& x?vWft. s. X -r-vy? .j'j,, .----'j r i-i wr2- A y -g-yg. " jf 3aggrzhcTjr i&s 0 lumfos 30urtmt Entered at the Post-office, Colomboe, Neb., as ecoad-class mail matter. I8SUKD KTKBT "WKDNKSDAY BY M. K. TURNER & CO., Columbus, "Neb. teems or bubscbiptiok: Oneyrer.br maU, postage prepaid,.... 8ix months, llinu trmnths .. ............ ---' $2.00 1.00 . .50 Payable in Advance. y Specimen copies mailed free, on applica tion. TO SCBSOBIBKU.S. When subscribers change their Plf f ; dco they should at once notify as by Mterm DosCdwd. giving both their former and their eit'pmcef-the first enables ur to readily hud tho name on onr mailing lxst, from -wlurli, u"iS te. we each week print, either -on he wrapper oron the margin of your Joubjmu. the date to which yoar subscription is paid or ac wuuted for. Remittances nde either by money-order, registered letter or dralt, payable to the order of & Cq TO OOBBESPOSDESTS. All communications, to secure attention, must t, accompanied by the full name of the writer. We n-serve the right to reject any maun-, n rt. n J cannot agree to return the Jtr t of n crrpondent in every MhooMutnc t of Platte county, one of good JdB-enj?l,;jr. liable in every way.-Write plainly, each item separately. Give us facta. WEDNESDAY, J 01.Y i, lsSS- REPUBLICAN TICKET. National. For President, BENJAMIN HARRISON, Of Indiuna. For Vice-President, LEVI P. MORTON, Of New York. Congressional. For UepreM-ntative in Congm-n. ail District. (JEOKGE W. E. DOIISEY. A 8MAI.L sail boat capsized off tho pier on the afternoon of the 24th ult., at Chicago, and Edward Egloff and Mrs. Charles Saunders, tho occupants, were drowned. Hundreds of persons on tho pier saw Egloff make an effort to save the woman and saw them sink together. The English View of It. We may very well re-echo that en thusiasm on this side of tho water, for the re-election of President Cleveland means tho adoption of his program of tariff revision, and his ideas on that sub ject go a long way towards free trade. London Star. TnE Swatara, -tvith Gen. Sheridan on board arrived at Norfolk, Va. on the morning of tho 1st and anchored in Hampton roads. Tho General's condi tion was reported alwut the same jis when ho left, Washington. Everything favorable, tho ship was to sail July 2d for NonquitL We are informed that Geo. N. Craw ford, Esq., of this city is a candidate for congressional honors in this district. It irould bo well enough for the demo crats, the prohibitionists or somebody else to make the campaign lively in this district. Of course none of them have any show for success, but, all the same, the campaign ought to be made inter esting, on general principles. Geokge Long shot and killed Henry Baker on tho farm of tho latter, north of Indianapolis, on tho afternoon of tho 24th ult. Baker believed Long had a bad reputation, who had been courting Baker's daughter for several years and Baker had sternly opposed their friend ship, found them out together this night and attempted to kill Long by shooting him from the back and side, when Long got tho revolver away from him and killed Baker. The republican state convention has been called to meet at Lincoln, August 29th for tho nomination of governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, trersurer, auditor, attorney general, commissioner public lands and build . ings,suterintendent of public instruction In accordance with a resolution adopted in state convention October 5. '87, the county central committees are instructed to include in their call for the next county convention, the submis sion of the prohibition question to the republican voters of tho republican pri maries. Platto county is entitled to ten delegates. No necessity to get unduly excited over this presidential campaign- the American people have determined that they have had enough of Cleveland-Mills democracy for a long time to come, and the election returns of November will simply record this determination by rat ifying tho nomination of Harrison and Morton. This may bo annoying to some of our democratic brethren who took especial pains shortly after Cleveland's inauguration to show him that he was a "no-good" democratic president unless he began immediately to put the official guillotine in motion, but it can't be helped. You'll have nearly a year to prepare to get out, and that's long enough to take a deep breath. After all, to be a democrat for revenue only is not near so good as to bo a democrat on principle only, which is certainly a bad enough thing from tho republican stand-point. A BEPOitT came from Moundsville, W. Va., that James Williams, a prosperous farmer and strong republican, has lately been advocating the claims of Sherman to the annoyance of his ex-rebel neigh bors who are now, as formerly, demo crats. It is stated that on the night of the 23d ult., a halt dozen or more of these democrats blacked their faces, put on masks and went to Williams's house for the purpose of teaching him to keep his mouth shut. They took Williams and his four sons, who are also republi cans, out of bed, dragged them to a thicket, stripped them to the skin, and then whipped them unmercifully. The men would probably have been beaten to death had they not promised to re frain from publicly expressing republi can sentiments hereafter. His wife went to the scene and gave them a se vere scolding for their conduct and they gave her a 6evere switching also. Last Sunday considerable excitement and indignation was created among guests of the hotel and residents in the vicinity of Fifth and Main streets by John Grant, who runs the restaurant opposite the Tillinburg, whipping his daughter, a married woman about 23 years of age. Grant was under the in fluence of liquor at the time. The wo man's screams soon brought a large crowd of excited and indignant people to the place, who demanded of the mar shal, who had separated them, that he arrest the offending father. This the Tpprril refused to do unless some other witness of the affair would swear out a warrant. His refusal has caused him to be roughly denounced by many of those who witnessed or heard of the affair. Norfolk News. Another Cae. More than a few counties are looking into the crevices where the public money has been leaking out, and are discover ing