Tt j tJ-V -r. s -- . -- ""-"' - ? 1 1 A-,IjirAr-'!KRji' "-SSTT '!? t" tg?2S-jrtL :rsv t" i?5 m JT-Kj.. "SSVvSij i& rr wsffiS 5SSTgs"9i. r- jf'S -S? "5. S-Of. 'Cj: t$i .r- . - ": w- v-3' 1 2 . - - t" ! 1 f : t-i dhinTttttrTrrrc 9f rrtttnrT w-ewcerssjaa WEDNESDAY. JANUABY M. ML A. AN. TIME TABLE. Praia t. KMDa.mJ MS 5-J5.m. Bellwood David City lfeie Bdfiavm. Aaawit Iiianoln. 1UHC The atfclSBvaL, RlTMaC 7:10 a. au Lincoln at 7 M8p.m. UNION PACIFICTIME-TABLE. eoro sin. I Ex 133 a.m. Fncinc Ex UWCB. C4LLeeal....-7:50a.m.FastEx J2d0a.m. Fast Ex. .lfcM p. re.! FRIgKllWMeWTJpiMRWm, W UOp.1,;goigg auet.Sp.m. FOB SOBFOLK. .... 8 p.l .... 740 a. i .... 11:45 .! .... MO p.! Mixed Mixed FOB AUIOH AHD CZDAB UFI9S. rinrinirr leaves 12dBp.m. Mixed leaves 35Sa.m. PaMencer arrives .............. .....---Uao a. m- Mixed arrives ......... ........ 830 p.m. STREET CAB LINE. Two ears mske ran every fifteen mianta over the satire line, the last ran at night heiwg after .the B. AM. train. They will alao ran to all en tertslameats at the Open Hoasa amd can will be there to take people home. Tickets at State Bank or of drivers 6 f all-Care for 25c. 2 half-fare (for children) 5c gteitfg mgefoes. IVAIl notices under this heading will be charge dat the rate of 2 year. tt LEBANON LODGE No. 58, A. F. A A. M. a"ewBeulax meetings 2d Wednesday in each JBwJT month. All brethren invited to attend. MT C.H.8BXXDOS.W.M. M. H. Wbttb, Sec'y. afrily EORGANIZED CHUBCH OF LATTER-DAY Saints hold regular services every Sunday at 2 p. m prayer meetingon Wednesday renin at their chapel, corner of North street and Pacific Avenue. All axe cordially invited. Hjnlge Elder H. J. Hccsos. President. - Gents'" underwear at Delsman'a. Drs. Martyn 4 Schug, office (Mire st Store fall of new (roods at Galley Bros. The House vote on submission to morrow. Hamburg eels, clam juice, and ca pres at E. Pohl's. Work on the new Platte river bridge . will begin shortly. . . Horrible ugly valentines. 'Follow ." the crowd to Fitz's. The finest line of dress goods in the city, at Galley Bros. 5-23-tf A second-hand piano for sale, cheap. ' Inquire of Mrs. B.T. Page. District Court convened Monday. Full proceedings next week. . Shirting flannels and twilled flannels at all prices, at Galley Bros. Closing out dress goods at Dels- man's 5 cts. a yd. and upwards. A large force is working for M. Wagner on the Platte river bridge- --The bowels of the earth seem to be disturbed in several places, of late. Beringer moves his stock of goods into the Phillips' building on 11th street When in need of job work give us a calL All kinds of commercial work done. Subscription can begin at any time for the Jottbnai. and Nebraska Family Journal. Vincent, the photographer, has left the town and several debtors mourn his departure in small sums. The suitings for spring and summer of 1889 are very stylish. Ton can see them now at W. T. McKean's. 1 -The Lyceum' now meets every Sat urday evening, in of Friday, as heretofore, at Fitxpatrick's hall. A fine lot of hickory nuts just re ceived. Selling at 5 cents a pound, 55 'cents a peck at Hickok, Halm & Co. 1 Tannahill will sell you choice Con cord grape vines for 5 cents, and apple trees G feet high, his own grafting, for 15 nts each. 1 J. B. Montague, the temperance lec- ' -turer who held a series of meetings here one time since, died Tuesday of hut week at his home in Illinois. Aaaawaon is a -special religious effort to convert those who are not Christians, and to arouse those who are professing . Christians "to newness of life." The gang of bridge builders and painters who hare been finishing the Loup bridge, completed their work Mon day, aad left Tuesday noon for Fsneas Xi. F. Maldeabauer calls attention to his steam laundry and dye works in a display uadT this week. Those in need of work in his line will do well toseehiaa. Dra. Martyn & Schag give notice to eraoaa owing them that all aeeoants mast be settled before Febremary 1st, or they will be placed in the hands of col lectors. 