The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 31, 1888, Image 2

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olumb us Journal.
Entered at the PoeUoffioe, ColaabM, Hab., m
econd-class mail matter.
Columbus, Net.
- TEBX3 or suBscairnos: mail, postage prepaid,
Six montnft
Xhfee mo&tiis,. "
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-""Specimen copies moiled tree, on applica
' ' When subscribers change their place of resi
dence they should at once notify us by letter or
postal card, giving Lotb their former and t!ien
nmjit Twwit-nffim. the first enables us to rcaul'y
and the name on our mailing list, from which,.
being in type, we eacn weea pmu, Miner uu uic
wrapper or on the margin of your JocBSAi., the
date to which your subscription is paid .or ac
counted for. Itemittances should -be uia:lo
either by money-order, registered letter or draft,
payable to the order of .
All .communications, to secure attention, ninst
cornwDondent in every scnoouu&inwi
Platte county, one ofgood judgmont, ami ro
liabl in every way. Write plainly, each itwi.
aeiarately. Give as facta.
For President,
Of Indiana.
For Vice-Prewidcnt,
Of New York.
For ItcpreHentative in Congress, SdDistrict,
.For (Governor,
For Liculpnant (lnvcrnnr,
For Secretary "f State,
For State Treasurer,
J. 11 HILL.
For State Auditor,
For Attorney "ontml,
For (Viminissioner Public lindsand Ituildihge,
For SiiiKTintendent Pnblic lnNtmetion,
Iief dative.
For Senator 12th Senatorial District,
W. A. MoAt.LlSTElt.
ForltepresentativeZ'ith District;
For Heiriontntive21th Distriet,
' For County Attorney,
. J (. KEEPER.
. Toon Sackville Wcet!
Rhine bail his Burchard and Cleve
land iias his West!
'"Tun only time England can use an
Irishman is when ho emigrates to Amer
ica and votes for free trade." London
" ' If tiny democrat is in donbt as to how
- he should vote on national matters, let
him address a letter to Mr. West at
Is it possible that the democratic
party is importing votes for McShane
from the territories west of us? We
hope not-
At Ottawa, 111., on the morning of the
27th, Hess & Crotty's lime works were
set afiro by a bolt of lightning and burn
ed, loss $15,000.
Gboveb Cleveland has done more
. to advance the cause of free trade than
any prime minister of England has ever
done." London Spectator.
Fkom Aberdeen, Dale we learn that
the snowfall on the night of the 25th
was general throughout central Dakota.
The weather was warm and the flakes
melted as fast as they fall.
If manliness is any qualification for
the highest office in the gift of the peo
ple of the United States, and it certainly
is, then there is no shadow of question
against Harrison over Cleveland.
Mrs. Jackson and Miss Nellie Norris
on the 2Sth inst, at Cleveland, poured
gasoline on the kitchen floor to kill
roaches. It ignited from the range and
an explosion resulted. Both women
were fatally burned.
Poob West, how the world pities him
an honest man doubtless, but a poor
diplomat. His letter may, however, in
fluence, some Englishman who is not yet
wholly American in his transfer of al
legiance, to vote for Cleveland instead
of Harrison.
Tire grand jury of the first district
court at Provo, Utah, last. week found
231 indictments for offences against the
'United States statutes, chiefly unlawful
cohabitation, adultery and such other
offenses as grow out of- the practice of
. polygamy.
The next apportionment for republi
can party purposes, state and county,
will doubtless be made upon the vote
for Gov. John M. Thayer, for governor.
See to it that your township casts the.
full republican vote for Thayer for gov
ernor, otherwise your representation will
and ought to be cut down.-
Two ladies from Pennsylvania, and
visiting their brother, A. McKirsley,
near West Liberty, Iowa, were killed on
on the night of the 25th by the Burling
ton & Cedar Rapids passenger train.Their
death was due to the stubbornness of a
boy who persisted in driving across the
track when the engine was almost upon
them. He lost his own life and also the
life of a liorse by his folly.
See that the name of Wm. Leese, for I
attorney general is on your ticket . A
special effort is being made now at the
close of the campaign to defeat him by
plastering the republican ticket. Let
republican workers watch .the tickets
closely, but, better still, republican vot
ers and men of all other parties who wish
to see re-elected a man who has worked
well for the. public, should see that his
1 is on their tickets.
Jeka-H. GesdriBg, Esq., tkmdriag Vive the
Vetera Light.
The supervisors' record, No. 2, pages
231 and 232, contains the'following para
graph: Thursday p. na-, Jan, 5, 1888.
Supr. Henry presepted the following
resolution: .
:. "Resolved, that the County Attorney
be instructed to proceed-at .once to col
lect fines . and costs assessed 'against
Reinhold Brandt and others -by the
District Court. Carried."
The light" wanted," Mr. Gondring,
.will readily suggest itself to your mind,
and the Journal stands ready 'next
week to publish what you have to offer
on this -subject. Let it be brief and
In our last issue we called upon Co.
Atty John M. Gondring to throw some
light upon this matter. He has not seen
fit. to dp so, the presumption .being,
either that he thinks it a matter of no
consequence, whatever, or else that he
is not able to so explain it as to clear
himself from severe censure.
