The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 14, 1887, Image 4

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A History of the Andrews Bailroad
Baid Into Georgia in 1862.
The Most Heroic and Tragic Episode
of the Civil War.
Embracing a Tull and Accurate Account
of the Secret Journey to the Heart of
the Confederacy, the Capture of a
Railway Trarn in a Confederate Camp,
the Terrible Chase That Followed, and
the Subsequent Fortunes of the Ieadr
and His Party.
The expedition, in the daring of its inception,
bad the wilduess of a romance; while in the
gigantic and overwhelming results it sought and
was likely to obtain it was absolutely sublime.
Judge Advocate General Holt's Official R
fobt. It was all the deepest laid scheme, and on the
grandest scale, that ever emanated from the
brains of any number of Yankees combined.
The Soctiierx Confederacy (Atlanta. Ga.),
April 13. lfcfci.
Despite its tragic termination, it shows what a
handful of bra e men could undertake in Amer
ica. Comtede Paris' History of the Ovu. Wab
in America, oL 2, p. 1ST.
Copyrighted. 1HS7. by War Publishing Co.. N. Y.,
and published by arrangement with them. J
Continued from last tceek.)
Once more we vrctn on board and away 1
"We -would feoon know whether wo were to
have a clear traek at Adairsville or to re
peat the vexatious and dangerous experi
ence of Kingston. Once more the engino
was given full force; we in the box car
were thrown from side to side, sometimes
a little roughly; but this did not diminish
our joy over the rapid motion which was
"devouring" the distance between s and
our friends in Tennessee! As we came in
sight of the station, there to our great
satisfaction lay the freight train, which,
indeed, had long been waiting for us,
as we were now a half hour behind
the time of Fuller's passenger train, and
also waiting for the morning passenger
train from Chattanooga, which should
have overtaken the freight at this point,
but which was also late. Indeed, the
panic in Chattanooga and the extra trains
on the road had disordered the whole
schedule and enormously increased our
dilliculties. As we came near the sta
tion, speed was slackened and we stopped
on the main track beside the through
freight. Andrews at once answered the
usual storm of questions and asked others
in turn. He heard still more of Mitchel's
operations, how he seemed to have
captured all their trains on the western
road, so that for twenty-four hours not a
car had got through, and that the tele
prams were being interrupted further and
further up the road,so that, from every
indication, he was coming to Chattanooga.
But Andrews was still more interested iu
asking news of the down passenger train,
which was now half an hour late. No in
formation was received, but the freight
conductor had determined to run on south
on the arrival of Fuller's train, in har
mony with their rule of railroading at
that time, by which a following train was
to 1)C waited for only a certain length of
time, after which the waiting train had
the right to proceed. Andrews approved
of that intention, saying that Fuller with
the regular train would probably wait for
him at Kingston. Andrews might have
held this train here by giving a message
as from Fuller, but he preferred to get rid
of it, so that if compelled to back before
the belated passenger, it might not be in
the way; and if compelled to fight, the
fewer of the enemy the better: otherwise
its running down to the place of the bro
ken rail was undesirable. The conductor
said to Andrews:
"You of course will remain here until
my passenger train comes, and tell them
to overhaul me at Kingston!"
"Xo," returned Andrews, "I mustgc
at once! the fate of the army hangs on my
getting promptly through with those car
loads of ammunition. Suppose the Yan
kees attack Beauregard! He has not pow
der enough for three hours' fight."
This was a startling possibility, and
forgetting all about Mitchel being in the
way, the conductor (the men on both sides
had heard the conversation, but had uot
joined in it) patriotically said:
"Get through by all means; but you
will have to run very slow and put a flag
man out on every tunc, or you will have
a collision."
Andrews answered quickly: "I will
attend to that;"' stepped on his own engine
and motioned to Knight, who was still at
the throttle. The latter, hearing the words
about running slowly, had put on the
steam in a gradual manner, and the engine
glided away at a moderate rate of speed.
But this was cot to last; neither was
any flagman to be sent ahead; there had
been delays enough. The time had come
when it was wise to take a terrible risk.
We dared not wait for the passenger train
because of the pursuers we had heard, and
of the freight which had started toward
the break; and we must reach the station
above lieforc the passenger started out!
From Adairsville to Calhoun, the next
station that had a side track, is a little
more than nine miles. The road runs di
rectly north, is almost straight, and but
little removed from level; this is the most
favorable stretch for running en the whole
line. Andrews said to his comrades: "Make
her show how fast she can go; every sec
ond saved in getting to Calhoun counts."
The effect of giving such orders to men
whose nerves had all morning been thrill
ing with suppressed lire may be imagined!
The engine was in the finest running con
dition. Knight had oiled it carefully dur
ing the long waiting at Kingston, and
again, in part, at Adairsville, and a heavy
pressure of steamJiad accumulated during
the pause at the latter station. Xow the
full force of the mighty power was turned
on at once, while oil was poured on sticks
and these fed into the furnace. The three
cars and twenty men were no load for the
powerful engine, and it sprung to its work
with a shock that nearly took every man
from his feet! The race against time which
followed was grand and terrible. The en
gine seemed to be not so much running as
coursing with great lionlike bounds along
the track, and the spectacle from the loco
motive as it rose and fell in its ceaseless
rapidmotion,whilehouses,fieldsand woods
rushed by, was wonderful and glorious,
almost worth the risk to enjoy! In the box
car we were throwii from side to side and
jerked about in a manner that baffles
description. The car was so close to the
engine that it felt every impulse of power
and there was no following train to steady
ft. Many times we were startled with the
momentary conviction that we were off
the track; but there was no cessation of
our rapid flight "We hardly knew what
it meant, and though we pushed our door
partly open, the risk of being thrown out
was too great to permit us to open it wide;
and gazing at the panorama that flitted
by, with lightning like rapidity, we could
gain no clew to this frantic and perilous
chase, for there was no indication of a fol
lowing train that we could perceive.
