irftittrfriis gmtmal Entered at the Post-office, Colnmbns, Neb., aa second-class mail matter. ISSUED EVEBY WEDNESDAY BY M. K. TURNER & CO., Columbus, Neb. TEKM3 OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year, by mall, postage prepaid,. Biz months. Three months ...$2.00 ... 1.00 ... .50 Paj able in Advance. J-Spocimen copies mailed free, on applica tion. TO 3UBSCBIBEBS. When subscribers change their place of resi dence tbey bhonld at once notify us by letter or postal card, giving both their former and their present post-office, the first enables ns to readily find the name on onr mailing list, from which, being in tyie, we each week print, either ou the wrapper or on the margin of your JoUBSAI., the date to -which your subscription it paid or ac counted for. lteniittances fchould be inade cither by money-order, regibUred letter or draft, payable to the order of 1 M. K. Tubneb & Co. TO COBBESPOXDEXTS. All communications, to becure attention, must I. acc4iminied by the full name of the writer. We reserve the right to reject any manuscript, and cannot agree to return the same. Wo desire a correspondent in every tchool-distnct of Platte county, one of cood judgment, and re liable in every way. Write plainly, each item separately. Give ns facts. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4. 1S8. The national prohibition convention will be held at Indianapolis. June 6, 1888. The Manchester Courier says that Lord Stanley of Preston, has accepted the governor generalship ot Canada. A violent wind storm visited Freder ick, McL, the other morning, unroofing many houses and uprooting many trees. A keport comes from Dublin that warrants have been issued for the arrest of Mr. Crosbie, editor of the Cork Ex aminer, a liberal journal. If free trade is right, in principle, let us have it in fact, and do with the gen eral government as we do with our state governments, support it by direct taxa tion. Henri- Wise, a farmer, was found the other day frozen to death ten miles from Austin, Tex. This is the first death by freezing that ever occurred in that region. New post offices have been established at Halsay aud Linscott, Blaine county, and Thedford, Thomas county, with K. A. Emery, C. J. Lovo and W. W. Cowlos respectively, postmasters. A fierce hurricane from the west, ac companied by a severe snow storm the other night, prevailed over the whole of Greece. Twenty-live vessals were driven ashore and wrecked in the gulf of Patros. Pensions have been granted to Davis Fouts, at Blue Springs; John Johnson, Omaha and Winnebago agency, Dakota; Isaac L. Taylor, Newcastle; Lott Fil more, Calamussia and Hilton Dirnal, Galena. A protective tariff tends to the de velopment of our own natural resourc es; builds up homo markets always the best by bringing the factory with its employes and their families,nenr the raw product. ' Gov. John S. MARMADUKEof Jefferson City, died at the Missouri exeutive mansion ou the night of Dec. 28th. He had not been well since the adjourn ment of the extra session of the legisla ture last summer. The colored people of the south since the war, have given evidence of unusual progress in Georgia, South Carolina and Louisiana as shown by late statistics, which proves that they pay taxes on 48,000,000 worth of property. At London telegrams from Riveira say that the heaviest enow storm on record in that region w:is raging on the 28th ulL, and that the weather was un precedently cold. Dispatches from Spain report the snow two feet deep and railroads blockaded. At Oil City, Penn., the other night a mixed train on the Pittsburg & Western road went through a trestle into a gully eighty feet deep. The wreck took fire from the stoves and was consumed. All the passengers escaped, but six were seriously, perhaps fatally injured. GaudilIiA, a small port of Porti Bico suffered from a high wave recently caus ed by a norther. Fifty-three houses were swept away. The wave destroyed the solid masonry of the cemetery, and eleven bodies washed out to sea and lost. Manv vessels were storm-bound. TnE attorney general of the state, in his investigation of the questions sub mitted to him relative to the law in counties under township organization governing the collection of taxes, has discovered the fact that chapter 67, as printed in the session of 1887, never fassed the senate, and is therefore no aw at all. Advices from Massowah of a recent date state that King John, of Abyssinia, is advancing upon the place by rapid stages. He has under his command three' bodies of troops. The first col umn is marching via Antalo and Algrab, the second via Adowab, while the route of the third column, which is composed of Thoans, is unknown. Norman Coon, a farmer living three miles northwest of Weeping Water, was crossing the track near his home;, a freight train struck him killing both horses and breaking his leg. He was watching for the passenger train from the south, as it was time for it, and fail ed to observe the freight train. It is feared that he has