The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 28, 1888, Image 3

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Columbus mmtal.
Lav Colunibu ..
Bell wood ..
David City..
ril.?sut Lincoln..
".. i i:n...lni.t)',un. n..und
arrive- arCo'umbna 1W V. m: the freht hv
Lincoln at 70 a. m.. and arrive at (.olumbua at
2-txi p. m.
ATWnicEx. K"5a.mJi;acinc Ex..
i-tiitjrot'i ll:ua. ni.iOrer J Hyer 3-.ui.
VZf;1 ";i5p.m.lPa.nKr .. B:15j.....
noukoh: AS1 OMVM UlCL.
l'aib. Rrrif
.. 9:10 a. in.
.. 2:10 p.ui.
.. V:15a. in.
J:15A SiEJp.ui.
H:15 p. in.
11:40 a. ui.
. .. M:1.1 p. ui.
1211 p. "I.
leaves for Omaha
cnnecl east and west
arrived fumi Omaha
leave for Notfolk
. ..7:15 a. ui.
..10.-00 p. iu.
Fa. arrive.
Mixed leaves
ill" 101 arrives .
2:00 p. in.
. 330 p. in.
. 720 a. in.
....10:10 p. in.
Societa gotices.
fr-All notice nnder this heading'
mrged at t he rat of fl n J ear.
Itexular meeting 2d We.ine.iH ill i each
month. All brethren iuvitl to attend.
J. K. NoHTH, W. M.
II. 1. Cooliiiok. Sec'y.
-Snow Sunilay.
-No school thiH week-.
It pays to trade at Kramer's.
-Follow tho crowd to "Fitzs's."
-Hnmbur- edgin-a at Kramer's.
Subscrilie now for the .ToritSAL.
The .Tol'knai, office for job work.
-Organs! Call at A. .t M. Turner's.
-Fine babv carriages at Fitzpatrick's.
-Now buy a suit of clothes at Kra
mer's. Several communications go over to
next week.
Dill pickles and Summer Sausage
at E. Pohl's.
All kinds of fresh fruit at Hickok,
Halm ACo.'s.
Host store, cheapest and best goods
at Desman's.
Legal blanks, a full lino, at John
Special sale of Hamburg embroid
eries at Kramer's. 7-4!l-2t
-Oranges from ir to 40 cents a dozen
at Hickok, Halm & Co.'s. 7-48-21
- M.K. Turner's family were last week
anlicled with tho mumps.
Thetirst of tho eastern excursionists
arrived ul Omaha last Wednesday
-For dry-goods, clothing, groceries,
crockery, etc., etc., go to Delsman's.
The .TouitNAT. will furnish all kinds
or job work at the lowest living rates.
-Wanted, a reliable German girl for
general housework', at Mrs. L..laeggi's.
The lies, assortment of dinner sets
and lamps at Hermau Oehlrieh A Bro.
Tho i elocution of Grace church
(Episcopal) is to be decided in a day or
-Remember you can buy a forty
teeth burrow at Lubker's for rive dol
lars. 49-3
The prohibitionists will la claim to
thirty voters st the city election next
-First class goods, through and
through, at lowest living rates, at Dels
man's. -Fifty bushels of clean timothy seed
at 2 a bushel for sale at Hickok, Halm
Co.'s. 48-2tp
Union Pacific engineers are hand
ling Q" cars where they contain perish
able goods.
Wanted 4 good carpeuters, by
Henry II. Huntemunn, Neboville, Platte
county. Neb. 49 :jt
We will save you money if you buy
Hamburg embroideries of us now. Carl
Kramer fc Co.
Ed. Hoar, one or the rustling pro
iticians of Lost Creek township was in
town Thursday.
Miss May Stearns has taken charge
of her mother's millinery establishment
at Platte Center.
Sample copies of the Journal and
the Neb. Family Journal sent free of
charge to any address.
Lost A memorandum book, leather
cover, valuable to none but owner.
Please leave at Journal office.
Geo. Hengler laBt year raised 50
bushels of corn to the acre on upland
and 60 bushels on bottom land.
Mr. Fnchs, editor of the Humphrey
Democrat, was a caller at theso head
quarters Thursday on business.
The Western Cottage Organs are the
best. Get prices of G. W. Kibler, travel
ing salesman for A. & M. Turner. tf
The first semi-annual meeting of the
David City Driving Club meets July 4
and 5. S723 in premiums are offered.
All who are indebted to C. & L.
Kramer are earnestly requested to settle
up then- accounts. Carl Kramer & Co.
Eaater services will be held at Grace
Episcopal church Sunday morning at 11
o'clock and Suuday evening at half-past
Now is the time to buy implements
at Lubker's, who keeps a complete stock
iu Becker's block and also opposite the
post office. 49-3
A full line of fancy dried fruits, such
as apricots, peaches, raspberries, necta
rines, cheaper than ever at Hickok,
Haim & Co.'s.
