The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 21, 1887, Image 2

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flluttrfms gaunta!
Entered at the Post-office, Columbus, Nob., as
second-class mail matter.
Columbus, NeT.
Ono year, by mall, postage prepaid, $2.00
Six months. ,'"J
Three months,
Paj able in Advance.
JSy-Specimen copies mailed free, on applica
When subscribers change theirfplace of resi
dence they should at onco notify us by letter or
postal card, giving both their former and thur
present post-office the first enables us to readily
find the name on our mailing list, from wnich,
being in type, we each week print, either on the
wrapper or on the margin of your Jouenai the
date to which your subscription is paid or ac
counted for. Remittances should be made
either by money-order, registered letter or draft,
payable to the order of
v M. K. TUBNEB & Co.
All communications, to secure attention, must
bo accompanied by the full name of the writer.
We reserve tho right to reject any manuscript,
and cannot agree to return the same. Wedesire
a correspondent in every school-district of
Platte county, ono of good judgment, and re
liable in every way. Write plainly, each item
separately. Give us facts.
South Omaha has been declared a city
of the second class with over 5,000 in
habitants At a meeting at Oxford university the
other day Prof. Freeman's proposal to
form a home-rule league was adopted.
It is officially stated from Vienna that
the cabinet Bharesin the belief that good
relations rith Russia -will be maintained.
Gnx. Thomas Kinitr Smith of Phila
delphia, died at New York, Dec. 14, aged
67 years. He was chief of Gen. Grant's
staff at the close of tho war.
Diphthekia is reported now raging in
Vermillion county, III. Schools at Cath
lin are closed until January 1. Over 100
deaths wero reported last week.
A report comes from Stanton, Va.,
that two freight trains collided on the
Chesapeake & Ohio railroad tho other
dav near Clifton Forge. Three men
A REroitT comes from Bismark, Dak.,
the other night that while crossing the
Missouri river Charles "Whalen, wife and
daughter broke through tho ice and
were drowned.
Luelia North, aged four, at Cincin
nati, in tho store the other morning dur
ing the absenco of her parents, ignited
her clothing and before assistance reach
ed her she was burned to death.
TnE senate the other day was about to
remove the injunction of secrecy from
the journal of the executivo proceedings
from the year 1829 up to the end of the
Fortioth congress twenty years ago.
C. .T. Faulkner, of West Virginia, is
declared duly elected senator by the
committee on privileges and elections,
and a resolution to that effect was pass
ed, and tho oath of office thereupon ad
ministered to him.
Deputy TJ. S. Marshal Thomas
brought into Fort Smith, Ark., the other
day, forty-two criminals, the largest
batch ever brought thero at ono time.
They all came from the Indian territory,
and will bo tried in the United States
At a convention of landlords held at
Dublin, Dec. 14, French, the agent of
Lord Lansdown, advocated advances to
landlords to enable them to pay mort
gages, accepting rentals as security.
Everard favored this proposal, and said
it was tho landlord's last chance.
The senate committee on finance held
its first meeting on the morning of Dec.
13, and ordered favorable report on the
Morrill bill to refund to states the di
rect taxes imposed by act of 18G1. The
aggregrte is about 815,000,000. It is tho
bill that passed the senate last session.
Action is being taken at Aberdeen,
Dak., in holding a state convention,
which was temporarily organized, on the
15th, with H. C. Preston, of Mitchel, in
the chair. The principal business of the
convention will be the adoption of a
memorial to congress for tho admission
of Dakota as one state.
B. E. Hopkins, late cashier of the Fi
delity National bank at Cincinnati, O.,
is on trial in tho U.S. court, Judge Sage
presiding alone. He is charged in the
indictment with misapplication of the
funds of the Fidelity National bank and
making false entries in the books of the
bank. To all the charges he pleads not
not guilty.
TnE executivo committee of the pro
hibition party met at Chicago, Dec. 13.
Chairman Dickey was instructed to is
sue a call for the national convention
and to ask prohibition voters in the sev
eral states to send ono delegate for
every thousand members of the party,
in addition to the apportionment fixed
at the recent national conference.
Action is being taken in congress to
regulate immigration into this country.
Senator Reagan has introduced a bill
which authorizes tho secretary of the
treasury to appoint "inspectors of im
migration,' to be stationed at such ports
of entry as ho may deem proper. In an
other instance a bill has been introduced
into the house to prohibit immigration of
Chinese to this country.