been injured intern ally. The cold wave extended over a vast territory last week. It visited Daven port, la., Milwaukee, Wis., Minneapolis, Minn., La., Cross, Wis., Dubuque, Ia Winona, Minn., Oshkosh, Wis., Spring field, Dl., Marsballtown, la., Cedar Rapids, la., and Sioux City, as well as a great many other places had to submit to the storm and jack frost. At a majority of the places visited on the night of the 28th ult, the mercury dropped to seven teen and in some cases to twenty de grees below zero. A terrible collision and wreck oc curred on a passenger train on the New Yorlr Pennsylvania & Ohio railroad run into a double header freight train near Meadville, Pa., on the morning of the 31st ult, and was totally wrecked. It is reported as many as forty persons were killed, and a large number fatally and many .others seriously wounded. Both . trains it is said, present a horrible scene o! destruction, as the fast express was Tplring up lost time. The blame is charged to the engineer and conductor of the freight train, who were running on express time. Organize. . With the prospect of an adjustment by congress of the matters of difference be tween the Union Pacific railroad and the government, ensuring, as we have good reason to believe it will, the con struction early in the spring, of several branch lines, already contemplated, in two of which at least the city of .Colnm bns has a decided interest, it certainly behooves the business men and property owners of our city to be up and moving in the matter of placing themselves in a proper position to take advantage of nn opportunity that will surely be offered to start the county seat of Platte county on the road to prosperity, but failing to seize and utilize jt, may keep it lagging in the back ground where it has too long been as compared with the progress made by many other points not nearly so centrally located and with fewer nat ural business advantages. We have quite recently had good strong words of encouragement that bright prospects await our city in the near future, and a well-grounded faith that its hopes and expectations will le fully realized. There is every incentive for our jieople to rouse from their "Rip Van Winkle" sleep bury beyond the possibility of a resurrection petty local jealousies and cast to the dogs useless und nonsensical prejudices, the indulgence in which can only have the bad effect of retarding the inauguration of much needed and prob able enterprises. We have but one suggestion to make at this time, and that is the. speedy and complete organization of a business men's club, to secure the location of manufactures and other business enter prises in our midst. Thousands of dol lars of capital will be seeking investment in different parts of Nebraska the com ing season. There is no other interior city in the state possessing better nat ural business facilities than the city of Columbus, and not one that so little of which is known to outsiders. It needs but organization and united and intelli gent action, to bring to Columbus a boom that will come to stay. Again, we say organize and do it at once. It will pay and pay big. r. u. p. Thayer's Protect. A great deal has been written against John M. Thayer because of a letter ad dressed recently to Senators Manderson and Paddock against the confirmation of Lamar. Mr. Thayer, by reason of his having been elected to the governor ship of the state, has lost none of his rights as aitizen of the United States, and it is as a citizen that he writes. It is little wonder that a man who served as a soldier to put down a mean re bellion, of which Lamar was a part and for which he shows no 6ign of regret, should make strong objection. Here is the letter, and readers of the Journal can judgo of its appropriateness: As a citizen of the United States, and as a republican, I respectfully but most errnestly protest against the confirma tion of L. Q. C. Lamar as a justice of the supreme court of the United States. He was a bold and defiant advocate of the dissolution of the Union in 18C0-'l ; he was in heart and principle just as much a traitor as Jeff. Davis; he has never re canted his treasonable sentiment. A man with such a record should never be placed on the bench of the supreme court of the United States by the votes of republican senators. He is not a fit person to interpret the constitution of the United States. Very truly yours, John M. Thayer. "We want more foreign imports bo "that there may be more competition in "our markets, to regulate the prices of "articles of use, necessity, luxury," says an assailant of the protective tariff. The truth is, the sharp competition that al ready exists in this country between rival manufacturies, producers and mer chants has the effect of regulating prices and keeping them down, as is abundant ly demonstrated by the fact that the cost of living, housekeeping and of carrying on almost any business is lower now than ever before, and lower than in any free trade country in the