The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 22, 1888, Image 4

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iaege crrr estates.
TmAtmcy of raise tstcs 1b tlu City ef
florton T.lfownd ludlridumUtj of Tnp
rty Wlijr It U Bo Frequently Held
"la Trust."
The early part of the century, from
1812 down to 1848, was the era when
many of tlio later millionaires were either
young men just boginning at the lower
rounds of fortune's ladder, or had ascend
ed the first most difficult steps of the
same, and began to see the prospect of in
dependence within satisfactory reach.
Somo were of Boston origin, but many of
these men had started out of homes of
large families on somo New England hill
Bido, or in the small towns where progress
was just beginning to change the primit
ive order of things to more modern methods
and conditions. Sturdy and rugged, in
ured to hard labor, and early taught
economy in the school of actual experi
ence ; with a fair amount of schooling,
such as it was and it was good and
thorough as far as it went and a light
heart and scanty wardrobe, these boys
went out in tho world to sock their fort
une. Many of them found it in Boston,
where from tho humblest capacities they
rose to be heads of mercantile, manu
facturing and other enterprises of a "char
acter and extent that were simply sur
prising. They became simply active
instruments in the development of the
business and resources of tho country
when the railway system began to make
availablo their wonderful extent and
To this class of adventurous, industri
ous and successful men of affairs came
riches and possessions of various kinds,
among them being real eatato in the best
business and residential sections of the
growing city. Somo, more clear headed
than others, went more largely into the
acquisition of real estate, judging that,
with tho inevitable largo increase in pop
ulation, land must become very valuable.
Events justified their judgment. Some
of these men returned to their early
homes for wives, but the majority of
them obtained helpmeets from among the
families of their new homes. Children
we're born to them, for in those days it
had not become unfashionable to have fam
ilies, and in cases large ones at that.
These children had to be educated in a
way superior to that of their parents,
ana in the course of this process acquired
new tastes and habits. The sons, espe
cially, must have a college course, with
all that that often means to the sons of
rich men who havo largo expectations.
Of course it was not alone the sons of
men who had come to Boston -to seek a
fortune that filled tho colleges. The
early Bostonians were also thrifty and
money making, and raised large families,
and left extensive estates. Many of their
eons, as well as those of the former, in
herited enough of the paternal energy
and ambition to impel them to go into
their father's counting rooms and be
come, in turn, great merchants or man
ufacturers; and it is to tho credit of
some of these families that even up to
tho present day their representatives are
to bo found in conspicuous positions
either in trade or in the learned profes
sions. But it often happened that where the
sons of wealthy parents settled down to
trade the grandsons did not, and in time
we find old familiar names fading out from
the activities of our city, to be replaced
by new ones. It is, perhaps, a fact that
tho majority of the bons of our wealthy
people are little heard of after college
graduation. Many of them have a dis
taste for trade; many choose professions
where they only loiter among workers,
having no real incentive, lacking ambi
tion, to work; while others become mere
educated nobodies, with a strong tendency
to live extravagantly, and spend all the
money they can command. The fathers of
these drones, noting their unwilling
ness or incapacity for business affairs,
will not leave them the control of
property which they do not know how to
manage, and, therefore, in their wills,
leave thair property in the trust of men
or corporate bodies in whom they havo
confidence, for tho benefit of these heiru,
with, perhaps, reversion to their children.
The incomes derived support these men,
and, if they marry, their families, in good
stylo. In somo cases these legatees, hav
ing scholarly or artistic tastes, go abroad,
live and bring up families of un-American
children in England or on tho continent of
of Europe. Cases of this kind are not in
frequent. Then there is the matter of sex in
descent, and as daughters constituto
about one-half the total of the children of
rich people, their provision is quite an
important factor in the creation of
trust properties. Daughters of rich men
are much sought after by dashing but ad
venturous wife hunters. Experience has
shown that to dower a wifo in her own
control on marriage is to practically give
her fortune to her husband. How to
guard this property for her own benefit,
and for that of her children, is the con
sideration of the prudent father. In his
will, therefore, he leaves tho daughter's
share of his property in trust for her ben
efit, or for that of her children, with the.
right of reversion to the latter in the event
of her death, the husband to liave no con
trol of tho same, and the income to be
paid directly to her or to her children un
der reversion. But even this careful
method was found defective. Where the
husband was unscrupulous and avaricious,
and the reversion to minor children en
abled him to obtain control of the prop
erty as their natural guardian in the event
of Lis wife's deah, cases occurred where
death was hastened by cruelty and ill
usage on his part. To offset this, a con
siderable proportion of the property was
in some cases left so that the wife could
dispose by will of the same, though not
otherwise dispose of it during her life.
There have been cases of trust and con
fidence in sons-in-law, where tho latter
have nobly carried out the wishes of the
testator; but the temptation fo; a husband
to administer the property of his wife for
his own benefit is often so great as to be
apparently irresistible. He can appropri
ate the income to his own uses, perhaps
squander it, and when the time for the
return of his accounts to the probate
court arrives he can obtain the necessary
Touchers from his wife, though he may
not have given her 5 per cent, of the in
come. If she objects, he will say to her
that he has lost the money in speculation,
and If she does not sign the will he will
be a ruined man, and forever disgraced in
the eyes of tho world. To save him from
disgrace, therefore, she yields and lives
the life of a martyr. Cases crop out from
time to time which show that, no matter
how carefully the interests of daughters
may be guarded, events will occur to
neutralize the designs and desires of the
testator. Boston Herald.
A Call Vpom tkeBaduw of Fen Ab Abo-
tioneer's Methods.
The next day a call was made upon the
bashaw of Fez, whom I found in the act
of sdministeiingjustice in the courtyard
of his palace. The old gentleman was a
clever looking Arab, gotten up most im
posingly in a long haik and pink Moorish
slippers. He received me most cordially,
snn when he found that I was waiting for
the letter from the sultan his hospitality
knew no bounds, and he insisted upon
By sitting at his right side while he
xteted out sentences and punishments to
. the malefactors brought before him.