A report comes from Paris that the
formation of tho Tirard ministry was
brought about by threats of President
Carnot to resign if Tirard refused to go
. ahead with the task. It is now called
" Carrot's cabinet." Some of the radi
cal organs make violent attacks on the
new government, which, it is expected,
will collapse after tho holidays.
Whenever we cau place carpenters,
masons, iron workers and mechanics in
every department of work as cheaply,and
live as poorly in the United States as
similar workingmen of Europe, we can,
of course, manufacture as cheaply as
they do in England and France. But I
am totally opposed to the policy that
, would entail such results. To attempt
it is equivalent to a social and financial
revolution one that would bringNintold
distress. James G. Blaine.
A report comes from Glasgow that
the delegates of the Scotch home
rule onion, who have been making a
tour in Ireland, have returned and re
ported that the Irish' people are eager
for peace, and that their demands are
moderate. They say they are convinced
that the Irish are homerulers and not
" separatists. The delegates declare that
measures taken by the present English
government are ineffective and irritate
JJm maw of fha Irian nation.
An attempt was made to assassinate
Ferry in the chamber of deputies by a
man named Auberton. The criminal
was arrested and exposed a vicious plot
of destruction and murder. When Au
berton appeared in the hall of the
chambers of deputies and asked to see
both Terry and Goblet, Goblet did not
respond, but Ferry did, and on his ap
pearance Auberton drew a revolver and
fired three times at him. One of the
balls struck Ferry in the chest. The
wound apparently is not serious as Ferry
was able to proceed to the hospital, sup
ported by friends. A medical examina
tion at the hospital revealed the fact
that two bullets struck Ferry. The first
passed around the chest, slightly pene
trating the flesh, and the second went
through the fleshy part of the thigh. In
consequence of the attempt upon the
life of Ferry there were many heated
quarrels in the chamber of deputies be
tween moderates and radicals. Eouvier
joined in the discussion, accusing tho
radicals in provoking weak-minded per
sons to deeds of violence.
In the house Speaker Carlisle called
upon Crisp, of Georgia, to preside over
the house, stepped down upon the floor
and a'ddressed the chair as follows: "It
is well known there is a contest pending
which makes it improper for mo as pre
siding officer to appoint a committee on
elections. I have left the chair, there
fore, for the purpose of asking to excuse
me from performance of that duty, and
to take such action in this matter as its
judgment may dictate." Mr. Holman,
of Indiana, offered a resolution that the
house will, at 1 o'clock tomorrow, pro
ceed to elect fifteen members who will
constitute a committee on elections for
the present session. A substitute by
Mr. Turner, of Georgia, was rejected and
Mr. Holman's resolution adopted.
Kepresentative McCreert, of Ken
tucky, is anxious to introduce a bill at
an early day in the house for a confer
ence of the representatives of Central
and South American republics, and the
republic of Mexico to meet in Washing
ton and sottlo upon some plan for set
tlement of their disputes by arbitration.
Ho desires to have the representatives of
the fifteen South and Central American
republics here for the hundredth anni
versary of the adoption of the constitu
tion, or the four hundredth of the land
ing of Columbus. Ho wants to take
steps to open up trade with 55,000,000
people in the Spanish-American repub
lic. S. P. Rounds, one of the editors and
managers of jthe Omaha Republican,
died, at his residonco in Omaha Satur
day last, at a quarter to eight, of heart
disease. His remains will be taken to
Chicago this week for burial. As stated
in the Republican the death of Mr.
Rounds brings dep sorrow to the mem
bers of the editorial and business staff,
aud to employes of the Republican gen
erally. To them he was something
more than an employer he was a friend
and a counselor in whom they trusted
implicitly. Beyond his relatives, the
public who were acquainted with him,
are fully capable of appreciating the loss
of a good man.
A report comes from Denver, Col.,
that tho body of deputy sheriff Hol
lingsworth, killed at Corona, the other
evening, by Newton Voice, arrived there
and will be shipped to Dlinois. It is
known that the desperado has four men
in a dug-out with him and that during
the Bhooting the other evening he was
badly wounded. Officers and settlers
will soon make an attempt to drive the
men out of tho house. If unsuccessful
they will try to set it on fire.
The president sent to the senate the
nomination of envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary, Oscar S.
Strauss, New York, to Turkey; Alexan
der R. Lawton, Georgia, to Austria
Hungary; Bayless W. Hanna, Indiana,
to the Argentine Republic; consul gen
eral, Jared Lawrence Rathbone, Califor
nia, at Paris; G. Brown Goode, commis
sioner of fish and fisheries; James F.
Benedict, collector of internal revenue,
district of Colorado.
