The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 15, 1888, Image 2

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Entered attke Foatoffiee, Colombo. Neb., M
econd-claaa tesil matter.
Columbu8t Neb,
tkbxs or subscbiption: , mail, postage prepaid, $00
Hix months.. -
Three months,. au
Payable in Advance.
y Specimen copies mailed free, on applica
When subscribers change their place of resi
dedco they Bhould at once notify us by letter or
postal card, giving both their former and their
Srwwnt iMt-office,-Uio first enables us to readily
ud the name on onr mailing list, from uhicli,
being in type, we each week print, either on tho
wrapper or on the margin of yourJoUBXAL, the
date to which your subscription is paid or ac
counted for. Remittances should be made
oither ly money-onler, regibtered letter or draft,
pabletotheorderof M & Co.
All commnnications, to secure attention, must
beueoomianiedbythe full namo of the wnler.
W iwcrve Uio right ti reject any manuscript,
and caunot agree to return the same.- e uVri i
a correspondent in eveo' school-district !
Piatt county, one of good judgment, and I re
liable in every way. Write plainly, each Hen.
sniianitely. Give us frets.
For President,
Of Indiana.
For Vice-President,
Of New York.
For Representative in Congress, 3d District,
Call for Republican Primary Elections.
'rim 1bnntditn electors of Platte conntr. Ne
braska, are requested to hold their primary elec
tions on Friday, the 17th day of August, 18SS, for
tho pnrjiosc of electing delegates to a convention
to bo held at the court house in the city of Co
lumbus, Nebraska, on Monday, the 20th day of
August. 1888, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.
Said primary elections will lw held between
the hours of 4 o'clock and 7 p. m., at the last and
usual place of holding tho same, except Creston,
which will bo at tho village of Creston.
The several townshiiw are entitled to repre
sentation tis follows:
ytfyflB l m JC' Lm
-Columbus 1st ward. ..4 Grand Prairie .
2nd " ...B Lost Creek 9
, 3.1 " ...8 Granville 4
?. Tvrp Creston !
-Butler'. 3 Burrows 3
Hismark 4 Wooiivillo 5
Jlonroe.... 7 St. Bernard 2
hell Creek.. 4 Sherman 4
' vVfLIKc joiii &
Humphrey 4 Joliet 0
Said convention will elect 10 delegates to the
state convention; 10 delegates to the senatorial
convention of the 1-1 li senatorial district; 10 del
egates to the representative convention ot the
5th representative district, and will place in
nomination ou candhlnte for representative for
tlie 24th representative district; one candidate
for county attorney; and transact such other
, business as may projierly come before said con
vention of August 20th, 18SA"
The voters at the primaries will vote upon the
qumtion, "Shall there be a submission of the
constitutional amendment in this state prohibi
ting tho manufacture and Kile of intoxicating
liquors." All favoring the prohibition will vote
"yes," and all those opposod will vote "no" on
their ticket, at sueh primary elertinn and the
secretary will make 'return thereof totliechair
nmn of tho county central committee. Done by
order ifiho nnubiic2in ctmnty central rommittee
of "Platte county, Nebraska, at the city ,tf Co
lumbns, August 4th, IRss.
W. A. Hampton,
Coining; Kvenls.
Gnind Army ltc-Union ami Fair at
Norfolk, Aug. 1!7 -..
Omaha Fair ami Exposition, Sept.
Nebraska State Fair, Lincoln, SepL
Platto County Fair, at Columbus,
SepL 2G-2K.
Iowa Stato Fair Aug. 151 to Sept. 7.
Colfax County Fair Sep. 1021.
Boone County Fair SepL 19-21.
Dodge County Fair OcL 2 5.
Nance Count' Fair OcL .') 5.
Judge Barnes
office to Norfolk.
Las removed Lie law-
The funeral of B. O. Rico at Shenan
doah, la., Monday was largely attended.
Another gaspipo lomb was found in
Chicago Saturday, in tho smelting
works of P. D. BennotL
Jons Ericsson, the great inventor, is
a little past 85 years old, and still works
at some projects he has in mind.
. '"The only timo England can use an
.Irishman is when ho emigrates to Amer
ica and votes for free trade." London
McSnxNE was one of the seven mem
bers of tho house of representatives ap
pointed to attend tho funeral of General
.Thos. Hill, a farmer near SL Joseph,
was thrown from a reaper Monday
morning and cut to pieces by the sickle.
He died in the afternoon.
"Qboveb Cleveland has done more
to advance the causo of free trade than
any prime minister of England has ever
done." London Spectator.
It is claimed that "Paradise," by Tin
toretto, is tho largest painting in the
world. It is S4 feet wide and 83) feet
high, and is now in the Doge's palace,
Ox the 9th, Wells college at Aurora,
N. Y., burned. Tho main building and
servants' hall were destroyed. Insur
ance $100,000, which will not cover half
the loss.
A telegram from Colorado Springs
announces that ex-Senator Alvin Saun
dere'fi illness was not apoplexy, that he
is bettor and that his physician thinks
he will recover.
Os tho 9th two more cases of yellow
fever were reported to Gen. Hamilton
at Washington from Jacksonville, Fla.
Four new cases are reported from Man
tee, making a total of thirteen.
Hon. E. M. Corbell of Hebron is an
nounced as a candidate before the state
invention for lieutenant governor. Mr.
