The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 31, 1888, Image 1

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VOL. XIX.-NO. 28.
WHOLE NO. 964.
t 'r
t .
Cash Capital - $100,000.
OEO. W. IIULST, Vice PreVt.
J. K. TASKER, Cashier.
ink r Depaalt,
Cellectlea-iraatly Made
All Patau.
Pay latcrevt Tine M-
W. A. MCALLISTER. Vice l-rcs'.
VA. NEWMAN. Cashier.
DANIEL 8CHRAM. Asa't Cadi.
This Bank transact a regular Hanking Busi
ness, will allow interest on lime deis-nits, make
collections, buy t sell cxclmne on United
States and EuptiM'. mmI bny and ell available
We shall be pleaed to receive jour business.
We solicit jour patronage. We guarantee satis
faction in all business intrusted in our care.
dec"-S7 .
Travrella-sr !
EaVThese organs are first-class in every par
ticular, and wo guaranteed.
Buckeye Mower, combined, Self
Binder, wire or twine.
Pups Repaired skart tiee
KVOne door west of Heintz's Drug Store. 11th
street. Columbus. Ne"b. 17novt4f
Health is Wealth !
Da. E. . West's Nkbte asdBws Teeat
MKXT, a guaranteed specific forJlystena, lnnt
nass. Convultions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia,
Headache. Nervous Prostration caused by the use
of sicohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental De-p-aassioa.
Softening of the Bruin resulting in in
sanity and leading to misery, decay and death.
Prematura Old Age, Barrenness. Loss of power
ia'eitaer sex. Involuntary Losses and Spenmat
otihoea caused by over-exertion of the brain,self
abaseor over indulgence. -Each box contains
one month's treatment, f L00 a box, or six boxes by maUprepsid on recwpt ofjpnce.
To cub any c5eTWith15aer recetredby us
for tab boxes, accompanied with $5.00. we will
seed the purchaser our writton guarantee .to re
fmnd the money if the treatment does not effect
a ear. Guarantees issued only by Dowty &
-aer, aruggisis, sate ageuis, i- ""i -"
. . rr-zn , . n.i.VM. vj.
IT Repairing of all kinds of Uphol
alerg Goods.
- BBasavBBur3v2&aBa.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaV I aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf
aaaaafll lMBbhHHKb
aaaawaa---------p - 'wAJaaw
Free Trad Cry That cka TteUT In
creases tks Price of Csaaamodltlas to taw
er Proved to B False Wages
Notwithstanding the enormous burden
which the free trader would have us be
lieve the tariff imposes upon our people,
increasing the cost of everything we buy,
.it is a fact that the cost of living was
never so low in this country as now that
is. considering the method. We suppose,
says The American People, that the back
woodsman of a century ago lived cheaper
than the artisan of today, but the artisan
of today who lives, say in Boston or New
York, can-live better and cheaper for the
same amount of money than he could fifty
or seventy -five years ago. Seventy-five
yearsjago blankets were $15 a pair, cotton
cloth 25 cents a 'yardVaalt tl a bushel,
and other things in proportion.
In a recent speech in congress a member
gave the yearly cost of supplies of a fam
ily of four persons, at the lowest point,
including clothing and rent, from 1868 to
Tho articles, included were 3 barrels of
Sour. 150 pounds of corn meal, 150 pounds
of granulated sugar. 200 pounds of fresh
beef, 100 pounds of corned beef, 100
pounds of pork, 24 pounds of lard. 16
pounds of ham. 100 pounds of codfish. 12
pounds of tea, 75 pounds of batter, 10
pounds of cheese, 4 tons of coal, 1 bushel
of beans, 12 pounds of potatoes, 8 pairs
of shoes, 20 yards of cotton cloth, 20
yards of prints, 5 yards of denims, 12
yards of satinets, and paid town rent,,
which was estimated at $60 in 1868, and -had
declined to $48 in 1885. The prices
of these articles of prime necessity per
barrel, pound, yard, ton, etc, are attached
each year in the table referred to, and a
steady reduction in the cost of every item
is noted-
The yearly cost of theee articles was as
1877... 1878...
1882 ..
Total cost.
....." 242.S8
1873 869.7411085.
In other .words, it costs a family of
four, using each year the above named
articles, one-third less to live now than
in 186a
The Philadelphia North .American,
which can scarcely be accused of youth
fulness or immaturity of judgment, has
been scoring its contemporary, The Times,
for the following statement:
"The weavers of England, or what we
call pauper labor, earn nearly or quite as
much; considering the cheaper necessa
ries of life and the purchasing power of
their wages."
While the above has the merit of being
short and sweet, it has the demerit of
being absolutely false, says Tho North
American. When one has been carried
to the highest peak of theory's mountain,
and by reason of surrounding mists and
storms the landscape is -shut out from
view, a misstep or mistaking a haystack
for a church are excusablo errors. But
when the weather is clear and the ob
server has nothing to obstruct his view;
when he is living in the realms of fact,
shuts his eyes ana then tells what he sees,
then .he utters falsehood; then he tells
lies for which there is no excuse.
Here is a statement of the wages re
ceived in numerous industries:
Average Weekly Wages.
Vaasachu- Great
setts. Britain.
Bootsandahoes .$ 0.73 - $4.90
Building trades. 10.91 .0.61
Carriages and wagons , 11.02 6.45
aoUung 8.58 5.46
Cotton goods. 7.63 - 4.60
Flax, linen and hemp goods. 5.96 8.01
Glassware 10.11 '
Machinery..... 10.67
Metallic goods. , 10.42
Printing and publishing... ... 11.27
Dyeing; bleaching, etc 8.67
Woolen goods ...; 6.90
Food preparations 10.02
SbiDbuUciag 20.44
Then comes the cost of necessaries:
Articles. New York. Britain.