Senator Farwexl introduced a bill to
repeal the internal revenue tax on to
bacco in all forms and import duties on
sugar and tobacco; also provides that
a bounty of 140-100 cents per pound be
paid producers of raw sugar in tank
bottoms, and syrups of cane juice or
beet juice and other sugar productions;
also a bill to repeal the oleomargarine
and all adulterated articles be plainly
labeled as such.
Harper, was tried in the U. S. court
room at Cincinnati for his bank break
ing and the jury returned the verdict:
"We, the jury, find the defendant guilty
as charged in the indictment." This
means guilty on all thirty-three counts
left for the jury to pass upon. Judge
Sage sentenced him to ten years impris
onment in the Ohio penitentiary, and
that the marshal convey him thither at
At Columbus, O., a special grand jury
which was called to investigate the elec
tion tally sheet forgery of 85,havemade a
report, returning eight indictments. No
names were given out, but three arrests
were made Robert Montgomery and
Dr. C. R. Montgomery, of Columbus, and
Algernon Granville, of Chicago.
A report comes from Paris of a recent
date that Albertin,theman who attempt
ed to assassinate Ferry in the"ball of the
chamber of deputies, was arraigned be
fore the magistrate for preliminary ex
amination, during which the prisoner
was attacked with dementia, and was re
moved to a madhouse.
The man arrested at Springfield, M,
the other day, as William Clark, is with
out doubt John H. Webber, the embez
zling express messenger of the Northern
Pacific express company. Webber disap
peared from St. Paul early in Nov. His
stealings then amounted to 85,000, but
now his thefts amount to 33,971.
A report comes from St. John, N. H.
of the finding of a buried treasure at St.
Martins and it has caused quite a sensa
tion. The amount of the find up to one
day last week is stated to be several
bushels of guineas bearing date of 1765.
At Hamburg, N. Yn early Saturday
morning George Banerli and wife, aged
fil and 5R. rRTVfirelv- vm hnnuul tn
death. Their house burned, and, being J
infirm, they were unable to eaeapa from I
tka femiliimg .
Perry C. Smith, of New Jersey, will
get the place of E. Higgins, resigned.
Smith is a cousin of Secretary Fairchild,
and at present holds the position of dis
bursing clerk of . the postoffice depart
ment. At Reading, Pa., on the 17th, of Dec.
the greatest snow of the year fell and
at 10 P. M. was eighteen inches deep anil
still falling. The storm is general all
over the eastern section of tho state.
On Sunday last editors of Vienna were
summoned to the police bureau and re
minded of the law prohibiting the pub
lication of the movement of troops and
other military preparations.
President CleyeijAJJD has designated
Brigadier General Mc Feely, commissary
General of subsistence, to act as secre
tary of war during the absence of Sec
retary Endicott.
George W. Means has been appointed
postmaster of Georgetown, Custer
Senator Manderson A bill for a pub
lic building at Omaha, to cost, including
site, 1,500,000.
Fred Anderson, a fireman of the F., E.
M. V. railroad, was accidentally crushed
to death at Fremont one morning last
week. A
E. K. Long of Omaha was elected
Grand Master at the meeting in Hast
ings, last week, of the grand-council
Arch Masons of Nebraska.
Tho following persons have been
granted pensions in Nebraska: E. P. Os
good, Sidney; A. Tanner, Beatrice; W.
Fusselman, Leigh; W. Neelia, Newman.
Edward Beck, the city treasurer of
Wilber, was tried last week on a charge
of embezzlement, and after a few min
utes examination was acquitted by the
The governor of this state has issued a
proclamation organizing the county of
Perkins, formed out of the territory of
Keith county, and ordered an election
of county officers.
A board of trade was formed one night
last week at Grafton, composed of its
best business men. The citizens antici
pate putting into operation several in
dustrial enterprises next season.
Attorney General Leese has given an
opinion to State Auditor Babcock rela
tive to the Wahoo bonds, holding that
the bonds were issued on an illegal call,
and therefore illegal and should not be
The appraisement of 280,000 acres of
school lands in Cheyenne county, has
been filed at Lincoln with the board of
public lands and building. It runs
from 50 cents to 15 an acre, and will
probably be sold about Feb. 1.
A mortgage of $4,9G3,G00 in favor of the
American loan and trust company, of
Bo ton, on tho Omaha & Republican
Valley railroad, was filed the other day.
This is at the rate of $10,000 a mile of
said road, and is the largest mortgage
ever filed for record at Lincoln.
Senator Paddock introduced a bill for
the erection of buildings for the ex
clusive use of post offices, for the first
and second class, none of the buildings
to cost more than the aggregate gross
receipts of the office for which it is in
tended, for two preceding years.