Correll is an able man and would fill the
position gracefully and no doubt ac
ceptably. Recent volcanic outbursts in Japan
have done considerable damage. In live
villages the greater part of the houses
were buried to a depth of seven to twen
ty feet, and the killed are known to
Dumber 536.
Political Not.
A. E. Cady and John.' L. Means are
talked of as candidate! for the state
senate. ,
Yost for state treasurer and W. J.
Connell for congress secured the Doug
las county delegationithe other day.
Russell of Colfax,(id Meikeljohn of
Nance are talked of "for LieuL Governor.
CoL Whitmoyer's many friends are be
ginning to mention him for the 6enate
in this district.
The railroads arejroyiding a number
of local candidates and will endeavor
thus to defeat, the nomination of Leese
as attorney general.
The primaries are the source of all
political power. If you wish to accom
plish anything, begin there.
By the way, where is there a free trade
nation on the face of the globe that has
a surplus of anything but debts?
Wakefield RepuBlcan.
Up to the hour of going to press no
new candidate for state treasurer has
been reported, which is remarkable.
They now number twenty-nine, in round
numbers North Nebraska Eagle.
Carter Harrison, who is now in Eu
rope on a trip around the world, says
that the wages of laborers in England
are about one-half as much as in the
United States. This is good democratic
authority, and we can commend it to
the democrats who labor for a living.
Webster City Freeman.
Does any one ever hear a democrat in
Omaha who is interested in railroad
stock between here and Chicago, say
that he would rather see cattle hauled to
Chicago, there made into meat and haul
ed back again for our consumption be
cause it would make commerce for the
road? Wouldn't any such democrat
rather see the entire corn crop of Ne
braska fed to the hogs to be slaughtered
here and converted here into starch and
glucose than to be shipped east for like
uses in.different cities? That is the sum
and substance of home manufactures
which the American system of protec
tion aims to establish and encourage.
There is no difference in the economies
of the question that distance can make,
so far as any given place is concerned.
We in Omaha would, if we could have a
duplicate of every factory and mill in the
east, and think it wise to foster them.
It is unwise for the whole country, as
against Europe, to do the same thing?
If democrats throughout the whole
country would vote as they act and feel
in business matters there would be no
more free trade talk in this country.
Fred Nye in Omaha World.
If colored democratic citizens of New
York and New Jersey are permitted to
form state leagues, and freely to cast
their votes, the same rights should be
extended to colored republican citizens
of other states, under the constitution
and laws. A republican form of govern
ment will result in a limited despotism,
unless the constitution and laws are
faithfully observed and executed. With
this state of affairs, equal rights, liberty
and freedom have not yet been secured
for the American republic. If this con
dition of neglect to execute the laws in
America continues it will not be difficult
for the wise men of the nation to pre
dict what will le the ultimate conse
quences to the people and the nation.
H. K. TnuRBER, the great New York
merchant who bolts Cleveland on the
free trade issue, declares that he would
voto against his own father if his father
were a f reo trader. "The very facL" says
Mr. Thurber, "that steam and electricity
havo brought tho markets of every port
in Europe so close to us as regards time
and so certain as regards delivery of
merchandise, as compared with the con
ditions that existed forty years ago,
makes it altogether more necessary for
our wage earners to have something to
equalize the labor of Europe.
The Omaha Republican and the Lin
coln Journal ought to know by this time
that the anti-monopoly element of the
republican party in Nebraska is growing
and will make itself strongly felt one of
these days. They have been doing their
level best the past few years to keep the
wheels of olitical progress moving in
the right direction, and if such papers as
tho Omaha Republican and Lincoln
Journal will lay aside their prejudices
against the prevailing sentiment, the
councils of the party will be more in
accord with the tendency of the times.
Andrew R Graham of Wisner, who
is a candidate for state treasurer before
the next republican state convention,
was in the city Thursday and gave the
Journal a pleasant call. Mr. Graham
is accredited with all the qualifications
necessary to make a good custodian of
the state funds good habits, untiring
industry, unquestionable integrity and
a firm purpose to do right. The Jour
nal hopes the third congressional dis
trict will make itself strongly felt in the
next state convention by securing nom
inations for at least two important state
A bold robbery was committed on the
Missouri Pacific road between Jefferson
City and SL Louis August 4, in which
$17,000 was stolen. Two farmers near
Washington, Mo., were approached by a
suspicious looking man on the highway
on the 9th, when he became frightened,
and attempting to flee, dropped a large
package, which, on investigation, was
found to contain plunder from a mail
robber-. It is stated that detectives
are at work on the case.
Nine years ago Mr. Thurman in the
senate said in a speech on the Chinese
''Free immigration would be advanta
geous as furnishing a class of cheap and
efficient laborers."
And no republican has yet thought fit
to yell "free Chinese" at Mr. Thurman.
They don't have to they have better
material than that laid up for him.
Schuyler Sun.
The Gallup tragedy at Shenandoah,
Iowa, started in the beating of the father
by his sons Frank and Charley. They
were beating him in a most unmerciful
way when a younger brother gave the
alarm. MraPine is for the second
time bereft of a husband by the bullet
of an assassin. Only a few days ago her
little daughter was the object of a brute's
There is a well defined rumor coming
to the surface in different parts of the
state to the effect that the democrats
and the union labor party will combine
on ex-Senator Van Wyck for governor,
and endeavor to take the dust out of
Uncle John M. Thayer's coat tails.