There was no danger of being seen in the
opening of our door, for the rapid flight of
the train would have attracted all the at
tention that anything upon the car could.
Andrews scarcely looked ahead while
making this run. Brown and Knight,
however, did keep a sharp lookout, sim
ply for the purpose of seeing when we
came near the station that they might
shut off steam and bo able to stop there.
They had no hope of reversing or stop
ping, if they saw the belated passenger
train approaching. As well try to reverse
a cannon ball in its flight! If the train had
started ont from Calhoun "before we came
in sight, it was simply and inevitably
death for every one of us; and the people
of the other train would not have fared
much better.
Our fireman, J. A. Wilson, very graph
ically describes this fearful effort to con
quer time:
"Our locomotive was under a full head
at steam. The engineer stood with his
ujjcu. it was irignnui 10 see now the
powerful iron monster under us would
leap forward ftnder the revolutions of her
great wheels. Brown would scream to
me ever and anon, 'Give'her more wood,
Alt,' which command was promptly
obeyed. She rocked and reeled like a
drunken man, while we tumbled from
side to side like grains of popcorn in a hot
frying pan. It was bewildering to look at
the ground or objects on the roadside A
constant stream of fire ran from the great
wheels, and to this day I shudder as I re
flect on that, my first and last locomotive
ride. We sped past houses, stations and
fields and out of sight, almost like a
meteor, while the bystanders, who scarce
ly caught a glimpse of us as we passed,
looked on as if in both fear and amaze
ment. It has always been a wonder to me
that our locomotive and cars kept the
track at all, or how they could possibly
stay on the track. At times the iron
horse seemed literally to fly over the
course, the driving wheels of one side
being lifted from the rails much of the
distance over which we now sped-with a
velocity fearful to contemplate. We took
little thought of the matter then."
Andrews kept his watch in his hand,
seeming to notice nothing else, for time
was the only element iu this part of our
problem, and he and Knight, who looked
on the same watch, always joined
in declaring that the interval of
nine miles between the two stations
was run in seven and a half minutes;
and this not upon a magnificent road
with steel rails, as that road is today,
but over a poor and neglected track! It
must, in candor, however, be allowed that
Andrews probably reckoned the interval
from losing sight of Adairsville until
coming in sight of Calhoun. When near
the two stations he would be otherwise
engaged, and thus the rate may have been
little over a mile a minute surely enough
for all the fear, wonder and sublimity of
Our escape on this run was exceedingly
narrow. The passenger train had begun
to move out before we arrived, but it had
only just got under way while we were
slackening up for the station. A minute
earlier in their starting would have ended
the raid. But seeing us coming, and our
whistle sounding out loud and peremp
tory, they backed before us up the track,
and the proper officer obligingly opened
the switch to let us on the side track. Of
course this was done as much in the in
terest of the passenger train, which could
not go on till we were out of the way, as
in ours.
But they did not go on for some time
and we were obliged to await their move
ments. In backing they had gone far
enough, not only to give us room on the
side track, but also, as their train was a
long one, t completely block the far end
of it, and we could not proceed on the
main track until thev should pull ahead.
Before doing this they naturally wanted
some explanation. The lateness jf the
regular train; our having Fuller's engine,
without him or any of his men; and not
least, the manner in which we had
swooped down upon them like some beast
of prey, coming without any signal man
ahead at a time when under railroad rules
they were entitled to the road all this,
which only some most urgent occasion or
public calamity could excuse, called foi
explanation. Andrews calmly told hu
story, and the urgent need of ammunition
was felt to justify everything; aqd all the
questions were asked and answered that
are common among railroad men on meet
ing. Yet Andrews would have talked
little and would have made a very short
btop, had it not been for tho manner in
which the passenger train bound in his
own. We had a good right to be uneasy
here, for we had not cut the wires between
this station and Adairsville because we
had not dared, in the terrible urgency of
reaching Calhoun, to delay even for this
purpose. A question might come on the
wires at any moment which Andrews,
with all his adroitness, would not find it
easy to answer. Neither had we put any
obstructions on the track. This latter
omission prepared the way for another
race against time, only less swift and fear
ful than our own.
Thus we were again delayed. Andrews
tried gentle and indirect means to per
suade the conductor of the passenger train
that it was perfectly safe for him to run
down and get to Adairsville before Ful
ler's passenger train. But he was not
easily persuaded. The bare escape from
collision with our train had shaken his
nerves too much for him to wish at once
to repeat the experience. Neither did he
seem at all in a hurry to move his train
ahead and let us out on the main track;
but as his train was the only obstacle, it
would not have been long, had he contin
ued obstinate, until the reserve force of
our party would have been brought into
requisition. It may be said here that An
drews was perfectly sincere in telling him
that there would be abundant time for
him to reach Adairsville before Fuller
with his train would be along. We did
not think that Fuller would be along
that day, and with his own train he was
not But as matters were, if the Calhoun
man had allowed himself "to be persuaded
to start southward, a fearful collision
would have ended all possibilities of pur
suit, and left us free to burn bridges at
our leisure. Here was another of the nar
row escapes made by the enemy. To un
derstand this it is necessary to recur to
Fuller and Murphy, who were within two
dr three minutes of Kingston when we
left that place.
They were terribly disappointed when
they found themselves stopped quite a
long distance below Kingston by three
heavy freight trains, and learned in a
brief conversation with the engineer of
the nearest, and the persons who had run
down tnat way on hearing their whistle,
that their game had flown. They heard
w;th wonder how long the commander of
the captured train had been held there,
and how he had succeeded in concealing
his real character. The formidable nature
of the enemy ahead was now clearly re
vealed, but it looked for a moment to
Fuller as if all his labor had been for
nothing, and that he would be able to
continue the pursuit only after a ruinous
delay. To back all these trains up the
heavy grade so that he could get on the
side track, and then down again to get off
at the upper end, would require an
amount of "seesawing" that woidd give
the captors of his train a hopeless start
Here arose a difference of opinion between-Fuller
nnd Murphy, who up to this
time had worked together in perfect
accord. Murphy ran ahead and cut loose
the New York, the new and good
engine of one of the freights, attaching it
to the car which had brought their tools
from Etowah. He then called to Fuller
to move the Rome engine back out of the
way that he might come round on the
"Y." But Fuller had different plans.
