-rr-rvr M Jtltoiii'j "i8iiiilMiailia'lii'''M"MMsBa C 9 It , 4 it b M r 15 'I M. gtrnvml. . Post-office. Columbus, Neb., a nail matter. IMSUED KTKUV WEDNESDAY BY It. TURNER & CO. Columbus, Nob, TEBMS OF MUUHCRIPTIOS: One year, by mall, postage prepaid,. . Hix months..... ....- Threo months, Payable in Advance. ySH?ciintn copies mailed free, on appuca tina. .2.00 . 1.UI .tt) TO 8UBSCMBEHB. When subscribers change their place of resi dence they should at onco mtify us by letter or postal card, Riving both their former and their present post-office, the tirst enabled us to readily end the name on our mailing list, from which, being in t)pe, we each week print, either on the wrapper or on the margin of jour JocHNAUthe . date to which jour aubsciiptiun is paid or ac . counted for. Jtemittancea t.hould be inado either by money-order, regiterel letter or draft, pajahle to theorderof M. K. TUBNKB A . TO CORRESPONDENTS. All communications, to secure attention, must e uccomiMinied by the full name of the writer. We reserve the right to reject any mannncnpt, and cannot agree to return Uie same. Wedeire a correspondent in eiery school-district or Matte county, one of good judgment, and re liable in eery way. Write plainly, each item boparatel. Give us facts. WEDNESDAY, MAHCHiM. 18S9. CoMMODOltE KOREKT IL HlTCHCOCK, U. S. X., died Saturday morning at New . York. The Oriental mill at Millsville, Mass., was destroyed by lire the other day. Loss 40,00O A strike was inaugurated Thursday at midnight among switchmen employed by the C. B. & Q. Teller has introduced a bill in the senate for the admission of the state of Wyoming into the union. Iowa haB declared in favor of Win. B. Allison as the unanimous choice of that state for presidential candidate. Mrs. Mat Foxdrc, known on the stage as May Campbell, was the other day ad judged insane at the Bellevue, N. Y., hospital. TnEEiipremo court and both houses of congress adjourned on the 23d inst. as a mark of respect to the memory of the chief justice Waite. Horace P. Rounds, son of the "late public printer S. P. Rounds, was, the other day at Chicago, adjudged insane and sent to the asylum. Hon. Church Howe was elected re cently vice president of the Pacific Ry. Co. in Nebraska, at a meeting of the directors held at Superior. Henry BEium, of New York, nephew of the late philanthropist of that name, was the other day chosen president of the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals. A REroRT comes from Oswego, N. Y., that a cyclone passed over a small sec tion or the county, about a mile south of Fulton the other afternoon, doing con siderable damage. A recent report from Shanghai, states the earthquake shocks in Yunnan contin ued three weeks, destroying several towns and causing much loss to shipping. At Kien-Shiew 4,000 persons were killed. A strong wind and heavy rain storm passed over the section of Pittsburg.Pa., one morning last week, doing great dnui uge to Uie telegraphic service. The poles are down in all directions and the wires are working badly. Recent dispatches from portions of Indianu, Illinois and Iowa report a drop the other day in the temperature of 'Mc to 40 , accompanied by high winds and light snow. Fears expressed that winter wheat will be seriously injured. Mrs. Leiiknechaner, of New York, came into police headquarters last Sun day and announced that she had killed two of her children and the third one was dying. She told a pitifnl story of poverty and persecution, which caused her to end the lives of her children. She used poison. The Central theater in Philadelphia, Pa., w:is totally burned on the morning of the 24th. The rear wall of the build ing fell on the Theater Comique, imi..o diately in the rear of the Central, and completely demolished that structure. A hotel and several stores and saloons adjoining were Hooded with water. The trial of the Bald Knobbers the other day at Ozark waB interrupted by the breaking down of John Matthews. He confessed to a liberal share in the Eden's Green butchery, and told his " story. He exculpates Graves. He says he was led into the thing, and wanted to confess. The state refused his offer to plead guilty in the second degree. A statement came from Bismarck, D. " T., on last Saturday that the Missouri river ice gorge at Washington hnd broke that morning, and the river was rising .rapidly at Bismarck. Everything had been placed in readiness for a flood, but no danger to life or property was an ticipated. It is said the great danger is at Sibley Island, where the most dis astrous gorges of the past have formed. Wm. Neue, alias Newell, and Louis Eddy, alias Three Fingered Jack, two noted crooks, were arrested the other day at Utica, N. Y., on suspicion. largo quantity of valuable and ancient coins of different countries, seals and jewelry was found in their possession and it is believed they have stolen a whole collection of this description. The men have recently been in Brooklyn, Cincin nati and other cities. While the Banquet theater at O'Porto was in the act of carying on a perform ance an explosion of gas occurred, the theater took fire and was destroyed. A number of lives were lost and many peo plo injured. Eighty bodies have been taken from the ruins. Most of those buried were in the third