The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 30, 1888, Image 2

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h a
(fctftumtms journal.
Entered at the Post-office, Colombos. Nb., M
cond-class mail matter.
ColuiubU8( Neb.
One year, by mall, postage prepaid. $2.M
Bix months.
Three months,
Payable in Advance.
ET-Specimen copies mailed free, on applica
tion. TO 8CB80BIBXBS.
When subscribers ohange their P .!:
dence they should at onoe notify us by letter or
postal card,iTing both their former ndthoir
(resent posUoffice.-the first enables us to readily
find the name on our mailing list, from which,
buius in type, we each week print, either on the
wrapper oroa the margin of your Jocbxal. the
date to which your subscription is paid or ac
counted for. Kemittances should be made
either by money-order, registered letter or UnUl.
psjabletotheorderof j,
All communications, to secure attention, must
bn accomianied by the full name of the writer.
We r.-rve the right to reject any niauusCJij.t.
aud cannot agree to return the same.-We.a.ire
h correspondent in every school-dwtric-t tr
Flittto county, one of good judgment, and re
liable in every way. Write plainly, each item
tiarately. Oive ns facts.
North Carolina republicans are for
The treasury department at Washing
ton City on the 24th accepted bonds
amounting to S8Gf000.
Fred Held, on the 21et it is said at
La Mars, la., shot and killed his mother
in a quarrel about some real estate.
It is said- that Liord Tennyson is or
derly. He works in the morning, walks
in the afternoon, and reads in the evening-
James D. Jenkins, of Osage, la., has
Ikmjii confirmed by the senate as agent
for the Indians of Sisseton agency in
On the morning of the 25th Gen. Sher
idan was reported quite ill again. The
truth discloses that his heart is the seat
of his troubles.
In the house, the senate amendments
to the pension appropriation bill were
non-concurred in last week, and a con
ference ordered.
The increase in the river and harlor
bill is about $1,500,000, which was re
Iiorted to the senate, ordered printed
and recommitted.
Georoe TnosiAs, a peddler at Cincin
nati, one morning last week shot and
killed a woman named Maggie Wise, and
then shot himself.
A uniformed club of 1,000 Blaine re
publicans, of KnnBas City, under the
leadership of T. M. Curtin of the same
city, will go to the Chicago convention.
The Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott was on
the night of the 25th elected permanent
pastor of Plymouth church, and the first
regular successor of Henry Ward Beech
er. On the evening of the 23d at Albany,
Joseph Sheerer, aged 22, shot and killed
Lizzie McCarty, aged 21, then shot and
killed himself. The girl had refused to
marry him.
At a meeting on the 25th, the execu
tive committee of the Presbyterian home
missions at Philadelphia, Pa., Mrs. Gro-
ver Cleveland was made a lady member
of the committee.
A report comes from Marshall, Mo.,
on the 25th, that Jacob Boatright, col
ored, was sold at public auction for a
term of six months, for 6.50. He had
been convicted of vagrancy.
The conference report in the senate
May 24th on the pension appropriation
bill v;is agreed to. The house on the
same day went, into committee of the
whole on the post-office appropriation
bill, which was passed.
Assayeu Braden reports the valne of
the Montana gold and silver output last
year at between twenty-three and twenty-four
million dollars. Give us the
difference between these sums and we'll
lm satisfied for the present
President and Mrs. Cleveland went
to Philadelphia on the morniug of the
23d to attend the Presbyterian anniver
sary. The president was to return to
Washington on the 24th and Mrs. Cleve
land to remain with friends for about a
Mrs. Sawyer, wife of Senator Sawyer,
of Wisconsin, died at Washington on
the morning of the 21st of May. She
had been an invalid for several years.
The immediate cause of her death was
slow, progressive paralysis and failure of
the heart to act.
We are in receipt of a pamphlet copy
of Senator Paddock's speech May 2d, on
the establishment of a bureau of animal
industry, a portion of which we have
already quoted. The entire speech is
worthy the senator, worthy the subject
and well worthy tho attention of con
gress. The M. E. general conference up to
the 22d, in session at New York, had suc
ceeded in electing but two bishops. On
the third ballot that evening the Rev.
