a- -" t'. i . i OUR TRICKS OF T1UDE. THE CHEMIST THE MAGICIAN OF THE PRESENT DAY. Competition the Life or Trade, bat Not Always Beneficial to tbe Pabtlo Tlie Business of Adulteration Systematically Carried On The Result. " In this era of universal enlightenment the training of tli" successful tradesman 13 much b'roader than that of his prede cessor of fifty years ago. The latter con sidered himself fully educated when he was able to distinquish the quality of the different grades of -the various articles in which ho dealt, and as very few methods of sophistication and adulteration" wero known, his task was a comparatively easy one. With the merchant of the present day. however, everything is different. IIo can depend on his own judgment only in very few instances. IIo must know not only how to manipulate his wares so as to undersell his competitors, hut ho must bo continually on his guard to make sure that the articles which ho himself buys shall be just as represented. IIo may bo a dealer in woolens and buy his stock from the deacon who passes the plate in church, yet ho never neglects to have his samples examined by an expert, and analyzed if necessary. But the strangest phase of the wholo matter is that, so universal has the custom become, ho does not consider it any reflection on his neighbor to take this course, and if heiinds that tho goods are not as represented, ho thinks nonotho. worso of him, after he has claimed and secured his rebate No branch of trade is free from this sophistication, and as long as tho resulting article is not injurious to tho health of the people, wo havo come to accept it without a murmur, as an inevit able result of competition. With such a state of affairs, it will readily bo seen that tho merchant of "yo olden time" would now stand a slim chance of success unless he called in outside aid. A NEW ADUI.TEKATIOX. The chemist is really tho magician, who today is sought by one party to develop a new adulteration, and to-morrow is called upon to analyzes tho article which he has just succeeded in adulterating. His la boratory becomes the confessional for merchants of all degrees, and ho must be as silent and secret as tho clergyman. But his power is greater than tho ecclesiastic, who cannot read our thoughts, and who may know only what we care to tell him. But to tho chemist all facts within his provincoaro accessible. If wo are frank with him, we cau render easier tho work which we havo for him to do. If, how ever, ho has a suspicion that anything has been withheld, ho has but to inake an analysis and tho whole secret is open to him. In his realm he is king. He says to tho merchant, "Do thus," and the busi ness man, realizing that his only way to success is by following such injunctions, does so. and is relieved for a time. Soon, however, ho learns that ho is being under sold, and once more has recourse to tho magician, who finds that some brother genins has stolen his charm, and it be comes necessary for him to conjure up a more powerful one, only to have it, in timo, again stolen. Tho following incident, related by a dis tinguished chemist, may be interesting, as showing how systematically this busi ness of adulteration is carried on. The gentleman mentioned was recently con sulted by a firm of oil dealers, who were naturally anxious to learn how it was that their competitor was always able to under sell them, in faco of the fact that the chemist of their factory could not discover any adulteration in their rival's product. On analysis, no foreign substance ap peared, and the consulting chemist was forced to confess himself nonplused. In the course of conversation he happened to mention, quite incidentally, that the only impurity he hnd been able to find was a 'trace of petroleum oil. which he had con sidered accidental. The oil dealer inquired tho amount of this oil present, and on finding that it was about Si J per cent., im mediately said that the problem was solved. Two and a, halt per cent., he ex plained, mado i:i a barrel of forty gallons a differenco of one gallon, and. by extract ing this quantity vi an oil worth fifty tem, aiai uiiusututing a gallon of an m- ferior kind worth, say, ten cents, his rival 1 had 10211 enabled to draw away almost all his trade. roisoxors dyes. People have become so accustomed to finding the discussion of tho subject of adulteration confined to articles of food :;ud drink that they aro apt to consider t hat this is tho only part of it of any im portance. Physicians, however, can toil a different story. For instance, they are frequently consulted for disorders which can be directly traced to cheaply dyed articles of dress, and many of tho most obstinate cases of skin disease are due to poisonous coloring matters. Beforo tho art of dyeing had progressed , much most of they dyeing colors in uso were prepared from simple vegetable ex tracts. Soon, however, tho demand was greater than tho supply, and tho chemist was called upon for substitutes. Step by step ho followed nature back to her labor atory, and finally was able to announce ' that ho could produce at will iu unlini- itcd quantities a dye stuff which could not bo distinguished by any test, either chemical or physical, from tho natural product. Tho 'substauco which ho had made was alizarine, tho coloring matter of madder, and tho articlo from rhich ho mado it was common coal tar. This dis covery worked a revolution in the indus trial world. Tho path, onco it had been pointed out, was easy to follow; and in quick succession camo tho announcements of new colors mado from this same waste product coal tar until at tho present day any color or tint can bo supplied from it. But here, too, the practice of sophisti cation soon becamo a prominent factor, until the question was. Hot how well can dyes bo mado, but how cheaply. The process of manufacture is a long one, and great caro is required at every step to thoroughly remove the powerful chemical agents by which the necessary changes aro brought about. Here was tho oppor tunity for cheapening tho final product. An incomplete removal of theso chemicals means less labor and less expense; henco the indifferently finished product can be Bold cheaper. Unfortunately, however. these impurities thus left in tho dyo are In most instances highly irritating to the skin, and when an articlo dyed with such substances is worn it is very liable to cause trouble, especially if tho skin Is chafed or scratched. Boston Herald. Three Bales for Talkla. T This remark of tho doctor's brought to my mind the case of Wore, the intercol legiate amateur. I remember a talk I onee had with him. We were at. the same hotel and I asked him to give me a rule for walking. "There aro three rules," ho said. "In ordinary walking the arms should be al lowed to swing naturally, and in this way the whole body is exercised and invigor ated. In fast walking this movement of the arms is correspondingly increased and greatly facilitates the speed and comfort of tho walker. Fast walking is univer sally recognized as ono of the principal branches of athletics, but no