"- T." - f I - I -. W. A. Hampton. The republican candidate for represent ative, was bofn Jan. 19th, 1851, at Oak field, in Perr county, Ohio. His father moved onto a;farm with his family when he was four Jears old, where he worked during the suhimer and attended a dis trict school dhrinj? the winters, until he was sixteen yars old, after which time he attended School at New Lexington, Ohio, one wuker and during each.sum mer until thespring of 1870, teaching a district schorl? during the intervening winters, after which time - ho went to" Elsworth, Kansas, where he accepted a position withf .James F. Ellison of San Marcos, Tex fin extensive cattle dealer of that state,as superintendent of his cattle interests in Kansas, which Mr. Ellison sold tb a Mr. Stevens of Penn sylvania late n the fall of 1870, with whom - Hampton accepted the same trust and spent the winter of 187CV71 and the following summer in Kansas. In the fall of 1B71 he resigned his place with Stevens aad accepted a trust with a Mr. Moore Of Texas, as superintend ent to drive 1,000 head of cattle from Elsworth, Kanjas, to Nebraska City, Ne braska, and deliver to a man from Glenwood, Iowa, which delivery was made in Novoniber 1871, after which, he, in charge of the men and horses used in handling the battle, returned them to Moore's ranch m Texas, and in the fol lowing spring kgain accepted a trust with Ellison to drive 1,500 head from San Marcos, Texas, to Cheyenne, Wyom ing, where he arrived in July 1872, Elli son sold the catilo to jiarties who were establishing a janch in Wyoming, in whose employ he engaged and with whom he remained until December 1873, when he returned to Ohio and spent the winter at his father's. In tho following spring he commenced the study of medi cine at New Lexington, Ohio, continu ing in tho College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk, Iowa, from which in stitution he graduated in February 1877, and practiced medicine in Stark county, 111., until the spring of 1RC), when he moved to Platte county, Nebraska. Be ing dissatisfied with tho profession of medicine, he. in 1881, commenced tho study of law with Martin Shellenbargcr, of Toulon, 111., and after moving to Ne braska continued tho study of law in his own oflico and was admitted to the bar of Platto county in January, 1887, since which time he quit tho practice of medicine and h:i3 practiced law. Mr. Hampton's life has leon one of con stant effort to 1 tetter his condition. He is animated by the true American spirit of progress hold fast to that which is good, and with stoady firm step, march forward. As a representative of Platte county he would endeavor to know the will of tho ieiplo and represent that will by his vote and his inttueuco in tho legis lature. He has tho respect and esteem of those who know him, and will make Platte county n good representative. Float ItrnnxMitative. The Convention was held at Genoa "Oct, 2d, and nominated, as understood it would, without a dissenting vote, Mr. Niels, Olson of Creston township, this county. Mr. Olson was iHirn in the southern pari of Denmark in the year 1S12. He removed to America in lSfti, locating in Illinois for a year: afterwards removed to Milwaukee whore ho lived a few years. In tho fall of 1871 he removed to his present home in Creston township, this county, where he has resided all these long years and enjoyed tho respect and confidence of his fellow-citizens, as an honest, straight-forward, upright man devoted to tho best interests of the pub lic He is and has always been a farm er, and is a man who cannot be swerved from his line of duty, as he sees it. Be sides, ho has tho ability to know the right and tho wrong, and to see the bearing of proposed measures. On questions of railroad legislation, no man in tho district would cast a more satisfactory vote. On the question of prohibition, which agitates the public in several quarters of the district, he stands firmly on the re publican platform, tho Slocum law, a measure which, Kissed by tho republican legislature years ago, has approved itself to "tho practical good sense of every community, whore they have sought its enforcement in accordance with the sentiment of tho community on the subject ' Mr. Olson has been school director of his district ever since its organization, and has been a member of tho County -Board of Supervisors since Platte coun ty adopted township organization. As Nance county is likewise working under township organization, this feature of Mr. Olson's equipment for the service of tho district will commend him to very favorable consideration, becauso the 'township law needs a good deal of wholesome amendment, and needs it bad. Mr. Olson has not been an idle member of the Board by any means, and knows, perhaps us well as any man in tho district, wherein the township law should be amended. Every voter in the district, without 'respect to party ties, should think sev " eral times before casting a vote against Mr. Olson; republicans who know Mr. Olson will be glad of the opportunity to cast tlieir vote for a man o well inform ed, and so staunch and true in tho line of duty. James U. Kftilrr. Tho republican candidate "for county attorney, was born in Erie county, Pa., Jan. 18. 18-38, which makes Mr. lleeder nearly thirty-one years of age, a very good age for- him who is to have 'charge of the prosecution of criminals and to act as the law adviser for. county of-J ficials. Like all young Americans, Beeder en joyed the benefits of the mblic school system, and made good use of his oppor tunities to acquire an education. After bis attendance .upon the public schools, he was a student at .the State Normal School at Edinboro, as well as the Penn College at Allegheny. He taught 6chool three terms in Pennsylvania, studied law at Erie, Penn and went south to Memphis, Term., where he lived two years practicing his profession. His political convictions were strengthened and deepened by his rmdenoe in the south, so that he is no rammer-day republican, bnt one who knows the worth of patriotism and the practical value of a government of the people, by the people, for the people. la 1862 Mr. Beeder removed to Coram-. bus, Neb., and here he has been the last six years in the practice of his profes sion, now being the law partner of Hon. John J. Sullivan, late county judge. Mr. Beeder is recognized by his fellow-citizens as a careful, pains-taking