that officials, supposed to be all right, are really owing the public good money that they had kept and not ac counted for. These matters can only be known through an examination by an expert, and wherever there is the least suspicion (say nothing about knowledge), that funds belonging to the county have been wrongly kept, the official on whom suspicion rests should insist on the ap pointment of an expert to report on his case. Among the latest "finds" is that re ported from Benkleman, one of the newer communities of the state. The telegram says: "An expert began an investigation of ex-Treasurer Hacker's books in May. Tho work has been completed and shows Hacker to be over 31,000 short. Com missioner Neighbor, also implicated in the crookedness, says the shortage will be made good immediately. Hacker has been treasurer for four years. Ho is not a bad name himself, but got in with tho old county ring of which E. G. Neighluir, the present county commissioner, was chief. The investigation will result in breaking the ring, which has got the county finances in bad shape." Much might be done to conserve the public interests by the formation of as sociations of tax-payers to look after the allowance of bills and the payment of claims for service, alleged to be extra. The public has tho right to know just how its money is being expended and just who it is that is making the burden of their taxes almost too heavy to bo borne. They will know, soon or later, and the sooner, tho better for all con cerned. NEItKASKA NOTES. Hastings has voted $lri,000 additional water bonds. It is stated at Potter that antelope aro now plentiful on tho divides. Representative Clardly has reported favorably the bill constituting Lincoln as a port of entry. An attempt was made by burglars to rob the safe in the Wisner roller mills with a pick and crow bar. They utterly failed to reach tho contents of the safe. Judging from their work they were not experts in the business. A camp meeting will bo held at Cen tral City commencing on tho evening of July 10th, and closing on the morning of July Wth. Bishop Henry W. War ner will be present July 18th and will preach at one or two of the services. A statement comes from Blue Creek that immigration continues up the Platto and Blue, while some have stop ped and will make their homes at Blue rivor. That settlement is less than three years old, and W. White tells the correspondent of tho Sidney Telegraph that the assessed value of the precinct is nearly 24.000. One night not long ago a party of neighbors met at Boone to indulge in ice-cream. All who ate of the ice-cream were taken violently and seriously ill. Medical aid wjis immediately procured. All, fifteen in number, are getting along tolerably well, although several of tho persons are reported yet very sick. The doctor thinks the poison was in the va nilla flavoring which was an old bottle which had long been open. The superiority of South Omaha as a cattle market over Chicago is shown in a practical manner by Mr. Jos. Brennan, a well known stockman of Dakota coun ty, Nebraska. He shipped a consign ment of cattle from Dakota county to South Omaha, a distance of 120 miles, for $33 per car load; tho time was twelve hours between tho interval of loading and unloading; the shrinkage was small and the prices were within a notch of those at Chicago. If Mr. Brennan had sent his stock to Chicago, a distance of over 500 hundred miles, ho would have paid 870 a carload, it would have taken three days for shipment, and there would have leen a shrinkage of at least thirty pounds per head. Tho advantages, therefore, are largely in favor of Omaha is a stock market for Colorado, Wyom ing, Texas and all points in Nebraska, southern Dakota and western Iowa. It must be remembered that our market offers such inducements in spite of rail road discrimination which is diverting as much business as it can to Chicago. If Omaha had a railroad of its own to the northwest, which would make ship ments to this point by superior facilities and reasonable rates, and if all the rail roads centering here would wake up and realize that it is to their advantage to build up a great stock market, South Omaha would immediately become the leading cattle center of America. It is, however, only a mere question of time when this will bo accomplished. Bee. Other Countries. Emperor William has telegraphed to President Carnot of France thanking him for his message of condolence on the death of Emperor Frederick, and ex pressing the hope that the good relations now existing between Franco and Ger many may continue. Prince Bismarck speaking in the bnn derath declared that the emperor con sidered it his first duty to maintain the imperial constitution and to protect the territory of the empire and its rights, such protection applying alike to the treaty rights of the federal states indi vidually and as a whole. The Observer (liberal) in a long leader condemns the tory leadership, especially that of Messrs. Smith and Belfour. It says that the plain truth regarding the question of local government and with all other questions is that the difficulty over Irish affairs stops the way. There is no use of the government attempting any general legislation until this Irish question is disposed of. "The government must decide," says the Ob server, "whether the union shall or shall not be repealed before discussing to ad vantage the relations of the different parts of the country with the other." Synopsis of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors. Wednesday, p. m., Jnnc 20th, 1SS8. Board met pursuant to adjournment at 2 p. m., R. IL Henry chairman, J. Stauffer clerk. All present. Minutes of all previous meetings from June 12th to 16th inclusive read and approved. On motion of Snpr. Kramer, clerk was in structed to enter tax list of city of Columbus for 1888 the delinquent poll tax libt as furnished nnd certified to by clerk of said city. The written opinion on the change of location of the Loup Fork bridge was read and ordered placed on nh?. Motion by Supr. Kramer that the transfer of funds recommended by committee at last session lie and the same is hereby ordered made. Carried. On motion of Supr. Clark, clerk was instructed to issue warrant on tho