The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 26, 1888, Image 1

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WBOJM NO. 959.
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Ci Capital " $100,000.
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Csttlectlwats P.
Mam-stly MM
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my laterewt Tltsee. stop-
C; H. SliELD.ON.TrwTt.
- WlA. McALLIHTEK, Vice Pros'.
" -" C.A:"':
...... -DANIEL 8CIIIUM.Ass't Cash.
:J p beckkb; jonas welch,
-". '.'""' -- ''"' r "
usBanktranB-a'roiular -Banking Butti-
" Bess, will allow interest on time deposits, make
.collections, buy .or well exclmnj?t .on United
- States and Euro-ie; and luy and' eell available
.securities. ' .
. WeabairtMfriemtMd to -receive your lmine8.
We solicit your-patronage: We Kiiarantee satis
. faction in all biisinessintrusted iu our care.
. .decSMH .
Call. ON
rti.W. KIBI,iSK,
Trmwglliilf !.
' : CT7Tbeae oritans are 'first-class in.erery-par.
tiealar, and o icaarantied.
' seuinoji t puti,
BHokeye Mower, combined, Self
" Binder, wire or twine.
Pups Repaired b shrt itiee
"" CrOAe door w of fleintx' Drag Store. ,11th
.tMt, Colombo, Neb. . 17n3Taftt
Health is Wealth !
1M.K. r.WnT'8 Neetk axt Bbaih Tbxat.
anrr. guaranteed ajwcific for Hywtcna, Dizzt
ml CoBTnlUonaFita,.NerToo8 Neuralgia,
ITMlarhr. Nervous Prostration caused by the me
of aleobol or tobacco, Wakefnlnesa, Mental De
, oonenuie 01 UH9 djuu swuuu u. .
L leaoinc 10 misery, oecar uu unui.
ja either sex. InTolontary Losses and Spenmat-
IMlfl U1U OCT. AMU I VUUCVo, u ?"
ustltBf f nsrin ny nTrr rTrmrTi tj 1 --
MMer over indnlence. Each box contains
. imjl miialh's Uuitin fnt $1.00 a box,-or six boxes
fargfiW.sft by mil prepaid oareceipt fprice.
fornix Soxes, aceofflpanied with $5.00, we will
I ths nosey if the treatment idoe not effect
(Manatees wsaea waij u ..
'Bepmringof.allhindsof Uphol-
eas. - ,v
lh Iresldeas
jigfcly gipusoil ts Ttow.
Mr. mine, in disc-using the Mills tariff
bill. and. the president's foreign policy, re
cently stated that he would be ashaicted
of any ilaine hJrse jockej who eoold not
do better for his country in -a trade with
other nations. Any jockey could have
made a better bargain for his country,
than the president did. bnt there are
jockeys' who .sometimes "throw a race,'
and allow, their competitors to come in
ahead, -and that is just what Grover Cleve
land has done in his negotiations with
Great' Britain. His administration has
always given to 'England and Canada all
they -wanted. 'President Cleveland had
not been in office' three months when he
reversed fhe action of congress, and put
in operation the obnoxious clauses in the
fisheries treaty which President Arthur's
administration had abrogated. He thus
nullified' an act of congress; and the late
Richard -L. Spofford,-a prominent lifelong
Democrat, declared that the president
merited impeachment forthat one act
Later when the Canadian. Pacific rail
road asked for valuable privileges which
conflicted with American interests' the
president hastened to grant them. That
road had acquired control of a steamship
line on the Pacific coast and wanted to
'ship freight from San Francisco in bond
to.our eastern ports without the payment
of duty. Secretary Dan Manning, who was
considerable of an American.promptly re
jected this request and declared that con tho abrogation of article SO of the
treaty of Washington, had expressed its
determination to protect American com
merce from foreign companies. Bat after
Mr. Manning's death this ruling was re
verscd The administration gave to the
Canadian subsidized company full liberty
to compete with and to ruin tho business
of American roads, the latter being at
great disadvantage owing to tho restric
tions of tho interstate commerce law,
which did not apply to the foreign mon
opoly. In this case any jockey could have
done better for his country than Mr.
Cleveland did. .but our president did not
want to do wclL He wanted Canada to
Win, and ho "throw the race." If he is
not an English president, what is he?
Again, when the fisheries troubles arose
and outrages were being committed upon
hundreds of American vessels, prompt,
decisive and courageous action was neces
sary. But British interests were involved
and the president did not want to act.
He favored a vacillating policy which
would aid Great Britain. He proposed
the appointment of a commission to settle
the ' matter, but congress rejected this
proposition and passed an act, giving the
president full power to retaliate.. Presi
dent Cleveland in his recent remarkable
message to congress quotes this act as
follows: "
"The congress has already passed a
law, which received executive assent on
the 3d day of March, 1887, providing that
in case .American fishing vessels being or
visiting in the waters or at any of the
1 ports of the British dominions of North
America, should ho, or lately had been,
deprived of the rights to which they were
entitled .by treaty or law,, or if they were
denied certain other privileges, therein
specified, or vexed and harassed in the en
joyment of the same, tho president might
deny to vessels and their masters and
crews of the British Dominions of North
America any. entrance into the waters,
ports, or harbors of the United States,
and also deny entry into any port or place
of the United States of any product of
said dominions, or other goods coming
from said dominions to the United
The above is the language of the law.
cited by the president in his message, ana
it proves that he had ample authority to
retaliate. This act refers not only to fish
ing vessels and fish, but to all sorts of
produce and merchandise .carried in ves
sels belonging to the people of the British
dominions of North America. It em
powers the president to "deny entry into
any port or place of the United Stales"
to any railroad depot or warehouse "of
any product of said dominions or other
goods coming from said, dominions."
What more authority could be asked
than is given in the above? Why did not
the president enforce it? Solely, we be
lieve,' .because .he did. not want to act
against the interests of Great Britain.