sport en genders so much controversy or Is so unsatisfactory to its votaries. It is, of course, an artificial gait, and there fore requires a judge, who is usually a superannuated walker, with de cided ideas on the subject. If these judges could only bo brought to believe that as no two men are alike, so no two havo an exactly similar style in walking and that a walk may be .fair and yet dif fer widely from their own ideal, walking would assume the rank in athletics to which it is entitled, but 'to err is human.' and a man may train conscientiously and honestly, endeavoring to cultivate an ir reproachable style, only to be disqualified in his first race. . I have often heard men highly praised by competent judges of walking, whom equally good judges had pronounced incapable of fair walking; in fact, in no other sport is there room for such wide variance of opinion among pre sumedly honest and intelligent men. "Tbe fundamental principle of fair walking is that one foot must be on the ground all tho time; this is imperative, aaoaa easily he denonstrated br. trial. A violation or tnis 'ruio must resuitnn a ran. Another idea on which judges should lay great stress is that tbe knees mast not be bent when the feet strike tbe ground, and remain rigid until after they leave it. This is absolutely neces sary in fast walking, although a man can walk fairly with his knees bent if he tries to, but nothing can be more awkward or unnatural. This rule necessitates a third, which is that the heel of the forward foot strikes the ground simultaneously as tbe toe of the rear foot leaves it. This gives rise to the popular expression, 'heel and toe walking." Any ono who observes these rules will walk fairly." D. J. Mc Grathin Boston Globe. WOMEN'S RIGHT8 IN AFRICA. Tbe Ladles of tbe AJees Tribe Brine Tur-lr Husbands to Terms. Mr. Pauli. who lived for -some timo in the Cameroon region. West Africsi,tells of a highly successful woman's rights movement a while ago in t he Akonn tribe, illustrating the fact that when '-omeu unanimously assert them iu savage lands, as well as elsewhere, they are a great power in tho community. In that be nighted region women are not supposed to havo any rights. When a girl is 13 or 14 years old she is sold to anybody who has property enough to pay tho price her father asks for her, and "thereafter she works like a slave for her board and lodging and is subject to all the caprices of her lord and master. Even the bonds men in the community havo more priv ileges than the free women, and some of them in time are able to support rather extensive harems of their own. It happened that there were some strong minded women among tho Akona people, and they lifted up their voices hi public places in favor of some radical social re forms that would mako the lot of woman kind rather more endurable. They were jeered at, as women reformers have been in some other lands, and were advised by the superior sox to keep on digging in tho fields and pounding manioc root and thank fortune that their lot was not less tolerable. Reform was evidently not to be secured by any amount of feminine protest, aud so these strong minded women put their long heads together and decided upon radical aud far reaching measures. The tribe is a small one. Nearly all the adult females hi it enlisted under tho ban ner of women's rights. One day there was an enormous commotion in that little community. It was almost wholly con fined to the male population, the fact being that there was hardly a woman there to sharo the excitement. Tho mothers and wives, in a most unexpected and heartless manner, had suddenly dropped their implements of drudgery, and with their children in arms and marriageable daughters had hied them through the forests to tho territory of another tribe, where, at a distance of eight or ten mdes from their own garden patches, they wero rcpared to open negotiations with tho ordly chapel they had left behind them. They knew beforehand that they would meet with a hospitable reception in the tribo with which they took rcfugo. It happened that this tribo was larger than tho Akona, and did not like them very well, and it tickled them half to death to see tho pickle in which tho Akona mcu suddenly found themselves. The women set themselves to work earning their daily bread, and waited without a bit of impatience for an embassy from home. It was not long before the embassy put in an appearance. The Akona tribo was of tho opinion that they could not continue in business without the female members thereof, cud they wanted the women to come home. Tho particularly strong minded spokes man of tho refugees said she was glad to learn at last that tho women of their tribe wero regarded as a desirable ele ment of the Akona people. As the women had taken care of all the men, it was evi dent they were able to tako caro of them selves, and they hadn't the slightest in tention of going homo except on certain important conditions, which she specified. Then the embassy went home to consult the chief men. who, as their harems were tho largest, were tho greatest sufferers by tho flight of tho fair sex. The women stipulated that they would ecir.o back if a considerable part of the agricultural duties of tho community werc in future turned over to tho slaves, if tho mothers were permitted to have something to say about tho disposal of . their daughters, and if several other con- j cit ions wero complied witn. it uia not take longjfor thegeutlemen of Akona to decide what to do. A day or two later tho women went back in high feather, having achieved a complete victory, and they have been treated very well ever since. New York Sun. A Little Barren KIngdoai. Tho little kingdom of Greece embraces a territory of about 23,000 square miles, and has a population of a little more than 2,000,000 Greeks and Albanians. Scotland has about tho same territory and almost twice as many people. Switzerland has a third less territory and a third territory ana a tnira more people. Belgium and Holland taken to- I gether hare about the same territory as oa tihint tha cottia tamrnm ne I Greece and live times as many people. As for wealth, Greece is proverbially the poorest country in Europe. Her rugged mountains and barren shores are hardly fit in many places for the scantiest vege tation; she has no rivers with fertile banks; her commerce is still undeveloped, and sho is cutoff from Europe by the treacherous Adriatic and by the inhospit able strip of Turkish territory that prom ises to keep her for an indefinite future from opening her railway connection with the north. In Greece today it 2s the universal cus tom to speak of "going to Europe" just Americans do with the stormy Atlantic between New York wnd Liverpool. Add to all this the fact that this little barren kingdomVif 2.000,000 souls has a public debt of $80,000,000. and supports an army as large as that of the United States. The taxes are so high that tho island of Crete, now under Turkish rule, would nearly double its ratio of taxation should it enter tho kingdom of Greece. But in spite of all