The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 26, 1889, Image 3

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Columbus f ouruaL
Loaves Colambns..
David City.
S-.i5 a. a.
23 p. a.
30 -40
725 -118
Arrives at Lincoln..
..11145 p.m.
The paaaBser lMvas Liacoln at 40 p.m aad.
arrives at Colnmbas 700 p. nu the frnujst leaves
Lincoln at 7:15 alnu, and arrives at Cnlnmhw at
.255 p.m.
Knra KA9T.
Atlantic Ex 3:45 a. m
Local Ex. 3:50 a. m
Fust Ex... 53) p.m
Chicatn) Ex... 1125 a. si
Pacific Ex 1125 a-m
Denver Kx 246 p.m
Local Ex. 8J5p.m
Fast Ex 1130 p.m
VretKht train carry passengers,
riii p. m.and 902 p. m.
goiac east at
C'asmnKef arrives from Sioux City . -113B a. m
- - Jmvea CoLnmbes 1125 a. m
arrive from Lincoln. 5-J5p.m
leaves for Sioax City 5:40 p.m
Mixed leaves ....... ... 820 a. m
Mixed arrive:. . 9:40 p.m
Pn-.n?r lt"aven
Mixed leaves
Hm-wnipr arrive
klixfii arrive
205 p. m.
5:10 a.m.
1148 a. m.
.. . 8:30 p.m.
g 0 cittg grites.
S37AI1 notice anJer this heading will be
chaKfud at the rat of $Z a year.
i a LEBANON LODGE No. 5H. A. F.4 A-.3L
, Beular metin 2d Wednesday in each
" TJr month. All brethren invited to attend.
' w C. H-SHaXDOK, W.
L H. WniTK. Sec'y. SQjnly
Saint hold reunlar rtervices every Snniiay
at 2 o. nu. prayer meetimr on Wednesday eveninir
at their chaneL, comer of North street and Pacinc
Avenne. M are cordially invited,
lajuistt Elder H. J. HEDSOjr. President.
Next Monday the encampment be-
Follow the crowd to E. D. Rtzpat
rick'a. 6-tp
.-Hay for sale. Inquire of 31. K.
Go to Coolide Bros, for your fine
can goods.
Rock salt and oil cake for sale at
Oehlrich Bros. 4-6t
To rent, a dwelling. Inquire of W.
JL McAllister. 9-2
Hamburg eels, clam juice, and ca
" pres at E. Pool's.
Old newspjipers by the hundred, 25
cents at the Jochnal office.
H. C. Bean lost a valuable horse by
"lihtninff last Tuesday night.
" The M. E. Sunday school are going
to have a pic-nic next Friday.
Chris Yeider, they do say, has one
'of the best orchards in Platte county.
The Y. P. S. C. E. are pregarmg a
grand supper for July 3d at Fitzpatrick's
. W. B. Xotestein of Fullerton has
pnrchiised E. B. Waite'a photograph
--John Wurgina was at Monroe last
week and purchased four car loads of
fat hogs.
Subscription can begin at any time
for the JotrRN-vi and Nebraska Family
Don't forget that The Jochxal is
prepared to do all lines of job work at
fair prices.
Remember that Schaff roth & Plath
make specialties of well boring and
tubular wells.
Say! Where do you buy your choice
groceries? Try Coolidge Bros. Satis
faction guaranteed.
J. H. Reed will read a paper on The
Beligion of Italy next Sunday evening
at the Congregational chureh.
Somehow a good many of the clonds
this month act as though they were or
dered to rain but didn't like to.
. . The game of base ball between Co
lumbus boys and Shell Creek resulted
in 2IJ to 7 in favor of the former.
The celebrated Quick-Meal, and
Monarch gasoline stoves, the best in the
market. For sale by A. Boettcher. 4tf
The most particular man in regard
to. weather could hardly ask it to be
different for all purposes involved.
The boy held for some time for
burglarizing Boettcher's hardware store
months ago. was released Saturday.
Go to C. C Beringer if you wish to
have your key wind watch made into a
stem wind. He can do it on short notice.
G. Heitkemper has gone into busi
neaB at Portland. Ore paying $100 a
month rental for the room he occupies.
The season for tornadoes is now at
hand and property owners should secure
ji policy at once, with G.G. Becher i Co.
' The JoumuL is on sale, each week,
at the book and news stores ofE.Dv
Etzpatrick and J- Heitkemperjit 5 cents
a copy.