Bacon .,..16S 16Q20
Hatn 16220 24
Beef 10335 UX)
Mutton .11015 16320
Veal ;..... '....19Q95 16&30
Pork... ......... ................ 8Q13 1620.
Sugar...... ............... ...... 6Q 8 4?
Tea............ ...... ...........252&70 32Q80
Coffee 20&32 - 21Q40
Butter................... ... 80 S4o3s
T?1 li i ij " lA&mm
Rice...... .............. .......... Dlv 4Q o
Flour..........................:. 45 Qifib 4
Bread 6Q. 8 SJ4
Lard 15Q16 12&16
Bent in London for artisans is from
$1.20 to $2.40 per week for ono or two
rooms, more for better accommodations;
respectable lodgings for clerks or ware
housemen from $123 to $242 per annum.
Small houses had for $175 per
annum, with taxes, which amount to
about one-fifth of the rental. Small
houses in Philadelphia rent from $72 to
$120 per year, the former for two rooms
and the latter for three rooms. As for
the other necessaries, such as clothing,
shoes, etc., it is sad to refer to them. All
a family can afford to spend there for
light and fire is $5 per year, and that rep
resents many a cold bite and shivering
body. Shoes for the entire family of five,
$16.36; clothing for man, $18; clothing
for wife, $8.83, and clothing for children,
Their necessities are not 'supplied by
any. means, but the above represents all
they can possibly afford to spend. Infor
mation received this week gives the aver
age wage of weavers in the United States
at $10 and $11 per week and in England
What is all this about? The free trader
wants to force the American "working peo
ple to admit free of duty the products of
foreign labor. The more of these products
that are admitted the- less -we will be
called upon to produce 'ourselves.. The
less work we get the less money we will
have and that is the.long and short of it.
A Free Trade Newspaper Which Realises
Hew Hepeles the tight Is.
For several months past, says the Dem
ocratic New. York .Sun., our highly es
teemed contemporary, the 'New York Her
ald, has been fighting a most animated
battle in behalf, first, of free trade, to
which theory of political economy it is ar
dently devoted, and secondly, in behalf
of the Democratic national ticket. The
election of this ticket it has .advocated
with ability if argument and originality
of illustration, in the belief that the cause
of free trade would .thereby be much ad
vanced, but now we find in The Herald a
wet blanket thrown over all of the glorious
hopes and anticipations that here been so
fondly cherished. It comes in the form
of a communication from a traveling cor
respondent who appears to have been sent
ont to survey the situation in the Empire
state and who sends from Buffalo the dis
couraging report which we here subjoin:
WAXsaa to m one ocfcacT.
rFor Out Personal Iaformation.
laaa hurrying through the western eon
tiBB, fori amatea- of this eternal bwttonaoliwg
sad coraer grocery tariff dJagwarinw. Yoa
casaaaks up your mind tbat,Blea some
extraordinary change ocean between, now
esai Nev. C, Harrtaa. wfllgo dowato high,
bridge with sraHitaiiifcbkeTO.080 plurality.
tf JSlar - - lriniavnjaiis taa&TCWva-
Year. Total cost.
WoS $350.88
1869. 319.J5
1870............... 811.31
1871... .... .. 804.OI
1871! 228.87
1873. 91.60
lc7"l. 4eee JHrl.Wr
195 SiCMjO
UnfTlsaungntirnocnewiu navetopacE
up and come back to Buffalo. You can get
no idea in your present surroundings of the
situation in the country. The .Republicans
are makioca fierce, intelligent. and so far
successful fight. It was a mistake for Cleve
land to raise the tariff issue. I can see
that now for the first time. The sur
face argument is, as' you know, all
in favor ' of the Republicans, and
that is the argument that catches the coun
trymen. There are large defections of lifelong
Democrats among the farmers everywhere 1
have been. In Rochester toe men in control
of the Democratic organization will knife
Cleveland sure. . Tbey are very bitter against
him, and in private make no boues of it. In
Steuben county the Democrats are all smashed
up. Cleveland's apiointees are a lot of, milk
and water jackanapes, who let their enemies
scoop everything. The only notable excep
tion is Jim Hanlon, internal rcveuuo collec
tor, who lives at Medina and is making the
most extraordinary fight in Orleans county I
have yet come across; He's a daisy, lao
Democrats in Niagara county are saving
their money to use on election day. God bless
them! A Hekald Coebxsposdext.
BCTFALO, N. Y., Oct 13, 1888.
Vfest the Two PeUUeal
Dave Doae for the Old. 6oId:ers.
"It is better to trust those who are tried
than those who pretend," said Gen. Logan
in one of his speeches. The Democratic
partv pretends to bo the soldier's friend,
the Republican party' has been and is.
Every pension law on the statute books
today is the work of the Republican party.
The 'following tabulated btatement of
votes on pension bills shows who' passed
the pensio' laws and where the opposition
to them came from.
Name of bill.
rs a
Repeal of arrears limitation.
Mexican tiea.siou bilL with sen-
atcaraendments. Forty-eighth
conxresb, nnt session
Mexican pension bill, with sen
ate amendments. Forty-eighth
cougres-i, second session
Widows' increase. Forty-ninth
concress ..,
"Senate bill 1B86," Forty-ninth
congress ineier reported uacn
Deiendent pension hill. Forty
ulnth congress -
Dependent pension bill. Forty-
60 76
ninth congress (to pass over
pre&iuent a veio.
On all the bills (aggregate).
r Indianapolis Journal.
Aa Old "Roman's Address.
(Not Heretofore I reported.)