During the past eighteen months he has
had authority to resent the outrages per-
Ee totted against our fishermen, and now
e comes forward and asks for additional.
Only one mterpretauon can bo placed
upon the conduct of President Cleveland
In dealing with this question and the tariff,
and that is. that his administration is con
ducted in the interests of Great Britain.
Every great newspaper in England sup-
Grts his administration and advocates
1 re-election. If -thev had the choice of
a president they cquld not- select s man
more completely f o their liking than Mr.
Cleveland.' fie did all in his power to
surrender to them all our fishery rights
and privileges in the treaty which the
senate recently rejected. In transmitting
that document to the senate he said:
"The treaty meets my approval because
I believe that its supplies a satisfactory,
practical and final adjustment, upon
basiajbonorable and just to both parties, of
the difficult and vexed question to which
it relates."
.The treaty suited. Great Britain and
therefore it- pleased' Mr. Cleveland. Any
jockey could have'made a better trade for
Lis country. Cleveland Leader.
The venomous lies that the Indiana
Democrats are telling! about Gen. Bar
risen show tho unscrupulous character of
the party in that state.
There is a perfect ferocity about this
lying, and it .arises from the feeling in
tho party that tho case is against Cleve
land as it stands, and that the state of
Indiana on an honest vote would be found
strongly Republican.
The Democrats in Indiana, like those of.
Ohio, have been distinguished for their
tally sheet scoundrelism. and caught the
contagion of fraud from their bosses in
the solid south, where a million Republi
cans are counted for representation and
deprived iy tricks or by violence of the
riyht of suffrage.
The general appearance of things is that
the-Democratic party is .so desperate' at
the prospect of being ejected, from power
and doomed to permanent decadence and
gradual destruction., that there is a de
termination to carry the southern plan of
counting votes Into' the north, and partic
ularly in Indiana -and New York ana' New
Jersey.. '
..The president's $10,000 subscription to
the .Democratic campaign fund is prob
ably an arrangement with'Brice to stimu
late subscriptions. .Grover may pay Cal
vin the money and he may not. He. is
about the natural size of award politician
who would make a bogus snbscfrotionl
. However, it is esthwsted that the squan
dering of public," money by Cleveland's
appointees on the extension of Massachu
- setts avenue has helped the proprietor of
Bed Top in his association, of syndicates
ao'that be might afford to pay the money.
Vigilant "Washington coirrespoadentahave
'calculated that the improvement of the
value of Bed Top real estate has not been
leas than t40bd This, heats Garland's
speculation, and 'Whitney so roll ia
thonsaad AoTt bilk that ao estimate earn
tornado cfatastrsvrttnaiytmwtamssrts.
Bat no matter whether the Cleveland
ine proclamation tfiattbe iresWent has
poured out his money means that an im
mense corruption fund is. wanted,' and
that' all the officeholders must follow the
example of the chief 'magistrate.- The'
first' .thing in the struggle to wrest In
diana from .Harrison is the flapdoodle
lying that is going on, which is so gross
that the comic element is Introduced.
The first nerinred liar Who coram to the
front says Gen. Harrison .declared that f I '
a day was enough for any worsnngman,
and perjured liars' will of .course corrobo
rate the story. The next perjured liar
says Harrison declared he would put down
the riot and strike If he had to wade in
blood to his fingertips. .Of course these'
lies are. so monstrous that rational belief
in them is wholly impossible.
Next after lying is to be applied Brice's.
boodle, made up by the -president and
other contributorsholders of. various
"trusts." The $10,000 story about Cleve
land will squeeze every postmaster, and
tho pressure upon the whole' army, in the
civil service to give up money will bo
made -under a 'system of shabby lying,
and will bp brutal beyond all example;
and the 'proceeds need m sheer Jbriberiea,
"This is a.spectacle 'that James Russell
Lowell, from England, and George Will
iam Curtis, from Staten bland; Carl
Sehurz, from the Baltic,' and Henry Ward
Beecher, from his celestial abode, are ex
pected to contemplate. It Is the fruit of
tho reform to which they contributed the
effusiveness of their genius and the
beauty of their reputation. And, in the
rjscrve, backed with boodle, is tally sheet
forgery for the' cause of Cleveland, Thur
raaaand reform. Cincinnati Commercial
What the Mwdtnc Mttaf Tfcla ef tTJs
Ustallartosj Keaafce.' '
The more the arbitrary power of a man
thus constituted is increased, the more
dangerous he is. The president cannot
be trusted with managing more rope than
be lias. Minneapolis Tribune.
nu treaty rejected, he faces 'about and
demands a grant 'of authority which
wguld enable him to mterrupt all the trade,
between Canada and the United 8tates,'
and even talks of war. Leavenworth
After all there were only two courses
open to the president after the rejection
of the one side treaty by the senate. He
had either to issue a proclamation prohib
iting tho entry of Canadian products, or
to neglect the 'duty imposed upon him by
congress and allow the outrages to con
tinue. He has chosen the latter course.
Milwaukee Sentinel. ,
We do not need a sledgehammer' to
mash mnsquitoes with. If the president
had a year ago gently reminded Canada
that searches and seizures were little
games that two could play at, which
was the intention, of the bill passed by
congress conferring some extraordinary
powers on the president for this purpose,
tho fishery question would havp been
solved satisfactorily. Lincoln (Nob.)
Congress should not give the president
any moro discretionary power in this mat
ter, but should abrogate Articles 28. and
29 in a formal manner as soon as possible.
The privileges given by' them to tho
United States are worth about $5,000 a
year, while they are worth $5,000,000
a year to Canada. Philadelphia Inquirer.