9jn4 Range of prices at South Omaha Monday: Hogs, i.40 4.65; cattle, prime steers, 53.75 4.40; partly corn fed, $3J)0 3.75; common to medium owa, $L50 e 255. Farmers and all others interested in the new elevator project should attend the meeting of the Farmers' Protective ft -jainn at Fitzpatrick's hall, Thurs day, Jan. 31, at 1 o'clock. Owe hundred and fifty dollars to in vest in county or school warrants at asarket price. Address A. &. care of JorjxxaXi office, or call soon upon the editor with your warrants. 37tf An apron fair and oyster sapperwiH be given by the sodality of thelsxmacu late Conception at Fitzpatrick's halL Wednesday, the 30th. Supper from 6 aatO 10 p.m. Dont fail to attend. Fioaeer Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1 have aaade arrangements for holding their annual ball, Feb. 22. Theyare al ways first-class in every important par ticular, aad this will be no exception. --The ladies of the Mseanerehor gave a sarprise party at their hall Friday honor of TreawJemt Dand An exceQeat sapper was aad all had as. enjoyable tiasa, -Ah line, Wak Ling sad HaagWah the other day at ib. opiawi joeat. tawinatr.bwt it was Tee thiak, who kept SBaWSBBaCa www flnni Gother want to Chicago wal be tin. to hear ef his aawemwimhai VsanaWBanWaL h basalt I JaSMJaUp, eta, ttt Galley Bree. Back Seaags coal, always cm aaaa! atLvW.Wearera. lltf Vilmtiaw PwtifilTilwiti t E.D.Iitzpwtriek'a. 2-M Several hmntlred deUua' vortk of prawsmte to be ctvaa away tkk Call, at GaUvjSraa. The JofjaWaz. is ob aale, flack nil. at the book aad Bewa atotaa of E.D. Ktjpatrick aad XHafthaar(at5 a copy. Bean of aarriae daractk 8 a, l, holy eaaiaiaaioa, -J0, prayer with iaa tiaclkw, 12J5 Bfayer with abort talk oa the eabjeet of prayer, 4 iaatraotaaai to wobmb aad ehUdrea, Havzy&BeBdreeeatlyavxrebaaBd a hay press aad will begin pwaairig bay aboat Feb. 1st, hsring aaore of his own than he wffl ik. We nnderataad that be nay be able to do aoaae work for hJe inthatnme. The carpet rag hall festival given last week by the ladies af the M. E. chareh was ia every way a assnsesa. It is sti wilted that nearly two hundred coaples were present dariag the evening, and a spleadid tiaae was had. Bev. Steveas, formerly rector of Grace Episcopal church here, bat now a resident of Tiinenm, was seriously in jured while piarririag ia a gyaasiawi la week at his kosse. At last aeoomnta itwastltoagatheeoaldaotlive. The case of Adam Lobna, the Pol ander who struck Isaac Bridge on the bead with a board, ia Deosmbercaaaeap for trial Monday. He pleaded guilty to assault and battery and was sentenced to thirty days in the county jafl. Nelson, son of G. W. Hulst, fell from a chair on which he was rrng last Tuesday and broke bis left leg near the thigh. He was attended by Dr. Martyn, who reports the little fellow ratting as comfortably as could be expected. Geo. Spooner received a letter from his father, who nves in the southwestern comer of Nebraska, within a mOe of Col orado and Fsnsan, saying that they were then (Thursday last) wading around in the deepest snow that had ever been known in that region. There will be a meeting of Baker Post No. 9, G. A. R, Satarday evening, Feb. 2, at 7 o'clock at McAllister A Cor nelius's office, for the parpose of taking steps toward securing the reunion, and to take some definite action in the mat ter. A large attendance is desired. Connelly Bros., dealers in general merchandise at Lindsay, this county, were closed out Saturday on a mortgage given by them in favor of Murphy k Otis, bankers, of Humphrey. They have considerable on their books, and alow collections is the cause of their failure. We print in today's Jotrnjuxi the fi nancial statement by Co. Clerk, Stauffer, which will be very interesting reading to tax payers. The set county indebted ness, leas prednt and township bonds, is $25,618l84 This is certainly a very ex cellent showing compared with for mer statements. Now is the time (any day) to sub scribe for the Jocxxox, a local weekly paper and the Nebraska FamOy Journal, a state weekly paper, containing every weak thirty-two columns of choice read ing matter, both for $2 a year, when paid in advance. We are receiving num bers of new subscribers still there is room for more. tf In the Episcopal church, Columbus, the Very Bev. Dean, Gardner of Trinity Cathedral, Omaha, will open a mission on Monday, Feb. 