Marcus Antonius Tluirniau Friends,
Ruxn'uns and countrymen, lend me your
votes! I come to bury Labor, not to praise
him. The evil that men do lives after
them; tho good is oft interred with their
boues.. So let it bo witii Labor. Tho no
ble Cleveland hath told you Labor was
ambitious. If it were so ft was a griov
ious fault, and grievously - hath .Labor
answered it.
Citizen Mark'd yo his words? He
would not take the crown; therefore, 'tis
certain, lie was not ambitious.
Marcus Antonius Thurman But yes
terday the word of Labor might have
stood against the world. Now lies he
there, and none so poor to do him rever
ence. Citizens Oh, royal Labor!
Marcus Antonius Thurman Moreover,
he hath left you all his walks, his private
arboi-s.and new planted orchards, on this
side Tiber; he hath left them you, and to
yonr heirs forever.
DcmocnSic CitizensLoot, loot!
A Horse of Another Color.
When the house declared that the
north must submit to free wool ,our
i southern brethren shouted with 'joy,' but
! now that the Benate insists that the south
will have to put np. with lower duties on
hugar thev are yelling in an entirely differ-
1 ent key. This is enough to prove that the
man who says it makes no mnerence
whose ox is gored simply doesn't know
what he is talking about. Philadelphia
Press. '
Why Is It?
Since the 1st of January 126,247 persons
have left Great Britain and Ireland to set
tle in the United States. Would' it not
bo well for someablo Democratic orator to
explain how it happens that so many peo
ple are disposed to forfeit the alleged ad-'
vantages of free trade by coming to a:
country in which protection is the estab
lished policy? St. Louis Globe Democrat,
' We Give It Up.
The Democratic administration makes
war upon women and 'children all .'along
the line. The "Republicans" among them
are turned out, and the "Democrats" are
compelled.Ho give of then scanty wages to
the campaign fund-' ..Four years ago it
was labeled. a "reform administration,"
but what is it now? Indianapolis" Journal.
Whea Honesty Becomes "Isspodent."
In the opinion of The -New York. Times
(Dcm.), the effort of the Republican Na
tional committee to beeure an honest
ballot in this city and Brooklyn is ."impu
dent." To what -depths will the necessi
ties of a Democratic, organ drag it down!
New York Tribune.
I Pretectloa RespeasfMe xer Tkto Treat?
Bradstreet's announces the formation is
England of a trust witha capital of $15,
000,000 to control the' production and.
price of salt. This is done in anticipation
of salt being put on the free-list u this
country. Cleveland Leader. " "
This Expiate Itself.-
The Journal's subscribers at Nobles
villo are entitled to the explanation that
the Insertion of Thurman. hand -bills in
the -copies of their paper was some
thing . to which tins office was ' not
privy. It was another instance of the
underhand methods to which -Democrats
are resorting in this campaign to bolster
up their failing cause. Indianapolis'
Wltbeat a'llome.
Tho president of the United States is no
longer a citizen of one of the states. He
has lost his New York standing, and has
no residence to fall back upon but that of'
the District of Columbia, which is princi
pally engaged in the extension and deflec
tion of Massachusetts avenue, for . the
benefit of the Bed Top real estate specu-lations.--Cincinnati
Commercial Gazette.
It Seem Will Be.
'I aa wishtaa-, to Daniel says Grover,
That this cruel warfare were over;
Then I'd pack up my grip
And to Buffalo skip
' And browse la the shrievalty's clover." '
St Paul Pioneer Press.
Why is the Democratic party under the
present administratiow. like a lot of Cook's
tourists? Because it is "personally con
ducted, " and thinks Europe more desira-'
ble than America: New York Press.
Aa Vp sad Dewa Hffl Trataw
The President is respectfully reminded
of the old proverb that "It's a Hill wind
that blows nobody any good.' This, is
Hinglign, yon know. Albany Journal.
Is the Deaaoezatie nertvthe friend af
the laboring aaaa? Go ask. the Union
Reform. I Saloea Politics.
' Public office is a pub- $10,000 check.
lie trust
No office shall be used
it of post
for partisan pur
Use of patronage to
cain a second term.
Protection to Ameri
$50,000 subscribed by
can workmen.
the cabinet Joe cam
paign purposes.
Cleveland's letter ofl
acceptance. 1884.
Thieves, forgers, jail
When we consider!
birds and scoundrels
appointed to office.
Thev had the "nulL"
the patronage of this
great ofilefl, the allure
ments of power, the
Rum saloon influence.
temptation to retain
Free .trade..
place once trained, and
more than all, the!
availability a partyi
finds in an incumbent
whom a horde of office
holders with a zeal
borne of benefits aud
fostered by tho hope of
favors vet to como.
' stands ' ready to aid
with money and train
ed political service, we
recognize luttio eligi
bility of tho president
lor re-election o most
serious danger to that
calm, deliberate and
intelligent political ac
tion which must char
acterize a government
by the people.
The Story of the Southdown Lamb aad the
Down South Man.
Columbia hod a little Iamb, ' -
Its fleece was white as snow.
And many fanner&sheared the wool
That on tbe.sheep did grow. .
Then Mills, of Tescs, said tho ram
Disturbed the Free Trade School,
The lambkin knocked the teacher out
Regardless of the rule. .
When Mills' remains were gathered up,
With others of bis pals.
Through Charon's custom house they passed
Free raw materials! .
"Why love that Iambi" the nations asked, '
. Columbia did reply:
"In case of w ar that lamb's the i-heep
On which I can rel v !"
New York Tribute.
Bat a Little of It May Ocea- aally Have
a Salutatory Effect Two Letters.
In connection with the civil service laws
which commend to the attention of exam-'
inlng boards favorable .consideration for
soldiers, it is interesting to compare two '
letters which represent the condition and
the theory of civil service reform as un
derstood by Grover Cleveland. The first .
is his Christmas present of 1884 to George
William Curtis, president of the National
Civil Service Reform association.. In it.
he said among other philosophically patri .
otic things: - ."""