Dr. J. H. Vincent, of the Rock River
conference, and the Rev. W. J. Fitzpat
rick, of the New Jersey conference, were
elected bishops.
William Williams, Walnut Hills
butcher, at Cincinnati, was arrested last
week by the inspector. Fred Meyer, for
driving through the streets with an ani
mal that died from injury. In several
instances of late persons have been dis
covered handling horse meat in different
parts of the city.
A cyclone struck the town of Argonia,
a few miles west of Wellington, KanBas,
on the night of the 23d, destroying the
Methodist church, the Palace hotel and
quite a number of stores and dwellings.
No fatalities are reported, but several
persons were severely injured by flying
One of the worst storms ever witness
ed in that section, visited Corsicana,
Texas, on the night of the 23d. The
damage to business and residence prop
erty exceeds $25,000; damage to crops
cannot be estimated, but is very great.
Nearly all the trees in the city and for
miles around were blown down.
Ik the Methodist Episcopal general
conference in session in York, a resolu
tion on the 25th was presented asking
the conference to reaffirm its decision
and ruling that in the Methodist church
the color line was no bar to holding
office. It was unanimously adopted.
yfby not hare added Bex as well?
Nebraska comes as near to being the
farmer's and stock-raiser's paradise as
any equal amount of land on the earth's
surface. Her soil of lacustrine origin,
literally "made earth," it is as rich in all
that goes to furnish plant food as the
best gardens of the older states; under
lying all, in the gravelly bottom of the
pristine lake, at varying depths beneath
the surface, is an unfailing body of pure
water; the soil being porous, cereals of
all varieties have the benefit of this
through capillary attraction, and an
extra amount of rain falling from the
clouds finds its way readily into the soil
below the surface.
It is owing to this peculiarity of the
soil that it has become famous for with
standing both dry and wet seasons. The
summer of 1887, for instance, was re
markably dry in many parts of the Uni
ted States, but here, with light showers
about seeding time, and others as the
grain was earing out, Nebraska had good
crops and her prosperity was so marked
as to attract the universal attention of
those husbandmen east who are always
on the lookout for bettering their con
dition. In all the record of the years
since Nebraska soil has been cultivated
by civilized men a total failure of crops,
from any cause, has never been known.
the climate
Is free from the malarial taint and the
dense fogs of the sea level, and from the
rigor mountain top. It is that of an ele
vated, undulating plain where the
drainage is abundant, and tho atmos
phere is kept pure by constant motion.
With a soil unexcelled anywhere as
the basis of agriculture, and with such a
climate, farmers and stockraisers have
flourished amazingly and the State, as
great in extent as Maryland, Vermont,
New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New
Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, Rhode
Island and West Virginia, all put to
gether, has settled rapidly, there yet
being room and hearty welcome for hun
dreds of thousands more, and tens of
thousands of manufactories and business
For solid, steady, lasting business
ventures, history shows that nothing has
proved so valuable a foundation as a
good farming country. Where farmers
thrivo, the factory's wheelB are constant
ly humming and the merchant is able to
promptly meet his bills; mechanics get
good wages and have plenty to do, and
centers of business and means of culture
grow and flourish apace.
Wideawake to their interests, men of
Nebraska seeing their needs are every
where moving to their supply. The im
mense amount of farm machinery used
(and it is nowhere used to better advan
tageour soil requiring no side-hill
plows, and no precautions against
stumps or stones), suggests that the
factories for furnishing these, or a great
number of them, could be located at
home, thus saving transportation, and
helping to make a home market for farm
products, besides increasing business for
merchants and dealers.
Tho immense numbers of hogs and
cattle suggests the packing-house, the
tannery, the leather store and the shoe
The untold richness of the soil and its
capacity for raising corn, tomatoes, peas,
beans, etc., assures success to canning
institutions wherever they may be con
ducted with anything like ordinary busi
ness ability.
The demand for better breeds of stock,
points to a rich harvest by those who
will locate here with thoroughbred
horseB, cattle, sheep, swine and poultry,
to supply the demand which is constant
ly increasing as farmers become able to
Railroad and Civilization.
