The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 21, 1887, Image 4
M ei I B: Hi! It M In, M i? c- J 1. . 1 4 eh n i 1 . DARING AND SUFFERING. A History of the Andrews Eailroad Eaid Into Georgia in 1862. The Most Heroic and Tragic Episode of the Civil War. Embracing a Full and Accurate Account or the Secret Journey to the Heart of the Confederacy, the Capture of a Katlway Traht In a Confederate Camp, the Terrible Chase That Followed, and the Subsequent Fortunes of the "Lead and Ilis Party. ' The expedition, in the daring of its inception, bad the wilduess of a romance; while in the gigantic and oven helming results it sought and was likely to obtain it was absolutely sublime. Judge Advocate Gk.sehai. How's Official Re port. It was all the deepest laid Bcheine, and on the grandest boale, that ever emanated from the brains of any number of Yankees combined. The Southern Confederacy (Atlanta. Ga.), April 13. lSfii Despite its tragic termination, it slions what a handful of bravo men could undertake in Amer- iCa--COMTE DE l'AIUS' HISTORY OK THE ClYIL WAR is America, vol. 2, p. 167. By "WTlVLIAia PITTENGER, a xexm:u or TnE expedition. Copyrighted, 1SS7, by War Publishing Co., X. Y., and published by arrangement with thorn. J Continued from last tree.-.! CHAPTER XI. a DinncT i:aili:oau oiase. Bat we iicv had a sootl head of steam, and with a joyful bound our engine, as if refreshed from its rest, sped on again. We had leen careful to so obstruct the track that the enemy was obliged to come to a full halt, and thus give us time to once more get out of sight. "We passed Tilton in safety, and the water station, which at that time was at a different place from the wood yard, was soon reached. Our supply of this neces sity was low, and without it our progress would be at once arrested. We stopped, adjusted the pipes, told the imwder story although from the battered appearance of our only air, with a hole knocked in each end. that story was no longer plaus ible, but it answered for the moment and wo succeeded in getting all the water we needed. Had any objection been made we would have taken it by force, and the assurance with which we went to work aided in securing conlideuce. Before the tank was full the pursuers came in sight, but seeing ns they ran slowly, and as a party of our men had run back and put some obstructions on the track, out of gun Ehot, they were obliged to come to a full stop there, thus giving us the time needed. Then we mounted and sped on toward Dalton. It was ndvia"le at once to get deci sively ahead of the pursuers before reach ing this town, which might present seri ous difliculties. As there were no bridges to burn now for a considerable distance, the only other thing was to try once more to tear up the track. The engine was again in good running condition, and we rushed rapidly forward, putting frequent obstructions on the track mostly by drop pine ties or sticks of firewood, but in one or two instances by reversing the engine, jumping out and piling up obstructions. At a favorable place we stopped again for a more permanent break. Long practice had made us skillful in this matter, and the last two stops had shown us that the enemy could not run upon us without great care. So we divided at once into four parties. Scott and a companion cut the telegraph; Knight carefully inspected tl ugiue; two or three ran back just on f gun shot, and heaped obstructions en the track, while the remainder worked with might and main in taking up a rail. It was here that a little occurrence took place that has been much misrepresented. A southern account, widely copied, Fays that Andrews' men almost mutinied against him at this place. The facta arc these: The writer ami the men in the 1kx car had come to feel that thero was no need of running so long before the pur suing train, which we could see to be a short one, witli probably not much if any greater force than our own. Xow while as manj were at the rail as could find places to work the process of lifting it with our imperfect tools was very slow, requiring more than live minutes I said to Andrews: "We can capture that train, if you are willing." "How?" he asked. I answered: "Find a good place on a curve where there are plenty of bushes" (as the road had numberless curves, and ran mostly through woods, this w.w easy); "then let us put on some obstructions ana hide; one of our engineers am run ahead a mile or two and come back after us; when the enemy stop to clear the track we will rush on them, and when we have captured them our other engineer cau reverse their engine and send it in a hurry down the track to clear the road of any more trains that may be following." Andrews said, in his quiet way, "It is a good plan. It is worth trying," and looked around in a meditative manner as If weighing the chances. Then the enemy's whistle sounded, we saw them rush up to the obstructions we had placed on the track, stop by reversing, and labor as frantically to clear the road as we were doing in trying to raise the rail. But our efforts were in vain. The stubborn spikes still held, and as they were ready to move on again, Andrews called out, "All aboard," and we dashed away. That was not the place to make a fight, as we all knew, for revolvers against shotguns and rifles would have had no chance at long range; but from an am bush we could have been climbing into their engine and cars before they could pick up their guns, and the conflict would not have been mauy minutes doubt fuL This was the nearest we came to what a southern account called "open mutiny" a mere respectful suggestion in the line of our work. No ofilcer was ever more heartily obeyed than was Andrews during the whole of this day, and none of us said anything more about this plan for the time, partly because we felt that our leader was better able to judge what was to be done than we, and partly also, I must confess, because we thought he was only waiting for the best place to turn on our foes, and that we would soon have all the fighting we wanted. The full speed of our engine was again called into requisition as we neared Dal ton, and by the aid of a few ties dropped on the track we were once more a respect able distance ahead. We needed this interval badly, for it was by no means certain that Hie switches at this point would be properly adjusted for our im mediate passage through; and if not, se rious difficulty might arise. We might have a battle with forces in front as well as in the rear, for Dalton was the largest town we had reached since leaving Marietta. Hero a road diverged to Cleve land in Tennessee, where it connects with the main line from Richmond to Chatta nooga, thus making a large triangle, or, as a railroad man would say, a great Y. At that time no telegraph wires were on this cross road; they were not put up till 1877. There were also numerous side tracks, and a probability that cars might be left standing on some of them; and as we had more than made up our hour's delay at Kingston and were now much ahead of time, there was no certainty of the road being rightly adjusted for us. It was therefore necessary to stop at tka open ing of the switch, which was fortunately a little way down from the large passen ger depot, which had a shed over all the tracks, and through which we had to pass. Here the coolness and adroitness of An drews shone out with pre-eminent luster. It is likely that when we had spoken of fighting a little way back, his mind was occupied rather with the problem of pass ing Dalton, and of judging by what took place there whether tiie enemy was warned. The