' "There is a class of government positions
which are not within the letter of the civil
service statute, but -which are sodiscon
nected with the policy of "the admlnistra-
tion that the removal therefrom of present
incumbents, in my opinion, should not be
made duringthe term for which' they were
appointed, solely on partisan grounds and
for the purpose of putting in these places
tlioso who are tn politic:-4 accord with the
appointing power."
The other choice tid bit is extracted from
a letter written by S Y.'Benet, chief of"
ordinance of the war department of -Mr...
Cleveland's administration. : It is -ad
dressed. "To tho commanding officers of
il. ..! . A o..j .
me iauonai Armories at -apnngueia anu
Rock -Island, andr of the -..United. States
oraeuuia ai ew iwk, csi .i ruy , riiiiH
delphia, Boston, and Benicia."- It reads
as follows:
"While arsenals and 'armories are not
intended to be converted into, political
machines, two- political parties in this
country are recognized. It is, therefore;
ordered that hereafter' In employing . or
discharging' employes" of any and -.all
grades, other things being equal, and
qualifications satisfactory, Democrats.will
bo favored, tho object being to divide the
force in the different grades Gradually be
tween Democrats and. Republicans. ".This1
rule .will apply women and -children as
well as to men and- will be' strictly en
forced." -.';-"
The first victims of this non-partisan-reform
very appropriately were the widow
and children of a soldier. Widows, of
soldiers are so offensive partisans that
they could not vote the. Democratic ticket
if they would, and their places, naturally
enough, are being supplied with Democrats
who can vote--"tbe object being to' divide J
tne torce -gradually .between -.Democrats
and Republicans," giving, the -Democrats
the inside of the tent of patronage and
tho Republicans the outside," with an un?
obstructed view" of Grover Cleveland re
.form mottoes painted over the entrance.
Tune. ;- : ' .
There Will Be a' Deficit' la the Treasury.
.Not a Surplus, This Year,'
The original estimate, by the Treasury
Department of the Government's' revenue"
for the present fiscal year was $383,
000.000. ..--.'.- ..''
Last year the revenue hi round .numbers
was $379,000,000:' In the fiscal-year 1887
it was $371,000,000.- In .the fiscal .year
1886 it was $330,000,000. -
We have, already the figures of the
Government receipts from all sources dur
ing the months of July, August and Sep
tember, constituting the'first quarter of
the fiscal year 1689. The quarter's reve
nue amounted to only $97,526,252, against
$102,328,896 for the corresponding period,
last year. '
hi view of this: marked and significant
decline of nearly $5,000,000 in the govern
ment's income during a single quarter, we
understand that some, of the' longest
headed authorities in the treasury are now
disposed to reduce their 'estimate of 'the
year's receipts by about $13,000,000; thus,
bringing down the total from $383.000,000 .
to $370,000,000.
That would reduce the surplus this year'
to about $5,500,000, or only one air 1. one--third
per cent margin above the total of
appropriations for the year, even suppos
ing that the revenue from' the postoffice
comes up to the estimated amount, $57,
564,000. - '
In' a surplus of between five aad six
millions for the year, calm' minded finan
ciers will perceive no presage of the finan-''
cial convulsion and widespread disaster
which Mr. Cleveland predicted in Decem
ber last
Bat now let us see what ground- there
is for expecting even so.small a surplus
as JBjSOO.OOO.this year, and not a deficit
The receipts for the first quarter are
known.- Thev. amount to t97.526.252.
BawaawaawawVS& rtsfsK1
ft awawaawaawaawaawaawaaw Ual 'Jk PI
J$J awaawESa Vgg
TCasfv JaawaawafflwHVa
Ji'Vai BTTBlawawaawaawaawai X
liaZalPawaISrJrffl& fee
iMf7m aasaT aV WrafarTv
i I Plr asaa saauaBvlSSaaissii
ne experience or pasvyears 'snows a
definite and tolerably constant ratio be
tween the frst quarter's receipts and
those of the whole twelve months. We
are surprised that it has been overlooked
by the treasury officials. . This is the fact:
The first three 'months of the fiscal year
bring hi considerably more .'than one
fourth of the year's revenue. ' Just how
much, more it is easy to ascertain by a
mathematical process.
In 1883 the first' Quarter's revenue was
.about 28,2 per cent of the year's receipts.
In 1884 it was about 27.5 per rent'. In '
1885 about 28.3 per cent- In 1886 nearly
26 per cent In 1887 nearly U6 per cent
again, in 1888 just 27 per cent' On an
average of the past six years 27 per cent,
of the year's revenue comes in during
July, August and September.
The receipts of the' first quarter of the
fiscal year 188) are 27 per cent, of $361..
000,000. and they-therefore indicate that
sum as the total revenue of the govern
ment for the present fiscal 'year, outside
of postal returns.
With the estimated postal revenue of
$57,500,000 the aggregate income would
j amount to $418,500,000. But the' appro-
E nation bills for the year,, already signed
y Mr.- Cleveland or in his hands for ap
proval, amount to $422,000,000. This
means an actual deficit of $3,000,000 or
$4,000,000 instead of any surplus, how
ever small. - . . .
That is the condition which confronts
us. Now York Sun (Deni.)
Three Times Around.
Three times around went the Democratic ship,
And three times around went she;
But tho fourth time around, upon her trial trip.
She sank to the bottom of the sea.
cnoscs: .
Oh, tho ocean waves they roll.
And the stormy winds they blow; - "
Tho Republican ship goes bkimming o'er the tide.
And tho Democrats go down below, below, below,
. Had the Democrats go down below 1
Then spake out the captain of the sinking craft,
Aud a lubberly chap- was he:
"Oh, give me a platform for to make a raft.