county general fund for 18S8 in favor of L. J. Cramer, Co. Supt., for ben efit of teachers' institute for $50.00. The committee appointed to examine and re port upon the feasibility of changes in court room, etc, presented tho following: We, the committee to whom was referred the repairing of the court room, beg leave to recom mend that the ceiling be plastered and the side n-allx oWned and kalsomined: new desk for judge and clerk; new benches and partly new seats bo lurnisueu. Also uiai room now useu u sheriff's office be connected with court room, also such other changes as are neccessary and recommended by Judge A. M. Post. These re lairs should Iks made during the snmmer before court meets again and should be given into the hands of a competent committee with power to act. C. Kbameb, ('. H. Rleciikb, P. Petkhson, Committee. On motion of Supr. Fields, the report of the committeo was adopted ami Supra. Henry, Hop kins and Clark elected committee to make the repairs and changes recommended. General bills now referred to committees. The following bills were now allowed on tho general fund levy of 1SSS and clerk instructed to issue warrants for same. Eil. Fitzuatrick, indue for treasurer's of fice $ W 80 GilMn, Miller & Richardson, mortgage register 18 00 On motion, board adjourned till June 21st, 9 a. in. Thursday, June 21, 1888, It a. m. Hon. It. H. Henry chairman, and J. StauftVr clerk. Full board present. Tho following bills were allowed on county general fund levy 1SS3 and clerk instructed to issne warrants for same: N.Olson, salary as Supr $ 4" 20 G. N. Hopkins, do 28 00 D. L. Hruen, do 83 00 J. Uruuken.do 81 HO F. Gerlier, do S3 f0 J. ('. Swartsley, do 31 00 C. II. Blecher, do 00 ('. Kramer, do 26 00 P. Peterson, do 40 00 II. S. Klliott. do :tt00 W. -T. Irwin, do 45 00 P. Bender.do 45 00 J. II. Wiinleinan, do 21 10 C. It. Campbell, do 43 00 Ed. Keuscher, do 20 00 A. W. Clark, do 82 40 C. E. Fields, do W00 It. O. Iteagan. collecting del. personal tax Shell Creek twp 34 00 Dr. J. C. Willy, county physician, services and medicine 79 10 C. E. Grip, collecting del. ierson:d tax Walkertwp 00 W.J. Belknap, do Creston twp 20 00 Jacob Louis, Stock Brand Commissioner 2 10 J. IT. Swartsley, Supr. Bismark twp 17 20 J. A. Maag. Supr. Granville twp. 22 40 John Stauffer, U salary ending Dec. 31, '87 100 00 John Browner, Stock Brand Com'r 2 20 C. A. Newman, making deL tax list 85 00 L. B. Schonlau, printing legal notices 11 50 C. A. Newman, cash expended for county 37 50 " paid for telephone... 12 00 Boettcher&Kersenbrock, mdse,forcounty 5 70 Mrs. M. limner, board and care Chas. Hamer 08 00 W. H. Tedrow, salary Co. Supt. Sept. 1887 HI 00 Oct. " 91 00 Nov. " 91 00 Dec. " VI 00 Curtis Hollingshcad, assessor Monroe twp. '87 76 20 J. W. Bender, do Humphrey claimed $U4 allowed 91 00 II. C. Boan, do Columbus, claimed $101 allowed iO 00 ltich Olmer, do Granville, claimed $91.70 allowed 88 70 A. Hnrner, do Loup, claimed 58.60 ull'd. 50 00 Joseph ltivet, do Joliet 05 00 Joseph Olbrich, do Butler ft! 00 Herr Bakenhus, do Bherinan 68 70 John Cramer, do Shell Creek, claimed $70.20 allowed 08 20 J. C. Frishanf, do St. Bernard 98 10 J. L. Brown, do Creston, claimed $70.00 allowed 61 10 G. G. Becher, treasurer account J. L. Brown assessor for '87 taxes 8 40 J. L. Shaffer, assessor for Lost Creek, claimed $166.60, allowed 147 25 G. G. Becher, treasurer account J. L. Shaffer, assessor 'S3 taxes 18 75 Charles Wake, assessor city of Columbus, claimed $263, allowed 237 70 G. G. Becher, treasurer account C. Wake, assessor for delinquent tax 21 30 Geo. Thomazin, assessor Burrows, claim ed $t$8, allowed 56 50 County treasurer account Geo. Thomazin, delinquent tax 1150 Siebert Heibel, assessor Bismark, claimed $71.80, allowed 62 00 County treasurer account S. Heibel, 'fc7 delinquent tax 9 80 P. Zumbrnnn, assessor Grand Prairie, claimed $85, allowed 15 60 County treasurer account P. Zumbrnnn, delinquent '87 personal tax 30 40 A. J. Johnston, assessor Walker, claimed $05. allowed S2 10 County treasurer account A. J. Johnston, delinquent iersonal tax 10 00 Wm. Irwin, assessor Woodviue township claimed $V2.00, allowed 69 80 County Treasurer account W. Irwin asses sor delinquent tax '87 10 20 The following bills were allowed on the county road fund of 'S7 to bo charged to the resjiective townships and the county clerk instructed to is sue warrants for same. County treasurer account E. I. Couch for delinquent tax account, Granville 2 80 County treasurer account W. 11. itandall for delinquent tax account, Columbus . 2 70 County treasurer account (J. (T. Barnuin for delinquent tax account, Butler 2 00 County treasurer account (J. Kummer for delinquent tax account, Loup 3 00 County treawurer account It. Mnegrave for delinquent tax account, Butler 2 00 County trejisurer account Tlnw. McPhil lips for delinquent tax account, Joliet, claimed $44.02, allowed 35 70 John Ensden, surveyor, on Muthrick road (Butler) 5 10 County treasurer account J. Eusden (But ler) 4 80 C. II. Sheldon, appraiser. Wells road, Co lumbus 2 50 Geo. Sheidel, appraiser. Lost Creek road 2 00 Thus. McPhillips, road overseer, less de linqent tax iersonal county treasurer.. 9 20 Win. Kummer, Loup and Duncan road account Loup township 4 00 Jacob Ernst, appraiser, Wells road, Co lumbus 2 80 W. A. Way, appraiser Lisco road, Butler. 2 40 John Eusden surveying Weidner road, St. Bernard 27 05 John Eusden survejing Colfax road, Co lumbus 13 10 John Ensden surveying Loup and Duncan road. Loup 20 15 John Eusden surveying Colfax road, Co lumbus 5 40 John Eusden surveying in Grand Prairie 12 05 D. L. Bruen services chainman surveyor Grand Prairie 2 00 11. Wendt services chainman surveyor GrandPrairie 2 00 James Bodner services chainman surveyor GrandPrairie 2 00 The following bills were allowed and warrants ordered issued on the county road fund for '88 and same charged to respective townships, viz: Wm. Muller chainman to county survejor account Bismark township 2 00 John Ensden surveying Muller road ac count Bismark township 10 35 W. Schreiber chainman to county survey or account Bismnrk township 2 00 The following bills allowed on the county fund levy for '87 and clerk instructed to issue warrants for amounts thereof. Fuller, Smith & Fuller, Leigh, account Creston township S3 00 Chicago Lumber Co., Platte Center, ac count Grand Prairie 33 00 Wm. Eshelbacker account Humphrey 7 00 Fuller, Smith & Fuller, Lindsay, account Joliet 20 00 Genoa Lumber Co. account Monroe 17 93 Chicago Lumber Co., Platte Center, Mon rot .,,.. w J Wm. Bloedorn account Lost Creek 51 00 Henry Gietzen account Humphrey 2 00 Pacific Lumber Co., Genoa, account Mon- Chicago Lumber Co., Platte Center, ac count Lost Creek 31 37 Chicago Lumber Co., Platte Center, ac count Monroe 34 37 Chicago Lumber Co., Platte Center, ac count Grand Prairie 32 00 Chicago Lumber Co., Platte Center ac count Shell Creek 9 75 Wm. H. Hess account Butler 18 18 B. Y. Lisco account city of Columbus .... 