tarn s W v. -gt-f- SV - -- VOL. XLX-NO. 30. CQLTJMBIJS, NEB. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1888. WHOLE NO966. - -i ommhm m MMWLl . A r? I : A. COLUMBUS STATE BANK. COLUMBUS, NEB. Cash Capital - $100,000. DIRECTORS: . LEANDER GERRARD. PreVt." GEO. W. HULST, Vice FnVt. J U LI OS A.IIEED. R. II. HENRY. J. E. TASKER, Cashier. k f lepltt aflacei A EichsRRe. Cwllectlema araitly Made mil PlMt. Pay lartereat em Time It. 274 UffiBM -OF- COLUMBUS, NEB. CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000. OFFICERS: C II. SHELDON. PreVt. W. A. MoALUSTER, Vice Pre. C. A. NEWMAN. Cashier, DANIEL 8CIIRAM, Wt Cash, STOCKHOLDERS: J.P.BECKER, . JOSSV'irir CARL REINKE. II. V. HjOtHLRICH. j. h. wurdeman. Jftvftfe?SfrH GEO. W. GALLEY, ARNOLD OEHLRICII. This Bank transacts a rerulr Banking Busi ness, will allow interest on time deposits, make collections, buy or soil exchange oa United States and Enroie, and buy and sell available securities. Weahnll be pleased to receive your business. We solicit yonr patronage. We giiarantee satis faction in all business intrusted in our care. dec2&S7 FORTHC WESTERN GOTTAGE ORGAN CALL OX A.&M.TURNER Or . W. HIBLER, XrmTellasr fialemaaa. tVThese organs are first-class in every par ticular, and so guaranteed. SCUFFROTH a PUTI, DEALERS IS WIND MILLS, AND PUMPS. Buckeye Mower, combined, Self Binder, wire or twine. Pups Repaired saert tiee ajTOne door west of Heintx'e Drug Store. Uth ixuampoa, nea nmau- Health is Wealth ! Dm-E. CWawr's Nebve axd Beats TuiT HOT, a guaranteed specific for Hystena, Djxa aoss, Convultions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Seadacne, Nervous Prostration caused by the uae of alcoho' or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental De wlnti. flnftmiTiir rf the Brain resulting m ln oaaity and leading to misery, decay and death, II Trim fM-1 1rr V Tj" " T ia either sex. Involuntary Losses and Spenmat. orraem mf" by over-exertion of the brainseli abcaoor over indulgence. Each box contains a aomth'a treatment. $1.00 a box, or axx boxes for lx basm. mocoapemied with .5.00, we will ' iHfi ffnBMTttsM tATIL " pr.?"jLr"xr,ir i soney u we hwubwhuj. rrz usarantee lssuea cmiy ny uojij sole agents, Columbus, 3 docVsiy oauxieu. HENRY G-ASS. UNDEETAKEE ! C0TFIHS AND METALLIC CASES JM" Repairing of all kinds of Uphol iUnfGood. 4t COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. to awawawawavZ T3fsawawaaT I sawH VSfta A ,;ij-N gpaajsssssw i.-" i -BsWssWsaaalBBlaW A THRIFTC PEOPLE. MILUONS OF MONEY LAID BY FQFt A RAINY DAY. - The -Savia; Jaaa' Dollar, and Bow Ha Booses It la Boatoa Uaaka Watcaiag Ute Crowd oa a Basr Day Deposits aaal Depositors. At the beginning of the year of grace 1888 there were, fifteen savings banks in Boston, having in charge about $93,000, 000 belonging to nearly 835,000 depositors. 8inee the first of the year two more sav ings banks nave been established in the city, so that 'these figures are under rather than over the facts at the present moment. It may truly be said that in no city-in the country, or, for that matter, in the world, are savings banks' more conservatively, honorably and safely con ducted than in Boston. These local Banks have, as a mle. had public confidence, and their reputation leaves nothing to be de sired. An officer in one of the savings banks informs the writer that the major portion of the depositors are women. When asked why this is so he gave it as his opinion that the women are not so much given to making "investments" as the men. They prefer to put their money in a reputable institution where they know it will be "safe," and where it will draw a certain interest. Post yourself in a convenient corner at one of the leading savings banks on a busy day and watch the crowd.- As an opportunity to study humanity this could hardly bo excelled. At the noon hour the depositors come by dozens, some to leave money and some to take it. Those who leave the money seem to have the best of it. if ono may judge by their faces. A man always draws on his deposit with an air of regret, or, at any rate, there are few cases in which this will not hold true. At the head of the line there is a little old woman who is not at all at her case. The line behind presses upon her, and she does not relish being hurried, slthongh it is evident that she will be nothing loath to leave the place once she has completed her transaction. She has come, it appears, with an order from her son, who has an account here and who is at homo ill, and she wants $10. But the order is not properly filled up. and the teller tries to explain the error and inform her with as much courtesy and pains as time will permit,' that she must go home and hare the mistake rectified before she can have the money. This she does not understand, and you can plainly see that she entertains her "suspicions" of the bank. "It's her Jim's money, an' she's a right to it when he tells her to come and get it." and she half threatens to "have the law on the place" if the cashier will not stand and deliver. Time is being wasted, and the crowd becomes impatient, and, finally, some one in the line assures tho old lady that the matter will be "all right" if she will follow the advice of tho cashier. So off she goes, mumbling. Then comes a man of about SO or 35. looking quite prosper ous, and holding a bank book in which a number of bills are snugly reposing. "You can't deposit any more money, sir, your account is full." says the re ceiver. "No more money! Why, what do you mean by that? Thought banks would take as much money as you'd give 'em." "We arc not permitted to allow any one to deposit more than $1,000, and your ac count has already reached that amount, I find." t'Must I draw it out then?" "Oh, no; you can allow it to remain un til, with interest, it accumulates to the extent of $1,000. After that time, al though you may let the money remain here, it will draw no more interest." "Queer business, that," exclaims the prosperous man, who thereupon takes himself off. This may seem "queer business" to the person who knows nothing of savings banks, yet it may bo explained by the fact that savings banks were not intended for well to do people, but for folk of hum ble means. Of course, if you are fortu nate enough to have $1,000 in one bank, you can go to another bank and open