world. Introduce foreign competition to the extent the free traders propose, and you would ruin almost every manufac turer in the United States, and, as a re sult, impoverish the working classes by destroying their means of earning a living. Do we want that kind of 'compe tition a kind that would swamp our prosperity, drain our resources of wealth? and pauperize our population? Ex. President Cleveland's choice, among all the great lawyers of this land, for one of the highest, most honorable posi tions in the government, a member of the supreme court, which has in its sacred charge the foundations of the government is one Lamar,. who in the U. S. senate in 1879, long after the war, uttered the following sentiments, touch ing the unrepentant rebel, who engi neered the lost cause: "Jefferson Davis stands in precisely the same position I stand in. The only difference between myself and Jefferson Davis is that his exalted char acter, his pre-eminent talents, his well established reputation as a statesman, as a patriot and as a soldier, enable him to take a lead in the cause to which I consecrated myself. His same will continue to be honored for his par ticipation in that great movement" Protection is a necessity to all the people of this country. To just the ex tent that wages are taken 'from the workingmen of this country the home market for the products of the farm is affected. The question is not altogether one of price. We now manufacture in this country an average of $7,000,000,000 worth of commodities, and pay the la boring people each year, who are directly employed in making them, 81,500,000,000. We want to keep that work and that money at home. Protection will do it Free trade will give it to England. That iswhy the Cobden club put their money into American politics, and why the press of Great Britain approve of the message of Mr. Cleveland. Omaha Re publican. Mrs. Taylor, wife, of Congressman Ezra Taylor of Ohio, was stricken down in Washington Dec 29th, about noon, with apoplexy, and without regaining consciousness, died at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. Taylor was about fifty-five years old and Mr. Taylor's second wife, whom she married about six weeks ago. Later news from Fort Worth report eight men frozen to death at Pan Handle city, Clarion Co., Tex during the recent cold spell. Great scarcity of wood is reported from theTan Handle counties and much suffering has been occasioned y tk severe neither. A Christmas presidential ticket was announced by the St Louis Globe Democrat. We second the motion. For president James G. Blaine, of Maine; for vice president John M. Thayer, of Nebraska. Remarks are out of place. At Boulder, Col., the other "evening, Isadora Pierce, a store keeper, shot his wife twice in the presence of his four children, and then killed himself. The wife is not fatally wounded. Jealousy was the cause. John M. Browx, for many years jour nal clerk of the house of represents; lives, died at Washington Dec. 24th, OT, aged 71. He was appointed clerk thro' the influence of President Lincoln. NEBRASKA NOTES. Martin Haley, of Albion, will soon be tried for the murder of John Sayere, Oc tober last Judge Tiffany will preside. The defence will be insanity. The new Masonic temple at Hastings was 'dedicated with appropriate cere monies in the presence of five hundred invited guests on the night of the 27th ult. Hans Henning, another small boy twelve years old at Fremont, the other day did not know it was loaded and fired a' revolver bullet through his left hand. The colored people of Nebraska City, on the evening of the 26th ult., gave a grand Christinas ball. Grand music was furnished by the Clarinda, Iowa, or chestra. A magnificent opossum supper was served at 12 o'clock. Commissioner Lawes introduced a resolution the other day at Lincoln be fore the board of transportation abolish ing all railroad passes, except to actual employes on the pay roll, and reducing passenger fare to two cents a mile. A large and ferocious panther was re ported last week to be prowling about not far from Nebraska City in the woods near Dunbar. When seen last it was dragging the body of a calf. A large party of citizens are reported to be out hunting for the animal. Railroad service in Nebraska has re cently been established from Omaha, via Irvington, to Arlington, Nebraska, Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad, 27.69 miles and back, six times a week, or as much oftener as trains may run; from Jan. 16, 1888. The Masonic temple craft of Fremont has been organized by the election of officers and directors. L. M. Keene, president; A. Trusedell, vice president; W. D. Thomas, treasurer; Robert Kittle, W. H. Munger, Wm. Friend. All named have been elected directors. O. B. Hazen shot a young Canada lynx while hunting along the Elkhorn yester day. The animal was crouched in a tree and Mr. Hazen put a load of quail shot into his neck aud brought the prize in to Mr. Sessions. This is the first one of this species that is