The Rome engine and tram had stood
on its own track all this time waiting for
his coming; the
Rome branch led
into the main
track above all
the impediments.
Why not take that
engine? No sooner
thought than ex
ecuted. Fuller
had .taken one
foot race that day,
and he now took
another, shorter,
but not less im
portant The en-!
gine was headed
already toward
Chattanooga with
only one car attached, and in the most
favorable position. There was abundance
of volunteers, and no need of explana
tions, for now everybody was sure that
the impressed powder story was false and
absurd had thought so all the time!
Conductor Smith, of the Rome train, gave
it for the service at once. All was done
so quickly that Murphy saw them start and
had to run at his best speed to keep from
being left behind! Fuller probably made
a mistake in not taking the New York, as
the other engine was much inferior, with
small wheels and incapable of great speed.
But the distance in which they could use
it turned out to be short, and being driven
at the height of its power, it is not proba
ble that much was lost; while the time
spent in changing the freight trains out
of the way might have cost the Ooste
naula bridge.
A mile or more from Kingston they
found some ties on the track at the place
where we cut the wires, and were obliged
to stop and throw them off. Of course an
17 I I'"
effort was made to send a message from
Kingston to Chattanooga as soon as Fuller
arrived, but we had cut the wire too quick
for them. Continuing on the way, they
came in a few minutes to the place where
the track had been torn up. A southern
account says sixty yards had been re- i
moved; but this is a gross exaggeration, j
Track lifting was only intended to make
the road temporarily impassable, and our
broken rail answered this purpose as well
as a dozen. Had there been a regular
track layer with the pursuers a rail would
not have caused a great delay, but it was
in all cases sufficient for its purpose on
this day.
Though we had heard the whistle of the
pursuers, they neither heard nor saw us at
this point, nnd came near wreck; but they
were on their guard because of the similar
break which had caused their full from the
hand car, and by great effort and revers
ing the engine they were able to prevent
an accident. But their progress seemed
to be completely barred. As usual no one
but Fuller and Murphy seemed to have
the least idea what to do; in fact during
the whole day every hopeful plan of pur
suit sprung from their indomitable energy.
Too much credit (from the Confederate
point of view) cannot be given to them.
They were already practiced in foot travel,
and once more set out in that manner; all
the rest, remaining behind, had no further
influence on the fortunes of the day. But
nt full speed the two pedestrians pushed
over the slippery nnd muddy road and
through the driving rain. They felt sure
of finding the freight train, or the passen
ger, either at Adairsville or further on
this side. Should they be obliged to take
the terribly fatiguing run to the station
its-elf they would probably be too late; but
they were determined to do their utmost.
Notice how all things seemed to work
against us on this eventful day. If we
had not stopped to take up this rail at all,
we would have had abundant time to
reach the freight and start it south, as we
did; and the freight train running, south,
and Fuller's train running at full speed
would have produced a frirhtful collision,
which could scarcely have been prevented;
for the freight man had been induced to
set out by the representations of Andrews,
and Fuller on his part probably believed
lliat Andrews was still running on slow
time and had not reached the station
above. The stopping to lift this rail, an it
turned out, was probably the greatest
mistake Andrews made. Ou the other
hand if the freight had waited for Fuller,
so great a delay would have ensued that
the Oostenaula bridge, which we were
uow very near, would have been in flames.
But the pursuing pair had scarcely been
well breathed in this third foot race when
they heard the welcome whistle of a loco
motive. Fuller, who was ahead, stopped
in a place where the view was clear, and
gave the signal of danger; the freight w;is
checked up as quickly as possible, and
while Fuller told in a few words what had
happened and what he wanted, Murphy
who had been distanced, came up, and they
sprang on board and took command.
With all the power of the Texas, which
was one of the very best engines on the
road, and the best the pursuers had yet
obtained, they pushed backward toward
Adairsville and learned that Andrews
had left a few minutes before. Fuller
took his place on the last freight car, which
was now the front of the train, and directed
their movements. Murphy was the
official superior of all the engineers on the
road. He stood by the lever to render
assistance when needed and all his orders
were cheerfully obeyed.
It was not long till they were back nt
the station, when Fuller jumped off, threw
the switch over to turn the freight cars
which were detached at the same time
and allowed to run with their own mo
mentum on the side track; and then as
the last one passed by, he changed the
switch back, sprang on the engine and
outran the cars, which continued to move
parallel with him! This was quick work.
They now had a comparatively small
crew, but they were all armed with guns,
and loaded on the tender and engine alone.
It was true that the engine was reversed,
but this, while it is somewhat less handy,
does not diminish strength or speed. The
first question which confronted the pur-
suers was whether to risk running up to
Calhoun in the face of the delayed passen
ger train. They did not hesitate, as the
way had been made clear for them. It
was less than ten minutes since Andrews
had left, promising to run slowly and
carefully, and if he kept his word, he
could be overhauled nnd inclosed between
the two trains before he could reach Cal
houn; and even if he did not the danger
of collision would be borne by the train J
ahead and not by the following one. The
marvelous flight which Andrews had
made was not, of course, drcained of.
Had Andrews been able to persuade the
passenger conductor to push out, as he
did the freight couductor, Fuller's and
Murphy's career would have ended.
These indomitable men now had an ex
cellent engine and ordered full speed.
The whole distance of nine miles was
made in little more than ten minutes!