Why does noi the president move on
theenomv's works at onco bv orderinc
-all Canadian shipping from- United States
portsT Ho can do tuatnow and tear up
tho railroads later. Binghamton, N. Y.,
This country has not in recent yan
witnessed a more flagrant or humiliating
exhibition of demagogism in-high place
than is afforded in the elaborate and ab
surdly needless message which President
Cleveland sent to congress relating to
retaliatory legislation. Milwaukee Wis
consin. If President Cleveland hopes to divert
attention from his actual record by a little
bluster and bill posting he will find him
self greatly mistaken, and so he will bo if
bethinks that kicking up a dust about
fish will obscure the great issue of the
campaign. Chicago Inter Ocean.
Evidently Mr. Cleveland's concern about
the denial of free transhipment and
equal canal tolls; and hie desire to retail
ate upon the Canadians in kind, are in the
nature of an afterthought Hartford
The New York Press, commenting on
Gen. Harrison's Put-ln-Bay reception
speech, says:
"There is something about Benjamin
Harrison that attracts the confidence of
the people. Every speech to makes shows
his ability, sincerity and earnestness, and
tho solid way in which to stands by the
Republican platform la convincing evi
dence that under him the country will
have an economically sound administra
tion. Be is not given to political pyro
technics, and will not take any chances
with the prosperity of the country by fol-.
lowing dangerous administrative poli
cies." The Press puts it well when it says'
there Is "something about Gen. Harri
son that attracts tto confidence of the
people." Thoerprtaaiondefinfw his ruling
characteristic. .Gen. Harrison has one of
those evenly balanced and well poised
characters,, which, without presenting anv
particular point for exceptional approval,
challenges general admiration and attracts
tho confidence of' people. This eon
iidence Is as much an indorsement of
his sincerity, his earnestness and conscien
tious devotion to principle aa it is of his
ability. He creates the impression of be
ing "a safe man to tie to. ". Those who hay o
had business dealings . with him, or
who have come in 'personal contact
with him even casually, have noticed in J
now large a degree ne possesses
this quality of begetting confi
dence. At all times ana under all cir
cumstances he has tto manner of a man
who acts from high and pure motives and
who is quite above being swayed by con
siderations of selfish or personal aggran
dizement. He is naturally conservative,
and this is a quality that attracts confi
dence. People have read Gen. Harrison's
speeches, numbering mora- than forty
stnce.his nomination, and have wondered'
at his never nuking a mistake. He is
never extreme, never rash, never abusive,
never imprudent, never unguarded. This
is characteristic of Gen. Harrison under
all cirenmatances. Those whd know him
could .not eoncelve-of bis doing a rash
thing. If elected prridAtUs.sdmhus;
tratkmwill .be 'conservative in the best
and highest sense- .of the term. Indian
apolis Journal .
Republicans everywhere may rest, as
sured that the more people see o'f Gen.
Harrison tto more votes to will receive.
Itis impossible to take Urn f or anything
but the thoughtful, refined and able gen
tleman that he is" . Nobody could suspect ,
for an instant that to had habitually
eaten his lunches .for many years in a bear
saloon..after the fashion of Ids opponent,
in the present campaign, or that to would'
spend Decoration day fishing in the backwoods.-
There is not a trace in Gen. Har
rison's appearance or manner of tto heavy
.selfishness and gross lack of a movhur
or tne fitness 01 things that could
Urn, as president of tto United
to 1 iswsln aflaiil sad inactive while' city UtoCtorlsston lay naif
ruined and sorely m assdof tolp.mnt)!
in aftwnsisMS racers of
.Tto Pseae.-rThat- xVaya -trie Pal Jeai ltjam
. . . ' .
-A? M f. V
" iB "
Free trade would makeaTOods
but it would lower the American work
man's wages so much that he would be
unable to purchase them.
Democratic Politician (to workingman"
Kill the goose and get all your eggs at
once. Judge.
Was Toe
In proportion as the Canadians' and
amguah become satisfied that.President
Cleveland was Vplaying to tho 'gallery" In
Ins recent message, they begin to talk big
and knit their- brows and .to attempt to
rival Mr. Cleveland in gasconading and
braggadocio. Sir Hector Langevin, the
ffcTisa'ftTi minister of public works, and
Sir John Thompson, minister of justice,
recently delivered political addresses in
the .province of Ontario, in which they
plucked sundry feathers out of the Amer
ican eagle's tail in revenge for the twist
which Mr. Cleveland gave to the caudal
appendage of the British lion; and one
was just about as much in earnest as the
Sir Hector exhorted his constituents to
be collected and clam while discussing
President Cleveland's message, and said
they should not resent too much' hard
names and hard words, spoken against
Canada; but he intimated that tto sleep
ing Hon might bo aroused, and then there
would be. trouble. Sir John Thompson
struck, a higher note, and assorted that
the citizens of Canada were in no mood to
submit to the dictation of any foreign
power, and that- if Canadians were im
posed upon it was their duty to'uphold
their rights and defend' tho honor of their
Across the water the message is looked
at in a somewhat different light, but It Is
not regarded as anvtbingvery alarming.
Tho Whitehall Review criticises it In
these words, after reviewing the action of
the senate in rejecting-; the treaty:
"In a. word. President Cleveland has
lowered himself to tho level of tho sena
tors and has forgotten dignity, states
manship and everything else in an at
tempt to gain a party advantage over his
When the president wants to create a
sensation ho should have the claque bet
ter drilled. It. has taken his foreign sup
porters somo time to grasp the situation,
and even now The Whitehall Review
shows that it has not thoroughly learned
its lesson, as it blurts out tho truth too
plainly and directly. Tho Canadian gen
try appreciate the situation much hotter,
it would seem, as they whoop it up just
enough to keep up interest in tho mes
sage. Here at home, however, the message
has fallen very flat. Americans laugh and
wink and say: "Pretty good political
dodge," but they decline to believe that
Mr. Cleveland's sudden conversion to
Americanism is genuine,, or that it is in
tended to last longer than until the even
ing of the 6th of November. San Fran
cisco Chronicle.
little Points, TMrt Weighty.