train was stopped, he ran forward, observed that the track was clear, spoke to one or two bystanders, and was back to his post in an exceedingly short time. To one or two who had eorat up arts, tnese lew seconds, he said: "lam running this train through to Corinth, and have no time to spare;" and nodded to Knight, who once more put on the full force of the engine there was nothing to be gained by care in avoiding alarm any longer, for the distant whistle of the pursuer was heard and wo rnshed at the depot, which then stood right across the double track, and passed with fearful speed under its roof. Here Knight got his most terrible fright. The darting into the partial dark ness of the shed was bad enough, but just at the far end the main track bends sharply to the left, and the swerve was so sudden, and the speed already so high, that Knight believed he was rushing on another side track, and that in a moment would come the awful crash. But instead the engine instantly righted, and he again sa . ths track straight before him. But so quickly had we passed that we could not certainly determine whether the people at the sta tion had been warned or notl A mile above Dalton, which was about as soon as the headlong rush of the engine could be checked, we stopped again, just opposite to where Col. Jesse Glenn's regi ment of conscripts were encamped in a field. Their position, which was within 200 or 300 yards of us, was probably not seen until we were close to them, and it was better to take the risk of their inter ference than to lose time by seeking an other place for more pressing work. Again the wire was cut; but it was a second too late, for a message had just been flashed through, no doubt even as Scott was bringing it down. The usual obstructions were here piled on the track, and we again essayed to take up a rail, for the Chickamauga bridges were just above, and we wanted time enough to get them on fire, hoping that Fuller would stop long enough at Dalton for the pur pose of getting his telegram ready, to allow us to finish the track lifting. No men ever worked with more desperate en ergy, but all in vain; long before the rail was loose the pursuers were again upon us. The race recommenced with all its speed and fury. The great tunnel was a short distance ahead a glorious place for an ambush, where, in the darkness, the guns of the enemy would be of little value. If Andrews was disposed to fight, there would be the place of all others to do it. With the smoke of our train filling the space, with our party in ambush along the sides, success would be comparatively sure, if they had twice our number, for of course we could not tell how much of a re-enforcement they might pick up at Dalton. But we kept right on through the tunnel and the village of Tunnel Hill bej-ond. where we carefully drew down to conceal our number from the curious eyes of any who might be about the station. At Calhoun Fuller had received a small but very effective re-enforcement only a boy thirteen years old, but worth a dozen of ordinary men by means of one of those apparently small circumstances which often influence the course of great events. At Chattanooga the chief oflicers of the road had become alarmed by re ceiving no dispatches from Atlanta, or the stations below Kingston. They there fore directed the young assistant operator at Dalton to jump on the passenger train just then leaving that station and go south, sending them back word at each station passed till the cause of the trouble was found. He had only got as f-tr as Calhoun when Andrews passed, and Fuller in a moment after. The latter hardly came to a stop before he saw the operator, and called him, and without a word of explanation seized his hand and dragged him on the train. In the run up, how ever, he maue all the necessary explana tions, and wrote out the following dis patch: fuller's teleokam. "To Gen. Leadbetter, commander at Chat tanooga: "My train was captured this a. m. at Big Shanty, evidently by Federal soldiers in disguise. They are making rapidly for Chattanooga, possibly with the idea of burning the railroad bridges in their rear. If I do not capture them in the meantime, see that they do not pass Chattanooga. "William A. Fclleu." This he gave to the operator, saying, "Don't speak to anybody or lose a second till you put that through, to Chattanooga. Jump for the platform when I slow up, for I must push on and keep those Yankees from getting up a rail or burning the bridges." It was terribly quick work. The opera tor was at home in the office, and almost before Fuller had cleared the shed he was at the desk and the first words were over the wires. Whether they had time to get the whole message over before the cut is very doubtful, and not material, for the first two lines would answer every pur pose. Had Fuller stopped at this point, and himself went into the office long enough to set the operator at work, it is almost certain we would have had the rail up, and then all the bridges above that point would have been burned; though it is still possible that enough of the message might have been pushed through to secure our arrest in Chattanooga. This was another striking instance of the man) narrow margins on which this day hinged. As Fuller pressed on toward the great tunnel, even his resolute heart almost died within him, while all his party began to blame him for foolhardiness. He feared to plunge into its dark depths. It was still filled with smoke from our en gine; und he well knew that if we jumped off at the far end and hurled back our locomotive at him, it meant a horrible death to every one on his train; and he was by no means sure that we woidd not do it. Mr. Murphy, who had so ably stood by him all the while, here counseled prudence, pointing out all the perils of an ambush. But Fuller realized as ap parently no one else did the desperate need of pressing on to save the road; and he had made so many escapes and been so marvelously favored, that a kind of fatalism took hold of him. He deter mined not to lose a minute, no matter what the danger might be. It may as well be said here that no prudent and common sense kind of pursuit, such as possibly any other man would have em ployed, could have had the slightest chance of success. But even Fuller quailed as they dived into the cloud of smoke that hung around the entrance of the tunnel, and held his breath for a few seconds they were still at full speed), till he saw with a sigh of relief a gleam of light ahead and knew that there was no other engine now in the tunnel! On he pressed, for he knew the value of the Chickamauga bridges ahead as well as wo did. CHAPTER XII. A BUKKIXG CAB. But for the wetness of the day all his efforts even yet would have been foiled. Wo now did what had been in the mind of Andrews, doubtless, for some time past what he might have tried even at the Oostenaula bridge had not the inter val between that and Calhoun been so fearfully short. He ordered us to fire our last car while we were running. It was said easily, but was much harder to do. Everything about the car was as wet as it well could be. The rain fell in tor rents, and the wood was drenched in the tender. It was by no small effort and skillful firing that the engine fire could be kept at the heat required for fast run ning. But desperate fingers tore every thing combustible loose from the car, and smashed it into kindling. Some blazing fagots were stolen from the engine and the fire made to burn. The rapid mo tion with driving rain was an obstacle at first, but as we fed up the blaze and shel tered it as