There was no obstruction of any kind, and
they trusted to the fact of beimz so close
behind Andrews to assure them against '
any lifted rail.
Before they reached Calhoun, however,
Andrews was released from his perilous
position. After he had chatted with the
conductor and engineer of the down
freight for some time and found them in
disposed to go on their way, he said in the
most matter of fuct and positive manner:
"I must press on without more delay.
Pull your engine ahead and let me out."
When the order- was siren in this direct
form they were obliged to obey or give a i
good reason for refusing; and it may be il 'icip tnat we sorely needed, ror it was
considered certain that if they had de- uow" evident that they either had a faster
layod, though Andrews did not threaten engine than ours or better fuel. The
violence, yet our engineers would at once ' latter was certainly the case, for we had
have taken control nnd executed the j keen "sing wood very rapidly without any
order, probably not without bloodshed. j opportunity for a long time past to re
At last we are on the main track, with plenish it.
no train between us and Chattanooga!
and if the reports from Huntarille are
true there is no obstruction west of that
town, a3 all travel is cut'off by Mitchel.
There is reason for exultation on our part
An open road ahead and scores of miles of
obstructed and broken track behind us!
For the whole morning we have been
running with a train right in front of us,
or waiting for a belated one. We had
passed five trains, all but one either ex
tras or behind time a wonderful achieve
ment! now the way is clear to our own i
lines; and the "Y" at Chattanooga is no !
more difficult of passage than any of the
many side tracks we have already succes
fully encountered. No small amount of
the exultation we felt on first taking he
train was again ours, as we rushed rap
idly on for a mile or more, and then
stopped to cut the wire, nnd to take up a
rail (as we hoped) for the last time. The
Oostenaula bridge was just ahead, and
when that was burned, we would simply
run from bridge to bridge, firing them
as we passed; and no "more of
this hard drudgery of track rais
ing and still more terrible work
of sitting silent and housed in a dark car
waiting for trains to arrive! We had
heard the whistle of a following train a
dozen miles back, but it probably was one
from Kingston, and if not wrecked by the
broken rail, would return there for tools.
We knew nothing of Fuller's and Mur
phy's pursuit, and if we had been told the
full story, as already narrated, we would
have thought it too wild and improbable
even for good fiction.
But it was expedient to take up this
one rail more before we finally changed
our mode of operations. A piece of torn
track had been put before or after every
train that we had met. It was well to
put a broken road behind this passenger
train also, that it might not turn back
after us on any sudden suspicious freak
and come upon us while working at the
Resaca (Oostenaula) bridge. The crisis
of our fate approached, and we believed it
would be triumphantly passed. Nothing
had as yet been lost but time, and if we
were fairly prosperous for fifteen minutes
more, all would be regained; and the ful
fillment of all our hopes, as for as human
prospects could reach, be in our own
No wonder that we worked gladly and
cheerfully. Scott climbed the pole with
even more than usual agility. Some
worked at the taking in of all kinds of
combustibles, for we wished to be well
provided for the bridge. Every stick and
piece of wood we could get hold of was
soaking wet, but by breaking and whittling
they couia be made to add to a flame and
from fbn nnrrfno wrhfMi ma !.. n
rom the engine, which was kent fnll of
wood for the
purpose, we comel crivfl a
good start to a fire. We had only one
iron bar to drive out our spikes; a bent
"crow's foot" would have been worth
more than its weight in gold; but we
hammered away with what we had, and
spike after spike was drawn. Here I saw
Andrews show real impatience for the
first lam not sure but I may say the
only time. He had altered his dress,
throwing off the cape and high hat that
he wore while at stations, and had a
small cap on, which greatly changed his
appearance. The nearing of the time
when his plans would all culminate in
Miccess seemed to thrill and inspire him.
He snatched the iron bar out of the hands
of the man who was wielding It, and
though we had strong and practiced
workmen iu our party I had not
before seen the blows rained down
with such precision and force. Some
say that he uttered an oath on this occa-
sion. but though standing by I did not
hear him, the only words I did hear be
ing directions about tho work, given in
his mild tones, but with quite an em
phatic ring of triumph in them. He
wanted that rail up in the fewest number
of seconds and then the bridge! There
were several using a lever of green wood,
and trying to tear up tho end of a rail
from which the spikes had not yet been
drawn; but the lever bent too much, and
a fence rail was added and we lifted again.
At that instant, loud and clear from the
south, came the whistle of the engino In
pursuit! It was near by and running nt
lightning speed. The roll of a thousand
thunders could not have startled us more.
What could we do? At tho end where
we had been prying the rail it was bent,
but it was still too firmly fixed for us to
hope to lift it or break it like the last.
But wo did the best in our power; we
bent the loose end up still further nnd put
the fence rail carefully under it, with the
hope that it would compel tho pursuers
either to stop and adjust it or throw them
from the track, and then piled into the
car and engine with a celerity lwrn of
long practice, and with one of its old
bounds that jerked us from our feet for
Brown and Knight threw the valve wide
open the General bore us rapidly on.
The impatience of Andrews to reach the
bridge had not been diminished by the
appearance of tlfis new element in the
Here our pursuers were greatly startled.
Their story had been swiftly told when
they reached Calhoun, and the engine and
tender of the passenger car, with a re-enforcement
of armed men, followed them
up the road. Fuller stood on the tender
of his own train, which was iu front, gaz
ing intently forward to see if there was
any dangerous obstacle or break iu the
track, such as they had already many
times encountered. Soon he lieheld us n't
work with feelings which cannot le de
scriljed. Before getting near enough to
see our number, we had mounted and
sped away, and he saw with exultation
that we had not broken the track, and
that there seemed to be no obstruction.