an account, but if the officials have any rea son to suspect that you are a man of means they may question you very close ly, and, if they are not satisfied with your replies, they are at liberty to reject your financial offering altogether. Here comes a mother asking if she will be permitted to deposit money in her child's name, although the child is only two or three months old. She finds that she can do so, and she is delighted. There ore a great many calls at the sav ings banks for purposes of this sort. Pa rents, also, frequently deposit small sums on the anniversaries of their children's birth, and they allow the money to re main in tho bank and accumulate until the children "come of age." Executors often use these banks to deposit the funds of an estate during the two years the law allows them for settling up af fairs. Religious and charitable organiza tions are exempt from the $1,000 restric tion. The averago rate of interest paid by the Massachusetts barings banks last year was 4.03 per cent. Two lines of people come streaming into the bank; one line going to the receiving teller and the other lino to tho paying teller. Men, women, ooys and girls make up the crowd. Sometimes, especially on Saturdays, a wholo family will troop into the place while "dad" draws something for tho-marketing, or for clothing the young ones; or perhaps there is a family celebration of somo kind on foot, and thev all want a share of the snoiL Bovs are generally very proud when they make their first deposits. They already begin to feel like capitalists, and they are gen erally pretty faithful to their savings. Clerks, bookkeepers, office boys, sales girls, newsboys', bootblacks, young ex quisites whose fathers have given them some pocket mosey on condition that they will put by a certain sum every week, mechanics, masons, teamsters, young maids and old ones, old men and old women, all or the most of them bear ing marks of their respective trades or callings, and some of them tho tools of their trades, come into the bank, and fall inline. It is easy enough to distinguish the habitues, so to speak, from the new comers; the first go about their business in a very matter of 'fact fashion, and the others fidget, ask ail sorts of irrelevant questions, and are often as nervous when signing their names as if they were sign ing their own death warrants. The poorer and middling classes most generally pa tronize the savings banks because the sums they have on hand an not sufficient to warrant them in taking the' trouble to invest in real estate, or in other ways. There are thousands of widows whose names are on the bank books, seme of them treasuring the remnants of insur ance money, or littlo dividends, or govern ment pensions, and others bringing their weekly earnings. Bestod Herald. . Above Tawiiai Gooes Yet, with all the advantages of canned goods, some people abstain from their use, because they think they are unwholesome. This idea has arisen from the fact, that aong the hundreds of millions of tins annually consumed, there is now and then one imperfectly sealed, thus admitting the sir and spoiling the contents. These are easily detected, from the fact that they generally nave "swelled" or puffed up ends; and." after opening, by the vxerdse of cosnssoasenseintheuseof the organs of taste and saelL Koonetnmxsoreat- inc. a. soiled ftsk or' meats, but some consumers seem to think .that because a thing is put up in tin. it must be good under all circum stances, prepare it for the table and eat it without the slightest discrimination. This sometimes results in more or less severe attacks of cholera morbus, which, in these davs of sensational press dispatehes,are us ually announced as "canned goods poison ing." Before the in ventionof cannedgoods, cholera morbus was as common as it is now, bnt it was called cholera morbus, and not "canned goods poisoning." It is beginning to be understood by the medical profession and the public that this tpye of iliness is largely the result of the decomposition of organic matter, which, in its earlier stages, develops a form of alkaloid poison, technically known as ptomaines; but such cases are more common with spoiled meat, fish. milk, heese and icecream than from canned goods, and it is safe to say that, consider ing the enormous amount of canned goods used, they are more wholesome than any similar amount of. food not canned. Francis B. Thurber in Medical Classics. A Story of kVoBg-fellow. A New York paper, in somo pleasant' gossip about Mr. Longfellow, tells a story of the way he treated the charges of plagiarism against the Indian poem "Hia watha," in following closely both tho form and substance of "The Ealevala." the national epic of Finland. When they began to appear he showed & profound in difference on tho subject; but before long "his publisher thought host to call his at tention to them, and suggested that a replv from the poet be written. "Well, I'll think about it." said Mr. Longfellow and there the matter dropped. Tho press continued to echo and re-echo the charge; and the pubisher again called on the poet, saying. "Really. Mr. Longfellow, I think it is high time this charge was answered." Again Longfellow said. "I'll see about it." adding, quietly. "How is the book selling?" "Oli. wonderfully well," said the publisher. ."Better than my other books?" "Oh, much better." and he named tho figures. Sfarrtly after this interview (Mr. Long fcliow still keeping silence), The Tribune came out with almost a page of broadside oa the subject. The publisher was uow really excited. He called on the poet again. "It will not do," he said, very decidedly, "to let this thing go on any longer." "How does the book sell?" asked Longfel low. "Amazingly the sale is already equal to the combined sales of your other books." Then." 6aid Longfellow, 'T think we ought to be thankful to these critics. Let them talk. Seems to me they are giving us a largo amount of gratuitous advertising. Better let them alone." And let alone they were. Chi cago Journal. Thoso tVho May live Jjobs Better, perhaps, than any of tho single temperaments would be a mixture of tho sanguine and the bilious; and. indeed, all the examples of special life storage which I have met with have been of this heredi tary admixture. Tho organism which 3 best constituted for