BBBBBJBBIBBBBB---! V-f.fl - -? .wr--- v . V r - .' . .. . -." - . . : - . Lf? 1 - . . . ."--" -. - , -. - Voi::sax;Ko. 22. COLUMBUS, MEB. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER i9, 1888. WHOLE NO. 88. m Immtos pitttiat . . -.- . .- v - - -.. . - 1 - 'N. - - - " . . . " -. ' ;.-. - v: & w . a WT- K cbfeuMftus SfATE BANK -. -TV--- '-" " '?' : .--.-. ". . -'.-: - - -- . .' ""-. -. -.:.- . - : :'.;- - . . v - v -..-. . ----.v. --"-: ; . .-- v" V-filUECl'oris-.-" - -.-' v -: " -..- -..-'-. - ." : - '- :. ;'. V- " -aULIUA.1tKEJfc .. '- ,v " """ r ''.' " "-"' -"' "" -"- TAtJKKK,ri'iff. . ---'. - ..-" -"-- --." ' :--:- " -: ,- . ;-... . -v. .- .. -- .. ." - .. . ". . - . -. - - - -. -..-.--: .-. : - ---. r . . "" . ". -- . - - - - -..-. .- - J . . t' --.-.-.-.---.- : -ii.riBitu .-. COMMERCIAL BAHE "v -; :y O0iDUMfl0wNEB. ; ." '. .-V.-:V-..-. .;-orncER8: ..".-: - . : 'y.-'s- fc.:H.HELDbN; Prosit. ." -:- .;.: " ..- -J"-.. W.'JL MoAIXI8TEB.Vice'- ".-.. ; .v. J "ic.A:NEWaiAN,CMhiJr.: - - ..-"." -."'-r-V DANIE8CHKAM-As9'tGa8h. .- .-. . ! . . : -o- .TiiU " ' - -- a jnsaDir jianKtmc'nai" 'i.i. .-'.- OT0NCKHOLDE.IJ8:; afc01l33nF "AKNOLD.OEHLBfCH.. .V -T .oojDMAioB.lKiy l)r-.eil e.diane .on ; United ."-"" .'!.8utckwdCEaro,aniL luy And .eH availably -.yrj.-v - -'0 :" .. ". v "." WsalMdle'MeMtd to yoor Dombcm. . .i;"-. ."fcUoiB"Ub4Mnciiatrnrt!itonrcai. . - .- -i.-. -: "s-L-r-. -. - t . -r FORTnE WESTEICOmGKGM .!.: I- . : r o. w: KMJLEB. '- - tM'Thmi oisans are firet-clattuin every par .": . jjgr.MMlyoiWrBteed. JCMFFMTI 1 MJTI, :.v" OKAuas in-r . C. -H- -? '- i vf vaoto FUMPS. ... Bdkililpwer, combined, Self h; wi.reor.twine. v t .H ; -. . of Heintx'tf Dra Store, llth CoImbe. Neb. 17noTt4l ttaHk is wealtk! l.'CrWlfB"lJiayAKD Bbajw Tmas- 3BC or ojMxah "? - , .llenroos aevnucw, Him tfanaiHl hr tIA BflA Far tobacco, .-WaMalnp, MV&Ul De-' aTMBiacot uie wm ramuns u im 1 Vadiat to auaery, decay and death. 1 OM Ace. BarreoneM. lomot pT i By owr-exerUonof the btainelf. 1 iaililwf EA box coataiaa aa Uuafaat.- $IM ajbox, or ix boxea r aMU vmvaad on receipt ocpnpe. with $5.60. we will aaaraatee .to re- i dnaiiot effect "" lTbr Dowtr& ata,CoiBaibaa,Seb. 'BBBBBi kBBHBBBBBBBK9 BBBBBBBBBBBBbS9IBBBBBB .--- JHPBHBBjBlKiruiiiLMrHHH9 :,. HENRY G-ASS. .V " --. a.BBBBh.SBBB. " sslrBBBBBBBBBBBBBaC-3BBBar-,-y J V JaBBBBBBBBBafaaamas,,,',,'''''''''''',M-''lt' aW atsisBatBBBBBBa,--,''t'111'''"' X- aaBBaB) BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBlBBSBBaaiBBBs' GtfmS-An METALLIC CASE8 rbT ailkind.of Uphol- CQLVWMU9, Mt-MIMt .. KNIGHTS OF LABOR SECPETARY MTCHMAK FOR PROTECTION. Itia ScfwbUoui Party tb n FiluaJ f 'Ilie'WotkUcn - Dfwncy't IWa 'rooiUfa of- Xow. . Price Mkd jOm "! A WorKer for Charles H. Litcbman, general secretary oT the Knights 'of Labor, expresses, his iews on the political contest in. progress as follows, jn a letter "to. Senator Quay, chairman of the Republican national com- mittee My connection with the labor.mdvement ffir jthe past fourteen fears h jnade it necessary for me to be a dose student of causes of labor depression-. and of the 'needs at tbose'who toil. While as a bod a hbor organization may refrain, from ac tive partidpstion in poUtkay so much of 'what organized'labor- demand! must be obtained through 'legislation that . the in dividual mamber af tWiUTanraryaniaatioa miit act politically as. in his. Judgment will bes aid 4ie .aims and objects ex pressed in the principles of the organlza- 'tion he .represents and whose, success he' --desires.' . . In the gigantic political struggle now begun side issues-count-as nothing except to aid or hinder, one of. the principal com- .batants in the .political arena. However; sincere may bo 'the advocates of the .measure to 'secure which these separate politiaal organizations are formed, and ' whatever strength in votes may be shown at ihe polls, the fact remains that the can didates f either the Republican or of the Democratic .party will be the next presi-.. dent of 'the United States: " mm-who has'tho-gopd of his country "and the welfare of .her people at heart the'ne cessity exists to choose to which of these' two old. parjy organizations shall be given "his .aid. either directly, or. indirectly, y voice or vote." . While it may be that neither party offers 'all Chat labor organisation desire. 1 be- licvo that the Republican party, inadopt--ijag and advocating. the-'Amerjcan system of encouragement and protection to the libor .and wages of our own land,.is nearer the'-declarations and desires of onranised labor than'its free trade' epponentsvtho Democratic oarty. ' Tho .conflict is. between the American svstem. "as represented by the Republican party, which would foster jand encourage thciabor of our 'own- people and retalh for them the market and -wages of our .own country, and. the British system, as representeu by the utmxxXie party, .which would break down .ihe.barriers of trotection and throw open our home mar et to the production of foreign factories ana foreign' labor, inns matting ime our owq tollers and reducing to a lower level .the standard of American wages. When the Knights of Labor and kin dred organizations shall have obtained in. foreign lands the same commanding posi tion and influence enjoyed, in the United States, .the inequality of wages will dis appear, not by leveling our wages down but by leveling their wages up. It is far bettor . to level up than.tb level down, as the larger the inborn) the jarger the power Ao consume; - . . - Whilo Ander free trade goods maybe cheaper to tHe consumer in certain lines, the labor made idle in those lines must turn to other means' of employment and thjjs by competition compel a lower rate of wages to those already employed .therein. .. Tho power of a workihgman to consume depends upon what -he receives for his labor. Unemployed, his power- to con sume, except in charily or in theft, ceases. I prefer that America should be a land of -rorkers rather than a land of thieves' and -paupers. . What is true of tho individual is equally jtrue of Tihe nation. .' The . primary elements -of national wealth and national prosperity are pro duction, distribution and consumption. Whatever affects' tho power of labor to consume affects the entire interests of the nation. Whatever lowers the wages of labor affects its power to'consumeT. .An ''average -reduction" of 7 per cciit- On the cost of goods imported will not"compen saie American labor for the loss of 100 per cent, in wages in the lines 'affected, ancTef. 