known to have been killed in this section. Norfolk News. Frank Harry, a farmer arrested the other night at David City, for drunken ness, attempted to hang himBelf with a rope made with the pieces of a blanket taken from his bunk. He was found by the marshal and promptly cut down; he will probably recover although nearly dead at the time. Mrs. Henry Groteluschen, and her in fant child, of Wilson precinct, died one day last week. Mr. Groteluschen is one of the oldest residents of that precinct She leaves besides her huBband five small children to mourn her loss. The bereaved family have the heartfelt sym pathy of their friends and neighbors. Schuyler Herald. The Union Pacific has answered iu the Lisco case, denying that they discrimin ate against him in the shipment of hay, straw, etc., and charging Lisco with using double bills of lading, each of different weight, the bill for the lesser weight used in paying freight, the great er used in selling goods, all for the pur pose of defrauding respondents. Judge Brady has decided the case of H. F. Cook vs. the city of Beatrice, to re strain the issuing of $50,000 bonds to the Rock Island railroad company by giving a judgment prepetually enjoining the city from issuing bonds. The non compliance with the provisions of the law in voting the bonds in making pro vision for the payment of the principal debt by them created was the ground on which the court decided the case. A report has been given to the public from Crawford, that William Stance, sergeant in the 9th U. S. cavalry, was shot dead from ambush on the night of the 25th ult, while on his way from Crawford to Ft Robison. Ab he was a very strict disciplinarian it is believed he was killed by one of his men. He Btood high in the esteem of his superiors, and wore a medal awarded by congress for bravery in rescuing children from the Indians. The police of Omaha the other day ar rested L. W. Hill, James McKenzie and Anna Elizabeth, a colored woman, who have been running a shanty on the cor ner of 16th and Nicholas streets, where some of the party have been engaged in making counterfeit money. The officers found a quantity of copper and zinc, a lot of very poorly executed counterfeits of silver halves, and a set of moulds for casting quarters. All three plead not guilty and were remanded for trial. The snow plow on the engine was smashed the other morning, and with two or three cars of another train were thrown from the track on the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley road near the Union Pacific crossing four miles west of Fremont, but no one was seri ously injured, although two or three persons received severe bruises, one of them was the landlord of the Delevan house at Linwood, who received a se vere out on the head. The thoughts of the approach ot Christmas so excited a colored tough of Lincoln by the name of Botts, that he attempted to runfthetown without leave or law, commicted several outrages and unlawful acts, though when officer Hud son attempted to arrest him he found him armed with a razor and revolver but demanded his surrender which he refused and commenced his resistance, which the officer promptly met and with his first shot killed Botts. The law justified the act of the officer and every body approved it A snow storm at St Paul, Minn., on the 30th nit, and moving eastward fifty miles an hour, and the indication officer prediate that the now belt will extend from Calgary, N. W. T., to St. Louis and from there will reach the Ohio valley, and will be felt in the extreme east Heavy snow is indicated for Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas, Ne braska, Illinois, northern Indiana and Ohio. At this point in Nebraska, the wind part of the storm was not so very fierce, but passed by fast enough to be healthy, and loft a nice snow behind it, which will aid in developing good crops again next year. With this week the administration of the affairs of the county passes into new hands, in part, and as the new officials will receive the watchful attention of the voters, and their future official life will depend largely on their record, it is certainly proper and right that they know upon what foundation they are building. Much of future trouble or annoyance may be avoided by a thorough and careful examination of the books by a competent and honest acconutant If the books are all right it hurts no one,and if they are not all right-the county ought to know it. It might be said that the board of, supervisors con attend to that without extra expense to the county, but they are not competent nor can they give it the time and attention that the subject would demand. Let us have a complete overhauling of the county books, and a published statement that will be explicit enough that the common people will understand the financial condition of our county. Humphrey Independent It la Trying Hard To Winter Over. What has become of the lawsuit car ried on by the Nebraska attorney gen eral against certain railroads, decided