well as possible, it grew rap idly, till soon but one could stay on the car and watch it, and all the others crowded on the tender and locomotive. The steam was now gradually shut off that we might come slowly upon the bridge and be able to leave the burning car just at the right place. We came to a full stop at this first Chickamauga bridge, a large one, and well covered. In side it was at least drier than on the out side, and we doubted not that with time it would burn well. The only ques tion was: "Will that time be given?" We added almost the last of our oil and nearly the last, stick of wood knowing that a wood station was not far .ahead, and if this bridge could be made to burn well, we could have all the time we wanted to get wood and everything else. In fact we put life itself on this last throw, and left ourselves, in case of failure, hopelessly bankrupt. For a considerable time, as it seemed to us, though it must have been mesjured by Meonds rather than minutes. we remained on the otae side of the fire KIXDLIXG A FIIiE IN TnE BOX CAR. watching. Then the inexorable smoke of the foe was seen; the pin connecting the burning car with our engine was pulled out and we slowly moved on. Too clearly we saw the ruin of all our hopes! To wait the coming of, ourfoe3 was vain. They were now- near at hand, and we could see their guns, with which they would be able to fight us at long range. The car which, if the day had been dry, would long before this have filled the bridge with a mass of roaring flame, was burning faster than the bridge. To take it to another bridge was useless, for the drenching rain would have given it little chance to burn away from the shelter of the bridge. Very sadly we left the tall column of smoke behind. The pursuers saw the car, and realizing how serious their loss would be if it was permitted to consume the bridge, they pushed right into the smoke and shoved the burning car on to Ringgold, but a short distance ahead, where it was left, to smoke and sputter in the rain on the side track. We were now on what proved to be our Inst run. I have often been asked if this day was not one of great fear and terror on the part of those who were engaged in the race. For mv owu part, I cannot honestly lay claim to any greater fear than I had often felt in ordinary military service. Xo matter what happened, there was the assurance that we still had one resource the power to turn around and attack the pursuing foe. From the be ginning, such a conflict had been present to my mind as a matter of course. Be fore leaving camp, this had been reckoned a natural consequence of our position. It had been frequently talked of among the men, and not one of them seemed to regard it with any more dread than an ordinary battle. We had been careful to select large revolvers for use, and not for show, and when we found the enemy gaining upon us, or our leader's plans for their destruction failing, we only felt or said that our time to strike would soon come. We did not have the boastful feel ing that we were an overmatch for a large body of southern soldiers, for wo all knew how desperately they could and often did fight; but of the ordinary citi zens gathered up as we presumed our pursuers were, or even of conscripts, we had no great fear. That we had not our accustomed arms was a serious disad vantage, but this could be remedied by getting into close quarters; Bnd we trusted that our leader, who had shown such wonderful skill in management, would be able to put us within short range of the pursuing train, where we felt sure that we coidd quickly give a good account of it. Probably the fact of Andrews having never been in battle, but always engaged in schemes where his own cool daring and sagacious planning counted for every thing, and mere force for nothing, made him hesitate to order an attack which would throw aside all these qualities aud determine the issue by simple fighting. A time was near when we would firmly havc disputed our leader's command if there had been an officer of any authority among us who could have been substi tuted for him; but not until Andrews himself had definitely abandoned his au thority. Many times the question has been asked: "Why did yon not reverse your en gine, and, jumping off, let it drive back at the enemy?" What good could that have done? If their engine and our own had been destroyed, as was very probable, to gether with a considerable number of lives, wc would only have been where we were before we captured the engine at all, except that the whole country would have been aroused, and our disguise thrown off. The second train would have been on the ground in a few minutes and the power of pursuit would have been un diminished. Wo had no wish to sacrifice our own engine until the last effort pos sible had leeu made. To merely destroy had no charm for us, when that destruc tion conld neither promote our escape nor serve a military purpose. CHAPTER Xin. TnE LAST hope. We crouched down as well as we could In tho tender while passing Ringgold, that the enemy might not see our number, and when beyond the town we arose and looked about us. The country was mostly wooded and rough, being much cut up by the branches of the swollen Chickamauga creek. We had no fuel, though we might have taken on a few water soaked fence rails and broken them to burn; but what would have been the use Every com bustible scran was carefully gathered up and thrown into the engine. Worst symp tom of all, a large pair.jof saddle bags, which we had never seen Andrews with out from the time of the midnight confer ence, together with his cap and some other pieces of clothing that he did not need for immediate use, were flung re morselessly into the furnace. Various papers went along. These were probably documents that he feared would compro mise himself or others in case of capture. Such preparations were indeed ominous. But his next command the last he ever gave to us as a party was more dreadful still, and for the first time that day there shot a pang of mortal terror to my heart. Not the crash of the engine down an em bankment nor the coming of another train of the enemy from the north, shut ting us between two fires, would have caused such a sense of despair and hope less misery to steal over mo. This was the order which, as intimated before, our party, had they been properly organized, would not have obeyed. For our situation was still far from des perate. Aside from the capture of the pursuing train, which would now have been very difficult from the fact that we had neither fuel for rapid running, nor the obstructions on board that were nec essary to place us far enough, ahead for an ambuscade, there was another plan to which our leader was virtually pledged, which presented every prospect of saving our own lives, though it was now too late to accomplish our original purpose. We were some five miles beyond Ringgold, within a mile of Graysville, or nineteen miles by the longest railway course from Chattanooga. From that city westward to Bridgeport was twenty-eight miles fur ther. But the nearest way to Bridgeport was not through Chattanooga, but fur ther south, and by that route it was not distant more than thirty-five or forty miles. The direct course was at right angles with the numerous mountain ranges which here run almost north nnd south, a route over which cavalry could not be used, and which was known to more than one of our party. Two com rades had pocket compasses which would have guided us in thick woods or in cloudy weather by day or night. Xow to have left our train in a body, and