The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 21, 1888, Image 3

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    v-v -
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' -i .a
scry- &
ohuubns Journal.
Leaves Columbus........
.David City
Arrives at Lincoln
Tho passenger leave Lincoln at 355p. m., and
arrive at Colambas 730O p. m; the freight learcf
Lincoln at 7:00 a. m., and arrives at Commons at
2:00 p. m. "
ooino east. I .,isow"S
Atlantic Ex... 4:05a.m. Pacific
Local 7y0xm.lLocHl T'
.Fa-Ht Ex..... .- 1:5 p. ni.lFart Ex....
Pamnger leaves.
Mixed leaves.-.. :. ..
' Pasm'Uger arrives ..
Mixed arrive ......
825 p.m.
8.O0p. m.
I'wwenRor leaves
Mixd leave
I'aaenger arrives
Mixed arrive
8:23 p. m.
, V2J0 a. m.
- 7:15 p. ro.
gorietn Motices.
IWAH notice undr this heading will be
rliargud the rate of f2 a year.
A LEHANON LO DOE No. 58, A. F. & A. SI.
-wlfcvular iiK-etinK- 2d Wednesday in each
XXmonUu All brethren invited to attend.
fr j. K. North, W. M.
II. P. Cooi.iiQK. S-c'y. 20jnly
Saints hold regular service every Sunday
at 2 p. in., praser nufting on Wednesday evening
at their chatx.-!, corner of North rtn-et and Pacihc
Avenue. All are cordially invited.
ISjulW Elder H. J. Hcoson. Preeideut.
Prize drawing at Arnold's.
-Go to Arnold's for fine jewelry.
Henrich insures at lowest rates.
Drs. Martyn Schiig, office Olive sU
Store full or new goods at Galley
Kramers are closing ont their entire
Rest goods for lesist money at
Albert Covert's infant child has lieen
very sick.
Nice Holiday goods at Stillman's
drug-store. 1
Ladies' shoes, cheapest in town, at
-.Ladies' bats, cbeaiiest' in town, at
Braid setts, lead trimmings, eta, at
Galley Bros.
It is the time of year when snow can
lie expected.
Best store, cheapest and best goods
at Delsman's.
Henricb is doing an immense insur
ance business.
'Legal blanks, a full line, at John
Finest line of new jewelry in the
city at Arnold's. Sl-tf-4
Hamburg eels, clam juice, and ca
pres at E. Fold's.
Three good Norman mare colts for
sale. C.C. Miller. 31-5t
Choice clover honey is sold cheap at
Herman Oeblrich & Bro's. 30-6
Shirting flannels and twilled flannels
at all prices, at Galley Bros.
Morris Carrig, son of James, is
" Afflicted with typhoid fevor.
The cold wave of Thursday morning
was predicted the -day before.
Lightner's perfumes are the best.
Sold at Stillman's drug-store. 1
The probability is that Platte coun
ty will now have a "iioor" farm.
Hurry up your cattle sheds. It is
bound to snow before very long.
Two of Will Ransdrdl's children are
sick with congestion of the lungs.
Discussions of wlfat the next legis
lature should do are now in order.
For dry-goods, clothing, groceries,
crockery, eta, eta, go to Delsman'a
Work was begun last Thursday on
the $2,000 grain elevator at Oconee.
The best assortment of dinner sets
and lamps at Herman Oehlricb & Bro.
The room now occupiod by Commer
cial Bank for rent. First Nat'l Bank.
Business room to rent on Eleventh
st. Call at once at the Joubxai office.
, Tlios. Flynn's little girl, who has
been seriously ill, is improving rapidly.
Wanted, girl. I will pay $4.00 per
week for a competent girl. Mrs. A. M.
Sympathy, at Omaha, so we are in
formed, is with the woman who shot
First-class goods, through" and
through, at lowest liviilg rates, at Dels
man's. We understand that Henrich is
making the best terms on farm loans of
"ny one in Columbus.
Wanted, girl to do general house
work; good wages will be paid. Inquire
at Galley Bro.'s store.
Henricb has the money on hand, at
all times,, for farm loans. If yon borrow
from him there is no delay.
The S. S. association of the congre
gational churches is in session here and
having a very interesting time.
To Farmers! Choice northern seed
wheat for sale at the mill of Jaeggi &
Schupback, at 81.50 per bushel, cash.
Until all closed out we will give
large discounts on all goods purchased
from "as. Carl Kramer & Co. 30-2t-5
The Journal is on sale, each week,
at the book and newB stores ofE. D.
Fitxpatrick and J. Heitkemper,at 5 cents
. a copy.
Stuart Seelyr is wanted by his
friends and relatives at Walla Walla,
Washington territory. Nebraska papers
please copy.
H. L. Powers will preach Sunday,
the 25th, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Topic
" in the evening, "Life's pictures on the
. wall of .time."