L. G. Ziunecker has purchased Billy
Jones's property on 16th street. Mr.
Jonea thinks of buying his mother's
property near by.
Wilk Speice haB been engaged the
past week in taking the census of chil
dren of school age, otherwise known as
the enumeration.
The County Snp't will hold special
examinations of applicants for teachers'
certificates, at bis office in the court
house on Saturday, March 31st and
flstttrday, April 7th. 49-2t 4
" Pas. Freight.
. 820 a. in. 4:45 1. in.
.... :! " 5i "
.... 10.-UV " :W "
11-05 " 8:45 ".
'.'.'."" 12:15 " 11:45 "
Choice figs si Hicksk, Halm & Co's
at 10 cents a psund.
Elsewhere will be found a neat solu
tion of the problem lately printed in the
Subscriptions for the Nebraska
Family Journal, 31 a year, taken at
tliia office.
The Journal is on sale, each week,
ut the book and news stores of E. D.
Fitzpatrick and J. 5 cents
a copy.
Willard & Frazier had a lot of fat
cattle at South Omaha last week, pur
chased of Edwin Ahrena, Mr. Reese and
Mrs. Guy C. Barnum has not fully
recovered from the fall she had some six
weeks ago, but no serious results are ex
pected. The Wild West show at Manchester,
England, April 30, ships May 4th for
America and opens at Staten Island
May 30th.
I will make a special discount on
harrows from now on till April 10, next.
Do not buy until you get my price.
Henry Lubker. 49-2
-A. A M- Turner are sole agents here
for the sale of the celebrated Western
Cot t Hire Organs, excelled by none, and
equal to the best. tf
- -Mrs. Charles Brindley'e mother, Mrs.
Fitzpatrick, has lieen very dangerously
ill for several days. Her. daughter visit
ed her last week.
The advertisement of the Oregon
Horse A: Land Co. and James P. Mallon
speaks for itself. Read it, and go buy
you a good horse. lp
Walter Mead has one span of the
temporary Loup bridge in and will have
the other ready by next week, if it con
tinues good weather.
-Mr. George Davis tenders his sin
cerest thank's to neighbors aud friends
for their many kind offices during the
last illness of his wife.
The Omaha World is the best and
cheapest paper in the state. The daily
is sent everywhere for 50c a month, and
the weekly for 31 a year. 43-20t
-A. C. Clark gave a watch as a prize
for greatest improvement in penman
ship, during the term, among his pupils
and Miss Sarah Regan won it.
Land ret h's celebrated garden seeds,
in bulk or packages. Special prices to
gardeners. Choice lemons 25 cents a
dozen, at Hickok, Halm & Co.'s.
Ground feed of all kinds, bran,
shorts, oil cake and rock salt by the hun
dred or ton to suit purchasers. Prices
accordingly. Hickok, Halm & Co.
John J. Rickly writes us from Belt,
Cascade county, Mont., to "send along
the old stand-by (the Journal). Can
not do without it," And so it goes.
-Butter 18; eggs 12; potatoes 60;
wheat 60; corn 34; oats 24; fat hogs 4.25
to 4.50; fat steers 3.00 to 4.00; fat cows
2.00 to 2.50; feeding steers 2.50 to 3.00.
Adam Brady's horse hitched in front
of a store in town Tuesday of last week,
reared up and came down on top of a
post and died very shortly afterwards.
Before investing in a sewing ma
chine, organ or piano, see A. Jt M. Tur
ner, at their organ depot, or address G.
W. Kibler, their traveling salesman, tf
Please remember if you are not a sub
scriber for the Journal and Neuraska
Family Journal, you should be; only
82 a year for both, if paid for one year in
-Hickok, Halm & Co. are sole agents
for Chase & Sanborne's coffees in Co
lumbus. They are better than any
other coffees and don't cost any more.
Try them.
- - The Omaha Bee is in receipt of a con
tribution from Denmark to the Royce
fund, 32.50, by Geo. A. Scott of this
city, now sojourning at his old home in
--Secure bargains in crockery, glass
ware and lamps at John Heitkemper's.
He is closing out these lines of goods at
cost to make room for his books and
--The ladies of the Congregational
church will hold their Fair and Supper
Wednesday evening, April 4th, instead
of the 3d, as before advertised. Supper
at six o'clock. 2
An Easter entertainment will be
given at the Baptist church next Sun
day at 7:30 p. in.; under the direction of
the Young People's Social Union. Cor
dial invitation to all.
The Journal is exceedingly com
placent these days, and is satisfied to
let its columns speas for themselves,
whether read at home or abroad, among
friends or opponents.
The robins and blue birds that vis
ited this part of Nebraska two weekB
ago, made a mistake by a few days in
spring weather. Their singing was
beautiful at all events.