without delaying to seek concealment, to have struck over the streams and mountains at right angles, as rapidly as we could go, would have been our most hopeful course. Long before nigh of the next day we would have been safe within Mitchel's lines! Why not? How could the enemy have captured us? If they sent cavalry, these would necessarily have made long circuits and havo been obliged to adhere to the lines of tht road, and thus could not have come near us while clinging to the valleys and the mountain sides. Even in thick woods they could not have overtaken us. If they followed us with a strong party on foot, we fleeing for'our lives, would not have deserved to escape, if we could not have held our distance for forty miles or more. If they had ridden ahead and raised the whole country for a general man hunt, they would have had only twenty-four hours or less to organize it, and no small party then could have ar- rested twenty armed men. in fine, this plan of escape through a mountainous and densely wooded country did not ap pear to me to be more dangerous than a cavalry dash on the lines of the enemy's communications an every day military affair. Even if Mitchel did not prove to be in the neighborhood of Bridgeport when we arrived, we would then have been in the loyal mountainous district where we would have met as many friends as foes. All that we needed in the way of provisions and guides our force would have enabled us to command, ann" even' guns ana ammunition conld readily have been gathered on our way. But all these advantages depended on our keeping together under one head. An army scattered and disorganized is lost; and our little army was no exception. The fatal command which Andrews now gave as we were huddled together in the wood box of the tender was to jump off, one by one, scatter in the woods, and each man strive to make his own way back to the Union army! We hesitated, but had no concert of action, no leader, uo time for council, and the instinct of obedience was still strong upon us; but it was a fatal order, and led directly to the calami ties that followed. It transformed us in a moment from a formidable body of picked soldiers, ready to fight to death, into a scattered mass of fugitive boys, be wildered and hopeless in an enemy's country. Yet no one of us felt like censuring our leader for this order, which every one at the moment believed to be a terrible mis take. Probably he thought that each man of the party would find relief in being cast entirely on his own resources. It must further be remembered, in ex planation of this mistaken order, that Andrews had slept none the night before, that ho had been nearly twenty-four hours without food, and that he had spent nearly two days and a night in the most exhaust ing labors, both mental and physical, that it is possible to conceive. He had seen his cherished plans, when on the brink of .suc cess, overthrown by what seemed the re morseless hand of destiny. To the many failures aud sorrows of his past life had lieen added the crowning misfortune of this defeat. Perhaps under his calm brow he realized this with an intensity of anguish, and felt that the greatest favor he could do those he had led within sight of a horrible death, and into the presence of an enraged and triumphant foe, was to separate them at once from his own dark and shadowed destiny. If so, that was the mast fearful mistake of all; and as this order was given, we could almost, as wo looked southward through the driving rain and the storm clouds, behold already the dark outline of the Atlanta scaffolds! It was pitiful! The General had served us well ever since the morning hour in fearful speed and patient waiting, in ex ulting raptures and in almost despair. It was hard to abandon her now. She was substantially uninjured. The engineers, Brown and Knight, had taken good care of her, and with wood and oil in abund ance, there would have been no difficulty on her part in completing the run to Huntsville. She was still jogging along at the rate of eight or ten miles an hour, aud could maintain that pace a little longer. The pursuers hail also diminished their speed, so as to just keep us in sight, having apparently no wish to press upon what may have seemed to them like a wounded nnd dying lion. The command to "jump off nnd scatter" was repeated with the injunction to be quick about it. as the engineer wished to reverse tho en gine and drive it back upon the enemy. With such a reason there could be no more hesitation. It is said that some three or four had already got off at the first word of command; but the most of us had hesitated, not on account of tho still rapid motion of the train, but in the Idle hope that in some way this terrible parting might be averted. Xow one after another clambered down on the step and swung off. I was neither among the first nor the last, and jumping unskill fully out from the step, instead of for ward, whirled over and over on hands and feet for several revolutions. Rising in a dazed condition, though unhurt, with the exception of a few scratches from the briers with which the place abounded, I looked over the animated scene with the deepest interest. The men who jumped off were, according to instructions flying iu different directions, a few others were just coming off the engine in much the same way that I had done, while the en gineers were attempting to carry out theiv scheme of reversing the engine, which could do no good now, except possibly to LEAVING THE LOCOMOTIVE: delay the inevitable pursuit a little, and give us a better opportunity to organize our plans. The brakes of the tender were put on still more to diminish speed, and the reversal was made. Here is a slight conflict of authority. The pursuers say that the brakes were not loosed again; but our engineers are equally positive that they were. It is not material, for the re sult is the same. The steam power was so low, that though tho engine moved back it was with moderate velocity, and I saw the pursuers reverse also, and coming to a full stop, whistle two or three times as it approached a seeming whistle of alarm, though there was little in the approach of our poor General to fear; and then they moved slowly before it fora short distance till the two were in contact, when the weaker stopped and the steam was shut off. The great railroad chase was over! CHAPTER XIV. HUNTED IN TIIE WOODS BV DOGS AND MEN. Dispersed in the woods with no knowl edge of the country, and no guide toward our own lines; with the alarm spreading in every direction, and the hearts of the people on fire with fierce resentment he cause of the desperate character of our raid, the prospect of escape for any of our number was slight indeed. Tho south was also better prepared for hunting down fugitives than any other people could have been where slavery was not an established institution; - Tratfcfeiginen over hills and mountains was no novelty; and now for scores of miles 5- e-ery di rection from Chattanooga roads and fer ries were guarded, cavalry galloped along the roads, and the planters with their packs of negro hunting dogs explored every wood. Unfortunately, too, a ready mode of identifying any member of the band who might be captured was soon discovered. On the way south we had represented ourselves as from Flemiug county, Ky. This story was still con tinued. The first arrests were made the very same day so close tq,the train that after this story had been told the men were positively traced back to the train, and then all who gave the same story were known to belong to us. We expected to die as soon as captured; and there was a degree of exasperation which rendered the risk of instant shoot ing or hanging very great. But there was also a desire for further investigation and discovery which would be cut short by a sudden slaying of the victim, and this operated to bridge over the first furious moment of capture, but did not prevent the most fearful threats, and in one case that of Parrott a fearful beating. It also led to rigor of chaining and confine ment almost unparalleled. We can only give the very briefest ac count of these painful incidents, and will gladly hasten toother things. THS KSIBAL. ".