The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 19, 1888, Image 4

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. laaTwIfir.tlc ,aa"'- Ferlect at
'r tbe.SevM-SflM
-i". -;-..-" "." "- -Bwhloas Bcjpaailtea Caa-.'Criase
:-;..-'" "V ::V-V CwwBittea bythe'JUd of
".". V..".:-'V:- -tt br conceivable thalmesmenarn might
w""" ,-"' .-"" '-.injure an : in valid. If hb have.beart dii-
-;-,"-r.""-'l"."i ;"r.ea&e, for .instance, an exciting or violent
".V.V. "". ; .""-V"'. episode, a -rapture" of joy era convulsion
v"- ."-. -".fV- . of -great grief or.fear-. it might prove iniu-
". "-V-V" ..'". -:;'rious.or even-fatal", just as it might injiis
V -.."'. jwrmalcondltidii. - ". . "
-'.. ": "- This'.possibility Is abundantly' offset by
"' 'tho valuoof mesmerisni as a therapeutic
-.-- :...'-:.'-" .agent- .The responsive. can be -made so
- ; " .-"-- j - ". intoxicated on water, .whicU'he has'.'beett
.".". : -""r told:isvhisky, as to exhibit all symptoms
. :r";'.": "- -of extreme inebriety; can 'bo madedis
' ' .. .- - ----".custingly sea-sick "by.being told tht .he
" -l'J: -- . fa at "sea .In a storm, and -can-be at. once
V j".-" "."" OpnysicaUy'affectcd by. an imaginary medi
.: '- V -.'""- ' "" cine. His temperature can be changed,
"." ' '" "hi"" CJ dilated and. his -pulse -quickened.
V;- ' - -s Mesmerismis -as perfect an ansesthetic as
.-'' Uier,:and as " harmless "as- water.. Any
'.- "-":'.-.r J mesmerized person jean at once, by
."y .";-"-" ' "' '- singlo stroke of the hand, bo rendered to-;,.-
V'--"- . .-." tally insensible to pain, andean have a
""". ".'" - v' tooth -drawn, a cataract -removed, a can-.".--.-"-'
. ' ,i ' cbr'cut out. or "an arm cot off -without
'. .."-... : v feeling tho slightest pain. ...This has been
."-",?" - so" often demonstrated that amputations'
'. . .'- -..- '-" "frequently talio place under, its influence
1 .v." '"? in the Paris hospitals; and it is-success--."
.- -."-;. If ully employed in obstetrics." -Though
'' -' - ' ,.- .only a fraction of patients " wijl bovf ound
'; ' v . ' digibloas candidateVfog'.tnis wnnihilator
". . ".". ; - of pain, its utility-is-so obvioOs it cannot
,". -':. " '. "; .-. .belong before medical societies will take
.. . - ' ..." ..jup .tho thcrepeusis OfmesnIerisn as a
V . ".i"-"- serious"". study, "nn"f army. .surgeons -'will
;.--, -.-.-;. -' -'.:bb required-"to .have ajj practical-aknbwl-;
".s.. " -.edgowf lit'of'.auypartof..thepharma-.
,'i'. ' "'-. , - copaaa.--'- '.. " ''.'"'."'.' ' "" ."
.... :-. -'-.--" It is .quite;that
---. , y the. conduct, of. .the resposive. is directed
Vo f ..". "in -detail by ihe operator. . He "only .sug
. ; " ' . . gests tho general line, of thought, and
- - - each respohsive pursues it according to
- . .-- ' his own .knowledge, experience jr preju
;". ''" ' '" , dices.. I say to my.responsives, forin
:. - . - . .-.. stance, that I have a wonderful educated
"-V. :, .,";,.'' . "with seven heads. They all want
- '-". -.' to see it. I -call their attention to the
-, .;' ".; "" imaginary stable door nearby; they look
. . " toward it, .and when l snap my fingers
. ;.'.' -- -V they all 6eo a -seven headed cow enter.
Now, by .questioning them it becomes
v - - obvious that they all see a different cow.
1 .; - Unless I have designated her color one
sees a whito cow, another a red cow, and
so on.
" . Then I tell them that she can dance,
, can waltz and keep time with music. I
" hand one a cane, telling him it is a flute;
" '. and that ho is an eminent performer, and
-ho goes through the motions of playing
r to tho dancing cow. They all hear differ
ent tunes, but tho exhibition is satisfac
tory; I now add-that the cow can sing
'.. . '- - t can sing a different part with each mouth
- "" can sing seven ballads at once. At this
-" ""' - potot there is some incredulity expressed.
'- . .. . They see the cow stand up on her hind
''' - leg and hear tho seven ballads and this,
,-..- - ' I may as well idd, is the narrative of an
-; -, actual experiment.
iV0 - " Kvoof the six mesmerized persons be
lieved that she sang. -"She is winging
, . .- "Tit Willow" said one. "And 'AWar-'-."
rior Bold,' "said another.
:.- "rhear singing," said the incredulous
-' - -i one, turning to me. ' 'Annie Iaurie,' isn't
'."'". ft?. How do you work her the machinery,
"; ' I mean?;'
. -- Tho, others laughed at him. "Why,
r . the cow sings," said a young lady. "Can't
'.. i' .- you hear -her'sing? Can't you see- her
: tng?""
' . -, - '-. .:'?She looks -s If she sang," conceded
j.. ' z . Incredulous-. ."'I see her mouths move all
".."'v, , --.-- around. Shesounds'us if she sang; but
. ': '' she doesn't sing. . Cows don't sing."
: '.,-' .- .- "iVery" well, what is it, thenr asked
'7" - . ono of tho others.
'':,". - -' - "A.- tribe and a hole in the floor," said
- - .- . "-. Incredrilous, "or -perhaps ventriloquism."
T; .. -. '". "Awl" exclaimed the first, derisively,
,.".- - -' ."- .'ventriloqulsm does not work like that.
'" . -.. . I've made a study of-ventriloquism."
' . "--, - :' f Well, I've mado a study -of cowl" per-
' y ".-stated tho scoffer obstinately.
;. .-;. --. -.. Sometimes. I turn the responsives into
i. " ; - children, and have them play school with
" .'-'--: "..---infinite: fun; sometimes, transport --them
'-"" , --" jovct ocean, to Africa or Japan on the en-
g -;." .chanted carpet, where for a brief space
. '.'.'- .: ' they enjoy all the delights of travel;
."-' ' ' ': : sometimes wo participate in battles, ia
'.:. . . -'.-;- 'political Campaigns, in exciting tirade,
."'si. - "- -." and .sometimes Soeratos, Moses or Con-
;-:.;;.-. -""facins is introduc-xl and interviewed, th
V"s ? .. -.. Intelligent responsive .furnishing both
".-'""'."".-".". " -questions' and answers in a curious dual
'."-."H"-4 "". ". action of the mind that is highly enter--X-.
.?--"-.- .-,taining.
'- ' -. ,- -.' Not only the reason sometimes rebels as
.""'"' '; '" above, liut tho consclencQ also. As a rule
'"-. ..-;'-- ---";' responsives 'can be completely dominated
; .' - :-'- p .and mado to do anything of which they
.' ?, """ "'-are physically capable. They could .gen-
'." -- -.!" ".'crallybo induced to take-poison, or jump
':'...', . ' - ..iQff the house,- or throw themselves under
:'. '"- . ' a locomotive, or. attack one another with
'?: "' ;"- deadly weapons.' But thero aro some ex-
" -.. ' ' - '-,ptions..I was unable to overcome the
:;"; :''.' "JLtax of one of my responsives, whom I
- ;r. -' . - ' aent toissault an Imaginary Indian in tho
.-park." He refused to go, and said it was
... - 'difficult to kill an Indian."