Subscribe for the Nebraska Family
Journal. Thirty-two columns of choice
reading matter, news, stories and mis
cellany every week, for SI a year. Is
sued by M. K. Turner & Co. tf
Buy the Henry F. Miller pianos of
A. & M. Turner equal to the very best.
A musical instrument that costs as
much as a small dwelling and lasts a
life-time should be a good one. 33tf
F. H. Gerrard and W. C. Hollings-
head went to Omaha Wednesday last,
and it is understood they secured the
promise of a side track four miles west
of Oconee on the Genoa branch.
The Fullerton Journal commends
our board of trade for subscribing for
two thousand extra copies of the local
papers to be sent abroad a local paper
mirrors the enterprise of the town.
Judge Hudson was engaged Monday
in adjusting claims against the estate of
Willard Eltzroth, dec'd, it being the
last claims' day. The hearing on one
unadjusted claim was adjourned to
April 13th.
Rev. A. W. Snider is preaching a
series of sermons on the Sabbath ques
tion. Next Sunday the subject will be
the Proper Observation of the Day, or
the christian's and citizen's duty re
specting it.
The Columbus Journal and the
Nebraska Family Journal, both pub
lished by M. K. Turner 4: Co., Columbus,
Nebraska, for 32.00 a year, if paid in
advance. Specimen copies sent free to
any address.
The undersigned, having sold out
their lumber business, request all par
ties knowing themselves indebted to
them for lumber, to come forward and
settle such notes and accounts at once.
Jttggi & Schnpbach. 4&8t
W. H. Hess will have a sale at his
residence in Duncan, tomorrow (Mar. 29)
of horses, cattle, hogs, farm implements,
household goods, etc Terms reason
able. He expects to start aboi. April
1st to California, to look at the c .ntry.
It has been demonstrated beyond a
doubt that II. F. Schnltz has left this
part of God's moral vineyard to return
no more. Some men leave their country
for their country's good. Lindsay Sen
tinel. A reader of the Journal writes us
from Little Sandusky, Ohio, to say that
the friends of our Dr. F. J. Sohug huge
ly enjoyed his visit at his old home re
cently. Of course they would. The
doctor's ability is by no means wrapped
up in his profession, either.
However people may differ as to the
beet methods of treating the liquor
traffic, there is no gainsaying the fact
that the prohibitionists of this city are
very active in the cause which they have
espoused. We give elsewhere the pro
ceedings of their caucus, etc.
George Barnes, the Nebraska pugi
listic giant, and known as "Baby"
Barnes, was last week turned over to
the custody of the police at Omaha, on
account of insanity. He had become so
violeut as to lie dangerous, and had lieen
acting queerly for some time.
Thoa. Fitzpatrick, accompanied by
his two sons is making a visit to relativ
es in 'the county. He leaves us speci
mens of oats and wheat raised near
Laramie, which are very fine, and gives
a glowing account of the progress of
that portion of the great west.
Billy Wills went down to Columbus
last Friday to take a hunt on the Loup
and Platte rivers. The gay and festive
goose Hies high when Billy is around.
Madison Chronicle. That is right. The
Loup and Platte valleys are very hospi
table, both to game and to hunters.
The editor of the Humphrey Demo
crat is hereby informed that the city of
Columbus is not excelled anywhere for
its physicians and surgeons; it is no re
flection at all on doctors elsewhere here
altouts that sick people should come to
Columbus to lie treated, or send for some
one of our many good physicians.
The Journal, it is very gratifying to
us to know, has a reputation here in
Platte county and where it is read away
from here, of being a reliable newspaper.
As a friend visiting here said the other
day "when I read the local news in the
Journal, I feel sure that what I read is
true, every word of it, and just as it is
The Mamnerchor at their meeting
Saturday evening, presented E. Pohl,
(who has been musical director since the
organization of the society twelve years
ago), with a fine carving set. The day
was the 45th anniversary of Mr. Pohl's
birth. Mr. David Schunbach made the
presentation speech and Emil respond
ed feelingly.
The Booth - Barrett combination
give an entertainment at Lincoln, Thurs
day evening, April 12th. If any r our
citizens wish to pay 32, 33, 34 or 5 for
a seat, besides railroad fare, they can
have the pleasure of hearing two excel
lent players. one of them having a
world-wide reputation. The B. Jfc M. are
talking of an excursion train at reduced
James Frazier says that Wednesday
last he saw the finest bunch of fat cuttle
at South Omaha that he has seen iu his
twenty years' experience with cattle.
They belonged to a Mr. Richey, were
three years old from weaning, and had
been kept all that, time on full feed.
They were worth a dollar and a quarter
more a hundred than the ordinary fat
Strowbridge seeders, Budloug di&c
harrows, Sioux City plows. Bradley's
Maud S. cultivators, Bradley's square
corner, gang sulky plows, Standard
planters and checkrowers, Hoosier 11
foot force feed-seeders all-Bteel, lever
harrows, Baine wagons and anything
else in the implement line can be
bought at Henry Lubker's, Becker's
block, opposite the post office. 49-3
We have just received a new piece
of music, called " Silver Bell Waltz," by
the popular composer, Charley Baker,
which we can recommend to our readers
as very good, it not being too difficult
and at the same time very showy. It can
be played on the piano or organ, and
will lie sent at the special price of only
ll-2c. stamps. Address J. C. Groene &
Co., 30 and 46 Arcade, Cincinnati, O.