50 00 It. Y. Lisco account Columbus township. 18 25 Pacific Lumber Co., Genoa, account Woodville 33 00 Nye, Wilson, Morehouse & Co., Lindsay account Walker 50 00 Nye, Wilson, Morehouse & Co., Lindsay account Walker 50 00 Chicago Lumber Co., Platte Center ac count Lost Creek 73 45 The following bills were allowed on tho conn ty bridge fund levy for the year 1888, and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for same: Fuller, Smith and Fuller Lindsay,acount Woodville .. $ 42 40 Chicaco Lumber Co. (Platte Center), ac count Shell Creek 41 00 Fuller.Saiith and Fuller Lindsay, account Colnmbus State Bank, account Columbus twp 291 90 Columbus State Bank, account city of Co lnmbus 200 00 Columbus Lumber Co., account Bismark. 17 30 On motion of Supr. Kramer, John Huber was allowed $25 for the capture of A. Dnmkee. Amended by Supr. Clark that said matter be laid over till next meeting, sheriff to furnish item ized account. Carried. Motion by Supr. Clark that application for change of polling place in Creston township be laid over until October meeting. Carried. On motion of Supr. Campbell, tho county at torney was instructed to notify the B, V. It. Co. to build approaches to the bridge at crossings on Ottis road. On mtion of Supr. Olson, an appropriation for relief was made from county general fund levy for 18eS for Mrs. A. Carstensen's tax on nw U section 23, town 20, range 1 east for 1887, $19.04, and clerk instructed to issue warrant for same. In the matter of the petition of T. Wm. Ed wards and others for a pnblic road commencing at the southwest corner of section 7, town 10, range Sweat and running thence north on section 1 line three miles and terminating at the nw cor ner of section 31, town 20, range 3 west, the same was declared located and tho clerk instructed to publish notice of same and set a time not less than 60 or more than 90 days from date to file objections thereto or claims for damages caused thereby. In the matter of the petition of Ole W. Olson and others for a public road commencing at the sw corner of section 26, town 20, range 4 west and running thence due cast on section line and terminating at se corner of section SO, town 20, range 3 west, the same was declared located and the clerk instructed to publish notice thereof and set a time not less than 60 or more than 90 days from this date to tilo objection, thereto, or claims for damages caused thereby. Petition of J. II. Milslagle and others fur pnb lic road commencing at the ue corner of section 21, town 20, range 3 west and running dun south on section lino and terminating at these corner of section 36, town 20, rango 3 west, the samenas declared oiened and the clerk instructed to puli lish notice thereof and set a time not les than 60 or more than 90dajs from this date to tile objections thereto, or claims for damage, caused thereby. Petition of J. A. Maag and others for a public road commencing at nw cornel of section 16, town 20, range 2 west, thence north to the nw corner of John Melchor's fence, west of his house, thence running east of north, following the bend or Union creek (on the east side of creek), bark to the section lint, theucu north to the Madison county line was, uku motion, lo cated as a consent road. Petition of 11. G. Luschen and others for a public road commencing at the sw corner of section 3, town 19, range 1 east and running thence north one mile nnd terminating at the nw corner of section 3, town 10, rauge 1 east was, upon motion, located as a consent road with the special proviso that Sherman twp. become re sponsible for and pay to L. Staab any damages accruing to him by the location of said road across his land. Supr. Swartsley now in chair. Motion by Supr. Clark that the labor tax as sessed against Win. J. Newman in Sltennan twp. for the jear 1888 lie changed to the asHousnient rolls of Columbus twp. Amendment by Supr. Hopkins to lay on the table. Carried, Motion by Supr. Kramer that when this board adjourns it shall adjourn at noon until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Carried. Friday, a. ni., June 22, '88 It. H. Henry chairman. Joint Stautler clerk. All present except Fields, Kramer and Olson, Bids for building new fire proof vaults and other repairs in courthouse presented. Bids of It. Fanble and C. II. Davis filed a. m. yesterday and tho bid of James Pearsall was filed p. in. yesterday, on motion bids were con sidered. On motion of Supr. Clark tho bids were referred to special committee on court house repairs consisting of Suprs. Henry, Hoi kins nnd Clark. A communication was presented and read from G. 8. Truman, town clerk of Monroe township, protesting against tho appointment of ltoht. G. Wiley as Justice of the Peace to fill vacancy as no vacancy existed in that township. On motion the communication was filed. The following bills were allowed on tho coun ty general fund levy and tho clerk instructed to issue warrants for same. J. F. Shure collecting delinquent personal tax John Stauffer recording deed Geo. Win. Smith Platto county , Speice & North procuring deed Geo. Wm. Smith Platte county 11. S. Elliott collecting delinquent ier sonal tax J. F. Shure collecting delinquent per sonal tax II. J. Hudson services .is supervisor Jacoii Louis collecting delinquent per sonal tax Itobt. Pinson services as suiiervisor Jacob Louis stock brand commissioner.. 