Or w bat will become of mo J" '
-. ." ' Chorus.
Then out spake the mate: "This vessel,! would
state, " . :
Is wesy werry rotten wood; '
But yonder is a spar from a British man-o'-war
-As will make a platform good s"
Then out spake the captain: "We inuot have a
Whenever thebreezes blow.'
So they took a. red bandanna from the mate's
.coat tail,'
For ainains'land a flag also.
.;..' - Chorus.
Xowwuen tho vessel's crew saw what the pair
.' would do.
The captain and the mate they lowered:
Uut the bailors they swore there that wasn't room
for more, .
And they never would go en board
- ' . Chorus.-
"Xow you may sail to .sea,' says a sallonuan,
63she, .
- Wherever you likes Tor togo;
.But I ships in yonder craft that Is coming up
": abaft, '
For she carries a flag I know!"
.'.-' Chorus. -
So tho sailors left the wreck, for to tread upon
the deck
. Of the frigate stanch and proud;
And the captain -he got drowned, and with the.
mate was found
In a red baadanna shroud.
.'-.' ... ' Chorus.
So three times around went the Demociatic ship.
And three times around went she:
-But the fourth time around, upon her trial trip,
eoe sana io ine ooiiotn or lue sea.
r Ohorus.
" - . Xew York Tribune.
nils Condition Which Confronts Vs.
It is of little, importance now to thrash
over the old straw of. tariff discussion.
Everybody kuowsrln a general way, that
somewhat more than a quarter of a cen
tury ago, a great civil .war -was begun,
and that ono 'of its most 'difficult first
problems was not the raising of troops,
but their eanimneut. ' At -that timo tho
J manufactures of. tho country were those
of a third-rate power.' Since tho close of
tho rebellion, however, the United States
has become the chief manufacturing na
tion - of - the world, and, ' as everybody
I knows, tho transformation has been' ac-
c'omplished under a protective tariff, and
a system of wages higher than those paid
in any .-part-of Europe. .-This does not
mean simply that workmen receive
more money for a day's work in America
than elsewhere, -but. that tho purchas-
ihff iinrnmf 'a ffav'a. InKnt la anwntAi in
m"f I."' ".T." ""-'. V " . '-
j the United states than in any other coun
try; that American workingmen are bettei
housed, better fed and better clothed than -
those of any country on. the continent of -Europe.
In the' broad "sense, this is the
industrial condition that has been brought
about under a protective tariff.' And, as
tho Republican candidate has well said, it
13 at principles and tariff schedules that
party lines, are .'drawn. In "the words of
President Cleveland. "It is a condition'
and not a theory which -confronts us."
Tune. ' -
A Lost Opportunity to Veto.
A correspondent says work on the new
iron" bridge Over.Rock creek, on the way
to Red Top", -was' commenced Tuesday.
The bridge will cost $33,000. appropriated
out of tho people's money for tho solo pur
pose of being expended in. such a way as
to increase the .value of the president's
private property and the property 'of the
real-estate syndicate with which he is
associated. , -The public did not need the
work,' as there is an excellent wooden
bridge", more than sufficient for all practi
cal purposes', over Rock creek already.
.'.Why didn't Grover veto the bill provid--
incr lor-tno shameful-waste of
money? Well, he" was too busy hunting
up excuses for vetoing bills to. pension old
'soldiers and dead soldiers' widows, and'
-besides was altogether too mindful of his'
favorite motto, which, 'being translated in '
the light of 'his actions, reads: "Public
office is a private snap." A'man who can
make the whole people pay for real estate
speculations can well afford- to give $10,
000 for his own re-election. Ohlo.State
----- It's' Oaly a rree Trade Fake. - -
.'-Under Republican 'administrations the'
-tariff duties levied 'during the war were
three time? readjusted and cut down until
no further general reduction .could be
made-without obvious danger to' Ameri
can industries. Of 'course prominent
Republican members of congress advo.
cated the reduction, at the time. The
free trade, journals-are now quoting their
. speeches as . though' they were ' inconsist-.'
eht in favoring a reasonable tariff reduc-.
. tion.then which left our industrial inter-'
. ests unharmed,- whilo they no w oppose
the ' sweeping free tradeism of tho lulls
bill, which' would -cut those Interests, up
by the. rv&s Ohio State Journal.-
.'.' For. Worklsffmeif. to Stady.
. A trades congress was held at Bradford
today. The president, Mr. Shipter. bit
terly denounced the 'free traders who ad
vised buying hi the cheapest markets ir
respective of -consequences to workmen.'
If absolute and unconditional cheapness
was right", he said, then by all means Im
port Chinese and encourage the sweating
system. '"
That is a London dispatch of Sept 3.
If -the American workingman wants to
know what free trade is he -bad better,
take, it somewhat to. heart. Judge.
An L assessable' Kiddle.
' "Cleveland is a riddle, ! says one' who
rends to know him. '-We do uot doubt
Neither do we doubt that the coon
try s going to give him up. New York
taanaawf aaV
f 'TV SJaaawaaTfaV
afawaaf awaawaawaawTfaVLwaawaaw
aCaWK y.sawaawaawaPaawaT aJ
I 33Ea IafwawafAlM
aa. LaytffPr L
Cleveland will have a walk over (so the
Democratic newspapers say). Judge.
The Free Trade -Theory Is "Buy What
' You Caa aad Make What -You Mast."
The free tradors profess to desire the
increase of our. commerce. -The protect
tionists really do desire it. but their plan
is the more rational. The free traders
say: "Let us 'buy everything where we
can buy it the cheapest-" Suppose that
had always been the policy of tho govern
ment We were an agricultural state.
Some of our manufacturing interests had
.been benefited by the English laws, but
most of them had been impeded by the
restrictive legislation which' forbade the
colonies from trading with any but tho
mother country.