10 to 50 per cent, in wages in the lines.of employment by the substitution of. the free, trade.for the protective sys tem. 1 hold it to bo far wiser statesman ship to build up and .retain our horns market by a system -that protects Ameri can labor than to command a market in foreurn lands secured by the wholesale degradation and pauperization of our own peoplo. ' Every dollar's worth oj labor imported is by so mnch a reduction of home Iabor er's'wages. This axiom is not offset by the declaration that there are more goods in the imported dollar's worth. The po sition of the protectionist is rather strengthened by such a specious presenta tion of the matter, heeause the question Is then instantly forced upon every Intel- How can Amerlsan labor earn . dollars none industry in wmen ne is ex perienced is transferred to foreign lands? The theory of protection advocated by .the RepubUcan party lathe same as the -underlying principle upon which all labor organizations are founded. A friend-to organized labor that believes in organiza tion as a means to enhance and mJaftain wages cannot consistent v- oppose a party that applies to all labor the same principle o'f protection from unfair competition that 'the individual trade organisation gives to the single trade. Trade organ izations to aid in advancing wages in their respective trades and the protec tive system demanded? by the republi can party trill secure for all the toilers'in .the land a similar fostering care. That this is clearly understood bvmott of the thinking leaders of organized labor is proved, by the declaration rejcentlymade. in favor of the American system, and. a homemarket by the presiding officers of the onraaizaUon renresentinstne iron and. kthe glass industries of the United-States. lnere .iff no- better organization oi any -one trade than tfie Amalgamated Associa . tion of Iron and Steel Workers. There is no trade more thoroughly. organized or better disripjined than that of the Win dow Glass. Workers, nor one in which higher wages are paid. The warnings of the officers representing those trades against free1 trade are very significant and ahould be heeded. .A careful consideratiom of all these facta convinces me that the. present is a grave crisis hi the political affairs of our coun trv. and that I have no right to remain silent. My "position as general secretary of ihe Knights "of Labor has given me an Intimate knowledge of the various phases of the !aljor question, and I do not hesi tate .to say that the triumph of the Democratic party, dominated by intoler ance in the south and British free trad sentiment in the north; would be the most serious blow to organized labor it could possibly receive. I cannot remain, inactive in aticn aron- ties. Therefore, to von and your dates of the national RepuTaUcan oom ardttee. as representatives of the Re publican party,! offer my services ia any position .or capacity when they may be drasranlo or be thought most useful to aid ia securing the success of Harrison and Morton, the representatives In this eampaiga of the American idea of protee tiom to American labor. is aaUahftattha ." It aaowntttefarlesstaaa. seea -wsyised. The river btU eaUs lor $.0.000. wnereiasv year Caere- was no approffla tion. .There is an iiicreaee of B3.000.000 in the expeaditures provided for by the fortifications bill, and there is also an. in crease in the payments under the pension and deficiency, bills. It is estimated now that the surplus of the year will reach' only $15,000,000. "The secretary of the treasury "must buy about forty 'mill-' 'ions of government bonds during the ret mainder Of the present fiscal year to make the necessary purchases for the sinking fund of $48,000,000. He is likely to soon raise .his bids, and the chances are that bis purchases will thereby -be increased.' Honey is returning -to' the people mors 'rapidly than the majority of persons sup pose. There is really less, -excuso than e-ter for rash redactions in the tariff. New York Financier. . A CHAPTER ON SAVINGS. Shawms taa Dtsfereaee Betwcaa PHvato BaaJt-Daaealta Hera aad la Easjlaud. A good deal has been said about tho amount of savings' in Jthe two countries, the UaiUdStataa aad Kaaad. and the effort Ja marts by the free traders to prove that the worklngtnen of this .country do not save very mueh more than the work- ingmen of England. It is probable, that very f ow people believe this, but so long as tho assertion is made the proof might as -well be printed, so that. the working men of the country may see Just how much their savings exceed those of Great Britain. . In 1860 there were $58,178,000 of .de posits in the savings banks of this state; hi 1886 there were $469,628,000. an in crease of 800 percent.' In the same pe riod the average amount to the credit of each depositor increased from $209 to $380. The savings bank deposits of Great Britain in I860 amounted to $190.