life storage L. therefore, capable of being identified, and btands out, so to speak, in its own colors. The color of the iris, or curtain of the eyeball, always an excellent test, is a light hazel: tho hair is dark brown; the color of the skin is in clined to be florid, and the lips and eye-' lids are of good natural red never pale, as in the pure nervous temperament, and never of dark bluish tint, as in the lym phatic or lymphatic bilious. In this mixed temperament of the sanguino and bilious, a preponderance of the sanguine is, I believe, always an advantage. The qualities here enumerated, as repre sented in an organism well fitted for the storage of life, are absolutely of heredi tary character. They spring from com binations of parcnta.ee. and when the combinations aro unalloyed by the intro duction 'of any disturbing elements of disease, the conditions for long storage are fortunately combined. Dr. Benjamin W&rd Richardson. Tho Snafcea ofBengal. The mortality from snake bites hi Ben gal is much larger among women than among men. They are usually bitten in tho early morning, when they go out un seen before daylight, either to fetch wood from the faggot stack or for some other domestic purpose. During the rainy sea son, when nearly all tho rice fields areun der water, the snakes take refuge in the higher plats of land, on' which the vil lages are built, and they hide themselves in the little woodstacks and granaries in the court yards of the houses; while not infrequently they take up their abode in the house itself, where they are allowed to dwell with impunity, and sometimes fed with milk, until, on some unlucky day. the wife treads accidentally on the snake in the dark, and it turns upon her and bites her. From the bite of a full grown cobra death ensues in a very few minutes, and the natives have no such remedies at hand as English science might use. but they put a vain faith hi the fanciful charms and incantations recommended by their priests. Quarterly Review. Stoutness is not only unhandsome and inconvenient, but unsafe. It clogs the orj-,s. gives the heart more work to do, r:d tho system more to carry. Stout peoplo are' pretty sure- to havo erysipelas or kidney oisease or cancer, and are just as likely to melt down in consumption as lean people. Then overflesh is attended by impairment of mental power, dullness of sensation, and indifference to the feel ings of others. The children of stout young women are likely to have inferior vitality and go off with marasmus. The great cause of obesity? Inactive life. It is not what you eat so much as what you do with it 'that determines flesh.' Men grow fat eating good lunches and club dinners and sitting in offices the rest of tho time, when they ought to work or exercise strenuouslvf nil five hours a day. Women the same. '-The only food I should taboo, unless in peculiar cases, would be fats, oatmeal and potatoes Shirley Dare's Letter. When Gentlemea 'Wore Queues. "Dear mel" said the barber, "surely this country-is doomed to disgrace. and shame. - What presidents we' might have, sir! Just look at -Daggett, of Connecti cut, and Stockton,, of New Jersey! What queues they have got, sir as big as your wrist, end powdered, every day. sir. like real gentlemen as they are. Such men, would confer dignity upon the chief magistracy; but this little Jim Madison, witn a queue no bigger than, a pipe stem! Sir. it is enough to make a man forswear his country!" S. O. Goodrich. Didn't Appreciate tho Opportunity. "What a chance for you," said a frisnd to one of our bonanza princes, just com pleting his new house. "What a chance to buy some fine paintings. Blank, the broker, has collapsed, and is selling his collection," "You're very kind in ycur intentions, I am sure." said the bonanza, "but my wifo wouldn't cere to buy second hand paintings." San Francisco A Xovel Sic Board. A mountain hotel popular amongartists has a novel sign board that swings from an boa wrought bracket at the side of the inn. . Its design, painted by an artist, represents a bear and fox skipping paw in paw over the moonlit hill. Chicago Herald. ' Toere are thhtv twnprlr of more than 1.000 yar ia in nsCMBd. the Innsciat mar 7.Myaids. I the Bsrern, i D1L TAMER'S IDEAS. , HE TALKS OF PREMATURE BURIAL AND SUSPENDED ANIMATION. ' 1ho Dead la TO Country Are -Barfed la Criaataal Baate-Tho Sabtlo Principle of life Too' Doctor Godvlaced That Maa Caa Hibernate... Eight years have gone since Dr. H. S. Tanner performed his wonderful feat of fastincr forty days and nhrhts in Clarendon j hall, in Now York city. For sixteen days j ho touched neither water nor food. After , the sixteenth day he began to drink water, and subsisted on this alone during the re maining twenty-four days of his fast. The public has not heard much of tho plucky little doetor for the last few years, but not long ago he turned up in Chicago, bright and chipper, a splendid specimen of a man in perfect health, and with a rotundity of form indicative rathor.'of the bon vivant than of a man who eats only two meals a day in summer and only one in winter. "Whero have you been, keeping your self, doctor?" asked a reporter, after friendly greetings had been exchanged. ' "I liar A -inst retnrriMl from Vnnr Miw.. f ico, where I have been for nearly four years, pursuing certain Investigations of a scientific nature. I am much interested in the subject of suspended animation or counterfeit death, lam convinced that a far greater percentage - of people are buried alive than even those who have ever given the matter much thought would be willing to believe. In no coun try in the world are the dead buried with such criminal haste, I may say, as in the United States. I have been looking into this subject more or les for the last twenty-five years, and the evidence I have accumulated is startling. . I tell you, it is. murder, horrible murder, and it is high time some agitation was started for the purpose of securing needed legislation on -the subject of the burial of the dead. TEE MOVEMENT I3T EtTEOPE. "The principle of life is so subtle," con tinued tuo doctor, "that man with all bis scieuco knows nothing about it; and the only safeguard against the 'awful crimo of burying alive those we love lies in the precautions that are taken against com mitting their bodies to the' tomb