The ann""l tournament of the Xe
."braaka State Firemen's association is to
be held at Bed Cloud, July 16 to 19, in
clusive. D. B. "Duffy, Schuyler, Xeb is ready
to answer calls anywhere in this section
of the state, for house-moving. AddresH
him fbrterms. 9eowtf
Louis Sehwarz took a trip to Sha$
-Creek the first of the week, and speaks
enthusiastically of the appearance of the
growing grain.
You. must not fail to see those beau
tiful diamond fnmal Princess rings at
C C Beringers, the popular Jeweler.
Columbus. Neb.
As we go to press today (Tuesday)
at noon we cannot give an account of the
show, but it will doubtless be a good
oee, of the kind.
The ladies of the M. E. church will
give dinner, lunch and supper Fourth of
July at Fitzpatrick's halL Everybody
cordially invited-
'Wanted, two Columbus city lota as
a site for a residence. Address, next ten.
days, A. B care of Jocbsax. oflfce and
state lowest cash, price.
Doctors Schug, 3iartyn and Evans
constitute the new TLS. pension board.
The old soldier who coaws before them
wiU hare justice done him.
Ik ordering change of address, sab-
should, mention the old as well
'address, as it saves us tame
over oar long list.
-Trn W-TBiddy & Bro-of this city
Kaaaai awarded the coatract of far-
rfcrthe next year 5&Q80 Baa. eaaf
the Iaiiaaii ladastrial School at
idgenVea. 4J-3t
The- barf; aad ebeaaaat cultivates
BMiie the Gelu Eagle, for sale at A.
Twwrti hm'a.
H yon want eotnwtBmg nice m the
line, give jour order to Coolidge
Sckalrroth 4 Plath. have the beat of
Earvestag mi'linmrf and can furnish.
any kmd of farm fmplweata, at
able rates.
Bsafdaico for sale,
aoklfHraitura at private sale. Also two
baamass lots. A fire-proof safe will be
dispoaadof. M.H. White. 1
Friday aad Satardayaext a grand
match gaaae of base hell will take place
at Genoa, lieteeau the Latvyettaa of
Omaha aad the BedBovars of Genoa
Negroes vs. Indauis..
First man. My better half has been
starving me all week to save up for this
encampment. Second man. Humph!
If you had seen what J had to eat you
would say your better two-thirds.
The fence around the city hall park
has been torn away, and the grounds
cleaned up a good thing. Now if the
city had there a fine atone building for
hall, etCL, the place would be sightly.
W. B. Boehon fell from the top of
his elevator in Bellwood, on Monday of
last week, bat he don't mind a little
thing bike that and continued to trans
act business as usual. David City
The BiBaWl Hose Team have receiv
ed their handsome mew aniforms and
will make their first public appearance
in the parade on the 4th. White caps,
shirts and belts will be very becoming
to the fire fighters.
For Buford plows and cultivators,
for harrows, seeders, wagons. Piano
binders and anything else needed on the
farm in the way of machinery, call on
Joseph A. Gutzmer on Olive street oppo
site Henry's corner. 48-tf
Rasmussen has opened a new grocery
store m the old stand of TTiftrolr, Halm
& Company, and the stock is entirely
new and first-lass. All goods are of the
best brands and makes. We wish the
undertaking success.
The little boys and girls know where
they can be( made happy; they go to
Becker's grocery store and geC" a nice
wagon and can of baking powder all for
50 cents. You can also get other goods
there equally as cheap. 1
Henry "Rnsrhe is an exemplar in
several ways one of them being an
early riser, and these mornings engaged
in harvesting his crop of grass. If every
other man in town would only take
pattern and mow down his weeds, it
would be welL
The cold fact is apparent that un
less the citizens take some steps tcward
establishing industries of some kind
here Schuyler will be so dead in five
years that her population will have de
creased instead of increased. A"d well
all be poorer. Schuyler Sun.
Adolph Saner has been elected
captain of Columbus Division No. 26
Uniformed Bank JL of P. in place of
John Tannahill, who resigned. Mr.
Sauer has taken great interest in the
study and practice of drilling; and the
division is practicing in fine shape.
At the M. E. church Sunday, 30th
by the pastor, H. L. Powers, as follows:
Sermon in the morning 10:45, "How
Christ was received after His resurrec
tion.'' Sermon in the evening 8, -How
to make home happy." Song service
from 7:45 to 8 p. nx, led by the choir.
George T. Yandermeulen has pur
chased the Leigh World and will shortly
take possession. Last Wednesday at
Schuyler he was married to Miss Clara
DeLong, one of Schuyler's beat lady
teachers. George's many friends here
will wish him and his bride success and
Columbus parties are working up a
scheme to have the Grand Island and
Norfolk base ball clubs play two match
games there on July 1st and 2d, for the
amateur championship of the state and
some handsome purses. If the games
come off they will, figuratively speaking,
be jo dandies. Norfolk Herald.