The cases referred to. were instituted
in the name of the State against Rein
hold Brandt, charging him with the vio
lation of law, and fines were assetsed.
Not being paid, it was very natural
that the county supervisors, a body of
men charged with looking after the gen
eral welfare of the county, should pass a
resolution, introduced by RE Henry
(himself a democrat, so that it cannot be
charged as a political resolution), direct
ing the county attorney, Mr. Gondring,
to proceed at once and collect these fines,
amounting to a good portion of the
yearly salary of the county attorney. So
far as we have been able to learn, Mr.
Gondring has. done not a single thing
towards their collection, and it doesn't
look now as though be ever intended to
do so.
Why is this? The fines were collecta
ble at the time. The school fund, where
they belong, is always ready to receive
them. They were assessed for the viola
tion of law, and the machinery of the
law, expensive to the tax-payers of the
county, had been invoked to make the
prosecution. Why not proceed to col
lect as the county board directed?
Carl Brandt, one of the sureties in this
case, nominated Mr. Gondring at the
county democratic convention, thus
seeming to be a political friend of Mr.
Gondring's. What is the county attor
ney's motive for doing nothing since
January last, in response to the county
board directing him to proceed at once
to the collection of these fines?
Since writing the above we have had
a conversation with Mr. Gondring and
asked him to make a statement for pub
lication in the Journal, concerning the
matter. This he declined to do, but es
sayed to defend himself in various ways.
We cannot see how any official, acting
as lie has done in this matter, can justify
his course.
We now specify three cases: one, Oct.
30, '8C, where the fine was $25 and costs
02, known as the screen case; two others
April 15, W, fine $100 each and costs.
Now here are upwards of $400 with in
terest from the date of judgment. They
run along from Oct '80, to April W, nil
through 7, no execution is ordered out
by the county attorney. The board pass,
a resolution in Jan. 1888 directing the
attorney, who is the servant of the coun
ty for that special business, ordering
him -to proceed, at once, (not wait as
long sis you have already waited) pro
ceed at once (not wait until after the
next county election) proceed at once to
collect these fines. What was necessary
to collect these fines at once? There is
nothing exempt from an execution of
this kind. How proceed then, as the
county's law officer, at once, to collect
these fines? Evidently, by ordering an
execution. This he has never done. Now,
why has he not done so. If Mr.Gondring
was anxious to serve the public, anxious
to obey the order of the county board
of supervisors, anxious to see this sum
of money placed safely where it belongs,
in the school fund, wouldn't he, long be
fore this, have ordered an execution is
sued? Let any candid man answer.
The people have always held the school
fund sacred to the benefit of the child
ren of the state and they will continue
to so hold until every man in public
office, no matter how honest his pro
testations, will be taught to know that
they must not be tampered with, even
by a county attorney, who has considera
ble to do with the proper enforcement of
the laws or with the improper manage
ment of the official matters of the county.
The ordinary citizen can have his
"say" of approval or condemnation of a
public servant when he is asked to re
elect him to office. When he don't do
his duty, don't re-elect him. Mr. Gond
ring, evidently, should step down and
A campaign of prejudices is always a
poor scheme, and invaribly re-acts upon
those who undertake it, because, while
it might succeed in hoodwinking a few
voters, naturally it would disgust a good
many more. Some' democrats in this
vicinity last week tried to make a great
stir over the state live stock commission,
especially directing their shafts at the re
publican party for foisting such a law
upon the state, ete, etc Oh, it was a
fearfully b-a-d thing! The intelligent
reader hereof will doubtless remember
that George Barnhart of this city is gen
erally the man who holds the gun when
the glandered horse goes down, and up
on his devoted head, of course, is heaped
all the abuse. Well, George is a good
shot, not only with a rifle, but with his
mouth,, also. Coming down town Satur
day morning, he was assailed by a
chorus of democratic voices, concerning
the wickedness of the commission law,
which he defended by .saying that an
imals, afflicted with contagions diseases
should be killed, there was no doubt of
that, and the owners should have some
pay for their animals, because they were
sacrificed for the public good; the law
and its enforcement is commending
itself to the farming and stock-raising-community
everywhere, etc George is
good at an argument and he had the
best of it but the chorus kept up, never
theless. The democrats thought they
had a good run on George and they kept
up the fifing. Finally George says, gen
tlemen, "if I was in your place I would
not go back on McShane in that style.
Ominous silence for a few moments.
What could the democratic candidate
for governor have to do with this thing!
Indeed I wouldn't As senator, in '1885,
he was the author of the law, engineered
it to a passage and afterwards recom
mended my appointment to Governor
Dawes. I wouldn't if I was you, go
back on McShane for that" George
bad the sidewalk to himself.
Aa'Atteapt at Bribery.
M. H. Barber, editor of the Nance
county Journal, in the issue of October
25th in an article 'under the following
headlines, says: "Will O. E. Green's gold
buy a seat in the next Nebraska legisla
ture? Can he .subsidize the press of
Platte and Nance counties to hide his
blackened record?"
Tho "above are questions which are
pertinent just now to the people of these
Will the people vote to' send to the
legislative halls of this state a man who
finds it necessary to buy up the press in
order to suppress the facte in regard to
his checquered career?