4th, and continue it until the following Sunday evening, Feb. 10. Hours of service during the mission, 8 a. ixl, holy communion; 930 a. a, morning prayer; 12:15 p. ul, prayer meeting for business men and school children. The mirrann to begin at the Episco pal church next Monday is expected to be quite an event in the history of that congregation. No effort is being spared by the rector to make it a success. Sun day after Sunday for some months be has been spew king to bis people of it and this week they "are setting their house in order" for it. Everyone is invited to attend all are welcome. Come to the mission It can do you no harm. It may do you good. You may hear something you never heard before. You may hear something you never thought of before. Your example will cheer the rector, encourage others and make you feel happy yourself. A million is chiefly intended to lead soul not to the church but to Christ through the church. Bev. O. Y. Bice and a G. Hickok go as delegates from the Congregational church of oar city to attend an advisory council called by the First Congrega tional church of Omaha, to convene on Thursday, Jan. 31st, for the purpose of considering and advising in the dismis sion of Bev. Dr. A. F. Sherrill from the pastorate of said church and the instal lation of Bev. J6s.T.Duryea as pastor. Daring the mhawsi inside the door of the church will be found a box into which may be placed any question yoa wish to ask concerning the history, jipKA and practice of the church in fact any question of a religious character. It is requested that no name be signed to such questions. After the sermon each eveniag. The Very Bey. Dean will reply to such questions. R A. Taylor, near Silver Creek, has treated hiaatnlf and family to a new house, f i , with atone foundation, 24x24 feet, 10 feet high with an L 12x lest, costing, all told, some $1300. -He acquired bis land under the act, in la71, has worked hard and saved ; aad no family we know of, to five in a comfortable Another set of Co. tortured an audience of aboat twenty-five people at the Opera H The eoatpaay cioasi ttels-trftheHackville about a month Toaaythattkeswiwaaarewai"i.wtj'- would not half express it aavr Var-aaw aa gT j -. -- mL B. B. eBBi at hss amwaa in Xanwohi Our old friend Oeo. V.TaselaaSW wall ha wasia iMiaialj haw aiillj saiaiiwi ha ass ris rhiiiimiasa aad thsw k-M on Tuesday night of last weak. The ajsownhere aa the jolly enatain of the eheesBBBsawamea. Manr M tTfir "" ? ?L .-' rf Keliovfflehaae ball nine, atortedoaaa awaaBm af amkasss amssriy yosah, ha was 7 aaaBy tttlfc VTwaBaWaUT MyWaaSBl wamw" .mmMmWm mBSBBattttttUmasaa as a - a- -A W-?- .a - - ' --. m mm - ttwa. w.rBsm to BBBkewtftfecm father ?V I - - JT--J 5J fT'lSfi 1? Sf Sl wt''? T'IJ ,?!' T m L m 1ma rihaBt asMPwsa? Z m w ' WbAaaaJ. Ssk. aaaaBB am i'Xaaav ssaaWaBWWSBi at J anuavaamsna awaBgwBBSBBB awjaua; awaawftta ttt aaawMan. WwaaaMttuar sjsjaf aasaunas as uauKam, saw aanaKvaa aw sBwaay JasassWarnwrntsnthasiskaa J.J.Trasaenef Gaaae is in the sity. aH.Wefe weemDevisl City haw daylast. NewanSathrfHnaifnisj ' city Monday. tthe triple Lath Jewell and C W. Talbitasr af teoneearemtheeity. J. P. Becker want in Carlsbad, CaL, Dr. W. A. Hampton of Humphrey is attendiag district court. T. W. Bash was eat of town on iaswr- Thomas Taylor of Crastonwni in the city a few days last week. W. J.Wynaad of Walker twp. Wednesday last in the city. J. C. Fiuman atarts for Peaasyl today on an extended visit. Attorney Doleaal of Fieniuat is in the city attending court this week. John BurreU is at Oconee running the engine in the new elevator there. J. B. Meagher and faauly attended the funeral of Jao. McCoahT at Lincoln. Wai. OTJoauksU sad WiDard Sissoaof St Edward aneat Snnday in this city. L. H. Leavy of Ttisaisrk township spent Snnday with friends in Coluaabna. Nets Hasawlhalrb, a aserehant of St. Edward, was in town Wednesday of last week. C. H. Sheldon was threatened last week with a return of quinsy, but es caped. George Fairchild, who has been sick for some time, is reported much im proved. Mjsb Bosa Smith of St. Edward is in the city visiting friends and relations this week. Frank Baud of Woodville twp. was in