attorney, very attentive to the interests of his clients; a man who is found at all times attending strictly to business. He is a man .of decided convictions and when called upon for a legal opinion will give it so plainly that it will be un derstood by all. "As an official he will do his full duty. MIDNIGHT. Tto night's midglory Earta, so calm, so stfli, OBCoachofipacatairrsppedinsluinber's spell; How soft and pure her bosom's rounds I swell 'Xeatth Seecy robes, mud placid radianc shed From sorer orb, like watcher's lamp, oVrnead: While starry regions dimly throng aad fill Her airy chamber, whence mil sound is fled Bare breath of rising prayer, or whir of wings As angels viewless pass, or heavenward springs Tho gnardiaa who bath wrought the Father's will. Midnight and moonlight, silence, stars and God SuhUmest height Diurnal Time hath trod. Edward McCarthy in Woman. A Faaeral to British Honduras. It was in British -Honduras that I first attended a velorlo, or the ceremony of watching with a corpse. The family home consisted of a single long and nar row apartment, rounded at each end, with earthen floor androof thatched with guava leaves. From the cross poles hung a few hammocks, and in the middle of the room, upon a rude bier made of two boards up held by casks, lay the dead woman, with a wee Infant clasped in her arms. The face of the mother, who could not have been more than 14 years old. was calm and peaceful, but that of the baby was strangely distorted, as if terrified with its brief look on life.' Fresh flowers were scattered upon the scarlet blanket that partially covered the. still figures; lighted candles stood at tho head and foot, and near by sat tho sisters and parents of the dead woman, silent and sad. Inquiring why the husband and father was not among the mourners, I was carelessly in formed, as though it was nothing to cause remark, that la brobraerta (the poor dear girl) had never been wedded; and as for the father quien sabe? A great crowd occupied the house of mourning, laughing and jesting as though the occasion was one of rejoicing rather than sorrow. Many were playing cards. Outside, under a pomegranato tree, refreshments were spread, and music and uproar resounded in startling incongruity with the dread mystery of death. Cor. Philadelphia Record. Plant a Lombardy Poplar. Professor Asa Gray observed that tho reason which lies at the bottom of tho general belief on tho continent of Europe that lightning strikes the Lombardy pop lar trees in preference to others is coming to light. Green herbage and green wood sappy wood aro excellent conductors of electricity. A tree is shattered by lightning only when the discharge reaches tho naked trunk or naked branches, which are poorer conductors. An old fashioned Lombardy poplar, by its height, by its complete covering of twigs and small branches, and their foliage, down almost to the ground, and by its sappy wood, makes a capital lightning rod, and a cheap one. Happily no one can patent it and bring it round hi a wagon and insist upon trying it. To make it surer tho tree should stand in moist ground or near water, for wet ground is a good conductor and dry soil a poor one. It is recom mended to plant a Lombardy poplar near the house and another close to the barn. If the ground is dry the nearer the well the better, except for the nuisance of the roots that will gat into it. Boston Budget. Ahead of the Ring Thieves. "I havo no doubt that the jewelers in tnis city lose $10,000 or $15,000 a year from ring thieves," said a John street Jeweler a few days ago.-' "The ring thief s usually well dressed and respectable In his appearance. Ho calls for several trays of rings, and while he is talking to the clerk manages to steal a ring. It is impossible to refuse to placo a tray of rings before a customer, so I have hit upon the followingscheme: Through each rowof rings I run a steel rod; these rods are attached to an iron frame, with hinges at one end and a lock at the other. When a customer wishes to look at the rings I hand out this rack. When neces sary, I can take off any ring by unlocking the frame. This has proved a great saving." NewYork Sun. The First Commercial Advertisement. An English antiquarian has been delv ing among old newspaper files and has discovered what he says Is the first com mercial advertisement ever printed in a newspaper. It appeared in The Mercurius Politicus. of London, dated Sent. SO. 1658. It runs as follows: "That Excellent and t by all Physitians approved China Drink called by all the Chlneans Teha, by other Nations Tay alias Tee. is sold at the Sul taness Head Cophee House, in Sweeting's Bents, by the Koyal Exchange, London." At the date of this advertisement tea had been used in England about forty years, but the price was extremely high, often reaching 20 perpound. Chicago Herald. A New Dress Material. The invention of a new dress material promises to give rise to a new industry of no insignificant proportions. It is an artificial silk, which is said to be an excel lent imitation of the natural product and is mado of a kind of collodion, to which has been added perchloride of Iron and tannic acid. The process of manufacture is somewhat long and complicated, and it remains to be seen whether the material can.be produced cheap enough to compete with the work, of the silkworm. Chicago News. Oil few IbricaiiBc Purposes. , The Italian admiralty .have recently caused to be carried out a number of ex periments with a. view to testing the comparative merits of castor oil and of olive oil for lubricating purposes on board ship. From the results obtained they have given orders that henceforth' all ex posed parts of machinery are to be lubri cated exclusively with castor -oil, while mineral oils ate to be used for cylinder and similar lubrication. Scientific Ameri can. A Kataral HflsPalre. "Aunty,".said a little New Jersey boy who was on a visit, "I thought you said you didn't hawo any musqultoes in this part of the country.' "We don, dear." "But I can hear them singing just aa they do at home." "No. Tommy; that is a saw. mill you tear." Harper's Bazar. Aa Original Y A. little miss of this city, 3 or 4 yean old, -was In one of our shoe -stores the other day. and after she had been fitted she was asked by the- salesman if she wanted them put on. She replied: "I dees I will wear 'em home in 'the box." Burlington Free