6 00 1 60 1 50 14 00 14 00 6 00 30 00 5 20 2 10 2 10 32 85 Wm. J. Newman services as supervisor.. . John Stauffer recording 147 official bonds at 75c 110 25 John Siaufferpreparingassessment books '(?8 200 00 John Stautler cash paid for county 'Si 95 John Stauffer for certificate of apiKiint- ment 1 00 It. H. Henry services as supervisor 10 00 G. B. Siieice clerk of tlie district court exienses Jan. term 1883 35 65 Nels Olson.Creston.services as 6Uiervisor 6 20 G. B. Speice commissionerof insanity.. . 19 35 G. B. Sieice clerk district court exienses May '88 75 25 G. B. Seice clerk of district court ex- Ienses adjourned term Jan. Vi 8105 II. ltickert collecting delinquent erson- altax 8 00 Gus. B. Speice clerk district court costs state vs. Itipp 6 30 Gus. B. Speice eleik district court costs state vs. Dumkee 2170 Gus. B. Sieice clerk district court costs state vs. Dickinson 360 Gus. B. Speice clerk district court costs stato vs. Loseke 37 60 C. E. Fields services as suervisor claim ed $2390 allowed 21 40 John Browner commissioner on stock brands 2 20 Hubert Brown services as supervisor 5 hO Wm. 11. Hess services as supervisor 6 80 C. E. Grip collecting delinquent iiersonal tax 6 00 J. W. Lynch collecting delinquent er sonal tux 30 00 .1. C Caldwell coroner's inquest on un known liody May 15 12 30 Ij. J. Cramer county siip't salary und post two for May '8 100 75 L. J. Cramer county sup't salary and post ago for March '83 103 71 L. J. Cramerrouiitysup't salary antt post age for April '88 102 48 L. J. Cramer county sup't salary and jost ago for February '88 100 00 C. E. Grip collecting delinquent ierson tax J. Ijouis commissioner on stock brand. Hoettcheri Kersenbrock nitlse. for co.. 20 00 2 10 70 60 2 50 29 91 26 85 2 00 9 75 Ernst & Schwarz Greisen Bros. & Co " " Henry ltagatz " " Columbus Wochenblatt printing forcoun- 35 75 Columbus Maennerchor rent for hall 12 days at $2 24 00 t olumbiis wocrienblat printing lorcoun- Woodvillo township transportation for pauper Pat Farley Imrjiug A. Bhnnell and Win. Sass G. W. Galley houso rent for sheriff Dec. 1 1125 13 60 7 00 44 00 1S3 00 10 00 50 25 97 0 00 to April 1 I. Gluck to July 1, 88 sheriff's house $75 75 54 V 54 ) 1. (ilucK county judge s otneo.... I. Gluck county attorney's office J. J. Sullivnn legal services; state vs.Dum fcee C. B. Speice cash advanced county claim ed $11.50 allowed C. Kramer & Co. mdse. for county John Eisenman collecting delinquent tax C. A Speice county judge fees and ex press charges 14 25 J. II. Nichols witness fees state vs. Liss.. 9 10 H. J. Hudson county judge cash advanced county G. B. Speice clerk district court fee bill 5 05 state vs. Grant 12 65 Do stnte vs. Fortune 19 00 " Kause 14 65 " Spanke 14 75 " Gorman 3 60 " ' Muff SfiO " Itobinson 3 60 M. Dietrich collecting delinquent person al tax 6 00 Wm. Burrows costs state vs. Loseko 2 60 J. M. Gondering county attorney salary to March 31, '88 200 00 D. C. Kavanaugh sheriff fees 77 30 J. II. Wnrdeman collecting delinquent personal tax 8 00 F. II. Napier witness state vs.Geo.Sprunk 3 00 Co. treas. acct W. P. Hawkins J. P. cost" state vs. Loseke del. pers. tax 4 30 Co. treas. acct. D. C. Campbell " 6 40 " Math. Diederich " 4 00 " " James Milslagle " 7 20 " W. B. Williams " .6 60 " Jul. Kruger " ( 16 00 " I. s. Truman " 6 30 " M. Maher " - 6 40 " Sam Gass " 15 H) " Sam Gass " 7 15 " " Henry Gass " 12 TpO " " Henry Gass " 33 50 " S. 8. McAllister " 25 00 " " John Browner " o " It. Jenkinson " 19 00 " Shaffroth & Plath " J 2 00 W. A. Hampton account defence A. Dum kee 25 00 M. C. Bloedorn sheriff board prisoners etc $109.00 gj 20 G. G. Becher treasurer account M. C. Bloedorn delinquent tax 31 go J. W. Apgar collecting delinquent person. al tax 37.00 jj 40 G. G. Becher account J. W. Apgar delin quent tax 25 60 L. J. Cramer Co. Supt. salary for January $103.00 89 10 G. G. Becher treasurer account L. J. Cra mer delinquent personal tax 13 90 L. B. Shoenlau publishing official notices S15.00. 1100 400 8 00 G. G. Becher treasurer account L. B. Shoenlau delinquent personal tax Frank Anson meals for jurors $22.73... G. G. Becher treasurer account Frank An son delinquent personal taxes 1 95 Frank Anson, meals for jurors s fi 23 105 J G Caldwell, coroner inquest dead body 110..WI 5 05 G G Becher, treasurers account delin quent personal tax i0 35 C II Davis, labor for county (2S.50) 23 0 G G Becher, account delinquent personal tax - 5 30 John Kotler, keeping pauper, I'eter Drunk. 22 weeks, $44.00. to June 3, 18SS 41 so G G Becher. account Kotler delinquent personal tax- o jjq FwIJienier. talesman petit juror. May 1SSR term district court .. g 00 Frank Gores, talesman petit juror. May 1838 term district court a no G G Becher account ct J Whittaker talesman petit juror. May 1888 term district court . g m A Heitkemper. talesman petit juror May 1888 term district court (8.00) c 35 G G Becher, in account Heitkemper de linquent personal tax 1 gj L Platu. talesman petit juror May, 1888 term district court g m Bobert Wagner, talesman petit juror. May, 1888 term district court...., ... 8 00 "Wm. Branston, talesman petit juror May 1SH3 term district court (S () C 80 (Jii Becher account V linmstou delin mtent nersoiu! tax 1 2') G G Beefier account N N Kico - 4 00 John llotniKin 40 DDi-nce - 4 0 John Nicols 4 00 Geo. Killmnu 4 00 G G Becher account Michael Crouiu 4 00 Robert Wagner 4 00 Chas Webber . 4 00 G G Becher account J W Hyrues 4 00 F W Ititmcr 4 00 A Heitkemper -. .. 4 00 G G Heche, treasurer account John Jenm, delinquent personal tax 4 00 G G Becher, treasurer account Jacob Wa-jnei, delinquent personal tav 4 00 G G Becher, treas acct Henry Gass delin quent pcr-.oiial tu 4 O1) G Becher, treas :uvt John Baiter de linquent persona! u-x 4 G ( tii-ehcr. treas nivl Waiter .M.-ad de linquent personal ta (.4.l) 1 15 Walter Mead 2 85 Geo Killiiuin 6 00 John Nichol.s 6 00 tills G Beclier iurt l Eikiucyer witnes Stato vs. Loe;e delinquent personal IHX o IW Mrs D Eikuieyer, state vs Loseke delin quent personal tax S Dr.M B Bafter. slate vs Loseke delin quent personal ta 7 00 G G Beclier acct Dr Schug, witness for delinquent tux 2 10 G G Becher acct T Straeke, witness for delinquent tux 3 50 G G Beclier acct IX 'urn;:, witness for delinquent tax 3 50 Ed Itogiiu 4 00 Jack Iteagan, witness .state s. Loseke 3 50 G G Becher. treas acct I Knliey state vs Loseko delinquent tax 5 98 Aug Smith witness state vs. Loseke 0 00 J II Johannes witness state vs I-oM'ke 5 !i G G Becher acct P Krlckson state vs liseke delinquent tax C 40 Wm Webber, witness state vs Ln-x-ke S 'JO G G Becher acct Michael Cooliey, state s Loseko fi 90 Henry Loholl witness state vs Loseke. ti 00 G Grjnthal " . " " ... 