before decomposition has set in. That is the. only unmistakable sign that death has finally taken place. The people of Hol land were among the first to awaken to the importance of this subject, and in 1764 a society was organized in Amster dam for the purpose of looking into cases where death seemed counterfeit rather than real. In less than four years they had resuscitated saved from entombment alive no less than 150 persons. In 17C3 the authorities at Milan and Venice, and thoso at Hamburg, followed the examplo set by Holland, and a little later similar societies were formed at London, Paris and Glasgow. As a result of the work and investigations of these societies, among the members of which wero some of the foremost scientists of tho times, it has been proved that in a great number of cases where every known test had been applied and preparations made for the burial the subjects had recovered. These experiences led Professor Morine, of the University of Rome, to offer a prize of. 1,500 francs for the best essay on appar ent death; and the Marquis d'Ouche left 20,000 francs to be used in discovering the best means that could ba applied in de tecting the counterfeit of death. And so in all countries statistics collated on this subject are startling, as revealing the danger of premature burial." "Now don't you think," asked the doctor, "that this is a subject that peo ple should discuss, should be waked up about?" "What remedy have you to offer, doctor?"' "Simply this: I hold and it certainlv 1 cannot be successfully contradicted that tno setting in or decomposition is the only certain sign of death. In the ab senco of this Durial should be delayed weeks and months, if necessary, for so long as there is no decay life may hang by a feeble thread, and, by that subtleness of which I have already spoken, the re covery be spontaneous. THE DOCTOR WIU, IHBERXATE. "Another discovery that I havo made," said the doctor, "is that hibernating ani mals do not use their lungs during the period of hibernation. For several years 1 have been studying the habits of this class of animals, and, do you know, I am about convinced that man can hiber nate" Here the reporter must havo looked the incredulity he felt, for the doctor hastened to explain: "Take the bear for example; its organs of respiration are the same as man's, and it hibernates for months with out food or drink. I have also been studying the philosophy of the adepts who used to be able to go into the death trance at will. Their preparation for this was long fasting, and tho trance condi tion following was, in my opinion, a sea son of hibernation. I am studying now with a view of making somo experiments in this line, and tho time may come when I will permit myself to be sealed up in an air tight coffin and laid away until such timo as I siiali designate for it to be opened." "Bnt, doctor, you will not expect to come out of a test like that alive, will you?' "Yes, indeed," was the earnest reply. "I have twico been near the portals of the tomb in my studies of this subject cf life principle and of suspended animation, and I firmly believe I can go still nearer that I can to all outward appearances be dead, and, remaining that way for a length of time, can still come back a liv ing witness of the truth -of my theories and investigations." Speaking of his fast, he said: "The fact is, with most peoplo the body rules the mind, while the reverse should'be the case the mind should control the body. 'Appetite, and it may to a depraved one, clamors for this or that desired article, and people rush off to gratify it. When I began my forty days' fasting I said to my "stomach: 'Here, old fellow, I havo a job for you. I want you to take a good long rest, and I want no grumbling about it.' That settled it. At 10 o'clock of the last day of my fast, when I had only two houra to go, a little child that was in tho room wnere l was tnrust a ripe peach un der my nose. If Adam was tempted as I was then I do not wonder that he fell. I had so' little longer to go without eating that I relaxed my will power, and truly my greatest sufferings wero during tho last two -hours of my fast." Chicago Tribune. Sapersttttoa of BooeaUtor. "It's very curious," remarked a specu lator, the other day, "what a strong in Suence little things exert over some men. Now, there is Charlie , of the board of trade, one of the sharpest traders on the floor; a man who sells by the hundred thousand, and boys in the same extrava gant quantity. I know for a fact that for years past he has made it a rule to sell short on wheat every spring, and sell big, too. But he never changes from the bear to the boll side until he sees a certain lilac bush out on the west side burst into bloom.' The very first day he sees a flower cmt on that particular bush he goes onto the floor and sells light aad left, and keeps it up. This he has done so regu Isriy for some years pas that it is acorn inn Hiiiiii on Jphange at these times that 'Charlie's like hash to ia bloom.' What is. norecnrioM. too. is that ha iCCnt maae a mistarca ter years past, it's been a perfect mascot for him. No, I won't tell you where the bush, is', -but he passes by.it. every day on his way down town, and I tell you he watches it closely, too. Lots of the boys have tried to find out where it is located, but there are hun dreds of lilac bushesalong the street, and he isn't fool enough to give it away. "And I know of another queer case; tob," continued tho speculator. "My typewriter, a woman of about 40 years of .age, has some particular thing that she watches on her way down town in the morning, end, as a curious matter of fact, that woman will walk into the office, sit down at her desk, write out a prediction of the course of-the 'day's markets, and then put it away. It comes true, too that's the curious part of it. She will not tell how she does it, but for weeks past she named the market's erratic course accurately. . Do I ever trade on her pre diction?. Well, not often. You know I don't believe in thoso things. .But it's mighty curious, to say the least, isn't it?" Chicago Herald. Grit aa Well as Flack. It is desirable that we should hare grit as well as pluck a power to endure, re sist, take the blows and still persist and press forward. Pluck is the quality of E itching in; grit' is tho quality of not acking out. Now, we do not expect every ono to have both grit and pluck; but every ono ought to havo one or the other; and so tho community, or the so ciety, or,-as we have a habit of saying, the commonwealth, shall havo both, I am inclined to think that, personally, I am decidedly lackiug in pluck. I am a natural coward. 