the city yesterday and gave this office a friendly calL -Ed. Welker of St. Edward, brother to Mies Welker of the Democrat force, passed Sunday in town. Bishop Worthington of Omaha was the guest of George Lehman at the Grand Pacific Monday. Mrs. Mary Taylor and Maud VanAl stine accompanied Mrs. M.S. Drake to Valley last week, where she has been visiting. Hon. J. W. McClelland, county judge of Nance county, was in the city and called on friends Saturday on his way to Lincoln. R H. Lawrence, aianatsnt city engineer of South Omaha and a former citizen of Columbus, has left for the east on a visit we presume. Joe Coolidge, eon of H. P., returned to Columbus with his family Thursday. He has been living in Plattsmouth the past few years, but will probably make his home in this city for the present. Mrs. A. J. Ziegler of Monroe returned Wednesday last from a visit since Christ- with her daughter, Mrs. J. T. MsUaueu, at Kearney. While in this city she vis ited her friends, Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott. It is with much reluctance that the members of the Congregational church have accepted the resignation of Bev. O. V. Bice, who has been their pastor for the last five years. The church asked Mr. Rico to reconsider the matter, with the hope that he might conclude to re main but as he insisted, they finally ac cepted. Not only the church but the general public will greatly miss the reverend gentleman and his family. Sheriff Bloedorn arrested a man named G. H. Gordon Wednesday on a charge of embezzlement of the Masonic funds at TMinAwi, and locked him up in the county jail to await the arrival of Sheriff Hill of Kearney county, who ar rived on the noon train and returned on the westbound passenger with bis pris oner. Gordon came here about two weeks ago and went to work on the Loup bridge where he was arrested. He em bezzled about $aoa Two young boy tramps arrived in this city last Thursday, one white and the other colored. They were put off the train here and immediately sought an empty car for a resting place; on going into the car they found one of T. Brady's employes cleaning the car and he told them to "skip," but they didnt like the idea very well and insisted upon staying; they were ordered out again, when the negro pulled out a 32 caliber revolver and fired at the employe bat did not hit him nor do any damage. The police were notified and took the revolver away front them They seemed to have plenty of naoney and on being asked where they got it they said they earned it by dancing. They then left town. We wish to call the attention of our business men to a subject to whseh they have probably never given any special thought It is utraassry in aay eassnin nity where basiaess is a sneeeas, that business men should patronise each other. H the priaters should go oat of town to buy dry goods, groceries, etc, because they could buy a little cheaper, the home merchants would, aa a matter of coarse, be indignant, yet when some of them give their orders for job pratiag to a "cheap John" agent, we are afraid they do not octanrlfir the question of By using large order, these awnraers will lure the into the idea that he is bis work cheaper than he could at but by the time and the quality of work conaidered, the it has not ssade a cant, and be- he baa seat ass asoney oat of town, whOe if he the -soaev would hare at the and they will aanaaaaa yen. JaaaSBWaSnaKjam. JaawBaaHaWa W. A. Mclllamw, Baa, visited M ahrey Sstarday last. PatTOttissPSagaawaa asantansTl Ti Ttum asm asirtwl a Taiaw aaul - - wmai JAii aww swatgastosWlcBri af fc n" aAinttfae to look at it before j nj mi. iiaan ulisbli sail n-vr irr sf Places eewntya maaiii AD his both esndnet of the in the mterest of the public wwlfnre. With Gas, public eases is aawbactrastaadhai aiimit of The Platte Center Argue (d has this to any of the theatsire of the county 1 "The attention of the tax payers of the county is called to the atatesnent of fees received by Treasurer Gns Q. Be eher, for the year 1888. published ia this issue of the Argus. It Is the first time in the history of the county that any officer has reported a surplus of fees to be turned over to the county