When he found I had never seen a man
bastinadoed his delight was almost piti
ful, and I am afraid if I had stayed every
BBan in Fez would have been put to the
o haMrtirtH" before the day was out, so anx
ious was he to be hospitable and show me
all that was of interest in the town.
After seeing a couple of poor chaps
thrown down and whipped just severely
enough to make a man glad he was not in
their place, the sight lost interest for me,
and" I asked permission to retire, which
was readily granted, and as the bashaw
found I was planning to make some pur
chases in Fez he sent for his major-domo,
instructing him to see that the merchants
of Fez did not take advantage of the
white man who was the sultan's friend.
- They did not take advantage, and if I
Airar twt cadi annuofe tocethsr I nijrojntf
to Bind for that poor nsg laetefl AMD and
mas him my shopper ingeaeraLfor his
style would make a sensation on Wash
ington street and add a comfortable sum
to my income. The shops of Fez are lit
tle dog houses dog out of the thick walls,
the floor of the shop being about breast
high, and the shopkeeper sits npon the
floor in the midst of his goods, some of
which are piled upon the shelves over his
head, but all throe walls within touch of
his hand, so confined is the space. When
you approach his shop, does he jump to
his feet with an eager bow and a request
as to what he can show you? Not he. Ha
does not attempt to stifle the yawn that
unjoints his face, and if he is near enough
to the wall he leans against it and closes
his eyes in pure weariness.
If you ask him for something from the
shelf above his reach, he asks in reply,
without opening his eyes, if there is not
something on the floor, within reach,
which you can buy just as well. If not,
be yawns again, calls npon the saints to
burn your grandmother or grandfather,
and reaching up, grasps a cord hung
above his head and pulls himself to his
feet. None of this for my buyer. He
reached in, took what ho wanted, asked
its price, put down about half what was
asked, put the purchase under his cloak,
leaving a string of howls and Arab oaths
behind him. Only one man was bold
enough to jump out of his shop and run
after us, and to him the servant of tho
bashaw administered a good box on tho
ear, saying the purchase was for tho sul
tan's friend by the order of the bashaw,
and if the merchant did not return to his
kennel, he would have him bastinadoed
before night.
This looked to me so much like high
way robbery that I remonstrated, but
Jacob said it was custom and all right and
the usual way of doing; but I have an
idea there was something irregular about
it after all, for I noticed there was con
siderable excitement wherever we tarried.
Then we went to the markets where all
the goods are sold by auction. The auc
tioneer, who could be told by his lack of
clothes, would take a piece of .goods from
any of the shopkeepers and start out to
sell it upon commission. Holding it as
high aloft as he could he would shout
some bid and start upon the run around
the market. When he passed any one
who wished to examine it, ho would drop
it into their hands, allow them to examine
it, take their bid, if they made any, start
again npon his run, shouting the price
like a madman, until he had made three
circuits of the market, after which he
would turn it over to the highest bidder.
Cor. Boston Transcript.
How Cards Are Marked.
"How do you mark a card?' said a
Graphic man to Charley Mosster as he
stood on Fourteenth street and Sixth ave
nue last night watching the world as it
"Easy enough," was his answer. "We
do it in the same way that the blind man
reads -by the sense of feeling. Before
we can read these cards they must be put
in shape. This is done with a ring which
is worn on the most convenient finger.
On the inside of the ring I mean the
part under the finger is a little steel
spur, not sharp enough to penetrate the
cards and make a hole, which would be
detected, but a slight 'indentation, re
sembling a pimple, on the back of the
card, but so small that with close obser
vation it would not be noticed.
"This we cannot see, but we -can feel
it, and the location is the cipher-to the
denomination of the card. Of course we
have to see and handle the cards before we
they can be 'marked,' but as we can handle
from five to ten cards each deal, it does
not take long to have all the important
cards punctured. Reading cards marked
in this way is easy to me. I have one sys
tem as to the location of marks, and it is
just as simple as telling the same by the
location of the hands of a clock in the
absence of the regular dial figures. Sharp
players make their punctures so slight
that they cannot be detected by the ordi
nary sense of feeling.
"The reading is then done with the ball
of the thumb from which the outer cuticle
has been removed by acid. The mother
skin is very tender, and readijy responds
when it comes in contact with the 'mark.'
Greeks of this class can be detected by
watching the thumb of the right hand in
dealing. If it has a sliding motion up and
down the cards then you can bet two to
one that the dealer has got a book for the
blind to read." New York Graphic
National Habits of Expectoration
The streets of Paris are a pore delight
to me for many reasons, but chiefly be
cause they are so clean. Why cannot our
streets at home, the streets of Pittsburg,
New York, Philadelphia and Boston, be
clean, too? Certainly there is enough
money spent on them to insure itt But so
long as one thing is permitted in our
American thoroughfares, which is punish
able with arrest and fine here, just so long
will our avenues and cross streets, our
pavements, aye, even our train cars and
ferryboats, be disgusting and dirty, un
seemly and a constant reproach. I allude
to the national habit of expectoration, the
national disgrace, for it Is to my mind
nothing less. Were I to see a man, whom
I had previously adored, indulging in this
habit in my presence in street, piazza,
house or car. 1 should not adore him any
longer, that is all; and here it is followed
promptly by arrest, so consequently the
streets are (other means being not only
paid for but used), the streets of Paris are
vhat ours are not fit to walk in. "Miss
Marigold" in Pittsburg Bulletin.
Children In a. IIotoL
Children In hotel or boarding house are
like wild birds in a cage, deprived of their
right to fly and swoop and skint the air
and to swell their throats almost to burst
big with unchecked song. The wild bird
droops and mopes and mournfully twit
ters. Instead of singing, and grows dis
heveled and dirty and unlovely, and the
caged child grows weedy and pallid and
constrained in its movements and pert and
assured in its manners, and before it is
adolescent it is a little world weary mani
kin, blase of all amusements, supercilious
to those not so wealthy or so well dressed
or so fashionable as its parents and their
friends, cynical and agnostic in all its
views. Mrs. Frank Leslie in Philadelphia
Genua Ualvexaitloa.