Railroads have so cheapened the cost
of transportation that, while a load of
wheat loses all its value by being hauled
one hundred miles on a common road,
meat and Hour enough to supply one
man a year can, according to Mr. Ed
ward Atkinson, be hauled 1,500 from the
west to the east for one day's wages of
that man, if he is a skilled mechanic. If
the freight rates are diminished in tho
future as in the past, this can soon be
done for one day's wages of a common
The number of persona employed in
constructing, equipping and operating
our railroads is about two millions.
The combined armies and navies of
the world, while on peace footing, will
draw from gainful occupations 3,455,000
Thoso create wealth these destroy it.
Is it any wonder that America is the
richest country in the world? From
"The Building of a Railway," by Thomas
Curtis Clarke, in Scribner's Magazine
for June.
Annual meeting of stockholders of the
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rail
road Company, Chicago, May 16th, 1888.
Meeting was called to order by Mr.
Wert Dexter.
Stockholders were present represent
ing 527,555 shares, being more than two
thirds of the entire capital stock.
The following was unanimously adopt
ed: Resolved. That the stockholders of the
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rail
road Company thoroughly sustain and
approve of the course pursued by the
directors, president and managers of the
company during the recent strike of the
engineers, firemen and switchmen.
At 3 o'clock on the morning of the
22d, a freight train on the Rock Island
went through a bridge near Randolph
Point, crashing into a ravine twenty-five
feet deep. A short time after, a freight
train on the Hannibal & St Joe went
through their bridge, which adjoined the
Rock Island, and which had been weak
ened by the first wreck. The two engi
neers, a fireman and two tramps were
A destructive hail storm passed over
the country two miles east of Sulphur
Springs, Texas, on the 22d, doing great
damage to growing crops and fruit trees.
Cotton plants are destroyed and must be
replanted. The hail stoneswere so large
that they broke the shingles on the
roofs and tore limbs from the trees.
Brookston, Lamar county, was almost
demolished by the storm, but no loss of
life is reported.
On the morning of the 22d the su
preme court of Ohio granted a motion
for leave to file petition in error to the
Franklin county court of common pleas
in the case of Allen Meyers, sentenced
to three months imprisonment for al
leged contempt of court, growing out of
an article he wrote during the progress
of the talley sheet forgery oases.
It is reported from Kickapoo, Wis.,
that on the night of the 23d Mr. and
Mrs. Reuben Drake, an aged couple,
were shot dead in their own house by
unknown parties, and the throats of
their two little grand children were cut
from ear to ear. It is supposed that the
murder was the result of an attempt at
robbery. No clue to the perpetrators.
There was a rumor yesterday morn
ing that Gen. Phil. Sheridan had died
Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock of heart
disease. The dailies of yesterday con
tained details of the General's very se
rious illness, but rather more favorable
than on Sunday. The country will hope
that the General may be spared yet
many years.
Fremont's canning factory is to employ
fifty hands.
A number of large brick buildings are
being erected in Fairmont.
The West Lincoln stock yards are
about to secure a post office. r
The question of sidewalks is still be
ing discussed at St. Edward.
The Omaha striking bricklayers de
cided lust week to stand firm and light
it out.
The prospect is that three hundred
Omaha republicans will attend the na
tional convention at Chicago.
T. C. Benny, of Omaha, suicided on
the night of the 23d inst, by taking car
bolic acid. No cause assigned.
Lee Williams fell between the cars at
Creston Monday week and was killed.
So Bays tho Madison RejHjrter.
The city treasury of Lincoln is in a
healthy condition, the treasurer's reiort
showing a balance on hand of $50,839.47.
Marquett, Hamilton county, has or
ganized a new bank. It has been incor
porated under the name of Farley's
Another singular sort of fish was cap
tured last week near Fremont which is
said to partake of the nature of the
swordfish, shark and gar.
Robert Whitta'a five years old son of
Norfolk, while playing on the bank of
North Fork one day last week, fell into
the river and was drowned.
Judge Wakely haB decided that Sun
day games of base ball cannot be prohib
ited. Here is a very appropriate case
for our legislators to attend to.
The section men along the line of tho
M. P. road struck one day last week on
account of a reduction of wages. About
fifty of them are at Nebraska City.