-890.000; .in 1886, to '$496,000,000, an increase of about 118 per cent. In, the same period the average amount credited to each British depositor was $29, an increase of $12 since 1860. It will be seen that in 1860 the deposits in this state were not one-third of the deposits in Great Britain, but in 1886 the deposits here had not only increased by 800 per cent., but they were more than $63,600,000 in excess of the deposits in-the British savings banks.' In Now York and Kings counties the deposits increased from $49,000,000 to $294,000,. .000. about 600 per cent., while the indi vidual deposit1 increased from $216 to $384. In Massachusetts the depositors in sav ings banks' average two' to each family, and in Great Britain nine to each family. K,ow, will -some good freo trader tell us how the worUngmen of protected America can save more money than the British workingmen, if the prices in England are so much lower 'than here that the lower wages there have more purchasing power? New York Mail and Express. TTaa CoUea Clab .eat Clevelaad . The annual report of the British Cobden club contains the following significant eulogy of President Cleveland and his policy: "In the United States President Cleve land's message carries with it the promiso of such measures of tariff reform of may. In the course of a few years, make some thing like a revolution in international trade. Not only would the direct results of opening the markots-of such a country bo enormous, but, if the United States, hitherto' the great supporters of protec tion, should become satisfied that protec tion is a delusion, and that their own best advantage is to be found in free trade, such a change in jtheir opinion and practice could not fail to influence the opinion and . practice of the rest of the world." Cleve land Leader. Oeaw TBeaJasBia Gen. Harrison has been in public life for many years,. and we have not heard that he has received a promotion that he has 'not 'earned. In the army he was successively- lieutenant, captain, colonel and brigadier general, because he was brave ana efficient. He- Has beseme a legal authority through hard study. He was a leader ill the senate because he was recog nized as one of the ablest men and most logical and well informed men in the upper house. He Is tbeTtepublican candi date for the presidency because he has a clean record of distinguished public ser vicesmade within the party which honors him.- And when ho is promoted to the office of president', it will be because he has earned the promotion; not because Mr. Blaine has earned It. Tiina. He Coal Give Mara to ITS "DsnioL" "Yes, sire. 'I see that a New York paper offers a prize of $25 for the best original joke sent in. . "And does your weightiness intend to compete?'' "Well, r might. I have evolved sev eral pretty good Jokes in my time, 1 '"That's true.tdrs. You might send one of your justly celebrated declarations of fidelity to civil service reform." Pitts burg Clironlcle. H Woaida't Waat to Fight ntaaMU. Tea Dsnr "Yes, she." "They say my fishery message is creating great excite ment in Canada and England. 'and that there is a war cloud on the norison. "Yes, sire, it does look a little that way." "Cant you issue some kind of a supple ment, or second editionand say the mes sage only referred to my bluensh'explolt atFire islandr "I don't know." "And, O.Dan, when you are down on Pennsyl vania avenue, this afternoon, please keep your eye out for a good, healthy and cheap, substitute." St. Paul -Pioneer Press. . Watch Is attest WactkyT "Who donated a quarter of a million dollars for provisions and sent them to starving Ireland "Levi P. Morton. "Who sent the munificent sum of '$20 to the earthquake solan is of Charles tonr "Grover Cleveland. Cincinnati Com merdal Gazette. Grover Cleveland cxawiahed on the rebel flag bosiness; 1m enwaahed on civil service reform; heaawiehedinregardto. the second term; he crawfished ookhe Ca nadian fishery cmestioa; he wants to craw fish on the tariff ouestion. In fact, he is a professional erawnsher, who was formerly mayor of Buffalo.'but has no vote at the .conu.elsctioa. Clevelaad Leader. Is 8M "there. The ICisvnie Couikr-Journal clraesa eulogistic editorial on Thurtaan free trade speech with: And the oU rat laueaaaa, ea, loat aasyttwate, O'arthe laad of the ftmaas tba hoawof ths We prefer the old version, although ia tins campaign the Democrats are ceiwmhj consistent in substituting the red baa danna for the- Star Ipangled Banner. f--i.--aa a In Michigan when he hadn't aejgam ag with hbn. One of the startlag -iirtfttrltirM which attrafttri the Ola a sanaar hv scribed: "Wo votai for WstaftV i God fbrcive aa.- Mr. WMtiasT..hy the fortheMlBslaU and few saltSt. Paal TO. BREAK THE SCENT. President CloVelsnd tries to save the 'Democratic fox by drawing the fishery question across its trail; but th trick will not avalL Philadelphia Press. THE PRESIDENT'S RECORD. .a "levlew of the reenllar Caaadlaa Palicy I el the rreaeat Adj-U-datraUoa. Tho president's desperate attempt to retrieve the diplomatic reputation of his administration renders a review of its Canadian policy timely. When he en-, tend upon office a transition stage in the relation of the United States and the Do minion was approaching. The fisheries clauses of tho treaty of Washington had proved an unsatisfactory and inequitable arrangement so far as American interests were concerned. An exorbitant price for inshore fishing right shad been exacted by the (Halifax arbitrators. The award of $5,560,000 was paid under protest, and when the period which it embraced had passed there was no disposition on the part of the United States to reopen nego tiations for a renewal of the contract. Ex perience had demonstrated that the Cana dian Inshore fisheries were not worth as much to American fishermen as the privi lege of free entry to the New England market was to the Dominion fishing fleet. Accordingly, notice wss given to the British government of the abrogation of the fisheries articles. By act of congress and President Arthur's proclamation these articles wero to lapse on July 1, 1885. The American fishing fleet had known for two years what would happen, and were not ouly fully prepared for the change, but very eager to have their home -market protected against their Canadian rivals. This was the situation when the presi dent was inaugurated. Congress had ab rogated the fisheries articles; President Arthur had proclaimed the change of pol icy, and American fishermen were de lighted