Twenty-six thousand nine hundred and
forty-five students have attended the
twenty universities of Germany during
the winter session which has just closed.
At Berlin there were 6,478, at- Munich
3.414. and at Leipsio 8.289. Bonn is
seventh, with 1,119 students, and Heidel
berg is only thirteenth, with 882. Rostock
comes last, with 840. Only 1,644 of the
students were foreigners. Of the whole,
8,735 students belong to the philosophical
faculty, 6,650 to the medical, 5.701 to the
theological, and 5,700 to the juristic.
Two Men 1b Oray.
A New York letter carrier in his regu
lation gray suit with brass buttons was
sitting by the side of an elderly gentle
man who wore a slouch hat.
"Your suit has a familiar look to me,"
remarked the latter.
"Where were you a letter carrier?"
asked the distributer of mail matter.
"I never was a letter carrier, but I was
in the Confederate army, and occasion
ally I got over more ground in a day than
you ever do." Texas Sittings.
aet a. fieanaat BcTelatlon.
(Time, 8:30 p. m. Present, Mr. Jones,
Miss Belle and little Effle.)
Miss Belle Is it not about time that
you go to bed, darling? Or are you going
to stay and retire with me to-night?
Little Effie No, mo hain't 'going to
stay wit oo no more.
"Not? And why, dear?"
Little Effle Tause oo snore.
Mr. Jones looks uncomfortable. Bing
hamton Republican.
Tbe Fatal Camera.
It is said that the body of a man with
his head twisted off was found in an alley
way back of a Chicago photograph
gallery. The coroner's jury brought in a
verdict of "found dead," but they cen
sured the photographer for not being more
careful when posing his customers. New
York Commercial Advertiser.
A WasBiasjtBB Bopertor Pries late the
tkogserBts of tho due Beak Trade.
Tho travel BcatUa Habit and Its Ko-
Persons vary fond of reading, but with
little spare time to indulge their taste, who
visit a narrow shop near one of the de
partments, are apt to come away with a
severe attack of the blues. The shelves,
counters, and even the floor of the shop
are chock full of pretty nearly all the wis
dom of the ancients and wit of the mod
erns, done up in elegant but handily
pocketable paper bound packages, which
sell at from ten to twenty cents each. Tho
shop, in fact, is a sort of headquarters for
the cheap libraries now so numerous, and
which are said to be doing great damage
to the more pretentious branches of the
book trade.
Here, for $3, a careful person can pur
chase a library more extensive and better
than was ever owned by many a man
whom the world calls great and wise.
History, biography, poetry, philosophy,
science, literature and romance are min
gled in bewildering confusion and pro
fusion. A glance at tho titles of tho
famous works piled on shelf and counter
fills one with despair of ever being able to
road them all, so numerous are they; and
yet they ore so cheap that a person with
the reading habit feels ashamed not to
buy an armful and rush off to his den to
devour them at once.
"Wo have several customers who read
two and three books a day," the proprie
tor said to an inquisitive reporter. "One
man in particular used to come in regu
larly every other or third day and carry
off each time from six to eight volumes.
Ho didn't appear particular about what
ho read, but took them just as they came.
He kept it up week after week, too. He
had a place in the interior department,
but was discharged not long ago."
The propietor didn't ultimate that there
was any connection between the man's
reading habits and the loss of his position,
but it struck -.he reporter that there
might be.
"There are plenty of people who aver
ago a book a day, month in and month
out," the proprietor continued. "These
people are mostly novel readers, of course.
It gets to be a passion with them, like
anything else, and they give all their
spore time to it. If they can't get hold
of anew story as soon as they nave fin
ished the old one they don't know what
to do with themselves and are miserable
like a tippler whose rations have been
cut off or a morphine eater who can't get
the drug."
"Do yon notice much difference in the
class of stories preferred by men and wo
men?" the reporter asked.
"No, I can t say that I do. The women
don't seem to be especially fond of love
stories. In fact, some women who come
here won't read love stories or novels
written by women. They prefer the de
tective stories and mysteries of Du Bois
Sbey and Garboriau and Zola's highly
vored stuff. G. W. M. Reynolds' sen
sational romances used to have a big sale,
but they aren't in as much demand as
they were."
"Haven't the cheap libraries hurt the
sensational story papers a great dealt'' the
reporter inquired.
"Well, not as much as I thought they
were going to at first," the gentleman
said. "I expected the story papers would
be entirely driven out of the field by the
cheap libraries, but I hardly think their
sales have fallen as much as 25 per cent.
The papers have to keep booming them
selves all the time, though, or they lose
ground badly. They aren't the bonanzas
tbeyusedtobe. The newsdealers wouldn't
be very sorry if the story papers wcro
driven out of the field altogether. The
margin of profit on them is very small,
and the worst of it is the people who buy
them are of the 'charge-it-and-I'll-pay-you-next-time'
class. Now, if they foil
to pay once it knocks the profit off a good
many papers."
"Tho people who read the story papers,
then, are of a 'different class from those
who buy the cheap library novels?"
"Yes, as a rule, they are. The people
who read these novels and serial stories
get false and foolish ideas of life. This
is especially true of the confirmed story
fiper readers. They ore the worst of all.
can tell one of them almost as quickly
as I set eyes on her for tho story paper
readers are generally women. They have
a would be grand and romantic air about
them, use big words and theatrical ex
pressions, and try to imitate generally in
their manner the highly wrought charac
ters they read about in the serials. Girls
brought up from the time they are fifteen
or sixteen on this sort of reading aren't
satisfied with a man unless he is like tho
heroes of their stories, and they arc apt
to wait a good while before they find one
who seems to promise to come to what
they call their 'ideal.' And then, if they
do get married, in ninety-nine cases out
of a hundred, they soon discover that the
promises were all false; that they haven't
married their hero at all, but only an
ordinary, common place man, with not
enough of the story paper 'ideal' to him
to supply a paragraph In one of the sloppy
"These people with tho story paper
habit," the speaker continued, "seem
hardly ablo to control their impatience
from week to week for tho succeeding in
stallments of tho romances. Many of
them make a practice of coming here about
the timo they know the papers arrive and
waiting until they can get them; and if
they should happen to be late, and all the
papers are sold out when they get here,
then there is a row."