James Arthur, a farmer living in
Pleasant Valley township, Dodge coun
ty, has been adjudged insane, and will
soon be sent to the asylum at Norfolk
for treatment.
The following patents were published
one day last week as having been issued
to Nebraska citizens: Pavement, W7illiam
Bignell, Nebraska City; elevator boat,
Marquis F. Seeley, Fremont.
Mayor Fitch, of Kearney, the other
night Bteppedout at the rear of his store,
forgetting that the hatchways were open;
he fell to the bottom of the stairway,
and broke two or three of his ribs.
A burglary was committed at North
Platte on the night of the 22d, by cut
ting out a rear window and entering the
Palace clothing house where the thieves
secured a quantity of silk handker
chiefs end clothing.
The citizens of Silver Creek are mak
king arrangements to erect at that place
a new M. E. church to cost not less than
$2,000. That place ib now embraced in
a regular M. E. circuit and it is desir
able indeed to have the church.
Rosa L. Hammond, editor of the Fre
mont Daily Tribune, received severe in
juries by being thrown from a horse on
the 24th inst. He was thrown heavily
upon the hard ground, producing con
mission of the brain and unconscious
ness. An expert, J. J. Points, has been under
the instructions of the county commis
sioners of Douglas county, examining
the books of the ex-county clerks. He
has found Needbam was in debt to the
county in the snui of $643.75, on account
of errors, discrepancies, fees. etc.
Last week at Lincoln the board of
trade appointed delegates to attend the
conference at Fairbury the next day
with the Rock Island officials, regarding
a railroad line from Council Bluffs via
Omaha, Ashland and Lincoln to Fnir
bury, connecting the main line with the
southwestern system.
Omaha citizens who made the effort
to secure the holding of the next genoral
conference of the M. E. church in that
city, have succeeded in obtaining from
the conference committee now in session
in New York, a favorable report recom
mending Omaha as the place for the
general conference in 1892.
Wahoo one night last week was visit
ed by burglars. N. H. Bell's residence
was entered, and a gold watch and $9 in
cash taken. Emil Fisher had his pants
and a small amount of money taken.
The residence of R. Safronek, the brew
er, was entered and a case of beer stolen.
No one has a clue to the guilty party.
A petition was filed last week in the
supreme court at Lincoln, in the case of
Perry Burrell vs. State. Burrell was
found guilty at the April term of the
district court of Fontier county, on sev
enteen counts for selling whisky with
out a license, and was fined $1,525. This
petition is filed to reverse the judgment.
Up to the 21st inst. Senator Mander
bon had pushed the bill appropriating
$150,000 for the branch home for dis
abled veterans, through the senate, and
by his amendment the sum is to be im
mediately available, which will allow
many to enter before next winter who
have applied and been denied admission
on account of lack of room.
James Griggs, a tramp one morning
last week, who claimed to be en route
from Dennison, la., to his home in Lead
ville, Cot, undertook to board a freight
train on the U. P. railroadrhile moving,
about six miles east of Kearney, and fell
under the cars which crushed his left
leg aad left arm. He is now at the
Grand Central hotel in Kearney.
Arthur Macy, a brakeman on the
Kansas City & Omaha, while switching
for his train at Fairfield on the after
noon of the 24th, caught his foot in a
frog, and before he could extricate him
self he was run down and instantly
killed. He was a well known and popu
lar young man and leaves a wife and
three young children in Fairfield.
Henry Hanlman, a resident of Calla
way, lost a child out of his wagon on his
way home one day last week. Ho re
turned to search for the missing child
and found it by the roadside, dead.
Mr. Hanlman is both deaf and dumb,
and had driven along without looking
back to see if his children were all right
in the wagon.
W. R. Salle, agent for the Pacific ex
press company at Fremont, was found
dead in his bed in his room at the New
York hotel. The supposition prevails
that death was caused by an over dose
of morphine administered by himself,
but not with intent to commit suicide.
His matters of account and money with
the company are said to be all correct.