with the prospect of securing re lief from tho burdens of on inequitable treaty. What was the first diplomatic act of the new administration in these cir cumstances? Secretary Bayard having been' approached by the astute British minister affected alarm on account of the reversion to the treaty of 1818 in the mid dle of a fishing season. He gratefully ac--cepted an offer from Canada for a tern poraty extension of the inshore fishing privileges, provided the president in his first ,message would 'recommend a settle ment of tho fisheries dispute by arbitra tion,' The British minister was thus al lowed in the first instance to dictate a passage of the message relating to the fisheries. The abrogated clauses were continued in force for six months without authority of congress. A policy in the interest of American fishermen, which had received tho approval of senate and house, and had been officially proclaimed by; President Arthur, was reversed before the new administration had been in power for three months. Tho president earned out Secretary Bayard's compact with the British.minis tef, but the senate rejected by a decisive vote his recommendation for arbitration. The season of 1886 opened with the treaty of 1818 in operation, and the first series of outrages on American commerce oc carredon the Dominion seaboard. Con gress passed a retaliation measure with out division on party lines. The president inado no attempt to enforce this legisla tion during that season, nor in the fol lowing year, although as many as 400. American vessels were boarded, seized, harassed and subjected to expense or an noyance on the Dominion seaboard. Ho met congress with a complaint that the retaliatory powers were inadequate, and the declaration that diplomacy was the I only remedy. The senate promptly en larged thoso powers in Itxu, JJemocrats sjnd Republicans voting as one man. Then was witnessed a strange spectacle. The administration exerted all its influ ence for months to prevent the passage of any retaliation measure. The Belmont and Manning projects were brought for ward apparently for the express purpose ef blocking' legislation altogether on this Subject. This maneuver was defeated by the' passage of the senate bill in the houso largely by Republican votes. The administration having been twice armed with authority from congress evaded its responsibility, neglected to en jforco the retaliation acts and pursued its diplomatic adventures. After hundreds and denied their commercial rights it uucuuu ncsacia uau wcu m-u-kxx.. made a humiliating treaty of surrender without securing reparation for wrongs suffered by American citizens or for in sults offered to the American flag. At If the same time it had loaded Canadian cor- porations with gratuities worth millions tff Jfl11M 4l lt"n T1 ttiAl . nfum American commerce and railways. This is the administration that suddenly bounces upon the scene like a circus clown in the stripes and spangles of the American flag, shrieking that it will retaliato-and fight hard if congress will only furnish it with a larger pair of box ing gloves. New York Tribune. WHAT FREE TRADE MEANS. It ladaatrial Rata aad Starvation . of Honest Labor. Mr. Cleveland in his message advocate- a reduction of tariff, which tehds'towar i free trade Mr. Mills -in his tariff reforu: bill advocates tho samea needless auI wicked assault upon the industries of America. The question for-your consideration is. which party will you support ihe coming election the protection party or the free trade party. What to free trade? It means that the ports of all countries are open to each other, so that one coun try can trade with another without ex pense, duty or tax. .Which means: 1. That the American workman must eonipefcagainat the cheap labor of Europe. Reduction of wages in every branch of trade. S. Reduction I of the earning power of every dollar of eapnat now invested in 'America, either la aannfaetnring, fm--ag or any other pursuit. V Ree .trade is all very well so far as ateropean countries an concerned, where It costs the same price for labor. For in stance, a laboring nan in England, Ire land, Germany, Scotland, Spain, Italy or China, earns on an average of 40 cents per day; inAaieriea the average Is $1-20 par day. Now, if the laborer of this eonatry Is willing to work for the same WW M.thwprkmeuof EjUOaaVt TRYIN(i r BJBF W MMt U t X. NafcsasaaaBBaMaaaassssasa-BS BaBBBBBBBBarBBBBa If aaaaaaaaaKXBaaast arBaaaF4BBaVsBSr lll'Hl9-VllBBBBa BBBBBBBarsk Wlfl&mlP BB-aaaSsBaaBB (v smMBJBBBaBTss-'- vote lor cicrmana ana ires trace, 'every thing in this world finds jts level in time. The workmen of this country cannot receive $1.20 per day against the work men of Europe. 40 cents per day, on a free trade basis. No industry would or could thrive. Suppose a man can make two pairs ef shoes a Say. It costs' $1.20 to make them in this country and only 40 cents to make them -In Europe. Take off the protection tariff and every manufacturer and mer chant in America will have his shoes made on the other side, bring them over here and sell .them until our people are too poor to buy. Freo trade means destruction to ail our industries. It means that the clerk, the Bechanie and laboring man and their families will be ground down to starva tion wages, as is the case with the poor people of Europe. It. means that the children of tbe.laboring man will be de prived of the benefits of our public schools and our free institutions, for in stead of going to school they wilr be com pelled to work at the loom.