" . -. . - "A young lady, ono of the brightest sen-
. .-;. dtites J have ever seen, steadfastly re-
.. - . . nses to play cards. I tell her she is
.-."..- .'Buffalo Bill, and easily induce her to as
r- .;'..- - eumo faia 'character,-b'ut when cards are
:.-- "' euggested, "No, I never play cards. It
x -.-";. A :::." Mwrongl"6he cays, and J cannot move
' - It. .- .-lier. I could make her Jump out through
:. -'-.. .'-. -the window or put her hands in the fire,
"; .. " ; liut T-y cards'she will not. I "was pua-
-?.-::.-."'- V sled by it till, Inquiring, I ascertained
..'; . -v "--that her religions parents had brought
.. her up very strictly end taught her it was
.:" .".':.. wicked to play csrds."
- Vt.. -" And this brings us to the question much
! . - . . ,xaootedof late, whether crime can be com-
. "- anitted. by the cid of meemerisra. If so,
" - .-. '-- . it is brought into relation, not only with
-""-. " '.- medicine, but with" iurisnrndenee: not
- ..-.!.". ' ' --'aJy .with the pnarmacopaua, but the "jten-1
- ":-..- . ; aienuaTy. -.u is oDvlous that II-cases of
" .. -.;-'-:'. . ;-.this kind occur the one to whom .'punish-
' t-"'p.:. -";inent must be dealt out is the mesmerist.
!". -; -v.vV'V ' '':- I-could probably induce any one of my
..--.-.; .-responsives.. to take-his lifo in mypres
";' .'. -i.-r. i."ico-or .to assault anybody within reach,
-'; ; v . '. but the mind -wanders 'curiously in this
.. '.--".'. ....-strango condition, end .generally takes
'.: .'A- ;".' ..,:.litUeeogQizanco of surrounding objects.
. ' -.."; ;X lave used -the word "probably" in this
'.-.". :. '. -J - '-sentence because, tho conduct -of ,raes-
.;-:'.'"--v .r- .jnerisedjierscms cannot be positively pre
---:r --.- - " girted " The mental -impression may not
.--;" -. -?. -'la . given case be sufficiently vivid and
v''' ---:- .-V.rc3ominaUng to induce- action, or 'the in-
..:-- - ..?--"-" -jtention may 'be coontcracted by the
-. ..- ' ' , .-.trained moral -sense asserting-' itself and
.."-.. --;-.'. - ;."overhalanring:tho confused hypnotic tea-
;-''-..:' dency:V.r.ACton in North American
.'.- .-:.-.-Beiew: - " ' .-
;;"--"' ':'--: -.-' ' :'.- - ". "
r ""' MBculjir Xiwality. or tie" . Akbmtt-IiPferi
: :'. -"-"'-.' ' :. -.-6t Its. Origin. V ".- ."
t- ;l-Bightand- left., a" flat .'surface, extends
.-"over." forty; acres of-space, doll "black in"
.:.color."andirrterSected'-eyery " few rods by .
'point-four or" five feet -down, filled with'
.-reet ".wafer;- slightly flavored with-as-
bnalt.- Here and there a 'few scrawny!-.-."busbe?
mark where- a. little soil has been.
7-"brown-mto-"a--n1snre..arid. given them a
'-.chance to cling acd'-ja-'pole, or twoi.:half "
' unken",'is a.guida to- forgotten exeava-
. (fans.-.. There are no.-birds, no fishes -in-
- -the water, and the whole. scene' is singu-
.'-lar'.uesolaio and uninviting. . .
.;- Near the "edges.," the' pitch is so-hard as
to -fracture with 'a blow..-.wUl support
'- - carts'.that .carry it-away and feels, as firm
1 -asarockunvier.foot. Tet it is possessed
' -" 0f a singular 'quality. ' If a heap of frag:
. Jsents is piled up," it slowly levejs down
.. 'i again; nd a" great hole-left by work-
.-V9ien engaged-'in. "for removal,
'gradually fiUs-uhtU'. no trace, is visible of
'the deproMion: Where my. camera
'Mood' was' apparently quite' solid, but.
-the 'short 'time-needed to make two or
-" three exposures proved sufficient for the
. tripod to make half inch 'deep holes be-
jwawits. weight where' the. feet 'had
"Tward the center of the la-pythis
.atMlity iBcreased until .it assumed visl-"
iJW-iiow.steadr.andrliiiiiir. Here the
pttea grew bo son as to oe perrecuy
liquid and hot enough to char paper, yet
'devoid of adhesive quality. A stek'
thrust. into the mass. was withdrawn
without any pitch adherent .to it, and a
ball could be molded hi the hands that,
remained quite nndeffled.
The amount 'exported last year wis
about.86,000 teas, without the smallest
' apparent diminution of q'uantity,.and it
may well prove what if appears to be-on
inexhaustible' source of future supply and
of income to the "colony. ...
from the lafce a lovely, road brought us
back 'to the village, winding between the
richest display of tropical verdure I had
ever seen, a. natural- pavement through a
natural " park. Wonderful orchids blos-
somed on wonderful trees, gayly painted
birds fluttered amongst wild flowers of
gorgeous hues and unknown names, and
clear brooks of sweet water .wound their
way down to the near sea between banks
whose dark brown color told of pitchy
origin; and when -we emerged from thosq
thick.recesses upon tho beach,, our horses'
feet sounded hollow as .they swiftly trod
a shore' that was of the same material.
Even Under the sea it still exists, and
possibly forms ocean's bed across to Ven
ezuela" upon whose shores." only a few
miles away, similar 'deposits of like na
ture occur. The Indians had a pretty
legend of its origin:- . .
Ages ago the place where is now the
lake was rand.of such marvelous' fertility
in yield of pineapples that it. was chosen
by . the Chaima tribe for their home.
Actuated -by some evil spirit, they began
to kill the pretty humming bird ("iere" '
tn their musical tongue), although they
knew them to hold In shining coats of
leathers tneir ancestors spirits; and the
Great- Father, enraged at such impiety,
sank their town and its people in a single
night, replacing it with this monument
of asphalt-as a warning to future sinners.
Dr. William F. Hutchinson in American
(A Jap eie Temple and Bn. -
. .If I were a good Buddhist I would sav
a prayer or two to the Chioin-bell, the
largest in -Japan, but a monster breathing
sweet music that thrills one from head to
foot, and ringing so seldom that the dates
are kept in mind carefully, lest one miss
the great treat. The bell bangs in a
shady little place at the top of a stone
staircase by itself, and is struck, from the
outside by a swinging beam that gives
the soft reverberations that do not jar on
the ear, no matter how powerful they are.