There is one thing that every tax-payer
in the county is interested in in se
lecting a candidate for the next legisla
ture. The man who is chosen should be
one who will work to secure the passage
of a law that will prevent the county
treasury from being a bank-ridden in
stitution. We don't object to having
the county funds placed in a bank for
safe-keeping, but we want the county
to draw the interest instead of the treas
urer. Norfolk News.
Little Caroline or "Lena" Schlesuan
who was a scholar in a Seward county
school during tho blizzard in January
and had one foot frozen and amputated,
iB in the city for tho purpose of having
an artificial foot fitted. She is known as
Lena Woebbecke lecause at the time of
the blizzard she was staying at the house
of Mr. Woebbecke. The generous sum
raised for her relief goes far toward
making her comfortable. O. World.
The Omaha Republican of Thursday
gives a half-column account concerning
tho arrest of John Lisco, "one of the
wealthiest and most prominent citizens
of Clarks and ex-sheriff of Merrick
county," on a warrant charging him with
obtaining money under false pretences.
Mr. Lisco pronounces the arrest as one
of the dirtiest pieces of blackmail he
ever heard of and the charge an auda
cious falsehood. The differences grew
out of a contract for hay. The title of
the case is D.'iy fe Cowles (of Omaha) vs.
John Lisco.
From 8,000 to 10,000 people gathered
at Wymore on the 21st inst. to celebrate
the soventh anniversary of that city.
Governor Thayer and staff, deputy com
mander Henry of the G. A. R., the uni
versity cadets and G. A. R. posts from
neighboring towns were present, etc., etc.
Gov. Thayer delivered a brief address to
the audience and Miss Walcott, of St.
Louis, a recitation. With music, dinner
and a sham battle among the militia, the
companies from Beatrice taking a prom
inent part, the day passed pleasantly.
Charles Tobias, a brakeman alxiut 20
years of age, was found on top of a
north-bound freight train on the even
ing of the 23d inst, which had just pull
ed into Stella station, insensible. He
had bruises on tho back part of the
head and some internal injuries, the for
mer evidently made by a sand-bug or
some such instrument, as there was no
abrasion of the skin. It is supposed he
had been hit by a tramp, as the train
crew had ojeoted a number of them be
tween Falls City and Stella, and others
were found in the cars after their arrival
at Stella.
A case of hydrophobia was reported
last week six miles southwest of York.
G. W. Mason is the victim, who whs bit
ten by his dog about the middle of last
February. The same dog bit a calf and
colt, both dying. Ho was seized first
with spasms, then becoming more vio
lent, and now he is tied down to the
Hoor. Eight physicians have visited the
patient, a majority of whom consider the
present attack brought on by the crazed
condition of the mind through worry
instead of lieing genuine hydrophobia.
Future developments will be awaited
with great interest
The Seward canning company, says the
Blade, will put up this season the pro
duct of 400 acres of sweet corn, 300 acres
of tomatoes, 80 acres of peas, 75 acres of
pickles, 30 acres of beans and 10 acres of
pumpkins. Their pack of tomatoes will
stand fourth in the association of west
ern packers of canned goods. Mr. Camp
bell informs us that he will have 40 acres
of peas, 40 acres of corn, 15 acres of to
matoes, 10 acres of beans and 10 acres of
pumpkins, 115 acres in all. The compa
ny will put up, altogether, tho product
of about 1000 acres. Mr. Campbell also
informs us that they have paid out about
$700 for see for this year's crop.
Tho Omaha Republican publishes on
the 27th inst., another large number of
preferences expressed for candidates for
president and vice-president from citi
zens of this state. The matter embraced
in this expression of opinion occupies
fully six columns. By sumary in
this lot Blaine still leads as first
choice, with Gresham second. For vice
president Harrison first choice and Haw
ley second. These expressions continue
to show that the republican party in
this state is a unit on the protection of
American industries and American la
bor. The Omaha Republican of Thursday
last week, contains nearly three col
umns of matter occupied by the citizens
of Nebraska in expressing their choice
for candidate for president and vice
president. In the two expressions of
preference now published, Blaine, for
first choice has the lead over all com
peditors, with Gresham second. As
second choice Gresham leads, Allison
and Sherman next in the order in which
they are named. For vice president
neither of the gentlemen named has any
where near a mojority of all, but Har
rison leads, with Hawley, Allison and
Gresham close together in the order
A case of accidental shooting, result
ing in the almost instant death of a
young fellow named Samuel Stump, oc
curred Tuesday night at a school house
near Diller, Jefferson county. Stump
and one J. W. Fouls, the district school
teacher, together with several other
young men were rehearsing a play, a part
of which calls into action a revolver.