The result was that when the govern-'
ment began this was an agricultural
country. - If we had uot undertaken to
build up our' manufactures we should -have
remained an agricultural community,
buying our manufactured products in the
markets where they are the cheapest. But
wo did nothing of tho kind. ' We 'started -'
out in another direction. We undertook
to diversify our interests by going into
. tho business of making all that would be
produced in this country. " Wo went on
tho theory that we -should send out to
the other sido the surplus products uf
our farms with whit-h - we might purchase-
goods or products that could not
be produced in this. country." Europe 'of
fered to sell us. hi return for our- wheat
and cotton, manufactured articles that
wo could make if our capitalists aud
workingmen were protected from compe-..
titiou until they could stand alone. Tho
foreigners even tried to convince us that
it would be cheaper fer- ns to- remain' on
agricultural country., aud thev are still,"
with tho assistance of the Democratic
party, engaged in persuading us to aban
don our factories aud return to fields. '
We declino on the ground that the' coun
try has prospered under the protective
system. ' Tho manufacturing establish
ments which have been encouraged by the
protective tariff -have been of niorepecu-
uiary, ad vantage
totue farmers than, the
foreign market The only true principle
lor national prosperity is to make what
you can and buy only 'what you must, and
' that -is what -protection means. New
York Mail and Exprcbs.'
. The Solid South Might BeSoUderl
The Savannah (Ga.) News warns those
Democrats in the south who arc disposed
to" break away from the ranks (which, is a
significant concession that there are some)
that party affiliation in the south, means
more -than party supremacy, . In other
word's, this means, we presume,, that Tho
News deems it most important that the
south should be kept solid -and Republi
cans should bo disfranchised in order to
keep them out of power both in state,
county and municipal administrations.
The Atlanta Constitution takes this view.
c of the case, and warns its readers that it
is within tho range of probability that
the Republicans may" capture the reins
'of "the city government- "Once -with
a ticket in tho field." says The Constitu
tion "no power can break the solidity
with which tho' Republicans will rally 'to
it. This was demonstrated in the legisla
tive election several days ago," which, by
' the wav. Th'o Constitution neelects to sav.
ran tho Democratic majority down to 400- j
This is not the only section in the soutlr
from which appeals of ' this pathetic- sort
- are' coming. In .North -Carolina, in vari
ous, parts of Georgia aud Louisiana, "as
well as in Arkansas and Missouri, there
arc many evidences that the disintegra
tion of southern solidity is. menaced. and
. that the Bourbons ore having all they can'
"do to prevent it. Chicago Tribune.
Some insures.
The amount .received by the- United
States government ' for customs for tho
vear ending Juno .10, 1S87. was S204;77O,-
280.537- This amount the Milk bill re--
duces by additions, to the free listof $22.-
250,000, and. by reductions in tho tariff
rates' $30,000,000 a total of $52,2o0,000. -
; This latter amount is 23$ per cent, of the'
." total'amount of customs revenue,, sho-"
ing that the Mills bill, instead of making
..a reduction of 5 percent, in tariff rates,
-maKesone'of live times & percent, if.
- from the total of "receipts for customs we
deduct tho amount of revenue from the
.proposed, additions to the freo list, and
from the article of sugar, we have a total
of $114,000,000 in. Tound. numbers. Tho
amount of redaction of tho. tariff rates on
the articles which make, up this amount,
proposed by the "Mills bill, is. about $21,
000.000, which is an average "of over 18.4
nercent. reduction in tariff rates bv'tho"
L Mills bill on articles .which enter into com-
petition with those of home manufacture:
Thus it is clearly shown that thVpassage
'of the Mills bill would- have on 'injurious
effect on manufacturing and laboring in-,
terestsof this country. Boston-Journal.
.'.' Break, Shake. Quake!.
" " (O.C. loquitur.) . -
.Break, shake, quake, . ,"'"-'
. O. btartled Democracee. " m
. . While I stutter and sputter to utter
-" The thoughts that arise- ia rciL
" - 0 well for the Hamiou crowd,
. That Is swelling iu ranks each day!
O, well for the Umpire Mate .
'.-. ' When .Warner Miller holds sway: .' -
-.-" .The Republiuan ship" Bails oul
"." No figure for Jle or Hill,
Though we're both ia touch with the toughs
-- aad6ucnj
And solid with bar and Mill:
". Break, shake, quake. ..,.-.
Unhappy Democracc. .-"
Kovember chills and thrills' ana bill
- Have a terrible grip on We!
' .-" "- -Now York Tribune.
A Cnaraeterlstlc Democratic Argaaaea.'
A favorite -argument with the 'free
traders is that 'if all classes of business
men are -not directly protected, those not
protected . receive no benefit bat. are'
'.taxed" to' pay for the protection of the
favored classes. The argnment.wonld be
eminently unsound cvenu protection were
a tax, which it- is not. It might as well
be asserted that if a hundred men in'a
community are enterprising and prosper-'
ous, their prosperity, instead of benefiting
everybody else in that community, docs
ham by compelling all the rest to pay for
it!-Ohio State Journal.
' -. tier Way ;eC Cearse.
'The Rochester 'Herald '(Ind.) in. re;
producing and ..commenting on Sam
Wilkeson's description of tho women
blacksmiths of Bromsgrove. England, in
last Monday's Exprcss.t rut hfully remarks:
"A system or a policy which would bring
.the comparatively well paid and self re
specting American working people of this
country into' competition with such labor
and wages is criminal. In the face of such
facts and figures the argument that only
the minority of our people are employed
in protected manufactures, while the ma
jority would save a few pennies hero and
there by admitting the -pauper products
of .Europe free of duty is as mean and
cruel aa it is fatuous. Whatever pauper
izes American labor will debase and de
stroy 'American institutions and tho entire
fabric of American society." Tho Demo
cratic party must go! Buffalo Express.