row of boxes and galleries,where whole families were suffocated. The actors escaped. Some corpses were found in the 6tage boxes. As inquest was held the other day at Macclesfield, England, on the body of Samuel Stubbs, an aged and wealthy owner of woolen mills. He started for his home, a distance of four miles, in the night during a heavy snow storm. In attempting to scale a fence on his road home he caught his foot between the top Vail and the wire and was suspended with his head in a ditch four feet deep in enow. He hung in this position for eighteen hours, during which time, in his frantic efforts to release himself, he tore away the brushwood, turf and a bank or. the ditch: Otker CoHHtrlea. In the theater calamity at Operto, Portugal, a hundred persons were killed. No reply has been made by the Bulga rian council to the porte's dispatch declaring Prince Ferdinand's position illegal. Thursday night Gen. Bragg was ban quetted at the City of Mexico by Ameri can residents. The Prussian minister of justice de nies that the conference of ministers discussed the question of a regency. Austria is looking to acquire a port in the Aegean sea. Her uany consists of 11 ironclads, 2 unarraored cruisers, 5 corvettes, 39 torpedo boats, 8 river mon itors tho same being manned by 9,1)00 men. The Russians are constructing sledges at Stanislan for the transportation of field artillerv through the buow. Nelson's flagship off Cape Trafalgar, when he encountered and leat the com bined French and Spanish fleet Oct. 21, 180f, rides at anchor in Portsmouth harbor. The situation between the central alli ance and Russia remains unchanged tip to the 24th inst. The news from Berlin states that the only alteration arises from a visit of the king of Roumania to Vienna, which has resulted in a definite treaty, under which Austria pledges her self against any violation of Roumanian territory. It is reported from London that the six days' match between cowlxjys mount ed on mustangs and bicyclists has termi nated in favor of the latter, they making 991 miles to 892 for the cowboys. Lane, of Nebraska, replaced Beardly, who was taken violently sick five hours before the finish. Advices from Geneva state that not withstanding the peaceful assurances that have been heralded from Berlin since the death of the emperor, military preparations are being pushed forward with vigor and by April Switzerland will be thoroughly prepared to defend her neutrality should it become necessary. The fortifications at Mount St Gothard are now all but completed and command not only the tunnel itself, but also the mountain passes which concentrate at that point, and which renders the posi tion the key of Switzerland on the south. The ordnance or military department bns been in readiness for monthB but the infantry have not yet been fully supplied with the improved Vetterli rifle of nine millimeters. The transformation of the guns of the eleven millimeter type into the standard is going on as rapidly as possible, however, and it is expected that the active army, if not the reserve also, will be equipped with the improved arm within a month or six weeks. The reserve has been increased under the law recently passed by the federal chambers until it now numbers nearly 100,000 men. They will not be called upon for service until hostilities actually begin if they begin at all but as each man is required to keep his uniform and equipments at his place of domicile, the rapidity of mobilization will be almost equal to that obtainable if they were regularly cantoned. The Swiss reserve will probably be of more value than that of other countries, owing to the fact that almost every member of it is also a member of one or other of the 3,000 sharp shooters' clubs of ' Switzerland, which embrace a totul membership of nearly 12.r,000 men. Home Patronage. Referring to a recent comment by the editor on the duty of citizens to patron ize home industries, a gentleman who has been a resident of Omaha twenty years, and is engaged in the manufacture of an article which enters into every day family consumption, said: "My goods are as good and cheaper than any brought here from other citieu. If I could have one fourth the trade of this city I could give employment to nfty men and as many women and children. But merchants will Bhip from Chicago and the east, and not only send money away, but actually pay more for the ar ticle. Can you tell me why they do it?" The only explanation is that "distance lends enchantment," and men are re gardless of their own interests. Take this one case. Home patronage would give employment to the heads of fifty families; add $40,000 to the retail trade of the city, and keep several times that sum of money in the city which is now sent abroad. If the board of trade would organize a bureau of home industries, whose mis sion Bhonld be to induce merchants to buy their supplies aa far as possible from manufacturers in the city, it would do a wonderful amount of good. It is useless to ask practical men to invest capital in a community that hasn't enough regard for self-interest to pat ronize home institutions when they have an opportunity to do so without loss. There are business men in Omaha who send away for more material with which to fit up their homes