Press. Philadelphia's Bald Beads. A Philadelphia barber makes the state ment that there -are fewer .bald heads among the people of wealth end fashion in Philadelphia than among the same class of any other American dty. New York Evening World. to Be Aeenrate. Slithers always likes to be strictly ac curate. Upon a recent occasion he was asked the age of his baby, and Imme diately replied. "Six weeks ana thirteen days, thank you.'' Harper's Bazar. A recent official publication estimates the average annual decrease of the Indians at nearly 2,000. Their present total num ber. In the United States, exclusive -of Alaska, is about 245.000. - The stern of a departing ferryboat is more polite than that of other boats. It always returns a taw. Syracuse Chris tian Advocate. A broken eye glass may wall be calttda rof ul spectacle. CHINESE ODDITIES. THE EXCITEMENT CAUSED B THE ADVENT OF A FOREIGNER. I called them good humored, but stranger would not think so, u he them for the fast time. On the contrary, the state of things seems to be bordering on a riot. The amount of energy that lies latent in a Chinaman, waiting to be developed and manifested by a discussion of 'cash, is simply incalculable. As we coolly regard this throng of half dressed, yellow colored people, we see. chance ac- quaimmsces wnu bsts nut aniiis uuo another for half an hour, screiTnlng their loudest, with distorted countenances and violent gesticulations, apparently threat ening immediate death to those who differ from them. It seems Incredible that the subject Is of no more importance than whether a sack of potatoes or basket of fish shall be half a farthing more or less. Imagine our coming suddenly into such a crowd hi a short serge jacket and big sun hat. under which is a pale face and beard. If the place is one .where f orehzn- ers are occasionally seen, they' will look up. say "Hwan-kui" (foreign ghost), and i after a few moments resume their em ployment as though we were not there. If, however, foreigners are almost un- ! known In those parts, we know perfectly well -that we shall have no peace except such as we can secure by means of a little maneuvering. Sometimes the landlord, appears pleased to .receive us, but now and then he seems to think we take up too much room, with the crowd who stand round to look at us. It is very entertain ing to observe how excited such a crowd often becomes by the advent of a for eigner, and how rapidly the news spreads to -neighboring houses' that a "foreign ghost" has arrived. Mine host stands and threatens terrible things, which he has not the smallest intention of carrying into execution. For half an hour he will 1 shout and gesticulate, entreating the un tutored herd to remember the proprieties and not crowd in so much upon the for eign gentleman. A FOBEIQNEB AT BIS MEAT The point of greatest interest is always reached when the traveler begins bis meaL He has carried with him all ho wants with the exception of rice, potatoes, hot water and one or two other things; The laying out of plates, knives and forks is a great mystery. Much questioning goes on as to the way of using them. They beg to know tho reason why we prefer to employ a man to carry all our apparatus. for din ner, instead of using their bowls and chop sticks. Tho spoon and fork, appar ently made of solid silver, greatly aston- I ishes them, and the traveler is ready enough to own that they aro not silver at alL' When wo lift our food to our mouth, many hands move In a similar way, as they say quietly to one another, "Look! He is doing like this!"- Standing so closely around our small table that we ! feel inconvenienced, we entreat them to give us breathing room whilo we dine, and afterward we will talk to them. Many voices break forth with pleasure at our speaking to them. "The foreigner speaks our words," says one; "Yes, let him eat," says another; "Stand back, you man without propriety," says a third, ' whose zeal for good manners is evidently due only to his desire to secure a front place. At such a time one is almost always questioned in the same way. The most trivial and ridiculous questions are asked. The inquiries they make of a foreigner are such .as they commonly make among themselves. How far is it to your an cestral home? Are your venerable parents living? How many sons have your Was your linen made in China or in England? How do you get it so white? How are marriages arranged among the foreign children? What is your income?" A little mild banter is much appreciated by the crowd, but brings out a more rapid fusillade of questions. In tho country I places about Amoy I have been asked very zrequentiy, "wnere is the country where the people have one leg? one arm? one eye? and where there are onlywomen? Have you seen these lands?' What the origin of these notions is It Is hard to say. Perhaps some Chinese Baron Munchausen ! or Dean Swift wrote a burlesone book of ' travels, which has in the course of time been accepted as authentic by a peoplo who have for so many centuries stayed at home. IJOTS OX THE GREAT COAD3. In China every traveler carries his bed- with him; hi tho daytime it helps to the cart, or is laid, by way of sad- o, upon tho ass. The traveler may count himself fortunate if .he can find in some Mutual Prosperity or Heavenly Union hostel a tolerable room in which to re6t On the great roads, and the recog- nlzed stages, tho inns are pretty sure to be decent, but elsewhere they are often wretched In those of the better sort there is gen erally an eating house or tea shop on on side of the large door leading into the yard. The shop faces -the street, and is connected with the cook-house and pri vate rooms of the -landlord. - At this end, too, are the rooms occupied by the carters and others. Passing through the great door, the visitor finds himself in a large unpaved yard with buildings all round it. On one aide are, perhaps, six or eight guest rooms, little boxes about twelve feet square, with paper in place of glass for windows, doors which do not fit, and through tho openings of which wind and dust find their way. A very rickety old chair and an equally decrepit table are the only furniture, the bed being simply a brick or mud plat form filling nearly half the 'little room and raised about two feet from, the floor. Underneath it is a flue, into which, in cold weather, dry grass or other fuel is E ashed and fired, the heat and smoke pass- i lg in a zigzag line just under the sur face of the couch, and finally escaping up ' a vent in the wall.' Other nreplaco there i is none; and li, as often happens, the none: ana u. as oiien nannens. ine chimney should be .foul the warmed bed : is but a poor compensation for smarting eyes and partial, suffocation. But thcro are other rooms sometimes 'at the top of the yard, and it is always an object to se cure them, as they are a triflo larger and cleaner and probably in better repair. The charges are moderate, from 100 to 200 cash per night about 25 cents with extras for food and gratuities to servants. Boston fvvwi TfriiteiiTi tino- of tho Elephaat. -. The origin of the great proboscidian race in general, and of the mammoth and elephant group in particular, like the early history 'of Jeames de. la Pluche. is "wrop in obscurity." 