When the huge beam is unchained and
swung it is generally at the time of tho 9
o'clock mass in the morning, and heavy
sleepers have been unconscious of tho
musical booming and missed it alL Others
are wakened by the strange vibration and
the soft music ringing and pulsating on
tho" air, and in tho half consciousness of
waking it seems like part of some beauti
ful dream. It is the greatest pity that
with such a magnificent bell the temple
does not see fit to ruu? it of tener. '
The Chioin is a rich temple, and its
altar ono of tho .most gorgeous in Kioto,
amass of carved and gilded ornaments
surrounding a massive gilded shrine. Oc
casional worshipers como and kneel on
tho mats and mutter their prayers, but
most often one unds tho only occupant
of the space before tho altar is a lone old
priest industriously hammering away at
i modem drum shaped like a huge round
ileigh bell. From S o'clock in the morn
ing until the temple closes at 4 in the
afternoon tho thunk, thunk keeps up. A
nice old woman, who must be a profes
sional mender, from the incessant patch
ing and darning of blue cotton garments
that she keeps up, takes caroof the shoes
while 'one roams the temple stocking
footed, but she does not offer to mend tho
foreign stockings one wears out on matted
and polished wood floors. Kioto Cor.
Shadow's" a Saspected Man.
Tho work Of shadowing a man is easier
than a person who has never been in the
business would think. You must first
study your man thoroughly, so you
would know him if you only saw ono of
his boots, and you must do this without
attracting his attention, which is not
always a simple thing to do. A man who
is to bo shadowed is always a T"an who
has reason to suspect that he will bo
shadowed, and consequently he will be on
his guard and very watchf uL If the man
is not an experienced criminal one detect
ive ought to be able to follow him day
and night as long as there is any necessity,
but if hois an old hand one mar, cannot
do the work, and can only queer it by
trying it. There should be three or four
shadows, each one ready to take up tho
work when for any .reason tho person who
is following the man deems it prudent
to quit.
lou seo an old criminal has many do.
vices for finding out if ho is beintr
watched. Ho will jump on a car, ride a
block and get off. Well, if you have not
got another man ready to take up the trail
then, you will flush your bird. Or he will
get into a cab and ride a block or two and
get out. We must bo prepared for all
that sort of thing. Usually tho shadow
will keep on the other sido of the street
from' his man, from a half to a whole
block-behind him, and pay as much, at
tention to keeping himself from being
noticed as to watching the other fellow.
It is work that not one detective in
twenty can do scientifically, although
some men aro very expert. I know a man
that saw a criminal mako out an improper
voucher, went with him and saw him get
a check for it, then walked with him to
tho bank, saw him cash the check, and
arrested him while he was counting the
money. Detective in Chicago News.
Tixiag Up the Paate.
When the interstate commerce bill went
into effect; by the way, it was supposed
that free passes would, be everywhere
abolished. The railroad passenger agents
and managers so announced with a flour
ish of trumpets. But where a railroad
man wills he still finds a way. As an il
lustration, I may mention the case of a
friend who applied recently for a pass
over a trunk-line to a western 'city,
scarcely expecting to get it. yet being
compelled by "his circumstances, and feel
ing that for indirect services long ago
rendered he was entitled to transporta
tion. He' was told that he could only get a
pass within the lines of the state in which
the main line of the system is incorpo
rated, or between any two points within
the boundaries of a single state. "Can't
you fix me up for all the states in that
way," he asked, "except.between the sta
tions" when you cross the state lines, and
let me pay for that distance' to the con
ductor?" ,The man of passes smiled good
naturedlyas he said: "Yes, I might, but
111 tell you do.. I know you are
entitled to' tho consideration, and 111 just
engage you in my .traveling advertising
corps for a couple of, days. You .shall
hVre your "traveling-expenses for your
services. Here; are the passes." A wink
and-a pleasant. nod accompanied the de
livery of the -bits of paper, which had
meanwhile been filled up, and my friend
came away wiser and happy. New York
Sot a
"I doubt .very much- if a confirmed
'drunkard was ever reformed by punish
ishment," says Dr. 'L. W. Baker, superin
tendent" of the Family Home for nervous
"invalids' at BaTdwinsville, Mass.,. in an
article on the medico-legal treatment of
drunkards. . The doctor cites tha follow
ing facts. in--proof: At the international
prison congress- in ISTl'it' was stated that
not one in a thousand", persons committed .-
i jau ioc ineoneiy ever recovered: Be
fore a committee of the house of lords in
England men, of .the largest experience
.testified that ' they -had never heard of a
case of refbrmatiqn of inebriates from
.punishment by fines and imprisonment.
This; .testimony is confirmed by prison
authorities all -over "the country.- In the
vast .majority of cases the first sentence is
speedily followed- by others. In 1879
.Massachusetts punished by fine and fan-
prisonmeht over 17.000 inebriates, more
.than 16.000.of whom had been in'prisoc
before. Of the 56,000.inebriates coming
under legal notice in New Yorlcin 183
less than 1,000 were punished for the first
ifme.. .All others had been "sentenced be
fore for,. the same cause." One man had
been sentenced to Deer Island, near Bos
ton, .75 times for drunkenness, and many
cases have been known of men who have
been aent to jail and workhouses from 20
to 20Q time for the. same reason.- Herald
of Health.
ef the-
ParU Oat
A "Wheto
. Store.
Whiteley's establishment is one of the.
wonders of the worUoftrade: Compara-
kj ,un Ollirri n lit VAOAV Ab, SU IS IU
away from what ia known as the 'Ameri
can beat L e., from..-the- TAitm
hotel the. Metropble. Compared
to the" trade kingdom .'over which
single -proprietor. William Whitelcv.
! trules, such mere overgrown dry
l.tores as the Louvre and the iSon
1 in Paris are but' simple affairs. ' White-
ley's is not a store, but 'a whole congqries
of stores, each as accessible to butras.dis
tinct from tho other as the .dining room is
from thdparlor on 'a.-.floor" .with folding
doors. What in the usual run of ;. dry
goods stores, occupies a counter or at
most but a room such as the silk depart
ment, the linen department, tho costume,
department, etc. had at '-Whiteley's a
large and imposing store- to itself. ;Tho
jewclry'store is a superb establishment,
the furniture house'is magnificent; china,
glass, ironmongery. 'dressmaking, sewing
machines, coiffures, toys, Japanese and
Indian curios, each and all have stores
devoted exclusively to themselves, large
openings giving communication through
the entire series of -'establishments.
This would be wonderful enough but
there are surprises at Whiteley's;. a' pro-
1 vision store of extensive dimensions ad
joins an excellent restaurant, the restau
rant leads into the aviary,' conservatory
and live stock "establishments; Thero ia
a well supplied wood and coal' office.: Pi
anos are upstairs in a store of their "own;
near them ia a large hall, decorated 'with
flags, statuary, tables and chairs in: pro
fusion. Here a dinner of several hundred
covers may be given, or ordered for any
place, town or country", with every acces
sory, from the banquet itself to tho
waiter who "serves it; all provided, by
Whitelcy. I had nearly forgotten to name
a charming picture gallery, where many
original works of great beauty aro dis
played, and where orders are taken for
copies of any masterpiece ontho walls of
any of the great galleries of Europe.
Whiteley is also a banker. Yon may buy
or soli money on his premises. You ' may
take your passage by any steamer for any
port. You may hire a servant; bury a de
ceased friend; put your belongings up at
auction; purchase, sell, build ortake down
a house. In short, there is not a single
transaction in lifo relating to trade which
w mieiey is not willing to make for -you.