1 have the pluck simply to own up my plucklessness. When you set before me a new enterprise, I am always afraid to embark in it. But ouco in. I have grit. I can stick to -a job of work; and when I fight I always. intend to win. Em I wish I wero also plucky. Do wo not gcucrallv admire what we havo not, and rather depreciate what wo have? I cdmirc pluck, and don't know whether I admire grit or not. I have a little friend who is A littlo over four feet tall, and he has a little head and little features, but he bristles up at a touch, or a word, or an imagination. If ho fancies a slight in a moment ho snarls, and jumps, and shows ho isn't afraid of all creation. So he is not. He is brimful of pluck. But hd lacks grit. He pitches in and then sneaks out. Of two generals you will ba suro to find ono good at an assault, the other good at a siege. Sometimes ono is most useful, sometimes tho other. M. Mau rice. M. D.j ia Globe-Democrat. The Pension Commissioner's Troubles. Ono woman in the best faith addresses the commissioner and asks that ho seo that the school house in her neighborhood be established in the center of the dis trict. Another informs him that her husband has long been absent. She has wandered over the faco of the country in search of him,, and .she would now like to have him take up the search. Many such cases occur. Letters containing souvenirs dear to the senders, but utterly valueless to any ono else, are received; letters of advice detailing whole pension schemes to bq substituted for the present system of laws; letters of extravagant commenda tion, of . censure, of anger, of contempt, of wrath, of unmitigable hostility; letters of insane.writers threatening vilenessand violence; letters excited by the granting .of pensions and asking bemsens upon the heads of all concerned; letters of bitterest reproach for pensions denied, calling down the wrath of God and men upon those who have been trying to do their simple duty all these and multitudes of others, fantastic, sober, rational and wild, pour by the hundreds and thousands into the mail of the bureau; and from the charity and patience which forbears to respond, and the sense of duty which compels tho neglect of idle inquiries, arise . many of the complaints and denunciations of the office for its alleged neglect. Pension Commissioner's Report. The Wells of AndaluUa. In Andalusia the norias or Moorish wells are sure to catch your eye. They are worth examining by the curious in such matters; the construction is very simple, ' but they do effective work. A broad wheel is turned round by an old mule, who is past other work, and attached to this wheel are earthen jars; as it revolves the empty jars pass into tho water and come up full, then as they turn over they empty their contents into a reservoir, whence a trough or aqueduct of somo simple kind provides for household use, conveys tho rest of the water into tho fruit or vegetable garden and irrigates it by means of channels dug in rows in tho earth. For drinking purposes tho water is generally car. ;ht from the jars, for tho Spaniards, though they like their fish "high" and their oil and bacon rancid, aro very particular about tho quality of their water, and are willing to buy it from the carriers who often fetch it from long dis tances if that near at hand has an ovil reputation. Cor. San Francisco Chronicle. Amazolis to'lBeTrotft. The insolence and inefficiency of men servants in England have long been so vividly realized by. all heads of houss holds. that any step which shsll be an advanco in the direction of gettinjf rid of them ought to be" hailed with rapture by all chatelaines and housekeepers. Many ladies havo given them up altogether, and content themselves with female servants, selecting a peculiarly stalwart specimen of the genus omazon to fulfil the duties of butler. She is, moreover, in many cases, dressed in a livery coat and waist coat, which look very smart, although perhaps rather suggestive of tho stage, (juite recently,- at an afternoon party given in London, the guests were entirely served by a bevy of female servants, all' dressed alike in black gowns, white waist coats, and white caps trimmed with black ribbons. Tho effect was. on tho wholo, very pleasing, and tho waiting was much cere efficiently and neatly dono than if it bud been intrusted to a cohort of waiters. Tho Arjronaut. ' Fads of the SeaAore. One of tho queer fads of the seashore is a sidewalk luncheon. All along the walks are booths where Vienna sausages are cooked and handed to you -on a clam shell a sausage on one shell and a baked po tato on the other. You are supposed to sit on the sand and eat them without salt and lick your chops for more. Silly? Well, this is the place for silly things. Another fad is crabbing. A party num bering from six to a dozen go out in the marsh channels and bait for crabs with a piece of beef tied to a line. . The crab is. just idiot enough to hang on until lifted into the boat. - And yet another is the moonlight fad promenading the beach to listen to the sighing of the clams.