Fred Kropf bought four March pigs
the other day of Louis Litchsharms,
that weighed 1650 pounds. When a man
can raise hogs and get his money out of
the work that 6oon, there are not many
things that will pay better. Schuyler
President Cleveland sent to the senate
the other day a large number of ap
pointments made during recess, and in
most cases the nominees are already in
office. Herbert Bollingerg, postmaster
at Hay Springs, and Frank Pay, Benkle
man, Neb.
While George Young, at Fremont, the
other night was handling a revolver it
was accidentally discharged, hitting E.
Lesier in the right eye causing instant
death. He was 22 years old and un
married, and his remains have been
taken to Osceola, Iowa, his former home,
for burial.
Ed Slate, a fourteen years old lad, was
up at Lake Kearney with a number of
other lads trying coasting on the new
toboggan slide, when he waB thrown
from his sled and another lad following
ran into him injuring him internally.
Last week his physicians had given up
hopes of his recovery.
A. M. Emerick, a German farmer liv
ing ten miles north of Grand Island, had
been in town doing some trading, and
having a fractious team, it became un
manageable the other day and ran away
throwing Mr. Emerick from his wagon,
instantly killing him. He lost his house
and contents about three months ago
by fire.
C. J. Burton, living near Geneva, had
the misfortune one day last week to have
his nice and valuable barn with its con
tents burned. Nearly all his farm ma
chinery which was stored in the barn
burned. All the stock was saved. No
one can explain how the fire originated.
About two years ago Mr. Burton lost
two other barns by fire.
President Cleveland has sent another
long list of nominations of postmasters
who wero appointed during recess. The
following are a few in Nebraska: S. P.
Burrell, Custer; John Langley, Colfax
county; J. Keirnan, Clinton, Holt
county; H. M. Smithers, Lanham. Gage
county; D. McCnage, Nebraska City and
C. V. Gallager, Omaha.
A report comes from Fremont that a
hand car with four section men on
board was run down by. a wild engine
near Arlington the other night on the
Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley
railroad, and Sam Ponns was instantly
killed. Frank Figg was badly bruised
and others escaped by jumping. Ponn's
body was taken to Fremont.
A report comes from Talmage that
James Schrimsher has secured and
taken to Missouri one of the biggest
prizes Nebraska ever gave. He has mar
ried and taken Mrs. Jane Waldon, nee
Hickey, who tips the beam at 340 pounds
and is Johnson county's biggest daugh
ter. The groom is somewhat slender,
and stands almost seven feet tall in his
Senator Manderson A bill granting a
pension to every soldier and sailor inca
pacitated for the performance of manual
labor, and pensions to dependent re
latiYM of dmaaid aoldiara and sailor.
(He introduced this bill at the unani
mous request of the G. AR.) He also
introduced bills for the admission of the
state of Dakota, and the organization of
tho territory of Lincoln.
The new Odd Fellows' hall and build
ing at Norfolk was thrown open to the
publio the other night and formally ded
icated. Deputy Grand Master Geo. N.
Beels of Norfolk, conducted the cere
monies in the hall. H. J. Hudson, of
Columbus, delivered the address. The
building is a handsome two story brick
structure 27x110 feet, on the leading
business street, and cost $7,500.
The Dodge county farmer can buy
seven yards of five-cent calico for his wife
or daughter with a single bushel of corn.
And yet Mr. Cleveland and other lessor,
but more brilliant democratic lights, in
sist that the tariff on the calico is keep
ing the farmer poor. The cheapness of
cotton fabrics is due to the development
of manufacturing industries in this
country under a protective tariff.
The report from -the bar banquet at
Sidney, held in the Pacific hotel on the
night of Dec. 14, is said to have been a
grand affair. Judge Heist presided and
delivered an address of welcome. An
elegant collation was served, after which
the toasts were responded to. Among
some of those present were Gen. Mor
row, Judge Hamer and Judge Lacy, of
Wyoming, and many others. Tho bar of
Cheyenne county has a right to be proud
of its second annual banquet.
Senator Paddock A bill to authorize
the governor of Utah to appoint Belect'
men, clerks, recorders, assessors and su
perintendents of district schools for
each county in Utah. Also, for consti
tuting tho governor and secretary of
Utah, and others of the Utah commis
sion, a board to reapportion Salt Lake
City into aldermanic and councilmanic
districts, and to provide that no person
shall be elected to the offices from a
district in which he does not reside.