5 70 Pat Itiiip " " " .. S 80 F Kuger " " ... 5 00 John Green " " " 5 00 Bernard Lotman ' ' " . 5 00 Henry Guiles, petit jinur May, 181 28 00 Pat Ualliguu 7 50 Michael Maher 23 50 WiiiOShiiU ' " 23 00 G (5 Bcw-lier acct M Postle, p J, May 8 delinquent tix 24 50 Clias lirun.it petit juror. May. Vs.. IT 00 Conrad Lc 4 50 John Wolf. " ' " " 24.00 6 80 G (J Beclier acct J Wolf, petit juror May '88, delinquent tax 17 20 CJ Dolau, petit juror, Ma v. "K 4 50 Julius Kudat " ' " ' 4 M DCKuvnnuu-fh 22.10 13 70 G G Becher treas acct I) C Kavanaugh delinquent tax 8 40 W T Haiichett petit juror Mav XS 27 40 U'lt.lones 4 30 Hector Blxser 23 00 GeoEWillard '-0 10 II Chri.stenson " " 25 70 Will. Illlih " ' 22 10 .1 11 Wnrdeman 23 70 It It Dunlap " " " " 25 70 John Wise ' " 23 30 V. (i Beclier, acct A Wake, bailiff March G t; Beclier acct O E Shannon, iiallltl' March, 1888 24 00 II T Spoerrv. bailiff, March, 1888 20 00 John Huber ' 10 00 John Elliott " ' " 2 00 IITSpoerry " May " -.. 28 00 John Huber " " " 22 DO G G Becher ncctO EShaiinon,bailiff May 18S8 24 tX) A Gabriel, talesman pitit jury Jan 'ftS.. 4 00 John Elliott " " "... 10 00 FW Kleiner " "... 10 00 G G Becher acct John fctoffels, talesman petit jury, Jan '88, delinquent tax 10 00 A Gabriel talesman petit jury Jan 'tsS.... 10 00 M S lteid ' 10 00 G J Becher trc:is acct T Shuprath, tales man oetit jury Jan 1888, delinquent tax 2 0o G G Becher treas acct A J Whittaker, talesman petit jury Jan 1883, del. tax... 2 00 G U Becher treas acct John Moffeles, petit juror Jan 18X8 delinquent tax 2 00 John Eusden petit juror Jau 1888 2 0o TW Itchier " 2 00 GG Becher acct L Plath etit juror .Ian 188, delinquent tax- 2 00 G G Beclier acct with K O Wells petit juror Jau 1SS8 delinquent tax 2 00 C II V Dictricli petit juror Jau 1888.... 6 00 FWKiemer ' 6 00 John Elliott " " " " ...... G 00 Fred Gotshalk C 00 (J G Becher acct John Stolfeles ietlt juror Jan ls-N delinquent tax 6 (0 Jacob Greisen jietlt juror Jail 188 0 K Thompson " 8 10 John iliiher bailiff' Jau 1888 term district court 26 00 II 1 -tpoerry Iwihlt Jan 88 term dist court 2100 G G Becher acct O C Shannon bailiff Jau '88 term district court, delinquent tax- 32 00 G G Becher acct Chas Wake Jan '88 term district court, delinquent tax 30 00 Joseph Buettaer petit juror Jan '88 term district court 27 00 M T McAninch petit juror Jan '83 term district court 31 10 Frank German petit juror Jan '83 term district court 21 00 A Potter petit juror Jan '88 term district court - 25 40 G G Beclier acct II Sassen iettt juror Jau 'Ssterni district court -4 50 Wm Pinston petit jurors Jan '88 term district court 25 30 J W Lynch petit juror Jan '68 term dis trict court 2j hi G P Clark petit juror Jrn '88 term dis- trict court 33 60 J II Drimiin petit juror Jan '3.8 term district, court 24.50 it; 00 G Berber acct .1 II Driini petit juror Jan 'S3 term district court delinquent Owen Quinn jtetit juror Jan '83 term dis trict court 24 70 Clay shephard petit juror Jan '.-S term district eourt 25 10 U G Becher acct G H Kniuse petit juror Jan '88 term district court delinquent tax 26 10 K P Brigham petit juror Jan '83 term district court 24.to 2 20 GG Becher acct with K P Brigh petit juror Jan term district court, de linquent tax 21 90 Friday, June 22, continued. Joseph Brockhaus petit juror Jau '83 term district court 26 70 E A Gerrard petit juror Jau '83 term dis trict court . 24 10 Win Sullivan petit juror Jau '83 term district court- 4 50 Xs Hyatt petit juror Jan '83 term dlst ricl court -20 06 5tl G G Becher acct Hyatt petit juror Jan '83 term district court delinquent tax 14 CO G G Becher acct E Fellers petit juror Jan '83 term district court 32 40 G G Becher acct Win Gerbold petit juror Jan '83 term district court 10 80 G G Becher acct Thos McLean petit juror Jan '8s term district court 27 00 GG Becher acct Jos Bucher petit juror Jan 'Si term district court 2C 70 Johu Graham petit juror Jau '88 term district eourt 22 09 9 65 G G Becher acct J Graham petit juror Jan '38 term district court delinquent G (J Becher acct J A Ernst petit Juror Jan "88 term dis'rict court, delinquent tax 1 00 Wm Borneman petit juror Jau '98 term district court 4 00 MS lteid petit juror Jan '88 term dist rict coutt 4 00 GO Co treas acct M S lteid petit juror Jau '88 term district court, delinquent tax.... 3 40 M S lteid pt jr Jau '88 term dist court 2 00 John Elliott pt jr Jan '88 term dist court 2 00 41 , .. QQ A Gabriel " ' " 4 u) Chas Sheehan " " " ' 4 00 Win O'Brien " " 4 00 John Elliott " ' 4 00 Win Borneman" ' 4 00 Chas Sheehan " " ' 4 00 Chas Brake " " " ' "4 to 2 80 G G Becher acct Chas Brake petit juror Jan '88 term district court 1 20 M S lteid pt jr Jan "88 term dist eourt 4 00 Wm Borneman ' " " 4 00 Mike Abts " " " 4 00 O G Gaffln " " " " " 4 to G G Becher acct L Plath itetit juror Jan '83 term district court 4 00 O T ltocn petit juror Jan term dist court 4 00 Henry Wllken ptjr Jan '88termdst court 23 30 J C Nelson " " " " "27 00 295 Co treas acct J C Nelson pt Jr Jan '88 term dist court . S4 05 Geo W Galley pt jr Jan '8Sterm dist court 22 1G JosSteluer 23 00 Co treas acct S C Gray pt jr Jan '88 term dist court a 10 Dan Macken pt jr Jau '83 term dist court 5 50 R S Dickinson pt jr Jan '83 tenu dist court - 2050 7 20 Co treas acct pt jr Jan '88 term dist court 13 30 Nick Mailman pt jr Jan '8S term dist c'rt 27 20 James Noonan " ' " 26 30 Co treas acct II Lobans pt jr Jan '88 term nisi court .. 24 50 Swan Swanson pt jr Jan '8$ term dist court ji oO J I Robison pt jr Jan '88 term district court .24 50 17 C5 Co treas acct Itobinson pt jr Jan '88 term district court, delinquent tax.. 4 85 Co treas acct P Zumbruni pt jr Jan '88 25 50 John Fry pt jr Jan '88 term dist court... 2c 90 Co treas acct E O Welfi pt jr Jan '88 term district court, delinquent tax 22 10 D Schupbach pt jr Jan term district court 22 10 II Phillips ptjr Jan '88 term dist court... 