in favor of the state and its "transporta tion committee?" Have the railroads obeyed, or will further proceedings be fore the courts be required. The com mission ought to keep the people posted in regard to this matter, concerning the whole people's interest. Grand Island Independent. Factories. Wholesale limine, etc. Mr. Editor: I wish to urge upon the live citizens of Columbus to weigh well the advantages certainly to be derived by acting, and promptly too, upon the suggestions that naturally arise from our general situation. The argument that Columbus posses ses unrivaled natural facilities for the location of manufactures, wholesale houses and other business enterprises, is beyond contravention. Centrally sit uated, with railroad lines now in opera tion and others which will be construct ed during the present year, reaching in all directions, it can be made by united and organized action upon the part of its people, and in a proper direction, one of the best commercial distributing points in the state, and without doubt far superior to several others that might be named, which by the energetic ami liberal action of their citizens, do now aud have for tome time, with but com paratively slight natural advantages en joyed a distinction of no mean propor tions as commercial centres. But these things cannot bo accomplished by the business men and property owners of this city lying supinely upon their back and lugging the hope that capital u ill seek investment here, unless effort is made and inducements offered in that direction. Wake up, now is the time to act, and act vigorously. Then aud Now. Home, December 29, 1887. Tilings have changed materially in these parts since last I wrote you about three years ago. Then a farmer could make fair wages in hauling his corn and produce to market. I rememler one man who in coming to Genoa, on ques tioning a farmer in regard to what he received for his corn, amounting to nlout $4.50 to $5, concluded that he would buy a mule team and go right into freighting corn, but when he discovered that the farmer had to furnish his own freight, he wisely concluded to give up the idea of investing in a mule team. But now a great change has taken place; on meeting a farmer in the streets of Genoa he is full of life and laughs from ear to ear; only think for instance, of the four to five dollars for his load of corn; it usually runs up to $15 to $18 and mark the result: new houses and commodious barns are being erected throughout the surrounding country. Among those who have made substantial and costly improvements I am pleased to mention the name of Mr. Samuel C. Terry, formerly a Marylander. About ten years ago he located on an 80 acre farm eight miles northeast of Genoa, in Platte county, and by hard work and continued industry he has added two or three 80's to his first. Beginning with the inevitable dug-out of the early set tler, he has gradually improved his sur roundings so that at the present time a $1200 cottage succeeds the dug-out, a $100 barn and a fine wind-mill .with other out-houses corresponding. In ad dition to all this, you will see a large pasture enclosed with a good substantial fence, while indeed his whole farm pre sents the appearance of thrift and enter prise. This is only one instance of success and is given to satisfy many of those who are almost but not altogether persuaded in their own' mind to give Nebraska a trial. We say, come right along and yon can do likewise. Uncle John. Correspondence from Gibbon, Neb. I want to thank you for the interest ing war story. It gives the children a vivid picture of war times, and ought to help them to be thankful for the liber ties and blessings they enjoy in this goodly land, now happily reunited un der one banner. While there were doubtless many good and conscientious men on the side of the rebellion Stone wall Jackson's, Lee's, Lamar's it is very hard to understand how they could ever be willing to lift up arms against the most benevolent government in the world. What would be the condition of America if each state could be inde pendent? Look at Continental Europe. Arbitrary lines are drawn between French and German territory, between German and Russian, between Swiss and German, between German and Dan ish, between Danish and Dutch. Yon shall find a piece of timber through which stones are placed at intervals marking the boundary of two govern ments that are deadly enemies. Watch men are placed on both aides all along the line. It is fortified by fortifications. The movements of the armies along the i line Jire JKUUUOXJ1 WBWIieu UJ nr;UKjCU I HA14S..i,a .inji uiataamon fin, ulna gathers a few more soldiers along the line and directly the other side wants 'to know what that means. Common sense seems to have almost nothing to do with the governing of Europeans. Hun dreds of millions of dollars arc spent to keep 'up the vast array of armies. All Europe ia one vast military camp, and all because the territory is divided among a dozen different