The Gazette says that a number of
Northwestern surveyors were Been about
six miles east of Bellwood Tuesday; that
Bellwood merchants are hilarious over a
booming trade; that at a railroad meeting
held on Wednesday evening of last week
a committee of six persons, headed by
J. D. Bell, was appointed to confer with
U. P. officials to try to induce them to
build the Columbus David City line
via Bellwood.
George Vandermeulen takes Sam
Allen's place in the Herald office. This
living in Schuyler will save George a
great deal of travel by rail, as he was
missed comparatively few Sundays here.
The above is from the Schuyler Herald.
The Professor has been a compositor in
the office of the Democrat in this city,
and will be missed by his friends and
members of the fraternity. The Jour
nal does not suppose that congratula
tions will be in order for some time at
On Monday evening of last week
the Columbus division of the Uniform
Rank, Knights of Pythias, was organiz
ed, by the election of the following of
ficers: Will B. Dale, Commander; Henry
Ragatz, Lieut. Commander; JW. A. Mc
Allister, Herald; W. B. Backus, Reorder;
P.W.Henrich,Treasurer; C. C. Berringer,
Guard; John Elliott, Sentinel. Each
title is prefixed Sir Knight There
were 30 charter members. Unifo. is are
expected April 15th, and the D.osion
will be instituted Tuesday evening.April
17, by Hon. John J. Monell of Omaha,
installing officer.
Only once in a long while duriug
the eighteen years that we have been
publishing the Journal have we had
reason to complain of Uncle Samuel's
mail clerks. We issue the Journal on
time, print each subscriber's name on
his paper or the wrapper, deliver them
promptly at onr post office here, and
consequently have very little to com
plain of. Mr. Talbitzer of Nile, Ohio,
a reader of the Journal the past four
years, tells us that in that time
he missed but on copy of the Journal.
Some,who havs beau subscribers eighteen
TMrs, hare ctvar lost on in tbt mails,
Paul Hagel was at Omaha Saturday
Mrs. A. C. Ballou goes to Fremont
John Newman of Newman's Grove, was
in town Monday.
Mrs. C. B. Tomblin visited friends at
Omaha last week.
Mrs. M. E. Drake visited Omaha
friends last week.
Julius Ernst of Colfax county was in
the city Saturday.
Henry Rieder visits relatives in Coun
cil Bluffs this week.
Iver Johnson of Creston township goes
to Utah for a sojourn.
L. H. Jewell of Oconee was a Colum
bus sojourner Monday.
Col. Whitmoyer is in attendance on
the supreme court at Lincoln.
C. P. Hoag went to Carthage, Mo.,
Monday, to visit his aged parents.
Miss Ida Meagher accompanied Miss
Gertie Marquette of Lincoln, home,
Mrs. F. J. Schug went to Omahu
Thursday to meet the Dr. on his return
from Ohio.
Mrs.C. D. Jackson entertained a num
ber of her lady friends at the Clot her
C. F. Burch of tho Valentine land
office was the guest of Mayor North
Thursday last.
S. A. St. Cyr, of local theatrical fame,
was in the city Friday, and gave the
Journal a call.
E. R. Dean, Esq., the rustling lawyer
of David City, was in town Saturday and
on his way to Denver.
Dr. F. J. Schug rturned Thursday
morning from Ohio, where he has been
vistiuS his father, who has recently been
very ill.
Co. Supt. L. J. Cramer and Prof, and
Mrs. W. B. Backus went to Fremont
yesterday morning to attend the Teach
ers' Association.
The Journal was delighted yesterday
by a visit from Bro. Phil. Sprecher
of the Norfolk News. He had been on
an outing visiting friends at Kearney.
Cyrus Davis of Atchison, Chas. Davis
of Nebraska City and John Saunders of
Valley, sons and brother of Mrs. Geo.
Davis, were in attendance at the funeral
last week.
James Slemmons of Murray, Idaho,
who has been on a viBit to his old home
at Cadiz, Ohio, dropped down here Wed
nesday last on his old acquaintances of
the Journal family. He is rugged and
hardy and is thoroughly imbued with
western ideas and western wages.
Judge J. G. Higgins, Uncle Sam's chief
official at the Grand Island land office,
was in the city several days last week
on business, and gave this office a very
pleasant call. In speaking of the pros
perity of Grand Island, he said that, as
usnal, they had two booms on hand just
now, one of them a beet-sugar establish
ment, the location of which is virtually
assured, and the other the Baptist State
Fuiversity. The Judge thinks that a
considerable portion of the advance
ment of Grand Island the past few
years is duo to the energy of C. W.