Rumor has it that there is to be a gen
eral change for the better in the running
of the trains in and out of Norfolk. In
addition to the Norfolk and Omaha flyer
on the Union Pacific, it is said that a
regular passenger train is to be put on
the Creighton branch, and the Scribner
branch train is to run to Norfolk in
stead of Oakdale. The Black Hills ex
press on tho main line of tho F. E. & M.
V. is to chango time and ran on a faster
schedule, and the Norfolk passenger
train on the latter road will be run into
Omaha over the Arlington cut-off and
thus shorten tho running time. All
these things mean better railroad facili
ties for Norfolk, and we are glad to hear
of them. Aews.
Friday morning the dead body of a
man was found at the side of one of the
bridges in Midland precinct on tho road
leading straight north from Dworak's
milL His team was also there fast to
the wagon and tangled up in the har
ness. Tho dead man proved to be John
Mastay, a middle aged Bohemian, who
had left town the night before and had
undoubtedly driven off the bridge, the
wagon falling on him and killing him.
The night was quite dark and foggy and
the man was very likely not sober. He
leaves a family, of wife and seven child
ren, but most of the children are grown
up. Word was first sent to the coroner
to come up, and was afterwards counter
manded, all the evidence tending to
show that the man came to his death ly
driving off the bridge. Schuyler Sun.
John Lisco, of Clarks, has filed a com
plaint with the board of transportation
at Lincoln, charging discrimination
against him by the Union Pacific rail
way company and in favor of other ship
pers to Omaha, in this: He is engaged in
buying and selling hay and straw, and
that the Union Pacific railway company
gives other parties the benefit of car
load rates upon a miuimum weight of
16,000 pounds, while he is compelled to
load 20,000 into a single car before he is
given the benefit of such rates. A copy
of the complaint has been sent to T. J.
Potter, general manager of the Union
Pacific railway company, requiring that
the complaint by satisfied or answer
made thereto, on or before Dec. 26.
Juliu3 Neidrich while returning to his
home five miles east of Palmer on last
Friday met a tragic death. His team of
horses became frightened at the break
ing of a king bolt which also threw Mr.
Neidrich to the ground. Mr. Neidrich
maintained a firm hold on the lines and
called loudly for help and let go only
when weakened by his injuries. He was
picked up in a dying condition, his in
juries being a severe contusion of the
brain and several compound lacerated
wounds of the scalp. Dr. Jones of Pal
mer was called to attend him but he ex
pired just as the doctor arrived. This
sad accident occurred almost in view
of the home of the deceased. Only a
week or two ago we recorded the fact of
the burning of Mr. Neidrich's house. He
leaves a wife and four children to mourn
his loss. Palmer Sun.
Ex-Gov. Nance and C. H. Morril have
sold their interest in the Oscceola and
Stromsburg banks to J. H. Mickey, and
will move to Lincoln. The Nance po
litical ring have been the under dog in
Polk county since L D. Chamberlain
took up his residence in that land,-ftfed
with no hope of getting on top again, the
"Boy Governor" has accordingly resolv
ed to move to "greener pastures." While
Chamberlain is a good deal of an ex
tremist on many questions, he has
brought about a new order of things in
Polk county which are no more radical
in behalf of measures tending to the bet
terment of mankind, than were the self
ish, oppressive, dictations!, ride-over-everybody
railroad politics so long ad
vocated and successfully carried on by
the Nance-Mickey crowd. The an
nouncement of this removal bears upon
its face a hearty political sign. Ulysses
A truly republican form of govern
ment cannot be maintained without the
township as tho unit of the system. The
history of all civilized nations is the
record from which this proposition is
proved. It is with the township that
the people must begin if they would
learn the art of self-government; if they
would maintain equality before the laws,
equal rights, equal privileges, equal du
ties, equal obligations, and as great a
measure of liberty to the individual as is
consistent with the good of the whole
body of citizens. Through the organi
zation of the township as the political
unit, they must retain the control of the
state and national administration and
through it they can retain in their own
hands all the powers of society not nec
essary to an efficient general adminis
tration. Correspondence in Schuyler
Washington Letter. ,
From our regular correspondent.
Speaker Carlisle has a big job on his
bands. There is a great deal more
trouble than appears on the surface.