-frO d-" Villi 'rT,'rWS5rtlWY Five were captured the first day; seven, , including myself, on the next day, which was Sunday. The sunenngs enaureu even in this brief interval from hunger, labor and suspense were indescribable. Andrews and two companions were taken on Monday; six more were captured near the close of the week, having, however, gone no farther than I had done the first day. This left only two of the whole party at large, who, by getting a boat and drifting down the Tennessee, got virtually withiu the Union lines, but then go ing boldly forward in the daytime were arrested by a band of Confederate guer rillas and brought back some two weeks after leaving tho train. This completed tho capture of the whole party, and to this terrible pass had our hopeful enterprise resolved itself! We had been told that to fall into the enemy's power was inevita ble death, and we had no reason to doubt it. Xothiug in our treatment was of such a nature as to inspire uA with hope. Wc were chained and tied in barbarous fash ion, aud confined in the most loathsome dungeons, dark, filthy, and often under ground, in Dalton, Marietta and else where. Our food was of the coarest aud most scanty character. We were assured everywhere that we would soon be hung as soon as they could get us all gathered iu at a proper place. Gradually the whole were assembled at Chattanooga, where i our confinement culminated in unimag i inable horrors. I was the first one taken there, having been captured in Lafayette, Ga., twenty-five miles away, the second day out ! I will describe somewhat min utely my entrance into that terrible place, ' which may serve as a specimen of other ; prisons we endured in the south. (To be Continued.) AT TALMAGE'S TABERNACLE. laterior Decorations The Opening Prayer. Tho Preacher and Hli Preaching. The tabernacle has nothing imposing about it. Xext to Plymouth it is one of the homeliest church buildings in Brook lyn from any external point of view. Probably 3,000 people were patiently waiting for the iron gates to open on Sun day morning. Some of them must have been in the street an hour, nnd when the iron gates opened there was a rush for the unreserved pews and they were quickly filled. When the services commenced every seat was occupied, people were sitting in some of the aisles, and the space between the back pews and the wall was packed with standing auditors. I said something in a former letter about the interior of the Tabernacle, "but its gold, silver, blue and green is seen at a double advantage from the balcony. Its decorations would le appropriate for any pleasant theatre or hall. Two or three people iu the balcony, one of them a lady, became so impressed with the secular characteristics of the place that they pro ceeded to study morning papers. But ushers made a descent upon them and the papers were pocketed again. Somebody fainted aud there was a slight commotion, a half dozen reporters and stenographers filed down an aisle to the spice before the pulpit and a company of cadets inarched in as the great organ belched out tho first heavy chords of the opening voluntary. Then everybody standing sang "Praise God from whom all blessings flow," and the pastor made the opening prayer stand ing, while the congregation sat. I am thus definite lecnuse thero are scores of Presbyterian churches that would pro bably consider the 'sitting posture, as a practice, disrespectful in the extreme. Only two years ago 1 recall an incident iu a western Xew York town iu which the minister told his hearers it would be bet ter for them to stay at home than thus to show their weak spiritual condition to the world. After the prayer the people, led by a cornet pIayer,-accompanied tho thunder of the organ song, "Hold the Fort." Several thousand people is a great chorus when everyl-ody sings. Then we had a cornet solo as the collection was taken. I have told you before how the preacher looks, but his preaching is indescribable. I am sorry that it is not like that of any body else, without any fear of contradic tion. His methods are peculiar but not fantastic, dramatic but not sensational, as I think. Such differences of opinion exist about this preacher, however, that I want to try to express how most of Ids auditors regard him. Ono of the queer figures of speech I heard the other day at the Tabernacle was from the pastor in speaking about the self righteous "grinding away at the windlass of the dry well of earthly satis faction." One of the things heard that pleased everybody and didn't seem to do any harm was "Boulanger's March," with the use of tho great organ's bell stop in the second strain, played just before the sermon. A free thinking friend of mine from Cattaraugus couuty attended this opening service with mo. "I tell you," said he, "if I lived here I'd never miss that ser vice." Yet, ho said he hadn't been inside a church for five years. He was enter tained, heard a sermon that saint or sin ner alone could find meat in without wearisome encounters with doctrinal mat lei's, and, since they say anything heard or seen has an undying influence, he was influenced for good rather than evil, I am sure. By the way, Mr. Talmage told me one day that he asked no greater recognition for what he had done than the inscription on his tombstone, "Talmage, a 'Popular' Preacher." McDonald iu Buffalo Ex press. Gold Mining iu North Carolina. North Carolina is still one of the gold producing states of the Union, averaging something less than a couple of hundred thousand dollars annually. Georgia, which turns out somewhat less than Xorth Caro lina, is nl.-o a gold state. Before the exo dus to California these were the chief gold producers of the Union, Virginia, Alabama and South Carolina also contributing something to the stock of precious metals, but in the presence of the rich mines of the west the gold states of the Atlantic coast lost all their importance. Xeverthe less mining operations are carried on to some extent in the Blue Ridge nnd its foot hills. The Sam Christiau mine, in Mont gomery county, X. C, was recently sold for $250,000. There is considerable free gold in the gravel along the moun tain streams, and it is said that in years when the streams are dried up or dimin ished by drought and the agricultural crops fail, the people there turn to the gold crop. In Ophir and El Dorado town ships every inhabitant engages in this practice, and at the smallest country store will le found scales for weighing gold dust. People can do tbiflhnple placer min ing in this primitive wny on land owned by others, paying a fifth of the gold found. That js.the rule in such cases. This sort of mining is known as "petty" mining. Small btisiness as it is it has in many bad seasons saved the people from want. A Xortli Carolina correspondent of The Richmond (Va.) Dispatch reports: The deepest gold mine in the state is the Gold hill, in Rowan county, which is down 770 feet. Opened about 1824, it was for years the great mine of