Scarf, a young man, resident of Grand
Island the past six years. He works
hard, corresponds, t ravels, and gives of
his time and his means to help build up
the place, and his work is telling.
School Exhibit.
Friday afternoon the different depart
ments of the city schools exhibited iu
the two lower rooms of the High School
building, the regular written and kinder
garten work of the several grades. In
tho display of the primary grades we
noticed especially the workings of the
little ones, on mats, weaving, stitching,
designing.and quite a display of peas and
cork work.
In this department was exhibited some
very fine written work executed by
scholars whose ages ranged from 5 to 7
years. First was displayed the pencil
writing on slates, then the next higher
step, writing on paper. The second
primary grades displayed the second
step in the graded work consisting of
the last five gifts in the kindergarten
work and also the various occupations.
With the kindergarten work was shown
the regular written work of the grades,
consisting of spelling, writing, arithme
tic number work, and language exercises
of the grades. In the intermediate de
partment display, we noticed besides
the papers on arithmetic, geography,
grammar, etc., some very fine drawings
consisting of landscapes, pictures, and
regular pen work. A numler of them
were very pretty ana niceiy executed.
In the seventh and eighth grades the
map drawing was unusually excellent
the penmanship was very fine and the
various papers written neatly and accu
rately. The High School exhibit consisted of
the regular daily writings of the school,
essays, algebra, geometry, civil govern
ment and book-keeping.
These papers were neatly written and
their manner of handling the different
subjects was very good.
During the afternoon a committee
consisting of Messrs. C. W. Pearsall, M.
Brngger and D. F. Davis was chosen, to
pick out the papers displaying the best
general work, taking age, grade, writing,
etc., into consideration. The committee
decided that Ada Lewis, age 12, of the
Third Ward School, had the best papers,
and she was awarded the "Fitzpatrick
prize" a handsome pen and holder.
A large number of our citizens visited
the High School and inspected the work;
one aud all concluded that they had
been highly repaid. The work will be
taken to Fremont and placed on exhibi
bition during the State Teachers' As
sociation, this week.
The citizens of Columbus who were
present Friday were very well pleased
with the exhibit, and may well congratu
late themselves and the children in hav
ing so good a school system, and such
competent instructors.
District Court.
The following is the list of jurors
summoned to appear Monday, May 14th,
to serve as petit jurors: Henry Guiles,
Pat Galligan, Michael Maher, Herm.
Pruitt, Wm. C. Schnltz, Martin Postle,
Chas. Brandt, Conrad Ley, Sigmnnd
Genuchke, John Wolf, E. W. Hoar, C.
G. Dolan, Julius Rudat, D. C. Kavan
anaugh, W. T. Hanchett, W. R. Jones,
Hector Blaser, Geo. E. Willard, Hans
ChristensoQ, Wm. Lamb, John Wise, J.
H. Wurdemann, B. B. Duoiap, D. A-l
To Mr. LouU XrMarray, Frederick City,
Dear Sir: The Journal is informed
that your establishment at Frederick,
for the canning of fruit and vegetables,
is the largest in the United States, and
that, consequently, your business is im
mense. Without disparaging your section of
country at all (a summer's sojourn there
during the war and what we there learn
ed forbids that), the Journal wishes to
call your attention to a few facts: there
is no state in the Union that has soil
better adapted to raising vegetables
than has Nebraska; we are nearly the
middle of the United States; we are close
to the mining regions of the west the
market-house, so to speak, for the great
bulk of your products, freights are in
our favor; a practically unlimited
quantity of land would be at your dis
Iostal here, the raw products could Le
had iu great abundance.
An establishment here, similar to the
one at Frederick City, would lie worth a
good deal of money to you, at once, and
(the reason we write this open letter to
you) it would be a great benefit to this
particular locality.
If you will say that you will think of
it, the Journal will endeavor to still
further make the way plain. We have a
splendid country, a magnificent future,
a people who honor enterprise, energy
and native worth, and you will be a
thousand timeB welcome.
Very truly,
Columbus Journal.
A man died leaving 323,480 to his
sons aged 11,13 and 15 years, the amount
to be loaned out at 5 per cent., simple
interest, and divided equally among the
boys so that each would get the same
amount when they become of age.
Solution: I first find the number of
years before each sou will be of age;
21 1110, 21- 13-8, 21-156. Taking
31.00 for a basis in each case, I find
that 31.00 given to the 11 yr. old son at
5 per cent, for 10 yrs. will amount to
31.50, 31.00 given to tho 13 yr. old son at
5 percent, for 8 yrs. will amount to 31.40,
and S1.00 given to the 15 yr. old son at 5
per cent, for 6 yrs. will amount to 31.30.