general fund according to law. It is true 9175J39 ia not a very large sum, but it should be aa incentive for some of his fellow ofneera to go aad do likewise' The ice has been broken, it is no longer a precept but an example to follow. While writing on this subject the Ar gaswfllcheerfally testify totheaaVesnt, accommodating aad pleasing- manner which deputy treasurer, L SJbberasen, discharges the duties devolved upon him. The committee of the county board consisting of Supervisors Henry, Hopkhvt and Swartsley who were ap pointed to examine the books and ssake settlement with the treasurer ware very pronounced in their praise over the manner the records were kept. Not a single mistake and very few erasures were to be found. It must be a matter of deep consola tion for the 1,000 democrats who dis carded party ties and voted far Beeher to know that his office is .so well con ducted, and from present indications the supine fees will be nearer 9500 than S175l39 when his statement of fees for 1889 shall appear. To know that their confidence has not been abused and that Mr. Beeher has jealously guarded the trust imposed on him. is calculated to make the ilea ioci ate who voted for him feel no remorse over their action." BxJateUiea. The school in District No. 9, Miss Belle Dougherty, teacher, will give an exhibition Friday evening Febru ary 1. The following is the program : S03U BT TBK SCHOOL. Remarks 3r the Director Address of Welcome KIU Lawrence Declamation Joan Marshal nrrlimitlnn Ebbbw uater Dertswution Gusle Mesya TABUEAUX. Peels witlon. Euaer LawreBce Declanut luguatGater -WiUMeays Decussation.. BTSOISG. DIAIiOGUn. DeeJamatis Gnter Soto. .RoseHsBey Declamation itker Stewart DecUauUion. .Lizzie Haaey TABLEAUX. Son?.. .By the utue rnpus DIALOGUE. lastruaenUI Music Declamation - elle Doorberty -George Galley Declamation. .JacoouBwr Solo. EUa Lawrence -Lather Lawrence Declamation. DIALOGUE. Speech -John Galley TABLEAUX. laowHaney Song- - j ' r ll nanv ' j Belle Dougherty Declamation. Mie Atesys DIALOGUE. Solo. Soto- .Belie Dougherty .Lizzie Haney Paper. -By the Teacher MONO BT THE SCHOOL. A Caaaee for Cetaakas. W. C. Henry, department .commander of the state G. A. B. has issued a circu lar asking for bids from cities, towns and villages for the location of the 11th an nual reunion of the soldiers and Bailors, to be held in 1889. He will also receive bids for the permanent location of the reunion, and for location for a period of five years. The town offering the best advantages will secure the reunion. The citizens of Columbus should take up this matter, and there is no good reason why we cannot have the next reunion. Columbus has the advantage of being the center of the populated part of the state and also has better railroad facilities than any other town in this section, hav ing an average of twenty trains daily, from all directions. The reunion would bring thousands of strangers to our town, and our citizens should not let this opportunity slip. AeeMeataUy Shwt. While out rabbit hunting Tuesday afternoon of last week, William Luache, son of Henry Luache, living about eight mOes north of here, was accidentally shot by a companion named Fred Aache. It seems that the two were creeping along on their hands and knees in the underbrush, Luache being in advance, when Asche's gun was in some way dis charged, the entire charge entering -Loaches right hip, making a painful aad serious wound. Dr. Willy of this city was immediately summoned, and ad ministered to the wants of the unfortu nate man, who is now in a fair way to a speedy recovery. Oatamsaa Lveeeav. Program for Saturday evening, Feb. 2, 7:30 prompt Fitzpatrick's new hall. Select reading Mkw M.K.McGatii Piaao aaet Fl9ewaadGime Gerard BeeitatioB CkraMelauOT iTMBuawte speech J.F. Filisn Kecitstion AssKaatia Bionapbieal sketch of Poe .X.J.Gsriow fUeetTSStnag LvPhfllips BeeitatioB Stella MormoB SefectreadiBs- Mrs. C. A. Briadky SesiordbsethoBldsBiBsailhan b Bald?"