The editor' of the Journal was offered,
on Monday last, quite a sum of money in
hand by a man who claimed to be a clo3e
friend of O. E. Green's, ostensibly for
the purpose of suppressing any "slush
or stories" derogatory of said "Green's
character, but really for the purpose of
muzzling the press so that the people
may not be informed as to his real char
acter. This money was urged upon us, but
nmmnilv ratnaoA ' vJa linn hnnAri nnt.
I to Im railed tinon to nnblish anything in'
this campaign which reflected on any
man's private character, and had so ex
pressed our desires. But after mature de
liberation,we have concluded that a candi
date for office, whose- private character is
such that he finds it necessary to buy
up the press in order that he may not be
exposed to the public, will not get any
consolation or comfort from the Journal.
We have never taken any man's gold for
political support and take it for granted
thai the candidate who finds it neces
sary to subsidize the press is not worthy
of support We had intended to erase
from the article signed "Tax Payer," in
another column, certain strictures on
Mr. Green's private character, but have
come to the conclusion that it was, in
view of this article and others to follow,
that the offer to buy our silence was
made, that he shall have, the full benefit
of the whole truth.
If our statement in this article is de
nied, we stand ready to make affidavit to
the facts.
Tke Markets or the World.
Mr. McKinley of Ohio has taken the
stump in -New York and is received
with tho greatest enthusiasm. In. an ad
dress to a great audience in Brooklyn
the other evening ho effectually disposed
of the "markets of the world" delusion
which their present possessor, Great
Britain, appears so anxious to share
with us. With free cotton our exports
are nothing as compared with England's
and not even equal to our own imports
of cotton goods, with free hides we ex
port each year the magnificent amount
or $1,000,000 worth of boots and shoes.
"Why talk of a foreign market,! said Mr.
McKinley;' "we don't possess our own
yet The best market in the world is
the American market Let's get the
balance of our own market We've got
more money than any other market in
the world. We spend more money than
any other country in tho world. We
waste more money than any other coun
try.. This market is the prize of tho na
tions of the world. They would give un
told millions to carry .this election, and
it would be money in their pockets."
Lincoln Journal.
The Polish Jew sufferers of Ramsey
count", Dak., ought' to be helped out of
their trouble. It is shameful that in
this country, families of men, women
and little children should suffer from
cold and hunger. They came to the
country with some money, and then a
failure of crops striking them, they bor
rowed money at 12 per cent on real es
tate mortgages and from 2 to 5 per cent
a month on chattels, and were hnally
dispossessed, of everything they had of
valuo to satisfy the rapacity of creditors.
A correspondent says: "We " visited
about twenty houses and. found all, with
two exceptions, without a stick of wood
or any other material for fire. On Sat'
urday the ice was three-fourths of an
inch thick,-and we found numerous lit
tle children with bare feet and legs. The
minister's wife was found living in a hut
the floor consisting of the bare ground,.
one little girl blue with cold, and an
other in her crib huddled up, trying to
keep warm. Their furniture was in
keeping with the rest, and their supply
of food consisting of dry crumbs of bread
kindly sent, by a neighbor from their
scanty supply. Another woman we
found the same morning with two little
girls with bare limbs and feet, trying to
keep warm on the sunny side of the
house. Some creditor had taken her
cow, and left her-to starve with her little
Oar State Seaatonfeip.
The republicans of this 12th senatorial
district have nominated the old stand
by, Hon. W. A. McAllister, of Columbus,
for the upper house of the legislature.
He has served several terms in the leg
islature from the district comprising
Colfax and Platte counties and 'has a
record that he can be proud of and one
the people appreciate. As a legislator
he is honest and sincere in the support
of all measures for the .good of his con
stituents and his record in the past has
shown him to be a true representative of
the masses. He has had experience and
is known to be just and true and having
been tried and not found wanting it is
bad policy to not again elect -him. .The
democrats have placed in the- .field
against him one, Michael. Mah'er, of Lost
Creek, Platte county, a man against
whom we hear nothing wrong, yet he is
not to be-compared in the light of the
position he seeks with our McAllister:
He is without experience and his natural
legislative ability- is decidedly slim-.
Colfax county always has given McAllis
ter a majority and no doubt will do so
again, but let us make it a big one this
time to show that we recognize worth,
endorse honesty, and approvo of compe
tency. Schuyler Quill.
The republicans have placed in nomi
nation for county representative a re
spected citizen of Humphrey. W. A
Hampton is particularly fitted for legis
lative work, for several reasons: lie has
a quick intellect that could readily ob
serve and grasp the situation and state
of 'a question, and 'having observed, he
has the moral courage to stand up.for
his convictions against all odds that
may be brought against him. He has a
dignity of manner, and high regard for
honor and right .that would make him
I unapproachable by the polluting, pur
chasing power that thwarts the will of
the masses, by corrupting the legisla
tors. -He makes the work in hand his
study and has the qualifications to make
an able, efficient and useful servant and.
will appceciate the honor, if elected,
by giving the office the thorough atten
tion, care and study that has character
ized his private business and has been
the cause of his success. Humphrey
1 Independent
Let it be remembered that every com -
petihg foreign article sold in this coun
try takes the place of a domestic made
article which might have been sold. Just
so much more foreign goods as are sold
to our people, jos't so much less domestic
goods' can be sold. If domestic goods
cannot be sold they will made. If
not made; employment in their manu
facture .must stop, idleness ensue," and'
with it privation and distress. It is not
enough for the .theorist to say that men
thus thrown out of employment can-take
hold of something else. Other lines of
business are now as full asmanufactnres.