To find the proportion in which the
money is to be divided, I find the least
common multiple of 150, 140, 130 which
is 2730. Dividing this by 150, 140 and l.'W
gives, respectively, 182, 195, 210. I then
find that the money is to lie in the same
proportion as these numbers are to each
other, that is, the sum of these (5S7) di
vided into 323,480 gives 340 as the unit
of comparison, which, multiplied by 182,
195 and 210 gives, respectively, 37270 the
share of the 11 yrs. old son; 37800 the
share of the 13 yrs. old son; 38-100 the
share of the 15 yrs. old son.
Proof : 87280 at 5 per cent, for 10 yrs.
amounts to 810920; 87800 at 5 per cent,
for 8 yrs. amounts to 310920; 38400 at 5
per cent, for 6 yrs. amounts to 810920.
Sarah J. Hall.
In Jlemorium.
Mrs. Belinda V. Davis whs lorn in the
year of our Lord, Feb. 4th, 1827, in
Frederick county. Maryland, and depart
ed this life at her home in Columbus,
Platte county, Neb., March 18th. 1888,
aged 01 years, 1 month and 4 days. She
leaves a faithful and devoted husband
and eight dutiful sons to mourn their
sad Iobs. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were mar
ried 43 years on the day her sainted
spirit left the church militant for the
church triumphant with God.
Mr. G. W. Davis with his family came
to this county from Baltimore City, Ma
ryland, 15 years ago, aud has remained
here ever since.
Sister Davis was a member of the M.
E. church in Baltimore Oily. She re
mained in the same faith until her death.
She was also a member in good standing
of Columbia Lodge Daughters of Re
becca of this city. The funeral sermon
was preached by II. L. Powers, pastor of
the M. E. church, to a large and atten
tive congregation, after which all that
remained earthy of sister Davis was
tearfully laid away to rest in the Colum
bus cemetery, H. J. Hudson and C. A.
Speice pronouncing the touching cere
monv of the Rebecca ritual. p.
Many of our county teachers have
taken a commendable interest in the
work of the Fremont exhibit; while the
display is not so large as might have
been desired, it is mostly of a high order.
We wish especially to mention the fine
drawings by the pupils of Miss Annie
Freeman, Miss Alice Kingston and Mr.
Louis Leavy. These are of a very high
degree of merit. The most notablo mat
ter in the whole exhibit is the work
from the pupils of Miss Nellie Curtis of
Loupe township. The work consists of
articles of wearing apparel, such as waist
bands, neck wear, pin cushions, etc., or
namentally and tastily finished. They
are the work of children from 9 to 11
years of age. The material is native
wool, and the whole process of manufac
ture from the fleece to the finished arti
cle is the children's work.
The San Diego (Cal.) Sun of March
15th contains the following paragraph
concerning a former citizen of Colum
bus. Herman's many friends here will
wish a long and happy life: "An agreea
ble little affair occurred on Monday
evening, March 12th, at the residence of
Henry Fierman, in the union by mar
riage of H. Schitterer and Miss Elisa
Newkom. The ceremony was performed
by Judge Boone. Subsequent to the
ceremony a quartette from the singing
section of the San Diego Turn Verein
rendered some fine German songs. Re
freshments were served. Many valuable
and useful presents were received from
the assembled friends of the bridal cou
ple, and their married life was inaugu
rated under the happiest auspices."
To the School District OMcer.
Lincoln, Neb., March 14, 1888. I
hereby call your attention to the fact
that during the severe winter of 1887
and 1888 many schools were found with
out fuel during a severe and very cold
storm. In all schools remote from town
I desire to have the school officers see
that a supply of fuel sufficient to last
during the winter term is provided and
delivered at the school-house lefore the
winter term begins.
Please call the attention of the an
nual meeting to this matter, and see that
proper provisions are made for carrying
it into effect. Very respectfully,
Geo. B. Lane, State Supt.
A. M. Turner have made arrange
ments to sell the Henry F. Miller piano,
and will guarantee it to be as well made
in every particular as any piano manu
factured, no matter of what name. Call
on or address G. W. Kibler, traveling
salesman. 33tf
To Gardeners.
We have fresh seeds of all kinds, in
bulk, oa hands to supply you with what
you may need. 45-6 OfubxchBxos.
Heavy and Shelf Hardware,
Stoves and Tinware,
Pumps, Guns and Ammunition.
The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here.
Eitabtithfit 170.
Real Estate and Insurance Agt's,
MoBfjr lo Loa on Farms at lowest rates r
vnpinr ADsim-iB 01 tuip 10 ait Kent Kstattt
Notaht Public alwavh is Okfick.
Farw Md VUj Property for Salt.
1 Maraare against tire, LurfitmnK and Tornadoes. Like
the very bet companies represented.
Stf hip Tlcki t to and from all parts in Kuroiie.
Just opened, on north side of Thirteenth Street, opposite
Oehlrieh & Bros. A complete stock of
137- IfcTets, EoToes, TXTlips, Etc.
Farm Harney always on hand at the lowest living prices. Repairing
promptly and neatly done. Call in and examine our goods
and get prices before buying elsewhere.