INorfolk News. That rumor is calcnlat-
ed to create prejudice against ex-Senator
Van Wyck among republicans.
Blaine's reception at New York city
and all along his route home toward
Maine after his fourteen' months' so
journ in foreign lands, demonstrates
not only his individual popularity, but
the esteem in which he held as a party
leader. His brief speeches have been
characteristic, comprehensive, 'pointed.
He tells the republicans to press Home
the issue of placing American labor on a
basis with European, and victory will be
with the party that favors the protection
of American lalwr.
At Washington on the 8th one of the
heaviest wind and rain storms of the
season passed over from the southwesL
A number of buildings were unroofed,
signs blown down and other ihtmage
done. The day had been very warm, the
thermometer registering 93 in the
shade. Several persons were prostrated
by heaL
On the 10th insLat St. Louis Maxwell,
the man who killed his victim, cut him
up and packed his remains in a trunk,
and Laudgraft, who murdered his sweet
heart, were hanged by their necks until
they wore dead, Maxwell still donying
that ho committed willful murder, and
abused the American courts for an un
fair, unjust and persecuting trial.
It was announced at Chicago on the
9th inst., that it had leen decided that
tho limited fast passenger trains be
tween Chicago and Kansas City and
Omaha shall be abandoned August 20.
By this agreement the fastest running
time of trains between Chicago and
Kansas City will bo lengthened threo
Cap Delobat and tho crow of the
Mary Jane, from New London, saw the
sea serpent one day last week off Port
Judith. The creature was seventy feet
long, and as big around as a barrel, with
eyes as large as the crown of a hat, and
its jaws were five feet long and studded
with six inch teeth. This is not a fish
The people at Jacksonville are panic
stricken over the yellow fever plague.
Nearly every hotel, boarding house and
restaurant is closed, also hundreds of
stores .whose proprietors have lied. Five
pieces of artillery are to be fired contin
uously for several hours to test the ef
ficacy of the concussion method of de
stroying disease germs.
A mail sack at Valentine was stolen
Monday morning. The register parcel
was found cut open and about two dozen
letters most of which had been opened.
The night operator was boozy, and the
robbery was not known until the day
operator got around.
The James G. Blaine club of Kansas
City, 150 strong, in passing through In
dianapolis one morning last week paid a
visit to General Harrison, who made a
short address to them. After hand
shaking they songht their train and were
in a few minutes on their way eastward.
At Dayton, O., on the 9th inst., by the
crossing of wires tho full power of the
electric street railway dynamos was
turned into the telephone exchange,
sotting fire to and destroying 600 tele
phones throughout the city, completely
shutting off all telephone business.
A FKinirrFnL fall of an Erie express
train near Port Jerws Monday throw the
cars eighty feeL Firo consumed the
wreck. All the passengers were rescued,
only a few of them being slightly injur
eda fireman killed.
The siege of Sebastopol, tho Omaha
fair suid the two opera houses offer a
combination of attractions such as
Omaha never offered before. World.
The Third congressional district is
developing quite a number of aspirants
for state offices. It is to be hoped that
several of them will succeed.
J. S. Radcliff nearOgallala on the 9th,
was kicked by a horse and died shortly
The result of the primaries at Lincoln
would indicate that the anti-monopoly
wing of the republican party is ahead.
Senator Conger is reported as saying
that the Irish voters in Sherman county
are all coming out for Harrison and
A man by the name of Bradley was
thrown from a horse one day last week
near Chimney Rock and the horse fell
upon him. Ho died shortly after the ac
cident, remaining unconscious until his
The Denver fast freight on the 9th,
collided with passenger train No. 4 at
Crete, demolishing the engine, baggage,
express and mail cars, and some dozen
freight cars. No one was seriously in
jured. A worm haB appeared among tho corn
in the vicinity of Valparaiso. It ap
pears something like the grub worm and
works in the ground among tho roots,
and the farmers fear it may do damage
to the crop.
The Lincoln branch of the Irish Na
tional League of America, in session ono
day last week in Lincoln, adopted reso
lutions denouncing the British govern
ment for the treatment accorded the
late John Mandaville, while in prison.
A man named Hopp, who registered at
the Harkis house, Battle Creek, Mich.,
as from Nevada, Ohio, died suddenly on
the 7th. His symptoms gave ri6o to a
report that he died from Asiatic cholera,
and people are greatly excited.
A grand time is expected at the tenth
annual reunion of the department of
Nebraska, Grand Army of the Republic,
to be held at Norfolk, August 27 to Sep
tember 1, inclusive. The program is too
long to publish here, but go and hear
all the proceedings;it will richly pay you.
Several citizens of Wahoo were arrest
ed on the 7th for playing base ball on
Sunday. A trial of one of the defend
ants resulted in a disagreement of the
jury. The case will probably go to the
supreme court, to obtain a legal defini
tion of the word "sporting.'
H. N. Walker of Sterling on Saturday
night shot his 7-year-old daughter, mis
taking her in the darkness for a burglar.
She had gone out-of-doors, was return
ing and made no reply to the father's
asking who was there. The ball struck
the child in the left breast and lodged
under the shoulder blade.