this discouragement Athens to day is a busy hive of educational institu tions, and in all tho country villages there are thrifty schools, a compulsory law being carried out with more vigor year after year. Ten years ago the statistics for illiteracy in Greeco were ahead of thoso of Italy today, and these ten vears have revolutionized educational affairs in Greece. "H. W. H." in New York Post. aZarket for Human Hair. There is at present a scarcity of fancy" human hair in tho market. As'l said, the scarcest hair is pure white, and its value is constantly increasing, and if it is un usually long that is, from four to five feet the dealer can get almost his own price, while if it is of ordinary length it is worth from 375 francs to 500 francs an ounce. Tho fact that pure white hair is the court coiffure throughout Europe keeps the demand for it very high. It is much prized by American women whose own hair is white and who desire to en rich its folds, for white hair is held to give certain distinction to the wearer. There is no fancy market for gray hair. It is too common. It is used to work into wigs of persons who are growing old. Still, the woman who shot herself through tho heart the other day because her hair was turning gray was a foolish creature. She could easily hare found, yon know, pleasanter ways of dyeing. Emile Nou veau in Philadelphia Times. Area of Tar Famed Siberia. Siberia itself is a far more extensive country than most people imagine. Mr. Keenan says it could hold the entire ter ritory of the United States, with the great annex of Alaska included, and then leave room enough for all of Europe, outside of Russia. Russia's Asiatic conquests, by the acquisition of Chinese and other ter ritory In various wars, have carried the southern bounds of Siberia far southward, whero the almond and the orange can flourish, whilo its northern limits are up on the frozen Arctic ocean, adjoining Alaska. Hartford Times. It is a well authenticated fact that the mother of the poet Scott, while lying in a. trance -and declared by the physicians to bo dead, was laid away, in the family tomb in the great vaults under the parish ehurch. METHODS OF COURTING. THE SAVAGE LOVER GENERALLY SHOWS A LACK OF TENDERNESS. I CoartafeJp Among the tike Australia Capture Has Bride Tho Stylo la Certain Parts off Asia A Cari ous Custom In Holland. Among the ancient Assyrians all mar riageable young girls wero assembled at ono place, and tho public crier put them up fur sale one after the other. The money which was received for those who were handsome, and consequently sold well, was bestowed as a wedding portion on those who were plain. When the most bsautiful had been disposed of the more ordinary looking ones were offered for a certain sum, and allotted to those willing to take them. In ancient Greece the lover was seldom favored with an opportunity of telling his passion to his mistress, and he used to publish it by inscribing her name on the walls, on the bark of the trees in the public walks, and upon the leaves of books. He would decorato the door of her house with garlands, and make liba tions of wine beforo it, in the manner that was practiced in the Temple of Cupid. According to Dr. Hayes, courtship among tho Esquimaux has not much tenderness about it. The match is mado by tha parents of the couple. The lover must go out and capture a Polar bear as an evidence of his courage and strength. That accomplished, he sneaks behind the door of his sweetheart's house, and when sho comes out he pounces upon her and tries to carry her to his dog sledge. She screams, bites, kicks and breaks away from him. He gives chase, whereupon aft the old women of the settlement rush out and beat her with frozen strips of seal skin. She falls down exhausted, the lover lashes her to his sledge, whips up his dogs, dashes swiftly over tho frozen snow, and the wedding is consummated. Tho Australian lover is still more lack ing in tenderness, if the statement mado by Myers Deley is true. The lover makes up his mind as to which woman shall bo his bride, and then hides in the bushes in the vicinity of her dwelling. As soon as sho comes near the spot where ho is con cealed ho knocks her down with a club, and carries her off before she comes to. If he docs not get her to his hut beforo she recovers there is likely to bo a lively fight in tho bush, for tho Australian damsel is generally a vigorous one, and may havo reasons of her own for objecting to his at tentions. Tho lover may then be obliged to club her again, and as that is considered to be somewhat of a reflection on tho ardor with which his earlier effort was made, ho is apt to nut as much soul and musclo into his first lovo tap as ho can summon. In some parts of Asia the question of a man's title to a brido must bo settled by a fierco fight between tho friends of tho contracting parties. If his forces are vic torious, his sweetheart becomes his trophy. If her friends are victorious, he must pay such prico as tho victors de mand. All over that country somo cer emony of violence or exhibition of phy sical power must precede a wedding. Some native tribes insist upon a foot race between tho brido and bridegroom to de cide tho question of marriage, and others requiro a long chase on horseback. In somo sections of Asia the lover must carry off his bride on his back; If he reaches his hut with her, there can bo no protest against tho marriage. Failing in that, he must pay her parents for her iu cattle. Tho willing brido makes no out cry; the unwilling bride rouses the wholo village, tho residents of which try to res cue her. In tho Isthmus of Darien either sex can do tho courting, whilo in the Urkraino the girl generally attends to it. When she tails in love with a man, she goes to his house and declares her passion. If ho declines to accept her, she remains there, and his case becomes rather distressing. To turn her out would provoke her kin dred to avenge tho insult. The young fellow has no resort left him but to rim away from home until the damsel is other wise disposed of. A curious custom prevails iu Oud Beierland, Holland. October is the aus picious month, and on the first Sunday (known as review day) the lads and lasses, attired in their best, prcmeuado tho village separately, stare each other out of countenance, and then retire to make up . their minds on tho second Sunday, which is called decision day. Tho young men po up and pay their "compliments to the fair ones of their choice, to learn if they aro regarded with favor. Ou the third Sunday, or day of purchase, tho swaiu is expected to snatch tho pocket handker chief of his adored one, and if sho sub mits to it with good graco he un derstands that his chances of winning her are flattering. Tho captured pledge is restored to the fair owner on the fourth Sunday, the "Sunday of Taking Possession," and it rarely nap pens that the damsel refuses the lover for tho Suild-V foliovdrif, the suitor, aord. whom she has indicated a preference. On . .. .. - ' - ing to custom, calls at tho house of his inamorata, where he is asked to