBBm' w7mn' VmV"azA wf --Hbbb. 1
the Gsrmal sand: IKw &T- Si
Ml J an Va
Tteiatete .- fl Vlll tjim .
sLunsn1 mnjaajaam , aw -. av te Ml sTsa an TIBbb, anpaaa
usual elnthiag. I . VI fill 1 -- "
ii all ml I a waaca a am
II Xk if 1M MP VI ismrV
.amBBBBWmtesT JaaBBtl'i II WvUsi ly Jr HpV ' BBaTaT
aaaamTBTV f P J II 1hlfV.n V aafrlnak ,r W
at) ml haU - mKmXH ft) A
m -I in i - m a ii sbsssbbi a i u m
SbV I Uk -1 I IV r awmwan !' sm I T
BsaaaLaana. I I Urr nanTssal' I ' BP1 ii I
wwmnlajew JmTssw 1 Pi III
Has climbed the ladder of success,
apex upon its disappointed
buch is the reward of superiority. Ask your grocer for a
and be convinced of its excellent qualities.
ftjkj N. K. FAIRBANK A CO.,aIiat.
P. S. For a hMMitil f cHuplMio. Me FairtmU'. " Ikiir " Stf.
ma Ma
SCOTTS EMULSION to scknowledgedby
PhysieisBS to be the finest and Best prepa
ration in the world for the rehVf end earn of
Tht mat rmedy far (hnsamsttoa, end
iraaoay tn CAUurea. now ey aft
Try the Cure
Ely's Cream Balm
CfcauisesthellamlPaseageB. Al
lays Inflammation. Heala tho Sores.
Bestores the Seoaea of Taste, Smell
and, Hoaxing.
A pavtlcto to appKcd hate each aaetrit aaa
baaraeahle. PriceCOc.aSPralataarBy
U. P. Depot, Columbus.
rnsmua. soothtoa;. sag teeltoa; sroperOgs.
Dr. Bases aaeaycQWa the worn cases, ate.
vAimV SiTaianalna
TJsequaleimaUvurrin. 8b
at: eaanet to teasr 9mm "a
all deraoavBMats ol
bowda. Sactetqrdruaams.
atelv Ceaatee Bratame
tF&&5&&&SSS?i&&..X' t.
jama HYPOPHOflPHlTia
Almot Plf bto MaHc.
&tsMaseeVaaWI aaetaallaaeal ay the aaaee
aaatomtaw ateaanan, whts taw plain asl
eaan t no eleeaiit i ay- tneTeaen
heaiatleat eaTtne all wttB, thy nynaphss
saattaUa as a lam prsasmt.
aM4ssm, ayv 'aiBaEPBnumsH1
af Avmaf for aaaseaialteeaM of Catena
BbbubuW.JbT' tentoswBtesBfotetenot
anvamm p9arMsB P Vnrm avmnaa'afepanal snantenTeWnamaw 9
ateSnenoB "" aeea. neteries nuMas fartp
nUeat. eoawtteMS prornsa, watery, aad serfs.
m'ethemtaiBk. vaaacioaa, aroeoas. ptvaleat.
lure in, aaTJ'eTSaactawCTaeeto
mnoa of oflaaslve avuearTBreath osTeaaive:
eawSaua tewelaiPBlroi. snS aaaeralSebUBy.
OsUatewof jtem eywernjaeBltobeprta
eatABfla. Tanneaarts of raare rrena na
Mia waaSettea eavaaV ,
AHtjr Aamphi WaatesI
and is
now looking down from its
while proudly saying.
A Weekly Ntwifnftr ktvet rtrj
32 Colimas of reauiig natter, etii-
sistiBp tf Ntaraaka State Newa
lteM, Seleetei Storiei ai
tyaaaiple copies eeat free to aay aartriea.
Subscription price,
SI a ytar, hi WvMCf.
M. K. Tvaifsn St Co.,
Platte Co., Nehr
All kiiis ef aMirinr itM M
Short Netke. ii5, War-
m, ete., mUttm erier, .
ni all werk flsar-
BafTSaep e
site the "Tattarsal
(ctiii ASTTfMCoiiG5,
Send for circuUrJl UrlnU31rrOA
ABiulNE HEDiaojiiiJfai
Trade enpplie-1 by tL U. T. Cioaa Daee Ca
JaMite it.
CaTnBte aad Trade Marin oUelaed.aagallFte.
entbneincM conducted for MODsUUMrmBL
odr office ib OFierns.u.a PATOrr
OVF1CK. We baTe no eab aauec i u '
direct, hence we caa treaaaetDateatbaa
leMtuae aad at LKH8 dnVT t rjaataoae
from Wanbiaatoa. ... i .
Send model, drawias. or photo, with .deeeria
tioaT We adrwe if pateatable or aot. fcee af
eharse. Oar fee not daetill peteattoniBSii.
ABook. "How to Obtain Ffeteata." with later
encea to actnal clieate ia joer tate. coaaty er
Opposite Patent OOee. WuUastoa. D7c.
it mnralne liats of m
wants to epead oa dollar, ajete.
fsasMWKalpsa Iw
VKrlimtcilKO. . OWKLL
CtAaa Bin sat nalrT tAnAV
wan, Saansn,
r bSJe-apavesvrrsi'U
tppT5f --"' i ast ssbbv ssal
g,pji6gmBArr(PJc ii-jr
smaswcg v s rs tr . aBnsnjanj
1 ! vt UMiJ VCVVV
JlEtgjyeslMigThe beat haehajcea
AVMessaepwevaa aajeed er eeaeswejec
.. -
w f
?rfr'-',.'-r tJ?.
v.jV ., .. j-...
"."- -