No wonder he calls himself "the univer
sal provider." Such a business as White
ley's must speedily make a .man .a. bank
rupt or a millionaire; and as disaster has
not overtaken him, it is presumed that
Whiteley has" a good account at his own
and other banks. His establishment has
suffered frequently from fires, whoso
strangely persistent recurrence irresist
ibly suggests incendiarism.
In the matter of cheapness I find! very
little difference between Whiteley's and
other establishments which are not 'es
pecially devoted to wealthy customers, as
are GUIow's in the furniture line,- and
Lewis & Allenby in the dry goods.- An
honest price prevails, and if an American
visitor sees anything he or she likes at
Whiteley's, I would advise him or her to
purchase it without further ado, as it
would be a waste of timo to run all over
London to try to find the same article at
a lower price.
For one American who has heard of
Whiteley's in London, ninety' and nine
have heard of the Bon Marche in Paris.
Persons who know no other single word
in. French are aware that bon marcho
means "cheap." This famous store is in
deed a marvelous place. Outside of a
few little knickknacks known as articlef
de Paris, the vast establishment is en
tirely devoted to the sale of dry goods.
No wonder the American woman, with her
national love for shopping, revels in
hours spent in flitting from one counter
to another. Gloves aro to tho right of
her, flowers to tho left .of her,- silks are in
front of her, lace is beyond. Are these
beautiful things really, or only in ap
pearance, cheap? Why, the truth is they
aro sold at the market price. Examine
well anything that is offered below the
current rates, and you will discover a
I will call the attention of American
ladies to a custom which prevails at tho
larger shops in Paris, by which our coun
trywomen are misled, though no deceit is
willfully put upon them; it arisesjsiaply
from a difference of custom between -the
French and American merchant. When a
price is seen upon a remnant in America,
tho purchaser knows that the marked
figure is tho price of the whole remnant,
while in France the marked figure means
per yard or rather meter, according to the
French measurement. Thus, if an Ameri
can lady sees some attractive pieces' of
lace or silk, marked variously from $2 to
$10, and decides to take some or many of
these remnants, it comes, as a very dis
agreeable surprise, to find out that the
articles were at so much per yard, and
that the shopkeeper will now measure the
yards. Often the price is but a few sous
reduction per yard on the original figure
asked, and the purchaser finds herself
with awkward lengths of goods showas
tempted to buy only in the Mrs. Toadies
spirit. To bo sure, at the Bon Marche
the privilego is given of e-htmginfr
articles which a purchaser may bo dis
satisfied with if no harm has come to
them. Even money is, under certain cir
cumstances, returned. London Cor. Bos
ton Transcript.
Dew Chtaew HUtory Is trrlttes.
Chinese history is compiled, by si per
manent commission of accomplished
literary men, who are always at work
-upon it In 1737 an imperial edict stated
that history ought not to be written for
the emperor's use only, and remain shut
np in golden caskets and marble cham
bers; it ought to be mado accessible to all
officials, that they may know the mind of
tho emperors and the laws of the land.
From the Chinese standpoint, history is
divided Into two parts one an exact nar
rative of events, the other a record of
what "the emperor has said and done.
This division originates two sets of pub
lications;, one in which the officers speak,
the other in which the' emperor' is the
spokesman. ' In' the first, the industrv of
the bureau of history is run in the collec
tion of facts, but there is always, a "dan
ger that the recorder may. be under a
strong court influence.. Historical can
dor can scarcely find a place in reference,
to nations or persons who have been in
conflict with. the court.- With .this ex
ception, the array of facts .thus recorded
is most valuable. . ,
The edicts published in the second series
express the "mind of the emperor. He
Is always a man who .has the advantage
of good training, and if his style is toler
able, and he happens to. be fond of .writing
his edicts himself, they will all be trans
mitted to future- times' in fulL The'
scribes, who -stand -.writing when he.
.speaks, translate his spoken' words 'info'
official phrases, and his opinions and de
cisions will then pais into official history,
.written partly by himself and partly by
the scribes' of the -cabinet. Besides these
there -are . various . series of' historical
. works the first having been prepared in
-tho'FJeventh century to popularize the
subject and place the chief facts of the
Chinese annals within the reach of com
mon readers, who have not 'the" oppor
tunity to study them' in full The last ef
these has just been published. 'It deals
with" the reign of Kienlung, -from 1735-to-to
1795. and is ip, sixty. volumes. Every
important public matter is recorded under,
the dayonwhlch'it occurred. The em-"
peror has; as usual, the lion's share of the
talking, and there is room for him to say
a .good deal in. 120 chapters. North
vuina neraia. '
Oat. sad tho Doe..
The mastery of herself which a cat '
shows wheo having been caught in apo
aition from which there ia no escape, she
calmly 8"Jabown to face oat, the threats
of a dog. is a mojveloas-thiag. Every-
a fatten oa. a. strast door-
step awacsea Dy a dog tea times her sue,
as apparently self possessed as if ahe were
in her mistress' lap. If Bheturns-Jtail and
rims down the street she is lost; the dog
will have a sure advantage of her. Evea
as it is,' if he' could get.up courage enough
to .seize her on the spot he would be able
to make short work of her. It is a' -case
of life and death;-but the whole air and
attitude of the cat is one ot pure and con
fident bravado. -"Yon dare not touch me.
aqd you know- it,, is wha her position .
teus we.uog. ..
But she is intensely on her guard, in
spite of Ji'er air of perfect content. Her
legs, concealed under her fur, are ready
for a spring; her claws are unsheathed;
her.Bvcs never moye for an instant -. from
the dpg; as he bounds wildly from side to
side., "barking with, comical -furv, thoso
glittering- eyes -of. hers follow hhn with
tho keenest scrutiny. If he plucks up his
courage to grab her. she is ready; she will
sell' her lifo dearly. Sho is watching her
chance, and.shevdoes not.miss it The dog
tries Fabian tacticsand withdraws a few
feet, settling down upon his'forcpaws
growling ferociously as he docs so.. Just'
t lien the sound of a'dpg'sbark'in the next
street attracts. hiseyes.vnd ears 'for a
moment; and when he looks back the kit
ten is gone! He looks down the street
and starts wildly in that direction, and
reaches a high board fence .just as a-cat's
tall a monstrous tail for sucha little .-
cat is vanismng over tne top of it. lie
is beaten the; cat showed not 'only more
courage than ho had, but a great deal
"?? eeufralslun """- Bost?n. .Transcript.
. - - . rZ
'-PoUoa of Expired "Air.
Recently two distinguished French
: physicians, Brown-Sequard and D'Arson- -
i vol, have been experimenting, and have
prove that expired air contains another,
poison,- additional to those of carbonic acit
and ammonia; to which mainly the dange
ous nature of expired air must bo re
ferred. The exact nature of this poison'
nas not yet Deen ascertained, out the ex
periments cannot' be due either to carbonic
acid or to ammonia.
By passing expired air, whether of
human beings or of animals, through
water, a solution was obtained which, in
jected into the veins of animals, invari-.
ably gave rise to the same symptoms a
slower breath,, a rapid lowering of the
temperature, a considerable paralytic
weakness, especially of tho hinder limbs,
and, after throe or four 'days, a morbid
activity of the heart. ' -
Larger injections induced excessive con
traction of the pupils, increased paralysis,
and a diarrhoea, something like that of
cholera. The eminent surgeons who con
ducted these experiments are disposed to
regard pulmonary consumption as largely
duo to this poison. If future experiments
should establish this view, it must greatly
emphasize the supremo importance of
thorough ventilation in our homes and
churches and all places for public gather
ings. Youth's Companion.