and establishments when every article could be had in the city at less cost; and these unpatriotic citizens themselves expect to be sustain ed by home trade. Tf the business men of this city the jobbers and retailers in all lines would adopt the policy of buying their sup plies from home manufacturers, the cap ital invested and persons employed in the industries would be more than doubled in twelve months. Omaha Republican. The supreme court of the United States at Washington decided last week three important cases. The court de cides that Bell's patent as the inventor of the speaking telephone is no fraud but genuine, and affirms it. The court also Rendered a decision in the case of Bowman Bros. vs. The Chicago & North western Railroad Co., which involves the validity of the statute of Iowa for bidding a railroad company to bring intoxicating liquors into the state, etc. The court holds that the power to regu late or forbid the sale of a commodity after it has leen brought into a state, does not include the right aud iower to prevent its introduction by transporta tion from another state. The court also rendered a decision in the case of the Western Union Telegraph Co. vs. The Attorney General of Massachusetts. This was a suit to enforce the collection of a tax levied by the authorities of the state upon the telegraph company, and for the purpose of enjoining that compa ny from operating within the limits of that state until the tax had leen paid. The court held the tax against th com pany valid and affirmed the judgment of the court below for taxes amounting to SI 0,618 to be paid by the company with interest, to the state. A report came from Calhoun, Ga., the other day of a terrible storm or cyclone that swept through Georgia and passed over east Tennessee, carrying devasta tion in its path. The residence of J. Williams, three miles east of Lenoirs, was completely swept away, and his wife carried off in the wreck and killed. The storm then crossed the timber and tore up every tree by tne roots in its track. The house of James Linginfalter was reduced to kindling wood. In it were John R. Smith, who was killed, and a little daughter of Linginfalter, who had a leg broken. Wm. King and John Gideon's dwellings were blown down. Several members of the King family were badly injured, and two of the Gideon family were so seriously injured they cannot recover. The terrible cloud in which the storm was enclosed appear ed to be in a funnel-shape, which cut a swath seventy-five yards wide through the middle of the town, taking the court house. Every building in its path was damaged or destroyed. Several others were wounded and killed. It is stated in a Times special from Chichuhua of recent date that a party of Mexican troops and Southern Pacific railway officials overtook the Stein's pass train robbers, Larry Sheehan, Dick Johnson and Dick Hart the other night. The robbers barricaded themselves in a house, compelling the family to remain with them, and stood the attacking party off for several hours, when the beseigers succeeded in getting the family out and set fire to the house. The robbers then came out and fought. All three were killed and the attacking party lost one man. Chief Justice Morrison R. Waite, of the United States supreme court, died at Washington on the morning of the 23d inst. of pneumonia, suddenly and unex pectedly. His wife was absent in Cali fornia to spend the spring months be tween Los Angeles and Santa Barbara on account of her health. She has been a partial invalid for many years and has permitted her daughter to perform all the social obligations. The death of her husband will be sad news and a terrible shock to Mrs. Waite in her present con dition of bad health. The people of Dakota approved b a vote the division of that territory and for. the admission of the southern half hs a state. Congress should not hesitate to carrv out the vote of the citizens. NEBRASKA NOTES. and twine factory at that place, with a capital of S50,000. It is 6aid tho stock is being rapidly taken and the project will be a success. The fire at Central City Friday night, consumed C. B. Salisbury's wholesale butter and egg" establishment, J. W. Reed's confectionery, tho cigar factory formerly occupied by H. Corcilins, and the wagon and blacksmith shop of J. Miller. Loss, 83,000. Mrs. Fred Raymond, of Butte City, Mont., stopping in Lincoln, waR taken down the other day with small pov. She was removed to a comfortable hospital, with her friend Mrs. Flint, of the same place to nurse her. Their husbands are evpected in a day or two. The outlook for farming this spring is good at present aud we hop, the farmers will be encouraged and make an extra effort to sacure good crops this year. Especially should care le exor cised in the selection of seed wheat. Probably all the wheat raised will le consumed in tho grist mills and quality as well as quantity is desired. Tt would be well to soak the seed wheat in a strong solution of blue vitriol to kill the smut. About one pound of vitriol will be the proportion for three bushels of wheat. Boone County Argu3. Great as were tho improvements in the north part of the county last year, yet wo confidently expect greater things for the future. The drouth of hist year seriously