It Is true, as asserted by tho Democrats,
that Mr. Morton has a "barreL" The
people found that out a good many years
years ago when ho tapped It so liberally
for the relief of want and suffering in
poor old Ireland St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Mr. Thurman's little speech, in which
he. says the tariff taxes the laboring man
from the crown of his head to the soles of
his feet. Is a regular top and bottom
game. It is fully as delusive as tho ordi
nary racket of that sort. It will fool
those who bet on it just as badly. Den
ver Times. .
The New York city Democrats are .very
much annoyed that the president does not
remove Postmaster Pearson, who is a Re
publican. Nevermind. -He is tho kind
of .a Republican that votes for Democrats
for office, and therefore almost as useful
as tto real, genuine mossback to the
party. Let him remain. Minneapolis
It is probably true, as Mr. Blaine says,
that if we. should adopt the Mills-Cleveland
free trade policy, our factories would
not bo closed; but it is equally true, as he
adds, that if kept open they would not.
Sy moro than half the present wages,
to issue, in other words. Is not so much
that of caring for the interests of the
manufacturers as it is that of protecting
the laboring people against the loss of at
least 50 per cent, of the pay which they
now receive. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Poor Mr. Bayard's diplomatic ventures
all seem to como to grief. Now that his
pet fisheries treaty has been rejected by
the senate, his cup of woe must be over
flowing. Alas! poor Bayard. However,
Cleveland now has an opportunity to
prove that all these allegations as to his
pro-British sympathies are false. By all
means let us have war against .Canada
dark, bloody, horrid war. But it must be
over in time for the November election.
Mnmeapolis Journal (Rep.)
Bow tt WorKs.
Biding in the ears, a few days ago, a
merchant of this .city was explaining his
objection" to the Mills bilL It would re
dues the cost of goods somewhat, he
thought, hut the' agents of foreign manu
facturers and their drummers, who would
then go about tto country seeking orders,
would be able to undersell' business men
In his own and many departments and
drive them out of trade. In front of him.
sat substantial looking workingman,
who presently turned and said:- "I am
foreman of the works at , where
we have 200 men employed, nearly all ef
whom voted for Cleveland in 1884. Not
long ago the owners of the works called
us together, -and made a plain state
ment of their business for the last few
years, showing that they bad been able
to make a slender but Uvingjprofit selling
goods at eujrrent prices and paying cur
rent wages; -that the proposed reduction
of duties would of necessity close the
works, unless there should be a reduction
of wages, and then saying that it seemed
to.-them theworUngmen had the same,
mterest in this question with themselves.'
We have talked; the matter, over, and
nearly erery one of us will vote for Har
rison and protection." .
.This casual conversation,' which was
BOtSatonded to to reported, stows now
employers and -employed axe -examining
tto Democratic tariff till in all tto inann
faeturing states., .TsmT fconfersness are
for mutual interests; "and there is-no co
ercion Jabout them. ITery sensible ess.
nlo-fwJtcnowsttot to cannot ossros tto
votes of hi employes If to would, asm
use ne.tarows away au power to
iroi.-tneir votes in any outer way.
cf-itimate argument.- Men of sense,
therefore, arp .taking tto workin'gmen
into their 'counsel, snowing them just
what the business, pays with wages- and
duties where, they, are, and what would
to the effect of a proposed ehange of duty.
The theoretical discussions'in sneeches,
papers. and pamphlets have .but little
weight compared with these' personal ex
planations.. When a man sees that' lower
dalles mean no work or lower wages 'for
him he is- prepared to understand .that
lower wages or no .work 'for' millions of
workingmen throughout the country
would not promote 'its prosperity. New
York Tribune.
: rr : .
Jar' Cfisafcl a Weal.:
' Cleveland and tto free traders seem to
'have .'found an unexpected, airy in tto
person of- Jay .Gould, tto eminent New
York, financier. Mr. Gould announces
-as his opinion that free wool will
benefit rather than 'injure' our man
ufacturers engaged in that' branch, of
industry. -Now if tto 'eminent finan
cier had stopped there hU mere assertion
might tows earried some weight with it,
.but not content to let well' enough alone,
he undertakes to give reasons.
He says: "It will. give, them free of
duty raw material from England and
Australia, where the quality Is very fine,
to mix with the common grades grown
here. If the. wool imported was of equal
grade with ours the effect might to differ
ent, but it is' much superior.
Mr. Gould's reasoning Is. lust about as.
sensible as that of the philosopher who.
cut two holes In his gate for his two cats,
a big hole for the big cat and a little hole
for the kitten. It is true that the wool
now Imported Is of a fine grade, but if we
admit wool' duty free Is it "not obvious
that wool of low grade will rush in upon
us to the destruction of our own wool in
dustry?' Not even Mr. Gould could open
a flood gate to a rushing river and expect
only pure, clear water to como In. It is
the low grade wool that we want to keep
out until we can improve our own clip
and raise our own high grade wools.
.But Mr. Gould.does not know his sub
ject. We raise a great ' deal of high
grade wool, and the domestic product Is
certainly Increasing, being stimulated by
a protective tariff. There are, too, some
low grade, wools imported, of a special
kind, bnt'hot In great quantities.
The manufacturers of wool do not agree
with Mr: Gould New England Is al
most a unit against free, wool, and the
manufacturers may be supposed to know
as much about their own needs as Mr.
Gould can, whose labors have been popu
larly supposed to be confined rather to
destroying than to making; that is, ex
cept to making a colossal fortune out of
the misfortunes of ethers. San Fran
Cisco Chronicle.
SUghtly Sarcastic, bat Psinroltr Tree.