Greatest pleasure days in the his
tory of Columbus, the encampment
should be made, and doabtJaaB they will
be. The Knights of Pythias are doing
everything in their power to make it a
success. People are coming from near
and afar, and they will all be welcomed,
not only by the Knights, but by citizens.
Patriots of whatever nationality,
of whatever political or religious per
suasion, of whatever occupation in life,
will find instruction, entertainment,
mirth and fun at Columbus on the
Fourth. Make arrangements to come.
Gen. John C. Cowin of Omaha, will give
us a speech worthy of the nrraafnn aad
of the mac
F. D. Campbell, mayor of Somerset,
la-, made a visit to Cohnnbaa last week
for the special purpose of inspecting
personally our system, of electric lights,
having heard it much commended. He
was surprised to know that Columbus
was so far alokg in public improvementB,
being much better than many an eastern
city of ten. times the population.
The I looking Glass says that
Mary Janes is quite sick with
and also a severe fever; Milton HoOiags
head has embarked m the hardware aad
implement buauieaa at Newman Grave;
L. H. Jewell has gone into the
akm baatneas at Denver; George aad
William Smith want to Wheeler coanty
to look at a farm belonging to Amos
Hoopes with a view of buying.
If yon have never before dealt with
Wm. Becker, grocer on Thirteenth
street, give him a trial order for asaae of
his ftrsfc-daas goods. The beat of goods
at fair prices, is not a bad motto tor any
man in baameaa, and this at his plan,
When you buy of a dealer regularly in
the buatneas, yon know where to find
him, and with Becker you. are absolutely
sure of fair honest
The Brigade Fnrampawnt Uniform
Bank Knighta of Fytkiaa, of Nebraska,
wfll be held at Colmnbaa July L 2, 3, 4,
5, 6,7, aad 8. $1,010 mpaaai are offered.
An inter anting program baa been pre
pared for each day. Everybody m in
vited to come- Camp ia 1 Hawaii high
and dry, baaatifnlly lighted aad wall
sapauaa wxta pare water,
rates wffl be oae fare fur the
rjthiaariiiiJalyitoa, :
The day wiX be aterated to getting
settied aaMlaaeetBigoM frieaoa.
8 p. am. The ea will be fbr-
auaHytnxmed over to the brigadier
general with. ma. address of welcome
by Hon- Gv GBownuHt,reapeaded to
by Brigadier General WIL. Dayton.
Tuzsbat; Jtjxxz;
Begimental schools and. division
drill during; the forenoon.
TUrtsmna drill and drera parades in
the afternoons
8 p.m. Brigade school, after which
music and speakjag-
WxDaxssATr Jcxr 3-
Governor's day.
8 a. m. Escorting Governor John
M. Thayer to the caasp.
10 a. m. Annual meeting; for the
transaction of brigade business.
3 p.m.-Exhibition drill by the
Pythian Light Guards of Columbus.
5 p. m. Beview of the Nebraska
brigade by Governor Thayer and
staff, closing; with brigade dress
8 p. m Reception to Governor
Thayer and staff by the Nebraska
Brigade. Uniform Bank Knights of
TnxxssAT. Jrax 4.
Columbus day. Grand parade led
by the Nebraska Brigade Uni
form Bank niffh of Py
thias at 9 a. m., breaking rank at
the speaker's stand.
4 p. m. Prize drill- at the camp.
6 p. m. Beview by General James
B.Carnahan, major general com
mander Uniform Bank Knights of
Pythias of the World.
9 a. m. Fire works and general
parades with music and speeches.
Fsidat, July 5.
Knights of Pythia&r day.
10 a. m. School of instruction by
General James B. Carnahan. major
general commander Uniform Bank
Knight of Pythias of the World.
2 p. m. Prize drills.
8 p. m. Address by General James
C. Carnahan and other distinguished
Satukdat, Jcix, 6.
10 a. nx Prize drills.
5 p. m. Grand review by the brig
adier general commanding Nebraska
brigade, closing with the brigade
dress parade and the awarding of the
prizes -wy the judges. The judges
have been selected with great care,
and honest and unbiased decisions
are guaranteed.
Grand camp service on the en
campment grounds at 10 a. m., with
an address by Major, the Very Bev.
Dean Whitmarsh, chaplain of the
Illinois brigade, and acting chaplain
of the Nebraska brigade, assisted by
a choir of fifty voices and the Colum
bus Knights of Pythias Cornet band.
The entire brigade will appear in
full dress uniform and take part in
the exercises.