There will be a house-warming so
ciable at the new Presbyterian- parson
age Friday evening of this week. A
general invitation is given.
Bev. Griswqld's singing class was
very well attended Monday evening.
Opportanity will be given next Monday
. evening to join the class.
Jim Frazier has been topping the
hog market at South Omaha again. He
cot down the first of the week 500 head,
pr lot averaging -418 lbs.
920 a.m. 40 p.m.
8:13 " 5.-00
107 " eao "
115 " 8:15 "
12:15 11:15
- a card.
We have decided to retire from busi
ness by January 1st, 1889. Our entire
stock is for sale as a whole or in part
Also fixtures and lease.
Gun Kkaveb & Co.
Rock Springs coal, always on hand,
at L. W. Weaver's. 2ltf
The finest line of dress goods in the
city, at Galley Bros. 5-23-tf
Fresh choice lard, kettle rendered,
at Herman Oehlrich & Bro's. 304
Several hundred dollars' worth of
presents to be given away this fallat
Galley Bros.
Mrs. L. J. Cramer entertained a
number of lady friends at her residence
last week, Tuesday and Thursday even
ings. The new superintendent of the
Union Pacific passed up the branch
roads yesterday on his first inspecting
Rev. O. V. Rice is to preach the
Thanksgiving sermon, and the union
services this year are to be at the M. E.
Lost, a child's,' wine-colored, silk
mit; thought lost in the city or at
the cemetery. Please leave at the Jour
nal office.
The High School choir was encored
four times Friday evening at the Lyce
um. This speaks well for the sixteen
young ladies.
Mr. Thomas Tryba, who teaches in
Butler township, was ia town the other
day. Mr. Tryba is one of our most suc
cessful teachers.
The convention called to consider
amendments to the township laws of
Nebraska met in this city yesterday at
at the Court House.
Turner & Carstens of Omaha will
open a meat-murkot on Nebraska Ave
nue next week. Look out for their. ad
vertisement next week.
A chance to step right into a well
established business is offered by Carl
Kramer & Co. They are going out of
trade at once and advertise for a buyer.
The many friends of the family will
sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
Rossiter of Platte Center, in the death
of their little son "Buddie," on Monday.
Try Winslow, Rand & Watson's
roasted coffees, Mocha, Java and Rio,
they are the best coffees that money can
buy. For sale only at Herman Oehlrich
& Bro's. 30-6
It is expected that the grand ball of
tho Knights of Pythias of Columbus, to
be given on Thanksgiving night at the
Opera House, will be the great social
event of the season.
Lost, Friday last, between F. Fu
gard's residence and the Monastery, a
double-barreled, breech - loading shot
gun. A liberal reward will be given for
the return of the same to F. Walgraf.
Henrich makes a specialty of all
kinds of insurance and makes better
rates than other agents. Those 6 per
cent loans of Henrich's, with a small
commission, seem to take like hot cakes.
Dr. Habenicht informs us that
Adolph Ernst, of Shell Creek, has been
sick four weeks with typhoid fever. Also
that Joseph Vobrny died Monday with
typhoid fever. Schuyler Sun.
The Knights of Pythias are making
preparations for the grandest ball of the
season on Thanksgiving evening. A
drill by the Uniform Rank will bo one of
the special features of the occasion.
The Uniform Rank of the K. of P.
have rented the Opera House for this
entire week and under the direction of
Omaha officers are drilling every night
preparing for the grand exhibition drill
at the K. of P. ball.
A majority of the bakers at Omaha
luive petitioned the city authorities to
reduce the legal weight of 5 cent loaves
of bread from sixteen ounces to twelve
ounces, which they claim should lie done
on account of tho rise in Hour.
Prof. Cramer and Mr. F. N. Miner
of St Paul visited the High School Fri
day last Rev. Powers visited the nigh
School Wednesday and tho Third Ward
on Friday; ho was gathering data for a
sermon to teachers, at an early day.
Now is the time (any day) to sub
scribe for the Journal, a local weekly
paper and the Nebraska Family Journal,
a state weekly paper, containing every
week thirty-two columns of choice read
ing matter, both for S2 a year, when
paid in advance. We are receiving num
bers of new subscribers still there is
room for more. tf
The marriage of Miss May Hunne
man formerly of this place (and referred
to in a recent Journal) took place Sept
5th, at Chicago, HI. William T. Holly
is the name of the fortunate husband,
and the Journal, with its many readers
acquainted with the accomplished young
lady, will wish her and her husband a
happy life's journey together.
John Rentchler, of Cornlea, died
Tuesday, of typhoid fever. Mr. Rentch
ler's family has been sick, and worn out
by constant watching and administering
to the sick, he fell an easy victim to the
disease. The neighbors have kindly as
sisted during the sickness, and sympa
thize deeply with the afflicted family in
their bereavement Humphrey Ind.