tea. If a piece of the crust of a ginger bread loaf is handed to him. there Is nothing left for him but to retire. If, on the other hand, the parents offer the young man a pieco of the crumb, ho is allowed to come again and is admitted into tho family. On tho Island of Himia, opposite Rhodes, a girl is not allowed to havo a lover until sho has brought up a certain quantity of sponges, and given proof of her agility to tako them from a certain depth. On the Island of Nicarus tho girl is not consulted. Her father gives her to the best diver among her suitors. Ho who can stay longest under tho' water and gather tho most sponges marries the maid. Frank H. Stauffer in The Epoch. Tbe Soft Shell and the Hard Shell. It is a popular fallacy that soft shell crabs area different species from hard shell crabs. Practical fishermen and scientific books both disprove -it. The soft shell crab is tho hard shell crab soon after it has moulted. Four times a year to tho young crab and once or twice a year to tho grown crab comes a season of peril and fear. Ho crawls into a dark cranny or nook in the rocks, swells out until he cracks open his shell, and then creeps out. This operation is sometimes extremely painful, for his claws are much larger tnan tho joints through which they must be pulled, and they aro often lacer ated in the process. If his flesh did not become soft and watery beforo shedding he could not get out at all. When the crab has moulted, the once mailed warrior, who feared no foe except a more powerful antagonist of his own kind, is at tho mercy of any enemy who can get into his "retreat. - When tho female crab moults her male consort chivalrously guards the entrance to her hiding place until her skin is covered with a fresh deposit of lime. The ex perienced eyo can tell when the change is approaching. Last year a number of "shedders" established themselves on the Thames, a few miles south of Norwich, near Fort Point. They caught hard shell crabs, imprisoned them in a crate be neath the water, and when the shells had been shed, tho "soft shell crabs" were shipped to New York and other points. Cor. New York Tribune. Monuments of an Unknown Race. Unhewn 'stone monuments are among the most interesting relics of prehistoric man found in Franco and other portions of Europe, the ancient province of Brit .tany being especially rich in them. The builders, Mr. Thomas Wilson states, are supposed to have come from a "more or less remote east during the polished stone ago, bringing a knowledge of agriculture, -somo ideas of government and a religion, with less of art than the inhabitants of the country before them possessed. They buried their dead, and left the magnifi cent monuments over them which, to the number of more than 6,800 in France and more than 1,600 in Brittany, are now be ing carefully restored and preserved by the French government. Some of these monuments are made up of many im mense atones, while others are really col lections of monuments in great numbers. The works are known by various names. A menhir is a large stone standing on end; a dolmen, a table like tomb; a crom lech. drda of stones: an alignment. Enes'of mennirs; anu atummus.amouna of earth or stones usually covering a dol men. Many of tho monuments most have disappeared, but all those remain, dotting, the country in every direction, enormous, rough, rude, unhewn granite stones belonging to another civilization, mighty in its time, but now dead and buried in the ages of tho past, with no inscriptions aud no history. Arkcnsaw Traveler. Lester Wallack' Perfect Coolness. Mr. Wallack was known in private life as tho concentration of coolness. This characteristic is illustrated by an anec dote in Howard Carroll's "Twelve Fa mous Americans." Wallack was playing in "Home." Just after appearing disguised as CoL White, and being ordered from the house of his father, who does not know him, a num ber of persons iu the audience shouted excitedly: "Look behind you! Look behind you!" Mr. Wallack quietly turned and noticed that on the stage mantelpiece tho candle had burned down almost to the socket and ignited the paper which was wrapped around it. This was in a blaze, and a curtain which hung above it was on the point of taking fire. The danger was imminent, but tin actor was equal to the occasion. With out tho least show of excitement he drew tho candlestick away from the curtain and held it. while the burning wax fell fast upon his unprotected hand, and all the time continued to deliver tho lines of his part, thus completely reassuring the audi ence. When tho danger was past, to loud ap plause ho said, simply, of course inter lining the words; "Well, tho governor has turned me out of his house, for which I am exceedingly sorry; but I at least havo the satisfaction of knowing that I havo been instrumental in saving tho es tablishment from destruction by fire." Detroit Free A distinguished British officer, writing A British Officer's Criticism. . o .:.... V5.l lw. jl. rs IV a intiuio I ICUU VIA iuu UCAUI Ul uuu Sheridan, says: "My conviction is while Sheridan was every inch a soldier he was not a cavalry officer and had no idea of how cavalry as cavalry aro and can be useful in war. The country he knew was not a country where cavalry could bo used. Sheridan was a first rate mounted infantryman who took up the Confeder ate Gen. Stewart's Stuart's? lino of ac tion, and having unlimited resources in men, horses and material at his back, did most admirably and has left behind him a great name in the United States-, never to bo forgotten by any who value the Union as restored." Now, it is perhaps well to see ourselves as others see us, and I am therefore glad to l)o able to cite these words of a great and acknowledged authority for tho bene fit of those whom I havo listened to in Europe with some awe when they averred that the United States cavalry to this day aro not, in tho German, French or Eng lish sense of the word, cavalry at all, but mounted infantry. London Cor. New York Times. aianual Training In Schools. Tho extent to which manual exercises may bo introduced into public schools will no doubt bo governed by certain peculiar limitations. To begin with, it is not ex pected that boys generally will bo ablo to handle heavy tools until about 13 years old. Give them, therefore, exercises in which tho lighter means may bo employed, such as glue, tho jackkulfe, etc Again, we aro limited by tho absolute impossi bility of generally connecting with com mon schools work shops and special in structors. Furthermore, courses of study already overcrowded, and tho lack of specially prepared teachers, are obstacles which the average country school, at least, cannot overcome. Industrial draw ing is largely taught throughout the country. Wo would urge that exercises connected with it bo arranged for an out growth of constructed objects. This is not only practicable, but applicable to all common schools. Depend upon willing parents, brothers and sisters for whatever homo instruction is necessary in the manual execution of the thought, and wo shall at least