Monday, Juix 8.
Good by Break camp.
May you return to the cares and
trials of life better fitted for its ar
duous duties, and with a purer and
better perception of the true duties
of Knightnood.
AlH iOlled.
Sunday a telegram was received here
from Duncan that train No. 3 going-west
passed a man lying dead near the track
about a quarter of a mile west of the
Loup bridge. Sheriff Bloedorn, acting
as coroner, immediately went to the
place and found a man with his left arm
cut off and the back of bis head all
crushed in. He appeared to be a Poland
er and 19 to 22 years old. There was
found on his person $20.35 in money, a
pocket-knife and a lead pencil, but
nothing to tell his name or give a clue
to it. A jury waa aammoned Monday
consisting of L Gluck, Job. Tiffany, Jos.
Willard. A. M. Jenninga,L.M.SaIeyand
James Bradshaw, who held a aaanvon
Monday and meet again today (Tuaaday)
to hear testimony of engmeeta aad
Mrs. Honeycut saw a man coming from
the west and noticed that he weaved to
and fro across the track, sometimes get
ting down off the grade, and wondered
what was wrong, finally seeing him sit
down on the-track, near if not exactly
at the spot where the mangled body was
It would seem that he must have been
a resident of Platte county, near Dun
can, aa he had been here time and again,
but so far nobody seems able to recog
nize him bv name.
Assessed valuations of Bailway,
Telegraph company and other cor
porations within Platte county, as
returned by the state auditor to John
Stauffer. county clerk:
Union Pacific Bailway
company 19.43 miles at
$11.4nl .$22279.a0
Southern Pacific Bailway
company 19.43 miles at
$19 J2
Pullman Palace Car com
pany 19.43 miles at $59.61
Lincoln h Northwestern
Bailway company (L37
miles at $4JW
Fremont. EDchorn Mis
souri v alley company
6.37 mues at so jnw
Omaha & Bepnblican Vat
ley Bauroad company
38.03 miles as $&..
Western Union. Telegraph
company 19-10 miles at
$145 2,760.50
Western Union Telegraph
company 9.98 mites at
$55 495.06
Western Union Telegraph
company 38.88 miles at
$40 132.00
MW SlvHCrSf Vw
Having aaenred the comer atom lately
occupied by Hiekok, Halm ar Co, take
the libertyto inform yoa. that I am ready
to sell yon aaytkiagin the fine of staple
and fancy grocerfea, floar, feed and all
kinds of gkaa aad qaneiiaaa'ni. Wfll
always keep m. atock everything the sea
aon ilfimiiiiln Goana delivered to any
part of the city free of charge. Quick
alM aad sbuH profit is my motto. So
hciting a share of your patronage,
I am raanectfnlly yours,
AanHBMHV Fannsm!
The Facers' Protective Aanoemtion
of rulamliaa will held an aaanvaaaaal
nat iag at FaUaaUiah'a hall Jnly 1st, at
2 p. au Aa that at a vary aanertant
i iitaig.allahiiiililaalaa.l'j.
x9c. Jaart af xiaainafsyy- was as. can
Thoow Hebajg of Hhaiphiej was at ! was a aW ia
the city over Sunday. .
A. L Btxby visited fat family at Fal- . """""
lactonover Sandav.
Bert Lawrence of Omaha.
city several days last week.
Mr- and Mrs.R H. Hanry left last
week for a sojourn in Dakota.
Miss Jennie Fauble will visit friends
daring the encampment here.
F. CL Turner of Tht Jocbxac omce
vaatsd Fullerton over Sunday.
Dr. Martyn and G. W- Hoist have
goae to the Black Hills, Dakota.
Mrs. F. T. Kkbba, of Humphrey, vis
ited friends m the city last week.
Albert Dean, of Norfolk, stopped over
Sunday hi the city, visiting friends.
WlEvBeed of Madison psannd through
the city Monday on his way to Iowa.
AT H- Potter and daughter of Hum
phrey were Columbus visitors Wednes
day. Judge Post and Frank North, reporter,,
went to David City Monday to hold
C. C. Carriga nourishing young mer
chant of Platte Center; was in the city
George Lehman and S. C Smith re
turned Wednesday from their trip to
Des Moines.
Charles Morse, George Willard and
Sbep Baymond attended the races at
David City.
Thomas L. Hall, Esq., of Burwell waa
in the city Saturday shaking' hands with
old acquaintances.
J. A. Compton of Columbus has been
visiting his brother A. W. Compton of
this city. Seward Blade.
Miss Allie Chambers opened a select
school on Monday morning with forty
pupils. Niobrara Pioneer.