Johnny Holmes, a boy about twelve
Jonnny noimes, a boy about twelve
y""8 oia aaa B011 OI Henry Jiolmcs or
Scrang, was bitten by a mad dog about
three weeks ago and one day last
week was attacked- in a violent manner
with hydrophobia. It took three men'
to hold him while in spasms and it was
necessary to muzzle him to pre
vent him from biting everything
in his reach. He cannot recover." A
number of other children in and 'about
Strang have been bitten by dogs ro-'
cently and the greatest excitement pre
vails among the people.
Drs. J. IL Calkins and T. J. Mqrphy,.
of David City,on the evening of tho 10th:
left tho city with n livery team torisit.
Mrs. Buckner in the country, and hold
a consultation in her case. While driv
ing on tho prairie, tho team became uu
manageable and ran off at a fearful
speed. Dr. Calkins, who was driving,
was thrown out and instantly killed br
the breaking of his neck. Dr. Murphy
was thrown out shortly after, breaking
several of his ribs, but his injuries' are
not considered fatal. Mrs. Buckner and
tho twins she loro has since died mak
ing it a very sad case all through, j
There was a hail storm passed around
Schuyler Sunday from the west to ilia
north and thenco east, only tho outskirts
of it extending over our town. Tho dam
age to tho corn lietween town and the
bluffs in places as yet can only lo esti
mated. Mr. E. M. Allen's, Mr. Norton
Pruyn's, Mr. Chas. Niemaifs, Mr. James
Green's, and Mr. Fritz Nieman's crppn
had tho blades pretty much striped olT.
At James Hughes's farm and other
places east of those enumerated" (ho
damage is said to be greater.' Hail" foil,
pretty thick from tho sizo or Ix'nns to
that of hens eggs in some spots. Tic)
herd of. cattle in John Benson's -cor.-Jil
were stampeded on account or the heavy
hail, which, though not very thick, was
in large chunks. At Rogers two chunks
picked up weighed ono 13 ounces, the
other 27 ounces. Thero was not much
wind or the damage would have been
felt more sevorely. Sun.
Levi Adams, of Maple Creek precinct,
tells us that his part of the county wit
nessed a terrible electric storm on Sun
day night. ThoJightning and thunder
was terrible and the air was filled with
electricity. Ho had a horse struck and
may probably lose it. The bolt struck
it on the left shoulder and went down
tho leg to the ground. At present tho
limb is terribly swollen and useless. Ho
further says that night he was called to
a neighbor's, named Martineck's, and
found that the lightning had entered
the house through a window. It struck
a daughter named Carrie, who was at
the time in bed with two other children
and the two escaped injury. Carrio lay
five hours unconscious and except for
tho beating of her pulse she would have
been thought dead. The electric bolt
blackened her limbs and scorched tho
roof of her mouth, otherwise sho was not
injured. The father, who w;as in another
room of tho house, was sovferely shocked
by tho liolt. It is hard to tell what kind
of a caper tho lightning will cuL
Schuyler Quill.
Washington tatter.
.From our rejmlnr correnixindont. .
Is a war with England among tho
probabilities of tho near f utrjro? Would
tho idea be popular in tins country?
Tho significant language used on tho
floor of tho senate during the discussion
of tho fisheries treaty has brought these
two questions prominently to tho front
just now. Senator Ruldleberger said at
tho conclusion of his remarks against
tho ratification of tho treaty: uVe will
never be a national government untjlv
have whipped England for tho third
timo. Our lioasted Monroo doctrine is
leing annulled and wiped from the faro
of tho earth today; and ve find gentle
men on tho other side of tho house(dem
Derate) saying wo must arbitrate or we
must fight. Tho party that stands out
Ixjldly against any concession by this
irovermiient of tiO.000.00t) people, is tho
only party fit to govern." The next day
Senator Teller in his speech on the same
subject said: "The United States will
never bo a free nation unless it asserts
that which belongs to it, and unless it is
ready and willing to stand up for that
wliich tho treaty of 1783 recognized in it
whether that were its boundaries or
its indejiendence. The jieoplo of tho
United States will get their rights
peaceably if they can, forcibly if they
must." The language used by thoso two
senators is endorsed by many other
memliers of congress, and tho defeat of
tho fisheries treaty which is absolutely
certain may lead to complications that
might result in war. So much for tho
first question.
As to the second, there is no denying
the fact that tho wave of intenso Ameri
canism that is sweeping over tho country
would make a war with England ex
tremely popular with the masses. That
this fooling is reflected in congress, may
bo readily seen in tho largo majorities in
favor of the resolutions to investigate
Canadian encroachments upon our
rights. Two of such resolutions havo
been passed by tho senate and ono by
tho house. Let England boware.
Tho republican senators are still care
fully working on the tariff bill, which is
to be offered as a substitute for tho Mills
bill. It is impossible to say just when
it will be reported to the senate.
Representative Cutcheon, of Michigan,
says that the talk about tho democrats
carrying that state is all bosh, and that
tho republican outlook could not be
more promising. Ho thinks the state
will give a larger republican majority
than it has given since 1880.
It is said that the democratic national
committee has so far failed to agree on
any plan of campaign, owing to differ
ences of opinion among its members.