affected several states near us and they neither had stock to fatten nor grain to sell, and their attention will be directed to our abundant harvest, the good prices received for grain, and our evidence of easy times and general pros perity, and in their dissatisfaction they will seek for change. We have the lest shipping facilities, and that fact will un doubtedly draw the attention of manu facturies. Humphrey will boom. Inde pendent. On Friday night, March 1(5, -Fred May was run over by a passenger train at Norfolk Junction, from the effects of which he died on the morning of the 17th, four hours after he was picked up. Letters found on his person proved him to Ik) Fred Ma . The letters also indi cated that he had a wife in Omaha and a boy 7 years or age. The shoulder blade, collar bono and upper end of the humerus were broken in many fragments and the soft parts about the shoulder were almost completely pulpitied. Superintendent Philben, of Elkhorn road, telegraphed for Dr. Long, coroner, who went up Saturday noon and held an inquest. The subject of the jury's ver dict was that death was accidental and the company and the employes blame less. He was about 27 years of age and wore pretty good clothes. Chronicle. The citizens of Waterloo were wonder fully shocked and terribly excited fiver the actions and conduct of V. II. Ayles worth, whose homo is in Council Bluffs, and who appeared in Waterloo Saturday either under the influence of liquor or a crooked line in a defective brain, and without any reason whatever shot down a peacithle and quiet citizen, George W. Hill, a school teacher. After shooting Hill he took to the Main street bhootiug at everybody in sight. Marshal Cham berlain, who had made two or thieo nar row escapes from his bullets, provided himself with a shotgun at his home, le turned and found Aylesworth hiding be hind a barrel. The Marshal called to him to come out and give himself up. He refused aud was getting ready to take aim to shoot, but the old Marshal was too quick for him, lired, and ho fell with hi3 face riddled with buckshot and bullets. He ha3 a wife and five children, and his victim a wife and two children. At last accounts both the wounded men were still nlive and mav recover. the Indian Bureau thoroughly. ''Little Bill" Chandler, as the senator is some times called, is a perfect terror when ho gets started. He has a way of fortifying himself with facts that is usually fatal to his opponents. Howell. ADDITWXAL LOCAL. THE PROHIBITION CACCl'S. They Present a City Ticket-the Kirt In the Field. Editor Journal: - Enclosed please find proceedings of prohibition caucus. Tho ticket stands as follows: Mayor, E. A. Geiratd. Cleik.A. Luth. Treasurer, C. G. iiickok. Council 1st Ward, R. H. Hurd. 2d Charles Beardsley. oil .1. N. Hoater. Police Judge, S. C Gray. City Engineer, Board of Education, It. J. Stewart, O. V. Rice. City central committee, H. IX Coan chairman; A. Luth secretary; Frank Walgraf, John Drane. A. W. Snider, Ch'n, A. Luth, Sec'y. In connection with our ticket, I would say that we once more give the citizens of Columbus a chance to vote a ticket composed of men who are unflinchingly opposed to rum in any shape and there fore in favor of protecting our homes against the mi! influences created by dram-selling institutions. Friends, if it is true that fret rum is an evil, it is none the 1c.mh an evil if we as a community receive live hundred or a thousand dol lars a year license from it. The cry that high license will close up the worst dens and make the trade more respectable is not very good logic, for this reason: that the 1mv who eventually lecomes a drunkard, not once in a thousand times begins in the low dens; lesides, high license makes a monopoly of the trade, and if it were against the interest of the trade or should diminish consumption of liquor the brewers and distillers would not favor high license. Governments are instituted among men for man's pro tection, and if that theory is carried out in its laws we should lind no license for any evils. We have no right to license the vices of our people. The plea that it won't hurt j ou if yon let it alone, is not worth talking over, as every day's doings prove to the contrary. Now, friends, voto for prohibition and you vote for jour boys and girls, your wives and mothers, and your country's best interest. I believe that if every person in Columbus who thinks that liquor selling is wrong were to vote and work against it we should have a better town. A. Luth. anxious to hear about the proceedings or the canning enterprise in Columbus. If that undertaking proves to be a fail ure again we can safely say then, that the ground is too hard in Columbus for almost auy enterprise to take root "Put the iron into the fire and strike while it is hot." Tho reward is generally paid when the prize is won. W cannot ex pect any reward before the victory is established. &. District 44 and "Vicinity. A heavy sleet and snow Saturday night and Sunday has put a heavy cov ering on everything not under shelter, and at this writing, Monday, March, 26, every tree has lowed its head to the earth, in submission to its heavy mantle of ice, while sleighing is good. Tues day morning, all melting in the warm sun. Fred Stenger is preparing to make a large dam across a deep gulch as soon as the season arrives, in which to hold water for his stock. Miss Johnson, a younger sister of Tom, is expected to arrive this week from Ohio, 111., and spend the summer with Mrs. Johnson. Lydia, consort of N. E. Pomeroy, who is a brother of Mrs. J. H. Drinniu, died nnd was buried at West Jersey, 111. Next Monday is annual school meet ing day, and every voter interested in the education and welfare of the child ren should not miss the mooting in their respective districts, on that day. k. . Monroe Item. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newton have a young son. Harry Miller has leen ill with lung fever for a week but at this writing he is a little better. Mrs. Harriet Day died Saturday of last week and was buried on Tuesday following, in the Monroe cemetery. Miss Myrtle Eymnn of Fnllerton is visiting her aunt, Mrs. II. M. Waite. Mrs. West of California has recently lieen visiting friends in this vicinity. School in district 39 commenced Mon day of last week. Miss Ida Price teacher. Air. ana iurs. nam i Aiexanaer nave a young daughter. ERNST & SCHWARZ, -MANUFACTURERS AND DKALEHB IN- SUPERB LAMP FILLER AND GOAL OIL CAN COMBINED, ui.:..i. r... ,..r .. -i - -m i . i "",","' n"a nd Mmimcity. cannot b o.lIei. It embodin. th MimiilMt iriacilt in .luU.ph au.l tHkihHrHnkhlH, nil Lmbid Hll-r- - ".r!!2 i.. .:7i'i ",,n-"1iinV-J"Wiiifof oil on tha Suor. tab! x will not be without it for n- time, it co.t. It workVin itl a villi uloaions. AlMolute tt(Vtv KtiHrunttvtl. or outttule of can. Uikit oucf itmt ou large can km well am -mall one, thereby savin? the t re.,umt and anno iniMrii totL MofT -mall ran. K,ery ran ina.ttt of the very l,t tin. ami warrntt to work .11 .firtwtl J 1'all aini!erdnautietirire. iww.iunij. u "-'V--'h.HEXjIIKH amino STOVES AMD RANGES ALWAYS FOR BALE AT & HUMS to Uresbaai'g Platform. Judge Gresham is charged with being a free trader. While he wbb secretary of the treasury under President Arthur he made a speech in New York in which he discussed the tariff, and in the course of which he said: In revising our tariff laws and reduc ing customs revenues some interests should not be neglected. Indeed, pro tection to our own manufacturers and laborers can and should be afforded by taxing such imports as come into real competition and admitting others free. No one disputes that the republican party is in favor of thus affording pro. tection to our domestic industries. Reve nue laws should be enacted with refer ence to our local conditions and wants. We should legislate in the interest of our own people rather than in the in terest of mankind at large. That is good enough protection doc trine. It is, in fact, the platform of the republican party free trade for every thing not grown or manufactured in this country; protection for home manufac tures. "We should legislate in the in terest of our own people rather than in Gov. Thayer has designated April 23, '88, as Arbor Day. It is stated that Hastings has secured a $40,000 woolen mill. The merchants of South Omaha have organized a board of trade. A new 85,000 brick school building is about being completed at Rushville. J. S. Cameron will take the place on the Union Pacific formerly occupied by Mr. Kimball. The bondsmen of ex-county treasurer Lapache of Colfax county have paid up his deficit to the state. The interstate commerce commission closed its session at Lincoln Friday, and left for the east Saturday. Miss M. T. Ballantine has been confirm ed postmistress at Syracuse; C. C. Jones register of the land office, Neligh. A trio of toughs were arrested the other day at Nebraska City charged with robbing a clothing house of that city. Mrs. August Schoenbeist's residence was burned at Falls City Friday night to the ground. Loss on building and contents, $2,000. An agent of the government has clos ed up the sawmills in Cheyenne county. The wood-choppers have been slaughter ing timber on government lands. It is declared by a Logan man that mosquitoes visited that locality in Jan uary and were buzzing around in a fa miliar way at that place. John A. Casto, of Adams county, Lawrence A. Heiskell and Alfred Scott, of Lancaster county, and Harvey Brsncht, of York county, have been ad mitted to practic before the Supreme Court of this State. Jos. Shultz, living east of town, has lost fully one thousand tons of hay by high water, and many others having hay on the low ground between town and the river have lost a considerable amount. Schuyler Herald. It was reported from Central City last week that a young lady doing the do mestic work for F. M. Persingerwent in sane on the subject of religion. The ex citement during the revival held there was too much for her to stand. A secret society in Chase county stir red up great excitment by circulating the other day and obtained two hun dred signatures, praying for a relocation of the eounty seat. The present county seat, Imperial, is said to be in danger. Another case of small pox was report ed in Lincoln last Saturday, and the pa tient was removed to the pest house. It is believed that there need be no fear about the spread of the disease, as every precaution is being taken to prevent it. , . . -c t jm,mj Bwiumeu uui ui me uiuuer on The business men