'-June-87-tr. T- "FK TP.TT L!U- CJQ
r L
ppppppppppppH PPPpH k
2STA11 goods guaranteed as represented. I use nothing but the verv best of
stock and employ none but the most skilled workmen. If you are in need of anv
thing in my line it will pay you to look at my goods before buying. By strict
attention to business and fair dealing I trust to merit a share or "your patronage.
STRepaikino. neatly done, on short notice, and at low Prices. Call and
see me
The Warren Live Stock Co., who
have their feeding establishment located
at Duncan, this county, recently shipped
3,000 head of fat sheep for which they
received S.'i.fiO at Chicago. They have
prospered well by locating in Platte
county and believe all the conditions
here are good. Starting in with 17,000
sheep, they yet have nearly 8,000 to dis
pose of. Last year they fattened sheep
at Wood River: with corn at an advance
over last year, they nave cleared more
than they did there, suggesting that the
corn raised here may be more nutricious
for Borne reason, or the other conditions
IHiooliition Notice.
Notice is hereby given that on this
'20th day or March, 1888, the iiriu of C.
& L. Kramer is dissolved by mutual
consent. Louis Kramer retires and
Carl Kramer will continno in the busi
ness, collecting all accounts and claims
and assuming all indebtedness.
49-2 Cam. Khameh,
Louis Kkamek.
April 1st, 1888, we close our meat
market near the inist office, supplying
onr customers from the Palace market,
Olive street, two doors north of First
National bank, as heretofore. No charge
for delivery. Thankful for past patron
age, we respectfully solicit a continuance.
1 W. T. Richly & Bko.
Repnhliean faum.
A caucus of the republicans of the
eity will be held at the Town Hall, Sat
urday evening, March 31st, at 8 o'clock,
sharp, for the purpose of nominating a
city and ward ticket and members of
the school board.
By Order of Committee.
Stork Men. Attention'.
Stock requires only so much Bait as
will lie dissolved by the saliva. By the
ordinary method of salting more or less
loose salt is carried into the stomach,
causing irritation to the coating and
often sickness. Use pure Rock salt.
It John Wiooinh.
The Silver Creek Times is now pub
lished by a company, of which Jack
Martin, formerly of this place, is presi
dent. Jack is an old-time reporter on a
daily, and will make a rustling newspa
per if the company will back him prop
erly. Look Ont!
Jacob Wagner is in -Iowa selecting a
car load of horses for this market, ex
pecting to return the last of this week.
See him befort buying.
inteivat, on short anil lon timu. In amounts to
in 1'Iatte county.
AND AratUKN r lNtU'KtXCE.- none but
Harness Depot.
If yon wish to get value received,
Opposite LindeH Hotel.
1 have constant l on hand ail .omit, from
the cheapest to the U-at, and will sell them
at lower prices llian the sriine ipiuiity of
goods can le Itonght anywhere e!hi in l'lalte
county. You can find here single and double
Carriage and Uuggy Harness. Farm Harness
light and heavy, a beautiful .stMk r Holies
and Blankets, Saddles, Bridles. Collars. Hal
ters, Whips, Sleigh Hells. Currv Combs,
lirushes. Wagon Covers and Tents. Trunks
and Valises, Huggy tops, and 111 Tact every
thing that is kept in a
Columbus, Nebraska.
Tow n Meetiiiir.
The annual Town meeting of Colum
bus township will be held at the Heed
school-house, on Tuesday, Aprif 3d, 1888,
at i o'clock a. m. A. C. Pic-Kim-,
1 Town Clerk.
A man working for Wagner ,fc
Barnes accidentally shot himself under
the left arm Monday evening, while
pulling his gun out of a wagon. Wo
did not learn his name he is a stranger.
(iarileu Seeds.
If yon want to get Tannahill's garden
seeds that will grow you can get them
at Henry Ragatz's store. I8-8t
l.'oinsc Out of Clothinir.
Cttrl Cramer k Co. otfer their entire
stock of clothing for sale or trade, at a
great sacrifice.
KCHOLS-March '2Ui,
a son.
to Mm. .1. ( Kcliolr
gushtess goitres.
Advert influents under
line ouch insertion.
thin he:ul five renin it
IJIOUkikmI yoiiuK iiretilinKxtiM-kof nil kind-.,
call fit HIiMimiiiKilalH stock farm. A. llen-
ncn, I'jnttf t;entrr r. o. Neb.
TTrT.M.SCHILTZ make boot and (.hue-, in the
Utt ntylen, and iwd only th very lt.t
stiM-k that can lie procured iu the market. .".2-tf
w Ciime ami se him, if you want ndollar'n
worth of Rood. H lelln cheaper than an
body. ,73t
POHSALK cheap and
reason of ugn of prt
on veryetiny terme. bv
irofiriflnr li, li f.....i in
Nebraska, 6W acres. Apply to P. W. Henrich.