It is very singular that the white voters
of the south are in such a state of abject
terror at the designs of tho riegrocs, while
at.tho same time if an actual conflict oc
curs it is always the whites who are tho
attacking party and the negroes who suf
fer. A dispatch; from a town in Louisiana,
for example, says that on armed body of
forty white men left a certain locality and
went to another place to moot some, more
armed whlto men, their purpose being to
proceed to a place known as Long Blues, l
where it Is reported that the negroes have '
armed and mado threats against the wbito J
residents of that neighborhood.
If the colored voters of tho' south are
such a fierce and desperate lot of people, i
It is very strange how suddenly they be
come peaceable about election time, or at
any rate; how little their votes seem to
count in an election. In nineteen con
gressional districts in five southern states
there were, in 1886. about 320,000 colored
votc3, and yet in those nineteen districts
thero was not a singlo Republican vote
registered as havimr been cast. Probablv
tihe negroes mado threats before the elec
tion; that is, threats of voting the Re
publican ticket; and, as In Louisiana,
they were waited upon by armed white
men and induced to withdraw their
threats, and to be amenable' to the logio
of rifles and shot guns with white men
behind them.
No wonder the south is solid for Cleve
land, when more than 1,000,000 voters
are as much deprived of the right of suf
frage as if the fifteenth amendment had
never passed; and yet southern Demo
crats keep up the cry of sectionalism, and
sneer at the "outrage mill" as persistently
as ever, rtat outrages on voters are a
fact, nevertheless, and it is always the
negro voter who suffers, never the white
Democrat. San Francisco Chronicle.
rVrk te the Pension OsTtoe.
The present administration has been
guilty of a good many disgusting and out
rageous performances in connection with
an effort to justify its actions before the
people,- hut it has done nothing more
brazenly partisan than to employ the
clerks of the pension department in com
posing a campaign document indorsing
the president's vetoed of pension -bills.
While these clerks haro been at work
compiling figures and making extracts
from certain records of the pension office,
the ordinary business has been permitted
to suffer, and .the work of the office, al
ready far behind, has been suffered to lag
still more. Wo would like to know
whether the United States pay salaries
for the compilation of political documents,
and if so, why the Republicans, the. Pro
hibitionists, or the Labor parties are not
entitled to similar privileges.
The fact that the president or his cam
paign managers feel that a defense is
necessary confirms the Republican asser
tion that the vetoes were unjust. Cleve
land knows that he has never treated tto
soldier with the great regard that he
should. He has no sympathy with him or
his cause. As election day approaches he
hypocritically whimpers for his vote and
converts the pensionoffice into a political
machine, hampering and delaying the
work for which it was established.
Cleveland Leader.
How. the Solid Men Talk.
Every man who has ever wore a felt
hat in-America has heard of Robert Dun
lap, the great hat manufacturer. Dun
lap, four years ago, was one of Cleveland's
most enthusiastic admirers, but here is
the way he talked to a reporter of The
Cincinnati Enquirer, John R. McLean's
able Democratic newspaper:
"I work 700 hands. At tho last election
I set in for Grover Cleveland and used my
best .influences with my men' to accom
plish his election; Now I don't think he
will get a vote out. of the establishment.
Business is hard enough, sir, for these,
.politicians to keep their hands' off it
Give them an inch and they will bo taking.'
an elL Whenever politicians put-their
hands into our business uffairs they do
'nobody, any good, confuse tho times and
render us ..liable to close up and turn' out
our men. Mr. Cleveland has taken the
-'gratuitous pains' to trouble such estab-"
Bailments as mine', and I tliiok we will
remind him' at the election that we"appre
eiato his attention." .
Syrap of Tiga. ."
- .
Is Nature's own true laxative.. It is the'
most easily taken, and the most effective J
remedy -known to '.Cleanse" the System
when-BiljpuB or Cpstiveto-dispel Head
aches, Colds and Fevers; tb;cure Habit
ual Constipation, Indigestion, Piles, etc
Manufactured only by. the . California Fig
Syrup Company, San Francisco, CaL For
sslepnlybyDowty&Bector. ' '27-y...
gasjOE-s raotzctu bomb,
Ih'Phuade.phla." a protection' city.
170.800 homes are owned by working peo-'
pie. Hon. O'Neill.
The .laboring men and women'- of tho
United States, have' on deposit in these
savings, banks a sufficient amount to have
paid oh March. 1,1888, the whole of-our
natknaldehtc4'$1.20t.454;iri4' and still
have 81,000,000 8urplaa.-Ssoator Mor
rill. . ' . .
-I am like tto boy who 'hired, his sister
to mako his shirts. ..Some .000 said. '.'Yon
could have taken those shirts, to th'e fao
tosy and had thorn, mads and' saved $2."'
"Yes." said the boy protewtfonlst, "Sister
Sally got a pretty lair price. She always
tys me well for what I do for her. That
bill is still under the same roof with
me. and' if sickness or trouble or hard
luck, comes to any of our family, that
money is there in the house." Hon. Will
lam E. Mason.
The wage earners of this ' country
own more property than all .the .other
wage earners of the whole world put to
gether. The wage earners In Connecticut
and Rhode Island own more property than
wage' earners of tto. whole world outside,
of the United States. Senator Piatt.
The American workingman must be'
fed and clothed and able to maintain his
family as becomes.. the. dignity, of an
American citizen. Roger Evans, work
Huts and hotels, nakedness, pauperism,
and crime follow sadly after the -procession
of cheap labor. Hon. F. Bound. .
In Leeds, England, s free trade city,
population 820,000, not one laboring man
or mechanic owns his home. Evidence
Chief of Police.
The signs of unrest In.Europe, .the vast
armaments, the misery -of the laboring
poor, all warn us to stand by our Ameri
can policy of home development, of pro
tected industry and- internal improve
ments. Senator Sherman.