Today, Wednesday, Nov. 21st, '88, 3
o'clock p. m. at the residence of Mr.
John Plumb, near Burrow's station, Neb.,
Mr. R. B. Dunlap and Miss Mary A.
Plumb, daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. John
Plumb, are to be married. 'The Journal
tenders congratulations in advance of
the event and wishes' the happy young
couple the best of earth's joys to mortals.
E. B. Hall has shown us a model of
a very useful article that he has just in
ventedan article in every-day demand,
and on which there has been considerable
inventive genius exercised. We do not
doubt that he, like Mr. Lockwood,.
Platte county's now famous inventor,
has reached the goal in this direction,
and the Journal hopes there are "mil
lions in it" for him.
E. Sanderson was in town Friday
and Saturday exhibiting a man whose
deformities were supposed to have been
caused by his mother witnessing a fight
between her husband and a bear. A cut
upon the neck, the peculiar formation
where the knees ought to be, and of the
muscles of the arm, were some of the
points of similarity to the bear, as claim
ed' by the showman.
Louis Harold went to Denver last
E. B. Hall was in town Monday on
a E. Phillips of Platte Center was in
the city Tuesday.
Rev.. J. M. Wilson of Creston was in
the city, yesterday.
Alex Clark, Sterling, Colo., is visiting
friends in Columbus.
Mrs. Geo. Lehman returned Friday
from her trip into Iowa.
Ed. Polley of Seward visited his pa
rents here, over Sunday.
Frank Abbott ia receiving a visit from
his mother of Aurora, Neb.
G. W. Kibler of Leigh was in town
Thursday a few hoars on business.
James. S. Cooper of David City visited
his nephew, W. B. Backus, Thursday.
Herman Loseke was in town Monday
and gave the Journal a pleasant call.
Carl Kramer and Geo. Barnhart went
to Lincoln Monday morning on business.
Henry Loseke gave the 'Journal a
very pleasant call on business yester
day. John Engel was in the city Saturday
on business connected with the estate of
M. Engel, deceased.
Frank IL, son of George Davis, left
Saturday for Jasper City, Texas, where
he expects to reside, if the country suits
him. His brother Harry lives there!
James Frost was a pleasant caller Sat
urday. He has become noted as a large
corn raiser, having this year about 12,000
bushels. He has promised to give us
his methods for publication.
Ed. S. Beggs, formerly of Pittsburg,
Pa., and a brother-in-law of W. B. Backus,
has leoome a citizen of Columbus, his
household goods arriving last Saturday.
He is running a cigar factory here on
15th street, and resides opposite the
High School on 9th street
Wings and Sting.
This is the airy, stinging title of an
other sprightly amusing book by Palmer
Cox. It is one of the Queer People se
rios, and similar to its companion "Paws
and Claws," of which we told yon-recent-ly.
This is one of the funniest and
brightest books for youngsters we have
ever seen. The illustrations are splen
did and will make the boys and girls
roar with laughter. Tho Boston Budget,
says: "As a holiday book nothing could
be more appropriate, since nothing could
confer greater pleasure upon the little
ones." The National Republican says:
"Every page is a picture and all the text
music, a fountain of fun, never ceasing.
It will make young eyes blaze." It will
certainly be wonderfully popular. It is
published by Messrs. Hubbard Bros., of
Philadelphia, Chicago, and Kansas City,
to whom persons desiring a copy or an
agency should apply.
Crowds at McEnilree Another Sale.
Last Saturday hundreds of people took
advantage of D. L. McEndree's remnant
side and the store was so crowded that
many could not receive proper attention.
That all may have a chance at the rem
nants, Mr. McEndree will have another
sale on Saturday next commencing at
9 o'clock. 1,000 yds. of standard ging
hams in dress and apron styles in short
lengths of from three to ten yds. each.
Lots of other special bargains in men's
and boys' clothing and overcoats as well
as caps, boots, shoes, gloves, underwear
and shawls. Remember McEndree is on
the north Bide.
Coluaiha Lycenn.
Program for Friday evening, Nov. 23,
7:30 prompt, at Fitzpatrick's new hall.
Song High School Class
Recitation Kate Taylor
Select Reading Miss Fannie Oeer
Essay Mrs. C. A. Brindley
Piano solo Mrs. W. A. McAllister
Recitation Ethel Galley
Essay - D.Frank Davis
Recitation Martha Tamer
Song High School Class
Five minatett sfieech L. J. Cramer
Song Mary Turner
Debate Kesoleetl, That the term of the presi
dent of the United States should be six years
and ho be ineligible for re-election? Affirm, II.
J. Hudson, Louis Weaver; deny, Henry Lnbker,
Ed. Fitzpatrick.