this part of the world, and has a record of over ?3,000,000. In those early days the most primitive appli ances were used in getting out the ore. There were five owners, and the week's work the net profit was represented in a great bar of bullion. This was cut with an ax into five pieces. Some disinterested, party then placed the pieces behind him and, holding one in bis hfind, cried out: "Who takes this?" It was given the owner who called for it, and so on, until all five pieces were divided. Sometimes each share was worth $1,000, making a yield of say $240,000 annually. English men have for years owned this mine, three companies having held it and operated it Another $100,000 is now being raised to work further. New Or leans Picayune. A Temple In Japan. Starting early one morning from the Yaami hotel, Koois, a delightful place overlooking the whole city, I direct my jinrikslia boy to take me to the temple of KenninjL Let the description of the gen eral features of this temple suffice for all, for they all have certain features in com mon. You enter from the street through a high arch of wood made of two immense upright pillars and a cross piece, which curves down instead of up and which, ex tends far beyond the uprights. You ascend several flights of stone steps, some times passing between stone linages and shrines and stone lanterns, until yoa reach the platform on which the temple proper stands. Here you remove yonr shoes, and perhaps a pair of slippers will be provided you. Yon ascend the short flight of steps immediately in front cf the temple and find yourself iu a sort of a wide porch ex teu'ding along tho whole front of the edi fice and upheld by several rowsjof massive wooden pillars. Behind these is a row of large paneled doors, extending clear across the building, but you will find only the middle two open. Within you encounter other rows of pillars upholding the roof, and behind these in the exact center sits the image, surrounded with the censers and para phernalia of the' priests and with what ever attendant images there may happen to be. Near approach is prevented by a wooden railing. A wooden box stands in front of each image. It is furnished with wooden slats across the top, and into it aro thrown the offerings of the worshipers. The grounds of the Kenninjl are beauti fully laid out in lawns and walks. In the eastern part of the grounds hangs an old bell, which for many years lay in the river bed, buried in debris. It is said that Ye Sai, an eminent priest, attempted to have it recovered, but the men were unable to move it till he cried to them to shout his name, when, of course, it im mediately became manageable. Cor. New Orleans Times-Democrat. Liberty Bronze Bosom. The statue of Liberty has innocent blood on its hands. It is responsible for the daily slaughter of immense numbers of little birds which, in winging their way south on their annual migration, are at tracted by the briliant electric light of the big torch. Oil one morning recently no less thnn 1,500 of the poor creatures were picked up, and their condition indicated that they had dashed themselves against Liberty's bronze bosom and had been thrown crushed and lifeless at her feet. Chicago News. Worth Kuowine. Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fla., was taken with a severe cold, attended with a distressing cough and running into consumption in its first stages. He tried many so-called popu lar cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was reduced in flesh, had difii cnlty in breathing and was unable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption and found immediate relief, and after using about a half dozen bottles found himself well and has had no return of the disease. No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures, as Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption guaranteed to do just what is claimed for it, Trial bottle free Ht Dowty & Becher'a drug store. The chicken is the country's, but the city eats it. Worth Your Attention. . Cat tliis. oat and mail it to Allen Jc Co.. Au gust, Maine, who will send 70a free, something new, that just coins mo.ey for all workers. As wonderful oh the electric light, as genuine art pare Bold, it will prove of lifelong value and importance to jou. Both sexes, all age. Allen & Co. bear expense of starting you in business. It will bring you in more cash, right away, than anything else in this world. Anyone anywhere can do the work, and live at home also. Better write at once; then, knowing all, should you conclude that you don't care to engage, why no harm is done. 4-ly A garden must be dressed ns the bodv. looked unto and I am selling "Moore's Tree of Life" and it is said to give the very best satis faction. Dr. A. Heintz. 30-6m3 He that lives ill, fear follows him. Look Oat For It! Hoarseness is the first symptom of cronp, by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy freely aa soon ns a child be comes hoarse, it-will prevent the cronp, which can always be done if the remedy is kept on hand. There is not the least danger in giving it. Sold by Dowty & Becher. Give a clown your finger nnd he will take your hand. Its Delicacy of Flavor And the efficacy of its action have ren dered the famous liquid fruit remedy, Syrnp of Figs, immensely popular. It cleanses and tones up the clogged and feverish system, dispels headaches, colds, and fevers, cures Habitual Consumption, Dyspepsia, nnd the many ills depending on a weak or inactive condition of the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. Manufact ured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco, Cal. For sale only by Dowty & Becher. Good is to be sought out, and evil at tended. I'ood Wages Ahead. George Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine, can give you work that yon can do and live at home, milking great pay. You are started free. Capi tal not needed, lioth sexes. All ages. Cut this out and write at once; no harm will be done if you conclude not to go to work, after you learn all. All particulars free, Best paying work in this world. 4-ly Who would do ill ne'er wants occasion. Renews Her Youth. Mrs. Phcebe Chesley, Peterson, Clay county, Iowa, tells the following remark able story, the truth of which iB vouch ed for by the residents of the town: "I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not dress my self without help. Xow I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own'housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renewed my youth, and removed com pletely alLdieeaae and pain.' Try a bottle, 150 cents and 1 at Dowty fe Becher's drug store. Keep good men company shall be of the number. and -.011 Promptness ia a good motto. It it Lard to find anything more prompt than St. Patrick's Pills. They are a pleasant cathartic and a good medicine. Sold by Dowty & Becher. The mill gets by going. A positive cure for liver and kidney troubles, constipation, sick and nervous headache and all blood diseases is -Mdore's Tree of Lifo." Try it. .Sold bv Dr. A. Heintz. To a boiling pot Hies come not. School children will learn much fast er if they are made comfortable and kept in perfect health. Very few escape severe coughs and colds during the win ter months. It is an easy matter to avoid the discomforts and distress or coughs and colds by using Chamber lain's Congh Remedy. It is by far tho best treatment ever brought into uee for coughs, colds and hoarseness. When the first symptoms of a cold appear, use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and tho cold can be broken up at once. Sold by