-in the shop or (a the field, to ears, food and' scanty clothing.' " Many of you within the sound of my voice remember tho condition of the poor people who worked in the paper-mills at Factory village and at Rock City Falls near. by,beforo ihe war. There was no tariff for Protection then, there was a slight tariff for- revenue, but not enough to afford protection for the poor laborers. I remember when I was a boy I would sometimes visit thoso paper mills and no ticed frequently families consisting jof father, mother, sons and daughters work ing from morning until night, and then with their combined earnings could afford meat only once a week and poor food the balance. Their, little homes wero poorly fur nished, no carpet on the floor, tables with out covers, no china; instead tin plates, lead spoons, and pewter mugs were used. On Sunday they did not attend church, for they wero too poorly dressed, and all this misery was caused under the system which Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Mills are advocating today. After the war, when the tariff was raised so that paper could not be import ed from -England and Wales any cheaper than It could be manufactured here, the condition of these poor people im proved rapidly, and in a few-years the children attended school with good shoes and nest clothes, and their little homes were transformed from abodes of misery to thoso of comfort and luxury. And this improvement among the poor people of the whole section continues, and this under the protective tariff system. .Do you -want to change this system? Do you want to bring destruction and ruin on our industries? Do you want to see a reign of terror in our country? If you do. then vote for Cleveland and free trade. rCries of "No!" and applause. J A speech delivered by C C. Shane, of New York, in Galwsy, N. Y.. his natite place. AXew York Capitalist TaltoWhy He Is a Five Trader. A New York capitalist gives some interesting reasons for being a free trader. They are. highly important to workingmen, as well as interesting, and we give them below: "1 believe in free trade; it is the only thing that will kill trades unions and Knights of Labor associations. It will stop all strikes In this country, and end short boors and poor work, because in a competition with England the price of labor In this country windfall so low that the workingman must work all the time to get enough money to support his fam ily, and he must also work ten hours a day. There will not be any strikes, for if there are, goods will be shipped here im mediately from England and the market supplied, so that our country will not bo dependent upon our own workingmen and they can-make nothing by striking." That man is a free trader and gives an honest reason for being one His view of the case is entirely logical The tariff is rarely a question or wages. Cleveland er. Deasocratte Ways and Tho most recent offender against tho civil service law is the chairman of the Democratic state central committee of North Carolina, who has sent to.each per son from that state holding position under the government at Washington a. circular soliciting contributions to the campaign fund. This is in direct violation of the law, but it is not likely to receive any at tention from the civil service commission, at least not at present, that body being exclusively engaged at this time in its customary task of doing nothing and keeping quiet about it Furthermore, as the present commission owes its official life to the man who is to be benefited by the money which the North Carolina as sessor is gathering, tho harshest punish ment he will receive will probably boa few warning remarks against the folly of being found out Philadelphia Press. Why Do They Eaalgrafc-f No better evidence of the prosperity of two nations can be afforded than in their tables of emigration and immigration. When you are told that England Is pros perous, point to the fact that she is an nually parting with over a quarter of a million of her best workers, most of whom come to the United States. There is a national commission in England which has for years been studying tho problem of how to get rid ofpeople, because free trade is rapidly driving out of employ ment a once prosperous class of her work ingmen. On the other hand, the United States is annually receiving nearly a half million immigrants, and has received since tho opening of the decade over four millions. Put these facts together, and ask yourself which country Is doing best. San Francisco Chronicle. The Iriahira Failed to Do It, However. Here is "what Cleveland's flapdoodle message means. It is pointedly set forth in the following circular sent out to hun dreds of prominent Democrats by the chairman of the Democratic state com mittee of Ohio: Coltjxbus; O., Aug. 24, 1888. Have prominent Irishmen send congra tulatory telegrams to President Cleveland on bis message on the fishery treaty and get up demonstration if possible. J.B. To-txsejd. So far as heard from the Irishmen have failed to respond; The' chaff was too transparent to fool men who have left the Demoeratie party for good cause. Bur lington Republican. It Broaght C Very She:. Too. 'It is now pretty easy to understand how Grover. came to write that somersault message. Bis party was in a very disa greeable hole. Grover presented what looked like.a way out. and they all made a rush for it with the shout that "it wag good politics. Like all .of Mr. Cleve landVplans, however, it suddenly brought up against a blind wall Cleveland Leader. Syrup of Figs Is Nature's own true laxative. It is the most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Bilious or Costive; to dispel Head aches, Colds and Fevers; to cure Habit ual Constipation, Indigestion, Piles, etc Manufactured only by the California'Fig" Syrup Company, San Francisco, Cal. For aaleoolybyDowtyl-Bdcher. 