- asxm. W. B. Backs aad D. G. Cknstr.deBy.BaBiyLahkersBd Frank Taylor. Issued from the caace of H. J.Hudson, County Judge, during the past week. Mathias Allison and Mies Paliage JaretakL Andrew Hermann and Miss Mary BostenthaL Frank Pospauie and Miss Annie Wis kodL XehsvOle. Just enough snow to inake good sleigh ing and sleds of all patterns can be seen sliding about That it does not take much to slide now, we are fully con vinced of. While steenae outside of the Mr. John Doarah was pretty badly kicked by a horse but is now slowly re- Tne damp wusmui or late ana to rold, seams to have had unhealthy effect on many of our neighbors, hearing several complaints of bad colon, etc. Our patriotic neighbor Mr. J. Wise has aCatrs has proved this. In the eesasesga j iWisb ta, lone acquainted with Beeher, voted far him in preference to sanely, and we have heard none regret theiraelion. effect on many of our I ranted ass tana asctudinaT tna star Mbbbl. Daamahar am. ana. asawsd wmV am av UJttieniantaalgaawd;itBoamofttebaat years he bad aaaa a miailar ef urn JounaAi. sankunsaor taaaTnlwenave seen ana nsiw bstIbi hsisn as aa imlns hnTaad JitiI Paul Gerusah and C. Peseseea have ' has ssn-Ja-law,F.Biilili,isi has held a little trip to Henrich and Mr. H, not vast from the "old thsntmp aad that, the rwasen for the trip. So let no one suppeae that the old folks are tired of living ht Platte Center on the contrary they like it Old dBase raaser they say. has it the B. at M. railroad is to he baflt up Shell Creek as anon as spring opes and that Platte Canter will have another depot which will prebsbry ha located on George Lambs Matthew Farrell'sor A. Henrietta farm and that everybody will get rich even faster than is good for lybody. Platte Center schools are beginning to nil up pretty welL A sew doctor who is said to be a highly educated man is going to locate at Platte Center right away. What a pity that doctors can only prosper and multiply when other people suffer. The Chinese castom would probably be bet ter for all parties concerned. The in habitants of the celestial empire are said to pay their doctors a regular salary aa long as they are wall, and atop shell ing out ,as soon aa they get sick, until the deetflr gets them well again. Mrsv Vanberger at Humphrey, has a German Bible printed in ITS, being 160 years old, but Bev. J. J. Valkeaar can beat that having in his library a Greek and Dutch (Hollandiah) New Testament printed ia 1698, being 190 years old. Some fsmflias would pay a high price for such treasures. The young peoplea, Christian associa tion of the Shall Creek German Baptist church fills the meeting house to over flowing. Mrs. Alexander has returned from a visit to her daughter Mrs. J. S. Hen rich in Denver. Mrs. A. did not find the climate beneficial to her health as she had expected. Mrs. Carsten Petersen has presented her husbahd with splendid young daugh ter. A little boy at my elbow used to say: That's good for thenir xTt. z. Fineweather since the bite unpleas antness. The roads are in very bad condition for the hauling of grain now. Peter Swanaon's little son has been sick for some time with a tumor on his neck; he is better at present The Lookingglass school was visited a short time ago by Chris. Johnson, Hans. Christenson and Mr. Oleeon of Albion. Married, on Monday, 14th, by Bev. Dole of Newman Grove, Peter J. Peter son and Miss Annette Jineon, both of this vicinity. In the evening the happy couple with their many friends and ac quaintances partook of a fine supper at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neils Jineon. We wish them long life and happiness throughout their married career. Chabxbs. Becei ved too late for hurt week's Jotjb kai Ed.J Mearse. Mrs. J. A. Zeigler, who has been visit ing friends -in Kearney, returned home Thursday but The foundation for the elevator at this place is completed. J. A. Watte did the mason work, which insures a good job. Win. Hollingabead was a Columbus visitor Monday of but week. The first car load of hogs was shipped from Monroe by N. 8. Hyatt on the 21th inst We learn that two children of Wm. Vanallen are ill with scarlet fever. W. Mannington was quite ill with pneumonia but week, but has recovered so ss to be out again. J. F. Cook, of Michigan, has been spending a few days with his sister Mrs. E. & Osborn. Beport says we are soon to have a daily mail. x. d. x. District 44 aad