'All we can say about them with any confidence Is that they form a 'comparatively late order of mammals, whose earliest recognizable representative in geological time is the monstrous deinotherium, an aquatic ani mal with a long trunk and with two im mense curved tusks, 'projecting 'down ward paradoxically from his lower instead of his- upper 'jaw. The deinotherium makes his. first appearance upon this or any other stage in the miocene period; but as he couldn't, of course, have ap peared there (like Aphrodite and. Topsy) without any parents, and as he was then already a fairly specialized and highly developed animal, we must take it for granted that his earlier ancestry, though ancient and respectable in its own time, -had long passed away, leaving not a wrack behind, so far as yet known, in the matter of tangible geological vouchers. These unknown ancestors, in all proba bility, gave birth during their earlier and more plastic stage for species, like indi viduaLvare most readily molded in their green youth to three main family branches. The senior branch produced the deinotherium, avast brute, who, find--ing the world too full to hold him, about the close of the tertiary period, demised suddenly without issue, leaving the honors .of the family in subsequent ages to the junior members. The second branch pro duced the mastodons huge creatures of elephantie outline and majestic tread. of them with tusks both In the upper and lower jaws, though the under pairwere always tne The third WatcUag tk' Fate IMat la a falsi a His Mal " aUsaains erf taw all i Eye Itjslaasai.rs ttels aa Eastac SnTSaasntsB-J in- eluding ootn our modern Indian ana Am can species, as well as the mammoth him self, and many other extinct congeners. All the elephants proper have but one solitary pair of tusks, and that pair is quite correctly located in the-upper jaw instead of the under one. Thus is evolu tion 'justified of all her children. The true elephants made their first appear ance, so far as known, in the Puocene period, that' is to say, the epoch immedi ately preceding the Great Ice age in Eu rope and America. They blossomed out at once, with all the usual impetuosity of youth, into an alarming number of dis tinct species. Cornhill Magazine. The Chair Bearers at CUaa. One of the most amusing adventures J 1 ever had with chair bearers was the'fol lowing: I hired two men to carry me in a "mountain chair" to a district dty about eighteen miles off. Our route lay over some very rough granite hills to a tiny viueurc, wuen; & wait w meet, wue vans tian brethren for an hour or two. Beach ing, this place .about 10 -o'clock in the morning, my friends, who wished to do me honor, extended their .'favors to my hired men, and unfortunately brought out the sanshoo, a strong liquor generally re served for feasts and special occasions.. Of this I was quite unaware when I left the village. We had not gone far "before one of tho men showed signs of a collapse. Two or three times he fell on his knees, but always declared there was nothing the matter with him. Another, mile, and both had succumbed. We were now upon a ridge of hills, and .before us was -a wide, sandy plain, stretching along for several miles, with nothing to break the -line of view. Pausing here until one of. the men had partially recovered, I made him take the chair upon his back and follow me; and the other I stuck up against a rock to fend for himself. My companion's endeavor to carry that chair properly would- have made the most sober temperance lecturer lose his gravity. By the time we reached an eating house on the farther aide, of the Slain we saw No. 2 on the far horizon, oing his utmost to make up for lost time, and an hour sufficed to bring him up moderately sober. When we arrived at the city I paid them their stipulated fare, contenting myself with adding a little teetotal discourse; but they amazed mo by asking for more. "Whati" I said, "you dare to ask-an extra fee after com pelling me to walk for miles and delaying me for several hours'" "But think, sir, one of them said, with a broad grin, "think what a trouble we have had to get you along!" Cor. Boston Bnlletln. An Artist's Adventure. The following adventure is toldby Mul ready, the artist: One bright moonlight night, in my student days, I was walking in a street on the outskirts of London, little better than a country lane, when a man came out of the shadow thrown by a large tree, and producing a pistol, ad dressed mo in the usual robber fashion with: "Your watch and money, please!" "I am a poor artist,'r said L "See, these are'my drawings. I have no watch; I have never been able to buy one." "Your money, then, and be quick!" All this time I was watching the fel low's face; it was very white, and I think lie was more frightened than I was. I gave him all tho silver I had about me; he said "Good night" civilly enough, and started off towards London. I made the best of my way home, and before I went to bed I drew the man's face very carefully. The next morning I went to Bow street with my drawing, hoping it might be recognized by the offi cers there, but no! Tho face, they said, was new to them. "If you will leave the likeness here, sir," said the chief detective, "we may, perhaps, come across the person it repre sents." That very soon happened; a fortnight had scarcely passed before I was called on to identify the man who had robbed me. He had been arrested ior murder and was easily convicted. Youth's Companion. Protection fives aad Poisoning. Much of the ill effects of the white