- Yes, clams sigh. That's one of their duties on a moonlight night. Some folks can't hear it, but a pair of lovers, with his arm around her waist and walking at a slow gait, can catch every sigh that a clam sighs. Cor. Detroit Free Press. sot a saeeea. Women have tried to run a restaurant in New York for women time out of mind, but usually made a failure. Customers declaro stinginess, absurd rules and gen--cral mismanagement as the reasons. De troit Free Press Glass In Old Tlaac. Glass was in use among the RnTrjsTH E the time of Tiberius, and the ruins of Pompeii show that it was in nu fnw win. j ow during the First century of tho viumuui Wfc-BOSIOU .DUOgVfc- THE BASKET MAKERS. ISIT.JO A COLONY OF PRIMITIVE AND UNREFINED FOLK. Bobmo Welch Are Old, ' Taaaolo Dews aad I7atldy Aaatrs View off aalatorior. Table Ktiquette-r-The Basket Maker, at Work SZetaod of THaaafactaro. Dantown is eighty-five miles from New i York, and is reached by the New .York, New 'Haven and Hartford railroad, via Stamford and New Canaan. A colony -'of basket makers there inhebit a district be-' ginning about four miles north of New . Canaan, running in length about' eight ' miles, and in width about three miles. - In this bailiwick is included another set tlement called Jumptown, but the whole district is known as Dantown. . The set tlement derives its name from the first settlers, whose name was Dan. and ninety nine hundredths of the people who live there now are also Dans. . We drove over to Dantown to see if they were really the uncouth people they were credited with being. The roads are narrow and full of locks: hi fact., the whole country is nothing bnt rocks and an almost unpenetrable jungle. The homes of tho basket makers are old. tumble down, ramshackle affairs, un pointed, built of oak shingles, ono-lialf of them fallen off. and the balance in a stato of irretrievable decay, fences falling down, gates with no hinges, the whole settlement looking as if a cyclone bad struck it' away back in revolutionary war times, and not a 6troko of repairs been put to it since. YUtW OF AN INTnniOR. For furniture of these houses there is nothing but the plainest straight backed chairs, with basket woven seats, some of them handed down from great-grandfather's time, and somo of late domestic manufacture, but all presenting tho same style and discomfort. The old fashioned fireplaces aro built of wood and plastered insido and out. The Dantowners are not high livers. They eat because it sustains life. They do not sit long at table, and they dispense with all of the convention alities of. table etiquette. The writer sat down to dine, or, as tho host expressed it. "to take pot luck," and was told to "pitch in and help yerself." which he did. The bill of fare was pork and beans, potatoes, bread and molasses, and applo sauce, the young girl of the family remarking: "Say, maar. ef it's dark t 'night I'll git nuther bag o' them there apples." Whereupon maar replied: "Dry up yer yawp." Tho people live frugally, because they aro compelled. A basket maker must work eaxly and late' to make $5 a week, and as there are generally a dozen "young 'uus" about the house this does not go far, though tho "young "uns" were all in k emi-state of nudity. Yet these people are as content with their lot as a North Carolina clay eater. There is always a market for their baskets, and they menage .to squeeze along on the commonest food so that they can indulge in tobacco and get tho little brown jug filled. Tho latter is of more absolute necessity to the majority of tho Dantown ers thau the sack of Hoar or the fiitch of bacon. Years ago they were famous for their store of Medford rum. but it is never . seen now. In its place is rye whisky, and not the best, either, and now that New Canaan is a prohibition town, they are sometimes put to desperate straits for tho wherewithal to wet their whistles. TUG BASKET MASCH AT WORK. There arc no organized workshops, and the business of setting up baskets is car ried on in the kitchen, dining room and parlor, which is generally all in one room. They are very particular about their tim ber. They use hickory, whito and black ash and black oak. They use the first cut of tho log and no other. The bark is peeled off, and tho log, which is ncvor over tea inches through, is split into sec tions, making it easier to handle. They take a section and pound it over a log or rock until it slivers. It is then segregated by peeling the slivers off, which are used for what is called "filling" for the baskets. The "standards" aro peeled much thicker, . And have the appearance of a flour barrel hoop. They aro tied in bundles, and. if not used when green, are soaked in water - over night, which makes them pliablo and easy to weave. If they do not. cut this wood themselves they are compelled to pay $10 a cord for it; but it is said that a great many cut their own wood and aro not particular whose land they cut it from. Times havo changed with tho bas ket makers, and competition has cheap ened their product from $15 a dozen twenty years ago to $9.50 a dozen now. And then wood was only $6 a cord. The mode of .basket making is simple. First the thick 6ticks are cut to the re quired length and laid on the grouncL looking like a gigantic starfish. At the point of contact they are fastened, and then comes the work of weaving the light or 6ide strips in and out. One strip is woven in several times around the basket before it gives ont, when another one is - lapped on. As the weaving continues the standards aro raised and bent or "shaped" until it has reached the required height. Then two thicker strips, fiat on one side, rounded with a draw shave en the other, are clapped on. Tho standards, which project above this band, are twisted - around it and securely fastened. .The -handles aro nut on before tho band is. These are made of a thick strip trimmed down smooth, with a notch cut in' them, which abuts against tho band. Then the basket is turned upside down, and an other star shaped set of strips is pushed up through the woof of tho basket. This is done so that the basket can sit on its , own bottom. A basket maker has to hustle to make two dozen baskets in a I week. They, make all kinds the com, the market and the oyster basket, but the I latter takes-precedence over the two for- 1 trior oa ttiA (fontanel tdnnrr thn uinnil ic. never filled- Dantown (N. Y.) Cor. New York Sun. DRESS REFORM FOR MAN. Tho Staple Stylo at io Test We can -dres3 her in four pieces, to wit: shirt, pants, shoes and hat. On state occasions, socks. In town you aro commonly obliged to put on eleven pieces, to wit': 'socks, shoes, drawers, pants, shirt, undershirt; cravat, collar, '.vest, coat and hat. A vast amount of timo and force is used up by myriads of civil ized beings in putting on these eleven pieces., in hot weather. Avast amount of strength is used up by simply wearing them. Starch is misery on a sultry day. Your linen shirt is a straight jacket; your lightly buttoned vest and four button cutaway are 'two more' straight jackets over that. You put on four thicknesses of cloth to conform to the demands of. Broadway, when nature calls out but for one, and a thin and very loose one at that. When you have