John E. Beggs and wife were at Genoa
last week visiting Superintendent Back
us and family at the Indian school.
Misses Rose McCann and Kate Condon
of Omaha wfll be the guests of Miss
Kate Early during the encampment.
Mrs. John Nicol and daughter, Annie,
of Columbus, visited over Sunday with
friends in this city. Humphrey Dem.
CoL Whitmoyer passed last week try
ing a case at Central City Shank vs.
Mockby, Pope and Bank of Silver Creek.
E. J.Baker, an old citizen of Colum
bus, was in town Wednesday last and
gave The Joubsaii office a pleasant calL
Mrs. L. M. Hoag and buby returned
from Carthage, Mo., Sunday, where she
has been making a visit fcr several weeks
Misses Ida and Clara Martin, formerly
of Columbus have been engaged as
teachers by the school board at David
D. K. Binehard started Monday for
Dakota, where he has bought an interest
in a Hour mill. The good wishes of his
many friends go with him.
C. H. Winship on his way home to
Fremont last week, from Salt Lake city,
where he has been for several weeks,
stopped a few days to visit friends.
Brig. Gen. W. L. Dayton, commander
Nebraska brigade, and CoL H. G. Hotch-
kms, A. A. G-., were in town over Sunday,,
looking after encampment matters.
Miss Lottie Metz of Omaha is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Hockenberger. Phillip
and Gus brother and sister of Mrs. IL,
are also here from St. Mary's, Kansas.
Ed. Early and little sister and brother
went to Lindsay, Friday, to accompany
Miss Kate home. She has been teaching
a successful term of school at that place.
A. J. McKelvey and Mr. Kennedy,
(who owns the trotting mare Gypsy
Queen) went through the city Wednes
day on their way to the David City races.
Miss Lucie B. Sampson of Denver, on
her way home from Lasell seminary,
Anburndale, Mass., where she has been
attending school, arrived in the city
Saturday and is visiting grandfather
A. C. Turner.
L. H. Oziaa of Davenport, Lu, who
owns a valuable tract of land north of
the city, and who has not been here for
four years, arrived Monday and will re
main during the encampment. TTa sayB
the crops here are better than in Iowa,
H. H. Brainard of Saunders county
was in the city Wednesday last to meet
the U- S. pension board. Mr. B. is the
brother of Sergeant Brainard of Greely
expedition fame, who reached the farth
est point north known to Arctic ex
plorers. Mrs. A. C Ballon started Friday for
the Black Hills where she expects to
spend her vacation. She wfll stop with
friends in Norfolk a few days. She has
been a very successful teacher in the
High School here the last two terms.
Although proffered the situation again,
it is problematical whether she will
A Gewa Wstrimakrr.
Elgin, ITL, Sept
To whom, it may concern ;
This is to certify that C. C. Beringer
has been in the employ of the Elgin Na
tional Watch Company for the paid four
yean and under my personal supervi
sion for the same period. I take pleas
ure in recommending him to anyone
needing his services as an honorable
gentleman and a good watchmaker.
Foreman Finishing B, Elgin National
Watch Company.
The above shows that Mr. C.C. Ber
inger is a competent man to leave all of
your fine watch repairing with. He can
make an old watch just as good as new;
the same with your clocks and jewelry.
He also has a complete line of watches,
docks, jewelry, silverware and optical
goods which will be sold at bottom pri
ces. Place of business is on the corner
of Olive- and Eleventh streets, south of
U-P. depot.
One of the greatest scrub-brush
factories ia the world started at Goaaen, (
IhtL, a few years ago with two workmen.
Krupp started h gun factory m 186
with nine men. The firm now employe
2X000 persons. These two little facts
alow to what large results little factories
auy reach by persistent work and strict
attention to boameas, and are saggeative
to such communities as are ambitions to
. of job work give aa
was m the " ""d.oa (Jninat Psdae akaferm at eight
oBBaaov :
Mfwhal ottaxar Major Will B-Daly.
T ViaitMK Diviakiof Uifnna Blr aaighteag
-iPrthiaa o Jamm, Kaaaaa aadDaicnta.
GeaanI Cazaaaaa. aad MafL-
Nnhraakm Bri at at Paifocm Br-, Kaightu of
PrtaHB. aoaamtiaw at liatt; Saeaad, Third
Ontorof theday flawfil J. C. Cowin.
Statu ofioania carriage.
City onVeara in. eaaiase.
Coanty oaacera in carriage.
Fire Dcaawtaaat at Colnmhwa.
ship of Mate rapraaaattd by forty-two
The Genoa iHdaatrial Srhnnl, mpreaoated
Tttt nrrr TnrKan giriir
VUttinx itiltgatio from Platte Center aad
other towsa.