governments, instead of having oue all-European gov ernment! State rights! with a venge ance! This is the state of things which must result from the damnable state rights doctrine in America. How could wise and good men ever entertain such a doctrine? This region is prospering. Corn is worth -10 cents. Hay four dollars. Thous ands of sheep and cattle are being win tered here. People who are not satis fied with this region, .especially the Platte and Loup vallies, do not know what they want. It must Beem plain to thinking men, who have seen something of the world, that it is useless fo leave here and go elsewhere expecting to find something better. The best soil, a healthful climate, a market east aud west, plenty of grain, enormous quanti ties of jjrasa and hay, school-houses in abundance, colleges, universities.chnrch es of all shades, newspapers, libraries, railroads, growing cities :dl that heart could wish. -And still not satisfied! Well, many people do have queer no tions. Some very intelligent people seem to ua to act very unwisely. It must be intelligent people who livejin the great cities and build houses ten or twelve stories high; and yet it seems to me you could not hire me for any amount or monqy to live in the tenth story. Think of lire! Or a child falling down the stairs, or nn elevator hole, or out of a window! This whole question of "rapid transit," elevated railroads, tunnels, etc., loolcs to us very absurd. Why be in such a hurry? There's plen ty of time to get to the grave. There's plenty of room in the world; why pile one city on top of another? So with the shortening or time to San Francisco. What difference if you don't get thereto qnick? What difference does 24 hours make? Why not go slow and safe? Hurry, hurry, hurry, this seems to be the craze now. Better stop that hurry. Better sit down and think a little. The race is not always to the swift. Stop and think of your real self, whence do you come, whither are you going, what does it all mean this human life? Stop, I say, and think. Twill do you more real good, than this mad hurrying. Set tle down upon a solid basis of existence, one that will last, one that will give gen eral satisfaction. Not all gold that glitters. Bo sure you find true gold. Gold, tried in tho fire of human exist ence. Lei others run after the mica and Itra.b. Stick ou to the true gold! C. G. A. ni'LLiioitT. Southern Frcteetlonlht- Aroused. A correspondent of the New York Herald, writing from Birmingham, Ala., who has been interviewing the mo-it prominent manufacturers in Alabama, gives the result thus: Summed up, the opinion of leading manufacturers here is that the message will defeat the democratic party next year, and will also have the effect of stopping further investments in manu facturing until there is' a new Adminis tration. The South will no longer be solidly democratic, the manufacturers say. This is undoubtedly a fair summary of the sentiment of a large and influen tial class in every Southern ctate. The Atlanta Constitution, the leading jour nal in Georgia, says the President dis cusses the tariff question from the standpoint of W. R. Morrison, of Dlin ois, who as the Constitution remarks, "waB left, at home by his esteemed con stituents on account of his extreme views." Another well known Georgia newspa per, the Augusta Chronicle, has this to say alxrfit the President's altitude to ward the industries of the country: Candor compels us to say that his views on the internal revenue system and the tariff will not strengthen our caitBe in the Presidential election in the states of New York, Connecticut, New Jersey and Virginia. The Birmingham Age, one of the most able and conspicuous journals of Ala bama, in speaking of the injury which the President's utterances have inflicted on the democratic cause, says the repub licans in the presidential canvass next year will disregard the negro alliance in Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama, and, in the states named, "strike out to capture the white vote pronouncedly opposed to the president's theories." The Age adds that ''the democratic masses of the Union will lOj'IIUlulO JWI. uraicuuiuo iiha;iivd. The Herald, another prominent demo cratic newspaper of Birmingham, be lieves that the republicans will choose the next president, and takes this lugu brious view of democratic chances: We feel that the president hits made a serious blunder and has struck a severe blow at the fine prospects of the democratic party and his own chances for re-election. If he be nominated on such a platform as his message indi cates he can not be re-elected. We fear that he has thrown the democratic fat into the fire. The Nashville American, one of the leading journals of Tennessee, also strongly condemns the president's views. The same paper calls attention to the well-known fact that the revenues from wool and woolen goods were greater in the two or three years following 1883 than they were in the same length of time immediately preceding that