' Wefally aUsIafenaed. .
It seems that the cherished surplus of
the administration has dwindled to less
than $93,000,000. A few days-ago it was
reported at 9137,000,000! That is to say',
tbel mlslnf orBsatioa. given the' country
by the president and nis advisers about
the unnecessary cash on hand is about
$40,000,000. The same crowd miscalcu
lated the revenue to tho extent of $100,
000.000. The fact is the Democrats are
full of false information and false princi
ples, and foolish and profligate notions
about tho public money, and they should
not be trusted 'to handlo it. Cincinnati
Do as Yea Would Be Deae By.
Do you work in.a factory and believe in
protection?- If you do, consider this ques
tion: If you vote to strike tho duty off of
wool, olive oil and other products-of tho
farm, do you think that tho farmer, when
he gets a chance to even up with you. will
not voto to strike the duties off of manu
factured 'articles? Iffyou do you are" a
donkey, and are incapable of understand
ing human nature. If you will not voto
to protect the farmer ho will not voto to
protect yon. San Francisco Chronicle.
The Duty oa Sugar.
' If the Democrats in congress ore honest
ly anxious to mako food cheaper, why do
they not accept tho Republican proposi
tion to reduce tho sugar duties to tho
amount of $28,000,000? That would be a
direct saving to every family in the coun'
try, and .at the 'same time tho surplus
would be lessened without doing any par
ticularharm to tho interests 'of domestic
labor and enterprise. St. Louis -Globu
Exhibited by G. Cleveland, Showman.
' The offer of $25,000 reward for the coti
victio'n of persons violating the registra
tion law in New York city shows beyond
question where the Republican National
committee stands on the- fraud issue. As
.we remarked the other .day. Democratic
bluster about illegal registration on the
part.of -Republicans in tho closo states of
the east is merely a bold attempt to divert
attention from bourbon deviltry. Democ
racy an'd fraud ate Siamese twins. Clever
land Leader. ' '
Clxeamstaatlal Evidence. .
When, a man is arrested with burglar a'
louu in uu possession, it is easy to unuer-
stand what his intentions are; and by tho
aame rule, when a political party advo
cates -an. anti-protection policy: we may
safely concludo that it proposes to estab
lish free trade. St. Louis Globe-Demc
crat- .
A Screw Loose Semen here.
The administration organs, which a few
weeks ago were pronouncing the protec--tive
system a vicious and inequitable "ohe,
are .now endeavoring to. proVo that the
Democratic, party is- the only simo'ii pure
protection party. San Francisco Chroni
cte. - - v--
.. '
. ' Xros Biresi Earkr Essence,
-French .chemists now. obtain from tho
essence of birch bark, by rectification, an
essential oil which possesses, among other
Eroperties, that of being- fatal tu insect
fe, and an electrically insulating tarry
substance: and thesp two 'products are &o
treated and combined with othor sub
stances as. to. produco an anti-oxidlzin"
compound and aa insnlaiings-material ca
pable of the same applications a3 ebonite..
Boston Budget.'- ...
'"She Pondered it Moment.
"Be my wifo." ho implored, "be
.wile, my adored one. beol
I li jvc had inv
life Insured for 10.000 Li your favor."
and he flourished the policy in tho air. '
.. .She pondered a moment, and then rais
Ing her largo and lustrous orbs to his sha
said: -; "
"' "Before I give" yon an answer. L would
Kko to knowthostatd of your health.'
Boston TJudget
ljeBdos Police Band.
The P division of tho Lomlon police
have formed a' brass band of forty-omf
Eicces. They propose to play in tho pub--c
Equ&res f or vthe special entertainment.
of tho poor, receiving no pay - Thero a:j
other bands in tho police force, but this is
the largest London Letter.
Aaythlas for a.Chaase..
Chicago Boy What's the matter. sJ3?,
' Little. Sister Notliin. only mamma's
got that divorce frown again:
. Chicago Boy Well. I'm glad of it . 1
don't like thu papa very much myself.
The Cartoon. . .
-. Just What Be' Wasted.'
. -Barber (desirous to please now would
you like your hair cut, sir? . --Customer
(Innocently) Fi"r35- TataF
That's .whit- t came u here for. The
Idea ;-...- ... -.
What a Time
People'.formerly hadj tfin;"i-,.';inVT
the old-fjs'iipiied'.piU with it. tljui. :
magnesia vainly disgiuiiu "it-- lctvr.
ness ; and 'what a. contract to- jor
Pills, that have! been ;ll tulli-.l "m.'tl-
icateri sugar-pjitw" the o-ily
.Tng that pafie'nts may" be tiuiipted into .
-.taking too many at a l)e. I.iii-lln
-.directions' are. plain." and .sliouhr- be
strictly.folfoweri. - : - .
j.. T. Teller, M. I.. of Chittenanj-o,"
N.Y"., expresses -ox.ictiy- liitiulrcds
. have written at greuter leiigthl lie
say: ArsCatharticriIN are.hijrhiy
appreciated. They at perfvi t i:i form
and' coatit:g, ami-' their etTeets. are all
that the-' most cart-fur ph .sivian inuld
desire. Tliey have supplanted all the
I'ills .formerly popular hercand I-think
it must." be- long before any other can
be' made that will at all comiare with
them. Those' who buy ottr pills 't
full value for their money."
.. Saie, pleasaat, and eerfala in
" th'eir-action," is "the .concise testimony
of Dr: George E. Walker, of Martius
.yille," Virginia. " -. .-
'- " Ayer's Pills outsell all similar prep
arations. The public having once imetl
them, will have no-others." Berry,
Veuabfe & Collier, Atlanta, Ga.