lead manufacture may be avoided by due care on tho part of the men. The chief precau tions aro strict attention to personal cleanliness so that none of the dust of the white lead may remain on the akin. No food of drink should ever be partaken of or - bo allowed to remain in any of the fork rooms, and "sulphuric add lemon- ado" tuat 13, sweetened water With a few drops of pure sulphuric add to the glass, enough to communicate a pleasant tartness without setting the teeth on edge should be used as the ordinary drink. It is not pleasant having to ad mit that in some cases where white lead manufacturers have provided protective appliances, such as not baths, a room where such of the men as live at a dis tance may take their meals away from the poisonous substance all such precau tions are neglected, if not positively re fused. London .Scientific Notts. lAp Dogs auu Footmen. There Is another thing about life in London that struck me as sensible. At the shop doors there are seats on one side for .the footmen, and opposite a bench with steel chains. A carriage drives up. and a lady alights with her dog. The footman closes the carriage door and tbe vehicle drives off to make room for an other. Then the footman takes her lady ship's canine pet and chains it to tho bench, while he seats himself on the other. I have seen as many as five pretty little dogs fastened In this way. and so accustomed are they to the method there is no quarreling. I have an idea they ex change gossip as London servants do. and it would be Interesting to know, what these dogs think of high life hi London. Marshall P. Wilder In New York Her ald. Help for Harvard Stadents. A new help to student Work is for a pro fessor to gather out of the whole library such books (no matter how many) as. ho wishes his classes especially to study These are put in an alcove under his name, his. pupils having access to them ail day and taao them over night, return' s:m-j o. .. . . it imjwa m f-VOPfa"In ,& thlrtv.five. a. ." ii j A . . . e teachers thus reserved 3,830 books, hi 1886 fifty-six touchers reserved' 5,840. All books lent out numbered in 1880 41.986; In 1886. 60.105. This rate of in crease greatly outruns that of the number of students. It speaks of an Increasing industry and productiveness. And tho best thing about the intellectual life here Is that it is hopeful and not timid it looks forward. American Majranff A Jfew Portable Cooker. It is stated that the French govern ment has ordered 20,000 of the new port able cooker for camp purposes. A few days ago It was shown hi London to a gastronomic and scientific party of people. To prove the powers of the invention, tbe inventor, Mr. Wanzer, served up a dinner of three courses, which basted itself,' for thirty persons, tho entire cost of heating and cooking being less than two pence, and the arrangement goes by clockwork. The inventor claims' to have discovered a potent heat in steam, and this is the basis of tho invention. Once a Week. ' More Datable Ink Needed. President Bayles, of the. New York board of health, lately 'called attention to the subject of . tho use of more durable Ink, and enforced his words by saying that it was of importance to people all over tbe land.' He says that -verv mnnv I of the records of births, deaths and mar riages received at the oflico of the .board are written in aniline Inks, and that the paper upon which theie fugitive fluids are used becomes hi ten years perfectly blank, the ink having entirely evaporated. Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette. A Sister's ZUcat. She George, dear, I don't quite like the war you go on with Ethel White. And she fa as familiar as a sister would be He Yes; darling, that relationship was established hut June at Saratoga. New York Sun. It, First Citizen Your wife beems to have aged greatly of late. What Is tbe matter? Second Citizen She got that way wait ing for change in one of our big trimming stores. Pittsburg Bulletin. THE CONFEDERATE PRESS. HOW SOUTHERN PAPERS WERE PRINTED IN WAR TIMES. Seardtyat terlsls Dtralt at aad Sheet Maale Seng; TfeBCtS aad Pampleta New Novels. Side by aide with1 the reports of battles and the records of peace commissions, congresses and legislatures, the blurred columns, of the 'Confederate press . were wont to teem with domestic recipes for cheap dishes, directions for raising and utilizing various Vegetable' products, in structions for making much of little in matters pertainlnjr to everV phase 'of' household 'life. Hard by a list of dead and wounded would stand a recipe for tanning dogskins' for gloves; while the paragraphs just Succeeding the closing column of the description of a naval en gagement off Hampton roads were' direc tions for the use of boneset aa a substi tute for quinine, j The journals of that day were printed usually upon the poorest paper, made of straw and cotton rags, and so brittle that the slightest touji mutilated It. The ink. like the paper, was of the cheapest and commonest, and left Its Impression, not only on the face of the sheet, but on the hands no less jhan on the mind of the reader. Few fons of new type found their way into the Confederacy during the war. and at the end of four years the facilities for printing had come to a low ebb. It was no I uncommon thing for publishers to issue half sheets in lieu of a complete paper, with scarcely an apology to subscribers for the curtailment of their literary and news rations. It was gen erally understood that this happened only through stern necessity, and not from any disposition on tho part of the news- Sper men to give less than an equivalent r the subscription price. Sometimes the journal which on yester day appeared in jail the glory of a six column page was today cut down to a four column half sheet, or publication was suspended lylth the announcement tliat the stock of niaterials had been ex hausted, and that as soon as the office could bo replenished publication would be resumed. Eagerly as the rough sheets were looked for and closely as they were read, a diminution of matter in them, or "a failure to appear, caused only' passing comment or dissatisfaction. Men's minds were so filled with the thousand things that each day brought forth about them, there were so many rumors in tho air, and news flew so rapidly even without news paper aid, as to cause them not too greatly to miss that which today has come