The local democrats of this city have
been trying to get up a ratification
meeting ever since Cleveland was nomi
nated, but owing to the refusal of the
city to contribute the necessary money,
they have not yet succeeded. The busi
ness men of Washington hate Cleveland
as the "devil hates holy water."
Senator Edmunds is so much opposed
to open executive sessions of tho senate,
that he will not stay in the senate cham
ber while tho fisheries treaty is being
The house committeo on appropria
tions, having refused to report a bill ap
propriating 1,300,000 to pay arrears of
soldiers' bounties and back pay, Repro
sentative Laird of Nebraska, offered the
bill as an amendment to the general de
ficiency appropriation bill. Mr. Burns,
of Missouri, a member of the appropria
tions committeo, immediately jumped
up anu raisea a poini oi oruer against
ii j i
tlie amendment, wnicn causeu it to be
ruled ouL This gave Mr. Reed of
Maine an opportunity which he was
evidently waiting for, and he proceedod
to scoro tho appropriations committee
for tho disgraceful manner in which
they conduct their business, and for
their deliberately and persistently keep
ing the creditors of the government out of
their just dues. Mr. Reed was very
severe, but it was all deserved.
Congress has at last awaked to the
fact that Canada h:is been quietly work
ing to rob us of trade which naturally
Itelongs to us. Tho- senate has passed
Mr. Hoar's resolution for a select com
mittee to investigate tho commercial re
lations between tho two countries; also
Mr. Cullom's resolution instructing tho
senate committee on inter state com
merce to investigate tho relations of tho
Canadian railroads with tho transporta
tion across tho continent of commerce
which naturally lmlongs to tho United
Representative Phelps, of Now Jersey,
who is likely to lie the nevt senator from
that state, says ho is very hopeful of
of carrying his state this fall, and is per
fectly confident of carrying the legisla
ture. Oilier Countries.
The Turkish government has sent a
protest to tho jiowers against tho occu
pation of Massowah by Italy.
Carl Von Poener has accepted the
command of an expedition to go in search
of Henry M. Stanlev.
Tho eruption at Vulcuns continues.
It is difficult to relieve tho sufferers.
r . . i . ..Jv. NANCE COUNT V.
uurgo i'kuim's itciouging 10 an f.ngHMPC
company havo been destroyed.
A Russian cruiser han been ordered to
Behring Straits to prevent English and
American vessels from fishing in Rnssian
The court at Dublin has confirmed the
conviction of John Dillon and has re
fused the application for a writ of habeas
corpus for his releaso from prison.
Thero wero further conflicts last week
between tho striking vavoies and tho
police. Tho police took a number of
striking prisoners but tho strikers mndo
a chnrgo and rescued somo of them.
Tho funeral of General Endes, ox
communist, who dropped dead while
addressing a body of strikers, took place
at Paris oi tho 8th. Many thousand
communists followed his remains to the
grave, making tho funeral a very lively
ono by throwing bombs that did ox
plode, shooting pistols, displaying rod
Hags, bringing swords into play and in
tho light with tho police nearly over
Ityiim Mi I left's Denver Corre-qinmleiire.
Dear 'Journal: It seems like old
times to get back to work in tho Queen
City. Tt is a safe general rule, that
where a person's business is, ho will 1k
moro contented there, than elsewhere.
Wo aro having lino weather, with occa
sional showers.
Speaking about typhoid fever, a prom
inent physician remarked this morning
that ho had ten cases under his charge,
and that his patients aro doing nicely;
that tho typo is not maglignaut, but very
weakening, something like mountain
Tho campaign has not fairly opened
yet, though all parties aro active.
O. II. Archer formerly of tho Journal
force is in the city, exiecting to go to
work at his trade. IIo canio directly
from Wyoming here. He surprised mo
so, that I hardly know him. He looks
as if ranch life agreed with him.
J. E. Muuger is now in Denver. I
believe that I have stated liefora through
your columns, that ho is a "traveling
salesman for a furniture company, and
that he resides in Denver. Mrs. Munger
h:is tho care of her deceased sister's four
months' old child. The mother died on
a farm a few miles from hero last April.
Miss Eva Wait, sister of Mrs. Munger,
was recently called back to Kearnev
Junction by reason of her father's sick
ness. Mr. and Mrs. M. have a neat little
cottage, with a nice croquet ground iu
tho rear, which affords them and their
friends much pleasure.
Anderson Sampson arrived night be
fore hist looking very well after his
sojourn in Nebraska and Missouri.
Hoping that Columbus may prosper as
sho nover prospered before, and that yon
all may get along nicely, I remain,
Yours truly,
Byron Millett.
August 11, 1888.
The I'rohihition Convention.
Wednesday, Aug. 8, 1888.
Tho prohibition convention for the
Third congressional district mot at tho
Opera House and was called to order
promptly at 2:30 p. m., by E. A. Gerrard,
chairman of tho executive committee.
"My Country Tis of Theo" was sung
by all present after which prayer was
offered by Rev. A. W. Snider of Colum
On motion Hon. A. M. Walling of
Colfax county, was selected as tempo
rary chairman and W. A. Howard of
Buffalo county, as temporary secretary.
Upon taking tho chair Mr. Walling
brielly addressed tho convention, declar
ing that prohibitionists wero not so
lonesome in conventions as they wero in
timo past. Ho said tho cause was gain
ing ground rapidly in tho northwestern
part of the state. Mr. Walling is a
pleasant speaker and his remarks wero
received with deafening applause.