havo wisely directed the natural tendency of children to make things, and havo aroused an interest which will assist materially in the establishment of special manual train ing schools whenever they becomo practi cable. Charles M. Carter iu The Century. Back Rooms Arc Preferred. "How much of your income do you havo to pay for offlco rent?" was asked of a well-to-do lawyer tho other day. His rooms are on tuolirst floor bad: of a Dia mond street law building. "Well," said he, "my partner and I havo three rooms, way back, as you would call it, and havo "to pay for their use the modest sum of $600 per year. I feel sometimes that I'd rather "be the owner of a largo law building than bo an attorney with a big practice." "You say your offices ere in the rear; what do tho men in the front of tho build ing pay?" "Not nearly so much. You're surprised? Well, no doubt; but what I say is right, and I'll tell you why. Persons occupying rooms in the roar of a building are" will ing to pay a littlo moro than for front rooms. This is because they aro not an noyed by habitual office loafers, of whom there aro many; then tho man who runs in 'just to write a note,' as ho says, 'or wants to use your desk a minute,', is un known. Fakirs don't find you in tho recesses of your rooms, and tho nciso and rumbloof wagons and street life. do not annoy you. Theso aro a few reasons why back oificcs aro preferable aud eemmand a higher rate of rent." Pittsburg Dispatch. The Czar Chopping Wood. The yachting party of the czar and his family has been quite an idyl. The impe rial party picnicked on an island; a boat was filled with provisions and all require ments for a good lunch.' but no attend ants were allowed to land, the czar and his family having resolved to enjoy them selves al fresco and all alone. And they actually laid tho cloth, lighted the fire and cooked tho fish and made the tea them selves. It must havo been a grand sight to see tho autocrat of all the Russias with his coat off, making up the fire. He owned afterward to having grown very tired over chopping the wood and being on his knees trying to make it burn up; the princesses came and had a blow at it, now "and again, to encourage him, and the czarina busied herself meanwhile cutting the bread. Ah! how good it must havo tasted, that luncheon on a little island all to themselves, and far from the din of a court, the strife of politics, the fear of conspiracies; and how loth the parents and children alike must havo been to leave it and realize that their summer holiday was nearly over! London Mod em Society. Tbe Italian's Ugly Weapon. A knife, commonly carried and fre quently used by criminal Italians, is what Professor Scannapieco, tho Neapolitan fencing master, calls tho "mollctta." The molletta bears somo resemblance to a razor, though considerably longer. There is only ono edge, and the blade opens like a penknife. It swings loose, however, ana when drawn is opened by catching hold of the handle with the fingers and' throwing the blado outward. This re quires practice and dexterity. " A small spring catches the knifo and hclds it open. It is closed by pressuro upon a tiny "button" ou the -handle Though not as effective a weapon as tha stiletto, it makes an ugly wound when used by an expert, and can be opened almost cs quickly as a stiletto can bo drawn from its sneatu. l no ease witn wnich it cau be concealed adds to the frequency of it.s use. The handle Is hard wood or bone. New York Graphic Belgian Watch Dogs. Among tho exhibits in a Belgian dog show is a breed of dogs, the Schipperkes. found only in Belgium. They are made use of as watch dogs on board the numer ous inland navigation boats. They civ small black decs, without talis atvl'vith pointed ears, of extraordinary intelligence and fidelity. New York Sun. There various States. 800.000 freight cars on the railroad lines in the United I SOME STRANGE DISHES. HOW UNUSUAL MATERIALS ARE PRE PARED FOR THE TABLE. Fear off Naples Delia, la Sea Crck- j too Hedcehor Cooked la a Roman Ta vern Snails of Agreeable Flavor Snakes a Dimcult Question. On tho whole, popular cookery has a strong likeness to popular poetry it is full of good ideas imperfectly worked out. Who can say, for example, what mos tarda might becomo if the fruits were treated with a little more care and per sonal consideration beforo they were placed in the mustard? As it is, there is a hint of a new flavor about it which human ingenuity has not hitherto brought fully out. Ripe grapes pickled in vinegar, though their merits are well known in southern Russia, have never received due recognition in Eng land, but these are delicacies rather than food. The fishermen all along the coast from Gaeta to Naples have va rious ways of cooking fish which are un known in the great hotels. Many of them aro interesting and might be attractive but for the predominating flavor of garlic. Fresh sardines, crisply fried in oil, are quite admirable eating, but the fisher men have discovered a more excellent way of dealing with them. They place them in a shallow tin, embed them in bread crumbs, add a few savory herbs, pour a littlo good olive oil, squeeze a lemon or two over them, and thon bake them over a sharp fire. The result is un expected but not disagreeable. In some , towns and villages of Northern Italy ' small birds are treated with the same ap ,' preciativo kindness. They are roasted on a spit before a sharp fire, and then laid in I pickle for a day or two and served cold. UXTJSUAL MATERIALS. I No one will sucrrest that there is any- ! FiLTAL!" UBi uwu uicuuuura, ib uuro uui umu wj- der on impropriety, but may bo freely en joved by men of all sects and nations. As soon as one turns to unusual materials national prejudice asserts itself and tho ground becomes unsafe. In central and a considerable part of northern Germany the man who eats a rabbit becomes a social outcast; iu England many re spectablu citizens indulge shamelessly In this mild form of dissipation. The Neapolitan poor aro not as a rulo dainty, but while delighting in sea urchin they look down with scorn upon tho Calabreso because they eat sea slugs, which, if prop erly cooked, are not very nasty. Nay, even hi our own country there was a tune when persons scoffed at frogs; now most Englishmen who havo been to Paris know that, if properly treated, they add a new zest to dinner, if not to lifo. The old prejudice against snails still continues, yet there are at least two edible kinds which aro worthy of all re spect. They must be kept and fed cleanly, preferably "on vine leaves, for somo time beforo being used, but when this has been done both sorts add a peculiar and agree able flavor to several clear soups, and ono of them when boiled, chopped small and allowed to cool, greatly improves any green salad. Do not let tho hasty reader imagino that they havo any resemblance to tho common periwinkle. COOKING A HEDOEnOO. Hedgehog is good, at least for a change, aud it used to bo well cooked In a small tavern in the Ghetto of Rome, to which artists frequently resorted when their spirits were