With full speed he ran on till too close to
stop, and then leheld what he believed, at
first, to be a broken rail and gave himself
up for lost; but it was on the- inside of a
curve, and as an engine running rapidly
throws most of its weight on the outside,
when he ran on it the bent rail was only
straitened down, and they were safely
on -the other side of this danger. The
next train, which followed almost imme
diately after, did not notice the obstruc
tion at all. There is scarcely a doubt
that two minutes more, enabling us to
finish getting a rail up at this point, would
have given the control of the day into our
hands, for there were no more trains on
the road either to delay us or to be turned
back after us. But as it was, the Texas
pressed on after us without the' slightest
loss of headway. ,
The coming of this train before the
track was torn up was by far the most se-
nous misfortune that we had yet encoun
tered. But might it not still be overcome?
The plan which first presented itself to the
undismayed spirit of Andrews was to use
two of our cars as projectiles and hurl
i them back at the enemy. This was more
in accordance with his genius, which de
lighted in strategy, than the plain course
which most of the soldiers would have
preferred; that is, a straight out and out
fight with the pursuing train. Accord
ingly our engine was reversed could w5
have selected a down grade the chance of
success would have been better, but we
were coming so near the bridge that we
could not delay to choose and when the
speed iu this way had been checked and
the pursuing train was quite close nd
still going fast, we uncoupled and bounded
ou again. But the skillful pursuers were
not thus to be bcateu. They saw what
they were about, aud checking their head
way when the car was dropped, they also
reversed, and coming up to it with moder
ate force, coupled on, which was easier
because their tender was in front.
The bridge was now just at hand.
What should we do? To leave it intact
was to be thought of only in the direst
necessity. We had carried our ammuni
tion the fuel we had gathered into our
last car, nnd while it was not as good as
we would have liked, yet in a little time
we could make a fire. We now punched
a hole in the back cad of our car in fact
we had done this in passing from one car
to another previous to dropping the last
one and now Iiegan to let ties fall out on
the track while we ran. They followed us
"end over end," and showed a most per
verse disposition to get off the track, but
a lew remained. This moderated the
speed of the pursuing engine, which was
I -ine nrst ieenng oi despondency or. the
j whole route took possession of us as we
approached the bridge, with our pursuer
j close behind. 'The situation was in everv
way unfavorable for us. If we passed bv
j without leaving it in ashes we felt that
one important part of our business would
be undone, even if we were completely
successful afterward in evading pursuit
and destroying the Chicknmauga bridges.
Murphy expresses the opinion that we
made a great mistake at this point. There
was at this time a long and high wooden
trestle by which the Resaca bridge is ap-
As we came near we "slowed
up," aud right in the middle of this trestle
we dropped our last car. Murphy says
that if we had but thrown it across the
track the bridge would have been at our
mercy, as well as nil the bridges above.
He is right, but the difficulty in doing this
is greater than he thinks. To nnl! or
( push the car off by menus of the engine
involved some risk of getting the engine
' itself off, which would have been fatal.
j We had no good means of moving it in
any other way, and tho element of time
j was all important. The pursuers were
right behind, nnd while they could not
have fired on us nt effective range, they
, could very quickly have alarmed the towii
I ahead of us, nnd then the track could have
Iieen obstructed to prevent our passage.
It is cosier to imagine what might have
been done than actually to do it, even if
the circumstances were repeated.
There was no opportunity to turn and
fight at fhis point The town of Resaca
was within a few hundred yards of tho
bridge, and any noise would bring help
from that quarter. Besides our pursuers
were armed with guns, and our only
chance of getting at close quarters was by
an ambuscade. Had the day been dry,
we could have flung fagots from the en
gine upon the roof, but now a fire even on
tho inside of the large irame bridge
would require careful nursing. With a
station only a few hundred feet ahead,
where the track might be so easily ob
structed, and with the guns of tho pur
suers behind, we could not give time for
this; so we slowly and reluctantly passed
over the bridge, after dropping the car,
and on through the village of Resaca.
The pursuers took up this car as they had
done the other, and pushed them both
through the bridge, and left them on the
Resaca side track.
It may be well to notice here howonr
ignorance of the enemy and his ignorance
of us both inured to his ad vantage. There
had been already many intimations among
us that it would be well to turn and fight
rather than to be chased any further.
Had the real weakness of the enemy on
the first train been known, Andrews
would have certainly ordered the attack.
On the other hand, if Fuller's party had
knowii how strong we were he could not
have induced them to continue the chase,
even if the resolute conductor himself had
not been willing to wait for help. It was
believed at first that wo were but four
the number on the eueine. The estimate
Tj?P V. 0TiVMJjfyi rjsTsTJBT fX TssfcsssTST
was never raised higher tiinn eight, Mur
phy suggesting to Fuller even then that
it would be better to wait for the train
behind and take on more men. But Fuller
resolved to persevere and at least delay us
at the risk of his own life. Had it been
known that we were twenty, he and his
slender baud would not have been guilty
of the madness of crowding on nearly
twice their number, even if better armed,
aud sure of help at every station. But
this madness, this unreasonable pursuit,
the result of imperfect knowledge, served
them well.
After Kissing Rcsaca, we again forced
our pursuer back by dropping ties on the
track, and not knowing whether it was a
telegraph station or not, we again cut the
wires. No obstructions were placed on
the track at this point, but it was on a
curve, and taking a rail which had been
bent in lifting it I placed one end under
the rail at one side and the other project
ing diagonally toward the train on the
other side. The uursuers saw us start,
Lut seeing no obstructions they ran at a
good rate of speed right over this rail!
Their escape was marvelous. Persons on
the tender jumped a foot high, and one of
Fuller's stanchest helpers demanded that
the train be stopped to let him off! he
wanted no more such running as that!
iliiL Fuller, though considering this the
greatest of their dangers, would not stop:
aud it was impossible for him to keep a
closer lookout than he had done.
But what conjectures did we form to
account for the unexpected appearance of
this pursuing train? The story as given
to the reader was totally unknown then
and we were greatly perplexed. The
matter had great practical importance.