Yfciatty. Mercury is bobbing around zero for a couple of days with a strong wind from N.W. and spitting snow. Tom Burke came up from Omaha Sat urday and stayed over Sunday with his cousin M. Sbeedy. Mr. Burke has rent ed his farm (a part of section 12) and will have the bufldings and fences repaired immediately; the buildings have not been occupied for two years and have become very much dilapidated. A. C. Pickett and wife made a business trip to Schuyler bast Friday, returning in the evening. County Superintendent Cramer spent but Thursday with the school at this place. x. Maple Grave. The people of this vicinity were look ing for a full-fledged buzzard last Friday evening, but were better satisfied that it turned out as it did. Otto Mueller has had some of his com J. C Swartsley aaade his family a short visit, returning to Lincoln Tuesday last The faaulies of J. C. and W. H-Swarts-ley were sick with the mumps the past two weeks, but were better at last ac counts. Hogs seem to be pretty numerous in this vicinity, as there is to be seen from four to sixteen loads passing nearly ev ery day. x. j. w. DIMD. OSBOKH-DacSlat, '8B. of a IpeBeer C. Oasara. ia Oa ssth j In the death af Mr. Oshora. 1 , was aaaa, ana hade, lammnaaf Dwavwr,OaL J.H. Mas. Walker, eaaldraa of awing vary well-e little . -M.U1 ril.n' i kh imA J - I "I"B fsrtioaate hasBaad aad fataer. bat tktr muaia I aZ I m IL Brigfct's assBMe, Lsaader A-McFarmad. son ef Jostaa aad Mary MrTirhmd. aaed years, 1 aoask,mwafa. ATTEimOIL BbUBbBBBBbSbV f VnaBBBBBBBBBBn IIBbSBbSBbSBbSBH F. B I Ippftil9 UasaWI WML BIsbbbbb. I I hiii asistryensBBWallssnt&asa vsT she wawaaana so the hist, slwil anil thasn BaUaaUBaBBaBBBBBB? aUBaBU awWUT llilll tawan the BaSSs) ISnlil I BwaSBaSBSBaSBSBaV a" watt BU BSSBht SBrrwhetU SSSS in PaStte BrH wavnty. TamanaJkwtwasaA Hi aH hgnt anal haavy , a bsaatifnl sneak af Bohsa BBSBSBsafBBaff BaSBSBal attl WsMawSs. fladiUss . Ibinlss. foAiis. TTsl M W H tars, Whins, Sleigh Bella, Carry Coasaa, aauaaSBai MV wbbsbb? Btwsssss, Wagatt Cuissb anal TattBB, Trttnhi anaf W wawr ami Tssaas Paanj lf. Mil w faaf eieij wMs thiatha4mBa-taaa PLRST-CLASS HARNESS SHOP. mm p-ii ajaaan BwBjraa teed as mi Bssatii I hwtheasoataBJOad ar it will pay yon to look attention ts and fair deabaar I aeatly dona, on tsonr F. H. wCT.0. BUS e ncnucDav H SSaSfHSaai wa VWii Loan, Real Estate -AaXLd. -A-grera-ts, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. sarrAivLKiurm. sfTHtotoaUasai: aiWAista t JSSlSgEgfflBS. lis mil in W.T. RICKLY&BRO. to-M, Pwltl7,aiFwsnFlnn. Olire StTMt, tw Dttn KTt. BGTTCHER & KERSENBROCK, TAT.wBg m MSaTZ aKD nHKLP Stoves and Tinware, Pumps, Guns ft Ammunition, The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here. 8Bl.Tt' here, with his mother he retoTBeti Tuesday ercB iag last. Oa Friday, Drs. Martyn & Sena, by "tapping" relieved their patient of a very large qaantiry of water. He rested easy that night, bat on the day sad Bight following he suffered a great deal tmtil Death came to his relief. The foneral took place Monday afternoon from the M. . Church, Ber. H. L. Fowers preaching the sermon from Mark, xiii3 "Take ye teed, watch and pray; for ye know not wheats tinto is," the choir iiadi ling, antonc other appropriate selections, the farorite hyatn of Mrs. MeFarland, heginning "JesBS, while oar hearts are bleeding O'er the spoils that death has won. We would, at this solemn meeting; Calmly ssy. Thy will be done.' Though east down, we're not forsaken; Though sffiicted, not alone: Thou did'ft gire. aad thou hast taken; Blessed Lord, Thy will be done,' " The paU-bsarars, selscted from the fraternity of his craft, were J. A. Tamer. CI. Keanedy, LeeO'DonaelLCaarlssFinecy, JoaaWeleh aad Oeorae K. Vawter, sad his remaiBS were placed by them, aader the bright a -shine, ia their restiag place in the Let as faeJisTB that in that next world, to which he has preceded as, he has amined a briskter in- aentaace. reacetonis ustntss AdTertisements nader this head tiT cents line each insertion. TITM.SCHILTZ boots sad shoes in the V best styles, aad es only the rery stock tnatea in the market. 