The address of welcome was delivered
by that war-horse of prohibition, Rev.
H. L. Powers of Columbus. Ho wel
comed the delegates and visitors to our
city on the part of the majority of our
citizens, and there was one element he
could not vouch as giving them a wel
come and that was the saloon-keepers.
With strong arms and brave hearts,
with cool heads and patriotic impulses
lot us go forward to deserve and achieve
victory, wero among his closing remarks.
The address of welcome was responded
to by tho chairman.
The exercises were interspersed by
songs by the Baptist, Methodist and
Presbyterian choirs. Tho Falls City
Harmonica quartette created great en
thusiasm by their appropriate campaign
On motion the chair appointed a com
mitteo on credentials consisting of the
following: E. L. Hnlburt of Colfax
county, E. C. H.-irper of Cuming county,
W. B. Bracken of Cheyenne county, M.
J. Brower of Nanco county, Rev. S. B.
McClelland of Burt county, E. A. Ger
rard of Platte county.
On motion the chair appointed the
following committee on permanent or
ganization: J. R. Carey of Antelope
county, J. E. Rockwood of Madison
county, J. L. Anderson of Colfax county.
While raiting the report of the com
mittees appointed, short speeches were
indulged in by a number, at the request
of tho audience. Rev. H. S. Hilton of
Merrick county was called for and re
sponded with a ringing speech, arraign
ing the rum traffic with the vigor he
possesses when ho fights the battles of
the people. Mrs. C. M. Woodward fol
lowed. She pointed to the uprising
which was growing on every hand. Never
before, sho said, were the people stirred
deo'ier than at tho present timo over tho
encroachments of tho liquor traffic.
Tho committee on credentials sub
mitted their report, recommending the
the persons entitlad to seats in the con
vention: Wo give thoso for Platto and
adjoining counties. Ed. Journal.
O. N. McKay, W. D. Wilson, P. H.
Kelley, John Griffith, Arthur Smith, O.
D. Butler, Ezra Fellows, W. D. Han
chett, W. T. McKiiu, M. P. Hurd, Geo.
Brown, 11. D. Coan, John Kelley, C.
Beardsloy, Chas. Swain, Edward Newton,
R. J. Stewart, A. Lnth, E. A. Gorrard, J.
Lightner, W. A. Way, Win. Bloedorn, S.
P. Curtis, E. S. Moore, Z. D. Nickerson,
A. W. Snyder, R. G. Hurd.
A. M. Walling, Mary M. Walling, O.
Nelson, W. Hardy, C. W. Cornwall, J.
Wagner, J. 1. Bower, W. II. G rover, A.
L. Ramsey, J, L. Anderson, Herbert
Power, Row Win. Worley, Monroo Tay
lor, J. M. Bay, A. O. Kirk, A. De. Forest,
J. Edmondson, Geo. Menser, Jas. Hill.
-rJkfctTStettart, O. E: "Stearns, K H.
Faucett, Rov.Day, J. F. Mayer, F. E.
Sherley, Francis Smith, D. W. Cromer,
A. F. Treadway; Mrs. J. F. Smith, E.
W. Marshal, VRev. J. W. Robinson,
'Mrs. L. A. Phillips, J. Thompson, M. L.
Hammond, Mrs. M. J. Brower, J. H.
Misnor. Sam Hawthorne, Miss Netsell,
Miss Gillespie.
Rev. J. W. Booce, I. G. Westervett,
Mrs. Westervett, Rev. J. W.Martin, Rev.
J. D. Whitham, E. Z. Rowlett, Rev. J. E.
Rockwood, Mrs. A. G. Robertson, Mrs.
L. A. Scott, Mrs. E. A. Conloy, Wm..
Wigg, Mrs. Wigg, Mrs. A. M. Ellis, Mrs.
S. K. Long, Mrs. O. A. Whitman.""
BOONE county.
W. A. Robertson, E. Farmer, J. T.
Marble, A. J. Stewart, B. K. Smith, F. L.
Cook, E. F. Farmer, L. W. Potts, S. O.
Phillips, Sam'l Crouch, F. M. Stewart.
R. M. Jones, David Loar, H. N. Fitch,
Geo. N. Burch, H. S. Hilton, Jas. Stevon,
David Lee, F. M. Steadman, II. J. Mc
Geath, T. S. Clark, B. V. Baker, Mrs. B.
V. Baker, Mrs. R. A. P. Jones, Julius
Wilson, J. E. Moore, A. J. Hashburger,
J. B. Baird, Mrs. D. Martin, Mrs. C. W.
Bolby, Mrs. O. A. Wiard, A. Fitch Jun,
J. 11. Raymond.
On motion the members present were
empowered to cist tho full voto of tho
Tho committeo on permanent organi
zation recommended that the temporary
organization bo made pormanont. Tho
rejKirt was adopted.
On motion tho following committeo on
resolutions was appointed: Brower of
Nance, Hilton of Merrick, Sutton of
Cheyenne. Mnrtin of Madison and Wor-
loy of Colfax.
Tho committeo on resolutions retired
to preparo their report. Tho audience
called loudly for A. G. Wolfenbarger.