A Festale Book- Aceafa THamph.
There is a crusty old bachelor who has
an office in one of the tall buildings on
La Salle street. His pet aversion is the
book canvasser, although he has a score
of minor aversions, all of which serve to
bring out the rough side of his' nature.
The other day he was visited by a modest
looking young lady, who was soliciting
subscriptions for the "Art Treasures of
Italy," in tho endeavor to provide for the
wants of her widowed mother and her
self. As she entered the door-the old
man looked up, and, without waiting to
learn the mission of his fair visitor,
yelled out: "I haven't any money to give
away for charity today," ami went on
with his writing. Tho young lady ad
vanced still further into the room, and
again tho old fellow called out: "And I
never buy any tickets for Sunday school
excursions, either." By this tune the
young lady had approached the desk, and
modestly informed him of the object of
her visit.
"Whatl peddler! Ho, ma'm;
no books for me. Haven't time to talk
to you. Go away and don't come here
Tho girl turned away somewhat angry
and seriously disappointed, but she said
quietly, "There is ono .book, sir, -you
ought to buy and study welL"
"What's that?" gruffly inquired the old
" 'The Ethics of True Politeness,' " was
the reply.
"How'sthat?" sputtered .the old gen
tleman, and his face grew red. "Come
here, young woman; let's see what you've
got to sell."
And in less than ten minutes thereafter
the name of the crusty old man adorned
her subscription book. Chicago Herald.
Calted States Amy Scoata.
United States army scouts may be di
vided into two classes: white men. who
rank as chief of scouts, and Indian scouts,
who aro organized as military companies.
Tho white scouts are usually men who
have been employes of the San Carlos and
Mescalero Apache reservations, or Indian
agencies. They are, from constant assod'
ation with the Indians, well acquainted
with their character and habits, and fre
quently speak a little Apache. The
Apaches, with few exceptions, speak
Spanish, and it is usually the language
they use in communicating with the In
dian agent and the employes of the
agency. A white man who makes himself
useful to the Indians by doing them little
favors is, in time, taught "to read sign."
This maybe said to complete the education
of a chief of scouts.
It would be beyond the scope of a news
paper article to describe how "sign" is
read, nor would anything save practical
demonstration convey any comprehensive
idea to the reader. A scout who can read
"sign" can tell you by examining a trail
over which horses have passed if they
were ridden or led, and if both, the num
ber ridden and the number led. Even
when shod he can tell whether the horses
were American or Mtrrirnn if the trail
bo made by men on foot, he can tell if it
be an Indian trail, or simply the trail of
Mexicans wearing moccasins. In a hostile
party he can tell by the trail how many
aro bucks and how, many are squaws and
children, and so on over a field of observa
tion as extensive as interesting. The
scout thus qualified finds no difficulty in
obtaining employment in the southwest,
where Apache outbreaks are of almost
yearly occurrence. Con A. Mahony in
rFrofanity Aarmag the -B-jiii-
I heard an Englishman say, not long
ago. that the reason he liked to be asso
ciated with a certain man In business, al
though that man was not very prompt in
paying him his salary, was, that ho
always spoko to him as a gentleman, and
never swore at him. Another man who
-offered him a better position", he hesitated
to go with because he peppered his conversation-
with oaths. Not that the
Englishman was such a tenderfoot, but
he( did not like such rough language" He
said that it irritated him to have a man
say to him, even though he meant to be
perfectly amiable, "Where the h have
you been all this time?". It was a form of
greeting which, while intended to be cor
dial, was.unpleasant.
He did not deny that Eni lishmenawore.
but he said he never heard oaths amoncr
sam0 class of Englishmen as were
used by Americans of the same set. Of
course you do not txnect to hear, a woman
.use profane expressions, but an' English
woman will 'not use anjr of the -violent
words' that even an.American lady has- in
her vocabulary. Yon may offend an Eng
lish woman to the last point' of -her en
duranee, but she will only be vexed," or,
under unusually strong emotion; "very
vexed. " I noticeNthat. the young Ameri
cans, whose lives'sre devoted to imitating
English manners are -very soft spoken,
and their great aim seems to be self sup
pression.' They consider it. bad form to
show anv emotion as all New York Sun.
..Thetr.WesTiMa Hats..
The London Foot guards are troubled,
over the threatened, abolishment of their'
showy bearskin hats, which are worn tit
present by three of their brigades. The
hsupply of bearskin has 6lnunisbed ex-
rceoingiy oi.iaie, so vaas now each hat
Is worth about $38.- These bearskins are
practically 'useless, except for 'the pur
poses of display, and are even then" only
suited for cold climates. But they are
highly cherished by the soldiers on ac
count of their Imposing armearaace.
PUlsdabihmTimBB.iW -W,IW
Earthly EoJoyMeat .ia
Edoa KuMutk Lifo
aa Aristocratic
Weat-oT tho. Had Latrarj.-
aad- Freedoa-u
'. The season .for Tuxedo.! ended'-in July
and'August; these two months 'leave it
deserted and alona Those who live there
I In cottages hav&its beautiful woods'all to
cnemseives: timy do not even snaro tnem
'ivitb tho mosquitoes and flies,-! or -.there
are uone , It i only when September
comes that tho club, life awakes"; it hi
only when the leaves all' that it revives;-.
it i;wlien the urea burn that it bursts
forth, .and when snow falls. then it
reaches' its acme of fashion and success.
.'It was on a Sunday in its 'Intermediate
stiito that a. party of 'us were invited'by a.
tne'mber to' 'pass Saturday and Sunday at
tho club bouse. .' -.;
When Sunday, morning came there was
inn saiieni point to ooserve. luax .tne
Christians. 'were conspicuous -for .their
.total disregard .of all-religious ceremony
It is en regie to .have boat-races, to play
' lawn tennis and. to fish'., to attend' picnics
ami to "boat, to go in for horse flesh." both
ridinj?'and'drivin'?.'to"Dartake of all man-'
ner of "pastimes ou Sunday, while a .handy
J wagon, as it Is. called, stands ready for
cuurcn at tne ciuo uoor to taae every one
or any .one. i et only a rew good women
put on their bonnets and mount-the steps
to bo driven off. There Is a great deal to
ssy why Sunday goes bowling along as it
does. --There is bo much, to do. and 'only'
.Sunday to do it ' in; there is somuch to
enjoy, and, only Sunday to' enjoy it in.
Sunday has been set apart as the day when .
people come to do these things, and. hav-7
uig come, must not these things be done?