How to arrange tho committees is al
ways a perplexing question, but in the
organization of this congress thero seems,
to be more confusion than usual. The
truth is there has been a good deal of
trading 'going ou, and to deliver all
things, according to the agreement, is
quite a difficult task. As a sample of
several cases, I mention this one: The
president wants Scott, of Pennsylvania,
as chairman of the committee of ways
and means. Carlisle don't like him, and
promised the place to Mills, of Toxas,
and Mills is an arrogant sort of fellow,
and don't want to yield any prestige. It
is one of the most important committees
of the house, and the chairman, by vir
tue of long usage, becomes a momber of
the committee on rules, and hence an
additional importance is attached to
that position. Mr. Mills says openly
that tho place was promised him, and
that he is going to have it or there will
be some lively music. Perry Belmont,
of New York, is booked for the chair
manship of foreign relations, but Tim
Campbell and other New York members
are strongly opposing him. And so in
numerous other instances, and that is
why I Bay the speaker has a big job on
his hands. Mr. Randall says tho "two
wings of tho democratic party flap to
gether," but they don't have that ap
pearance just at this time.
It is expected that the senate will act
on the president's nominations on Wed
nesday, and that all will bo confirmed.
Friends of Mr. Lamar and Gen. Vilas
seem very confident.
The national republican committee
had a glorious session, and everything
betokened harmony and success for next
year. Chicago, as usual, was lucky in
getting tho convention. The next ques
tion is to nominate a ticket that will
.win. Ihat is of moro importance than
anything else, and tho feeling is univer
sal hero among republicans, that victory
is sure, and I think tho wiser heads of
the democratic party so regard it.
Tho senate have completed their com
mittee list, and every man seems satis
fied with the position assigned him. The
best of feeling exists among republicans
in both wings of the capitol, and the
disposition to preserve the present har
mony is very observable.
There are several members who do
not draw their salaries until the close of
the session. The majority, however,
draw their pay monthly. I know of a
few who check out their pay every day
regularly, and are then always hard
pushed for money. Taken as an aver
age, including salary, mileage and sta
tionery allowance, which is often drawn
in money, a congressman gets sixteen
dollars per day. That is largo for some
members, but there are beveral con
gressmen whoso private income is from
S500 to $1000 a day, and with them,
salary is of tho least consideration.
A greater contrast is not possible than
that between Senators Evarts, of New
York, and Beck, of Kentucky. Beck is
a Scotchman by birth, and sixty-six
years old; Evarts was born in Bostou,
and is seventy. The Kentucky senator
is big and burly, with a very small nose.
Senator Evarts is little and delioate,
with a monstrous big nose. Mr. Beck is
bluff, and his sentences fall like chips
under the axe; Mr. Evarts is suave and
diplomatic, and revels in Latin and
Greek derivations. No two men were
ever more antipathetic. The poles are
not further apart than these two sena
tors, and yet both are great leaders, and
have largo following in their respective
Nearly two thousand members of the
Evangelical Alliance called in a body at
the White House to pay their respects
to the president. It was an imposing
scene, and being earnest religious men,
of course were principally republicans,
and the visit had no political bearing,
but only a desire to properly recognize
the dignity of tho presidential office.
In this department the peoplo talk, and not
the editor. Each writer must hold himself ready
to defend his principles and his statements of
facts. "In the multitude) of counsel there is
wisdom." Ed. Journal. 1
In the last issue of the Journal I no
tice the remarks of Louis Weaver, and
must say that they are sensible and sug
gest some good advice to the business
men of j Columbus, viz, build up good
markets and induce by so doing farmers'
to come to that place to dispose of their
products, to a market that the traders
show by their acts that they aro deter
mined to do a good share of the busi
ness of Platte county. I have at va
rious times hauled grain to a certain
grain handling firm, and enquired the
price before unloading, but was told
that I would get the highest market
price, and while unloading the firm
telephoned over to J. P. Becker for tho
established price for the day; at several
times they neglected to telephone, and
by making personal inquiry I ascertain
ed that J. P. was paying several cents
more than I received, and by reporting
the fact succeeded in recovering the
difference. Now such ways of doing
business, do not always quite suit the
business ideas of an ignorant granger,
and he is apt to think that no one man
should set the price of farm produce,
and also that any market that the price
of produce is fixed and controlled by
any one man, is a one-horse town or
markets anyhow. Weaver truthfully
says that Columbus is a ono price mar
ket, for my experience, as above written,
proves it, except when bnyers forget to
telephone to J. P. In view of these and
similar facts, is there any wonder that
farmers are agitating organization to
protect themselves; they have been long
suffering and slow to act, but times and
ideas are changing.