Dowty & Becher. A snow year, a rich year. Better to be blind than to see ill. Learn weeping, and thou shalt laugh gaining. Rnrklen. Arnica Salve. The Bkot Salve in tho world for Cuts, I Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup- ' tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2o cents per Dowty & Becher. box. For sale by jnly27 Try Moore's headache cure, it beats the world. For sale by Dr. A. Heintz. Water trotted is as good as oats. THE CHUnST CATINd OM KATrU A8K YOUR OROOER FOB THE Ml smaaK fish cojcpAirr. ax.xouxa.xa PUBLISHERS' NOTICE. Am Offer Worthy Attention from Every Render of the Journal. YOBIt CHOICK Or FOUR GOOD PAPEK8, FREE. SUNSHINE: For youth; also for those of all oge whose hearts are not withered, is a hand some, purex useful and most interesting luitier; it is published monthly by K. C. Allen A Co., Augusta, Maine, at 50 cents a year; it is hand somely illustrated. DAUfi IJTEKS OF -AMERICA. Lives full of usefulness are worthy of reward and imitation. "The hand that nicks the cradle rules the world," through its gentle, guiding influence. Emphat ically a woman's -aper in all branches of her work and exalted station iu tho world. "Eter nal fitness" is the foundation from which to build. Handsomely illustrated. Published monthly by True A Co., Augubta, Maine, at SO cents per ear. THE I'KAtTICAL HOUSEKEEPER AND LADIES' FIRESIDE COMPANION. Thi practical, senaible imtier will prove a boon to all housekeeiers and ladutt who read it. It lias a boundless field of usefulness, and its ability a pears equal to the occasion. It is strong and sound in all its varied departments. Hantlsoine ly illustrated. Published monthly by H. Hullett & Co., Portland, Maine, at SO cents jer ear. FARM AND HOUSEKEEPER. Good Fann ing, Uood Housekeeping, (iood Cheer. This handsomely illustrateii paper is devoted to the two most ini-'ortant and noble industries of the world -farming in nil its branches- housekeep ing in every department. It in able unit up to the progressive time; it will bo found practical and of great general usefulnex. PublihM monthly by George Stiunon A Co.. Portland, jlame, at 50 cents ier year. SSWe will send free for one year, whichever of the above named papers may be chooen, to any one who pays for the JoL'R.nal. for one;eariu advance. This applies to our indscribers and all who may wish to liecome snbscribem. 55!"We will send free for ono j ear, whichever of the alwve jiapers may be chosen, to any eulv scriber for the Journal whoso subscription m ly not he paid up, who shall jay up to date, or be yond date: provided, however, that such auiput shall not be less than one year. &To anyone who hands us payment on ac count, for this pajHT, for three tears, wo shall send free for one year, all of the above decrib d papers; or will send one of them four years, or two for two jears, as may bo preferretl. ESThe alwve described papers which we offer free with ours, are among tho best and m -t successful published. We s-iecially recomnie id them to our snbscriliers, ami beliove all will find them of real usefulness and great interest. ltf M. K. Turner A Co. Columbus, Neb. Publishers. LOUIS SCHEEIBEK, All kinds of Repairing done on Short Notice. Bnggies, Wag ons, etc., made to order, and all work Guar- anteed. Also sell the world-famous Walter A Wood Mowers, Reapers, Combin ed Machines, Harvesters, and Self -binders the best made. t3T"Shop opposite the "Tattersall," on Olive St., COLUMBUS. 'Jtvm ;jmb" xperienc In th preparation of mor ban Ono Hundred Thousand application for pataata in nitad States and Foreign coun mad Forwi tries the irabliahera of the Scientific American continue to act aa eolicJtore for patent, caveat, trade-marka. copj- I riehta. eta., for the United Statee. and to obtain patent in Canada. England. France. Germany, and all other conntriee. Their experi ence ta unequaiea ana ueir xaciuuea era unaur paaaed. Drawings and ipecifleatlona prepared and filed la the Patent Offloe oa ehort notice. Terms verr reasonable. No charge for examination of model or drawings. Advice by mail free. Patent obtained through Mnnn ACo.are noticed lath SCIK-fTinC AMKRICANwhich haa the large t circulation and is ths moat influential newtpaper of its kind published in the world. The advantage of anon a notice) every patentee anderatands. Thia large and splendidly illtwtrated newspaper published WEXKLYtt $K a year, and i admitted to be the beet paper devoted to science, mechanic, inventions, engineering work, and other department of industrial progree. pub lished in any country. It contains tb name of all patentee and title of every invention patented each week. Try it four months for one dollar. Hold bv all newsdealers. 11 yoa nav an invention to patent write to Mann & Co.. publishers of Scientific American, Ml Broadway. New York. Handbook about patents mailed free. Health is Wealth ! Da. E.-OWarrsi Nebtb ajtd Ha:- Tn-cvr-muiT, a Kuarantecd sjxcific for listeria, Dizz: nes, Convultions, Fits, Nervous Nenralfd-i. Headache, Nervous Prostration causwl by thi u-h? of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental 1) -piession. Softening ot the Drain resulting in in srnityand leading to misery, decay and deat 1. Piemature Old Aj. Barrenness, Loss of iowr in either sex. Involuntary Losses and SrerimaV nrrlicea canned by over-exertion of the brain.self al use or over indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. S1.00 a box, or six Ihjx for $."i.00.sent by mail pre-uiid on receipt of pricj. . WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES 1 o cure any case. With each order received by n fi.r six boxes, accompanied with $".0O, w witl m nd the purchaser our written guarantee to r - fund the money if the trwitment does not effet a cure, unarantees issued only by IJowt owty & , Neb. Ht-cher, druggists, sole agents, Columbus, dec7'87y MONEY! to I o made. Cut this ont ani return to us, and we will send you free, something of great value anil importance to 011 thnt will start you in business which will bring you in more mnrocy right away tbmi anjtlung 111 theworld. Anyone can do the work and live at home. Either sex" all ages. Something new. that jnst coins money for nil workers. We will tart you: capital not needed. Thi is one of the genuine, important chances of a lifetime. Those who are ambitious nnd enterprising will not de lay. Grand outfit free. Addres.. Tiil'k it Co. Augusta, Maine. KvU'tvly $500 Reward! Wc will paj lln-alxi-.e rewanl for any case of Hyer complaint, ilysrw-pm. sick bwitlach. imli gwtion. constipation or cotivtnee we cannot cure with West s Wgetalilv Liver I'iUs, when tho direction are strictlv compliwl with. They ore purely vegetable, nnd acxir fsil to give satisfac tion. Largo boxes containing ?) sugar coated lills. 