After a few more days the farmer
will have bis corn all husked, and the
big end of his fall work done, so that he
will have a few more hours in the even
ing for reading. Now is a good time to
make an investment in good, yet cheap,
reading matter. Of course yon take the
Journal; now if you will pay up all ar
rearages and $2 for the coming year, in
advance, we will send yon, free one year,
as a reward for your good deed, the Ne
braska Family Journal, a thirty-column
newspaper, filled with interesting and
profitable reading matter, suitable for
yourself and family.
We learn from Carl Kramer, who
was in Lincoln Monday that Gov. Thay
er's majority now foots up 19,760. He
says, too, that in all of the second con
gressional district only one democrat
was elected as a member of the lower
honse of the legislature. - Friends of
Gen. Manderson are apprehensive that
Laird will be a formidable candidate for
U. S. senator. We do not see that this
necessarily follows. The great body of
republicans in the state favor Mr. Man
derson's return, no matter who may
wish to succeed him.
Niels Olson made a brave fight in
his own county, carrying eight of the
seventeen townships, besides one ward
in the city of Columbus. His home
township gave him 86 to 48 votes. He
ran considerably ahead of his ticket
and Green went-under the wire 64 in the
lead. Let thankful that our nom
inee made a creditable race, against great
odds, and still retains the confidence of
the party in this district (Nance County
Profs. Backus of this city, Grinstead
of Norfolk and Hughs of Schuyler were
appointed by State Teachers' Associa
tion as committee on school work, to be
exhibited at Columbus, Dec. 26, 27 and
28 and all the schools in the state are
invited to send in their work. The com
mittee met in this city Saturday last and
made partial arrangements fer the ex
hibit The committee decided that
nothing but actual school work should
be placed on exhibit
Mrs. Rose T. Page, music teacher.
Booms at Mrs. Winterbotham's. Terms,
per lesson $1.00. For regular pupils two
lessons a week for six months, 50 cents
per lesson, payable monthly. Lessons
excused paly ia esse of actual illness.
. iBjp? XUlrtt's Denver Iteiu.
Edward GPinkney, a former resident
of Colambifij, dropped in on me not very
long-ago.- He said that he hailed from
Hailey, Idaho Ty., which place he had
made his home for the past several years,
and that he owned a valuable mine in
that section of the country. He looked
well and was neatly dressed in a fine
broadcloth suit, and seemed to have
plenty of money. He claimed that there
were "no flies on him" then; that when
he first left Columbus, he had a very
hard time; that he "broke on the rail,"
trampedlept in sheds and straw stakes,
and suffered nearly every kind of priva
tion, till he struck this place in Idaho,
where he located his mining claim, and
had acted as deputy sheriff. He also said
that in the meantime he had visited in
New York city, and along the coast of
California as far north as Alaska; that he
did not know the whereabouts of his
mother or brother; that the last he heard
of the former she was in California and
that his brother was somewhere in Da
kota. O. H. Archer has gone to work at his
trade at -Golden, a few miles from Den
ver. He claims that the supply of
printers and nearly all kinds of skilled
workmen greatly exceeds the demand.
E. R Dean thinks that lawyers are
very thick in Denver, so do Marlow,
Charlie Phelps and all of us Nebraskans.
Still, this" is a nice city, and we like it
The republican jollification in honor
of Harrison and Morton's election was a
great success. Senator Teller, General
Sampson and other Coloradan's did
themselves proud.
Judge John M. Thurston recently
mado this city "a visit on professional
business. The writer met him in the
United States circuit court. John M.
still has his doubts about the correct
ness of the O'Donnell decision. Perfect
ly natural. I told him that our guess
happened to be the more accurate, and
he acknowledged the corn.
Elmer Sheets has bought into a res
tanrant, which has proven a paying
investment. He devotes about four
hours a day doing the clerical work per
taining thereto, and the rest to his
studies. It is hardly necessary for me
to state that our young friend is very
well liked.
I have been asked frequently about
the decision of the U. S. supreme court
in the case of Bowman Bros, against C.
& N. W. R. R. reported in 125th U. S.
Reports. The court decides that liquors
manufactured in one state can be shipped
into another state in unbroken pack
ages, notwithstanding such transporta
tion may be prohibited by the law of the
latter, for such enactments entrench
upon the power of congress to regulate
inter-state commerce under .the U. S.
constitution. The decision would seem
to imply that the party receiving the
liquors might sell them in tho shape that
ho received them, as such first sale is a
necessary part of the commerce between
In my correspondence to tho Hum
phrey Independent I have elalwrated
more extensively concerning the attitude
of this high tribunal on the liquor traffic;
to which, I would respectfully refer my
questioners, if they are not satisfied with
the foregoing statements.
Denver, Nov. 14, 88.