"How many of the cheap libraries are
there now in existence?" the reporter
"Oh, probably fifty all told," the dealer
answered, "and new ones are starting up
every week. The trade has got to be
something immense. Many of the libra
ries are published irregularly, sending out
a volume once or twice a month. There
are about a dozen which come out regu
larly from one to three times a week. A
couple of the leading ones for a while
published a number every day, but they
seemed to have exhausted the supply of
uncopyrighted and foreign novels and
other available books, and now send out
Ihroe numbers a week.
"We have an arrangement which makes
the cheap libraries cheaper still," the
speaker continued. "We buy back books
which are not damaged in reading at half
price, so that even people who read eight
or ten books a week are hi no danger of
bankrupting themselves by indulging in
this form of dissipation. It isn't an ex
pensive vice nowadays, at least in its im
mediate consequences." Washington
A FoBith of Jaly Tale.
It was Fourth of July. He had been
Inhaling a good deal of powder smoke.
So be said. It was not liquor; he said
the fumes of the firecrackers had gone to
his head. They had not bereft him of
reason. He knew he had a wife and fam
ily. When a man gets to his fullest ca
pacity of inebriation, when he has for
gotten where he lives, who is with him,
whether it is Tuesday or Saturday, or
what his name is, he will still remember
that his wife has to be reckoned with.
He knew that there was trouble ahead,
and he was thinking of all sorts of queer
excuses for his condition as he wandered
to and fro looking for a hack to take him
home. At last he came across a dingy
looking machine standing in solitary dig
nity at the corner of a quiet street. He
was not so far gone that he could not di
rect the driver where to take him. It
was some way out in -the suburbs. The
hack drove along, and as he bumped from
back to front hi the usual erratic way one
does in a hack, he tried hard to make np
his mind what he would say to his wife
when he got home.
There earner a very lively bumb that put
an end to his musing, for when he came
down be found the bottom bad fallen out
of the hack and the seat had come to
fileces, so be could only grasp hold of the
wo doors and run with the machine. He
yelled1' at the driver, but the driver was
deaf and for half a mile ha had to move
as last as lasrttgs'ffcfuia go. tie aia not
need any excuse when he got home. He
was sober; so terribly sober that he had
forgotten he had had anything to drink at
all. Ho was mad well, mad is a mild
word but he was knocked speechless
when the hackman, after looking earnestly
into the hack, instead of offering an
humble apology, turned on him and said:
"Say, what in thunder have you done
with the bottom of my hack?"
1 And whenever his wife wants anything
she asks him in the blandest tone:
"John, what did you do- with the bot
I torn of that hack?" San Francisco Chron
i ide "Undertones."
Now York In Mlrtsawmor.
At a certain period of the year New
York always reminds mo of a baker's
oven, with the fires well fed. This period
is now about upon us. There has been
enough sunlight during the past couplo
of weeks to got tho town well heated,
and it will not cool again until tho season
changes. It will not be much hotter, for
"die sufficient reason that it cannot bo.
July an exceptionally torrid sun can add to
ihe enervating heat that is radiated Ly
allies of houses, whose sunny walls
scorch tho hand, and of streets whose
pavements exhale tho caloric of f urnaco
doors. By day the town sends up a shim
nier of heat into the air. After dark it
still retains its suffocating temperature.
Every breeze that blows through tho
streets is wilted out of all freshness in its
passage, and in order to get a breath that
is not stalo. you have to climb upon your
roof, and you are in luck if the roof is a
high one.
The porks by day and night are like
tropical jungles. Even in Central park
you saunter as if in the calendarium of a
Turkish bath, for whatever air does
wander around its winding ways is
exhausted by its journey through the
city. The experienced New Yorker who
stays in town for the summer continues
to exist by keeping indoors as much as
possible, alleviating the temperature with
closed blinds and plenty of ice water. I
have been in tropical cities in midsummer,
where the heat was not as great or opprts
sive as it is at the same season here. Al
fred Trumble in Pittsburg Bulletin.
Not a Humane Rifle.
It was promised for the new Lebel
(French) repeating rifle that it was
humane, either killing outright or disa
bling, but not torturing with the frightful
wounds made by single nrers of largo cali
ber, and indeed, so for as known, the
magazine guns as well. Recent experi
ments, however, have shown that the 8
millimeter Lebel magazine gun is no more
humane than that of 11 millimeter caliber.
Tho experiments were conducted by
Cant. Jaricot, his men firing into dead
bodies and at live animals at distances of
200, 400, 600, 1,000, 1,400, 1,000 and 2,000
meters, and tho result, as summed up by
Dr. Delorme, are that the orifico made by
the entrance of the eight millimeter ball
is smaller than that of its going out, the
same varying from four to six millime
ters, according to the velocity of the bul
lets the power of the new steel projec
tile being greater than that of its prede
cessor, the bones offering less resistance,
and there being consequently less deflec
tion of the bullets. The hope that the
bones would have a "clear" fracture, with
little of the splintering which is so pain
ful, has not been realized. On the con
trary, the bone is torn "shivered" would
perhaps more nearly express what Dr.
Delorme says in the article he writes on
"Chirurgie do Guerre." And yet he says
that the effects of the now rifle, as used
at present, are trifling compared to what
they will bo when the now explosives,
melinite, roburite, etc., are used. Scien
tific American.
Coffee Among; the Arabs.
The great event of the visit is the
coffee. The host has a kind of brazen
shovel brought, in which he roasts the
beans; then he takes a pestle and mortar
of the oak of Bashan, and with his own
hands ho pounds it to powder, making
the hard oak ring forth a song of wel
come to tho guest. Many of these
pestles and mortars are heirlooms, and
are richly ornamented and beautifully
black and polished by age and use; such
was tho one in question. Having drunk
coffee (for the honored guest the cup is
filled three times), you are quite safe in
the hands of the most murderous.