I heard Mr. Rradlaugh declare In a
speech in parliament that agriculture was .
ruined; that half of the farm laborers,
could get no work; that those employed
received the. pittance of a shillirtg or, a
shilling and sixpence a day. If I should
describe the condition of English laborers
in his words I should be charged with
gross exaggeration. Senator Frye.
We must let wealth-the creation of
labor grow up In all the homes of our.peo
plc. Then every, industry will spring for
ward at a bound, and wealth, prosperity
and power will bless tho. land that is ded
icated to free men, free labor and free
trade. Hon. R. Q. Mills.
A SaggesCtva Bit ef HMaty.
This policy of protecting our industries
never became a party- question until John
C. Calhoun made it such after tho elec
tion of Jackson, in 1828. It was then
that the present Democratic party, under
the leadership of. Calhoun, was reorgan
ized and .based. 00 three distinguishing
ideas or principles.
They were slavery, free trade and se
cession, or nullification, as it was then
called. -Slavery and secession are dead,
and it would be well for us if free trade
were dead also. But it Is not. It has
been revived and' brought forth to be
again battled for in the canvass now cur
rent. While it is a matter of regret that
any considerable number of our fellow
citizens should believe in this doctrine,'
yet on tho other hand. It is to Republi
cans a matter of congratulation that
their Democratic friends havo-at last
openly espoused their own cause, and
that as a consequence tto lines have been
definitely drawn, and tto opportunity
fairly given to win a victory that will
have somo significance. In considering
this question, it should be remembered
that the primary Ides of a protective
tariff Is today just what it was when the
government commenced. Governor For
aker In American Magazine
A Faltoey Keatlv
Free trade .would not open foreign
markets to us.' That is a fallacy, .hatched
in tto colleges and circulated by free
trade fanatics. Foreign countries would
not buy any more of us "under free trade
than they uo now. We have free trade
with Brazil in coffee, yet last vear we im
ported $fi0,000,000worth of coffee, free of
duty, and Brazil only took about $8,000.
OOO worth of 'goods from us. We im
ported $16,700,000 worth of tea, free of
duty, yet China only took about $6,000,
000 worth of goods from us. If
we had free tirade with Great .Bri
tain she would flood this country
with her manufactures sad -not take a
dollar's worth more of our bresdstuffs
than she does now. She only takes any'
of our produce because she has to and she
would not take any more under free trade
than she does under protection. Great
Britain engages in commerce to make
money for herself, not for. other -people.
"The foreign market rot is one of tto worst
fallacies in the .whole 'business. What
we' want to do Is to take care of tto home
market and let foreign markets take ears
of themselves. Minneapolis JoornaL
Prepares. Car anns iau Iuacles.
The city cousin had gone down to the
farm to spend a month, and appeared on
the morning after- his arrival, "ready for
action," at the picnic which "stood first in
.the order of events. He carried a cane,
and stowed away an umbrella In the
wagon; his hat was attached by a ribbon
to his buttonhole, another cord secured
his colored glasses, and a field glass was
slung upon his back.
"I do hope there wont be many mus
quitoes, said one of tto party waiting on
tto piazza.
"I have a. bottle of camphor in my
pocket," replied the city cousin, calmly.
"If they are very troublesomo we; can
riako.a smudge. I have matches"
"Don't cork up the tea as if you never
meant it to toopened!''.called Kate to her
sister, as. they took s last- look at the
lunch' basket;' '
"Never mind, I have a corkscrew." an
nounced the provident, guest. Just then
the naughty boy of.- the family walked up
to him. drew him mysteriously aside, and
asked him confidentially:
"I say I I hope you've got a rope ladder
in your pocket in case of fire, and scan
of pemmican to'use IT we get wrecked on
an.fcetergr Youth's Companion. -
WUUe-What makes, you
to out
bouse so often, Mr. Hankinsorii
want to many, our Irene?
Do yon"
Miss Irene (taken by sunwise, totreal
izing with rare presencebf mind that Mr.
Hajrtnson has'got to say something now)
Willie, yom imoatment' bey. Jve. tto
rosml-Cbicsgo Tribune. '"
There Is actmUoveisy going on in tto
of. our agriealtaral osatom-.
with nfanoct to tto tost
is.ofahosv- Tto
who takes UP two stnats In a raiTrrnsif
coda rJ-tsbahrrts-Uttoareof alaorbv
-s.ssBtuv t-uie.
lAdastai from fwnrMia
T bBskSSSSSSV " s9bbbbbbbbsV-
-"3BsaBawtoJ'J". .SsSJLpkfjm
lAasrias) "Labor- -LahsVs -ftijs tiails
. In 1833. when Abraham Lincoln
candidate for a seat in the Illinois iegU
latnre. he addressed a convention s fol
lows. Even, at-the present time. -after
fifty-six years, tto words tor uttered make
a gx4poutkal platform: -
.GBK-CLEBXir, Fbclow Cxtizbss-I pre
sume you kliow-who I ani. Iasa. mnmbltr
. Abraham lincoln. 'I have been soUdted'
by my many, friends to become atandldete
for the' legialature,; My .politics-can lie'
brisfly stated: Tam.hAfavor.of. the Im
provement system and a high protectivo
tariff. These are my sentiments and'po
litlcal principles. If elected I shall fee
thankful; If not; It wilT bo all tto
- SFothing.that requires sny artistic taste
h as-well madein Great Britain as in tto
United -.States.-. English- manofactBrers
have no taste, yln carpets, calicoes. Wall
papers, fancy goods of all kinds, wo tost
them out. 'of sight. Free. "trade would.