-Crowding agriculture with men else
where thrown out will inevitably depress
that industry. Thousands who are now '
buyers of products will be-unable to pay
and will "either raise what they need or'
go without Wages will go down under
the diminished demand for the products
of farm, and factory, hard times will
reign supreme and the- free' trader's mil
lenium will draw nigh. Then, and not
till then, can goods be produced as
cheaply here as in- Europe, for labor un
der such' conditions can be procured on
equal terms here and abroad. Selected.
Democracy may shout itself ' hoarse
for free trade or its" modified form for
purposes of deception, as in the Mills
.bill but American manufacturers and
workingmen are not going to play-into
the hands of English capitalists. Every
intelligent man knows that the working
multitudes of the United . States are
better paid, better boused, better fed,
better clothed, and happier than labor
ers in any other land under the sun, and
that protection has been a great agency
in accomplishing it. Such' facts knock
the wind' out of all their "fine.snnn
The New York Star asserts that "Har
rison, Morton and Blaine and their asso
ciates are under British influence and'
bound' to sustain a policy desired by
stipendiaries of the British government"
But it makes no quotations from Eng
lish newspapers in proof of its assertion.
The idea that "British influence" favors
"American protection, is too silly a prop
osition for a newspaper with a thimble
ful of brains to entertain. Inter-Ocean.
Mr. Dorset has. made a good repre
sentative in congress from the great
Third district and deserves to be return
ed, as he undoubtedly will be. For all
the material interests of the district, for
all the men of the district who had
business with the government,-he has
been a faithful public servant, and that
irrespective of party or politics. With
his experience he will be able to ac
complish for tho district ten times- as
much as either of his opponents, if elect
ed, and this is saying nothing against
them. A vote lor Dorsey is a vote to'
sustaiu the policy of the republican par
ty as applied to national matters and
which proved of such incalculable .value,
to the country. '
A cowboy from the Snake river coun
try brought news, last week to Cheyenne,
Wyo:, of tho lynching of F. W. Adams
and a companion known as "Dutcliy."
These men had leen warned to desist
killing and slaughtering elk and deer for
their horns and hides, in violation of
law, by an ex-ranchman named Johnson,
who said he would report them to the
authorities if they did not. desist. This
enraged the hunters, who that night
burned down the house of Johnson and
threatened to kill him if he interfered
again. Johnson rode to tho settlement
near by and gathered a force of .forty
men, who .caught the hunters and hang
ed them.
Any apprehension that the democrats
may have expressed about the fitness of
Benjamin Harrison to occupy the presi
dential chair that his head was too
small, for instance, for his grandfather's
hat, was long since dispersed. Harri
son's fitness is no longer questioned even
by democrats.- He has the mental abili
ty to make, a great president and .a good
one, and, having the ability- and after
the 4th of March the opportunity to ex
ercise it in the president's office,the conn
try will bo satisfied, pleased that once
again the chief magistrate is a man,, in
every good 6ense that the word implies.
Harrison and. Morton, backed by the
republican party, will, do justice- to tho
soldiers of the republic yet alive, and to
the widows and orphans of those who
have passed over to the majority. While
entirely tolerant of all political beliefs
they will not elevate to office and high
position, the ex-rebels of the country,,
who are not in line with the progressive
spirit of the times. The patriotic. sol
dier should have the preference over the
rebel soldier the man who sustained
his government when attacked, against
him who would have destroyed it
Elect Cleveland, and you virtually
say we approve the Mills bill, and the
president's message: The policy that
has made the .country prosperous, has
developed pur natural resources beyond
any precedent known in the history of
any .civilized people, has diversified our
industries, and -has made our home mar
ket the beBt of any in the world this
-policy you reverse, and institute anoth
er that, if followed up, will lead to dis
aster and ruin. It cannot be -that the
American people will deliberately do
this. .-
A vote for McAllister, Olson and
Hampton means three votes in .the gen
eral assembly for Senator Mahderson's
re-election. Mr. Manderson has .done
well for Nebraska, giving our state great
prominence in the national councils; to
the great body of the people his service
in the -senate has been very satisfactory.
He ought, to be and he will be returned.
Voting "for democratic candidates for
senate and house means -McShane and
not Manderson.
- The people of Nebraska, irrespective
of party, owe it to their own interests to
support Attorney General Leese and
give him such a rousing majority as will
convince everybody that the policies ad
vocated by-him are in the" right 'direc
tion and must be followed up. See .that
your ticket has on it his "name, for at
torney generrL It is said that there is.
a concerted effort' to defeat him by hav
ing at each voting place in the state two
men to plaster republican tickets vtith
his opponent's " stickers."