Columbus, Neb. s.vtf
GTOIK SAI.K!-I will .ll at mj placo urn.
- mile north of Columbnn, Platte Co., Neb
on Saturday, March 21t, 1S, beKinninK at 'i
o clock p. m., dhnrp. the following described
propertv, to wit: 1 hore 7 jeam oM. I mare ."i
years old. 1 filly I year old. 1 cilt.t; milch cow
4 grade cowh. 3 hii:h-KnnIe heifer ealieH, 1 thor
oughbred bullcair.:: thoroughbred Poland-China
boars, U thoroughbred I'oland-China miu, :m
Knule how, 60 nhoati and pijr. The ho will be
cuutsified and Mild in loth to miit ptirchaner.
Term Ten dollars and under, cash; aliove that
bum, Y months' time on wood bankable iaer
ten ier cent, interest, ten jier cent, off Tor caih.
, . J. N. l'.WLOK.
Joa.N II CfcER, Auctioneer.
Clover, Timothy,
Red Top, Millet,
Hungarian and
Blue Grass Seed,
G-Oiirqnotntionaof the markets arc obtained
TuetuUy ufteruoon, anil nru correct and reliable
at the time.
orain, rrc.
Wheat to
Corn (in ear) , 35
Corn (shelled) 55
(Jats ...... ...... 24
Kye S5
flour 240S0U
Buckwheat 35giO
nax jiuu
Hutter lSttlS
Ksk lis
I 'ot utiles t)l
31 K ATS.
Hams 15
Shoulders 8Q15
Shh's 7812
Eti"K iz:4So
l'atrows r! 00t250
teeilinKteers fcjokSOO
tat tein. $3 00MOO
Iowa $500
Hani, Pennsylvania ISO!)
Hani, Colorado 1200
Kock Springs, nut IJOO
Kock Springs, lump TOO
I'arUm 6 00
Colorado H0U
Hy virtue of an order of wilti is-imsl out of th
District Court of Platte county, Nebraska, and to
me directed, 1 will on the
7xn vy or .rniL, a. d. 133,
at two o'clock, afternoon of said day, at tht
front door of the Court Houm in the city of Co
lunihiirt. Plat to county, Nebrankn. well at public
miction the followin;-dencriled iro(erty,to-wit:
Hlock eleen Ml) of Uida tillage, addition to
the city of Columliux. Platte county. Nebraska,
with a dwelliiiK-hoiiMe. thereon, and other im
provements; alxi that part of lottt Nim. seven (71
and efcht (3) in block tifty-xeven (57) in raid
city of Columlmn, to-wit:commencinKat a iKint
twenty-two feet north of the south-eant corner
of Huid lot No. S, trnid block 57, thence west
ei;ht feet, thenot north twenty-two feet, thencu
east eight feet to the eant line of said lot 8, thencn
south twenty-two feet to place of lieKinaingtupo
which in erect til a wtore building), to Batmfy n
decree of wild court iu favor of Colutnbuii Stata
Hank against William T. Kansdell and Ia'iiitf
ItaUMdell and J. D. Bent A Co. against William
T. ltnnlel! for the payment of a total auiu of
S1.1H1.W. Columbus Neb.. March 5. 18SH.
M.iHTix C. Bi.oKixm.v,
7marTit Sheriff of Platte Co. Nob.
Henry Merrell deceased. In County Court
Platte ronuty. Neb. The State of Nebraska to
the huirri and next of kin of the said Henry
Merrr 11 deoea.sed.
Take notice, that uim tiling of a written in
strument purporting to be the last will anil
testament of Henry .Merrell for probate and al
lowance, it is ordered that oaid matter be set for
hearing the 2Wh day of March, A. l., lso, before
anid County Court, at th hour of one o'clock
p. 111., at which time any permm interested may
apfiear and contest the name; and notice of thin
proceeding is ordered published three week
successively in the CoLUMBDs .fouilMAl. a weekly
newsjiaper, published in this State.
In testimony whereof, 1 havo hereunto Het my
hand and seal of the County Court, at Columbus
this 5th day of March, A. U., lsbM.
II. .1. HCDMO.v,
7mart County Judge.
- west of Omaha, at -
Tho boat manufactories of the country
represented. Not to ho undersold
by anybody. Come and see
prices at
This la the most PRACTICAL. HIGH-CUT
BHOB over Invented.
It la very GENTEEL and DRESSY andgivea
the eame protection 09 a boot or over-gattor. It Is
convenient to put on and tho top can hit adjusted to
lit uny ankle by BUnply znu In tho uuUood.
1'or bolo by
Kilii Oit. '80-tt
Furnishing Goods !
iWCall, e2Htnin(iood3 aud learn
Greisen Bros. & Co.
oi ( ri;s.
And all kinds or country produce taken in trad.
anil all ood delivered free of charted
to any part of the city.
BHflVp Mr IB
CH K. 7U.Jaa.tak.UM