If ono could see the delightful things
winch tbev have on band all ready to be
enjoyed whenever the members choose to
take them! There's the lake stocked with
fibh; then there, are a dozen or more sail
boats dancing and sitting in the sunlight;
then in the boathousothe different gentle
men keep their raceboats and wherries,
all 'tilted up -in their cradles, trim and
ready at a moment's call, with their'dainty
oars at hand, their fishlng-tackleand'aU
tho many things which a novice, cannot
understand, just handy with boatmen to
call up by a nod or-a look. Besides these,
things in-the boatbouso are two. beautiful
canoes hanging to the roof made out' of
giant trees. At. night the waterfall at
the bridgo is lit by electricity, which
passes under it. One of the many lovely
things in Tuxedo is the dining hall, which
is a spacious round piazza, covered with
striped awnings, where you breakfast.
lunch and dine, looking out always upon
tall, graceful trees and a lovely lawn,
which slopes in a most graceful sweep
down to the water's edge. One can
scarcely describe the dainty look of the
little tables at dinner time, with their
shaded pink candles, where not moth
nor a millow, a fly or a musquito. nor a
long legged nor abort legged monster
swoops or crawls to extinguish these fairy
lights or start you into, impulsive action.
A gentle breeze plays about you. fanned
and yet controlled by tho dainty pink and
white awnings. The waiters glide about,
and the only noise you hear is the plash
ing of the lake or the drawing of bottles.
In looks Tuxedo is an Eden without'
serpent. It is also an Eden inasmuch as
it Is stocked with animal life. Game roam
through it without the sound of a rifle
shot. No hunting has yet been allowed.
I heard a charming girl who had just been
off on a roam on horseback say that she
"had seen v ild turkeys browsing on one of
the cottager's lawns." While walking we
met a doe, who stood near us and gently
returned our curious gaze. Quails are aa
tame as chickens, and hares and rabbits
sit still on tho roadside and let you pass
them by, and a friend of mine met a fox.
There is a story that when a pair of bucks
were brought to the park and let loose to
scamper off into the woods, they turned'
on themselves and met in mortal combat
in front of the club house, and that the
docs could not be coaxed from the kitchen
door. However, the bucks were separated
and taken to different quarters -of the
woods, and tho does at length disap
The huntsmen were gotten ready, it
seems, long -before the game was ready,
for they used to come out to drill in the
large opening in front of the club in the
early days when it was first started. Their
dress was beautiful; it was of tanned
leather jerkins, with green coats and
Tyrolean hats and cocks feathers; while
tho ladies (who enter into all sports and
games with all the zest of the gentlemen)
had tanned leather petticoats and gaiters
to push through tho brambles in; they
also had green jackets and Tyrolean hats
with cocks' feathers.
There is one thing to notice that
Tuxedo is equally a club for ladies as for
gentlemen. It is conducted on strict club'
rules, and the ladles reap all the luxury,
comfort and freedom from care that the
men do. The ladies race the sailboats,
for instance, as well as the men, the only
difference being that each lady took a
gentleman to give her advice, while the
men in turn only took the ladies for good
luck. The gentlemen we're also willing
to play battledore and shuttlecock in the
ballroom with the ladies. There was no
flirting, no nonsense, only a jolly, light
hearted time for all of them. 1 hail even
noticed that tho sports which men were
supposed to enjoy together, they had
robbed of their mystery by taking ladies
into confidence, tor instance, if a man
wanted bis brandy and soda before going
to bed and she wanted her milk punch.
they would take it together; they would'
sit together before one of those cozy little
tables so ready at band everywhere. If
she wanted to play billiards (or rather
pool) he wa there to play it with her
In this way parties were made up. If his
dress coat annoyed him she allowed him
to take it off. There seemed a great deal
of common sense if little romance in all
of this, and I quite liked it. New York
At the ciuo.
'Jack's just finished a letter to his
"Yes, and it was so soft yon could hear
it swish around in the envelope." Town
uIt Mskes Tired"
to read all these advertisements of med
icines upon medicines when they en
umerate with each peculiarity and mi
nuteness of detail, all the diseases of
mankind, womankind, and even "baby
kind," are heir to. How cheap one feels
to commence what she supposes to be a
tragic or tender love story, read untill
her sympathies are so'thoroughly arous
ed that she can scarcely sleep without
knowing whether' they were married or
not, and then have it end. something
like this: "Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription is the only positive cure for all
"female weaknesses," such as prolapsus,
inflammation, periodical pains, etc For
sale bv drufirciste.
. Dr. Pierce's-Pellets are laxative or ca
thartic according to size of dose. - '
He that marries for wealth, sells his
liberty." "
He that once hits is ever bending.
will sell excursion tickets' at .reduced
rates, to persons. desirous of attending
the Smut of Sebastofol, to be 'pro
duced in Omaha,' August 90th, Sept. 1st,.
3d, 4th, 5th; 6th, 7th, '8th, 10th, 11th,
12th, '13th,' 14th, -15th,' 18th, 20th; 22d,
25th and 27th.' Tickets will be good,
going date pi sale and returning the fol
lowing day.' This will be tme of the
greatest attractions ever offered to the
public and should be taken advantage of
by all. For rates, -.etc call on 'your
nearest ticket agent.
T. Jx KthTBAiA, '. J. S. Tebbets,
-"Act'gGerinMan. .P.4T.Ag't
E. L. LoxAX, A. G. P. A- T. A.
Til First Sjiptiis
Of all Lung diseases are much thermic : .
feverkaaess, "ess of appetite, sore
throat, pain" in the chest ami-bark,
headache; etc. In a few days yo.u may '
bo well, or,0n tile other hand, you nray.
be down with tacuiuoBi.a.or-"ano-i'iK.
Consumption." - Run i risks; but begin '
immediately .to. take" Ayera Cherry.
. Pectoral. ."
Several 'years ago, .James liirclianl, of"
Darien, Conn.', was severely ill. . T1m
doctors-aa"d he. was in Con-suinptieii," .
and that .tliy could do nothing for.lmii..
but advised hitn, an a last resort, to try
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 'After takinje.
this .uled'eine, two or. 'three in'outhn,. be""
was pronounced a well man. His. lii-aUh
' remains good tp.the" present -day.
J. S. Bradley, Maiden, Mans... .write:
" Three'wiate'rs ago 1 tooka severe cold,
which rapidly developejiiutd 'Bronchitis -and
Consumption.- I was so weak that
I could not 'sit. up, was ihucli rui:nl-'tel,'-aml
coughed incrssantry.-" I .-o:.iHiiUrtl' '
several doctors',' but they -were power- .
lea-i, arid .a.l.. agreed that I Con-''
sumption. At last,.a friend brought me
a- bottle of : Ayer's ' Chrrry:Pecfora!r '
-From 'the first 'dose. I found 'relief. .
Two bottles curel nie. and -my health.
has since' been perfect.'!. .
.Ayer's- Cherry Pectoral,
rBKFAKKD. SY ', ' "?
Or. J..C. Ayer.A Co.,' towel!, Mass.
BoU'bvsHPni'n-kU.'ttleJ "..
The B. Jfc 3C.-R K. have arranged to
run several Harvest excursions from the
east to Nebraska' points,. including Co
Ittmbas. Any persons desirous of advis
ing friends jn.the east of these excur
sions can have' them-advised from our
Omaha oHoe by addressing J. Francis,
Gent Passenger Agt, or by advising C.
. Barrel, Agt, Columbus, Neb.
At' court, everyone' for himself.
Daily excursions have been arranged
f over the Union Pacific Railway, to
San Francisco, San Diego, Chiton, Los
Angeles, Ssn Bernardino and San Jose,
California, also to Portland, Oregon, at
980.00 for the round .trip. Tickets are
good 00 days for the going paasage and
good 'for the return trip for six months
from date of sale, with, the usual stop
over privileges in both directions within
these limits) These tickets are also good
by way of Denver and Salt Lake City in
each direction.' The Agent, Mr. J. R.