It is said that in various localities of
Nebraska democrats are. offering to
trade Cleveland for McShane, thus:
Mr. A, a democrat,-will approach Mr. B,
a republican, and say: "Mr. B, if you
vote for McShane for governor, I. will
vote for Harrison for president What
say you?" If any here propose it, don't
be caught Nebraska is safe for Harri
son and Thayer is a better man for gov
ernor than McShane.
! DuRixa General Harrison's president
ial term there will be no returning of
rebel flags," no insulting vetoes for bills
pensioning disabled soldiers or the
widows and children, of Union veterans,"
there will be no favoritism of Confed
erates, no'unmanly and infamous orders
to make war on women and 'children
employed in United States arsenals.
Gen. Harrison is a brave- man who
fought for his country.
Grovkb Cleveland had the pleasure,
of reviewing the grand parade in New
York last Saturday, and the i7,000 dem
ocrats on the march through the streets
were treated to the. cleansing process of
a continuous rainfall from the beginning
to the end of the parade. Shortly after
the parade had passed, the -president,
Mrs. Cleveland and party' boarded a
'train and .were-, on their way to Wash
ington. ...."
The ' supreme court - of the United
States at'.Washington decided last week
that the prohibition law of Iowa was
constitutional,- the court holding that'
the state law prohibiting both the man
ufacture aud sale, except for mechanical,
medicinal and sacramental purposes, is
not in conflict with the interstate com
merce provisions, and the decision of the
Iowa court was sustained.
"A yore for" Gov. Thayer is a ballot
for a faithful old soldier, grown gray in
the service of his country. With all his
long public service Gov. Thayer is now
a poor man, snowing that he has not
been a patriot and an- office-holder for
money: The- interests of this great and
growing state will be perfectly safe in
Gov. Thayer's "keeping the next two
years as they have been in the past
. .'The senate tariff bill is a republican
measure in -the interest of. the whole
country, as a careful, candid examina
tion of it will showt the Mills bill, dem
ocratic, is a measure calculated to en
rich the south at the expense of the
north. No northern or western man
should vote for it
The republicans all along charged that
Cleveland and his administration and his
southern brigadier backers were in favor
of the Cobden club policy, the English
policy of free-trade in this, country;
Some doubted this, but Minister West's
letter advising a correspondent" to vote
for Cleveland, settles that point.
A Boston News artist was at work on
the 25th, perfecting the design for a
monument ordered by Mrs. Gen. Sheri
dan, to be erected over her husband's
grave at .Arlington. It will be a granite
shaft, with appropriate inscriptions -and
carvings and probably not be ready be
fore spring:
J. H. Benjamin and John Flidell were
instantly killed Oct. 21st in the shaft of
tho Wolfstone mine, Leadville, Col., the
cable parting and letting them drop
800 feet.
Campaign Lies.
'Wo .have now discovered why the
Journal asks for a prohibitory law."
Democrat of Sept 7:
It is sufficient to say of this lie that it
is a very blundering one. The Journal
favors submitting any question of grent
public interest to a vote of the people,
but. is opposed to the adoption of the
prohibitory amendment.
American (Jooils for American Money.
American money Bhould be spent at
home to pay for American made goods.
Let us sell our cotton, wheat, oil and
other products for cash, instead of buy
ing knick-knacks with the proceeds and
supporting foreign systems of labor and
trade. All that America needs can be
made in America, and American manu
facturers are entitled to the patronage
of the American people Chicago
Patents Granted
To citizens of Nebraska during the past
week, and reported fortius paper byC.
A. Snow & Co., patent lawyers, opposite
U. S. Patent office,. Washington, D. C.
E. H: Ambler, Beatrice, window screen ;
Daniel H. Dillon, -Nelson, check row corn
planter; W. Kopiscb, Blue Hill, door
hanger; T. P. Owen-, York, permutation
padlock, and attachment for draftsmen's
compasses for- measuring lines; Clinton
P. Rinker, assignor of one-half to D.
Griggs; McCook, pump.
John A. McShane and the Omaha Herald'H
Assertion Regarding Taxation is Ne
braska Shown to be Fake.
How the Democrats Lie, and Iajare the
nancial Standing of the State
to Deceive the Voters.
Tho Omaha Herald, of October 15th,
contained an article upon the rate, of
taxation in Nebraska, in which it makes
the following assertion:
"Nebraska's the highest taxed state
in the union' except Nevada. The rate
of taxation for -state purposes only is
81'i( cents on the 3100. Tho amount of
cash raised by taxation for the year
ending December 1, 1887, was 81,303,659.
The rate of taxation in Minnesota, is 13
cents on $100; in Iowa it is 25 cents; in
Kansas it is 41 cents a total of 79 cents
or 2? cents less for all these states, com
bined, than for Nebraska. Now, is this
not an appalling and disgraceful state
of affairs? Shonld not tho republican
party be fired bodily from the control
of the affairs of the state? What ex
cuse can any man offer for the further
continuance of this' riotous extravagance
and oppression?"