Early in the year 1857 there arrived in
Columbus a man about forty years of
age, a native of Belgium. He had come
to Omaha at an early period after the
organization of the territory, and had
lived there and at St. Marys, Iowa. He
was destined to play a prominent part
in the politics of the early days of this
county, being a natural politician, his
name was John Reck. The headquar
ters for the transaction of business of
the Columbus land company had been
at Florence, and that year it was trans
ferred to Columbns, and John Reck was
chosen president, and J. P. Becker sec
retary. At the legislative session in the
winter of 1857, Mr. Reck was elected
doorkeeper, and in the year 1858, Platte
county being entitled to one representa
tive, John Rickly and John Reck were
the opposing candidates, and the latter
carried the election by a few votes. The
following year C. H. Whaley was the
representative. The following year Mr.
Reck was a candidate for the democrat
ic nomination and was defeated by S. H.
Fowler. C. H. Whaley was nominated
by the republicans, and Mr. Reck ran
as an independent candidate and was
elected by a fair majority. The follow
ing year the race was again between
Reck and Rickly, resulting this time in
the election of John Rickly. The war
had by this time burst on the country,
and the government had made an assess
ment on the states and territories to
raise money to carry on the war, and as
Nebraska was poor and unable to pay
her quota, the appropriation for legisla
tive expenses was applied to paying that
assessment and no session of the legisla
ture was held. In course of time Mr.
Reck changed his politics and became a
republican. He had heretofore had
sufficient political influence to secure a
position as doorkeeper or sergeant-at-arms
during the sessions of the legisla
ture of which he was not a member, and
when the internal revenue law was pass
ed, received the appointment of deputy
assessor, which he held at the time of
his death, which occurred in the fall of
1863. His remains were buried in the
old cemetery on the hill, (now a part of
Fred Blaser's farm), attended by the
most of the inhabitants of the town, and
under the supervision of some two or
three of his Masonic brethren then re
siding here, who read the burial service
of that society at his grave. Many years
later the officers of the Columbus cem
etery association removed his remains
to our present cemetery. Thus passed
away a pioneer, who will long be remem
bered by those who knew him, for his
amiability and kindness of .heart, and
who was a born diplomat and politician.
Cmrd of Tkaaks.
We wish to tender our heartfelt thanks
to our many friends of Columbus for the
grand donation given to us on the even
ing of the 15th. While we will not be
able to repay you in this world for your
kindness, we promise you we will ever
remember you in our humble prayers.
Rev. H. L. & Belle Powers.
Columbus, Nov. 16,88.
Buy a life of Gen. Sheridan, one of
America's greatest warriors, from Mrs.
1 Henry Woods.
Mr. sad Mr. Joka Drake.
Elsewhere in today's Journal will be
found a mention of the event spoken of
below. We add this from the Leigh
Times of last week:'
On Monday last, there were gathered
together at the residence of W. C. Jack
son in Creston precinct, about one hun
dred guests, the occasion being no less
than the sixtieth anniversary of the mar
riage of Mr. and Mrs. John Drake, father
and mother of Mrs. Jackson.
What must be the feeling of this aged
couple looking back to the distance of
sixty years to their wedding day! and
how much admiration they inspire in
one, by their undimmed intellect and
sparkling conversation; Mrs. Drake read
an interesting paper prepared by her
self, detailing many of the noticeable
events of their life's journey. Sixty years
ago last Monday witnessed their wed
ding day, just six days after the election
of Jackson whose campaign Mrs. Drake
reminded us was conducted on tho same
issno as the one just passed. Tho tariff
oeing tue turning poim in nis election.
Mr. Drake today is as healthy as a man
of fifty and ho was heard to remark to a
guest, that the length of a man's life did
not depend so much upon the years he
has upon the vitality he possess
es, and-that he considered his life about
half spent
Forty years of their married lifo was
6pent in Newark; New Jersey, and eleven
in Nebraska.
Mr. Drako is eighty-one years old and
frequently walks from his residence to
Creston, a distance of three miles.
Among those "gathered together to cele
brate this event, Mr. and Mrs. Drake
could count their children, their child
ren's children, and theirchildren's child
ren. Besides the paper read by Mrs.
Drake were others read by Rev. J. Wil
son of Tracy Valley, Mrs. Alvinns Leach
of Tracy Valley, and Mrs. F. W. Ander-
man of Creston.
There were a number of valuable pres
ents, but what must have seemed most
valuable and precious to this aged couple
was the love and respect shown by their
relatives and their unnumbered friends
on this occasion. After enjoying the
hospitality of the house and repeating
many times the hope of being present at
their seventy-fifth anniversary, the
guests departed, one and all pronounc
ing it the most' enjoyable affair of the
Mr. and Mrs. John Drake, celebrated
their 60th wedding anniversary on Nov.
12th, at tho house of their daughter,
Mrs. W. C. Jackson. It was a most en
joyablo affair, -very informal, being a
reception instead of a party. They re
ceived calls from 80 friends between 2
and 8 o'clock p. m., including parties
from Leigh, Humphrey and Creston.