high and their funds low. According to an aged South Italian sports man, they should be killed in the woods and immediately skinned, and then al lowed to hang for a few hours, and. after being trussed with their own quills, bo roasted beforo a sharp fire. The stuffing should be mado of their own fat. finely chopped with breadcrumbs and such sea soning as suits the cook's taste. Of course no one with a sense of decency would think of eating a hedgehog which had been employed for months in hunting black beetles in a cellar and was only slaughtered because ha showed signs of failing strength. Snakes are a difficult question. The force of civilization is against them in every way, though in a few north Italian towns they are considered delicacies, and' thoso who havo eaten of them declare that they aro superior to eels, as they are less rich and have a more delicate flavor. One i would not like to give an opinion without some practical experience, and no ono can I be expected to travel to the neighborhood of Genoa in the early autumn for the ! mcro purpose of eating stewed serpent. ! Many other animals occupy a similarly I dubious position. Jays and crows are ; said to make excellent soup, even when , they are well stricken in years, though ' their flesh is otherwise worthless. But whv do wo accept tho calf and reject the foal? Why do we regard bear's paws as t dainty and roasted cat as a crime? Tastes, of course, differ; but this is not a matter of taste, but of imagination. There are persons who cannot eat duck and green peas, and others who are unfortunate enough to find no charms in oysters or caviare they are to be pitied, not blamed. London Saturday Review. The Very Useful Cent. Pennies, so long despised in the south and west, aro now demanded by thoso sec tions so eagerly that tho Philadelphia mint, the only one manufacturing minor coins, cannot keep up with tho demand. Three million pennies wero mado at the mint last month, but if double that num ber had been produced it is probablo they could at onco havo been placed in circula tion. With tho influx of common, vulgar copper pennies in tho extravagant west and tho aristocratic south, there is a drop hi the general prices, particularly of small articles. This, while benefiting the buy ers, will also do good to merchants by in creasing consumption to a very decided extent. Pennies aro very good things, particularly if ono has enough of them, and their widespread introduction all over the United States, though rather late in coming, now seems assured. Trade Re porter. a rauure tor Hlsmarek. Score ono failure for Bismarck. The establishment of colonies, apropos of which he displayed such enthusiasm a few years ago, and for which he nearly precipitated a war with Spain, is ac knowledged by his official organs to bo an utter failure. Prince Bismarck's purpose was to divert the stream of emigrants from the United States to some land or lands where they would continue to be German in speech, tastes and habits, in stead of becoming speedily unrecogniza ble as of German origin. This he pro posed to do by means of his "agricultural colonies" in Africa and his "plantation colonies" in the South Pacific Islands. For all the money expended in the effort not a kreutzer has been received in profit, and the colony craze is to bo abandoned. Once a Week. jenaency to increased Luxury. Tho tendency of tho timo is to increased luxury. There will be more pretty little adjuncts to the dressing case this year than ever. Toilet sets have been growing richer and richer every year. Last year ivory backs to brushes, and ivory combs wero considered the proper things. This year everything runs to oxidized Eilver for combs and brush and mirror backs. I suppose after awhile gold will be the proper caper. J. A. W. Fernow in Globe Democrat. The Third Class Passenger. The third class passenger is becoming more and more conspicuous in England. According to a report of the Great North-" cm railway for one-half of the year, first class passengers were 3J per cent, of the traffic, second class 5 per cent, and third class 01 per cent. Chicago Herald. In Seventy Days. A postal card sent from London around the world via Hong Eong and San Fran cisco returned to its destination -after a tour of seventy days. This is forty days less then tho time 'taken ten years ago. The population of St.- Petersburg has diminished by 85,000 in the last seven years. To bo a successful fool, a man most be core wise than foolish. Uncle Sack. A Famous Doctor Once said that the secret of good health consisted in keeping the head cool, the feet warm, and the bowels open. Had this eminent physician lived iu our day, and known the merits of Ayer's Pills a an aperient, he would certaiuly havo recommended them, as so many of his distinguished successors are doing. The celebrated Dr. Farnsworth, of Norwich. Conn., recommend Ayer'a Pills ns tint Iteat of all remedies for " Intermittent Fevers." Dr. I. E. Fowler, of Bridgeport, Conn., says: "Ayer'a Pills are highly aud universally spoken of by the jieople about here. I make daily use of them in my practice." Dr. Mayhew, of New Bedford, Mass., says: "Having prescrilieu many thou sands of Ayer'a Pills," in my practice, I " -:ui unhesitatingly prouounco them the best cathartic in use." The Massachusetts State Assayer. Dr. A. A. Hayes, cv nines : " I haw 'made a careful analysis of Ayer'a Pills. Tiiey contain the'artivn principle of well known drugs, isolated from inert mat ter, which plan is, rheniirally speaking. f great imjMirtanco to tlst-ir usefulness. It injure activity, certainty, ind tini f'lrniity of e'TVct. Ayer's Tills contain r metallic or mineral substance.- but Tin irturs of v'gotoble remedies iu s!.i-!fi:l combination." Ayer's Pills, i'repan :1 '. r !r..I. ''. ..r 3s ... Lowe!!. Mass. Sul ! - E 1 ft a:or i:i Medicine. Publicity or vnrate azzun. There were never so many books in tho world as there are now, and never were mankind so gregarious. In fact, now, a thing of privacy is almost unknown, and hardly conceivable; people live under one another's noses, and looking down one another's throats. The newspapers tell all that is, and are accused of telling even more, sometimes. Tha windows of our bedrooms are at the merer of passengers in the elevated trains. If a distinguished man is ill, we pass our days and nights at his bedside, and watch the operations of his physician and surgeon; if there hap pens a war at the ends of the earth, it is fought at our own hearthstone, and the map of the scene of the conflict is drawn on our dining table. The obscurest mur derer or swindler is our familiar compan ion, and we discuss the domestic affairs of European sovereigns as confidently as those of our next door neighbor. Julian Hawthorne in America, Dresden's Street Car Uses. A Baltimorean, writing from Dresder to a friend in that city, says: "It was here that I saw the best managed street car lines. Tne lull boys are men, ana the 'jaded' hill horses are "fiery steeds;' all the company's employes aro uniformed, and such uniforms are not on our police; they