So far do they carry this superstition
that a man who had murdered another
fled to the dead man's father, and before
he knew what had happened drank coffee.
Presently friends came in, and, as they
were relating the news to the bereaved
father, recognized the murderer crouched
beside tho fire. They instantly demanded
vengeance. "No," said the father, "it
cannot be; ho has drunk coffee, and has
thus become to mo as mv son." Had he
not drunk coffee the father would never
have rested until ho had dyed his hands
in his blood. As it was, it is said he
further gave him his daughter to wife.
Last Journal of Bishop Hannington.
Pineapples and Their Culture.
A few years ago pineapples were a
luxury. Now they are as common as
native products. The fruit Is shipped
here to dealers who make a specialty of
it. The business in this city is practically
in the hands of half a dozen large dealers.
Barrels are usually employed for packing.
The growers are not particular about
sending barrels of a uniform size. Any
package that can be had cheap Is used.
Largo sugar barrels have the preference,
as they hold nearly double the quantity
that the small barrels hold, and the cost
of transportation is less in proportion.
On arrival the pineapples are sold to
wholesale dealers The price is fixed by
the condition of the market.
Pineapple culture has become on im
portant Industry In Florida. Key West
has been growing the fruit for several
years with perfect success. The climate
there is about the same as In the Baha
mas, and the sandy soil Is very produc
tive. Along the Indian river in Florida
large plantations have been stocked with
pineapples. The product of this region
is estimated as being three or four tunes
as large now as last year, and in the near
future it Is expected that the domestio
fruit will supply the needs of the entire,
country. New York Mail and Express.
Some Alloys of Gold.
A new alloy of gold and platinum, upon
which Mr. W. 0. Roberts Austen has
been engaged for some time, takes fire on
being thrown into water, and the gold is
released as a black powder, differing from
ordinary gold in its property of readily
forming auric hydride. This abnormal
form of gold, which becomes normal me
tallic gold on heating. Is said to have been
long utilized by the Japanese. They ob
tain it from its alloy with copper, with
which they form ornamental metallic de
signs upon knife handles, etc., and then
release the dark colored gold by a pick
ling process. In this way, they have pro
duced an appearance of transparency in a
metallic representation of water, at a
place where in the design a duck was re
presented plunging half its body below
the scrface of a stream. Arkansaw Trav-
The French Pronunciation.
A Boston girl who has been visiting it
seems queer, but Boston people go every
whereat Newark, N. J., had been study
ing French for months before she went on
the visit, and had flavored all her imagi
nations and perceptions, so to speak, with
French. In driving about the town
where, it hardly needs to be said, there is
a large German population, the Boston
girl noticed over the doors of a great
many establishments the sign, "Lager
"Tell me," said the Boston girl, after
inspecting one of these curious signs for
the 100th time, "does M. Lahzhaybeeyay
own all the stores in Newark?" New
York Tribune.
Not That Kind or a Flower.
A young mother living in Detroit has
one charming little daughter named Lily,
who is very fond of playing out of doors.
The other day she came home covered
with mud.
"Oh, oh!" said her mother, severely,
"can it be possible that this is my good
little girl, my sweet, pure Lily of the
"No, mamma," answered the little girl,
sorrowfully, "I guess I'm your bad.
naughty Lily of the Alley now." Detroit
crrr and country.
The Complaint la Other Countries Man
lier to That in Oars Farmer' Seas
Flocking to the Cities Where Win It
End? Another Side.
It has been lately estimated that more
than one-fourth of the American popula
tion now live In towns of over 8,000 in
habitants, whereas fifty years ago only
one-fifteenth lived in this way. The
change is usually attributed partly to
railroads, which make it possible to sup
ply those largo collections of people with
the necessaries of life, and partly also to
tho demand felt for city conveniences,
luxuries, excitements and companionship
At any rato, tho results ore confined to
no singlo nation qr continent. M. KebbeL
in his Agricultural Laborer, says of Eng
land. "Tho rising generation of peas
antry take no interest in agricultural
work. The best boys from the
schools all set their faces toward the
town, and scorn the plow." In France, M.
Baudrillart finds that while the popula
tion of the farming districts diminishes,
that of the towns increases. This, he
thinks, due largely to popular education,
which has created new wonts and broken
up tho old intellectual stagnation. He
complains that in Franco a now and lower
e of laborers is being imported from
Igium and Italy to take the place of the
French peasant, who seeks the towns.
AH tliis is curiously like the complaint
wo hear among ourselves. In New Eng
land, where farming is difficult and turre
munerative, we see many farms passing
into the hands of the Irish and the
Swedes, while the cities are built np by
the sons of those who were once farmers.
As you cross the prairies, where forming
is still profitable, you may sometimes see
wheat fields or corn fields stretching to the
horizon, and tilled by the joint labor of
some colored family which came within
thirty years out of slavery. Not that
those fertile regions do not still sustain a
thriving race of farmers of the Anglo
Saxon race; but even there they are
dividing the soil, it seems, with races
more backward. With all the skill
brought to bear upon scientific agricult
ure, it may be doubted whether it is an
intellectual pursuit requiring as high a
brain power as the more difficult branches
of mechanical work the various applica
tions of electricity, for instance ana if it
were. It has an element of solitude about
It that dissatisfies.
a stuaxqe situation.
"God made the country, and man made
the town," says Cowper; but man seems
for some reason to prefer his own handi
work. To one who approaches the mat
ter simply as a lover of nature the situa
tion seems a strange one, but he is com
pelled to recognize It. Talking in Colo
rado tho other day with a Scotchman who
owns a sheep ranch of 6,000 acres, I nat
urally congratulated him on an employ
ment so attractive, and spoke of the de
lightful associations with the pursuit in
the Scottish ballads, the writings of the
Ettrick Shepherd, and so on. He Inter
rupted me with the bluff assurance that
he hated sheep, that he had herded them
first In South Africa, and then in Colo
rado, but wished that he might never see
ono of those animals again, or -even hear
its name mentioned. Thus, it seems, do
poetry and fact diverge when people come
to talk about rural occupations.