Refreshments were served to each group
of callers. Thoy were much surprised
to receive from their friends such tokens
of their respect and kind feeling, espe
cially the elegant chairs from Leigh and
Creston. The bride was dressed in black
silk with fine laces at neck and wrists and
wore the beautiful pin and ring which
wero among the gifts at their 50th anni
versary in 78. Among the guests were 20
members of the Nebraska branch of their
family. Papers of much interest were
read by Mrs. Drake, her daughter Mrs.
Anderman, by Mrs. L. Leech of Hum
phrey, and Rev. Joseph Wilson; all the
friends joined in singing familiar hymns,
led by the organ over which presided
Miss Emma Graham and Miss Nellie
Scudder. During the evening tho com
pany were charmed by the music of Dr.
Geer and his accomplished wife. It was
a most enjoyable affair. A.
The Throiii;li Pnllman Car
To Chicago via Omaha and Council
Bluffs, runs daily from Denver and
points east thereof in Colorado and
Nebraska, over the Union Pacific Rail
way and the "Omaha, Council Bluffs
and Chicago Short Line." of the Chicago
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, on the
following timo schedule.
Leave Denver, daily 8:30 a m.
Arrive Omaha 7:50 a. m.
Arrive Council Bluffs 8:15 a. m.
Leave Council Bluffs 9:40 a. m.
Arrive Chicago, daily 6:50 a. in.
This train connects with all morning
trains departing from' Chicago, or, if
passengers so elect, they can remain over
in Chicago a few hours for business or
pleasure, and take the "Limited," or
other fast trains, which leave Chicago
for the East in the afternoon. The
Sleeping Car fare between Chicago and
Denver is $6.00. Proportionately lower
rates from intermediate pointB in Ne
braska. The finest Dining Cars in the
world are run on the "Short Line" of the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway.
For further particulars apply to any
Coupon Ticket Agent in the West, or to
John E. McCluiie,
Western Passenger Agent, CM. & St. P.
Ry., 1501 Farnam st., Omaha, Neb.
Lookin-rglasH Local.
. The weather is fino now.
. Corn husking is nearing its close.
Quite a little snow squall was ex
perienced here on the 15th.
Messrs. Swansonand Headburg finish
ed corn husking last week.
Peter Swanson has just finished tho
erection of a large barn, with stone
John Christensen has in the course of
erection a nice two story frame dwelling
house with brick foundation.
Peterson had one of his valuable mares
sick' with the colic, but under skillful
treatment she recovered.
The Lookingglass school was opened
a few days ago by C. D. Wilson of Bis
marck with an enrollment of twenty
scholars, which have since been increas
ed to thirty-two. Charles.
The Loup Valley Reading Circle met
Nov. 15th at the residence of S. C. Os
born. About fifty persons were in at
tendance;the following is the program of
exercises, after which refreshments were
served and games and music indulged
in: song and music, Miss E. Osborn; se
lect reading, Miss Wells; declamation,
S. C. Osborn, jr.; reading, Mrs. Manning
ton; song and music, Miss Emmerson;
reading. Mrs. S. C. Osborn; reading, C.
W. Hollingshead;' recitation, Mrs. B. R.
Steinbaugh; reading. Miss Emerson;
instrumental music, Miss Osborn; 'reci
tation, Mrs. T. L. Hall; reading, Mrs.
Wm.Pugsley; reading of continued story
by Howard Roe. The next meeting will
be at the residence of N. S. Hyatt, Nov.
The Sentinel says that:
Jas. H. Milslagel is siding up his ho
tel, which will improve the appearance
of it wonderfully.
John Mason returned from Columbus
Wednesday and is now very sick again.
J. H. Milslagle, while attempting to
stop a runaway team, fell down in front
of them; one horse stepping on him and
falling partly on him, everyone supposed
that saw him fall, was positive he would
be killed, but Jim all doubled up in a
knot came out from nnder the horses
smiling as pleasant as you please, and to
the many inquiries, "are you hurt?" said
"not much I guess." Bui after all it was
one of the most narrow escapes we ever
vu tn eye witness to.
bbbbbbbV bbB'
t3TAll goods guaranteed as represented. I use nothing but the very best of
stock and employ nonp but tho most skilled workmen. If you are in need of any
thing in my line it will pay you to look at my goods before buying. By strict
attention to business and fair dealing I trust to merit a share of your .patronage.
HfREPAiRiNa neatly done, on short notice, and at low Prices. Call and
see me
23ja&S34f Oolvuoatovia, Nebraska.
Established 1S70.
Loan, Real Estate
Meaty ULtoa on Farms at lowest rates of interest, on short and long time, in amonnts Tt
I it APPI.Tf? 4 HTB.
Complete Abstracts sf Title to all Real Estate in Platt county.