I some time ago wrote an article in
reference to roads and bridges and ad
vocated the voting of bonds by the
county to assist Columbus in her effort
to build a good bridge across the Loup
and Platte rivers. The article brought
out several articles pro and con and
among the rest one published in the
Platte Center Argus, the writer threw
several slurs and insinuations at Colum
bus and its business prosperity, intimat
ting that other parts were not interested
in building up that city. Now that idea
illustrates the shortsightedness of all
such people in my estimation. If peo
ple would see the fact that by helping
thir neighbors to be prosperous they
were by that means helping themselves,
tnere wouia De a vast amount ot pro
gress in Nebraska. Let me tell this writer,
that if he and the balance of his ilk
would drop their one-horse views and
encourage progression and prosperity
among their neighbors, that it would be
money in their pockets in the long run.
If we havo a good, live, business town in
onr county or state, that place stands as
a governor of markets and life of sur
rounding towns, and the difference that
a good, live market in Columbus would
have over the surrounding towns, would
pay ten times, yes a hundred times the
amount of additional tax that a few
thousand dollars Inmds would amount
to. I um opposed to debts of a reckless
nature, but when I see that a few dol
lars invested in an adventure will help
my neighbors and at the same time help
mo to a higher plane of prosperity, I am
willing to go in. We have only to look
at our own neighboring, prosperous
cities and see the strides they are mak
ing towards prosperity, wealth and how
they do it, and thou ask ourselves if
they run business on the narrow gauge,
I guess not. Creston.
(Educational! epartnjeqi
A. good text book education and fftfe
broader ono that comes from contact
with the world-experience, are among
the first requisites toward success in
teaching. These are good weapons, but
they need skilful wielding. Tact, man
agement, good government, call it
what yon will, is the best spoke in
the wheel, and lacking this, the ability
to give a correct translation frr -i the
dead languages, or the power t olva
a difficult or intricate-problem, will not
furnish the motive power to make "the
wheels go round."
There are two kinds of management:
the natural and tho acquired. Some
teachers seem to know instinctively
just what to do, and how, and when, in
order to secure the best results. That
is natural tact. But any one having
ordinary ability, can learn some things
by using eyes, ears, and intelligence;
by studying child nature and obserfb
ing cause and effect; by applying the
"golden rule" with more frequency
than the traditional one; by develop
ing an interest in each child, instead
of lumping them off into grades, classes
and divisions, like so many bales oJ
cotton or packages of merchandise; by
becoming familiar with each one's
home life and surroundings, their
heredity, physical, mental and moral
qualities; everything in fact, which
helps make or mar character.
" But this is so much trouble."
It is truly. And so is everything
that is worth doing at all; and unless
you can put your time, strength, pur
pose, and life, your very soul, into the
work, you had best leave the profes
sion and dig ditches or wash dishes as
the case may be.
For your own sake you should do
this, as well as for the sake of those
committed to your care for your sue
cess will be limited in tho same degree
that you lack management; and your
aspiration in your work should be to
approximate the perfection taught by
the Great Master,your noble exemplar.
Take all the time necessary to do
good work.
Always a few questions at least in
Teach pupils how to use the diction,
Seldom repeat a question.
Be so familiar with the lesson that
you need not use a book.
Stories in the school-room should
havo some instructive point.
What are the best means of influenc
ing pupils against the use of tobacco
A fascinating Game securing rapidity and ae
curacy in figures with these cards; any child maj
learn alt the tables In lets than one half the trim
usually employed, with no apparent effort A
most attractive game for whole family. Child
ren never tire of them. A never falling source oi
profit. Any child can comprehend it. 190 Cards,
In neat box. full direction, post paid, 40 cents.
Send for full Catalogue of Games, Speakers, etc
Address, A. FLANAGAN.
163 Randolph Street, Chicago.
If the bright, smart boys and girls, ambltloaf
for something remunerative and honorable to do,
only realised bow soon they might be ready to dc
It, they would waste no more time tn idle plana
and vagrant fancies, but would go to work and
fit themselves to the work of shorthand type
writers. There is an ever increasing demand foi
good stenographers in the largo cities. If roc
want to kaow how to do it send to the Central
College of Eclectic Shorthand, 92 Dearborn street;
Chicago for its circular.
The American School of Chicago wants
the subscription of every teacher in
this county. Its price is only 50 cents
a year, while its place is among the
best journals published. Teachers
would do well to get up clubs in their
localities. Terms will be given on ap
plication to L. W. Applegate, Boom 5,
Hamilton Block, Chicago.
Ring Ctllgi if Bi isss ud Peiauiiip.