27-y Craft's .Wag. O aad is Bay fate! what a mess I Of theocracy's hops with say agkt far frse Wade:. rve got to doaoaMtaatg; aad that right away, Or vast ia my caarata, I cast aria the day. ApToapactsoawfalayaodctoaasaaaa, -Let the pn-f stars Mat, look swat-dy. good Baal To.dod?ettl-nBMatfemeIwiafc- ' Let's table the tariff aad talk about-ath! C-aona (la which aH the mB-nb-csof thaDe-a- Yes. that is oar whb O. that taow wish. To table the tariff kabootaah t Osadteat-'fatete-eryclwiegstheaewa That gives ate a terrible lit of ti blast. The bows that my party Is loetair te'erlp. ItsiBamberalyltuadrettoda-ciMBgthe-htpl ltupiaia aatae cheek or dearOartaad's taco My free trade coavicUoaa will coat aw the race; So to dodge tho great ataae-aou faw-atlwiah Let's table the Uriff aad talk abmit aabT Chorus; . fei.lhatisourwhh, Oitaatisoarwaih, Tbtaala the tariff Aad tast about ask! . O sad is say fatal loud tbe-Xugmuaps ail storm WbealveDtaretopoMasafrie-doCBeforra, They charge (and Tbe' Tribune has rawvad,rat afraid) That tbe cause of Reform I have basely betrayed; Bat I fear not tho Mugwumps, tbe fosa that I fear . Are tho maaa-a who cry: "No" free trade tbaV year." So to dodge tho great Issue most t ervest I wish Lets table the tariff and talkabout-fisal Chorus: Yoa, that is oar whb, O, that is our. with, To table tbe tariff Aad talk about flah! Dead la my fata! O pray grant meBiywiah. To tbe rear with tree trade. Ieta talk about tan; Lota talk about flah, let's talk of tba odd. The salt. the'natriUous, tbe most esteemed cod! Don't speak of tree trade for tbe rest of the fight While of fiab'wo bold forth by day aad by night. To dodge tbe great Issue Boost ferveat I wish Let's table tbe tariff aad talk about-Bth." " that hi oar wish, O.thatisoorwteb, Tb table tbe tariff And talk about Osh! New York.Tribaa. AreTCaniac Again. The bogles are caUlasjagala, The'alrwith the draai beat Is stirred; On mowntaln.lB -alley, orplata. ThecaUtotbelxttleisheard. Theyaaswer from raonatafai aad phUa. They answer from lake to the sea: "We coma at the soia-noes agala, Te follow tbe flag of tbe free. .Otve as a Maa f or chief, A man tb occea to suit; Koir-dgbtoftheH-JMlkerchie., No soldier by substitute; No silken ahd acent-d.rag. No banner without a name Ours be the -tarry old Flag Scorched in tho battles fierce flame In city. In forest. In field. The sound of their coming la heard; Like toe raindrops the summer clouds yield, Like tho leave by tbe eummer wind stirred. They como in the morning's gray calm, They como when the solemn stars ahiae. They snout neath tbe fab southera pahs. They chant ncah tbe dark northern plae: "Give us a Maa for chief. Give us tbe starry old Flag; No Knight of the Handkerchief, Noauken and scented rag. Scorched ia the battle's fierce flame, Torn by the wild ocean gale. Blown by tbe trumpet of Fame That Is the banner we hail! The atan of that banner shine bright From the masthead aad hilltop aad spire; Our camp fires Mass through tbe night. The mountains are flaming with Ore, like the storm burst tbe cry of that bast, like thunder that far distant roar; . Tbe sound from tbe mountain top tossed Soils down to the surf beaten shore: "Give us a Man for chief, A man tbe occasion to Eoit; No Knight of tbe Handkerchief, No soldier by substitute; No subaUtate for dnef. But a soldier to dare and to da No perfumed handkerchief. No flaa; but the Bed. White aad Etae. -C O. Baker la New York Tribase. The rresfdeat's Keralae; Hi Til twist the British boa's taO. Ill make tbe Canucks fear me; We've got to fish and they cut belt By Jingo, boys, yoa hear aae! TO pile the earth with English dead. If you will all stand Bear me. And capture every Irish vote By jingo, bo- yoa hew -a m crush the senate at a blow,' : And those who always jeer me; r U make It break its party's Beck By Jingo, boys, yoa hear met had not thought to can a I ' That would be as uua, Bet providence protects Us owe, By Jingo, hoys, yoa hear met Now let na all rejoice aad atag. And enor rate iiasa literate; If I come back yoa take the earth By jingo, bojm, you hear me! -WaahlegtoaCrida Bismarck a Proteetlea. On tho 14th of May. 1882, Bismarck in a speech before the German reichstag eaid: "The success of the United States in material development Is tbe most il lustrious of modern time. The American nation has not only successfully borne and suppressed the most gigantic and ex pensive war of all history, but immedi ately afterward disbanded its army, found employment for all its soldiers and ma rines, paid off most of its debt, gave labor and homes to all tbe unemployed of Europe as fast as they could arrive within its territory, and still by a system of tax ation so indirect as not to be perceived, much less 'felt. Because it is my deliber ato judgment that the prosperity of America is mainly due to its' system of protective laws. I urge that Germany has now reached that point where it la necessary to imitate the tariff system Of the United States. - Anything for Jto-electlea. The presidential proclamation as to the fisheries was prepared some time ago, and the administration organs were all ready to start their steam whistles. The fisheries treaty was one -of tho Incapable Bayard's fumbling performances, ana was rejected ss a cowardly surrender of American rights. Its -rejection opened the way for the monkey message from Cleveland, who would regard any' war possible an advantage if it resulted in his re-election. The, Democratic party is ea pablo of anything before or after the elec tion that in their judgment would help in tho continuation or extension of their power. But they cro already bellowing that they did not mean anything hardly bv the noise Cleveland made. Cincitiueti Commercial Gazette. senator Xergai's Tight Ceraer. President Cleveland has placed bis sup porters in many close anil inconvenient corners by bis sudden change of base on the fishery question, but no one has -a closer corner to escape from than Senator Morgan, who last year signed an opfadon that Artkle-29 of the treaty of Washing ton was still in force, and. row. since he has heard from the president, is forced to recant his settled aad declared opinion, not on an issue of -peaky and politics, but onaIegBlintenretMeaof a statute and treaty. rauaaeipnie Of Csiss It Weavt. It looks very maehss if President Cleveland's fish aussege was an effort to divert attention front the tariff iss-aa. Batik. Will . 9 sftv WOTS. The New York MaO aiid Express, after o-and.