Notabt Public always is Oiticb.
fstwraare apdMt.'llghtniilg and Tornadoes. Lire ahd Aocidekt IssCBAKC,-none bat
the very beet companies represented. . oQ:niv.f
KteaaMklsTIeEeU to and Irom all irts in Europe. Jjuisu-tr
Wholesale and
.irresZb. Ibvdleats.
Gae, Peiltry, aid Fresk Fish. All Kiids tf Saisage a Specialty.
IVCaah paid for Hides, Pelts, Tallow. Highest market price paid for fat cattle."!
Olive Street, twe Deers Nerta f the First Natioial Baak.
Stoves and Tinware,
Pumps, Guns & Ammunition.
The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Hero.
Sept. 2? t
A art ion! Auction!
Will be sold at auction Saturday, Nov.
21, '88, in Turner's Jocrxatj bnilding,
next to Kramer's, 500 overcoats of all
descriptions for boys and men. This is
your golden opportunity lo get an over
coat at your own price. -
John- Hcbf.ii,
Notirt t School hiMrt!i.
For every 25c worth of school books,
stationery or holiday goods purchased
of me for cash, I will givo free, one
street car ticket.
23-tf John Heitkempfji.
SPOERKY XovemW 10th, or old ni Mrs.
BnrlKira Spoerry, aged so year. 1 month.
The deceased hail for ninny years licd with her
Hon, Henry T., besides whom nlie lentes to mourn
her los. Dr. E. Hoehen,Dr. G.Hpoerry of Idaho,
Mrn. C. Bodmer of Grand Prairie, Xeh.,;ind Mn.
L. Miley of California.
Tho funeral took place, in this city Sunday,
Rev. Fleischer orliciatinK.
DIXEEN-Nosomber 17th, of heart ditteiwe,
Mra. Michael Dincen of thi city.
She had nly recently removed to the city from
the country. Her husband, who died neveral
years nj?o. was one of the first nettlers of Platte
county. The funeral took place. Monday, a larxe
nnmlterof friends following the body to its lat
resting place.
Business Notices.
Advertisements under this head five cents a
line each insertion.
"ClOltcood youne breeding stock of all kinds.
call at Bloomintcdale stock farm. A. Hen
rich, Platto Center 1. O. Neb. 30-tf
NOTICE. 1 will take in a few more cattle
with mine to winter. For terms call on
V. M. Snodirraps. Columbus, Xeb. 'J9St
TTTM. SCHILTZ makes boots and shoes in the
best styles, and uses only the very best
stock that can be procured in ttie market. .YJ-tr
EXCHANGE I have, a number of good im
proved farms in Platte,Madison anil Pierce
coumiee, aeorasKa, to excnanKe ior a kooii siock
of general merchandise. G. R. Hovel xd.
30-3t p Xewman. G ro ve.
To whom it may concern:
A corporation has this day lieen organized un
der the name of The Oconee Elevator Company.
The nlace of doimr business to be in Oconee.
Nebraska. The nature of the business to con
struct an elevator, handle grain, purchase and
sell 6tich real and personal property as shall be
desirable for its own u.e or pront or necessary
to.protect its interents or credit. The authorized
canital Ftock shall le five thousand dollars.
The buiness may Iks commenced when one
thousand dollars i-hall haveben paid in. The
existencH of this corporation shall continue
during the period of twenty years, unless dis
solved prior to that date. The highert amount
of indebtedness of liability shall not at any time
exceed two-thirds of the value of the stock
issued and paid for. The private property of
the stockholders shall be exempt from liability
or execution for the debts of the corporation.
The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted
by a president, vice president, secretary and
treasurer and five directors.
Octolier 30, 1S88. Fbed. Jewell.
8novl Secretary.
Notice is hereby given that by virtne of a
chattel mortgage dated the 20th day of November,
1S66, and duly filed for record in the office of the
county clerk of Platte county, Nebraska, on the
8th day of February, 1837, and executed by Peter
Plant to John G. Rontson to secure the payment
of the sum of $85.00. and- upon which there ia
now due the sum of $35.00 and interest at 10 per
cent per annum from date of note and mortgage.
Default having been made' in the payment of
said sum. and no other proceeding at law having
been, instituted to recover said debt or any part
thereof, therefore I will sell the property therein
described, viz: One. full leather top phaeton, at
public auction at Gleason & Terryll's livery
bam. in the city of Columbus, in Platte county.
Nebraska, on the 29th day of November, 1888, at
2 o'clock p. m. of Mid day.
Jobs G. Rorreoy.
bot Xortpfte,
Harness Depot.
If you wish to get value reoeived,
go to
OBftMHt UiMI Ittol.