Fouls, in carrying out his part leveled a
revolver at Stump's head, pulling the
trigger, and to the consternation of the
whole party Stump fell over on his face
apparently lifelers. The ball had en
tered his mouth, death following in
fifteen minutes. Coroner Sommers, of
this place, went to the scene of the shoot
ing today, but concluded not to hold an
inquest, as it was clearly shown to have
been accidental. Fouls is almost crazed
with grief. Stump's body will be taken
to Iowa for burial, where he came from
a short time ago. All parties connected
with the affair are highly respected.
A terrible water spout burst in the
northwestern part of Dawes county at 7
o'clock on the evening of May 27, doing
a great amount of damage. The water
rushed down White river in a solid wall
eight to ten feet deop, carrying every
thing possible before it. All the high
way bridges are gone and a number of
railrord bridges. Five miles of track is
submerged on tho Rapids City and
Wyoming branches of the Fremont,
Elkhorn .fc Missouri Valley railroad.
Farmers in these valloys lost live Btock
and buildings. One farmer lost twenty
one head of stock. No logs of life has
been yet reported but it is feared that
the future developments will reveal the
fact that there has been considerable.
There is no communication from the
other towns of those rivers. They are
northwest of here and the water spout
came from the northwest; consequently
it is feared that there has been terrible
damage and loss of life on the other side.
It has raised steadily since 4 o'clock
yeftorday und is still raining and consid
able damage has been dono to farmers
outside the water spout district, it was
impossible for the railroad to do much
today towards repairing the road and
bridge, as the constant rains kept
the water so high it is hardly expected
to gut a train over tho washout for 24
hours at least, if even then.
One of tho most atrocious crimes in
the annals of Immunity was perpe-
truted about 8 o'clock on tho morning of
tho 2:td ou the farm of a man named
Greenwood, about fifteen miles from
Curtis, in the adjoining county of Lin
coln. The victim was Mrs. Annie
riryani, ureenwoou s seventeen years
old daughter. While employed in a res
taurant at Curtis tho girl met a young
man named Lem Bryant, with whom she
kept company until atout three months
ago, when it was discovered that she was
in a delicate condition. She then dis
closed the fact to her parents. Her fa
ther was very angry and said he would
disown her. Both the girl and her fam
ily were highly esteemed, and popular
feeling ran very strong against Bryant
This, in connection with the fact that
the matter wub brought before tho grand
jury, induced him to marry the girl.
Ho soon abandoned hor, however, and
refused to contribute to her support.
Hearing that an indictment was about
to be brought against him. Bryant left
and has not been heard from since. The
condition of the girl was such that she
was unable to work and was compelled
to seek sholter at her home in Lincoln
county. Her father at first refused to
let her come back but finally yielded to
the intercessions of her mother. He
brooded a good deal over the disgrace to
his name which Annie had brought upon
the family and ho frequently
exhibited symptoms of insanity which
grew moro marked as the time for her
confinement approached. Yesterday
morning Mr. and Mrs. Ratclrff were on
the way to town and were passing by
Greenwood's house when Mrs. Green
wood came rushing from tho house with
an infant biibe in her arms, not yet
dressed, exclaiming "For God's sake
take Annie's baby and take care of it,
for Greenwood has shot her. Don't
come near the house for he threatens to
shoot the first person who comes there.'
Annie had given birth to the child a few
minutes before her father came in and
drew his revolver and shot and killed
her. A posse of citizens left for the
scene of the murder at once. Bee.
Other 'oiintriei.
The emperor of Brazil was slightly
letter on the morning of May 23.
A dispatch from Malen to Loudon,
May 22, says the emperor of Brazil has
had n serious relapse.
A report recently issued from Berlin
says enormous quantities of Russian
corn are being imported into Germany.
It was reported from Berlin, May 21,
that a new line of German steamers is to
be started between Hamburg and India.