--thertlia the following table, showing how much prices aave fallen since low. and tbe per cent, of decrease. " Cost, Cost, Decrease Ooods. KM.. ..18eT.-per.ceBt. Cottoa foods.., Woolea goods. ....Jb.81 .... log' ..'.. 1.0ia . fSHSM S.33 . .-"J 8.8S- lwj &00 ' 6.SC 6.03 Allt- !-' at) . " JKLt S.J -. i&3 81.1 13.7 8.7 M.3 . '.- . tr.o 83L1. . . --.a.o .. Boou aad shoes .'H-iD' SUkaad rubber 61 . Pijgiroa .. S.41. hoa products .K' hXMU -, iiu Ut tJ.Mf , Tiaaadtia plates..:. 118 , Lead aad copper.-.... US Uaaeed oil, turpea ti-waadpaiaU 1-05..' 8cep. heaap aad fav ' "Drags Bad rbs-nirsla t&? ". i m :. -jui . The Mills Bill's ated-wUea. "The falsity of the claim of theadve-: eases eft he Mills bill that that BMaaare---educes the tariff not more .than 7 per cent, is shown by The Tariff 'League Bul letin. In a detailed parallel column com parison of rates. .In the whole loug list of articles there are only 5 on which tbe cut is less than 10 per cent.; on 90 arti cles it Is 100 per cent.. L e.. these articles are placed on the free list; and on 31 more the cut ranges from fiO.per cent.- upward. The pretense 'that the Mills, bill-makes only trivial reductions, on the average, is apart of the glaring hypocrisy of the present Doniocratic campaign. Boston Journal. Work Cor Ha the Glaat Killer. Early risers In Washington who turn their ears toward Red Top can distinctly hear Mr. Cleveland caroling his-morning-hymn. They can even distinguish these words of the refrain as they coll and re echo with ominous emphaais: Fofl,fo,-fum! I smell tbe blood of aa EnglUbman. Be he lire, or be.hedead, TO grind his bones to make me bread If I catch him flatting in my fish pond. Indianapolis. Journal. Ma-w--aoaey Thaa "lateUeet. The efforts of "Csl'Bricesnd "BUI'' Barnum to raiso'an enormous Democratic rampalgn fund don't look much like an appeal to the intelligence of the country. They smack more of an attempt at cor ruption on a huge' scalo. Cleveland Leader. He la Haraaleas White He's Asleep. . Cal Brice at tho "phone: "Halloo, La montr Halloo.'' "What's tho presi dent doing nowT "He's asleep." "All right. If ho wakes during the night, ring me up. He -can't do us any harm while he's asleep." St. Paul Pioneer Press. Two Ways ef Oettlag Votes. Levi P. Morton's contribution of a ship load of provisions for the relief of suffer ers in Ireland ought to win as a-any votes as Cleveland's contribution of $10,000 to the Democratic --BptifT- fund. Indian apolis JournaL WlUSoa Tana TJT If the president Is not careful the name of Grover Cleveland will go thundering, down the ages as that of- the American Mot a Very Pretty Sfaowtag. One more case of the "deadly parallel:' TbaUtheCrbariestoBl Toaldtbe"bordoorof Tart houses ttaff-rers, nco holders' secure my fSS. Ire-elesUon, f 10.000. Q. CU-tIUR. G. CLEVCLAM. New York Tribune Mo Oae Has Filled Bis TUce. It is becoming very evident as the cam paign progresses, that Mr. Cleveland is not under the watchful eye of Daniel: Manning this year. Cleveland Leader. Perhaps He CeavHlre a SabsUtate. There Is only one thing that prevents' Mr.,, Cleveland from going to war with Canada Immediately. It Is his fear of those pesky guns. Philadelphia Press. Opea'aa; the noo-u. The Democrats wanted a clianre tb "open the books" kept by tho Republican. party at. Washington. Tho hooks wero opened and found to be correct to a cent. When tho Democratic books arc opened next March it will -be found that a large part of tho expenses of tho present cam paign were drawn out of "tho United States treasury through tho agency of enormous and unlawful loans to Wall street banks, which were induced thereby to make liberal contributions to the Democratic committee. Cleve land Leader. tax Kallway Coaspanlrs. The Boston-Transcript wants to know why railway companies do not hang up in. several prominent places in stations a plainly printed list of fares- to different. places. This would save a great deal of time, as many passengers could have the exact amount of money ready. In fact, in large stations like those in this city, a asoney changing office in addition to the ticket office might be established; so-that people could provide themselves with the exact change if they did net have it New York Tribune. .Fopalatloa of Aa-tralla. The Increase of population in Australia JMt year was' only 3$ per cent., which is by no means as large as England would like to- see it. Tho total population is 3.546.735. Chicago Herald. There is nothing that will so promptly cut short 4 congestion of- the lungs, sore throat or rheumatism, as hot water when applied promptly and thoroughly. Want of Sleep Is sending thousands annually to the insane asylum ; au the (looto-.- n'.iy this trouble is alarmingly on tli: in:n-as;. The usual remedies, whilo tjisy may give temporary relief, are likely to lo more harm than good. AVllat js needed is" an Alterative and ISIoiHl.piiriilfr Ayer's Sarsaparilla is iiicoiuparuMy the .best. It correct., those ilistiirbniires ' in the circulation which sleeple.N- ness, gives incrcase-L -vitality., ami re stores the nervoiis system to" a healthful condition. Rev. T. G. A. Cote, agent of- tlie'Ma-. . ' Home .MisAiohary. Society, writes tha.. his stomach, was out of order, his. sleep very often disturbed, and some im purity of the .blood manifest; but that .a perfect cure was obtained 'by tlie use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Frederick W. Pratt, 421 Washingtdn street, Bostonwrites: " My tlauj-iiter . was prostrated with nervous de'bility. Ayer's' Sarsaparilla . restored her. to health." '. William K. Bowker, "Erie," Pa.', 'was cured of nervousness- and -sleeplessness, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for alftnt two months, during which tune life weight iucreased over twenty pounds. ' . Ayer's Sarsaparilla, -rKEPAKED r.v Dr. J. C. Ayer it Co., Lowell, Mass. "feMbyaUD-Bssla-. Fries 1 ; six bottlesfa. ! j f f IjSHVK 1 i. . . - - ....