Was the engine started after us by an
authority which had aKo alarmed the
whole road ahead of us? If so, we woidd
! do well to abandon our efforts for the
destruction of bridges and seek our own
safety. Of one thing we felt sure, it
must have been oneof the traius we had
passed at Calhoun or Adairsville that was
following, but why? There were three
possibilities only to choose from. The
first and s serious was that the sus
picious conductor at Calhoun, who had
been so unwilling to let us pass, had de
termined that we were impostors, and at
his own motion had set out to follow us.
If so, we would have to deal only with
him, and might yet accomplish a part of
our work. Or it might be that the freight
had run to where we had broken up the
track, had escaped wreck, and, turning
hack, had telegraphed ahead lieforc
we had cut the wire. In this
case all the road ahead would be
alarmed, and this w:is probable indeed.
Or, once more, a messenger might have
been sent down to Marietta from Big
Shanty, and a dispatch sent to Atlanta
and around the whole circuit of the
Confederacy back to Chattanooga, and,
lieforc the wires had been cut, to one of
the traius we had passed, with orders to
follow us closely nnd prevent us from
damaging the road until a train could
be sent out from Chattanooga to secure
our capture. If either of these latter
conjectures were true aud they were the
most probable our race was almost run!
We would be obliged to leave the road, nnd
essay the far niorc difficult task of
escaping on foot. If Andrews thought
either of these probably true, it would
fill I v account for his reluctance in order
ing the capture of a pursuing train; for
such a capture could do no permanent
good, while every one of his party wounded
in the fight would be disabled for tho in
evitable and terrible land journey ahead,
and would surely be lost. In view of the
almost hopeless situation as it appeared
to us then far worse than the reality,
for the roail ahead had not leen warned
as yet the heroic constancy of Andrews,
who continued to put forth every possible
effort as coolly aud quietly as if success
had been within his grasp, is made
brightly conspicuous. There were now
three chasing trains; first, Fuller and his
men with the locomotive of the down
f i eight, second, the Calhoun passenger,
which had immediately followed him and
was not very far behind; and last, the
train started from Marietta, and loaded
with soldiers.
For ;i time after le.tving Resaca we did
not run very fasc. It was evident that we
could not get away from the engine Ire
hind us by mere speed; the only hope was
in some way to disable them, or to ob
struct the track; and we were obliged to
be saving of our fuel. But now we were
approaching Green's, a wood station near
Tilton, and we were determined to have a
fresh supply at any cost. So tho last wood
in the box, with a little of our precious
oil, was shoved into the furnace, and
Brown, who had now taken the throttle,
turned on a full head of steam, and we
once more llev along the track. At the
same time we who were in the box car
put a line of ties along its floor and kept
them moving to the hole. in the end, and
let them drop as fast as possible on the
track. This was rapidly exhausting our
ammunition, but it waseirectual in enforc
ing slowness nnd caution upon our pur
suers. Fuller could not run rapidly in
the face of such a succession of obstacles.
He did the let he coald, giving the sig
nal to reverse whenever he saw 11 tic 011
the track, jumping ofT and removing it,
and on again, when the engineer would
Btart with a full head of steam, and re
duce speed, as the engine gathered head
way to such a rate' as would admit of
stopping in time when another tie was
seen. It was feai fully perilous, and the
only wonder i that he was not wrecked
long liefore the chase was done. But he
probably understood that we were racing
for the wood yard ahead.
When we reached it there was no lliigcr-
ing in the work of loading up. me wooa
was piled in frantically by men working
for life; but before wo had half filled the
tender we again heard our relentless fol
lower. So' eager were we to get the larg
est possible supply of wood that we did
not take their first whistle as a sufficient
, Intimation to start. Then came scream
after tcream of the most unearthly char
acter, obviously designed to alarm th
keeper of the woodyard that he might
hinder us from getting a full supply. Bat
this did net discourage us, for even when
Andrews reluctantly gave the word to
come on board, Wilson, who as fireman
had a great appreciation of the need of
fuel, lingered still to get- a huge armload
more, and the enemy, seeing our engine
standing there, were actually obliged to
"slow up" to avoid the collision that
seemed inevitable. However we did not
wait for them to get close enough to use
their shotguns at least not to any effect,
though Wilson is quite positive that some
guns were fired. He says:
"We had, however, secured only a par
tial supply when the chasing train came
in sight, loaded with armed soldiers. Our
pursuers were worked up to an infuriated
pitch of excitement, and rent the very air
i with their screeches and yells as they
J came in sight of us. like dogs when the
quarry is sprung. They opened on us at
long range with musketry. The bullets
rattled around us like hail, but fortu
nately none of our party was hit."
To be Continued.)
Chinese Movement Care.
It is not generally known that we owe
the movement cure or massage to a
Chinese book translated in 1779 by the
Jesuits. A Swede, named Ling, intro
duced the movement cure, which has now
grown important because anatomical
science has come to its aid. Iu China it
remains very much as it was, having a
semi religious sanction in the old form of
religion called Taoism and entering into
the curriculum prescribed for students at
the great Chinese medical college. Phila
delphia Call.
Snumna; Oat a Gas Well.
A big gas well at Fairmount, Ind.,
caught fire, aud all efforts to extinguish
the seventy-five foot flame were in vain
until three boys succeeded. They plnced
a sectiou of stove pipo over the well, nnd
then suddenly bent it over, diverting the
flow of gas and cutting off the flume,
which was speedily smothered. Boston
Brace Up.
You are feeling depressed, your appe
tite is poor, you are bothered with head
ache, you ure fidgety, nervous, and gen
erally out of sorts, and want to brace up.
Brace up but not with stimulants, spring
medicines, or bitters, which have for
their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and
which stimulate you for an hour,and then
leave you in worse condition than before.