The above is one of the most pernici
ous lies yet set atioat by the democrats
for. the purpose of deceiving the voters
of the' state and is a good sample of th6
unscrupulous methods resorted to by
the democracy to deceive .the people
during this .campaign. In this estimate
the Herald does not have the honor to
toll the people that Nebraska is assess
ed at. the lowest valuation of any state
in the union. The total assessed valua
tion of' all the taxable property in Ne
braska for the year 1888, is only $176,
012,820.45, and the rate of taxation 7
mills on the dollar, or 75 cents on -the
3100. The reports of the State Auditors,
for the states of 'Minnesota and Kansas,
l-for 1886, and Iowa-for 1885, shows the
following assessed valuations of those
....... 277.11323
lOwOf VxH) a
Total ...-.....$1,229,961,081
The total assessed valuation, of Ne
braska for 1886, was only $1632871,
and the rate of taxation for state pur
poses was only 1 mills or 76 cents oa
the S10QL The rate of taxation on the I
$100 in the other three states for that J in
year was as follows: Minnesota, 13 cents;
Iowa 25 cents; Kansas 41 cents; "a total,
of 79 oents'on the $100. In other words,
those three ttate with an fisefted' rqlu
ation over 1 times greater than that
of Nebraska was assessed 2 cents more
on the $100 for state purposes than is
levied in' this state. These figures
are gleaned from the official reports of
tnese states, and from teem .you can
readily see-how pernicious and false, the
Herald's misrepresentation was. Instead
of presenting "an 'appalling- and dis
graceful state of- affairs," as the Herald
says, it shows, .when figured upon, the
assessed valuations, 'that the affairs -of'
this state are more economically admin
istered than in the three states that -the
Herald selected as its. models. Nebra&
ka has a high rate, of '.taxation upon an
extremely low assessed valuation. Here
we give the average assessed valuations
upon the principal items which will at
at a glance show the correctness of our
. . Minn; Kan.
Iowa. Neb.
.$ 7 M..$ 3 53
. 31. 3.. 19 67
. 10 137.. S.53
. 307.. 23 05
. 1 91.. 1 07
Land per acre $ 7 .., 4 24
.... 67 3rt.. SHU
... 22 21.. i50
....' 83 5a..
.... 2.. 1-60
Hogs ......
From the above comparison you can"
readily see that Nebraska has an ex
tremely low assessed valuation as com
pared with other states, and that-while
her levy may be higher in the number of
mills yet her taxes in dollars and cents,
to the taxpayer; is lower.
Again the' Herald says "The amount of
cash raised by taxation for the.year end
ing December 1, 1887, was Sl,305;6f9."
Well, what of it? In the yoar 1886 Kan
sas' expenditures were 2,727i701.65.
More, than double Nebraska's tax for
1887. The same year Minnesota dis
bursed 82316,719.23, while Nebraska's
disbursements for two years, from Nov.
30, 1884, to Nov. 30, 1886, were only 32,
82208.33, or $1,411,151.17 a year, in
cluding transfers from one- fund to
another, and then had on hand 3944,-.
352.75, Nov. 30, 1886.
Again to show the falsity of the. Her
ald's assertion, let. us look at the -tax per
capita in these. Btates and you will see
that in this respect Nebraska" has the
advantage of the other states. For the
purposes of this computation .we will
take the levies for 1886 and the popula
tion of-1880, as we have no means at hand
from which to obtain tho population of
Iowa, Kansas and Minnesota in the year
1&S5. In 1886 the total tax raised in
Nebraska was $1,117,934.58; the popula
tion of Nebraska in 1880 was 452,402;- the
tax per capita in J88&, on the. Itasis of
population in 1880, would be $2.47. .The
combined, assessed valuation of . the
states of Iowa, Minnesota and Kansas,
as shown above, was $1,229,361,071; the.
combined levy was 79 cents, on the $100,
or seven and. niue-tenths. mills on the-"
dollar; this would make the combined
total tax upon those three states 39,711,-'
952.46 for 1886; the combined population,
of these states in 1831) was 3,401,484;
which would make the tax per capita
$2.8.1 upon the. inhabitants of these
states, while in XebnCika,itpon the same
basis the-tax per capita teas only $2.47.1
In 1885 the population of Nebraska (as
shown by the state census) was. 740,615,
and the tax levied for the same yeari for
state purposes, was. $l,027,0ia23, which
would make the actual tax jier capita
in Nebraska in- the year 188. $1JS.
From 1880 to 1883 Nebraska nearly
doubled her population, while, (based on'
the popular vote) the other threo states
only increased in population-about one-,
third during the same period. So that
the difference in the tax per capita today
is greater in favor of Nebraska than
appears in the above computation.
The Wasp would .advise the Herald
liar to get up more plausible lies or quit
the business. We would also commend
these facts to the careful consideration
of John A. McShane, who asserts in his
so-called letter of acceptance that "tho
rate of taxation in Nebraska is higher
than that of Kansas, Minnesota and
Jowa combined." As a liar Eli Perkins
is nowhere, compared with the Omaha
Herald. Wahoo Wasp, Oct 18.
It is said that arrangements have been
made for a free mail delivery in South
It is reported that hog cholera has
kroken ont with renewed vigor in Ne
maha county.
It is claimed that a branch of a big
Chicago hide house is soon to be estab
lished at Chadron.
It is understood that a telephone line
between Madison and -Norfolk will be
completed in a short time.