Where is this sort of thing to end? If
in England, with all the immense artifi
cial prcbtigo that has so long attached it
self to tho ownership of the soil, there is
a growing Indifference to farming, how
long will even our broad acres of virgin
soil prove attractive? Yet there certainly
is, somewhere in our hearts, a love not
merely for wild nature, but for the pro
cess of subduing it to order and produc
tiveness. I talked tho other day with a
young Harvard graduate, who went half
a dozen vears ago from fashionable clubs
and tho leadership of the "german" to a
very isolated ranch in Washington terri
tory, and he told me that such was hjs de
light In the sense of ownership and
growth that often, after a hard day's
work, ho would stroll out In tho evening
simply to look on his growing crops and
orchards. "I felt about them," he said,
"very much as I suppose a mother feels
about her children." Though the sense
of isolation had finally driven him away
partly, however, for the sake of his young
family he still felt the tie and the long,
Side by sido with this vast thronging
toward town life in the winter has come a
proportionate longing for the country in
the summer. All persons beyond middle
age can remember the beginning of this
amazing division of social life between
summer and winter, which now gives to so
many persons of moderate means a dupli
cate residence for the two seasons. In
our larger cities, where whole streets of
brown stone palaces remain all summer as
silent as the catacombs, It was formerly
tho custom for those who resided in such
houses to keep them open all summer, the
family taking perhaps a fortnight's out
ing to "the springs" or "the beach." and
then returning home.
Tho lengthening vacations of public and
private schools illustrate the same change
of habit; there was formerly almost as
long a vacation In winter as in summer; in
somo colleges much longer, that the
students might teach school. But now the
summer vacations last in some cases three
solid months; and tho migration includes
not merely tho occupants of the brown
stone fronts, but vast multitudes of hard
working families, who dwell all summer
in a tent on tho beach, or in thoso hives
of summer population by inland lakes or
beneath mountains. If this tendency
goes on developing for the next fifty years
as for the last fifty, it may not solve the
problem of scientific agriculture, but it
will certainly furnish some antidote to the
alleged evils of cities. T. W. Higginson
In Harper's Bazar.
A Novel Scarf Pin.
A novel design was shown to a reporter
by a manufacturer, which took the form
of a skull mounted upon the top of a stout
pin and connected therewith by a fine gold
chain. The wearer, by gently pulling the
chft". causes the lower jaw of the skull
to drop, while two small diamond eyes
fall into the sockets, thus giving the ob
server an inclination to feel uneasy by its
ghastly appearance. These pins are ex
pensive, the price depending entirely npon
the size of the diamond used. 'New York
Mail and Express.
Washington Correspondents.
The correspondents, as a rule, are high
toned gentlemen, and a cmiuptlomst
would sooner think of approaching a con
gressman with-bribes than them. Many
of them'recelve salaries as large as those
of the congressmen, and the only great
difference in the two positions is that the
correspondent is here as long as he does
good work, and the congressman's head
goes off, as a rule, at the end of two or
four years.
The trade in birds for women's hats was
so enormous last year that a single Lon
don dealer admitted that he sold 2.000.000
of small birds of every kind and color.
At one auction In one week there were
sold 6.000 birds of paradise, 5.000 Impeyan
pheasants, 400,000 humming birds, and
other birds from North and South Amer
ica, and 800,000 feathered skins from
Nature's Own Trae Laxative.
The delicious flavor and healthy prop
erties of sound, ripe fruit are well
known, and seeing the need of an agree
able and effective laxative, the Califor
nia Fig Syoup Company commenced a
few years ago to manufacture a concen
trated Syrup of Figs, which has given
such general satisfaction that it is rap
idly superseding the bitter, drastic liver
medicines and cathartics hitherto in use.
If costive or bilious, try it For sale
only by Dowty & Becher.
Want of Sleep
Is sending thousands annually to the
insane asylum ; and the doctors say this
trouble is alarmingly on the increase.
The usual remedies, while they may
give temporary relief, are likely to do
more harm than good. What is needed
is an Alterative and Blood-purifier.
Ayes Sarsaparilla is incomparably
the best. It corrects those disturbances
in the circulation which cause sleepless
ness, gives increased vitality, and re
stores the nervous system to a healthful
Rev. T. O. A. Cote, agent of the Mass.
Home Missionary Society, writes that
his stomach was out of order, his sleep
very often disturbed, and some im-'
purity of the blood manifest ; but that '
a perfect cure was obtained by the use
of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla.
Frederick W. Pratt, 424 Washington
street, Boston, writes: "My daughter
was prostrated with nervous debility.
Ayer'a Sarsaparilla restored her to
William F. Bowker, Erie, Pa., waa
cured of nervousness and sleeplessness
by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for about
two months, during which time his
weight increased over twenty pounds.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Mold by sll Prugjji.U. Price 1 ; six bottle. $&.
Daily excursions have been arranged
for over the Union Pacific Bailway, to
San Francisco, San Diego, Colton, Los
Angeles, San Bernardino and San Jose,
California, also to Portland, Oregon, ut
880.00 for the round trip. Tickets are
good 60 days for ihe going passage and
good for the return trip for six months
from date of sale, with the usuid stop
over privileges in both directions within
these limits. These tickets are also good
by way of Denver and Salt Lake City in
each direction. The Agent, Mr. J. It.
Meagher, tells us quite a number aro
thinking of making tho trip soon, and it
wonld be well for those intending to go
in select parties to see him and arrange
for their accommodations. Mr. J. B.
Frawley, Traveling Agent, Union Pacific,
at Omaha, is arranging for these select
parties, and will be glad to give any fur
ther information in regard to these ex
cursions. Parties who prefer can corres
pond with Mr. J. Tebbets, G. P. & T. A.,
Omaha, Neb.
Prosperity lets go the bridle.
Women in Basinem.