date, although duties on most of the articles of that class were reduced in 1883. The American, in referring to this fact, says truthfully that a "reduction of the tariff does not necessarily reduce the revenue," and adds that "the reduction of the tariff, unless done by experts, is more likely to increase than diminish the revenue." This is the response of the protection ist democratic newspapers of the South to the free-trade policy outlined by the president Even more vigorous atad im pressive is the response which the peo ple ot Virginia, through their legisla ture, have just made. The lower branch of that body calls on the congressional, delegation from Virginia to vote for the repeal of the internal revenue taxes. This would mean that the tariff should be left practically untonched. The sen- ...i: "C r"lT.nlol'o tliinui timent, indeed, was so overwhelmingly opposed to the free-trade programme of j the president, the secretary of the trass-1 ury and the speaker that only one of tha uiw;-uud momumoui tun , nj,uua wg- lslature who voted on that question voted to sustain the policy of the preei- dent and the dominant faction of his party. Globe-Democrat (Educational! Beparfitnt er wanted. The recent death of Dr. Mark Hop kins recalls, to many of us, memories ot President Garfield, who said that he owed the impulse of his life to the teaching of that venerable man. I think it was he who said, that worth more than all the noble college build ings in the conntry, would bo a plain wooden, bench with Mark Hopkins at one end of it if he could sit at the other. I have always since thought of that ideal wooden bench when I have been shown fine school build ings adorned with pictures and statues and furnished with every modern con venience. Are we not sometimes in danger of forgetting, in onr desire for fine school houses, the fact that, after all, it is the teachers inside of the buildings and not the buildings themselves that make the school? Emerson says somewhere, that it does not make so much differ ence what a child learns, as of whom he learns it. This is only his way of stating the truth, that it is the person ality of the teacher that will make its mark on the child's mind. After all the lessons have beeu recited and the school doors have been left for the last time, the effect that remains, the last result which the pupil holds over from his school, will be the view of life, the way of thinking, that he has gained from his teachers. That is the one permanent thing,aftor all. This is only another way of say ing that the end of all true teaching is the training of the mind, and not the acquisition of fact. If it were the lat ter the man who knew the most would be the best teacher. But how often the only memory which a man retains of his school-days under one of these wise men, is that of painful effort to memorize certain facts, or that of tricks playetl to -deceive; and all this finally fades out, leaving noth ing as a residuum. But with the other kind of a teacher an ineffaceable mark has beeu left on the character of the pupil. Xo matter how wise he may grow, till he may have far outstripped hib old instructor iu many departments of knowledge, he is always forced to recognize with a tender grateful thought, the touch of the creative huud which shaped his boyish thinking the inflexible will which went down before no obstacle, but bent like a swaying reed before any question of justice and right; the reverent search for truth, the whole truth and nothing but tiie truth; which led the way even iu a simple arithmeti cal example; the undoubtiug faith and trust to which every'lesson in natural science led up; the patient repetitions, the glad welcomings of the success of the student. It is not the Bible reading iu the morning that he remembers now. It ia the way iu which the reading was done, and, more than all, it is the daily life going in aud out among the children that he remem hers, und lor which he is grateful. Such are the feelings with which the pupils of Mark Hopkins thought and think of him. Such are the feelings with which the real creative teacher is sure to be looked back upon by those who were his pupils. A teacher is an in the highest sense. And far more fortunate is he than all other artists in the material with which he works. The Greek sculptor might embody his highest idea of grandeur in marble, and the Roman conquerors dash itto pieces,'or, at any rate what the Romans spared, Time will not spare. The painter may put his noblest thoughts on canvas, and hang the picture in the holiest place behind and above the altar in the most sacred building, it may be safe from invaders, but the smoke from the very incense and candles which are burned before it will throw a veil ovei its beauty, and it will fade and grow indistinct as the years go by. The poet's words are liable to be destroyed. Only the teacher works on indestruct ible malerial.His carving cannot be sub ject to decay; the picture that he paints no smoke nor dust can