'Sic. For salo by all druggies. Ik'waroof counterfeits and immitation. The genuine manufactured only by JOHN I. WEST & TO., Sti-I V. Madison St., Chicago. III. d c7'b7y YOU can live at home, nnd make tnoro money at work: for us. than at any. thing else in the world. Capital not needed; yoa are started free. Both sexes: all ages. Anyone can do tho work. Larva earnings sure irom nrst start. -osuy oatnt and terms free. Better not delay. Costs you nothing to send ns yonr address and find out; if yoa aro wise too will do so at once. H. JLuxrrr & Co.. Portland, Maine. dscaj-'Wy TRASH-S MMKERET Bttmram Ki Jaa IN laKvaBBVaaaBBHBBBBBBal ai-uaraa-ia-ia-iB-aaai Aittrrert tb U ft BEAST! Mixican Mustang Liniment OT7XUB Sciatic, serafeaar. Contracted Lumbage, Ipraiaa, XomIm, Rhenmitiaan, Straiai, Eraptieea, Barns, Stitches, HoefAil, Scalds, StiffJoints, Scrtnr Stiagt, Backache, Worass, Bites, Galls, Swinaey, Bruise, Sores, ' Saddle Oalla. Bonio-is, Spavin Filet. Corns, Cracks. THIS COOD OLD STAND-BY accomplishes for everybody exactly what is claimed for It. One of the reasons for the great popularity of the Slustang Liniment is focmllnlts ainlwerwnl licabllltr Everybody needs such a mrtllclue. The La-aberaaB needa it la case of accident. The Ilaaeewlfe needs It for general family use. The Caaaler needs It for his teams and his mon. Ths Mechanic needs It always oa his work bench. The Mlaerneedsltlncaseof emergency. The l'laneer needs it can't get along without It. The Farmer needs it la hU house, JU stable, and his stock yard. The Steamboat man ar the Boatman needs It In liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Hrse-fancler needs It It Is bis beet friend and safest reliance. The Stock-grower needs It It will save him thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. Tho Railroad snaa needs It and will need It so long aa his life Is a round of accidents and daogvra. The Backwoodsman needs It. There ia notb. lag like It as an antldoteTor the dangers to Ufa. limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. The Merchant needs It about his store among his employees. Accidents will happen, and when these come the Mustang Liniment Is wanted at once. Keeva Bottle in the Hoase. Tlsthe bettor economy. Keep a Bottle la the Factory. Italmmedlito ase In case of accident saves pain and loss of wages. Keep a Battle Always in the Stable for aoe when wanted. EIGHTEENTH YEAR. Pronounced by all Nebraska's Leadiag Republican Newspaper. PUBLISHED AT THE CAPITAL. THE DAILY JOURNAL Eight Largo Paces, with Sunday Supple meat. The year 16M3 will be one of alm-st unprecedented Importance to the American people. In that It wuj wltnna one of the most tnterwittng and exciting na tional campaigns In the history of the country. II ill abo Leot reat local tnteicat to the people o4 Kebrasxo. aa accural 'engrossing LuurslnUu? state wUl demand their attention for lntelliKent decision. The submission Question aud the selection of a United States senator are questions that every Intelligent vutevshould meet squarely nd aeckle for himself. In view of thee facta it Lehooves every cltlxen to se lect wisely Iu souice of Information for thecomlna year. Kor the yariaTH; Stats Jocuxsx. will be such an epitome of current event that no Intelli gent citizen can afford to Le without It, no matter of what SHutle of political belief. Since our last aa extensive arrangements have been per-fecit-d by 1 he Joi'itvsi. for receiving and handling ttw new-, of the day and tho publishers are pleased to announce that for the year ISSi The Jours al will be second to no paper published west of Chicago aa a general newspaper, with the report of the Ao ciatol press and tho United Press association, and with the telegraph wire leading direct to It edi torial rooms from all porta ofltho telegraph columi a will bo found each day replete with the lat est lntellljonce In addition to these facilities Ths Joi'Riai. maintains an able corps of special corre spondents distributed all over the state, beside those located at Washington. 1). C, Chicago and other of !br priut-Ii nl new centers of the country. lubtabed at tbo state caultat Tint Jo-jhkiZ. will at. wa contain the latest news from the state derjart ment and proceeding of the supreme court which are or especial Interest to Nebraska readers. Tho news of the day will be dUcusaed and commented upon In sn able manner In Its editorial column. special articles will appear from time to time from the most girted writers la the tountry. our mark reports from the principal trade centers of the wort4 will be oomplete and accurate, and In many other respects Tas Jocx.yal will be found to be the leadlag newspaper or the west. THE SUNDAY JOURNAL. Twelve JJuxe Pages-Eighty-Four Columns For the accommodation of those who do not havo time to read a dally paper and yet desire to keep abreast of the time, the publishers offer Tas 3u dat Jocrxal. it will consist each week of twelve well fll'ed I ages, and will be m a measure a restuao of the week' event. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL. Eight Ijtrge Pages Fifty-Six Columns. The publishers desire to call the attention of Xe braska readers especially to Tns 'Vickkly Ncboaaka, State JoCkxal. for ISSH. Extensive arrangement have been made for perfecting this publication with a vlow to making It the beat dollar weekly newspaper published. Edited by a staff carefully selected for their will be round entirely distinct Irons the dolly edition, and In every way calculated to sup ply the wants of the reding masses. It wm contain the news of the week carefully collated and tersely told, accurst mirket reports, agricultural and hor ticultural matters or Interest to ebraakana, editorial comment, fpclalartlclesoa live subject, and the choicest miscellaneous reading. In will be the paper tor the people, and at the low prloe of sab scrlptton. $1 per year. It will be found within tho reach of alL TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dally Journal one year. Including Sunday.. ..$10 00 ' six months 3 00 Weekly - one year. tCU " six mouths SO " " three months U Sunday ' one year JOB Money sent by draft, postofflce money order or registered letter at our risk. Address all orders aud moke drafts payable to eJTAXK JOURNAL COMPANY, IJncolu, Nebraska DEHENDERSON .09 A 111 W. Minth St., KMSAS CITY. M0. Tht mlif Specialist in tht City uho it a Regular Graduate ia Medicine. Over 20 years' Practice, 12 years in Chicago. THE OLDEST IN ICE, AND LOWEST LOCATED. fcsA Authorized by the State to treat VU ChrouIc.Nervousand "Special Dts- jfjj7'jeue," Seminal Weakness night jflTBammV- B oues)exuol iwmiuy vast or jeteau aBfffaBm lnpmccrh Nervous Debility. Polsonea aV Blood, Ulcers andSwelllngs of every BjaSfaSfajV kiud. Urinary Diseases, ana in lact. YanaBBBsVeT si' troubles or diseases in either s"wTr male or female. Cures guaranteed or money refunded. Charges low. Thousands ot coses cured. Experience Is Important. All medi cines are guaranteed to be pure and efficacious. being compounded In my perfectly appointed laboratory, ana are rurntsnea ready ror nseA . running to urng stores to have uncertain p i.V re- scriptions filled. No mercury or Injurious medi cines used. Xo detention from business. Patients at a distance treated by letter and exprese. medi cines sent everywhere free from gaze or break age. Mate your case and send for terms. Con sultation free and cou&dentlal, personally or by letter. A M page IttfVYir For Both Seaoa, sunt Illustrated aJwVIk sealed In plain envelope for be In stamps. Every male, from the age of 15 to 45, should read this book. RHEUMATISM THE MEW TURKISH RHEUUTIC CUBE. A POSITIVE CUBE for RHECM ATISU. & tor say esse this treatment falls to ears or help, nrestest dtsserery la aasals r medietas. Oae sen gins relief; itw ease nwilii lever sad pelo in joiuU ; Cere eoapleteS in S to 7 dj. 3mA mate meat of esse with tamp tor Circulars. Call, or sddrsss Or.HENDERSON,l09 W.Mt. t..Ks BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. This Magazine Bwrtrays Asaeri. can tkea-'fat and life from eceaa to ocean, is filled witk pare high-clasa literatare, and caa fee safely wel comed ia aar family circle. PIKE 25c. IH3A TEA! IT HAH. Sampla Copy of current number mailed upon r. eelpt of 35 cts.: tack numbers. IS ets. Pretnluas List with either. Address: S. T. 2U3H & S01T, Publishers, 130 & 132 Pearl St., If. Y. Nebraska State Journal BsaT ' Baas J nsasCrty.wto-. -r