Meagher, tells us quite a number are
thinking of making the trip soon, and it
would be well for those intending to go
in select parties to see him and arrange
for their accommodations. .Mr. J. B.
Frawley, Traveling Agent. Union Pacific.
at Omaha, is arranging for these select
parties, and will be glad to give any fur.'
ther information in regard to these ex
cursions. Parties who prefer can corres
pond with Mr. J. Tebbets, O. P. &T. AM
Omaha, Neb.
A pitiful look asks enough.
Thoasaatls or Dollars
Lie spout every year by people of this
state for worthless medicines for the
cure of throat uud lung diseasos, when
wo know that jf thoy would only invest
SI in SANTA ABIE, tho now California
diBcoveryfor consumption ;::nl kindred
complaints, thoy wuakl in this pleasant
remedy find relief. It is recommended
'ty mini-iter.-. physicuns and public
speakers of the Golden State. Sold and
guaranteed by Dowty & Becher at $1 a
oottle. Tbreo for S50l
Tho most stubborn case of catarrh will
speedily succumb to CALIFORNIA
CAT-BrCUBE. Six months' treatment
for SL ' By mail, $1;10. '
The faulty stands on his guard.
Garlela Braaeh
On the Great Salt Lake near Salt- Lake
City, on the Union Pacific, 'The Over
land Route," was formally opened to
the public on Decoration day, May 30th.
Ample accommodations have been pro
vided, and the Pacific hotel company
will have charge of the hotel accommo
dations at this famous resort under the
supervision of the Union Pacific railway.
No pains or expense have been spared to
make this the summer resort of the west.
It is only eighteen miles from Salt Lake
City on the Utah & Nevada branch of the
Union Pacific. Trains will be run at
frequent intervals daily between Salt
Lake City and the Beach. Cheap trains,
good baths, and excellent meals are
among the attractions. 3tf
He that cockers his child provides for
his enemy.
The "Passenger Deserta-eat
Of the Union Pacific, "The Overland
Boute, has gotten out a fly-bill design
ed to call attention to the summer re
sorts along the line of this railway. It
is a good bill and tourists, pleasure
.seekers, sportsmen and fishermen should
apply at once to J. S. Tebbets, General
Passenger agent, Omaha, Neb!, for in
formation in regard to the points of in
terest along the line, before deciding
where they -will' spend the summer sea
son, or vacation hohdaya 3tf
He that preacheth, giveth alms.
English Spavin Liniment .removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem
ishes from horses; blood spavin, curbs,
splints, sweeney, ring-bone,, stifles,
sprains, all swolen throats, coughs, etc.
Save $50 by use of one bottle.- Warranted.
Sold by C. B. Stillman, druggist, Co-"
-ambus. . b-iy
He that lends, gives.
The Passenger Department- of the.
Union Pacific, "The Overland Route,"
has issued a neat little pamphlet,' pocket
sisvehtiUed "National Platform Book,"
containing the democratic, . republican
and prohibition pbtforms, together with,
the addresses of acceptance of ' Grover
Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison and Clin
ton B. Fisk; also tabulated tables show
ing the plurality vote,,the electoral vote
and an analysis of the vote as cast for
Cleveland' and Blaine, in 1884 This
book is just what is.needed at this time
and should be in' the hands of every
voter. It plainly seta .forth what' each
party has to offer and every reader, can
draw his own comparisons. . Sent to any
address on 'application. Address, J. SL
Tebbets, Genl Passenger Agt,"Unkm
Pacific By, Omaha; Neb. "
He that serves, must serve.
.Sjrr ef rigs " .
Is tbedeligh'tfnl-liqriid laxative, and tbe
only true remedy for habitual -constipation
and the many ills depending on, a
weak or inactive con'dition'of the kidneys,
liver .and bowels. It is a pleasspt' 'rem
edy to take, both to old and yonng; it is
gentle in-its action arid effective; it is ae-1
ceptable to the' stomach, and strength
ens the ot-gaaa on which it acta. Menu
faetared only by the California Fig-'
Syrup Company, San Franeiseo,CaL
For sale only by Dowty Becker.
' - "' ' 'mn ' "' " ' ""-' "' "-. : M
. ' .---.- ' ' ....,.. .v.. . V . r. - . )
J. ' . '. ' .. ''.. -'- - - - i ''.. - -. "."-. sV
'-. . . . " . --'. " ; - , -.-.:.- -.-.-"-'-.-," - - :-------I - -'
aBsflsKlwru PEftBHMsm ' "."-- ...".-"."-" ': - """"
sBflrmlKk?8wBH ' "" :"."'""
; .'-iBSHsT- teteK" .'
I 4 " . '-- - Z - . . I -V "--.--.- - "t " J f
Thisis theTop of theGKNUiNE
Pearl Top Lamp Chimney.
Allothers;srmiJararc imitation
This. exact Label..;
A dealer may say.
and think he has;
others as- eood,.-
Insist upon the Exact Label and Top.
fm tU EVCCrVHERE. lUBEtMlYlY- ..
6E0. 1. MACBETH & CO., Pittshirt-, Pi.
Contains also fall ind complete lires.tT both
the crest stuuUrd bearers: Ills'!, with numerous iert,le.
traits. Atnone the authors will ! fouml the names of Sen-SSS-rfMST'-v
'71'". IjipIIs. John r Ir.rj.cpular
J-Ko.of Mass.. McKinteyof Oh.o, writes on ice Tarts'.
Henrv Cabot LoIitf. .nrla mi. r .i.; Z.V .ill "!?
?f? V"., S5 V1' "' rC!'n''''M '-iUdby
MMAat.KtfsCtim. Don't hefn.luce.4 to get an jr other. Dis
tance no Aimleranrc asweuav all frn -hi rl.-.,... C , Ul
cents in ic. sumps for outfit and be the flrat fa tho Said. r
"'SXjJ 2LEfilc'i,:,iJn Special Terms sent free to all.
win bk a..-v.,nu4., bpnnsflelCj, M;
5000 Book Agents -wanted to sell
over Cleveland
Fatl anJ omsl from al fcnjluxrt t hi Domination in St,
Itab, wtlh aononrl mBlalwran. lnciilU ml anralotM.
Frofcaalr Unarm!! with 'I uonrnii aad wo! ecrtac.
Taaaaot alas contain a urwra Portrait art a full aa4 omjUia
IJn OF MBS. CLEVELAND, tpftthir with a eoctafau
Mifranay af ALLEN O. THUKMA2C. Taia I lb omlm
atoaaaMe Ok, Doel ba lnda4 i ft any otbar. Than wlB
arianlly a aaaothorlatd IJn. bar thl la tha rtakt eaa. Ua
iaaea ae alaluann, aa nay alt traaiportaUoa caarcaa. 8a4
aOeaatahilcataairaandWIbaarat la Ik SaM. anjihaa raa
lb foUaa harvaaU Writ for Ml nankalara aad SaaalarTaraa
aaat fraato all. JUdraaa. WINTER A CO., rata,
prlns-flefd, Mass.
for an incurable cue of Catarrh
la Um B aa by the proprietsyor
SyBJ-Heaaa f Catarrfc. Headacbe.
obstruction of nose, discharges faUin Into
throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid,
at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent,
bloody and putrid ; eyes weak, -ringing- in ears,
4aiftwa, difficulty of clearing throat, expecto
ration of offensive matter; Dreath offensive:
smell and taste impaired, and general debility.