Ayer's Pi I Is,
Prsparcd by Dr. J. C. Ayer fc Co., Lowell, Mass.
SaM by an Dealers la M edldae.
National Bank !
Authoriztd Capital of $250,000,
A Surplus Fund of ? $20,000,
.. -
Aad the largest Paid la CaakCkpltal of
any bank ia this part of the tyate.
IV Deposits received, and" interest " paid oa
time deposits. " -
"-""- " " -
EM)rafts oa the princ ipal cities in this coaa-
try aad Europe bouxht and sold.-
- -. . - - - .
IVCollectioBS aad all other bosiaess givem
proapt'sad-careral attention.
sTocxBOLcras. -. ;
A. ANDERSON. Ptee't.
J. H. GALLEY; Vice Prea't
O.T.KOKN, Cashier
gus'mess nris.
Attorney and Ceunseller at Law..
Office on Nebraska Ave., Colqmbus, Neb. All
leical bnsinesH promptly, accurately aad careful,
ly attended to. . 15aug-y
O Dl.lMYAi t atKEawKaT
Office over Firb't National Bank, Columbus,
Nebraska. . - SO-tf.
M. MACFAatljilNlB,
tSTiiiWee over First" National .Knnk. Colum
bus; Nebraska.
t3f"Purtie deirim; mirvejinjr. done can ad
ilreH lire nt CohiinbiiH, NVb., or cull at my office
in t ourt Ilouwe. . . 5piay!)6-y
I will ! in my otliiv in the Court Hontw. the
third Katunlny of each, month forth examina
tion of nppNomtH for ttficluTHcTtiiicateH, und
for the trariKiictioii of other koIiooI buttine..
I"janh8. - ' ' -
Litflit and heavy hnqlinr. (hmhU handled with -rare.
Headquarter, at 3. I'. I lecker&Co.'it office.
Telephone. XI and 21. 30tnar87y
. "- "Proprietor!! i and FaMishem of the
Roth. iKwr.pnut t any addre. for $ .00 a year,
strictly in aiUuuce. r'.sur.Y Journal. sl.OO a
jear. . - . .
W. A. MrALUSTKir. - W. )l. CORNELIU8.'
jciijjH ti:r a cosni:ij n
Columbiw, Neb.. .
"Office-up staire o er-Ernt A Hchwarz's store oa
Eleventh atrvet. ..-.-. . ltjmnijtw
PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, -Colnmbntt,
Neb. ' " ' ".
Office: Telephone: -
Eleventh Street. Office No. Jtt: lteidence No.67.
- . - ' -. SanarjW
Specialty made of Collections by C J.Garlow.
Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware !
Job-Work, Soofinf aaAGatter
img a Specialty.
ETShon on 13th' Btrft, Krnuw Bra.'s- old
stand on Thirteenth atreet. - 32tf
Caveatnand Trade Marks obtained, and all Pat
ent huHinefiH condurtMl for MODEKATE FEEH.
UrriLfc. MohavenoHub-aRencieH.all bucineH
ihrect; hence w ran tranwict tmtent banint in
lest time and at LESS COST than. the remote
from WashiaKton.
,8end model, drawine, or photo, with decrip
tion. We advifw if imtentable or not, free or
chartce. Our few not clue till patent is socureil.
Abojk, "llf.w to Obtain I'atentH," with refer
ejiceit to actnal clients in jour state, county or
town, ent free. Addrees
- Opposite Vateut'otfice. WaithiUKton, D. C
aWaW sjaaav
SEA WONDERS exist in
thoiiMnnii of forms, but are sur-
irrrl'Mlt by tliemarvefsof invention'
work that can be done whilv living at- home
Hhould at once send their address to'IIallett A
(o., Portland, 5Iaine. and receive free, full in
formation: how either sex, of all ajce. can earn,
from 5 to pX ir liayanil upwards wherever
thr-.y live., lounrw started free.- Capital not rtt.
tinired. Seme have made oter $JU in a hibkI'
day ntthw work. All succeed. K7dec2Hy
S500 Rtwari !
.We Will pay the above "reward for any cano of
liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indi-K'-stiori.
constipation or contivenc-ss we cannot
----- " "" " ..hviuuiii mr iiuo, will-u UID
directions are strictly complied with. They are
purely vegetable, and never Jail to ive satisfac
tion. LarK boxes containing 30 sngar coated
pills, Se. lorsalebyalldrngKists. Beware of
counterfeits and immitafions. The genuine
m51!5f,!l?nJ?d oa,Jr br JOHJr C. WEST A CO...
&K W. JIadison St.. Chicago, HI. decVOTj
'lias revolutionized
the world durinir th
last half century.
Not leant Hmnnv t h
wonders of inventive progress is a method and
system of work that can be irformed all over
tne conntry without separating the workers from
their homes. Pay liberal; any one can do the .
work: either sex. young or old: no special ability
required. Capital not) needed; you are started:
free. Cut this ont and return to us and we will
send you free, something of great value and im-'
portance to you, that will start you in business,
which will bring you in more money right away,
than anything ebe in the world. Grand outfit
free. Address True A Co.. Augusta, Me. dec2$
A book of 100 najrea.
The best book for aa
advertiser to oon-
Csult. be he experl
SSenced or otherwise.
b wsoaners and estimates
of tho cos-tof advert Ulne. The ad vertiserwho
wants to spend one dollar. Anns to. nine in
formation be requires, while for him who will
Invest one hundred thousand dollars la ad
vertising; a scheme is indicated which will
meet his every requirement, or cea at waifs
149 editions have been Issued.
Sent post-paid, to any addrese for W cents.
Write to GEO. . ROWdX CO.
ueaaraeeitprtotuig Hoaaaq.)t Mew Tera.