BBbatitute tto coarse and crude -mannfao-'
tares of England- for tto nice and tasteful
ones of this -country, at this saaie time
killing, off-our industries and taking bread
and butterout of.'the mouths of Anie'rican'
workmen. .That .-does not. seem fo- bo
quite-the rightftbing-. IndUnaj-oUs'Jour- -naL
William L. Scott, ehairman'of the Demr
ocratlc..- campaign committee, is one' .of
those, aristocratic Bourbons who; being
worth .-millions themselves, despise "the
man wno is so uniortunate as. to live oy
his labor Scott used to to frank'enougn '.
to express nuuseu- as, isr instance,- .wnesx
he said; : -'.-'. .'
"Yon can never control the laboring:
man until .he live today on.what he
will' earn to-morrow J. - ."
It Is worth whHe 1b this -eonneetloB to'
remember Gen. Barrison's -views on tto
some matter:
;I have always. Believed that no man's -wares
should be so ;kw that "he cannot
make provisionm hto days of. vigor for
tto. feebleness of old age."-rSicraments
Bee. ""
ft Keclect ITae Beat
Canada-is not" now. an issue In the
psign. There is room for just and severe
criticism on the president's past policy In
this matter,- but his-tardy change of front
may bo accepted as a confession of wrong
doing and a pledge of reformation. But
it does not affect (he issue' of the cam-
Icn the- question whether' our tariff-
nties shall -be framed' for the purpose -of
protecting pur worsen against
petition of 'cheap foreign labor.' That is
tho issue. Don't to diverted, from It.
"Sarair Beb-a"fclaa;.,8ii-." ?
There has never been a more "extrava
gant" administration in power than the-
present one. and yet Mr. .Ueveisnd. con
tinues to prate about economy, tho Demo
cratic platforms of this year repeat tto
nonsense ox-four -years ago. and old Ihur
manla tonrhur around the country anm:-
ing against the evidence furnished by the
official figures of the treasury department..
Verily, for puro gall and .unblushing hy
pocrisy tho Democratic party easily beats
his Infernal majesty. Minneapolis Tri
bune. -
Win He Plop Aa-abaf
It is suggested that President-Cleveland,
who has reversed his fishery policy,
may turn another somersault and "go
hack on" 'the Mills bill, his own pot
scheme. Perhaps so. JJe has turned.his
back on about every other position ho has.
held, incradlnc- his anti-second term atti
tude. In fact, he is making a record as
the great American fiip-fioppor. But he
can't wipe out his free. trade record, what
ever contortions he may make..-Troy
-rae t
I am a high tariff man.and protectionist
and for tho reason that'I am nn American
and a friend of American labor. No work
ingman has ever called for a reduction
and no reduction should be made until it
Isdemandcd by the people. We need no
tariff tinkering We. want protection
from ono end of the country to tho other;
touch not' the tariT, raise tho tariff so
high that not a single foreign article of
foreign manufacture can como in. T. VI
Powderly, General Master Workman,
Knights of Labor.
See It,
We hope that no man who toils for a.
living will heed tto sly assurances of tto
Democrats that tto tariff does not protect
him. The assurance Is dark with danger
and deceit. Whatever lowers the wages
of tto mechanic lowers tto wages of tto.
toilers m every other department, vie
submit this palpable proposition to the
honest consideration of every labeling
Man ra siiM'iilrQ Ties
Whs "Colored" ntrnT
Cleveland's organs are relating an inci
dent of his recent fishing excursion with
great 'gusto. It is all. about a ''.colored
man" who shoekbandswlth the president
and declared it cured his rheumatism.
Tto "colored man's name is given, as
Patrick Reynolds.' We do not doubt the
story in the least, bat wo hav some
curiosity to know what" preparation was
used to color. Patrick for the occasion.
No negro ever bore that name. Cleveland-Leader.
Cariwio js rraoenc.
The PhiladelphlB Times Intimates that
Mr. Blaine is net in a hurry to accept
Carlisle's challenge to a tariff debate. It
fails to observe also that Mr. Carlisle is
not in a harry to give any such challenge,
having expressly stated that ho has .hot
and will not do it.' Pittsburg Dispatch.
TtoPrinesof Wales continues to gain
km fleea. mack to his chagrla.
What a Time
People forincily had, trying to'Kwallow
the old-fashioned pill with iu film of
iuaj-iicsia. vainly disguising it-r bitter
ness ; and what a contrast to Ayer'a
rills, that have been well called "itied
icated sugar-plums" the only fear be
ing that patients may be tempted into
taking too many at a dose: But the
directions are. plain and should bo
strictly followed.
J. T. Teller, Ml D.-, of Cliittcnangoi.
N. Y., expresses exactly .what huudreds
havc written at greater length.. He -nays:
" Ay erH Cathartic Pills are highly
appreciated. Thy" are jxirfect in form
and coating, and their effects -are all
that the njost careful' physician -could
desire-.-' They have; supplanted, all tho
Fills formerly popular here, and I think
it must-; he long before any other can
.be umde that will at all compare with .
-them. Those who buy your pills get.
fuil'value for their money:"
"Safe,, pleasant, and certain in
their action,." is the concise testimony
of Dr. George. E Walker, of Martitas
'.ville, Virginia. "
: "Ayer's Pllls'ouiseH'all similar prep
arations.' The public -having pnce'.uaed
tliera,. will have bo others." Berry,
Ve'-rable.Jk' Collier, Atlanta, Ga.
;Ayer'& Pills,
Prepared by Dr. J. P. Ayer Co., LowJ,
National Bank!
. . .-" '. .' ;
. T0?""
A.Smlfc FrMd ff - $20,000,
And .the
- " .asvBaAia this atetef the
fa-pppositsrareiTed' sail
tiade deposits. '-.'. - . ...
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try and Karope bhweM sad snH.-. -:"
.(VCoUeetfoaa aad all
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7-tTOCKBOUBJW. . .- '
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I Attsrney m4 C-K!tornt Law.