What you want is an alterative that will
purify your blood, start healthy action
of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vi
tality, and give renewed health and
strength. Such a medicine you will find
in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents u
bottle at Dowty & Becher's drug store.
He that lives well, is learned enough
Tke Homeliest flaa la Colam-
As well as the handsomest, and others
are invited to call on Dr. A. Heintz and
eet free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam
for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that
is selling entirely upon its merits and is
guaranteed to cure and relieve all
Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma,
Bronchitis and Consumption. Price 50
cents and $1. DictZ-W
In spending lies the advantage.
Promptness is a good motto. It is
hard to find anything more prompt than
St. Patrick's Pills. They are a pleasant
cathartic and a good medicine. Sold by
Dowty & Becher.
He that goes bare-foot must not plant
An Elegant Substitute
For Oils, Salts, Pills, and all kinds of bit
ter, nauseous Liver Medicines nnd Ca
thartics is the very agreeable liquid
fruit remedy, Syrup of Tigs. Its advant
ages are evident it is more easily taken,
more acceptable to the stomach, moro
pleasantly effective, and more truly
beneficial to the system than any other
remedy. Recommended by leading
physicians. For sale onlv by Dowty &
At length the Fox is
brought to th)
School children will learn much fast
er if they are mado comfortable and
kept in perfect health. Very few escape
severe coughs and colds during the win
ter months. It is an easv matter to
avoid the discomforts and distress of
coughs and colds by using Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. It is by far ths
best treatment ever brought into use for
coughs, colds and hoarseness. When
the first symptoms of a cold appear, use
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and the
cold can be broken up at once. Sold by
Dowty Sc Becher.
He that is warm thinks all so.
Worth Your Attention.
Cut tlii out anil mail it to. Allen Jc Co., An
RnstH, Maine, who will send yea free, Homethin :
new, that just coimi uio-ey for all workers. Ai
wonderful a the electric liKht, as genuine a
puru Kold, it will prove of lifelong value and
importance to jou. Both txe0, till uws. Allej
fc(o. bear expense of (darting jou in liusinen-.
It will bring jou in moro cash, right away, than
anything eW in this world. Anjone anywhere
ciin do the work, and live at home also, lletter
write at once; then, knowing till, nhould .i
conclude that you don't care to engage, why no
harm is done. . 4-ly
is bo deaf as he that will not
ISswe FtellMBB People
Allow a cough to run until It gets beyond
the reach of medicine. They often say,
Ob, it will wear away, but in most cases
it wears them away. Could they be in
duced to try the successful medicine
called Kemp's Balsam, which we sell on
a. positive guarantee to cure, they would
immediately see the e.xcellvnt effect after
taking the u'rst dose. Trice 50c aud SIjOO.
Trial size free. Dr. A. Heintz.
Better a bare foot than none.
I am selling "Moore's Tree of Life"
and it is said to give the very best satis
faction. Dr. A. Heintz. 30-6m3
When a dog is
oilers him brink.
drowning, everyone
(iooii W.ism Ahead.
George Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine, can
give you work that you can do and live nt home,
making great pay. You are started free. Capi
tal not needed. ISoth sexes. All sicm. Cist this
ont and write at once; no liasm will he done if
you conclude not to go to work, after jou learn
all. All particulars free. Best pa) ing work in
thib world. J-ly
Ilarken to reason, or sue will bo heard.
Try Moore's headache cure, it beats
the world. For sale by Dr. A. Heintz.
Flies are busiest around lean hoofs.
A positive cure for liver and kidney
troubles, constipation, sick und nervous
headache and all blood diseases is
"Moore's Tree of Life." Try it. Sold
by Dr. A. Heintz.
Their Basiaeu Broiaiajr. I
Probably no one thing has caused such"1
a general revival of trade at Dow Ly &
Becher's drug store as their giving
away to their customers of so many free
trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discov
ery for consumption. Their trade is
simply enormous in this very valuable
article from the fact that it always cures
and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds,
.Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all
throat and lung diseases quickly cured.
You can test it before buying by getting
a trial bottle free, large size 81. Every
bottle warranted.
Every ill man has his ill day.
Look Ont For It!
Hoarseness is the first symptom of
croup, by giving Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy freely as soon as a child be
comes hoarse, it will prevent the croup,
which can always be done if the remedy
is kept on hand. There is not the least
danger in giving it. Sold by Dowty &
All truths are not to be told.
Backlen'rt Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per lxx. For sale by
Dowty & Becher. july27
UAsucFzasoaicPAxrx-, BT.JjOVIB.M(X
Ai Utter Worthy Attention from
Every Reader of the Journal.
SUNSHINE: For jouth; also for tluwo of all
8ne vhoMu licftrtu are not withered, is a IiudiI
(ome, pure, useful and most interextinK laji t;
it in palilinhwl month! by K. I'. Allen A (,.,
Augusta, Maine, at M) i-entajear; it is liuad
somely illuMrated.
nttefulneos are worthy of reward and imitation.
"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the worl 1,"
through its gentle, guiding influence. Euiph it
ically a woman's paper in all branches of her
work and exalted station in the world. "Eter
nal fitness" is the foundation from which to
build. Handsomely illustrated. Publishtl
monthly by True & Co., Augusta, Maine, ut .'i0
cents per ear.
practical, sensible iwiikt will proven boon to dl
housekeeiers and ladies who read it. It Inn a
boundless field of usefulness, and its ability ui
pears equal to the occasion. It is strong and
t-ound in all its varied departments. HamCom -ly
illustrated. Published monthly by H. Hallett
X Co., Portland, Maine, at SO cents iieryenr.
ing. Good Housekeeping, Good Cheer. Tits
handsomely illustrated paier is devoted to the
two most important and noble industries of tlie
wonu tanning in an us urancnes nout-eKe !
ing in every department. It is able and up to
the progressive times; it will 1 found prncti-al
anil of great general usefHlni-ss. Published
monthly by George Stinson A Co., Portia id,
Maine, at 50 cents ier jear.