139 Madison St.. Chicago.
The Tiwg College of Business. Penmanship
and Shorthand in the Northwest Thecompre-
of the studies embracea a warn oi
the several courses, the liberal tuition rates,
the careful individual instruetlen and attention.
aad a toca trial tru. are some of the superior
I this College. Kamemoar. aiao, iaa
treat advantage In attending a couage in a great
eosasBerelal city Hke Chicane. A business cdu
afloa should be received ia a Business College
iaa a i nl ail nltr Your chances of seen ring a
m eatl don
as aeoa-aeepcr, pen mznm, er stas
censser are then tea to one.
TsrrJBtWIKKMFSACriCtaMoOFFICKWORK. feMurstaf Law, Ou iinial Arithnate, Xmg
tusarwmmm. Bmdta. WrUmg, teUfCa. Gv
wasir. giKery. Sen, SheHhamdmd Tvje.
wrW, Bunmm Corrmpomdtmes, War ifowe
Mmrktma. Mte.
... -w .. . .
KO DXFAKTUrrzi seen un
m aad inasrMtlosief as able
as aar ttee. neaaaat. well llgataa
TnlMia the lowest. No ether scheel In
iastracuon in Jour sysMsas oi
r-Qraham's. Pitman's, Marsh's and
ssrOatalegae and particulars. Isfcnaa-
ladlygivea. WILSON A CO
s Madpel wttl board six studaats. of the lamas
fa the Uattai States.
O. U. POWttS. Prlneiaal.
jaasjIsjlBninw rrirate lsnae. sold oat-
."fl'ssuvanmuw tfaat. c
tight. Circulars tree. Axeata
i - m.
13S LafieUe St. Ohlcafa.
run sHiioa
Ua C Wsras.
w rwtiiwww
Baal asteadthe Metropolitan Bufaess OoUem.
ITs Ubmm ttnet oypeatte HeVfekei
fwaasj. CMbm. aaa oquue a kaowMfeof
tulli -ffT- "". t Oorresaead-
mk bSmZaimL ate. AM teachers, pleasant
"teas-, lasfvi
I ajBftPSafK sjaaaassaaaaa
saMswMVMwr wtvwbws Vro
SjBSrBSSBgrg1.. '."ML . ' I'HnipjpjBBBy m
Which for safety, convenience, cleanliness and simplicity, cannot be excelled- It
simpleHt principle m philoeophy and takes the rank above nil Lamo KUerT No H
or ouUide of can; TKfi S wuTnot
IlinHinnH ithanllttauuratfininnjntil K. ail
aTrnpIeTan d Vsric. " '", ""' "U
u wuu mi) ii jou geiiw nxw oi rence from
3 jr. BssBsVJVsjsgsaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB
i? 'JTBBssssssssVsssssBBBBBlvi'iaaaaaaaM
sgjj?igiia1sssssCg!ragglL .-, vttr
What better than a good warm coat for your
wife or daughter? Bargains will be given for
the next THIRTY DAYS, to close them out be
fore invoicing.
Fiye Hundred Suits !
Of men's, boys' and children's clothing to close
out. On account of the open winter we will close
out over 200 overcoats cheaper than ever known
in Columbus.
Do not fail to see Galley Bros.' bargains be
fore buying. Remember these bargains will not
last long, we mean to close them out, so take ad
vantage of the bargains we shall offer at
Before we
Which wero bought
Mckinley &
Money to loan on improved farms in this and adjoining
counties, at current rates. We are prepared to close loans
promptly, in all cases where title and security are satisfactory.
Office up-stairs in Henry Building, corner of Olive and
Eleventh streets. jmyiractr
General Agents for the sale of
Union Pacific and Midland Pacific R. R. Lands for sale at from 13.00 to 910.00 per acre for cash
or on five or ton years time, in annual payments to ouit purchasers. We have also a large and choice
lot of other lands, improved and unimproved, for Mile at low price and on reasonable terms. Also
business and residence lots in the city. We keep a complete abstract of titlo to all real estate in
Platte County.
Wholesale and Retail
Gane, Pealtry, aid Fresh Fish. All Kiids f Saisage a Specialty.
CVCeah paid for Hides. Pelts, Tallow. Highest market price paid for fat cattle."!
OUvm Btrat, aacond door north of First National Bank.
embodies th
.- . v . '"I" A,tJ UttUtU
of ex-
& wSKX KSKUTtSL.1' &&
U TTa1 X Work '-orily. Call and se.
& immi
1UU pound of wire, which no other will do."
f resents!
HE1TR7 UttZ & CO.,
Have a Fino Line of Staple and Fancy
Crtcktry and Glassware,
cheap for catjh, and will be Bold,
very low prices.
Street, Columbus, Nebraska.
Nrff y P
Dealers in
anriiiMMnfnTrayr . -J