Offire.oa Nebraska Are.. Colaaabaa. Nsb! All
legal b&HJBesa prompt,, acctuately aad careraU
iy aiienueu 10.
Office oVer First: N-iiMgaBaak. ColaaTHw.
Nebraska. -. - jatf .-
JIW. MAC-FAKAIvaK .-' -.
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rtsrCHKco'.6Ter "Fht Nalioaai aak. CoIMbC
mi; Nebraska?: ; -
'..' : "'". - ' '--- .. '' .-' '.-.
"- - "' . '-COUXTF SVBVJCTOK.' '-."-'
" -JSTPnrties destring- sarTeriait-'doae esa ad- "
dreHame at Colomboo, Jfeb.', or call at Sty oBm
in, Court Hoase; "3aMyH.-r
J. Canjal-f-ri-st,
CO. SUP'TP'UBZIC 'seuooLsi
J - v-" fr . "-' MW 1 11 m
"" DMunwr 01 men monireioctHeexaai
tionof-aiiplifa-it' for;tncheni certiScatsii;
for the transaction if rmiinnss:
lujnnHJ .i ----.-
Dh'AyantfBXpjESX.' . .
.JliKhtand limry haolinir. Goods haadlsd with
care, IletuluaarterH nt jTB.Jecker&Co.'sosScsi.
TelephoneStandSI. as-aare7y
Proprietors aad Publishers of. ths .." '.- .
CCi-niBTOJOTX-iAI, ialtta IX. tiaOLTkWBUli
Bottl."rnit-n( tnAm kLIm. - flA - .11---
trictly.inadTance. Smvf J otjaw aL. SLW-a-
w. m. comnku-jb:?
ATTORNEYS AT lUw. . '.".-
Colnmbu0l..Neb.'-' .. '-. ' . '.:
Office up otairs over Ernst ASchwan's stora on
ElpTenth street. ' . Mhnmyfta --.
(DeitUcUr Ant.) .-' ,-.''
Colqmbas Neb. - ..- !
Office: -Telepboae: ..
Eleventh Street; Office No. 4): KesTJeaceNo..
.- -SattrU. ::.
Specialty nuwle of CoUectioaa by C. J. Oariow.
iMHTACTcaxa pr-. -w ".".
Til aid SfcefMiwi Ware!
s-Wsrk, MmUk s0-tti- -;
isMTijaSatr.-. ;
"af-Shon on 13th street Kaar"Brol'a -old.'-l'
stand on Thirteenth street; '- ZBf 1 ...'-'
Caveats and TradW MaAsolrMaBd all Paiu .
ent bomnww conducted -for MODKBATJS VKKB. '
wc r ly iv n nare agpnciea. all
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less time and at LESS COST tiaa' those rsteoter
f rom -WashiOfton.
Send modeL drawirur. or .nhntn. With iImiik:
tion.. We advise if patentable . or sot. frss of
: A boo
inp. Our fee not dae till Dateat'isseearad. PateBta," with rsfsr-
encesto aetoal clients in your state,--coaaty or
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:free. Address '
tuwn, b iree.- Auuress
e PatoiSpffiw.hlaBl&li!&
II L L Utnourands of furmsbat'are sar-
If" I JE8- marvels of iaveatioa..--'
BsfasaB-sl ThomwhoareiniMedcpioltah--work
ttiat can be done while Ji vine, at hoasa "'
should at once send -their address to Hallett A -Co..
Portland, Maine, and receive free, fallia-fonnatioa-
how either sex, of all asea. eaa sera
fron $5 to' $25 per day and apwards wherever. " .
they live.. You are started free. ' Capital not re- '
auired. Some' have made over $39- in a siaate
day at. this work. All succeed. " 7de-Sr .";"-.
Wewill pay the above 'reward 'for any case of"
:ln;r coraphuntrd;spepsia, iuck-beadaebe. indi:
irftition, constipation or costivehess we cannot-
cure with West s. Vegetable-Liver Pills, when the .-'
direct ion axe strictly complied with.' They "are' -
purely vt-getable,- anI never fail to give satisfac-'- . '
lion. Largft boxes containing.) sugar coated..- .".
pills, :55c. .For sale by all druggists. Beware of
counterfeits--and immitationsv The". genains -.-
manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST A CO., '
8-KiW; Madison fit,, Chicago,IlL dec7'87y ' . "-".
has ravolotioaiasd ?"
the world during tha"
last- half centarjr.-"--
Not Ieast-aiaejut the
wonders of inventive'progress is a method and v.
Hjhtem of work that can be performed all over -i
he country without separating-the workers froar- - '"
th-ir homes. Pay liberal; any -one- can -do tha -"
work; either sex. voting or old: bo special ability. '
rw-uired. , Capital sot needed; you. are starteST
free. Cut thw oat and return to aa aaw will :
wnd you f ree, 'somethiBg of groat "vahaa aad iav. ' .
ixirtauce to yoa that will start yoa is hasiatss, : .
which "will hriag yoaiBBiore Mooey right away.- .
than anything ehw ia the world.' - drandtsmtfl
free. Address True A Col, AbsiisU.M. decS. -..
rrae beat book for a-a
ailverUser 'to eOav -
It. be he expert-.-
eaeed or otherwise..'
of the cost of ad vert teinfr-The atlveitlaerwto.
wants-to spend one dollar. Bads ha It tto lav
formation be rennirea. while forhiaa whewBI
tawestonehnrxlred thoaaand doUanmst.
verttouig. a scheme la Indicated wbkb
meet his. every reCiBlreBveBt, or om to tasaw
ratpswrftiKe. 1 edfcions have toan lawasB.
Seat, post-paid, to any aOAaasnc seam
wriuTtoGEa F-BfJEnx JLSS
USnaiaull rilBilaiMsasia),trwTalA
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irPA: ft -..-- . -;