of Fremont decided ervation8 by white flpeculator8. Wnihiiitoii Letter. (From imr reKiitar correionlent. Senator Brown, of Georgia, refuses to march to the administrative music. He made a strong speech in the senate re cently in favor of his resolution, offered early in January, declaring it to be the imperative duty of congress to repeal the internal revenue laws at the earliest day practicable. Ho ljelieves that dav has arrived and that these laws should be wiped from the statute look at once. He believes that the money needed for the sup)ort of tho government should be raised by tariff, so adjusted as to give American capital and labor all possible incidental protection, and so that the heaviest burdens shall 1m nut upon luxuries. He is opposed to tho government run ning two tax systems, especially when one of them is as obnoxious to the peo ple as the internal revenue system is. The senator's views are directly opiiosed to those of Mr. Cleveland and the ma jority of the democratic nartv. Mr. Colquit, the junior senator from Georgia, had on the Monday previous made a speech fully indorsing the president's tariff message, but senator Brown is in the habit of making two internal revenue speeches for every tariff reform speech delivered by his colleague. The senate has produced still another aspirant for presidential honors; senator Hale, of Maine, is the latest candidate for a boom according to the gossips of the capital. The government printing office inves tigation is dragging slowly along. The most noticeable feature this week was Benedict's admission that his republican predecessor had always shown a disposi tion to adopt new methods and machin ery in mat- omce as last as tuey were approved by the trade at large. Here's a chance for the poor lobbyist to make some money. A sub-committee of the house committee on public lands are preparing a bill to declare a forfeit ure of all unearned railroad land grants. Of course the railroads will fight this bill and that means a good deal to the seedy lobbyist. The republican minority of the ways and means committee are leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to get a hearing for tho industries affected by the Mill's tariff bill, but bo far they have been fought at every turn by the demo crats both in the committee room and on the floor of the house. However, their efforts will place the responsibility for refusing a hearing where it belongs. The presidential outlook from a repub lican standpoint remains unchanged. No one candidate is going to the front very fast, although senator Sherman is said to be making rapid strides in tho south. The same thing was said of Mr. Sherman in 1880, however, and he was not nominated, and unless he shall de velop some strength elsewhere than in the south and in Ohio it is thought he is not likely to fare any better this vear. One result of his present prominence is that he is being made the target for democratic attack in and out of congress, all of which is not to his discredit. John Sherman may never be president but he will live in history as one of the greatest statesmen that the republican party has produced. Senator Chandler, chairman of the senate committee on Indian affairs, has attacked the Interior department for allowing the Chippewa Indians to be swindled out of the timber on their res- He has ItlMiiank Township. Snow and cold still lingers. Spi ing work has taken a relapse. E. M. Stickly and family removed Schuyler last week. We learn that J. C. and W. H. Swarts lev'.s horses aio hick with the distemper. We received a visit the other day from JuliuBThondelhour old-time friend who has been roughing it out west the past year; he intends to remain here this summer. L. H. Leuvy, teacher of the Academy, received at the close of his school, a handsome present from his scholors in the shape of a gold pen and holder, the present ion speech being made by C. D. Wilson, one of his pupils, to which he responded with a few choice words of thanks. GeorgoIIodel, one of Bismark's re spected citizens, received last week the sad news of his mother's death, a resi dent of Switzerland, who died at the mature age of 87 years. Mr. Hodel has the sympathy of his many friends in his bereavement, and it is to be hoped that no more such sad afflictions shall visit him again for many a year. L. H. Leavy closed another successful term in the Academy on the 23d; in the evening an exhibition was given which was highly creditable to both teacher and pupils. A large crowd was in at tendance many of them coming a great distance. A lengthy program was car ried out, in which teacher and pupils en gaged, music being furnished through out by Charles Brush, an accomplished accordeon player. Chaklks. Pa!etitip. The scarlet rash has leen quite preva lent in the neighborhood lately. Mr. Bolton has moved from the J. M. Dickinson farm to St. Edward. Mrs. Oliver Guiles and Miss Sarah De Toe visited at Palestine last week. Mr. Berlin, sr., returned home last Wednesday from Nonpareil, Box Butte Co., where he has been for the last six or seven months. A new house has been built on the Pepper place. Mr. Wilson and family are occupying their new house. Mr. W. has built a new barn also. Miss Ida Nelson, a sister-in-law of Swen Swenson, died recently. Nels S. Nelson has rented the R. B. Kerr farm at Fairview, for two years. Mr. Peter Walen has been suffering from a sovere cold. Sabbath school has been changed to half-past ten instead of half-past two as formerly. M. A. Hanchett will teach the spring term of school in district 35, Nance Co. Miss Olie Wright is teaching in the Irwin district. Mr. John Nelson returned last week from Sweden, where he has been all winter settling up his father's estate. His share was $8,000. He will build a new house as soon as possible. The weather has been very discourag ing to farmers grain cannot be got to market or sowed aud no plowing can be done, and snow or mud prevents those who have corn yet out in the field can not get it. But all are hoping for better weather. Dan. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ry virtue of two onlwn of sale itutuetl by fl. B. Sjieice, clerk of the. tlintrict court of Platte county, Nebraska, uion judgments rendered in said court in favor of Heid, Mnrdock Jc Fincher at:ninrt Edward J. Huker and Iver Johnaon. and also in fin or of Fairbanks A. Vo. against Edward. J. liakernnd Ier Johnson, 1 have levied upon the following real estate hh the property of said Edward J. Baker and Iver Johnson, to wit: Bo much of lots live, sis, seven and eight in block ei'Khtj-two. as is not included in the depot grounds or .he U. P. R. R. in the city of Colum bus; part;, of hits seven anil eight in block fifty-seven: icmniencinK at the southwest corner of lot eight, running thence eighty-eight feet north, thence eight feet eant, thence eighty-eight feet south, thence eight feet west to the point of starting; the north half of the south half of the southeast juarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty-four, township seventeen north, range one webt; lot six in block three, lot three in block tiftoen, Stevens Addition to the city of Columbus, Nebraska; lot number nine in Hol man's out-lots to the city of Columbus, Nebraska. And 1 will, on the 3I8T Day ok March, 1889, at 2 o'clock of said day, at the front door of tho court houte of said county, in Columbus, sell said real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for rash, to satisfy said orders of sale, to the amount due thereon in the aggregate, being the sum of $S,llli..VJund 81.b0 costs, and accru ing costs. M. C. Bloeuobn, Sheriff of Platte Co., Neb. Dated Columbus, Feb. 23d, 1S8H. 9feb5t LEGAL NOTICE. To all whom it may concern: The Board of Supervisor of l'latte county, in regular session March 7th, 13, declared the fol lowing Section lines opened as a public road. to wit: Commencing at east half section mound of Bee. 21, Town 17, Range t west, thence south on section line to 8. W. corner of Bee. i!7, thence east to N. E. corner of Sec. 84, thence south to H. E. corner of Sec. S4, thence east to 8. E. corner of S. V. . of Sec. 3d, all in Town 17. Range 2 west and known as the "Loupand Duncan road." Also a section line road commencing at tha H. E. corner of Sec. H2. Town 'JO, Rtnge 4 WMI and running thence due north, six miles on section lines to the county line, and known aa the "John P. Johnson road." Now all objections thereto or claims for dam ages canrett bj the location thereof, must be hied in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 7th day of May, Is, or the above roada will be established without reference thereto. By order of the Board of Supervisors. Dated Columbus, Neb., March 7, lbss. John Btacffsh. Uirmrlt County Clark. PROBATE NOTICE. The State of Nebraska, count) of Platte, ss: in the l ounty Court, in and lor saiil county. In the matter of the eMate of Thomas Edmison, deceased, late of said county. At a session of the County Court for said county, holden at the County Judgx's office in Columbus, in said county on the 23d day of March, A. D., 18s8, present, Hon. H. J. Hudson, County Judge, On reading and hling the dub verified petition of Adelia Edmison, praying that letters of administration be issued to her on the estate of said decedent. Thereupon, it is ordered that the 10th day of April, A. 1., 1888, at 10 o'clock, a. m., lie assigned for the hearing of said petition at the County Judge's oitice in Paid county. And it is further ordered, that due legal notice be. given of the pendency and hearing of said peti tion by publication in the Colcsiboi Journal for three consecutive weeks. (A true copy of the order.) Dated Columbus, Neb., March 23, 1&S8. H. J. Hudson, 2Smarlt County Judge. BAKER PERFECT STEEL BARB WIRE. i-Ifyoubnyit jongetl0(iro.Nof fence from 100 pound of wire, which no other will do.- ERNST & SCHWARZ. UT I I HI -AT- GALLEY BEOS. What better than a good warm coat for your wife or daughter? Bargains will be given for the next THIRTY DAYS, to close them out be fore invoicing. Five Hundred Suits ! Of men's, boys' and children's clothintr to dose out. On account of the open winter we will close out over 200 overcoats cheaper than ever known in Columbus. Do not fail to see Galley Bros.' bargains be fore buying. Remember these bargains will not last long, we mean to close them out, so take ad vantage of the bargains we shall offer at GALLEY BROS'. Before we invoice. NOTICE PROBATE OK WILL. William Klere, deceased. In County Court, l'latte county. Neb. The State of Nebraska to the heirs and next of kin of the said William Kleve, deceaaed: Take notice, that upon filing of a written in strument purporting to be the last will and testament of William Kleve for probate and allowance.it is ordered that said matter be set for hearing the 13th day or April. A. D.. 1888. be fore said County Court, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at which time any person interested may appear and contest the same: and notice of this proceeding is ordered published three weeks successively in the Columbus Journal, a week ly newspaper, published in this State. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the County Court, at Colum bus, this 19th day of March. A. D., 1888. H. J. Hudson, 21mar4 Couaty Judge. PROBATE NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of Andrew Stull, de ceased. Notice is hereby given, that the creditors of the said deceased will meet the executors of said es tate, before me. County Judge of Platte county. Nebraska, at the Connty Court Room in said connty, on the 7th day of Jnne, 1888, on the 2d day of August. 1388, and on the 11th day of Oc tober, 1888, at 10 o'clock a. m. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for the executors to settle said es tate, from the 11th day of April. 1888. Dated Mnrch 16th, A. D.. 1888. H.J. Hudson, 21marlt County Judge. 34tf HEHR7 .-1JT: I CD, Have a Fine Line of Staple anil Fancy GROCERIES, Crtcktry and Glassware, Which were bought cheap for cash, and will bs sold at very low prices. Eleventh Street, Columbus, Nebraska. DOVl0.tf McKINLEY & CARNAHAN, MMwmm mmMMB&rjKi i. r thn large par ... ' I 4k. :.t. c n..u. J . i. rn. I l.of mV thit tliAv wnnld form 1 stock nnion d loitw m !. .mkUt '. a when found he was etui aiive out in a l "" iuwwo-.. " . . u-. . . W- 7- C -,7 1 7 ""Sr", u- u Ti. D?wicv'- lV " !Tafterward expired. ha BtDublican. company for eatabliahinjc a hemp mill tary Vila which is likely to waken up .tew honra afterward expired. Duncan. Spring opens very slowly. Farmers have had no chance to do any seeding yet, and the work will have to be done on the "doable quick." Hon. G. C. Barnum will break 100 acres of land on the bluffs north of this town thiB season. The young folks had a social gather ing at William Ernst's Saturday night. Several parties talk of setting out grape vines by the hundred this spring; why not? It improves the value of the farm and a glass of pure wine is also acceptable. Mr. W. H. Hess, grain dealer, has sold his elevator to the Warren Live Stock Co., who have immense feeding yards at this point. Mr. Hess will probably go to California soon. NOTICE. In the county court of Platte county, Nebraska. in the matter of the estate of Andrew F. An dersen, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the estate of Andrew F. Andersen, deceased, that Clark H. Blecher, the administrator of said estate, baa made application to said connty court to have the time for paying the debts of said estate extended to the first day of Angntt, 1888. Said matter will be heard before the Judge of said connty court at his office in Columbus, Nebraska, on the 7th day of April, 1888, at 11 o'clock a. m., when and where ail persons desir ing to oppose may appear and be heard. H. J. Hudson, County Judge. Columbus, Neb., March 8, 1888. llmarSt COMBINATION SALE OF 50 : STALLIONS AT AUOTIOjr, ON THUEBDAY, APBIL 5, 1888. FREMONT, NEBRASKA, COLUMBUS, NEB. Money to loan on improved farms in this and adjoining counties, at current rates. We are prepared to close loans promptly, in all cases where title and security are satisfactory. Office up-stairs in Henry Building, corner of Olive and Eleventh streets. jmyimtr :r:e SPEICE & NOKTH, General Agents for the sale of m. Union Pacific and Midland t'acihe K. It. Lands for sale at or on nve or ten years time, in annual payments to suit purchasers. from ii.OO to 10.00 per acra for cmsh . We hava also a large and choice lot or oilier lanus. iinprovwi una uniinprotea, ior sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Also Duainers ana resiueucv loio mine ciiy. no ep a complete aDarratl OI t Platte County. title to all real vstat in COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA. o2t Consisting of Imported and Grade Percheront Clydesdales ana uieveiana nays, anil the Mtanu ardbread Stallion C. C, also 100 OREGON HORSES. Anyone wishing information in regard to the Percherons or C. C. will please address ths Ore gon Horse & Land Co.. Fremont, and for infor mation regarding the Cldea and Cleveland Bays, they will please address J. P. Mallon, Fremont. Nebraska. Twelve months time will be given on Percher ons, C. C. and Oregon Horses, at 8 per cent, in terest, or 5 per cent, discount for cash. On Clydea and Cleveland Bays, one and two years time will bs given at 8 par Cent, interest, or S par cent, discount for cash. Bale to commenca at 'i o'clock p. m. Oixoon Horsk A Lajjd Co. JAJDW r. 2IAIXOX. The people of this neighborhood arw'L.M. Woods. Anctiontar. lp W. T. RICKLY& BRO. Wholesale ami Ketail Dealers in tiaxie, Peilti) , aid Fresh Fish. All Hilda f Saasage a Specialty; GaTCah paid for Hides, Pelts. Tallow. Highest market price paid for fat cattls. Oliv. Strt, acood door aoith of First national Bank. -tt r i X v V a V.V