anything to do, or you get to your office, you shuck your coat and sit "in your shirt sleeves, or put on a thin one. You are unconsciously a slave to this idiocy of custom. To heighten this idiocy, you put on the most clothing and the tightest fits and the most starch in the city, where it is hottest. Whem you go to the country, where it is a little cooler and there Is more air to breathe and purer air to breathe, and consequently more strength to be got out of such au to help you endure your load of tight fit ting cloth, you put on less clothing and looser clothing. This is inconsistent- You should wear your cumbersome starch and tight fitting vestmwnts where yon have tha moat atranath to wear them. rour test ts a useless lncumorance. . it is only the rudiment of the old fashioned . "waist coat." That was a coat. It reached to the hips 140 years ago. People - then wore in substance two coats a bock I coat and a front coat, now, the waistcoat. The waistcoat has been gradually grow ing shorter. In a sack suit it is of no 'earthly use save to increase, your t load in hot weather and ' make j you hotter. It' is simply another short coat, which ' you wear because ?rour . tailor says you must."" It's ike wearing' one hat inside tho other. You cant even wear it out. You know you wear out out seven pairs of pants" tp one waistcoat. You know that uow your closet is full of vests left over from worn out suits that you don't know what to do with. You can't make them over into pantaloons. You can't set them for eel traps. Alone, they won't answer for scarecrows. So millions of yards of cloth are wasted yearly in the making of -vests. Pull down your vest. Pull it off and leave it off. It Is a great luxury to ariso in the morning and dress by threo or four mo tlons in as many pieces, to stick your feet into a pair of slippers and bo shodwith ont the tedkrasness of lacing up or but toning up your city 'boots-. And four pieces can be made as becoming and grace fuleye, and more so than eleven pieces, and four garments can bo changed oftener and cleansed oftencr. I- be lieve that dress should bo neat, be coming and as gracetul. as possible for every station or calling; and because a man lives where there is no public or public opinion to look after him, is- no reason why he should livo in rags or go with uncombed hair. But the trouble is. and you "may seo il proven every day in the city in tliousanus and thousands of cases, people haven't timo nor means to wear their eleven pieces properly, and for that reason dingy linen is far more com mon than that of snowy whiteness, and a clean collar and cuffs are not proof that they aro tucked to a clean shirt, and tho necktio in two cases out of tlireo is a baso and of ten unclean subterfuge and imita tion of something intended for on orna ment, slung on, stuck on. fired on any way, only becauso custom says it must be j put on. and put on only to bo endured. Uress reform for woman only? Man needs it quito as much as she does. Prentice Mulford in New York Star. Career cf tho Salmon When tho salmon is hatched ho is known as a "fry," then ho becomes a "parr," or "samlet." or "pink," or "brandling." The next change makes him a "smolt;" then Lu ; transferred to a "grilse," and finally devcrop into a salmon. When leaving salt water ho is called a "white" salmon, and when going back after spawning a "black" ono or a "kalt." The baby Ealmon is hatched from 80 to 100 days after tho eggs are laid in furrows in gravelly beds near the bead waters of clear, cold rivers. When In the "fry" stage he is about ono inch long, with goggle eyes. When threo months old he becomes well shaped, with carmine spots on tho sides. Iio is then so hungry and greedy he will jump at unything. Many mistake them at this ago for trout, and it is common for mar kets to offer them for sale as brook trout. Only about one-half the hatch returns to the sea. the rest remaining ia fresh water. This has been decided to be be cause some develop more rapidly than others, the late ones going to salt water ia the second season. Tho arrangement can be accepted as a wise provision of nature against extermination by whole sale destruction. GIoboDemocrat. Bice In a Bill Country. Tho province of Fah-Iueii. China, is almost an unbroken stretch of hills and mountains, a charming country to lovers of wild scenery, but tedious to travel in, for tho only carriages aro sedan chairs. Except near tho seaboard, the streams are swift and rocky, rendering their ascent by boat very slow. One might think that in such a count jvrice could not bo staple, yet en every hill and mountain where there is a spring and soil enough to work, there aro terraces ' for rice. They pene trate into every nook and corner, so that a map of the rice courses of Fuh-Kien would be a map of its water courses. The people who inhabit the valleys present great varieties of character and speech. If you cros3 a divido which separates two main branches of the river, you may find peoplo living within a few hours' walk of each other who can scarcely converse to gether; in fact, every villago has its own local brogue. Rev. J. E. Walker in Globe-Democrat. Bo Saved Three Cents. A man, his wife and three children walked up to one of tho drop-a-ponny-in-the-slot-and-ascertain-yourrcorrect-weight machines in ono of the North river ferry houses. After examining it ho told his threo children to step on the platform of tho scale, which they did. He then dropped a cent into tiicslct and tho hand moved oronnd to 03. IIo then told the largest child to step off. and as scon as he did the hand moved back to 113, thus by subtracting 113 from 03 he ascertained tho weight of tho child. In this manner ho also ascertained tho respectivo .eights. of tho other two children. His wifo and himself got on the scales and were weighed in a like manner. He saved three cents. New York Letter. liund reopio in Knssia. An elaborate investigation has shown that.tho number of blind people in Russia is very unequally divided among tho dif ferent races, thexo being onlv b blind in each 10.000 Poles. 