Mr. Wolfenburger's apearenco upon the
stage ho electrified J,ho uudiejice that tho
wildest scene of the convention was
witnessed. Ho said the most remark
able featuro of tho political situation
throughout the country was the strong
est under current for prohibition.
The committeo on resolutions report
oil tho following which wero unani
mously adopted: Tho prohibition party
or the Third congressional district in
Nebraska in convention assembled,
heartily endorse the platform adopted
by the national convention at Indianap
olis and the last Btato convention at
Lincoln, and declares its devotion to the
prohibition candidates for president
and vice president. We cordially invito
sill tho voters and temperance workers
of tho district who are opposed to the
legal oxistenco of the liquor traffic and
its baneful and destructive effects to
join with us to secure the election to
congress of tho only candidate in tho
district who will stand uiion a platform
opposed to tho legalized sale of alcoholic
beverages in tho territories and tho
District of Columbia. We again charge
that the olitical management of the
democratic and republican parties has
shown a subserviency to the interests of
the liquor traffic, tho former seeking an
open alliance with the saloon and tho
latter having proved faithless to all its
pledges and pretences in the interest of
reform; and wo call upon all friends of
good order to assist us in our fight
against the greatest enemy to modern
Three hundred and fifty-six dollars
campaign fund for tho Third district
was contributed by the different coun
ties after which convention adjourned
until Thursday morning at 9 a. m.
In the evening the delegates and those
interested in prohibition, paraded the
principal streets headed by tho Colum
bns brass band, repairing to Frankfort
Square where an open-air meeting was
hold and an address delivered by Rev.
Creighton of Lincoln to an attentive
audience of more than a thousand.
Thursday, Aug. 9, 1888.
Convention called to order at 9:15 a.m.
Prayer was offered by the Row Gris
wold of Columbus.
On motion the convention proceeded
to name the congressional central com
mittee. On motion tho convention took up the
nomination of a candidate for congress
from the Third district.
As each county was called the chair
man of the delegation was to name a
candidate from his county if any was to
bo presented. Speeches to nominate or
second were, limited to two minutes
each. The following candidates were
placed in nomination: A. M. Walling,
Colfax county; E. C. Harper, Cuming
county; G. W. Reed, Holt county; Al
fred Fitch, jr., Merrick county; II. S.
Hilton, Merrick county.
Convention proceeded to ballot. Hon.
A. M. Walling of Colfax county receiv
ing a majority of the votes cast, was do-
ciareu uuiy nonunaieu lor tuo Tuirci
congressional district.
Ixmd calls wore made for Walling,
who came forward and in a well-delivered
speech thanked the convention for
the honor conferred upon him in the
Mr. Walling is a man of ability, made
a good record as a soldier, and has no
superior in zeal as an exponent of pro
hibition. Convention adjourned at 11:30 a. m.
m. Gould, Esq., General Agent Minneapolis Harvester Co., Omaha, Neb,
Dear Sir: -lt is being reported throughout this and adjoining counties that the
Minneapolis Harvester Co. had sold their nIioor nnd wnm im"mr t .Kcnn;nn
tho manufacture of thoir machines.
hen wo first heard or this we paid very little attention to the report, think
ing it fame froiAi some unprincipled machine agent who could not Bell a machine
or his own any Bther way than bv lying, but when so many of our customers cam
anil asked ns about, the matter, men to whom we expect to 'sell machines this
coming harvest, we are compelled to inquire into the matter. We have denied
the stone: all the time, and denounced them as lies and thought we were ri:ht in
doing so. Now we want the Tacts; if it is true, we want to know it, and ir it is a
he, we want to nail it. Please let us hear from you at once, as we want your letter
for publication. Very truly yours,
Ernst t Schwakz.
Mksshs. Ekkst & Schwarz, Columbus, Neb., Gt'iits.: I received yours today.
That report is entirely unrounded. I enclose copy of a letter received from tha
Von see it is a trick of men who can not hold their way against us, only by
trying to scare a farmer not to buy the " Minnie," hoping thereby to get a chance
to sell one of their own. Farmers need not fear. I havo no doubt they can take
your word, as well as that of a competitor.
If they lie about our machine, is it not probable they would lie again to sell
their own?
I will have a man there shortly. Do your best and I will help all I can.
Yours very truly,
Wm. Gouid, G. A.
Wm. Gould, Esq., General Agent, Omaha, Nob., Dear Sir: -Answering yours
relative to the rumors in Nebraska that the Minn 'upolis Harvester Works had
sold their shops and grounds and wero going out of the bushiest), we have to say
there is not one word of truth in them. They have not sold'tfieir shopd or
groundsAdare not going out of the business, and you can so' inform all parties
making'inniries regarding this matter. Yours truly,
1 Signed E. B. Lincoln, Sup't of Agoucies.
Fanners Look
f :j
Mckinley &
Money to loan on improved farms In this and adjoining
counties, at current rates. We are prepared to close loans
promptly, in all cases where title and security are satisfactory.
Office up-stairs in Henry Building, corner of Olive and
Eleventh streets. jmjiraar
Stoves and Tinware,
Pumps, Guns
The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here.
Generul Agents for the sate of
Union Facile and Midland Pacific It. K. Land for sale at from fS.00 to f 10.00 pr acre for cart
or on five or ten years time, in annual paymeutn to suit purchasers. VTe hare also a large and cholst
lot of other lands, improved and nnimproved, for sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Alst
bnsinetws and residence lots in the city. We keep a complete abstract of title to all real estate ia
Platte County.