JSf We will send free for one year, whichever
of the above named iapers may be chosen, to any
one who pajs for the Jouhnai. for onejenrin
advance. This applies to our sudscribers and all
who may wish to become subt-cnberH.
JSST'Wo will send free for one jear, whichever
of the above iaiers may 1 chosen, to any s il
scriber for tho JouilNAL whoso sulscription m ty
not be paid up, who shall pay up to date, or be
jond date; provided, however, that such paym -ut
shall not bo less than one jear.
tSfTo anyone who hands us payment on ac
count, for this paper, for three ears, we shdl
send free for one year, all of the above describ -d
papers; or will send one of thein fourjears, or
two for two ears, as may be preferrwL
3"The above described papers which we
otter free with ours, are smong the Itest and m -t
successful published. We specially recomm-nd
them to our subscribers, and believe all will
find them of real usefulness anil great interest.
ltf 31. K. Turner A Co.
Columbus, Neb. Publishers.
All kinds of Repairing
Short Notice. Buggies,
done on
ons, etc., made to order,
and all work (Jaar-
Also sell the world-famous Walter A.
Wood Mowers. Beapers, Combin
ed Machines, Harvesters,
and Self-binders the
best made.
'Shop opposito the "Tattcrsa.II," on
OHvh St., COLUMBUS. 26-m
Health is Wealth !
Da. I C. West's Neiivr and Huain Trkvt
JtEJJT, a gunrantc-d siw-cilic for Hjhteria, lliizi
nrttti, ConvultionH, Fits. Nenoutt
HadKche. Nervous Prrmt ration muwd by the in-
f alcohol or tolcco, Vnkefn!nf.M, Mental !)
rrewdon. Softening of thf Hniin reuniting in in
sanity and leading to mifery, decay and deitli.
Premature Old Age, Ilarrennetw. Ixm of p. ut
in either eex. Involuntary Ixitex and Hrim it-
rrhu'n catmed !y over-exertion of the brnin.HoIf
1 bum? or 01 er indulgence. Each Imjc contain
t ne month's treatment. $1.00 a box. or six boox
for $j.00,sent by mail preiuid on receipt of pr c.
To cure any case. V ith each order recei veil by tin
for six Imixdh, nccompnnietl with &5.U), we will
i-end the purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund the money if the treatment doit not elf -ct
n cure, linarantee ihmumI only by Dowty x
liecher. druggiMta, i-ole agents, Columbus, Neb.
to be made. Cut this ont and
return to us, and we will send
jou Tree, bomething of great
value and imtsrtunce to vou.
lliai win fiari jou in ijiiHinees wtiicn win bring
jou in more xnotney rigid away than an j tiling in
the world. Anjonecando the work and live at
home. Kither sex; all agi-. Something new.
tliat jufrt coins money for all workers. We will
start you; capital not nei'dol. This is one of the
genuine, imrtcnt chances of a lifetime. Tlu-e
who are ambitious and enterprising will not de
lay, (irand outfit free. Address, Tiiuk t Co.
Augusta. Maine. det'JS-VIy
$500 Reward!
We will pay thenlpove reward for any caso of
liver complaint, il)speiia. sick hcadach". indi
gestion. conntitMtioti or contiveiiess we cannot
cure with West s Vegetable Liver Pills, when the
directions are strictly complied with. They are
purely vegetable, anil never fail to give satisfac
tion. Iirge Ixixes containing SO sugar coated
pills. 2.V. Kors-nlejiy all druggists. Beware of
counterfeits nnd inunitations. The genuine
manufactured only by JOHN C. WKST i CO..
WU W. Madison St., Chicago, III. dec'7y
can ine at home, and make more
money at work for us, than at any.
thing else in tho world. Cauital not
needed: you are started free. Roth
sexes; all agos. Anjouecan do the work- Large
earnings sure from tirst start, t ostly outfit and
terms free. Better not delay. Costs yon nothing
to send us your address and find out; if yoa am
wise yoa wiu do so at once. a. Ualuctt x Co..
T1!? A GIT'S
BiacKsmitn ana Waaon laker
Portland, Maine.
Scrotcaefc Contracted
Sprains. Muscle,
Strains, Eruptions,
Stitches, Hoof Ail,
StuYJoints, Screw
Backache, Worms,
Galls, Swinaey,
Sores, Saddle G lla.
Spavin Files.
ccomplUhes for everybody exactly what tsclaluied
forlc Oneof the reasons for the groat popularity of
the) Mustang Liniment Is found In Its universal
aypUcabllltr Everybody needs such a medicine.
The LaMberaaaa needs It In case of acclJeuL
The Haaaewlfe needs It for generalfamlly um.
The Gaaaler needs It for hts teams and his men.
The Mechanic needs !t always on his work
The Miner needs It In case of emergency.
The Pianeer needs It can't get alone without It.
The Farmer needs It la his house, hit stable,
and his stock yard.
The Steamboat mnn or the Bontmun needs
It In liberal supply afloat and ashore.
The Horse-fancier needs It it U LU lt
Mend and safest reliance.
The Stock-grower needs It It will save him
thousands of dollars and a world of trouble.
Tho Railroad man needs It and will nocd It
long as his life Is a round of accidents and dangers.
The Backwoodsman needs It. There 1 noth
ing like It as an antidote for tho dangers to llfo.
limb and comfort which surround the pioneer.
The Merchant needs It about his store anionic
his employees. Accidents will happen, and when
these come the Mustang Liniment Is wanted at once.
Keep a Dottle tu the House. Tlatho best of
Keep a Bottle in the Factory. Its Immediate
use la case of accident save pain and loss of wages.
Keep a Bottle Alwaynin tho Stable for
ae when wanted.
n.rejfOj 'uioauii
ot etqsiM jjvj( ivw pus upjo ssuppy
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