Grand. Tadea parade.
CitiaBBa on horiihai k.
Citiaaw in carriacea.
At the close of the pronation at the City Park
raadina- of "The Declsfntioa of Independence"
by Maynard Hard.
Orntion by the elnqnent General John C. Cowin
of Omaha.
coaoBDrcxsn at 2 p..
Potato Knee FuaCpciaeg!; aacond priae SL
oatBwee Boy under IZ yean of aa- Firat
priitr; aaeond peine fir third priae 30c
Wwaaiaaaew' fttrr First priae (; dec; nit
Giznaed, Pole Winner C
Fat Man's Racp None under 200 ponsila to
enter- First prime box of Rood cigars; aecnnd
priae ailkr 9a. Thia race will beonderthe ao-
perriaion of the "only" John Hither.
Foot Baca W0 jnrda. First priaeJlO; second
prise $5; .third prise $z.
Coontry Bnce None but reaidenta of Platte
caontycan enter and Colnmboa ia barred. First
prise 86r second prise ffMII.
Grand Hoae Team Baca 3B9 yards. First prise
$23; second prise $10.
Public exhirHtinn of onr waterworks system.
Grand Prise Drill Open to the world) at
camp at 4 p m. First prise 50; second prise
ilSO; third prise 10fl.
Grand display of fireworks in the city.
The day's axerases will close with dances at
the camp and. opera house.
One of the attractions of the day will be the
ascension of balloons every hoar.
L everybody come.
3 situated among the hills at the cross
roads of a branch of the U. P. railroad
winning from Columbus to Norfolk, and
the Northwestern from Fremont to
Albion, thus affording the surrounding
country a good shipping point. Al
though there are two good hotels, an
other first-class hotel, it is thought,
could do well and at the same time be a
great benefit to the town.
There are two drug stores, those of A.
H. Potter and Jos. Anseime, who do a
flourishing business and by the first of
July Theo. A. Helmig Jfc Co. will open
another opposite the post office and keep
a full line of drugs, paints, etc Harry
Arnold, by the way, is Mr. Helmig's
partner, and Thk Journal believes they
will make a strong business team. Both
gentlemen are well, and very favorably
known here.
Two elevators take care of the grain.
Chris Kersch has a cigar factory that
gives employment to several men; two
blacksmiths do a nourishing business 7
several real estate dealers are ready to
either buy or selL F. M. Cookingham.
W. A. Hampton, and Mr. Drake are the
lawyers, who aid people to settle their
differences in the courts. Dr. W. IL
Condon, who lately returned from a
dental college in Chicago has large
custom from the surrounding country
and towns. Among the several dry
goods and grocery stores is the large
building of Wm. Eimers, formerly of
this city. The Catholics have a large
brick school building, which is under
the care of four Sisters. There is also a
public school with two rooms. Several
new buildings are being built, one by
Wm. Duesman, furniture dealer, -will
have a stone foundation and wfll be 100
feet long and 25 feet high.
Some of the most active citizens are
in favor of having waterworks to supply
the town and are working hard for it.
They intend putting in a plant that will
cost about $10,000.
Humphrey has always been a flourish
ing village and there is nothing in sight
to indicate that it will not continue to
progress even more than ever.
Taw Old .Soldiers.
The census of the old veterans was
taken by the assessors for the use of
the state in the publication of the
The returns in the county clerk's
office show the following number in
each township and city of Columbus :
Columbus City 47
Grand Prairie 7
Grandville 8
Humphrey- 10
Columbus precinct. 10
Monroe. 10
LostCreeic 12
Burrows.. a
Shell Creek. 3
Woodville 13
St. Bernard 1
Xoliet - 7
Bismark - 6
Loup - 1
Walker 2
Butler 4
Creston 14
Sherman 4
Total .167
Dvrkrt44 aad Vicinity.
Hurrah for the Fourth at Columbus;
everyone hereabouts is preparing for a
grand time on that day. So you may
spread your bunting, beat your tom-tom,
sound the gewgag; for everybody is
coming to Columbus. From 500 miles
east comes a communication asking if
there wfll be a brass band or ball com
pany of real live Indians (boys) at Co
lumbus on the Fourth, stating that five
hundred miles would be no barrier to
prevent them seeing such a company
Ma. Emma Sewell and children of
Independence, Kan., arrived on the mid
night train Saturday and wfll spend the
heated term with her mother, Mrs. H. L.
Mrs. Getz of O'Neill, daughter of J.G.