10 in each'lO.CCO Rii, sians. and as many as 63 in each 1C.C-G3 Votyoks. No less than one-eighth of tht cases of blindness arc due to small yox. and only one-half to direct eye dishes. Arkansaw Traveler. It is Absurd For people to expect a cure for Indij:e-(-tion, unless they refrain from eating what is unwholesome ; but if anything will sharpen the appetite and give tor.o to the digestive organs, it is Ayer's Sar saparUla. Thousands all over the land testify to the merits of tins medicine. Mrs. Sarah Burroughs, of 24S Eighth street. South Boston, writes : "My hus band has taken 'Ayer's Sarcaparilla, for Dyspepsia and torpid liver, and has been greatly benefited." A Confirmed Dyspeptic. "C. Canterbury, of 141 Franklin .t.. Boston,. Mass., writes, that, suffering for years from Indigestion, he was at last induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla and, by its use, was entirely cured. Mrs. Joseph Aubin, of nigh street, Holyoke, Mass., suffered for over a yar from Dyspepsia, so that she could not eat substantial food, became very weak, and was nnable to care for her family. Neither the medicines prescribed by physicians, nor -any of the remedies advertised for. the cure of Dyspepsia, helped her, until she commenced the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. "Three bottles ef this medicine," ahe writes, "cured me." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, raZPAkED BT Dr.' J." C Aytr Co., Lowell, Mass, ' Mattl; six touts, . WartaiaKl. National Bank! -HAS AN- Authorizatl Capital of $250,000, A Surplus Fund of - $20,000, And the kjrgst Paid la Caafc Capital or any twak ia taia part of tee I tyDepoeita rscelTfd aad iatanot paid oa time deposit. EVTDrafta oa the prise ipal cities ia this try and Europe booght aad sold. WCollectioM aad all other prompt aad' oarers! atteatfoa. STOcaaoLDxaa. A. ANDERSON. Pno't. J. H. GALLEY, Vice Pleat. O.T.ROEN.Caaklor . ANDERSON, P. ANDERSON. JACOB GREISEN. HENRY RAGATi JOHN J. SULLIVAN, W. A- M CAUJ8TKR. Apr3-8tf usintss fatis. T . KasLIAN,- . DEUTCHER ADVOKAT, Office oTsr Colombo Btate Bank, Columbus. Nebraska.. 3 9ICHAKD CUNNINGHAM. Attorney and Caunsellar at Law.. Office on Nebraska At,, Columbus, Neb. All leital business promptly, accurately and careful ly attended to. ISaug-r OlLUrAilA KEEBEB, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office oTcr First National Bank, Columbus. Nebraska. S0-tf T ai. MACFAatLArVat. ATTORSHY t A0r.4JJl PUBLIC. ty" Office oTer First National Bank. Colum bus, Nebraska. TOH EliNOE. COUSTV SURVEYOR. Z&Vajtie desirinic surveying done caa-ad-llrew me at Columbus. Neb., or call at my offioe in Lonrt Houw-. Smaybft T J. IMAIIKK, CO. SUP'T PUBLIC SCHOOLS. I will be ia my office in the Court House, tho tliiitl Saturday of each month for the examina tion of npplu-Rnta for teachers' certificates, and Tor Ute transaction of other school business lwjanSH DRAY uiul EXPRESSMEN. Light and heavy haulinr. Goods handled with we .Headquarters nt J. V. Becker Co.'s office. Telephone. 33 and 21. 3lmar87y FAUKLE & BRADSHAW. (Succeuors to uii6 f Bushel!), BRICK MAKERS ! , CrT-Contractore and builders will find our bnck first-claw and ollered at reasonable rate. He are also prepared to do all kinds of brick work- lOmajem M. K. TURNER 4b CO., Proprietors and Publishers of tho CCMH.838 :07Sat tsd At SI3. tlHILT J571HU, Both, post-paid to any address, for 12.00 a rear strictly in adTance. FaMiltJocbsal, fLOO a ywifo - w. a. McAllister. - "w. m. Cornelius. JcAl.l.lM TEat A COB.1KLIIJS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Columbus, Neb. Office up stairs over Ernst 4 Schwarz's store oa Eleventh street. 16mmy88 DK. J. CHAM. W 1 1. 1.1, (Deuttcher ArttJ PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Colambus, Neb. EYE DISEASES A SPECIALTY. Office: Telephone- Eleventh Street. Office So. : Residence No.7. 22mart7 JOHN G. HIGGINS. C. J. GARLOW. HIGODKftGABLOW, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Specialty mado of Collections by C. J. Garlow W-m R. C. BOYD, - XANcrACTCBza or Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware ! Job-Work, Booflnr aid Gattar iig a Specialty. SSr-Shop .on 12th street, Kraoee Bro.'s old stand on Thirteenth street. 2tf nrrn3EA .wonders exist m ILLUthousanda of forms, but are sur Llr JK1 bJ tho roarTels of invention w Those who are in need of profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once end their address to Hallett A Lo.. Portland. Maine, and receive free, full in formation how either sex, of all ages, can earn from 15 to ta, per day and. upwards wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not re- flilirPfl. Knmft Kara m 4 a awa rj. r . a u,u ,k. Au-ssrf:" Kdsr SSOOIiwari! Wa will ruiT lha aKak. w.i .. r . - ...c .coit iUt mjy case or liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indi Kestion. constipation or costiveness we cannot cure wjth West's eaetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give atisfac Im? " J1?. box? containing 30 sugar coated pills. 25c.. For sale.by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and immitatfons. The genuine manufaoturcd only by JOHN C. WEST & CO.. 662 W.Madison St, Chicago, 111. deef'STy INVENTION! has revolutionized the world durinv tha last half century. m bvb -m .iiii icasi among ice "wiutni n micuuie progress is a metnoo and system of work that can be performed all over the.country without separating the workers from in-., uuiu. io uuww; any one can ao tne work; either sex. young or old: no special ability required. Capital not needed; yoo are started free. Cut this oat and return to oa and we will send you free, something of great value and im. portance to -00, that will start yoo. in business, which w;Jl bring you in more money right away, than anything else in the world. Grand ofiK free. Address Tree & Co.. Augusts. Me. dec28 Jfm IfWSPAKR book of 100 page. r- rTf " " a a. a ne oesi 0001c lor aa lHHtMssasaajfeaaaASttvi'rttser to 000- .BTOlHCl mmmmmM mmmrnmMMm ..f . ,. .. lenced or otherwise. It contiitr.s lists or newspapers and estimates oftheco-st of advertising. Theadvertlsorwho wants to spend one dollar. Units hi lttne in formation bo requires; while for him who will Invest one hundred thousand dollar la ad vertising, a scheme ia indicated which will meet his every requirement, or eg Wworf todo$obyalightehanfttgti!parrieeimtbgcor retpondenee. 14! editions have feeea laned. Sent; post-paid, to any address far W oeat. Write W nzo. P. KQvrXUt oa, NEWSPAPER ADVEKXBEfG BOftCAU.' OftWansasat.grlaQagHoasaaq.). Xw York, . c 1 1'