-." -HAS AN- AirtkQrizttJ C-sfHal of $250,000 ASmfiiiFwritf - $20,000, AmFUM- -afoot jpaie4. la Cosh Caawaai f an- banVinihis part of tbe State.' . rrl)epoaits nfeeiT-d aad' uktr-4 -faae oji! time depofiiU.- " - ' ' '.'; ' '.' . ' -.--' EaV-D-afU oa'the prih ipel cities 'i this try aad Eiiropeboaatt-ad sold. '.'..;.-'' fc trCoU-eUoBa aad all. othsr p-oraptand-lnu-ffBl att-atioa. ' aW -.. sTocKHo'io-taa. . ' .-".." --,. - - - .. " -" ' " ".'"." A. ANDERSON,.?!-. . -..- '-.. J.H-.'()ALLK'-tVY'crWt.-. ' "-V. ' ' 6:T.mBN. Cathie-: ('.ANDERSON, - . -P. ANDKB80N, JACOB UKKI8KX,.. JlKSttY-KAUAI JOHN J. SULLIVAN:: W.A.M0AI - " .;... AtMstftt. gisittessfaris. KICHAltD CUNNINGHAM.' - -' ..-.-. - - - - : . "- : . Attorney and Cewnellwi-at JLil '-. Office on- Nebraska Ave.. ColutsbuaNeb. All luteal" business prouptly.accurateir Bad c-efol- -ly attended to. .-". ' . -- .- 13aaay:- OULLlTAr-f ,, KKaVEB, ATTORNEYS AYtAW, -'. ..." ' ' :-.:', Ofltce over. First Naiional. Nebraska. -- Baaik; Col-Abas. I.-- - -.rAUf. . JIM. NAtPABLia -rA '.- attorhey. d xqtarx VBU(f.Ty . tS"t)ffice - over bus, NtlrVudui. First National p-aavCblaat-.''. JOHiVEfcBIL,:.,. ? - :: COUNTY SURVEYOR.. " -. .-.'. t3"I--fit.dMiirinic snrreyinc done-caa'ad-dress me nt (.dumlmH, Ncb.,or call -aroftkw . in (ourt House. SajfiytS-y T- J, CHAHKR, CO. SUPT PV'BUC 'SCHOOLS: 1 will bp in tny oflice in tin. ('"art Hoase. the -Ihirrl Saturday of each month for the exnuio tiouof niilu-tnlM for tna-iifrs ctrtificates, and"' lor the trnnaaction of cither hchool business. ' -. lujanS8 VyAl.tUatAI- IBROM. DRAY itml EXPRESSMEN. '. Lit-bt rtnd heavy luuijinir. care, lleadiiiiarters lit J.' Telephone, 33 rind SI. (inods haBdled.with ' liecker 4 C6,s oBice, '3UB-rS7y - fif. K. TIJaUfEsVat CO l-roprietors-jidPnbli-Ji-rsofthe-- v C0IflKB"3 ittlSAL lad tta BtX. TAMOT mUAL,, Tioth. pout-paid to nny nddtVK. forfcOO a year strictly m-ndvonce. hxtL. JvVUNau Sl.U) ri yesic ' " . - - - . W. A. MeALUSTEIl, W. M. COKNEL1 Vti. ATTORNEYS' AT LA II; " . -.-.' - -- .("olumljos.jieb.- --.-.''- . ' Office np stftirs over Ernht .VifchwiriVstoro o'a Eleventh ktreef.....--- --- -.'--, ltftamjtjs D' -PieL-MAifc-'iif'it.r.'p'-:-- -" -" '. . ibfitKJK'r -Ir-tJ'. -. -s- .' Pl(YSICIAjluM:SO.RGEbTis c ..:" ; TiliJhlu--"5M- : "r".""v . .EYgblsEMES It StECfLTY'.. lw ?r"'-. -. ,1' -""'- 'lviephoBe:' ."-:- '. Erc-e.nthHtrej.K-. QffiwNjC:lJesenNt.87. ,' -. ' -'.-". . -"'Cbaartir: '. JOHN O. .H(iGlNS.: ; ' .t-.J.OAHLOW.J . ' moras qAjUow, Specialty rorule of Collections by C J. Gailoir; Tin aid Sheet-Iron Ware ! Job-Work, loofimr nd Gtrttar. - injr a Specialty . t-SImp on 13th l on I3th 'stret4. Hrnnm Bro.;m old-' .v.s2tf -'.- stand on 'fltirtrrth -tn-t. PATfiSFTM CaVeatnaad Trndo Marks obtained'and altTat- "' -.-.",' ent baineM conduct ei -for-MODEKATlS FEES.' -" -- - oyii ; office is opi-oHiTE u. s. pate5 -: ' '- OrrlCfc. WehaTeno"ub-iencje-.aIl'buHine-' - ---"' : direct, hence" wo ran trnn-ct itht business ia- ' rJ '?' lens time and at .LESS COST than those-reinoti. V -.'".- '--" from tutt imrton. ,--, - " 7-", " .;.--.'.-'? Send rnodel. drawing-,' or photo,' with dwrrir '.:.; v'. tion. "Ae ailvisH.if patentAbln .or"n6t"f ree'.of "' "-' ."' chance. m Our few not du till patent is Wur-d. ..-,-: - -"; . A book. "How to Obtain-Pat'ebt't.with refer;. ;.-"--:-: ences to actual clients in your. state,. bounty-Or-" ": v ------ town, sent frew. Addrestt ' - - -"-.-".,:'-" -V-"" Opposite Patant'Omce. WaMnomi&i: . .WONdETU . ifiiai - loasaiMls. of -.forms.--Lot sre'-r ' rwutedby tlie-ma-relsof-invention. '- .-, ' Thfhm.whu arein nml f TrSil.- woric. tiiat can be .while Inrjnj-'at horns-' ..'. should at once send .their Hal"ett.' " Co:, Portland. Maine, and receive free.' full -III: -"".". formation how either sex, of , all aid. cast earn , '-' :Jtmi.5 b,".f-5'Jr.,-Vmd.apaid-toi-iver- -"' - ., .theyllvf. Ttotf, - Capital not rx ' fin i red. Some have, made over fSO ib-a-siaa.e "."-'-day at this work; All succeed. " :. f-fdecSHy.'". ' , -tm:9jMptiy: We will pay the above' riivrard tup. any" ease of- . -lifer complaint, dyspepsia. Kick. headache; indi- . " Kestion, constipation -or cpstiveness we cannot" ' - cure with.WersV-Uble-Liver Pills', when the '. . directions are strictr-r-n'mnliMl with- 'Tlw C Iu rely veKf table. -and nfver fail toaxTe-satishc- ' - " - ' tirin. IvirKelxzes coatainlng-p. so-ar coated -".".-" ,..... "v... rr ur.u)un uiu-npsm. - jjeware oi counterfeits - and iininjtctions.. The--- svnuina manufactured only by JOHN C'. WEST A CO' (-ft: W.-Madison St., Chi'cajfo. HI.' decI'SIy INVENTION has TevoIutioBid. . .- the woridduri uk the- -,'':" last half -enldry... " ."--Not least unimur thit' - '"' sonfiets of inventive D-ocnm-h -is a-.'mothfirf nH . system of .work tlia'can be performed all overt-'-'- -,-"" the country vtitbout Feparatin- the' workers- from '' -their homes.- Pay liberal; any 'one can do -the. "' . work;j4ther sex. youns or oldi no special ability- V required. Capital pot .needed; yon -e. started - ." . free. Cut this out and return to. as and. we wHU - ' eend you freeMmethina- of- sreat value and iaa--' portance to you, that-will jttart joa in bo-ise-; which will bricK you-in more money riabtawar,--'' lhau anything-else. ;in the world.' OfanttfrntHL.' - . free. Addi-essTrueACo'Augusta.'IIe; ' dec3B - - "' AbooTcbfieei The best book for aa . advertiser to coaK sult, be .aevexperi- . enoed or otherwise. t newspapers and eatuaaiee.-. of the cost of udvertisin-.flicadverti9erwho '. wonts to spend ono dollar. nls ia it the te" formation he require, while for him whowll",--fnvest one hundred thouaand dollarekaad J "verttain-; a scheme is ladicated which will .- aaeethia even reoulre-aent. or cans is 1 tadoMobmaliaktekanatieaiiwarimf1mt rtspemtknee. U editions hive bees laaaedV. Seat, poet-paid, to any address tor leeeata.-' . Write to EO.' P. BOWaXI, ' CO. NEWSPAPER ADVKKTlSIKa sWJBSAUi.- uasernesif Prlatlaglloaspat.- Sew Tedu - JIW5PAPSR ItcnnbiinsliMsoi -.-" . - '- 1- -.-.'" --.- .. ". ' ' -...' fU f yft. -".- y J.