Engelof tide place, arrived on the Sat
urday evening train, in response to a
letter stating that her father was taken
dangeroaaly sick one day last week. Mr.
Eagel is better at thai writing. 1
Tlnninii Oehlrich of your dty waa
through thaae parte Thursday, buying
t " -1 pniwiiw
with which to feed his train load of
aafTAll goads guaranteed as represented
atoen aa emntoyaoae bat the moat
thing in my hue it wfll pay you to look
attention to
x. r m m -
a ana nur asanng A trust to merit a share of your
neatly done, oa short notice, aad at low Pricaa.
Loan, Real
ccL Tn rruLiaLP.ce w&ngep.ts.
i T Title to all Hani
ana Car Pranartr nr sate.
taBBKaawnatninat fiw, LiaBtnaacand Ti
PaaJtry, aai Frtsfc fiik.
paid for HIdaa, Pelts, Tallow.
Stnfltv twe Dwers 5rtfe
on his ranch near Richland.
Fooled again! About two weeks ago
we predicted a dry spell but the three
indies of rain on the 15th and half as
much on the 20th inst. has knocked onr
predictions into a . Corn growing,
wheat, oats and weeds, ditto.
We are credibly informed that the
wheat which is now ripe in southern
Kansas is beuur mostly cut with the old-
fashioned cradle The continued heavy
rains have left the ground so wet as to
swamp the machine. If the Supreme
Ruler is on the side of the farmer, the
twine trust must go.
Harry Hiekok came down Saturday
evening from Fullerton for a few days.
During the storm Tuesday night of
last week P. S. Grifiin had a colt killed
by lightning, and another blinded. Mr.
Grifiin has been very unfortunate for the
last few years, losing either horses or
cotes every year oy iignrning. h.
Bismarck Township.
The neighbors are all busy cultivating
corn at present.
John Connelly sold four loads of fat
hogs last week.
We noticed that several of the other
neighbors, were also hauling their hogs
We learn that Mrs. F.Karline has pur
chased a spring wagon of her son. L.
Esslinger of Colnmbus.
John Connelly has purchased a culti
vator, and is now rooting up the weeds
is great shape, having three teams in
the field.
Miss Belle Swartsley who has !een
sick for some time past, is still very low
requiring the daily attendance of the
T. M Wilson was repairing Gerhold's
bridge last week, several planks being
broken. We think it would be an ad
visable investment for the township, and
might prevent accidents.
Louis Heiden has recently purchased
two new cultivators.
We learn that Fred Scholtz had his
horse badly cut in a barbed wire fence
a short time ago.
County Superintendent L. J. Cramer
visited the Bismark Academy recently.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Craun visited Mrs.
Smith near Platte Center one day last
Fred Karline is working for Lorenz
Ensinger of Lost Creek township at
T. M. Wilson being a republican, takes
the protection side of the tariff question
and he evidently extends his views to
his hoT"e in general, as we noticed a
short time ago that he was having his
house protected by lightning rods.
That's right, protection, externally and
internally. Charles.
fit was our fault that these paragraphs
were not published last week.
Grand. Prairie Items.
We had some pouring rains lately
which were very much appreciated by
fltTr rTlrTT1f
Small grain is advancing pretty fast
now, all of it being headed out; but
some ol cue oaus wui oe aimaec loo snore
to be cut with the binder.
We had a few warm days last week
which were pretty fair samples of sum
mer weather, and one could almost see
the corn grow.
Messrs. sam W llson and J. Vonbergen ;
found It needful to enlarge their cattle
--. -. . '-!
pastures latelv.
Deputy sheriff H. T. Spoerry - '
through, here one day last week en route
to Columbus, and shook hands with his ..
numerous friends here.
Mr.Sigmund Kenospke and Miss Em-
ma Miller, both of this township, were
mamea recently.
One rainy day of last week the old
hunting spirit (as he called it) awoke m
our friend J. Ton Bergen and he got the
old gun out of the garret to show his
talent as a marksman. His victim was a
diver, swimming on a pond below his
barn and he at once opened a lively fire
on the poor creature, which resulted
none worse for the diver, and the hunting-
spirit seems to be settled aeain.
Julius Froeahch has built a houas aad
barn on his farm this spriaavant for
some reason or other he ia net coaaing
over this way any more to aae hat best
guaaunoayeveaiHgBrwaBtns tae matter.