look more like our military dress. The cars are spotless, double decked, first and second class, roof cheaper; first class faro 15 pfennings, or less than 4 cents from end to end of the route, and 10 pfen ning for shorter distances. Tho horses tfu iifce raco horses, and are evidently not overworked. There are waiting rooms at numerous crossings along the route, and the norma;: papers are kept on tho racks two papers to each car." Chicago ileryJd. HamoronsZy mad Tearfully Tree. Mark Twain, in his dry way upon occa sion, said: "The temptation to drink among literary men is not the liquor. When a man is dissipated his friends al ways say, 'Such a brilliant fellow if ho would only let liquor alone.' In time the drinker gets credit for talents ho never dreamed of possessing, and there aro many who try to pluck this brand from tho burning. The number of chances offered to a dissipated man to reform and earn a good living are many more than those open to tbe acceptance of a sober and industrious young fellow. Iu fact the sober and industrious aro supposed to get on any way." And this is not only humorously but tearfully true. The record of "literary labor does not show such a splendid premium on industry and sobriety. Current Literature. Eighty-four children belong to four mothers of Media, Pa. Mrs. Samuel Field has twenty-eight. Mrs. Joseph Chandler tweuty-five, Mrs. James Barrett sixteen and Mrs. William Wright fifteen. The B. & M. R R. have arranged to run several Harvest excursions from the east to Nebraska points, including Co lumbus. Any persons desirous of advis ing friends in the east of these excur sions can have them advised from onr Omaha office by addressing J. Francis, Genl Passenger Agt, or by advising C. . Barrell, Agt., Columbus, Neb. Choose a horse made, and a wife to make. At this season of the year people can not be too careful about keeping their bowels regular. Bilious and malarial diseases are often brought on by allow ing the bowels to become torpid. An occasional dose of St. Patrick's Pills is all that would be required, and might prevent serious sickness. For sale by Dowty & Becher. The cow knows till she has lost it. not what her tail is English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses; blood spavin, curbs, splints, sweeney, ring-bone, stifles, sprains, all swolen throats, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted. Sold by C.'B. Stillman, "druggist, Co umbns. fi-ly A poor man's cow child. dies a rich man's Nipped ia the Bad. - Is it not better to nip consumption, the greatest scourge of humanity, in the bud, than to try to stay its progress on the brink of the grave? A few doses of California's most useful production, SANTA ABIE, the king of consumption, will relieve and a thorough treatment will cure. Nasal Catarrh, too often the forerunner of consumption, can be cured by CALIFORNIA CAT-R-CURE. These remedies are sold and fully warranted by Dowty & Becher at SI, or three for S2.50. A pleasure long expected, is de'ir enough sold. KUse-. A prominent physiciau calls the kiss an elegant disseminator of diseases. He says, "fever ia spread by it, so are lung diseases." He maintains that if the kissing custom wero driven out of the land "it would save onstenth of one per csnt of human lives." which aro now sacrificed: Out upon the gnaried and sapless vagabond! Evidently kis303 are not for such as he and the old fox says, the grapes are sour. Let him devote himself to making our women healthy and blooming that kisses may be kisses. This can surely be done by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription which is magicid in its effect upon all diseases peculiar to females. After taking it there will be no more irregularity, no more backache, no more nervous prostration, no more gen eral debility. All druggists. To regulate the stomach, liver and bowels. Dr. Pierce's Pellets excel. 25 cents a vial; one a dose. CATARRH COLD HEAD. BBSBBBJBBBBBejBBBSBBBeMgBBJBjejf I i Try the Cure iE!y5$ Cream Balm' ! C3oaBss3th9tfoselP3ss&3C3. Al- lays IniLuEEiation. Ecalstno Sores. ; Reetorea tho Senses cf Tosto, CmoII ;nd Hearing. 1 A pawlcls la ar?!!ctl Into mcestestri! end 2s aurpeutrlr. P.-:-c60c. t Drasgiate er ejr Bsil.KLYi;i:OTIlKK.V:37eitcSt.,NewYort. Thisis the Top of the Genuine PeariTop Lamp Chimney. Allothersy similarare imitation. This exact Label tK3U is on each Pearl Top Chimney. i A dealer may say and think he has K&S&y others as good. BUT HE HAS NOT. Insist :pon the Exact Label and Top. ?52 Sl EVEKTVfSlRf. M3E 0M.Y BY m, A. MACBETH & CO., Pittsburg, Pi. For "run-down." debilitated and overwork! ' women. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best of all restorative tonics. It is a potent Spedflo for all those Chronic Weaknesses r.nd ' Diseases peculiar to Women ; a powerful, pen- i era! as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, it imparts visor and strength to the whole system. I Itpromptlr cures wraknemof stomach. nausea. lnaig-esuon, bioatinr.weak back, nervous pn- i tration. debilitv am d sleeplessness, in eit her sex. i It is carefully compounded by an experienced physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. Purely vegetable and perfectly t harmless in any com oi Ition of the STStem. M Favorite Prescrip tion" is the only medicine for women, sold by drutnrist. ader a vealthre nar. antee of satisfaction in every case, or price (fl.00) refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. For large, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (100 pages, with full directions for bome-treatment). send ten cents in stamps. Address, World's Dismlnsahv Medical AssociAXUKr, SO Slain Street, Buffalo. N. Y. Contain alio full an J complete lives of both HARRISON & MORTON the treat sua.Unl bearers. 1 1 U'J. with numerous superb rwr tralts. Among the autnurs will Is found t"ie namricf Sena tors Frjre. Chattier. H.wley. Imrills. Jtha . Lonr popular n-foT-iJMass.. McKinlcy of Viu. ntcs on the Tariff. Hrary Cabot Lodge, amlanuailer uf tthersof aliLe trom ImtAiU.Ktf. Cam. Vum cbeimtiM.nl to vn any usher. Dis tance bo hinj-rance at we pay all ticittt haies. bend 30 cents la ic. stampj for outfit and be the Brat In tha field, or "'tlft f4!iV!il1r;od Special 1 erms sent Un to all. WINTER CO., rubs.. Sprlnsfleld, Man. UlfllUI W who read tnis and then act; nllllll I they will find honorable em. Ill Vllk I ployment that will not take them from their homes and families. The profits are larxe nntl nre for every industrious person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a month. It is eaty for any one to mako $" and upwards per day. who is willing to work. Either sez, jonnit or old; capi tal not needed: we start you. Every thinir new. No special ability required; yon, reader, can do it as well as any one. Write to us at once for full particulars, which we mail free. Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Me. dec2y PATENTS Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for MODEKATK FEES. OUK OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICE. We have no sub-aicencies, all basinet's direct, hence we can transact patent business ia lees time and at LESS COST than those remotu from Washiaoton. Send model, drawing, or photo, with descrip tion. We advise if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not duo till patent is secured. A book, "How to Obtain Patents," with refer ences to actual clients in your state, county or town, sent free. Address C. A. SNOW CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. The Passenger Department of the Union Pacific, Tho Overland Route," has issued a neat little pamphlet, pocket 6ize, entitled "National Platform Book," containing tho democratic, republican and prohibition platforms, togethorwith tho addresses of acceptance of Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison and Clin .ton B. Fisk; also tabulated tables show ing the plurality vote, the electoral vote and an analysis of the vote as cast for Cleveland and Blaine in 188-1. This book is just what is needed fit this time and should bo in the hands of every voter. It plainly 6ets forth what each party has to offer and every reader can draw his own comparisons. Sent to any address on application. Address, J. S. Tebbets, Gen'l Passenger Ag't, Union Pacific Ry, Omaha, Neb. So many men in court, and so many strangers. Cholera Morbus is one of tho most painful and dangerous diseases, many deaths result from it each year, usually because it is not properly treated. The most severe cases may be cured, by us ing Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It never fails. Sold by Dowty & Becher. He hath not lived that lives not after death. An Absolute Carr. The ORIGINAL ABDZTINE OINT MENT is only put up in large two-ounce tin boxes, and is an absolute cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands land all kinds of skin eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Aak for the ORIGINAL ABITINE OINTMENT Sold by Dowty & Becher at 25 cents per box by mail 30 cents. mar7y It is anill air where we gain nothing. InportaBt. Every voter should know that the Un on Pacific, "the Overland Route," and the Chicago & North-Western Ry., com menced Snnday, October lltli, to run Pullman and Wagner Vestibnled Palace Sleepers through from Denver to Chica go via Omaha and Council. Bluffs.. The principal line from Denver to Chicago. sTllaVtTwTD'i.ii ffl mMg5S "eemKWpeeemmmm.l.M, . W?teieCl.!isf" ""v-' '? jC5f B?CLr H.sl aaesw " PCSssbbbbbswSbV. 0 LsL. f I I FAMILY : JOUKNAL; A Weekly- Newspaper issiel erery Weiiesiajr. i 32 1'Imis f readiig Hatter, cek sistiiaf Nebraska State News Iteus, Selected Steries aail ' Miscellaav. MTSsmpU copir sent frem to any 4dreM,-Yr Subscription price,- SI a ytar, in tdvaitct. Address: M. K. Tcrnek ' Co., Columbus, riatte Co.,.Nebr. LOUIS SCHREIBER. K BlacRsfflilil and WaaoD Maker. All kiids f Repairiag deie ea Short Notice. Baggies, Wag ons, etc., aiade re order, and all work Guar anteed. Also sail the world-fawHU Walter . Wood Mowers. Setters, Caatia- ed Machines, HarTMtrs, and 8elf-biadeffl the teat nude. Shop opposite the " Tatteriall " on Olive St.. COLUMBUS. - DSHENDERSON .09 W. Hinth St. KAMSAS CITY. MO. Th only SfttidUst in tht City icho it a Rtgniar Gradual i Medicine. Over UOurjr' Practice, 12 years in Chicago. THEOLKSTI 'IP THE QUEST II ME, HD LOWEST LOCATED. Authorized br tne State to treat Chrnnlc.Nervousand "Special Dis eases." bennnai weaKucMs (nipnr ItoasrjtJSexual Debility (low oftrmal tpower). Nervous Debility. rolKonul HI ood.UlcersandSwslllnirsof every klnd.Urinary Diseases, and In fact, all troubles or diseases In either male or female. Cures suitrantrci! or money refunded. Charges low. Thousacibiot cases cured. Kxpertence is Important. All medi cine are guaranteed to be pure and efficacious. being compounded In my perfectly appointed laboratory, and are furnished ready for use. Xi running to drug stores to have uncertain e scrtptlons filled- No mercury or Injurious medi cines used. Nodetentlon from buslti ess. ratlsnts at a distance treated by letter and express, medi cines sent everywhere free from gaze or break. age. Stale your case and send for tonus. Con sultation free and confidential, personally or by letter. A M page Ttgimr rr Beth Sexes, sent Illustrated UWJk waled Iu plain en elope for Cc. In stamps. Every male, froai the age of 15to4i. shuuld read this book. RHEUMATISM TNE 6BEAT TlfflltSH RHEUMATIC CORE. A POSITIVE CCRK fcr RHEUMATISM. for uij cfto this tmtroeat Jfcll to eurrorbelp. rrt. dUcorvrr la annalt of meiUcf q. Om do ffUr relief; a few do removes fever and pmln In jolut; Cure completed In 5 l dav. Send etato laeni of cae with stamp &r I'lrcutara, Call, or a44re Dr.HENDERSON.I09W.9thSt.,KMuCrrj,Mo 6000 Book Agents wanted to sell TUB Lire AND PUBLIC 3XHYICX8 Lvv & j r Bfl MM m orover Cleveland Full and eompUt from kl aoyaood to hla aomlnadoa !a St. tcala. with (xnooal nmlnlmim. IntUanU oJ aMiltl. FlofaarlT Ulnatraud with ! ponnlta an4 wood tnUc. Ta took alw contain. nparb Vorm!t aa4 hit anl naKi ZJFZ OF KBS. CLEVELAND, tonikar with a coiIa Mofrap? f im.tw o. THUBJCiK. Tala la ito oofe ml Me 14k. Doat ba L-klaml to c-t may auwr. Thar will pretablj e aaaathorlaad LWaa. bol lUa U taa rlafil oaa. Dta laace ao tiadaraaca, aa wa jar all traaapartailoa caarna. BaS Mcaaialale.atampaaadbathaSnt ka la SrM. aad ibna raas the a oI4m harMM. Writ for hit aartlraiM ami Spaalal TM aaat fraa to alU AAlr.. WINTER CO., rata, rlnsfleld. Mass. lM9boI4 r to- FREE IU1 lalalj. Sa ! immmwono. rar- hctttsaa-l kaaear. Warranto. Haay MM OoM Manilas finis ; Slacaai and macalSoona. I Boa UoWaaif raata'alaM 'with works and raaes of fiaal aalwaOKK ! tnoach locality eaasaeuw on rSlKK. HowtethtapooaJblot Waaaavar wa traat waa far on la aach loralltr. to neap la I aaow a Ibnaa who call, aoawwlata lino ofw aolwaktaaarf vary waafal BMimKataLia aASiri.Be. iwauaawwaaca.waaauiiiiaa.aMii.u'jw ba swar boom tor naootna aad ahown Uob . tm ma. an csjlad tbor fearankToer own eroaarr: N at poaalMa to aafta tht treat oOar. eaadloe: (ba S)aM.Is jet ST-ra'T1- """ ' r1 . " baabowtaaf Saaawaaiaa ta nay leeainr. al waja raaaiie ia a larja treoo r bk anar oar awaptai naaa aaaa n a Meat iiy r a oau or iww waaaaaBr sat trotnlieee to Sjesee l trade fwaa aa aw, i mailing eoaatry. Tb!a,tbe Beat weaoarfol eaW eaar kaawaJe aada ta orer taat oar ee alea nay ba piaoaa at oeea wbaretbayeea ka aaaa, all oear America. Write a ewre.aa anbaiiiiftbirbaa- ia lir H will ba hardly any troebto Sir yea to anew aVeaaatatea to uaaa waa aaay cau aa year aa aad ywrowarS will be wont ealfcaarlocy. ApoataleerS aw aa care ta Be farther, wby aa karat la doe Sea U yoada raaarajaaaeaca-yqwijaaaa iwaanaw.. I aold watcbaa fa IU world aad ear larte ttaeef .VmJUmmMM. We say all eaaraaa, IMrtt. . ,wnmomw,,wmj,tvmuair, mm (orsAsrftiAXotJG5, raMl 11 THT O NUY- GlirrfA"TCCD cure-rem CATARRH flulLI.NE.OCQV0RQVlLLECAL - MT-IUHE m HALl iMwnr WBf Lincoln, 7marSg.lv, k nBMa BBBBBBBBBBBB SVwKI SMfc liifilisnr ii ;fPtrTWW -arJW ., rt - n an-Zrt ORSUMri-wW 1 t& Tainr v.s j e'i - iv PtE.1TlEliTw LfjKX l!2 BY wltw j CaAV SitMO wT, CUCUlAwC ; A0 ifl : r -. '.::. j 7T b.