924f IpOB SALE OB BEST A hoase aad tea acres K of land northwest of Calambas. between the city and the Fair groaada. Apply to the owner. U. w. Uauey.or una. . Beeaer Uo. Ektoc-tt NOTICE. Anaie Boaicka. defeadaat. will take notice that on the 2Mh day of SeDtember. 18. Wi Trust A Seearity Company. plaiatiBT herein, tied its neauon in tae distnex eoarc at ruar coantr. State of Nebraska, against said Anaie "" and others with her impleaded, defeadaats. the ana uua at nm bi wm aawiaet aaia Annie Boaicka. to declare the mort- of ssia dsfeaoaat oa the east half of the aaarterof section ML in towasaiD 19 aorta, range 3 west of the Stfa principal in Platte coantr. State of Netwaska. aa iaferior to the miwtaBSss aad each of them of aid rdaintiBT on ssid aeamlses aad to foreclose the eqeky of redemptioa of said aV. frndsaf iaaad to said premises aad erery part thereof. " Toa an reqwired to answer said petition oa or bef ore the 11th day of March, 18BS. Dated Jaaaary S. 19BB. WasTaajr Tbtbt A Bbccbztt Cobtatt, FlaiatiK. By Fbick A Dolbzal. Its Atty's. jantt NOTICE IN ATTACHMENT. J. L. Tripp, defeadaat .will take notice that oa the 8th day of Jaaaary. MBS, Isaac Spencer. plaintiff herein, aled his petition ia the coaaty court of Platte coaaty, Nebraska, against said defeadaat. the object sad prayer of which is to rseewoftheoWeadsatagmeatfnrthe nam of sBOl bow dae aad payable from the nafrad anttothe plaiatisToa aceocnt of work aad la bor, aad eaasad aa order ef altachmeavt to be IsTied oa the foUowias property, ta wit: eaw breaking plow, one aew Msaay iishwi and rerccjabtaed. Yoa are icnaired to answer said netition oa or before the Bth darof.Fi ary, UBS. Isaac SrraeaB, Plaintit. Dated, Jaaaary S!st,ia87. . mjant Th Mmta Nimiy! IB THE PLACE TOM FABMEBS AND 6 ABD- KEKB TO eaTT TBEW Frit xtwB, anTaal ana ETffljttaB, o Garueu VretsMe Sewia, Vcgcti- Ue bbu Inn Pluai LHtHwwen. JOHN . TANNAHILL. HORSEIER t Harness Depot H. RUSGHETS, BWttavwryawataf Uyonsswinawaaief any- at my before buying. By striet trust to a snare off your and at low Prioas. Call LBOOUJMQQl aaabsuf AllKila. tf 8nagt a SrtfJalty. tf ttt first lank. ESTBAY NOTICE. Taken up Oct. 10, 1888L 1 red mooly steer. 1 year old, 1 red steer 2 years old braadad ob left nip. Ccbtxs HouusoesaAD, 12dec5 Monroe. Neb. THE VIENNA BAKERY! RESTAURANT -: Opn at all tars :- THE ONLY FIBST-CLABS PLACE TO GET BBEAD. A MEAL OB A LUNCK. iTsnissiinmrnmiE A full Una of Conf eetionery and Fruits and a line of cigars uneaualed in the city. o- Our aim is to give the best for tbe least money, and to please all. F- "Er CRAKDAXIr Prop- dselW88 A.. DTJSSELL, -DBALBB IB DUPLEI ffflB ITLLS AUKistlsof PUMPS BEPAIBED ON SHORT NOTICE. OHva St., aeerly e aeeiss Pest-eflka. $00 00 700 700 ty. EiiiWBlmBJrtCui SB Baecial BTJSCHE, mi I'M I'M J. N. TAYLOB. . IS NflmCXTtlftN- km .A.D.laal.atSo'1 Jaihrn's oases ia Aad it la haattaa ef the arimhllaat ion in bal tar tains i imaiiaali i wssaa, (A efawotdsr.) H.J.MBBI Cohmhas.Nsk.JaB.14. TnuiHSTinmcTma wast of Ossahav at GREISENBROS. The best nwaufactoriea of the eeaaitiy represented. Not to be uadaraaM by anybody. Coate aad ana prices at 6BEISEN BROS. GREISEN BROS. 13th Oct.' M AUBlUlRl1 vok thk raxT 6o DAYS wn oiteb oca Laaon ana couflbtk stock or GENTS' Finishiie 6Nds! BOOTS 4 SHOES, AT flray-:-lra84-:-Priew ! a-Cau. Goods! Grdsen Bros, i Co. 22sepc-y. GROCERIES! ALWAYS ON HAND A FTLL AND NEW LINE OFGBOOIElESWfXLaECTEDv FRUITS! CANNED AND DB1ED, OF ALL KINDS GUABANTEBD TO BE OF BEST QUALITY. DRY GOODS ! A GOOD AND WELL SELECTED STOCK AL WAYS AS CHEAP AS TBE CHEAP- EST. ALSO BOOTS & SHOES ! EaTTHAT DEFT COMPETITION.) ft mi all kiads nf nmntn au amaas (seUTetea tras ef to any part ef the city. FLOTJEt KaBTOXLTTanBBT6&aDaaOFFLOrJB aWasaSsWawMaawea , .,,, aSaaai aaaBBaBsal saBBVBHaas' ssbb aTawMajB ) an wMaMaaaj esnl SBteawa......................... BeanfeaS w j tTtari " " "" "" S aaaa as wMttBBBBBBJI 9 SB BUBUBBBm away JasaB y wy aansBaTUBie VaVMSuaBBMs)avaw ewywattf njassssVsUas w)ww aBsasnVMttUav , a waT BBBaBBBBUsaBVassaMS aBWaBBafaWsWaBsaaaMtaaa asBBS a saaaBaSB BtaSBBBBB, IVtsUTB MaTTsCaV feyJaSte at BW CBaeyJaaSU ATP. MML iiiiiBttM. J. MaeBBBTcjaasjwijsjhjp! CLK AIDS66I nredaes) tahmt ia Mda P.. Ittf !. is-i- -. - &i ..- : ; vs ' - Aa.-CHjEga - .ga-.j