Harness Depot
I have coastaatiy oa head all geoda,
aaaneattotha beat, aad will aall
at lower arnaa than the aaaa eaauty of
goods canae bought anywhere elae at Platta
aouaty. Yon can find here single aad double
Carriage aad Buggy Harases, Farm
ught and heavy, a beautiful
aad Blaahata, Saddles, Bridles, Collan,
tare, Whrea, Sleigh Bella, Curry Combs,
Brushes. Wagon Covers aad Teata, Tmnhn
aad vii lines, naggy-topn, and m fact
thing that m kept in a
I aae nothing bat the very beat of
skilled workman. Ifmn
aead of aa:
at mvaoods before buvimc
-.-" -.
OrtTtTmrTnw, 2C
All Kiaia f Snnjne a Spceialij.
TTalil mill 11 tm jmiiI Hi 11 Til ml IT 11 p
tf tk Wzni Natiaial Baak.
Silver Creek Itenw.
Why do the women look so pleasant
this week? Because the men are court
ing. It is thought by many here that Tripp
will come off top or the heap."
We understand that Dr. Young con
templates moving to Clarks.
The Tollman school dosed last Friday.
Quite a number of visitors were present
to witness the dosing exercises, which
were good.
Many of our citizens do not realize
that this is the city of the Kings. (Mc)
Queens and Popes, to say nothing of the
(Harry) hairy men. the man who is all
paw (Alpaugh) and many other noted
Martin Karges is running a large-herd
of cattle in the hills north of town. Cat
tle and herders are all looking tine.
The fine rain of last Saturday did
much good to growing crops.
As Charley Augee was going through
the sand hills a few nights ago. some un
known person on horseback shot at h'"i
twice. Charley made the sand fly as he
took the back track, and he says when
he goes to see his girl again he will go in
the day time and carry a pop," too.
A large eel was caught in Prairie
creek last week.
Frank and Lacy have sown over a hun
dred acres to flax. Docs.
Silver Creek.
Hello I Lou Towslee has telephone
connection between the store and resi
dence. Our new butcher, Mr. Moore, has com
menced business in Pethick's block. We
wish him success.
The heavy rains of late have hindered
corn plowing some, but ohl how it grows-
Frnnk and Lacey shipped a car load
of good hogs to Omaha last week. Their
flax is looking splendid.
News has reached here that "Ben"
Tripp waa found guilty by the jury, bnt
is to have a new triaL
It is also stated that Dave Shank ob
tained a judgment of 6,000 against J.
Died. June 23d, baby Knight, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Knight, who live on
Lavelle's timber claim, six mdes north
of Silver Creek. Dock.
The Union Pacific. -The Overland
Boute," is now running a weekly re
frigerator car to Butte, Mont, for the
purpose of affording quick and safe
transportation for perishable freight
like butter, eggs. etc. which find ready
sale in Montana and the northwest.
For information as to the day and
train this car leaves your station, apply
to the Union Pacifie agent. J. A. Mnn
roe, GenlFrt. Agent. 7-ot
FUGABD-June J3d.
a sun.
to Mrs. Frank Fonard.
ftmsiness fatices.
Advertisements under thin Iimui St citiLh
line each, insertion.
aire of X, E. Tamer.
'TjTW.gCHTLTZ makes boots and shoes in the
" best styles, and aae only the verv heat
stock that can be procured in. the market. 32-tf
stscket for new oods.
goods sold at 2 per cent at the Backet.
L at the Backet for dress tzootin.
;eep posted on onr prices.
ulery and Uamnorn; .
rebb k Son will save yon money.
Ttnaur maraxa m plain ngnm.
' hats, shorn, shirts.
' shoes and anderwear
Jfc many novelties.
Savyonr money and bay ar the Backet.
overaus. suspenders. tnr.k, hirt.
" aiwa? p fnr
... .
Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable)
t the time.
Car(mnniirainHun U.. L,.a !. a
(SAIN. arc.
... $3 0833 SO
Fat hoe.
xaaaean. Low ana ionraawT Iawcaaaca. anas at
aaaunw. atalyavtf
Matte 75
I avPVV ffaTarV InFarBaTnaF I
aad a line of
Our aim w to give
the beat for the
least money, and to
QSvn 9c., aeafly
TD LilCCT 111 fllCT sTKI
of Omaha, at
The best manufactories of the country
represented- Not to be aaderaold
by anybody. Come and aaa
prices at
sate ex
i:iu Ot:t.'Mt-MT
SjICttl AllMlOMl!
coMPurrx stock or
Finishiig 6h4:!
STCalLxamiae Goods and learn
Qmsm Bros. & Co.
And all kind of rnantrr nmiaBA
ana nu goods delivers frs of
to snypart of the city.
in trad
Joins? Oat a good aaule oa
C ila ana aea
a anon aauieon von. and
tnecatuearenawtltryagatn. War Not!
2 301081