At London, May 24, some interest was
created in shipping circles when the
steamer Rosedale cleared from the port
for Chicago via Welland canal.
The Bank of France announced May
24th, that forty-five counterfeit 500 franc
notes are known to be in circulation.
The forgers are Americans.
A report from London of May 21 says
tho ten-miles bicycle race at North
Shields between Ward, of England, and
Temple, of America, resulted in a victory
for the Litter.
News from Brussels of May 23, says a
full sized plaster mould of tho bronze
statue of the emieror, De La Salle, pre
sented to the city of Chicago by Mr.
Tree, is on exhibition there and attracts
much attention.
From various reports received at Dub
lin up to May 24, it is estimated that
one hundred and three fishermen have
been lost in a gale off the coast of Ire
land. One evening last week at Cork, a
crowd of people awaiting the arrival of
Condon, came into contact with the po
lice. The latter used their clubs freely
and many persons were injured.
Further particulars received on the
20th inst, about the revolt in Roumania
show that many persons were killed and
wounded in Kalarasch, and that twenty
were killed and eighty wounded in Bud
escht. Rioting broke out at Kibbereen on the
20th inst., and was continued until two
o'clock the next morning. The mob
stoned the police, and were in return
clubbed by-them. Several persons were
The parliamentary election at South
hampton, reported to London May 23,
resulted in the return of Mr. Evans, lib
eral, by a vote of 5,151, against 4,266 for
Mr. Guest, the tory candidate. The an
nouncement of the result created a
veritable sensation in London.
A report came from Dublin one day
last week that the Moonlighters have
posted notices in Dramqnin district of
County Tyrone, ordering the boycotting
of all communication with the police,
and warning the people that all those
who disregarded the order shall be shot.
An explosion occurred on the 24th at
Merlot's fireworks and cartridge foundry
in the suburbs of Paris which destroyed
seven buildings and killed eleven work
men. Twenty others are in jured. Search
ing parties are still looking among the
nuns for the bodies of tho dead and in
jured. A report from Dublin on the 21st inst.,
states that Thomas J. Condon, a mem
ber of parliament, had been convicted
and sentenced to two months' imprison
ment without hard labor, for inciting
tax-payers to resist payment of the tax
imposed to compensate Constable Leahy
who was injured in the Mitohellatown
riots, and the family of Constable
The strikes in many pHrts of Germany
are spreading rapidly. The strikers
came into collision with and desperately
fought the police at Mayence and Ham
burg on the 21st and a thousand striking
workingmen patrolled tho streets of
Newminster, singing tho Marsolleia.
A largo number of arrests were made in
both towns affected. by strikers. The
strikers are receiving active encourage
ment and assistance frdm tho socialists.
A genoral uneasiness exists on account
of the European war cloud spreading
and gathering strength. In ltoumania
the rising among tho peasants, due,
some say, to tho efforts of Russian emis
saries, while others nsurilio it to agrarian
causes, and the multiplication of officials
continues to give the government serious
trouble. The peculiar disease of what
may be called "officialdom" is attacking
several countries at once. It threatens
to break down the republic of France
and at the same time appears in itou
Washington Letter.
From onr regular corredixindent.
Judge Walter Q. Gresham's presiden
tial boom has been undoubtedly the po
litical event of the week in this city,
from where it seems to have started.
Judge Gresham is extremely popular
personally in Washington, and many
people here would rejoice to seo him
president, your correspondent among
.the number. But candor compels dome
to say that if the Judge's boom is not
moro heavily backed elsewhere than it is
here, he stands little show of receiving
the nomination at Chicago. Unfortu
nately for the Judge, his great personal
popularity has been taken advantage of
by a few anti Blaine republicans in or
der to make a determined attempt to
stem the current of republican opinion
in order to prevent the nomination of
Mr. Blaine; already these boomers are
making the mistake of antagonizing Mr.
Blaine, although tho gentleman has
stepped aside for the purpose of allow
ing tho party to mako its selections of a
standard bearer unhampered. This is
decidedly wrong. No good republican
can afford to join any movement looking
in the slightest manner towards tho de
basement of the name of James G.