OiUy a few of these eymptoma likely to be pres
ent at once. Thousands of cases result ia coa-
By its mild, soothing, and lieaUiw properties.
Dr. Sage's Hemedy cures the worst cases. 88c.
WIAV The Original
ara.mCT&'f'A PhrVirarta
. f3aa3C lUAHamUf.
Uncqnalcdasal.lverFIII. Smalleat,cbeap-
esc eastes?. io iu. -j-"2.-r-"'2i- mz
Jroaicfc Headache, BlllebwUfeadaclie,
BtlsxlBiCM, Coaatipflbtleta, India-."-.
BjUlaaUrAalacks, and all derangements ot
the stomach and bowels. S cts. by druggists.
EW'AIUI'ED a0 those
io nadthM and then act:
they will find honorable cm?
nloiment that will not take
them from their homes and familieav .The
profits are large and sore- for every indoatrioafl
person, many nave made and are now making
awerl hundred dollars a month. It is easy for
any one to make $5 and upward? per day, who is I
willing u wora. .XJiner Bex, yoanK or.uiu; capi
tal not needed: we 'start too. Everything new.
No special ability required; yoo, reader, can do
it aa well as any one. Write to ns at once for
toll particular)-, which we mail frew. Address
Stinson A Co., Portland, Me. dec28y
The Commercial Travelers Protective
Association of the United States, has a
membership of over sixteen thousand
and is probably the strongest association
of the kind in the world. Mr. John R.
Stone, their national secretary and treas
urer, 79-Dearbone street, Chicago,-in a
letter states. that he has been fieyerely
tronbled. at times, for the. past twenty.
years, witn cramp ana oiuous- cone
which would compel him to take to his
bed from three to six days while In St.
Louis- at their last annual, meeting he
procured a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and has
since used it.with the best results. It is
the only remedy he ever found that.efi
fected a rapid and complete cure. No
one can safely-travel .without it Sold -by.
Dowty & Becher.-
Who will sell the-cow,must. say the
' . Aa Ahmlate Care.
- The Original. abeetine oint- only pntnp in large two-ounce
tin .boxes, and is an abeolote cure for
old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands,
and. all' kinds of 6ldo. erupt jons.''!"ill
positively cure all kindsof piles. Aak for
Sold By Dowty frBechef at 25 cents pec
box bymaiiaO'eentev;. '---mar7y '
SV Shtthrra. ""rBSE O v
Br sasai -as5to aaBBv p tbi
z '4BsV9BBBKaisBE:';$ij?rd -'
- 2nBBBi&.BBBBBSKBfciiv'. .
Mtxf Vf !---a-BTBhv
Sac'i- Amcl-BBBaV
afatr-i.--A't- :JaBaBaBam
aavT-r. ,- . -am
- Hraaajaa?I-irlBSasiV
iCiaABJa3art?arp-!-nBBJL ? A
T'7MBlaBaBaBaBaBaaBaBaaBVrBi7?rT iJV mV2rZrZvr
bHBH-SnaaWBtaftABSV1! uWf 'PuTtJb "2
-m kmkwr
:; viipsBHiSjaiCA ?:'
AcW-jMkljr -Newi-hk-her isiieVrrjr
'--.""- "". Weiielay. ", ' 'J-
"."-'.-" ---. .::'i "V- '-"-.- ""-i"-. ''. '.'
f.siipffariNefci-wk State News ;:
:; Itf'SeiwtStoriMAi
VHweeUoyv- ; . .
tV&unple copies seat free to may ajStfrM'
'Subscription- price," . """" -
St a y tw r ki AlhMCt.
Address-: - ". ... .' ".-" ';' '''
' ' ;K,TVtiiirCtx, ,".
- . ; --''Corambtta;-; :.'''.;.
- - ' V -", .Platte'Co" Nebr:
All kimis ef ReMiriie leie
SheriNeiicc. Braet, Wa
m, etc., aiaie i rier,
aid all: wert aar- r .
amte: .--.
Also sell tke werld
aikUr aai 8df-fiBsntk.
Wtai 'Htwway.-'taafat&v
i' wrkTritr - mvmtiin
--.- ' - : ;Jr'."
0ahop sppeBita the '.TsHsrssB,
Ollvs 3t7LUlUB. .
Th tmtt Urn Qtm iuia-m'-tipimr''-GrodaaUiMebu.
&r SOrjmr' Prmtlcr, J;
M Titan- ta.bawasa. -. ,
maiKSTmaif, AM UaT LKaTEK
Aathorlzed by tarn 8tttw 1tf tnat.'
4:bronlc.Xercouaad"ScalIMaH .:
easn.'''JeBflBal WsakOt jnigfU.-
ioteM)jsexvaJVWHy lion tr mntot
I power). Ncrvoo Debility. Foiaoafd"
Bload.UlcersandHwalllaKSofavery.2 klDd.Uriiiavry Dlapaart.and la fact.
mil trobbles or'tMafaaes la' libera
male or female. Cures a-naranwa!;.'-
or money rsTitiided. Cbarkea-Iow. Thot-aandsof ..
etnffi are gnarantecd to be pojwaBd cacloiM,- -"belna:
compoanded la'ar-porfaetlr avpototakl
ruru. jvipeneaceiaiBiponaiiu. Auiunu-.-
laboratory, aad are tarnished ready tot use.' XO. .
ninalnat to drni stores to Have -uncertain tx- '-
. script Ions ailed. No IniuHoua -maJV - -clnesusrd.
Jfodetaatloa from baalBeas.-. Katlaata .
at a ditaaDCw treated by letter and exprem. aiedt- ..
cinenaent: everywhere free from gaie.or break-,
aT-. State your case'and send for tatrma Coa-;
sulfation free-and-coBSdenUal, personall or "by .
A M-paxe '
'RsVa'ir'Par aMCa'SexwS. srni
i swav. sealed ia ptala: eavVlopw-
for Ac. in stamps. Every jnale. froaa -the ae ut ' this book. '. ' -" ."
SftV far ar ea tbU trcauarat hila is
care arnlp. .UrcatcK cllaeafary la -V-aruelidac.
Oaedawslaaa rrll't: alew
taara rakwfea frarraavl pala Is Jaiata;
Cure romplrtaw Ini u i oaja. Brad aaate.
ro-at of cit wiia atamp-tur Cirlara.
Call, or hUrr
Or.HEN0EIISON4t W-fNa t,
FACBLK S. ItHAUSlIAW. . .-(Tiuccfintf-
to Fiiuble tBuahU),
rr-('nt melons and -tinilders will-, and ' our
Jtrick JirfiUctu"nnl ffTwl nt- reAsoaable rates.
.Wetire also pre;anil li do all.-kinds ! brick
work. . " lflmaytJm-
.sj-'R vat, t ViYfr t syriZtX
0 tt?eJl'oflrv
t- - JL . a. -- a. '.a.... mm. . . -
jpU iXa-TASTCr- YjJfjpPCOlJOlfCl
( Me. Z?r . thc O N,L:r
mwm s
Trade sepplied by tkH.T..xassDaaMCai- - J - .
ItJW i-t.
-. ..
"St- -.??Tr
'-. - ;