James C. Wiemers, a merchant of
Omaha, fell off- a flight of stairs Satur
day night and broke his neck.
The erection of a hemp factory at Fre
mont is quite certain, as lumber is being
placed on the ground for that purpose.
A decision was reached by the coro
ner's jury in the B. & M. case, being de
cided at Minden. on the 25th fixing the
blame on the crewof the head train.
John Hall, a drunkard, attempted to
beat his wife at Nebraska City on the
24th, when she drew a revolver and
shot him through the neck. The wound
is fatal. .
Thomas, the man who was arrested
last week at Neligh for selling mortgag
ed property, and who had a preliminary
hearing on the 24th inst., in the county
court, has been discharged. .
. Up to today, 140 cars of potatoes have
been. shipped from this market this sea
son, against 137 cars during the' entire
season last year.. The potato crop has
not all been marketed yet by several car
loads.--fBising Independent.
Ed. Gillson, a fireman on one of the
B. & M. engines at Plattsmonthr on the
morning of the 25th while attending to
his duty on the engine, met with a severe
accident "by the explosion of the water-
glass, a piece of which entered his right
arm and severed the main artery. By
the loss of blood he was rendered very
weak, but it is thought he will recover.
At ArtelL last week about thirty miles
west of Hastings, two sections of a
freight train collided. George A. Pritch
ard, of Denver, and Robert Been, of
White River, CoL, were instantly killed,
and S. S. Green, of Ashland, Neb., .was
so badly scalded that he cannot live.
The trains were completely wrecked.-
Last Wednesday evening, while the
guests at the Millard hotel at Omaha
were at supper, the. elevator boy, a lad
about seventeen years of age, slipped
into a gentleman's room" and abstracted
from a dressing "case drawer about $135
cash. He then left the hotel and it is
. . -m.vsofactohersanddkalersin-
SJaMia&aMafc&N " - .BVt
" B BBBSrn-uLnBH
LnaLnBX'Lni Bf
- laBaBllaBaiaaSBaVHBVaVBBaaaflr.;v,'
BBfc 57 mill I. ' --J-i-Jg.;y--y'
s' pm aWaaWafc
Which for safety, convenience, cleanliiutM ami
Buu(ci uuutiiJii-p iu liiuiixK'uio iuiu ia&ii mi nuiK imivi nil i u .K urn .
ploHionH. Abrtolute wifetr miaruatnil. No Hmllin. t;. 7-', "&"?? "".".. '"Baer
oroutsicift of can. limit onn.nn-1 vni, will ... ul "..: "... :. ;.!"",S OI '" " Boor.
larite cans a well as smull oat, therebr itavimr tlu tr.,', .... .rL'?l" co?? lt
mallcan. Korvivin in u! f r 1... vrv h. ! .l ;.r. TT '"V,,,R1IJ?" VM
.n,n1.7.n .J .JT ' ' " ." WMIMHCtonly. OU1
-' I ' I f I W af hlal '
4MkW -JiS t
'.---. .
CT-lf yoo buy. it joo getlOO rodn.of fence from 100 pound- of wire, which noother wUl.Io.-:
General Agents for the sale of
CaioaPaciicaad Midland Pacific K. B. Land
or oa fire or tea yean time, in annual. paynieoTH to
lot of other laad. improved and unimproved.. for
baainasa and randeace lota in the city. We keep
supposed he lied to Council HlulTs.
boy's nauio is Edward Woodward.
On Tuesday morning aHat ioat-w:ii;
seen coming down the. Platte. Aa it
nearotl the ... hank whore the
current, -strikes' the north shore,
just east of the. R. & J5I. railroad,
bridge, it was found to be the traveling
homo of a Black Hills inau and family.
on their way to New Orleans.- There
was abont cix iersons aboard, ltesides
stove, cooking- utensils, bedding, etc.
The boat. was roofed with a rude ran vas
cover. Schnyler Quill."
- G. W. Jenkins, who rives alxmt ten
milee northwest of Nelson, by the ex
plosion of a lantern which he was using
in his 'grain house one night last week.
set fire to tho building, two. stories, in
eluding, corn shelter, feed grinder, fan
ning mill, harness, farm implements,
tools," eta, besides a building on which
was a mill-tower framed and sided, nn-.
der which was a. dairy room and dairy
fixtures and on which was a nice geared
windmill which ran all'of his machinery.
It was -a severe loss to Mr. Jenkins, at
least 81,000.
From onr regular correspondent.
The senate finance committeo will con
tinue its investigation of trusts during
the recess.
The first session of the-Fiftieth con
gress was just eighteen days longer than
tho longest previous" session of the gov
ernment. "
The delegation of sixty Sioux' Indian
chiefs have gone back to their reserva
tion withont accomplishing anything.
All but fourteen of them positively re
jected a proposition submitted to them
by Secretary Vilas, to sell their lands at
81 per acre. They want $1.25, and. want
it all paid at once by the. government.
Senator Mitchell has tho honor of hav
ing introduced the last bill in. the sen
ate previous to the adjournment. It was
a bill too,that a good many people think
should become a law. It proposes an
amendment to the constitution provid
ing for the election of United States sen
ators by the direct vote of tho people.