Blaine, no matter whom it is to help, or
who is to be nominated. Mr. Blaine has
devoted the best years of his life to tho
services of the republican party; has
been an acknowledged leader for years,
and will continue as such, whether nom
inated this year or not. The republican
party can and will win this presidential
fight, if it is true to itself. But let the
friends of every candidate for the presi
dency remember that only one man can
be nominated, and further that he can
not hope to be elected unless supported
by the entire republican party. Antag
onisms are dangerous where the margin
is so small as it is just now.
Representative Farqnhai? of New
York, made a good point in his speech
against tho Mills tariff bill in the house,
by commenting somewhat severely on the
fact that the great commercial andfinan
cial questions were submitted to the ways
and means committee, the composition
of which is as follows: one cotton plant
er, one railroad manager, and eleven
lawyers. The whole industries to tho
wisdom, not of the capitalists, not of the
bankers, not of the manufacturers, not
of the wage earners, but of eleven law
yers, one railroad manager, and one cot
ton planter. If there ever was a farco in
representative government, the Fiftieth
congress haB reached it. When the great
industrial interests were to be taken
care of and regulated, was it just, waB it
fair, was it in the propriety of common
sense, that eleven lawyers, one cotton
planter, and one railroad manager
should legislate for the American indus
trial people?
The tariff fever has extended to tho
senate. The senate committee on finance
has gotten permission from the senate to
employ a stenographer, and have ap
pointed a sub-committee consisting of
Senators Allison, Aldrich, Hiscock, Beck,
and Harris, to consider tariff and reve
nue subjects. It is understood that it
is the purpose of this sub-committee to
grant hearings to all parties interested,
just what Mr. Mills and his democratic
associates on the ways and means com
mittee of the house refused to do.
The senate has, by an overwhelming
majority, decided against considering
the fisheries question in open session.
The house committee has reported fa
vorably a bill extending the time of the
arrearage of pensions act, so as to give
the benefit of the act to their claimants
who filed their claims after tho expira
tion of the time limit, or may yet file
claims before the passage of this bill.
The report estimates the cost to the gov
ernment at about $250,000,000, and sug
gests that this is the very best means of
disbursing the surplus in the treasury.
A memorial has been presented to the
senate asking that letter postage be re
duced to one cent an ounce or fraction
Seribser for Jnne.
Contains a number of bright, inter
esting pieces. "The Building of a Rail
way" by T. C. Clarke, an eminent bridge
builder, is well worth the reading by
those who wish to keep versed in such
matters. The article is very handsome
ly illustrated.
The bright side of "Hospital Life" is
discussed by A. B. Ward.
"Cardinal Newman" is the subject of a
delightful essay.
A new story "A London Life," by
Henry James is in this number.
There are a number of other articles
suited to the varying tastes of the myriad
readers of the great monthly, and alto
gether this is one of the brightest,
heerieat and best.
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Rye Hundred Suits !
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out over 200 overcoats cheaper than ever known
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Do not fail to see Galley Bros.' bargains be
fore buying. Remember these bargains will not
last long, we mean to close them out, so take ad
vantage of the bargains we shall offer at
Before we
Mckinley &
Money to loan on improved farms in this and adjoining
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promptly, in all cases where title and security are satisfactory.
Office up-stairs in Henry Building, corner of Olive and
Eleventh streets. juiywsctr
General Agents for the sale of
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or on firo or ton years time, in annual ja meats to snit purchasers. We have also a large antTchoici
lot of other lands, improved and unimproved, for sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Al
busineM and residence lots in the city. Wo keep a complete ubb tract of title to all real estate it
Platte County.
Wholesale and
Game, Poultry, and Fresh Fish. All Kinds of Sausage a Specialty.
EVCaah paid for Hides, Pelts, Tallow. Highest market price paid for fat cattle.HRJ
Olive Street, twe Doors North of the First Nation! Bok.
and dealers in
isMJfcifr. .fc.TBK
Henry Ragatz & Co.
Have a Fine Lino of Staple aiid Fancy
Crockery and Glassware,
Which wero bought cheap for cash, and will be Bold
at very low prices.
Street, Columbus. Nebraska.
Retail Dealen in