to be one of the veriest necessities of American life a daily journal full of all the doings of all the world. Sometimes even the coarse straw paper failed the publishing fraternity when an edition was absolutely imperative, yet in such emergency tho inventivo talent never deserted tnem. It was considered a won derful journalistic feat on the part of Its publishers for The Vickburg Citizen, dur ing the siege of that city, to make its ap pearance, when all other resources had failed, upon wall paper. Publishers of books and sheetmusic oc cupied a scarcely less helpless condition than tho newspaper people. - Their sole grounds of superiority consisted in the fact that the demands upon them were not so urgent. The girl .who sang to her soldier lover the popular songs of that time. "Lorena," iWhen This Cruel War is Over," "The Standard Bearer." or "Harp of the South," which were all duly advertised "at the retail price of $1 per sheet; the trade supplied, however, at half off, with an additional discount where 100 of one piece are ordered,"dld not experience that Immediate and insistent need of the song and its music which men and wo men alike felt for the newspaper that would tell them where the last battle had been fonght, which army had been vic torious, who had been promoted and who had fallen. Tho fateful column might contain evil or good report of some dear one, and its coming was full of interest and apprehension, let the sheet music, printed like the newspapers, in the rough est style, upon the 'commonest paper, with now and then. a caricatured litho graphic likeness of some Confederate gen ral on the title page, continued to be old and sung, even though its price ran from $1 to $2 per sheet. War songs and war music were the or der of the day, and the soldiers hi tho camps and the small boys in ragged jack ets shouted with an equal zest: The despot's heel is on thy shore! or Farewell fcrerer to the star spangled banner! from diminutive paper covered books of martial ballads. The little song books cost anywhero from two and a half to five Confederate- dollars, and their con tents, with a few notable exceptions, Were as mediocre as the paper on which they were printed. Tho sentiment was there, nevertheless, and this was cared for by the singers more than the music or the lyrical or literary excellence of the songs. The missionary and religious publish ing houses never ceased their praise worthy labor of printing tracts and pamphlets for distribution among the sol diers, but publications of a more ambi tious or secular standard were very few. Now and then some adventurous firm in Richmond or Charleston or New Orleans would issue a badly printed edition of. a new novel, reproduced from a copy smug gled In "through the lines" or brought by tho blockade runners from Nassau. Still, even "John Halifax, Gentleman." and "Les Miserables," which first appeared in the south In this way and this dress, lost much of their attractiveness in their Con federate garb of Inferior ink, bad t and worse paper. A. C. Gordon in Century. FbMaa; for Husbands. Recently there was ' a gathering of young married couples in Louisville, and the conversation turned on tho manner in which tho wives had secured their hus bands. One had paved the way to the altar by making a face at tho fated one because sho thought he had stared at her impudently. He admired her mettle, and sought an Introduction. Another made the acquaintance of 'the man who is now her husband by accidentally sousing him with a pan of dishwater, which she tossed out of tbe kitchen window into an alley just in time to catch him as he was pass ing. The one that was, howover, voted to be the most novel was the experience of a young man connected with the mu nicipal government. The Utter was in tho. habit of passing, on his way home, the' residence of the young lady who is now his better half, and one evening, out of a spirit of mischief, she "accidentally on purpose" turned the hose on him. - He faced about, blushed violently, and stam mered a "thank you" in response to her roguish smile, and from that moment he knew ho was fated. Chicago Herald. International Matrimonial Aconey. A German-local paper give3 away an in teresting' business. It says: "Very In teresting female figures are to be noticed at the Eonigsberg railroad depot e eon-. slderable number of young, pretty maids coming from Russia and bound to Amer ica, there to get married. No fallacious illusions caused them to leave their na tive country. They had beenregularly engaged by.a commercial concern that it in the international matrimonial busi ness, and for some time has been supply ing marriageable women to the fanners of western American regions -where the population is thin and there is great' de mand forintelligent, able bodied house wives willing-to share in a farmer's life. Some shrewd business men having be come aware of this need; and considering Russia the best field' wherefrom to get tho best crop to suit American farmers, have established a company as above stated for the recruiting of female imaU grants." Foreign Latter. If I Herbert Baally. Miss Edith, I am very sorry I kissed you. I didn't think what I was doing. It is a sort ot temporary ia sanity in our family. IBss Edith .(pitying!)-!! you feel any mors snf h rtacw had better come right hen iiifizsatty.is kavnrn, sjbjk wa your wffitt of Want of Sleep la sending theasaads annually to the -iaaane asylum ; and the doctors say this trouble is alarmingly oa the increase. Tbe usual remedies, while they may give temporary relief, are likely to do more harm than good. What is needed is an Alterative and Blood-puriiier. Ayer's SsWMpaxilla is incomparably the best. It corrects those disturbances in the circulation which cause sleepless ' ness, gives increased vitality, and re stores the nervosa system to a healthful condition. Rev. T. G. A. Cote, agent of the Mass. Home Missionary Society, writes that his stomach was out of order, his sleep very, often disturbed, aad some iin-' purity of the blood manifest ;' bnt that a perfect cure was obtained by 'the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Frederick W. Pratt, 424 Washington street,-Boston, writes: "My daughter was prostrated with nervous debility. Ayer's Sarsaparilla restored her to health." William F. Bowker, Erie, Pa., was cured of nervousness and sleeplessness by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for about two months, during which time his weight increased over twenty pounds. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED RY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Hold by all PruggUU. Price $1 ; six bottles, Sa. certain tMgas or Civtii The governor of the Gold coast made a visiting tour among the native' chiefs-in his district to learn their desires of the government. The kins; of Pram Pram wanted to revive an old custom.' of which apart required the exhumation of the dead; the people of Quetta wanted the tax on spirits reduced. from a shilling to sixpence; Addah wanted a reduction of the rum tax, a road to the' beach, a school, a bell to mark' the time, and a free ferry across the Valta river and increased sala lies to the chiefs; tbe kings of Odumassle and Akropong each begged for a pair of handcuffs and a lamp: There are signs of civilization on the Gold coast. New York 8nn. The B. k ERR have' arranged to run several Harvest excursions from the east to Nebraska points, including Co lumbus. Any persons desirous of advis ing friends in the east of these excur sions can have them advised from our Omaha office by addressing J. Francis, Genl Passenger Agt., or by advising C. E. Barrell, Agt., Columbus, Neb. Who hastens a glutton chokes him. At this season of the year people can not be too careful about keeping their bowels regular. 'Bilious and malarial diseases are often brought on by allow ing the bowels to become torpid. An occasional dose of St. Patrick's Pills is all that would be required, and might prevent serious sickness. For sale by Dowty & Becher. He that loves the tree, loves the branch English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses; blood spavin, curbs, splints, sweeney, ring-bone, stifles, sprains, all swolen throats, coughs, etc. Save 850 by use of one bottle. Warranted. Sold by C. B. Stillman, druggist, Co umbua 6-ly He that talks much of his happiness, summons grief. The Passenger Department of the Union Pacific, "The Overland Route," has issued a neat little pamphlet, pocket size, entitled "National Platform Book," containing the democratic, republican and prohibition platforms, together with the addresses of acceptance of Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison and Clin ton B. Fisk; also tabulated tables show ing the plurality vote, the electoral vote and an analysis of the vote as cast for Cleveland and Blaine in 1884. This book is just what is needed at this time and should be in the hands of every voter. It plainly sets forth what each party has to offer and every reader can draw his own comparisons. Sent to any address on application. Address, J. S. Tebbets, Genl Passenger Agt, Union Pacific By, Omaha, Neb. He that gives all before he dies, pre pares to suffer. Aa Absolute Care. The ORIGINAL ABEETLNE OINT MENT is only put up in large two-ounce tin boxen, and is an absolute cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands and all kinds of skin eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Aak for the ORIGINAL ABITINE OINTMENT Sold by Dowty & Becher at 25 cents per box by mail 90 cents. mar7y He that endures is not overcome. Cholera Morbus is one of the most painful .and dangerous diseases, many deaths result from it each year, usually because it is not properly treated. The most severe cases may be cured, by us ing Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It never fails. Sold by Dowty & Becher. He that gains well and 'spends well, needs no account book. Fashion, and society, impose many privations up on the female sex, in the way of dress. Kret in onefreak, and then another, and from the fact, that many of them are un healthy in the extreme, it is small won der that many women succumb, and that "female weaknesses" are the too frequent result. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the only positive cure for these complaints in existence, and thousands of women can bear witness to its efficacy. "Favorite Prescription" is a legitimate medicine, carefully com pounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's del icate organization. It is the only medi cine for' women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee, from the manufac turers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be- refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle ' wrapper, and- faithfully earned out for many years. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, or Anti-bilious Granules, Laxative or Cathartic accord ing to sire of dose. Purely vegetable. Goods are theirs that, enjoy them. -He that sends a fool expects one. pi pui Y?gs,h nlllllL I SoraTant that will .not tab them from their hones aad fantujss. The proitsate Jane aad saw for every indnntrions nenoa. away have aade aad ara now mstriar sevwnainmaMdollafnaBtoata. Itlsearyfor aaycaetonislmSSsadnpwardsperday.wnois wuliaartowork. BlIaM ssi.(iaaaoroM;cani talaot needed: we start yea. SrsrythiaaT new. ". - liflrtsa aaaMasawXawaea waawaa wntansbnsn naaa alW aA anVaBwaasaU aamamUKs naawBaTStma ralwaV aTnanananwera feasant SO TW avJSsBasaaei aaMaewajaj atawavW we dF. awawaaante) aaaiawa it assaUjss any one. Write tow at one for fall nafttealan, waieh vtasU free. Htiasoa Co.. fertlaad, He. Clevr Hie trk'rXi joi lrSiSmcmBMSi'BBUtr This is the Top of the Genuine Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. Allothers, similar are imitation. on This exact Label is oaeach Pearl Top Chimney. A dealer may say nnd think he has others as good. BUT HH HAS NOT. Insist upon tbe Exact Label and Top. F33 SUE EVEEYttKEK!. NADE CHLT BY m. A. MACBETH & CO., Fii&srgfc, Pi. Contains also full and complete Ii of both HARRISON &H0RT0N tbesmtMantlard beams. l!!sM. with numerous ttiperbpor traits. Among the authors will te found the aameicf Sena toriFnre. Chandler. HaIey. Inalls. Jofca D. Lonrjwpubt ejEOT.oMiM., McKinley of O.'.io. ,ltrs on tbcTarlST. HeaiyCabocLo!ze.aadantiintrof other; of alike prom "P"- '"'J' atuktntic CamfMgn J!m. imjri44 tht-P.at.Ktf.Crm. lon'rlinlucel to rt anv other. Dii taaceBohinderanceaswepar all frrigbt (barges. Send SU cents in ic. sumps for outfit and 1 the first in the Said or '"fA' full particulars and Special Terms enr ftm. t n WINTER t CO., Wk. Sprlncfleld, Mass. 6000 Book Agents wanted to sell TSTJK UFS AND PUBLIC SSUVICSS Or over Cleveland Vail and complete from bU boyhood to hi. amuhutlon In SU tenia, srlia peraoul mablKMieM, ttxiJ.nt. and mtJotn rtorcMhr Dlnttmud with uhI portraha aad wd rjrrln. TW Was nfcw anatelra a ntwra Vurmlt aad a f?tl and cvarptea UROrXBS. CLEVELAND, toctthw wlia a complete Mefraaay or ALLEN O. THUBAfl. 