The directors of the Garfield Hospital
in this city have raised quite a rumpus
by electing a Canadian physician to le
house physician of that institution. It
is -probable that the courts will be call
ed upon to decide whether this action
is not a violation of tho law prohibiting
the importation of foreign lalmrers un
der contract. Trinity church, New York,
had to pay a tine of 81,000 for importing
ah assistant rector from England. The
two cases are similar, but whether the
judges .in our courts will rule, as the
New York" judge did. remains to ha seen.
The notorious Eugene Higgins, ex
chief clerk of the treasury department,
has been here hob-nobbing with the big
democrats. This is a sure sign of crook
edness somewhere. Higgins should be
carefully watched between now and
election day. I understand that he will
-have charge of a gang of ballot box ex
perts in New York, on election day,- who
will get in all their crooked votes for
Cleveland and Thunnau that- thoy pos
sibly, can,-, provided, of course, that the
wide-awake republicans- of New York
city do not succeed in getting them put
behind the bars before hand.
The latest effort to bolster up the fall
ing fortunes .of the democratic, party in
New York city, is the announcement
that'Mr. Cleveland will review the dem
ocratic parade which is to take place
there next Saturday. If the sight of
Cleveland can raise any enthusiasm
among the 'citizens of New York, -then
they must differ very widely from 'peo
ple in this city.'
The republicans of this city are work
ing hard in. order to send every man
"that votes in either of the doubtful
states to bis home before election day.
a implioity, cannot be v
It boliea the-"
or x-
work in
Mi n
ami see .
ibist ft mm
foraalbat from 13.09 to f 10.00 per acre Tor owl
suit purchasers. We have hIho a large antl ciioic
sale at low price and on reiutonabte ierm: Mm
a complete. abstract of titltt to all real estUe it
Those who eaiinot afford to ply-tlipir
way have transportation furnished them
gratis.. ' -.
. It is a lit tie qiier to note the larjjt
number of" vessels in our small navy that,
are just nowlh urgent, need, of repairs."
It is also queer that- they are all-sent to
navy- yards, located in states that the .
democrats, are making special efforts to
carry. But- then, pcrha'is,. there is aeon
nectfou lietween the two facts;
Otber roantrie.
A report came-frbm Vienna last week
that Russia" had completed preparations,
for the transfer of a large numlwr of
.troops from the interior of llhssiu to
wards the Austrian and Genii an fron---tiers,
and that the transfer will shortly
.be -made. r
One day last week a. man- by t
name of Bruon, formerly ;n .-policeman,
was murdered at. Collooney, Ireland,
county of Sligo. The. murder-. eaused
great excitement. '..-"
Prof: Otto Lane, the African traveler,
has expressed 'a similar opinion to that
driven by Lieut. Wissman with regard to
the safety of Stanley, viz. that he has
joined Emin Bey..
The largest .beet, -manufacturers of
Saxony have; in conference, deelarctt the-su-ir
convention recently agreed-upon
in- London .ti be'incompatible.with, .and
detrimental to their interests. .
- - 3 " '
.. Negotiations of the Rothschild syndi
cate .With -Premier TiBsen-concerning: the
conversion of the Hungarian loans, were
concluded at Pesth recently. The opera
tion affects, loans, to the amount of a
.million of iiorins.
The colliers movement:. is 'at length
assuming the dimensions, of :. strike.
Fifteen thousand miners in" Yorkshire
struck on the 21th.
Last week dispatches from Wada
Haifa to Cairo state that tho white
pasha, with a large forco, is in Ruhr El
Gazel. Troops, from Omdnrman are
marching to oppose him.
.Last week: the Standard's Berlin dis
patch says tho government had decIfneT
to. share the. expenses of. a relief expedi
tion for tho rescue of Emin Bey on" tlie
ground that Doctor Emin fs no Jonge'r a
German subject.
News from Cork last week says' that
Father Kennedy, who wjih. arrested- in
August for holding a. meeting .of tho
Duhollow brahch of the national league,
has-been released. from the Cork. jail, his
sentence having expired,' There was no
demonstration, his lilieration "haying
been made private.
Princess Helena, wife of George Vic
tor, tho reigning prince of Wain reck.
died Saturday at Arolsen, the capital of
4rtn natttin nntii..
iuo tJii-u-ujic-uil.j..
- The Sackville letter incident has caus
ed considerable stir in diplomatic circles.
Phelps, United States minister, has.gone
to Hatfield, house, Lord Salisbury's
country residence, to see the minister.
He called first at the foreign office, and
finding the prime minister-gone, lie. im
mediately followed him to his country
seat. It js said Salisbury favors the-re
tirement of Lord Sackville.
- Twenty persons, were .severely injured
during the row at the "Boulangerist
meeting .in Sallowagrani last Friday
night. The Boulangerist "newii papers .
charge the police with bringing about
the disturbance. '
Kaow all Mem by then Vrtimtt:
That the Union Pacific,-the Overland
Route, and the. Chicago,- Milwaukee,' t
St. Paul By., commenced Sunday. Oc-'
tober 28th, to run 'Pullman Palace
Sleepers through daily from Denver to
Chicago via Omaha and Council Blnffs.
- . 28-7"; -
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