injure; the poems that he writes sing on forever, not only in the hearts that he has di rectly spoken to. but in thousands ol others that he will never know. He only may work out of reach of dis couragement and fear' high above all anxiety and foreboding. If is only in measure as the sculptor, painter, poet are teachers, that they may hope to share his immunity from loss. To be a real teacher is to sow imper ishable seed on the ground that is quick with life, and under the sunlight and rain that never fail. And the fruit is abundant a thousand fold. When such a teacher as Mark Hop kins dies, or when one of his grateful pupils dies: then we recognize the truth of these words. It is not only and it is not first of all college gradu ates that we want for teachers in oui public schools: it is real men and women that we want, first of all; true men and women, who shall influence by their character, and whose silent teaching of Truth; Honor, Sincerity and Earnestness, shall inevitably build up citizens for the Republic and maka fast and sura the foundations of the rapidly growing nation. When will onr Normal Schools teach this lesson above all to those who are to go forth from them? When will colleges have a course on humility for the graduating class among all other courses of study, so that the graduates shall lay their -hands to the work of teaching in a reverent spirit of conse cration? Those of ns who never knew Dr. Arnold in life count him as one of onr benefactors. We who never saw the face of Mark Hopkins, yet have heard his voice for tho voice of the real teacher " goes out to the ends of the earth " quickening and vivifying hearts that he never knew, and lifting up hands that never touched his own. The plain wooden bench on one end oi which he sat, reaches far away be yond his horizon, and has room for thousands of listeners and learners. And there ia always room and always there ara teachers wanted at the other .-XXa C. Bbacuxt. ERNST & -MANUVAGTU1UJUSANDDBALEU8LX- '$ ? .LBtLv WW ytW--f. A0 AF sm. BtfHHabHajtHBaaivx SUPERB LAMP FILLER AND COAL OIL CAN COMBINED, Which for mM . convenience, clean liu.- anil Mtiiplicit . cannot b- txtvlioii. it embodie th bioipkHt principle iu iliiieoihjr and tk the rank ubm ull Lamp Fillers. No 4UnMe- of .r plcaionH. Aimolut-stVty Kiiunmtw.1. Nuripillun;, vmlm or dripping of oil on the floor titltU oroutmde of cnn. IWit oncuuudjou will not bewiUiout it for nvettoiit itjcodt It -work-, iu lttrice cand an wull us dinnll ont, thereby Mvin the friu.Mit and aunoin trip to th tor? with a amall can. i.ery can uiadi. of the ver U-at tin, and wurrnted to work rfatisfactorilr Call and ma (kinilecan andi;et uricfrf. R -i-bsbbbbbbbkkbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV yvv BbhBBbBMBSBbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb rT'krX.- JHZUBaBBSBBBBBBBBBBVBBaBBBBBf 'SflMBWBBBBBBLlflBBaW r2wtr& jT?!?4s1layfcBBr1aMPMBBWBBBBBy-S3s? - r rZ4S5Tt mftaJL--cZ - m - - mfm "- BAKER PERFECT STEEL BARB WIRE. JSlf tl Imy it J on K-t IM rod of feniv from 10l oiind- of wir. which m other will do.".; Christmas GALLEY BEOS. What better than a good warm coat for your wife or daughter? Bargains will be given for the next THIRTY DAYS, to close them out be fore invoicing. Fiye Hundred Suits ! Of men's, boys' and children's clothing to close out. On account of the open winter we will close out over 200 overcoats cheaper than ever known in Columbus. Do not fail to see Galley Bros.' bargains be fore buying. Remember these bargains will not last long, we mean to close them out, so take ad vantage of the bargains we shall offer at GALLEY BROS'. Before we invoice. 2I" Eleventh Mckinley & COLUMBUS, NEB. Money to loan on improved farms in this and adjoining counties, at ourrent rates. We are prepared to close loans promptiy, in alt cases where title and security are satisfactory. Office up-stairs in Henry Building, corner of Olive and Eleventh streets. juiyiraitr SPEICE & NOKTH, General Ayeulsfor the sale a E Union Pacific un.l Midland Pacific B. H. Land or oa five or tea yar time, in aunnal pal ment to lot of other lands, improved and unimproved, for baaineaaand residence lou in the city. WV kwp Platte County. COLUMBUS. W.T. RICKLY& BRO. Wholesale and Fxes&a. i !vea.t3. Gave, Poiltry, and Fresh Fish. IVCaah paid for Hidoa, Pelts, Tallow. Oliv trt, second door north of First national Bank. SCHWARZ, GMLMD STOVES AND RANGES AMVWSKORHALKAT HIST k SCIW&2ZS. ERNST & SCHWARZ. Presents ! T K3IR7 mm 2 CO., Have u Fine Lino of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, Grtckery and Glassware, Whirli wpm lMMifjht cheap for caah, anl will lie 30M, at very low prices. Street, ftilumluiM. Nebraska. garnahan, TT1! H for Mile -t from i3.00 to 10.00 per cr for cuh nuit purcbar. YYe have alo a larga and cboic tialu at low price and on reasonable terma. Alao a complete alwtract of title to all real eetato la NEBRASKA. rt'il Ketail Dealers in All Kiidu ef Saisage a Specialty Highest market price paid for fat cattle.B !9t v 1