In this age of extreme activity and
wonderful development, it is a note
worthy fact that many women have made
their own way in merchantile life, and
successfully compete with men in many
lines of business. Women, whether they
labor in the household or in the store,
are all liable to suffer from functions!
derangements and the cares of materni
ty. For all troubles known under the
category of "female weakness," Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Priscription is a tonic
and tried specific It relieves the great
est sufferers, and restores the patient
to vigorous health and strength. It is
the only medicine for women, sold by
druggists, under a positive guarantee,
from the manufacturers, that it will give
satisfaction in every case, or money will
be refunded. This guarantee has been
printed on tho bottle wrapper and
faithfully carried out for many years.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation,
biliousness, sick headache, bilious head
ache, and all derangements of the stom
ach, liver and bowels.
To him that will, ways are not wanting,
liarneld Branch,
On the Great Salt Lake near Salt Luke
City, on the Union Pacific, "Tho Over
land Route," was formally opened to
the public on Decoration day, May 30th.
Ample accommodations have been pro
vided, and the Pacific hotel company
will huve charge of the hotel accommo
dations at this famous resort under the
supervision of the Union Pacific railway.
No pains or expense have been spared to
make this the summer resort of the west.
It is only eighteen miles from Salt Lake
City on the Utah & Nevada branch of the
Union Pacific. Trains will be run ut
frequent intervals daily between Salt
Lake City and the Beach. Cheap trains,
good baths, and excellent meals aro
among the attractions. 3tf
Fools give to please all but their own.
A Natural Product of California.
It is only found in Butto county, Cali
fornia, and in no other part of the world.
We refer to the tree that produces the
healing and penetrating gum used in
that pleasant and effective cure for con
sumption,asthma,bronchitis, and coughs,
SANTA ABD3, the King of Consump
tion. Dowty & Becher guarantee nnd
sell it for 81.00, a bottle, or three for
$2.50. By the use of CALIFORNIA
CAT-R-CURE, all symptoms of catarrh
are dispelled, and the diseased nasal
passage, is speedily restored to a healthy
condition. $1.00 a package; by mail $1.10.
Circular free.
None is so wise, bnt the fool overtakes
The PaMenger Department
Of the .Union Pacific, "The Overland
Route," has gotten out a fly-bill design
ed to call attention to the summer re
sorts along the line of this railway. It
is a good bill and tourists, pleasure
seekers, sportsmen and fishermen should
apply at once to J. S. Tebbets, General
Passenger agent, Omaha, Neb., for in
formation in regard to the points of in
terest along the line, before deciding
where they will spend' the summer sea
son, or vacation holidays. 3tf
Where there is peace, God is.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem
ishes from horses; blood spavin, curbs,
splints, sweeney, ring-bone, stifles,
sprains, all swolen throats, coughs, etc.
Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted.
Sold by C. B. Stillman, druggist, Co
umbus. 6-ly
To a child all weather is cold.
Never Give Up.
If you suffer with asthma, bronchitis,
or any other disease of the throat or
lungs, nothing can surprise you more
than the rapid improvement that will
follow the use of SANTA ABIE. If you
are troubled with catarrh, and have
tried other medicines, you will be un
able to express your amazement at the
marvelous and instantaneous curative
These remedies are not secret com
pounds, but natural productions of
California. Sold at 81.00 a package,
three for $2J5Q, and guaranteed by
Dowty k Becher.
traeX joy
- im Jriw Y-t
Hrr ""- A I S-. a
W vL7 Af
Thisis theTop of the Genuine
Pearl Top Lamp Chimney.
Allothers, similar arc imitation.
Ti -T !,!
JL1113 CA.ICS. .LKiUUl
is on each Pearl
Top Chimney.
A dealer may say
and think he has
others as good,
Insist upon the Exsct Label and Top.
GEO. ft. MACBETH & CO., PHfsbargfc, Pa.
Contains also full nd complete lires of both
pe eitat standard beams. UIsM. with numerous superb por
traits. Arnonff the authors will t found the names of Sena
tors Fry e. Chandler. Hiwley, Injjalls. John D. Long-, popular
ex-joT. of liavs.. McKinley of Ohio. ntes ci the Tariff.
Henry Cabot Lodee. and a number of ethers of a hie oronu
jn";. The tnly aulktntie Campaign Boot, ind-mfd ty
lAat.Ktf.Cem. Don't be induced to get any other. Dis
tance bo ninderance as we pay all freight charges. Send 5U
cents in ic. stamps for outfit and be the first in tho field or
n,?I ull particulars aid Special Terms sent free to all. i
WINTER A CO., rubs., Springfield, Mas.
6000 Book Agents wanted to sell
hrover Cleveland
Full anl tomr.1.1. from hi, hnthnnl to LI, nomination In St
Loal., with ronl rrnilniKrnm. ul ar.-cJot.-FrofoMlT
UliuirittJ with !,! nwtralM "t wood nr.ln.
Th took alao euntaliw a turvrb PoruJl aJ full nJ comil.i
IilFK OF MRS. CLEVELAND, toceth.r with em!cta
Mofraphy of ALLEN Q. T1IUHMAN. Thu ! th onl
mmJUntie Lift. Don't b Induwd tu p-t ny otUr. Thr will
probably ha uiiaathorliod Lir.t, tut thl U tho right oca. Di
tanee no hunl.rasc., aa pay all tran.porta'In ctrgr. 8nd
aO casta la le. itampa and ba It. tnt la the A. U. and tho. r..p
the coldan haraaau IWIta for lull and Special Tarme
eaol free to all. Addran, WINTER & CO., rubs,
Springfield, Mass.
TTinrnilirhlir oIMinU tllf IllOOtl. Which 13 thO
fountain of health, by usinjf Dr. Pierce's Gold
en Medical Discovery, and Rood digestion, a
fair skin, buoyant spirits, and bodily health
and vigor will be established.
Golden Medical Discovery cures all humors,
from tho common pimple, blotch, or eruption, .
A kA OTtM Qsv-rtftihi nr litnoil-noinn. K8-
pecially has it proven lt efficacy in cunnjr
Salt -rheum or Tetter. Eczema, Erysipelas.