' I have constantly on hand all goods, from
the cheapest to the best and will sell them
at -lower prices than the same quality of
goods' can be bought anywhere else in Platte
county. You can find hero single and double
Carriage and Buggy Harness,.Farm Harness
. light and heavy, a beautiful stock of Robes
and Blankets, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Hal
ters, Whips, Sleigh Bells, Curry Combs,
Brushes, Wagon Covers and Tents, Trunks
and Valises, Buggy-tops, and in fact every
. thing that is kept in a
Retail Dealers in
By virtne of an order of sale directed to mo
from the district court of Platto county, Xehras
ka, on a decree obtained in onrnaid court at the
regular Septemljer. A. D ItSS. term thereof of
Platte county, Nebraska, to wit: on tho ISrtlt day
of September, IbKS. in favor of Aultman. Miller
fc Company as plaintitT, and against t'ristena
Peitsch and Win. Peitsch as defendant, for tho
sum of Two Hundred and Thirteen dollars, and
co-ts taxed at $38.10, and accruing cots, I have
levied upon the following lands and tenements
taken as tho proierty of said defendants, to sat
isfy saitl decree to wit: The north half of Die
northwest quarter and the- south half of the
northeast qnarter of tectum twenty-one (JI)
township nineteen (IV) north of range one H)
west in Platto county, Nebraska, and will olfer
the same for sale to the highest bidder, for cash
in hand, on the l-'ith day of l)ecemler, A. O.,
IHSM, in front of the Court Hous in Columbus,
Nebraska, that being the building wherein the
last term of court was held, at tho hour of 1!
o'clock p. m.. of said day, when ami when due
attendance will be given by the undersigned.
Dated Columbus, Neb.. Novetntier 12th. 183.
l.movr.t 31. (. Bloedorn,
Sheriff of feaid county.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of hu
order of the district court in and for Platte
county, Nebraska, made on theAltti day of Octo
ber, 1H43, granting n license to Ellen Sheehan.
guardian of tho minor heirs of E. D. Sheelian,
deceased, to sell lot No. one (I). in block one
hundred and forty-threo (ll-l), in the city of Co
lumbus, said county and Mate.
.Therefore, I will offer for sale at public auc
tion tho alsjve described premisen on tin 1st day
of Uecemlr, lfiifl. at 2 o'clock p. in., in front of
tho Court llonwiu the city of Columbus, l'latto
county, Nebraska.
Ki.lks Sheehan.
All Kinds of Pomps.
Olive St., nearly opposite Post-office.
Whitebreait, per ton - - $5 00
Hlinoi, " - - - 6 00
Sock Spring, "---.- 7 00
Canoa City, " - - 7 00
Eastern & Western HarA Goal.
Rood supply always n hand. Special
prices on quantities
3"Ourqaoiations or tho markets areottsined
Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliabl
at the time.
Wheat SO-
Corn (new) 30
Corn (old) . a-
Oats ia
f loo 9 "rj mp
lUCiCWliMfct . Mm
Flax 1 10
Batter -. 15820
Etws 20
Potatoes 9B$40
-lACUllcS 9
Shoulders . IStt
ft' no&s ,. i5 mp
Eat cows , 1S(2O0
Fat sheep $2S0USU0
Fat steers $3 50K400
V.muIm-h VhhS Oft
Hard, Pennsylvania ...". II8
Hard, Colorttdt ."..- 1208
Rock Springs, nut 600
Rock Springs, lnmp 7 08
ruuo o iv
Colorado.! see
In the mutter of the estate of Jihaa Bredehoft,
Notice is hereby given, that the creditors of the
said deceased will meet, tho executor of said
estate, before-nie, county judge of Platto county.
Nebraska, at tho county court room in said
county, on the 27th day of December, 1S88, on the
2th day of February. ISm9. and on the 21th day of
April. 13K9, a't 10 o'clock a. in. each day, for tho
purpose of presenting their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months
arc allowed for creditors to present their claims,
and one year for. the executor to settle" said
estate from day of October, l!.
Dated November 1st, A. D. 1888.
- II. J. Hudson.
Snovl County Judge.
tie mm m fiikt ma
west of Omaha, at
Theliest niantifnctorivB of the country
represented. Not to be undersold
by anybody. Come nnd see
prices ut
BIIOI3 ovor invcntoa.
Itto very GENTEXXi and DBSBSTndglTM
ia sr.mnnrotectloaaaAbootoPover-ffalter. Itla
convenient to pnt on and tho tort can ho adjusted
flt liny cnl:!o by simple moving tho button.
j-orenieuj- -
loin O'-J.'-tLtf
Special Aioni!
Furnishing Goods !
(Jreatly-r-ReiJuceii-i-rricws I.
y Call, examine Goodit nnd loan
Greisen Bros. & Co.
And all kinds of country produce taken in trade
and all goods delivered free of charge
to any part of tho city.
Fati CongrM HI - SJWpPjfra
'ssfljpfljflpQssY Mulll
10.1 J.B.KUamA2l