27 50 J Warbcrg ' " " " 4 80 F Milenz " " " 27 00 J H Galley' 24 10 Co treas acct G Lehman pt jr Jan '88 term dist court, delinquent tax.. 2410 John II Lawson pt jr Jan '83 term dist court 2600 14 40 Co treas acct J II Lawson ptjr Jan '88 term dist court, delinquent tax 815 Evan Davis pt jr Jan '88 term district court 26 00 8 15 Co treas acct Evan Davis pt jr Jan '88 term dist court 1785 Supr Clark presented the following: Whereas the expense of keeping the poor of riatte county, is not only getting onerous to tax payers, but seems to be a continually increasing burden, therefore, be it Resolved, that tho county clerk be and is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for a farm of not less than one hundred and sixty acres of laad, to be used by Platte county as a poor farm, and that the time for tho filing of said bids shall come within the time of the next meeting of this board, when the matter may come up for decided action. On motion adopted. On motion board adjourned until 2 o'clock, p. m. Friday p. 111., June2M, 1888. Board met at 2 o'clock p. in., Hob. R. H. Henry, chairman, presiding, John Stauffer, clerk. All present except Fields and Olson. In the matter of taxes on the NW34 of the JJWKof Secl7Twpl3Bange 4 west, the clerk was instructed to issne a warrant for the amount of the '83 and '81 taxes on the general 1 fund levy for the year httS iu favor of G. G. Becher, treasurer, for amount of such tax $3.(3. On motion the SW' of See is, Twp 1! Range 1 west, was ordered stricken from the tux list for the years '8C and '87, the same beluga timber claim. The tax on lot 16, blk C Columbia square, was ordered stricken from the tax list for the year ISSO. The. same at that time beiongiug to tho city and 11011 assessable. In the matter of the hill of J. Icickly lustice of the peace for etwts in ise of .state of Neb. vs Itobert LoWLs the same was referred back to town board of Joliet Twp. for pavment. The following bill was allowed on the county bridge fund levy of 1333 and the clerk instructed to Issho warrant for same. Nye WilMMi Morehouse Co. Lindsay ac count M. Bernard Twy 90. 82 The following bills were allowed on the coun ty general fund levy of 1888 and the clerk In structed to issue the warrants for same. James Burrow services as supervisor-.. 2s. go G. G. Becher account It. Gass mdse. tor county delinquent tax :. 22. 75 Omaha KepuhllcanCo. mdse. tor comity 1.75 lowa Printing Co. mdse. for count v. lX 61.80 mine .mum, ... - w. ." 103.31 5.00 COO 14.00 2."50 5. tt 5.20 6.10 24, 00 2.50 29.06 8. CO 1H.50 Lincoln Nohs " Gazette Journal Co. Gibson Miller Kichanlson mdse. for Co. Gibson Miller itlchardsoo mdse. lor Co. Gibson Miller Richardson iiide. lor Co. Gibson Miller Klcbardsoii mdse. for Co, (29. 96) Gibson Miller ltichardsou mdse. lor Co. r ju 4 i .WJ 4k t tl t( J.) swv. t ii Ltf Saunders A hames Platte Center Argus for publishing pioceediligs etc.39.9i; 25. 96 toumy treasurer uccoutit Maunders Si hames delinquent tax 14. 00 u. b. Davis publisher Democrat printing county 462. 73 422. 92 county treasurer account D. F. Davis delinquent ersoual tax 29. 86 J . t J. Iteeder coin's, of Insanity 12. 00 5. 90 county treasurer account J. ti. Keeder delinquent plrsounl tax 6. 10 h. Pohl mdse. forcouuty u. 90 E. 1), Fltzpatrick mdse. for county r4. 05 12. 14 County treasurer account E. 1. Fltzpat rick delinquent personal tax E. I. Fltzpatrick mdse. for county. . , ,. ,. County treasurer cash advanced for Co. 51.91 25.12 3.05 per vouchers 513. St. Mary's Hospital for Jan. 1383 89. 00 " Dec. 1K87 96.05 " April 1883 119. 00 92.00 ' Mav " 81.00 " " " Mch. " 99.05 " Febr. 97.25 John P. Bniuii collecting deli liquet tax 3.00 C. B.Stlllmuii commissioner of insanity 17.00 C. H. Davis labor percontract l4!5.oo Mrs. Chas. ilunu-r keeping husband to Juue 19th 1888 .. 92.00 Chas. Brlndley Sr. digging grave Dum kee and Wuikleman 7. 00 E. D. Fltzpatrlckiud.se for county 15. 05 M. C. Bloedorn sheriff court and jailors John Stauffer county clerk quarter sat eryendingMarrhal 1838 ....... 100.00 John Stauffer county clerk recording offi cial bonds a c c , 1 1. 75 J. C. Caldwell corou. r inquest dead body 15. 95 John Stauffer cash advanced couuty 25. 00 Dr. C. D. Evans county physician salary 1st half year H83 62.50 G.G. Becher account M. K. Turner del. tax printing county 16.83 G. G. llccher account M. K. Turner del. tax printing county- 9. 00 G, G. Becher account M, K, Turner del. tax county printing 114. 37 Motion by Supr. Kramer that John Huber be and is hereby allowed the sum of $25.00 to be appropriated from the general fund levy '83 as a reward for the capture of the murder A. Dumkee. Amendment by Supr. Irwin amount be placed at $5.00. Amendment carried and motion us amended carried. The committee reported to allow Mrs. Haitier the sum of $2.00 per week from this date for the board and care of the insane husband, Chas. Ilamer. Amendment by Supr. Irwin to make sum KtOO per week. Amendmeut carried and motion as 11 mended carried. On motion the sum allowed Chas. II. Davis for building addition to coutt house was with instmctions to the clerk to hold said warrants until jail door was removed and put in proper place and west side jail wall plastered and all work thoroughly completed. Supr. Kramer presented the following: Resolved that the bids on tile lor tiuUhing the addition to the court house be referred to a special committee of Supr's. Henry. Clark and Hopkins with power to act; this committee shall also have power to procure proper shelv ing for the vaults. Carried. In the matter of the personal property tax paid under protest by M. Whitmoyer on motion of Supr. Clark the report of the committee was adopted and the clerk was instructed to issue a warrant on the county general luud levy of 1383 to M. Whitmoyer for the tax paid under protest for Illegal assessment, $9.40. On motion of Supr. Chirk the clerk was In structed to corresioud wi.h county clerk of Hall county regarding Mary Hand, an inmate of St. Mary's Hospital. On motion of Supr. Kramer the chairman and county clerk were instructed to audit the accounts and expenses Incurred In the removal of the iron cage to the ue wjall and the treasur er was instructed to pay amounts as presented. The supervisors now proceeded to select six ty names from which the Jurors for the regular September term of the district court are to be drawn. The chairman announced the new permanent committees as follows: JUUICIAKV. Geo.N. Hopkins, Chairman; Fields, Bender ItOADS AND BIMIXSR. Niels Olson, Chairman; Burrows nnd Bruen. FIN'ANCK WAYS AND MKANH. C. B. Campbell, Chairman; Kramer and Wurdeinan. ACCOUNTS A HI) KXI'KNDITtlltKS. A. W. Clark. Chairman; Peterson and Ble cher. CLAIMS. John C. Swartsley. chairman; Irwin and Keuscher. SUITMES AND PUBLIC PKOrKUTV. H.S.Elliott. Chairman; Brunken and Gerber. On motion Suprs Henry. Kramer and Clark were appointed a committeo with power to act on matters pertaining to tho removal of site for Loup bridge. On motion board adjourned until Tuesday, Oct. 2nd. 1838, at 2 o'clock p. m. LEGAL NOTICE. Estimate of expenses of the City of Colnmbus for the ensuing year. Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council that the following estimate be and is hereby made for all expenses of running the said City of Columbus for the fiscal year May 1, 1888, to April 30, 1889. Salary of mayor $ 50 00 " conncilmen 150 00 " treasurer 150 00 rlerk 200 00 " citvattorney 175 00 " police 1400 00 Perdiem overseer of streets 200 00 Forprotection against fire 500 00 " printing 250 00 sidewalks 100 00 " miscellaneous purposes 500 00 " grading and repairing streets and avenues and for the construction of bridges, crossings, culverts and sewers 700 00 For sprinkling streets 700 00 " lighting streets 1200 00 " salary water commissioner 400 00 " fuel and incidental expenses in run ning waterworks 500 00 Interest on water bonds 1750 00 For salary engineer of waterworks 550 00 ESTKAY 3JOTICE. Taken up by the subscriber on his enclosed land in Sherman township, in Platte county, Nebraska, on the 18th day of June. 1888, THREE DARK RED HEIFERS. Said heifers are supposed to be one year old past. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take them away. 4jul5t John Wise. ESTRAY NOTICE. Came to my premises l',J miles south of Loop river opposite Oconee and 8 miles northwest of Duncan, about Hay 10th, 1888, ONE WHITE COW with speckled neck, about five years old. The owner will please call, prove property, pay charges and take her away. SOmaySt Feed. Gxkbeb. J. DTJSSELI,, DEALZS IN DDPLEI WIND IILLS AND All Kinds of Pomps. PUMPS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. Oliv St., ntarly opposite Pot-oMc. 6jan88-y SPEAKS Tle lie W M. Gould, .Esq.. General Ajiaut ?,ri:i:i-:ijolw Harvester Co., Omaha. Neb.. Dear bin It is beinj; roporte-1 through. Mit this :uul a.ljoininjr counties that the Minneapolis Harvester Co. had sold their shops and were goinir to discontinue the manufacture of their machines. When we first heard of this wo paid very little attention to the report, think ing it came from some unprincipled machine airont who could not sell a machine of his own any other way than by lying, but when so manv of our customers came and asked us about the matter, men to whom we expect to sell machines this coming harvest, wo are compelled to inquire into the matter. We have denied the stones all tho time, and denounced thorn n lies and thought we were right in doing so. Now we want the facts; if it is true, we want to know it, and if it is a lie. we want to nad it. Please let us hoar from you at once, as we want your letter for publication. Very truly yours, Eknst A- Schwarz. Messks. Ernst & Schwarz, Columbus, Neb., Gents.: I received yours today. That report is entirely unfounded. -I enclose copy of a letter received from the Company. You see it is a trick of men who can not hold their wav against us, only by trying to scare a farmer not to buy tho " Minnie," hoping thereby to get a chanctt to sell one of their own. Farmers need not foar.-I havo no doubt thev can take your word, as well as that of a competitor. If they lie about our machine, is it not probable thev would lie again to sell their own? I will have a man there shortly. Do your best and I will help all 1 can. Yours very truly, Wm. Gould, G. A. Wm. Gould, Esq., General Agent, Omaha, Neb., lMir Sir: Answering yours relative to the rumors in Nebraska that the Minneapolis Harvester Works had sold their shops and grounds and wore going out of the business, we have to say there is not one word of truth 111 them. They have not sold their shops or grounds and are not going out of tho business, and you can so inform all parties making inquiries regarding this matter. Yours truly, Signed E. IJ. Lincoln-, Sup't cf Agencies. Fanners Look to Tour Interests AND GET THE BEST, OP ERNST & SCHWARZ. mi G ALLEY BEOS. What better than a good warm coat for your wife or daughter? Bargains will he given for the next THIRTY DAYS, to close them out be fore invoicing. Five Hundred Suits ! Of men's, boys' and children's clothing to close out. On account of the open winter we will close out over 200 overcoats cheaper than ever known in Columbus. Do not fail to see Galley Bros.' bargains be fore buviner. Remember these bargains will not last long, we mean to close them out, so take ad vantage of the bargains we shall oner at GALLEY BROS'. Before we Mckinley & MUM BROKERS, COLUMBUS, NEB. Money to loan on Improved farms In this and adjoining counties, at current rates. We are prepared to close loam promptly, in all cases where title and security are satisfactory. Office up-stairs In Henry Building, corner of Olive and Eleventh streets. juiyir BGTTCHER & KERSENBROCK, DEALEBS IN HEAVY AND SHELV Stoves and Tinware, Pumps, Guns & Ammunition. The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here. Sept. 21 1 SPEICE & NORTH, General Agents for the sale of XSB-A-L ESTATE! Union Facile aad Midland Pacific R. R. Land for amlo at from 1.00 to $10.00 por acre for caat or ob fira or tarn years time, in annual payaeota to en it parehaaers. We have also a larg and ehoitM lot of other laada. improred and noimproed. for aale at low price and on reasonable terms. Alat buaineM and residence lots in the city. We keep a complete atotnict of title to all real estate is Platte County. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. " W. T. RICKLY& BRO. Wholesale and Gte, Ptiltry, aid Fresk Fish. All Kiids ef Saissge a Specialty. BTCMk paid for Hides, Pelts. Tallow. Highest narkst price paid for fat cattle."-! Olife Stmt, tw Dura Nartb f the First Natieial Baak. 1 ITSELF ! ZfcTstiled. to 44-tlt -AT- invoice. aur carnahan, Retail Dealers in wm V