4 aw la u ens Cent', Aye. voai aa waecaa o f j wuw. m - itaoruea uvea, out uie i nm w. "" , e " par all iraatporiauoacaarna. cm a aad be ike Snt la tbe SrM, aadtaoe reap Write for rail tmnin'am and Special Terms Meanmlale. am fne la alL AUnm. WINTER CO. rata arinsnsld, Mass. Thoroughly cleanse tho blood, which is the fountain of health, by using- Dr. Pierce's GoM en Medical Discovery. anf good dJaesUon. a lair skin, buoyant spirits, and bodily bealta aad vigor will be established. Golden Medical Discovery cures all humors, from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the worst Scrofula, or blood-poison. JmV pecially baa it procn its efficacy in curing Salt-rheum or Tetter. Eczema, &Tatpelaa. Fever-sores, Hlp-Jolnt Dtaeaee. Scrofulous Sores and Swelling. Enlarged Glands. Goi tre or Thick Neck, aad Eating Sores or Ulcers. . . Goldea Medical Discovery .euros wrjawsnp tion (which is Scrofula of the Lungs), by tta wonderful blood -purifying, iavQrorating. and nutritive properties, if taken in tfaw. Tor Weak Lungs. Spitting of Bipod. Short ness of BreathTCntarrh in the Head. Bron chitis. Severe Coughs. Asthma, and kudred affections, it is a sovereign remedy. It promptly cures the severest Coughs. For Torpid Liver. Bil.ouanejfcor fIJver ComplainC' Dyspepsia, and toW an unequaled remedy. Sold by druggists. Price SLOO, or six bottles for SlOft. Taaasaaaaassaaa sraaasaasrsch,sraaeaa fraaas I BBWamBasteTosvsyaawrasaasUWaaaaarsrasBmBi taassaWaasyaasaeana4.tbeseeaeToaosraprm WaiasnilsasaamUleaTemsasr.aasKttam Sescli sail rtTTT nn'"" . " taessms1sat sssaasssMaaeaylecaittT.alsrsjareaubalarxatraaemr 1 ansa" liar asati las aa-i tmi ti - "T --' waaaaayatriasaaaioSKaaatBaafrmtm smiiiaslllai wastry. Taia. the meet sruu Jarful oSW aver taewaJs Basse aa arose Sans ear samples stay be placed airmen smaia.jian Wsean.nlloTsrametVa. Write at oaee.anS smtamars nflms rtiaaT Xasdertt srtll be bardlraay trouble fcereatossw Sj.aiansssSss!kammraaaaaycsHatar Sanaa S euss reanrs ami to aaoasaaUaasetory. a postal card ear CATARRH COLD HEAD. Try the Cure Ely's Cream Balm CSeeuises the IVasal Passages. Al lays TnHYnmtinn- Hcalstfco SOTOS. Bastores tho Senses of Tasto, Small and Hearing. TtifaOe.mtWtmmmlitimm'Wr xaMmnaatajmwmimmjsitmrmau Law flUtfteaa--'HB- Q, M -rBIWSawawawak''''" t" YvnwavaVSHIInVanKa " -isnwnwIQpSSSpPPlR! a4SSaY eKrSewk rafkKfLir .JaswaswaswaswaB1" -aWSyasf'-Mi J"-WVwji'' nrkwaan-aTrr ""TIIIT lasaaalBBaaaaaal A tecsttaaa-i IIBbIwBi Baaaaaaaaajakaeaar. Warrantee, swaey aBmaaaaaaaaWmaVSasavaSnsaS e K-TwWKbLT&itMt aaS maralSreal KmMMotmUUm-lutntfWmW favaBBaaaaK9'mV'B srorte am eaaaa ef WananananESKSBBBsV etnJWsmnXaaMe)ni waaaaaaaaaaaaaar' taeaca laeainyc ecemrec a.BBsaaaaaaaaaaaaaars BrSaanB. Stow as Ilia mil lilt S nfaStpSjaaaan' weaaarmar srasraateawpar. r -mmjAajmnam- ,!. each uealttp, to keep ks anafaaawaaaaaaasr yjnmia waoeeJlajiumplrli -j"' sraacase anna as eassneaxi eons ana awrmsenaiirm aaeaearaSeafSTtaer.srbynoaarmlasoae. Sattfjmaaa aaaS inejr asarasa aa ones, joo eaa aaearn aTSeBOK one el Mm kasnaslieesM snseaas la tee erortd and oar terra Saeef TSmwZVaUUAWMM. We par eUeasssav .. eta. ilsisafiselgTT""'L"" ,"", ..-.. iBsssSalsawM aMAaVC!eV' 1 Coluiliiis Liter Co. FAMILY : JOUKNAL. A Weekly Newspaper issied every Wedieslay. 32 Cftliaus f reaiii-g Batter, cm- sistiigef Nebraska State News I tews, Selected Stsries aid Miseellaiy. VHriEipIe copiee sent free to any aaMresn. Subscription price, SI a ytar, to Iwhranct. Address: Itf. K. Turner Sc Co., Columbus, Platte Co., Nebr. LOUIS SCHREIBER. BlaMliu.WafiOBMa.ir. All kiauis f Repairing dtae Shsrt Netiee. Baggies, Wag- is, ete., atade U trder, aad all werk tiaar- aateed. ill tk verli-fiaanMi Walts- A. Weed Mtwsn, jtoptn, Csstsia d afaekimw, MaTTsttsn, aad aWaiatftn-the Wilt "Shop opposite the "Tattersall," oa Olive SU COLUMBUS. Zi-m HENDERSON .09 t m m. mn St. kmmsms city. m. Vim only eiaHst la tta Ofjr mho it a Btgular Gradual in aTewrtsr Omt iOnttut' Practiet, 12 yfars to CUssge. TrSIJSTMa.awtlJKSTlJCnt. .aSv AnthnrtZPd bT the state to treat aWmt- ? Cbronlc.Xervoaaaad "Special Dla M5 eases." Seminal Weakness nigftf j6sse)JSexuall)ebUUy (IouojbuoJ ToniHr. Nervous uemiitv. rowooea ( iUoed.Ulcera nndSwelllDgu rf every ! in kind. Urinary Diseases, aad la fact. all troubles or diaeaaea In either male or female. Coram a-uarantee! or money refunded. Charges low. Thousands ot cases curea. j&xpenence la important. ai medi cines, are guaranteed to be pure and efficacious, being compounded In my perfectly appointed laboratory, and are ram ished ready for use. So running to drug stores to nave uncertain pre scriptions filled. No mercery or injurious medi cines used. XodetanttoafroBibtulDeat. Patients at a distance treated by letter and express, medi cines sent everywhere free from gaze or break age. Mate yoar case and send for terms. Con sultation free and confidential, personally or by letter. A M page TIslAmf Vev Beth Sexes, sent Illustrated arVWaa sealed in plain envelop for 6c." In stamps. Every male, from the ace of 15 to 44, sbuuld read this book. RHEUMATISM TK GraTlwaSi assaWKJMt A POSITIVE CTRR be rhkchatish. e&e nraareaee taia treatment nam la care or fcrlp. (.rreteet aiasererr la annals f medicine. Oaeoeeestsea relief ; slew abets rtmore. frvrrand pain In joints; Cure computed In S la I dais. 8en4 tare rant of ease with stamp Sir Circulars. Call, or mdirtm Or.HENOERSON,rM W.tSt fe.KaasMi FAUHU-: .V 1MAOSKAW. Succrwors tit fiiille t lltmhrll). BRICK MAKERS ! fVf"'ntrnct(r and bnililors will nnd onr brick firt-cInxM .-mil offered t raminuhle rater.. YVaro al.HO r.-iar(-t to ! all kinriit of brick work. lfiuiajrsm 3. ripfs AsrM'CotJGJtf fironctoti;' m. ana I Seic? for Ocohr.J Ptvt3f-9.g- iABLEjl NE f(lLD.jCQ,QMIULXAy . O nee., a TtrraTMCarraa V. ..a e thcONLY- frwuicIy cuFtE'ron .Smsse fcUCfcx' CATAftRH AHIFTfrsPMrnVOfllVlLLECAU OOWTTTsT eft TOEXJOJEa. - Trade sapplied by tne II. T. Cioaa Oaro Co., LKeb. jmartB-iy;. . K Csre.Mo. i'ni tasJ- -TUTc t- ccatpto coiGHfl - -TOST -0 aw t"T(HmI,MS T-l , BV yS Vt iSiffli Mm- aT BLSeat F at aSaWaw- -saaaae- aw . . -. ... j : j0 j n ;16J-j ESSSm. JK 'ST vavwj; tfj.-v