Fever-sores, Hip-Joint Disease. Scrofulous
Sores and Swellings, Enlarged Glands. Goi
tre or Thick Neck, and Eating- bores or
Golden Medical Discovery curea Consump
tion (which is Scrofula of tho Lungs), by its
wonderful blood - purifying-, invigorating;
and nutritive properties, if taken in time.
For Weak Lungs. Spitting- of Blood. Short
ness of Breath. Catarrh in tho Head. Bron
chitis. Severe Coughs. Asthma, and kindred
affections, it is a sovereign remedy. It
promptly cures the severest Coughs.
For Torpid Liver. Biliousness, or "Liver
Complaint. Dyspepeia, and indigestion, it is
an unequaled remedy. Sold by druggists.
Price SLOO, or six bottles for $-5.00.
R.TTWA'R'DETJ are tlne
who readthirt nnd then act;
they will find honorabln em
ployment that will not take
them from their homes and families. Tho
profits are large and sure for every industrious
person, many have inailu nnd art; now making
several hundred dollars a month, it in easy for
any one to make ?5 and upwards ier day, who in
willing to work. Either wx, young or old; capi
tal not needed: we start you. Everything new.
No special ability required; you, render, can do
it an well as any one. Write to iw at once for
fall particulars, which we mail free. Address
Stinson & Co., Portland, 3Ie. tlecSsy
The Commercial Travelers Protective
Association of the United States, has a
membership of over sixteen thousand
and is probably the strongest association
of tho kind in tho world. Mr. John II.
Stone, their national secretary and treas
urer, 79 Dearbone street, Chicago, in a
... ..., i i
letter states tnai no uas ueen bevereiy t
troubled at times, for tho past twenty
years, with cramp and bilious colic
which would compel him to take to his
bed from three to six days while in St.
Louis at their last annual meeting hei
procured a bottloof Chamberlain's Colli-,
Cholera and Diarrhrca Remedy and has !
since used it with tho best results. It is
the only remedy he ever found th.'it ef
fected a rapid and complete cure. No
one can safely travel without it. Sold by
Dowty & Becher.
Tho friar preached against stealing
and had a goose under his arm.
An'Alroliite Cure.
MENT is only put up in largo two-ounco
tin boxes, and is an absolute euro for
old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands
and all kinds of skin eruptions. Will
positively euro all kinds of piles. Aak for
Sold by Dowty & Becher at 25 cents per
box by mail 30 cents. mar7y
3 -aUanBBBWnidBnTv'c" 3
ZZ. 'BFaBnnnnnnntianattiBnv.-t i
'4SrBBBBflK9HHl7 -'.
7 jBBanBaSwLKnBaaffJ53SJtf7'"
JannjrlannanPr,r- -. ?iat'',w w Lfa. -- "j -
a'XPCanTa'JannBBBBBBBBf -r -' ''
Wus LMter Co.
WivKIy NVvt paper iMicil every
',V2 (VtiiuiMss f reading matter. eia
i'Jiriru!" ?.!.:. k a State News
:. Nesi'eted Sim itS and
', " ii;:t-rt m ut frr-f-1 nay .Mrtt. "fej
Kiilvu'ription price,
a year, in Advance.
31. K. Tuuni:i: & Co.,
Platte Co., Nolir.
BlacRemll! sEa Weeoii Maker.
All kinds of Repaiiing dune on
Short Notice. Busies, Wag
ons, ete., made to order,
and all work tiaar
anteed. Abo sell the world-famous Walter A.
Wood Mowers. Reapers, Combin
ed Machines, Harvesters,
and Self-binders the
best made.
jf?r"Slioi nj.;ioM?o the "TfttttT!l." mi
Ml, v.- XI.. Cfll.UMKlrS. Jlwlll
.09 & 111 W. Minth St. KMMSAS CITY. M0.
The only Specialist in th City who is a Regular
Graduate in Medicine. Over 20 years' Practice,
12 years in Chicago.
Authonwd by the State to. treat
Chronlc.Xervoasand "Special Dl-
eases," seminal weunen (nifnf
ratviiciuil Dvhllltv llou oftemat
tpmrer). Nervous Debility. Polaonfrd
tfloou.liicers anunwtf mugs me vrry
' kind. Urinary Disease., and Id fact.
all troubles or diseases In either
male or female. Cures guaranteed
or money refunded. Charges low. Thousands of
cases cured. Kxperienceis important. All medi
cines are guaranteed to be pure and efllcacious.
being compounded In my perfectly appointed
laboratory, and are furnished ready for use. No
running to drug stores to have uncertain pie
scriptlons tilled. No mercury or Injurious mwlt
cinesused. No detention from busiuess. Patient
at a distance treated by letter and express, medi
cines sent everywhere free from gaze or break
age. Mate your case and send for terms. Con
sultation free and confidential, personally or by
A CI page pnnir Fop Beth Hxea. suit
illustrated UWlfc sealed In plain euvelopw
forte, in stamps. Y. ery male, f roru the age of
13 to , should read this book.
$ for any c-w this treatment fail to I
cure or help. (srcatCBtdUcarerY la mnoaJ!
ormeillciD-. OneaoffUM rri.r; arwi
iion remort feter ami pain In jolutu;!
Cure corat.-tel la 5 to 7 da - Sen! ttate- I
nacnt of ease with stamp fur Circulars. I
Call, or aMrr4 I
LVuticwirt to Fnublc t- Iiiuhell),
i?" Contractor and builders will find our "
brick tir-t-clasH and offered nt reasonable ratett.
We aro nlso prepared to do all kindrt of brick
work. lrma)tSm
.rnr ncnitw.-,icb
'-Hi,. - -- --' ii ;. i nv-
LuNC-5 -Sold .n GfWJS
Send for ctcu!jr,$I fcrUmQfrrftS.
lAfliETl NE MCDbaLOOTfur. caui
2 Br k.yCVVJ cure- row
SmCilSHhrrc ATAR&.H
iowmr fc BECHER.
Trade bupplied by the H. T. Clsbx Dauo Co..
Lincoln, Neb. 7mr68-l.
h 11
'5. HM AW1 Hfff
"b MO J. a VCTT
a .