Wholesale and
Game, Poiltry, aid Fresh Fish. All Kiids f Saisage a Specialty.
tyCaah paid for Hides, Pelts, Tallow. Highest market prioe paid for fat cattle-ma
Olive Street, tw Doors North of the First Natioial Baik.
A Farm for Fifty Cent.
Evory reader of the JouiWAt should
avail themselves of this offer, as they
will never regret it. In order to intro
duce that popular paper, tho publisher
offers to send Hawkeyo Siftings four
months on trial to any address, for only
10 cents, knowing that nearly every
trial subscriber will become a perma
nent patron. This paper is a largo 40
column, eight page journal, beantifnlly
printed on cream tinted paper, is brim
full of spicy humorous and literary mat
ter, profusely illustrated, giving on an
average, fifty illustrations each issue,
and articles from the pen of some of the
best humorous writers of the day. It
suits old and young. A premium given
to every subscriber. Eighty acres of
land, gold and silver watches, silverware
and many other elegant premiums free
to the next 2,000 subscribers. Enclose a
silver dime in a letter and send to Hawk
eye Sifting, 500 East Walnut street, Des
Moines, Iowa, and you will receive the
paper regularly four months with full
particulars concerning the elegant pre
miums absolutely given away. 15-4
Delinquent Personal Taxes.
The following; action was taken by the County
Sniiorviitore at u recent eeetsion of the Hoard:
"Kvmlvtd that it is the duty of the couaty
treasan-r to have all the delinquent perbonal
tnzett collected, and for the purpose of aiding in
collection of same, wo do hereby authorize tho
treasurer to (ivo notice by publication, in the
official pnperh of the county lor four (I) coiwcc
ctive weeks from this date, that all ilelinniieut
pergonal taxes not mill within ninetyilays there
after, executions Kliall lie ihMu-d and the said
amounts collected nccordinK to law."
In accordance therewith the undenitened here
by Ktvee noticH that all pernmal taxes delinquent
after November 1st, ltS, will be collected, on
execution, as provided by law.
No further notice will be sent to delinquents.
Goh. O. Bzchxb,
Julj2S4 County Treasurer.
to Tour Interests
& Ammunition.
Sept. 2? t'
Retail Dealers in
S. Land Office. Grand Ihland. Neb..
July 21st, 1W8. f
Complaint having been entered at this office by
Hetty K. Truman araint Nills O. Kndqnist for
failure to comply with law as to Timber-Culture
Entry No. X411. dated Dec. U, 18M), upon the
southwest quarterof northeoHt quarter of Section
6, Township 17 north. Kanjre 3 west, in Platte
county, Nebraska, with a view to tho cancella
tion of said entry: contestant alleging that said
Nills O. Endquittt has never broke, plowed, or in
any manner whatever, cultivated any part or
Iortion of said Innd; that the said Nills O. End
quint has wholly alumiloned said land and early
in the year 1881, left this part of the country and
has not since retnrned, and the present where
ubouts of said Kndqnist is unknown to this
nrhant. Tho said parties are hereby summoned
to appear at the office of G. Willson. notary
public, at Genoa, Nance county. Nebraska, on
tho 3d day pf September. 1888. at 10 o'clock a. m..
to respond and furnish iMttmnnr mnni...
wid alleged failure. Final hearing at this office
Sept. II, 1888, at 10 a, m.
i'juI5 John G. Hiooins, Kegister.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to mo
from the district court of Platte county. Ne-
H-r"n th" 1(,t,day.?' M-i 1. in favor
Henry Gass as plaintiff, anil against Samuel
Hice as defendant, for the sum of ten hundred
and forty-five dolfars and sixteen Trent- aTd
costs taxed at MUOand accruing cosThae
evied upon tin. following real estate taken as
the property of said defendant, to satisfy said
imrinA: V??1"?? " twelve
(U), in block "C" of Columbia square, in the
2ft rZ&mba' ?Iatte. coany- Nebraska? Md
will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder,
for cash in hand, on the -.
1st Day of Septioibkb. a. D. 1888,
in front of the Court Houhe in Columbus, Platte
county Nebraska that being the building where
in he last teruTo? court was held. at thhoSr rf
I o clock p. m of sa!d day. when and where due
atttn.da,n1w,UI -iven b J1- "'lersiS
Dated Columbus, Neb., Julv 27th. 1888.
, - 31. C. Bloedobx
lau- Sheriff of said County.
Propolis for ""a-iwc Approach to Loup
Sealed bids i
ill be received by the undersigned
"' i'"'y":D"?.''uKsi sal. "888, at 12 o'clock
noon for furnishing materia and erecting an
proaches to new Loup Fork bridge aeoonUato
P ans and epechcationa nowonfile with Jobi
Sfauffer. county clerlfc Bids to be adSeisedto
K. H. Henry, chairman board or surjemsoraand
birdie lropo,,a," for roaches to LoWk
K. H. HENRY, )
. ..,. ,,...,, u UUI.UU1IUIID
c o
.A "
wa"gsPaggJl 't!mSrSSS!S?S!1;!li'aiafB'tIS!GT W
. - JC--